ii rATE TERMS ' LEI 3 A NOisj, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, ISM HOME AFFAIRS. lt B AltAtt:o4 DVERT IS E R 1,11,11 C rroic su . NO f . - , 41, •° ' 4 ' ,:. , , ',• ' .'. . A (li ' :: *r . .iw ' . , :2 4% pl 1§ . ... 4 5! !,! ..k 4 t14,,.,4A 4.: F t t ' & 7:5 4 S jai. 3 41 5 61 71 Al 006 41 51 61 7 AI ; 10 11 12 13 14 15 46 '' 40 11 12 13 14 15 16 117 18 19 20121 22 23 17 18 19 20 21/22 23 24 2418 27.24 a? 30 ,;,i; 24 28 p:, 27 26 29 30 F3l eb 4 "1 . 1 :itilVz VI lug - , t,, .1 1 I.g it i ., 1: 6 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17,18 19 20 2112 23 24 15 26 27 21 22 2324 25 25 27 28 29 .282930 81 4 Mai..:l 23 4 5 Q,,, . 12 3 6 7 6 6 10 tl 12 UV :4 . 5 6.7 R 9 16 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19, tlll2 13 14.15 16 17 120 21 22 23 24 25 26 ,18 19 20 1,122 23 24 '27 28 20 30 31 24 26 27 28 29 80 I'2 Oct: t „A.P.T: •als' 6 ,7 4 , 2. 1, 4, 1 - ,.7 8: 9 11 ~i:, 10 0. 12 13 4406 18 - ', 910 11 1213 14115 17 IS 12.44 ,22 24 16 17 18 19 25 21122 , 2425 2027 28,29480 . 23 24 25,25 27 28,29 ' ~( f,. 1 5 •1 . I 30 SI , 125 4 5 Ma! : 9 lill 413 1. 7 4 / 10 V - a 7 8 8 1 10 1 14 12 14116 17118. 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17118 19 22 23 24124'26 27 28 26 21 22 13 24 24 26 29386 3/1 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 *I 6i 01 7 1 A :4 it Dcc 4 '5 0 7 8 9io 4 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 1 20121 22 28 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 )26127 28 29130 24 26 27 28 29 39 3t SALES Or PERSONAL PROPERTY, Advertised hi the AM:MISER, or for wh been printed at this office. Saturday, January PO—Real Estate and Personal Prop erty of Mi chant Moyer, dec'd... in Cornwall two. Thursday, February 4—Jeremiah S. Hoke, Stock, Forming Implements, &c.. Cornwall. Thursday, February IS—Abraham Ceib, dee'd., South Friday, February i3—Jahn Dietz, S. Annvilie. Wednesday. February 24—Henry Farina, stock,Farm ing I mph-menu, lte., Cornwall. Friday, February-3S—Samuel Loose, Stock, Farming Implements, 4r.c . Jai:karat . Monday, February 29—Henry A Suavely, Stock, Farming Implements, ke.. Car n w all. Tuesday , Match I—Stock and Farming Implements el' C. P. Sthietttetz. in South Annville. Thursday. March 3—Samuel Loose, Stock, Farming Implements. Ac., Heidelberg. Saturday. March 6—Josiah E. Fees, Stock, Farming Implements. ko , Cornwall. Monday, March 7—Stock and Farming Implements of Moses Uhrich. in Cornwall township. Wednesday. March 16--Jobe Kegerriso, Stock, Farm ing Implements. Ice.. Heidelberg. Thursday. March 17—John Dietz. S. Annville. Tuesday, March 22—Abraham Gelb, dec'd., S.Lebanon. REAL ESTATE SALES • Saturday. January 9—ClJUStnilt Sprout hind. Ly Henry Swope". iu Bevy township, Dauphin county. I'RIVATE SALES Tiorough property of James N. lingers Borough property of tleork, S. (tamer Ont. Lots of Adorn Hitchur, Farm by Lnvi Yocum. In another column will be found the notice of the County Superintendent of Common Schools for another of theao delightful re. unions Teachere rostittita:Thu eote , itrt' cape:21(111'o, 'surpass :11l others th Ihterest. ducted farliolvP.l be 'obi rkell 'oh the railroad to Teachers oulitfrecturs derizietlie sBs•i En. The new r u A dhnt.y Ti-oitsurer, Mr. Gerherieh entered the dlitiee of his riffle° on the tirrt inet. I'h `] life Treneurer John All -wein, Erg., retiree with the hest wiAhep of Ms ion John Allwein, t jr., olio retiree., hnvint given eatietnetion to nil who had buz.ineig. trees actions in the office. /le intendA, we learn, 'to commove the Conch-making hunitiens Street, east, of Walnut, in which we wieh !a% suceeen. •• The Acearn' modittiim Train to liar riAtirg iii nnw running. and passengers can nn w AO to the Capital, spend nearly a whole day there .and 'return in the evening. Mr. Henry Spohn, of North Lebo -snort borough, had _hie hand badly torn about a week ago at Philadelphia, by getting it caught in some of the machinery of a car. The. Tavern , Stand and 30 acres of land, of Thoutei'Miller 'deed ,in Beetlls,no' ver, to John Deemer, of Lebanon, for $3500. The farm cif- Adam Herr, near Anoville, wee 'bought by George R igler and Rudolph Herr, for $122 per acre. • Mr. Thames Forster bee bought a *hewn and lot in North Lebanon borough, Dom Mr. David Hickernell, for $l6OO. Mr. Wan. Spohn has sold 15 shares o f Lebanon Hank Stock, new, for $6O per shlr e. e lincfl rstand — fliat : the tavern keepera, of this place hare raised the price of a drihk, other than water, to 1 trcente. Wo Understand:that the "ehiVit ry of the rooster ring" are dissatisfied at the great "onslaught" of Christmas, and that both have their chap ticloora in training, for a few Mart rounds. We have been unable to• pay that :atlemkien to the APVERTIPER it deserved during the eiellidaye, !Dui shall make "up for lost time hereaditer. Benry A. Ai h4a' commenced the oNX:sleet Making business in North Lebanon borough, in the old stand of John P. Arnold.— Medea new beginner, a good workman, steady entilitidustrious, and deserving the patronage of tfitecublie, of which he hopes to obtain a liberal ishme. See Advertisement. :;fir. Baily Thomas has opened a ?Flour, Feed end Fruit Store in Market street, west of Water. See hie advertisement in anoth. er eelunan tßassler Boyer, Esq., has removed Itoor too to Cumherland rireet, one door erupt nr 'lllekLebanon Valley Bank, eppus ite the Beek Mee. I tintSEVERA NCB e , metitiers of the Perpecetenee Fire Company are Tentleaped to meet at their Hall on Tueedey eve. ...niegthext. in regular kilted meeting. The en °lindPiileetion for officers will then be held. %aims Cuts, Guitahot Wounds, and nil other kindsof Wounds, also Sores t Ulcers, and Scurvy, Leal safely and quickly under the Annthinff infln• awe of HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. It hen ls to the bene, so that the wound never nuene again. Soldiers, supply yourselves. Only 25 cents per pot. 233 A NEGLECTED COUGH, COLD, OT SORE Tnnoar, which might be checked by a Pimple remedy, like "Brown's Bronchial Troches," if allowed to progress may terminate seriously. 10, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH, and Cnn• sumptige Coughs, "the Troches" are used with advantage, giving oftentimes immediate relief. TAKE, NOTIOR.--The enrolling is go ing on. and it is expected that the Conscription ac Suitt be'unfereed immediately. au I would advice every body to get their PICTURES taken in time for their re Winos and friends. and the only place to get a No. 1, Picture is at ZIititESSUR'S New York Photographic Gallery. for be its Jetting the cheapest. the heat. and Most life-like Pictures in Lebanon. it is admitted by nil that he can't be 'beat. for his gallery is always crowded. Give him call'aad you will find Os we rec. "'Wort. Remember the place. Zimmerman's New York Photographic Gallery, in Cumberland St. Call Catty and avoid a crowd. P. P,—Children and anybody that Ira got weak eves Should 'at:Zinamermen'a Gallery'..*lfis'Pictutbb:on , reQplre from "3 to fiarconds time to siq Guns, Rides. Piot° Powder, Caps, &c. A/7Elmm SeflareSlEM.-4,' a:AMR:II3ACR woe Id rc .P1)00414' infprm £l4) public that he continues the bushwee pf inaingaxtpring and den ling in GUNS, RIPIES: PISTOLS, POWDER, Caps, Wads, and pi hinds of gunning and gun materi al, at hie Store. 7.9 iderket street, a few doors North of the L. V a. N...;fightin„on. Ts. VS.. All kinds erleepairiiqt 'done at the ehortest , poe Able notice andjp the beatstyle qf rorkmantibir• Lebanon, Jae V., '' Blanli's'for Bounty and Invalid Hen inn.iCta.€ms Just printed arid kat. tattle at the At , vrwrisEtt Office. §pEciat Do'mot trifle with your health,' Constitution and Character If yon arnewira . ring with any Diseases 'or which H EMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU is recommended, TRY IT I TRY IT ! TRY IT ! It will Cure you, save thin Suffering, allaying Pa in triad Inflammation. nod will restore you to HEALTH AND lURITk, At Little Expense, . , . And No Exposure. Grit ont';the Advertisement in ;another column and call or Send for it. BEWARE O'F! CP PNTE 1? FELTS. Ask Itii'lletaboll's: Take No Other 'C URES" G ITARANTE L D . October 2S, ISOB —2m. mbm Br. 'rebil.mo N742,2ieettetatii. X.iixal223.eamt, Irks giy.en tin iv.r.d satisfaction during the four teen years it hat been introduced into the United States.. A fter.being tried by Millions it has been pito claimed the pain destroyer of the world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is applied. If used as directed it cannot. and never has ;filled in a single instance.— For colds, coughs and influenza,. it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above. besides being tisofnl in every family for sudden accidents, such as burns. cuts, scalds, insect stings, &c. It is perfectly innocent to take internally. and can he given to` the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Office, 56Courtland Street, Nov York. Sold by all Drugg Mts. Dec. 2, 1803.-Im. or Concentrated Lye FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WARmakes 'high prices ; Saponifier helps to re duce them. It runk-va SOA,P for FOUR cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. • IIa.CAOTtON i As spurious Lyes are offered also, be careful end only buy the PATENTF.D article put up in IRON cans, all others be tug COUNTERFEITS, Penna. Salt Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia—No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way Nov, 18,1303,-3in. eb bills bnvo THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE INVALID• Published for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from nervon. Debility. premature Decay of Manhood, etc , supply fog et the same thin. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and _injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a poet paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NAVIANII , II. MAYFAIR. Esq., Bedford, Rings couatyk, N.l, ; May 27, IS6 .-Iy. PULMONARY (c CINUIR T Ita! A CURABLE DISEASE ! I - A CARD' TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in A few weeks, by n very simple remniv. of er having suf fered several years with a severe lung affectibn . and that dread d'seaso, Consumption—is anxious to matte knOviti, to his fellow-sufferers the m vtns of cure. To all who desire it. Ito will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing, and using the seine. wh Hs they will fled ut euro curs for CONSUMPTION AMIN! A . COUG Hs, COLDS. she. The only object of the ad vert leer in sending the Prescription is to benefit the alit toted. and spread informetien which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and map prove a blessing. Parties Wishi-g the prescripl ion' will please.address ltcv. .EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Rings County Cot. , 18 , 11-4 m. , New: York: Teri 61 e 101i4elosie tics. .. . CEDDF.TS,for the million 1 A must valuable tool won i —l dtirfto liplilicaticin. A work of 400 nagea. and 30 colored engimv . ings. DI:. II ONT it R.'S VADH 111:01_111, an orizinitt and popular treatise on Milo and \t Onitp. their Physioldtry.,Stinctions. hod ...Sexual disorders id' every kind. with .N ever Foiling Remedies for their 'speedy cure.,. The practice vf Dlt. lIIINTED has long been. and st ill is „Unlatuncled . but at Ale, earneti t t.sol lei totid 'jot: htpii . erinto femetts, he tui K.l een i o nduped to,yx 'tval, tisApt.3 irvil ugefulnesi through the medium otitis .q A. ,1.1 1 111.331.111." it i is a volume that should hp in t tlielihtiditef every flintily in the land. as a prov - uotivs f;setirq Nicer, or as a gople for the ally...v.latlop of, on: pt thie i rtyist awful and destructive scourges ever visited , yank intl. One copy. securely enveloped.- wil,l be for. warded free of post ge to any part of the ti L t nited States for fit) cents iti P. 11. stumps, or 3 copies- for SI. Ail. dross. post paid, DR. DU:VT.IM, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Sept. 3,1863.—1 y. MAD AM PORTER'S CURATIVE BALSAM has long tested the truth that theremregreStprinciples in Medicines as there is in Science:and this Medicine is compounded on principles suited to the manifold na. tore of Man The cure of Colds is itt keeping open the pores. end CrPiiiing a gentle internal warmth, and the is caused by the use of this Medicine. its remedial qualities are based on its power!te assist the Healthy and vigorous circulation of blood through the Innate, it enlivens the modes and assists ..!the skin to perform its duties of regulating the beat of the at stern, and in gent. ly throwing off the waste substance from the surface of he leafy. It is not a voilent remedy, but 'emollient warming. searching and effective. .Sold by all drug gists at 13 and 25 tents per bottle. Sept. 2,1843. QUESTION.---TioliolA.here Dirk arid Nancy, where era you goinivetitcWou.are,in such a hurry t Ammtven.—Why we are just on our we to Photograph Clattery. to have our pictures taken takes splendid pictures, andlisflaliery le ueerly , nil the time crowded. so T mkt to liettcy We Mri ear ly title mot osiiktbefore any body else g eta there, or we have to come away again without getting any. goks.r.-1 - esl I have heard toe that Deily - s - Gallery is nearly all the time crowded, end so why don't you go to some other Gallery P ' Ay?.—Oh my! we could not think amid: a tbing We admire the true and beautiful picture that Daily takes. so much that we would nut gO to another Gal lery if we could get them fie pettifog lie has seven years, experience In the business, !mesa complete sett of improved instruments, an excettint sky -Debt, sup there fore Micas the hest pictures n town. and so of course every body that wants a good picture goes to him. Quzsr,—Wlitit k hid of Pictures doesqc hike? AISB.-11e takes Plahograplia.from miniature to life size, plain or colored. Ilia card pictures baVe been pronounced more truthful and life like than some that bare been taken in our large cities. His Ambrotypes are beautiful, and can't be bent. He also excels in copying pictures from small Daguerreotypes, end en larging them almost to any size. gotwr.—Where is this Gal lery ? Z must give bim a call too. • Ans.—Just come along with Nancy and I, and we will show yon. It is in Stine's New Building. next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank_ lie has constant. ly on hand a good assortment of Gilt and ItosewOod Frames, cases, Albums. ac., which he sells cheap.— Fur good and cheap Pictures we-advb. - e all to go to Daily's ()riflery. *Lebanon,* Da. March 11, 'd3. On the 29th ❑lt.. by J. J. glair, Esq., DI r. WJL LIAM PAINE, to Mios. KATE LIISSINER, both ot N Lebanon borough. 4 5tA13" - The above happy pair will piense accept our thanks for their kind remembrance in the Fhapo of plenty of ponndeake. On the 24th ult., in Jonestown. by the Rec. Wm. Gerhardt. Mr. FRAN ALIN 11. DECK. to Miss MARY E. SNYDER. both of E. Bouncer, Lebanon co.. On the 29th nit.. in Reading. by the !ter. Father Schroeder, CapL. RICHARD O. EOGEB,S of Co •C' 93d Reg t. P. I'.. of Lebanon, to Miss ELIZA 0. FRAN CISCO. of Reading. On the 24th ult . by the Itry. Luther A Gotwald, Mr. WM. It .Jill RODEN, a nd Mies LIZZIE HEILMAN, both from the vicinit y of Annvllle. On the 31st ult.., by the name. Mr.', , JOHN LIEN. DRICH E., to SI Ise MARTHA J. 'BURKTfOLDER, limb from Shippensburg. Cumberland co. Pa. • On the 19th ult., by the Rev. Ceo.lVullf, Jr- JAMES .LOSER. to Mica EMMA PEI }TER. On the 24th ult., by the same, Mr. EDMUND G. MATH. to Mice SARAH ANN KILLIAN. On the 17th ult., by the Rev. j. H. Mr.d. W. LEWIS SCHNEIDER, to Miss LOUISA UEYELE, both of Londonderry. On the Mb ult., by the snme,Mr. DAVID RIOTER, of W. Danover, th Miss MANIA ARA NIPT, of East Ilatuner. On the 3d tilt., by the same. Mr. CYRUS HOLZ, of Cnmphellatown, to Miss SUSAN- ISADORE, of S. Ann twp. Or, Sunday morning, the 20th ult.. .at the United Brethren parsonage, by Rey.. J. B. Dougherty, Mr. .101 I.N-1.1 AIGHT, to. Mine &ARAI-lA:SLOUCH, both of N. Lebanon twp. On the 24tn ult., at the same place, by the same. Mr. LEVI YOKE, of N. Lebanon twp., to Aliso MARY ANN &FOE VER. of Cornwall twit. On the 221 ult.: at the Engle Hotel In Lebanon. by Rer.G. Y. Wea-orr. Mr..l A CO IS LANDIS, of Pelcny• rn, M tie LUCEPTA .of Anny'ille, tbelOth nit.; by the Rev; S. Null, Mr..SAMI,IEL SA'TTAZA to M if:SOO: A KURTZ, hoth'oflSerpel. `:'Oatitlin 28th VII:, 'by the 'Rey. B. W. Kreiner;Str. ADAM PHILIPS,'of N. Lebanon, to Miss ANIRLIA. ZIWIEBM, AN . of Bethel twp., this county. •OD tliellst ult.. by the saute, Mr JACOB If. Dom. BEncEts, to Miss CANOL/NE IthCILLEX, both of S. On th e come day, by the same, Mr. JOHN BRIJ ZACILER., of S.A.ebanon Lop., to Miss. MARY . A. FUNCIC, of N. Lebanon twp. , On the bib inst.i by the same, Mr. DAvrrt Bpjoict , of B. Lebanon twp.,-to Miss MARY MLLI,ER, of thin borough. • BE WISE BY TIMES! SAPON I FIER, 132E3 THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. =3==Zll Biattirt. glatitfs. German preaching or.it,Surnlay st 10 A. 111,. and ling lish servile, at 2V M.. in ths Moravian chnroh. English nresrbing ;ow. Sabbath morning in On First Itsf snood church. English Divine siirvica. nest Sabbath morning and evening Zion's .E v. I.,:lithera o church. ~ic~, On the 25t1i tilt., in Bethel twp.. Berks co., MARIA 3101' ER. aged 19 years, 11 inenths nnd 17 days. On the 2tith tilt.. in Bethel tap. I.elinnon go., MAR GARET (11..1 CE. aged 97 years and 11 days. On the 3Clth ult., in Jackson twp , ANNA MARIA Plllll PS, aged 34 years cud I months. On the 31st alt.. in Union.twri.. SARAH, daughter of Joseph and Magdalena MEESE, aged 11 yearn, 7 mouths and 24 days. On the 11th nit.. in Bathe./ tp.. Mr. PHILIP GEESY, aged 29 yoara. 1 month and 16 daye. The Lebanon Market. Carefully Correckth,llBw.kly. 1.8111.41101 i, Wan:VIM/AT, JANU ARA' 0, 1 6 64 ~ Extra Family, n (Ai 1 Egg'', 'ti doe., :24 Extra Flour, 7 00 Butter,,Wlh.. 24 Prince White Wheat,l 55 Tub or salted butter, 10. • Prime Red Wheat, 145 I hard, 10 New Wheat, = " Tallow, 10 Prime Rye, 1 - 19 Item, 10 Corn, 95 Shoulders, S. Oats, . , 45 Sides, 8 Chireraead, 5 00 Soap, 7 Timothy-stied, 150 Boes-wax, 25 Plax-s,eed,,,, ~,,, 1 25 White Rags, 6 Dried Appleorpsaled,l 50 Mixed Raga, 3 Peach "Snits; , .' 2 50 Flax, riFt 1b); 12 1 4 Peach "flutzels," 152 Bristles, ib., 40 Cherries, I•.5Q' feathers i !f lb., 62 1 / 4 Onions. , 37' Wool. ^r lb., , 40 Potatoes, IA bus. 50 Soup Beans, Rot., 7 Apple Butter,'fcrock, 45.- Vinegar, 7 gal., 1234 The Philadelphia Market. The produce markets liave Irma very dull this week, owing to the holiday,s,and tie unsettled state of the weather, and for mast of, : 10c leading articles prices are without any impterial change, and buisness very inactive. ;The demand fur Fleur is limited both fur shipment and home use, hut prices remain about the same as last quoted. : Sales cute prim about 8.200 bbls, including I Pennsylvania extra at $7@7.124 ; 1.500 bbts city mills do. CM private terms: and 2.000 Is extra family, part at $7.621 (§7.75, anti pert on private terms. The retailers and bakers are 1 buying at from s6@7 57.3 for'superfine ; $6 S7 l / @7.124 fur extra; $7 25©E, for extra family, and $5 50 up to $ll i bbl for fancy brands, an cording to quality. Rye Flour is dull, with small sales at $6 50 bbl. In Corn Meal there is little or nothing doing; Pennsylvania is offered at $5 50 bbl. GRAlN.—There is very little demand for Wheat; sales reach about 25,000 bushels at 1 60 ig I 65 for fair to. prime Western and Pennlylva. ilia reds, and white it - from 170' up to $1 95 ia bushel, the letter'ffir !Wire° ..Rye, is scarce and in demand, with small sales of Penn sylvania at $1 40 p bushel. Coin is less native, and the Market is rather dull, withh i .vOlas of .05,060 bushels new yellow qt...sl DOI 15 V, Moho I A • as to nand itioo„ endlsmail. hits of old at $) 25 71$:ho,chel. O f itswre 40; and lower, with „sale,, of 15,000 bushels Pennsylvania at ss,®Stic, weight. 6AOO bushels Barley sold on ,terms kept private, and 3,000 bushels Barley- Malt at $1 60©1. 70 -11% bushel. gtiltrtivnunto. 1111ousekeepek Wanted.. Amiddle aged, .woman, witioßo Antall children . is wanted as a- housekeeper b'y th.e undersigned at Cornwall, .Apply immediately; BIM) gLIA.Y. Cornwall, Jan. 6,1864. Ailmittistrators l Notice. XT MICE' is hereby given that Letters of Administra n t ion on the estate of MICIIASI, MOYER. deed., lam or Corown 11. township. Lebanon county. been grOntoeto the undersigned. residing in the town ship, .:aunty and State aforesaid. Alt persona indebt ed to said estate will please make payment and those boxing claims will present them without delay. :• • 11ENItY WITHER. j. Cornwall, Jan. 6, 1864. Administrator: lEJ[SSLEII IJOYLR, t 4C3 , 1t" XX 4D Ea, t ~n,FFICI?, removed to Cumberland street, one door klnst of the hebanog Talley L'anlCi,ppo-ite,the Boek Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Pau. 8, . ARMY A ND NA V Y PENSION, BOUNTY. BACK PAY AND BOUN- . TY LAND AGENCY. ) !LI, trj., r , e 4 it ca, rllll , lotalersigned. having been licensed to prmeente Islaitns. and having been engaged in the llountyosot Pe roi iowtof e!nese. "tiers las eervices ,esotl,l t tlkosaor4.o tu,r, thereto .eut i tied. , in uportleilee,nith the .variotre nt ts`ut etingre,S. - Al l' , Sueb slknold call "dr address at oneei and ztialte the ir efldie.4tirmiS th ro L'ASSLI It. 110 V Ng, Attorney at-hats. OFFICE removed to Cumberland St., one doer East of the Lebanon Valley Bank. onnoeit e the Bock Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. pan .0, 't4. FLOUR AND FEED 7. Foreign and Domestic FRUITS ! UST Opened rind for onle. FLOUR, Itivekwhvitt Corn weal, Corn, nye, Onto, Cattuniere Who t, Brim, &e. FR UST Cocoanuts. Oranges.. Lemons, Flea, - Italian chesinnts. Prunes, dates, peach anitz, Yankee apple suite. Yam kee apples. pop corn in hulk and balls. Cape Cod cram herrice. best flavor in the market. ALSO. a amnillot of Italian. Pine Iturra for ornamental work. e lot of W itulward Leland ally bulbs be for,patlo s. All of the above articles will be sold ht a smell advance from coat, at the stot u of the aubscriber on Market Lebanon. Pa. Leh., Jan. 6, '64.15A1 LEY THOMAS. . . EXPOSITION OF TRE •Manufhatire of Littitorii. OR THE LIQUOR DEALERS' COMPANION, only reliable Mirk ever published in A tnerlea. .Will tell how all 1., Nunn ore adulterated and im itated. Also bow three barreleof Whisky.ere mode front 40 gallons of spirits. Sent on receipt of' AdOreas. N. N. BROWN, • RowelAdort; llerkS Co., Pn. Tan. 6, 1864.--31n.* ti PUBLIC SALE - I • OF Real Estate AND . Personal Prdilerty. -,,,,,T 1 LL be sold at public sale on the premises of V V ?di C lIA EL MOTET', dec'd., TICHr klry's Tavern, in Cornwall township. Lebanon County, Pa, on SATURDAY, Jakitary 30, 1864, the following real estate, late-of MIUHAEL Moves. de deceased., about !le', of AU ACial of - LAND. IlLijOiniag property of John 113wman and Wm. Finitlt, Intel - ,il; thetttp erected 2 11t3USBS. (one a frame and rthe other ,Log,) it never 151 ling well et excel. lent Water. with pump, and other twewsSa ry outbuildings, ALSO, The f 11;;;Iitp,.'Orsonii, Property, viz :-1. Ton Coal, lied Bedstead, 2 Iron. /Celtics, 1 abet (ion, pia. tol, muddock. chest, bureau, chairs, win-Mbar , row, clock, Stove and 1 3 ipo, and ether articles too numerous to Mention. Sale to continence at 1 o'clock, 1. id.. when tenets will be made known by 11EN1tY WlT:ill:it, j,s„ Ad m in istrator. G. B. Hauck, Auctioneer. Ram 6. 11(4. PUBLIC SALE Or . • _ Peisonal: iProperty, WILL he sold at public sale at the laterresinenco of A ARAII ANI QEII3, deed.. in Anna). Lebanon township about 4 - inilrs 'Trot le liana n Mid 2 "Miles from Cornwall Furnaces, on THURSDAY, Febritary 18, 1864-i and TUESDA 3', March 22, 1804, the fallowing Stock. Farming Implements and House hold Property, viz 5 good Working 110 R. , :( 4 kr sEs, 7 miLell cows, 8 F - A.- • heed of Young CATTLE, 7 6 110 1 sit kie.:P. flogs, 3 Crain Cradles. 3 Scythe, u, stone, Quarry ing Tools. Log and filth Challis, Wood Ladders. Jackscrew Pails, Planks, double and Single Trees. ploughs, harrows, I. of Brunner's limper and 'Mower, (good as new.) 2 sleighs. grain drill. thrashin g Al:whine tttsr Bend Poyer, 2 WAGONS, (1 a broad wheeled) ropes, forks, horse rakes, cone plow, 3-shov el harrows, Am ,&e. Also, 3 Beds stud Bedsteads, Ap ple Butter. Benches, ChoppM - Machine, Staffer, Fat Prt , ss, cabbage Cutter, large Wool IWhoel, Weaver Ma terials, huge BIG LIT DAY CLOCK_ Books, ( lac lading. roies Martyre,) barrels, clock, multi:Tß St01;41, iItIP.II . 4•4i6FILI I , XO. poet FaIVEI, 25 yarls 'CIA IlPhlr. sOldinei'frough; tables, bell, eidei Press nfirl apple Mill, gra:lpitirga, • splitting tools, hursotiaring, wheelbarPosxs. ladders, buckets, tiny' :,chm iil;kbay lad dere , lend rollers 'hoards, tVa-hdrad i'Vaiolic 4 STßAV and HAY, strailr , bpachi, forks, ra4cs, whaohtt. pot t it , corn ;licher, waion bed, smoked Mest, Am). many other arablialltoo numerous „to . Azir• All at'ticlsti pat sold On4the first disy4 , oll On tbs.seeptit4 P ,i BOOM ematneoo fit• 1 2 o'clock, 31., Wtipp terms be made kpoi4n hi • ' , , - • • . §A14.1.1.1111681.8, s,:lebanort,:jan, 6, 1864.. Ati9lo6l33bift4 NEW ADVERTISEMTINTS - 15.771ifer C A iti vir RE Ft oOn S South east corner of Market Spare, NORTH LEBANON BOROUGH. raluE subscriber respectfully informs the public . 1_ that be has now on band. at his Warodrooms. iFginitentrie a splendid assortment of good 77-7 , - e a.! autmtatitial Furniture— Parini% Cottage nod Chamber —consisting of 2ofits, Toie.a rprg t.". 1 it f 411: 'rotes. Lounge,. Whitt nuts, Fr Parlor. Centre. Pier. Card ii 74 ; and Common Tables, Dreaming Seat,,l4i.Sn.cunc:Slitugeg:S7s.l.telnCke.: Cone Seated Chairs and Old Furniture re paired at short not ice and at moderate prices. Ata— COFPINS:mude anti Vowels nttenntql the shortest:notice.' ' 111;NRY,P. ALLWEIN. North Labatt:di borough, Jan. 6, _. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE 91IIIC Lebanon County Teachers' Institute will meet in the Court liouse„ X-rerimiirwcimai, on THURSDAY,fizZia . iy 21:1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and continue In mission Tull IEIO4 ir Th e Exercises will consist t Cldss Drills, Lectures,l . Essuysi and 'Discussions D. Dougheily, Esq., 01? will deliver au ORATF6N before, the public ow Tliursday 'Even"' . „ . The following question will likewise come r 4 for discussion :—Which is the more useful member Ithe Comm till ity, THE TEACHER OR THE . PREACHERI Rev. J.. 'OF BARRISBURG, will deliver an °Talton on • 11 11 T. • . Subject--“ Tho Engllo.llLatigutiv,e, its origin: its ,v,rogress and its destiny." .• On both evenings the grit, les appointed by th, Institute will read their repcets. Prof, 'Coburn , State tiperintendent, of the Normal Lichee}, if 'A ro 'Aro er ; epf ~ •and ' • SUPT. INGRAM '• will likewise deliver lectures before the Institute VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (lariat: the day and eveninit. by a slues ander Profea sor MORItA. EXCURSION TICKETS,.. • gtoil for 0.4 THREE DAYS'. will be issued to DtaCTORS'. 7 4 all,p9l4ts olanp: the firru,„l.s.t.Tw „ 4 Sta 3Eieduced. ates.' • , at all the Hotels. Ladies willentertained in :pri rate boodles. Every P Cart will he made to render this eotnlngrin, stitute more Wausau t and prefitattlp, than any yet held in this County, and it is sincerely hoped that not o a Teacher in the County will he so indifferent as not to respond to the call. Teachers do pot atop to Atilt the viestion. will or can Igo ,hut. .come one and ui 1, and let there be a turnout. worthy of the cause. • , ISQie• Tito friends of educat ion are invited'To attend. , By order of JI EN ICY .Co Sup% Lehanon,..lan. -• a THE GREAT ADI EN. re Alt TEA COMPANY, 6 t VESTRY STREET ,, NEW YORK since its organization, has iavateti a new 'eraln the ;Wholesale TEJO jn this onntry. ' They Pat Introdu-ect their velertian;t of TEAS, .natt are aeliing them at nottzver TWO CENTS (.132 (..'cntl per pound eri)ove. Cost; Never eleeiatint froth, the OiVE ...PR/Cl)kuketl. Another peculiarity of the- Clomp:toy is that Weir TEA TASTER not 011 Y devotes hiatiute to tho selection of their TEAS as to quality, value, 11D+1 particular styles for particular Meath kr ofctututry, but be helps the TEA buyer to chilohwout4 their enormous stock TEAS RS AYR beat miaptetl to his. particular .wahtavand tiot anti , this, but poluttiMittMo,him the beat , harkiiine. it is easy to too the inegigetable advantage a Tan 'BUYER has in this este blisimient ern. all .4hers. Tf he is no judge ofqs.t. rte .IIAnKET .if his. time in valuable. he has all the lie/milts of a well organ iced system of doing business. of fin immense capital, of the jetigleee t eta prereefitereli TEN . TASTEIL and the knowl edge of superior Raieteeee. This enables all TEA' buyetsrtio 'matter if they are thousands of niiles front this ~taarket=to pnrehtse un as good lernis here as the ISTSw York merchants:- Parties cull order TEAR mid ;will bo Served byvo gas well as tbongli they mime 4/3ms°Pres, being Molt to pot original isiclinges. true 4r .,. ightS and tared; moil the TEAS are WARRANTED RS repecsenteit, We issue a Prim) iiist °tithe Company's. ToOS, which will be sent to all who onion it; comprising, illywou • Yondin. nyson inipertati Gunpowder, 7 E Twankay not Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONS I ORANGE & HYSON PEKOE. yr of crery dascri colored liTisa:NEtata.. ption, and uncolorcd' Thitsiiiit,haaeach : kind tzP; Mcit divided, hitol YOUR diAsg.CH, namely : CAIt(IO'OVighCATCOO:PIF.IiiI.IOIS EST- that rvo. y one initY ' UndeMand from description and the pricesannextid that thn Company are, deter. ti)in'ed , to undersell the whole TEA trade. Wo gnariintSe:, to sun ALL our Tees at not over TWO O h NTS Gan Cents) per pound above cost, be hey ing this - t - c - - be ntb active to the many who have heretofore been paying linormoua Profits. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, • Importers and-Jobbers; No. 61 Vossey Street, New York Nov. 4,11863.-3zu Election Notice. - - ATOTICE is hereby given, that en election for Presi -111 dent nod four Direetors, of the NOWNII I,IIIIA. NON lt A ILitOAD COMPANY, to serve for tISe eructing, year, will he held on Monday. the 11th flay of January, 1864, between the hours one o'clock, A. a., and tl o' clock, M., at the office el the CoutlnthY-, . By order of the Board. JOHN IV. Lob , Dot. 9, 18113.. Lebanon Comity Agricultu . ral & Horticultural Society: now,: nminul ejection of the LEBANON COUNTY ,tiItICULTMLAI,I!OIa ICULTURAL AND ME. Crt ASIO4 L'StiplartrY;.vilti be' heiOn NVaLurday, Jµ J . nary 1864, at flollingei o s Hind, iD the borough of Lehanoc, betwefin the been of t rcctl 9.•n'clock, I'. 81. 1 t being alio the time for =alp first OtAted meeting of the Society Or the year 1864: ' ISAAC 11OFFER. Secretary , . 1$03: . . . . . . tie, thatihaa WANI E s . ..... . .. . 43 A L h younga Year r q f o i r em tw , o l7 O t t ol x o l ; e y r ea te r is s e . .!: of ,i a, $ tom is'', waned In a Stomig. this borofigh• - 'Al'lo. fatfth in: ot iw n . - , Lebanon;'Pee. 23i 3861 ) I , . -.-..ri.,f: The Largest Stock: The 'Boo: .44sottni4nt The,,,Chtaiiirst*CiiodS: 4 ti GOODYEAR it DIFFENBACIPS • Cheap Gash and Produce ,More, Cumberland Street Raber's Block, Lebanon, Pa,,, v have just received another addition tojetn-al.- ready large Stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, d c. Fall line of Blanket Shawls, do do do Brodie do do do do Scotch Plaids do do du do Thibet Mourning do do do Second do do Dress Goods. Full line of French Merino all Co'bra do do do Cobergs do do do do do Alpacca . do do " do do do Detains Now Styled. do do do .Brochti 'Velours do do do do P6plins ' do' d: Jo do Valencia's do , do do (hi , ' WOol Detains do do do do 'Wool 'Repos do do do do Midi. • dog do -do - do Fig. Cashmeres. Magnificent line of Fauby Silks: • r do do Fled & Plain; Black Silks. 4.- Balmoral Skirts or V 2 75 and upwards, • , .hoop Skirts,! : - Full lino,of Skeletons, at a prices, do do . do, Quaker's Skirts • • Ladies Cioili • - Brett - Water Proof, Black and I'Beaver Cloth from ; $1 75 to $5 50 per yard; • • ~ Runnels, • and Cotton Flannels, at all 'prices. L. Sit tiling, flannels do do do Blankets do do do , Mena' Wear. • -` Cloths', Cneeimeres, Satinetts and Veetings. tlents'.Shewls, very Cheap. Mciurrirrig Department Our. Mourning department is , complete, consistidg 1:4 Single and Dotage width Detains, Single and Double width Cashmeres, do • do. ,do AlpaceirXt , „.• Merino, Bombard:nos. all Wool , Repos, •1';•5 Valencia, Silk. /Wipe Plaids:, Delainal's_ Calico, &c. .„ Hosiery; Cidoves,Wild, Cul , ;English and French Crape, &c. - `.*; Call, and look through our Stock and get the midge. It is. ho trouble to show goads. Our motto as 41 Sniali profits, quick Sales," end good Vette. GOODYEAR &AUSTEV,IBICfI'O New York Cheap Cush Store, fob.. Dee. • S I 5 111 2 11111111111 UP F9 ,THE Secretary of the Treasury has not yet given notice of any intention -to withdqiw `this Outlier limm from' Sale at Par, and until ten days notice is given. the undersigned, as "GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENT'," will continue to supply -the public. -The whole amount of the Loan authorized is 'Fire Hundred Millions of Dollars - . NEARLY FOUR HUN. •MRED MILLIONS HAVE BEEN ALREADY SUB SCRIBED FOR AND PAID INTO TUE' TREASURY, .Mostly within the last seven menthe; The large de .niand front abroad; slid, the rapidly. increasing home demand fur use i t s the basis for circulation by National Banking.AsSoeiettions 'new organizing in all parts of the country, will, lit a - very short- period; absorb - the balance. Sales have lately rano4l from .ten to lateen ntillions weekly, frequently exceeding three millions deity. well known! that the s „Seeratary 'the Treasurys has ample And unfailing resources in.the Duties on Imports and Internal Revenues, and in the issue of-the IntereA• Rearing legal Tender Treasury ,Notes,A.,is almost &certainty that he ,v - 111 nkt fthd it neeessag. pious.; time to coMe;. seeleamtarkit for any- othetAting or perm atuent4MatM.lTllP, -EST . AN D 'PRINCIPAL OF WRICII ARE PAYABLE IN 00LD: ' .• Prudence and self interest must force the minds of those contemplating the formation of National Bank ing Assuciation!s..as well as the minds of all who ha ve idle money on their hands. to the prompt .concl us ion that thpy.should lose po, t hue in subscribing to this mutt 'peptahr LOllll. f)t.4)11;609n he beyond their tench • and advance to it hatidsom4.,premiutti, as Wmathe re sult withithe.l.SeVen Thirty!' Loan, when it 'WAS; 811 sold ant} could no hme'erl4 - ,tubscribettfor atyar. It is a Si* . per ; CeiltiliEkatt. the Interest and Principal! 'Payable in Coin. -..thus yielding ,over - Nine Per Cent- per annum; atabetprceeut rattrof prerninin at.d , coint- • • ' The Government requires all duties on imports to be .paid,: in-Coin ;-these duties have- for a long-time past =Minted to over a Quarter era Ali lion of .Dollara dui ly, a sunamearly three times greater than that requir ,ml•in,thepayment of the interest on - all tlte s:2o's and -ether .permanent Leans. So that it is hopelphat the ,surplus Coin 'in the Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the-United Stati•s to resume specie payment el. on all liabilities. called 520-from the fact that' whilst the .Ponds'insy Tun for '2O years yet the Government has a right to pay' themoif in Gold at par, at any time after 5 years) ' - ,1.. The Interest, is paiti , half yearly, Ida : on . tith:firstalays of Novienlyr and May. • Subscribers can hare Coupon Honda, which nre pay. nnd-:$'000: tlor Itefrixteredi itedeininittioni, a lid add tion. tp.utio and $10.0!)n. F Pant:jag .pinpence and tpt I . lfwitifootas of Trnitt.mou les the Itegistered onds vre prsdidabla.,, Thrsn' 5, 4 20's cannot he hiked ley States. cities,' towns or (3nvernmentqeix is only onoand-aintlf per cont.. on the amonnt of-income, whet. the Income of the holder exeeethi Six Hundred di;llees per antrum ;ali other inceitments. such as'ict etans,frotit ..Itortgeges,` /claimed Stock nod Bonds. ete., must pay' feirM, 'three to fire per cent tax on the in- Banks and Bankers thrOuehont thn Country alit continue to , di.4poge of the Bonds: end , all orders by mail, or otherwise prpsoptlY attended to. • Thn 'Uric -nrenience of x feet days' detik - inlittOdeli-- very ot' the Bonds is unavoidabla, the .dentend" being so great ;- 'as` interest commences from ttie day of ebb scriptionV no loss is occasioned, aid every' effort it be lug made to dim latch the delay. , - ‘ l4lk.V.' COOKE,' S.UDSCRIPTION AGENT. 114 SO TN T,11110) STIMET,AIILADELPiIIA . • WALTER'S MILL Subserilier r'esMotfully informs tbe publie that j_. he bas entirely rebutlt,the.Blill on the little Swa foimerly known as "Strmy?s"and later as "Wen port's," about titie:f9urt4 of a mile "from Jonestown Lehanoti, county,,P44 that be has it 'noir coinpleta Mi nning order, and' is 'imepared to furnish customers reKid 3 arly W with n very superior irCJAlrticle,of J.-/ 1 11010111M. • as cheap as it can be'obtained`from any other source.— Ile keeps also on band a ndler sale at the 'lowest cash prices CROY, BRAN, SHORTS, &C. Its Is also pre pared to do all kinds of CuS•rongss' Womr, for Farmers and'others, at the very shortest possible notice arid in vitae all to give him a..trial. The machinery hf that is entirely' new autl.of the latest sod Most its proved kind. - By striet attention to business tindttalt dealing he hopes to merit a'slisto of public patronage. «riiEAT, E .goRN 0 41:',6; bought, for which the highest Lebanott4ftirket•priceS will he paid. . • IORANI(.I.I.N..AVALFER. at , 'OOD '4 9 H I • • I OATRE'' OREN Clain - nits I,O•ZY. 61' • Just Published in. tiScaled Envelope. Price Six Vents. 4 Lecture oIA the Nature, • rid Treatment and Radical Cure of Sperm:thulum or Seminal Weakness. Invol untary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Impediments to iklarrhige generaDy, Nervousness, Consumption. Epi hipay and It'ita :31ental and Physical Incapacity. reaUlt. ing from Self-Abnac, ROUT. 3. CULYIM WELL, 31. D author of the Green Boa., Sce.. The; woidd renowned author. in this admirablee" Lan , turn, clearly proves from his own experience ghat ,the Merut conaeijuences of Selbabuse may he effedually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies. instruments.. rings, or cordial. Pointing but a mode of cure at once certain and etibetual; by which every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thoassude. . ^ Sent under seal. in a plain envelope, toaq address, mbthe receipt ofeix , nents,- or :twO postage staUips,.by addressing. < CIIAS.,a. C, .; , 127 Bowery, New Tara. rest 011iee 80r.,4586: October 21, - iMter saare4a RECEIVED TWO .„Gekom Juries :3 dud 4;) at the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION , LONDON, lILZEMOIM4 • Being the SOLE AWARDS Grtin , .d by Anything a the kind. nine., re; eeived . the - pnria tive Itp pea:of „ “Eiceedink Excellent For Food. /VIA. XXSNIA ' AT Tkikk' 2 ' Great International i: • Valtibition: at xiaLwriarcrx=r-, /86a RECELYED TUE MIGUEST MEDAL FR ITS DELICACY AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD "Mimi - for TAudiugS. Cnstards. Blanc Mange, 1.e., whh dot Tsrogi*;Vith few, or no oggs: It fe oxrollatit for thicker:tint; Swwweet &twee, 0 re.vies for rich, Moat, Soupi, Parlivi bream nothing can erknistio A litho tbil4d iu. iflk makes a rich Cream for. Coffin, eitocultqe , Tea, Re, A moat delicious artiele of fOOd Tby aga ]lt fa !flatly superior to Arrow 7tnat',"/Ind mach' mOre , enontirpical. /fir Tut npr in. ono -Spouud Paelsagaa, with full 'Brae. tibtay and abld' by all arocers and tortsgglata.• YEA -117/toligalelgegt t. , 166 Fulton Street, New York, Cretobir.l4;lB63.--t0i.../ 7 • "et • FALL A N D TINTER DR Y - -..:GoDg.: -;,,,',: - AT 7. E ~,.i . lig YORK STOVE WE have Plat opened the following liP; ‘,l oust harvihs; received treat ear b,..iyer. . la .I%lai rlre,: Lanes, 20 and 25 eta. per yard: very geed • PrifatA fr.an I; etaupwards, Hooped Skirt , * ef iiitailea. Velliis test sty Ise; flack Stella Shawls, $1,50 awl upwards ; Ladies'. Collars,and Sleeves obeipstr. than. aver. , ... . CROCE !ES, CROCERIE ' S , , We have just received from New Yorke fresh stuck of on9tERIEs, such as . . .• . . ~ . .Itlolt)sses, stuvar Cotire,c Tea, tke., Ite.,„. , -,,4 , 1 1 ~., we buy our Goods exclusively for CAM. Hrii ere tha.rehy ulnayc " enabled , . , buy _whore Ins auf fled the cheapest and will! 111 wAys giro our eu.tontein - the benefit of this adrantnio.'-We'lntse butt iin . fi price and our terms are CASH. Come and examine our stook, and, if you:don't buy you ;st ill see no in,* feces. . . , !, ' ..,,. •• ...i.A, - .•'• . • -, +' ',• : Towie c'airinte ~ . KSECDA.Lt.'S SAIII.DING, Cumberland Street, Lebanon,. it. , . . Lebanon, Sept. 23, 1863 — 7. BkW DEL Anitilica. ADOLenne allsosta,. MU,. B.IIIIIILY ...... • • 71 . 4 . / 4r 4 ig 411 'xcise —' • A.lllFrleikd y invitatifon , tsm " .N, 071 Cr fa bereby alarm that the 'Ana , . _ ~_,- -_ .. _ . • .„ 1 „ . ,.. p ,' 4, , ,,,ve.t 4 t 'eNr''',,,,,,' . ,,/ .4 ..4„; r _- -- -., -----:- -. ....._44,--- Ts . nneetania....b#l 3 4en,pleeed In me herein' ' On intlfft 4 , ,,,.. ,5 , :tt„,a t ,,,.,,,, ~ .- . .;:,, . .7,. ..-1... . ,_-- ....: on by the Assasor thereof; that the Dotter aud'TaX. .-i, „, 4 . 4 _ ..,;`,, , 1, , 44 -) Aart,,.;:awl„. • es att4sseep. , by, Nettt Meese,* /neve become dos Kati gablfhti L.:4 ~.. , Ali Wt . :4Am IIitERANtiN eOUNTIr ebeiretst with . .4 L IGEN - 6ES. INCOME .:CA RitlA GOB, - ', • 5 or other .4;xo ise,Du ties on said Assess o r' ,Lis t ,, ere re. . „ .. r . i . quired ter - lA*l4 tome toy ''',.. ' ' * • art,tfiolz r S '.. 1 . • Ely _ , s •.1 Deputy Collector or. the 4th Div. of Itint,lo, i itilif 8.4 TURDA V. January I t 186 1 t. !".! AlWThose who neglect to pay tiiehalFett sitt.lllool6 ko.. as storess id sesessed upon them. to t..hit said, peril ty Collector. within the period oft bite titidea *edited,. ehall,be liable to pay TEN PER CENT: , additional op. on the fkmoont thereof. An matt be Paid in &Awn. meet Puntis. t , LUMBER --& COAL To the hat adinnagn: nt the old esteblisheikne . welthpown LUMBER YARD °F REINOEHLS & MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East stiiileest sides t ,Ibtrket Street, North. Lebanon 11,PipoFlt. take pleaariral rilafdrifilbe the. rif"Letar on. anti at:trot:lading counties, that `they' still, continue the LaMar& AND COAL DUSI- Nr.l*Pit - tlfeerfad 'and - meif known' steiltd;f.Whinvi• they are daily rereforing additional supplies of the . r . _ BEST AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER, conelating of White and Yellow Pine BOA Bps, PLANS and SCANTLINO: ,. Hemlock BOARDS,,PLANII and SCANTLING. RAILS: POSTS: PArANos and FENCING BOARDS. ASH, from .1 to .41. inch : cuBBRY, from.s to 3inch. POPLAR, from 5,k( 4 tc 2 inch. Poplanand Hardwood SCANTLING. • Oak end 'Maple BOA llDS.and 'PLANE - S. * Roofing 4,ntl Plasti+i•lng LATHS. SHINGLES] ; SHINGLES! SHINGLES! !-I Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. .1,, COAL! COAL!! COAL!!!. Adarge stock of the , hest quality oP - Stovi. Brolten: Egg and Litneburners' COAL; and also, the - beat Alles glioiy COAL for Blacksmiths. YEW- Thankful for the liberal manner in whiCh they havelieiebithre been patronized, they would extend, a cordial invitatfon tar a continuance of favors, as they are c nifiden¢ that they now have the taTgest, best and cheapest stock of LUMBER on hand in the county, which will be sold ata reasonable per centage. Please cell and eXamine our Stack - and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. ' RRINORIIIR & MEILk. North Lebanon borough, 3.ley 7, 1852. EXCITING NEWS ss.rc,3n.m. L K LAUDERMILCII Never . Goods ! New Goods f GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BRAS, French Merino, all colored GI ISII MERINO, all colored, All Woql,Delaias, all coloted. POPLIN MUSLIN b i iLAINS, .k Rl.c . k Freud) Cloth. 13 . ..EA.:VER Over Coattlg:" .7 CLOTH. for LAbIES, CLOAKS, Satinettes, sold from 50 cts. to-$l,OO Bleached and' Unbleach.ed',ltliel - Woolen Stoekintl Shirting,.Flannel, Flannek Woolen and Cotton Hoßeiries. lil_ 77 4:ii; - ... ' ^-'. ' - .1 .:''' .1. 4 - , ;:,..: AC, ;7'. l'' : •,i , ' , ' ,. / ' ';- oop , Skirisl' , Hoop ,Skir6 1 I , ,Linen and Pai)er Callitrs A. flAk trif.3..ok r„ f . Ludiee tnd Woolen hoods I ,W,goleni; Hoods I I A Gen . eral assortment of Dry doods; Groceries, at Queensware. ; L. LAUDERMILCE„ Ott- All kinds of Country , produce talc in exchange for Goods. _ TIDICIEO. P. LINEA STRAYER, baying been ap Ifi i) tad, by the Commissioner uf.Pensions,. a Washiogton,..Examinlng Surgeon for Pordons. is pre rkred toettend to all aapliesenta.fer-Peoeien at his of fice, in Olarket street, next 144.0r.t0 the PoirtOftlie. Lebanon, March 25th, 1363.-6t* • — r*C" li:Electidei:Of NrAttffitsleTElN4.llll4:lAL FIBE INSBRAiNeIf3 COSITAXY4 :OP .LERANON, *III be berid sit•tiie .4"Mkte of. Jiteqs .paq,.. on 11e-ttesday, /unitary GO?. • 18$. between" 1 and 3o' clock, P: N., to elect 13 Managers as a Board of Mana gers to serve for the ensuing year. • t 1.4! . J Apoirvpkger, ?reaident. . .ee;'•e'tary. • [Lebanon' Dec. 23,'X864 ' • LATEST NEWS Orthe cheapest and Best Goods . EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!! Boots - S'itoes Hats, .&.-.c qlny undersigned has opened one of the BEST AS -1 Sant:DENTS of F i vLrifisiNsdurzli.s-rt;soi:EariukNi,it':,is,.- ,_.../--4 i and of the bast materials, Which he will se - k} , ,• seit:st vslosii to 'roe:Ormond ...thouin. to Aurelia- Fora. 'Of" thit HATS he has Otto It t-tirtety of• New Styles, emliptai A ngrhe,Washinstreb, Stit - MtOX , Burnsid e Dupont, Iffitlalair,'Sfritilifitrilwid lirioillor lint.,aoTy beautiful aintrery cheap. Of CAPS he'%o *complete assortment of all the New Styles, got up in : pupe4or mannerYith fine finish; Women's Misses awl „.941- dren!ti .lialmorals, Gaiters, Congress 'loots, Slatipora, int.d.allAber kinds; Men's and Heys,' Delmoralsa,OXl l'OrdTias,;niti,hington Ties, Congress Boots, and 14,11. other "Itinds , tworn by them. including BOOTS and, SHOES, of the different varieties, at Mk - cheap-Store i'O . Wal4fit St., net to the ColOty Prison.' . . . gifir" Thankful for the liberal enconragementi of th e public heretofore, r would Incite all wishing anything in my line to call and examine my stock before making their purchases. . -, 20S. AMMAN. Lebanon, April 23,1362. . . - P. S.—Measures taken and. week made at ~bo rt . notice TilE NEW BAKERY , Cia Undersicomi would respectfully inform the Mi rens of Lell.kpon, that holier somineneed the MAKI:- IVO LIUSINI:nS,to U its 3 , atiet;ei, ai his ettind; on Cuinherlaini street, Leb.mon, nearly .piosite tho Buck. Hotel, end will supplscastoinegswitb tlisibeat Mit; ke. ' Flour "theedvki firsu abstainers and returnektO nein ' in broad it Short ' .001SPECTIONBIZIES of , alb kinds, fresh. and -of the best quitith - ' on hismi,7, and furnished atithe lowest prices. Th public is invited to giveapaew tab nom 0vi.94 ISSS. f. U. g.13111i. _LATEIT GElo3c,..Etcregimini,,, : _'.A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OK • CUMBERLAND ST tittANON, PA. from $3,00 .to $4,00 Fancy and Black Cass Bed Cheek and Ticki'ng. Calicoes - and Gingharns. Ladies' and Gents' Gloves Balmoral, Skirts. Urnbrellahl - - Umbrella's! PENSIONS. JA.MES. t • ..• Collector lath D lett kt. Pa. SE- - The undersigned. DEPUTY lzultaroß, Dl V., 10th DIST.. or PENN'A.. wEU attend, foi,the con venience of Tax Payers, at 'the following tfines anti places . For Cornwall. South. Lebanon end North r Lebanese Townsh fps,' Derougli - of Lebanon, 'and' Borough of North Lebanon, at my Office in the 1101t014111 Of LEI 4. ANON , front the tat to the 9th. of Jortuaryll.B64 tween the holm (WO and '3 o'clock ofeach day. 1n11,.. All paymento,,re,i'll haver* loon:Lade in !inloor , ni it at (ands, ' ~ ANTEI ON ."" Deputy Collector for i ebanoo_Co. HO - Lf.bAY PRESENTS A • . annt,41..4 Call re T ATELY nocupied by C. N. Skint, In WALNt i i.. STREET. mien CUMBERLAND. LEBANON, P 42 -They have just,returned