~..14 4,- - , , Pll I;tt It f in-g: g20t29 LIMP MUNE? uptiamesmiEtumPrtaayz. featly and Promptly Expzuttd, atAke- ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, FENW A Fuca establishrtint Is now supplied with an extensive sissortritent 6110 'I'M, which will be increased as the patronage 'demands. It 'can now turn out PRINTINg, of every description, in a neat and expeditious manner.— ondun very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings; Blanks, Programines, Bills of Pant, Invitations, Tickets, *a., Ito. ar" DEEDS of all ltituiSAknamon and iindgmenttioNDS. School, justices', Constables' mid other BLANKS, printed correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." - * * *Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Ball a Year. Address, Wet, M. ISIMF4Ic, Lebanon, Pa. JACOB N1VE10.1( 4 10,jr,., TTO RXE - r. AT. 1 .. ,14:111:1; O FFTOE, north-west eorner.Market and Water Sts., [Lebanon, January 13,1861.-Iy*] 'ildtS idat t t .! , ,x.st ea, lay" - NCE removed to' CttinherianA • `street, onedoor , , East of the Lebanon. Valley -Bank, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebation,Ta. pan. 6,'64, ARMY AND NAVY 'PENSION, BOUNTY.BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AGENCY. BOYER . ..116.7ttcip-E. evv• ia,.vvr. FlUTE'underSigned, having been licensed to prosecute j. claims, and having been engaged in the,Bounty. and 'Pension business. Offers his Services to all those Who e thereto entitled. in accordance with ,the various SAS of Congress. All such should call or address at otter, end" make their uppl ications through "SASSIER BOYER, Attorney at-Law, . Omen removed to Cumberland St., one diter Fast of the Lebanon Valley 'Bank, oppoaite tho Reek hotel, Lebanon. Pa. P an* 6, 'et. "VVEIDLE, ATTORALEY -AT LAW, ()thee North West UphierrofrWater illaKtt 7 , : 4 ` in-T4:34,44SrIST** 30 ' 4 - 7 joi:non,NO;l,sososHiy.l , Y . , ATTORNEY AT LAW, riiFFICE in rooms formerly oroupled by Dr. Samuel ,Bohm, deceased, and opposite to the Black Rome Hotel, 0„-Inberland Street, Lebanon. August 26,1863 t. 1%; MA ?V VIV E ORAN "TIVORN EY AT LAW•, OFFICE , tirPibtuTland stFeet. - O. fe* . doois 'exit of the Eagle Hotel, in the Off.eo late of his father Copt. Juhu - • lidbanon. Sept. 9,1863.. • REM 0 VAII At STANLEY ULRECII ATTORNSY A•• - r - 1..AW 7 Vas, remOved is Office to ilditigeon door ens 'ilfil*EVerroilph !el Piro; opposite flip Washington Owls° t 0 BOUNTY and promptly of fenila4 .13R11,01rAL... S MACAO/tin .• ,LAWA . , lithe Lebanon. 7.oo,l,ol,tklittledtioctr.miitwe rebonou,ll9.rch 25, '63, • 11.7 r :IL „KO 111/MIX, D15'4'13.10T ATTORNEY, has removed his OFFICE , to the 11.00N1 littel ckcupied bp, Dr. Geo. P. Line a weaver, in CiiinberlaniliStreo , Lebhpdh, a ; few, - doors I , 3st of the Eagle Pore', wo doors west ;if 'Gen. eitlman's Ortiee.. • ' " LOA:6OWe. 170862. , - CY:IMS 1111" A TroitNEv-AT,LAwI-,—Qince in Walnut street, neat ly opposite the Thick Ithtel, Wad two doors south fn lifrniany's liardwarelat6th. , libunon, April 9,, , TO 1,11( F 1 .11 E ' S • AND CLIENTS. A S T obeli necessarily - he. bieut fromthe .Courity daring the seosion of Conpess. t I trglie,ipule. ar rtthagernenta,Nyitli 301 IN W. PA 0 . 1`.4/E;k4 ka'illotteritto, to t a ke ehergepf rny.legfd lineint..as, 'My &tide will he ket ,opett se heretofore alid - tlidru "ol tny'friends and baringleinl bufthees may depend:nponlifis re. ing prompt atutefficient attention. Islr.3l):an is a get tleman of exterrive' legal icurnink and ea. - int the bar. „I have full confidence in his ability . , ini grity and itiVrefore cheerfully ,contmend the inleregtif of iny 'elleuth , hri frien to his utift , and 'a'ttUrition. P . . W. CONRAD will alio rot am iu my - Once'. • • ' •.‘ 'l - '4U : ovine - Pa 'l)4c:2, 1563--3 in. .3". -17/EUR TTORMISY AT 'LAW, Office in SiiChtor'i; Doi!Mug, Cucubertnud scieet, Dearly oppobite the CQurt , tse. r [Lebilu e n,3lny 0, 100;.—tf,' ..11Dr. Samuel" S. - Rielly - - YFERS his prufftslocad el‘ertlces to the citizens.Of d k Lebanon and •icinity. OFFICE mt. the z4ldenez 01 Mes..le:DuCh,4l/0 doore,West ofOqic , o Dy. SA n istol it Lan, doo'd; in Cumlarladd street. Lebs'non, April )6, 1883 • - 6'lF - 11 - 1 - 1 . 16 f AVING• toested -tobianon offers bis proirsiion. I 1. 1 el services to the-public . Ofice , in Musket St., ingtotmerly occupied by his lather. Libunimi Die. 16, 1863. • . • • - • • • .. . • • - • -•-•• - • . -- - ..,FErtise()mis.:. , • „„•• pv . ..: '6E6% P. LINEA Ir RAI' IC R, /my Ortx , Vee:it r t . tn,fit . ifr. 1 1 ! .,.peniia,m ,„, or •utPe n oicroll, :It alai Aton, Exkihinlng Burgeon for Pensions, is pre. peied . sttenti to all'applichnts for Pension at' his of. flee, tplarket street, next •I) or to the Post Olnde. liittarP, Dinrritzfa.th,,§,tst.-6t* ' • —•-• DISSOLUTION 'OF CO-PARTNER arrcE is hereby , given tbaLthh:oo-pentner, hereiiitore• ex tst irik betireen -the under- Ateefi,:iienling in thoL.Confretioltry linsinviCin the 'Borough or Lebsnoo has been dissolved bi• nibtoal 'conseoL . The I . 4ent the old atOld•ror eektle ynetit, ••• •• • • JOSEP 'LOWEY, • Leb:,ii.b. 1 0 ; AM.] •• HENRY NAIIM. • •IM.Tlys bunion?" vipl be continued •Nrilio :under. signed, ' • '':• 108NPR LOWRY.. _ . . . LiVery • ripaZiAtibaerlyer.:respectftilly.ollKnisille Pin . hlic that futikettSdArbrod k bTAilifl at Ma Ho tel, in Market Street, Lebanon. Ile will affrays endeavor to furnish good horses and veldcles, at moderate prices; to all &- airing the same. Lebanon, October 21;1863 iiAito''iiiilidiiro Blue: . 16,4 . !I:1RA and Customers . of the . above ccubra. Wash Moe, will please take notice, that the La • are altered to read ••' • • . • . • ~ • • • •• • - POT UP•AT • .A 1 reed Wiltbergek l 6 . 3:01 1 1.T3'42 - No. 233 North. SECOND Street, PHILAWA : . • The quality' of this Blue will be the came !o'er/try respect. It is warranted to color more water then twice the some Quautity of Indigo, awl to go much further than any other Wash the , market. - "it dissolves per fectly,elear and does , not. petite on•the•clotbes as moat of the other makes do. One Bog dissolred in chair plot of water; will make as good a•Liguld••Blue "grimy that is made, at'one third the cost. ' •• ••: Ac it la trtalied at.the same price ai.the-Tinfta tick's and Inferior' a•tieleii, houeekeepers • *lll Ithd it very much to their iulitiontago : to ask for that Put up at Wlltbe4er s. . . , -• • . le:All Slim pnt lip after MIS 'save with Barlow , ' name on it is no Imitation. .The New Label does not•rogni re it Btattill:;* • • josfiir Sale by Storekeepefs ' Fe,bAt t . 'w.-eat. if. •'• " ' ' A iIEW SUPPLY OF WA - LL PAPER• FIE suberriber hae juat received from New ioric and PJAlndelphitt, a large stack of WALL PAPER. , ,FIREBOA RD, PRINTS, BORDERS; r• • a DICTIONARIES, SHADES, An., Sf,tie ;re/ JIMA idyls; now manufactured for the !Velar. tea . 'am the above Goods were all pnrehased at 'the vgiy !sweat cash prices, he is enable to sell stiecti,l,floeilify;ibe old price. ,_ before the great r ise in paper Ook ' . Of IVISDOW SHADES, he bow a large nod , plendnl Stock', plain, fancy, buff, Jgrieb lidd gilt, Ac. PAPER SHADES, neat Whim, plalnrgrebn, Won and gilt t Also, the lataq and aiMpltst ebrle of Fixtoirrs, tie has ale PS.gelfhPirl asonttruent of BOOKS A:;TD lON CRY on hand, ell of which will he wild OP the w9et retwon ills Store is: in .elniitiAdoet, Lebanon, be tween the. Court, Honied and.thed)eunl9t ,l o l ,„ dd.! . M., • ,„10401.1,,,GEt / ran. Lebarlph,lMacoh9, */ s2.dipitoipa4lo47l: • , as cVANTEIS t . 1 lc.' • •••% , t'l , '.' w'"will.'AjirriYoir_lilatollill per months, and all expel:llM, to ac tire haste, g ire cordwifejell; Particulars seat free. Address sari Bzwime Itacansa OOMPANY, R. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Oh io. May 13, 1863. VOL. 15-NO. 40. PROSPECTUS Cljs A g r. 1864. THE ONLY . DEMOORATIO DAILY JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA. • TEN. UNION, :TEE CONSTITUTION, AND TEE ENFORCEDIENT OF TEE LAWS.. THE. DAILY AGE , which advocates the principle apil;ttolicy of the.Dem °erotic party; is issued every morning., (QinnWs copied.) nod Fontaine : the • LATzsT, T,ELEGBARIIIO NEWS from all 'parts of the world ; with carefully prepared articles on troverifitient. Politics, Trade, Finance, ett., anal prompt editorial comments ea the questiop,‘,and - affairs of the 'day ; Market IteMiree, Pri ces Current, 'Steck' Quotations, Marino Intelligence, Reports of Public Gatherings ' Foreign anti Domestic CortespoMlencl, Legal Reports,'heatrical-Criticisms, Reviews,of Literature, Art and Main. Agricultural Matters ; and discussions ot whaterer,suideet is of ton eidriuterest and importance. THE WEEKLY AGE • .ig it doiniilete compendium of the SEA'S dB WEER', and contains the 'chief editorials, the. prices current mid market reports, stock - ijnoto. Linea, corre spondence and general news matter published' in :the DAILY AtiE. It also 'contains a great variety of oth er matter rendering it in' all'recpeets"afir-class Tam .ily journal, particularly adepted.;to the Peliticinn, the illPrehient; the Partner, the Icleelfhiiic,, the Literati met,,,iinit all classes of readers. , ft has., in feet every characteristic of a LIVE NEWSPAPHILfitted for the Counting' , Heine, the' Workshcip; the F.armer's Fire side, and tho Q,eneral !tender. , • - 'TERMS. DAILY. ff'EEKLY. Ous year, Tty B3uil. .$S 0010ne,Year: 3/y Mai1....52 00 Silt: Months 4 00'Sucit3ontbs 1,00 ThreellonOs 2 00 Three Monti:i 00 For any Perin(' loss than Clubs Of 10 - 17 50 three months, at the rate of . ..... SaTenty-trre cents per withan 'extra Copy 'GRATIS month. for getting up the club. !ire— Payment iiquii•=l invariably in advance. Specimen copies of the Daily and Weekly will be gratis to any address, on application. The,,Publishers of TILE. AGE-could easily-fill their 'columns with the unsought and. Most liberal nommen &Mons of the press throughout the country but they prefer that it should stand altegether upon claims to pub lin'iciiiisdence, knOiril and 'established. - They believe It has acquired this tenutatioii by - lthe minder, fearlessness and *depended - cc with : which it,bas been though times of extraor'ciin;iiy`c l arirusion of ideas on public subjects, and latterly:of ahnost unex- Witipled public trial. It is now, and.wiil he, as hereto. fore, the tfuphorter of truly national Principles, op to radicalism end fanaticism in every Tdrm,und ifeioted to the maintenance of good govern ment, law and order. - ' The Publisbers of TILE ACE aonceive that it-thus .renders Peculiar Services end has peculiar claims upon all men, by whom its principles are valued, and who, by' thoproper'diering, look to Promote and secure the Constittitional reaforation pt the Union. These • can lien show their Sense of the, great of the publishers, in behalf of this 'great - and Unparalleled cause, by earnestly sustaining this paper in ail MS bust uess.relations. • - AdJ .sq .4`OSpRicNNER &IVVLSTI, N ISALKEItt c" onherelgund would'reepectfully .inforn,! the ..zenebfliebanon, that helms cornmenectl ING BUSINESS,iin all•its varieties, at. hie item], If Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly, oppeeite the num Hotel. and will supplicusteinere with the best BlttLili, C,„9.,lipili, &a. „Flour received from waste:Liars and returnea to'fbein in bread at eheit notice. CO.NRECTIO.MYRIES of all kihde, fresh, and of, the best'quality,, coniitan* on hind, And forniehed at the lowest prices. Th= public is invited to'kice nle ` a trhd. • 3IYER serous .P3b non, Nov. 9, 1559 ULM* LONOACEII; .). • , .! • . 1010 •0. Ginn. • s • • LEBANON", lloSash.flr l Steltni , PPaging • - • Located on Use Slum-ilOusq itear Cumberland iSlrett, East Lebanon. rIIHE tindersignedrespectfolly inform • the public In general; that they . • 1. till manufacture and:lump on : Door, Sash, Shutter, • Wee ther-800 rds, Q • Geo • Spring Mouldings, of all. izee, Wash Boards. eating. Sifrbace: Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING fLIATEitIALS 6ir llotises.• nlvocodtitinct the latest and most Im proved Stair . Caving•andllland Railing, suitable • for large and small buildings... • . . •Ife now , invite - FarMers; Methanics and litailders apdessmitie,per stock, ,which we will warrant to giro ehtfre Atidtketieti tdell who may favor thstinder signed with their custom.: = 1 ••• • LONGACIZE & GABEL... • tebannn, April n. 1862. ' • • P. S.—There Is also all kinds. of TURNING et. I.Vni *shille Mill. Pinning,. Sully, Es., promptly done fur Mite win) may fitrnieb Lumber. . .. . • LEBANON' . .' ; '4O,IkOEMr• - .• rrililllt.tindereigrced hcreoy'in form the public that tan Lebanon _Academy is not Intended exclusively f6r the youth of the Borough, but it-,alvrayii did, and still dose receive phiiihe froirrahroad: • • ' Lately, also, the Directors have hriprored itsigeneral character. end (divided its standard. by refusing to'nd mit pupils without the necessary quelitications.and , by their continued core they hope to rni'e this school to Its srnper plecc . in the estimation of this communitye- 7 A limited bomber of pupils of the proper grade can be adulated from the count ry 'applying to .7AC013 CAPP, Vrcsid ut.. JOSEPIi SeemititrY.. • , : or ,to CYRUS 110GElt. Teacher. " tltir:Tattfoli coutivou and higher English branch es, Lath) and caeck. . • • $2 per inomtlf. Lebanon, Aug. 26,1862. • ... . - JOHN MATTIIES . -A viitti . rot ddOrni e 4 4 inilitikrjr LB/. , ' Ss' Pilt he S st iiinrket price will be .F0..14ei; for. whleh the e A P 6o 'T`ogs of wtaitclal`C k . ? Rm. toNs corn tb h ] i n g onttie of Ault 5 , 10, and paid In cash.• i:STINE & MOM. Lete J aetge • 'rebel rionf'ra. dloti, 711411- 247'64. READIUVG )171j.ITE R., A tt.ktAilQtActEN . . • 17. REAP TIIUN - LINN FROVVIIK'NORTH AND I_7 Norpb-Foat for P 111 LAMM:ILA, NKW-TOlt K, READING, POTTSVILLE, 'LEBANON, 'ALLENTOWN, Ac. .._• 1 t • Trains ilei.t.ye fariPhiladni Now-Toix. Reading, Pottavillo, and all intermediate StlWons,nt 8 A. M., and 2:00 P. M , paaaiug Lebanon-9.13 - A. M., and 3.08 P. M. •.•• . . , New Yxpress leaves Ilarrisburg at 6.30'A. 31., passes Lebanon at 7.30 A. )1., arrivinz at Now. York at 0.15 the same morning. Fares from Itarrieburk: To;Naw-yorkss 15; to Phil adelphia 53 35 and 22 : 84:11.'lliggAge checked through. Returning. leave New-York et 6 A. M 4 . .12 Noun. and, 7 P. M., (Pirrstsu no EXPRESS): Leave Phlfadel! phltverS:l4s A. 31'., and 3.39 P. M.; panting Lebnnoit 'at 12.17 noon, 737 P. 31'. and' Express ut 1:05 '• • ' Sleepin - g dars'in the New- York • .EXPress Trains,' through' tO *OM Pit tehargh withent change. -tlmOatawisealtalliorul leave Tamaqua; st'll.so A: Dl.. and' 2.16 P. 51. for Nett' York, and all Way Points. • Trains' leave' Pottsville at 9.15 A. id:, and 2.30 P. 31:, for Ph ilarlelphial'llarriabnrg and New Yrirk. • - • An AccOmmodatii , n Passenger train leaves Needing at 6.00 A. 31 , and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 I'. 31. . • • ' 621 - M p I eaboveteater - Aruu dallyginnuaya excepted. A Smiley train iraves Puttsvilll at , F.?.9 ,tg„ apa • Pifiltialelphie • • • .. • ••f..CoMinutittfon'Tickets, 41th '20.-C,iu:Pens;at :25; iprl, 'any desired:" desire" •. Idileage • Tickets, good for 2000 ili .fig lietio.Oek, all. points at $16'35--for Families andllitilltefill.Fikml7.. • • Season and School riqietig"a4;ir4loll, from all ' , Oats. Put sengers..are requested tb I :p tsite nger, 80 poandi naggage'athaweo•eacm • tickets' before entering the care, as higher Fermi 'arts 'charged if paid it, cars. • '• ' • • • • O. A .NICOLLE, • Dec ' 9, 1593 . ; • Genets& Superintendent' 1 562 NEW STYLES.* 1:1309. A Dial 41,1 in punka:jowl .I)et7r ,an Markatand the CourrlfOus&ftiortb Ode:hail now On hand a splendid akwirtniontl Of:the New 41 Style of HATS 1A ND OAPS, for mcn snd boys,tor lkbik* to whichthe attention'of the public is respectfully Inv; Hid. , Mate , c.f all prices,. from the cheapest tO the moe ciistly, always on band. He has alsojust opened a; eplen did assortment of fiII?dDIER HATfrounbraeing such al; STRAW'.. RANAMA,;;PEDAL, .P.EARL,,:HORN, - LEG" HORN, SENATE, OUBIAN, and all - othenn: ~! rw *9..Re will also Wholesale all hind. of Hata, Caps &e., to Conan ,. Merchants en advantageoue terms. Lebanon, April acoBe2. • , . b ... • trp. 430 CHESTNUT STREET, - , F. 11. EDIJR. ... • • LEBANON, PA., WE DN E S DAY,. . MARCH . j 3 0;: ~ ~, I, i , B_i.6, 4 ,. .:L, ~; Y , ? v) ~ r d o , r 4 - F s , i i , 4 . , ii / . . 1 . - f.„rr.:. W,..,- VL E ., .X 0. : . : . / :, 77 . ) . .. , . .. .. , . ....—......... ....... _..._ NOT. ALCOHOLIC. A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Exitract k PURE TON)C. DOCT 1400FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY 'l3l JA CKBOIV I Pltilad'a Pa. - WILL E FFECTUALLY 'CU - PE Liver Complaint , • Pyspepsia, anti( zee. Chronlo or Nervous Debility, DisenoeS of the Kidney nod all diseases arising from disordered Lifer, or, Stomach: Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, f ninon or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea., Ileart• burn; 1 isgusit for Food, Fulness t or inibe Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stornach;'Srdrou)j ng of the Dead, Hur ried, and Difficult Breathing, Filitt,ring. at the lfeart, Choking of Saflocating So n sethins when in trlY ing pas tor*. Dimness of Vision,' Dots or - .Webs ; before the Sight, Fever end Dull .Pain : in the Dead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowneas of the 'Skin end Eyes: Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,..te.. Sudden 'Flushes of neat,' Burningly' the Flesh, Constant Imaginings and great Depression of Spirits. And will positively prevent renew ?seer , Bilious Fever, ifo. THEY CONTAIN _ . No, Alcohol or Bad ,Wi . ? They nit.[, CURE the above dire:tees in ninety,. nine eases out of a hundred. . Inthiced by the extOnsice'sale and uniceisal 'popu— larity of Illootind's Gorman Bitters, (purely vegetable) bo.ts of ignorant Quacks , end unscrupulous .ad yenta 'rern, have opened upon mitering humanity the 'floiid. gates of Nostrums 'in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely eoinponnded hi) injurious drugs, and christened Ton ics: Sternaehhis and t3itters. . Beware of the innumerablearray of Alcoholic prep s:vomits in plethorie bottice, and, big bellied' keg's, un .tierthe.modest appellation of Biiters; which inetedd of curing...oply iggrawite disease, and leave ti e disap. pointed suff rer in dispute.- , ROO FLA N .0 pot AN RITTE RSI . 'Are apt a Mtgand - otrie:ff article, but have 'stood ihe: test' offiffeen years trial by the American "public; and their.reputation and sale, aro not,rivalled by any Similar preparation: The proprietors haVe thousands of Letters from - ;the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, • ' PIIYSICIANS,And CITIZENS, Testifying cf - their own, personal knowredge, to the berielXial. effects and inedickl virtues of these -Bitters. Ala YOuwAN'c;SOXlETulxti To ST II E N TUE N YOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE ' DO YO U WANT TO BUILD b P YOUR:CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL. WELL 7., DO YOU' ANT TO GET RID OP' NERVOUSNESS ? DO YOU WANT ENERO Y 7 , - - DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A BRISK ANDYIKIORGIIS.FEELINU7 If you do, use. DOOFIANWS GERSfEN BITTERS. Froth Ray..:: Newton Brown; D. D., Editor of the En , ryciepedia of Religious Knowledge. . Although not disposed to. favor or recommend Paf mit MedichieS in general, through. distrust of their in gredient- and effects ; I yet. know of no sufficient rea sons why a man may not testify , to the benefits he br- Haves himself to have received from shy simple prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bench t pf Miters. ' I do.this the more readily in-tegard to IleoflamPs German Bitters, prepared try Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them toe- many years, under the impression that they were chiefly en etcoltolie mixture. I tun, indebted to my friend' Rob ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this Prejudice by proper ieste,: and, for encouragement to try them. when suffering from great and tong continued debili ty. The use of three bottles of these Ritter's; lit - the her ginning of: the.present year, was, followed. by evident Mier, end restoration to a degree of bodily and men tal vigor which' I liad lud. felt for , six Months , before. and lied" altnoit .despoireff of regaining. therilieu thank Gel and my friend for dliectiug inn to the nee onbetri .1 NEWTON BROWN: PUILAVA JUNE 23 . 15. U. , Particular Notice. . . . There - are nutty propergitionsnold under the name Of Bitters, put up in • quart bottles. compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum. costing from '2O to 40 cents per gallon, the taste! disguised liy Aniae or Coriandor. Seed. • . • This class of Bitters has caused and will continue to miner - r as they can be sold, hundreds to Ale the death of ,the drunkard- By their ;use the systemic' kept continually it udeithe innbunce of :use. gthm tile!' hi: 0 rum worst kind, the desire' I'Vr Liquor is cre:a ted and kept up, and the .result is all the p horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and sisatlr. • - •i: .For.thom who desire and• tailLhare a Liquor .Bit ters, we publish the following receipt_ Get One Dottie. Cati-es derma Bitters and Mix with Three Odra' St Good Brandy or. IV7tiskey; end the result will be st prep aration that will far ireel in want:Mal v hints and truaexce Hence any of the numerous Liquor Miters In the market, and will cost much lees. Yen %rill hare all the cirtuci of Mofitintrißitters iti rObitectioti•with or:foci:article .of ,Liquor, at.•a, much 111$11 price than theou,tuferior preparations will cost yoU. Alkiiiiiii::geitliei'tii r!ili:Nts OF SOUDIEW3 • ,iVe , eall • th e attention or • ail having :.refationsiiid friends lit the army to the feet. that -1100FLAND:B Gertn . an Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures.nnd privations Mario& to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in,the news papers, no the arrival of the ''skit, •it will beimoticed that it very large primortion .are suffering from (Meat. ty. Every ease of that kind. con be rea•tily cured by Iloontintre 'German Bitters. niecesea- from disorders of the digestive erg, tsars speedilyreittoved. We . hitve limitation in'istatitl that, if Owes Bitters were freely 'heed motiag our siddiers, hundreds of might be saved that otherWtse will lie lost. . We 'call particular nitration 011ie renewing re. markable and well' authenticated cure.of ono of the Oottoo'N heroes, Whore life, to use his own language, "kai been saved by the Bitters :' •i AiMust gird. S. „Wears. Joints & Erqns.--W4lll, gentlemen, your II oaf. land'S (Armin Bitten has euved 63 , There fs Oo mistake in hie. It levotiched'thr by numbers of. any: comrades, Boomer whose name are :appended, and who were Dilly cognizant of all tho' circumetentet of any case.,l any and have boon • far the.last four years, a memberof Shermuit's ..:elehrated battery, and uouer the immediate 'command or Captain R. B. Ayres Through the exposure attendant upon any Arduous ties, I was attacked M November lost with inliammitrolt of the limes, and was fur seventy-two days in the hos pital: Thin was followed by, great debility, heighten. ed an atteck of dysentery. wee' then removed' front the White IrOpe, and sent to :pie city on board she Steamer ..State '6l Maine," frem whichl landed on-the 28th Unto: 'Since Ant time 1 have' been.* bout cut lots as any 61;0 could be and still retain a spark of vital RI , : For a week or more I was scarcely able to' Wallow anything, and if I did force a morserdowa,•it 1 , 1111 immediately thrown ep again. r , . 'Leonid not eyes keep'a glass of water on my Mont.' tick. 'Life could not hot uttiler.these eireumatauct.w.;: and, accordingly, the Physicians who had been work ing faithfully;' though unsuccessfully, to reitene me from. the grasp of ,rho dead Archer, Intultly,told tyo they could do no md tor tite, and wlvl9el me to 'see' a clergyman , and to oink,: catch disposition of ted funds as best suited out. An nCilltnintalNO who visited me at the hospital „Mt... Frederick fiteinbron, Sixili lielovi 'Arch Street, ark 'Ord me, din 'Milord hope,•to try:your Bitters, slid kindly procured a hut. Ile From the t line I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death reeeded, and I atn now, tank Bud for It. getting hater. Though •1 have hitt taken twobottlett' Mee gained tell innate, and I feel' gnu heing of refuted to rejoin my wife and &malt ter, Iron, whom I have heard .uotlitog for . 18 months: for, keetleMeu, 1 am a loyal 'Virginian:Dinh the Vida-. ity of Front Royal.; To your a isivaluabie Bitters IMwo, the certainty of lire which has taken the place of vague fitaii--4b Your Ilitteri will lowa theillorioue privilege: of Again clasping to my poseur thostawlio are dearest tO. me in life. Very truly piers, ISAAC MALONE . . We fully concur in the truth of the above'etitentouti; ne,vm?ital deal/aired of taming mu:comrade, Mr. Malone, restored •to lice Ith ' • • ' ~•3011N CURDLEBACL•Iat New Yeik Baiter : Y. . GEOItOE A ACKLEY, Co 0 nth Melee. . IS •CUEVAI.IBR,II2.I , New York. • •; • • i L, E .BFENCER, Ist Artillery, Battery F.. , J It TASEWELL;Co II 3d Vermont. HENRY 11.J.EROME, Co II "•de..;•i•,.!„.• •: :'• nony T 3IACDONALD, Co CAtb Maine, • JOHN F WARD: Co E•sth Blaine. .•" • ••' • . :REIMAN R0C11, , C0'11,721 New York. .14ATHANI Kit B THOMAS; Co le‘o6th Earle. 'ANDREW 3' •KI MISALB, Co A 341 , Yerniont;. • JOLIN JEN EINB, Co 33 100th Foulat • , • • ,fiqware of Gountyletts ' kek , ‘,tirat tbu elgoaturo 'of M*. JACKSON,' ,Is the W,RAPUltit;oPeatit bottle.. : • • • .I',ItICE. VEIL BOTTLE 76 C}'ET S , OftliALF DOE. FOR $4 00. •• • .• Staab Id year liwest druggist not biave ti a Argo* do not b.; put °lrby any ot the intoxleativgprepar t florin thriamei be offered' 'ln ite plate, kdtnenSlO tny • and wo will forward necurely pack*, by oxpre s! PRINCIPAL 'Of VICE AND 111ANUFACTOILY.' NO:y 631 - :t7; Jones , &.;Et r ans.. • :..; ,(su q cmitor, to C.. 14. JACKSON A C 0. 4. , t 1. Si ' :tr. A. .; " . ""r ,• air FOR SA~LEIby , pa,RFo. Itotp, opposite cbe Court f lioilde LinAicon, Pa.; Dr fete boaleiefn ever, town intim tlntteti States. May . 27, 1063.-Iy. Mindtaittuus. CAPTAIN , GOR DEN, TTIL HIGHWAYMAN: • ; The Scottish highlands, whieli in * the fierce and tfirhulent days' - of 'Oki, sent out armed clans - 46hfave . ors to every battle-field, weak and piping time of peace, pour forth innumerablehordes of cattle', 'te perish between the insatiable jaws.of the, proud Sonthron. At the .proper season, on .a ,set day, the stock is driven in from all the 'serOmiding re g ion to. some appointedrPacet--fithe foot of a mountain, the side ofalakei or near - a castle, or in the 'neighbor?. hood of a village, or-more likely ; a battle-field-L+and• herdsmen 'aro select ed to, accompany the different pore tions into which the clove is dicid L 1. So far, all, is plain sailing, cailiii. 161.• the display ofito sid Conerahle amon'lie o f skill . ; : bat`"hen, 7111773ti`ftlo.from thousand hills are gathercd;tegetWer, a competent chief is required to Mil duct the four-footed `army on its ;' - w ry - march • across_ the border.- 'Thia person ,must be .a "All are anti ,men human c0m1 . ," etc. ife Must he one in w h dm the o'a h Ora have ihe utmost confidenee—honest, brave and skit= ful. The ealted, is 'responsible for "eyerythilYk; '110:di- rects the %- mOVerdentOgiyes: the signal when to move or wlien'to - hlift='; is always, busy=now in; 'the. ; front and then in the rear; and is Consult, ed by his -suhordinatesin;alr.diffieul:: ties. Ile. knows. the, safest roads; over the wildest tracks -;;ge Malin= taro and thQmopr are as-familiar,to him. as the beaten path,; the ,prefers the ()Teen sward way, it ip pleasant. to the hoofspf his charge', and affords them 'a mouthful, to..the hard, and dusty public, road to.; distresses the feet of his cattle,, and,has tittle in the way of food. . . English parties. .on ,their way !to the north,,to, 4 : :00 Wild.. 40 and the wild 11111,, and • train the scenes of Scott or of r Qssian, are of ten startled by a dove emerging .from a glen, or rounding t,11,01 ! base,_ of ,a mountain,, coming low t incr.along, urg ed or directed by their Liyers„who i with Wallet on back ;- and staff t in }Mud are 'conducting theft!: to the south. - • • ; Besid CA •an the eareetiVall while on the mareh the-tops Man h` is to make till the bargains, dispose, o f the cattle„ and ; be responsible. for. their Videe tothe oVrners. ,Such a , pers . on mast' evidrently be ,a whole man, and just exactly such man was Kenneth, Murdock, the:hero Of our sketch..' • - ; • It was a bright .01011(111A8a autumn dio that Heirnetb, :4'lA:ride fu 1 horse,. with' lb*. broad:sword . blanking: .agtiinSti t kV! aild(11410; ; sold a Stito»g;ereti Avcilf:hound by was !pushing his Witt niiithward the • borderi'!llie - had •jast diNpOsed; in one , oftbe , English mark ets;:of knVW of the. - largest droves .ever. 'Jett file Highlands ; and ..with the proceeds !Of tlii sale iirhispiookets was•liastening. homdivard in °advance of his . Compan , '. ions ; for ibosidewhisAesire tto Ai:tenant to leis °yolk: th erb , was veitair; Maggio that •Itdliroittisedili ease his. cattlb sold IVit'di and well; 'tot transfei#: .to Mrs.. ° Mardoek, 'and •he was, therefore, very anxiouti• to gee on:as fast'tYossiblei for' he . kne* that Maggie A44as equally in'patient' to behold . him-4 -fly *ell°. she •In igh be; for n iliandaanier,i•bioadoiishoul',! dcied, mirlior-whiskdred: , yOangi. low is noCitifteir seen. I:! , f • • • • -t! • His . way lay :across4 - solitary . part of the country„and:.for - several' hours he had' seeti:no iother living creatures than . hiEi dog .! andlioree - ; but - as' - he emerged . frout,la;:little , . wood that bordered the , high Way; lio , perceived; a short distahte before him,. dressed, aristocratic looking , gentioL mcm,npon• noble black cliargeri itd vaneing iii the minie:. direction , with ~'• ; "A fire() dog, master the ‘gentleman ; ae he drew . ,tiyabreast; of him: -if I ' 11 % 2,1 "Pino-es a. fidtpe,f's irefted:Kon: , neth. ; • • • 1. • "A .lone Some • road I this!' • said• the stranger, "and!!I: ain by ..no ~riteand soiry to have met with a: coinpaniou." •• "It is a Solitary bit :Of l-trtivetifor social lad," . assented:` tlienneltl4 and. they fell into-a:pleasant conversation; that continued for some time:--iAts. length the strangerii . itylio °had. been , talking: ofthe- nuirshal spirit of: the'. Highlanders,: remarked:: ..• • : OAS bravo as your-Highlanders, are I—wender,liow you, dare • to.ravers the man tali glon *th , so muChiEnki' fish: gold t; as , you) drovers genebally have in your pockets.:: r • : • :0-• .r; '.l. ,Kennetbi•cori temptubuilyl I"if ; wck • hays English goldin thoq sivrisnif we haNe..Sent tigh steel :inlho sheath.".. i • . "A * good 'broadsword ds •a friend;?!.. said the stranger, -"but fkpistohis far qudekerz",)l:i • ••,.; • !:, : yin ito • "Aye, but apistol mayallisa the flint May , or -the , ball go wide;. and , then whatia , ,thegood- of. it ? Nci, no; give me that-good - steel. that's always :ready and 1 am, afraid of noliighwa l yritar in the i find:" "Not . fi+on the LonoWnd, Ofilitait? GOrdciii','Whaissatd j to beiMinewheiii in thieviciniy,"' digh: the Straiigai ba:nteiiiiig tone. " ' •• i for - Capt j ain.qyh•A,l Isfligeili; aleteribliing tti(; Imb-rail "with Andrew FerisiFfil there," nodding to the age wolf t4=mme ' . hotlnd .beside A c 'not foli,V)io nrinutep of totitilit hiskftie6 anywhe're.":''' .24. 11 f " WA" l exqlatT ed mw&sci exilreiihive of abuhtlisltollid offtilibiv'e, "is yoUt stVordi ? 'snt . h.'bindes :are sti t, fe.4//ln /' #a you.' tiotubt , Itly word IP i6ked K.olAleth; sharply 2. z' 9®#\ only ast - I' berofe.itearlited-I su eh - bladeS'att 'not; colt in'O'n 2'n gt= "By snpiter, s:4'll , Teonviae; then:Q `solo. treitneth; `-intnsteatifing iris'sivord,•'-pointin4 to' theliii.tat' iter's-ifame.and thb date:- ; ;; Icritigns yon say,Tetiliedt, the Other; poising 2t in Iris;hniic thcinght weigh - the- 'weaptin-, 'rather .' ,. th.1.11;:t6 a d n ic rA it. -I'l , • it .7 • "Take Kenn oth' V.Py a swofd," • The-§trktiger a edibbythe and thalcingAriSrhoii;e'leili) sutidenlY, forward,:struelp'sueliar.fdroeibusiblbw; ,at poor Braft=l;thatl his erad flew at awl turning upon the petrified: - drover:e. • "Yoni; coley ;or y 4) ur 1 iftit . iyofil see that even a Highlander ma. ..he. triattled."i''; ."W ho. Satarr'sonanie you nl, -gasping klenn6thi,{ tun e - kpected iturn. affairs; .1.) ad ta ken`i "Lam that Captain Gordon i -rhoset face;yoa.proposed tot 4pit:int.o bad sworn, toltake you :rowfl weapon : DOW dismount; and shell tliktdroye df„cattic out of totii.:Rocky ; ', ;: Refusal, was deatholesistance.hope less,-and haw - as-forcedt.o'kleliVer , ny the 01, d I ', 4. ' d s,ll T bo:.believe dt,inf Breadal l helasizbe , cast a-mourrifat ghtiVeiio',(lll'`",4.`: go od og, : and • at „Alio sword; -footo - a4n'obbedt 0. reSt : easy on thaelleal":, : said. the - robber; sarcastically, 4"for 'Lb aye foiled 13dtter Men thal - r:Ycin3:,": l2, 6s'ideg 1, intended, for y . onr insolence:tO7b.C= stow -a token °iv. yore - 6 shoW that you were""robbed !ay - itirei#yotpd - .: , f-: XiaY. 4 6 5 1 m your. rig4tNild ' 6r IZ L- tte, tree stump:!' 1“, • • To' lose his 'right fir iii' .ways horrible' and he hCSitated.Ankrecoiled.; 1. 'Down' {with it!" roaie . d bei-•making . ' the brightblade flash in the sun. Di:own iwith.it,sor: you' are dead man."!-- . Life is, swuntrerurttf — tto,kr:yest, std Kenneth is hand , • oerosS :nth" IstUinitx ?Miming all.lia;l4ltri 010401 itbt.)44 . ..criya ;Om m rptillop amg,:Ab9 •P , 7 ( round his head till WhiStied the, gr. 'AI. this l ast nVotkent u a brilliant thought troefiltfeli lfighl fender ; As the slistrrikteellenme) dowin 40. « KkddeulY. jerked. I #44rP AWN • : v/ 11 0 11 00. t 4 , 4 4P bPriAck kteelf hit& tits , tope green • wood. rn BUfoilif ho' V 6611.1. or' redo - -61.. "1116 i -self :.ftSiutTtfiebToTi, Kenn etli: 'was eipOnhini. Lille; i; *Mr% wind, ,A,O.opt .bupixeraitt: stroggto c'n§gq4,-; W s hie)4;igfluited: Rite k-, the disadvantage' 4;We% robber 'that. *itii . a":iiilacet . 'cif he . 'Way; ; lea f zuffkm) neth'e hors'6l4 , liielit:ATArtlie n earest, addled "htv'ay trithz ttie-strifit 6eghe wind: •. Our harp Pii3OFFITOII9(h3r-ell tat,l.l4).k of following. sfs•xeeAvOkl.Ag. liis sword, and gatheringnp :the gold he had so nearly losti hestreide the; robbdr'sgaddle = irhiekllo4:4equen% : 1:7; 'fifs'e."6Ver,4l to . he" ',lftglYed l *4ll a . ' large amount of treaSure,and sold: paabed forward to • the , reildence• of: tlio futuriflirtl. Komiettl: 7' "' tee 1i id " tli'o;sutisfaF ti&o:of'. hearing that 'thee romikvned l Cla;ptaloAordon, but been rtin thituer. the some uri I achy , tray e r'• i ,:.:141cLai,Aps - ',Re - p0.itit:;::,..:,7:, The id I ?yin is_ the 2 :06n Olaf* por,tion ,oialie-*ll oll .P4qoPi .0. 0 2.gge .11 . 3,..-flodlellan, otihe operakienscif:the, 41 . 93y,e4 -the Yptioroae tw.hile •nmier his .ce i inump4,l. lt, hal:, UnagSigging). I NO 0 Abes..anl9 Wall one of :tbe 11 204 1 ., eloquent . P,ailsag,es,t, in 4114 IligbrY , P.f , 4,inorieft.... : Me ektl) cepocially„liugat : , ten Lion of the soldiovs of ,that,army ,to t the Words of their commander, ap.d,it they can read-it-without-a-tingling of bldod throne) ' titelr Voiiiff: tliVii-e 1 different frinibtli'erspofilS'i4 ' - 'T . "! . 'Poi ind;ll6 l 6;gitAt siilliletit te 'sly that myi 1 eomracie ..ivei.e.. vicettirs .bii every field-savv- um3ramd-t4re the ensiuta i tge'• off b'ILV 'little iliorb thgril a singleicerpsiaebomplishedritlin. °blue of lAA Agliting,,,ml, ,t)y , Beepr,ing i pp, thp, arinY, its slll ) sit' 0 o : l lPriginVis ldft to the enemy a .iumlimi an ,bal•- i . ri ,• +iotors ... i enemy . :-. 1 1 . k' .1...nal 1 ~,r The army 6f thniPbteMac+wan-firk# Pedueed , iby the rsvithdit,wal from may command pi, t l l - ,! / e f.l i vial% of f fGeneral 1 B i k e A' ker, w -? ie i n)V a tll er o t () tIA litiufitpin department, der'General 1 Piemont. ' We 'lnk Hdar'chl landed on'tb'e Peninsitlaiwlieivit wet; frirtlhiv reduced by a. , despatch ixitio.king ar previous ordergiving me-toommand at' ForrvetV Menrcei andluiderTwilioh I had expdotedite talvt tem - thousand. nacill fr01it...4 01 leinteko, *Lig- 41 11. 1 PPT , orations, . TAgn, whe . i? under, fire, be &rift*, iteferideslofXrmliolvhrigtre ceiieofth'e'rieWebfihe witbdi•awal` of Grenernl.MoDitiwint'oeorps , ofat,onvBb , • OQQ ment attis,:c ompleted ,Aheigme,t i throw of the original plan of,tbois,Rsm : ," paign. ,A.boatzuoi,....Wpip2r-my entire armyi Afire divisione 4uitiordootepb, olt tl ilhme repTikiiii)Vppitm t lilt i arger an, a 6rin ...) %act us ttleiltlffiktlie.' (- MAR 'lit% I lk it advance vlllittly PIMA 313 ltilWailliti 4W by a flank movement up the York G7N. r=r‘TZ, NEE ^ , 1 ,' Effl MEM ` iOli6siatelroAe tMsfripti Thit'rileiga:CVAraeAmftilist eola*eted•hby-Iyhh • aiway, and,:when Atem.strom werip,at,leintli ; yielded NyeBV a PßP ee l i f e, he rafct to the sanguinary bilt sub a'bil?Fe ilittiafFeltra 141113 biierindfari r armost nfiresisttd•ad. Ranoei to:thei banks :of. thafVkiiekahank d 1 • beforetb Mg- 3P ic ,,M,„ 4 1 1 , - 1 / P 44 1 7 TouTle!lyirttitplifieftthißp, an gee - eft With thhii! ' trospeeV•did shitifefta coiiragd log:that b•riavia rinem*lib cord- ROPACAIY. g 31 4F,RaT444::-.A10 4 2g 43 1 , in 9 1 1 P.lM•AueFoxt Mick 4M,t.liess of our undertaking 4ad • be grand re 'ifilietieDiMilir olt• bur fitiltie - ideeliil e 8 to plagkekhrifiled? TlierivelitticTr was sternVineyend pre-1 goldent,; the) d9PPlA o i l ,l;ei6thp Ppninen -114 Ke 4 4A i lViekt9AerPlaftternM;r 9 1 °: ;Otetcabominy rose to a , liter sta,ga t Ali ad% eat'kiiiWit for4Yedia'beibre.• PeQuitik theuadir'affiew,z thiterosaiege '.w,;ere seitail6 arts ithe right.enthig:ek- - RdsdAr VTikA:oesfk." 211 4 (y l•Mn i l nev Y Ftiffaisgt a NuPP;P" , es. chair upOn' arrival or :A=l eh * Oa qonifslVtdPeilFee:sl ) (3ictliel conraigtoib*ititedif ilaablattie:Cotaitt.:lloerti.CMTOPTlOUStai was f°%l3tcht.,&kio-19Ptl'aq51:7030.f sway . 'for tile hrw!ioiagt., ; .;ash2t.l.l , ; - 'ai'd of ,Nghiatotkaa , Atctennieg •I,f never • earee, , ; The orates army.. ie TRU 114 'ad • nvziee, 1116&i.t Ail it tidyer ;Itrisoining disa*iietftient- - tbidn the,' 'army' of:tholPotomae then , didt • Quire attests their..couraga„anti en-. •durar)ce,VAti! tioyiktple4,4ak k ef,oll the iabtlyeapartar„Aaii 18:04:of the ewe 'RUN Al t l n lo 9, 14 . 0 0 Pr >q°,o4ll i !itP °- cainpliali . tale e .fhat semnea to :1111 , 0d toaree - wits left--'4.- , llitidoinlarei l t; in the, flietr.of apo*erfai, emy to. an r 4 . 1 , ' 47 V, 3 l:lf9 l .4l.pptttipt )2a l t`iTon,. Of t ' gik; nrvp*Effit i S . 0 of (tie Ilatornap; helding it:Wulf eVe trial m ost tlre""glif6tr ,41ft - Otrentrse, , hi its)baddes, wis7eire al; 'titffkoccasinnz. l The savea-days are: t-PEIRLISLOgitOPAY,i - Pli'ser date ,7illet the ,n solfliargof Vtion.aiAtlbnOitiiii4i fosininiihtsring dattithy"day, and r*:' .treatetietrotri eadeessivaz vietofiee byr ;loop, tiMmighrigotook: of battle; • close-. ,:ing the terrible wipes. of. )c nStjgo, with the 'eie.r.ananibrabla,vietory of Maly ern, • mil) eve n trii ay; drovtr ,Tack, titgton,Bn4,o)b_pttlriPo I ;4..1 1 ; 1 tin PaSk t 'ern ariny.,o, the' cOnfederaey i gnd lii6eibd for theitihdliiiiii i)fiteeprieit . dPa 'point; ibtli WOW . d Van deli 'third natplabq fr•'oht, : tho bailliant the ..T.anyee.:,-..,Rich mania - nay eE t dm - JAM* ° A r TlOP;s i t c l htalllX:'94 o lP ? tk i n?e eon re- enforced ' permitted ladValide. dobiledle, aliefl oaditat &t thinitviebsedieentlefela proved, in4tvill(?;prplailedrixOffaphing4' tRA,!# I I.4 W.9.7.QTEtP.rderP4,sftahnnelpn, 'the pancipalgn., ,Zlaver t did, ,soidtars, battel• deserva the thankp 'it' hutroil Anfidt:tfthe Peliintailabamp'aiM nridT • alth °ugh , ' dhoti , :need I New ; ”it th h froth thetil 4ry!..4ha-ant.horibies, I am pativalmiedtteV faavevreneivedahorap- PJfilleterfortitgooA44i4Mprele: , e T t O l,l 7n Y ?i f APR °t lFV•il v MAits ealfed iron? 'o; Rietimend,, and, tife'nfnii 711.: Ttieg'disal*oinimehtii 6f Vie; ,eanipaignxm the:Peninsula.' blid‘-ildt daynped-Itheir; ardor nor , diminished their vatriotisrA, Th . ty, -fought 741, fiiitilf9.l,ls;,.gallanfly, -under ;General !POlSe*,••yet:Eveitg boillpit Id ) fat h4Syt'' wifehtegtowiadroiit&liitalibiast; demoralized:l • rs-,:••• -1113 i f, itneapri ,Aoe,longerfoponpied)in. I,l43rgifett9YPlßlTival.. Reu t cssi pis, I rogpt. no4 . )v i ard, tynteredoittrytit*t . 01'61101141d ' linnayliahillT ilia even ' 1 Webhi ngtoliti - thelt L ;Elated ' VS 7 li ia Ye- ' I cent: victoifes;aand• lassurod that. our: tkoolksi : W *WO i cok.ganized .ap 0 di§pi.ritl! " d,,lip .117ii.k, cp;u#4ent., that .t4p • seat qt Nfli7r:was now i vierinanently _transfer- 1 rea . teibilofitirgfatei,. and' Unit' his 1 ewirialfaustbil'iioilAtasib ho igefitivtal • froin , :tlia burdenhaf isupportin,g• tril Ini4tilel.gniige.i., Bathe did. mott.nu, i derstindlle * spirit which aninnat9d the soli:mil -4 g' r the 1:1* oliOn: 1 .,1a1l not' 'do'r•cli f h i llivieefoitieti 'dad' Vliber wa6 biltiercid't&thC kftini nisuld NSF , Off . trompir for,fhe defence*: atethe ilespital; the soldiersl;withouriciu ; (l)oKl abated . 1 9. 1 1aPP,h(fIfitb1 3 al l 4 o o:).44ld.fittiN l 94 . stilferi&r. of, the wir,.i had not 1,0 t! ttleir:SaiblihdPfn liip taq,lielV 63iii! .matidor:t.' Tar Airawk: fir qtyttian with . itl I , thtiir. &palm t-vakdf, disbipl inti Antl,epallage, ~T led,theei int 9; ALary, /1 1 4 51't f.10.-eiVefillX B 1 1 4fte,r; :il'e.Y. J 444. fallen lima u6Ai i lted Ipfore iy l u t hin A'Ba, iiiii)viiii s piiiies 08 lbliei'xiV” bit! thite'rfigged'heiglit'Sthitlilfdtlneltiii; !puratiedibila:lto 7tlie hard;foUtchifield• Ph's fin:tie tturi,lanth xtrp vis 11 ;m il ; bre); e 0 * ?l, l 9bt i s,Ml3hltOf i nfATii, e kt i ell6, o 4PW yip y tfgteia,. , „ : i. •:1 .ii. . . ' Th e'Rni3ifiaff e ittbd lit'W'sl- . . -- Steer' ttit't4rrible eip@sriblietrabf Battlielind inarciiiie,. liitir.searcelyi ay i ntirval , of, repomi o which,theyiliud a gone thßengh Acigk.thp„l4nw, o.f lcari n g ferfthc! i t9e 7 nstile. ; t he return . to. Washilifftop.; , . t tifett6fike in it'd "lrjig e ; -th6 -victor ) ; j atliblithgrofilitaifi ) , l iirid.V.9.:al it lit' IA WI tiataia?ifitliniir nett snrinfigiug thAtt .hey were in a large degree destitot of the absolute-nocessariesto effective duty: , Bhoidiwerc *ern Utit ; Ablaik eta:ward:l°4a ;.,elailiing .6vas ill wagam IR ealiorlik Alta ELM Y , "-nid! anfACIPTIA% tfy:itisary,icp, ! an4 an s ip.tewl4,r req. atilleijui nent wiiA neet4Ary: "Ittlen l ttid sffitv v r:foeiiiirriftitrWtilkeivoiondi , i isy-uslit ' th6ftworitisitsa iii ,- 141;46. nuw:va teitotefrdslu:dp lie ifg - oftiPOrttiOri 1 1.04eilil in% ARO 401 1 ,$ ) , !Ay rAI: tr,.. n 4tingAGOo fi trEgiap w crA yps 1 egnAdtgit iif4lqeisi6 vieofrif - alf gi 1 tISISTfn i dietiorilifisEitrie ffriM 70 , ? tifhl 1 b 4 1.7 1 ache' gull; •wiltirtetivalylittivom , to fat milk tbeteuedir TassisifireOvoli from the command: IfflißA A FAMILY. ...WFIN-AP1A,49011 AZ Tlty .FMninSik*IIROVIMMEPEO - E LT . . 37.1crit. 8161 7 of Fnnek's Now• Building, Cumberixnd lt AU One Dollar (17111 Fifty Cents a Year. .o's-AevemnsemexTs men tell at the MUM rateti..."ia ip.a..ITANDIGI.I.S Printed at an boom notioe. • RATES OF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free lu Pennaylrania, out of Lebanon county 2y 6 cent! pel to:tarter, or Ift Oenta a year. . . Out of this State, a% eta. pey.quarter, or 26 eta, a year f tho postago is not paid in oat - once, rates are &milt.. .." ita " - devoutly ;matelot to God that riktriatertlipingn with this brati artily war t erciwned. with a. Victory which ; 4110 , -111144Qp• from : the neatest perikitc.had.,then; pndergone Lhave.iiot ticsomjilishe:d . 'myl purpose this 'Mport,'iliii'array'ofjll4 Pdtomae is tibt, - gime :htte-bil stns roll• :of Inciter/CT armlet, - ..rif :the Its deeds -ennohlethe.pa,lion t o . w bleb; ik.l?elongs. Always.. -rfgl4.l fu r . battle,' always firm, steadfaStAin trdstftftliy;:l never 'eallod on irain'i• nor 'will the tiiition-evdr,lb&A %Auk tea'ttfilmte its: Wantoftenceess; woderi:myself, or under :other :Amax nuknO9'si. t. 9. 4nY Ctiku'A patr iot' , ; th at hod,* e s.a. A:therian No man can justly charge upon shay of - that airay;% from the cam ' mending general to the private; auk leek - of devotion to the service of the United' States government; and to , the .e.airiieuf-the Conetitutiou'and the' . Union, - They have-proved their feili ;by iir ii irch 'eorroa►, suffering, dager 'arid through , ' the very shadOW of death. ItTheir • - eZunrides deid. L'on' r al) this elds , .we • fought- hive .Scarcely moire elhinvto the home - I-4d reverenee than their surviv. •ors, to the. jfisticeof a nation's g t rati ;bade. •,;-!. • ; . • . 1i; alp I • very . 'reitsidfullyi'• 'your : obedient servant . ; : •• . • • : -3, 7: GEORGE B. XeCLELLAE:i•7^ -•i : ; ,7fujor .General; .B.: Amp AN UNFORTUNATE , MIMIC. 7 - S , A correspondent of the Agriculturist :mese': • "A young lad of this- neighbor. , bond: whom:we will> call -Thomas, has practised :imitating the sounds. nude by 'various animals, •until:' he hai become, quite expert at it. . 1 11e:often sefs.the":hens in cackling,!.. the: ling -to •baiking, or:t he cow to running for her calf by; mimicking their. cries. 'Being.) inn :eft mischief' , lie loves to play praCticalijolfes.q. On one canon he led a husiter a Chase 2of .nitire than a, m,ile through Abe woods , lay, imitat) , ing the chatfering ofs4gcay:'squirttel, •iand: keeping just tiut4otsight of thesportsmarr: [Je was partly, - cured of such .prictice4 however, • by, the ,following .occurrence? A 'man living near hadia , great. iivershmir to cats.. ,. ;Thogn as, •knoWing : ibis Moved' to tease