14.1.!,.tirtiligt7 apro , znicrtartecr coomormiliairetsocenacoor. and Promptly Exicutal, at Me ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A _ Tats establishment hi now supplied with an extensive assortment of JOB TYPE,' which will be increased as the patronage deman,ds. IV can now turn ant Pamlico, of *very description, in a' neat and expeditions manner-- linden very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Ilandbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, melip-., DEZDN of all kinds. Common andJedgment Bond!. School, Justices',-Censtables' and other. RIMIXIS, printed correctly areineittlY on'the beet mat . , ,constantly kept far Bala at this office, at prices ~t o suit the times? , eis Sutwcription,price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER Ono Dollar ands 1/511 a Year. , Address, Wit. di. BILFAIN, Lebanon, Pa. JACOB WEID,LE, jr., siTTOIGIVEr 4fir Law, 0r FILE, north-west corner Market and .Wattir Ste., Lebanon, Pa.. [Lebanon, Jandiry 1864-. —4ll lILISSL.VR. 0011" ER 2 ' AL. t t z- ei sif ailLa eilowor COME removed to. Chintierland street, one door J Fast of the Letnindo: - Vitley. Sauk. opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Van. 6,'64. ARMY AND -NAVY PENSION, BOUNTY, BA= PAY AND BOVN TY LAND AGENCY. 41331E11 Uattleil4, AIL tar 3. - v are, t X.a sok Nvca . ., undersigned, baying been licensed to prosecute JL claims,and bornig been engaged karate Bounty and Pension Wetness, offerd his :services to all those who • thereto entitled: in accordebee with the various mule of Congress. Ali ,such should :call 'or address at onee, and make their apedituitions through ' BASSLEit BoitEr., Attorney at,rdtwt Orricereniaved to Cumberland St., one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank. opposite the Buck. Hotel ,Letiatui, Pa. part. 6, 't4. _ . A. T. WEJDLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, D9ice North TIW Corner of Water and Market Streets, '14413E3,..9.20:4=01V; Non. tLebifiztn;so4- _ 1t t 1 T WEiDlt Al J, tartroittiNnit. LAw.. the-.''bracutizollitntAti4t;, to* e astior thpEegle Hotel, in the office late of his father Cap ebanot. John SeptWeettnao,tdl 63d. Ln. 9, 18. I STANLEY ULRICH, ATTORNEY''AT LAW removed Isla elate to the linilding,.one:doot ass or Louden:olkb *a Store, opposite the Washing tun lipase Lebanon. Pa. BOUNTY and P.ENSIog etaltna promptly attended . , REMOVAL. S. T. lea DAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A b ItElkNiV ED bis othee to Dlorket Street, opposite Hthe Lebaion Sauk, two doors North of Widow Rise's Note!.. Lebanon, Starch 23,''fiS; JO 1100 1 . ; .B 011101.457 r, I'AIBTRIOT ATTORPTRY, has - rammed - - his OFFICE Li to the ROOM lately oconpied by . Dr. Geo. P. Line s weaver, in Cumberhind'Rtroet. Lebanon, n few' doors Fast ottie Eigielleteliendtw.o doors Mast of Gei- Iti °Moe. Lcbanon Dec: 17,11162. CITRUS P. MILLF.IIII I TTORNEY:AT I L A W.-;-Office iv Walnut street, nem ly opposite the Buck liotel, and two doors soutb ha .n Karmany'ti Hardware store. a sbanon, April 0,.1862.-Iy. • W. M. DlEitilt, A TTORNEY.Air I,AW, Office in Sticbter's Culutterlauti street. nearly opposito the Court Xl'4use. . {Lebanon, :Nay 0, 1903.—tf. DrM•. Samuel S.. Melly OVENS bin profoesional, eeretcen to the citizens of Letanon and vicinity. (magic at the feculence Mrs. 1,. Bach, two door. Went of Office of Dr. Samuel Inn, deed, in Cumberland street. Lebanon, Aprii, 15,1883. • Dr.' P. B. 1618111. rATING located in Lebanon, offers his profeenion. I .I. al services to the public. Office in Market 3r., i . the building formerly occupied by hie father. Lebanon, Dec. 16.1863. Dlt. GEO, P. LINEPirEKVER. haring been gip. pointed, by the Couuniasioner of Pensione, Witabingtoth. Examining Surgeon for Pension*, la pre pitted touttend to all applicants for Pension at his of Om in Market street - , nertdo or to the Pun Office. Lebacon, March 25th, 1863.-60 DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP: NOTICE ie hereby given that the Co-pnrtner -I.lsisip heretofore existing between the under signed, deviling in the Confectionary business, in the Borough of Lebanon. has been dissolved bY mutual conseuell The Books will be at the old stand for sttle. Inept. , JOSEPH . LOW liT, Leb., Frb. TO. Mil lIEN la NAII.M. ICIE- The business will be continned by the under signed, • . JOSEXIt i3O}4 BY. Wanted.. A 'Yining Nen who- bne lied one or 'two yore expert ilk sere to the Dry Goode 13116 1 / 5 111. cud 'peak the German end Englieh languages- Apply to GOODYEAR it DIFIENDAGIi. Lebincte, 1texch.23,11364. • 'Karlov's! In Igo I ue. ALERS and Customers o the above Celebrated If Wash Mato ",lit please take notice, that the La bek are altered to read Indigo Blue, • PUT TIP AT Alfred Wittbergees X:IIOELI7E34. BILICYFILM No. 233 North SECOND Street, PIMA D'A. The quality of this Blue will be the same in every respect. It le warranted to color more water than twice the Name questity of indigo, and to go much farther than any other Wash Blue in the market. It disaolves per fectly clear and dries not settle on the clothes as most of the other notices do. One Bog diesolved In a half pint of water, will make as good a' Liquid Blue ite any that is made, at one third the coat. As it is muffled' at the mote prioe as the Imita tions and Infericir articles, housekeepers will god it vary much to their advantage to ask for that put up aY Wilthergtres: tirML.AII. Blue put' up after thildata with Darloves name on it is en Invitation. - The New Label does not require a Stamp. gra..itor Sale by Storekeepers grnerally, Tell. 24, '64.-601. if. „.t. :. .N.gr:s_.:ppLv OF W A LL: PAPS R 'MHZ enbecriber line jnnt received from New York wiwurhihwhaph in, a large stack oL WALL PAPER, — FIREROAND PRINTS, BORDERS, ' DICTIONARIES, WINDOW SHADES, Ao., of the very latent style. now manufactured for the Spring trade. AS the above (mode were all purchased at the very lowest "mall prices, be in enable to Fell them at nearly the old prices, before the great r in paper took place. Of WINDOW SITALDF.S, he bee a large end •p lend Stock, plain, fancy, bu ff , green and gilt, &c. PAPER SHADES, neat pattern, plain, green. blue and gilt.— Alec, the latest and simplest style of Fixtures. He hue 41ao a general assortment of BOOKS ANI) 'STA TI.ONE •-• en hand, on of which will be sold-on the moot reason able tangs. ilia Store ie in Walnut street, Lebanon, be- Tween the Court Mune and the County Jall. MIN L. RECKER. Lebanon, Mardi% $25 Employment ! $7l AGENTS WANTED WE milt pay from $25 to $75 per. months, and all expenses, to active Agenti, or gives commission. Particulars sent free. Address Este Saloum Mamas comsat, R. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. Ma 13, 1863. -- LATEST NEWS Of the cheapest and Best Goods EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!! Boots l Shoes - flats, Cops, &c ~ MHZ undersigned has opened one of the BEST. AS. 1 SORTMENTS of IL.i Atztnr Bl 2BSTlUN2, a ua,/.,oiakii c and of the best materials, which he will Allif, sell at prices to recommend them. to purcba. sera Of tbe HATS be ,has quits a variety of New !Ryles, embracing the. Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringham and Monitor Hat. very beautiful and very ebeap.. Of CAPS he has a complete assortment of all the New. Styles, got up In superior manner, with fine finish; Women'e Misses' and Chil dren's.-Balmoral., (halters,. Congrees 8000, Slippers, arid all other kinds; himks and Boyie:Bahnorale, Ox ford Ties, Washington Ties, .Congress. Boots, and all other kinds worn by them, including. BOOTS and BROEB, of the different varieties, at his cheap Store in Bratiettt Bt.', next to the County Prison. , , , Air ThankfVfott the,tiberal .encouragement of the Imblic.binvitaforei Bwould inviteall . wiehing anything in my Min to, eaß and isxxxiainft my stock before making thettpureliasis: ' ,_ JOB. BOWMAN. Lrbenen, lilritiiiiiiife' , . B.—Mossureitidion and wort:mode at abort notice. ..eibi,A•'4o.- - VOL. 15--NO. 41. NOT. ALCOHOW. A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetble Extract. A PURE TONIC. DOCTOR GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. Jr. JACKSON, Philaclt a Pa. WI [;L riF PECTVALLY CURE Liver Complami l Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic or. Nervous Debility, Diseakes of the • Kidneys, and all diseases arising froina , disordered Liver or Stomach. Such ea Constipation, Inward Piles, Filnesa or-Blood to theHeitd Acidity "of the Stornachausea, Heart burn, Dieguet for Food, Fulness or' Weight in the Stomach. Sour 'Brachrtions, Shifting or Fluttering:at the Pit of the Stopmett, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Wert, Choking or Stiffotating Sensations when' in a lying poi , tura. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs - before the Fever„end Dull Pain in the Ifead..Theficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyea.*. Pain in the Side, Back, Chek, Linibs,lte., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh,Constant Imaginings of - Evil, and great Depression, oSpirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, de. THEY CONTAIN No. Alcohol or Bad fildskey ? They WILL dune the above diseases in ninety nine cases out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal popu— larity of Hoofiand's German Bitters; (purely vegetable.) ho-ts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventu reel, have opened upoii suffering humanity the flood, gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey; vilely compounded with injurious drugs, andchristenod Ton ics. Stemachisa and hitters. • • Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic•prep arations in , plethoric bottles, and - big bellied kegs, un der the modest appellation of Bitters; which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave Om disap pointed stiff rer in diapair. ' - 1100FLANWS GERMAN BITTERS! Are note new and untried article, but have stoat the test of fifteen years trial by the American peddle; and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the moat eminent' GLERGY3IEN, LAWYMS, PiiYSICIAn, and CITIZENS, Testifying of their *Wu persouel knowledge, to the beneficial- effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. DO YOUWANT sogratirNo TO STREINGTIIEN YOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE t DO YOU WANT TO BUILD P YOUR. CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL) Bt4 YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS! DO YOU WANT ENERGY? - • bo YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? ' DO YOU WANT A- - BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING? Hyatt do, use GOOFLAND'S GERNIEN BITTERS. From Bee. J. Newton Brown, D. D., EditorPf the Du. cyclopedia of Religious Knoudedge. Although nut disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Jledieines in general, through distrust of their -in gredients end effects ; I yeti:now of no sufficient rea sons why a man may not testify to the benefits he be lieves himself to bare received from any simple prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ifoolland'a German Bitters. prepared by Dr- G.M. Jackson, atlas city; because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my, friend Bolo ert Shoemaker,Eag-, for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them. when guttering from great and long continued debili ty. The use of three bottles attunes Bitters. lathe be ginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and men tal vigor which I had not felt for six months before. and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank Clod and my friend for directing me to the use of them J NEWTONIIBOW3i. - Priu.so's, Jung, 23 136i.•' - Particular=Notice. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters. put up in quart bottles. compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum. costing from 20 to 38 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriaudor Seed, This class of Bitters has caused and will continua to cause, as long as they can he sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stim ulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea ted and kept up, inktite result loan the horrors-at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and win lime a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Hoof tan s Gerais Bitters and mix with Three Quarts sr Good Brandy or Whiskey; and the result will be s prep aration that will fur excel in medicinal y !Omer and true exce Hence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost muck less. You -will have all llio Yirt476l Of ifaCtfianirt Bitters in connection with wood article of Liquor, at;'. a nimblest' price than these inferior preparations Will Wit you. Attention Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS - OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of „all having - relations and remade In the ahoy 'to 'tbe lea' that wHOOFLANDS German Bitters" will cure nine tehths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident to' camp life. In the Hate, publiebed elmoet daily in the news papers, on the arrivalof the trick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debili ty. Every case et that kind can 'he readily cured by lioefland's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. D's have no hesitation in Stating that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers. hundreds or lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "his lean saved by the Bitters :" Paumertenta, August 23rd, 1862. Messrs. Jones & Euans.—Well, gentlemen, your Hoof= land's German Bitteis bas saved my life. Titers is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, seine of whose name are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my Vie. 1 am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherinan's celebrated battery, and tinder the immediate command of Captain R. B. Ayres.— Threugh the exposure attendant upon .my arduous du ties, I watt attacked in November last with intlenneation of the Junes. and was for aeventy.two days in the hoe pital. This was followed by great debility, heighten ed by en attack of dysentery. I was then removed front the White Mime, and seta hi, this city on board she Steamer "State of Maine?' from which I landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I base been a bout as low as any one could be. anti still retain a spark ofsirality. For a week or mots I was scarcely able to wallow anything, and if - I did Ibree a morsel down, it wen immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass or water on my stom ach. Life could not last under these circumstances ; and,accordingly, the physicians who had been work lug faithfully, though .unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told me they could do no more for me, and advised me to see aelergyman , and to snake such disposition of my limi ted funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, 31r. Frederick Steinbron, „ce, Sixth below Arch Street, advised -me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly precured a bot tle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of deatlrreceded, and I am now, amok tied for it, getting better. Though I have tint taken two bottles, I bare gained ten pounds, and .1 feel san guine of being permitted to rejoin,my wife and fromdaugh ter, whom,,l have beard nothing for 18 months: for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicin ity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owl the certainty of life which has taken the place of vague fears--to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom those who are deareat to me in-life. , Very truly yours, ISAARMALONE. the truth of the above statement, tur W we e hrualdlYdeeetrauirredi4l9f stein our gennude! lir, Malone, restored to health. JOHN CUDDLEBACK,Iet New York Battery. OBOILGE A ACKLEY, Co C 11th Melee. LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92d New York. L E SPENCER, let Artillery, Battery 7. J B FASNWELL, Co It 3d Vermont. HENRY B JEROME, Co li do. HENRY, T MACDONALD, CO C 6th Maine. JOHN F WARD. Co 215th Maine. lIEBSIAN Roca, co II 724 New York. NAT A NIEL B THOMAS, 'Co F 9 sth" Penn. ANDREW J fi,ISIBALI., Co A 3d Vermont. JOHN JENKINS, Co B 100th Penn. Beware of Counterfeits ! see that the signature of 0 0- 31. JACKSON," la on the WRAPPER of each bottle. , PRICE PM BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OR HALF DOZ. FOll.O OU. Should your nearest druggist not have the article,' do not be put off by any of tbe intoxicating prepara tions that , may 110 ogoriut in ita place, but send to as, and we will forward. securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANDFACTORY, NCO. 631 ARCH. ST, Janes & Evans. (Successor to 0. 31. JACKOON Jc C 0.,) Proprietors. ron SAVE by D. Geo. Bose, opposite the Court Rouse 'Lertarton, PA., And by -Dr:West' and Thaler. in every; town inthe United States. WAY 7t, 1868,—,11. OM Ststellautgo. _ ENTRAPPING .A MURDERER. A SPECULATOR'S 'STORY.' . In the year 1863 I went to the Red River countrywith a view of ispentila . : tion in horses,' lands, or ' anything that might give prombie of profitable ~ return., for a cash 'investment.' Of course I• carried a good deal of money with me, but knoWing:l Wag - going a.- iiong a wild, lawless . .elase, of every grade and coloramongbelPeivilized Indians,negroes, gathblers; thieves, r(obbers., murderers and assassins, with perhaps a few pettlere of Some ,Claims to honor and honesty, if - they could be sifted out frointhe mass:- 2 I thought it tbe safest plan net to seem well off in this World's 'goods. Ac- Cordingly I secured:my Money in •. a 'belt shoat my body, put on a very Coarse, rough dress, Whieh,:by- inten-. tional carelessness, soon lifi.d a very mean, slovenly appearance, and al lowed my hair and beard . to manage matters their own 'way, way, without any troublesome interference of razor or comb. Thus prepared; and armed 'With two revolvers and a bowie-knife, I passed over some dangerous terri tory in conaparative Safety, and flat tered' myself that no one guessed my riches through - my apparent poverty. In fact, on two occasions, I began to think it might have been to my ad vantage-to lieve looked a little more respectable. - The first Of these -was I when, in traveling through the Choc taw nation, I found a drove of horses that pleased me very much, and-was, told by the owner; in reply to my question as to what be would take a head for the. entire lot, that •be was not in the habit of naming -his- price to every wanderingbeggarthat chose to satisfy his idle curiosity. I was, disposed. at first to phi, `on soine digni ty and get indignant, but cducluded, after a careful survey of my person that the man had good cause. for; speaking as he did, and so merely as sured him that I knew an individual who wished to buy horses, if he tould get them at a fair price. The 'horse owner, however, was not disposed to believe my statement, and so I pass ed him bv,, with the resolve that, if nothing 'better turned up, I would give him,, another call under a more advantageous appearance. As the second instance alluded to was simi lar to the first, it may be pasted over without further notice - . ' But out of this same _cause grew 'a ,very remarkable adventure, which, It. is my present purpose to relate.: - While passing between , two settle ments, over a lonely; gloomy horse path, leading through a dark, hem lock wood, and while in the most sol itary part, there suddenly came be fore me, leaping, from, a thicket on the right, a human figure of a most start- Hling appearance. It was a man of ;medium height, but of a stout power ful frame, all covered with dirty tat ters, that he appeared to have worn and wallowed in for years. lie had no covering for his head or feet, and his skin was so coated with grime that it was difficult at a. first look to i tell whether he belonged to the white race or not. His face, high up on his 'cheeks, was covered with a dirty -brown beard, and his matted hair hung in wild profusion all around his head, except a - little space before his swollen, blood-shot- eyes, and alto gether he looked like. a madman or .human devil His hands held and swung a formidable club, and - his at titude, as he leaped into the road be fore me, was one of fierce Menace and defiance. . . I stopped in alarm, and, while fiix ing my'eyes sharply upon his, quiet ly slid my hand into a convenient Docket and grasped the butt of one of my revolvers, firmly determined to keep him at the short distance that .divided us, or kill him if he advanced. For perhaps a half minute we stood silently regarding and surveying each .other, and then, ,resting one end of his club on the ground, and partly leaning forward, on the other, he said; in a coarse. gruff tone, with a kind of chuckling laugh "Well, ------me I I's in hopes I'd got aprize af last ; but if you're much better off uor me, you don't show it, by I Stranger, who ar' you ? and whar ar' you from ?" "Well," returned I, feeling highly .complimented, of course, that I re sembled such a- villainous-looking ob ject as himself; "some,.people call me a beggar, and I. know I, don't pass * ' for a genteel gentleman." "I'll sw'arthat-.—haw I haw! haw !" Nees .his ehnckling• response. "The world paint made much of you, more 'rn it has,ofme.. I see stel in your . .. . . face as plain as daylight. Say, What I jail orpenitentiary lost, yeti last 7" "ever mind that-I" eaifi.3•; "prob ably neither 'of us. have got our de serts." • • . "Well, if you had been decent dressed, looked- like you had five dol -1 Jars about you; I'd have knocked your brains out I" pursued the villain with a broad grin.. "As it is, you can pass -,for I can 'avv'ar, you paint got a red 1" . .• • , ' .- . : - ."Much obliged for . your ; candor, anyhow 17,:rejoined I. •. _ , : -Hstill: stood before me, looking H . 'strait into my. eye,iarid now seem ed te pondering some , new idea:— .Prescri tly be,. muttered, as if to ;hi in elf : . . .. : "I think be might, do." - Then, a mamen t after. be ; said. to me,,.."1 say,. oid4silar, how'd'Yoll, iiicP to ma k es a l'AtlB43 ?" • • • would I like to _get vrlzerc. -hungry?' aabwtre4 l ; ithiAldog: it , not , . A niikoy,thAt thft ;IkeoTlN#o,42'..4ad LEBANON, PA., WEDNtSDAY, APRIE 6, 1864. some dark PrOjeet AI n P view whte li , 'LI ay seeming to chime? nt itofth Ininiil might discover. . e,t , , "Well, -I've got-it--plati," he said, thrcwing do wa hiaseleti, as ,if to as sure .me of his pays e , :intentions to wards myself, andoptietly advanc#lg to my side--"l've got a plan' that, will give us both a 00iiiii of - intliair . , and it'll just take twolibaurry , 4, out.-- I've been wanting:spat, end* yoka, join in I'll go your halvas." ,:,.,,,, "If tberers any :Ilan& to tufa 4 - penny, I'm your ma V' said I. - • "Good !", return ' he ; you look like a trump, and ` 1. 7 bet high 9t? you. s t I don't know," he ' ed, eyeing me eharplY, "but I maythecdebeived —but I think I'll risk iti )Iltiou , . to i fbr to play any g ame on hlittl '7Oll'4J:44W' look out for yourfleAthat's ali t " --- , "Do I look like sneh a iktiati as ,1„, that ?" returned', -, in an iiiilolnt tone. ' : t . • f- ' "Well, let's takett. 'aid talk it over." - - We found an old gg . and sat down ) and after some pretipunary, conversa tion, my new an interesting ac quaintance untold t e a most, &ou nable scheme the s ` stance of which was as follows : He knew the ebtritry well for miles around, -and din coact position and-condition of ,ey y . settler. , One man, living in a rat er lonely quar ter, about five mil - , ,distant,. - Was, a speculator in horse ~: calttle,',„'Whiett he sometimes broug 'Vs vi:id !drove to a distant rriarketl , i,-,Her*al.ll. good deal of money, whie ,„ was supposed he kept secreted in h - dwelling; and to get possessiar of ';is.mbney was, of course, the olije; ;ii view. The troulile was, that the ', ,!‘ , :- , i selfwas a brave,determined, ellow, who al ways-went well a i ~:ancralso had, besides his wife two;;,'own up sons and a daughter, whit, Was a force too great for any one ,dividual to en counter. About a,:in .0 from him liv ed a poor 'widow, Wio had nothing worth stealing except her clothes, - which would be' valuable for carry ing oat our plan. Thil2plan was to rob the widow first. of her clothing, dress me up in them ; and have me seek lodging at the speculator's house. Then in the:night, when tall the fami ' ly should be asleep, I was to unbolt the door, let in my confederate, and we were to attempt the murder of the inmates—the robbery and,bura ing of the house to follow and • he the concluding scene. - Iseeretly shuddered at the atroci ty of the contemplated crime, but ap peared to receive the„tdiscleetire,with the business air of theanost hardened wretch; Inquiring as s-to- , rne amount" of looney we should thus probably obtain, and objecting to nothing but the great risk we should have to rim, both before and after the accomplish ment of our porpose. I permitted my eager companion to gradually quiet my fears,- and at last consented to act. When everything had thus become settled, we struck off into the fields, to avoid being seen, and just before dark came in sight of the widow's ` house. As my companion was ac! quid nted with the premises, I insisted that' he should procure the female garments—but solemnly warned him that if he harmed the poor woman in the least I would haveuothing fur ther to do with the affair. As good luck would. have it, the widow was not br - a 'guard well armadj when the =peat utoraing'anafler terwas found declaring It,W4lB.tfte in. "i.fittot? lit that time to shimt him,tut: fearing he might do Soma injury to-Ma:wife and dtiughtsr,'Ve dues& to :desist: . Norea'son Is asislita... tor.th*Pqrsiatent attempt , totOr t s, the man's life.---Of course it is= natbr.o to suppose that it is the work of loirts - Sat:mist of the Petiiteatiary, who lid: ales that he -bag been wronged'lby 'this gentleman in the disehargel of ofScisi duty, in years gone by, Kassa#lt a, . LOC ALBOUNTY 4 folloulog local bounty' bill, pertadoitig • to cetaity,isuistlithe tegistatae **A ' 447,..A62:reficttitte9 mPatiment of &wort , le I st' s tyro in As coantrkti eolAntart: ' goatcyll. 1,14 t, enr.eted by the Sepias sad H j ecuiset 'Bilieve4sttlittehirefelakOnateenweetth at !Pinektiviehi 12.0eDeral Asamably root, and It la.,he totatfOdAY the oratboriti Of the antom that ail.W^ watimehrtif, eetttfottes of htdebtetetet, issued brthe CO/tilialdOWPl , of Labauhlt coanty;for the verdant of bandies' iiveit , umot.voluutearlog to tutor the military escricW,af Voltedttetes, eeder any regaloltion heretofore saidiellp -the President ot rite Vaited•fltatee, he Mph, .astple are lierebylegalised. Made valid and /A ndii* liptiirthe siddtcopinty, se if loll;andllegid authority bad - tuflutga for the hatelog arid makiagpf the game, when they Irma fisuOd asallosole. If Boa. 2. TM; all tent of bounties to etnetiteere 04 - Furolto.- - eatectng,ur having entered, the. iertioloof the WWI States am aforesaid b .. the Colmotarionent of add County,. -arid ail loonsfitsdefirr ther:Plinitee ofii=stritti2 meats, beaud the mane life hereby hay" ande Sect- S. That su assessmento hetstofore =door taxes te thaprogrote of paying bounties ReS2resabfbri lad. the same aro.hereby legalised and mode valid. Sectia: Thatitte Cdroariadonera of- the ooneif iithilei soldure berebyauthorlsed to borrowsuch Rumor sral Money eimay be salleltrot to pay fovea indoWery Wis.. commissioned akar end private soldier.whovoiantroorell " endenteredttieinilitary serviceofthelUnitedStatesolfar after the eeventeentbidoy of October, cruno lionrinlenan thousand eight hundred and eixtythreet rind triertchitria every noncommissioned officer and private soldier who -may hereafter volunteer and enter the service of the United States, hr pnrsasoce of any requieition of the . President of the United States or the - Governor.ofahlo Commonwealth,* sum not . exceeding thre e hu ndred iltolltuor. , • ' - Sect S. That _the chid. CotamHastoners _ire Iteretre - li ' no.' thoeined Ma the perpose.cd carrying oat the provisions of this se.g.to trotnow, money and issue boada(no bond to be lees thee the sum *Vag hundred, dollar.) in the pesos ofttre mid county; arlitkor withott Interest coupon. at, "ached, PaYaele in one yeor or five yeses, or the option or seld'Pasonisthaters, and to levy, worm, mid collectV totes se skr be necessary to. meet the prinelpot ' d interest of said bonds au shall become due awd•payob _ . ,tor.' Seat. S. That the said C moilosionereheimewretattri. re. "by authorised holey and "oollect,in theyfirSleased mararet in which county ratee end kites era ' deity had etnTrat... looted, a special tax ti. pay the loan " testeraeiiiiiiihre, laid. Provided , that the said Com era atdiltl4•_ pgyeeto; grant elleeritioet'awthe 7 ar..esathkar.. ritedireerie may rewire. ~ - ' "-' •"'f= Sot. ? That theepecial tax elbreadd he and thiamine !whereby aspresely approprieted to the payment of. the ; tome d, rind shall not be. ; ipplhada' . •` g hoc ali4pll to coy other purposes whatooeter. • . - . - . , - .PRAYER ; ACID 'APPLICATION. , If Deacon eia nets of beneva: knee had been as numerous and ex; tended is his prayers, be, would 1470 been a Much better ebristien. :10 . 6 bad a number of wild boys who; however ; could not.complaitt r that , hti "'works, were unsnfecient," as far„-as phastimement was conalarno. • `Upon one occasion, preparatory "coming down" upon one of them, 'lie car:eluded to make bitifthe subject of prdyer. _lle soon heroine.l deeply abwbed, and the boy took thfh portunity to, esespe,,- and nlafie tbe road as'quickly as pain]) Where be met a passer: by Wbo`iii. - quired the cause of his baste.'`,! liDon't you hear the oldrman pray; ingr inquired he- - "Yes," was the reply. *Anon% yoit like the Prayer 7" "The prayer is good enough," vda the reply "but hang me if I about waiting for the application" Upon another occasion, the des: COD wad:kneeling under a large: but: ternut tree, aniv brayed -tbat Abe ''heavens might be opened, and, iron: hail rained upon the 'heads of imps sinners- Just then it" failie butternut‘fell upon his bald' herald, - 'ClaPping his-hantimon the injured spot, he elioutellold on back that part of the prayer.," A -DUCK :STORY,' The ,IndianapTis Joni ul tell the' . , following story `"The other day Jimmy Petry,:Ei prate Messenger on d ihe Evans it and Crawfordsville - If illroad„ brought to this OW oN,rer one - hundred ducks, - which had been captured on a„ lake or pond near Vincennes, In a way;thal proved almost, as conclusively set*. thermometer did the intense cold then- .prevai tug. A the pon fi4ize more and morineirly over, the ducks would come itut on the ice, !there the snow failing and melting op tfieir backs and sides, would speedily: frieze hard, and thda fasten their wing so completely that they could not fey - 1 1 : In this condition they could puLy;rim slowly and".belplessly about len. Ole .iee, and the boys findingit. out, "went in" and . knocked them .over with sticks by scores. In this Vtiy a splendid lot of "game" was Wged ,witbout a shot, or any serioua bride*" of the meat.' .149 - GIRLS LOOIL HERE.—The) girls crowda; file through of men to tea their letters in the postogiwmrnat read - this. "Oh dear," exelaimo Mary, throwing heeself into the,to ing chair, "I'll never go to t2ie. post-' ollite again to be' ooked out of poUti teuanee, by all the 'men standing a. round the halls„ and: near, the delivery, . , It's so . provoking J ,What can I do 'Minerva; to stop thosie‘iiiital men froin staring me in the face . t•-• "Do as I do," - replied: Minerva, with_. 'a hip look. "show thene,your ankles i' , ,el 12 I Thi hard est, 'afon of grumbler is to feel Ike grumbling and 1:olive - nothing to grumble • -ket I Vailandig4ese I . lt DgMer--rit is said. istr. Vsllanfligsanl is in grip danger of Veing inn bed in Cans' so many "loyal" men and triftibis Leegliers IgiVe gone ever , iiiseriviii• ea; saptAbe draft.- - O Cr _-cow - . forth , , , ;r4t-P f eatTNEVlAtteet POnPot itite.P u retSlP 2.1 'et