The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 23, 1864, Image 4

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Obbr .13Litti 4.141.1V1;7^. The
Kone.lticablue laws are, wosderful stuck.
thought hest to presetite aum
for the benefit ov future .;rosterities whn
cum after us.
No man Oar t . 013a - b.ker on:,§unda
unless he sWa.tidwetheilift. '
It chant he - jawad for a hired man to
set down in aniarvest;field to rest, unless
he 'set 01): a Sharrstone.
No man shall -have a 'rite to lass - his
, wifp o inore„than 3 times a da, unless by
harikiiteri request fn writrng , -.
finds'. a' pease ov inuney irr
4the-biway on Sunda, when he is gain' tu,
tAaretiner, it shant to lawful for him.,tu
Ipick ;if uii fill after the iettin ilia
41 1 „pm
If a Deakon swops. horses and gets
•:eheated, he shall be turned out ov Church
.and pay a fine ov 4 gallons of Nu Eng
land rum.
If.envy -man swears out loud he shall
pay stile ov 10 shillings. If he swears
to himself he shall pay a fine ov 3 shil
lings and the kost ov thekorte.
No than shall have a rite+tu vote or
get married who kant eat pork and mo
dams and , repeet the ten. commandments.
No young woman shall have a rite to
get married, who'kant maik giod punkin
•pize without eggs into them, and who
kant maik a doughnut that will keep at
;least one]year.without loosing its twist.
.etnuous , tr Taus !—The Lancaster
"Express publishes the followine curious
, Inoident - Christian, Zimmerman, Iresid-
Ing'near Weirville, East Earl 'township,
lost a yalnable horse in a singular, man
mer„o ,T4lsoay of
. week. He was
,p)ooiiiirwitii three horstt in a field
when the whole team suddenly went
o dowri in a •'sink hole" to the depth of
«..nine• feet. With .the assistance of the
"neighbora two of the horses were , taken
out of the niiry- tomb, .but the third. sank:
triit Of sight , in :the' abyss and could:not be
recovered. No similar occurrence •ever°
took place in that section. .
X little girl 'Who had often contem=
Voted the very aged appearance of her
grandmother of more than eighty years,
her,face wrinkled and time-worn„ran up
to heitorke day and asked; "Grandmother
were you alive when God made the
:world .?"'
' le" We - do• not die wholly at nne
death; we .have. mouldered away long
before. . Faculty after. faculty, interest
after interest; attachrrient after attach
ment disappear ; we are torn from- our
selves while living.; year after year sees
us no longer .th; same,.and death only
conslgns the last fragments .of what we
were to the..grale: _ •
i A gentleman seeing some cows in
.AMeld grazing, said he did not wonder
- thatthe grass did not :get high, as it was
,feetW'd down. Again seeing a cellar near
- ly finiihed, he remarked, it was an ex
eellent foundation for a story.
Mar A thick headed squire, being
worsted by the Rev. Sydney Smith in an
argument took his , revenge by exclaiming-
I had a son who was an ;idiot, I would
naake Mm a parson." Very probably,"
Said Sydney 'but your father had a differ
ent opinion."
• • •
2110-7 There .are lour kinds Of readers
--4,he' sponge, the funnel, ttie strainer, the
sieve. The sponge sucking up all ; . the
funnel taking in at one end andletting,
out at another . ; the Strainer seperating
the wine from the lees; the sieve .divid
' ing the bran'from the fine flour
xter Because you can't get ,all you
want, ticaft-oralcct What you can get.
'Squeeze out 11,f the world all the juice
there is •in it.
bite' Desire to be able to command
and use the knowledge you possess rather
than indulge in the vain wish to know
bar Every man, who cheats, or scan...
tiers, or steals, adds to the aggregate
gait of the nation.
sm., Never associate with a fellow that
does not pay his debt. If a fellow won't
pay s his company won't.
ScAßott,—Men who mind their own
Barfowls Indigo Blue.
• BALERS and Customers of the above Ce/ebra tat
Wash Aim, will please take notice, that. the La
~r are altered to• read
• 'lndigo Illue,
mil , LT AT
Wil t b'e rig er's
IDwit.tror tarricomtm,.
No. 233 North SECOND Street, P.HILA D'A.
The quality of this MO° will be the same in every
It is warranted to color more water than twice the
same quantity of indigo, and to go flinch further than
any other Wash Blue in the market. it dissolves per
fectly clear and does not settle on the clothes as most
•of theotber makes do. One Bow dissolved in a half
pint of-water, will make as good a Liquid Blue as any
that Is made, at one third the cost.
• As it.fs retailed at the same price as the Imita
tions and Inferior a. titles, housekeepers will find it
very intich to their ad vantage to ask for that put up
- atoWiltterger's: '
BS.AII Blue put up after this date with Itarletv's
• • name on it is an Imitation.
_The New Label does not require a Stamp,
lIMFor Sale by Storekeepers g, florally. - 7
Yeb. 24, '64,-6m . if.
!film übdersigned would respectfully Inform the cid
. /ease( Lebanon, that he has commenced the BARR
ING BUSINESS, In aB its varieties, at his stand, on
Cumberland 'street, Lebanon,: nearly opposite the Buck
Hotel, and will supply customers with the best BREAD,
OASES, &b., As. Flour received from customers and
returned to them in breadmt short notice.
or au. kiiidt, fresh and of the beet quality, constantly
on hand, and furnished at the lowest pricers.
Th s public is invited to give me a - trial.
Leh nen. Noe.% 1859. F. 11. 1111IIR.
Door, Sash - and. Pianing
.....1111M-111 - Lar
Z.4akur ori th e Steam-Rtuse Road,:near' 4 mo tad
street, Avst • -
• llrriz undersigned respectfully inform
the public in general, that they , mp i r 1, •
till manufacture and keep on hand,ld
"floozy Sap; Shntter,,iiiinds, Flooring.
Weather Aimee 0' Gee Spring vizi.,;l`=o
Mouldings, of all Rises, Wash-Boardn. eating. arbaco.
Cornices, and all' kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS
fOr Rouses. We alto construct the latest and moat im
proved Stair •Casing and Rand Railing, suitable for
'large and small buildings,'
• We now invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to
cell and examine our stock, which we wilt warrant to
give entire satisfaction to all who may farm the under
signed with that' custom. .
Lebanon, April 23,1882.
P.ll.— , There le *leo ell kinds of TURNING at the
Mime Mill. Fleming, 'Sawing, de., promptly done for
those who may furnish Lunibeir.
*Jakob B. La Zirnmeremeavils*
Llta CLASS HAIR-DRESSING ,AND F.iNi; SALOON, Market, street, near Cumberland.
itsubropposite the /tree Hotel. -Being thankful for dui
• tibeitketronage heretofore extended "to him, - he would:
3res 11,y e ecetthananes of the same:
bezobsluly 4,1162.
N. 1.---The *aeon will he dolled of Sunday.
• Public
fitIVITLE. be sold at Public Sale at the - residence of the'
,If ,efithEcriber, beig, Zinn's Mill, on, the road 'trading
to K . m.11 forriv•;lz Freilep. srntUh Sh7l , -.) on "1
ATTLRielly, March 26 '64
The'rellmajrtrj6 . 6lMTroperty; T174,—.
I .i.t..71r. TfOlt.. - E, I COW. I 1101 V,
liroad-wheeled Wagon, t nar-
Curringe, acC.,
Rockaway Spring; 'Wagon, 'IRV
n o, F. ,, cighs. . • , •
, . - - - •,
Lot of neyr:l RON, 'Wagon:
:gars' Todle, kibia;
and.a}l descriptions of WOOD for
tl'x.;nn Makers. 2 .4ers tiAll liiSS„
2 Wheelbarrows. (ono_ottew'.). - 4;m:- ,
At am-sante UM° and pIanSTOVES, BEDS and
- Tables. 'etiaira, •Crtfboard, Desk, Cl , a - ts,
,t 0 Looking Ola4ses,' Kettles, Pots, Pans. - garrets,
Tubs, Meat and etirer :Stands, Crockery and
Queensware, and-ilarge-railety of qtber ar
ticles too numerons to mention.
Sble to commence at JO o'clock, A. M.,:wben terms
wily bo , mide known. - .by•
Cornwall, Erb.. 17, 'St PATRICK BROWN.
Personal .'Property..
MY r 711' r L t e e t 6:t id
reg t i li n 6 j i rt; il o e s i r e o f a klu' l l g e gu ig o n
tr a , d on in
the following Pereonil Property, viz
BEDS and BEDSTEADS, Stoves with pipe, l Settee,
Dining Tildes, Chairs, Wash*Stends, Looking Classes,
Bowls and PiteherS, 2 Centre Tables,
.3rmavelsoi G`..mxtzorzot,
.1 large Copper Settle; 1 Flirting Top Buggy, 1 Board.
Ihe Ton, -
Tubs, Barrels. and other articles rob numerous to men
tion. frir All kinds:of BRANDIES, Wines, pin and
Old Rye by the gallon. '
Sale to commence, at 1 o'clock. D., M., of said days,
when conditions will be - made - know ti . by
Lebanon, March 18, 1854.
A , NEW .1 1 1.R1VI.
IL U. Roedel and Oeorge Wiles, they are now. prepared
to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the
old a tend (11., R., Breeders) in Cumberland street, where
they will always Nave' on -bind a - large.aiiewelll se
lected supply of: School, Blank and - Sunday School
Books, and as an induceliterit 4 they offer their 4liscella
neous hooka at greativ 'reduced prices.
The New York and P liadelphia Daily and Weekly,
Papers, and Maga:sines, can be bad andeubscribed for,
on - reasonable - tennis, by calling at their store. ,
• 'AitYthing Wanting is their line wilPbe -cheerfully at
tended to with,promptueas and 'dispatch
Lebanon, Ti0v.12.1.802.
South-east, corner of Market,: Square,
rimin subscriber respectfully inforrim 'the' publi
.I...thit, 116 has now -on hand. at his Ware rooms
• splendhl assortment of good
and substantial-' Fern iture—
" parlor, Cottage and Chamber
—consisting of Sofas, Tete.n. ,
Totes, Lounges, What-note,
:Parlor, Centre, Pier, Card
6. -ka.**A
'and Common Tables, Dressing
.-' - and. Common Bureaus. &T.
Seated,' Common end Rook.
ing, fin. 'Caiie-Seated Chairs and =Old Furniture re•
paired at short notice moderate prices...
Atao- OG:Pri NS made 'Bud Funerals attended at the
shorten notice. lIENR V" A. L
, .
Ofthe cheapest and Best Goods
... .
Boots, Shoes, hats, Caps &c
TIME undersigned has opened one of the BEST' AS
-1 sorni IiNTS of . -
li i
and of
I t t e i N I ; C e l , t
i r -,
tt G te s iAlc - ;v7,call"li kinds, wit j 1 4.7,
sell at prices to recommend them to purcha
sers. Of the BATS he has quite a variety of New
Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside,
Dupont; McClellan, Sti.inghare and 'Beath:iv Ilat. very
beautiful and very cheap. Of CAPS he has a complete
assortment of alt the New Styles, got up in supe rior
manner. with fine finish ; Women's :Misses' and Chil
dren's , Balmorale, Gaiters, Congress Boots, - Slippers,
and all other kinds; Men's and Boys' BalMorale. Ox
ford Ties, 'Washington Ties,. Congress Boots:: and all
other : kinds worn by - lbem, includinvßOOTS , anti
STIOBS,-of the different varieties, at his ehenriStorei n
Walnut St., next to th ! e 'County Pilson:
*a- 'Thankful for the liberal encouragement of the
public heretofore, I Would invite all wtatting„anytb ing
in my One to call and examine turstook before making
thelr'nureinises.- : • , JOS. BONOIA.N.
Lebanon, April 23,1882. •
P. S.—Measures taken and work made at .'ehort. notice.
A .11. RICHEY, Merchant Tailor, Ter' ali; ;
nouunea to the Citizens of Lebanon and ,C
that he has j oat returned from the icity' *H114'511,3 an,
sortment of
all' of-which he will- sell or, make;uptoprderat
plc& to - sititthe times, at his Nce. 1 Tattering Estab•
lishotent in Keiw's New Bloch, 4 doors South of the'
Buck Hotel, South Walnut street. . •
MI work entreated trLhiscare,, nutimilictur
ed ins workmanlike moaner as to fashion and
Goods purchased elsewhere will be cheerfully Made
up to order en the usual moderate terms. ;a'
Having bad years of experience in the Tailaing and
Dry-Goode.bus loess, and being inclined to earn to the
advantage of his customers ' all the advantages result
log from said acquirements, he feels satisfied that it
will be responded to by a very liliertrinhare of the pub
pa trouage.,
Friends 41 once to please me after that please ydor
July '5, 1:155.
Manufacture of Liquors
rill only reliable Work ever published in America:
Will tell how all L moors are adulterated and im
itated. Also how three barrels of Whisky. are made
from 40 gallons ofapirits. Sent on receipt of $6 4 00.
Address. N. N. DROWN,
Womelsderf, Barbs Co., ra.
Jan. 6,1 66.4..3in.*: • -
Fashionable 'Tailoring
mattnAEL HOFFMAN would rospeeffulli: inform
iVithe Citizens of Lebanon, that ho has REMOVED
his TAILORiNG Business to Cumberland Strept, two
doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle
Rotel, where. all, persons' who . wish garments made
up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are in
vited to call.
. ,
TO TAILORSI—Just received and for os I o the N. York
and, Philadelphia Report of Spring & Summer Trashions
Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the enhscribcr
know of the fact, so thit he can melee Idi arrangements
Labancti,A.pril .1.0,1861.
iu S. HA al SAY, in Funck's building, corner of CUM
kj. be - eland street and Poe alley, has Oh hand and
for sale, either by the yareor made to order, a large
lot of • ,
01.071115, '
'; •
well eeleetad from' Goad Rousee. Geed Fite and sub;
stamtial _making guaranteed to all: Also Handker
chief/3, Cravats, Gloves. Hosiery, Suspenders. Fancy and
Plain Linen Sbirts, Under Shirts am/Tin - ware.-
" '•• fe: S. HAMSAT,-
Lebanon, April 1882:' .
ExectitoCs ice.' •
PUBLIC Notice is herebrgiven, that Lettere Testa
rnentary;ltave. been gianted: to the undersigned,
on the Estat e of OATIIARINE 130}71.7L13, late of
Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, Pa., dee'd. .A.ll
pnreone who know themselves indebted to said estate.
will please settle their accounts, - and all those having
'claims against it will please In event them.
Howard A ssocin taQn,
DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal„ .Urinary and'
Sexual Sy eterns—new and reliable treatment—in
reports of the ROWARDASSOWII.INON,Sent by mail
in. ended , latter eirrelopee,t,freanfi charge.: Address;
Di. J. IMILLIN HOUGHTON,: iloward.dgeociation—
lin: 28unthNinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa:
Mardi 1u4.-13,
Monday ',and .Tuesday,
MARCH 28th and 29th, 1864,
~~ :H~ T
North ;Lebanon borough; jou. 8, 1864
FITS !! !
50,000 Bus'o 1 1,0 1 1,1‘.4")%
50,000 busliela OATS;
50.000 bushel,' II'IIBA T.
which the highest:CASH : prices will he paid at the Lela
anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon.
Lebanon, July 17 , 11461. •
Out-Lots at Plivate Sale;
WILL,be Aoki at Private. Sale,
situated in 'Long Lanc,'near the borough line; in Corn
waltkiwnshin. -ItadJoins the land of Widow Fulmer,
on the North, Wzn.Atkina and John Krouse on the Nast.
There in a one story LOG ROUSE, weather boarded
erected on, and a good W.lfiLl; m the garden.
The land his 'fine atones for quarries. This tract will
melte a nice home for a small
la. It Is free from Ground Rent. Good title will be
given. . ADAM IttrettEß.
N. D. This tract is now covered with fine grass, hal.
of which will he give't to the pprehaaer.
Lebanon, June 13, 60.
JONATHAN ZEltttE, Executor
Ehoefferstown, 'Starch 9, 18 91. "
For a medkine that Iv ill= cure
. •INPLUENZA. • • •
TICIILriqI iu. trio VOROAT:
as quirk as
infiteniftWo tniten, antr,net - a
r.fttityree is lino'7ifn.A.l 0,4
qurtiO ofteettiA
rato, some of tliAni fyoin'
wbo havemiee ttfin gtbeir praitice , and -gild' it tlia
preediin'efichoiVer;ooPotber OsupDaPit,:,
It does riot dry up , a COUGI
bnt l ooaena it,150 lts to ennblit the patient Co expe;tto
A HALF Bade libinttati - cointiletery eared- the moat
Stubborn Cough;
and yet; though if sure and speedy iu its opera
tion. it is perfectly. thirtn Mae, being purely vegetable.
It is very agreeable to the, taste, and utay be adminis
tered to children of arty'hge. • • •
in cases of OVOID we willguarantee a cure,
if taken in-seaeon. ' •
No family should be without it.
it is within the reach of nil, the, pi ice being
s •
And Van investment and, thorough trial does not
"bark up" the above statement. the money will be
refunded. We say this knowing its merit.,, and feel
confident that one trial will secure for it a home pa
eve-4 'ltOusehold, • .
'Do nattiest° away with Coughing, when so smalLan
investment- will' cure you, , It maybe had of any re
tpectable Druggist in town, who will furnish you
with amireular of genuine certificates of cures it has
made, .
. G. O.I..ARK:S; C 0, ,, •
T ropr
.For giala'bytruggioth in .city,' country,' and every
• - At Whoksate, by
%." 23 Nat)* Sixth'Street, E9Siladelphia,
Nor. 11, 1863.6 m. • •
... . . .
BOILDERS.wiII do well by,ealling on ,J. fl. RILESSLER ,
Agent, 118 he de prepared, to do all kinds of TIN
ROOFING, SPOUT,ING and JON WORK generally, at
the very lowest,: prices. lie also has on hand a large
and good assortment,of.all ; kinds of TIN WANE, and
all of, the most improved:Gas Darning :GOOK
STOVE'S and PARLOR STOVES: Ake; hit the
different and latest improved "RANGES. AND
i s
' - IIyikTINI,S, 'of till kinds: lie also keeps ten
stintly,on hand a large stock of all'itittils Of ROOFING!,
SCAT.% *IAA he offers at less pried than' 'they can be
honght of any &bet elatenteir in'the emantY. -'
sm.. WARN-ROOMS--tine door South of the 'iTheek:
Rotel." Walnut Street. Leliandn'iPti.
' Lebanon, Decemher 25,18111
New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair
3ffitt 81.,Za door north of the L. matey Railroad.
Largest Manufactory'and Best== Assortment
FURNITURE and 0114110;infthe county.
rrun mimic is re;peeitolly
ed to hear in mind that at'theaA ,
Ware Rooms Will be, fut.nd •the bekre
assortment of I' Astuonalitrand titan
1305111 FUItN ITU 118 and CII/t1 PSl:A9TriritlLWallt el
any, kind would bust call and examine his stock before
purchasing eleawherer Which"(tieing his own
work) hemarrants to be better than any offered, in, this.
place. Prices wilt. be intrett than at any other pi 'co,
either in the Borough or county of Lebanon.
All orders promptly attended to, and speally caeca
ted at the lowest prites.l
Ail persons purchasing Furnituee front him will be
accommodated by having it delirereci to"them, say
pert of the county, OF CHAUGE, and 'without the
least injury, as he haaprocured one of the S2eSt cush
ioned Vermlitre r temlens. cvecially for .that purpose
10;4 COFFIN• tuitdo tb order, I.thil(inertils attended
at the shortest notice.' ELshanon, Sept-13, IS'
niE subsdriber respectfully Informs the public that
.: he bite ,ehtirel;y; ou theilittle Swa•
(aril; formeHy . keirtviti'as "St ravvie" arm later as ',Wen
gert's," about one-fourth of a Mile from Jonestown
Lebanon county, Pa.; that be has it now in complete
running order,.antl prepared to furnish customers
regularly with - a very superior article of
311F":1111.... GOD 1111E_T MO&
as cheap as it obtained from any other son rec.—
le keeps also on hand and fors:lle at the lowest -cash
prices WIPP . , SHOWS, is alio pre
pared Wile all-kinds of OnsTexans' We-ac, for Farmers
and others, at the very shortest possible notice and in
rites all to give him- a tria:. The machinery of the
;Mill is entirely new end of the latest and most
proved kind. fly strict attention to business end fah.
dealing, IM bopei tosham -of pußilic - patronage.
NVIIE/VP, ft YE; COIN', OATS, &c.;
bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices
will be paid. Fi .INltla WEER.
May 7, 1562. , .
R. '.llOB V-'
'Market 'Square, oppositz at Mat ,ket House, Lebanon. Pa.
r 111 K undersigned respecttnlly, Intbrms t..e
that be has received an extensive stock ot the
choicest and purest Glquoi ef all dose: rptiert. These
Liquor he is invariably disposed to sell at un
;2 =4 ' 7 4 pt eeedentedi v low prices
Druggists, Farmers, lintel Keepers, and oth
ers aill consult then., own interests by buying the
Lebanon. April 15, 1863
tout h aki 1 e `?
MORT wna . ersigned, nt liss MAR vrAp
TORY, at ~tl3s3 . int Toll. Oato,, nns
mile Rusts t.Lobation, has :cen naafi 'a a
very Inrgasttick 'of • " ' '
READY VE fliCtt3,
seal - a5 . 131313GtE13, ROCK:A.-Wit YS,
'SU Gfi.ilitit.;*e., made out of the best materiels' and by
first4a . te Weekaten, Frorn - his' twig ••elp; vitiate in the
business, and his deterniiitation to allow none hut
good work to leave hie Shops, he feels confident that
he eau give to customers the most complete satisfac
Much of thwreaterhas need in manufacturing the
above Vehicles were purchased before the raise in the
prico of articles, and I C 6,11 therefore-sell caper than
any otbv estabbshment in the county.
REPAlRlNG.—Repuiring done at short notice, and
at low prices. •
Persons wanting :myth, this line, are invited to
eall and examine my stock before making .their pur
chases. DANIEL lIULMEtt.
urniture and Chair
-Cuniberland Street, Lebanon Pa.,
nearly . opposite' Bubb's Hotel.
trlrtt` subscriber keeps ennetantly an hand, or makes
to order the best and most fashionable Furniture
and Chairs, which he will sell cheap, and eheaner than
any other shop in the: ( Borough or county
Of Lebanon. lie invites Young ilbttsthkeep
ers and all «there to Ohre him a call before
buying elsewhere. lie keeps no city work, 7.o l rft
but makes all himself with good workmen. keeps
a Furniture Witgnn. and delivers UN Furniture, with
out injury. and free of cost.. -
Don't forget the place-East Lebanon timber.
land street• He invites fin to give him aCilli, for they
can matte thl best bargains with him.
. .
.. .
• . ' - A, LIERcetiERCER
Lebntio Jan .20, ,i864.-3n3; .
ccumussioN MERCHANTS
Butter,..Eggs,, Cheese, Tallow, Lard,
Poultry, Gaine, Dried Fruits,
Grain, Seed, &c.
1441;.efri1.; READEAIifEET,
One nitio O
isborVA3lßn. W - YOIU
wei4ioy; ' A :
R. DIM ea.
— Robb & Aaeougb, - New - York &Ilen '& Breitber.
W: W. Selfridge, 11,14,, dol Jones L 'Sbripard, do; Slim-.
song Itabach k Farrington. dd; Saniuel U. dohnaon, do;
W. M. Breslin. Esq., Lebanon.' Pa.; L.' Betz,
Ohio; C.
.Curry & Co., Bankers,. Bile, Pa.; Bon.
Joint Stiles, Allentown, Pa. Van: 14, 1863.
II i l'a in .liV. Ra n Ili , .
FORMERLY -of JOllCl3town, , tebnnotr county, would
=respectfully inform his friends; and the public,
that he has connected hlntselfwith Mr.Lowea; in the
N 0.1.46 North Third street, Phila.,'
where ho wilt be glad to receive customers, and wil
sail at rates that will prof° aaitsfactory. ' ! .
Pflitadelphia, , May 20, la 03..
v.., CLOCKS.
' ' Thirty , briv
441 \ . Eight tuns.;',
Thiriv Hour,
---- , CLOCKS ,
Just Received at
2J . J. BLAIR , S Jewelry Store,
.. arm
Leimnon, PR
duly .3, tista
Will be sold at
.Extrenzelv Low Prices,
TT , A WE% one of the firm. of Itaber k Bros., hen.
11 - 11'.. taken the etoek Rea4y-mado Clothing at the
appraisemeet, which will enable him to Nell lower than
anYwhke : Wee can be bought: Cali arid iielfor your
selv,m4afore yotunake your I allfpurohaao., .I.=
Lebanon, neut. 76,18@1. kllltiltar BARRIS.
For !Sale ow' lExelutuge.
THE undersigned Will sell, or exchange for a SMALL
~F~tltat, his desirablo Howe andlot of Ground, in
' East street, _East Lebstrion.:„A`he Elation is, a
new twoldory tbucit with Eliclidn ittaChed,
all well built and well arranged neces
, Miry toitientenees. Also Cistern, math Munn:,
,Snin -0 Mose,' all kinds of. Fruit Trees, Ac., on the
premises: This property If not sold. will 136 emetaliaged
RlVolerwe. (700‘.1 >old indiapntable title given. For fur.
th6e infortnitiob apply to
JAMES N. ROGERS, Tinsmith.
T.ebnnon o July 14, 1862.
Poudrette Poudrette
experience of 24 years, again offer for sale a uni
form article of Poudrette at, low prices. The expel. i
wise .of thousands.of customers attest to the filet that
it is the cheapest and:the veer manure in' mar
ket, and particularly adapted fur TanaaoO, CORN, PO
TATOES, n ull Ommxm Timm.
Toe Company manuiltutui a also Bo:n TA•FEI3 (a sub.
stitnte for Guano), from bone, night soil and guano,
groand line: Price 'l4 b per ton. '
A poraphlit containing d inn:tiring for use, prices, &c,
may 1)6 had' free by addreirsing a letter to the office of
the Ovmputry. 86 Co'I3ILTL",tiND , STREET, NEW YORK, or ap
plying to our authorized agent,
130 South :Wharres,Thilatlelphia,
Feb. 17,1864.-1 m: . 9 :
r lIITE-stibscribcr ollarafor sale the Lot of Ground on
Marketatreet Lebanon, 34 square south of Hill,
west - side, 33 feet front by 199. deep, 'formerly occupied
by George Hess, sr. The improvements are a
r two story weather - hoarded gIVVELLING
HOUSE and otber ireproeeinerita, FoefurEhor
information, and terms. apply to
TI itlTeLiro.lisaa andleleeleeted
se v o t ip On .i lg roTL L ,
T•CO S T_FOR Ca - 811.
Parties bet a re . settled their acbou . nts . to April 1,1861,
will he allowed a liberal .creil it on .ptiviliasel:—These
who bare not. settled will .thßd their accounts with
A, S. Ely .L'aq. for. trimedidde settleritent and eellee.
lieu., 15. M. KAItMANY.
Leban cyan le Sc 'ilium ry
RACHEL E. ROSS, Pririeitial. • -
JULIA ROSS. Mu.ical Department.
Mrs. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing.
rIMIEI Ninth Session will commence September 3, 1860.
This School is designed to elevate the ,standard of
female educetion,kind to offer seperink advantages at a
moderate cost. The school year is divided into two
sessions of fire months each. Charge per session, from'
11i to 16 dollars ; according to thestudiesof the scholar.
Extra for Music,ltrench, Latin, and German..
****Particular attention given to the musical depart
ment., instructions upon the Piano, Melodeon and
-Guitar and in Singing. Pupils .not connected with the
'School will be waited upon -at their -homes, when de
sired, and at the usual-rates.
Early application should be made to
• . S. J. STINE;Or
- 3. W. MISII.
Board of Directors:
3.4. STINE,
.101 IN STEN', J. W. MISII,
•C. 11..01;11;s1INGER, C. GREENAWAT,T,
n • ISAAC 13110 E r, kr, 3051,111 FUNCK..;
Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1961. r. •
RE KOVAL. Qt - E - .
':. TAILORING.- , '"
OItENZO H. RUH itsll,w , qild'
spectfully :inform. thc citizens r ot'
Lebanon and vicinity that he has remov‘d his .Ta Her
ing Est ahiiehment, , few doors . : 'eget of Latidermilcb 's
store,itud'nearly opposite the Vashington House,. on
Cumberland :4t., where he will makeup clothing in the
most fashionable styles in the best =lnner, good fits,
guaranteed to all. Thankful forthe very liberal patron
age extended ,to blot thus fir he b.opes, to merit and
continue the same.
Lebanon, April 8,1863.--ly.
George Si 0 inn 0 liS
. . .
• By Lebanon ,Valley Railroad.
) ARTICULAR attention will he'paid to Goods shim'-
' ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will he
sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lobsnon, Myers
to*n end Annville Stations,and all other points in the
Fit EIOIITS contracted for at, the least possible rules
sin delivered With dispatch. -
The Proprietor will pay particular attention to.'and
attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all
For infoiniatien, apply at. his Gate at the Lebanon
Talley llsilroad'Delnt, Lebanon,
EDWA 10) MARK,. his Agent in Philadelphia...rill al,
ways bolonrid at. W. IL flush's Merchant's Hotel, Korth
Third at., PhitarNO
duly 11,'60.1; : ' ' GEO. HOFFICA N.
. , .
rPtITS• kto notify nil Cant n tent and Cabinetmakers.
- L :thr s t, no hill , . tiro eodiad wilt be paid by the piree•
[ors elfin Poor for poor parsami dying w ith in a c h cis
of tire miles of the.thror.. lions., ; an ;al snail persons.
dritPhe.farnisLed with epnina foe) of oxpensu on appli ,
cation to the Steward at the Poor lion ..%. . . . .
IVA I.:Wit:J. Direr _3 of 1:lio Poor
Cy 0. , •
• Aloy 27. 1.'.443.
inarlict Sircel Slate!. lifix..kpt and Ohestnut Stiests„Lobanon
J 0-11 N -ALA TTIL F. , Proprietor..
ATi(l taken
tsisAro7,t42l opera uoViet&
make the Traveling who stop at it, perfectly
comfortable, anti invite all to give nie a trial; The
liouse is large and well arranged .
. Tim Table upi,licti
with the best F - eas,ohable edibles ;ro .- t Per atm .. .tett with
the choicest Liquors,tota the 'St:aiding large piiel vo.a,
, :Lebanuit lepril 9 —11:102:.'
Blinmakei . Slthiiis,
-r if - VOOTII, WOOLEN CLOTHING of an colon:, dyed let
black ite .et
~I.llne Meek, prpeett „ the Color ; warranted '
and goittldrit.redhtittfitteet'to DOW, 'bs
LYON LE31111 , 1110
4193 - Articles to be dyed con be leNt et ,rox..t. Zemke-
Set's Drug Store where all Octers for the abovo will be
attended. . • [March 11, Ma
Boot and Shoe Store.
for . i l u a s e t O ho li I pi tg l O h, B t f, 4a r t e i s te pe s c ti t i f i n c l o ly n ' t i f :::
t .
...,, nes his extensive establishment in
albss, wiliPet his new building, iu Cumberland st.,
. :where' he hopes to render the saute
'satisfaction es heretofore to all who
inay favor him with their custom. Be invites Merchants
and Alders iti BOOTS and SHOBSand every One who
wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in
his line, to call and examine fox themselves, his large
and varied stock.
Ile is determined is 11111:1)ttn11 CC IrtbdUi ti' the
manufacture of every s aide in his business, suitable for'
any Market in the Union. A due min taken in•regerd
to materiels and workmanship; none IA the best quali
ty of [XAVIER and other materials are used, and none
buy the best workmen ere eniptoyede
.P.S:=Llfe sincere thanks tOthla friends for
the eery liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him.
Ile hopes by strict atton tiOtt to bliHilitkBS WSW endeavoring
o please his
.enstoniers, to ttnst•lt e share of pnblic pat
tonage. 4: Lebanon, .1 uly 3, 1861.
or Rate, Mica. Roaches, Ants, 801 l Bugs,
Moths in Furs, Woolens ay., Insects on
Plants, Fowls, Animals, 60.
Put lip in 250. 50e. and' $l.OO Ilexes, 'Bottles. ern:
Musks. $3 end $5 sizes for yams, iNSTITU
'mots, .to.
"Only infallible remedies known."
"Free front Poisens."
• - dungerOus to the Unman Fenitly."
`ll.atti Come out of their holes to die.,"
As- Sold Wholesale in ell large sides. '
.405 Y. Sold by all Druggists and netollors everywhere.
AZ' lIIBEWARES I I of all worthless imitations. ' "
Air .See that ‘l.loBran'S" name is on each Box, Bot
tle, and Flask, before you buy. .
Atilt 4.'rineipel Depot 402 Droadvray, N. Y.
4/C.'&" . Sold by L.. L EmBERG F,u, Wholesale cud Retail
Agent, Lebanon re..
Feb. 10, '6.1,-Btu.
. PETER LORIL is ).,
Snuff & Tobacco 'Manufacturer
16 , & 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
Won ld t P eall in t B ht
his manufactUre, viz;
f 4;2 o, o „ h i llt o ite o n f t
D St e r a e l e o t f , o N to ow th :o ar rk t ,L ioo
• Brown Snuff!
Maeabby, • Domigroe.
Fine Itappeo, - Pure' Virginia,
Coarse Rappee, Neehitoehes,
• Ambrioen Gentieioan, Copenhagen.
Biow r - •
scot 4 ' , 2. li "
oney Dow Scotch. '
High T oast Scotch, Fresh Coney Dew Scotch,
Irish high Toast, Fresh Scotch.
or Lundyfoot. •
Attention is wiled to the large reduction in pri.
car of Pille•Otet•chewing and ~ffinol.:ing TobacceA which,
o i
I,l44lPke.found,o rj
fa Su MaitY•
J. Diracco,
Long, P. A. L, or. plain, Jago.
No.:1, Cavendish, or Sweat, Spanish,
Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canastor,
Fo Foil Cavendish, . Turkish. ,
I — WiYulated.
sifren liar. of prices will be seat on appli.:
Cation,. New York, April 1,1863.-Iy.
D. S. RA'Brlt'S
Iles been removed to ble New Rending. ou Camberigrtd
Street, oppasito the Eagle Buildings,
Lebanon, Pit.
staff subscriber' teepectf ill I y annonUece to his acqttain.
'lt tances . and the public in general, that be bas eon.
ntly on hand a large stuck of
Burning Fluid, Furgical Instrumedts, Toilet Soaps, gsr.
gars, Tobacco, to. Also. a rarioty of Fancy Articles
too numerous to mention, which he otters at low rates,
and warrants the finalities of the articles as represent
ed. Purchasers will pieces remember this, and exam
ine the gnalities and prices of his goods bet•re purchas
ing elsewhere. Stir-Physician's prescriptions and fam
ily recipes exretally compounded, at' all beim of the
day or night, by culling at the Drug Store, opposite the
Xs& • • • '
On sundaj , s ihe Store will be opened fur the com•
pounding of prescriptions bet Ween the bourn Al 7 and
10 o'clock, A..M., 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P. M.
Lebanon, Aug.:l3 1852. 'DAVID S. RADER.
suartaa , matxtum
• ( Prom Juries 3,and 4;) at the • •
I3eing the
GainNt by
Anything of
the kind.
It also re
ceived the en
perla live Re
port of
For Food.
Great Tqernation4/ Exhibftion at
M3"ll4ol3lCrX , Lary .Tiny, t t63
TilE' . lllollllEgT..- MECO L
N3' 1111E101 AS IN AfttIDOE. OF FOOD.
Used for Pisddirsgs.Cuslasde...Mane blou s e, Ac-, with
•ont rainglase,.with few or MS eggs..! It le 'ex cel rent' for
thiekenlogSweelSancee,Oravive,fur Fish;Neat, Soups,
dm. Yor Ice Cream nothing :min compare with it. Sl
little bolted • in iditif Maki% Ai -rich Cream for. Coffee,
Chocolate... Tea, Ste. A most deliaSoms arpele of food for
children And invailds.' It hi istikly 'superior 'to Arrow
4Rodtomd mach more'cdenbmiciii. • • !,• ;.1 •
Put up hs cue pound Packages,. with full diree •
lions; and ....Min.' ell firooirstand:Drnggieti:' l !
'WM. : DURYEA 147 MlesatefAVent, •
• ' • • • • : • • 168 Fulton Street,NewiToik,
October 14 1663.-6 m. •
• '• • 111151:10A
filltE subscriber respactfully inforncis..the.publis that
I lie has the largest and best aSsortiriene °CAJUN'
TUBE and CHAIRS, over offered tulhof or<Leb
anon county.. lle has on band at his, Cali,inet,Ware
rooms,' in Korth Lebanon borough.' nearly opposite
Zeller's ItuteLabd a 'few doors south 4..Sorgnerls, a
splendid assortment.of good r aubstantlal and fashion
. able Parlor. Cottage and Chamber FURNI,TURE, con
sisting of Sofas; T. , te 8-tates, Lounges; What-riots, Par
., . 0 lor, Contra, Pier,.Card. and: Common TableN
Dressing and Conimon BUREAUS; Bed
o. Meads, Mork:stansis,.Wash-stands,and Knelt
. • " • on Furniture of all kinds. largsaud
dii;gaitt variety df FatscillVACl', SwiTriG Seltsrp
00111M011 Spring-seated Chairs; all kind's of •Spring.
seated hackers. Also, Windsor. Cane-seated- and Coin
-111011, t'buirs and Rockers of 'ovary description.
All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give
satisfaction. • . . .
Persons desfroirs of kiaUfnp; the charrieter'Of the
goods here offered for: inie, inn be fully satisfied of their
durability by refer. ace to those for whom by hots:Msn•
iifitefitred or towhom sold.
Old Futlittera and Chairs Repaired and Tatrniabed.
N. R.—D.4l4a wade and Funeral' attendei at the
eh , rtest notice. 30SElilt BOWMAN.
North Lebauon September 10, 1560
-• bv •• ••
Just Putlished .in a Secae elEntfiore. Price .6 res,44
I. Lecture on the, Nature, Treatment It 'Radical
(101tE of Seminal Irenkbest+,'oi Sriermotorrhcon, in
kj. ducctl I.y Abtme lue,olun tory Ero IndopE, lm
potency, Nervoill Dehllity, and impidlmotits to M Kt
ringe .cqemilY Coueuyoptionv nud Fits
Ucutul and Physical Incarwcity,.&c.—By, ROIL J. CUL.
\'i:l:WEt.fy M.D Au thof . o " Be .0 recO' -Bonk &c.
The waila..rettowned rinthor, .to this mini irable Lee.
tore, elently proves from his own eiperienee that the
awful coneennencesof Self-abuse may be effectually re
moved without medicine, nod wiihout.detareroes our
gienl operations, hoagies, iustrumenta rings or erirtli 7
ale, rip ib t hut , out .e..motto q (core at once eermin ef
.w.b.ich every. autie'ro r. oq matte,r whet hla
ealidlt lop may lie, Tony euie.ltimsOf ehealtlY; 'private
. Thiet•ltictuto : Flll :prove. a.
tho tide awl thousonda.
Seiruntler dent; in. a plain envielope; to an'y address,
on receipt of eix. cents, or two postff,a stain s„py
dreaaiog the pupil ehers,
. .
CItAS. J. C.: K LINE & CO.
12T Bowery: New Yurk11'ost:0111e0 )fox, 4556
pr4T I 0' 1;7 A L HOTEL
warris twAN,) , •
Race Street, above Third, :Phila. ' •
fIEILS/estibliabluent otters groat indneements not on.
1..1.7 on Recount reduced rates of boarding, brit
Tent' itsfecuirafioaatlon to the seen ueis of trade, asAkell
as the conveniences afforded by . the Invent' ,Passeuger
Railways, running paist and contiguous to it,"by 'which
goeste out i/Ufkl to and fruiu he Hotel to thei different
Railroad Depots, should they be preferred to the rmtu
ler Omnibus belonging to the Ilona°.
I tun .deterinined to devote my wholtrattentiolvto 'the
eotufort and convenience of my guests.
D. (.I.;srEoills . r. Proprietor,
Formerly from Eagle Hotel. Lebanon. Pa
T. V.:ltno.tne, Clerk. ll'ltilb.. SlArch 12, 1562.
The undermigned haring taken the Large and Com mo
diens hotel, in Pottarillo,knowu as. the
310111 ‘ 1111 . /Eit .111.0 US E y...
Would respectfully announce to li Is old •frlonds and for
nter patrons that he Is eremite(' to accomuio- .
date all who may favorhint with. •
, their r.3tron.g.,
The MORTIMER 'IOUS has been newly. 'papered,
painted, and refurnished throughout, and' thO PROM&
Ton fords warranted •iu saying that IL is
Borough uf.Pottsville, fur comfort and convenience.
No Pain:s . will:be
. Spaed
To render •it.: no egret:ethic and comfortable stopping
'. • .pitt, for strangers and travelers.,
Mee Stahliiig and Shedding,
Attached to the !Total, are mitificientlylargo Wr rho dip
conimodation ot, the Itorses•mul earriaebs of
bla guests.
The Hotel lentni , mum for 'the 41 "
- Reception -of the Public. •'
*a. lie will be happy to accommodate all who may
glee hint a eon. - • .10151Whl M. FECER,
rotaxille, Apr 111,1863. Proprietor.
XlB . '2 1 :52M
" • ANU
•. .. ALSO
m oArltiCIS, T
nen .!! it d
v iv 6 r i
e t:l l ;7l.7l 'l st ' i t
ho peoplen li fo e r s m op e e l n h e e dal o
tion and Fancy Dry .Goods Store in Lebanon for the.
WHOLESALE and It ETAIL Trade °fall articles In his
line at the most reduced prices possible. • II is stock'
consists in part of MI k inds of Woolen and Cotton'
Stock ings..and Hose, Undershirts, Drawers Woolen'
Caps and Nubian, M Its and Gloves, Scarfs ,all kinds of.
Hanilkerehiefs, Collars Sro Ladles and Gentlemen..
liairdressas and Nets, Ribbons and Velvets, Spoof and'
Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Scissors, Comb. , &c
&e. A large assortment of USIRRELLAS and PARA
SOLS, at the lowest pr ices. Spectacles, ks,
Portmouaires. Dominoes, Cards, Ac. A large assort
ment of Musical Instrument)), Violins, Accordoone,
Banjos, Tamborines ' Flutes, Fifes, Baskets, Trunks,
Carpet Bags, Satchels, and all kinds of Toys, in fact
everything almost that can be thought of in the Mailed'
and .Fancy Enc. Also a largo variety of JEWELRY
and WATCHES. Pedlers and Storekeepers will find
it their interest to buy of us. Our Store is. in Cum
berland Street, In Vunelr's building, betweea'the Court
House sod Market Donee'.
W. J:BURNSIDA;A. 111 Oincipal..
rHE ENSUING SESSION will commotion on:
MONDAY, July 21st.' •
. Til SCLIOOG has the adva n tages* pleasant and
beautiful Location—spacious Buildings—Ventilhated
itooine—a fine Library and Cabinet.
TUE COUBSIC OF STUDY is not fixed, the studies of
each pupil being directed according to the time ho can
adord in School, or to the profession he designs to par.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers spacial adsan•
tinges to those who propose to engage la Teaching ; as
the Course pursued conforms strictly to the req afro
men ts of the County Super in tow:lent. and to the Course
of tho State Not mat School.
CIRCULARS and further information con be ob
tained by addressing the'Prlnclpal.
June 26,1802. ' Anciville, Pa.
D l fi zer see ATIRSB BRIX'S New Toot Ude
It is made on the „best principle, while the foreign
'Watch is generally male on no principle at all..
Let us . lock at the contrast. The foreign watch is
mostly Made by women aud bays, ST mum While
their labor la cheap, their work is dear at any price.—
Bach watches are made without plan, and sold with
out guarantee. They are irregular in construction,
.ind quite as irregular in movement. They are de.
signed only to sell. and the buyer Or the party most
thoroughly sold. Throw who have kept ' , snores," "le
pton" and -.Svries levers" in professed repair for a few
years will appreciate the truth of our statement.
Instead of being made of several hundred little pie.
ma. screwed together, the body of the American
Watch is' formed of SOLID PLATES.' No jar inter
feres with the harmony of its working. and no sudden
shock can throw its mach leery out. of gear. Secession
of one partfrom another is unknswn to its eonstritu•
tion, and in riding or any business' pursuit, it is all
bald together as firmly as a single piece of metal. It
is Jost what all machinery should be— • •
2d. SIMPLE. .
3d. STRONG. • •
We not only secure CasarllESS by our system, but
QUatirr. We do not pretend that our Watch o.n be
bought for less money than the foreign MADE smears
but that fur Its rent value it is soil for oue-half the
OUR SOLDIER'S WATCH [named Wm:Eatery) IS
what its name indicates—Solid, Substantial, and al•
ways Reliable—warranted to stand any amount of
Marching Riding or Fighting.
ed P. S. !tartlet* is similar in size and georal ap
pearance, but has more jewels, and' a more elaborate
OUR LAMBS' 'WATCH, recently brought out, is
.put up in a great varietal of patierna, many of them of
rare beauty and workmanah p, is quite 'email, but
warranted to KEEP TIME.
large and just the thing for the pocket of Young Amer
The TROOF of the merits of our' Watch map be'
(Mind in the fact that we now employ' over five hun
dred workmen fa our factories, and' that we are still
nimble the constantly increasing demand.
OUR Tli It KE QUARTER PLATE .W*1701.1.10
tier and Ugh ter than the other we hare .deenribed.—
Its fine chronometer ballance le dellehtely adjeated to!
rorrevt the yeti •tien caused by changes nf temperature.
These Watches are claronometrlmlly rated, and are'
the fruits of the latest experlmenta. in :chronometry,
and are made by onr;best worktuen, in a. separate de- .
Tartment of our factory. 1 , 1 . the : finest time -lie4.Dig
qualities they challenge compttrioon with the 'beat
works of the moot famous English cad Swiss makers. '
RObbiliN & Appleton, • •
Agients . for the A men Watch Coptc'y:
182. BAWADWAY N. .
Dec. 2, 'M.—.inside sow 4in. , • ,
Saddle and lia reepr. -BMW.;
TnE. u . • .
ndersigned has removed . •
his Saddlery sod ilarness'-
Manufactory top few doors South
of the old place, to the large roore , r.
lately oecdpied by Elliman & Bro., as -
n Liqnor store. where beNiill be happy to see all Weald
`friends and customers; and where Writes increased fa
!citifies for attendit,g to all the departments of his buss-...
.ness. Being determined to be behind no other eStub•
lishment in his abilities to aecenaltiodate customers, ha
has spared wither pains nor expense to obtain and
mate hitintelf meek!' of every modern linprovement
'the business and secure the services,of tbe best. work:.
.men that liberal wages would command. Ile will keep
a large stock on hand, aud•inanufactura at the short
eat notice, nll descriptions of BARN VSS, such ad Sad
dles, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds; heavy
Harness. Buggy Whi..o cf the best manufacture, Buf
falo Robes, Fly Nets, each as Cotton, Worsted,: Linen,
and a new kind lately invented; %MIPS of every
• kind. such as Buggy. Whips, Cart Whips; .1*.c..; names
of all descriptions Halter- Chains, bolos-made Traces,
&c., &c ,all of which he will warrant' to be equal to
Coy that can be obtained in any otber.establishment•
in the country. All he asks .oW..them desiring any. :
thing in, this line, should sail at his place and el:Hulot.'
stoCk. ate feels the What confidence in his ability
else entire stitlifitclion.
liff).- All orders thankfully received and prompily at
ended to. - 'SOLOMON SMIThI,•
North Lebtnon lloronih, Aug, 13. 1664
Dark Blue,
Light Phe,
Mord Brown,
Dark Brown,
Light Brown,
Snuff Brown,
Dark Drab,
• Light Drab,
Dark Green,
For dying Silk, ,0041,.. Shawlv,
Scilrfs, IS, Hato. lea
th.dra, Kid Gloves, Children's eluding', and all kinds at
Wearing apparel.
.01 -. A Saving of 80 Pet Cent. -14%
Yor twenty-five cents yon can color as many
'goods as. would - otherwise coat five times that 111101:
The process is simple, and any one cin use the Dye
with perfect StlCref N. •
Tfirdcclons fyi.English, Trenchant! 14 erratvn,insidorof
each peekno.'
For Further inform , tion tst!iloyeln.g, and giving a
'perfect knowhaUc what voldralkeejlO4t adapted to dYe
• °Ter others, (with at 4 recifies.rou'rehttse
now° & tenhene' T ln reakiee on Dyei,t 'and . Cohlaing.—
tilt mail on recoilit orrice —lO coittc
Mann fac t ared ty 110 WE & STEVENS, .
Ilsosnwsv. Boston.'
For salo . by Dreggista and Dealers generally. ..•
[Oct. 28, IS¢3.-6m.]
-Niew.Root-and .Stare,!
TLlElindereigned wriziounce,to the public that they
have removed their New Boot and Shoe , Sine i to
: amber/anti Street, Lebanon, in Jelin Ginefra . littildins.,
,one door west of the Confectionery Store; wlie tit they .
—X&intend "keeplon constantly on hand atenernlaa
abetment i)fladies, Gentlemen; Aliesea,tiloys Old
• difidren's •
Boots, -Shoes, Graters, &c., $Ce. , •
all of which Will be made up in style and 'finality no
•to be inirpamed by any other workman in ; tbaconuary.
No effort shall be spared to please and satisfy all who
may favor. theta. with their orders, end their ;oharges
will boas ioalionatiless possible, compatible With a fair
They also 'keep a lergr stock nr
is wart-awed tabu as roproaented.
The public arc iuviled to cell and eintinlnc tbeirstock
previous to purchasing.
. Repairing clone on short notice and at reasonable
rates. ' • AL: DREW MOORg.
Lebanon, March 19, 1862
• • • JOHN L. 'IIIECUEIt. : • ‘•••
AS onshintly on hand and Air eels rit hie Cheap
Book Sture,.op Walnut Street. between the tklurt
Mouse and the County Jail, in the Itorontth or Lou.
'non, a general aasortnient of. ell' hiods,cit BOOKS,
.STATIONERY, le.. Consisting in , part of blistellano-.
nun and School Books, Itlenk Ledgers, Pay /looks. Cash
woks, -Receipt Boole, Peas. BOOlid, Fool:leap paper',
Letter Paper, Note Paper, Envetnfies,Stiei Pent, Black
and Red )Vriting )nk. ke.. Hlauk DeedS7 . COmmon hit(
Judgment Noma: Promilsory:Noh*ltd
ALSO, a largennd 'general ussortinent of W.614.,PAR50.,
Bogirgß. , +, 'slum tß.irra, &u., at low,prires, • •
lie hati,also for sale a splendid lot of PuirrOaturaie
All of which will be' sold on the most retisonable
tonne, to which he invitee 'the attention of the public
• '
Jar Any Book or article not In the Store procured
at a few days .uotico.
.1011 L. DECKER
Lobanot; Mt:if, 1863. • • • - •
:•:. JOHN I : - DILLER ~
S AS join rarefied at hie Grocery Store, •Gamher:
land St., one door , west or Market- a lot orlimil
•Frult In Cites, Including Peaches, Gages, Green P.r,.
Tomatoes, Jell ies. -
PiCkloB.., 4 t -
Chees©. Plczalelli, Citullllower, Ketchu Po t
• pper Baines,.
Engeo,.Limb9rgor,Sap• Sage.
•• ..
' Pit:lb . •
Sardines, Salmon, Mackerel, Rerring,.e•osssh:
Fruit. • .
Raislaß , Cnrrents,Ptnnes, Dried Apples and Peaches,
'Cranberries,' Apples, Rominy, Tapioca,
Barley, 'Kai, et;
klot of Buckwheat Meal. A hto .30 barrel. of New
Porte 'Apples. - • •
Dried A .•
sia„. ifighest_price - giviti In CASll'for Bevis, Butter
pple, and Peaches, B011.1)15, Oniony, AC. , . ~.
.1 • .:. 1 ..::: " ibP'4."l.sll'altj;l.7 Ditdbißo: •
Libilifeig thew.* lOW '. 1 .. ' ' ' .' •
IN litthdll4B - . 4[j 41ITIVIS'oF
,f; : ir r m. T crt: ll&P oßi
cri,, o l7 ilL t A:l4 ...ffrt dE etv .
se the
as lootogtoranti eurroamllna.s9aatry.
jri.lgCE /ealectlim‘pfl Drub' nedicais and IMO
Chenilialk, and Ale girat quality of Perftimery
Toilftt -60 4. 1 aacY -80 aP., umbrsawis--- .r/3
eat paemfactvre in the country, and a large
v a r i e t y o imakh 8'614, gall. Flesh; ClOdies
and flair Bruabea-- -Pmket. Toilet and Fine Is
Combs of Prory,l3helli Horz.+.mad India Rubber..
a ". 11 Pure whole and -ground Spices are offered for -
W gale in large and stuall'imakotitiea at •
• G . A:RbEIt..-414j58; - ,
• F L O W E R Oi E rtSs';,'" • I
. .
.orlon will find *full assort menfland a large
variety of:FRESH garden and .Flowerlleeda at
: . • LEMBERtiER'S. • •-•
Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye,' Soda , Ash,
and • Potaih in large and small: qrtantities at
• LEMBERG ER'S Drug Store.
Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl ash, Sal.
cratns, Create OrTarter,.all. - peure, and for sale
in large and small .qnantities at
Et : E Eta ER'S Ding . Store. ;
If you are. in want of toed Washitig :Soap,
pure white orred Castile 'Seal), Country Bear.,
Brasive Soap toyernove.greaoe spots, superior
Shaving soap, buy the same at
. •
;Dolon Irma a good Hair Tonle ;ore tillng
Ito make the. hair grow, to cleanie th e head, and
to pieferiffelli Noon t•of the habil( you do ' •
,(lalb-at: LEXPEAG
I:ISP.S I • 711 .. AP4P . F4'!.
'rho anlicted are requested, to_cati ana.epoi• •
ineirry stock of Titissee;''SuPorterse,
prising a 'variety of ganufactpre...„-; G.
gs."Alarsh's" Genuine 'lnaprofedZelf
lusting Pad • Trues?'
1911.arsb's".Catatnenial Bandage. -- ,
An invainabli article foi thee linrpeee. ,
111:gotOireie.waritlf +say .of ; the above you
n ve sutyni at .
'"'•••:'' MIA
EMBBGER'S , D rug Store:
. .
Plitt Obi* fitttitti ratty.
Thegenuina attic e for
to,behad hi rdlits•Puti: y ; - ; • .*
.;.,, ,IMR9ER',S, Drug
. ' OpPoilie thS Market (tone: •
• Ariytltifoglcm'aitlit)thatte :kept i well
conducted First '
tiftig,.fitoro b put ye! furn
ished You' by •' -'" ' " '• ,• • • ••••
LEMB.ER.GBk.: •-,
chemist and Apotitecaty.
a. Feeling thankful for very liberal patron
age thna farreimivieil froth the.Physiciana; Mer
haute , mud Citizens of Lebanon and surround
hags; I agsiti sidifMt 'a fthare; promising •to tufa,
every etlicirt•• ,
4(iy-Special• attention given, to PHTS/Cii7e
PRESCIIPT/011.9" and RAirmi lticEir , 22; and all
inedichNe dispenstl Warranted PURE,, 'drays'
good as mut be obtained May Where, nne. soh!
rat iltrias. Remember IluvAddresi, •
,•;:. •• - ,IPS. L. LE yrn ER.Gr4t,
Druipst; theintseatid d.potheeary, •
hbAs i iview •. blarket street, Lebilfion,Pa.;
.1 4
Dioxide, • ,
Orange, •
Purple.. •
Royal Purple,
Violet. •
• itt , ivemilkire'Vrientis .and Relatives le "tbe• Army or
Nary; Ihould,take special care, that they be amply, anti .
plied witlittiese 'Pills and Ointment ; and' where the
tire** SOldithiand .Ssitere hero neglected tq. provide
themselves with them, on butter present coo be sent
thani by their friends: They 'hire been proved to be
the Soldier's ner,erAtil lug friend in the •hon rof need.
Will be speedily relleiad Wei etreetnallyenred by w
ing there admiratdePrnedinines,. and by pitying proper
attention to the Directions which :suss attached to each
Pot.or Box.
These feelings widch'eto ma'am ris,minally arise front
trontile or annoyances, tibetrimted perspiration; or eat
Inl; • ryndiptinkii.g whatever. is unwholesome, thus d Is
tut Ling theTe .leant action of theliiirenelltomach
The Oritans roust be tottered; it son cresire•to lie well
The L'ltltc.taketxaccording to ,the pritpxl instructions
trillqdlisitYlifrodnee a` healthy action . n 115th Bier and
lg a;a7ntillind con,legßer 4, l4 a clear bead
iVe AK 1 , 1 HS'S' 'OR' ffittY INDUCED BY
• •
%120• VB It Arlan: 'UR:. .
I AV:Bliotinilisappt* by, the nark of ,t,litsa invaluable
Pi)lll,find Mt Zeldin - will quickly acqmre additional
eiringt4. deescriet'this
• either. cepdoed or
undtsly.acte,j.npou. Itosey Been] (hit Iloilo •
oiny'i Pills diniult?Pbe reedninie l ntie'd , Rar-DiSenterk and
many. penman; Supposing thakt hey would Increase
the relaAation. Tlifils,a, greet to stake, for (blip raia
alil gonemethii iffteinastornich;artil anis remove all
the acrid liumortair,cyp t,,nu. This.rupticine will
give tone and vigor to th'e whole " ofailinte syna'rei /Meer :
et deranged, wbilsehealtirand strength foltuir as a mat
- ter:of course.' Nothin will sp.!), relaxation of the
BoWels en cure 44114 fainona "
- - - -
MON§ 0F7 AP, 141 4 1 .57;. 4;1; . / •
..8911914110 NICTES, Blotches and Satelli t e - tit. can with .
etifteitarbe eadkally easedqf thel S illsarilAften:night
•andrmoreidg, and the oinament be.freelyme:xlm stat
ed in the prtotedluitrnitiona: Titivated lit aily other
Wise atm they nit id one part to:break 4:amid:mother
Whereas this vintmont will remove the hamora from
the system acid leave the Yetient a vigoronerin* heal
thy men. It WilTretjurte 'zilittleperseverauce in bed
esses'to insureXlanting cure.. 7
TIIE i3A17661E1'; tAßret'Oit" Tfit: BIIL-
' -1 ••. LEY..SORES, :0110311.TqlSES; • '
Tom:bleb every .spL4ier 4ailcm are liable, there
are ndthettiefires s.redfe,'slirelnd'iiidvenient as Iloilo
way's Pills and Ointment.. The poor wounded and al
most.dylpg aulfecer Knight harehls wound's driiiised
'mediately- if lie would only 9 ubplg' ' hirrieelf;with this
Olotment;',which . should be thrust Into the
,wontad and "am - et:red all iniuicLit; Cheri' cos'eFecl with a
.pleice•of linen froniliis linapsack.aisd compressed with
at bandkerekiat !tight and or.B f ills
,to Cool tito ay:steal 'and prevent itidattrinstion.
; • (Every Z.ukticr's linapsackand Seemen'ecltest should
.he_PSOvided.with i these valuable Remedies.
ceittTrONin., ere 'genuine 'unless iflib 'words
Nsqui,Yozu A-'. - D; Loyriota,'f are discernible
as a Water nark in elery leaf of the book ordlrections
around each pot or box; the same maY l>dpiniitly a""
by holding theleafto tAt—light, A handsome reward
will be given to soy one renderit%sueb inifctrinationas
may lead to the detection or Mar *Ai or parties coon
'terrei msdietaes or,irehdimplhe tianb i ,knowing
them to be spurious.
'_„ , "Sold at t' c alituttfaetory of Piodeitsbi,Rmisowsr.
.811 Maiden .Lane,,Nsw.:York,. and. by all.,reepectable
D r ugg tots and Dealers is Medicine; th iiinghou I - the cis-
I .bozos ht 36. ers.,;(.0'etivasi4ite IV each.
f .. ; ;Eir Theis hs colLsiderp.bleisse . ing ia l takipg,tbe
' ' • • '•
:•4114t.,aireal.iaairfor eft e! it hinckieP4 l .l4#ll in
ery 41sor.dar arealit*ed to each .blx. • [lic` 1863-
loft; tiAterAiiii'uif tint! idea iarnes can
EN Slimr Cards;.Cirrtthrinit44:Aiat;titaßEE OF
pSR, addressing X II 9.II.43'IIOi.LESWAY, SO
• ,',.+
SAINIIIEL Arxistlitc. , Aboultul-Runww..04414, n. 2 EILY
A Friendly Iniitilion
' Ris.; fits
, • ,' To alidesicousof puralasing i
U MBER( ' 44; :COAL
•s ' . " :t•
. tho beet
. At t - 4 , art tantat • o* tb sidildbi4 and
•Bffsekj`tf:l , . : •
..ismslllll. ITS IeigRANAR D
At„theiII.MIQF COAL. the .E
„.n4 find *Test sides e
T'en-hlsirket Street, Nerititiliation ithronkli•••
ticribera.takepte e mp r e4n informing the cin
emas of Lebanon; and sarronnding counties, that
they still cool:fate 'tht - LIIMIIER AND COAL Busl-
NBElS,attAtircild drarlisoell,4uners• stand where th ey
.are , dailt,reoelvinp additional stipplke of the
cc m B iefb 3 ft tif Mbite and Pine BOARDS, PLANE
ASll;freith I to 4 Itich
CHRY," from % te . 3 inch.
, pepra.kritm t 0 ,2 v 1., • o •• •
, •PozlPlar anfirllarditeod SCANTI 4 INQ.
'Oak 'sof,' WiPle'BOAlttiSlind 'PLANKS:' - •
Booting slid Flittering LettuiL • .; •
Also, Pine and Hemlock BIIINGLIBP.'; • • r•
. COA -00 ALI! -COAL!!!
A large:stock of tbe•beet' 411111114 Ter Stoke, Broken.
Egg.apd Lirnaliurnare'COAL and alSo,the best Alle
sheilirClOALfor BlAckanifths. , • •• .• •
••44" , TheQkful for; the•liberal manner in, which they
'hive heretofore beak pitiroritzed, they' ironid .exteud a
tfottlial invitation for ftmbritlntlance of favons.fas thel
are coondent that theyheir hay, the lsrgese, but asd
cheapest stock of LUMBDR ithe.xountY.
which will - brsoliPat oPressonable percentage.
9 1 9 1 ,and.e.tamlne our stock and prices hc
ier'pnrchaainrelsenihere t., c r t
North Le atarsoanituk
banon beroesh,, ?leY :13 1862 . )
. I