1 ; 4 '.. • 1 t • xlntt n g _ . NlPmatt . *;* _ciatiamixrceizidaislt. CID ' _„r Peatteu,tid Prchhptly Executed, at the ADVEIeTISIB. :orincz, LEBANON, PENN , A Tess esfablisiniteta Is now supplied with an extensive assorimiint of d 421 TYPE, which will be increased as the patronage demands. -It can now turn out PRIZITTNIa t of every description, in a neat and expeditious manner-- andoft reasonable tern's, Societal Plumblets, Cheeks, - Business 'Vara, Mandbills, L: lttilars, Labels, ~ 11 Reatings, Blanks, 0 - % - ~, . ....... '. F tograissaes, Bills ollPorei : . - ~ 'lnvitations, Tickets, ape., to. , Mr DlMna of all kinds, Common and Judgment BOYDB. &hoot, duetieee, (kinetables' and other: BLANKS, printed correctly aad,aeatly en the best -papa., tonetantki.kept for mile et this office, IMIS prima 'to mitt-the time&' Illa.SUbsotiption price of thoIEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and ,a Hair a Teal. Addreee, Disouit; Lebanon, Pi. . ' TOPILKE,Y AT LAW , Offie e ;Vora , West Corner of Water .0 0 , L and Market Streets, Xilo3lV*- • *N. 4PrZT , tebnnon,ls7oo- • glikftvorge• riteger, jr., :711a1T, - ,0*.:1 1 11 E YikA T LAW . rooros.formerly oreapied by Dr. Samuel . .Dibri t Speessed . nisi opposite to the Mask Florae UotO.P.mberiand Street, Lebanon. GRANT WEIDMAN, -- ATTO NEV AT . I ,AW. (A mos. 'On Cumbb9-Iqo street. a :few doors anat. of Vntherttagle lintel, in the OHO latii of 1118. father Cipt: jotin'Weidnian. deed. Lebanon. Sept. 3, 1863.. 13,76 m coy, L, A LR IC 1111 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has removed his office to the lot Wing, one door ens of baudermileti 's Store, opposite the Washington House Lebanon. BOUNTY and PENSION claims promptly attended to S. 1111 . 1MOVAL: T. IneADAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "111 AS ItEMOVIeD his office to Market Street. opposite - th . e, Lebanon Bank, two doors North of Widow Nise's Motet Lebanon, March 25, '63, JOILV 11. .11011r01 •11.1 r, JISTRICT ATTOILNEY, has removed Ids OFFICE to the Ropm lately occupied by Dr. Geo. P. Eine *wearer. in Curnberinint Street. Lebanon, n. few doors East of the Hanle Ifotel, mid two doors west of Gen. Weidumu'uOam. • Lebanon. Dec. 17,1862. GYRES P. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—ollice in Walnut street, neat • ly opposite the Buck Patel, and two d%ors smith from Barmunyts Hardware store. Lebanon, April 9, 1862.-Iy. • BASSLER BOTER, • . A TTORNEY.AT-LAW.—Oflice wil h A. R. 13OUM4TER, ili , EBq . Cumberland Street, opirnsite the Court Bowe. Lebanon, Pa. [Oet. 28,1863.1 ......„......_ ARMY AND NAVY TENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AGENCY. trA. (4. rek r 0 reit ntf, rTr• V) aV, Vek. IfilV It 4. I nt -AL t t cox -3m ca , sr ....not.• w . r undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute J,,ctaiuts, and ilaVilq been engaged in the Bounty and Pension butifiess. offers his services to all those who ate thereto entitled. in accordance with the various arts of Congre s. All such should call or address at ones, and wake their applications through ILASSI.EIt NOM Attorney at-Law. .Orsice with A. R. Itountirsa, Esq.. Cumberland street, opposite the Court House. October, 23, 1663. • Lebanon. Ps. M. DERR* ATTORNE ffw Y AT LAW, Oe in Stlchter's Cumberland street, nearly opposite the Court /louse. [Lebanon. May ti. Dr. Samuel S. Melly QFFERS hie professional aervieee to the citivena Of Lebanon and vicinity. OFFICE =t the rer-idernee of Both, two doors West of Office of Dr. Samuel llehm. decd. in Cumberland Aram. Lebanon,ll.4.pril 16,1863. • Dr. P. B. MISU. UA G VIN located in lmbrinon. offers his Itrofeseion- T el servires to the public. 01111• in Itlarket fn. the building formerly neenpieil by hie lather Lebanon, Dec. 16, 1863. WEIGLEY & KW ALT commissioN MERCHANTS = Butter, Eggs, (Meese, Tallow, Lard, Poultry, Game, Dried Fruits, Grain, Seed, ite. No. 170 READE STREET, Onp ITIMC above Washington, NEW-YORK. 0. Wrigley. 1 . IL. Drumlt- " REFERENCES; Robb k Amulet. N4,it York; Allen k 'Brother. do W. W. Selfridge. Esq., do; Jones c Shepard, do; Slott POll. Dl3lllOl k Farringt,n. do; Samue l. G. Johnson: do W., M. Brealtn, Esq., Lebanon. . Beta. Canton Ohio; W. C. Curry_. Bankert, Erie, Ya.t lion John Stiles. Allentown. ra. pan. 14. 1803. ira an W. Rank, ORMIOILY of Jonestown. 'Lebanon county. would li —respntfullit inform his friends. and the nubile, that he has conne.ted himself with Mr. Gowen, in the TOBADDO.SNDFF AND SWAN, DM NESS, N 0.116 North Third street. PIMA.. where lie will be glad to receive onstoniers; end wit self - at rate,' that will prove iatisfaetory. Ptllaileiphis; May 20, LB 63. Hoiciid Amok*Mon, . Pa. SEE or the NERVOUS SYSTEM. SPEIt M A- If TORII II.SEA or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. IMPO TENCE. and other affeetione of the EXU AI, ORGANS puYSIEA L DEBILITY and 'PRA:MATURE D RCA 57" new and reliable treatment. in Retiorta et the Howard Association. sent by mail. in Nettled letter envelopes, free. of oltartze. Addrees,Dr...lt"SKl LEAN 11.01161110 N, Itovraan'Assontariatt No. 2"goii tit Ninth Street, PIM:. ADELPIIIA. PR. January 28, 1803.-Iy. I,: DEEG'S LIQUOR STORE, liteirket Sonar+, opposite Me Market House. Lebanon, Pa. IIH El undersigned respectfully informs t...e public j. that be has received an extensive stock of the choicest snd purest Liquors of all descriptions. These :17 , 4 Liqurn Ft he is invariably dispesed to sell st nn gr. prreellenteilly low prices. Druggists, Farmers. H otel Keepers, and oth „ers will consult their own interests by buying of the "undersigned., L. It. DEE°. Lebanon April 15, 1863. 0:7 NOTICE-PIIII,A.D'A. AND READING RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ltamoso, Nov. 2.5111 .rfnagraidle to reapeetf ntly inthrined that on end af the MONDAY. DYCKINIIKEL 14114 all Casmengers who do got porcligg their tickets he tore entering the Care, will be charged, 26 eeuts extroon each ticket parches. ed on the triOn . for which they will obtete from th e COnditotorg:l34o* Receipt This iteoeipt will be re dearegligng 2b Amin ;mid thereftu. in - cash. upon its ptelfentationgt any Ticket Oilier of the Company. q. A. NR3IIOI.S. General Litip't. 11000ber 9, 1.866.-2030 FAMILY Wit'eOLO Blade, Bark Blue. Light Blur, ]Veatch Blue, Claret Brown, Bark Brown. Light Brown, Rnnif Brown, 01:m1Pa. - .nark fah ' Zialit Drab, Park Grern. I,ifed.Bl;ien, Fur Aging •.ontitt Efaerle, SCarre. Dresses. Ribbons, Gloves, Bonne ts, Bats. rev there. Kid moves, Children's clothing, and all kinds of Wearing sWare l • Or-A. Saving of SO Per Cent. - Sike For twenty-five eente sou can MOr an many goods as would otherwise coat five times that coin_ The process is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect PaCceen. • Directio'fis in English, French and German, inside of each package. For 'further infer nrtion in Dyeing, and giv hug a perfect knowledge what colors are beet adapted to dye over others, (with mans valuable recipes.) purchase Dowe & - Stephous' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring,— Bent by mall fin receipt of price—Dl cents. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS. 260 liaoADWar. Boston. For sale by Druggists and Deniers generally. (Ont. 28. 1883.-6 m. f Or. REMO:VALI. 4 4" c• .• • TAILORING. T 11.01.11titii.w add re. ju spectrally inform the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he has removal bie :fa Hor ing Establishment, a few doors east of Landerudicies store, and nearly opposite the 'Washington Lloufe, on Cumb,erland whore he, win melba up clothing in the moat fieltionible styles tWe best manner, good tits, guaranteed to ail„ Thankful for the eery, liberal patron-, age extended to biro tbits far he .40. K e c a ,, Rwr ivaia continue the same. Lebanon, April at 1.80,44,4*. a. VOL-J5-NO 28 , 7 . • NOthALCOntim. A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V::tPg' l ,ol.tizlle -- Iglt_i•iii' . i - ..', • .. .: . ,,...,,,:-p.uagToNjc, : , .."- D0CT011 , ..-H:O.OrIASP'S GERMAN BITTERS; Dr. C. 111.1JACICSON, Phildd' a Pa. ; = '; • Wall E OFECTUALLY CURE • Laver'Compiplui Dv - gpepsia . Jaundice , . Chien le or Netions Debility, Diseases of the . Kidneys, - and all difiehsei ; arising froth n ' d isoidered Liver Stop:mch. Encli as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulneseor Blood Adidity 4f thesienfin4l,tausea'. ban,. Disgust• Tor F 06.1. Pelness or M eight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Stoking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hue ried. and Dinh:lilt Breathing. Pint ering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a tying pos. tore. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs .before the Sight. Fever end Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin end tlyes. Pain in the Side. Back. Chest. Limbs, &41 . Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. And will positively - prevent Yellow Fever, ' Fever, tic. THEY CONTAIN No Alcohol or . Bad ? Whiskey . • They ri*4.t. CURE the above diseases in xi inety nine cases Pet of a hundred. Indneed by the extensive sale and 'universal popu larity of Wetland's German Bitters, (purely reg Ptah le.) ho-ta of ignorant Quacks and uu§crupulous adventu rers, have opened upon snffering humanity the Rood. gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Tom les.-etemnehiss and. Bitters., , 'Beware of thd innumerable arra3i , of Meehan pran aintiOnS in plethoric !Milk; and big bellied kegs. un der the modest appellation of Bitten.: which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave ti a disap pointed suff ter in dispair. 1100PLAISD'S GIITMAN BITTERS! Are note new and untried article. but have stood the teat of fifteen years trial by the American publie; and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of Letters front the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, ruysiclANs,aiul CITIZENS. Testifying of their own personet knowledge. to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. DO YOU WANT SONINTIIING TO FTRENGTU EN YOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE ? DOYouI W ANT 'n r voila) 1 , YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL DO YOU WANT TO GET BID OF NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU WANT ENERGY? DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING? Ilyou do. use 1100FLA1tLeti GERMEN Drrrvits. Prom Ike. J. Xesutou Brawn. D. D., Finer of Mc En cyclopedia of Religious Knew/edge. Although not dispose"( to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, thrmigh distrust of their in gredient- and effects ; I yet knew of no sufficient tea. SOUS why a man may not testify to thebetiefits he be. lieves mu...tito have received front any simple prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in' tegard to Iloofiand's German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of tiiis city. because I WAS prejudiced against then[ for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly stn alcoholic mixture. I ant indebted to my friend Rol, ert Shoemaker, Esq.. Mr the removal of this prejudice by proper tests. and for encouragement to I.y them, ,when suffering from great and long continued debili ty. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the be. iimiltig of the present year. was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree Of bodily and men ttti vigor which 1 had not felt for six mouths before. mid lied almost despaired of regain itig. I therefore thank Gad Mid My 'iris— me to the use of them • NEWTON BROWN. JUNE, 23 11411.. Particular Notice. There ore twiny preparations sold under the name of Bitters. put up in quart bottles. compounded of the cheapest whiskey or COllllllOll mom costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriantkr Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and,will continue to Mug as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their' *use the system is kept continually under the intlueiice of Alcoholic Stint. taunts - o tthe worst kind. the desire fur Liquor is crea ted and kept np,and the result is Orate horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For these w i ho desire and will hare a Liquor Bitters, we pnblish the following receipt. Get One Bottle LW lan Ceram Bitter, and mix with Three Quarts of Goad Brandy or Whiskey. and the result will be a prep aration that will Or excel in Medicinal virtues and true exec Bence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and - will cost much less. 100 will have all the virtues of Hoof/ones /fitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at, a much less price thou these inferior preparation will cast you. Altention Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We rail the num:Hien of all having relatione and friends hi the tinny to the fact that *-1100FLAND Herman Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident to camp lite. the lists. published utmost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of the s'ck, it will be- noticed that it very largeproportiOn are suffering front debili ty. Every care tit that kind eau be readtlycored by Hoottalers German Bitterns Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitatien.in stating that, it these Bitters were freely ased among our suldiere. hundreds of them might be saved that otherwise wilt be lost. We call particular tatteution to the following re markable and well authmiticated cure of one of the nut knee , heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has been saved by the Bitters:" PIIII,AUSLIMIA., August 23rd. 1882. I Messrs. Junes & Eallis..—Wei I, gentlemen, your Hoof ds Kerman Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistakein this. it is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose name are appeuded, and who ! were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case I ern, and have been fur the last four years. a member of Slattruent's zelebrated, battery, and tattier the immediate command of Captain It. B. Ayres— Threugh the exposure attendant upon my arduous du t tea. I was attacked in November last with inflammation .tef the limes. and was for sevelity-twe days in the hes. Mud. This was followed by great debility. heighten ed by au attack of dysentery I Njitei rell/OVUd titan the White Meuse, end sent to tide city on board he Steamer •-State of Maine " front which J. landed au the 28th of June. Since that .time I have beet, n itwit us low as any one could be anti still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely a bl e t o swallow anything, and if 1 did tome a morsel down, it eves iunnediaLely thrown Up again. 1 could not even keep a glass of water on, my atom ach . Life could not last under these circumstances; and, aecordingly, the physicians wit, bad been work tug faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to resent , me train the grasp of the dead Archer, franticly told sue they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to Make suck disposition of my limi ted funds as best suited me. An acatuaintatice who visited me at the huspiud, Mr. Frederick Steittbron, Sixth below Arch Street, athised me, as a forlorn hope, to try Jour Bitters, and kindly precared a bet tle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and 1 tin now, thank Cod for it, getting better. Though I have tint taken two bottles, t have gained ten pounds, and I feel san guine of being pc rat Bred to rejoin nay wife and daugh ter, from whom I have heard nothing for 18 months: ler, geutleinen, I am a loyal Virginian, front the vicin ity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Ilittergl owe the certainty of lite which has taken the place of vague leare—to your /fitters will I owe the glorious privilege -tannin clasping to my bosom those Whe are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully Censer in the truth of the above statement, as we laud despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored tobe a ith. JOHN CUDDLEIIACK, Ist New York, Battery. a kamo A ACKLEY . , Co C (l a th Maine. LEWIS eIIEVALLER,ir2d New York: L E SPENCER, Ist Artillery, Battery F. .1 if FASEWELL, Co It oat Vernsout. HENRY 11 JEROME, Coal do. HENRY T r MACDONMA), C tith Maine. 40.11 N F WARD Co E.ittla HERMAN KOCH, Co 11 72d New York. NATHANIEL B THOMAS, Co le 95th Penn. ANDREW) KIMBALL' Co A ati.Vermout. JOLIN JENKINS, Cu II Infrth Penn. Beware of Counterfeits . See thaLthe signature of 4 , 0. M. J ACKSON," Won the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 15 CENTS, Ott HALF DOE. FOR V 09. Should your nearest druggist not have tl e article, do not be put off by any ot the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered in its place, but Send to US, and we wilt forward. securely packed. by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, NO. 1331 MICR ST, 3fagenta, Maroon, Orange, Pink, Purple. Bowl Purple, Salmon, &arid, Nate, • fintferirul, rfnlet. Jones & Evans. (successor to U. M. JACKSON *Co,) , . Profiri6tors. IKir FOR SALE by Da. ago. Ross; opposite the Court HOMO Lanssort, Pc; and by 'Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States. May 27, 1863.--ly. MEN Ccli anon PREPARED BY LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY: 6, 1864. DistilTaunts, goOTSI'AND - A&.OROTHER;,' Once on "a` there' waS'a'intin who ii4d:tlikep'SOns4Peter, 'Pant, 'itTOhn was Boots, Of, course the yetingest: can't say the Man had anything Mere 'than'the, three sons, for 'he hadn't' One penny,''to yo against aritithOi; sb he told his 'SOUS that thq: must 'Mat inithe!World and try' to darn' their'bread, +Or there at'lionte,'. there was nothing to be looked but star death. - , Now, a bit of . the man's cottige the King's ' pittaee;'" and You --`` ni`uSt len OW; ;ink tigaikt the King s window's a great oak had sprung up, which was so stout and big that it took away all the light from the King's palace. The King had Said he Would give many ,dollars to the man Who could fell, the oak, but no.: one, was man enough for that, for, as soon -as ever-one chip of the oak's trunk flew oft; two g,Tew , i its stead. A well, too, the. grew plug; water. -i'or'thelwirole.:yearfor all the neighbors'. had Wells,,btit he hadn't any, and that he thought a shame. So the King said-he would give any one Who . could' dig Such a well for him as , wetild hold' water for the year round, both money and goods; but no one . could-do it, for the King's palace lay high, high upon a hill, and they hadn't dug but a few inches before they came upon a living rock. But as the King had set his heart on having these things'done, he had given it out far and'wide, in all the churches of the kingdom, that he who would fell the oak in the King's court-yard, and get him a well that would hold Water the whole year round, should have the Princess and 'half the kingdom.— Well, you may easily know there was many a man who came to try his luck; but for all their haeking and hewing, and all their digging and delving, it was no good. The oak got bigger and stouter at ov cry stroke, and the rock didn't get softer either. So one day those three brothers thought they'd set off and, try too, • and, their father hadn't a _Wordd-agaiuSt it ; even they didn't get tbe Princess and half the kingdom, it might, hap pen they might get a place some where .wit:h a good master ; and that Was all he wanted. •So,when the brothers said they thouAt: of going to the palace, their Tattier said ayes' at once. So Peter, Paul and Jack went of from their home. Well 1 they hadn't gone far be fore they came to the fire-wood, and up along one side of it rose a steep hill-side, as they went, they heard something hewing and hack ing.away upon the hill amongthe trees. wonder now what it is hewing away up yonder?' said Jack. 'You're always so clever with your wondering:3; said Peter and Paul both at once. 'What wonder is it pray, that a wood-cutter should stand and hack up on a hill-side?' 'Still, I'd like to sec what it is, after - all' said., Jack; and up he .weht '' • - • 'Oh, if you're such a child, 'twill do you good to take a lesson,' bawled out his brothers after him. But Jack didn't care for What they said ; he climbed up the steep hilt-side towards whence the noise came, and when he'reacbed the Place, what do you think he saw '? why an axe that 'stood there hacking and hewing all of itself, at the trunk of a fir. 'good day l' said Jack. 'So you stand here all alone and hew, do yon ?' 'Yes, here I've stood and hewed and hacked it long time, waiting for you - ,' replied the axe'. 'Well, here, I an - L at last,' said Jack as he took the axe, pulled it oil its shaft, and stuffed both head and shaft into his wallet. So when be got down again to his brothers, they .began to jeer and laugh at him. 'Arid now, what fuooy thing was it you saw on the hill-side ?' they said. 'Oh, it was only an axe we heard,' said brother Jack. So when they had gone a bit fur, tiler they came unoer a steep spur of, rock, and up there they _heard Something digging and shoveling. wonder now, said. Jack - 'what it is digging and shoveling up yon der there at the top of the rock.' 'Ab, you'r always so clever with yourivonderings,' said Peter and Paul again, 'as if you'd never heard a Woodpecker pecking at a hollow tree.' well,' said Jack, 'it would be fun'just to see what it-really And so off lie, Set to: climb the rock, while, the ethers'laughed'ati Made him. But he didn4 eare , for that ;- up be climbed, , and , : when he got near the tep - Whlt i do'. you..thiak be saw ! Why, a spade that stood there digging and - delv 4. ."Good--darl' said Jack. 'So you stand . . liere - 1 , alone and dig and delta V ''.."-i ' - ~ ‘. 'YeS; flare? what 'I do,' said the spade, 'andthat's` what I ve done this runny 'it long day' waiting fOr eu,',, , m INtell f ,he're I ant said said. Jack. 4- gam, : as he tonic,tlle spade and knocked it,off the.handle and put it into.,his wallq i :.and then went down agairoto his-brothers. , , I 'Well; What, was it, so rare and strange,' said . '"Peter , and Paul, 'that yon §AN't , there' at, thd:roe'k ?' ' Oh, iaid tritetz,''nothing aioee'than afripado ; thigitiiits 'What Wd h'eard.',, vt l '§,o thd: - lnttott agaii l l'agoattbit, tin` they , 'ill . ,' 13('to a t brtiok. ,Alieg were thirsty , . ati tlire"e' alter long walk, and so they lay down be side the brook to Wive a drink: • • '1 wondor.'now,'„ said jack", iWbeie all tliia tvatei,'eo66s wonderit-ymi're right in your :Wad,' said Peter And' Paid, in . , one breath. trekeifi3e' not mad alrettedy, you'll' go MAU vety• swill, with your Worideri rigs. ' Where the ;brook OpMet4 from indeed nee.er heard how wetterfrbm tringin earth' :" • , 'Yes ! but Pea a' fano see where this Iptiek eetne6 from,,', ' said Jaek. .0 4" vent in op aloogai'docoo hraok hat ent; in spite of all I.` at his : brothers ed Aker .Igothingi could step him. On he' Weut. So is he wont PP and up, „Mitt hrook got spiallar;and smaller, and, t ,at last, way, farther 0n,„.7 hat. ,do to think he„ saw why a great , and ont„ot, that the watet-triukled— „ tOood day said Jue again. •,..,So you lie here„and trie la down AO, alone ?' , \ , Yes (10,%said,, the *nut 'and, here huve unO run this , nutriy : aJong Asy,, waiting for you.' , Well, hero , kam,''saidffack.,tts he took up a luntp.of moss,, lintlpingged : up the hole that the,wate mightnot run out. Then Ate: put ,ho - walnut into his wallettlitrid went town to his brothers.. 'Well now,' said Peter ) and Paul, (have you fond out where the wa ter comes; frtnn r A, rare sigh it must have been r 'Oh, after all, it was only a hole-it ran out. of,' said ;rack, and so the oth ers laughed ail made game - of him again, ,but Jiteli didn't, mind that a bit., A ft r an, +0'1%4 it,' said .l e. So when they bad gone a bit far ther they eamo to the King's palace; hut, as every I. ne in the Kingdom had heard howl they 110 W -it win the Princess and half the realm, if they could fell the' l lig oak and dig the King's well, so many had come to try their luck at the oak that was now twice as large arid Sti ut as it had been at first, for two chips greW for every one they hewed out with their axes, as !.date say you all.bear in mind. So the : King had now laid it down as 4 - pii'llistOent, that if any one tried and couldn't fell the oak, he should be put on a barren Islan.d, and both his ears were to be clipped ; Off. But the two brothers didn't, allow themselves to be scared by that ; they were quite sure they could fell the oak, and Peter, as he was the eldest, was to try his hand first ; but it went with him as it did with-ev ery one else who had hewn at the oak—tor every chip he cut two grew in its place. So the King's men seiz ed him, end dipped off both his ears, and put him on the island. Now Paul,-he was: to try his luck-, but he fared just the same; when', he had hewn two or three strokes, they be gan to seethe oak grow, and so the King's men seized him too, and clip ped his ears, and put . him out on the island ; and his cars they clipped clo ser, bacause they,Said,,he ought to have taken a lesson from his brother. Bo'noW Jack was to try. 'll you will look like a marble sheep, we're quite-ready to clip yur ears at once, and then you'll sa e yourself some hother,' Said the King, for he Was angry with him for his brothers' sake. 'Well; I'd like just to try first,' said Jack, and so lie got leave. Then• he took his axe out of his ivallet and fitted it to his haft. 'Hew away!' said ho to his axe, and.away it hewed, making the chips fly again, so that it wasn't long be foi.e 110411 CURIO Off oak. When that was done. Jack, ,pulled out his Spade ; so the spade began to dig and' delve . till the earth and rock flew out in apiinters, and so he had the well soon .dug out, you may think. • And . when he gO, it as biglanddeep as he choose, Jack took out_ his wal. nut and laid it in the corner of the well, ztod* pulled the plug ,of moss out. • 'Prickle and run;' said-Ta6k ; and So the nut trickled and.ran i till the water gushed out of tha hula,• in a etreainatid , io shOrt,sinwthe , ,well was brimfull: Then-he had, felled the oak . whieh had shaded the'king'apalace , and dug a well in the palace, yard, and so he got the PrinceSs and half the .king dom, as the king. had said, but it was. lucky for Peter 'and Paul that they had lOst.their ears,"else they had heard each briar and, ddy ' .how , every. one said, 'Well, alter ull Jack wasn't so mach out of, his mind when he took to his wondering? war To the ..lover there are but two ' places in the world—one. where ,his sweetheart is, and the Other where she isn't. .ab::o:t.tio..'it We 'have taken palm , tn,acqueint ourselves 'with some part of -the,histo ,ny, and , managerient of the'Vart Am :burgh, collection, *tie!), is the oldest and-we 'believe' lihr3U'only. ,complete Menagerie in the eountry. , 7,The)ctibi