•NIM MEN =MI PI a n ra, atlitrntistr. „ polocamic ritaseptztk OSABII TO LEAD,. 'WE CEASE latOW." WK. M. BEZEittliAlitor and Proprietor .fiE/SOON, PA. WSI>IF•EgI)AY, MARCH 23,1864. 00 Aore. 4 " 1 ;‘-/ Antrther Draft! ''''The President has issued a Procla _ oration calling for 200,000 more men to be drafted as soon after -the 15th of April -as ,practicable. The -following is iire . traer. 1 8XECtiTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, March 14, '64. In order to supply the force requir ed to be drafted for the navy, and to provide an adequate resen - e force for all_contingencies, •in addition to the Aye hundred thousand , men called February 18 4,' the call is, hereby male and a draft ordered for two 'hundred thousand men for the xnilita ry service, ,array, -navy and marine ~ eorps of the United States. `The proportional quotas for the different wards, towns, townships, precincts, or election districts, or counties, will be made known through `e tick ,Provost Marshal General's Bu reau., and account will be taken of ,the credits and deficiencies of former ,quotas. • The 15th day ofApril, 1864,4 s .des . lignated , as -the :time up to 4hich‘the numbers - reqiired from each -Ward of la City, toWn, , Zze., may, be raised by iroluntaty . .-eUlistments ; 'and drafts' 'lxlll be made in each ward of a city, town,,&c., which shall, not have filled the quota assigned to it within the time designated for the number Te .quired to fill said quotas.: , The drafts will, be ,commenced as noon after the 15th of April as praoti vailo. Vhe•Governraent bounties, as now j_paid t Eeontinue-until April 16, ; 1864, at 'Which lime the =additional bounties cease. On and-after that date one hundred dollambounty, only will be paid, as provided by-the act.approved July 11, 1861. ABRAHAM. - -LINCOLN •Official —E: D. TOWNSEND, -Assistant Adjutant, General - The`Philadelphia Ag e says no ex cuse can be offered for the manner in which the calls for men are made. If there were .any brains in Washing ton, it should be' quite as possible to know in October, just as well as in .February, how many iwZmil4 be Want ,ea,:and certainly after a call in Febru- t 'call - for seven huncireathousand men then it APS then. The most ordinary foresight should suffice to prevent such blunderings, while nothing but the grossest stupidity 'oroarelessriess can account tor it 'The country makes a great effort to raise the men required—money is 'expended like water, and just as quotas are filled, I out comes another call. Such eXner iments try the patienbe of the people :pretty severely. When the coming draft is completed Mr. Lincoln can point to seven hundred thousand ar guments in favor of the wisdom of his Amnesty Proclamation. Who now• will venture to say a word in dispar agement of that admirable scheme, which was Straightway to 'glare us bac.k Union and. Peace ? But will this lasi the last "draft ?" Not by any means. It will be followed by ano ther for 200,000er 300,000 inore men, to take place sometime in June or July. The men are not wanted so much to crush the rebellion as to maintain the political ascendency of this. Abolition party and establish a despotic govermnent on the ruins of the Republic, "MISCEGENAZION"--is a new word just introduced by the radicals of the Wendell Phillips' school. It means thoworship of the negro, and the in termarrying of the whites and the black.s The word is not to be found. inthe dictionaries, but is a new inven tion to soften down the disgusting - tom of amalgamation, which means the smut. The radical republicans, de spah:mg of carrying the Baltimore jun° . convention. against Lincoln, owning to the enormous , patronage of the". administration, are about to enter the political field as a new or ganization, with Fremont as their chosen and avowed reader. Go it boots. Or The Democratic State Conven tion will meet to-morrow (Thursday) in ' the National Hall, Race street, Philadelphia. 4 ‘Union. Leagues," composed of negroes, are being organized in Philadelphiai. , Petitions to the Legia le..ure of zt,is State inunediately to be got up `"asking that body to take such action, previous to adjourn ,. meat, as will give the colored people Apf ?ennsylvania the right to vote, and the privileges of other eitizens."-- Th•ii-infatuation of , the opposition on nigger question will be noted in Ages to come: as one of - 0e evidences of inowuSti4S-4 larrjpottioopf the peek) of - Afoltres,"l , ,d y. . lizas.—A lie was got up on the authority of a man named Waldton, - a week or two ago to -file effebt that a few clays after , the bitttle "of Antic in there had' been' a Meeting be t ..veen Genetals Areefellan and Lee, -aucl that thii'latter had informed the former that he 'was retreating across thd Potomac. This was a great wind fall . for the • Abolitionists to accuse Gen. McClellan of treason, &c., and the story was probably-got up by.their.. connivance. At anyrate it was so dirty and small an invention, that the administtatiOn itself now ad mits that WaldrOn *as / both drunk and crazy at the time 'he reported his story, and that he is unworthy of credit i in fact , he himself, admits the falsity of his report. .The ..abOlitien Papers' measly it.lllolslithe t d the report but - tardly fair 'enough to give the •- contradiction. The abolition partyleaders. are.awful mean leaders. lAir . The democrats achieved a series, of splendid victories last Fri day, in various parts of the State: In Harrithurg they elected their itek - et; by 175 majority, a larffe Dem ocratic gain. Norristown. , was carried. :by 430 tnajority-j-s. Democratic gain of 300 votes since las* fall. The Abolitioh majority iu Iruhtin don is reduced to 47'. Last fall it was 1n , The City of Reading was carried by 185 majority —4 result gratifying to every friend of the Union. The gain in the city of,Realling 250 , 0ver inat fall when the city -vcraw-tteriitil foretcriin . :by 49 xna- jority. The 'Democrats Dave carried every election district in _Northampton county, in , some of them gains of from 100 to 200 majority being made since last fall: . The borough of York - was, carried by 'four times the. hand itome inittjoritv it gave:liA fall'for WooilNVard. 4 " ; Hundreds of other places give larg er increased qn4tlrities over last fall ; showing ilia the • people are, begin ping to spun the monarchists.; no > Lieut. Gem Grant has been appointed to the command of the-ar mies of the United States: His head quarters will be in theteld; and, an til farther orders, with: the 4.rmy 'of the Potomac. The army.of the reitomac ire being irapidly prepared for . the ad vance under•• Grant. Reinforcements are hurrying forward, and there is some talk Irflcuother trial . of the Pe ninsular attack against Richpiond. STe"Wtrit'War cent/ c ci4JYtre,ll,ll.l; l o . ; • twenty, thousand more than. McClel lan took to Yorktown. Some little guer.rilla-skirmishing has boon report ed near Pai tam. • ima,..A correspondent of 'te N. Y Sun gives an . account of a place in Connecticut wbore • Women are obliged to werk sixteen hours a day, receiving the beggarly sum of fifteen eertts therefor. Hour Nef England brethern would set thentselves to work correcting the evils at home, they would find enough to do, with out worrying their heads. over the "curly headed gentleman from. Afri- ES Samuel Anderson,. *convicted at Frederick, lid. of stealing a GOvern ment horse, has been sent to the pen itentiary for three years and four months. Sir Poor Sammy ! IFe . certainly was not "loyal!' Ng— General , Ewell is said • to be eoneeiitrating a large force in the Shenandoah Valley. It is almost too early yet, however, for any invasion of the North, The roads are scarce ly in proper condition. stir The - _ Abelitionists •are organ izing a new secret society !caned the "Strong Band" • The -organization is of a c‘military character," ,and 'design ed, no doubt, to terrorize over peace able citizens, and carry the elections. The Headquarters of the organization ,are at Chicago, Illinois . . "Camp No. 1," in this State, was organized in . Philadelphia, last, week, and it is de signed to extend the organization over the whole state,Aohat we may shortly have a , Camp of "Strong Bard"-:-:ers .in Lebanon . , It .is no doubt a-repetition of Know Nothing ism and Wide Awakeism, • The peo.. ple hive seen the evila flowing from the defunct organizatiopsjaStnamed, and if they encourage this new one, the result.remains with thein. Igss. The Committee of Ways and, Means of the House. of Representa tives have agreed to increase the sal aries of the judge of the courts of.this Commonwealth, and will so report iu the appropriation bill. The Commit; tee will also recommend :an, increase in tic pay of members of the Legis lature to $l,OOO per session. $lO a day is a 'pretty steep price for the pay of a - member of the Legislature, but it is in keeping with every thing else in - these Republican times. A few years ago, when Democrats ruled in the land, - members of Congress' re ceived only $8 per day, and members of the Legislature $3. But :them times are peat and gone. Wiii they 'ever return ! We hope No. • : A friend has handed us the ?dila't'ing communication, which has manly good 'points in it, aid wilt *dr ei(ihe .'attention -- of 'kiffaiMilifided, For the Advertiser Tt behoOfs every friend of morality; no-less than the true Christian to be vigilant at all times—but there nev er was a time when this `duty was more absolutely necessary. andAmpor taut than -the losent' 'monism; Christianity is -fast losing its influ ence ipenthe public mind,=marelity is an obsolete idea—no two things enn- b more different than the heroic and the Christian character! - Among us; at this moment, the Heroic is glo rifled, and the Chrbitian character is derided, sneared at; insulted, brow beaten and spit upon ! The Christian itbranded as a:traitor I and Jim Lane, ..TOhn 'Brown and Wendel Phillips are worshipped as divine oracles ! 'Those who have' made the study of Theology the business of their lives, anil'from whose opinions. there can be no successful appeal, appear to have adopt ed the two following positions. FIRST; That the Gospel omits some qualities, which have usually, (and at 'the present•indffent 'entirely) ttigag ,ed thei - prulads and aiimiration man kind,tb‘it 4hich-, 'in reality, -and- in their 'general effects,ligve been most prejudicial to hUman happiness. SECOND. That the Gospel has brought forward some ni virtues, which -possess the highest intrinsic value, but which have commonly been over looked, langhed at and contemned. ishe first of these propositions they exemplify in instances of friendship, patriotism, active courage ; in the sense in which these qualities are usually understood, and'in the conduct - which they often produce. The- seccial,'in'ingtanCes • bf - OSAkive eourage•oi endifrancesaffelliugs, patiencelitiddr iffttl - nts 'Andrinjilines, humility - , non-resistance;' placability-. The truth is, th are twooppo ere site descriptions of chatacter, under, which mankind -may generally 'be classed: -The one iS daring and ac tive, quick in its sensibilities, jealous of its fame, eager in its attachments, inflexible In 'its purpose violent in its resentments ! The other, meek, yielding, comply ing, forgiving, not, prompt to act, but willing to suffer; silent and gentle under rudeness and ipsalt, suemg for reconciliation where others would de- Mand'satisfaction, giving way to the thrusts of impudence, conceding and indulgent to the prejudiCes, the wrong-headedne,ss, the intractability of those with wheln it has 'to deal. 'The former of th - ese characters' has ever heenlihe favorite of the ;World . , and at the ipreserit tOst, 'of portidn of the people of 'these once 'happy and United'gffates !, True, there is a dignity 'it it which commands respect from the tborldling, but its path; leads-to hell I I The latter is' `poor spirited, .tame, and abject----jdlin Rrown (if alive .f would laugh at it.) But it has.hap- Toned, that, 'with. the, Founder of ms-commelmAtion, r • his example ; and that the former is in:no part of its composition. This, and nothing else; is 'the character designed in the following remarkable passages) "Resist not evil; but who `sdever shall smite thee on' the right cheek, turn to 'him the other also.; 'and 'featly man will sue thee at law, and tatte,-away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also; and whoWever shall eompel'thee to go Onile, go - With him twain, love your enemies, blese them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those which despitefully use and persecute you." This, certainly is not' common-place morality. - It is original, nothing like it could ever have entered into the imagination of Wendel' Phillips or Ward Beecher. it shows that no two things can he More different than the - Heroic lint)` the Christian character. Genuine Theologians (I do hot in clude tinkers and cobblers) have not only ' marked this difference more strongly than ordinary writers, bat haVe proved, in contradiction to first impressions, to popular opinion, to the encoMiterns of orators and poets, and even to the suffrages of the histo rians and moralists Ahat the latter character possesses the:most of true worth; both as' being- most diffeult either to be acquired or sustained, and as contributing most to the hap piness, tranquility and peace of social life. As to Polities, in the. usual yeese of that word, or'disCussions concerning different forms of government, Chris tianity declines every question upon the 'subject. Whilst politicians are disputing about mon - hi-Ales, aristo cracies - and; - republics, the Gospel's alike applicable, 'Useful . and friendly to them all ; inasmuch as tends to make men virtuous; and as it is easier - to govern good men than bad Men under any constitution ; as 2dly.—lt states obediened to govern ment- in ordinary cases, to be not merely -a sUbMiSsion to force, but • a duty of conscience ; in duces dispositions favorable . to "pub lic tranquility, a Christian's chief care being to pass AnietiY through' this World to a better ; 4thly,—.ll prays for communities, and for the ,go'vern ors'- of communities, of whatever de scription ,or denomination they be, with a solicitude and fervencyproper tioned to the influence which, they possesS upon human happiness. All Which is just as it should be. Had there been more to be found in Scrip ture of a political nature, or converti ble to political purposes, the worst. use would have.beerCmade.,of it, on which ever side - it seethed to lie. Some of our heroic elerzyman (of the Col. Iff'Carter stamp,) are even now prostituting the once sacred desk 'to disgusting stump twaddle 1 all of whom are poor creatures who have never read the history of the - world nor the Scriptures aright afk. Hon. Henry D. Moore, Aboli tionist, has been eleeted.State Treas urer by the Legislature, in place , 01 the'presentincumbent, Hcn, Wm, V.. McGrath DeutoOrat- t; • AIiDREEIN OF THE Democratic - Sieltitors. To the DeniOcrats of Peiiitiwiticui : FEtL6'w CrrizeNi : At this jun-e -ture,in` thelireceedinkti Of the Senate of Pennelylvania, the 'undersigned 'deem it Om right and 'ditty le ad dress yOu. For more than two months we have unitedly and determiniidly withstood, an effert . on the part of the Itepubtettn - 'llittnbers'''Of :that body to subvert the organic law, to ignore the precedents of seventy years of our history, and to trample under foot the rights of their equals and peers. In so doing we hive been actutated by the high: resolve, that by no act of the representatives ofthe only raw-abiding political organiza tion 'in 'this Commonwealth shohld the - rights and constitutional privi leges of •'-the' Teeple be subverted. W ehav e relied with -unshaken faith. upon'the.peOpla'fOr oltr 'Efuppnrt and vindication, and to the' end tlittt'their verdiettnay he renderdd with -a 'full knowledge of the facts, we beg 'leave to 'present a brief history of our'posi. tion dtrtn:gthe protracted and excit ing contest'which has just opened. The inetlibers of the Senate -a-ssern bled in theSepate'Clintnber at • _liar ri g rg` On T. gad ay, January -sth , A. D. 1864;at - ,8 P.. Of the 22 Sena tOrs holding~ over, •all -were present save Majni.:Vhite who was a prison - er'iti the bands of the rebels; Of those present, twelve were Democrats, and nine Republicans. The Senate was nailed to order by the Hon. P. Penney, the Speaker elected at the Close of the session of 1863.. The Secretary of the Con3monwealth was then introduced and presented the returns from the districts which had eleetetl :Sitifftors in October,' 4863. Thet'edttirrie were opened and read, byttvtlilb lVeippeared that font . 'Dem oarats 'anti IteVen Republicans had 'beerrelected'illl of whom 'were 'pres ent, thereby Causing a tie in 'the 'vote betwe.en the 'two great political or. gariii,ifitins 'of `the 'country repre sented on Tilton Alm reading of the c.ertifi mites of election, it would have been the duty of the 'Senator elected Speaker'at the elose . of the session of 1863 to have vacated the chair, had he been governed in action by the express terms of the Constitution, which, by Section Article 1, Sere scribes that 'the 'General Assembly shall meet on the Ist Tuesday` of Januar.? in evi.y year, and by See tion XI rff the -f3ante Artittle, that . "each lititrae" e., when theY 'Meet on that . day) eleet its Speaker and ether, officers." ft tvppears to the unde't.signed that the 'words' "each Houses/tall elect its Speaker'are suffi cientry certain to determinetlie (Ines tfon " fat no one elected SOdhlter by the. Senate 'of 1863 could . exercise the duties of that . offide over . the See Ute of 1861-- the I fitter beir4 a new and distinct bpdy, made up of other Mem hers ivlio had never barticipated in an election for Speaker, and as by the . erpicss tetras on t 'tuesd iy iii J:inuary) elect its Speaker apd other officers," it is manifegt and clear that the Senator from egh•eny irad n o qath ad ow of right to exercis:e 'd'a ti es of Spe a er over this new 8 - enate 'Which had never elected hint ita Speaker, and we have never' recogriiied him as such. But admitting, MY.' the sake of atrgument; that the wo'od ' s of the Constitution aro arribiguntis and un certain, themprecedent and usage, it they exist, M'Ost data-re:Ye their meaning, and by this tea the under signed desire that their position may be tried. baring a period of seventy years, from. 1794 until this day, there is but one other instance where I - Speaker elected by a fernier Senate attempt ed to exeereise the ditties of his tate over a sueceeding ,aMI now Senate, and.that was during; the "Bum Sum. When;the hotttt Chalice B. Pen rose„ the SpeakeV...:lvolding over, en tertained two motions relative: to ("elite/Act] seats; . but,. when theie were dotelnined 4 1 661.,1te vacated tho chair, and did hot dare to 'resume it, until, I i ) of the new, Seivitc, he was eleetka Spoiler. If the Re publican nieinbecs of the StUnite of 1864 can gather comfort 'front this one solitary exception in the unbrolc‘ en line of,precedents, they :are YWel come to it. The boldness arid magni Lucie Of their net :of usurpation has destroyed its significance: as a deed of revointi:Oo. . ' The Sl;-foitor fritm Allegheny, not withstaalliog the eNin'esti worth; of Constitat ion,fivitty 11it it awaiting illualrhted.:.hy the tietion of all firmer Spealtere, 1)r a period of eL1Y9pty,..41.1i . 5;.. after the reading of citrtificutes ofelettion which created the new Senate, Tailed to vacate the ehair, which he occupied by courtesy and for the sake of con'venierice. lie requested the new . Senators to come forward to be sworn. lilts. the Re publican Senators did, and also the Democratic Senators; the latter how ever, under a protest, in which, in brief and emphatic terms, they deni ed his right to adminsster the oath of office to them, they having been elect ed members of a body IA which he had never been elected Speaker. It is here to be observed that -this course was necessary on their part, for the reason that it Wiis the evident intention of the Repnblicans, should the Democrats refuse to take, the oath, to leave their names off the roll, whereby our opponents would have securecl a clear majority of those ,voting, After this act of lisUrpation the new Senate, by a 'anonymous vote, adopted a resolution to proceed to an election for a Speaker. If it is not true that the office was vacant, (as the undersigned contend,) why the necessity to elect a Speaker ? But under this resolution several ballots were had on that, the first day of our meeting, resulting in a tie between the Republican candidate, Mr. Pen ney, and the Democratic candidate, Mr. Clymer. The Senate adjourned until-the next day, when, after sever., al ineffectual ballots, the Senator . frogt Berke ? Mr. €r l on belsitlf of the undersigned; Made the follow ing proposition of editiprornise, viz : That the Republicans ehoUld select the Speaker of the Senate', the' Demo crats ,the Clerk, and so alternately iirrtif all' were filled. This basis of settlement the undersigned consider ed to'beliist. It was made, not for the 'Purpose of securing place or posi tion,.tiut te vindicate' a principle, It was precisely . the basis of compro mise ad(ipted in 1855, when the Dem ocrats having an actual majority (although not present) were given the Speaker, the It.now•Nothings of that day , (at present Republicans) the Clerk, and so alternately to the end of the list: But thia-proposition the Republican Senators of. 1864 re fused to aecept. They had _entered upon usurpation, and they determin ed, to s adhere to-it with all its conse quences._ During the protracted struggle which followed, this offer of compro mise was renewed from time to time; it was - always rejected, and not one'proposition'tendinito a 'solution of the difficulty ever came from the Republican side, save the absurd suggcstien'tif the Senator from Erie, Mr. Lowry, that be would, vote for the Democia tie can didate for Speaker, prottiled either he or some one of the under§igned would agree never to vote on any party or test question,. It is thlis a matter of history that the Republican Senators refused a fair and just proposition which, had it been accepted, would have organiz ed the Senate on the second day of its meetjng. They attempt to justify their conduct on two grounds.— First, that the Senate is ever organ ized, the Speaker ora, former Senate being the Speaker orthe subsequent one-, and, SeCond, .that Major White, if present, Wotild'have given them a majority. We thive heretofore exposed the fallacy of the first position by refer ence.te.the words of the Constitution and to the unbroken precedents of seventy years. In add tier,, we 'Will present a test which will so clarly expose the unwarrantable and'Unedn• stitutional nature of their`claim, k ihat no one, however prejudiced,lnay mis toke or misunderstand it. . By the . XXIII stliltitin, With;le Ist, of the Conettittitidii of this . Statc,it is prOvided tilat:hll.l3llh3 liaSsed 'by the •LegiSlafiire sriti predPiitato - the Gov ether 'Tor, Ilia signature, .within ten days df the )final aajournment, shall becothe kyle without his signature, iinlesS sent back (with his objections) within th'rec days after their next meeting. lii 1855 the Legislature" met on the second day. of .innuary., The contest for Speaker was prolonged until the when, the .ion. M. :Mester of` .3erke county, waselected.. Upon the sixth, the Geyer:her of the Com pionwealth returned, With his-otojee tions, Se.v.eral of the moat .impo'rtant, hills 'passed by the 'tegislattire of 18 tithe position. Of :tlie'p„epu-blic-an 'S wintOrri Of 1864 that. h e e tate . :114 iv':qlys . rgan . iidd," end that-the Speaker of the fernier • Set:- then those. bills. ofBo4, vetoed by Governor. Bigler on the fotirTh day of the 'session of 1855, tie n'estwith standing his vetoes. Tl 4 this is not so, or at iedat . 'nebe o'f The emi nent lawyers adestittesineewho'cosm ,poSed :Senate "Carrion 4 whom were: Price, flackaliisv, Mester -and Dtti-sie) so thanght, is-evineed by' the fact 'th ey a - 11, :Voted Upon these vetoes as req ic.ed by the Qonstitution, which they surely would not, haVe done had they been of opinion they had been sent in too, fate. The Sena tori .of. 1855 did not-,.even claim to have met until they • had eleeted,a Speaker, much less that they were organized. bur. view of -this goes. Lion is 'further strengthened by the act ,0f,1804, which obviously contem plates-the-election of a ,Speaker_ .of each House at the beginning of each session ; and require's Mitt) first to be sworn before he cab administer the oaths to the newly elected members. it has been left for the Republican Senators of 1864 to ignore the Con stitation,, to defy precedent, and to attempt to destroy . the very . founda tions of la* and order. This dispbseS ni their first -„round of defence. We will now probe 'the 'second reason . assigned for their revolutionary conduct. , Who is accountable.for, the absence of Major White,. or ratber, who is to blame thathis spat *as not filled on the first day we met ? : It is alleged that Major White' re signed hie seat in the. Senate, that resignation having' been received' by his father, Judge White, 'about the middle of November, 1863. It' into be assumed (the undersigned reserv ing their individual opinions thereon), that the resignation was genuine, since in the furtherance and in sup port of the usurpation inaugurated in January, an election was ordered thereon by the Speaker de facto of the Senate, and a new member elected and Swan: Assuming it to be genu ine, *hose fault is it that an election was not ordered immediately on its reception, which would halve given ample time to have put his successor in his place on the first Tuesday of Jantiary3 Surely neither that of the under Signed, nor' of any Demo crat in the State ; the blame must rest Where it riglitfally belongs, upon the. Republicans of the Senate and upon their abettors: _ The" xcuse offered is that the res ignation was not filed, in order that efforts might be made (the incentive . being thc.neeessity of .11iajor White's presence to Itepublicau ascenciaficy in this State).for.his'exchange. With out stopping to inquire whether this ascendancy iS'likely to be beneficial to the peotile of Pennsylvania t we will merely remark that if the fate of Major White had been different or more deplorable than that of thou sands of other brave and s ajlant men who are enduring th.t, untold horrors of captivity in order' that the negro may be rainci to the level of the. white man, teen, ".indeed, m ight"some such Air.icuse be, toierstOci,'.. But Major White's condition;m . Uch' as we de plore. it, is no worse -than that of , ithosO who are a garnered barvest of brave men rotting ,in prison, victims to the malignant heresies' of, those who advocate the social; political and military equality of the biz! . and IA ite races. 'That Major White became a Oils tone' is his misfortune; that be is not `released is the intentional and design ed fault of his Political friends. In 'either view, be and they are alone reiponsible for the "dead lock "caused by his absence. - After Oil, Reptiblicans had secured a clear majority, they still persisted in their course of usurpation. In the earlier days of. the session, by .a unan imous vote; and by participating in twelve ballots, they admitted that it was their sworn duty to proceed to the election of a Speaker. When they had secured the povver to do.so, then,' in violation of the Constitution, of precedent of law, and of their own adteissiens,they for ten days persist ed in their revolutionary, conduct— But from the 29th of February, the day that Dr.. St. Clair 'was sworn as Senator from the Twenty-first Dis• trict; until this 9th day of March, the undersigned have resisted as before, by all means , in their power, every at tempt on the , part of the Republicans to legislate. Rained and defeated, they have on this day yielded the whole question in issue. TUE .SEN• ATE OF 1864 HAS ELECTED ITS SPEAK. ER !.! Thus fellow-citizens, have the Con stitution,'precedent. and law been sus tained and the course of the under , signed vindicated. We,have thus narrated the facts of this case, and haVe endeavored, and we trust successfully, 'to expose the fallacy of the ostensible reasons as signed.by,the Edpbblican'Senators in Support of iheir conduct. We say ostetialhle, for we do not - hesitate to declare' that'the entire liihceeding is but a part and-Parcel of aprogramme Which prdposes to break `doWn and' destrdy every ' 'barrier standing be t Ween thereand their lust for power and place. In. the past, we have presented a determined and unbroken front. We have done so during the trying times of the present, and, sustained by your confidence and support., we will con tinue to do so in the time to come. We have presented you the record —by it we are willing to be judged. HARRISBURG, March 9,1861. ItEISTER CLYMER. WM. A. WALLACE. GEO. H. BUCHER,, JNO. LATTA. C. M. DONOVAN, GEO. W. STEIN, A. HIESTAND GLATZ, J. B. STARK, WM. HOPKINS. B. REILLY, D. B. 'MONTGOMERY, J. C. SMITH, H. B. BEARDSLEE, C. L. LAMBERTON, WM. M,SHERRY, WAL KINSEY. • Afir The United States Senate, a. few days ago,passed a supplement to the Charter of the City of Washing • ton, which allows negr6e:S. to vote Who have - resided a „year In 'the eitY, and . who pay one dollar school tax - . This is the first scene in the. TIM play entitled ".31iseegenation ; or, the-Sub lime Commiiibliiig or,th Races!' In the West iiud iO the: Dust, too, we pene:re - ; - The:rarucar , faCrillitlW i 4 CC all rallyVtg for Freiritint The RV tan. Ei'nfpire, in reference to - this face, wittl - 13 . 1 remarks : Lineal), like the Ki)* 'danger of loginebi's "Dlitekies." La ... MISOEGENATItIi IN TIARIUSBURG.--- The Abolitionists of Ilarrisburg.are not . inuoli 'behind their brethern in New England, in paying homage to the negro. We are told that on Sun day. last a scene was witnessed in Locuit street Methodistelturch which fully illuStrates the fact that we are up with eastern.fashions. Tho Lord's Supper was administered, and in' the first platoon of gentietnen who came forward to prertake of it, *as a color ed man. Now, We 'preltninie the ne gbi had a, perfect right to do so, it the e ongreg a tin n was willing,t the peiton who administered the sacianient trrst tendered the bread and _Wine map: to 'the darkcy, thus strewing' his partiality for the colored man` on -two consecutive communion days. Sortie of the white, breihern Were dirrP6sed - to demure at such marked attention-, but the Abolition ists of the congregation &kph/lipid, it Away bY saying that it Was done as a rebuke to the eopperherds belonging tothe church. This is a little ahead of the Beet:h ers. . Cow and . Calf for Sale. Avery filie COW, together with a Calf about five mouths' old, is offered for sale. Apply at this Office. [Lebation, March 18,18c4, STOVES. STOVES. NOW firthe time, to Vey your STOVES before cold 11 whiter is here, and the beat and cheapest place b at the Lebarmin Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Nazi:Liao tory of Tames If..aogere, Two doors South from the Lebanon Bank, Where'can be bad the largest and best assortment of. PARLOR. HALL, and COOKING Froy.r.s, ever .offered in Leba non, Oss:l3nrners for Parlor's Or BOA, Chambers Br his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large .variety of the hest Cooking 44pves in the county.or borough, which he.liairmits bakebt roast IVASII BOILERS con. tent* siren, and.tbe beat material. COAL BUCKETS—the larval aliabrtininit ; the hear. Test iron, mantle best made in LehGOA. Also, a large stock of TIN WARR, made of the best material and in a workmanlike manner. Ar. he is a Practical Workman, and has had ail esiletience of twenty-live years, he feels confident that he can gire general satisfiction. mime Ne takes this method of returning his thanks to his ehatumers for their liberal sapport, and he hopes, by striet4 attending to his owzi, busineis and letting other people's &ion°, to still receive a share of pupils patronage. JAidES. N. ROORRS. iffir Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jonansa such as Roofing,Sporning, &c.; and all work warranted N OTICE-A PiPIE A LS; COintrr OrrICA„ Lebanon,.March 2, 1864. 'MOTION is hereby given, that the - Commissioners of Lebaboil County will hear Appeals by all persons rated for State and County Tax,. for the year J 684, for the several Townships and Boroughs of- said county, at the COMMISSIONERS' -OFFICE, in the Borough of Lebanon, on the following days, between the hears of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o 'clock, P. AL All pervious in. terasted,are hereby notified to appear et the time and place specified:— BETHEL, SWATARA, lINJON, COLD SPRING _vdo. do -- .- do EAST HANOVER, THESDAY, ,' APRIL 12 LONDONBERrni . do do Nefil--TR A lIIIVILLE, do ' do 13° ..' l iTlf ANN:TH.4AB,- . do do SOUTH' LEBANON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 . 3 MILLORKEK, do do JACKSON, de do • Haatoalumitit, do do CORNWALL, THURSDAY, APRIL 15 . N. LBO. BOROUGH, do ' do 'll-. LEE. TOWNSHIP. do do LEE. RORO. EAST WARD, FRIDAY, APRIL 15 LEB: BORO. WEST WARD, do do .4lie- The Appeal. on Militia Eine* attended to on same days. All yeisoni 'introlle.l4lC9-aubject to data can attend if they dam.proper. - THOMAS LESHER, I.Commissioners PETER FORNEY, of neon BRusActinn: .. Lebanon county. Attest.. Crnms Ihniti:edark, , ,- Commtioalonerf Onleit;rdiblition, Ilac& 9y61, , The Largeit Stock : The Best Assortment The Cheapest Goods : AT GOODYEAR & DIFFENBACIPS Cheap Cash and Produce Store pinberiand Street, • ireib'es Block, Lebanon, Pa. havelpat received another addition to our al. ready large Stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, ttueensware, d cr. • Full line of Elisakel. Sluff% do do do Broelts , do do do do Septa Pis Mis do do do do MINA Mourning do do do do Second do r do Dress Goods. Foil line of. Frenth Merino all Colors do do do Cobergs ' Ito do do do do Alpacas 'do do do do do Celsius New Styles do do do Brocba Valour' dd . do do do Poplins d do do Valencia's do (1;3 do do Wool Deletion do do do do Wool Bopp ,de do do do Plaids do i - do do do Fig. Cashmeres. Magnificent line of Fancy • do do do Pigr'd 5 Plain Black Mks.' Balmoral Skirts fcr $2 73 and eiiiiards, • . • Hoop Skirts, Pull of Skeletons. at all prices, - do do do Quaker's Skirts, Ladies Clotb. . Drab. Witter Proof. Black and Beaver Cloth'iwine $1 75 to $3 50 per yawl. Flannels. Wool and Cotton Flartnels, at all prime. Sh irling, flarmals :do do do • Blanketsdo do de !Siena' .War. Cansimeres, Satinetts and Twilling& Gents' Shawls. very-Cheap. - Mourning department. Our "Mourning department is conflicts, consisting of Single and Double width Detains. - Shigleand Bomb'," width Cashmeres, ' do do do /apace& " ilerino:Bombsaines, all Wool,Riopps, Talenbut; Silk. Stripe Plaids, Delakies. Ca P 9 tt. goirery,Oloves, Veils, Collars. English and kitinch Crape, dm- Call, and look through our Stock and get therlldtter,, as it is no trouble to show goads. Onr mottb' Email profifs,`grifek Sides." and good value. GOODYEAR & Lurrzuneams' New York Meal CashEtore. L I LAIMERIII.OI _ Nes* Gaols „ Goods ! GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO-CAGNIIIYERt. French Merino ell cOlored. '' - ENGLISIIVtIERIDR - p.ll colored. Alt Woof Delains e -all golclrea. POPLIN DETAMSA& MONDAY ' Apr% :a. . do do • ' EXCITING NEWS-1 CUMBERLAND ST. Black French Cloth. BEAVER Over Coating CLOTH for LADIES, CLOAKS, from $2,00 to . 0,00.- Fancy and Black-Cass. Satinettes,.sold from.sd ets: to tip. - Bed Check and Tieliing_ Bleached and 1.1 nbl each ed "anal in: Woolen Stockings. Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Fkannel Calicoes and GingtianiS.: Woolen and Cotton Hoseiriei. Ladies' and Gents' Glo'ves.. Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts!! Balmoral :Skirts. Umbrellas.: "Thohreljas!!. Linen and Paper Collars. A full line of Ladies and Misses. Shawls,, Woofer)Oocfsl ' A Gerneral-assortaient of Groceries L. K. LAUDERMILOM (0"- All kinds of Country prodnee taken in exchange for Goods. =alai MERE. • ram a. um - A 'New Cheap Cdsh Store, and Milling and Grain. Bitiin.e&t: ITR . nndertilgited haring forasediepartnership lathe T SI MCA NTILN; • MILLING:. AND DRAIN nusx- Nzss, wituid reipectruny invite the attention•of the to: their ,estahlishments.They will. contine to keep, it the -late Stand iirsrizirc OEESASIAN LONG, a most-complete stock of .all; kinds SO 000 PS usually kept in a country store, which-they will :re tail Cheap for GAS% or COUNTRY , PRODUCE; , :They also want to buy for cash 50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, . • 30;000.Bushels 20,000 Bushels of COILIC• Bushels of OATS.: - For which they will pay the hikhest MarkekFricen. r — They will also take GRAIN on STORIOI*. 'Tbe Will keep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices, COAL, by the Boat Lead or by the Tent alt kinds of NELL FERD, SALT,TLASTER, Ac. , - • , , iro•-• They , solicit the business elf all their old'firielitle and the public, and wilt endeavor to deal, seek lib eral and just principles is will give satisfactkin to all. • U D ER.R. & LONG. North Lebanon, March le, 1S(12. ' , .. REMOVAL - :' - , NIEW AND CHEAP ROOT AND SHOE 'STORE: Ili - RIC subecriber would respectfully inform. the cit J_ Mens of Lebanon and vicinity,. that be bas•rernor ed his ROOT and SHOE STORE to Market• street,uest door south of MM. Rise's Hotel, Lebanon. Pa. : --1 - i where liekeeps an , .. . band is large and well ssorted stock of all . - . • kina. of hours and .a ' - - •'. ' ' - -• SM 0 R S., lie will Inake„to orAn r' all -- tialdhihn -%"*.--;' kind's " of-BODIAnd SHOES . , ..suiLat ;Very . abort n0r06.... Ile - al .- - •?."-:•Th-: - as keeps - on - AMA s - ----, --;.- ,7 ;,- ' • ,-, • . • large and }cell,- sort ad stock of LNAT.II'BIt, such as BBD AND - OAK SOLE &FATIMA, CALF. AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY LEATIIER, KID, LININGS, ROAD BIND INGS,"&c., and - ail-kinds of Shoemakers , TOOLS AND FINDINGS, snob na,.I3QOT-TREES, LASTS,ROOT COEDS and-WEEDS, 1,-AWL-SLAfDES.TICAIYErPUN ORES, IidAtMERS„.IPINCERES; "!RA'SREi 'PAeKS.— Constantly on bond an asiorttnent - ofEastidge3Tbreada, Shoe-nails, Peg-breaks, Sand-atones, Pegv t Eristles, hit and Shoe Toole of every description. Havieglieen en gaged in the bium - ness more than agenty years i befeels satisfied that he Can give; satisfaction' to all who will favor him with a.call. Shoemakers frm the country will do well, by • calling on bizabefOre purchasing:mho where. . - SAMUEL. lAUCK. Lebanon, Jan. 27 UM. -. ' • G. I. ATKINS & fI lar JIVING united in the .BOOT and 8/10E'lle - agr' ss, k and from their determination to bniarnet . :na4 acid make none but the best of work,, they feelliliesoliciting a large of public patronage. They*Gt.iiiWaya - be toned at their OLD STAND, 'Raw Bunutao,) in lifinkei.micet, nearly opposite TFTdow Rise's itottliere* thej , will be ready to serve and please their customers.` • They have now on hand a largeareortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c., which tlM.foffer at oidiacod prim, *BP' Persons dealing at this 8110 E STORE, can bo suited with READY-MADE WORK or have it made to order.. Pr:Bit/act - Um is alwayi Mayrartleif. SIP• Particular o ttention given to the. - REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. ' Ridnisten July A TKINS & BRO.'S Nevi - Root and. Rine Store is fated: a,...up in pod, orterfor po,...nfortitn .. a convenience, hob for ladies and Pentlaiarep.-;" A TRINS k BlltMS.N owllootitid.elnielibuele fitted Ale& up in good order for comfortand convenience, both for ==Ladles atitt Gettionkozi: is! Ac TfflNS'k':RßO. p roads el to Iniponateal;ardwiti eft s Shoes deitVor to pleaseall whoa Vasitins theta fe7r Dootok ad • ACAIiEMY. way 'T a n undenagned hereby I:l,km the public that the Lebanon Academy is MA:intended exchrellWir for the youth of the Dorough,, brit ilwayi cid, bud still .does receive pupils froin. abroad... • Lately . , also, the Director* have imptiiied its general character, and elevated iteistandard, h fehming mad mit pupils without the necessary letioliacations,and by their continued care they hope to false this school to its primer plarO in the estimation of this community..-- A limited ecimher of popite lit the titsoixel , bade tan be admitted 'from the Country by applying**, JACOB.DAPP, Itreatd,mt. JOSEPH itA ROT; Skretary or to.OYIWB BOGER, Teacher. ehir- Tuition for common and higher Ebglish Wench ea, Ltitin . and °Met. Ora month. Lebanon, .0 . 11.26, 1863. . . Straw and Collin `Fodder • ,_4 NVANTRIO• too TONS ot WALeiif :iirid'ottiStrik 4 sr. 100 TONS core Fodder, for widee flit highest market Price I li"' paid in' caldt,..; daring months ' of,Aprii, MAY and 4iine,itt the Paper 112111 of • SIINN k• ROSS. Loboios, Feb B 24, 14: • Lebanon, Pa. • -. L~s~~r~rr,,PA. Dry 'Goods;