The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 30, 1863, Image 1

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    ; ,54
.1,-T Et •
laDts. psnoitlsamo• zmuisrotiautsmPtteaszi,,
Neiza and - Promptly Ett". ecated, at the
THIS establishment is now supplied with an extensive
essorttnent 'of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
pntrthiage deemed& It can now turn Out PRINTING, of
every:description, in a neat and expeditious manner—
andon very reasonable terms. Such as
'Pamphlets, Checks,
Business Cards, gandbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill }loadings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Pare,- ik,
Invitations, Tickets,:dm.,,e.
„ .
far DEM of all kinds, Common andJodgment BONDS.
School; Justices', Constables' and other .14.Aatas, - printed
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept
for sale at this Mlles, at prices "to suit the times.”
*.* Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER
One Dollar and a Halt a Year.
Address, Nat. MERIN, Lebanon, Pa.
• °Dice 11Torth TVest Corner of Water
and Market "Streets,
XAM3:3.631,1‘TC ). 1V, 3 E a ft..
Lebanon, Nov 18, 1863.-Iy.*
GeOrge Pfleger, Jr.,
OFFICE in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Samuel
Bohm, deceased, and opposite to the Black Borst,
flotel.,.Ounberland Street, Lebanon.
. August* 1368.
( Ci FFTGE eurnoberiand street, a few doors east of
`ll,l l the Eagle , Hotel, late of kis father
Capt.4otin Waidroar4tleet,
.cLeDsitohi'Stlst.' 9;1863. . •
A. STANLEY TJLlttleil l
nos removed bis office to the building, one door ens
.of Laud ermilob 'sEtore, opposite the Washington House
-Lebanon, Pa.
.BOTZTY and rENsioN claims promptly attended
(April S, '04•.-31n.
- S. T. McAnitrni.
ItEMOVUD his office to Market Street, opposite
the Lebanon Bonk,,two doors North of Widow
Wee' e
Lebanon, March 25, '63,
Jour. at 1101111141.41
to the ROOII lately occupied by Dr . Oeo. P. Line
aweacer, in Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a few doors
East of the Eagle Hotel, and two doors west of Gen.
Weidman's ORlee.
Lebanon Dee. 17,1552.
MEIN EV-AT-LA.W.—Offme to ViaTont street, neat •
AoupOsite the Buck Hotel, and two doors south
from Karninny's hardware store.
Lebanon, April 9, 3.02.-ly.
TTORNEY-AT•LAW.—Offitte with A. R. BoudtirElt.
Alt,eq Cumbet laud Street, opposite the Court,
Lebanon, Pri. [Ott . 28, 18=1
'A K PAY .
BArsagril RIDVEI3,
rink; undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute
3, claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty end
Pension bushiess, offers his services to all those who
toe thereto entitled, in accordance with the various
arts of Congrees. All such should can or address at
dime, and make their epplicatione through
BASSLER BO VEII, Attorney at-law,
OFFICE with A. It. "sonatina, Esq.,
Cumberland street ; opposite the Ceort Rouse,
October, 25, 1863. Lebanon , Pa,
Win. M. DERR.,
ArTTORNEY AT LAW, °Mee iu Stiebter's
Cumberland street, nearly opposite tbe Court
Bowie. [Lebanon, ;Bay G, 1863.—ttl
Br. Samuel S. Wily
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lebanon and vicinity. MICE et the residence
of Mc ~L. Bueb, two doors West of Office of Dr. Eamnel
Deb - tn. - deed, in Cumberland street.,
Lebanon, April 15,1863.
Dr. 11). B. MOE:
Taf AVM located in Lebanon ' offers his profession.-
..Li el services to the public. Office in Market Lc.,
in the building formerly occupied by his father.
Lebanon, Dec. 16, 1863.
Butter, Eggs,_ Cheese, Tallomi, Lard,
Poultry, (Mine, Dried Fruits,
Grain, Seed, &c.
One door above Washington, NEW-rOII.E.
0. Weigley.
R. Dewalt. 5
Robb & Aseough, New York; Allen & Brother, do
W. W. Selfridge. Bq., do; .Tones t Shepard,
Jo do; Ma
son, Labach k Farrington, do; Samuel 0. hnson, do;
W. 11. Breslin, Esq . , Lebanon, Pa.; L. Bete, Canton,
Ohio; W. C. CUITY & Co., Bankers, Erie, Pa.; MA.
John Stiles, Allentown, Pa. [Jan. 14, ISR3.
011,111.11. LY of Jonestown,
- Lebanon county , would
reapectfolly inform his friends. and the
' public,
that he has connected himself with Mr.„l.ammt, in the
N 0.116 North Third street, Pbtla.,
where he will be glad to. receive Customers, and wit
ECM at rates that will prove satisfactory,
Philadelphia, May '2O, 18 63.
Howard Association,
.I'bPadel a bia.Pa.
TENCE. and other affections of tbe SEXUAL OILCANS
new and reliable treatment, in Reports of the Mona
Association, sent by mail, In sealed letter enveloped,
free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SICILT,IN 110UO TON,
HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street, l'alf.,
January 28, 18118.-Iy.
Marker Square, opposite the Market Hauge - Lebanon, Pa.
111E1 undersigned respeettully informs tuo public
1. that he has received an extensive stock of the
choicest and purest Liquors of all descriptions. These
;... Liquois he Is invariably disposed to sell at uu
...preeedentedly low prices.
7i Druggists, Farmers, lintel Keepers, and oth
ers will consult their own interests by buying of the
undersigned. L. lt.
Lebanon, April 15, 18=
READING, Nov. 28th
The public IS respectfully informed that on and af
ter MONDAY, I/Ea:since 14th, all Passengers who do
not purchase their tickets be fore entering the Cars,
will be charged 25 cents extra on each ticket purchas
ed on the train, for :which they will obtain from the
Conductor a Check Receipt. This Receipt wilt be re
deemed, and 26 cents paid therefor. in cash, upon its
presentation at any Ticket Moe of the Coznpully L .
General sup't.
December 9,1863.-2 m •
ONE of the largest i:fUllSEltY FIIISIS, in South
Eastern Pennsylvania, wish to secure the perma
nent ser ViCO9 of a competent SALE AOW T in LEI 3.-1.-
NON COUNTY. They wish a reliable enterprising
man, who will devote his whole time to selling Fruit
and Ornamental Trees, Tines. Plants. &e. For fur
ther information apply at the bake of this paper.
Dec. 9, 'BO —4t.
D UBUC NOTICE is hereby given, that the account
of Daniel Walter, assignee of JACOB KERN and
Catharitie his wife, by Deed of voluntary assignment
dated the day of April,lB62, has been filed in the
Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon county, and that the
same wilL be presented to the Court of Common Pleas
of said County on the first Monday of January next,
for confirmation and allowance when and where all
persons may attend if they think proper.
111 , INRY SIEGRI ST, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, Dec. 2, 1563.
p1:111LIC NOTICE is 'hereby given. that the account
of Charles H. ?d o ily, assignee under ti voluntary
deed of assignment for the benefit of creditors of
GEORGE ItEIN EIrL and wife, of the Borough of
Lebanon, County of Lebanon, Pa., has been filed in the
Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon county, and that the
came will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas
of said county, on the first Monday of January nexl,
for coofirmation and • allowance, when aud where
all persons may attend if they think proper.
JISeNRY SIEG KIST, Prothonotary.
Prothanotary's Office, Dee. 2, '63. ,
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that the account
ofJoseph Reined and Joeeph Arnold, assignees of
licILLIAlkl E. ARNOLD and wife, of the Borough of
Lebanon, County of Lebanon, Pa., under a voluntary
deed of assignment for the benefit of Creditors, has
been filed in the Prothonotary'a Office of Lebanon
county, and that the saute will be presented to the
Court of Common Pleas of said county on the first
Monday a/ January next, for confirmation and allow
ance, when and where all persona may attend if they
think proper.
'HENRY SIEGRIST, Prothonotary.
prottrnotary's Office, Dec. 2, '63.
..,...:: 1, . . . .. . _.
:: ::.- anon
VOL 15,--NO
r `"NOT. ALconoiato.
Vegetab , le Extract.
Dr. C. M. JACKSOY, Philad' a Pa
.Liver - Complaisil,
Jaandice 7 ,
ahron'e' cr "NerhAis Dobilitj; Di•zetisei - cirthe
Kidneys., and nil diseities. arising from i
djsordpred Lic'er or Stomach
Such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fttlnens or Blood
to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or-Weight in the
Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking nr Fintteittm• dt
the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Heed, Hur
ried anti Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the neat%
Choking or Suifocating Sensations when in a lying pos
ture., Dimness of Vision, Dots or 'Webs before the
Sight, Fever eud Dolt Pahl in the Head, Deficiency of
Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin End !Byes,: Pain
in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Fte., Sudden Flushes
of beat, But sing in the Flesh,
Constant Imaginings
of kris , and great Depression of Spirits.
Aud will positively prevent Yellow Firer, nit lOUS
Fever, th.
No Alcohol or Bad Whiskey ?
They WILL. CURE the above diseases in ninety
nine eases out of a hundred.
Induced by the extensive sale and universal popu—
larity of Flootiond's ertean Bitters, (purely vegetable,)
ho-ts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventu
rers, hare opened upon suffering humanity the flood,
gates of Nostrums in .the shape of poor whiskey, vilely
compounded with injurious drugs, andehristened Ton
ics. Stenmebiss and Bitters.
Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep
stations in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, un
der the modest appellation of Bitters; which instead
of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave tl-e disap
pointed suff rer in dispitir.
Are not a new and nailed wettcle, but have Stood
the test of fifteen years trial bfrthe American public;
and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any
similar preparation._,
The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the
most eminent
Testifying of their own personei knowledge. to the
beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters.
If you do, use lIOOFLAND'6 °EMMEN BITTERS.
Prom Rev. J. iVetelon Braitit, D. D., Editor of the En
cyclopedia of Religious laoudedge,
Although not disposed It ;aver or recommend Pat.
ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their in
gredient, and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient rea
sons why a man may dot testify to the benefits ho be
lieves himself to have received from any simple prep
aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the
benefit of others.
I do this the more readily in fegard to Ifootland's
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. di. Jackson, ofthis
city, because t was prejudiced against them for many
years, under the impression that they were chiefly an
alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob
ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice
by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them.
when suffering from great and long continued debili
ty. The use of three bottles of these Bitters', at the-he
ginning of the present year, was followed by evident
relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and remit
tal vigor which I had not felt for six months before,
and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore
thank God and my friend for directing me to the use
of them J N.EW TON BROWN.
PIULAD'A., Jeer, 23 1661.
Particular Notice.
There are itrmy preparations sold under the name of
Bitters, put up in quart bottles. compounded of the
cheapest whisk ey or common flint, costing from !0 to
40 cents per Eallol3, the taste disguised by Anise or
Coriand,r Seel
This class of Bitters has caused and will continue to
cause, as lung as they can be sold, hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard. By their use the system is
kept continually under the influence otAlcoltelic Stim
ulants of the worst kind, the desire fur Liquor is crea
ted anti kept up, and the result is all the horrors at
tendant upon a drunkard's life and death.
For those who desire and nail/ hare a Liquor Bitters,
we publish the following receipt. (let One Bottle Ifoof
lawf s &ma. Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of
Good Brandy or lVltitkey, and the result will be a prep
aration that will far excel in medicinal virtues and
true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in
the market, and will cost much less. You will have
all the virtues of Hoofiand's Bitters in connection with
a good article of Liquor, at a much IeSS price than
these inferior preparations will cost you.
Attention Soldiers!
We call the attention of all having relations nod
friends in the army to the feet that —IIOOFLAND'S
German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases
induced by exposures and privations incident to camp
life. In the lists. published almost daily in the news
papers. on the arrival of the s , ck, it will be noticed
that a very large proportion are suffering from debili
ty. Every case of that kind can be readily cared by
lloolland's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from
disorders of the digestive targy ns are speedily removed.
We have no hesitation instating that, it these Bitters
were freely used among our soldiers. hundreds of lives
might be saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call particular attention to the following re:
markable and well authenticated cure of one of the
nation's heroes, whose to use his own language,
"bats been saved by the Bitters :"
PIMATOMPOIA, August 23rd, 1862.
1 Messrs. Jena &Daum—Well, gentlemen, your Hoof
an the German Bitters has saved my life. There is no
mistake in this. It is vouched fir by numbers of my
comrades, some of whose nano are appended, and who
were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my
case I am, and have been far the last four years, a
member of .Shernian's elebrated battery, and under
the immediate command of Captain R. B. As res.—
Threugh the exposure attendant upon my arduous du
ties. I was attacked in November last with inflammation
of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hos
pital. This was followed by great debility, heighten
ed by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed
from the White !louse, and sent to this city on board
the Steamer .-State of Maine" from which I landed
on the 23th of Jane. Simla that titre 1 have been a
bout as low as any one could be and still retain a spark
alvitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to
swallow anything, and if 1 did three a morsel down, it
was immediately thrown up again.
I could not even keep a glass of water on my stom
ach . Life could not last under these circumstances;
and, accordingly, the physicians who had been work
ing Mithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue ma
from the grasp of 'the dead Archer, frankly told me
they could do noMore for me, and advised me to see
a clergyman, and to Make such disposition of my limi
ted funds as best suited me. An acquaintaece who
visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stelubrom 0
Sixth below Arch Street, ad , islet me, as a forlorn
hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a hot.
tle. From the time I commenced taking them the
gloomy shadow of death receded, and 1 am now, thank
Cod for it, getting better. Though I have but taken
two bottles, 1 have gained ten pounds, aud I feel san
guine of being Pa rattled to rejoin my wife and daugh
ter, from whom I have heard nothing for 18 months:
for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, front the vicin
ity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe
the certainty of life which has taken the place of vague
fears—to your. Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege
fof again clasping to my began those who are dearest to
me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE'.
We fully concur in the troth of the above statement,
as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone,
restored to health.
JOHN OUDDLEBACK., let New York Battery.
GEORGE A ACKLEY, Co C 11th Maine.
L 11 SPENCER, Ist Artillery, Battery F.
J B FASEWELL, Co B 3d Vermont.
HENRY 17 MACDONALD, Co C. 6th Maine.
ATHAEL B THOMAS, Co F 95th Penn.
Co II 72d New York.
ANDREW NI .1 KIMBALL, Co A 3d Vermont.
JOHN JENKINS, Co B 196th Penn.
Beware of Counterfeits I
See that the signature of " 0. M. JACKSON," Is on
the WRAPPER of each bottle.
OR HALF DOZ. Yoh $4 00.
Should your nearest druggist not have ti o article,
do not be put off by any orate intoxicating prepara
tions that may be offered in its place, but WOO to us,
and we will forward. securely packed, by express.
NO. 631 AIWA ST, . 4.
Jones & Evans.:
(Successor to C. AL JACKSON & C 0.,)
Anr.rOlt SALE by Da. coo. lions, opposite the Court
House Lamtatow, re; and by bruggiats and Dealers In
every town in the United States.
May 27, 1868.—ly„
Mist ettantim.
The 930 P. m, train had left me on
the platforitl of the Carlisle station ;
I was on ray way - to Glosgow, and
had resolved to break the journey by
sleeping at the Railway Hotel, because
it had a convenient entrance lroai the
As f was seeing my luggage•put on
a truck a middle aged, portly man, of
like manner, and with a
fine voice, came up to where I stood,
and commenced an elaborate search
among the pile of baggage for a trunk
he had loat—a black trunk with
white dial - ponds on it.
.He expressed.
himself vexed and distressed at hav
ing lost it, and seemed quite 'unable
to determine what course to pursue.
I sympathised whith him, and went
with him to the telegraph office,
where be telegraphed to Dover for
the post luggage.
'What hotel do you go to r said
the stranger., in a deep, rich, comfor•
table voice.
I replied, 'To the Railroad Hotel as
I leave by the 6:15 train in the morn
ing for Glasgow'
'That is my train and my destina
tion,' said the stranger ; 'so I will go
to the same hotel.'
He was a stout man, standing a,
bove five feet seven, neatly dressed in
a dark frock coat, lemon colored i\lar•
sala, waiscoat, arid black neckcloth.—
He wore the sharp standing collars
of the last fashion but one, and he car
ried an umbrella, a telescope and an
air cushion in one hand, while the
fingers of the other played. with a
heavy steel watch chain. He was_a.
Man with large, well defined features,
busby eyebrows, and a rather coarse
but humorous mouth. 'When he lift.
ed his hat I saw that he was rather
bald, and had a scar high on his left
'Beds?' the lady at the hotel
bar, running her finger up and down
a black multiplication table covered
with white figures, with mysterious
keys hanging below each of them,
like fruit on the stem. While she
was pursuing this task with the air
of conferring a favour rather than of
welcoming guests, the stranger, who
bad already introduced himself to me
as Air. Thistlewood, whispered in my
ear :
'Do the custom house officers take
saw, of conrep, that,, he meant
this a joke, and I laughed. .„.
'Of course not,' I said. 'They'll
pass our luggage directly.'
Mr. Thistlewood was evidently a
born humorist, for not the slightest
return smile dimpled his face as ho
'Well, so I thought; they'll search
it more completely, I suppose when
we get - to
Excellent satirist ; he meant to ridi
cule our absurd custom house restric
tions, and to glance incidentally at
the speed of modern traveling, as if
Carlisle were only the first station on
some great and perilous journey we
were about to undertake.
,Sixty seven and sixty eight, John,'
said the lady, handing the keys to the
porter, who instantly shouldered my
trunk and began to ascend the stair
, Would you order dinner sir Y' he
said, as he let the portmanteau drop
at door 67.
'Dinner for two,' I answered, gland•
ing at my new friend, 'and as soon as
'What'll you have, sir ?'
'Soup, a whiting or so, and a roast
'Exactly,' said my friend.
'Sorry, sir,' said the 'porter to Mr.
Thistlewood, 'that there is no glass
in your room, sir ; chambermaid
broke it yesterday; get you ono di.
redly, sir.'
'No, no, no, no,' said Toy compan
ion, rather irritably, '1 never allow
glass in my room. Bring a glass and
I leave the house.' As he said this
he smiled at me, as much
,as to say
this a joke of mine to startle the por
'Oh, of course not, if you don't wish
sir,' said the porter, shutting rue in
67; and leading Mr. Thistlewood into
No. GS.
To wash, dress, and put on slippers
after a long journey, is a gre - fit pleas
'My room. 67, had a &de door open.
ing into 68, and as my washing stand
stood near it, I could not help hear
ing my eccentric friend talking to
himself as he took off his boots. All
that I could distinguish however,
were these remarkable words :
'The discrimination of logic by Jack
Sheppard, as the homologyof thought
from psychology, as the phenomeno•
nology of mind, as Dr. Johnson very
truly said to Tippoo Sahib, will not
This shalahata was shouted so loud
that 1 thought it right to answer the
humorist, or actor, or ventriloquist,
or professor, or whatever he might be;
I tapped at the door.
'How about Tibet now ?' replied a
voice ; and then there came a curious
chuckling laugh, and the question,
'Do you understand comic fluxions ?'
'Not a bit I answered; 'and, what's
more, I never even heard of them.'
mdre did _Hegel,' he replied,
'till the Bampton Professor came and
Moses was wrong about the height of
the Pyramids,'
What exhaustible fancy. There
was a tap at my door..
'Dinner's ready, sin'
'All right,' I replied. 'We'll be
down directly.
I was down first, and Thistlewood
was not long after, me. The soup
. „
C=l3 in, and rpy companion auperin
tended tho'inreen.
'Soup ??..said he.
I noddo&in the affirmative.
*gDo you profess ontology or den
tology ?' slid he, 'for as I took off
my boots just now it seemed to me
that you ware one li of those persons
who would smile at the baseless .clia
leetic of Plato, Aar deride the irra
tional logic'of liege]. Walter,
forgotten the bread—stale Pardon•
me, air, buqam an ,enthusiast, as you.
have perhaps already guessed.' " -
'A great fiumorist,' I said, laug,bing;
'and a marrAof science, lam sure.'
'You're right, sir, you're high said
my.friend i +ther vociferously. 'Cay
enne pepp44.,Waiter I I devot
ed . 3 , , ,,, m i t f. 3 ro" leg:4o r i s roomS .in'
St. Bees to eredying• the solar spots
and the causes of !Am sun's heat. I
have only yesterds.y discovered a clue
—to what do you think,- sir? Tell
the cook, waiter., there is WO Much
salt in this soup.'
really eannot, guess.' No. thank
you, no more soup.
Terpetii•al motion, . that's all,' said
my Cc:cent:tic friend, coolly, - as. he re
moved : the cover . of, the fish, l'll.ex
plain it to you. 'in a moment with,
pieces of bread. This crust is D, that
is a rod fixed by one end to a beam
supporter,,wiii . le these bits of crumb,
A, B and C (this .big one's 0), are
threepair ,of levers, forming a paral
lelopielon ,; this spoon is D ; the piston
rod attached ter 11, the salt cell er ; this
knife, E, is the hot water pump con
nected with the parallel motion at F;
this fork----:
I suppose I looked rather wander
ing; for my oevti friend took mercy on
see,' he said, 'you don't follow my
definitions. I will explain it better
after dinner ) with French plums on a
clear table—l% or wing r
My friend was a mastermind; that
was quite eviciftt. How conld . I ex-
Peet to follbw the flights of such, a
'Potato r,
'Thank you?
'lt was I,' he said, (who invented
Papin's digester, Arnott's stove, and
the Argand la;mp; but they've robbed
me of them all. It was I. who discov
ered the plat) of water tight bulkheads
the paddle bdx, lifeboat, Eley's ear
triges, and, the percussion cap ; but
they rob meisir of everything—glory,
Three per Chnts,Realdel Monte, Mex
icans, everything. They'd burn me
if they could, because l anticipated
them.:with.„;the sewtng machine,
oyster opener, the screw bootjack, and
the apple-pip, eruber.'
+You'reflot the first inventor,' I said
laughing a the eccentric variety of
my friend!J studies, 'who has been
robbed of tis due fame. Look at Gal
knew said,Thistlewood ; 'he
lived in St. Mary axe, and sold station
ary.l.llllis of a green complexion.
Some mo 'fowl, sir?' .
The nu •ette of this remark made
me laugh n spite of myself.
'lf you lease; a drumstick will do.
I prestim: from that remark, you en
tertain sole eccentric notions about
transmig ation ?'
'Of cou se I do. I call all men who
die, dive' ; they return, but I know
them agar; different names of pro
fessions ;I but, Lord bless you ! the
same laws and' manners. Oh, I've.
got my ele on the divers I—There's a
butcher ives opposite MC ; fat, square
face, bid) eyes, like a prize-pig, stands
straddliiir at his door, with his hand
on his \ ist. People call that man
Jackson of No. 83,Whiteehapel road.
Who do cu think he really is ?,
'Can't ,Fuess.'•
'Henri the Eighth ; simple Henry
the Eigfith. Nero is a prize-fighter,
Francis he First is on the Stock Ex
change, IStierateS keeps a cheese shop
on Ludgiitc-h ill, Tamerlane writes for
. 1 ,
a Sunda paper, Marlborough is now
an omni trs conductor. Oh, I've got
my eye f ifi them!'
I neady fell off my chair laugh
ing. I ,
' 'ltobejpicrre cuts hair, Louis the
Elevent¢ is a dissenting minister, and
Bossucti edits Hood's Works.—Oh, I
know thOM,-I know their faces—they
can't. t:iceive. mc.'
Hero the conversation drowed, for
the waiter brought in some slTerry we
had ordered : when we bad helped
ourselves, had nodded and sipped our
this extraordinary man asked,
'Were you ever in a balloon ?'
'I never had that, pleasure.'
'A pleasure, indeed,' said the cnthu•
siast; 'but I once had a most remark
able escape. Seine villian jealous of
my fame, substituted fulminating
mercury or the sand usually used for
ballast. Luckily, I was taken ill:the
night before. The man who went up
in my place (by a special Providence),
when ,balf a mile high, just over Lam
beth was blown to a cinder ; his
watchi fell in a garden near Norwood,
and was given me as a keepsake.-
- acre it is. You observe the dent on
the right hand side? That's where it
struck a milkman who was walking
up to the back door at the time.'
don't see the dent,' said I, look
ing closely, 'but here is the name of
the maker; that's Dent.'
Mr. Thlstlewood exploded with
laughter. 'Oh, you sharp fellow,' he
said, 'you see in a moment when I'm
drawing the long bow. Pass the
That insatiable tongue began to
tire. 4 t ,The day's excitement and the
fAigues of the journey began to tell.
We both grew silent and sipped con
templatively ; first I yawned, and then
my friend yawned looked at the can•
dies on the sideboard.' Then we light
up again. *nit the American war,
about the *rouge: of Poland, About
Mexioo f e,bont the rue amusements
•'+ ' "
now i n vogue, about sensational books,
and other matters.. Finally, We Went
up stairs together and shook
my bedroom door..
had blown out thelight, and ices
just tumbling into bed, when ni ycon
science smote me. I had forgotten
to wind up. my watch. I instantly
opened my bedroom door and relight
ed my candle at .the little 'blne,jet, of
gas.burning in the corrider 5 then go
ing back to my room, a'n'd shutting
the d00r,..1. took down .my 'coat and
searched"my pockets for My keys. I
dived, and brought, up
. Bradshaw, a
pocket-hankerchief, and a rumpled
ball of paper, which, being smoothed
out, revealed itself as an - ill treated
copy of the Times, As it lay before
me nn ; the nrawerq, just 45 I was bend.
ing - to. b'low out t b:0 .tin'ndlei-_ ray eye
fell on an advertisement,. at the top
of the second
. column ; seeing the
it riveted there, until I had devoured
every syllable. The terrible adver
tisement, that seemed suddenly to
turn my heart into, a large lump of
ice, ran thus:
"Caution -to Hotel- keepers !
SAN INSANE GENTLEMAN 0f middling stature,
stout, rather bald, black hair and. bushy eye.
brows, dressed in black frockcoat and Marsala
waistcoat, carrying a few papers, an air cushion,
and an umbrella, is going about seeking accott
modation with anybody who will-trust him. lie
has no means, and is dangerous. Information
leading to his discovery, given
,to Mr. Oxford,
news agent , Clerkenwell, shall be 'retracted?
Good heavens! thought I, as the
paper dropped from my bands, a
dangerous maniac in the next room
to me! Shall I alarm the house . ?
No; that, on second - consideration, I
thought unadvisable, for should I be
mistaken in my companion's identi
ty, I should lay myself open for an
action of defamation; false imprison
ment, or some other horrible thing of
that. kind. Besides, madmen were
only dangerous, I said to myself, un
der provocation, and on their special
topics, Ile might fancy himself
.Emperor of China, or a land turtle,
a washing basin, or a cucumber; but
there was no great harm in that ; no
I would shake off these fears—per
haps, after all, utter groundless—lock
the doors, and sleep soundly until
Boots called me for the early train.
Once away in the train, I could easi
ly cross-examine my companion in
such a way as to elicit his insanity,
if it really existed, and could then act
1 determined, however, before go
ino to bed, to reconnoiter, so I quiet.
.Iy, stole bare foot to the door of com
munication. between the two bed•
rooms in order to liaten. I put my
eas to the chink, and could hear a
drowsy voice, as of a man alMost
asleep droning nonsense verses and
weights and measures.
Thus t
'lf A is to B
What D is to
According to Bohn's deductions,
Then F is to me
What 0 is to P
That's my theory of comic flue
Then the voice stopped like a clock
work run out. A moment after it
continued, more drowsily : •
'Ten gold itehebus equal ten gold
Fifteen mass equal ono itehebo,
One oban equal three . copangs,
One kodama equal fifteen conclor
i nes,
Ono manogoga equal ten thousand
One tattamy equal
Here the voice stopped, and a tre
meniious sonorous snore followed.—
The man was mad, that was evident;
bUt he was harmless, and he was a
I felt in the darkness—for 1 had
blown out my candle—for the key.
There was none ; so I contended my.
self with quietly placing two chairs
in such a way as that no one could
open the door without moving them
and awakening me. I then took out
the key of my bed room door; plac
ed it under iny pillow and jumped in.
to bed.
For some twenty minutes 1 sat up
listening to the heavy snoring of Mr.
Thist!wood. I theA lay down, fell
asleep, and dreamed.
Presently a low creaking noise
awoke mo, and I started. up in my
Yes, it was the maniac 1 There was
the chairs moving slowly back, and
there was the door opening wider and
wider. Well, he might he restless
and curious, and yet mean no harm ;
he might be sleep-walking, and yet
be amiable and tractable. My bed
iv as far from the door, so I turner
my bead towards the door, rolled in
the bed clothes, leaving only one eye
clear, and lay as still as a mummy
The door opened, and Thistlewood
entered on tiptoe. He was in his
long night gown but there was noth
ing else spectral about him. He had
his boots on, his face was red, and his
smile was as pleasant as over.
It was just daybreak. and the cold
pure gray light showed him clearly
to me as be pulled.up the blinds and
looked around with great- curiosity
but perfect composure.
He was talking to himself.
'Kepler,' he said, 'you invented the
pendulum. Bacon, you discovered
turtle-soup. Rum ford, you invented
the patentsbaving box. But yon are
all fools compared to me, for I discov.
ered the egg-whipping machine, the
oyster-opener, the knife cleaner, and
Belt's brandy.'
All of a sudden. the reflection of
himself in- my pier glass caught his
eye, and the sight of it seemed to
drive him ' to fiiry. He lifted his
right foot and drove it through the
glass, which shivered into ,tboallaoa
.pieces. ; ,Thenia a Tcomeat he ,brllke
the logs off two ehaiia,, and shattered
WHOLE 'Nth 157
_ • ,
t;he second ' glass, the washing, jog,
- and t'lle‘glaiaover the fire place.
know yeti,' he cried, 41 know
you! You have been followl'ng me
for years, yot 'dog me every Where.---
I see you in The sunshint, in the
moonlight, on - the 'walls, on the ceil
ing, in tire silver spoons, in the liqua
rium, in the shop-windows, 'every
where and everywhere. I will thus
Beat and smash you, hell born image
of myself l'
`As he said this he pounded the
fragments almost to dust, danced
on them, and laughed'as . they splash
ed, around him. Then, "gazing at a
huge hatchet shaped fragment of
plate grass, ho cried looking toward
my bed :
'But where is that wretch who de
hie,d last nialit that I invented -per
petual motion rt vas te Whe'filled
this room with images 'to vex and
dog me. Stop 1: I'll go and get my
razor; it'll do it 'cleaner'
4 ' The moment he darted into his
room I leaped out of bed, rushed in
to the corridor, and quickly locked
my door on the outside. Then I
tried the key in his, and finding it
fitted I locked his door too.
1. heard him scream and howl,drag
down the bed curtains, and rushed
at the door, and kicked,? thumped,
and cut at the wood with his razor,
as he cried :
Forty days have I been in the wil
derness. Newton, let me out, and
bring me a boiled pelican; Kelper,
some brandy-and-water; and tell the
landlord, Flainstead, there's a man
run away here without paying for
hie bed. Cut his throat, I tell you,
for be says I didn't discover perpetu
al motion !'
I ran to the end of the corrider,
where some twenty hells hung. I
beat on them all, till every person in
the hotel came to my help—landlord,
waiters, chambermaids, ostlers, guests
everybody. I told ,theur of my nar•
row escape, and Of the madman, and
we then arranged to secure him—by
flinging blankets over him when we
opened the door and rushed in.
We did secure the man after a tore
mendous,struggle for his strength
was superhuman. We then tied his
hands behind him, and sent for the
police to put a straight•waistcoat on
him to take him into custody.
Next day his keepers arrived , and
took charge of him. It appeared that
he was a professor of St. Bee's, seien •
Otte inventor, who had gone mad
partly from over study, but still more
from being rejected by a lady. Ev
er since thatrejection, be had inken
it. into his head that hewils so duper
anly hideous that no one, male
or female, could bear to look at him;
and he had in consequence taken a
marked hatred to all mirrors and
looking glasses, which he had made
a rule of destroying wherever he
found them.
Erection of Two Hundred and Forty
The greatest improvement of the
age is that which is now progressing
in the northern section of Philadel
phia, consisting of the erection of no
less than two hundred and fifty dwell
ing houses on the site formerly oceu•
pied by Camac's Woods. The build.
ings stand in eight rows, in Eleventh
street, Marvine street, 12th street,
Caruso street, and 13th street each
one extending from Montgomery to
Berks streets. The buildings in the
main are all constructed alike, those
on the corners being fitted up for
stores, They are all three stories in
height, with small grass plots in
front, surrounded with neat and
handsome iron- railing.. They con
tain all the modern improvements of
the day, being supplied with gas,
bath rooms, and many other conve
niences. Each house contains on
the first floor a large saloon-,, parlor,
dining room and kitchen. The up
per stories contain a sittingroom and
four bedrooms, with a back stair en
trance. The corner houses on Berks
street have largo bow windows on
the first and second stories, with a
ten foot side yard. Taken all togeth
er, the houses are commodius and
roomy, and such as are now needed
and much sought after.
The row on Eleventh street, it is
calculated, will he ready for occupa
tion in two weeks, while the whole
block will be completed by the first
of next May. This is, without doubt,
one of the most gigantic enterprises
ever undertaken in that city. The
construction of these dwellings will
populate a section of the city, here
tofore nothing but barren lots, and
will much increase the value of real
estate in that neighborhood, thus
stimulating others to engage in sim
ilar enterprises. Besides this, a great
improvement of this kind gives em
ployment to hu ndreds df workmen - -
the,most deserving class of our corn
inanity, and irivolves in it the invest
ment elan immense capital. Those
who have not visited that section
since the commencement of these
buildings could scarcely realize the
change. The place was formerly a
great wood, and was a favorite place
of resort for parties, picnics, &c.—
The wood has now disappeared arid
in its place stands a group.of neat
brick houSes, which on account of
their similarity present a pleasing
picture to the spectator. As soon
as these buildings are finished, the
same party contemplate the erection
of , One hundred'and eighty more of ta
larger size and'Of more cost. They
will occupy, lots irinnediately north
of the ,present: ones.
H404.E8:'13 DEFEAT AT RING G9Ll).
Many of the most respectable West=
By WM. M. BEZSLO, - -
241 Bt.,* dr 'Vlinckfo NeW allding, Cumbirleindlit
At One Dollar and Fifty Cants a Year.
'aßir" ADVERTIBRKEXISIi rte s attie. 'nirnal rates. 'VI
The friends of the astablieEle i it, iiitialffeliiNfc gorier
ally are respectfully solidited to
a end'ldtliair iirders.
AM-LIANDBILLS Printed et '
In Lebanon County, postage free .
In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon oonniy3 , Vants'pe,
quarter, or 13 cents a year.
Out of this State, 6% cte. per quarter, or 26 ciS. a year
if the postage is not paid in advance, rates are don We.
ern papers ate'vety earnest in t Wert
dentmciat?Ons of 'the blunder by 'Gen:
Hodker at Ringgold ; where it is said
that some five 'hund'red of his best,
troops 7 —msri from
.I.llinois ' and hio
—were foolishly sacrificed. Thee
army correspondent of the:St. :Louie,
Republican writes as follows of the
the conduct of Hooker, in
. Vitshing
so many : brave 'Men into the .j - aws;:if
death, cannot he too severely repro_,
hended. He-bad. won laurels at the
bride of Lois - kola Mountain, and
head was turned, and be was imps=
tient to obey the strict orders of his
superior. In :his impetuosity—Lwilk
not insinuate that he had taken a,
thief into his mouth to take away
his brains, though that is currently
reported—he determined to carry the
post here, regardless of its strength ;
and of the loss-of life which an asea26l l t
would entail. Gen. :.Grant demanded
an explanation of his unprecedented
conduct, when : Rooker - replied that
his skirmishes became engaged, and
that it was a point of honor with him
to sustain them. The object of send
ing them out was to assert in the
sition of .tbe rebels, while a flank
movement was made upon them,
which must have resulted in the cap
ture of most of them, but by his reek
lessness, Rocker lost us the a - dvan Lego
which this would have secured, and
consigned hundreds of brave men tO
their graves.
The death of an obscure German artist;
and the recent revival before one of the
Paris courts of the celebrated diamond
necklace cause celebre, bring to mind a
singular adventure which caused some
years ago great scandal at the Court of
Munich. Before Lola Montez went to
the capital of Bavaria, King Louis' atten
tion was attracted by a German prima
donna, Charlotte Kendrick. One morning
King Louis discovered, as he crossed the
palace nursery, the floor of the room cov
ered with his children's toys; among
them were several doll babies. He was
then on his way to Charlotte Kendrick's
rooms. He thought that a single doll
would scarcely be missed among the na -,
merous toys which filled the floor. He
put one of them, the first he could lay hit
hands upon, in his pocket.
When he reached Charlotte Kendrick's
lodgings he gave the doll to her child,
and forgot everything about it. While
the King was closeted with the prima
donna, the palate was in an indescribable
state of confusion. A great robbery was
discovered to have been committed in
the Queen's bedchamber. A valuable
turquoise, surrounded with enormaus dia
monds, and worth above $20,000, had
been purloined. The enfortunrie occur
rence was concealed as lorig as possible
from the king, for he had given the jeivel
to his wife, and prized it extretnely. It
could not be kept longer from likn, and
the moment he was informed of it he sent
for the police, and ordered that no pains
should be spared to discover the culprits
whom he vowed should be severely pun;
ished. Several servants were arrested
upon suspicion.
A state concert was given that same
evening. All the diplomatic corps and
the most distinguished company of court
were present. The daring robbery com
mitted in the morning was the subject of
general conversation. The turquoise
was familiar to everybody in the court
theatre. Charlotte Kendrick appeared in
the third piece; it was some favorite, bra
vura from a grand opera. She, wad
dressed in light-blue silk, trimmed with
white lace. She advanced to the front of
the stage and bowed to the sovereigns,
and then to the other spectators. As she
rose from the profound obeisance made;
all eyes were riveted with astonishment
upon her stomacher; there glittered the
royal gem lost that morning!
A buzz of wonder ran around the
room. The King blushad deeply. He
saw at once how the alleged theft had oc
cured. His children, finding the breast=
pin on the royal table, thrust it into the
dress of their favorite doll. He had not
observed it, and had given it with the doll
to the prima donna's daughter. Charlotte
Kendrick did not see the valuable breast
pin until after the King's departure. She
thought he had, for delicacy, adopted this
indirect way to make her a valuable pres
ent; and to thank him aS delicately she
wore it next her heart at the state concert.
The King was obliged to confess what had
taken place, to explain the Mistake to the
prinia donna, who with a heavy heart sur=
rendered the valuable trinket The palace
servants were at once released with a val
uable gratuity in money to compensate
Ihem for their imprisonment.
AS I sr all necessarily be absent from the County
1%. during the 'session of Congress. I bare Made ar. ,
tan gem„„ is w ith ,toe:e W. RYON, Esq., of Pottsville,
to take charge of my legal business. My office Will he
kept open na heretofore and those of my friends and
clients haring legal b»siness 'nay depend sport its re•
miring prompt and efficient attention. Mr. Ryon is a
gentleman of extensive legal learning and long experi
ence at the bar. I hare full conildenen in hie ability,
integrity and industry, and I therefore cheerfully
commend the interests of my clientB and friends to his
core and attention. Mr. F. W. CONRAD will also
remain in my office,
. .
Respectfully. ,MYER STROUSE
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 2,1362-3 m.
. .
Lebanon 11;Mali Sleek lbr
ir,„ SHARES of the STOCK of the LEI:UNIT:4
1.0 BANK, [new] are (glared Ter sale. Apply at tbi
Lebanon, Dm 9,1563.
Door, Sash and Steam Planing
Tlllllll-1110111—‘1 11 E0
Located on the Steam-Ilottst Road, near Cumbertand
Street, East ItFanon.
run E undersigned respectfully Inform ' -
I the public in general, that they grill
till manufectdre and keep on hand,
Door, Sash, Shatter, Blinds, Flooring,
Weather-Donnie, CI Gee Spring ' 114 ! 4- ' l-11 ""
Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash- Boards; Gating, Barbara.
Cornices, and all kinds of BUILBING MATERIALS
for Houses. We also construct - the latest and most fm=
proved Stair Caring and Hand Railirik, au:Habra foe
large and small buildings.
We now invite Farmers, Mechanic's and Builders to
call and examine our stock, which we,. will warrant to
give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under
signed with their custom.
Lebanon, April 23,1802.
P. 3.—There la also all Moth; ofrom
TURNING at the
Name Mill. Planing, Sawing, ke., pptly at
those who may furnish Lumber..
lotor G. aim*