fibs gilikrtissr• RX S • • - • - $l5O A YEAR LEBANON,: WEDNESDAY, AUTON 39, 1364 iIOME AFFAIRS. SALES OP PERSONAL PROPERTY Adrertieed in the ADVERTISER, or for which. billa hare been printed at this °nice. Saturday, April 2-11ousehokt aid Nitchen.proportii Nary A. limo, North Lebanon. PRIVATE SALES Mobattglt property of.fames N. Rogers Rotoegh property of George 8. Gasser Oat Lota of Adam Riteber. : 'Farm In East Itanover, by S. -Stine • Horse Bills printed in fine style, at short notice and on moderate terms at the ADVERTISER office. Now is the time to subscribe for `the• Advertiser, as the Presidential cant pair) will soon. apen« Mr. Peter Hauer was, on Mon day, appointed Court Crier by the Judges .of our County Courts, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Sheriff Stouch. The Legislature, passed the bill authorizing counties, dzc.. to loan money for the payment of Bounties, our County Commissioners advertise in another col umn for a loan of $lOO,OOO for that pur pose. The bill exempts such loans from taxation. . The 93d regiment left Harris burg. for Harper's Ferry, on Monday of last week,. It is said that there are still near two hundred men who have not re yorted to the regiment. Some of the skulkers no doubt merely enlisted to ob tain the bounty money and then run away to re-enlist in some other place. Iron, in the Pittsburg Market, advanced last week 610 per ton. In our Legislature, last week, The bill legalizing the payment of boun• ties to Volunteers by cities, boroughs, townships, wards, counties, &c., was sent to a committee of Conference owing to • a disagreement between the Senate and House upon some' of its provisions. Nineteen of the malicious wool ly heads of Lancaster county. at the late Spring election, attempted to degrade themselves, (which was not possible as they .have already reached the lowest sinks of meanness and iniquity,) by vot ing for Mr. Buchanan for Constable.— all-fired mean party the abolition party is' Labor and the _ Military.—A strike occurred , at the Cumberland Mines a few days since, and was speedily sup. pressed by the military authorities and :twenty-five of the. strikers sent to Fort Delaware. This compelling men to work for such prices as the employers are pleased to pay the men employed is one of the blessings of Mr. Lincoln's adminis tration. . Soldiers Orphan's in the Schools. compliance with the suggestion of ,the Governor in his message to the Legis lature, relative to the maintainance of the indigent orphans of soldiers who have died in defence of the country, the State Superintendent has issued a circular to all the school boards in the State, in or der to collect necessary information on the subject. These circulars contain the following queries, to which prompt an. swers should be returned : .Ist. What is the number of indigent children in your school district whose fathers have been killed, or have died in the military or naval service of the United States ? • • 2d. Are there any institutions of learn ing in your county that will undertake to provide for the maintainance and educa. tion of;a number of said orphans, if secu rity be given that all reasonable expenses shall be paid by the State ? • 3d. If there are any such schools, how many children will each 'take ? In Philadelphia there is a mod erate inquiry for Flour at s7a7 25 for ex• tra family; high grade and fancy lots at sBa9; The hone trade are buying at from s6a6 25 for superfine; 6 50a7 for extra family and $8 50a9 50 per bbl for fancy brands according to quality. Rye Flour is dull at $6 per bbl. Corn Meal Is also dull. Wheat is firm, at 166086 c, For prime Reds and White at from 175 a 1,924 c. per bushel ; the latter for prime Kentucky. Rye is selling in lots at 127 c per, bu. Corn is scarce, and prices have advanced, with sales of 7000 bushels at L20a122c. per bushel, in store and afloat. Oats are selling at 83a85c. Raffle for a lady.- 7 —The city of Troy is, in a state of excitement from the announcement that a , beautiful young lady" is to be raffled for by "a number of gentlemen, all of, whom she likes, and among-twhoin she can't make up her mind which to choose for a husband." Supfpme - Court—ln the Su preme Court - last Monday, an opinion was delivered by Justice Agnew in the following case: Klopp aneSturnp, complainants, plain .,tiff in error, vs. The Lebanon Valley Bank ! , George Hoffman, et: al, ;defendant .in error. So much of the decree of -41 f Court below as relates to the stock of Myers and. Shonr in the Lebanen Valley Bank the costs is reversed, 'and it is"or dered ; that the Lebanon Valley Bank tAnsfer in due form upon the books o(the said Bank, to the complainants named in the, bill, the one hundred and fifty-five share . of stocks, standing in the names of the said Myers and Shour, and to pay to them the dividends heretofore allowed, on'thim, and that the said Myers and i Shour, and their assigns or any persons clahriing, the said stock, shall be perpetual. 4y debarred and precluded from recover ling the same or the.value thereof, or any dividends thereof, from the said Lebanon Valley Bank. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL ' TROCHES, for , Coughs,. Colds, and Irritated Throats are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficaey:, They have been thoroughly tested; afid,lviiintain the good reputation they gave justly acquired. As there are imitatOnestlf. sump OBTAIN the "genuine. Burglar pruor vault has been in vented, in which isa space between two of the plates filled with iron balls about one inch in dlameter, perfectly loose. The plates can not be drilled through, as a drill must strike one of balls, which would rotate with the tool, instead of sub. miffing to the perforatiag process One of these vaults has been put up in the Chicoga Custom-house. Latest Style.-- , Qar lady readers would undountedlr like to know what the latest fashiOni are in , Paris. The la- Ales wear the hair at the side of the face, Which is frefmently curled, solos to fall straight 'down the face in it tllick mass, and to be frizzled so as to look like whis kers, What next? The offerings in the Philadel phia Cattle Market, hist week, of Beeves were light:" The quality was better, and the market dull' at previous quotations, the sales ranging at from . $lO to $l5 the 100 lbs for 'common to good and extra quality, mostly at $12a14 the ICO lhs for good cattl:i. Cows were firrn. •and 140 were offered and sold at $18a,35 each for Springers and $25a55 for CoW and Calf Hogs were steady, and sold at sloal2 the 100 lbs nett. Sheep—the market was dull and rather lower, prices ranging at 7 1 1 ale p lb, gross. Mr. John Rickel,- a respectable citizen of Iletrichsville„Berks,county was instantly killed on Tuesday last, between Reading and Sinking =Spring by being run over by a wagon. It seems that he was helping Mr Philip Obold to move, - and while driving his team along the turnpike, he was struck by a sulky com ing in an opposite direction, and thrown under the wagon, two wheels of which passed over his neck„ causing instant death as above stated. The deceased was 45 years of age. Sale of Blooded Stook.—C. P. Steinmetz, at his sale on the, first of March, sold a Durham Bull for . s77 50; a Cow of the same stock for 366, and a Heifer for $5O. ' A new Post Office, called are ble, has been established near Albert's Mill, Bethel township, this county. Going North.—The semi-an n ual migration of wild geese is taking place as that feathery tribe can be seen almost every morning, in large and numerous flocks, wending their way from the south to the northern lakes No doubt some of our sportsmen will keep an eye on them and will succeed in bringing some of them doWn as they are passing over. The Ladies' Aid society of Leb anon acknowledge the receipt of 850 05 from Misses Hawley and McConnel, be ing the proceeds of tbe exhibition got u by them. The Lebanon Deposit Bank, of this place, which has been changed to the First National Bank of Leb non, has re ceived its notes and will issue them in a few days. The officers of the Bank are .24. Dawson Coleman, Esq., President,. and George Gleim, Esq , Cashier. A man . named Edwin White, living at Killinger's Forge, Bethel town ship, was shot in the head by another man, accidentally, while carelessly hand ling a pistol at a sale, in that vicinity.— White leaves a wife and eight children. We have not- learned the ' , name of the man who caused the mournful accident. The name of the person who shot off the pistol is George Reed. The accident occurred in Pinegrove township, Schuyl kill county, at the residence of. John Gabe. We bave just received from Hon. Myer Strouse, a quantity of superior Spring Wheat for distribution in small quantities among our agricultural friends in Lebanon county. It is Gel-roan and Mediterrean Wheat. We shall be pleas ed to supply pers6ns wishing the same, upon theircalling at our office. We have also-just received from the same gentle man another lot of Tobacco Seed, which we will also take pleasure in.distributing to those desiring the same. NEW Goons.—Call soon and see the first arrival of Spring Goods, selected last week by B. Bruce for Goodyear & Diffenbaeh, which will be sold cheap. TLT E WAR TAX.—If you want to know what the war tax is, take ten dollars, go to a,store, and see how, much you can buy with it, levy muslin for fifty cents per , yard, levy calico for thirty. cents per yard, two anda half pounds of coffee fora dollar, and everything in propor flab: ThiS is apart of the war tax. The act authorizi»g counties, dm., to raise money to pay recruits a Bounty, imposes a poll tax of one dollar on each taxable to meet thi payment of the loans. The following is the result of the Spring election in Londonderry town ship, which we had omitted last week on account of not being returned at the time Kour going to press : LONHONDFEHY TOWNSHIP Assessor. Jacob' Moyer 81; Assistant -Assessors, Wil liam Early 77, Michael Delninger 81 ; Judge, Felix Lan dis 79; Inventors. Jacob Gingrich 49, Benjamin Leesly 17, Peter Witmer 10, Samuel it untsperger 82, John Poor- Men 89; t'clioalDirectons„pelia. Landis 79, Beery 82, 'Henry Bomberger- 81.; Tuwnsbip Treasurer, John Deininger .81 ; Conat able, Thonmsji M ilia . 47, John Boorman '24, JO; AudEor;-Thotoas Logan 82; Clerk, JOhtsWelfersherg,erB3. - NEW IDEA.-It, is proposed by a bill now flending in -the Legislattire, to send oil from the oil regions of ,this State to market 'through pipes. The company to be formed for this purpose . takes the ti; ilia "The Subterrranean transportation company." and the proposed capital is one million dollars. Barrels are nowhere now. Good .prospects ahead. We see it stated that rebel regiments are re•enlist ing for thirty years or the war. Messrs. John IL Sowers ; and Lewis Seitier hive tUicen' charke of the Wahrer panwerat newspaper, and in tend conducting it in the future. BRIT'S!' MAGAZINES.—We .are in the receipt of Leonard Scott & Co's. reprintof Blackwood's Magazine far February—a capital No. All its contents are good. It has, continuations of "Tony Butler, a first-class Irish story attribut ed to Lever, and of Mr. Oliphant's "ChrOnicles of Carlingford." Also the whole of another story called " Witehhampton 31all,"—a review of Mr. Kirk's Charles the Bold ; a critical and historical notice of the Royal Academy of Eng land; a desultory and rattling paper "upon Men, Women, and other Things:in General," by one Cornelius O'Dowd.—and a "Ride through Sutherland," which is Scottish in locality, tone, endincident. • The Union Canal will be'ready for through navigation' on the Ist of April (next Friday.) Henry' Ogden, one, of, Mr. Irir ing's friends, when returning home once, after a gay and festive dinner, accidental= ly, fell through a grating, which had been carelessly left open, into a cellar beneath. He told Irving next day, that the solitude was rather diirnal at first, but several other of the guests fell in, in the course of the evening, and they had, on the whole, quite a pleasant night of it. Those persons who have feached the acre of forty five since the last draft, should at once go before a magistrate and make 'oath of the fact and have their names stricken from theenrollment books. This course would save inconvenience to themselves and the draft officers. John E. Elliman sold his hand some property on the north bank of the Union Canal to John Paine for $3025. The rewular, rneetinc , of the Uni on Fire Company will take place next Monday evening in the Hall. A General attendance is desired. ROBBERIEs IN THE CARS.—Pick- pockets travel on every train of passen ger cars, over all our lines,of railroaa. to rob soldiers and other persons, and cope rate with an astonishing degree of sue. eess On Friday night a gentleman was relieved of six hundred dollars some where between Philadelphia and Har risburg. After getting out of the cars there he missed his money, and at once suspicion fell upon an . individual who had occupied the same seat with him, but the fellow was not to, be found. Almost eve ry day robberies Millis kind are report ed, and in nine cases out of ten the thieves go undetected. Provost Marshal Fry publishes the decision a f Solicitor whiting, last year, that any man who leaves his resi dence and is drafted during his absence, if the notice be left at his last place of res idence, can be arrested and shot as a de serter. The Government overruled this decision last year, but it seems to be re vived now. - zir Messrs. Reinoehl & Melly sold a home and lot of ground, eitu tto in Mulberry street, North Lobanohßorough,to Isaac Leodoin, of the Bucktail regiment, for SLAW Also, a Home and Lot of, ground, in Weldruan 'a Addi tion, Lebanon, to Jubepli Miller for $6OO. AIBO, a Rouse and. Lot of gi pond in Annville, to Nadel "Ulrich, for $5OO - Air , Rev. J. H. Kati sold a Brick House and lot of ground, in Cumberland street, Lebanon, to Harrison B. Wheat, for $l7OO. Jury List for A George L Atkins, Leb Bur Ezra Bucher, S Lebanon Moses Breidenetine, da Henry Dutweller, S - Ann George Donee. Jackson Elias Doodere, S Lebanon John A De!unmet.. Lond'y Joshua Early, Londonderry Adam Fatty, do Johu Faubor. Bethel Isaac Gingrich. Union Charles Goodman ; N L Bur TRAVERS Cyrus Bachman, S *lnterne Joseph Bean, Swithir. Jacob Dom Verger (E) S Leh Genre Benner, do John D Biever , S Annville William Dieninor.Lond'y Benjamin Di:imager, do William. Eckert. N L Twp John L Frank, N Annvillo Henry Forma, Gorr, wall John Gerhard, Leh Bor, Charles Gruber, N Aunviile 14:Dry S Goog. JoSeph S lisidelborg .Tola Helms. Jackson 1 B lba, Heidelberg Hiram Light, Swot nra Samuel Laridia, Milleroek Adam Hank, for some years past the well known proprietor of the. Cold. Spring _Hotel, and formerly of the "Eagle" and "Buck" Hotels of this Bor ough, has leased the Market Street Hotel (Zimmerman's Old Stand,) in this bor ough, and intends opening a Tavern, Eat ing, and Drinking Saloon, on a new and extensive scale. "Adam" is one of the best of caterers, is not to be surpassed as a landlord, obliging and gentlemanly in his intercourse with the public, and we have no doubt will do a rushing business. He will open about the first of April, when the public will be further informed of his whereabouts and manner of advancing into the affections of the public. Soldiers see to your own health, do not trust to the Army supplies; Cholera, Fever and Bowel complaint will follow your allghtest Indivere lion. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINT MENT should be in every men's knapaack, The British end French troops use he other medicines. Only 25 Dente per box or•pot. 216 -Mr. John Matthes, the present popular landlord of the Market Street Hotel, Lebanon, has leased Alre. - It ise's Hotel, of which he will take posiession on the first of April nest. Many improvements and alterations ore to be made in the new place, so as to make it a first class Hotel, and with a landlord like John it will not lose its reputation which, for so many years, it possessed under its present but retiring proprie. trass. The house at present occupied by - Mr. M., we understand, is to be converted to other purposes; so that the new stand will aeeommo• date the customers of both houses and as many more as may find it convenient and pleasant to top t here. TAKE NOTICE.—The enrolling is go Ing on, and it is expected that the Conscription no will be enforced immediately, so I would advice every body to get their PICTURES taken in tints for their re lations and friends, and the only place to get a No. 1, Picture is at ZIMMERMAN'S New York Photographic Gallery, for he is taking the cheapest, the best, and most lifelike Pictures In Lcbatton. It is admitted by all that he can't be beat, for bis gallery is always crowded. Give hiM a tall and you will find as we rec ommend. Remember - the place. Zimmermen's New York Photographic Gallery, In Cumberland St. Call early and avoids Crowd. P. S.-Children and anyboily.that has got weak eyes should call at ZiMmermau'a Gallery. nix; Pictures ou -1) require from 3 to 5 seconds time to sit , QUESTION:— . II.OIIO 1 Mere Dick and Nancy, where aro you going, that you are in such a burry t Answee..—Why we are Just on our way to Da ny's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . Ile takes splendid pictures, and his Gallery is nearly all the time crowded, so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before anybody else g ets there, or we will have to come away again without getting any. QuEsr.—Yes! I have heard too that. Genre Gallery is nearly ail the time crowded, and so why don't you go to some other Gallery f Alts.—Oh my i we could not thick of such a thing.— We admire the true and beautiful picture that Daily takes, so much that we would nut go to another Gal lery if we could get them for nothing Rehm seven years, experience in the business, hoes a complete sett of improved instruments, an excellint sky -liabt, anp there fore takes the bast pictures n town, and so of course every body that wants a good picture goes to him. Queer.—What k Ind of Pictures doesne take ? . . ANs.--Ile takes Photographs from miniature to Ufa size, plain or colored. Hie card pictures have been pronoun Ced more truthful and life like than some that have been taken in our large cities. file Ambrotypes are.betintiful, and can't ha, beat. lle also excels tit copying- pictures from small Daguerreotypes, and en larging them almost to any size. QUEST.—Whera is this Oul Ivry I I must give Lima call too. AsB.—Just come along with Nancy and I, and we wilt show you. lt is in Stine's New. Building. next door to the Lobanon Depot' it Bank. He has constant ly on band a good atmortment of Gilt and. Rosewood Frames, cases, Albums, 84c., which he sells cheap.— For good and cheap Pictures weodviee all to go to Daily's Gallery, *Lebanon,* Pa. Nara Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Caps, &e. ATTENTION Sronrexrw.—J. G. Antataisca would re spectfully inform the public that he continues the business of manufacturing and dealing in GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER • , Cape, Wads, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi al, at hie Store, +M Market street, a few doors. Mirth of the L. V. R.A.,lebanon, Pa.. , *46. All,kiiads of Repairing dons'at the shortest pos Bible notice Ind in the beat stile° f workmanship. Lebanon, June 24, 11563.—1 y. • • pril Terna, 1884 Peter Ginerich,S Anne(He Samuel Haack. Cornwall James Iluniniel, do Christian Henry, Lab for Andrew Henry, Londond'y Jona H Imiasi, J.nektion John Hintael •to Jacob Light. L /d.Curiity 11 Jueeph Light, Heidelberg Henan t, S Lebanon Herniae li Rauch, N L Bar Charlea Eltuliland, Leb Bur JURORS. , Martin Melly, E Hanover !David E Miller, Leh Bor John .lostberger, l e be! George F Miller, Heidelberg peter Reba, S knnville Darold Reveler; Hetd,elberg John Reichert, Cornwall John Smith P Lob for Henry S Schram. Amee Shannon. Union Levi Smith, N Lab Bor John Shenk J $ Heidelberg Joseph Urich, Cornwall' Simon Ilmbergar, Swatera Daniel Drieh, Jickena John Wagner.N %%lineal Wulf, Jackson . James Wallace, 3111.crt ek The Lebn epr,liony ummioN, Wren Extra Family, la 50 Rxtra Flour,. 8 25 Prime White,Wheat,l 50 Prime Red Wheat, '45 llen , Wheat, • Primp Rye, 1 - le Corn, 1 . 00. Oats, , 75 : Clover-seed, . 00 Timothy-seed, 2 50 Flax•seed, 2 50 Dried Apples, pealeil,2 00 Peach "Suite,' 2 50 Peach "llutiels,," 182 Cherries, 1 75 0100118. 100 Potatoes, 74 bits, 80 Apple 11u t ter.Vcrock„ 46 wic•rr e[Pprzia• Will be takeTijt?ikPie reVrfe , teelenere of Lebanon eeue,C,t,:- 10 ":" 1 ee th e ea id Coranaieeleilece,, end tie. inirtlite 'euatractiag may ogee. `Chts loan 'be eazePliff-rp7,a all lax Crtlfel the Commissioners nilicc,' - at'Lelsinntt Bor ough immediately. THOMAS LESBER, PETER FORNEY. JACOB 11114111ACY11111. Commissioners of Lebanon County. Attest Crum SMILE, Clerk. Lannon, March 30,1664. WIIEREAS, the Hort. JOHN J. PEARSON, Reg. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas In the district coniposed of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and Judge of the Courta of Oyer and. Termi. nor and general Jail Delivery, for the trial of .capital and all other offences in said counties; the Judge of the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and General Jail Delivery, in the county- of Lebanon ; and Williem Deng and Tffesres FRAMER. _Hears., Judges of the General Courts of. Quarter Seasions, of the. Courts of Oyer and Terminer, General Peace and Jail 'Deliv ery, for the trial of capital and other offences. in said county of Lebanon ---through their precepts to me ,di rooted 'thei4th 'day- of4anuary. A. D., 1664;t0 hold a Court of Oyer and . Term iner and General Jail Delivery, and n Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Leba non for the county of Lebanon, on . the First Monday of April next, which will be the 16th day _of said month s to continue ONE Week. . . Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the PeOCO, and to Constablee within the county of Lebanon, to appear in their own persons, with their rolls ' reaognizances, inquisitions, examine. Gone and other documents, and present the elms to the Prosecuting Attorney at least ten days before the meet ing of the Court, conformably to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, passed at the late session of the Leg islature. • Also, all those who intend to prosecute pris oners which now are or then may be in the Jail of Lob. anon county, will have than and there to appear, on the Ist Monday of APRIL, to proceed against them as then may bejust. Given under my hand, in the borough of Lebanon, the 19th day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and silty-four. PETER L. STOUR', Shen:lr Sheriffs Office, Lebanon, March 80 ,1883 BL NS RECEIPTS For Collectors of State, COunty, and Militia Tax, for sale cheajp at the Advertiser ()Mrs. Alai for tOileetors of School TAX. p xotirto. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative. 'rho 'atutulard staple preparation for the hair war ranted in all oases to restore faded and gray hair, and whiskers, to their original color. It does not claim to make the hair grow in where it hes fallen out ; noth ing will do that whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it wit/ prevent it from failing out/ make it soft and 811 . ky cleanse' it anti the scalp fcran lies and .huroortf, and mairely averobnie fro, of previous use of preparations containing sulphur,- su gar of lead, &a. -It requires no seeping,. washing, and hours for its application, nor win it stain.the skin, but Is as easily applietiand wiped from the skin as any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another,' which gives It a lively appearance instead of the doll uniform black of dyes. Hoyt's Imperial Coloring Cream. Superior to any Hair Dressing in use. Oils and Col ors the its it at the same time. Changes light and red hair to a beautifdt,brown or black. Sold everywhere'. JOSEPH . HOYT & CO . No.lo University Place' New York. March. p, 186t.ttly. • . .• DR. 'TOBIAS' VEVETIAN HORSE LiNU NIENT. pint bottles at fifty cents emelt, for lameness, cuts, galls, colic, sprains; ; de.. warranted cheaper than any other. It lensed by ' all the great horsemen on tong Island courses. It will not cure ring bone . nor spitviit,as there isr no liniment in axis- L oam , t h a t will. What it is stated to , cure it positively clogs. No owner of lthroes will be, withoutil after ; trying one bottle. One dose revives and often naves : , the life of an over-heated or driven horse. For colic and bet lystche it has never failed Just, as sure WI the sun rises. just eo sure is this day. Liniment to be the Hers° embrocation °CUM Sold by nil druggists. 0148;56 Cortiandt Street, New York. Feb. 10, '64.—leir. . TII E CON EESS IGEE AND: EXPERIEIiCE OP AY INVALID• Published for the benefit. and "as AVWftrriing and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MAN who suffer from nervotia Debillty„Dremature Decay of Manhood, etc eupplying at,the tottne time. MEANS OF SSLMIRIC: By one who has cured himself after . being put - to great expense and injury through medical humbug und . quackery. . - By enclasitig'a post•prild addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. .DIATRANI.EI,34-AYFAItt. Esq.. Bedford Aiwa conuty, IN. Y. May 27 ; 1801-Iy. Terrible Disclosures. QECItETS for the million 1 A moat valuableUttil won derful publieation, A work of 400 pages. HMI SO colored engravings. nit. HU NTSIt!S YAW , : 31NeU3f, an original and popular - treatise on ;Alan Mel Ironton. their Physiology, Funetiona. and Fexual disorders of every kind, with Never Failing Remedies for their spestlY cure. The practice of DK. 'OUNTtII, has lona been, and still is; unbounded, Mit at the earnest solici tation of numerous persons, lie has I een induced to ex tend his mod !cal usefulness thrdugh the medium orbits -WADE MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the bands of every family in the land. as a preventive of secret vices, or deo guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped: will he for warded free of postage to any part of the United States for 50 cents MTO.. stamps, or 3 copies for st. Ad. dress, post paid, .DR. LIONTNR, N 0.3 Division Street; New York., Sept. 3,1803.—]y: Xiligtaito J:ditto. English' preaching next Stinday at 10 A. M., and Ger man eerviceat 234 P. 91., in the Allravian church.' ,• Service next .Sabbath morning. in the English lan guage, in the First Reformed church. English service next Sabbath morningand evening, in MOOT it,. Lutheran church itià. On tiro sth Inst., by the Rev George Wolff, Kr. JO. SAFI RODNINHOUSE, of the 5.5 th Regiment, P.N., to Mina ANNA R. KARTERSIAff2; On the 4th inst., by the sittne:;kr. Witt:IA:WEAN DERBACII. of the 55th Regiment, P. v;1 to bliss CATHARINE S%IITIi.t < .. On the Bth inst., by the same Mr. WILLIAM GER- M ART. to Miss MARY A. SWELL; both of Berko ea. On the 20th inst . by thifteitne. Mr. GEORGE A. FORSTG. to Mfrs OATIrARINII DECHAMD. ' On the 17th" in in Jonestown. by the Rey, Wnt Gerhardt, Mr. WILLIAM B. ULIRIOII, of Strata) a, to Miea LYDIA FIBBER. of Bethel, Lebanon eo. On the 20th inst., ,by the. Settle, Mr. lIBBJAMIN otaufeivr, to:hlisa IIIA.IIOABBY MOODY, both of On the 27th inst.. by the tame, Mr. ISAAC SUORT, to base EMMA MACE, both of Union. . . gt . . On the 28th inst. ntil r ellnutt&Date., Ann• villa townebin, Mre. ELI2ABETII, *lre of Henry lIEILMAN, Sr., aged 78 yeare,9 months and 25 daya. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning, iit o'clock. Thee relatives and friends of the family are reapectraliy Invited to attend the funeral. On the 20th inst., In, North Lebanon township, Mrs. .0A THARINE. wife of Mr. Dante] G. TllO6l PBUN, aged 22 years. 8 mouths and 13 days. On the 7th Mat., in Bethel•tp„, HANNAH' GROSS, aged 18 years and 3 days. On the Bth inst„, in E . Hanover, BENJAMIN DON MOYER, • Red 64 years, 6 months and 13 days t—mad on the 131 i inst., his ronsort. HANNAH 'WILMOT- Eli. aged 67 years. 4 Months and 8 daps. On the. lath inst., id North Annville. 'ELIZABETH lIILFHatERGER. aged 83 years ; 8 months and 3 days. On the 16th inst ,'in Jonestown, SOSAN'NA MUSH LEE . aged 67 years, 3 months and 18 days. 4 ' On the 23rd Mat., in E. Ilftnor.r, JOHN VIILAND aged 76 years, 1: inonih and 18 days. 4.0 the Mil iner..lo Oimapballstown:JOHN W. BRUN rum, enn of William and Louisa Brunner, ogod 6 years 1 month and 19 days. ran the 11th lest., in South: Annsillp,BlAS.Alll/Tll EMI Z wife of Josiah Hots, aged 24 your., mid 17 days. On the 6th inst.. imltoitti Antivilte, AMOS CLAIM, aged 36 pars and 12 days., • ••. On the 2d ins• , in N Annville, &BORON '4NIEFFY aged 49 t Par., 3 mos. and 28 clays. On thy ICU ling., JOHN YEADLEY, age.d 93 *ears 3 mos. and 21 days. oil Market. prrected IWe ' roes; MARCH 23, 1834, Eggs, If dos., 20 Butter, 3O Tub or salted butter, 10 !Lard, - Tallow, . 12 Shoulders. 10 Sides,. . 10 Bees wax, 24 'White Sags, 6 Mixed Hugs, 3 Flex, tiftlb., 12,14 thistles, is lb., . 40 - Feathers,* lb., 62 34 Wool, lb., 40 Soup Beans, it qt., 7 Vinegar, II gal., 1234 girbl zohttidstments. BOUNTY LOAN APRIL .• Court POikelit matioui.• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A liditoloil Nol ice. In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE and CATH ARINE SNAVELY, late of Cornwall townehip, Leb anon county,decd. Nmom I. hereby given. that the undersigned has been appointed auditor by the Orphans' Court of Lebanon county. to audit the accounts cf Joseph Snavely and Henry A. Snavely, executors of the said Oeorge and Catharine Snavely, dec'd., and make dis tribution of the Labium in their hands among the heirs and legal represents tives of said decedent@ ; and that he will attend to the duties of appointment at his office. Sri the Borough of Lebanon. on Friday. the 1514 day of April, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. when and where all persona interested may attend ir they think proper. ISAAC HOFFER, Auditor. • Lebonon , March 30, 1801. QWALLOW two or three hppitendx of "Beebe," k- 7 " Tito ir B Mere," Sumps: rilla," "'Verrone A n tittotrn"Ac., &c., and after you are Whiled with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BU CHAN'S ENOLISEI SPECIFIO•PILLS—and be restor ed to health and vigor in thirty . days. Therfare pure ly vegetable. pleasaufto take, prompt and salutary in -their effests ou the broken down and shattered consti- tution. Old and young can take them with - advan tage. Imported and nold'in the United States only by . JAS. S. BUTLER: Station D, Bible House, New York, 1 General Agent. I', lion sent,to any address on receipt of, price —which; is One. Dallfsr—post free. • • March 80;18b4-8m. USE NO OTHER IBUCHAN'S SPECIPTO PILLS are the only .Relioole Remedy rorell Diseases of the Seminal, Urinary end Nervous Sys. tome. Try one box, and be cured: ONE DOLLAR A BOX. One box will perfect a•eure,or money refund ed. Sent by wait on recelptpfprce. JAS. S. BUTLER, Station Rouse, Now York, General Agent. March'3o,ll364'o—Zin. D 0 YOU WISH TO BHUUHIRD CHAN'S Enotaan SPECIFIC PILLS ears in less then 30 days, the worst cases of 'NERVOUSNESS, Impotency,,Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, In sanity, and`-all Urinary. Sexual. and Nervous Affee lions. no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per, box. Sent postpaid, by mail, on in cant of an order. Address, - JAS. S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible Kongo. New York, Gene al Agent March 30,1864-3 m 2301ELOUriblit LOCOUNT. TOS. KA RUH, Treionrer, in account u with I,9II*NON BORtiffell, from March 9th, 1P63 to idnicti 21st. 18041' Dtt. To cash reritired from Geo. Walter, Collector for 1861. in fall $262 28 . To cash received frT•nt 1). 15., Miller, Collector r..r 1862; in fall 1196 79 To cask received from Peter Rimer, Otilleetor ror 1808' 8310 09 To cash received from- Market House ind Otitti Right" ' 182 56 Toesoh received from County Com missioners' towards building a hridge'in Musgrove street B'o 00 To cub received from County Com- ' • Missioners for repairing Station Manse - f 0 09 To cash received from Walter & Bart*, pavement account 98 95 8p web received for circus license ,20 00 By imith received se temporarploan ..197x56 t Balance in the Treasury March 9, .1881 • • ' 502 45 lb lance due TroacusT Mardi 25, 1861 By cash paid sundry persons on or. ders ininedAelollews W. Belcher, lanterns A. B. Ely, gin/411(ring oaten!, &e. . Viewers on Pinegr ee st. bridge Bowman. Bauer & Capp. lumber B. J. Benb r notifying viewers 3. T. Toting, gasburnerg Ueo. Stang, witness foes Expense en -weight end 11111162111* for Clerk of Market Military fond /With Dente, 'Menem feel Jana OF Hogan, lanterns J. U. Miller, stationery _ J. 'reply. for nee °Cicala, D. M. Karm• ny, hardware. oil. &e. 4. , 4 . cement for bridge Major &-Bro.. iron plate Chanty Comniimionera 2 year* - -rent for coal, ko. . , Win. Focht, b ond le; full'` ' Daniel ,Se lien. interest A.. Mee; Trees for Per. Fire Com 0 Beeerin, mending boas t , : it; Richey, hose R. Richey, hose' br Union Ili° Company. Lebenon Cies Co .nss consumed by Onion Fife Company _ Reinoebl & Melly, 'ember for Mar krt. Mouse • 1115 12 F. Sprecher. log for Market House 2 SO J. Swart", pump '66 6 . . 10 00 ic ti arimotier: ," 2'26 Etlek. Earsistjaikka" " 222 ' . Anthony Gerhard,pahattagatetten • -- 11. Shirk, pleiteriag steitfon keno* 1$ OS A. Moyer, carpenter work " 22 22 - 43 90 .1 A. & D. iTaltrr, for removing ' and repairing Mr.. Menne% house •nd waterlal 121 TS Lunn Cattern, &wne gb 00 . : Ate 76 l3eo' BoCk.• for Curbing at Biro, Klinc'e property', 69 Goo. Bock, for curbing at Dim Ha- - - notion' property 20 JOIL Hsieh, Tina., for July coupons 112163 349 60 J. Kanto, Tres.. for Jon. +moron," /464 . • . 819 69 c 99 oa G: Bergner 114.0 ion's , for Mark..t. St. 424,1e3. do . do - Mulberry 26 76 do do Walnut 220 24 - do do ' Chestnut 133 03 rao ~ do Oarapbellen la 93 do , do Plnegr.rve 1268 49 do - do . Erneka alley 17 00 do do different BM 4BIB-61 r 1 :4147'. 294 18 Geo Lelneueaver, Bbeafferatogrn road one ball , . Geo: Bergner. for .buildloll Pine. • grove etreet bilibri.§.; . 352 23 11;11. liartnian. ' Printing, - 17 00 Wm. M. Breslin, " 2l 60 J. Young, , . 1 19 75 Worth& Itidnoehl, " 48 75 107 00 IFL McCord, Police, 75 00 S.J. Babb, " ' . 76,00 Jos. Shantz, " - . - 185'00 K. R.. Wheat, " - 240 00 11. Shirt, " , • ' r - 66 00 W. G. Bormler, , g ' 100 J. N. Shearer , " ' '• 12 00 4.olalser, . " 11 00 • W. B. Reinhard"- -- • ' l4 00 •'• A. Moyer . 1t 00 Jobo.Smith, -" - ' -- 684 00 'ebanon'Gas Ckmipsy, Gas consuned, , ' • '351 97 D.ll,:'Kermany, Chief.ltimmss, •• .• DI 00 I.4:l4'Greenewalt, Aee t Burgess, lO 00 A. It lee, • Councilmen, - 10 00 ii. Tice, do 10 00 P. L. 'Weimer, do 10 00 M. Looser, 10 00 Geo. F. Reinhard, do 10 00 JllO. Gerhard, do 10 00 --., 80 . 00 D. E. Miller, cniculating appeal no. ticee end aupitcato D. E. Miller. clerk, ---- 25 00 Joe. Karel", treasurer's salary ' 10 00 A ppettl Coalmines. I $ J. Bathes, distributing appeal notices, 12 .50 do nary lug Carrion, 111 41, do Cleaning street & alloys, 10 31 do Iligh Constable salary, 20 00 $6264 . eft OIDriTANDINGI TAX. Peter ITeuer, collector flirlBo3, deficiencies, COlllllliBSlOll and a- • 1' betemeut to be deducted, SB£lo,ll. ADDITIONAL STATE DIEIa. The Treas. received order a for July Coupons for 1863,.. • 349,50 On which he paid3ls,oo Balance in the Tres's. hands, . 34,00 Also an order for January 00u pens 1864, ' 310,00 On which be paid Balance in the Treas. hands. -- 93,00 Balance in the beads of the Treas. ' on Jan. Coupons for 1803, when presented, 10,50 Balance in the bands of the Tress. for july Coupons 1802, when presented, . 7,50 In addition to the above, the follow- • lug are the Borough - ties on Iniprovements and It. IL Bonds. 3 Bonds of Wm-. Shirk, 841,24, 1 Bond of D. Seifert, 300,00 Amount of R. B. Bomb outitand lug .11,050 00 Lebanon Marrh 24,1864. 1% °TICE. IDILIC notice is hereby given that the account of P William Peters, assignee of ISAAC MIME% under a deed of voluntary assignment in trust for the benefit of creditors. bas been died in the Prothon otary's office of Lebanon Connty. - and that the same will be presented to the:Court olTrommon Pleas of said County, on the Third Monday of April, next, for eon- Urination and allowance, when and where all parsons interested may attend if. they think proper. • HENRY REGRIST, Pietb'y. Prothonotary's Office, . March 23, 1884. TO CONSUIPTIVES: Consumptive sufferers VP riTellre a valuable pre. seription for rho cure of 03116011aptiOn, Asthma, Brom , ebitis, and all': firoat and 'Long affections, (free of charge,' by sep&g their address to wx tam% • Williamsburg, Jan. 27 I 684:44the. Khios Co. New York Biunllavatid Pep . and . eon Claims jut pririted imd for Wo at the Art- FALL AND WINTER DRY 9 - AT TINE NEW YO STORE. wg have juqt opened the following list of great bargains, received from our buyer m Sew York :De- Lanes, 20 mud •23 cts. per yard; very good Prints from In - cts. upwards, Hooped Skirts if airstilea. tszy let teat styles; Black Stella Shawls, 310 and upwards a Ladies* Collars and Meseta ebespet Mai ever • 1114)losses,o r ,ar Coffee, Tea, die., Ace., 4 „, We buy our 600(111*X01124ilrely fin . CAsff and are thereby always enabled to hay wiiere coif find the cheapest and will alWays 'glee our customers the benefit of tete Advantage. We have but one price and Onr.teriti . ware °Asa: Coute and examine our stuck, and if you don't buy yen wiu Si t au firsair faces. • - Lebanon, Sept. 23, 1863 " ETA OR - Ui ;N.OF4" Sewing Machine. The Only ?Lachine capaple of making More than One Kind of a Stitch ; and the Only 'One having the RE VERSIBLE REED. , The, feed trio ,be reversed at . any- point desired, without stooping .wh Joh is a great fulvantage in fasten ink the ends of seams. It makes-four different stitches, lock. knot. double lock, and-doublOt knot ; eitchatlteirperfeet and alike on both` 4theifabrie.-,' . . . Thereriarn"&etbar Machine *Bich will do so large a range of work as the *Florence." _ . It will Braid,_Tock. Quilt. Cord, Hem Fell, Bind, Gather, giallo all kinds of Stitnblug required by fem. Hies and klenufaalurers. The noel inexperienced find no Moult, In min it. Every Maclaine in' warranted irrgire entire itisfee titre, and to - do all that cletroc4 for It. aCyl, The Florence must he seen to be .Apprexinted. J. F. MATZ. Agent of Lebanon county, Annville, Pa Persona wlehlk to vee the Machine in operation can do so by calling on the A gent at Aunville. Armenia March 9,1864-2 m. MILLINERY STRAW _ D S IN EVERY VARIETY. ' - of thorniest imporfaiUms, and of the newest and most &slalom * bin styles. Our Straw Department will comprise every variety of Bonnet.. Etats and Trimmings to be found In that line, of the West and most approved shapes'and styles. Boliciting an early call, I remain Tont*, 11. WARD, 103.105 a 107 Noi - th ar,coND Ste, klinatra, March, 16, 1804 —Alt.., 182 00 Thl7ll7:lC NOTICE is hereby given, that the Charter j: of tbo Methodist Bpi:mama Chrreh of Cornivall township, Lebanon aplenty, Pa.,' - viaa datxpresented to the Court of Common Pleas, .or Lebanon* noway, far I. examination, and will be approved according to , law, on ihefirst day efsipri2 Term, next; : unless goad Cruise be shown to the contrary. Proth'y. Lebanon, Jan. 27, 1864.-Z* - . 0264 89 $ 4OO 3 00 600 43 1 50 , 11 88 60 PUB LTC imbue is hereby given, that the account of [ Joseph Light, Committee and Trustee duly .ap pointed by the - Court of CoMmon Pleas of Lebanon ! County, of WILLIAM STROH, a lunatic, has been filed in the Prolbanotarreoffice. or Irthanon county, and tbat the same will be presented to the Court of Conimon Pleas of said County.'on the Third Monday of April nest. for confirmation and allowance, when 1 and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper, HENRY SIEORIET, ProlhY. Prothonotarra Office, Mareb 28, 1864. 80 10 00 7 00 l 00 8 12 189'9 4800 130 40 0 298"9 488 UP 8 IX/ - NOTICE. .11 - 3118LIO notice is heieby-given that the aocomit of Adam ' Orittinger, alfsignee cinder a voluntary • deed of assienmen c for the benefit of creditors of St. • MON ENAVNLT and Veronica, hie wife,• _ has been fil ed in the Pietbonotar,y's lice; of -Ltdanon county. and that the same Will - be presented to the Court of Common fleas of said County, on the . Third Monday 'ffewf,dite Confirmation and OM seance, when and where all ~.pertions interested may Attend if they • think Proper. RENRY 'SINGRIST, Troth's'. • Prothonotary's Office, March V., 1864. 20 00 n 60 to 26 197 75 183 25 4 40 Q 33 1001:111LIC notice .is hereby given that the account of _I- Jacob W. Meyer and Daniel filliter,'Executore of; affinTlN ME J N, dec'd.. whoa wee Trustee of John Leaser. a Lunatic, of the towneblx.of Bethel, in the County of Lebanon, has been filed in - the •Pro , :zon• entry's °Mos of Lebanon county. and . that the e ewe Will be pnasented to the Court of-Common:Mile of said County, on the Thirl Monday of ;Apra. next, for confirmation and allowance. when and wbere all per sons interested may attend if they th ink proper. HEN nY - FIEGRIBT, Pratte/. Prothonotary's Office, March 23, 1.864. 1 . . . Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company. - I LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO., TO the property hoiders .of the State .of :Penn . .1 sylveniar...-..GENTLEMEX : Your attention is raspostfnliy solicited to the frillowing low rate, of insur ance of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the most 1 flattering evidence of Public cianfldence. There sources of the Company are' mple to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ' ed them of being protected against loss by fire. The Board Of Directors are practical business men well and favorably known, and enjoying we entire contidanesand respect of thecommunityinwhichtheylive. ,Our Com pany is perfectlytnutua. and we invite yonreareful ady tention tether following low rates asweare determined to Insure as lOw as any other responsible company, taking into consideration the character of the risks incurred. Our ()DARTER being PERPETUAL., enables us to is sue Policies which-never expire, which obviates the no cessity of renewal every 3 or 5 years, .Th 9 Company has now been in successful operation for nearly 6 years, and all its losses have been promptly paid to the satisfaction Grail parties concerned; and, in fact it has-been, and still continues to be, ,the wish of the Directors to have the Company condoeted on honest and economical principles. ' RA4ES.OP. INSURANCE. Dwellings, brick or atone, slate roof $0;15 $lOO do do shingles ,18 " do do. Log'or • Fratne ,20 " do Barns, stone or brick ,20 " do do. Log or Praire ,20 44 do Store Houses, brick or stone ' ;15 " -do do Log or frame " ,SO " do Hotels& hoarding haulm*. brick or stone ,25 " 'do do do Log or frame ' SO " do Academies and School houses ,25 " do Churches and meeting houses ,20 " dim Printers books and Stationeries ,30 4 . do Book binders ' .50 -4 4 do Tailor shops • • ,25 " -do Shoemaker and saddler shops o g . ) Silversmith and-Watchmaker - - ,30 " do Tin and sheetllnn shops. - ,30 " - "do Groceries and Provision - stores ,30 43 do Tanneriee ' ' • - " do Hatter shops ,80 " d‘.l Grist Mills, Watar poker .S 5 ' 44 do Saw Mina do do .. ,35 " do Drug Stores • ,S 0 " do Smith shops, brick or stone ,SO .do do do . Wood • ;35 " do Carpenter,Joiner & Cabinet-mai: 4 r shops ,40 " dr Wagoner rind Coachmeker shone " do Painter and chair maker shops Oil Mills ,40 do Clover Mills - , - ,40 do Pouuderies of wood ,- ,14 44 do do Brick or stone • ," . ,30 " do Merchandise in brick or stone build'ugs ' ,20 -"- do do , wooden 25 " do Furniture in brick or stores buildings - ;15 " do do in wooden ,20 " do Stables & sheds, brick or atorte,country ,20' " do do do wooden '',25 - 44 do Livery & Tavern - Stables . ' . 4 25 " do TO 24U "5 10 00 lo 00 74 22 SW- Aid communications should be addressed to J. O 'HEILMAN, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa. Aar OFFICE at the -Attack limo Hotel." • Jonestown, Mardi 4,1862 • , Wanted AYoung Matt who han had ptnOoetWO. years experi. once in the Dry Goads ituniness, and can ppeek the Gannon andEngllsh langungwt Apply to - GOoDYEAR A. DIIPFENBACIL Lebanon, Blotch 23,1864. , *Jacob• E. 'L. Zint nit eiltnan FIitST CLASS BAIR-DRESSING - AND INQ BAI4ON, Market street, near Cumberland, and opposite the Eagle lintel. Being thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, hewould respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. , Lebanon. July 2,1802. N. 11.—The Saloon will•bfrclosed on Sunday. ---- $12,791,20 Oat-Lot s at Private Sa le; WILL be sold et Private Sale. 8 ACRES OF LAND, situated in Long Lane, near the borough line, in Corn wall township. It adjoins the land of Widow Fulmer, on the North, Win. Atkins and John Krause on the East, There is a one story LOG HOUSE, weather boarded erected on the land, end a good WELL in— The land has fine stones for quarries. This Una will make a nice home for a small' family.' . get. It is free from Ground Bent. good tittewill be. given. ADAM NITOta ELL N. B.—This tract is now coveted with fine grata, hal. of which will he given to tho puitlebeer. ' Lebanon, Jnrie 1:3 140. • ' Executor's Notice: .- -DUBLIC Notice is Iteret4 gri , en, that. Uttent Teete-7 mentary, have been granted to the undersigned, on the .Estate of CATHARINE: GOETTLE; late of Heidelberg. township" Lebanon county, da e 'd. ' ;pardons who knew tb•Waslvet indebted , to - ii leill.plmtneettle their accounts ? ' define fgainst Itirni plesevs• , all tho i e E a _ - ; 4 ,. ~..eatett,thenct -- Sbastrerstawr ..aeATITAN ;Apia ,Exiklator. zeqg • L./'t TWS J aar -- eLf A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES / GROCERIES. We bavo jnet--recele4 from. New Yorke fresh stock of GROCERIES, oust of Public Notice. NOTICE• NOTICE. -Towle & Carlisle SEND LL'S ;KUM% Cumber/and Street, Lebanon, Pa IRERVIIANT TAILORING* S S. RAASIT,in unck's building, corner °Mem. batiand street and Doe alley, bas on hr,nd end for sale, either by the yard or wade to 'order, a large lot of CLOTRS, CASSIMBRES, and V.ESTraGg, well selected from Goad Homes. Good Fits and cub. stands/ making guaranteed to all. Also Handker chiefts4ravats, Moves. Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Lieen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAAISAY. ebanon, April 9. ISM. qnited States Internal Revenue- Annual Taxee for 1864.- 1111 E attention of tax-payers is busby - called to the' provision of the Voited States Excise Law seise live to the assessment °few:mai taxes. By the sixth section of the act of July 1,1884, ft Is made the duty of all persona, partnerships, firms, es sodetioes.or corporations. made liable to any annual ditty, license, or tax, on or before at first Atenday of Hay fn each year. to make a list or return to the As sistant Assessor at the Listrict where located of the amount of annual income, the articles or objects charg ed with a special tax, and the vastness or occupation" liable to pay any , license. Ever; person who shall fail to make such retorts by the day specified will be liable to be assessed by the Assessor according to the be.t information which be can obtain ; and in such case the Assessor is reiptired no add fifty per outlaw to the amount of the new et ach list - Every person who shall deliver to en Ataiessor r Any false or fraudulent list or statement, with intent to evade the valuation or enumeration required by law, is sutdect to a Hoe, of live hundred dollars ; and insuch case the list will be made out by the Assessor or As. ststant Asseetor. and from the valuation and eumuser. stion so made there can be no appeal. Payment of the annual taxes. except these far Bear aes, will hot he demanded until the thirteebth day of June. The appropriate blanks on wi, leb to make return and all necessary information will be furnishes br the Assistant Assessors, to whom the returns should be , delivered on or before the first Monday of May. •J. W. KILLINGER, U.S. Assessor 19th District. Lebanon, March 9,1883,--3t FITS! FITS !. A .li. RICIINY, bleroliant Tailor, resPeciftilly an• flounces to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he has host retarnedfrom the city with fine as sortment ot • , CLOTHS CAS.SINIERES, all of which he will - sell or make up toorder at aces to suit the times, at his No.l Tailoring Estab lishment In Keitlell New block, 4 doom South of MO Buck hotel, South Walnnt street. • . - All work entrueted,to bis care, will be manufector , .ed the workniantlfe waxier as to fashion* and dors bility. Goode pirehased ebewhere a ill be cheerfully made up to order oo the usual itioderate tercels. Having bad yearn of experience In theValloring and Dry Goons business. and being inclined Id turn to the advantage of his customers al the advantages result acquirement, from said acquireeuni, be feele.eatisfled that will be responded to by a very liberal shaie of the pub. patronage. Frleada cal t Ogee to please we after that please your elves. . • July 8, 1363. Executor's Notice. - • - - N°TICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary' on the estate of WM. RAWI, deed., late of Efeldel berg township, Lebanon county, Pa.. have' been grant ed to the undersigned. residing on the toirnehip, cony. .ty and state aforesaid. All persons indebted to asts estate are requested to make settlement, and those having claims will present them without delay. WM. M. wkaoLsr, Er x eutor.. Shaeffershma„ Feb, 24, 1M • . D. S. -It ABE R, S wilotEsAtE AND, -RETAIL _ . . DR U C TOR LE Has been re .. , his New Building on Cumbersome • ' 'Street, opposite the Engle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa."' - staff g sub seriberrespectfully announces to hie acenalm rri Mamas and the public in general, that he his con -1 on hand a large stock of . DRUGS, PEREITMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS. CIIEMICALS, DYE STGEES, QARNISIIES, t. - TURPENTINE, GLASS WARE, ERESE-E%- HAIR: OILS, EXTRACT S , Burning Fluid, Surgical Instrumenta."ToilM Soaps, Ran gers, Tobacco, he. als4 a variety of Fancy ftrticleti too numerous to mention, which he afferent to rebel, and warrants the qualities of the articles as represent- - ed. Purchasers will please remember this, and. exam ine the qualities and prone Of his goodirbefere purchas ing elsewhere. Air PhysicieWs pm...citations and recipes carefully, compounded, at all hoina °Vag day, or night, by calling at the Drug Storeo:opposite:the Eattie Buildings. On Sundays the Store will 'be Opened for the com pounding of prescriptions between the hours of T and , 10 o'clock, A. M., 12 and 1, and .4 and b P. 3L Lebanon. Aug: 18 , 1682. .. '. 'DAVID S. 113418 R. LATEST NEWS- , °fge cheapest and Best Gonda EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!!' Boots s Shoes, Hats, Caps, dice TUE mndersigned hasopened one, of lira BEST AS SORTMENTS of I ' and of EAPSBest it S F O Tp lN llltti - rC.,I kinds, materials, which sell at prices to recommend them to purcha sers.. Of the HATS he -has quite a - variety of New Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringham and Monitor Hat, very beautiful and very cheap. Of CAPS he has* complete assortment of ail the New Styles, got 'in superior manner. with Sae finish ; -Women's Misses' and Chir— dren's Bairnorals, Gaiters, Congress Boots, Slippery,. and all other kinds; Men's and Boys' Bulmorals. Ox ford Ties, Washington Ties, Congress Boots. and' alb other kinds worn -by them, including. •BOOTS -- anit SHOES, of the different Varieties, at his cheap Store fn- Walnut St., next to•the County Prison. Thankfullorthe -encouragement orator public heretofore, I would invite all wishing. anything In my line to call and ciainfnemy , stock before maklig their purchases. JOS. BOWMAN: Lebanon, April 23,1862. P. S.—Measures taken and work made at ahort notice. STOVES. STOVES- . - • ATOW ie the Limo to buy your STOVES before cold' 111 winter to hero ; and the beet and cheapest place fe at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet IronNanalko- - tory of James N. Rogers, Tim doors South from the 'easter:me Bank, wherecan be had the largest and best assortment of PABLO% HALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Leba non, Gas Burners for Parlors or. Bed Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stove*, and a large variety of the, best Cooking Stoves in the. county or borough, which he warrants retake or roast: WASH BOILERS con tautly on band of an sizes. and the beat wisteria'. COAL BUCKETS—the largest assortment, the heav iest Iron, and the be made in Lebanon. • , Also, a large kick of TIN WARE, made of the beam material and ln.a ‘rorkmaalike manner: 4s be la a practical Workman, and bas bad an expel-loam or twenty-five years, be feels conflibut that. he easvape general satisfaction. Re takes this method , al 'attuning hie thanks .to LL numerous rustotuera for their liberal. support, and- he hopes, by strictly attending to' Lie awn, busintaut and letting other people's alone, to stilt receive a share of puplic patronage. : JAMES N. •ROGERS. arr Particular attentjonpaid to all kinde of JOHNING loch es Roofing. Spouting, fie., and all work warranted! REMOVAL NEW AND CHE AP BOOT' AND SHOE STOBEi 'PILE subleriber would respectfully inform -the elk 1 Metes of Lebanon and vicinity, that be has reams oedia BOOT and 9IICiIS STORE to Market Wear, nest bed touth of Mrs. Rico's Hotel/ Lebanon" P 6. where kekeepa op band a large awl well. • I assorted stock of all kinds of,,BOOT'S 8 11 0 EN. make to"Or4er SiII kinds of BOMA wet SHOES, luta at vary short notice. He al so keeps s on hand a large and.weliquaort ed stock of LEATITER, such as BED AND OAK MOLD. LBATErgli, CALI+ AND RIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND. FANCY GMAT/in. KID, LININGS,' ROANS.% RIND MOS. Sic.. and ail kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND YINDINGS,• such as BOOT-TREES, L •;:ys. BOOT CORDS and W EBBS, - , POW ORBS. HAMMKRB, rArg constantly on band s^ Shoe nails. P•^' aariarlialau" - .Btinkajlit and Fr 6 gand , atetorci 'eg l4 l i teou en .thglisirednliaatlSTmetbthiEd,foaniseitivihreeiltilli:Pt;etst°tw:eLitt°l7:l:Ftrianwnounl:74l4: favor bi— • m tp4o purr a wind° well by calling On s z otag,livam. whore. Lebanon, Min. 2r 1864..