cozy EEKS'EliitiW£l. diamantaricpsruaD:s. Neatly and Promptly. Emmeted, at the ADVPITUNICorp;es, LTABILNON, PENN'A Trill eStalldishmant is now supplied with-an extensive assortment of jOkTYPE, whith Will he increaeed as the patropl43e.:derliatids: It can ntiM 'turn out Pauvroa, of every , deiimiptian, in a neat and expeditioui manner— andun very mammoth, terms. Stich as - Pamphlets, Cheeks, Bnsiness Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labe,ls, Bill Headings, Blanks,. Programmes, Bills o Pare,:, Invitations, Tickets, ere., &o. **Demos of all kinds. Common and Judgment Bombs. School, Justlces'i Constables' aud other, litasss, priried correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept for salo at this office, at prices "to suit the times." ***Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Ralf a Year. ' Address, Wm. xi. Damn, Lebanon, Pa. JACOB WBIBItM, jr., TTORsliEr-'4l' 14.1111 r OFFICE, north-treat corner Market and Water Sta., Lebanon, Pa.. • -•- [Lebanon, • January BASS Ligire 1 OlisiNß i4ita. t. t 4:› r 31. Pr.ii W. OTIOE removed: to , ,Oumberland [street, one door ' l l,l Feat of the Lebanon !allay Bank, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. - ARMY AND . NAVY 4 , ERS/CIN, BOUNIT. BACK' PAY ANA BOTJR- n •TY VAND AGENCY. - A ttOr7lEl ' y'~Fe. t aaaten UOVIER • Xi 170. undeisigned; basing been licensed to 'yrosecute 1, claims and having been engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, offers 'his Services to all those who ate thereto entitled. in Accordance ivith 'the various acts of Congress. All Such should call or 'address at once, andsmake their implications through . BASSIACR BOYER, Attorney at-Law,' . OFFICE removed to Cumberland Bt.. one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, oppoaite the Back-Betel • Lebanon Xs' (Jan. 8, A. T. WEIDLE ' ATTO'RNET . AT LAW, Office Nora , -West ,Corner of Water and Markd ',Streets; X;M3l3,4l6.ll7 o oiii%T; :l=w ia.: : : , ILebyttens, r ,Gp7orge-friliager.,; ATTORNEY AT - LkWl riFFlcx.ln rooptptormsrly.oseppied by Dr. Samuel Behm. deeismed ;and'oppostte to the Black Horse Hotel, p.mberland Street, Leblllloll.. A u it 211.1563. WEIDMAN, 'ATTO lIN. AT LAW, 0 110 E : in.einnbberland street, a few .doorienit of k the Engle Hotel, in the otheo late of his father Capt. John Weidman, deed. Lebanob. §ept. 0,1863. REM OVA Li. A...STANLEY ATTORN EY .AT LAW!' Has removed I. is office to the 'building, one door eas of Landermilcli 'aStore, oppositethe Washington House Lebanon, Pa. ' BOUNTY and r.ENBION claims proMptly attended LApril 8, '63.-3m. REMOVAL. S. T.,NIeADARI, AT TO R'N EY -; A T LAW ; HAS 'REMOVED-his 'office to 'Market Street, opposite the Lehrman, Bea, two doors North of Widow Rise's Rotel. Lebrmon,islarch 25, '5B, JO ifEr JUI Walol.ll Iri t ISTRIGT . -ATTORNEY, has removed his GUIDE 1J! to the ROOM lately occupied by Dr . Geo. wester; In Cuisberland Street, Lebanon; a few doors Fast the;Datile Metal, and two doors west of Oen. eidman's Office. . Lebanon Dec. 17,1862. • - CY RIDS P. 3111., if. 4 A TTOWNEY-AVLAW.-,o9ine in Walnut street, neat ly opposite the Dacia Hotel, and two doors south ]tn•.n Kernutny's Hardware stoin. absnon, April-9, 1.862.-13 t-. TO , AY FRIENDS A NIY CLIENTS. - At shall necessarily be absent from the County during the session of 'Congress.. I bare made or ranegements with JOHN W. RYON, Esq., of Pottsville, to t L ite charge of my legal 'business. My office will be km• open as heietefore and those of my friends and At, nts baring legal hrminelislnay depend open its te.. eel, log prompt and efficient attention. rdr. Ryon .?'s a get•tlemen efe..xtensirerteentltatroing_andiong exited en...l at the intr. . .r have full confidenee — ln bia iibiliTy; int. grity and industry and I therefore cheerfully con mend the interests of my clients end friends to his Cat" rind.atteption. Mr. F. W. CONRAD will also Ten ain in my - ollice, Respectfully. . 3ITER STRODSE. I . 4ttarille, Pa., Dee .2, 160-3 m. INIII 111 MD RU, A TTOIINEY AT LAVi', °Wire in Sticbter's Building, t• Cumberland 'street. nearly opposite the ourt H. Me. • (Lebanon, May 6, 1663. Ctc. • . .111=••••1111, Dr. Sanittel S.• • d• I L VVERS his professional services to the citizens of r Lebanon and vicinity. OFFICI wt the residence el Hrs. L. Bach, two doors West of Office of Dr. Samuel It bm, deed, in Cuinberland'street. • Lebanon. April 1863. Dr.; P. ILL. iflitSlll. -A,VING - located in Lebanon ' 'offers his profession * I el servicett,to tile; Public. Office in 3faritet i..' the building folinerly occupied by hip father. :fiebanon,d)cc. 16, 1863. ,PENSIONS. "I'AP.. CEO. P. LINEAWEANER, having . . been ap -1,) pointed, -by the Conimisidoner of l'ensio:6, a Waahingten, Exataining Surgeon for Petodona, te pre pared to attend to all applicants ibr•Pension at his of Dee, in Market street, nest , le or to the Poet Wilco. Lebanon, March. 2.503,1868 .-6 0 ., Mrante g aa AoxlMiene Salesman' In Dry Geode, Store..oir , Ithe canospititleGinniiin ahtlliluglisti language to s• Leb.,Feb. 17, '64. GOODYEAR & DIFFESDACII.. CLOVERSEED for Sale. nrlllll.subseriber has for Style a Lot of Prime NEW WEST.ERN CLCPVI.III. SEED, whicbobitwill ,sell in quentitiefi to suit purchase rs. STRICKLER. Lebanon, Feb. 24, '64.-3t.* ~• . 'Straw -arid .` VITA m) TONS of 'Wheat and Oats Strier. IGO TONS Corn Fodder, for which the highest market price will be paid in ' ssh. during 'the months of April, May and Jiitie,sit:the Paper Mill of - STINE et ROSS. .; - Lebanon, Feb. 24. 'O4. • Lebanon, Pa. • Liveiy - Sth bleu The bee commenced a LIVERY STARA'S , at his Mo tel, In Market Street, Lebanon, Ile will always endeavor to furnish good horses sok . and vehicles, at moderate prices, to nil de siring the same. - • JOHN IRATTIIES. Lehandth October 21,1863.-Bm. DISSOLUTION - OF CG-PARTNERSHIP. N ' 0:11/RLis bereky. gi F . en Oa : the rt n p ff.;rd e'leiSting beisieen the:tinder eigned,•deallng in the Confectionary business, in the .Borangli of Lebanon, heti been disinleed •bl , menial coxisenet .The Books will be at the oldstand fereettle anent. • JOSEPH. LOWRY, Lob., Ftb. 10,1861.1,-, HENRY NAJD'. 11056. The bildideas tle e'entinued 'by tile under &VlM, JOSEPH LOWRY. e* • * .**A A A r Di ssol ne,ei , hip. irpll.Slirm of I'ONOK '&1140.; Was disaolvad by mo il tail consent; on the fi rst day of February, D., 1864. Tbo books are in the hands of JOSS' K. FUNOK., for settlement, et the staid. All those haring claims against said 'firm will presen I them; 'and those indebt ed will please make payment. Jacob N. Sundt has succeeded the late - firm of Itunck & 8r0.,.; at the old Store, and will continue the business. as heretofore.— Ac.knowledging the liberal patronage heretofore be stowed upon the late firm,' would respectfully solicit a continuance, JACOB K..BONOK, W. Leb., Feb. 3, '64.—tf JOHN IL YUNCIK PROPOSALS FOR rtIONEIC BOUNTY -LOAN OF LEBANON COUNTY -notoposAlfs will be taken by the andereigreti, Commissioners of Lebanon County, on Monday. the pyodpif eritliKetiT and ink. Monday, the 2.let,cley 1861 t theiri Oilice r in the Boinugh of Lebanon for the Loan of ' • - .. • , • . At the lancet rates of tutored, to be applied to the PAYMENT OF .':VOLUNTEERS , in order te' iSold • draft. in said, Conniy.. The said loan will be itketr payable In 1 year„ or 5 years, at the option of' thp COMM issioners. - Loane Will be token of one hundred dollars and bparanls. : TIMMS ESUER TOLRNBV , ' . "JACOI - BRUBACHNE.- . Cotateltefoiteni of .abititon County. Lebano, Feb.l7, 18644.4 - "i • . • • 131apke for bouniy and inielidPen sionjust piinfed And for Ailo 'of thi AD. TERTISDR. MAC& -C..:eb.aiiott: VOL. 15-NO. 38. NOT ALCOHOLIC. A lIIGHLY CONCENTRATED Vegetable Extract. :, , : A-,P,URET:TO,NI,O„: . ~., DOC.TOTL'HVOTIAIWA -; ; .,4#4N - BITTERS; .•• PREPARED' BY Dr. C. M. JACKSON, iliitaira Pd: WILL EFFECTUALLY. CUBE . Liver Complaint - 1 7 Dyspepsisi, . Jaundice. • Chronic or Necrotic Debility,; Diseases, of the Kidneys, and all diseases frotia a , disordered Liver or Stowed': Such Ins Constipatien,;lnward Piles, Fulness or.-Blooth to the Head, Acidity_ , of, the Stomach, Nausea Heart burn, Disgust for Point, ..Fulnem or %%eight: in Stomach:4Boor YEktOtetions, Blatterin'g at the Pit of the Stomach Swimming of tlie Mend, Hiir` rieeand Diffteitlf Breathing, Plutreting at the Efeartc: Choking or &dictating, Sensations whey in a lyingpos tdre, Dimness' - Vision,' Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever end Dull Pain in the Ilead„Deficiency or Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin end Eyes,' Pain in,ths Side, Back, Chest, Limbs : dm., Sudden tFlushes of Mat, Burning in the Vieth, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits: And will positively prevent Fellow Pet;er,' Fever; 'du. TIIBY CONTAIN No Alcohol tar Bad Whisk 4 ? They.wizr, cunE the above tieeasea in ninety nine cases out. of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal popu— larity or Hooflaud's German Bitters; (purely vegetable.) or ignorant Quack's•And; unscrupulous adventu rers, have,opened upon lingering humanity - the flood, gates of Nbatrums in the ahane of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Ton ics, Stemachies and Bitters. Beware of the innunierable airay'of 41cobolic prep. aatitiona in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, un der the modest appellation of Bitters; which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave tl e disap voluted suff,rer in dispair. IWOFLANII'S BEDMAN . , Are' not a new and =Mitd article, but have stood the test at fifteen years trial by the American public; and, their reputation and stile, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. • The proprietors Lave thousands of Letters from the mostpuinent ..`4l;. . • CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS. PHYSICIANS, end CITIZRNS, Testifying of Alieir'own' Ors°Mal knowledge, to the beneficial effects end medienl.virtues of these Hitters. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN YOU? DO YOU WANT A 0000 APPETITE t' DOYOIi WANT TO BUILD VP YOUR colst - srrrunorn DO-YOU WANT TO FEEL WELC? . •' DO 'YOU WANT TO ET RID OF N . ERVOUSNVSS T DO YOU. WANT ENERGY? .. DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANTA BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING/ Tryon do, use I.IOOIi,ANWS OIMIMEN BITTERS- Prom Rea, J. Newton Bsaum, D, D., Editor-tf Me' En cyclopedia of Religious .Enoudedge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Put. out Medicines in general, through distrust of their In gredient- and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient rea sons why a man may not testify to the benefits he be lieves himself to have received from any simple prep aration, in the hope thatho may thus contribute tothe benefit of others. - I do this the more readily in tegard to Ifoofland's German Bitters; prepared by Dr. C. AI: Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced,against them for many years, under the impression tat 'Bey were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my, friend Rob. ert,Shoeinaker, Bail., for the removal of this prejudice by proper' tests, and for encouragement to try y them. when suffering from great andlong 'contiriu:d debili ty. The use of three bottles of tiles., Bitt,irs, at the be ginning of the present year, WM followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bildily and men tal vigor which I had nut felt fbr six months before. end had almost deepened of re,,..-eining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing met& the use • of them, - . .NESITO.VBR'9II - .N. : _Z. — • - Partic,ailar NoMce. There are in‘ity preparations Rohd under the name of Ilitters, put up in quart bottles. compoundednf the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the' teen; disguised by. Anise or Coriand.r Seed. ' Tillielass or Bitters has caused end will continue to' cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die, the death of the drunkard. By their use. the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stint; Wants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea-. ted and kept up, and the result is all the horrors at; tendant upon,a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire, and have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the Billowing receipt. Get One Bottle !Tool: faii• r s Germs Bitters and mix - kith Three quarts er Good Brandy or Whiekesi, and the result will he a prep aration that "Will far exec/ in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor ; B itters in. the market, and will cost much kis. You 'Will have oil the virtues of Hoojtand's Bittirs - in connection with sow./ article of: Liquor, at . much less price than' these inferior preparations will cost you. - - AUcntipn Soldiers! AND,TITE OF SOLDIERS. We call 'the attention of all - having relations end friends in the army' to the 'fact that -11001 , LAN11 8 German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by expOsures and Privations incident to camp life. In the lists; published, almost daily tu the news papers, on the tirrival of the s'ek, it will be noticed ~ that a very large proportion are suffering front debili ty. Every care of that kind can be readily cured by ileofford's German Bilipas ; Diseases resulting from disorders of the siglsti. ergs ns are speedily removed. We have zto hesitation in btu tint that, if theriellitters were freely, used among our aottliers, huntiretts.of lived might be /tared that otherwise will be inst. We call inulicular , attoution to the Sollowing re markable and well authenticated cure of one or the nation's heroes; whof.e life, tense his omit language, "has been saved by the Bitters :" PHILADELPHIA, August 23rd, 3.862. Messrs. Jones B Eeen.s.—Well, gentlemen, your linof. lan We German Bitters bee saved my life. There is 'no mistake in this. • It is vouched for by numbers of my - comrades, some of whose . name are appended, and who were were fully cognizant of all‘the circumstances ' of my - case . I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's zelebrated battery, and under the Immediate command :of Captain' It. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous du. les. I was attackedln November last With inflammation of the tunas, and was for seventy-two days in cliches. pital. Thin was followed by great debility, heighten. ed by an attack of dysentery I was, then removed front the White louse, and sent to this city on board she Steamer “State of Maine" from which I landed, on the 28th of June.. Since that time I have. been a bout as low as any one cottlithe and still retain a sinirk . of vitality.. For a week or more I was seareoly able to wallow anything, and if I. did force o morsel dime, it was immediately , thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my stem: ach. Life could not lust under these circumstances; and; , necordingly, the physicians who had been work ing faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me front the grasp of the dad' Archer, frankly told me they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my linri; tedium's us - best suited Mb. Am acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr- Piederiek dteiubron, Sixth below Arch Street,: HAL ised" me, as a forlorn hope, to try spur Bitters, and kindly precured a bot tle. Prom the time I coilitheneed taking there the gloomy shadow of:death receded, and, liumnow, Vaank wed for' it, r getting better: Thotigh I :bare hilt taken two bottles,. t have gained' ten pounds, and I met san guine of heingja rrn itted to' rejoin toy wife and daugh ter, from whom I have - heard nothing for IS menthe: for, gentlemen, Rata% loyal Virgiulan,,from the richt, itY of PrOnt Royal; To your -invaluable .ilittersil owe , the certainty of life which hatetakentne place of vague lettia—to yourllyteis s 11l I owe thetloritins privilege of agaid clasping to My boson! those Who are , dearest. re . the is life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur hi the truth. of theabove statement; as we bad despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. JOUN CULIBLEBACK, lst Neer York Battery. GEORGE A ACKLEY, Co C 11th Maine. . LEWIS CiIEVALIBR,32iI New York: - let' Artillery, Datteiy F. • ,I . 11 PASEWELC; Co It ad Vermont: HENRY B JEROME, Co ii - „ . "." 11ENRY T 31ACDONALD, Co o.,.6th'atne. OIIN F WARO. - Cti. le bib , 31' •• .! - IiIa:MAN KOCH, Co it 72d New York.' ' • ' NATHANIEL B PUMAS, Co F 95th Penn. •ANDREW J KIMBALL, Co A 3d Vet:mono. - ':I 301 IN JI24KINS, Co B Iti6th germ, • Beware of Counterfeits . I' See that the signature of S‘C..M. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle; • • • - • PRICE PER. BOTTLE 75,CENTS, . • OR•EALF DON. YOE.VI 00 - „ Should your nearest drriglist not h ave tt - earticle,_ do not be put off by any e .intoxicating prepara tiona that may be offered in its: place, but send to us, and we will forward. securely packed, , by. express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AN.BAANBFACTORY, NO. 651 AROB:ST, • • Jab' I"*.t.; ==ltMe== Arie YOB. SAE by Be. Geo.itcossioppoef te the Court Mune lisaikiroN, P/a.. and by Druggists and every town loth* 'United States., ,'1 May 2 1663.-17. afill CHASED BY THE ALABAMA. "Thou cbmekit irk such .a question able shape " " Without ;getting into Fall the par timilars of • the Various Movements attendant upon a -vessel's getting un der way, I will briefly say , that on certain day in April last, the , swift sailing bark "Benjamin' -Franklin", satiledfrom the, port of Havana, with Assorted cargo. In the foreible language of : Jack. Cavein, her com mander,.she was a 'screamer,;" and, if • all the .stories he, told is-to her . warvellmis spread were .correct_, she. wasr a-wonderful craft.indpol. The: gloricus - .o,ll)light - of r ithat.beauteoua, clime danced and sparkled on' the rip pling waters as she passed from out the shadow of: •the aririr forts :and • gentlY leaning over to. the breeze ; bounded •"like a thing of;life" mitin to•the' open sea. . . On, until the land- fades play and ' indistinct behind, and waving trees, flowery shrubs' and broad savannahs die aWay in one long line of blue;. and the Water changes from 'deep,deep blue into pale azure, and the evening, wind brings on a cooler atmosphere,` still sweet and balmy and not yet forgetful of the groves of perfumed fruits and flowers among Which it bad sported so recently: The small flock, of western cloudS. change from gold . to fire, ' Et Aoger ,and , yet closer the sun seems to - stoop to: kiss the west ern' wave. So onward bravely-goes the ship. Jack Cavein filled the.capacious bowl of his cherry-wood pipe with choice tobacco, and having duly ig nited-the "weed," sat down upon the quarter-deck on hospitable thoughts intend, turning over-in his mind,that is, bow to while away the settled air of melancholy • which was impressed upon the countenance . ' of his only passenger, Harry Dornfore, of New York, - who ever since the port of He zana had been left behind, bad 'been. loaning over the vessel's quarter gaz ing lugubriously on the land until had quite disappeared' from VieW. "Smoke, sir r said Jack. , "Not just now, I'm obliged to you, Cali - Cain," replied his guest. Jack relapsed into silence, and then again commented. • "Ifthis breeze hold," said he "we'll have an all-fired tall run home of it.. This bark can travel you'd better be lieve. She's a . downright sereather, and no mistake." .The idea_, of ',rapid progress from thee - Cnban shores did. not seem by any means to increase the young gentleman's amiability, but he an swered, civilly enough : "Yes, Captain,unless we should. happen to run foul of the Alabama., or " "There, now, stranger," said lack rising from his seat with . a look of horror and •affright, 'don't say an other word about that 'ere goldarn ed ship: The pesky thinr , ain't any- Where hereabouts,- by all accounts and if were,:Lgusss the,"Benjie" could show her a clean pair of heels, if this breeze held on." And he Walkn forward, smoking like a liinekiln. In fact, the Alabama was the perfect terror of Jack's life. Night and day, on land and shore, she still haunted hitni Not that our WOrthy 'Captain Wae a coward.. He Would dare all Vie horrors of storm and tempest with a brave stout heart, and Cheek unhienehed4' but he had a holy horror Of all "darned piratical Vessels;" as he called them, 'and ., the remark Of liarry Dornford was'quite sufficient to unsettle Jack's Mind for the whole ' While the Captain and passengers are in this unsociable mood, I rimy as: Well say that Dornfordhad been re sidingatTravana during the . last six Months and had become dseply en amored of:a: beautiful young Cuban lady, whose heart' had not been proof against th,e young American's hand some pereon - and frank generous.dis position. Her father ' however, who Was one of the proud hidalgos of the place; was , not so easily overcome by good looks and gentlemanly: bea,ring,- and had strenuously opposed-the suit ofthe handsome foreigner going; so far at last as to forbid him her house; and thus all the interviews which had Of late taken' place between the lov ing pair, liadb - een stolen and brief ones. Each had pledged the other, hod ever,•undyirig fidelity; and they had parted in tears only a-few hours before the ''sailing of the '"bonny bark" whose fortunes we'propose: to follow. , A - Sew days before that on W hieh .; the Benjamin 'Franklin had sailed froth the Pert of Hayana, it Chanced that another vessel' of the same tonnage yclept the "Western Wave," sailed trOrri'the port of Vera Crili;, bound' fOr llaVana. She Was cOnimanded by one Chas. CroSetrees, WhO, Cavein, and, deed, like 'meet of the merchant skip per's whose'bfisitiosslay . in those'Wa tersilabored : under profoundfcar of piratical, vessels, more of the 7 "Alabania," :Cresstrees,, how ever ovas-,a -shrewd .Y,ankde,and in ; order to, compel' the Confederate pri vateerto „keep her distaoce, should they shame to come„Withinsight, he hWupOn -the: ; somewhat ; novel, expe-, dient of cutting- away five or six port, holes on:either side of his vessel, from which . projected the trunk Of as many treesy which .painted ; and fixed to look as.mtictijilce gapp,,!:ko.pppilile, i would AfiAttlfA distapce eye; his ; vessel the: appoultnce armed United Stites cruiser. r,Thus, disguised did the gallant Crosstreas LEBANON, PA., WEDNESP.AY, MARCH 16, 1864. 'l;iotellantrato. Shez4fi'eare set sail froin - his part`; fs -before men tioned. • • To return to the" Benjamin Frank lin." however, theJfirat night passed away quietly enough, and with, , :the; early daylight Dorpford was on, deck and smoking, his first cigar by the wheel, wafebing'the red and gold,and violet-tinted Clouds in the east melt away into'a , sia of glory, as the resistless monarch ofthe day soared higher. and higheriptp, the deep, deep, blue,—watehing the - spia,y hound up before the vessel's b t OWs and then fall' like'a &ewer of liquid diamonds up on the deck; yet ii he watched it all came fond recolle4ions .of the dark-' eyed beauty he had left behind, and, with a sigh he tbaught , _that every bound the ; e over the surg ing sea. plaCed a reater space be- 1 tween_ him and th being whom he loved better thin ttu.i , one on earth: Old Jack .cania.iipilt this moment, his face bea 'Ming with good humor, follow2d, by the colfredsteward, who bore ,on a tray twq ; large goblets till ed with arose colored liquid, which glimmered pleasantly between limp§ of lee: .Dornford 4,as easily persita the worthy Paptain to.appio ' te glass of the'Compound to hie , pria a own' use, and havintlike Dick Swiv eller assuaged his - tVirst in a "modest quencher,' he accompanied his host down to breakfact. , The forenoon ; passed.. without a y, adventure of special moment,—t e wind had veer ed somewhat to' t ,-, westward, but still held sufficien fair for their . purpose, and ..our '‘ro passed the morning in a half' - nolescent state partly. , e Captain's ac count of -various a sutures by sea cl and by land, and pa ; occupied .in building castles in *IE3 air, in which the yonng lady -he ,tiad left behind him formed 41. very inbortant piece of furniture. • • Dinner had just ended when the man on the lookout dried— "A sail on the port - bow." "What does she loOk like ?"- shout ed Jack as he rushed upon deck, his mouth crammed with plum 'pad ding. . .. • "A large bark rigged vessel bear ing right downupetOis." ' • The ruddy countenance of the poor skipper turned toa,qort.oldull lead en hue, as with 'a trembling land_he seized hiS glass and';:toelt along, lent view 'of the aprtroaehing veSsel. At length with a deep sigh he lOwerr , ed the glass, and tuping ,„to., Dorn ford he gasped out "Yes, it's that - eye , pesky pirate, sure enough ; she's lowered her fun nel; but she Can't - fiAl this child, I nib ;L;-err---e*TnEsti-.04-4744,3 - apd - -Ready, abOut Atiip, there, and in ten. Minutes:afterward:4 the "Ben jamin. Franklin" was . ' edging off to' the southwest as fast as every stitch of her canvass would carry her. 'That 'ere ship,' said Cavein, shitk ing his fist at the supposed pirate— 'Sat 'ere ship is the plague of my life, and of every skipper in the gulf; why don't the President sent out a proclaniation after her, and, abolish her, or something of that.kinct ?' . and again he raised his glass to his\ eye.' 'Yes,' said he, can count:the guns onboard of her,,one, two, three, four, five, six, oh, Whet whoppera. We . shall have one of them ripping right into na in" about . a minute: Foi , two hours did the chase con tinue, and the 'pirate,' if anything, rather gained on them,, though,. to the great delight of Jack, she did not bring her steam power into, use, and he came to the conclusion that she was either out of coals, or her engines had Ip.oken down, and if he could carry on until nightfall, he should be able in the daikriess to..give her the slip. The wind. had shifted ! round eon .ably, . sider and. they Were now headipg direct for Havana... As :the.- after noon wore:on. the breeze fi-esheried, and the, - strange yeSber, gained them visibly, 'being , evidently better on a full windthan the 'Bpi - ilo,' she _approached nearer: and.nearer the anxiety, of poor Cavein became terrif„, is to behold. , , 'Haul taut that, weather cieW gar net, you lubbers,' he veciferated, 'do you want to be coupled two and two, and sent to blazes on board that darn ed pirate ?' Still in spite of all his efforts, the' stranger neared thein' until her for iniciable broadside became clearly visible to the naked eye. The per spiration bubbled out of the Captains forehead, and. streamed down his, cheeks as,. in company with • Dorn ford, he watched the movements of the other vessel, whose intention was now clearly tii,'dverhaul them. Pres ently she heisted the Stars and Stripes at her mizzen peak, evidently desirous to 'speak.' ''oh, yes,' said'lack, as he* observ ed the nationalemblem flutter in the , breeze, 'you may hoist any flag- you please, but I know you anyhow you can .fix it;' and:the Captain sighed for 'night or Wilkes 'Darn you,' said he, apostrophising the latter gentleman, Iyou'and your flying Squadron are never wherb they are IVaritcd:' You are pretty good' at raiSiiig . it muss With a farrmer, but when that confounded 'Alabama's' around you aint there. thun der, we're in for it now,' he'yelled, as the flash of a gun seemed to• start from the deck of, the stranger, and the dilli'rePOrt reVerberated•over the' water: She was evidently . ne,ating . them very fast. Poor Cavein scan ned• the horizon all around, in--the hope,,ofsecing something that .bo;re a eserablance to a - United Stat s ernis er 'but alits 1.. With the exception of the„vessel jn OW , Pl 4, !/ - 99PW. sal] 1.; 'There, 'tis no use,' 'bubbled he : abo et tis cr. 'back the foresail confound ye ; and haul down the The Captains orders were of course obeyed, and in about ten minutes the stranger came' within hailing die tanee - . - 'What ship is that, and why can't you bring to When you are hailed ? sung out her CaPtain. 'The 'Benjamin Franklin' of New York,' shouted Sack in return.. 'For God's sake dOn' into' Us, surrender 1' = loud:laugh was ,heard , on hoard{ the other vessel, rather to, the aston ishment of our friend Cavein. • ''Who in the' thunder wants you to surrender replied the stranger's opptain, after a While, 'thisis the :'Western of'New York, frOm Vora Cruz to 'HaVana, Crostrees, master, and w only - wanted" to ask you if yolihad seen or heard aßything oftheil.A.labama';in these partr re ,, perfeetlY bewildered and with eyes sin:lost, staring 'from' their sockets, gazed for some minutes. at the stranger and then yelled, back through his : trumpet If you , don't know where she is yourself, I'll .be hanged ifl do.—Why in the - thunder do' you carry all them pesky big guns if you MO a blood thirsty pirate yourself ?' Crostrees replied with a laugh that they merely carried them for self-de fence, and apologizing for the .scare he had given. poor Jack both vessels prepared to get under' Weigh. CSV eip,.as.may be efipectdd, was consid erably crestfallen, and his face wore ad expression half comic;°half shame, which. he endeavored to hide by dash ing briskly among his men and be stowing upon them a torrent of that choite language for which merchant captains are celebrated the world o ver. And Dornford leaned over the vessel's side, envying the crew of the other vessel down to the meanest .deck-hand, who would in so fewhours be breathing the same; air and view ing the same scenes ,as 'lsabel the star. of Havana.' The long Halt glimmbrecl alonfr the waters as once more'the sun doz ed off to sleep in the west. The ere ring star as it rose seemed to tell of her ; the northwest wild seemed hur rying on to kiss her soft cheeks, and the waves as they beat in measured cadence against the vessel's side seemed to speak her name—lsabel, Isabel.' cCaptain, i said he, at last, just as the vessels were about to part ; 'l've changed my mind , ---I've left some thing behind me—in short, I am go ing back to Havana on the Western WaYe! --- Yillk - opened - liis - reyes aid stared at Dornford as upon one demented - and then a lightseeming to break upon him be exclaimed : !Oh, now you needn't be skeered, sir. The 'Alabama' ain't nowhere in these parts, and • 'Confound the Alabama 1' replied our friend. was not thinking of her. Don't I tell you . I've left some thing behind me in Ila:vana which I cannot do without !' • Finding Dernford replved, the ar rangement was stun carried .into ef fece, and :the young,. gentleman and his baggage transferrednn board the Western ; Wave. Bidding adieu to the jovial old skipper he was soon on his way, and in a few hours the Ben jamin Franklin faded in the horizon's misty blue. Dornford had .an oppor tilnity of inspecting- the' formidable arinarrient which had given Cavein such a fright, 'and a hearty laugh,, was had at the poor. Captain's ex pense. By noon the following day,- they were Safely anchored in the harbor of IlaVana ; and before long you may be sure our hero found an opportuni ty of coMmunicating. with, Isabel, who as you may . imagine was over joyed to see him back once more. By the advice of some friends, Dornford commenced business in Ha vana, and fortune has smiled,propi tiously.on the, young merchant. By the last mail, I heard that the father . of Isabel, who, after all, is not a bad hearted old fellow, finding that. his daughter's happiness was bound up in her lovefor Dornford, had given hiS consent". to their union, which I expect .by -this time has' been consum mated. •And we will all wish, them long life ,and ha y piness, and hope and pray, that the love of their young hearts - linty live undimmed :through all the Corroding cares of earth, until , transplanted to a realm where all, is love —hoping, in fact, that-neither of them may at any. time regret the day when. Dornford was 'Chased by the Alabama.' CHARGES AGAINST THE Itepublicau. Party. We charge that the following are the fruits of thatqpyalty", which the Republican , party claims ;to represent, and the result of not, quite, three years; aaministration of the G,eve,rn meat by them : . 1. We ebarge, them with having dissolved the. Union of States. L We charge them' with having inaugurated a bloody, desselating and ruinous civil war. 3. With having sacrificed on their unholy altar of Abolitionism more than three hundred thousand men, and sent , them prematurely to their graves, . 4. Suffering, mourning, death and desolation carried into - families in every neighborhood throtighout theland.. • . • . , 5. More than- three millions of men taken; frem = the industrial par sititS of life North and South forthe .deadly . conflict.' Theythave created a national', = WHOLE NO. 768 debt,. : including circulating bills of credit, of (r7er three thousand millions of dollars, and havenothing beneficial tcilshow for it. c More than sixthousand millions of dollars worth of property already cl,estroyed by means of the war, and yet the prospect of restoring the Uni on far darker than when thewar com menced 8. The annual expense of the gov ernment already increased from -a bout eighty millions 'to about two billions ; and the burden is still more rapidly increasing. 1. A grinding, endless burden 'of direct taxation to support the Feder al governmdnt. 10. Millions of dollars expended to feed, - Clothe, support and educate' the negro slaves and >to purchase theirlreedoia ; and, - a proposition for an expenditure for thepurchtiseofne gro slaves sufficient to bankrupt•the Federal, "Government for fifty or a hundred years to come, 11. Fraud upon the treasury and swindling in government'contracts to an extent unheard of in any other age or, country ; and to east loose from all rnoral or legal restraints the most prominent offender. Simon Cameron, after his dismissal from offi.ce, not on ly sheltered but highly ,honiared, and the operation of the law forthe pan-, 1 ishment of frauds upon the treasury actually suspended 'hy, an act of Con cress. 12— The constitutional currency of,the country virtually suppressed, rags, shinplasters, pasteboards and postage stamps, substituted ; and an uncertain variable standard of value created which must inevitably even tuate in widespread disaiiter and ruin to the great industrial interests of the people. 18. The abolition of negro slavery in the District of Columbia, wholly unnecessary, and to say the least ofit, a palpable breach of good faith, sim ply to appease the rapacity of North ern fanaticism, at the expense of driv ing off hundreds of thousands of Uni on men in the . slavo States into the Southern army. 14. Unceasing negro slavery agi tation, the confiscation and emancipa tion measures at the late session of Congress, and the proclamation of emancipation, by. the. Generals in the field and by the President of the United States, confirming the predic tions of the Seuthern dis-unionists as to the supremacy and rapacity of Northern Abolitionists, and by these means crushing the Union men of the slave States and thereby pioducing unanimity in the South in the causes of the rebellion. 16. The pioseeutioxi of the war, not in that redeeming . spirit and con ciliatory disposition required by the nature of the - Federal compact—but with menaces of subjugation and ex termination, besides aiding and facili tating the escape of fugitive slaves and encouraging survile insurrec tion, • 16. The attempted emancipation of between three and four millions slaves, of loyal Union m i en, as well as those of the rebels, by the simple e dict of the President. 17. The attempt to turn loose ?cords of negro slaves upon thi3 free States, to compete with the white la borer, and to wrangle for social and political equality with the' white race. • ]8: Thousands of good and loyal citizens arrested without legal war rant, dragged from their .homes, ta ken beyond the li m its of their States, and confined in political. bastiles, without the opportunity of a trial, and_ even without being permitted to know the name of the accuser, or what charge; if any, has been prefer. red against thank. .19. Loyal and patriotic citizens who are readfand willing to sacrifice all they hold most dear to maintain the Constitution as it is, and to the restoration of the Union as it was, denbunced as traitors and disloyal persons by a political party whose motto is a "Union without slavery or no Union at all." 20. Tito freedom and_ sovereignty of the States grossly encroached up. on, and their total subversion boldly threatened. 21.. The. freedom of . speech and the freedom of the press, two of the essential bulwarks of civil liberty, in estimable to free men arid formidable to tyrants only,. trampled down and crushed to earth. 22. The writ. of habeas corpus and the right of trial by jury, two essen. tial safeguards to freedom, and which have cost mankind so many centuries of toil, bloodshed and treasure, 13118 1 ponded or abolished . by the mere edict of a President. 23. The edicts and decrees- of ar bitrary • power substituted for the Constitution and the laws of the land and the creation of a. nose, criminal code by an Executive proclamation. 24 -Martial law_declared through out the United States, not limited to the sphere of the operations of the armies in the field, but extending all over the loyal States, where the civil tribunals are in the unquestioned le gal execution of their power. 25. A new and extensive &part ment of the Government, consisting of 4 . Provost Marshal General, and special- or subordinate Provost Mar shals, and military committees in all the cities and counties throughout the 'several 'States,. with duties,"powers and salaries of office all created, in stituted- and:preseribed,, not by law, but-by the mere edicts of the Presi dent: and Abolition State Governors. 26. —l.reacling land influential or-. gaps of the:Republican par . ty propos ing ..the suspelision of elective fra,u- F ehise, the pciatponexaent of tho ,elec- tirs itTA :WILY TAPER FORTOWN AND CONAKRY.' PRINTED AND PUBLISRED WEEKLY By NIL Y. BRESLIN; - Ito Story of Princies New Ditßittng, Dambatiaad At One Dollar anti Bin! Coats a last *D illaCited at the naval rates: lit Altii-1141`11)BILLS Printed at an hOurs . notice ` RATES OP POSTAGE. - - Ls Lebanon County, postage free In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county MA; ooitoosi quarter, or IS cente a year. - Out of this State, 6% eta. per quartarow 26 eta. a year F the postage le not paid In advance, rates are double. tions, and a prohibition of publ4. meetings among the people., 27. The military made, 5np144445 over the civil power, even in the 167-, States, entirely_removpd fr6m'the- op erations hi the field. • -7 28. The President interposing ilits; Federal power to aid in re_ivolutioniz ing State qovernments, and even as., Sliming to appoint aevernbrit to a minister State Goviriitilents for flail people of the State.. - ' " t 29_ The - admission of Sattators and Representatives in Congress to represent the State of Virginia, ed by a new and revolutionary..; ernment ereated by a small fragment of that State, 30. The interposition, of the mili tary power and authority Of the F f ed-'- eral Government to influ.enee-and solutety, in some States, - control.thw people at the elections. 31. Actual dismemberMent of the State of Virginia by the admission a were fragment of the State into the Union as a new State, thus dee; ting, in defiance of the Constitution,' an inseparable barrier to the-restore." tio - n of the Union as it was.. 'B2. The interposition of the arbi. trary po*or of the President to pro hibit the circulation of newspapers„ &c., through the mails, because they were opposed to the political view!, ofthe Administration. 33. The decidions of the judicial tribunals when at variance with the views of Abolitionism, derided end , disregarded, anal the decisions of the: highest judicial tribunals in the Uni ted States not only set aside and,dis' - regarded by Congress, but overruled and reversed by the Attorney Gen eral. • 34. The passage of a bill forced- . through the House ofßepresentatives - with indecent haste, to protect the, President and his satraps, provost' marshals and policemen` from all s for damages or other redress for tyr , annical invasions of the rights of citi zens, and outrages and oppressions such as have been rarely - heard - of' any age or nation., 35. The arbitrary interference or the military poWer with matters of conscience and religion, dictating forms and modes of worship, and. banishing and imprisoning clergy 7 men for refusing to- conform to the, 'dictates of military commanders to the forms of church worship. # 36. The substitution of abolition ism, bigotry and fanaticism' for relit gion. 37. The conversion of a war com menced with the view of maintain ing the Constitution as it is and rat storing the Union as it was ; intiA war to carry. out the fanatical:dog mas of abolitionism to the utter sub- , version of the Constitution and the total abandonment of the obiign 7 , tions of the federal compact: 38. The solemn declarations :41" the Governor of this State iu his au— Dual message, that man's cspacitg, for relf-government is yet unsettled., 39. The discovery,that the offide of an executive proclamation is simply to command obedience to the law, but to make law, and also4n overthrow both Constitution and • 40. The censorship of the Admin. istration over the press and the tele. graph lines, to prevent the free eum rannidation and circulation .of truth among the people. = '( WEfITZ WASH.—As the season is near at hand for whitewashing .baildings, fences, &c., we take this opportunity - 1w inform our readers that they can make a' very sunerior whitewash paint, by taking. two quarts of skimmed milk, eight ouncea t of freshly slaked lime, six ounces - of seed oil, two ounces of white burgundy pitch, and three pounds of Spanish white. The lime must be sktked in water expos. ed to tfie air, 'nixed in about one fourth the milk. The 011. (in which the pitch has previously dissolved) must be added a little at a time. Then add the rest of the milk, and afterwards the Spanish white. Color it to suit, (if yotrdo not prefer a white paint) with Spanish brown to make- - a red pink; with Spanish brown and, finely pulverized clay, to make a atone, ,color with yellow ochre or chrome, tcr. make a yellow color, and soon: THE FREMONT Mov emsa.r.—Mr. Lincoln is greatly. annoyed,--he is even alarmed' at the Fremont movement All the, west ern Germun papers—the eastern, too, for that matter—are full of denundationS of him, and applause of Pathfinder. Ctisse Movmsnr.--The friends of, Secretary Chase are working like beav ers confident of bringing in their candi-, date ahead' on the homeefretch. The Secretary is their first choice,, and they have no second choice. - - - - - , THE LINCOLN MOITEMENT.:-Ntr. lA - nadir feels a little shaky as to his preskliniisil: prospects. They are not so promising as they were. He would-disthiss• Seers- , tary Chase if he dared, and says so to hhi: intimates ; but he does not dare. ter Gen, Lee has - repudiated the par ty who committed the rohbery _on the Baltimore and 010 -Railroad about ten days ago—says they are a disgrace toth, Confederate army, and - calla far their, ex termination. Dir Mr. Frank Moore has male and' caused- to be published a book called "Lyries of Loyalty," which is certainly , profane enough to be deemed a loyal' &ink hy all the howling Dervishes in theloa: The following is a specimen : "A prophet's soul in fire came down. TO liv e inthe voice °Mid John Brown, The eye. of God looked down and"saw A just life lost by an unju:st'iatil?' The , 'poetry and the "mOraliti; Qithe brpk are on a par, and both. as, bad, a . barl van be. TheAdkalliat old Xan sai. horsethief; burgtiti d gd a prophet of the Lo'rd,iiii"enttiely c woltiti' Of the religion and 'morality °Vibe - *Pia& leaguers:,