atauttistr: so A. mil TEx , LEBANON, PA. WEDSESDIIL, 'ili.ii.Roll 1e:1684_ HOME AFFAIRS. SALES OP PERSONAL PROPERTY, Advertised in the ADVERTISER.. or for arbieh bills halo been printed at this aloe. Wednesday. March 16 , 40hn Eager rite, stock, lo Iniments. &c.. 'Heidelberg. ''. Tg hursda. Marchy I.7—John Dietz, S. Annville. • Annday, March 21—Pornonal Property gold Store Goods E of E. R. Horning, in Mt. Nebo. Tuesday, March 22—Abraham Ge in, dec'd., S.Lebation. Saturday, March 26—Patrick Brown, Personal Proper ty, Cornwall. :Saturday, March 26--Personal Property of Ann L. L. Morrie, Union township. Monday and Tuesday, March 28 and 29—Personal Property orJulianna Rise, Lebanon . PRIVATE SALES Borough property of imes N. Rogers Borough property of George B. Gasser Out Lota or Adam Ritchey. Farm in East Hanover, by S.l Stine John Faber sold a House and Lot in Fredericksburg, to David Darkes for $B9O - Darkes sold 34 acres of land and improvements, in Swatara township, to George Wagner, of Fredericksburg, for $2400. Mr, Jacob Kauffman has sold his hotel property in Jonestown, to Mr. Wm. Bern ey, for $3OOO. George Reedy, of Millereek tp.„ was, recently, so seriously injured by the falling of a tree, which he was felling, that but little hope is entertained for his recovery. Rev. D. Gans, Pastor of the Ger man Reformed Church at Harrisburg, has announced his intention of resigning the position. Reason, not "loyal" enough in the opinion of some of the congrega tion, and in consequence annoyances and .insults. Christian ministers who endeav or to preach only "Christ and him cruci fied," have their troubles to the fill just now. INSTALLATION.—Rev. Dr. Johns ton was installed as Pastor of St. John's. Reformed Congregation of this place ; on Thursday last. We notice among the graduates at the annual commencement of the Jef ferson Medical College of Philadelphia, on Thursday last, the name of Simeon T. Lineaweaver, of this place. Hon. Myer Strouse, the member of Congress from this district, paid his friends in Lebanon a visit on Wednesday last. He is hale end hearty, arid gives encouraging accounts not, only of the prospects in store for the Democracy, but also amusing ones,of the dog and cat fights of the opposition in their scramble to retain the spoils. We understand that in several districts in this county the Democrats have not as yet placed tickets in the field for the Spring election. We trust they may do so at once, as it is of the utmost importance, not only to keep the party organized, but particularly, to secure an Inspector of the elections, if nothing else. Next Fall will be held one :of the most important elections that ever took place in this country, and the Democrats should have a Democratic .Inspector and Clerk, which they can secure by the nomina• tion of tickets in the spring, at every election poll in the country. We trust that our friends in those districts where no tickets have yet been settled, will do so immediately. At least let them elect an Inspector, which they can do. the 93d Regiment, Penn. Vol., .left this place on Mondatnoon, for the active duties of the field, tlibir furlough of 35 days having expired. A large num ber of our citizens turned out to the de pot to see them off. We trust that their brief visit home proved agreeable and pleasant to all of them, while the kindliest feelings and loving hearts of our citizens accompany the most of them upon their return to duty. The 93d is now composed of a-- bout 700 men, its decimated ranks having been filled up to that number by new re- The destination of the regiment is Harper's Ferry, via Baltimore, and con sequently they will, for the present "fight mit Sigel." We are pleased - to notice, among the Graduates of the University of Penn - sylvania,j at its - recent Cornmencment, - I held March 12th, 1864, the name of our young friend, Pr. George S. Stein, of Ann v Me. 'The ticket nominated by the Borough Convention appears in another part of this paper. Taking it all in all it Is one of the best tickets ever put in the field. We trust that every democrat will feel it his duty to give it a hearty support, doing all in his power to have it elected fromlcip tg„ bottom. We have the mate rial to elect it, and having it should use it. Let not a single vote remain unpolled.— The opposition ,gtve you no favors ; show you none, and hence, there is no reason why Democrats,stiould allow them to fill all the offices and 'claim , victories when it might be prevented. Turn out to a man, ;and show . them -that, although borne :down, descried, outraged and abused, you still live, and remain firm in the faith of Demobracy. The Philadelphia Flour-Market is verrinactive. Wheat is dull and rath er lower. Corn is less active, and Oats continue dull with small sales at 80 aB2 weight. Whisky and Seeds are also dull. We are indebted to A. Shirk, M. D., United States Ship Gertrude, for late New Orleans papers, containing full accounts of the inauguration ceremonies of Mr. Hahn, as Governor of Louisiana. The Market for Beef Cattle was dull and lower, prices ranging from $l4 for common to good and prime.— Cows were steady and prices good.— Hogs were unchanged and Sheep lower. Rev. Dr. Behmacker, for over thirty years a Professor of the Theologi * cal Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., has an nounced his intention to posi tion in August next, The following are the nomina tions made by the Democrats for the Spring Election, in the Districts named :-- LEBANON BOROUGH. Chief Burgess, Edward A. Uhler. Assistant Burgess, John Stanley. Town Council, Philip Arent', David S. Ram mond. Wood Corder, Jacob Stager. High Constable, William Coleman, School Directors, John Ulrich., George Snavely, BAsT WARD. "Judge, Josiah Gettel I rnStme tor, A. H. ; Assessor, John P. Umberger; Assistant Assessors, Oliver McConnell, Bernhard Rauch ; Ward Consteule, John B. Penn. WEST WAER.--Judge, William Zimmerman ; Inspector, Joel Goodhard ; Assessor, William Smith ; Assistant Assessors, Henry Shaeffer, DanielSeifert ; Ward Constable, George Kurtz. SOUTH LEBANO Judge, Jonas Steager ; Inspect , Elias Dea den ; Assessor, Elias Rittle ; Asststant, Asses sors, Joseph F. Hellman, Rudolph Shook; Su pervisors, Henry Getz, George S. Linenweaver ; Auditor, George Yenta; Township Clerk, Able Shaak ; Constable, John Fitterer ; Justice of the Peace,-- -; School Directors, Henry Diitner, 2 years, Emanuel Dondore, Mos es Strohm. HEIDLEBERG Justice of the Peace,.Jeremiab S. Achey ; As sessor, Jacob Eberly, sr, George Si bort ; Judge, John W. Gable .; Inspector, Lieut. Jeremiah Hoffman ; School D iree tors , K. Keath, George Yengst ; Supervisors, Thomas Bender, —; Township Clerk, Edward Iha ; Auditor, Henry Kropp ; Constable, Samuel ‘Valter. NOB,TII LEMINON TOWNSIIIP Judge, Daniel G. Thompsori ; Assessor, Jacob Funk ; Assistant Assessors, Henry Shaeffer, Ja cob ITmberger, Esq. ; Inspector, Henry J. Light; Supervisors, William Altwain, Samuel Hupp ; School Directors, Ephraim Light, Adam Brandt, Felix Light, I gear; Constable, Itavid R. Wal born ; Auditor, Jacob Arnold, jr. ; Townsbip Clerk, Adam Lauber. JACKSON Judge, Martin Manderbach ; Inspector, George Line; Assessor, John Reiter; Assistant. Assessors, Vr',n. Loose, Thomas Dossier; Supervisors,Toseph Philips, Jacob Philips ; School D tractors, W Olwlne, George Donges ; Auditor, Samuel Schell; Constable, Thomas Achey ; Township Clerk, John W. Woomer. CORNWALL Judge, Joseph Smith, J. E. S., (South), Jonas Lesbos, (North); laspector,-Jobe Lineaweaver, (South), John Gasser, (North); Assessor, henry A. Snavely; Assistant Assessors, Jontislireider, 'Griot'. 0. Shott; Supervisors, Conrad Miller, Godlieb T. Kreider; School Directors, Arietnus .Wilhelut, Christian Risser ; Justices of the Peace, Peter Lineaweaver, Jacob Allwein ; Township Clerk, John 11. Westenberger Auditor, David Dohner Constable, henry Eby, (N. C.). DRAWING TEETH.—ATROrig the many methods adopted to avoid gie draft, that of drawing teeth seems to 'be the least expensive and dangerous. 'To some people it may seem almost incredi ble that any one blessed with a good set of pearly teeth, should endure both the pain and mortification of having them ex tracted. Yet, through the great anxiety to avoid the draft, the practice has recent : ly prevailed to a considerable extent.---- Two cases have recently been brought to our rwtice, and are vouched for by re spectable authority. One in Manor and the other in Kiskiminetas township. la the latter instance, the patient went all the way to Pittsburg to have the draft invit• ing molars extracted. But the most sin gular feature of the whole transaction is, that both these young gentlemen are overflowing with intense patriotism, of the Abcilition type, and intently bent on giving the "last man" and the "last dol lar,"in the vigorous prosecution of the war—Kittanning Mentor We received eighteen new Sub scribers last week. The work goes bravely on. There are still about 500 subscribers in this county who ought to be on our books but are not there. W ill our_friznav—see_that he_narnes.are sent in. . The grave buries every error— covers every defect—extinguishes every resentment. From its peaceful bosom springs none but fond regrets and ten der recollections. Who can look down upon the grave of an enemy, and not feel a compunctious throb that he should have warred with the poor handful of earth that lies mouldering before him. The Wahrer Democrat Printing Office, of this place, was sold last week. by Mr. Hartman, to a party of Democrat• is gentlemen of this borough, who are making arrangements to have the pu bli cation of the paper continued. At the recent East Pennsylvania Annual Conference, (United Brethern,) the following appointments of preachers were Made; viz :—Lebanon District— Strickler, P. E. ; Lebanon Station, J. B. Dougherty ; Reading Station, Ezekiel Light ; Schuylkill Haven Circuit, A. F. Yeager ; Myerstown Circuit, L. Fleisher; Jonestown Mission, S. Noll. Our old friend Isaac Ward Esq., has been appointed Warden of the Schuyl kill county Prison by the - Commissioners of that county. Mrs. Ward has also been appointed Matron. IMPORTANT TAX BlLL.—There is now a bill before the House of Represen tative at Harrisburg, providing for,the better assessments and collection of ax es. The bi I levies a fax 0181 upon all male persons over 21 years ; two mills on all real estate and on personal property; two per cent. on all sales of liquors; one per cent. on sales of auctioneers ; two per cent. on millet used by brokers ; two per cent. on all bank capital and deposits of savings' institutions; policies in foreign insurance companies, five per cent. ; gross receipts of unincorporated express, tele graph, ferry and steamboat companies, two per;,; cent ;` fixed places of amuse ment, four ' per cent. on every, dollar of gross receipts ; itinerent amusements, six per cent, Banki, savings institutions, trust. ebinpa n ies, insurance,:. railroad, ex press, canal, steamboat, bridge, gas, man ufacturing, mining, quarrying, telegraph, stage, ferry, turnpike and plank road companies, and all other companies do ing business, shall pay at:-the rate of one mill upon each one per cent. of dividend declared, and one mill upon each one per cent. of interest upon their funded and floating debts. Will our subscribers, whose sub scriptions have not been paid, hand in to this office or send by !nail as early as possible, the amount. The high price of paper compels Os to look more closely to the small amounts due the office. We hope each one in arrears will consider the trifle due from him as of some importance in conducting a paper. Those of our subscribers who intend to "move" on or about the Ist of April, are requested to give us timely no tice thereof, so as to enable us to deliver their papers at their new residences, or forward them to the Post Offices nearest to them, without mistake or delay. An alarm of fire on Thursday, in this borough, was occasioned by the burning of a bed in jail, which had ac cidentally caught through matches. Look out for bogus fifty cents postage currency. They are getting to be almost as plenty as the genuine anti• Cie. To morrow - (Thursday) will be St. Patrick's day. Edi. Millinery and Straw Goods —every variety—opened out, at H. Ward's.—Read adv. Cot. Samuel C. Stambaugh, a well known politician and Democratic editor, died at Lancaster, on Friday last. While the soldiers were leaving the depot, at this place, on Monday noon, one of them fired off his musket into the stable of Mr. Rudy, killing a valuable horse belonging to Joseph 13. Moyer, ,of Bethel township. From the frequency with which muskets in the hands of care less persons were fired off on that day, it is a wonder that more accidents did not happen. The horse was valued at $175, which somebody will have to lose. A NEW INSTITLITION.:—LEbaIIOII is progressing. We have the Shoe and Boot Blacking Institution among us. A fine specimen of the "boy" introduced the innovation here, . last week, and coined his greenbacks of the smaller denomina tion with a rush. Now just give us plenty of peaple and plenty of houses in Lebanon, and we'll leave Reading, Lan caster and all other inland cities far in the background. We are not going to be fenced in and whitewashed as vet. About live hundrd buildings are expected to be erected the coming season in Harrisburg. It is estimated that an hundred additional buildings could easily find tenants in Lebanon.— Capitalists go to work, said that Peter.L., Stouch, Esq.. of Lebanon,. has been appointed Sheriff of Lebanon county, for the unex• pected term ofJonathan Bender, dec'd. A young man, named John Bol linger, aged about 21 Yers, of Heidleberg township, while laboring under partial de rangement of the mind, committed suiOde by hanging himself in a clamber of is father's - dwelling, on Monday of last week. Mr. Adam Haak, the well known Hotel Proprietor, has leased the 'Market Street Hotel, in this borough, and 111 take possession on the Ist of April. qt r. Wm. Woolison, of Myers town, has been appointed Inspector of -tlistilled Spirits, underthe Revenue Laws, for the 10th congressional district. For the Lebanon Advertim EDISDIL :-Is it not surprising to see how ignorance interferes so much with edueatien? A few men, who know little or nothing, come with pretensions to pay a visit to their school, with the sole purpose to nod fault with their teacher; especially in the so-called, Long's District, Swa. tare township, this county. It is indeed a pity that those men have never learned to know their ignorance. It is evident that education does not agree with their principles; continual in terference with teachers, will more or less put the schools in a bad humor, and consequently scholars will not make the same progress as where teachers encouraged by the parents. In the above mentioned district, ignorance takes the lead in all matters, and consequently, _ace_oy,porson may judge,. matters are -irt.a de. plorable sttuatieu...ceetieeatty finding fault with the teacher, they do not know how mach injury they do to the cause of Education. Even men who openly profess to be Christians, and who would be, in daty bound to advance the cause of Education, try to prejudice the minds of the pupils as well as parents ngainst their teacher, not paying the least regard as to wheth er they can do so by telling the truth or by downright lying. If this article meets the eyes of any. of this class of persons in this district, we hope they will in future act in a more ehristian-like and intend manner toward their teacher. JOHN TR,OX:!O,, SIMON J. WOELFLY, Com't ABRAHAM ULRICH. THROAT DisaAscs. "We would call attention to 'Brown's Bronchial Troches.' We have round them efficacious in allying Irritation in the Throat and Bronchia, and would commend them to the attention of Public Speakers, and others troubled with affections of the Throat, They are also an excellent remedy for Hoarseness re sulting from coltl.—Conyreptiostatist, Boston. s Soldiers, to the. Rescue l—Young men, rush ing into the exposures and dangers ore Soldier's life, should prepare themselves for the fatal Fe vers, the Dysentery, the Sores and Scurvy, which are almost certain to follow. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS, need cecasionally during the campaign, will insure sound health to every man. ,Only 25 cents per hex. 214 Mr. Sohn Mtttthes, the present popular landlord of the Market Street Hotel, Lebanon, has leased Mrs. RiSO'A Hotel, of which he will take possession on the first of April next. Many improvements and alterations are to be made in the new place, sa as to make it a first class lIAeI, and w itif a landlord like John it will not lose its reputation which, for so many years, it possessed under its present but retiring proirio trssa. The house at present occupied by Mr. lef., we understand, is to be converted to other purposes, so that the new stand will accommo date the customers of both houses and as many more as may find it convenient and pleasant to top there. TAUT: NOTICE.—The enrolling is go _ ing on. and it is expected that the Conscription an will be enforced immediately, so I would advice every body to get their PICTURES taken in, time for their re latioris and friends. and the only place to get a No. 1, Picture is at ZIMMER-MAN . & New York Photographic Gallery. for he is taking the cheapest, the, best. and most life-like Pictures in Lebanon. It is admitted by all that he can't he beat, for Ma gallery is always crowded. Give him a call and you will find as we rec ommend. Remember the place. Zimmerman's Now York Photographic Gallery, in Cumberland St. Call early and avoid a crowd. P. S.—Children and anybody that got weak eyes should call at Zimmerman's Gallery. Ills Pictures ma t) require from 3to 5 seconds time to sit . - , QUESTION.—tion , O there Dick and Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such a hurry? AriswEa.—Why we are just oit our way to FM ity's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . Ile takes splendid pictures, and leis Gallery is nearly all the time crowded. so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before atig i body else g eta there, or we will have to come away main without getting any. QUEST.—Yos! I have beard' too that Daily's Gallery is nearly all the time crowded, and so why don't you go to some other Gallery ? Ariti.Oh my ! we could not think of Such a thing.— We admire the true and beautiful pictoro that Daily takes, so much that we would not go to another Gal lery if we could get them foi nothing. Ile has seven years, experience in the business, bass a complete sett of improved illstrUilleutS, au excellint sky-light, anp there fore takes the best pictures n town, and so of course every body that wants a good picture goes to him. QUSAr.—What kind of Pictures doesqe take? Ans.—lle takes Photographs from miniature to !M -aize, plain or colored..Dia card pictures have been pronounced more truthful and life like than some that have been taken in our large cities. Elie Ambrotypee are beautiful, and can't be beat. Ee also excels in copying pictures from smell Daguerreotypes, end en larging them almost to any size. Quesv.—Where is this Gallery ? I must give him a call too. A:vs.—Just come along with Nancy and I, and we will show you. it is in Stine's New Building. next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. Ile has constant. ly on band a good assortment of Gilt and Rosewood Frames, (lases, Albums. &c., which he sells cheap.— For good and cheap" Pictures we advise all to go to Daily's Gallery, *Le non,* Pa. March 11,'63. BLANK RECEIPTS For Collectors of State, County, anti Militia Tax, for sale cheap at the.Advertisor Office. Also for Collectore of School Ter. gptcial Autices. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative. The standard staple preparation for the hair war rantee in all cases to restore faded and gray hair, and whiskers, to their original color. It does not claim to make the hair grew in where it has fallen out ; noth ing will do that whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it wikprevent it from fall lag out, make it soft and silky, cleanse it and the scalp from impuri ties and humors, and entirely arercente bad ants of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, su gar of lend, Sc. It requires no soaping, washing, and hours for its application, nor will it stain the akin, but is as costly applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another. which gives it a lively appearance instead of the dull un Mani black of dyes. "Hoe's Imperial Coloring Cream. Superior to say Bair Dressing in use. Oils and Col ors the Hair at the same time. Changes light and red hair to a beautiful brown or black. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT At CO . No.lo'Huiversity Place, New York. Marcia 9, 18t34.—1y. D. TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINI MENT. pint bottles at fifty cants with, for lameness, cuts, gaits. cone, sprains, &c., warranted cheaper than any other. It is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure ring bone nor spiv in. as there is no liniment in exis tence that will. What it is stated to cure it positively does. No owner of horses wilt be without it after tutus) one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an over-heated or driven. horse. For colic and bel ly-ache it has never failed Just as sure as the sun rises. just r.o sure is this valuable Liniment to tie the Horse embrocation of the day. Sold by sit druggists. Office, 56 Corthindt Street, New York. Feb. 10, '64.-Im. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE C3TI INVALID. Published for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG SINN who suffer from nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, etc , supply ing at the same time. - THE MEANS ON SEM.' OVEN. By one who has cured 'himself after being put to great expense and injury through medical 'humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be bad of the author. N Til A NUN, MATFAIR. Esq.. Bedford, Kluge county, 11. Y. they ?I, 1863.-3 y. ' ; Terible ECTI PITS for the minion A ntest valuable and won 10 duffel publitut km, A work of gin pages, and 30 colored engravings. DR. II LINTER '6 VA DE MECUM, an original and popular troatisc an Min aft their Physiology. Functions, and. Sexual disorders of every kind. with,igever Failing tteniedies fur their Ppeady cure. The practice of DR. HUNT tilt has. long been, and still is, unbounded, but et the earnest solici tation of numerous persons, be hen i eon induced to ex tend his med tral usefulness through the medium otitis VADE ECU:4I." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land. as a preventive of secret vices. or es a guide for the alleviation of on: of the most awful and destructive..scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, seenrely enveloped. will be free of postage to any part of the United States for 50 cents in P. 0. stumps, or 3 copies for Si. Ad dress. post paid, Dit. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Sept. 3,1663.--ly. Guns, Wiles, Pistols, Powder, &s ATTTNTION SPORTOBTOO.—.I. 0. AIMATIDATII 'l , TOlOd TO spectfully inforin the public that be co4tinues the business of manufacturing and dealing in GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, Caps, Wads, and ail kinds of gunning, and min materi al, at his Store, .41 Market street,a few doors:North of the L. - I.' It: it., Lebanon, Pa. , , ta, All kinds of !cepa Hug done at the shortest pos Ode notice and in the nest style of workmanship. Lebanon, June 24, 13,.3.--ly 4,Dtito. Preaching next Sabbath evening, in the English ler, gunge on the First Eetortited Church. German preeeltiug, next Sunday at lb A. M., at the Horse Shoe Meeting Nouse. - Divine Services next Sunday evening in the Aloravi an church. Zion Ev. Lutheran eh urch.—English Divine service, next Sabbath, both morn leg and evening. St. Luke's Cherch.—Service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, A. M., except the 2nd Sunday or the month *when the service is at 7 o'clock, P. M. St. Luke's church —PASSION WEEK. Service every day at 9 A. M., and 7 P. 51., except on Stood Friday, when seri , ices will be at JO A. H., and 4 P. 51., and on Saturday when the evening service will be omit ted. On Easter Day, service at 5% A. 14„ andlo A. M. farriet. Ott the 12th inst., by the Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. ARRAIIAM COLLINS, of the 93d Reg. Penn. Vol., to Miss. MART A. WERTZ, of A florins, this county. On the I;ith inst., by the same, Mr. WM. KALE. 2nd Lieut. Co G.ltal Iteg. Penn. Vol., to Miss CHRISTI ANA DRESSLER, both of this place. On the 2d 1051., at the rosimL.ce cf she bride's father. iler. E. Llgnt - iOnt: - Jutt ' V to Miss MINNIE SHERI:, daughter of ' Abraham titlark, of 14,4 , 1, Lebanon. On the Stit inat , at the United Strathren Parsonage, by Rs . B Daugherty, Mr JOHN K. thIIMBERUER. of Cornwall ip., to Miss ELIZABETH llama, or sArth beim, nn tp. Pitt, On the 14th inst., in this Tlcrough, CAROLINE, youngest daughter of Jacob and Catharine SMITII, aged 21 years, 2 mouths and 16 days. The funeral will take place On Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. The offices and teachers of the Sab bath School, will meet in the Lecture Room of the First Reformed Church, at 9% echiek, with -the view of attending the funeral in a body. On the 11th Met_ in Cornwall tp., CAROLINE, child, of.lienry and Caroline SUUTTER, aged 9 years, 1 mouth and 21 days. On the 7th lust., in Jarvis Ilespital. Baltimore, Mr. WM. L. BILLM AN, of 152 Leg. I Pa. Battery , aged 16 years, and 21) days. tio the morning of the 27th ult., in Schtivlkill co, EI.IZ6BETII. - sofa et Julia 19. MILLER, aged 21 yrs., S months and 2 dale, Died ou the let lust., is Millerehnrg. Ohio; from th kick of a borne, Mr JACOB, REAR ERT, of Frodrricks b urg this county, agetf4o pirs.; tdi the sth inst., in fretterickeburg. Mrs. 'HANNAH DEOII, widow of Ululate Philip Zito, aged ad tears Tribute of Respect, lilt. gas Co. A, 930 PENN'A Lebanon, Pa., March '41391. Ala meeting of the members of CO A. 93d Penn's. Veteran Volemeers, held this day thefollowing pream ble mid resolutions were adopted Weerene. The members of this company lutes been informed that in the providence of God Corporal AMU HAM Loco has been iliddenly removed froui our midst by the icy band of death; creating feelings or the deepest sorrow and most profousd regret amongst his comrades in-at ms, who side by side with hint enCoribtered• the pe rils of cruel wat3—fostering benignant feelings for the heroic, manly, end kind course of action he alway s con ducted hilOSelf; and in respect for his memory—a pro per regard for hie excellencies, nod soldierly bearing in duce us to Resolve, That the members of this company condole the death of theft recent. fellow member—corporal ABRA /I LnNa—r, lean whose faithful und patriotic service to Lis cuuutiy,hie noble acts. his wortlyhia.earnest. activity, and ITN genial nature endeared him to us all. Resolved, That .onr country has lost. in the death of our late companion:in-arms, a brave and energetic sol dier—one within whose lie - arethe Brent' patriotism ever glowed with'a true devotion tti the great principles of 'freedom; and one Whose ad min ble conduct. and valorous acts exhibited oh the numerons Ito ly con ested battle not fall„to be appreciated by hie country and ,Iljkten loving friends. "'`Resolved, That Not Jacob P. Embich, Sergt. Wash• futon horn and P,ivate Solomon Rauch be eppoi-•ted a committee to forward a copy of these resolutions to the bereaved parents, end, also, to have them published to the pawns of Lebanon. 100112 rflarlzet. The Lebai rargiliqy orrectrel 11",r7.131. -"-- MAT, hiARCII 16, 1804. . Egga, li doz., 20 ltutteri p It.. 30 Tub or ettlted butter, 10 / Lard, 12 Tallow, . Elam, Shoulders, . Sides, 10 Soap, 7 Bees-wax, 26 White Itaga, 6 Mixed Rags, 3 Flax., 34 lb., 12% titian/a, i 6 Rt., 40 Feathers, 3t lb., 62 . 1 .4: %Tool, "„, . 40 Soup Beaus,ll qt., . 7 Vinegar, ra gal., 12% rAmAlsoN, Woos Extra Enmity, 18 r•O Extra Flour, 8 25 Prime Whits Pilheat,l 50 Prime Red Wheal, 145 New Wheat, Prime Rye, 1 Coro, 55 Outs, 75 Clover-seed, S 00 Timothy-seed, 2 50 Flax-seed, 2 60 Dried Apples, pealed,2 00 Peach "Seitz," 2 50 Peach "II utrala,r 152 Cherries, 175 . 100 Potatoes, "ft hue,- tiO Apple B utter,*crock, 45 Ittu grontiotmEnto. .. A ' , Mout, e, to learn fi lvi c ' t,c,; 6 i.,:l N 4 to 7 16 , E .P., 4 ., IS. the Fruit Trade. One from the country pref-rr ed. Apply to 11. TIIONIAS. Lebanon, Merril 18,168 i.-It, Cow and Calf for Sale. A very tine COW, topper with a Calf about Oro months' old, is offered r . 4 r for side. Apply at this Olnce. [Lebanon, March 76, 1561. Straw and Carn•Fodder 'WANTED, - 400 TONS of Wheat and - Oats Strew • 100 TONS Corn Fodder, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash, during the months of April, May and June,at the Paper Mill of ST IN fl fc ROSS. Lebanon., Pah. ea, t 64. Lebanon, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Public Sale fi WTLL be Hold et the flute( of the undersigned. in Market street., in the borough of Lebttoon, on Monday and Tuesday, MARCH 28th and 29th, 1864, the following Personal Property, vie • II ADS end IIEDSTEADS, Stoves will" pipe, I Settee, Di ning Tables, Chairs, Wash Stands, Looking glasses, Bawls end Pitchers, 2 Centre Tables, 100 3rarciff Cles,a-pet, 1 large Copper Kettle, 1 Shifting Top Buggy, 1 Board Wagon, flay by the Ton; Tube, Barrels, and other articles too numerous to men Con. liar All kinds of BRANDIES, Wines, Gin and Old Bye by the gallon. Sole to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., of said days, when conditions will be made known by LIANNA RISE. Lebanon, March 16, 1864. • MILLINERY ti4Tßittlffi GOODS. IN EVERY VARIETY. _ of the latest importations, and of the newest and most fashiona ble styles. Our Straw Department will comprise every variety of Bonnets, lists and Trimmings to be found in that line, of the latest and most approved shapes and styles. Soliciting an early call, I remain Tours, Respectfully, R WARD. Nos. 101, 105 Sr 107 North SECOND Ste., March, 10, 1804 —4l. PROSPECTUS tly Vilabtlptia 186 L. THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC. DAILY JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA. THE UNION. THE CONSTITUTION. AND THE ENFORCEMENT OE THE LAWS. THE . DAILY AGE , which advocates the pi-11160w and policy of the Dem ocratic party, 'is issued every morning. (Sundays ex cepted,} and contains the LATEST. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS froM all parts of the world; with carefully prepared articles on GoVorumenti Politica. Trade, Finance. etc., and' prompt editorial comments on the questi•ns and .flairs of the day ; Market Reports, Pri ces Current, Stock Quotations, Marine Intelligence, ReportS of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Mailers, and discussions at whatever subject is of gen eral interest and importance. TIIG WEEKLY AGE , is a complete cortipendiunt of the NEWS OF THE WEEK, and contains the eltief editorials, the prices current and market reports, stock quotations, corre spondence and general news matter published the DAILY AGE. It also contains a great variety of oth er nuttier, rendering it in all respects a first-class fam ily journal., Particularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer. the Mechanic, the Literary man, and alt claws of readers. It has. in fact. every characteristic of a LIVE NEWSPAPER, fitted for the Conntifig Rouse. the Workshop, the Farmer's Fire side, and the General Reader. . TERMS. •_. . DAILY. • WEEKLY. One year, By Mnil $S 00iOne year, By Mitil....s2 00 B ix. Months 4 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Months 2 00 Three Months 60 For nay period less than ;Malta of 10 9 17 50 three months, a t the rate of ". 20 30 GO Secenty•frvu cents per with ah oxtra copy seem month. for getting up the club. • Aftir Payment required invariably in advance. ...Specimen comes of the Daily and Weekly will be sent grafi* to any address, on application. The Publishers of TUE AGE could easily 111/ their columns with the unsought and most liberal common &Gem of the press throughout the country ; but they prefer that it should stand altogether upon claims to public confidence, well known and established. They believe it has acquired this - Reputation by the candor. 'fearlessness and independence with which it has been Conducted, though times of extraordinary confusion of ideas on public subjects, and latterly of almost unex ampled public trial. If Is now, and will be, as hereto. foreethe supporter of truly national principles, op. posed alike to radicalism and fanaticism in every form, and devoted to the maiutenanCe of good govern mattt• t,.w and order. The Publishers orTlTE"AllEnamecive that It thus renders peculiar services and bas peculiar claims upon all men by wheel its principles are valued, and who, by the proper means, look to promote and secure the Constitutional restoration of the Union. These can best show their sense of the untiring efforts of the publishers, in behalf of this great and unparalleled cause, by earnestly sustaining this paper in all its busi ness relations. Address, GLOSSBRENNER & WELSH, No. 430 CHESTNUT STREET, United States Internal. Revenue Annual Tales for 1864. THE attention of fax-payers is hereby called to the provision of the United States „Excise Law rela tive to the assessment of annual taxes. By the sixth section of the act of July 1, 1862, it is made the duty of all persons, partnerships, firma, as societions, or corporations, anade.liable to any annual duty, license, or tax, on or before the fret Monday of May in each year, to matte a list or return to the As sistant Assessor of the Listriet where located of the amount of annual income, the articles or objects charg ed with a special tax, and the business or occupation liable to pay any license. Ever; person who shall fit i) to maim such return by the day specified will be liable to be assessed by the Assessor according to the boat information which he can obtain: and in such case the Assessor is required to add fifty per centuui to the amount of the itetes of such list. rivery person who shall deliver to so Assessor any false or fraudulent list or statement, with intent to evade the valuation or enumeration required by law, is subject to a Goa of five !Mildred dollars; and in such case the' list will be made out by the Assessor or As sistant Aseeesor, and from the valuation and enumer ation so minis there can be no Appeal. Payment of the annual taxes. except those for licen ses. will not be demanded until the thirteenth day of June. The appropriate blanks on which to make return and all necessary information will be furnished by the A ssistant Assessors, to whom the returns should be delivered on or before the first. Monday of May. 3.. W. KIL.(.INO ER, U. S. Assessor lath Thatriet. Lebanon, March 0,1864.-3 t. "FLOBENC Sewing Machine, The Only Machine capaplo of making Moro than One Kind of a Stitch; and the Only Onel,laving the RE VERSIBLE PEED. The feed may he reversed at any point desired, without stooping .which is a great advantage hi install ing the ends of seams. It makes four different stitches, lock. khot. double lock, Mid double knot: each stitch perfect and alike on Loth sides of the fabric. There is no other Machine which will do so large a range of work its the "Florence." It will Braid, Tuck, Qa ht. Cord, Item, Pell, Bind, Gather, and do all lauds of Stitching required by fam ilies and Manufacturers. The most inexperienced find no difficulty in using Every Machine is warranted to give entire altisfac tion, and to do all that is claimed for it. el, The Morena must be seen to be .Appreciated. J,. F. MATZ, Agent of Lebanon county, Anuville. Pa. Persons wishing to see the Machine in operation can do so by calling on the Agent at Anuville. Annville, March 9,1864.-3 t. A NEW SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER. rtigE entawriber has hod received from New York and Philadelphia, a large stock of WALL PAPER, - EIREBOARD PRINTS, BORDERS, DICTIONARIES, WINDOW SDADES, of the very latest style. now manufactured for the Spring trade: As the above Goods were all purchased at the very lOwest cash prices, be is enable to cell them at nearly the old prices, before the great r lee in paper - took place. Of WINDOW SHADES, be bee a byze and , plend id Stock, plain, fancy, buff, green and Pit, &e. PAPER SHADES, neat pattern, plain, green, bine and-gilt.— Also, the latest and simplest style of Fixtures. lie has also a general assortment of 13001iS AND STATIONERY en band, all of which se ilrbo sold on the most reason able terms. . - 11(96 Ilia. Store is in Walnut atreet,-Lebanon, be tween the Court House and the County' Jail. JCIIIN L. uzczan. Lain - mon, Marcii9, '64 7 ID yousee ATVIRS & SRO.% New oot awl Shoe ~ . FALL AND WINTER I AT TilE TiEW YORK STORE. WE have Jnst opened the following list of great bargains. received from our boyar in New York t. Laimts, 00 and 25 eta. per yard; very gond Prints train 10 eta. upwards, Hooped Skirts of all sines. very test styles; illeek Stella Shawls, $1.50 and upwards ; Wits' Collars and Sleeves ehe.iper than ever 44r- We buy our Goods exclusively fur CASH, and ore thereby always enabled to bnY ibein we anti find the cheapest and will a) Waye give our customers the benefit of tbio advantage. Ve bee* but an e price and our terms are CASK. Como and examine our stock, and If you don't buy you trill eft 110 arms faces. Towle & lESNDALL'S BUILDING, Cumberhtod Street, Lebsifnri, Lebanon, Sept. 23, 1863. rrlfil undersigned hereby inform the public that time Lebanon Academy is not Intended exclusively for the youth of the Borough, but it always did, and still does receive pupils from abroad. ' Lately, also, the Directors have improved its general character, and elevated Its standard. by refusing to ad. mit pupils without the necessary qvdilications. and by their continued care they hope Tithe this school to its proper piece in the estimation of this community.— A limited number of pupils of the proper grade can be admitted from the country by applying to JACOB CAPP, President. ' . JOSEPH KARCll,sacriltary. or to CYRUS BOGER, Teacher. Aar- Tuition for COUIV3OII 4134. higher English branch es, Latin and. Greek. ' $2 per moth. Lebanon, Aug. 2d,1863.. READING RAIL. ROAD: WINTER, ARRANGEMENT. tia GESAI"I . RUNK I,INE FROId THE NORTH AND Nortb-Wost. for PIIILADELYIIIA, NEW-YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, E sTON, • Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New-York. Reading; Pottsville. and all intermediate Stations, at 8 a. Isl.„ and 2.00 , P. Id , passing Lebanon 9.13 A. AL, and 3.08 P. n. New Yxpress leaves Ifarrisburg at 6.30 A. 31., passes Lebanon at 7.30 A. 31., arriving at New York at 9.15 the same morning. Fares from it arrfsbarg: To New-York $5 15; to Phil adelphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Retureing. leave New. York at t A. 314 12 Noon, and 7P. 111., (PITTSBURG EXPRESS). Leave Philadel phia at 8.15 A. M., and 3.31 P. 111.; passing Lebanon at 12.17 noon, 7.17 P. 31. and Expreseat 1.05 A. M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and Irons Pittsburgh witbinnt change. Passenger. by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua et 8.50 A. 31„ and 2.16 P. AI. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 0.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. AL, for Philadelphia. Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Beading at 6.00 A. 51 , and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. 4M- All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. 51., and Philadelphia at 3.15 F, Commutation Tickets, with 26 Coupons at 25 per cent. between any points desired. Al flange Tickets, good for 2000 miles, between all . points at sl6 . o6—for Families end Business Firms. ZCIINO:1 and School Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all Kints. 80 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers are requested to purchase their tickets before entering the cars, as higher Fares are charged it' paid in cars Dec. 9,1803 Lebanon Mutual Insurance LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO., TO the property holders of the State of Penn .& sylvania :—OENTLEMEN t Your attention is reepectiblly solicited to the following low tabula Mimi , once of the LEBANON M GTErAL INSURANCE COM PANY, wive are transacting business with the most flattering evidence of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ed them of being protected against loss by are. The Board of Directors arc practical business men well and favorably known, and enjoying tbe entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Oar Com pany is perfectly mutual and we Invite your careful ag tention to the following low rates as we are determined to insure as low as any other responsible company, taking Into consideration the character of the risks incurred. Our QUARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne ceasily of renewal every S or 5 years. The Company has now been in successful operation for nearly 6 years, and all Its losses have been prox.ptly paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned; and, in fitct it has been, and still continues to be, the wish of the Directors to have the Company condected on honest and economical principles. . RAIBS 13.1 f INSURANCR. Dwellings, brick - or stone, Mato roof $0,15 lit $lOO do do shingles ,13 " do do Log or Eranie ,20 "do Berne, atone or brick,2o " do do Log or Frame . ,20 . 6 do Store Houses, brick or stone A 5 " do do Log or frame .• ;AO "do Ilotele& boarding bouses,lirielcor.stono ,26 " do do do Log or frame • 80 , i , do Academies and School housce ,25 " do Churches and meeting houses ,20 . do , Primers books and Mationerios ,30 " do Book binders ,60 " do Tailor shops Shoemaker and saddler shops Silversmith and 'Watchmaker Tin and sheet iron shops Groceries and Provision stores Tanneries • flatter shops 30 " do Grist Mills, Water power ,55 •" do Saw Mille do do. ,36 do Drug Stores ,30 " do Smith shops, brick or atone ,30 do do do Wood ,85 " do Carpeoterjoiner & Cabinet rattier shops ,40 " dr Wagoner anti Coachmaker shops ,40 " do Debater and chair maker shops ,40 " do Oil Mills ,40 " do Clover Mills,4o " do Younderies tiood ,35 " do do Brick or stone -,30 do Merchandise in - brick or stone build'ega ,20 " do Inii.Ukci," n. do in wooden do ' 25 " do Furniture in brick or atone buildings ,lb " do do in wooden ,20 " do Stables & atiede, brick or stone,country ,20 "do . do do wooden ,25 " do Livery & Tavern Stables '25 " do Joi- All communications should be addressed to J. (I lIEILMAN, Secretary, Jone.3town, Lebanon Co., Pa. IQ" OFFICE at the "Black Horse Hotel." Jonestown, March A, 1863 AMERICAN %V ATCIIES. AFTER. A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE THAN TEN YEARS, the time-pieces manufac tured by the American 'Watch Co., of Waltham„ Mass., have gained a firm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 75,000 of them are speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people. From a very insignificant beginning the business has increased -un til we are justified in stating that WE MA KS MORE TItAN ONE 'HALF of all the .watches Sold in the unl ted States. Repeated enlargement of our factory build ings and the labor of POO operatives, still Pod UR un equal to supply the constantly increasing . demand.— And we may here observe that notwithstanding the high pr ice of labor and materials; we actual).- sell our products at less prices than those current five years EIDG- We refer to these facts only for purposes of proper ly introducing another sulject relative to our manu facture of watches. 'Hitherto our chief object has been to make GOOD watches for the million at the lowest pos sible price—something to take the place of the make believe watches called ••A tierce:* ..Eng lisli Patent Levers,. &c. annually tlmown upon this market, in Countless numbers, by European work shops—watches which are the refuge of their facto ries. unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless es-- erywhere. - This object 'we bare accomplished. and now we have to announce, that we have commenced the =aurae tare of watches Of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHAO- NO b 3 ETRY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by ourselves and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For thin purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an adelition to our main buildings expressly for Ibis branch of our business, and have filled it with the best workmen in our service. Profiting by our long experience, we have remodelled the form of our watches, introducing such improvements as have been suggested and proved to be good from time to time, end have instituted new. and .severe tests of isochro. rdsm, adjustment and compensation: Kew machines and appliances have been constructed, 'which perform their work with consummate delicacy and exactitude, and the choicest and most approved materials only aro used. Nothing in fact is wanting either In reechoed l principles. material of workmanship toensure per fection in the result. We continue to manufacture our other well•known qualities under the follow .ng names : "APPLETON, TRAM'. & CO." • “P. S. BARTLETT," And the "Soldier's Watch," WILELLERY." The latter, the lowest priced watch we make, Is a substantial, reliable time-piece, cased in sterling silver —hunting pattern, and is not liable to get out of order either in marching riding or fighting. All the abore described watches, including the PINEEX, which is nam ed “AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY," are sold by watch dealers vowel ly throughout the country. Robbins At. Appleton, Agents for the American Watch Cdmp'y, 182 BROADWAY,. N. Y. Nov. 2, 1863.—insIde eow 4m. 1562 NEW STYLES. 1862 A DAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between LI Market and the Court House,north side. has now on hand a splendid assortment of the New Style of VATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, for 1,858 to which the attention of the public is reepeolfully inv, tad. Mate cc all prices from the to the mos costly, always on hand. ' He hes alsojust opened a spien tll,l assortment of SUMMER HATS, embracing such a STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, HORN, LEO HORN, SENATE, OUBIAN, and all others.. , as.He will also Wholesele4)l kinds of Vats, Caps Ae-, to Country Merchants on advautagedius terms. -Lebanon, April 80,1862. - • • La TEST XE WS 4ar azo A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES, GROCERIES - . We base just received. from New Yorke. freab stork of GROCERIES, each as Nlulossef.o, Sugar, Cotree, Tea, &c., &t., LEBANON ACADEMY, G. A . tricous. General Superintendent Company. A WORD ABOUT ZESSAIf LO.Naltent LEBANON Door, Sash and Stain Planing 10111_11[111CAL , 0 Located on the SY:fam-Rouse Road, war Owililmtriawd TB undersigned respectfully inform the public in general, that they OM till manufacture and keep on hand. ; t s: Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring. Weather- Board s, 0 Gee Spring Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash Boards. eating. Sorban*, Cornice., and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS for Ilouses. We also construct the latest and most im proved Stair Caring and Rand Balling, suitable for large and small buildings. We now invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to call and examine our stock, which we will warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may tarot the under signed with their custom. Lebanon. April 22.1862. P. E.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the same Mill. P/Mting, Sawing, &c, promptly done for those who may fernieh Lumber. • , STOVES. STOVES. - Nls the time to buy your STOVES before told whiter le here, and the beet and cheapest place if tiliMl Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Maranftw tory of James N. Rogers, Two doors South from the - ...ebanontians,,where can bs had the isrgest and best assortment of PARLOR, HALL, and CCORING STOVES, ever offered in Labs• n Ons Burners for Parlors or Bed Chambers of big own make. with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large variety of the best Cooking Stoves ,in the county or borough, which he warrants tobakeor roast WASH BOILERS con tautly on hand of all edema; and the best material. . _ COAL BUCKETS—the largest asaortment,. the heav iest iron, and the beat made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the beet material and in a workmanlike manner, As he la a. practical Workman, and beer had an experience of twenty-five years. he feels confident that he can glee' general aatisfacdcm. fie takes this method of returning his thanks to Wit numerous customers for their liberal support, and be hopes. by strictly al tending to his own busbies, and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of puplic patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. /VP Particular attention paid to all kind. of.Tosetnd such ea Roofing. Spouting, &e., and all work warranted G. L. ATKINS & Brit HAVING united in the BOOT and SHOE B and from their determination to be puncture= make none but the beet of work, they feellike eollcitlog alone of public patronage. Therein always be found: at their OLD STAND, elicw Beduins,) in Market Street, - nearly opposite Widow Rises Had, where they will hif ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on hand s large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Le., which they offer at reduced prices, 4v- Person dealing at this SHOE STORE, can be suited with READY-MADE WORK..or hays it - made to' order. Satisfaction is always warranted. thr Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Booth and Shoes. [Lebanon, July 3, 1861. APRINS & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted' up in good order for comfort and convenience, both for ladles and Gentlemen. ATR/NS & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store Ls fittat up in good order for comfortand convenience, both for Ladles and Gentlemen. • A Timis& BRO. promise to be punctual, andwfil en' deavor tr please all who may call on them for Boots and Shoes In WON KEEPERS PEDLERS TO THE PEOPLE OF LEBANON. MARCUS NATHAN respectfully informs the people" of Lebanon and vicinity that be baa opened a No tion and Fancy Dry Goods Store in Lebanon for the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade of ail articles in his hue at the most reduced prices possible. His stock consists in part of all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stock ings and Hose, Undershirts, Drawers . Woolen Caps end Nubias, Mfrs and Gloves. Scarfs , all kinds of Handkerchiefs, Collars for Ladies arid Gentlenien k Hairdresses and Nets, Ribbons and Velvets, Spool and Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Selseore, Combs. in., An: - A large assortment of UMBRELLAS and-PARA SOLS, et the lowest prices. Spectacles, Pocketbooks, POrtmoriaires. Dominoes, Cards, de. A large assort ment of Musical Instrument., Violins, Accordeona, Banjos, Temboriees, Flutes. Fifes, Baskets,. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Satchels. and all kiods of Toys; in feat everything almost that can be thought of in the Notions and Fancy line. Also a large variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES. Pedlers and Storekeepers will find' it their interest to buy of us. Our Store le in Grim berland Street, in Funck'a building. between the COM* House sod Market House. ,25 4, do „30 4, ,30 " do ,30 4, do ; ,30 " do i ,30 10 Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereEt given that Lettere Testamentary on the estate of WM. BAER, deed., late of Reidel berg township. Lebanon county, Pa.. have been grant ed to the undersigned. residing in the township, noun ty and state aforenald. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make aettlement, and those having claims will present them without delay.. WM. M. WRIGLEY, EtteentOrt- Shaetrerstown, Feb, 24,'64 PURVIC NOTICE la hereby given, that the Mules of the Metbodlvt Episcopal Chrrch of Cornwall township. Lebanon county, Pa, was duly presented to the Court of Comma° Ph-.Le, 'of Lebanon county, for examination, and will b. approved according to law, on the first day of Apra Term, nazi', unless good canoe be shown to the contrary. SIEOII . IIIT, ProtWy:-.. Lebanon, Jan. 27,1864.—+ MERCHANT TAILORINO - , S. R Asi SAY, itt Punek's building, corner of Odra , . kJ. beziand street and Doe alley, has on hand and for sale, either by the yard or Muds' to order, a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIKER:I3, ana VESTiIiCIB; well selected from Goad Houses.. Good Fits and sub•' sten tied making guaranteed to aIL Also Handker. chiefs, Cravats, Gloves. Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. B. S. RAMSAY. Leisnon, April 9, 1862. Executor's Notice. PPUBLICNoIics is hereby given, that Letters Testa mentary, have been granted to the 'undersigned, on the Estate of CATIIA.TtIYE GOETTLE, late:- of Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, Pa., deo'd. All persons who know themselves Indebted to said estate will please settle their sceounts, and all thoseliartag- CilliCUS against it will please present them. JONATHAN ZEIIBE, Executor. Slanefferstown,Slarch 9, 1861. !toward A ssocirltiOal PHILADELPHIA, PA. • DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Syetems—new and reliable treatment-1u reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mail In, sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, D. .1. SRILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association; No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. March 9, ISB.l.—ly. Executor's Notice. N roncE is hereby given that ,Letters TCPII,I4; IN men tsry on the Estate ofJACOE WELLER, - lete of Bettie. township. Lebanon county, fe., des 'it.... have been granted to the undersigned. &11. persons therefore indebted to said estate will please make pity- - ment. and those having claims wilt present them-with out delay, to HENRY LIGHT, Swattu - al DAVID %V UTIRICII, Bethel, BAISIDEL RICKER, 10, Executors of said Estate. Feb.lo. '64 OFFICE North Lebanon Rail Rai* "aiwspatip,l Lebanon; Pa., February 28,186#. Notice is hereby givers that this Company Is prepar, ed to redeem all of its outs tending - Bonds, whiell will fall due on the „Ant. day of April, t 865, between this date-and the let day of April neat, and that on all these toads,-.presented' at - this office for redmrptioir, interest' wilt be rdlowadtup to the said lat of alrfl/, 1.664 . , at .the rate often (10) per caliper annum, instead of seven. (7) tier cent, as specified off etie fine oriel& Bonds. By order of the Bow} of Directors. L'b, March 2, '64. JACOB wr.votz, Treavdrii. Philip F. 31 1 c.aully FASHTONABLE BOOT AND SHOE PdAY:IIBr 1- 1 ,17 Camberlaud Street, one door Hast 1„f the BrSrab 01"80 &Welt Thankful for very liberal patronage extended fo Me for tberel airttiMr I have been in-business, I would respectfully Solicit al continuancb of the patronage of the public, e has at elf times an assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of his mrirmenufacture on band, which-wilt be' disposed.of on reasonable terms: FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS; &e: Those desiring a neat, Well made exec* ire I nv it e e. to'gire me e trial. Hhildrens' Shoes of semi , variety and color on bend. Heavy - work made to Order..' - ALI wort warranted. Repairing math dew Met charges made miderate, ' Lebanon,JisTr • Jou, a. cure' Street, Rica .7.4banon .LONGACILE & QABEL EMI ALSO MARCUS NATHAN rublic Nolice.