The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, February 17, 1864, Image 1

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    3:f11 trintitg:
Neatly and Promptly Exmded, at the
'TM .
establishment is now supplied with an extensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will betricreased as the
patronage demand.. It can now turn out- PRINTING, of
every description, in a neat and expeditions manner—
andon very reasonable terms. Such as ,
Pamphlets, Checks,
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bilis ,of Fare,
Invitations, Tickets, &c., &c.
rDssos of all kinds. Common and Judgment BONDS.
School, Justices', Constables' and other BLANKS, printed
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept
for sale at this office, at prices "to suit thetimes."
*.* Subscription price. of the LEBANON" ADVERTISER
One Dollar and a Half a Year.
Address, Wx. AL Buzstax, Lebanon, Pa.
al TT (MOM 1'- Jr.. Lail ir
FICE, north , westeoi.ner Market and Water Sts.,
ki Lebanon, I'LL,
• [Lebanon, January 13,1884.-Iy'l
atkttc, x•3l2.e.pooatilt IDV"
An k PFICE removed to Cumberland street, one door
1,7 East of the Lebanon Valley Sauk. opposite the
suck Hotel,Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 6,'64,
.Cf - vafit. t tra , .
rIHE undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute
Iclaims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and
Pension business, offers his services to all those who
ale thereto entitled, in accordance with the various
arts of Congress. All such should call or address at
once, and make their applications through
BASSLER BUYER, Attorney at-Law,
OFFICE removed to Cumberland St., one
door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite
the Buck Hotel, Lebanon 'a. [Jan. 6, go!.
• Office North 'West Corner of Water
and Market Streets,.
xam3a.dx.ivcriv , 3EO
ebtown, Nov. IS, 1583.-Iy.*
Geor•gc Pfleger, jr.,
OFFIC.F.: in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Samuel
Rehm. deceased, and opposite to the Black nom
Hotel, C-mberland Street, Lebanon.
August 26, 1863.
OOME in Cumbherland street, a few doors east of
the Eagle Hotel, in the office late of his father
Capt. John Weidman , deed.
Lebanon. Sept. 9,-1363.
ilas removed his office to the building, one door eas
of Laudermileh 's Store, opposite the Washington House
Lebanon, Pa. •
BOUNTY and PENSION qleitas promptly attended
to [April 5.'&3.-3m.
HAS REMOVED bis aim to Market Street. opposite
the Lebanon Bank, two doors North of Widow
Rise's Hotel.
Lebauon,Morch 25, '53,
JO MY li. 13 0111,J11.11.V.
to the ROOM lately occupied by Dr.Oeo. P. Line
s weaver, in Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a few doors
Fast of the Eagle !Jowl, and two doors west of Gen.
ehimen's Office.
Lebanon Dec. 17, PM:
A TTOItNEY-AT•LAW.-oflice in Walnut street, neat
. 11, ly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors south
ft! .a Kartuany's Hardware store.
abanon,,Aprit 9, 1862.-1,.. •
As I alien - net4sailly he' MIAMi" . “
it...." 0. Calln ty
during the realest of Congress. I
rati,,gements with JOAN Fie., of Pottsville,
;to I ke charge of my Jegat.hnsiness.... Nl ' y Mike will Le
,kei . open, . hergtofore , and Altos's of my friends and
,nll:„.nts havitcg,legal.ipsinuss..tesy depend upon
its re
ceiling, prompt and efficient attention. ?dr. Ryon is a
get neaten of extebsiye legal learning and long experi
mb tat the bar. 1 halce full con - Menee in his ability,
ant grity end industry, Mal I therefore cheerfully
cot mend the interests of my clients and friends to his
eat e and attention. Mr. F. W. CONRAD will also
rot. sin in my office.
dtsville, Pa., Dec. 2, 1863-3 m,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Stichter`e, 73ui1tl g,
Cumberland street,[Leba nearnoly
n o , ley 6, 1863. C tf.
ppoeite the_umt
Dr. s.l.lvimuel S. Melly
ETERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lebanon and vicinity. OFFICE ,vt thesesidence
ot Mrs. L. Dch, tmo doors Wesf Mike of Dr. Samuel
hm, deed, in Cumberland str t
e o et.
Lebanon, April 15,1863.
Jr. P. 111. NISEI
II AVING located in Lebanon, offers his profession.
11.1. al services to the public. Office in Market St.,
the building formerly occupied by his father.
Lebanon, Dec. 16 1863.
pnsit- 4EO. LINEAWEAVER, having been an.
• - pointed, by the ComrnigYioner of Pensions„
, hingtoo, Examining; Surgeon for Pen.dons, is pre
iparect,to atteli,(l to all applicants for Pension at his of
trie49,l4rket street. nest 1' or to the Post Nice.
Lebanon, lierch
MERCEA- 5 1 7 TS
Butter, Eggs, 'Cheese, Tallow, Lard,
Poultry, Gaine, Dried Ffuits,
Grain, Seed, &c.
0119 door above Washington, NEW-YORK:
O. Weigley.
K. Denalt. 5
Robly& Memel, New York; Allen & Brother, do
W. W. Selfridge, Esq., do; Jones e Shepard, do; Stan
eon, Litbach & Farrington. do; Samuel G. Johnson. do;
W. bl:Nßreelin, Esq., Lebanon, Pa.; L. Betz, Canton,
Olio; W; C. Curry & Co., Bankers, Erie, Pa.; Iton.
Bohn Stites, Allentown, Pa. [Jan. 14.1563.
.11irant Rank,
16101tMERLY of,,lonestown, Lebanon county,' would
respectfully Warm his friends. and • the public,
that he him conowled himself with Mr. LOWER, in the
No.l-16 North Third street. Phila.,
where he will be glad to receive customers, and toil
Bell at rates that will prove satisfactory.
Philadelphia, Mny 20, 1863.
2iforket Square, (ppm-ileac .111arket House, Lebanon, Pa.
undersigned respectfully informs public
that he has received an extensive stock of the
Choicest and purest Liquors of all descriptions. These
Liquors be is invariably disposed to sell at on
—Z precedentedly low prices.
""- • Druggists, Farmers, Hefei weepers, and oth
ers will consult their own interests by buying of the
undersigned. L. It. DEE(I.
Lebanon, April 15,1863.
Coach-Making Establishment?
..ioned t nt, hie MANTIFAC
rate, one
'nd 4"."--4r—*
MIE =Mt 1.,
;I:nag ,at the is; —_
mile Ifpg of Lebanon, has on
very large,lideit of
0. VA
such as , .135, " ILVERLifIES,
',SULKIES, Sr. V.. inideriht of the best materials find by
first-rate Workmen. From his long e ‘cp • rience in the
Vastness, and his 'determination to allow none but
goOd work to leave - his Shops. he feels confident that
be can give t 9 MistOratire the moat complete satisfae
"Almon of the materials used in manufacturing the
above Vehicles were purchased before the raise in the
price of articles, and I can therefore sell cheaper than
any, other estabb shment in the county,
REMIEING.---Itepairing done at short notice, and
at low prices. .
Persona wanting anyth log in this line, are invited to
call and examine my stock before making their pur
riiHE subscriber 'respectfully informs the public that
1. be has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swa
tare, formerly known as "Sinew's" and later as "Wen.
gerCa," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown
Lebanon county, Pa.: that he has it now in complete
running order, and 'is prepared to furnish customers
regularly with a very superior article of
FrAri....44loll o llC_T lOW "t
as cheaps it can be obtained from any other source.—
He keepe alsiron hand and for sale at the lowest cash
prices CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, Ac. He is also pre
pared to do ail: kinds of CUSTOMERS' WORIC, for Farmers•
and others; at the very shortest possible notice and in
*rites all to give him a tria:„ The machinery of the
'Mill is entirely new and of the latest and most im
proved kind. By strict attention to business and fait
dealing he hopes to merit a share of public patronage.
boa h leklirhich the . highest Lebanon Market prices
VOL. 15---NO. 34.
-A Union
lomposed of the Teachers of North Anne ille,
Sotath. Anne We, and Oornw'all Districts, will
he bold in , the "Lebanon Valley Institute," An twine,
on Saturday, February 20th, 1864. Teachers and all
friends of educe tioare invited to attend. Exercises
to commence at 8 elan k, A. M.
Feb., 10, 1864.-20.
Estrav Cattle. -
CAME to the preen ieee of the subscriber, in
Sou th Annv We township. Lebanon county,
Pa., in October last, a RED STEER, with white flee.
13 years old, and a DARK !MOWN HEIFER, about
Ethe same age. The owner is desired to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and
take them sway, or they will ho disposed of
as the taw directs.
S. Annville tp., Feb. 10, 1804.-30'
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa•
men ta ry . on the EStnte'ofJACOß WELLER,
late of Bethc. township. Lebanon county, Pa., deed.,
have been gray ted to the undersigned. All persons
therefore indebted to said estate , will please make pay
ment, and those having claims will present them with
out delay, to 1f1.12 , 111T LIGHT, Swatara,.
BAUD W. If IiBICII, Bethel,
5.131.p.13L RICK Blt, do.,
Feb.lo, '64. Executors of said Ilstate.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-partner
ip hereto fore existing between the under
signed, dealing in the Confectionary business, in the
Borough of Lebanon, has been dissolved by mutual
consent. The Books will he at the old stand for set tie
Lob., Feb. 10. 1364.] HENRY N ARM.
Xtm. The business will he continued by tilic• under
signed, JOSEPH 1,174'11y.
A thuinistrators' Notice.
xTOTICE is hereby gi;/1:14 that Letters of Admirdstra
ri tion on the estate of JOHN CARPER, dee'd., late
of South Annville township, Lebanon county, Pa., have
been granted to the undersigned, residinz in the town
ship. County and state aforesaid, There - ore all per
sons indebted to said estate will please make payment
and those having claims will present them without
delay to
LEAH CARPET:, Administratrix,
WILLIAM CAP.PER. istrator,
Of the estate of J OEIN CARPER, deed
South v 27, 1861.
Egrie Yard CO r ent.
trill: undersigned, being desirous to retire from busi-
I nets, will Lease his Well known old BRICKYARD,
opposite the Doeaughtnore Furhuee, iu the borbugh
of Lebanon, Pa.
There are about
• •
180,000 'unburned Brick
There, which. togeft , r with all the material necessa-•
ry to carry on the Brit* Yard. he would sea to the
person leasing the premises. A convenient stream of
water runs through the preoriseS. '
For further iulertuation apply to
Lebanon, Jan. 27, 1864.-Bt.
'DUBUC NOTICE is hereby given: t h at the Charter
1 of the Methodist Episcopal Cbrreti of Cornwall
township, Lebanon county, Pa., was duly presented to
the Court of Common Pleas, of Lebanon county, for
examination, and will its approved according to law,
on thefirst, guy of April Term, next, unless good cause
be shown to the contrary.
11ENIZY SIEGItIST, Trolley. ,
Lebanon Jan. 57, 1804.—a
Dissolution Of Portnersitip.
rMB firm of FUNCK & BRO., was dissolved by mu
-Ilust consent, on thefirst day of February, A. D.,
1554. The hooka are in the hands of JOIIN K. FUNCK,
tor settlumMitot the stand. All those having. Claims
stgainst said firm will present them, and those indebt
edrvilf please make 'payment. Jacob K. Funck has
succeeded the late firm of Funck & Bro., at the old
Store. and wilt continue the business us heretofore.—
Aeknowiedatug ItberuUnatronaml heanto.fute be
-stowed npou the late firm, wmildre,pectfu th:
ti continnimre. ' JACOB K. FUNCti,
Lab., Feb 3, 'Bl.--tf
ATOTICE is hereby glum that an Election by the
Stockholders in the Presid nt. Managers and
Conipnny of the Berka and Dauphin Turnpike road,
will be held at the Public House oF J. L. Bennethum, /
in Myerstown. Lebanon county, Pa.. on
2110ND,14 Y.: the 7tle day of March, next,
I,e,t,seen the hours of 10 o'clock, A. and 4 o'clock.
P. M., of that day, for the purpose of electing One
President, Eight Managers, One Treasurer, and such
other ellicers'as way be neeesiary to conduct tht,
of the said Company dyring,the ensiling year.
At the, same. Stole the Apsual Statement of the
treasurer )011,14 isid,before the Stockholders as ustf
al. By order of the, Board, . •
IViritaMMlL -1 2 -
Just Published, in a &aka Envelope. Price 6 Cents
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment & Radical
sr lintE of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoes, in
k/ tinced 14y Self Abuse ; Involuntary Etupsions,fm
potetcy„ Nervaim Debility, and finned intents to Mar
rMge Lenerally ; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits
Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c.—By ROB. J. CUL
VElt WELL, M. D , Author of •The Green Donk,. &c,
Tfie world-renowned author, in this ademirabie Lec•
Dare, clearly proves front his own experience that the
awful conSequences,of Self-ahuse may be effectually re
moved without medicine, and without don zeroes cur
gicalioperationi,,Mongics. lustruments rings or cordi
als. pointing-out a mode fenre,itt mice certain and ef
fectual, whieltertry anfferer, ,P 0 Matter what his
condition may be; may cure himself ehenpiy, private
ly. nod ; radically.:: xhia, lecture will prove a boou to
thousands wait thousands
sent upder seal, in a plain enveldpo, to ;HIT address,
on 'Tee Ipt §ix cents, or two Dostnge stamps, by ad
dressing the riublisbers, •
-127 Bowery, New York, foot 011 ice Box, 4586.
Feb. 10, 1801—Imo.
urniture and Chair
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa.,
nearly opposite Bubb's Hotel.
rEIHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand: or makes
to order the best and most fashionable Fur4itturo
and Chairs, which he will sell cheap, and cheaper than
any other shop in the Borough or county fik „ ,, ,,
of Lebanon He invites Young Housekeep
ers and all ethers to give II int a call before
buying elsewhere. He keeps no city work,
but makes all himoel r with good workmen. lie keeps
a Furniture wagon and delivers all Furniture, with
out injury, and free of cost.
Pon't forget the- place Bast Lebanon, Cumber
land street. He invites all to glee him a call, fur they
can make the best bargains with him. _ .
Lobnnfm. Jim . '2O, 1864 —3m
_Race Street, above Third, Phila.
IS establishment offers great inducements not on
ly on account of reduced rates of boarding, but
rum its central location to the avenues of trade, as welt
as the conveniences afforded by the•several Passenger
Railways, running past.and contiguous to it, by which
guests can pass to and from he hotel to the different
Railroad Depots, should they be preferred to the rept
-u,,,ung,ng 1.0
t am determined to &Vote my whole attention to the
comfort awl convenience of my guests. •
D. O. WORM, Proprietor,
_ • Forinerly: from Eagle Jtotel. Lebanon, Pa
T. V.' ROAM, Clerk. [Phila.. March 12, 462.
250 • BEST PliAftiOS. 250
ifs newareroOnta,
121aving removed 1,7
1- o " Tes t, Houston, Street, ivew York,
the attention of the pub-
Takes great pleasure iti.f;;:i'
lie to Nnet.and Full Scale 7 Octave
Containing all the modern improvements: Ova...strung
Bars. French Grand Action, Ile* Pedal, and full Iron
Frame, from
ouco to $6OO.
Extra finish. fsom
V - 4 7 04' LE 4011Altt,
The greet success attending M Duelter's NeW Seale
Piano Fortes is, of itself, sufficient guarantee fqr their
superknity. They only need to be heard to becunie
universal favorites.
(For which the Prize Medal was received at the last
1 American' Institute Fair,l he offers fur x];1,00.
Mr. Dir Rees itich toned and I , caverta I .•
er.l4-XC:3OI.a4CorIM4CON - 131.
Which received the First Mae la Mal and tear. and
likewise at the last Fair, he now offers at the fid lowing
low prices, varying from $lOO to *Boo.
These Superior.inetrumeata possess sulliefeet power
to lead a congregation oflooo persona In any Church.
All their instruments are warranted to be made of
'well-seasoned material, and regulated -in the beet style
;t, eir L. ..4
N. B.—Professore and amateurs are respectfully in-
•- •
. . .
3 . .
. .-
Public Pio
[January, 27, IS64'
A. HE its inuta
Dark Blue,
Light Blue,
French Blue,
Claret Brown,
Dark Brown,
Light Brawn,
Snuff Brown,
Dark Drab,
Light Drab,
Dark Green,
Light Green,
For dying Silk, V. weds, Shawls,
Scarfs, Dresses. Rihhous, Gloves. Boum, ts, Hats, Fea
thers. Kid Gloves, Children's clothing, and all kinds of
Wearing apparel.
A Saving of 80 Per Cent..
For twenty.five cents you.-can color -as .-many
goads as would otherwise cost, five times that snirt, - , , -
The process is simple, and any one can use the - Dye
with perfect, success.
Directions in English, French and German, inside of
each package. -
. . . ,
For Further informs tioil in Dyeing', and giving a
perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye
.over others, (with; many vainahle recipes.) purchase'
Rowe & Stephens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring.—
Sent by malt on receipt of price --11) cents.
Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS,
• ~ :: , - ~,• , ..,. , .26011noanway. ilost:n.
For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally.
[Oct. 28.1863.-6m.}
For Rats. Mice. Roaches, Ants, Rod Bugs,
Moths in Furs, Woolens &e., Insiets on
Plants, Fowls, Animals. dm •
Put up in 25c. 60c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, .and
Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes- for HMIs, PUBLIC Jx.S . Tirti-
MONS, do.
;`Only infrtllible remedies known."
' , Free front Poisons." .. .
"Not dafigetons to. the,lTiunan Family."
“Itnts elms out of their holes to die."
krii• Sold Wholesale in all large cities.
Arne Sold by all - Druggists and Retailers everywhere.
21 , /i- 11l BEWARE!! of all worthless imitations.
A4* Sea that_"conTAJCS" name is on each Box,Rot
tie, and F Flask, before you buy:.
4 Address II ENRY R. COSTAR.
,46§- Principal Depot 432 Broadway, N. Y.
.o=4-- Sold by J. L. LEMBERGER, Whole:isle and Retail
Agent, Lebanon Pa.
Feb. 10, '04..-Bm.
introducing the effect of pedal bass on •every
celebrated PIANOS for Oath, at a liberal deduction
ta„ Over 30.003 sold.
279 and ;Oil South Fifth Street. above Spruce.
July 15, 1568.-Iy. Philadelphia, Pa.
117.9 sr:Virs iv@
ohn Paruirtt,
Ladies' and Child-
I wish to return my
hanks to my friends of
nd this surrounding
!ounties, for their very
liberal patronage ex
tended to me duringthe
„ laat few years, and
would say to them that I now have in store, of my own
Importation and Monntheture a very extensive assort,
moot of nil the different kind and (pal lies of FAN
CY FURS. for Bettie* end Children, that will be worn
during the Fall and Winter seasons.
Being the direct Impor(or, of all my Furs ft om Eu
rope. and haring them all Manufactured under my own
supervision—enables me to offer my customers and
the publie„a untek,pandsompr Set of Furs for the same
money.., Ladies please,give me a call before purchas
ing Please remember the name, number and street.
No. 718 ARCH Street. Philadelphia.
gb'pt., 18. 1463.-sm.
Thirty Day,
Eight Day,
Just Rec'erved at
J. BLAIR'S Jewelry. Stare,
Lebanon, Po
R.E.gOVXL.. •
lonuNzo It. ROTI It 1.111.. w uld re-
J spectfully inform the citizens of
Lebanon and vicinity that he has retnown hls Ta Hoe
ing Establishment, a few doors east of Lamderialleh's
store, and nearly opposite the Washington House, on
Cumberland fit„ where lie will make up clothing in the
most fashionable styles in the best manner; good fits,
guaranteed to all. Thankful for the very liberal patron
age extended to hint thus far he hopes to merit and
rontinue the same.
Lebanon, April 8,1883.-Iy.
i Livery Stable.
ILE subscriber respectfully informs the public that
r he hits commenced a LTV MIX STABLII at his Ho
tel, in Market Street, Lebanon. Ile will
. always endeavor to furnish good horses
and :vehicles, atquoderate prices, to all de.
airing the same.
Lebanon, October 21,-1863.—Gm.
. For Sale or Exchange.
undersigned wiltsell, Or exchange fel. a SMALL
PAILM. Ida desirabl • Rouse and lot of tirottnti.. ilp
teEast street, East Lebanon. Thu flonee is it
new two story BRICK with Kit ellen attached,
all well built and well arranged with all nous
glut sary conveniences. Also Cistern, Bath Muse,
Smoke louse. all kinds of Fruit Trees, ac., on the
premises. This property if not sold. will be exchanged
as above. Good and indisputable title given.' Tor fur
ther information apply to
JAMES N. EGGERS, Tinsmith.
Lebanon, July IG. 1562.
pit iv AYr V, ALT-E
0....711LALA1 ,
!IL LIMESTONE LAND is idrerelEl pt PrivAto
Sate, located 1 4. of a mile from Harper's Tavern, East:
onov er, adjoining lends of 'Doile M. Shuey,•fleorge
Gerberieh and the. Swacara Creek Thereon Is erected
0. good FRAME H 01141,, a new 14ANKT-I
•-• BAnN, , a6 by 435 feet:roa. nevei.f'r
:r r , aprl wafer nea nollf 0, plnou:
§3IV: CI r i g. Lime Alin, tin& Anqn quantity of
. limestone en 'the nronliie
• ...Pricei,sl,oo,4.•• • ,Laroni.„
ken in eichinge:';Pustcwion givtin.kpri -•
next, ' STUM •
Fe b. :le, • • Lebation,• Pa.
Real Estate in Reeks County
rVIIE undersigned will offer at Public Sale on THURS
-1 DAY, FEBRUARYI , th. 1564, at 1 o'ctnck in the
afternoon,on the premises, the Real Estate of Jacob
Wertz. eceived situate in Muhlenberg towuShip,
Refits county , on the road leading from Reading tre
Pricetcan, three m ilea from. Reading, consisting of
TEN AORES OF LAND, four acres of which are of the
best equality of iIIEADOW LAND, the balance good
farm land, on which 'are erected a
g 5 BARN. There i Witter Power on
4,1, the premises alt
of thirty feet fall, and a
good carding machine, The pronerfy
- is suitable for a flouring mill, or other
enriebinerY. The purchase money may nearly all rest
on the property. A clear title can be given.
Persons desiring to view the property, will plume
call at the House of Henry Leithasuseri blacksmith,
near the Premieres.
Terms and conditions made known OD the day of sale
lo not sold,it 7111_ be loomed on
WI, If thiproport
Stock, Fanning Implements
. .
and Household Properly.
WILL be sold' t public pale M.,the residence
of the undersigned, in town.
ship, 1 1 .4 miles from Lebanon, exit the Tunnel, on
MONDAY February, 29, 1864,
tho following Stock,. 4:— t , ...,
~, 8 HORS'S one of them an ex
, Wiest Tiftrtily Howie. 8 good ' •
MUCH pysys; 2 - Heifers heavy t u b '
with Calf Wagon for one nrtwo
Horses. 2 ilorso Wagon. 2 Top Buggies and Barnes,,
Threshing , dtlachine, with power - of Major's new pat
ent. now Windmill," Strawbeinch, new Hayladders,
,block. lied, shod With iron, ploughs, harrows, corn
plow,• cultivator, horse wows. rakes, forks, chains, and
many other Farming Implements.
ALSO, on
FRIDAY . ; March 18,1864;
-cITILL he sold ',the. follow ing:HOUSEHOLD
V V PROP l' , RT*, - ':* :--- .:'
8 STOVE for Weed or-Coal, other stoves
for do., Tr Ale bed, Bureau, Milk
and other C phone-As; Wood Chest, 2
largo Tables.other tahles,l2 chairs. Chopper-isacidne,
Rosia/ Purple,
~Hier C pla..
„ ...Ethics .other tables _ ..
barrels. clock, LE. ON TEE 0,70 FOWLS. of various
kinds. Tuner's be ih, Anvil, Carpenter tnoIa.YOMA
TOES by the bush ,-and -many other articles too nu
morons to mention
Sale to commends at 12 o'clock, 3L, of said days
when terms will he made known by
GEORGIE B. Mum! Auctioneer.
[Feb. 10.1864.
•,. OF
WILL be sold akipub lie sale at the residence of the
''sutwcriber; lifiCorowall township, Lebanon CO,
on the road leadin :from Lebanon to Culebrook. about
4% miles from Le - on, and about % mile - North of
the Horse Shoe to pike, on
.M.O/N3).1 .},. . March,,,?., -1864
the followilig.Stoe' and Fairing Implements, viz :-
- ~a. 3 a:cel nt working. 11QRSES, 2 mares with
I f, foal, co of which is an „excellent family
'r'''' beast, Woplts, one 3 years; one 1% and
-,- =nisi, pale, 3, ma old,. 4 Mitch :Cows, 7/4
3 SPringieggeffer. ellbeati of Young Cattle., S '''''
.1 Durham Sell , 2 . at sold, 5 bead of She6p.
(of the Sonthdo* breed.}'. Horse, gears, ' saddles; ot
. thrashing nchin g., horse • powet,mw, good as new,
(Garrets patent-) narrow wheollell 4 horse wagons,
one as good as new,
-Ind mill , cutting box, Ploughs,
Harrows . Shotel 1 arrow. Cultivator,- Corn Plough, i
1 ,
'Drag, breast,, Afalt and Cow Chains, Spreaders, don-!
We and single trees Pitch, Hay, Manure and Sh king
Forks ; also*2 pair fay Ladders, Wagon Bed, Quarry
ing tools, 2 Grain adles, and many,Mher articles to
numerous to insert. . . '. ...
~.'l4ale to cornmeal at -12, ololock. 414 on said day,
when conditions _at 1 be *tide known by!:. t
- ' ' ''' - • MOSES lIRICII.
Cornwall, Feb. 31:- . 186i -
. '
. ..
, . .
• , ru 6.1 C SALE
0r . ,••
Sleek, Foti•ntint, Implements
wild', be sold : a Public, Sale, at the residence of the
subscriber, iti Cornwall twp., near Etitn's Mill
and Ehy's, on : I t •
IVE DNE SOAI 7 , February . 24 , 'O4:
The following St . aakk and Farming Imp:tements. viz :
6 Reed of HORSES, 1 MARE '
with lt, 2 three-years old 1
GORBI well broke, 2-Year-Agga.!
*ling, 24 :geed of CATTLE, 11111118
FRESH COWS , IS LE,. Gearing for live Horses, 'AUK
on, Saddle, Halters Chains. 2brond wheeled WAGONS,
one as good as new I new Wagon box. Hay Ladders,
Ploughs,' Harrows: I Shovel harrow, Threshing Ma
chine, Cutting - llfsithine, Log, Cow.end Fifth Chains,
Spread and- Sin l 4 Trees, Traess:..Corn Plough, Grain
Cradles " Flog' TiOttf, Porky sand Rakes, 1-horse Wagon,
Breast Chains,-.Tack Screw; BEDS.and BEDSTEADS,
Stoves, Peek, Coreo - Cupboard, CLOCK, Floes and
• 1....,:5a15. Tubs, Water Can„Chest and Flour Chest, and
many ot
--lier , ..rticies too numerotts to mention.
.:Sale. t0L L , 0r 4,,,,, p4,,,i......, , .......,...,t.en-
will be macre liww=l,l • 1 -7- 71 .-'
Cornwall twp.;:len. 27,1861
'4.). 718 Arch Street,
dow Rth, sant**. side,
Importer, :11:1111;4r:
rarer o feud Dealer in
Ii kiwis at
Fancy .Fars,
Stockz,l`arifling': m e s
Iv ILL. be sold at public sale at the residence of . the
subscriber, is Corns all twp., near Eby's Tavern,
on the road leading to Lancaster by way of Kojdos, on
TUESDAY, 21,:cbruary 23 ; 1854,
TUESDAY, March 1,, 1864
the following Stock, Farming Implements and Meuse.
' , old Property y. . . • '
101 h-rid of IfORSI4, ;of which are three
years old,; 2 Awo - year4, 1, one-rear old, 2
AlAßKS,with Seal, .5 Dena or
701 0 v• --COWS:m*l;pr, them fresh, 5 :g.,4 tf,
'hirers heavy with Call. 38 Read of young
CATTLE, of them -ore two years old, c
young BULI., 3 Slioats,.3 Wagons,4wo as good as
new, all broad. wheeled, 1 one horse Wagon. 1 large
Body, I Pine box, 1 it of Wood Ladders, Threshing
.Inching, I Mowing Machine ' Grain drill, Spring wire
patent nay Rake, Palming 111111, Single and Double
Trees, 7 set of Horse Gears, housens, flynets, buggy
harness, wagon, saddle', lines and whip, 2 Cultivators,
shovel harrows ' ploughs and harrows, I corn plough,
1 cutting box, Cow Mans, log chains, 2 fifth ehaine,
end a good many. othir..abeins, jack screw, whoethar
' row rakes and f rico, spreaders, log hoes. scald
ing trough, grindistonS: axes, MO€t axe and wedges,
scythes and gra in rrefiles, grain bags, bat rels, lot of
boxes, POTATOES, DOS and BEESTEADS. 1 Drawer,
1 chest, 1 table, 1 k 'Risen dresser, STOVES with PIPE,
and many articles tlnumerous to mention.
Sale to comments. 12 o'clock, M., of said days.
Jae- The goods rem fining unsold on first day will be,
sold.oll the second.
Conditions, &c., on sale by
Cornwall twp.', Jan;, 27, 1821.
s rai' puhlic ante at the. residence of
W I t1 1 :e he. anbl i— r!r bet; in South ' Annvitis township.
,Lebanon eoanty,ttitont •2 miles front-Annvil le. near the
Turnpike road leading to 'Palmyra; on Levi Mine's
place, on.;
FRIDAY, February 19 ) 1864
THUR.,,S'DAY, March 17, 1864,
the following S.ooog, FAIIMIN . O IMPLEMENTS AND
r. E Bead of horses, 10 'Mulch Si •
Cops .heifers with Calf, 3 -Us-
Duitam.. Bulls.' 10 bead of Mir
yonag Cattle, 12 bead of Sheep,
2 breeding Sonki, IV Shouts, 1 broldatheeled Wagons,
1 Spring Wagon, 5 ploughs, 4 harrows, 2 stnwel har
rows. I Thrashing Machine, 1 Reaper, 2 cutting boxes,
1 windmill, ...carriage; 1 trotting buggy, good as
new, 2 patent - hay 'wipers, new patent Wire Rake;
sleigh, &c., &e•.
This ta one orthe hargest and finest STOCKS in Leb
anon county, baring had great care taken in,i.))o
faction and intialtug; and in one well Wortley - the at
tention of all lovais of ems cutAe.
tl.large variely of every kind of lIOUSEIIOLD and.
KlTClllENlrnioniture. and it large variety of oth
er articles for Tanning and housekeeping, tow unmet . .
own to mention.
All the arils eps not sol dat the first clay, of sale will
be sold on the soma.
Sale to comindnee at 10 o'elook, A. M., of said days,
when tern/e will be made known by
S. A nnv ille .Tan. 27,1864.
persona -.Property.
IGI, be , Roll] at public st
o ttle , l' a tt t iti d o
ben t tt h re L ts e ir n e o
, Sec
row:itiit't. ebtiul 4 miles ' Froml:ebtitton intd• 2 miles;
from Cornwell tjjt;r4toentt,l l ,
rfIURASDAi Pebructry 1.8,1864 ,
. . .
- .TU 7 EB' ,' , : .March 22, 1864, 1.
the following Stock, Varming Thiplernents andltouse
hold Property, Viz:-
5 good Working H R..
• rm .
head ,or Younw CATTI Ir 7
Sil BE P. 2 Dogs, 3 Groin Cradles. 3 Scythes, timid:
stone, Quarrying. Tools, Log and filth Chalps, Wood
Ladders. Jackscrew . l'ails, double and single
Tress. ploughs, harrows, 1 or Brunnees Henper and
Mower, (good as new,) 2 sleighs. grain drill. threshing
Machine an, Horse Powsr, 2 WAGONS. (1 a broad
wheeled.) ropes, forks, horse rakes, corn plow - , 3 shoe.
el harrows. Ac , kc. Also. 3 Beds , nd Dedstsads, Ap.
pie Butter, Benches, Chopper Machine. Staffer, Fat
press,' cabbage Cutter, large Wool Wheel; Weaver MA,
terials, large lUD LIT DAY CLUCK. Books, (Including
F o x'sMortyret,) barrels, clock, cooking
Stove, 2 Steel-
yards, augers, broad axe. Peat axe, eaws, 25 yards
CA RPM scalding Trough, tablas, hell, cider Press and
apple Mill, grain Bags,. eplltting. tools; horsit.gbaring, : : :
wheelbarrows, laddem.backets,, cow ellaffins, May lad..
tiers, WO roller, beards,' twe-hoise' Wakon, STRAW
and RAY, straw: :benelt,. forks, rakes... bag wheeler,
pests, corn shelter, wagon bed, smoked Meat,, and
many other articles too '`numerous ;
;40yr,Atiartia l es
. Isot 6914 tttsola,
ort the second .
1 atl:2 cealotk, /g Ab'est:terms'will
tn made known by`
lump. 01—
Public Sale.
• Public Sale
k _4-er
Last year we gave a few examples
from the advanced sheets of a new
Dictionary, to be published at Con
stantinople,i some time between this
and the year 2830. The author, who
is no less than the learned Lexiphanes,
has politely . sent us some further
specimens of his great forthcoming
work, from which we give a few spec
imens for the edification of our read
Higgledy—P . tggledy—Conglorneration
.and confusion.; orthe.condition of
America under neiiiibrielan rule.
Scribble Serabble,Pages of inanity ;
or the volumes of Mr. Seward'a
diplomatic correspondeice,
Shilly-Shally—Hesitation or irresiitii
flan : or Governor Seymbur's nian
ner of removing the convicted PO
lice Commissioners of New York.
Dingle-dangle—Aerial suspension ; or
a thing that haunts the imagination
of the Abolitionists:
Nincompoop, minnyhammer—Assanine
wretches -; or Daniel S. Dickinson
and those Democrats who allow
themselves to be used as a tail to
A. Lincoln's kite.
Rigmarole—Discourse, incoherent,
rhapsodical, and iingratunatical; or
President Lincoln's - rkessagea. '
Ding-Ong—Tintinnabulary chimes;
or.Qinigrssional eloquence on the
erinkliiiicrtinkitin--Liiies of irregulari
ty-.and involntion ; or the Anny of
..PotOnie.c's march to Rich-
mond: • -
ree:fam-fum—digantin intonations ;
or Mr. Stanton's War bulletins.
llocus-pociisPieutio necromancy ; or
Mr. Chase's manipulations of the
Zg-zag—Transverse angles; or Beech
er's footpath to the kingdom of
Tit-for-tat Adequate retaliation ; or
what those who have been unlaw
fully imprisoned by Lincoln
his satraps mean to de When their
day comes.
Relter-skelter—Quasi Itilariter and cet
eritar ; z. e., motion of equal jocun
dity and velodity ; or the gait
' of
Mr. Lincoln to 'the end of his
Pseudo-necromancy-Lities of regular
ity ; or the way Gen. Grant goes
into the rebels in the West.
-ph n P - -- " Kearliatorni clity ior the
retul ug
Three sheets-in-the4inelThree 'quar
t:ol's &Link ; or the noruMF eoudi
;tlOn Of:the OcsternorS of Petinset:
pia, and Illinois -
TopsOurty----1.11 inversion of capitals
and fundamentals ; or the brain of
the President.
See 7 saw—Alterhate preponderation ;
or the vibration of 'Mr.. Lincoln be
tween the Sowards and SumnerS.
Willy-dilly—The execution of an act
without the consent of Another ; or
the presence oftlie Berar members
in Congress, against the will of the
- .
people they - profess to represent. ;
'Tittle-tattle—Futile talk ; or the: in-
terviews of the Conservatives with
the President.
HodgB-podge--A. culinary mixture of
heterroffeneous ingredients—dis
cordant corp.binatious ;. or the har
mony between the fightingbull-dogs
of Tammany and the lambs of Mo
This great Work of the learned and
trnely accomplished Lex-iphanes, mill
be completed in 3,000 folib v'olumes;
and gill, as we said, appear some:
nine linn'dred.
years ; copyright Seq . nred.
SubScriptions received by
coin, E§4:, at his office in Washington,
and at the office of the Evening Post
and the Tribune, New York city, and
Lebanon. Courier office. Pa. •
P. Sr---The learned author avers.
that We are the only editor in the
United States to whom be shall sub
mit the advance sheets of his aston
ishing labors. .
Mr. Ferguson was stayingout pret
ty late, but that Was Aothin,!)- unusu
al sines the Loyal League liad.been
established. The Government was
in danger and had to be set up with.
I,?,lzason knew that h'er
AV hus
band loyal, and: she waii
to forego 'many of the pleas)ire,s of
domestic life,
in order that ,Mr.Fer
gusen have tune to report 'tO
the olgue thc,restat of liis eves4lrop
pings,,aa well as to hear frem 'others I
of the treasonable conversation and
'etinduet of copperheads.
- grusonttook , a lively in t eft St 'in 7 these
important Matters',%ittd her "husband
eopecaled . from her the names
among their heii,flibora who ,
AN 4 era StipPOSed to" be
t, to be hungr'find
,knew 'who "ought
who "ought to be shot," just 'is
aS:he did, rtiid Viet - e'ehancred OPin
'iWs on the Subject :With.the utmost
freedonci. kis..FerguSonwas Oka,
ed that some startling develiipiiient
had been made the league,for it.
was almost 2 &clock, and no t ord Of
Mr. Furguson, Nothing sholt of a
tremendous copperhead conspiracy
*Could explain hia,prolonged 4iiseire;
I But hail! t7 t,here, someon'e at the'
gate. She arises,and goes to; thawin
dow, "Is that you., B.r . astuSr ",Ycs,
S'fronyi [Mc] that's nrie r - 77 its sour own
loyal 'Bastus—lt's Mr. [hid), Forg's'n,
STratiV-.Nallang'xn cohltlnA'icome
in .11!ra, for: LBruff—he!slhie]
the stnit ,STrony;" ,‘,'Whyon.y, dear
what's the Matter? do come in,'.'. "I;
!anifin, STrony,÷l'm,oll:lright.ll.,l said ,
Vlamigutaielealitct , o4eme t An,,,r . t t hat's
what's the matter _Where's_ the
a candle,. and Mr. F. continues.] "I
see they're np yet over at Plummers
--cop-[bie]perheads are always up to
see when loyal men. come home
[Mrs. F. comes to the door with the
candle.] "G'win the house, you d—n
copper[hic]—and mind :your own busi
nesS,_you—" "Oh,' Mr. Ferguson !
•Mr..Fergusori I 'how can you talk so
to your poor, wife ?" 'Scuse me,
S'frony, I wasn't talking_ to. you—it
was Mrs. Plum[hic]mer I was talk
ing t'o=dia . TOll. think it - was you,
&trolly ?"
.am chilled through,
Mr. Ferguson.". "F'your'e chilled
through, hot..d.'ye think Mrs. Plum
mer [hic] stands it out_ of doors !"
'You are Mistaken. my dear, Mrs.
Plummer hasn't been at the door, at
all." "Wasn't eh?-reckon I do'nt
see her stan'n - there - yet lield'n the
[hie] can'l—watch'n us." "Why, no,
.1 1 .1rastus, it is me you see, hOldi i ii„,o , the-
Candle." "That's a fact—so it - is—
we've moved across the street, havn't
zve S'frony ?" "No, no, Mr. Fergu
sOn, you must certainly—" "You're
right, • S'frony, it's Plummers that's
[hic] moved—that's what's the mat-'
ter !" "Oh, I see it all, Mr. Furgu
son—you've been drinking— oh, dear,
did I ever think yOu would cdme 'to
that !" . "Hold on, [hie] hold on. Mrs.
Ferg'son—your slanerin' a good loy
al cit'zen—you must be walkin' in
your sleept-you . wouldn't talk so if
'you [hic] was awake. see
what this is, Mrs. Ferg'son ?" "No,
no, I see enough, I—" "Hold on,
Mrs. Ferg'son, you [hic] musn't use
no tre-re-easons,ble language in my
presence- - that's the old flag,
Ferg'son—that, was [hie] pr'sented
t'me t'uight--tat's what's the mat
ter—and you mus'n't [hic] insult it
if you are asleep 1 Where'll I set
this gl-lorus old ban'r, S'frony, so
Plum'rs can see't—'blev., , I'll step
ou'doors and stick it on the fence,
while you're wakin' yourself up. I
g'win for a vig[hie]-higorous frosecu
tion ofthe wopperihic]hopper—cop
perheads, s'w'l do, rs. Ferg[hic]-
Ferg'son don't pers'ly apol'gize for
hein' asleep last night . , and not sluten
this riash'l em'lem, I'll :Sell out the
traps on five[hic]dollars - credit, for
all sums over 0 months —that's what's
the matter S'frdny. [Mr. Ferguson
fell on one side of the fence, and the
em'lem" on the oilier. Mrs.
F. doubtless apologized for her disre
spectful soinniloguisra,—AKCall events,
Fergilson . has neither sold out nor
We notice te - 111a7a7trIrciays
ago, that
upon the river at
Detroit was sufficiently strong to bear
teams, and that crowds of pedestri
ans and Wagons were daily passing
backward and forth between Detroit
and Windsor. The Detroit •Free
PreiS contains the following adven
ture upon this ice:—
, Friday, a Frenchman, whose name
we did not learn, residing in.Spring
wells wishing to visit Canada, ix:el/-
tam - Ito cross the
,river, on the, ice,
with a team`. • Re had„..wjth .tain his
wife and two children, wli! Were.linn
dled tiP and snugly ensconced in the
bottom of the sleigh,. for protection
against the wind that blOAs upon the
river. The entire party were in the
most disadvantageous position to
-meet an accident of the nature of one
which befell them on their passage
over. When about half way across,
the ice gave way, precipitating' them
into the water.
The Yrihnnr in Which, each was
. .
wrapped up with clothing, thadelt ex
. tremely difficult to extricate. them
: selves from, the sleigh,which, togeth
, Witli the
,struggling team, was mo
14entiirily expected to be drawn un
der the ice by the current. Their ef
forts to s disengage themselves were
embarrassed and retarded by the
struggles of the team and the broken
•ice. The father, whose position at
the time When the accident occurred,
was such as to enable him to release
himself with the least difficulty, suc
'eeeded in gettinir b hold of his wife and
One child, just as the sleigh was over-.,
turned in the water,. by which means
the „_boX became
the runners and floated on the
surface. He drew his wife and one
child from the immediate neighbor
hOod of his horses, and left them
' clinging to thebox, while he atteinpt
ed the removal of other child froin
.a perilous position 4e. occupied near
the horses:,
The frantic efforts of the team to
get out were eontiinally increasing
the's* of the 'hold in which they had
fallen, and rapidly accumulating
ments of- ice.„—Befere-he could reac
out his Arms to 'grasplthe child, one
of the, horses Succeeded in raising One
foot high enough to rest • it upon the
edge of the :ice, upon which he
tempted to raise hiniself The'moVe
nient threw him over backward, en
tangling 'him in theliarnessi,ht the
,sane time striking the' boy
,upon his
head with one-ofls Out feet, or else
Some hard portiOn Of his harness,
opening a large scalp wound. :The
father seized his‘childjust as he sank,
and succeeded in placing him with the`
others, although nearly defeated-by
the commotion -created by the her-
SeS, whose fear bad ,entirely over
come them, and, being entangled in
the harness; were at last being drawn
under the. ice,,the sleigh haVing pass
edrUnder by :the. action of the current.
Seeing:that all , efforts to save the her 7
ses.woe futile, he turned his atten
tion,toward the mother and Children,
two Of : whOin. ~w.ere heroically cling,
ing to a:. bos s : although ,nearly:-;be
numbed ;with' -Cold; Mother, held:
inq• , .8,160 . ;t he. Anjin•ed:- 'and senseless l
child upon. ; ,a• jowatifripa•Ahe bottom
of the sleigh, which bad. become de
C#E ati hit t tt Hr;
2d Story of Funclee Cnmalmondl l
At One Dollar and-Eilty:CAttts z Irear..z..
aovoormoiarNre Elislll - ted at rb, =Ma rates. IWII I
.41RA.1..:D111L63 IRinted et Eititi,firs notim i
In Lebanon Connti, ptotage ire;
In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county cant' AOi
quarter, or 73 cents ayear.. , ..
On£of this State, 6 cts. perereverterntl.2B"etiLli yeeu
if the emitaze-is.tu,V.pairl.itt suivazreicneletleet are dould.
Almoit itiunecliately a4er leaving
the team they were, takcn under-the t
ice. - „Ile laborcd-energeticglly in re-
moving the: faMily from the edge of
the hole, And was successful, although
nearly chilled to death ? in ;placing
them upon firm ice, after almost irt
credible labor. Upon rea6hin - g a
. place of safety, a few feet from - the
edge of the hole in which they had
been eugulphed, that strength which
had sustained them sank from ex
haustation, and this, combined with
the stupor caused by cold and fatigue,
almost overcome them. - It was with
great difficulty that energy sufficient
to keep awake and Under .;motion
could be mistered, 'and- thell. Ayes
were equally in :dlatiger from the ef
fects of this . 'lethargy with that ~cf
their condition among the fragments
of floating ice. By strong exertions,
however, they succeeded in reaching
the land and a house ,where they
were iiken-Clie 'of.: 'dere are fears
that the child, which was injaredin
the head, will not survive, as the
wound and exposure combined place I
him in a critical condition. The otli
era, however, are doing well.
In the city of Patterson, N, 7.,
there are-a large number of children.
who have been made orphans by the
war. The ladies - cdtinected i with the
catholic church got utra fair in, the
principal hall of 411e_ciV: for the 'pair
pose of raising funds to ''prc. :vide for
these children -in the Orphan Asy
lum. While they were thus engaged
Mr._Lincoln'&assessor, a man named
bane., Walked in 'and,inforpled the le r
dies that they meat pay a license-to
the Government', or shpuld.cbiffirs
cate all their. goods - aria sell them at
auction. And the wretch absolutely
compelled the payment of a license to
sell articles to raise funds to feed and
clothe the children who have been
made orphans by the abolition was. ,
This fair wound up with a supper
and ball which added largely , to the
orphan fund, 'and the nest ditY the
Republican paper, sneered at the:oe
casion, calling it a_:wa.kt i for the deal's
of. Bishop Hughes. This Paper is
owned !)y - a company of all the lead
ing Republicans
. of Patterson, and is
the particular of their.senti
ments and character.—Poughlteeptis
Democrat. _
'MARK MILBRRY, ESQ.—Giiren at. the
office of Prof. Josh Billing, praktikal
A ?nativeness .stieks out like a
hornet's nest. ton ought tew . be s
w t .ar
iAP Lles
youre .
never be a . widderer long, pot enny.
• Pollyticks—You have got tlkil 'petrel
wa. A splendid It s.t.e . els like
a ,Pim o liratili bump, too. Mea
ny a,
min has got to be konstible with half
yure hump._
Ifneis—Sleigtktualry, - Very .
much. Yu mite file a woman; tuff
Ma . ttlf. I.sliud tew bet on the
i wornail, 'his bump wants
. •
Ifitiles—Tbp n okr. whi) . it bti , I
shad thin k
. - Ye,cud eat_
cart, and chase the driver three miles
without any pl•aktia. ,Thunder and.
Li. lAA ng what a hump ! what ei
bump Let I3goium get hishand on .
this bump and yure lorti,p, is made.
What a _bump! what,a „ _
Musick—A sv.eet, prettyl i b . unip.—r
Ahout - i.he size uv a lima bean. If 1.
had this bump I wad buy me a juise
harp, arid wander among the rocky
mountains. Pon my word,. Mr.
b •rry, my advise is, miss this bump.
Greenbacks--Well developed. A.
irgeous hump. ' A . fortin eriny.
man. In can't help but die rich, if
this huilip:dOn't go back..orhyu.
ge,oB bump ! huppeg s ma.o ! die when
yu feel like deth bave enny .
sorrows for y.ure i•eliiSbilifs that this
bump won't heal.
ozr Kossuth lives at Turin, poor,
and wan and his wife is in consump
tion. How long is it since we feasted
him here, and almost split the hes.
vt ns glorifying him, - as the fugitive
from Russian despotism, and as the
band chosen of ; God to smite the al
ters of Meiscovite tyracipv.? ,Now; in.
this little we allow him to starve
in his Wretchedness, while we ii2e,o4
with the same loud plaudits thut,wel;
, him to America, ,the sailors
qnd rePresentiiti , ies of, thii,;.tgoillees,
desPotisin which we denounced, and,
gave our money to destroy, at the re
cepl ion Kossuth l Since the elec.
tt t bbl i o ,ris ey a f s l )esys h ei r g,4 a tii i : i i,e l if t e ir sc:a L ,sii i ori n net c : o 4(,o t , n oifilsdh w ie,
v. e t i hi s 6se ec ts n t i liie t ied o !!
places of 3110a: 1 into the se a , of Celli:
lee. • ; We least_#nd .pet . the, Keprgssit 7
tativeS of AiOcovite despotism, while,
we tut alb sitironis . of our own coun,
trypen, and relive millions of the wid- .
owe 'and'orphine of the brothers we
have killed. to pine and starve in 'Un
beeded,.and unpitied woe: This is
Abolitfon pbilanthrophy. This is
f A . : , b o r i . i l s cti n o e n s j s us a t n ic d - e l de T a t h is i t s o th ir e h i;e c , a b lit ih o e f
lunatics of ; & Co. have_ in—
vGitueadrdt.he pealilei of America !---014
The Tri.sident's Body Giiard.r—Tbo
Bolkimoro Transcript says "A com
pany Of . Ohio cavalry; commanded by
Cai)t:Ben nett; of geott's 900, has been
appointed a bay guard to the - Presi.
dent. They are quartered cin the,
grounds - south -of the President's
house." The country will be glad to
learn that our royal masker is taking
proper'precautions..against any, ,con.
timpl&ted_,Astsu,go _np,o,ll ,pica,
p&rson., 'tong, 4ve 'l) . ictsit?,i,„bo:
toy b _
n et43—lon g Ive
may their OH dow, =
Ne shadosir of