The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 06, 1864, Image 2

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alt-tql Ert istr
A " •
W}L M. BEESLIii; Editpr and Proprietor
t.DIRTY 800T5"..1:043E TURNED OUT.
Forney's -.Washington City Chroni
' cteithebigitit ofis Abe as well as
Old Abe, a few days ago contain ed
tiff`? c , 01,pwmg notice :--
( 444. Ducoln has brougbt.his
.ifltk= Washington for the winter.--
Irrajfiricoln will keep house in a very
.hospitable styk the coming season.--
k.Dinnerparties, levees, and so fourth
'spilhabound.after.kNew *Year: Wash
ingion will be-crowded with strang
orsy,tome of them distinguilhed. The
residents House •will be open to such
people, • thought it is . hinted'in-some
querters that, some kind• of chriknoill
be put , uponLthe mob.,
,could , not enter a decent danving•
room in the • country, have wiped their
. boots on the
,carpet,o f the magnifi
, cent „Oast-Room at their pleasure. it-is
proposed that, in the future only well
dressed, well.behaved men shall be let in
to the-President's levees, all sensible pee.
ple ~b e delighted in the improve
inere'were a great many things
'VW ti rd es, - Was hi 0 gton , Je&rson,
Jacitso‘p and the predecessors of Mr.
Lincoln failed to discover; among
them was the fact that only well•dress•
ed, behaved men shall be let into
the President's levees.
"Dinner parties, levees, and so
if.Orth,"-will abound after New Year at
thetWbitte'House, because Mrs. Lin
' ePfn is gulag tthkeep . house in a very
L.magnificest and hospitable manner and
a ponderimis. liveried .clarkey will stand
iebt-the outer -doom =to admit "clean"
gentretnen, while:all others will be
turned. away by the
,vigilant ''"Arneri.
can oitize4 of African descent." This
Pis - the; way for the poor deluded
wWretblieS Wlitr do, faithfully run ".frid
'de tvide , aivakes" when' they UM ugh t
Ttihey were-so.rapidlyvoifil'g for "lands
for the lantitess." They were voting
../ t At - 'l l 2
notke . but "Well dressed," and who
can dress 'well—except the 'plethoric,
sb"Oclifieh-hould 'approach the royal
t.presence.,of „Abraham. "Washington
k•Will , ixt;croWded' - ivith. strtinge rs, some
• otpliern , ,dr:stingtiished.". 'lndeed, what
crowds of,.Sifitddies, stranger - shod(' es
--strange because this is.the first sea.
Alon that bas"occurred since some of
etbe distinguished, were prison birds
or general confidence-men, and eonse
.quentiy ''this is , their 7 . firSt, visit to
Washiniioniin “newkelothes:" 4.10.ny
• of kire•distinguisheti•Whcewill.weitup.
Itipoillirs.'President at -her -splendid
.and !hospitable en tertai nin e.nts after
New Year, in clean clothes, to jostle
and push' back the honest honiespun,
have not kNit't ptheblitiltheret,ofore
.oterefering residence's of, the dia.
Itinguished: except by skel
etonlkorsys, or through windows at the
dead. at ii 1010 - -
Oh shoddy' thou art great in this
, nti thole alone' are well
.dreased-eirektgli-to admitted to the,
levees of Madame Country
-ti The new shinplasters now be
, ,
ling put in circulation by Old Abe
•have , landrhe face a "golden. cirele."--
The ideiv:di the
`d'esign is supposed to
hairo been:'siggested by . the Knights
of ttiat, celebrated order.
. Tile Draft, has been poStponed
to 'the 15th. If the •"goverament"
•at Washington were not "possessed"
sit would- have seen long before this
ithatodrafting is a failure. We trust,
lbowevir; , that a little wisdom may be
, entering/the , knowledge oxes of Abe
and .134ii.advissors,,and that thiS short
poStponarnent may be the prelude
to an indefinite postponement. Com
pelled soldiers are not worth having,
atleast so it is said, and if volunteers
cannot be raised the war had better
be stopped at< °neva a bad job.
.the `dis:
tinguished .otitholie prelate of New
YorkeiiimAn I He died in that city
on'Bunf3affinight,_at.7,l o'clock, aged
66 yearn.:
'Orr The' Pennsylvania Legislature
met yesteedW(TtresdaY.)- The low
er house is'in the ha'n'ds.of the ANAL
tionists, and; unless they 'should,.fight
among themselves, will be organizell,
without delay. The Senate has also;
an aboliliou ffiajoyity of one, bat that
0140114 4 W the Indiana and Artn-.
stiongSokriet i lis aprisooer,at
rnonCand hence finds it Ineenvelient,'
itien'atrmtrieh - ties the Senate, and
pliteeolke organization in doubt.
Vir Ills 'said that several, white
slaves wore on exhibition in the Court
House on Thursday evening last.—
Quite a ViOWel was in attendance,
and shout 840 was collected. The
present a bully time for humbug,
deception and • fanatism. We may
shortly expect on exhibition in the
Court -4puse, by some lazy white
.men, an old Cow formerly owned , by
iaehel, audit' less than fifty dollare
taro ; aollOtid to aid in' pmapcipating
leiVethien and sisterei in bondage,
aproslamation, will be issued. in re
gard, “ • e: ; 14 6 , 1341 pretty and inter
. The author Cot` I th . e . poetical of
fusiod to "Gen. Meetellan," . sent a
nonymMiSty-to the l'AnyEttns.Ea," a
few days ago: tan not onl3r proven
himself a .ennsurnmate '"ass," buta
traitor, a seroundrel and. a dirty; dog.
Not; that we care the snap,of a Anger
, about his abolitien, malevolence tx.-gainst ourself, but no man who Invos
his country ihiis trifle - with
Oat' j utft4 grentst, and ahi e
est Of her her;iei---itooLELLAN.
0o seeped thoughts we have con.,
eluded to give the effusion a place-in
our , columns to show what dirty, shifts
are" resorted to,ruot Only against us
yersotialll i i, but: against those who
have Wondistinction in battling man
fully for, , Our readers
will observe 'that it is, an Acrostic,
which the . author.tbOught be would
steal 'into our COIEIMiiii Without detec.
tido. To (kr that - be must got up a
good deal earlier than'tia bis-habit.
r144- 4 the.'Ativerett?..r
Ban out the bauncrs- 7 wB4erham
Ring hosannas to the eky ;
cVen: - praises true. from' shorette i shOte
• 'Shall mark thee her e evernalre—
Long may the brave, by eoutitry hlist
honor and in•glory rest
. 'Neath the old itag.thy.arm-s&true
'So hattlatleld and gay review
• Shone out the spangles on the' trine.
And show 'd the world whotwten coritd'do.-
Now shall thy name for ever to
• A beacon for the just to sew
Shall la the future as in past
?"Shine ou the country to the hist.
CorBwill:Jan - 2.1884
.BlEeLtnt.—Please give the above a plate 1n yo n or
excellent pnper, and oblige an humblevidauircr ot our
greatest Asierican chieftain..
ws,..Congress has refaired to ex•
empt the preachers from the opera
tions of the draft. This is a prettY
hard slap at the . "politittel" ones.—
They have preached arid, prayed
. for free the everlasting nigger,
and now-Cringreas wants them to
Make' good: their preaching- by the
Practice The •only,'rnisfortnne,
is tiliat others, arrd better ones,
dragrged-into , the - same. vortex with
thorn-Selves. But they wont go. ' , The
only , cue fted . from' this county;
laStifall, rap his legs and 'tongue
neat-Iy.MT tp•raise money-,toAmy, his
eXemptien. -We haye not:. earned
whether' he Succeeded,. bat 'we.:pre•
setheitie '
The Places of , Trust Abound, with
[.From thelVizshitioto'n anstftiettonal onion:.]
On Wedneiday a iveck, Charids 11,
COrnwell fielding' a clerkship of great
. and confidence in
offibetof the Treasurer . of:tbe United
State's, 'arid whose duty it 'Wakto burn, in
the presence of witnesses, the - cancelled
demand notes which are previouik c'ut
in two, was diacovered in his disestf
and arrested. To use the mild language
of a letter to the New York Tintes,.he
"adroitly. managed to slip some of the
packages from time to time into his pock
•ets." ,The amount stolen is said to he
-about $100.0130, , entl further, that he had
no -confederates. Certainly not, it 'is.
•ever.y one for timselfand the devil for them.
This case -which scarcely attracts
anY'attention in•thesettimes of universal
tpluricier, would' have•created a great ex
citement and , calledFforth terrible'indigna
tion,:with a thousand•cries of "Stop thief,"
from the bellowing tthroats of the Aboli
tionists throughout the -North, but that
occurs - in their own household. 'lt is re-
Marked; however, that: "This fraud (how
gentle!) has renewed the 'Comment for
some time silenced, which the incongruity
betvveen large expenditures and moderate
salaries had excited in other bureaux tin
the Treasury litiilding,"
These damning records crowd upon us
in' such numbers that we might fill. our
paper with them, but it is 'a painftilsub
ject for our readers. The people are rob-
bed night and day, py: their apPointed and
supposed trusty=servants: - The knavish
crew. are at their work of plunder in
every, locality, : and, the country: is as
helpless ito preVerit as Would be a sick
boy confronted by -a band of highway
men. .
We observe , that setiious frauds on the
government have been discovered at the
Brooklyn navylard ? and a board of offi
cers have undertaken %hair investigation.
So it goes : .crime and=gorruption every
where, and these the legitimate fruits of
Abolitionism. Ere +the 4th of March, d 865,
one half the AbOliton party may compose
special committees , or hoards foriinvestiga
ting the larcenieksgrand and:petty, corn
mined by the other thrilf. The demorali
zation is spreading and sweeping along
like fire on a prarie. When the Admirris
tration ordered the vwholesale seizure of
all despatches o/d and new on file in the
telegraph offices ; 'and the violation of
their secrecy, as also !that of private cor
respondence in the ,post offices and else
where, which had in all past time been
regarded as unapproachable, an incurable
4 was inflicteti upon_what little of
morality was to be found among its fanat
ical followers. - The seeds were sown,
and the harvest which soon began is
wielding an awful intereat.
Travelers meet with strange compitii
.ions2----and the way passengers in
some of,the city ears meet with odd
associa , t4 .sometimea. To "enter a
c-arilate oight, when the back is
.hentzanti. the frame is wearied from
mart/ion, and find a vacant corner
where 41-comfortable repose is guaran
teed, -something agreeable. To
have aiady on ter when the, seats are
all filled Fund , no'ore offers her a seat,
is a trying, test to a tired man's gal.
lantry. To yield the cushion is a
gainst all inclinations ofexhausted
nature. Not to do so is to, contra
vene all the lawi of, politeness. A
compromise is occasionally suggested,
but It is sometimes more annoying
than to yield the seat altogetfier.
Late at night, a day or two since,
gentleman residing in, Frankford,
entered, one of the cars upon that line
and secured a place near the
The car rapidly filled, and,. wheß.it
started there was no more room. At
-Fratikford road
.4, woman entered.—
She was apparently: neatly (IFessecl,
and her appearance was reppeclable
Lookinvh:Vound and seeing ho va
cant Vans she remained s. ending,—
It wes'a `trying moment 1 - 0' the gen
tiermie''betore alluded to. '1.1 . n one of.
,te,redt to move and - so he' concluded to
propose ft seat upon 'his knee: ' , lie
did - so, and the lady gracefully accept
ed,,the:proposition. The other gen
tlemen the car were exceedingly
chagrined at the happy lot of their
More fortunate companion, and all
kinds of jokes and inuendoes were
passed at his expense; but; he
imperturbable aiS the car he le,liffeita-'
The car rattled over the road until
Harrewgitte. ,Garden . was Jeached,
when halted. Tie-lady had been
veiledl but now ; just ae theSull , glare
of the-reflectors, in front of the liar ,
rowgate liouSe illumined:the car, she
threw r aside her Veil.. ':Afaee as bluek
as - tv tropical midnight met the aston
ished eyes of the passengers. .:The
.gentleman with a bound sprang to
his feet:: His equinirnity was all gone.
eMadem," he cried, "you-can , have all
-the seat, And she: had v it all. The
other persons in the car roared *ith
laughter. one :friend suddenly dis
covered that he had acquaintances
near by whom he wanted to see a,
bout important business: He left the
car and reached Frank ford in , a later
conv - eyance,
Tom Heed tells of a man who •cd.r.
tied home a woman on his knee 'fair
twelve miles in a stage :coai'h and
found when:he arrived, :it 'was a cook
his wife had advertised 'for that
morning, but the scene in that Frank.
ford ear exceeded anything funny
Tom ever described. The gentleman
looks at the complexion of ladieS when
they enter cars now,
On Friday afternoon, ,Tom King,
the winner, put in an appepranee at
the ofliee of our contemporary, Bell's
Life. was accompanied .hy sever,
al of ! his "men ,at arms. 7 To show
the general state of, public opinion on
*`o)BBcular.etitistjanity," it has only
to he mentioned, that:for, more than
four hop rs We, *1.40, • oppost te Pairs,
Life, Was Bo erowaecl that the, traffic
-01,the streets ! ,was reduced in shape
to a thin, crawling stream, and when
the ~"hero of the .day;' arrived,. the
cheering and shouting soundedjar
and wide,,w hifst the thoroughfare be
came a perfect blockade.. .1.1 . 1!s con:
tinned for about a quartcr of on liour,,
during.. the . time, that Xing was, pay,
ing his respects ,to , the editor up
Stairs. ,On examining him .pi he
stood talking to some friends, there,
was nott.t mark to he seen .heyond a
,oisilsin peel on the nose, and.
what the peculfar phraseology. of
the. ring would, term mouse," or.
discoloration under., the left eye, =
'Heenan is,, we hear, slowly recover
ing. ! lie formally challenged. Jem !
gace, and 6oastingly yenewed, it the
moiming of the fight. . Mace , has ; ac
cepted for .f,2OQ to £3OO and the
champion's-belt, so that. if lieenan's
friends no not think ! that !his ipreten.
tions "have,heen thoroughly di:spasm]
of, we shall , in all probubility, have
another great match for the - srriog
The ''Sponitfy - says. 'llventm
was finNimparably below his 'form
when 'he 'fisoght.'SayOrs,
.and milk;
have g:reaily i disappointed his WO:-
era. liing had improved more than .
could possibly bob .- opposed. He states
that ,after the , second round he felt,
barring accidunt, : Anfident of sdetess.
Heenan is prOgressing: fnvoyably.—
Mace repeats his challenge to him -
tteenan attributes his losing R) Over
reaching himself in a fall in the nine.
-teenthround,,and then falling on his
head and stn n him self.
would app ar,' . 4l ncit to
rest eaty;with his laurels. Already
Joe'Cobcre;,the Champion .A!ineri'
ea, has tisSuCd 'a challenge to TOn
King 'fin- 'ss',oo() aide,` fleeing to
pay'Sl,ooo for King's .e'irpeirses, the
fight to take tilacciiii Canada::
naUSE:, Blind kitrcet, Mtn. '24.M
I hereby ehttliengn‘Tritn 'icing; the wit
the late fight with John C. Ilrenan, to tight toe
to six mouths fronotte viay ..ttf signing articles,
for the Coin of $5.000 a side, at ea tett vreigbt, ;Old
I will pay bite $l,OOO for his iix.r . penses to liar
Ism, where the tight is to take piece, or in tirntn
part of Cana4a. A< .111.linemix..Freinnan, nod
Heenan have gone from A:Lerieni to lingla'nd 'to
fight the best men of their day, I titpe that for
once this rule may he reversed. and that. Tam`
Kinz will set the example by meeting the on this
side of the AT tie. I will also guarantee to
Mr. Ring a fair show, and 'only w ish the fight to
be decided on our respective mmits.
The VI; air.
The most important news we have to
lay before our readers is that a Confeder
ate raid is contemplated ire the Shenan
doah Valley. General Early, the com
mander in that quarter, always led the
advance of Stonewall Jackson's corps,
and is the officer who made the raid to
Wrightsville, on the Susquehanna, during
.the summer of last year. The valley, we
have no doubt, will be fit to allow a 'light
infantry division to pass over it, thetrecent
very -cold weather freezing -c'erylhing
and indurating the mud Which reigned a
week ago. Such raids theretofore have
alwalCrs been heralded beforehand, and
there is every . .foreWarning now which
Banks;pand,' rope had when Jackson , at•
tacked them in May and August, 1862
The first indictatations of the raid have
already leached us. On. Friday last a
strong Confeoerate force of cavalry and
mounted infantry drove, in the Federal
advance post , at Winchester, and forced a
retreat' to Bunker *bat ,a few miles
from the Potomac. This was only , a
reconnoitering .party, and did not pursue
its advantage. The Confederates now
hold, Winchester. The authorities at
Washington are,evidently. fearful for the
safety, of. Harrer's Ferry, and pre hurry
ing troops westward over the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad.,
46 The army of the Potomac is quiet, and
the , _ news o f the advance of an infantry,
division,to Culpepper relieve the caval
ry pickets is confirmed., Gen. Mea'de's
army is now completel y hutted for the
winter, though large gaps. are , made in
his ranks by furloughed troops. The .
Confederates, are quiet in tront of him,
but are conc entrating , a strong force at
Prederieksborgh. They have cannon
mounted and are evidently, doing, their
best te.create a dliersicin,,OcAlleade's at
to his left flank, in order
rAidera better
c hance. The `Federal „force at Falmouth
is very 'khan:their nearest rentoiderffent
being ten thbusand men at Stevensburgh,
twenty miles distant. There are no Fed
eral tronps'ilt Amnia.
last week Mrs. Emma Goodwin, of Noble
county, Ohio, started from her home lo go
to Pennsylvania to visit some relatives
who -reside in Greene county, in - that
State, leaving her husband and two small
children, aged, respectively, ahout five
and seven years, and a , hired girl; at:home.
"To keep- house " Het husband: amply
provided her with funds to pay her way .
before he'r departure. Ahopt the same
time Mr: George Taylor, who resideS in
the same neighborhood, and who was rejoice in the , poisesslod oladiand
'wine wife and two intelligent _little
"pledges of' affection" started West ,"tin
,business"—bq :sernehoW
.or other- he
took the -wrong read' and arrived in
I . W.heeling atiotit the same time with Mrs.
Emma G. They remained at• one of our
hotels over night. passing as „a man. and
wife, and the next morning toriktfe'Pitts
burgh train. 'lt' seems that,'effer two or
three days' travel, they betfught - Yfp'et
Cleveland. Artittidg, 'just before meal
tinje, after a hastily prepared tdilet, thsy
passed' to' the dining room and were seat
ad nest...the head of the table—Mrs. Em.
;•Yria irtirfiediately , opposite her husband,
"ariti'Mr...Tai4or. immediately opposite his
!"%vlie. It seems that a day or' two after
!'Mrs. Goodwin left hour Mr. 0. tooleit
into fris 'head to attempt t seduce Mrs:
ITairtertlittri her . sgtgd allkettafitie' to 4 'her
° 'lbrd, adds ir;dIICE; her' toqiiifteVith'lifin in
'her husbarks_db . SehO,' in"which it, seems
he had Wit frWuble in succeeding,
neither Of latent 'ever dreaming that their
companions "Were just then committing
like acts of'a tiltery.
The . scenelharensued after the mutual
recognition afthe Cleveland 'dinner table
was neither 'tragic nor ridiculous, ash
might be imagined ;. but like philosophical "
people, who forid therriselves in a "very
bad spell" wotild do, they quietly, and as ,
if moved by pome secret understanding
withdrew to al private room, where ,they
arranged that each man should take his
own wife and go back to. their home . and ,
children, and wiser and, bet- ,
ter men ana women in the future—,
Wheeling Register. Dec. 19
A FATAL Fl'arr.—Ori'Friday last, Fred
erick Andrews -and John= Weeks, both
about 17 years of ag,e,ernployed as labor-
Pit at some !new works at Copthorrr, in
Sussex,: had a dispute as to the relative
merits'Oftheihe between Heenan 'and
King'cin the pievions day. To settle the
matter they resolved to have a fight
themselves, They accordingly 'met- Tor
this purpose,j necordpanied , by 'seconds,
and had sevetal refunds. The result was
that Weeks finally fell to - the ground in
sensible, anal Airway afterwards expired:
An inquest ‘tdat'lleld on his body on the
following ddy, 'cand,% after hearing'the evi-
Hence:the "juty'rettirried , a verdict to the
Arect that the deceased had been killed
by Frederieki Andrews, and that Thos.
Weeks and `Chas Luckins,- the t tvo sec.
onds,-bad been gtiilty of raiding and abet
ting. Andrews. was in the custody of
- the police, was at.' once' committed for
trial 'upon the coroner's warrant, and
warrants were issued -against the_ twb
seconds, who 'were eubsetibently appre
bender!, but admitted to hail. Thomas
Wtes .is a brother &teasel:l.
Lon don Times. •
' A REM MIKABLE M 4110 2.
- 6. Register" states the citt. fir 'Eliot'
Thomas who, by some meats 'fell of a
loaded ox wagon, within three arta of
Harmer, one of the wheAS passing aitecit
ly over his neck. Whig a stout thick
necked man he was not killed, alt bough
when picked up he Was :stipposed to be
dead. After a time he revived, and then
it was discovered that every part of his
person below the neck was paralyzed.
The occurrence took place - softie - Six weeks
.Lastweek he had i sO far recovered
3hatlhe'could of his thOmbs a
little, 'arid hope is
. entertained that, in .
time, he may ketfuire the full use of his
limbs. '
Altered Tiwasicky Notes -Within the
mist two, wooks - a number of persons
have been 'victimized liy.Jtakitoo ten
dollar Treasury -notes , , which have
liven nit erod from ones. Thello notes
are altered by ihe :TtroPos,4,
\+ p hi+th'iv done 5t ntatly Thit't they
are well eitletthitedlo.deceive 'the ten ,
wary. The ()sib A Altit notes haVe
the word "one" warlred in the border
around the margin; and as this is not
altered,' the bogus tons are•easily dirt
ttovered if examined. We advise par
ties elsewhere, who are in . the habit
of handling ten dollar greenbacks to
keep a lookout for him.
MOO must remember that any one
killing a partridge alter the first of
January, is liable to a fine or five dol
larS. No true sportsman will riolate
tholaw or allow it to be violated by
others With impunity.
, .
Or' The radical theory of the Alta
us of the rebel States is that they are
no ng er members •Of the Union ,—
.thenty is , e c itely Vac
stifle. 'in , this, as in most other ve- ,
.spects, the radical, abolitionists aad
the radical rebels agree.
• 1704, The New` York 'ilcrtild, say's of
President _Lincoln :
' , We abandon 'Honest Old Abe', 1.18
a hopeless ease. 'We have puffed
M h
Min, we ave'praised 'him, we have
helped him in every 'way, but can get
:,no - geed out of him: - To use one.. of
his own homely similies; he is a crook
ed stick that &tank hebent, and that
will' have to' be [Woken.° . •
How it is Thought the Politicul Cat
May one Day Amp.—Hon. Jelin
Keen, in the eourse,of a speech re;
cently delivered. in New York, made •
the followingTernarks.:.,.
!,.Mr. Sumner, :standing in the Sen.,
mate of the United States, made a.
ape'edh, iniwhich he said that the twiii
'relic:s of barbarism : were not slavery,
`and , polygatny,.. ,but. Catholicity. and
'Slavery. ,(1t is denied that Mr. Sum:
neeover said so: It is published in
the. Congressional Globe and reprinted.
in the Harald of; this city. Born and
educated a Catholle,,l.confess; a poor
One r tsce the cotnihg!storm, - and I. be
ieske sin.cerely toiday that when the
knife is taken from the.throtitL , of the
''Southern people, kr, will be turned to
'theltiriiiit of every Cuthati iii 414
',N ..!Tr •
PAY'reFt+lT OF THE 1862 MILITIA.--
A few 'days previous to the October
election, a telegraph dispatch was sent
from this city to all parts oi the State,
'antolutleing a reason why. the militia
Called into the service of the State
more than a'ycar before that time had
not been paid, was because there had .
been i'ne psi rolls," but after a whole*
year's deliberation and arduous labors,
a form of pay rolls had been made
out and was then in the hands of the
pointer; and' the •Tititriotic militiamen
who ' had drdpridd all their business
and Hew to the defence of the State
would be paid immediately. The
eleetiorpbeirg :that? • over,ihe matter
again "resied for nea tli
r t4e" months,
and now we are again informed that
the-Adjutant.General =ofq theost,a,t ± e is
a' ; Wayshi t n b`t;ggi titf'Llie 4oVern -
man t,to give, the 31Lilitiainen half pay.
to behoped that his efforts will
not be 'in ittin, ail(' that those who
left, their homes and business may get
what'they se'nobry, earned.'
, This year will be Leap. Year—
a period supposed to bie particularly
favorable to, love ally toatriorny.
CAN TON ni Esn ?—Th.e Boston
"Post" says that a son of ex7Seeretary
Oameron has just, aft, r two yeats'
sa . rvice, been plated on the retired
list as aa'army paymaster,' with Et sal
'ary W. 82,000 a year for lifel
• 41HON. ON THIS PICTURE "—tiiictam
Yensfig, has just taken a new wile—his
"Alan o f Tats."--A - white woman of
Chicago has entered a suit against a rie
aro for seduction.
Despatches from Washington state that
Chief Justice Taney is very ill, and not
expected to survive. He is' nearly` 87
years old, end has been Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court since the death of
John Marshal, in 1863.
ET AS jaw received at Ma Grocery Store, Cumber
1 - 1 -land St., onp door weak of Market. a lot of FrePh
Fruit' in Cap c, including Peaellea, Gages, Green Corn,
Tomatoes, Jell lee,
CanSflower, lietel?up, Pepper Sauee
Enr;1101, Umberger, Sap Sage.
Sardines, Salmon. Mackerel, Herring, Codfish
Raisins .Currents, Prunes. Dried Apple 4 and Peaches,
. Cranberries, Apples. flominy, Tap ioes,
Parley. Peas, &c,
'A lot of Buckwheat Neal. Also 50 barrels of New
York Apples
-7274,. Highest price given In CA ill for Ems, Batter,
Dried Apples and Peaches, Beans. Oninna. &c.
Publ lc patronsp is colicitpcl.,
JOHN Ifinfiß.
• Lebanon, Dec.=
Philadelphia and Reading R. It.
Le NI 1100 Va v 'Bra neh .
kN and after MICR:MIER 28tb, 1863, an Amon-
between Reading rind Harrisburg in addition to Hie
other Passenger Trains now running on the Lebanon
'Talley Railroad.
Leaving Rending at 7 15 A. M.. passing Lebanon at
8 41 A. M.. and arriving at Harrisburg at 141 A. M.
Leaving Harrisburg at 5 P. M.. passing Lebanon at
6 15, nod arriving at Reading Itt 7 35 P. M.
StOpping at all Passenger Stations.
"rhe•Fast Mail Train. leaving Reading at 11 07 A.
M., will atop only at Wornelsderf. Myerstown, ,Leba
11&.,'Annville; Palmyra and Hummetstown.
n assengari will procure their Tickets before en.
terinWtbe Trains. An extra charge is made on all
Pares'llaid in the Cars. • G. A. NICOLLS,
Treading, Pa., Dee 16, '63.-Bt. Gen'l Supt
The undersigned having taken the Largo and Commo
dious hotel. in Pottsville, lcnowd as the
3104r1 4 1111ER HOUSE;
Wiiiiidi:espectrullY announce to olirfilends
rater poi:ron:1 bathe is prepared to steconthib
ta 11 who may tnvor him with
their patronage. •
The 111011TiMitlit 1101:1Sli has licA iietrry peered,
painted, and reforniabed throngbdet, and tld) Piteeltrs-
T.)llreeiß warranted km - lying Oat it is
tilocutigh of Ptiltivllle.Tdr comfoitand convenience.
ISTo,Pais will be Bpaerl
To render it ho agreeable comfortable stopping
place:for strangers twit travelers. .
The Stabling atilt Sbeddino .
1 , 144
Attached to the Hotel. are suificiently large for the ac
commodation elite horses and carriages of
his guests.
The Hotel is now open fur the
Reception -of the Public.
lie will be happy to accommodate all who may
give hint a tall. JOS.Evu U. FEGER,
Pottsville, April 8, 18C<1. Proprietor.
A New. Firm.
Cheap Cash pore, and Milling and
Grain Business. "
undersigned having formed a partnership in the
NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the
public to itch. establishments. They will canticle to I
keep at the late stand of SHEIIK, GEESAMAN &
LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODS
usually kept In a country store, which they will re.
tail Cheap for CASH, or COUNTRY PRODUCE.. They
also want to buy for cash
50,0110 Bu,hcls of WHEAT,
30,000 Bushels of RYE,. • '
• 20,000 Bushels of CORN, . •
25.,000 Bushels of OATS.
F6r which they will pay the blahest Market Vik"en,
flit) , Will also take GRAIN on STORAGE. Ttee Mti keep
always on hand' and evil at the lowest prldks„'CD XL. by
the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of Mt FEED,
SALT, PL.4STEIt, &c.
Th,,y.colicht the business of nil thiil'ead friends
and the public, and will endeavor to deal 'Oil tuck lib
eral and just principles as will give satiSfitalOn to all.
NorthLebaubb, March 10, 1662.
Market Street tilotel.
tibruer Market and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon.
JOIN _KA T T 1,103
}JAVING taken the at.)4e Stand, thug occupied by
Mr. LyONARD ZllaiEltkAk, I Will spare no pains to
make the Traveling Publ Cc wIVO atop at it, perfectly
comfortable, and invite lilt to alto Me a trial. The
Muve is large and well arValigeti.• The Table supplied
with the best F casonable edibree ; the 3litr stocked with
the choicest i.muors, and the fitabling large - and coin
modions. JOlthi MATTIIES-
Lehanon, April 9, 1802. ,!..
,Door, Sash and Steam Plating
Located on the Steam-Bnuse Road; near Chanberland
Street, East lebanon.
. .
undersigned respectfully. inform "
, the public in general, that they a 1
till 'manufacture and keep on band,
Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring,er^` , .-,.44.:),-;-'
'Wenth4.l3naids, 0 Gee Spring..l44
Mouldings, eel sizes, Wash-Boards, eating. Stabile°,
cornices, and nil kinds of BUILDING kInTEBIA LS
for Houses. We also construct the latest and most
prcsisd Stair Caving and Hand Itlilling,,anitable for
large and small: buildings. ,
We now invitel'armers, Mechanics and Builders, to,
call and examine our stock, which we, will warrant to
g_ivo entire satisfaction, to all who May hiror• the under
signed with their custom. • • ,
Labaaon,"April 23;1862.
P. 3.--Thera is also all kinds or TußNlisa Oct
same , MM. Irianing t ' Sawing, prOmptly done for,
those who @ay furnish, Luuttptir;
Colds, . Conchs, and
MASS.. 20th Dec., 18 . 55.
Da. J. C. A tax : I do not litznate to say
the best remedy I have ever found for
Coughs. Hoarseness, Influenza. and the
concomitant symptotried a Cold, isyour
Onintni PECTORAL, Its constant ace in
ley practice and my ityruily for the last
ten years hawsbniyn it to prowess gime•
rior virtues for the treatment of them
.4:omplaints. NITEN KNIGHT, M.D.
A. n. mowngy, Eacz.,or PricA, N. Y., writes : "..I lotus
used'your *Pectoral, myself and'ilw.iny eVeacsiuse
you;devenfid4t; and , irthe'beet its
purpose ever put out. With a bud cold I should sooner
pay twenty-Aro dollars for a hottli glum do without lt, or
take any other remedy."
Whooping Cqugholnllgenzliti
c " B R , ' w4 §ll ° P- $ p - -,,,,,iz0m...,%-.b. 7.; ins.
7' . - . . 2
- --- TNe°,.ratir certify your Pee/oral
Benriten AYER : I will ere f
is the beet.rfmelsr„w"l; cifielyeee..of Children- Woof
levees, ucjlre ogre of
‘ whooping
mug'''. crow,
andn'ilelif iinith-ILPPieciate
your fraternity 1 i
dine to ,our - , - ' ^. ~,.,
commend yggr ult 4 your skill, and
AtlitAlt. CO'qKPrrfr 51, ",*
AMOS LEE, Esp., MOISTERSI". rA., widtes,Xl Jan, 1858:
" I bad a tedious Intlnvltta. whiclt coriftpedAnkin - dipre
NIX ,WediS ;`fook mauSrmiedfciued without
tried Our Pectrir - arty the'advice of our clergyman. The
first dose reliered the soreness in my throat and lungs ;
less than one half the bottle nutfle me completely well.
Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we
can buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies,
as the poor tnan's.friend.",
Asthma or Phthisit,•and Bronchitis.
weal. NA:lieffEaft, PA., Feh..4, 1856.
Sir!: 'Yoar. Cori. yr . .a
. ct:angels pe'fro:inting marvellous
emelt in this section., It has rektved * ri Fret from alarm
ing syhmtoins of,ootisuiliptidn.;ddiris `uovi cung a man
'who has labordeiinder,an affeetioa of the lungs for the
last forty ye,hla: "lAItECS, Merchant.
:110/., idomeds Co. lowa,
* Viiites,;:tegt, 1855: trAlrirlsiglny ithetiee of many Fear s.
I have' roilial nothing, equal to year Cherry,Actoral for
giving ease and relief to consuMptivii patients,. ta/eitring
such as are curable."
We might add volumes of cridenct,`ndt ibinrek-COn
vincing proof of tile rirtuesof this reddSitihs . fdiliid in Its
effects upon trial.
Probably no one remedy has ever 'been known which
cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. some
no human aid can reach; but even to those the Cherry
VectoraZ affords•relief and comfort.
Amon Mouse, Now -Yoni erre, March 5,1858.
Doman Area, Lowest: I feel it a duty and a pleasure
to inform yon what your Chm-y.netorat has done for ray
wife. She had been five months laboring under the dan
gerous symptoms of Consumption. from which no aid we
could procure mire hermuch relief. She was steadily fail.
ing. until Dr. Strong. of this city, where we harerome the
advice, recommended a trial cf your medicine. We' Lbws
hie kindness, as we do your skill; for she has recovered
from that day. She is not yet as strong as she used to
he, but is free from her cough. and calls herself welL
Yours with gratitude and regard,
' Omiumptives,, do not despair till you have tried Arzn's
OLIERRT PECTORAL,. If is made by oue - of the best medical
cheznidts in the world, and its cures all around us bespeak
the high merits of Its :virtues. Ledger.
Ayer's Cathartic
THE sciences of Chemistry and. Medicine have been
taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect
purgative which is known to man. innumerable proofs
are shown that these Pats have virtues which surpass in
excellence the ordinary medicines,and that they Win un
precedentedly upon the esteem of all Men. They amen%
and pleasant to take, but powerful to 'dare. Their pene
trating properties stimulate the vital aeti Ott& of the body,
remove the obstructions of its organs, Purify the blood;
and expel disease. They purge out thefail humors which
breed and grow distemper, stimulate sfq.ggish Or. disor
dered organs in to their natural action, an i d impart healthy
tone with strength -to the whole systein. Not only do
they cure the every-day complaints of every but
also formidable and dangerous diseases . that haCebaffled
the best of hinntn skill. ,While they produce powerful
eitems, they are at the same time, in diminished deics.tbe
safest and best piipie that can be . employed for clAdren.
- Being sugar-coated, - they areitleasant to take; mid being
purely vegetable, ate` free from any risk ai harm. Cures
have been made whiarliirpass belief 'time they AU sub
stantiated by men of ani:Weialted Peskin» and character
es to d,rliid the suspiei4 AC - untruth. Many eminent
clergymen naphysiciaiiihaveliMt their'names to certify
to the public ttheliatdlity oflrly remedies, while niters
have sent me the nisiti'Mwe of their eonviction that my
Preparations contribute lifittiaisely to the relief of my
afflicted, suffering fellow-then,
The Agent below named is plti.sed to furnish gratis my
American Minium, containing directions for their use and
certificates of their cures, of the'following complaints:—
Costiveness, Mitres Complaints, Rheumatism. Dropsy,
flearthurn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nau
sea. indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and l'ain
'arising. therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite. all Ulcer-
Val Cutaneous Diseases whin finlike an macnant
Inntif!die'ine„S'crofela liing's Evil thft aloe , by purify-
Om Mimi and stimulating thelYsteh,Mui , ' many
complaints which it would fiNt.elillinosed they'could
suchreachsuchas 1 . /earwig, fart '"•. tithdriess."nuralght and
Nerveus Irritability,Dlninginents of the Liver and Kid
mys. Cont. and other kindred coniplaints arising from a
low state of the body or obstruction of its functions.
Ito not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some
other pill they, make . ore , prnfit on: Ask for Arrat's
rtmt, and take nothing else. No other they ran g ive
you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative
pourers. The sick want the best aid there is for them,
and they should have it. •
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER,
Practical anti Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Pons 25 Ors. PER Box: FIVE lIOXES POE $l.
Coach -Mak lug 'Establish nvnt 1
?VIM undersigned, at his MANUFAC
TORY, at the lst Toll Gate, one
mile East of Lebanon, has on hand a
very large stock of
SULKIES, &c.. made . out of the best materials and by
first-rate workmen. From his long evil- donee in the
business. and his determination to allow none but
good work to leave his Shops. he feels confident that
he can give to cuiitdniera the most complete satisfac
tion. ,
Much of the. matetitils , '#oll. 'jn •Inainficturing the
above Vehicles were On'rebkaed 'before the raise in the
*ice of articles. and lean therefore sell cheaper than
any other ostabl•Shment theabanty.
ItEPAlßlNG.—Repairing ddne at short notice, and
at low prices.
Persons wanting anything in this line. are invited to
call and examine my stuck before making their purr
chases. DANIEL Ftl LalEtt.
WIDE subscriber Offers Ida large and well selected
stork of HARDWARE. PAINTS, OILS. &c..
cONT FOR cast,.
Parties who have settled their accoubts to April 1,1581,
will be allowed a liberal credit on purchnses.—Those
who have not settled will wog their accounts with
A t S. Ely, Esq., for inunctitiiteliittlenient and collec
tion. D. M. KAILIIANY.
Lebanno,July 17, rget
Sty AN,)
Race iNti-edt, cibdi:e Third, Phila.
mins esfailish'lftefit pcoi ß t t,,,lneements not: cm.
ly on "IteitBhnt iedli . en 'rates of boarding., but
ruin its .ofitral loco riOn to the gi , en nes of trade, RA well
several Passenger
ltdifiviO,'iliitilitiig'fiast nod eoritlgnonit to it. by which
gifests'elinPalls froth Tlotel to the different
PlAlrund flifflotor, be Preferred to the regu-
f am determined to'lldvdtein'y ivhole attention to the
'i'onifort and eon venienee df 'inx . eh.ests.
TERMS $1 25 I , v , R DAY.
D. C. SlligitYST, Proprietor. '
Formerly from Eagle Hotel. Lebanon; Pa
T. V. lliteAns, Clerk. [Milk.. March 12, 1862.
NOW is the time to buy your yTtrYttld before cold
winter is here, and the beet hiiticheepest piaci, is
at the
Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac
tory of James N. ItOgers.
Two doors South from the Lel:anon Bank, where eon he
bad the largest and best astiortment, df PARLOR.
HALL, and OCOKING STOVES, ever d,ltered in Lrba.
win,Gas Burners for Parlors or Bed Chambers of his
own'nlahe, with a general assortitekii of Parlor Stoves,
and a large variety of the best Cooking Stoves in the
county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roast
WASH BOILERS con tautly on hand of all sixes,
and the best material.
COAL BUCKETS—the largest assortment, the heav
iest iron, and the best made in Lebanon.
Also, a large ate& of TINWARE, made of the bail
material and in a workmanlike manner. As be is a
practical Workman, and h.a had an elms' hmee of
twenty-five years, he feels confident that be can give
general satisfis mien.
He takes this method of returning his thank/, to his
numerous customers for their liberal support. and he
hopes. hy strictly . ai tending, to Ms own hui.ness and
letting other people's alone, to still 'receive a share of
puplic patronage, JAMfeS N. ROGERS.
SW- Particular attention paid to all kin de of „lecestete
such as Roofing. Spouting, &c., and all w ork warranted
BOILDBRS will do well hymning on 3. Dagss uji
Agent, as he is prepared to de. all kinds of II&
ItOOF.ING, SPOUTINU and JOB VioRK Kenerylly ,
the wry lowest priers. Ile also 'has on hand e. litAgy
mot good assortment of all kindr. of VII IYAHY., s a d;
all of the most improved pay korning COl4
tillTerent and latest Unproved p,ANdip.n . 10 0.
HEATERS, of all kinds , , U. also keeps tea
straitly on hand a large stoek of all kinds of 1400B1NO a
st,ALN, which he offer at less price than they Ms be
bought of any other slatemen in theses's:l4y. ..
tm .. WA itil-RoolllS—Oue door South of the "Ruck
ma u l,' %%Mout Street., Lebanon,
Lebanon, December 25. 18111.
*JaeobiE. L. Ziliiinkertnan's*
ING SALOON, Market street," n4r•Gurnberiand,
and oppoeite the, Bogle Hotel., •Metag thenkful- for the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to Min. he would
reapectfulli eidinikirdoritinuasee of the same.
Le,banon.-July. v
N. 8.-,ah.oSaloqmiPrill -
aOF -
- w 3T J, , c h s e n t i:l 4 ,iter -p . t t l lzt l t
„ t i t , t m .t voit.. rw t=t,
Lebanon 000nty. about 2 nines Stone Anusl le. ft
FRIDAY,- fekitary IP, 1864
• i; •
1711.11R81.7.,41r, Mo rgil : 11. 1801-.
the lottoning. STOCF, l'Arawiditt , E.tatzlirrg - .670
6 Arad of Ilcitaste' witch , *
eowN 4 Ileirem yAth Rai"
( Ibwrbarn
'sting CRttle:li a ieitrOahtep;
2breeding &roue, 1014cowte; 21fibbikriirliteled__W o gons.•
I bprin g Wa g on,. pf0t411.4 ‘ , ./Airitriir a, Iftlittlirtilif ,
rows. 1 Thrxdfor 31afftihkeilllettprir, tedttitig tkhoui
1 windmill. vvrrhoge, I math% -losigtr,-40x1
2 patent beg *riders, .t t. &c*, "
large variety aI veer"' :hind onifOrbilitOta sod
11,11.7„TO11EN. rtoitoltuts - , salljalpos,4l.
r airtielem for for n i f ii: nixtbeli •
ouq to nip/fiord ,
AlI tfie..radleß Not sord ter , r - ni stymie. imp
belit i l !ki l n* r y- '411.41/ 1
4 4 6
sate ±,) ecimenee . at 10 d'elo l 4lK ) Ar..ol*4-irf
when tertzts *III he _made known ,
S. Annvihe JDOe. .30, 1863, _
o R
rpllNeribi t cribcr °Sorg fir sale theLo,t-pfognrod,ou t
'sll*.ih et etreet. Lellitrone 3 A-sireares'sonth of Hill,.
*est . /We. 33 feet front by 199 deep . , fortnerlypocoifet
by Geornn Hens; er, The bitproiPmnuts are a
• twe story weather boeritod DWELLING
'HOUSE andether improvemehtS. Forfartber
loforthation'land t epos:apply to n -
ozunoz S GASSES
;.,Y,ocurn's - ann.,
TINIER avhscriber.offers at Private Sale his #noifarm
if to North Lebanon Toiinsbigh Lebanon ennnty„)3..
miles east from Lebanon. ie d 1 mile mutt of the Berke
and Dauphin Turnpike, containing
824 ACRES,
of good Farming Land. some of which is Limestone,
adjoining lands of Cyrus Eckert, Peter Boyer, John
Wolf. Jacob Arnold, and others. Tho improvements •
•• are a two , -tory brick DWELLING.
c ;
'r 11011SE1 withltasement,a.BWElTZEß.
(t.), 5 BARN. a6'by 80 Teat, Tenant House,
5 4 - Orclpird. yrith kindszaf,
iruit; Well with .. pumn at the onset,
and at other - athe Barn, both never failing. Feneter i asa.
in good order, and the tlehle are convenient 8 sena.
of WOODLAND, four of which are CIi.ESTRITT
SPROUTS. Two Springs are on this farm.
Good" itle and peat:maim': will che givenktwOr Ist
day of A pri1,1864.
For further information apply to the anbectiberj
the premises. LEVI YOCUM. i
October 28,1863.
For Sale or Excharige. - , -
IT RE undersigned,willaell, or exchtingq for a , Swars;
I Faux,' his -dealiablb Douse midt , lot, of Arnaud. is;
East street, East Lebanon. 1 The House is o '-
91 new two story BEIGE with Eitehen attabhed; r
liill I all well built and wellarranged with all neeett 7 ..
conveniencea. Also. Cistern, Beth Goose,
Smoke House. all kinds or Fruit Trees, &c., on thq
premise's. This property if :not sohi.willNe exchanged
am above: Good and indisputable title giverii: ,-. ;Pei-4r:
ther Information apply to
JANES E. ROGERS, Tinratithci'
Lebanon, July 16, 1862.
THAN TEN YEARS ; the titne-pieres Irtinufae
'hired by the American Watrheo., of Walthara,lllatil„:
have gained a firm hold upon the favor of the public,
and now, no less than 75,000 of them are speak lag for
themselves in the pocketsof the people. From a very
insignificant Beginning the business has increased un
til we are justified in stating that WE MAKE Noma
THAN ONE lIALF of all the watches sold in the Uni
ted States.' Repeated enlargement of our ftstorybuild
lugs, and the labor of 500 operatives, still - find ns
equal to supplptho constantly increasing ; demand.—
And we may here oluMine that 'tiotwithatand ing the
high pr ire of labor and notteriahr, we itetuallv sett (lir
products at less prices than those current dye years
We refer to these facts only for Turpitses of f. proper
ly introducing another subject relative to our' manu
facture or watches. T 1 itber to our chief object lota beet
to make noon watches Mr the mil lion at the lowest pos
sible price—something to take the Plama ofthe nasike;l
believe watebes called . Aneres," " Lepines. •-khigs
I ieb Patent Levers.' de.. annually thrown 'upon this ,
in e rket. in countless numbers, .hy Eurupean work.:
ehops—watches; which' are 'the rittn4r . nritheir factor
I les. umetleable at home and perfectly wOrtkileture* -
'this object we hare accomplished : and now we knee
to announce, that we have commences the maradias.
tore of watches of the very
NOM ETRY, anything; hitherto mstite by erfeggiVed
end unsurpassed by anything mar in the itiorfd_ Fee
this purpose we have the amplest fteilities. Welhaver
erected nn edditimi to our main lsililismifr, c .birf
for this branch of dhr business. and havek " wit!,
the beet workmen in our service. Profiting dy tWif
long experience, we have remodelled the form of turf
watches. introducing such improvementssitil hare heeli
sug g ested and proved to be gpod from tetke iftniti;
and have instituted new and severe tests of
adjustment and compensation. Ni , * iaaluh heitt
and appliances have been constructed. wiriA tierfoilit
their work with consummate deliracy and qactitnde,
and the choicest and most approved tatiteilats holy are
tined., Nothing in fact is wanting eitNEf #n inechuni
.lo principles. material or workinanoliiii taiiiiitrispef:-
fretion in the result.
. . .
ire eolith:me mannfactere env
qualities under the, fol nx rumen
••.•• P. &II A RTLETS",_.,. • „
And the.
The letter, the lowest wired *kill •Vreihnie,riii
substantial. reliable time-piste,seli
—hunting pattern, and is not ITq, leioget
either in marching riding or ightitig. All eabove
dtfuribed watci•es, including the Enna , 'Witt is
ed ••• A Mk:MCA:4 WATot COMPATi i"3ire,bd6 *4:0•11'
dealers gene, ally throughout the Eountrjr. -
Robbins aptApplo . 4o*
,Igents for tke Anuerietii 'lVata C mph,
182-111 i 0 ABWAIrtilr.4 1 , t
Nor. 25, 1852.—inside ea* 4m. -
Saddle and ilatnest,
THE undersigned has retuoVed 1
his Saddlery *nil ittarilesti ,
Manufactory ton fey doors:S(11i 11, 4
of the old place, laigf),1001
lately occupied by iefaiin k 10c., tik - "
Ft, Liquor store, wheie he 4
wyll pe happy to see all hisold
friends and customertf,lttid,?the i r he bas increased fa:.
c ilities for attending to all le departments of his busi
ness. Being determehed,f6 n behind no other estate-,
lishment in his ithilftlek accommodate eustomere, hes
has spored neither Wilirit nor expense to obtain, midi
make himself AAA*, eserY modern imProVaraelkt4iu.
the business end abeiare the services of the bast week
men that liberki Woo would command. He, will keep
a largo stock °lt hand, and manufscture at they skott
est notice, all 'deiseriptions of 11AIINNSS, eve, se cad
dies, Bridge, Litrringe 'Harness, of all kinds; hear-.
Harness. Utiggy Whi, s el the hest _co.anufacture,
flkk. liehas" „Fly Nets, such as Cottor,, w or it e d ,
mad. a neVr kind lately Myer ted ' Wain or
kind, aWoh as Boggy et hips, tart, whips, dm.; lifstnisis. A
of all 'de mriptions Halter Ineam, home-mad
d'e, all of which lie will warrant to beans4l,4lhica
any 'that coo be Obla in' ti in any other estaktlikr*RPF4
iu th'e month% All asks that tlne.&> 4 1 4 , 441.„ atgi,
thing in this line, oh , uld call at his ptemeapt at eminsme.„
ale stock. Lie feels the fullest cortfuttece,4", , ability;
to five entire antis faction-
orders thankfully makkaariltrdapp444l7
elided to. tiVl/ . r“4 4 l4 , :AMint
North Leber ,on borough, Aka. 1.1.1 i
rolls is 'to notify all Carp tast#Naittga*prpthera.
i that no biII. for cotitott , to4..b4p4itliky
tors oft! , t , 'poor tor poor persos4,dlittitana. acid..
of five miles of the )'our lipipt, ; ailLall • ,ssto. 4tarsOttat
will 'Je furnished trithßogiftfrea of•s k ipene i ppitz
cat; on to the Sienardi ti0hiW01.k.1.10 . 1,70... ~,,,-.- •
JOUN E. ROW, , ,€, i . .
• ELIAS WALSO4.6 " DitiA •••,:a ce4tihitol.-.
cow. iimmm344
, .• . .."
May =0863 ' - '' - • -
PETER it. Qqa.if Lt. ARD, -
.Snag' & Tobacco -Manufacturer
la, Ss,liB CE6A RERS ST
Elormerbr4iAiChathara Street. Now Tork.l
IToukt,call thernbiontipri of beaters to firtio articles
his tuninikietupo, rfa.: •' r • rltr •
owitt Snuff:
.. •
obey , .„Ttmaitgros.
Ncw* Yixritaft„
Cuustse. ilsopos. ,
n .
Oentlinun, finpenheigen.
ftuttir • ,
-notary Devi Sbotch.
High Trust SpoicA, Trash Itonisy Easur Scotch,
Irish nigh Toast, Freak ScriAski.
or Ltanrky foot
* Atte th
ntion fa eatteefto e &uric.ralrertir' -to pn.
, ''es rina-Cal C 6 aa'ing and iVaahla;no Tobaccos, whirlA
wilt be found Superior qatttlity: '• • ' -
8111="iffiNti. lifNE CUT CIirYINO.- SMOKING.
Tung; r„ A. kir. or Vohs:, , rg a i o ;
cisrentiishrfr SATO; tirshira•
No. 2, &groat Sero,to4 Oronoeu,' Canaster,
• Nes. a .1 , 21 Tin Foil curandisk, 'Turkish.
, w ill
11111.—A oiroular Up'rienib e einem:
cation. : 11e3r19r1%, Apt:111,18'63,-Iy.
) Th you 9"llltiXs'4,loo'.S Mdi lIRRO. *Pt sde