The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 23, 1864, Image 3

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TERMS, 17- 2 - iYEAR
.1 • J.: e•
Advertised in the AoveRTIBM, or for, which bine have
been printed at this °dstr.!
turday, March 28—Patrick Brown, Personal Proper
:. ty; Cornwall. •
Saturday; March2d—Personal Property of Ann L. L.
Morns, Union township.
,Saturday, March 26—Personal Property of George IL
Wier, at Cornwall Boarding Rouse.
Monday and Tuesday, March 28 and 22—Personal
Property otMrs. Juliann* Rise. in Lebantin.
Monday, March 28—Stock, Farming Implements and
Household Property &Josiah Hot; in S. Armenia
• township. -
Monday and Tuesday, March 28 and 22—Personal
Property of Jul ianna filo, Lebanon.
Borougb'property oriames N. Rogers
Noroogli property of Georg,: G. Gasser,
tot Lots of Adam Riteber.
Ea et 'Rra - nover - :14 S. J atint,
M. , E. Lyons, Engineer-in-Chief
of the :Lebanon Valley Railroad at•the
rime of its construction, died in Vera
Crui. Mexico, on the 22d of January, in
7the 30th year of his age. He was a na•
"tine of Sligo. Ireland. •
On* Tuesday of last week the
first train passed oyer the Reading and
Columbia Railroad from Columbia to
-Reading, and back again to •Columbia:'---
The excursion was made by some of the
officers of the company for the purpose of
examining the road preparatory to a
grand excursion, and to opening it for the
use of the public about the latter end of
the present month.
"Birds .or a Fee,therilOek togeth
er."—When .the old woman kissed ,the.
cow she carried out the promptings of
her degraded feelings. The cow still re.
mained the same—was not elevated to
the level of the woman, but, if anything,
the change was all on the part of the wo•
man. We .learn that an abolitionist of
Cornwall township, last Friday, voted for
a colored man.. . One of the principles of
the abolitionists is to bring about an e
dualitli of the races, and as they can not
as yet give them votes they are determin
ed to come as near to it as possible, and
hence vote for them- This brint.c:ing
an equality of the whites and blacks is
just abdiii the same as the +coin kissing..
The _ woman , had td do all the .6=14
dß*ii;" and the cow remained: the same.
The white will have to yield up all—sink
themselveSto the level of the negro, while
the - negro remains just the same. If Ab
dlitihtilith remains) in the ascendancy, it
iafn'ot'be many'
,years before we find
negro - es occupying not only many of the
township and county offiees, but splurt
about the halls of. our Legislatures and
Congress.. That abolitionist of Cornwall
Who voted for the negro is but a year or
two 10 advance of his political friends of
this section, but not a day ahead of the
leaders of his party. •
Sale of Valuable Stork—deo B.
Houck, auctioneer, sold the valuable Dur
stock of Mr: Martin Farly, at Pal
myra, this , county, on Tuesday. One
cow was sold for $l3O to John Kil
linger, Esq of Lebanon.. -
Another sold
for $llO to Mr. William Killinger, of
North Annville. Another for $llO, to
githiel Kreider of North Annville.
The mother, dftifese cows was sold for
$B2 do, to Ntf. Ted: T. Htimmel, of Lan
caster county. A two-o.ii o d Btlli 'sold
foi $95 00, to Mr. Adam Humifiel, of
.Berks county. -A ten-months old bull
sold for $46 00. Horses sold at from one
hundred to two hundred. -
Isaac Hoffer, Esq., has removed
his Snrveyor, and Scrivener's Office to
George's Corner. He has also been ap
pointed titelY a Notary Public for this
county, and is now prepared to attend to
all business in that line. See Advertise
The offerings of Beef Cattle ill
the Philadelphia. Market, last week, were
150 less than the week previous and
prices rifled nearly the same, but rather
dull, ranging from $9 to $l5 for common
to good and extra quality. Cows were
Steady, at $2O to $35 each for SPringers,
and $3O to 50 for Cow and Calf Hogs
were firm, varying from ;$lO to $l2 the
100 lbs. neit, Sheep wets tidier an d not
so niani Offering, and 45 disposed of at
titid extra quality at 9c p 18.;
Payment of the Militia. —A resl
olutlon passed the House last week re
questing the .3ciiiertior to inform that
body What has been dope in relation to
the payment of the militia called in 1863-
We hope the Governor will respond, at
once, and let the people know what has
become or the money appropriated by the
last Legislature for the payment of the
gallant Siate defenders who so promptly
responded to his call. They are anxious
for.` information on the subject.
The Easter anniversary of thi
Palmyra Union Sunday School will be
held on :Monday evening, March 28th.
Piice of admission 15 cents. Tickets
can be procured at Martin Early's and
Aaron -Segner's Stores, and at the door.
The Philadelphia Conference of
M. E. Church; in - anntial,session At
wihni 4-!on, Delaware - . adjourned finally
on Wednesday ' last. Rei. Thomp
son Wis - appointed Yo. the Lebanon con
gregation, Rev. J. S. J. McConnell, to
Cornwall. Rev. J. B. Dennison, lately
'the respected minister at this place, has
been transferred to St. George's, Dela
ware, in the Wilmington district.
George L. Atkins advises the
public in another column that he is giving
a Free Exhibition of his extensive stock
of Boots, Shoes, ar.e. Mr. Atkins has es
teiblished a reputation for the neatness and
good qualify of his work, and has deter
mined, by perseyerance and industry, to
maintain that reputation in defiance of all
competition. .
Jacob Pfoutz, a well-kno*ri
preacher of the religious sect of Dunkers,
died on the 12th inst., near Ephrata,
Lancaster county, aged 87 F years, 5
months and 27 days. •
Tlnnntv And Invalid Pen-
the AD-
sJao kg
'ion Mehra(jest printed and for to.;
vzwrighis Weal,
- E. W. W. W. TOTAL
.. . . ..
Adam Grittinger, 239 111 380
Edward A. Uhler, 135 133 268
TO ias Reinoehl, 8.5., 339 144 383
John Stanley, 135 133 268
Joseph Shomo, 241 146 387
Michael Swab, 139 146 385
Philip Arenta, ..,.. r 132 130 262
David S. 1140 mend, 134 129 - 263
Jahn Darkes, 244 151. 395
William Coleman, 131 132 263
Woo Comma,'
Henry CoOpenhaver, 242 145 337
Jacob Sliver, 134 132 266
Henry Shenk, 234 144 378
John T. Atkins, . 236 146 382
John Ulrich, , . 127 . 132 259
George Suavely, 126 131 257
Peter Hauer, 249
Jacob Graaf, - 138 '
William Smith, • 136
John Shay, , 235
William C. Fauber, 235
Oliver McConnell, 126
Bernhard Rauch, 123 . '
Joseph Hatch,' 146
Jacob Hauer. • 144
Henry Shaeffer, 129 '
Dtiniel Seifert, . - 129
Adam Stains,. •.-- 236 • .
Josiah Gettlo; 121'
Jonathan Saline, . 150
Wm. Zimmerman, . 126
Adam Moyer, 234
A. H. Richey, 126
William Bergner, 145
Joel Goodhart, 129 ..
Henry Shirk, 239
Cyrus Dodge, 122 .
George Shay, . 144 -
W Miami-Brooke. 130"
(The first named on the - above list are the op
position candidates.)
. ,
Joseph Smith, J. IL S., 144
Oliver Bowman, - 70
Jonas Lesher, 34
Samuel Honek, _ ' 32 •
John Lneaweaver, 143, ,
M/yr:lrd F. Ramsey, 70
John Gasser,
John K. Roiiibeiter, 31
Henry A. Snavely; ' 141. . 37 178
John E. Siegrist, . , 't3 29 102
Joa n , Kreider, .144 24 100
Uriah 0. Shott, 143 30 1.79
Henry Bowman, 70 .10, 100
Amos Long, 70 30 _ 100
Gotlieb T. Kreider, 161 33 104
Conrad Miller, 139 ' 37 170
Wm. H. Smith, - 60 28 88
Wm. Miller, 69 32 91
Artemns-Wilhelm, ' 142 35 177
Christian - Risser, 143 .30 . , 179
Moses Kreider, . 69 St 100
Christian Smith, 7O *-
~ , .30 100
Peter S. Lineaweaver, 143 . • 116 179
Jacob Aliwein, '144 35 179
Bird Shay, 70 -
John H. Westenberger, 143 37 . 180
LJeremiah Stober, 70 ,29 - 99
r '
David Dohner, .. 143 ' 3.. t . 9
Moses Light, 69 30 99
CONSTABLE,. . . ..
, Henry Eby, R.e.) , 143 3W 179
Elijah Long. Yd' :ID 100
(The firit li:ix:lied on the above list are the
Demociatic naildidater.)_, _ -
kORTIE LEBANON Bollol3aii.
Chief Burgess, Edward E. Kimmell, 73, Zl r m.
Eckenroth, 78 ; Assistant Burgess, As.iph S.'
Light,. 79, Daniel Dickel, 71 • Council, Daniel
Sirock, 76, Peter We 'rich, 84, ' David L. Miller,
79, Charles Blum 65 ; Wood Cortier, Havid D.
Long,7l, Michnel Ferniler, 75 ; High 4.3.}11111 , i,
ble, - John Heisey, 96, Wm. L. Blaek, 55.; Judge,
Levi F. Bahr, 77, Jacob Pence, 76 ; Inspector,
John C. Albright, 7S, George Heilig, 74 ; Asses
sor, John C. Wentz, 82, Samuel Spengler, 70;
Assistant Assessors ' Christian Good, 77, John
Berlett, 79, Daniel Light, J. S., 76„,Jobn Hag
erty, 74 ; Justieemf the Peace, Solomon Smith;
82, John Aulenbacii, 71 ; Supervisors, Peter
Horst, 74, Joseph F. Light,'7B, George krentz,
77 ; School Directors; Cyrus. Muieh, 79, John
Henry; 80, George Gorily, 76, Samuel Blistine,
69 ; Atiditbr, David Klein, 76; Charles Albright,
13nimigh. ,Constable, John Geiatweit, 75,
'Sane Rank; 74.
. _
Judge, Jdnas- Stager 124. Joel Brubacher 100 ;
Inspector, Elias Dundore 124, Seth Light 100';
Assessor, Elias Rittle 118, Christian di. Beinber‘
ger 105 rAssistant Assessors, Jos. F. Heilman
124, 'Rudolph Shenk 124 ; Abraham: Fernsler
100, Jacitbßo*berger 100 ; Supervisors, Henry
Getz 124, .George S., L'ineeweaver 124, Peter
Schrorn 100, Peter l'eungsi 93 ; Auditer,•George
Tows. 124, John S. Bomberger 100 ; Township
.Clerk, Abel Sbitak.l26, Adam Smith 99.; Con
stable, John Fiterer 125 . , 'George Carl 99; Jus
tice of the Peace, Daniel Fulmorl23 ; School
Directors, Henry Bohner, 2y., 124; Emanuel
Dendorel2s, noses Strohm 126, Felix IL Light
Assessor, Abrahadi Trottel 169, Jacob Funek
140; Assistant,-Avleszoii, Jacob Shaeffer 166,
Michael Heverlitig 166, Henry Shaeffer 139, J 5.-
cob Hmberger, EN., 140; Judge, John '11:0troh
170, Daniel G. Thompson 140 ; Inspector, John
Feeman 177, Henry J. Light 133 ; Supervi
sors, Jonathan,,jr,, 163, John.Boynr
167, Wm. A llvrein 136,%amucl.Rupp 135; Sebool
Directors. Jacob Hockendorn 166, Joseph Light,
jr., 170, Jesse Zimmerman,.. ly.. 160, Ephraim
Light 134, Adam Brandt 138, Felix. Light, Iy.,
141 ; Constable, John Walbbrii 174, David Wal
born 133 ; Auditor, Benjam Bloucb*, sr., 173,
Jacob Arnold, jr.,137 ;.Towilsh lit Clerk, John
SteekiMek 115, Adam Lauber 134.
Assessor, Henry S. Lick 171, Levi Wolf 201 ;
Aeffistent AEFsesore, Henry Wolf 159, henry L.
Wen tv 157, j'acob Albert 200, Jacob W. Meyer
207 ; Supervisors, Wm. Adams 153, Benjuin in
Gerber 107, Thomas Smith 157, Duv id Stover
173 ; Constable, Samuel Byle 156, facott Seltz
er 32 ; Inspectors. Philip -Brown 156, Nathan
Berlet 108, Jeremiah Blecher 44 ; Town Clerk,
John H. Knhr 98, David W. Uhrieh,2B, Henry
C. Clouse 3 ; School Directors, Emanuel Miller
184, George Huntzieker 163 ; Judge, John - L.
Moyer 205; Auditor, Michael Kuhr 167. •
Assessot; Josiah W. Hartman 163, Elias S.
Long 102 ; ,A.sistant Assessors, Jacob D. Peek
126, Elias ,llllig.l3l,Joseph Ka lhach 136, Mi
chael S. Moore 130.. i fudge, John S. Richard
139, Isaac Worth 128 ; Inspector, Henry H.
Matthews 122, Jacob Loeb 138:; Stipetwisors,
Bennevelle Sonnen 120, peter Stump'l2s, Peter
Leger 55, Andrew Strickler.7l; Constable,
Harrison Shaum 141, Henry Strickler 119 ;
Clerk, Wm. H. Dm 123, John:B. ,! : Walter 138 ;
SChonl%Direetoitt, John Zjankermin 128, Peter
j e i„* . 131, John Keller 126, Mieett'il . H. Moore
132;John HoisreL:tein 136, Daniel Pfeiffer 135 ;
Auditor, Seth Royerl3o, y ^3 n iel Spaytt 132.
Supervisors, Jacob Gerhart 79, Samuel Focht 57, Ja
cob Shogar 32, Fella Kreiser 07- Christian Munich 27,
Henry Bohr 434, Judge, Jen n B Shiny 77, William Rehm
108; Inspectors, Isaac K Gingrich 79, Henry G
82; justice of the Pence. Christian D Zehring 104; Con
stable, John A Gerhart e t it Assessor, Henry S Good 87 ;
Assistant Assessors, GYrni School 45, John A Gerhart 45;
School Directors, John Wenger 89, Jacob Deaven 117,
Joseph Keane 98; Tovenship Clerk, Peter II Boeshors 55.
• • •
JACKSON TOWNSInt • •-• • •
Judge, Peary Loose 246,-Martin Menderbath 232 ;. In
enactors, John AWoomer 230,George'Line 224 Assessor,
Frederick Beckley 259, John Behar '11u; Apistant As
sessors, Thomas Bossier 344, William Lobes 452 Auditor,
Christian Boyer 225. Samuel Shell 231 ; School Die ectors
Andrew J Tice 272, Israel Tice 247. William 01wein 226:
George Donges it, Moses Steiner 55; Supervisors, Henri
litbschman 235, John Kelchner 191, Joseph Phillips 211,
Jacob Phillips 199 ; Constable, Antes Huber 169, Thomas
Aehey 197 ; Township Clerk, Curtis Schermer 215, John
W Woomer 239.
Ass'essers, David 111ack 117, Henry M Boyer 86, Saddle'
II Harper t 6; Amami:lt Aseesesore. lohtiTroxel, Sr., 266,
FJrialt BtirkliorderAlo; Judge, Samuel A uebenb acb 151,
George Rigler 69; luepeetore ; Tweet> Rachman 109. Adam
Faust 55, Jacob Gabbard 44 ; School Directors, ".1 D Fel ty
185, Wm Foster (1. year) 185, George lloverter (1 year)
47 ; Supervisors, William Yeats 173, Frederick Zoke 129,
George Idaitermas 86; C0988861°, John Asidt 199; Tome
ship Clerk, Jelin H Trump 190; Auditor C W Carmarly
Agsessor,lOW Leng 151, Jacob `A Quadrino 113 ; As
sistant Assessors, George Weidman 255, Daniel Ulrich
141; Judge,,SamneLMeyer 14Q, George Seltzer 126;
spectord, Moses Sherk t 25„ Peter Leasly 134, John A Bo
denhour 10.; Finporviser., Abraham Sherk t3l, Samuel
Leesty 65, John Boger 131, Abstbain Feruelerl4; School
IJirectors, Bergner 234, Henry 11 Kreider 1 21,
Gabriel Wolferaberger 133; Constable, Henry Martin 173,
Jelin &weir 98; Auditor, Ephraim Forney 2655; Town
ship Clerk, Samuel It Miller 140
Assessor, - Daniel Mays 211, Deatrich Goshen 189; As.
elstant Assessors, Enoch Garrett 234 John Weiss 243,
Jacob Eberly 160, George Seiner; 159; Justice of th.
Peace, Joe S Looser 242, Jeremiah S Acboy 141; Judge,
Israel Groh 243, John W Gable 161; Inspectors, Michael
Ream 243, Jeremiah Hoffman 150 Supervisors, Jacob
Walter 240, Samuel Miller,„Sr., 195. Thomas Bender 181;
School Drectors, John K Lutz 198 Martin Roam 198,
Michael K Keath 151, Samuel Loose 59, George Tangs;
176 ; Constable Andrew Shown* 252, Samuel Walter 148;
Auditor. Michael Dezuneederfer 240, Usury Krepp 157;
Township Clerk, John M Iletrich 243, Edward Iba 151/.
Justice of the Peace, Jacob G Heilman 110, John Brun
ner 119 ; Assessor, George W Walker 111, Andrew Boltz'
95, Raymond Lewis 45, floury ?,1 Ellis 78 ; Assistant
Assessors, John Rahley, Jr. ' 119, Jacob llmberger 114,
Samuel Groh 130, Christian Eshleman 129, Lo
se, 81. J..din Sante 81; Constable, Abraham Peter 173,
William Dealt 25; Township Treasurer, Napoleon Dealt
213, Henry Ilibsch man 71; Suparvinori, Philip Boltz 143,
Solomon Tobias 110, Isaac Urich 59. Jacob Lents 88,
Michael 1Iobn:108, Sohirnon Bohney 13; Judge, Charles
Lauta 131, William Wooltly 151; Inspectors. John II
Shocker 160, John Long 73. John Groh 83; ,School
re,tors, Joseph Kreider 141, Nicholas Thompson 179,
William Behney 18: ; Township Clerk, Simon IleiTinuu
tw; Auditor, Jacob Wenger 09.
-Justice of thePeuce, Adam Mak 4, David Rowe 10.
Judge; tchahl Sweimor 5,.) K Umberger 10: Inspectors .
Thentes,Evatts 6,1, C Bricker 1 .; Assessor, .1 Andrews 5,
;Michael Hensel 10; Assistant Assessors, Samuel Ney 5,
Mortimer. O'Connor 10; School Bit : cetera:Wm Shade! 5,
Isreat Bevertinp 5, Thomas Evatts,s, hael Swoncer 5,
J Andrewas, John Pr (3 yre) 10, Benjamin Lowe (3
yrs) tO, L C Bricker (2 yrs) 10. Henry Fry , (2 yrs) ;0, Da
vid Rowe (14.1110 ; Conste.b . le, Israel lleverliag 5. Woe
Wpm 10; Supervisors, Willi m Shade) 5, Charles Redc
urrant 5, David Rowley. 10 I,lll,iiih' - Dautivrt 10 Auditor,
Thoniae Evans 5, Joseph Snyder 10 ;ClerkiChailtd Rode ,
multi 5, juhn Proud 10.
' Choi*, Daniel liolabergloly Lyon Lemlevekr
7; Townehip Audi tor, - Thotties P Hiller 196; Superylsora,
Jacob Beck 209, G urge ILL:ostler° 212; School Directors,
Aaron If. Albert 203, John /1 Shuey.2o3; Judge of blec.
tion,L)avidlo. ]tuck 197; ~Aasistabi
. Aaseasora, George 11
13olugardner, 195; Levi- Kreider . 19S •, Aaaelaor„ David
Wendling.lo6; Constable; Adam A 153, Ben
jatutirfOlintratch t 7; 'lnspectors, Daniel R Speck 64, Peter
I. Nye 181; Justice of the Peace, Martin Melly 174, An
drew McGill 73.
A County Meeting was held on
Monday, in the Court House, under a call
from the Commissioners, for the purpose
of taking action in regard to a bounty to
recruits to:fill up the newly ordered : draft
for 200,000 additional soldiers. The
Meeting ins:tructed the Commissioners to
offer a Bounty,of $3OO to veterans and al
so the, same to raw recruits. We under
standthat the meeting was but slimlS ,
tended,and remarkable more for ihe •a
musement it afforded than anything else.
In the opinion of many' these 'County"
ineetingi have degenerated )nto.a good
deal of a -.twosome, being participated In
by hardly five in a 'thousand of the tax
payers of the county. There is no doubt
but` the people want the Commissioners
tO'appropriate the necessary bounty to a
void a draft, but the action might be con:
summated without such trieetings•as that
of Monday is represented to have been.
Mr. Henry Raber has just re
turned from the city, and has how open
a splendid Lot of Spring "heady made
Clothing to which he ins te the attention
of the public. •
Adam riaak,.' for some years
past the well known prOprietor of the
Cold Spring Hotel, and formerly of the
"Eagle" and "Buck" Hotels of this l3or
ough, has leased the Market Street lintel,
(Zimmerman's Old Stand,) in this bor.
ouch, and intends opening - a Tavern, Eat
ing, and Drinking Saloon; on a new and
eltensitie sedle;. '"Adam" is one .of thg
beS - f -of dateiere, -Fs net to be"surpassed as
a landlord; obliging and gentlemanly in
his interCoUre with the public, and we
have no doubt will do a rushing business.
He will open atiout:thelii-sf of April, when
the public will be further informed of his
Whereabouts and manner of advancing
into the affections of the public.
All iltbsb persons_who have been
elected Justices of the Peace at the late
election, must notify the Prothonotary at
the earliest moment that they will accept
the office; otherwise they will not be com
give strength to the voice of SINGER ' S, and
,are, indespensable
„o P Ul31 1 1C SPEAKERS.
"T recommend their use Co Public
"They have suited' my .case exactly,
relieving my throat and clearing the
voice so that 1 could sing with ease."
T. DucHAnmi
Chorister French Parish Church, Montre
al. Sold by all peelers in Medicines at
25 cents per Box.
tO . lt3Pers, to tho Rescue !—Young men, rushL
mg into the exposures and dangers Oh Soldier's
life, should prepare themSelres foi the tern Fe
vers, this IfysenterY, the Sores end Sciii-V35
Which are almost certain Co folleiv. n - oLLo-
WAY'S PILLS: used, cethiSlomilly during the
compalgo, will insure sound beitlih to every
man. Only 25 cents per box. 215
• •
Mr . John Muttheg., the present.
popular landlord of the Market . Street Ilotal,
Lebanon, has leased Mrs. Rise's Rotel, of which
he will take possession .on the first of April next:
Many improvements and alterations are to be
made in the new place, so as to'ninkts it a first
class note!, and with a landlord like John it will
not lose its reputation which, for so many years,
it possessed under its Kesel:it but retiring'proprio•
Sr The -house at iiresent occupied :by Mr.
M., we understand, is to be converted to other
p u iposes, so that the new xtand will accommo;
datellfte castomers of both houses and as many
mere as may find it cop yen lea I. and p!enteut td
top there:
TAKE NOTICE.—The enrolling 4; go'
ing on, and it Is expected that the Conscription ,se.
will be•enforced immediately, so I Waitld
every .
body to get their PICTURES taken in time for their l rn ,
Wiens and friends, and the only place to get a Nu. I,
Picture is at Ziatmaitms..lPS . New York Photographic
Gallery,.for he is taking the bia.apest, the best, and
most life-like Pictures. Lebanon. It is admitted by
all that he rata lie beat, for his gallery is tilivays
crowded. Give him a call aed yeti flail as we rec
ommend. Remember the place. •Ziruinerintin's New
Yak Photographic (Ninny, hi Cumberland St. Call
early and avoid a crowd.
P. S.—Children and an . YbOdy that bee got weak eyes
4bould call at ZimmermaWs Gallery. is Pictures on
ly reititi ire call.
S to 6 sceonds time to sit
.01i0 there Dick and
Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such a
hurry t -
AtiswEit.—Why we are just on our way to Da fly's
Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . lie
takes splendid pictures, and his Canary is nearly all
the time crowded. so I said to Nancy we will go ear.
ly this morning before any body else gets there, or we
. w :!! have to come away again without gettin any.
yes! I have beard too that
,Daily's Gallery
is nearly the ;.!!.be crowded, nod so why don't you
go to some other Galleri
Azta.—Oh my I we could not think of such a thing.—
We admirmthe true and beautiful picture nit Daily
takes, so much that we would not go to another Gal
lery if we could get them fot nothing. Be has seven
years; experience in the beAness, haes a coinplete Hen of
improved instruments, an excellint sky-light, sap.
there rote takes the best picturestown, and so of
CORM every body that wants it &bd. ideture goes to
Quatrr.—What k Ind of Pictures doelMe bike 'I
Atm.—lle takes Photographs from miniature to
size, plain or colored. Ills card pictures have been
pronounced more truthful and life like than some that
have been taken in our large cities. HIS Ambrotypea
are be ful, and can't be beat. Be also excels in
copyinnictures from small Dageerreotypos, • and en
larging them almost to any size.
Qum—Where is this Gallery ? I must give him a
call too.
ANS.—Just come along itvitli Nancy and 1, and we
will show you. It is in Stine's New Building. next
door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. Ile has constant
ly OR hand a good assortment of Gilt and Itogewobit
Frames, Cakes, Albums, Ire., which he sells cheap.—
a'aarbidry,eh*eftLpasPiiicotou,vsr:e adviso all to go to
March 11, '63.
For Collectors of State,CP4oos, And Militia
Tax, for sale cheap at tb dverticei 'Office,
Also for Collectors of School Tax,
g/Peciat *arcs.
, .
Hoyt's Hiawatha Halt Itisi,torlitivo.
The standard staple preparation for the, hair war
ranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair,. and
whiskers, to their original color.. It does not claim to
make the hair grow is where It has fallen out ; noth
ing, will do that whatorer may be advertised to the
contrary, but it will prevent it from fall trig opt, make
it soft and silky „cleanse it and the scalp from 'impuri
ties and humors; and , entirety overpy* bad edema of
previous useof Preparations containing sulphur,-su
gar of lead. &c. It requires no soaping,; washing, and
hours for its ape lication,-nor will it stain the skin, but
is as easily applied and wiped froui the skin as any
hair dressing. It restores the natural alluding . of one
hair,witli another, .which gives ft a lively appearance
Intend of the dull nuiform black of dyes.
Hot's Imperial Coloring Cream.
.Superior to any Hair Dressing in use: Oils and Col
ors the Hair at the same time. Changes light and red
hair to a beautiful brown or black. , •
Sold everywhere. • . JOSEPH IIOYT.k CO ,
No.lo University Place, New York. ,
March 0,
_UMENT, pint bottles at fifty
.centanavt; for
lamenem, cuts, galls. olio; ,sprains, hc., warranted
cheaper than any other. It is used by; all the great
horsemen on Long island courses. It will not cure
ring bona nor epavin, xK no liniment in exis
tence that will. What it Is stated to mile it positively
does. No owner of borsen will be without it after, trying
one bottle. One dose revives and often saves OW life
of an over-bested or driven horse.' For colic- and bel
ly-ache it has never failed Just as sure as the.sun
rises. just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be.tbe
Horse embrecation of the day, by all druggists.
(Mee ' an Cortatadt Street, New Yerk.
Feb. 10, '61.--Im. .
THE comm§sldNs :T.PERIENOE
• IN AM; •
FUblialted for the be V.L
nout. Mid as it•Worning and
whosuffer from nervoua Debility, Premature, Decay of.
Atinhood, etc supplying at.thdaame time.
2,13 y ona who hag eared liiiilelf-after being One to
great expenae and' 'Nary through medical humbug
and quackery. -
By enclosing &poet paid addressed 'enyelope, alagle
copies may be bud of the author. .
Bedford, Kings county, N. Y.
May 27, - 15a1.--ly.
Terible Disclosures'.
ETS fiir the m ion A most val nable and won
derfitl publication. A work of 400 , pages. and 30
colored engravings. ; CI NT alit'S A' Atr iIIWCUOfi
an orizinal and popular treatise on Man and Momark,'
their Physiology. Functions. and ,Sexual 'disorders of
every kind. with Never Failing Remedies for their
speedy mire. The practice of Dit.'.llUNT KR, has long
been, and still is, unbomaieti, bat at the earnest sollei
nation of numerous persons, lie has I een induced team
tend his medical usefulness through: the : mediuMof his
—V ADE MECUM:" It is a volume that should be in
the , hands of every family in the land, as a preventive
of secret vices. or as a guide for the alleviation of one
of the most awful and destructive acourges ever visited,
mankind. One molly, securely enveloped. will: be for
warded ft ee of pottage to any part of thu . tinited States
for 50 eclat in P , . O. atampa. or 3 copier forp. Ad
dress. poSt Paid, DP.. 11UNTSR, No. 3 Division Street,
New York.
Powder, taps, ate
Arreamois-Sinnycslacii,--3. AVM:MA.OII teouhi ro
spectrally infOriii the Online that he continues the
business of inanuthataring and dealing in
Caps,WlVlA,antl alt kinils of gunning and gun materi
al. et his Store, on Market street, a few doors North of
the L. V it. It., Lebanon, . r
0.1 . „L, MI kinds of Repi iring done at the shortest pos
slide notice and in the nest style o f workmanship.
Lebaon, Juno 24, 1803.—1 y
Xiiigtoug Iftditto.
Zion's FN. Lutheran eiturch.--English hersico
on crest SKlihalh, both- inoruing'und eYening. Also,
IMOLAI services on next Friday morning. ,
services= rxt Sabbath maiming Sn the Cieridan, nod
in the - evening Sn the -11nglish language, in the Firei
Reformed church. Also on Good Friday morning
in the German, and at 1 P. AI., in tho Englieb hm
guage. -
On Geed Pridazi-, divine service a t.lO A. A1., - and 2
P. 11., and hi the evening.. On Eneter Stmday
vice at- ti A. Al., German preaching nt. 10 A, Al:;
Lord's ,upper P. Al. and Engilth services at
IP. AT., in the Mor tvfita church. .
Services in St. John's Church every, evening thii 'week;
c;xts-rit Saturday evening, Thursday .evening pre,
purntory cervices, end on Friday evening-coverneniL
on. French 'tug nest. Sunday 109111 ins dusi e r refilg%
A t the house of the Drialo'a- father, en the ',nth net:.
ty tite ltpy . Krefner. ADP% SITAAK; of s.•
Lebanon. tf)„ Mfiti uhIEIA gEnrYIRT; - - onagh ter'
of 'Mr. 31troll Eel tiAt, tbia county.
On the 17th lupe., liy the same, Mr. ItAVID ItADV-•
.9.ITTLE, to Miea ANNA lILLESTBERGETt, biitli of Dau
phin comitY.
_ ab, the 1:1th ittt.:4t the I,t ited Brethren Parennale,
hi ilia R.v. Donut; .rty, .Mr.• ADAM KUNKLE
MAN to trit.tNoag9 both cm Shaer
. .
On the 3 3 in.t.; by. Rey J.Katz. Mr.. 7 GOSSERT
to3MA MARY PRI'BR, both of Vii,
On the fish itot y rha .erno, Mr. WILLIAM 31.
tlKl. 4 Z t.k MIE4a MA R II: Jprie+teiwrf.
-Z . ,
In this Bormigh. on . the 17th fast „Maidenly, of Ap-:
oplexy, Mr.- SAMUEL KRAUSE, aged 67 years, 2
months and 31lays.
On the 26th 01 Febravi,lB64. in .Montroxe, lowa, of
dropsy. LY•IYA 11.1414VRA, only bet-wee daughtet et
Henry o.,and Bella A. Derr, aged 1 year, 4 menthe and
. ...
earcfidly Corrected Weekly.
LEBANON, IV,Eupcso,!s, MARCIE 23, 7801,
Extra FaMily, 1.3 i" til Eggs, V dor-, 20'
Extra Flour, . 825 Rutter, V lb.. - 30
Prime White Wlleat.l 50 .'Pub or salted butter, 10
Prime 8d IV heat, 145 i Lord, ' 35
New Ilihmt, - ...,."",,,.:.11`allow, - _ ' 11
Prime Rye, ' I.a :!rain, 12
Corn, C 5 iiibo alders. ' 30
Oats,*, 75 Sides, ! • 20
Clover-seed' .- 8 00 'Soap;'' - 7 •
2 a
ts 6 IRses-
Thnotby•sre , wax.„ -5
-'".- .
Fiax•seed,- , 250 White dtags,-
- It`
Dried A pplea, pealed. 200 Mixed. Rags, . a
:reach "Su i te," . 250 Flax, ll fb.,„,, . 1 2 ; 1,4
Peach "nutzets;” - - -1 (12 i tirli3tlttf,.., ib,., 90'
Cherries, 175 Feathers;' lb., • 1.32 U
Onions. 100 i Wool, sp„ lb., 40' -
Potatoes. "V. bus. 50 Soup Beaus, V qt., 7
Apple lto tter. Wreck, 1.5 %larger, V. gal., ' 123
ps 4 - :.'::_pvi*Elitio,6%_,',.
Yining Mon who ha hinl one or two yonvp expo_
once in the Dry Goixis,.llnOtices, rind can [wet: the
German and English Itt,tti t tittleo-'-'4l - 6 ry to
0". D
bballtm, MuttTi 23;1884. • _-.
, artC ni hat .the account of
L Joseph'ldght,...CdpntlfteOliiid Trustee, duly ap
pointed by. Elie Court Conidlinf Pleas Of Lebanon
County, of. -W,161411tM 8121,111,. 'a - Leen
filed ia . the Prtithananiry!s aro, nt. , Lebation rowdy,
end. that the ennui will her pees'ested to the Court of
Common Pleui•of said Conlity,-on ttt- Third lionday
.401.114 next, for nonfirntatiOn and alloptink , , when
and where all persons in tereated..,:inay attend if they
.think proper,
Protbo no tar3"a °Mue r March 23, 1864.
DUBUC notice is heteby . airen that the account of
1 A (10.111 (trittinger, asstgrui.e a voluntary
deed of asslininent. for thh benefit of :creditors of St.
MON SNAVELY and Veronica, his Witbj . bas been fil
ed in the Kothonotary's office of Libabon'county,
and that the ,same will be presented torlifikeourt of
Common Pleas of said County," on the Third iltonday
of April "next, for confirmation and a 'lowan* when
and where all persons interested' may attend If they
think Proper. HENRI" Sp:GRIST, 'Proth'y.
Prothonotary's Office, March 23,
PUBLIC notice is hereby given that the account of
Jacob w. Meyer mud Daniel Miller, Executors of,
ARTIN mEyElt, who was Trustee of
John Penner, a lunatic, of the townehlp,:of Bethel, in
the County of Lobanon; has ()Ore filed in - the Prothon
otary,s office of Lebanon county, and that the same
will be presented, to the COurt orComnain Pleas of
said County, oil the Thii%t llliraclay of 'Apnl, next, for
conflrmation4ind allowance , when awl where all per-'
sons interested 'may attend if they tit ink proper. • ,
, • HENRY SIEORIST. f'roth'y
Prothonotary's Office, March 23, 1884.
tietioe is - hereby given that the account of
PWilliam Peters, assignee of ISAAC 81111 0 PLER.
under a ,dited of voluntary assignment in trust for
the benefit 'of cieditbrs, has been filed in the Prothon
otary's office .of Lebanon County, and that the sahib
will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said
County, on 'Oh - Third Monctazi of April, next, for ban
f rmation and allitivance, when and where alt persons
interested may attend if they think proper.-
• HENRY SIEGkIST, Preth'y.
Prothonotary's Office, March 23,1864.
TO CoristimPTlVES a
Consumptive sufferers will recs:ive a Valuable pre
aeriptieu for the ellie tu o c f r e m on d su e m:t t S o on, Asthma, Broil=
chitin"; " end all Throat , awl Lung affections, (free of
cbargo,) by seuding
Rev. i B. A r . W1.1.80N,
. :. Williamsburg, ,;,
feu. "7 1864.-6 L , . • , ,}C.lnge co., Now York.
lleiriCrVatta '
TAP, undersigned' has moved WI office to giorge's
Corner, (entrance on Walnut St., opposite the
Conrt Ileuaa t ) ;where he continues to give his whets.
attention, to Surveying-and &rivalling: Is always
in his office on.&turday t ,p.nd cr, all other times un
less whan„called miss , by
_poet WO. Having lately
been appointed a 'gentry Public, he ban authority to
take acknoseletigmanta the eame as Justices of the
Particular atterition. given to writing W ills 'and
tnalc lag tint distribiitions.
MAO 110PPEr.
Lebanon, March . . _
Geo. L. Atkins,
3EI - E:r is x za" ,
has determined to carry 'Mit ;the motto,
. .
He has itit received a large Stock of Boots, Shoes.
Trunks and. Carpet Bags.- , tr. Particular attention
paid to Customer's Work. .
Lebanon, March 23, 1364. ' :- - '-.
Ia.yJLL be sold :it Public See, oii
. MONDAY , Karat ' , WI: 18:04 -
At the residence of the Wndersigne,lf,,_.Sotit Ann
town'ahip, .Lebanon county, - one Mite *rein, Car
per's 'Tavern, and 214 miles from CampLellstown the''
followiri-g Personal Property, viz :
S l 6 - (i'on Head- of HORSES, 1
finton*,„..., whirl:l,h; a Mare with Foal, and
Two Cults Of one year
IEI itymbrellfL Cows,
some of &ea heafy with Calvis, 7 PT
Steers, Most of them . about 2 years ' - A I
old , • - '
111110 ad of Young Caftle,' •
inc ono th E eh L l4l Ssi ; '
iseavy . with . Pigs ;
and a Hoar; lti`,l,rnad;Wheeled - 4,ltorselV , AGON, a one,
boas° ,Wagan.'a*Ttireldling I.fannowing Mill,
S,teed Drill. PION#4. Harrows. Shovel 'llareoW, Cnitiva,
tor, Corn P.I9W, Land Atoller, Flarnese, Wire Rake,
Log. Cow - snit Halter Chains, Bakes, Forks; Shovels ,
Crain 'Cradle; Gress Scythes, Wagon Box two pair of
Hay Ladders, ALSO; n variety hf - •
Household '&
Dedeteada , and Iladding, 'fables and Chairs. COOTifkill
STOVE of the Wm: Poen Tntent, : n. Parlor ‘Stov'e,...ti
largo Table, pn iron Salted 'Beef and . pork.
mi t a, standf.,-Tinegar garrets and 'variqy of
other articles. The &Imre itrtisles, of 'Faris IMple
men ta and Ifnuselvild' opits are all .nearly as; good
as new, IMv ing been,iiseabni•twn,Years.
Sale to co trmence at 12 o'cloclf,M.,,ptecisely, Whoo
conditions will be made knovin by '
0r.0..D. Henna, Atiat'r- - . - 40.STA:TI TIOTZ,
March 2:1,4504,
GO 0 D.
or thelatett importaUons. an 4 of
the new - eat - 4nd most ,fashibua.
Our Straw- Bcparfanctit
kill can:price every variety of Bonnets, Bata and
Trimmingaso he found in' that line, of the latO:st and
moat apneoied shapes and styles.
Soliciting an early cell: I remain • -
Yours, Respectfully,
Nos. 103,105 k IS7 North S . ECOND Sta., Philad'a.
Meech, 16, 1564 —4t. •
' OP
ittit 1111iT'AiIptia agt.
which advocates the principles anti polley of the Dem
ocratic party. is homed everjk morning, (Sundays ex _
repted.) and.cont alas the I.4TRST. TRI.FORAPHIC
NItWS from all parts of the wend —"with - caralully
prepard Ititiel es on °overturn:km; ' Politics. Trade,
Finance. etc., and prompt editor latcomments,on the
Cuesthms and of the day : Market . Reports. Pri
ces Gorrent. Stock Quotations. Marine Intelligence,
Reports of Public Gathering's, Foreign and Domestic
Ccirrespondenee, Legal Reports, Theatrical Criticism.,
Reviews of Literature, Art and alnvie. Agricultural
Matters, and discussions of whatever subject is of gen
eral interest and importance.
Is a complete, compendipm or the NEWS OF MR
WIISK, and contains the chief editorials, 'the; 'prices
entrant and market reports,. stock, quotation., eerie
sposid,'Mee and general news matter published iu tbu
DAILY AIM. .It. also contains a groat variety of oth
er•rtintter; rendering It In all respects a Drat-class farm
ilyjournal, particularly adapted to tho Politician, the
Merchant, the. Manner, the' Ble6hanlo, the , Literary.
man, and all classes of readers. It hue. in fact. every
characteristic of a LlVit NOWSVAL'ER, fitted fur the
Countiag House, tau Workshop, the !farmer's Fire
side, and the General Render.
,• - TER•IFIS: • •
one . year, By Mail SS. OOiOno year. 00
Nix Monthq 4 00 Fix Month,' 1 00
Three biouthe 2 00 Three Months...CO
For any period less than t3lobe of 10 17 b 0
three meuthe,nt the ratan x 20 PO (.0
Seiertty-Bio • i:buts per with an extra copy ()exult
month. for gettingnp tile club.
•". •?eiitaietel'.4inlai'lladp.iti advance.:
Specimen -copies of _the Daltr nod Afeckly w , bo
sent gratis to eny.addriels,;tneaPpileation::
The Publishers of TUN AGE could easily fill their
colitinna.rrltir tV. untied:Olt mid 'Meet ilbeni I:Cbre mere
thitiotts of the proiefitrotillffott the qmontrye; but they
prefer that it should rano(' altogether upon 'clairt:a to
Pelt 11,1 confidence, vrell tiros' n' Sim estiblisited. They
beike.Ve it to acquired this reputation by the candor,
f.urlessnrse and ludependenee with which it line been
conducted, though times of extraordinary oonfes'on of
ideas on public subjecta, and latterly of almost unex
ampled public trial. It is now, and will he, as hereto•
fort.,,the supporter of-truly national principles, op.
posed alike 49 radicalism and, fatiaticism •iu every
form, : stud devoted, to the inaibtanance of good govern
ment; law and older.
Thu. Publishers of Till.: AGE . sonevive that it thin
renders peculiar ecrvices and has reclaim. Clahns upon
all nice by wham its principles-.arc yetued,*aud who,
by the proper mcans,..look to .promoto and secure the
Constitutional restoration 91 the Union. Timm} can
beat show tbidr sentiesit the untiring efforts of the
pnblishers, ii, behalf of 'this great 'arid Unparalleled
cause, by earnestly* tuttaleing this paper in all tie busi
ness relations.
• .
• • • .IPiallia,cites...
• •4 15 1'
4-11 F +l4-1
11: • lib ma.-
.Ntirt.h-Wee.. for P.IT.IL 010,P A, NNW-YORK,
BANTON, dc.,
leave iirWrieb.urg for Philn,tylpllla. New-York.
Reeding, Pot terthh, end nil intermediate Stotione, at 8
A, 3LoTol 2.00 P. Xl pueolug Lebanon 9.13 A.ll, 0.0.
3.08' P. A
. New Yxpress leaves liaislibusgat 81., passes
Lebanon at 7.30 A. DI., arriving $t New :York at 9.15
the same morning. , .
- Fares from I tarrlsburg tTo Noir-7°445 18; to Phil
adelphia $3.35 and $2 80. Baggage - theeked through.
Returning. leave New-York at 6A. M F, N,gtin, and
7 P. M., (PITTSBURG EXPRESS). Leave Philadel
phia at 8.15 A. If., and 3.33 P. M., passing Lebanon at
12.17 noon, 7.17 I'. M. and Express at 1.05 A. M. •
Sleeping care in Abe New York Express Trains,
thrBegiftd and from Pittsburgh without change.
Paiwengers by the Cataviissa Railroad leave Taniagna.
at 8.50 A. If., and 2.15 P. 11. for. Philadelphia, New
York, and all Way Points.
Truios leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. 81.,
for Philadelphia. Harrisburg and Now York.
.An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading
at 6.00 A. 1f ,and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 le,
/Jar All the abovetrains run daily, Sundays excepted.
' A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. DI., and
Philadelphia at 3.15 P. 31.
Commutation Tickets, with 26 doupons at'. 25 pet
cent. between any points desired.
" Mileage Tickets, good for 2000. miler, between nil
points at $46 35—for Fatuities and Iltteiness Firma.
Season anti School Tickets, at reduced rates to and
from all points.
• .80 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger.
Patsengors are requested to purchase theis tickets
before entering the cars, as higher Fares. are charged
Paid In cars.
'O. A. NICOLL.% .
Deo. 9 1863. General Snierintendent. •
,aruLf ft.sW _ 211P1D.3v 11 ,w- 7 %„1 1400 ; aE- 11110
- - -
•W) have just opened the following list or great bargains. recelved from our buyer Wow York
Ladies, 20 and 25 eta_ per yard; very good Prints from Di etc. upwards. Beeped bkirta lief/ la.:
teat styles; lilaek Stella Shawls, $1.50 and upwards ; Ladies Cellars and Sleeves eggc.tilee
...,: , ._ We have just received from New Yorks fresh stock of Glicetfil.ES, sigh as
. ..,,
Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, aie.,.. ice. •
V ,
,fi, We buy.our Goods exclusively fair CASII, and are thereby always enabled to buy where we eau`
find the cheapest aud -.will always give our ed.storeors - the. benefit of this advanttigi. . lie Lave but one
price and our tonics are CASH . Come and 114Attlata our stoat; and , if you don't l,4 you . win see Mi 'crime'
faces. - .
pebadou r Sept. 23, 1863
Unita States- Intetnat Revenue.
Annual - - Tates - tbit:- I 864.
MITE attention of tax=payers is hereby called to the
I proilitioti.of thb: United- State* Exc.*:Law rela
tive to the teniesament of annual taxes. •
By the sixth section of the act of Julylßai.'; it is
made the duty of all persons, partnerships,lirms, es
sociationa, or corporations. made liable to any annual
duty, licence; or tax, on or bgfarc thefirst Hominy of
May in each, year,. to make a list.or ; return to the As
sistant Assessor,,ot the Listriet where lorated . rit the
ailment Of annual income, the ertielesOr objects'eharg
ed frith a skald tai,,atid. the, business or oettpatiou
liableteßay any,.license.
. perselfwbe shall fail to unit ssifiteli". - retnrn by
the day specified'w ill he 'liable. to be assessed by the
Assessor according to the bet information at ht . he
can obtain; and in such case the Asseiseor is required
an add fifty par 'cephalic to the amount of the items of
itch list. '
Every person who deliver to an Assessor ally'
falsee or fraudulent list or statement, wit:la-intent to
evade the valuation or enumeration required by law,
is subject to a fine of five hundied-dallars; and Maud."
case the list will be made out by the Assessor or As
sistant Assessor, and from the valuation and enumer
ation so made there can be no appeal. •
- Payment of the aniniertlaxee. exceptihoseforlipen
sel.,will not be deniandellxitil the thifteeuth.daY of
Jane. ••,!:
. ,
The appropriate blanks, Otewhich to ntake ietarn and
Lalt neeessecy, inteidation will be furoishOl b the
rAsOletetkt-yiesoeli-.4, to whom. the returnistiould be
delivered on or before the Arstnllooday
. . . J. W. Kll..4lNtiltß,.
S./teseeaor 10th Dletrict.
Lannon, March 0, 1664.-41. • . .
• „ .
' .. LebAnon. 'llutliatlnsukante•
COmp4ny. •
ipo the property holders of the State Of Penn
. sylvania :—OxprirlUttaii : Your attention is
respectfully solicited to the following low rates of insur
PANY, wipe are ,transacting business with the most
flattering evidence of Public confidence: There sources'
, of the Conveyare amide to indemnify those who may,
take advantage (14•Kglatii agency of the means afford.
ved them of being protected „against loss_ ; by , fire The
Bided of Directors are practiml husirresiituen ,Weli and
piegrahly known, and onioyins the entire confidefiroand
• rusppct,of the community in NliiiiCktbey live, A:teem.:
Pony 'm perfectly moron. and We invite Soar careful 51
'tendon tollie following low rates asymare deferodned to,
insure as low as say other responsible company, teasing
into consideration, the Character of the risks incurred..
Our °DARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is-'
sue Policies which never expire, which obviatcni the nil
cessity of renewal every a or 5 years. • '
' The Company has now been in isuroessful operation
for nearly 6 years, anti all its losses have been promptly
paid to tbe satisfaction of all narties concerned; and, in
tact it has been, and still continues to be; the wish of
the Directors to have the Company conducted on honest
• and economical principles: '
Dwellinga, brick or stone, slate roof $0,15 'it $lOO
1' do.- • do shingles ,IS. " do
do Log or frame ,20 " do
Barns, stone or brick ,20 " do
do. Log or Frame ,20 do
Stoic Doinies, brick or Stone. ,25 do
'Log or frame • ,30 " do
Hotels & hoarding houses,:brieli or atone ,25 " - do
do' do Loz or frame. ,30 " do
i Academies and School houses ,25 "
Churches and meeting houses
Drintere books and Stationeries - 4 . do
Book binders .50 T !• do -•
Taitor shops
Shoemaker and skddler shops
Tin ind sheei iron shops
Ornneries and PrniriSion storni
patter shops
ti rist Nitis, Wator power
Saw)tl Rio do, do
' Drug Stores . ' , " do
Smith shops, brick di stone • _ „30 " do
,do do 'tuna. ,35''" do
Carpepter,Jidder & Cabinet Man' ith6l:4 ,40
111a,, ,, uper sod Coachmsker shoos ,40' -44 'do
Pairdoc and chair maker shops ,40 " do
Dil p 4 . • ;40 44 do
o rnideries woMi -$5 44 -
! do Brick or stone ,30 " do
illercliondize in brick or otono bnild'no,2o u do
do in wooden do .25 " ttO
Furniture in'brick or stone buildings ,16 " .do
do in wooden .20 " do
Stables & sheds, brick Of etone,conntry " do ,
, do do wooden ,25 " do
Livery Tavern Stables , '25 " do
• kar Alr communications shonld be addressed to J.
;...0 HEILMAN, Secretary, Jonestoiro, Lebotnon Co., Pa.
Air OFFICE at the "Black Horse HoteL"
Jonestown, Marelv4ilB6ll
. •
*atti •Aiit()tu
1 THAN TIN YEARS, the timo•pieces montifoo
:•tigla 14 the American S Co.. of Waltham, Mum,
biie gained a firm bold upon the favor of the public.
and new, no less than :5,000 of them are speaking for
threaseivee in the pocliets of the people. From a very
INgailicent beginning the bnelness has increased un
til weare Justified in.stating that WE MAKE MORE
TITAN ONE 'TALI' Oral' the watchei sold in the IJoh.
tell States. Repeated enlargement of our fie Cory build
ings, and•the labor of 500 operatives; still find us un
equal to supply the constantly increasing demand:—
And we may here observe that notwithstanding the
high pr ice of labor and materlahe we ectualltraell our
products at less prices than those current five yearn-
We.refer to fitcts only ioepurposes of proper
; ly intiodu4ing an othgr -enbjectielativelo our manu
facture ilf wetefies. llitherto one Chief object has been
to make noon watches for the million at the lowest tars
i. sible.price—sometbing to take the ~ p lare -of the make:
• believe watelies , ealled. l -.Aneres,...-Leniutie," -Eng
; I 611 Patent Levers," kc.. onnunlly thrown upon thfis
Market, In countless .numbers, .by European work
ebnpa=watchen "-witteh • are the refuse of their facto
ries, unonlelble nt home and perfectly worthless ev- . .
erywbere. • • , ,
"fhb; object we have accomplished, ac.t now we have
to annonnte, that we halo .cotuinoncod the matraraa-
Una of Walthen of tba very
- ETRY,;
unequalleally anything hitherto made by ourselves
And unsurpassed by anything made le the world. For
this purpose we hare the amplest facilities. We have
'erected en addition to our main buihtlags •exptessly
for this br.inch of Our businens, and have filled it with
the best workmen iu our service. 'Protitlug by our
long experience, we hare remodelled the form of our
Nalcl w, intrudecing such improvements nn hare been
Suggested and proved 'to be good from time to time,
and have instituted new and severe tests of isocbro
hisit,adjtistm eta end ci,infiensation. : • New mach •nes
raid a ppliances hare heed coestriteted:Which perform
their work with . coniiiiningte delicacy and exactitude,:
and the elteibeat:ntidirmait approved meter ials only aro
hied. Nothing In factja wanting either in mecliani.
I: 1 principles, material of workultinship to ensure per
fection in the result.,
We continue to manufeeturi our .othet . 'well-known
qualities under the follow , ng names .
P. d. BARTLETT," *
And the "Soldier's Wateh,"
. "4571.1.EL:.EKY."
Tho loiter, the lowest priced match wo make. is
substantial, reliable time-piece, eased in sterling silver
—bunting pattern, and is not liable to get out °renter
either in marching riding or fighting. All the aboye
described watches, including, the intim, which ii nam
ed ...AMERICAN SVs.toa eq.MEARY,.. are .sot,t by watch
dealers gain:nal ly throughbui • the ar:y.
'Robbins ' Appleton,
Agents for the American Iyatchtomp'y,
182 BEOADWA:fi. It. Y.
• Nov. To 1863.L-inelde en* 4m;: • • . •
. • - . .. .
NOTICE Is hereby given •-that• Letters testialesifeiry
on the estate or W:11..8A ER, deed., latoOf Heide
berg lciwnsbip. Lebanon county, Pa.. hare, been grant
ed to the iinitersigue.2. tusid ing to the towilplifi4eissau,
ty end stote shares:lbl. A.ll persons inatiked tOsii4d
estate arc requestoil to make settletnefit, and those
haring claims will present them without delity.
. • - • • WM. DI.-WEIGLEY, lk.contor.
• Shaefierstown, Feb, 24;'62 - ' - •
• 1110T14:16;
OFF/OE .North Lebanon Rail Road Cbasywrnyl .
Lebanon, Pa.,
.February ;),18134.
Notice is hereby given tbsit Company Is prepar
ed to redeem all of its outstanding Bonds„which will
fail due on the first day of Aprif, }805; between this
date and the let day. of April nest, and that on all
these Weds; presented et this Miles for 'red motion,
interest will be allowed up to the said Ist of April,
180, at thereto often 0 to)pzr met per annum, instead
of seven (7) per .eent, es specified on the face of said
Bonds. 'By prder of the Board of Directors.
Leq•slitnrch 2,114. JACOB WEIDLE, Tretwurer.
~6ilip F.:lll'catily
ON Cumberland Street, one door East or
the Black h orae hotel. Thankful fur the
very liberal patronage extended to me fur the abort time
I have been in bulinoae. I would reepectfelly aolleit a
eontinuauee of the patronage of the Dubin:.
e he, at all tune+ an aasertment of ftcaiTS and
EIIIOKS of hie own mennferture on hand, wCiel ;rill be
dapewed of on reefonable terms. .
..'Those deelrltni a neat, well made article. are invited
to give me e trial. Childrene Blocs of every rerieLS
and color on hand. Heavy work made to order.
All work warranted. Bewailing reratlY de" and
egarges made medtrata.. . 7 • "
• - Towle tk.Carhsle 7
ICBMrid:4 BIIZLAFNa, Cupiberlaud Street; Lebanon, Pa. =
SOINE . . •
STYLES.; 1862
ADAM 31StflY Cumberland Arai; ! befweett
Market and the Court lionse,noltb side. has
now on hand a splendid assortment, of the New
Style of RATS AND. CAPS; for Men and boy's, for 1858
to which the attention of the tahlic is,respectfttlly
Md., at c" all prices, from OM cheapest, tithe nios.
costly..alvays Ile bas alsOjMsem:rnedfa eplen!
did awdrtment of SUMMER HATS, eultanging Bucb a
errtavir, PANAMA, PEDAL, rEARI, , 7 nowt.; DEG
itoltN; SENATIt; MIRAN, and all others:,
q~ Ito will also Wholesale all kinds of hats Caps'
In:, to Country North:into Un advantageous
:!..ebanon, po i M 362. !
- OUTILIONOTICE is berehy even ' that the Charter
of the Atetbodist Chinth of entuwalt
towtethip, Lebanon county, Pa., tree duly pi -74,111E4 to
the Cofirrof Cerifinen Plwitg, of Lel:kazoo' roniity, for
exavainnyon. and will kge. approved accord isw to law:,
on fbejirst day .f.Aprit Tenn, next, - nal - efts -good canoe
be stnfarti to the contrary: - .
Lebarion.',lstii., 27, 1.86.4,—*
LERS and , onstomera of the aboeii Celebrated
Male Bdue. will ple.sse take notice, that the La •
Lets are altered to read ; • - •
. 3=oxiccrar terricsVem
.310. 233 Nurtb SECOND Street, TILILSD"*.
The eftiality of air's Bflie *ill - lid fife rime every
It ie Srarranieder;lZG , Indite ;rater than twice the
Aanielnantiti orliddign; to go much' firther than:
. any other Wash, Bitteittthe tpar4et:., it dlssolves.per
'reetly dear and does riot Settle on elblre
te" aimost
of-the ether inaltes,do.... One Boa dissolva Abair
pint of .nater,, will mate as good.a Liquid' Blue as any
' that is' made, at one ' ihird the cos t_
As it is .retailed nt the,saine the
tions and Inferior en hoorsekftipers 1'11;41 find if
very much to their advantage - tor thdrput up
-1 at Wiltberger's.,
Blue put up after this data ;dill, BartsVi
haine 'en it is an
The New Label. doee net require a Stamp:
13*,.F0r; Sate by Storekeepers g•nerallp. .
'64.=-6m. Ir. ' ;
priN undersigned Koutd respectfully inforin the chi: -
ives of Lebanen,that be liaSivanniince:d the BAKE
IN(iIMSINESS, In all its varieties, at' his stand, on
Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Buck
Hotel, and will supplvenstomers with thebent BILBAB,
,CAKES, sc,, &e. Flour .Yheelyed.frodi customers and
returned to them in hrend of short notice.
, of all kinds. fresii and of the best quidity, eunitsM tly
on hued, and furnished at the lowest prices.
Thy public is invited to give me a trial, •
Let, nen, Nov. 9,1859.! : 1:1,11817R.
zuzia LonAmts.
Doer ; . 'Sash and. SiiiinTianing
Lo q ateci• 6it the Rtease•-lipase Road,. near •Chmberland
Street, Rust Mom*: • • .
rfIRE nntlersigned respeUrfallj , :
the public In general, - that,. they !Mr
till 'xiiailufactare and kaap on hind:
.Door, Sash, Shirtier, Blinds, Mooting.
Weather, Boards, 0 Gee Spring
Mouldings:Ur all Sizes, Wash 'hoards'. Cath*. Sorbacw,
Cornices, and all,Binds of BUILDING MATERIALS
for notions. We alto . construct the latest and iintipX im
froved Stair Casink and Hand Bailing,, rati*6le for
large add small buildings. '-- -
We now invite Formers, ,Steehattica. and *l 4 ilders to
call and examine our along.. .Which We' will warrant to
give entire satisfaction Wall who uiy:favoi
signed with their custOm.
25 ". d
M ' a
,a 0 do
,30 ' do
,30 " do
" do
0 rr 41.
. 5 ' do
,35 " do
lebanani is"q2:
L.. S.—There is also ail kisids'Pf TURNLtiGAt - tbei,
same Milt: &c:, tironalitlfdoze- far
Mass who may furnish Lumber. -
Jacob E. L. 2 ` intniteir4atin 7 * *
ING SALOON,.hlarket strew, near_ Outabealand.
oppmite the Eagle note!. Being thankful for tb•
libeiel psi:renege liAiotofe2e ettended-to him, lit Inuit
rare ily,tolicit a euntinuenee brit* Lunn—
Lebantut.:/nly 2, 18d2. -"
.1.1.-EL—The Saloon will be elofie.d de Sunday::
ttut-Lots at ‘Private Sale!
WILL be sold sit Private Sale.
situated in Long Lane, near the borough line, in Corn
wall township. It adjoins the /and. of Widen Folmar,
on the North, Wm. Atkins t folto Krause oil the East.
There is a one story LOG IL _USE, weather barded
erected on the land, and a good WELL in the garden.--
The land has tine atones for, quarries. this Irma *ill
make a nice home for a small family.
to- It is free from Ground Rent. dead title will be
_ .
• N. 8.-Tbis tract bflioiir doriffred IriEb Gni gra* hal.
of which will be girca.tekthe purchAler. .
Lebanon, June /3 I -to.
• • .--
CI B. itAaLSA,Tdaltonek's Wilding, earner of Co m
-0: bezladd street it'd 'Doi *Hey, b'ae 'on hand end
for sale, ettber by the jelti or =de. to order,. el large
of of - .. .. . ....
CLOTEig,. .•
, . ... . - •• .
l' ESTINGB - ,
. r .
... .
well salectesi from Geed Honks. Good Rita add sub.
sianital malting guaranteed to att. Also Ilindker
chiefe, Cravats. (Doves Hesiery,Suapendars, Itaney and
Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers.
. • .
.., . S. 8. RADDIT.
Lebanon, April . 9, 1662: ' ' '
. . .
1 - 11IBLIC Notice is hereby given, thee Letters Testa
-1 ni9ntary, bast,. ireeu grduterl .4.}sergrndersigued,
on the Estate of CATI.I-4:1L11.. 00.r4'YLE, late of
Heidelberg townsbip,.l.ebunon county, Lu., dsc'd . All
persons who knew themselves indebted "th 'said estate
will please settle•their account, and all thollseakaTiutt
ela ints against It will please prevent [Gem.
,81nletrorgtown, March 9, :1,9E1.. •
Howard , - Agsocia lion,
_PM-1 1 4teP,
DEII/114 1 1 .
liArisliASle•of-:the liefvone,' Ise r Urinary and
jJ Sexual Syetems—new and reliable treatment—in
reports of ,the EDWARDASSOCLATION—Sent by mail
in sealed hitter envelopes true of cbaf}te„Addrese,,
Dr. J. SECII.DIN 110I1011111N, Howard datoelatioll.
, No. 2:iouth,Niuda Street, l'hiladelphia, Ps
March 9,1844.—1 y.
. .
Oahe cheapest and:Best Goods
EVER.. , simyrx . LtBA.NONI!
Roots,, Shoes , e mats ; Caps, tit
rilllE undersigned has opened one of t.L' BEST AS.
1 T . ll d A o i f E u t , lll a t i A a f t l e S r i a t., ,, tr k a h l.l ia klifff li A
It beat
sell at prices to recommend them to pureha.
Ten'. Qf the HATS lie' lies quite 'a variety, of New
Styles, egihtacing the Washington, Scanted,' Btu - wide,
Dupo,nt, Ai:COMO!, Stringhsin and fdobttor Nat. very
bi adtifuf Cud very sheep. Of CAPS he hes a complete
assortment of an the New etylen, grit. tie ,th' shperior
mintier. with him finish ; Women's 'Alleaer ittßt ma_
dren's Italitionita. 'flatters. Congress Boots,' 'Sllfiriers.
'awl allother kiudif; fklen's and Icor? Rahisthias. Ox
ford Ties, Washington Ties,.CoMtrese Moots. and alt
.ether kinds worn : hy, them,. inchulling BOOTS and
SHOES, of the different vdrietiesoct hut cheap Store In
Prainut St., next to the C ; ounty , Prison.
sar- Thankful florwthouelidibeitirstialensilcorioteinter6tiiiiyott
i Public nnt l h i e n r e et to uf eol ° l4nd exandne qty itoek before maing
their virchagei.; ../ .. .. ~ JOS. BOWMAN.
Lebanon, L 001,220882. . , .4 _fs
p. S.A=Siliaiiilkitekenfland wielf iiade Wagon notice:
A .11. RICHEY, .INa:reheat Tafior, reepectfhlty
11,140tIlleett to the citizens of Lebaben 161 Vicinity
thaehe has just retntmed•front the city with a fine etc:
Seriatim:it of . • . .
all of Ishii* he will self or Mahe up to order st
prices to shit the titers. athis No. 1 Vika - lug Estab
lishment in Itsim's New 810ck,..t doors South
_of the
'Buck Hotel, South Walunt street.
All Work entrusted to his care, will be nuumfactur.
ad Ina workmanlike =tuner as to fashitse and durr
hility._ - • . • .
Goods purchased elsewhere will be cheyfully mede
up to order -n the usual moderate terms.
is. Mg bed years of experience in the titiltalrig and •
Dry.Gooos hue turas, and being turW fa the
advitouiga of his customers, al: the steiantates result
tug Troia said R equirement., he feels aatlatled that it
will hr responded to by a very liberal share of the pub
. Friends cal ence.teablessie rue after that fledge your
*Tri - 2413 , t 8 tu.'B Nvw
Harlon- 1 s Indigo Bit*.
digo 131 -tie,
Executmos Notice;
10BN V. Gann