The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 16, 1864, Image 2

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    ~vYb . a'iCDiC Alhertiser.
TO rora.nw.^
WM. N. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor
ne, The German Republicans at a
Convention held At Detroit, resolved
"not to, vote for Lincoln." They
want Fremont, chase, Butler, or some
other candidate—but not Lincoln.
`The Executive State - Committee of
the New Jersey German organiza
tiOn has also passed a series of reso
lutions, protesting against the nomi
nation of Mr. Lincoln in bitter terms.
stir Among the officers recently re
lease& by the rebels, and who arrived
at Annapolig on Wednesday last,
from Richmond, - was lerajor -Harry
A. White, of the 57th Pennsylvania
Cavalry, and late a .member of the
Pennsylvania Senate. - • •
soeThe . -Democratic County Con
vention of Ds,uphin County, met last
,Delegates to the • Sta"te
Convention were. • appointed unani
instructed to support Gen.
McClellan for the Presidency. • .
kir Amid the thunders of the can
non of .Antietam Gen. McClellan re
ceived a dispatdh 'front Halleel,: and
the rulers at Washington, telling him
that "the, enemy in his front has
crossed the river, will turn -his• left
and. cut him' • off from Washington."
Imagine the smile of the hero - of that
bloody battle-field at the fright of the
paralized authorities, in Washington.
McClellan relieved them from their
fright, saved the Capital and the na
tion;' and still, before, after and ev
er since he received only ill-treatment
from them, If the present genera
tion does not do justice to McClellan,
history will I
Is_ The State Senate was organ
ized, last week, by the Republicans
seceding from - their revolutionary
and unconstitutional- course. Mr.
Penny resigned, as Speaker, which
however there was .no need" for as he
was. not Speaker, and then an elec
tion was - had and Mr. P. was elected.
The Position, hehlhy the Democrats
from the beginning of the session has
thus receiveda complete - vindication,
for had the Republicans been right
they would have - persevered - and leg
islation, would not have suffered, for
they havoa majority and could pass
any measure; But knowing' - that
they were wrong, they yielded after
a waste of two months' time, and a
large amount of -the people's money.
If the people of Pennsylvania: do not
condemn the pOlicy and course of the
Abolitionists next fall they do not de
serve better:governinent than is now
exercised over them.
Ver LITTLE HEARTS.—The amenu
ments to the constitution allowing
soldiers - to vote were passed upon in
the State 'Senate last week. The
Democrats did not vote at all -upon
the question, because- the Senate was
unorganized,—no speaker having then
yet been elected. After the election
of a Speaker they asked permission
to record their votes on the question,
and the big-hearted I manly ! fair
minded. Abolitionists refused them the
privilege. -They do this for political
capital sake, and their papers have
the meanness to bell their readers
that the course pursued by the Demo
crats was because they are opposed
to the soldiers voting. The. Demo
crats would not be guilty of such
mean, dirty, little tricks if they could
thereby obtain a unanimous vote for
their party. The democrats want the
soldiers to vote, but they also want
things done in accordance with the
Constitution and the laws:
It has been ascertained that
our loss in Florida, in the late reverse
as Oscealo, is upwards of two thou
sand.. Only .Taoksonville, in that
State, is for the future to be held.
The firing on Charleston has teas
ed for the present.
ter It is said that Mr. Charley
Moyer, one of the Abolition orators
last fall, is the author• of the follow
ing sayings. -* We do not believe that
he would be guilty of such foolish
brevities, but 'until he publicly denies
the charge, be will be held responsi
"It is easier to pay a small sum
than it is to pay a larger one."
`"lt is easier to pay a debt when
you have the money than it is when
you havn't got the money."
"I am not a great man."
(gWar should not be looked upon
as an alarming evil by any means."
"Nobody's hurt, nothing is going
"The crime of silence is what I
US. The Crawford, Pa., Journal,
the Old and influential organ of the
titiliosition in that county, came out
,fiatli last week against'the re-nomi
cotliiii ofMr, Lincoln. It thinks that
ockgs k Wdots and office-seeking poll
tioions4ke Aged the country long
TY.—What wonderful changes a few
-years may bring about. Three years
ago we were a happy, prosperous
and pon-mful nation. What are we
now ? Three 'years ago the Demo
cratic party had a number of - men in
its ranks whose room w•as more de
sirable than their company. They
either wanted to manage or have the
offices, to neither of which the party
would consent, because they wanted
either confidence, character or ability.
Presto change, and they joined the
abolitionists. We now find them the
chiefs among the rulers. Who are
they ? There is Stanton, Secretary
of War. We will not; say anything
against him because, we understand,
that a copy of the ADVERTISER was
sent to him a few' weeks ago from
this place, with the
. inquiry whether
we should be hung ! Ile mightan
swer "yes," and as discretion is the
better part of valor, we bold our
peace I But then there is ' Ben But
ler. He voted for Breckenridge in - the
Charleston convention upwards of an
hundred times, we believe, and threat
ened to vote for him-jmtil doomsday..
He is now chief "beast" of the Aboli
tiOnists. His specialty is to 'abuse
women, and, in general, act.the out
law, which he has been declared to be
by Jeff. Davis. Chase was a demo
crat a few 'years ago, now he leads
'the Abolitionists ; so was Cameron.:
In the Pennsylvania Senate, forthe.
want of a better, they have been ob
liged to take that political weather
cock, Morrow B. Lowry, fora leader.
Never beingAle:tOzget a corporal's
guard to follow his foolish movements
while a Democrat, he changed his
coat, and is now a cock of the walk
of the AholitionistS in Pennsylvania.
We Might mention hundreds of other
cases where discharged Democrats
have became leaders aniong the oppo.
sition, but - the above is sufficient to
show that the .men considered to be
the best among the present day Re
publicans, were always regarded as
the worst among the Democrats, and
hence, it is no wonder that the "best
government on the face of the earth"
while these men were kept out of of
fice and power, has become as it is
with them in place and authority. -
In the canvass of 1560 the
Democracy charged upon the-Repub
lican party an attempt to interfere
with the institutions of the Southern
States.. They denied it. When the
civil war broke out in 1861, the Lin
coln speakers: and presses were most
terribly _emphatic in the ig.lertion
that it was not on account of SlaVery
or any fears for its overthrow that
induced the South to array. them
selves in hostility to the government,
but that for thirty year& they had
secretly premeditated a dissolUtion
of the Union. Since the proclama
tion of the .President emancipating
their much beloved colored brethren,
they all earnestly swear that slavery
was the cause of the war, and that
the governmetat cannot restore peace
until that cause is removed.:
Attei- It is proposed that the: best
way to "take Richmond," iS first to
take Washington, next fall, by means
of the ballot-boxeS, , when Richmond
will have to yield. Washington is
between us and Richmond, and is not
in - the possession of the people, but
in the hands of spoilers and incompe
tents; hence, the necessity of taking
it by ballots ! •
giiir The camels imported for the
go.Vernment: a few years ago, and
since kept near the Tejon reserva
tion- on the plains, - have increased
froin fifteen to thirty-seven. This is
the only increase, except of debt and
taxation, that has been reported nn -
der government* management. We
hope the camels will 'continue to in-
crease - , So that the administration can
have something to boast of. It would
not be surprising if it should some
day wake up . to the fact that it has
also an elephant on its hands.
WI - Col. Dahigren, one of the offi
cers of the late Kilpatrick raid tow
ards Richmond, and who was among
the missing, is now ascertained to
'have been killed, and some seventy
or eighty of Mil men captured: Kil
patrick's loss was heaVy, and no good .
seems to have been accomplished.—
The military policy of using up all
the cavalry (as Kilpatrick's opera
tion has done) before the beginning
of the active campaign, is bitterly
tos6,A woman applied fora free
ride on the railroad near Troy, New
York, on the ground that she
three hushands in the army.
Itc9.. The vote on the amendments
to the Constitution, in NeNV York, re
sulted in favor of the soldiers vote by
a large majority—all parties seeming
to favor it.
OZ:r The Tribune now fixes the ut
most limit of the - "rebellion" to the
Fourth of July. Two years ago it
declared if it was not ended in six
months, it never would be.
ma. The Washington Chronicle re
commends the printing of the Presi
dent's messages In the German, Nor
wegian, Welsh, French and Bohemi
an languages. Would it not be well
to have his messages first made into
VE5— $200,000 worth of hay wnslost
at Cairo, last week, by the - sinking of
the barges on which it was loaded,
through carelessness. It belonged
to the Government. Thus the mon
ey goes.
"Any people, anywhere, being in
clined and `.having the power, have
the right to rise up and shake off the
existing government and form a new one:
that suits them better. Nor is' thiS
right confined to cases in which the
people of any existing government
may choose to exercise it. Any por
tion of such people that can, may rey-'
olutionize, and may make their own
of so much of the territory as they in
habit. More than this, a Majority of
any portion of such people may revo
lutionize, putting down a Minority,'
intermingled with or near' about
them, who may oppose their move
O' Reader, who do you think is
the author of the above sentiment.—
pendix to Congressional Globe, page
91, debates of the Ist session of the
Both : Congress.
Jar' The:Aboli ti en is ts now propose
an: amendment to: the Constitution
prohibiting slavery throughout the
Whole wuritry. How is this ? We
thought Lincoln had abolished sla
very by proclamation ! We haVe
been told over and over again that
shivery wits dead that Father Abra
ham's emancipation proclamation had
done all that, but the abolition Doc
tors don't 'Seem to be satisfied. They
DOW want the ecnstittition altered,—
But is it net strange ? If Abe's'Proc
lamations are worth what is claimed
for them, wby the amending of the
Constitution ? We can't furstay, and
doubt much if anybody else can..
(*-- It appears tO,be settled' that
General Meade is -to be removed or
retired. General Baldy Smith, an
officer of the - western army, will
probably be. his successor. 111-health
is given as the cause of Gen. Meade's
- Kr The, body of Col. Dahlgreen,
killed in the :recent Lipari& raid,
has been sent home to. his ,family.—
The reports that he had been mal
treatedby the rebels, are untrue.—
The barbarous orders, howeVer, said
to have been found on his body; are
defended by the N. Y. Tribune, is
"military and proper."
fier- There is a very dangerous
state of feeling growing up in the ,
West, in regard to the frequent de
struction of Democratic - Newspaper
offices and other outrages by aboliL
tion Mobs. •As ther'd is no legal or
military punishment ever inflicted
upon the perpetrators, the people are
making up their .minds - that retalia
tion is the only and rightful remedy
in times like these. The Administra
tion at Washington certainly could
put a stop .to the lawlessness now
rife in the land, but as they are not
stopped, and no l i viten tion is apparent
to stop them; we must conclude that
they connive at them, and hence,
law justifies the Democracy in filling
back Upon -the power of their own
strong arms , fiir selftprotection,
defense, and punishment of the ag
gressors. One of the resolutions a
dopted by the Democrats of Indiana,
will also be very applicable here. Tt
is as follows i---
2d. That those fanatics and cowards who are
in the habit of pointing soldiers to peaceable
and respectable citizens as. "copperheads" and
"traitors," will add In their own personal safe
ty hy-siesisting from such a Ceara() in the future.
Democrats are not and will not be
the, aggressors, but as patience has
almost ceased to be a virtue in the
frequent outrages committed upon
their persons and property, we ap
peal to the opposition to reflect and
desist before it is too late. Demo
crats have borne a great deal in pa
tience. Our opponents own ,peace,
prosperity -and happiness depends
upon frOWning down and condemn
ing (before - not after) all such scenes
as have lately been witnessed all over
the -land.
Kr• It is authoritatively announc
ed that the President contemplates
another draft of two or -three hundred
thousand men, to take place sonic
time in April, and that it will then
be immediately enforced under the
new law.
Or The wife of Gen. Beauregard
died at New Orleans on the 2d in
stant.. Her funeral was one of the
largest ever held in that-city.
"!.'—The Rev. Dr. Thom
as Johnston has resigned the pastoral
charge of the New School Presbyte
rian Church in Mantua, (West Phila
delphia,) and accepted .a call to a
German Reformed Church in Leba
non, Pa. As it has been the lot of
one of the editors of the Presbyterian,
to be thrown into constant inter
course with Dr. Johnston, we take
the liberty of con - intending him to
the church to which he goes as a
brother beloved, an earnest and faith
ful pastor, and One ready to co-oper
ate in every good work, with all who
love the cause and Kingdoin of our.
Lord Jesus Christ.
4 1GoNz UP."—The West Branch
Insurance Company, located at Lock
Haven, Lycoming County, Pa., has
appointed assignees; consequently
those who have insured in that com
pany in this County, would do well
to apply to some solvent company
for-security against loss by fire, •
This body will meet in Philadelphia
on Thursday, the 24th inst. Its prin
ciple business will be the election of
Delegates to the National Democrat-.,
is Convention, and the . nomination of
a Presidential Electoral " Ticket.—
Nearly all the Delegates to the State
Convention are instructed for Me-
CLg.LLA.s for President, and he will
doubtless be the unanimous choice of
the Convention.
szar The Democratic .members of
the State Senate have issued an ad
dress to their constituents respecting
the proceedings in the Senate from
its meetings in January, until its or
ganization last week, They prove
conclusively that their course was
right and constitutional, and that the
abolitionists Were wrong ; which is
further , proven by the latter seceding
from their course of disorganization
and proceeding:to the election of a
Speaker. We shall lay the address
before the readers of the ADVERTI . SER
next week.
Oztr They 'are getting too much
GoVernor away down in Louisiana.—
They sport four of the commodity
just now, viz :—ilanks, Military Gov
ernor; Shepley, also Military Gov
ernor ; Allen, COnfederate Governor,
and Hahn, the. new "one-tenth" Gov
The charges'in the Abolition
preSs that the Democrats voted a
gainst the proposed :amendmente to
our. State Constitution, allowing sol-,
dieri the right to vote, are §o
even if they were not
,FATAE, that
men of characterought to be asham
ed engaging in circulating them.
The Democrats reOsted all legislation
because the Abolitionists refused to
organize the Senate. But it is false
that they voted. agaidst the amend
ments. They did not vote at
After the organization they asked
leave to vote., but were denied the
privilege by the abolition majority:—
When the abolitionists say the Dem
ociata voted against said amendment
say they die 1
The United States and= France -41
ie . beginning to be pretty generally
believed in well-informed circles that
there is trouble. brewing between the
United States and "France. The son
of Minister Dayton arrived in Wash
ington on Wednesday evening from
Paris, bringing deSpatchee from his
father, which are said to be of a very
important character, warning - the
government to prepare for the recog
nition of the Southern Confederacy
by Napoleon, and other measures of
an unfriendly if . not tbi7eatening char=
Ate - Mobile is now the great point
of military interest.. Admiral Parra
gut has attacked Fort,..P.oWell; Which
commands the entrance to Grant's
Pass. This fort stands at tire mouth
of a narrow channel, thirty miles in
length, and strongly fortified, for the
entire distance.. No impression has
yet been made upon the fort, and no
shells have lately been thrown at
Forts Morgan or ,Gains, which com
mand the other entrance to the har
bor. Aland attack as been attempt
ed. The great strength of Mobile,
and tip weakness of Farragut's fleet,
bear us out in stating that there is
little hope of the capture of place.
The advices from Mobile are to the
Ist of March.
ziee - The sloop of war, HouSatonie,
was sunic by, a confederate torpedo, at
Beach inlet, S. C. on the ].Bth,
The Captain, clerk and engineer were
AO' Mrs. Clem. White, of Selma, a sister of
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, recently presented a
Confederate Jack - to the gunboat Melville, at
Mobile.—Ranee Journal.
Had this been the sister of a Dem
ocrat, instead of the sister of the wife
of the President of the United States,
the abolition press throughout the
land would haVe sent up a' howl of
indignation. But as this brave Con
federate lady is merely a sister•in law
of his august majesty, Abraham the
First, the abolition press is as eilent
as tho tomb. .If any Democrat in
the _North held such near relation
ship to Airs. dem. White, of
Alabatua, the hloodhounds of the se
cret service would dog his every
GitArrk - arrived in Washington on
Tuesday evening, and was received
stith distinguishing demonstrations
of respect and honor. He visited
the Army of the Potomac on Thurs
day, and'dined with Gen. Meade. •
State election in New Hampshire 013
Tuesday lust, resulted, as was gener
ally expected, in the succese of the
Abolitionists. Gilmore (Ab.) is elec
ted Governor by about 5,000 majority
over _Harrington, (Dew.)
Front the Presbyterian
/ter The workingmen of New York
have convened in public meeting to
consider the effect of our civil war
upon their interats. Several thou
sand of them met together, and they
resolved that the present war was
prosecuted for the benefit of the ne
gro, not for the white man, and its
result was to enrich the idle worth
less few at the expense of the toiling
millions. A meeting is to be called
which be represented all oc
cupations in the United States, the
members of which live by their in
dustry. •
fr" Cincinnati, Enquirer says that
the prize for the haadsomest "baby"
at the Glass Blowers' Exhibition,
was awarded to a negro child. "Ev.
cry person to their taste, as the wo
man said, when she kissed her cow.
tar The Dayton Empire says a
lady, the other day, entered a dry
goods store in that city and bought
five dollars worth of goods and
threw down a ten dollar gold piece
to • pay for them. The merchant
coolly opened his. drawer and gave
her a ten dollar greenback in ex
change ; Now the question arises,
did the lady get her goods for noth
ing, or is a ten dollar greenback
worth only five dollars This is a
practical demonstration of the value
of the "soundest and best currency
in the world."
for Mr. Cox, of Ohio; made a
good bit in the House of Representa
tives on Monday. The House bad
just passed another - of the series of
buncombe resolutions which have be
come so fashionable, declaring, that.
the "cause of the war must be abol.
isbed," "the rebellion must be crush
ed," and "the Union, must be re•
stored," - all of which do about as
much good as so many paper bullets,
when Mr. Cox offered the following :
Resolved, That the rebellion be, and
the same Is, hereby abolished.
" The Haulm saw the joke in an in
stant, laughed heartily over it, and.
then passed the resolution by a unan
imous vote. Our Republican breth
ern, who have such strong faith in
resolutions and proclamations, will
probably now, regard the rebellion
as dead, and bury it 'alongside of
Kr The House Carpenters of Al
lentown made a strike last week for
an advance of their wages to $1 75 a
day, which was promptly acceded to
by the employers.
A Methodist church has been
organized in Ohio, in which no stump
speeches are allowed on Sunday.—
The administration churches refuse
to recognize it.
DEW" Three negroes of the Fifty-fifth
Massachusetts regiment .were recent
ly bung in Florida for committing a
rape on a white woman:
Tpa.. The city and county tax for
New York for' the present year will
be $13,000,000, or $l3 a head for the
inhabitants of Manhattan Island.
ler The Albany Argus Buys: In
1850, the property of the loyal States
was valued at less than eleven thou
sand millions. Probably four thou
sand millions of this has already been
borrowed ! At the rate we are go
ing on, how long will it take to reach
the remaining seven thousand mil
lions ?
O Vico President Hamlin is said
to be . the most violent opponent of
Lincoln's renominatien. In his op
pinion it was all right before, but it
is all wrong now. Hunnibal's sec
ond sober thought may be the truest
one of his life.
Kr Theodore Tilton, of the New
York Independent, said in a lecture
the other day at Portland, that it
was "the prime duty of all to grasp
God with one hand and the negro
with the other." It is not difficult to
say which he would. grasp most cor
lOn_. A new Club HOuse for -the ac-'
commodatimi of the Union League,.
of Philadelphia, is to. be • erected of
brick and brown stone on the corner
of-Broad and Sansoin streets. The
building will be one of the handsom
est on Broad street. and is expected
to cost 5120,000. Shoddy pays well.
General Butler has sent an expo
clition to King and' Queen Court
House, to retaliate upon the citizens
of—that place for Dahlgren's .death.
Twenty prisoners were captured, and
the unarmed citizens driven out ofthe
town. •
A new and ingenious method of
smuggling liquor into this city was
brought to light on Saturday last,
through the efforts of the detectives.
For soma time past a certain chicken
coop has bean observed to have made
frequent and regula . r journeys
tureen this city, and Washington,.on
the ferry boats, going up empty and
returning well filled with fine fat
shanghais. The poultry traffic has
always been considered ail' honorable
one, and we have not learned what
first,. drew suspicion toward the integ
rity of the dealer in question ; but
certain it is, that one of those curious
chaps employed in this 'department
took the. liberty of inspecting this
"coop" for the purpose of Ascertain
ing the features of the latest improve.
ments in. that species of- ertrueture,
and his labors -were rewarded with
the discovery that its bottom was
composed of tin, in the shape of a fiat
shallow box ; and a closer inspebtion,
revealed the important item of thirty,
gallons of old. rye, contained in the
aforesaid box. The game was _up ;
the chicken, alias whisky dealer, was
completely over sloughed. The dodge ,
is certainly an ingenious one, and
would probably not haVe been dis
covered now but for the fact that it
was-suggested that in' a:: place where
cocktails were so numerous there must
be something else at the bottom of IL
-Alexandria Journal.
Or The indebtedness of the State
of New Jersey is only $26,000, and
this small amount, Gov. Parker says,
will probably be paid during the cur
rent year, and a surplus left in the
Treasury. What a pleasant little
State to live in—out of debt, Demo
cratic polities, and constituting in it
self the purest specimen of State gov
ernment to be found in the nation.
No PEACE.—The Abolition State
Convention of Connecticut resolved
that "propositions for treaties of peace
with the' rebels," are treasonable.—
Congress has adopted a resolution to
reject every proposition of peace from
the rebels—even though they lay
down their arms and adhere to the
Constitution in every respect. So
the position of the Abolition party is
clear enough—interminable war.—
The annual resolve that the rebellion
is about 'ended, and that the war is to
be closeiiin a few months, is worth
no more now than it , wasin the spring
el 1861, - •
Cttr The Abolition National Com
mittee passed a resolution that no
bogus delegates should be admitted
into their 'presidential conveetion
from such states as Arkansas, Ten
nessee, Florida and Louisiana.—
This is a slap at old Abe.
Those opposed to his reelection
have no idea of being cheated out of
their rights. That is right, He needs
our.—The London Shipping Gazette
says.: "An officer of the Alabama,
who left that ship in consequence of a
quarrel with Captain Semmes, states
that the Alabama has the very best
telescopes on board. A lookout-man
is always kept at the mast head.. ka
soon as the faiutest symptom of a
sail , is descried. Senimes goes to the
mast head :himself, and if there is
the slightest probability that the
sraoger is a man•of-war, the Alahama
is driven with full steam on out of
sight, and, ii possible, in a totally
opposite 'direction to that of the
strange sail."
The Confederates have driven the
negro garrison out of Suffolk, Virgi.
nia. On Wednesday last they at
tacked Suffolk and the negro troops
becoming panic-stricken, abandoned
the place and retreated eight miles.
One hundred of the negroes .were
captured ; the killed and wounded
are not reported. Reinforcements
hurried forward by General Butler
stopped the retreat, and the Federal
lines are now about eight miles from
the town.
book called "Miscegenation," written
by a young mulatto woman, there is
the following complimentary passage
explaining "what's de matter" with
Now Englant : "The white race
which , settled in New Engiand will
be unable to maintain its vitality as a
blonde people. They need the inter
mingling of the rich tropic tempera
ment of the negro to give warmth
and fullness to their natures. They
feel the yearning and do not know
bow to interpet it."
The Mcssagre, of Ixelles, in Bel
gium, contains strange accounts of
the effects produced by music on pe•
troleum oil lamps. The journal as
serts that the lamps are immediately
extinguished by a certain note sound
ed on a brass instrument. "During
a quator,"it says, "three of the lamps
placed in different parts of the room,
went. out simultaneously, and Mr.
Duhem, Professor of the . Brussels
Conservatoire of Music, extinguished
eight lamps successively by the
sound of Wrumpet."
POlsONED.—Several members of the
family of :Mr. Enoch Alberson, of
Clarion borough, were poisoned on
Friday last, in consequence of eating
parsnips. it appears that parsnips
of two years' growth are very poison
ous, and a few of these having been
mixed with tho others, came very
near producing fatal results.
0" At a fancy fair in Pesth, Hun
gary, recently the stalls were as usu
al, tenanted by young, noble, and
beautiful ladies. An Hungarian no
ble, the Count P. de S—, approich
ed near to .the Countess Z—, who
commenced, of course, insisting on his
selecting some article from her stall.
"Is there nothing that will suit you ?"
"Yes, a kiss." And as the laliy seem
ed to hesitate, he pressed the subject.
"How much ?" "A thousand florins."
He drew the note from his pocket
book, laid it on the counter, leant
over, and obtained the promised
guerdon ; the noble lady going
through the ceremony not as the La
dy Godiva rode through the streets
of Coventry, where every window
was discreetly closed, but coram pub
lic° in the presence of many a peep
ing Tom. The Count -is estimated
to have made a good bargain.
Kr A Richmond paper records for
the sake of posterity, as it says, the
current prices in that city for making
and repairing boots. For "inaking',
hoots, $225; footing , 140; making
cavalry boots, s2so c ; gaiters, $110;
and so on.
Nations in state Of i rvar.are like in
dividuals in a state of intoxication;
they frequently contract debts when
drunk, which they are obliged to pay
when sober.
Stoves made of soapstone have
been introduced at Qubec. They
are said to throw out a mellower and
more uniform beat than iron. The
material of which. they are made is
very abundant in the mineral region
south of the St. Lawrence
Wilson says, "the Senate is no
place for the babling of fools." Then
why don't he hold his tongue?
A War Democrat is one that acts as
a guerrilla for the Abolitionists.
The cry of "Curtin and no draft"
is still in the ears of men who heard
the falsehood.
te).. Gen. Grant has again left
Washington for Nashville.
COUNTY CoalellBBlolsElB' Orrice,
Lebanon,.March - 2,1864.
IILTOTICE is hereby given, that the Cann issioisers of
.0 1 11 Lebanon County will hear Appeal* by all persons
rated for State and County Tax, for the year 1864, for
tbe several Townships and Boroughs of said county,
at the COMMISSIONERS' ;OFFICE,' in the Borough of
Lebanon ; on the following days, between the hours of
10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. AU persons in
terested are hereby notified to ..appear at the time and
place specified :
SWATARA, do, , do
UNION, - do 'do
JACKSON, de do
N. LEE. BOROUGH, • do do
The Appeal on Militia Fines attended to on
same days. Alt persons enrolled not subject to dines
min attend if they deem proper.
THOMAS LEADER, cb,,,,,,,,: w0ners
JACOB BRUBACHBR. Memos county.
Attest.. Ovum Swan, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Lebanon, March 9,14.
$26 ! Efflaployment..l_ $7l .1
INT E wif pay , from $25 to $75 per menthe, and fl
•expenseir;to active Agents, or give a eonnniesion.
Particulars gent free. Addr•IISMILIZ SEWLN6 MAZIL
T N4
CIOMPANY. 11...14.101.50, eerteng Agent, Milan, Ohio. '
Nay 13,1065.
The Largest Stock : •
The Best Assortnient
The Cheapest Goods :
Cheap Cash and Produce Store,
Cumberland Street,
Baber's Block, Lebanon, Pa.
WE have just received another addition to our al
ready large Stock of Dry Goods. Groceries,
Queensware, d e.
Full line of Blanket Shawls,
do do do Broetta do
do do do Scoteb MOB - do
do do di) Pabst Mournlfitt 4 0
do do do Second do do
Dress Goods.
Full line of French Merino all Co_
do do do Coberga do do
do . do ,do Alpacas do. do
do do do Dalai:to Nes) Styles
do do do Brocha Velours du
do do do Poplins , der
d: -do do ValeucWir do'
do do do Wool 1041aini)
'do-. do do Wool aw ,
do 'do do Flails - ' do'
do do do Fig. Cashmere* ,
Magnificent line of i"ancY
do do do Pigr'd *PlakeDDichicSlMl);
Balmoral Skirts for .0 - 75 and vrill i dediff
HOOO Skirts,.
Full line of Skeletons, aft all priceir f
• do dodo Quakief Skirts, ' -
Ladies Cloth. -.
Drab. Water Proof,. Black and Beam( 07kIFD•Frcan 4
$1 75 to $3 50 per yard.
Flannels. , .
Wool and - Cotton Flannels, at all
Shirting, flannels de- -do
- Blankets do do do'
_ Hens' Wear.
Cloths, Cassimerea, Satinetts and 'Festiva -
Ceuta' Shawls. fiery Cheap. . • .
Mourning Department.
Our Sloarning department is complete, consiathir
of Single and Double width Delaini. •
Siogleand Double width Casbinems,"
do do do alpacca, • -
Merino, Bombezioes, all Wool Repps,
Valenda,Silk, Stripe Plaids, Delalues. Calico, Lc.
Hosiery, Gloves, Veils, Collars.
English and French Crspe, ka
Call, and look through our . Stock and get the prices,
as it is no trouble , to above -. goads. Our istetto is
"Sxuall profits, quick Salm." and good 111/114-
, & nirrass.terra
New York Cheap Cosh Stoic-.
AAA the. lefircliMil Aar
New Goodi! New Goods -r
French Merino, all colored.
'ENGLISH MERINO, all colored.
All Wool Detains, all colored.
Black French Clotb,
BEAVER Over Coating.
from $2,00 to $4,00.
Fancy and Black Cass.
Satinettes, sold from 50 ets. to $l,OO.
Bed Check and Ticking.
Bleached and Unbleached Huelirs.
Woolen Stockings.
Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Flannel._
Calicoes and Ginghams.
Woolen and Cotton Hoseiries.
Ladies' and Gents' Gloves.
hoop Skirts I Hoop Skirts ! !
Balmoral Skirts.
Umbrellas ! Umbrellas!!
Linen and Paper. Collars.
A full line of •
Ladies and Misses Shawls.
Woolen -Hoods Woolen Hoods It -
A General assortment of
Dry Goods,
Groceries, &
Otr All kinds of Country produce
taken in excbange for Goods.
A New Firm.
Cheap Cash Store, and Milling ant
Grain Business.
17 " undersigned having fornied a partnership intim
NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the
public to their establishments. They will contine to
keep. at the tate stand of SMIRK, GEESAMAN
LONG, a moat Miamian, stock of all kinds of GOODS
usually kept in a country store, which they' wilt re
tail Cheap for CASH, or COUNTRY PRODUCE. They
also want to buy for cash
50,000 Bushels of WHEAT.
50,000 Bushels of RYE,
20,000 Bushels of CORN,.
25,000 Bushels of OATS.
For which they will pay the hi,,hest Market Prices.—
They will also take GRAIN ou STORAMI. The will keep
always on band and sell at the lowest prices, COAL, by
the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED,
ray- They solicit the business of alrtheirold friends
and the public, and will endeavor to deal on such lib
eral and just principles as wilt give satisfaction to all.
NorthLebarton, 'March 19,1962. -
rp RE subscriber would ?copra fully inform the tit
liens of Lebanon and vicinity, that be bail remov
ed his HOOT and MOON STORE to Market street, next
door south of Mrs. itistes Hotel, Lebanon. Pa.
wllere he keeps on ,
Mind a large and well,
assorted stock of ail,
kinds of BOOTS and'
S-H OIC S. He will
make to order all
tadhillo elli" kinds of BOOTS and
SHOES, and st very
short notice. He al
so keeps on hand a
large and well-assort
ed stock of LEATHF.R; such as RED AND OAK SOLE
INGS, Ac., and all kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND
Constantly onhand an assortment ofLastings, Threads:,
Shoe-nails. Peg-breaks, Sand-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit
and.Shoc Tools of every description. Having been en—
gaged in the business more than twenty yearn, he feels.
satisfied that he can give satisfaction to all who Will,
favor lain With/a emit. Shoemakers fr:ra the Country
will do well by calling on hint before purchasing else-.
Lebanon; Tan. 27 1864. -
Barlow's Indigo Bine. .
DEALERS and Customers of the above Cekbratol
Wash Blue, will please take notice, that the La
bels are altered to read
Alfred Wittbergerlik
3axi.troi: nrx.4cows=,,,
Na.-233 North SECOND Street, PHILAD'Ag.
M' The "quality. of this Blue will bs,the same in eyeri.
It is warranted to color more water thantwitie the
eame quantity of Indigo, and to goaanash further than
any other Wash Blue in the market- It &wallies per
fectly clear and does not Nettle on the clothes as most
of the other makes do. One lick dissolved in a half
pint of water, Will make as good a Lignid Bine as any
that is made, at one' third the cost
Aa it id 'retailed at. he saute price .aa the Imita,
Bons and Inferior articles, housekeepers will find it
very much to their aid vantage„ to,atsg. tor that put np
at ltilltberger's. -
*a.All nee put up a ft er this - date with Harlow's
Anna 011 It is an . imitation.
The New Label does not require at4tamp.
113„..F0r Bale by Storekeepers kpnerally.
Feb. 24, %L.—gm. ty„'
CgE undersigned would reepeathilli inform the cit . -
reue of-Lebanon, that helms commenced the DABB
ING BUS/NESS, in all its 'meatier' at his dend, on
Cumberlind street, Lebanon,- 'nearly tippoaite the Buck
Ilotel, and 'will anpplyettstomers with the beet BREAD,
CAB E% he., ae. Ylour received from enatomere and
returned to them in bread at abort notice
" :;09N.FtEOTIONERIE§, •
of all kinds., frealrend - of the host gruditY; constantly
on hand, and furnished at the lowest prima.
The publiels invited to giro me a trial.
Leh nen, Nov. 9, 1869. B. If. Bfillft.
*Jacob E. L. Zisiramermau 7 s*
MUST mass witia-laktismi AND LIAIR•WLE
-1: SALOON, libecket. street, near Cumberland>
and opposite the Bogle_ HOWL Being thankftd for Ike
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he would
respectfully solicit a the some.
Lebanon, July 2,1883. - e i
N, B.—The Saloon will be dosed - on Sunday.