The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 23, 1863, Image 1

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dab trinting:
MVP urqruloaa rmaisnamtaaa:+.a . Eleszt.
Neatly and Promptly Executed, at the
- -
THIN establishment is now supplied with an extensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
patronage deminds. It can now turn out PaTIFTIZte, of
every description, in a neat and expeditions dinner—
linden very reasonable term. Such as
Pamphlets, Checks,
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Readings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Fare,
Invitations, Tickets, dm. Atc
lEr Drays of all kinds, Common and Jndgmont
School, Justices', Constables' and other BIANKA, printed
correctly and neatly an the best Paper, constantly kept
for sale sit this office, at prices "to suit the times."
ogpv Snbecription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER
Otte Dollar and a Ralf a Year.
Address, Wu. M. BRULIN, Lebanon, Pa.
- Office North. West' Corner of Water
stAdll.l4l;ket Streets,
tebnzon, Nov 18, 1863.--Iy.*
George Pllege!, jr.,
grAVIIBB in rooms formerly pconpied by Dr. Betn.O6l
tVJ Behm, deceased, and, opposite, to the Black Itorae
Hotel, C.mbeciand Street, Lebanon ,
August 26,
vcr Inv nArt,
APINTFICE 4 in Cunabberlend street, a few doors east of
Ark) thaltagle.Hotel, in the office late ::of ,his father
„rOarit. JetrztAVeidaten, deed.
Lebanon:9oS. 9,1863. :
Ppm removed his office to the bu ilding, one door eas
of Landermilch 'a Store, opposite the Washington house
Lebanon Pa.
claims promptly vettetilled
to - [April 8,433.-3 m.
H A.$ REMOVED Ms office to Market Street, opposite
the Lebanon Bank, two doors North of Widow
Atae's Hotel.
Lebanon, March 25, '63,
DIgTItICT ATTORNEY, has remer d e his O
to the ROOM lately occupied by Dr . Geo.
swearer, fn Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a .few doors
East of the Eagle note, and two doors west of Oen.
Weidman's Office.
Lebanon Dee. 17,1.862.
TTORNEY-AT-LAW.--Office in Walontetreett,neat
ly opposite the Buck 'hotel, and tiro door's sOisth
from Kartnany's hardware store.
Lebanon, April 9, 1862.711.
A TrouNEY-AT-X.A.w...--Office with A. IL 71 velln,
41... Esq.. Cumberland Street, oppdeite the. 'Conrt
Home, Lebanon, ra. [Oct. 28, 3.-B(gt.l
. T
AL. - It 'tick X' XL et 3r - t w.
rION undersigned , l
iving been licensed to prosecute
IClaims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and
Pension bueioess, offers his services to all those who
ai a thereto entitled. in accordance with the various
acts of Congress. All , such should call or address at
Once, and mate their applications through
IIASSLEIt EOM, Attorney at-Law, *
Mu,: With A. R. BOUGHTER, Esq.,
Cumberland strOef; Mono illo 00011 ifOttsei
October, 28,1503. Lebanon, Pa.
TORINEY AT LAW, Office In Sticbter's
A"Cumberland street, nearly unnoite the Cou rt
}louse. [Lebanon, Nay 6, 1863.
Or. Samuel S. Melly
6rIFFERS his proftecional services to the eiti . adifs Of
-Leliatain and viviniti. OFFICE. at residence
ppf Zdts.t..Such, two doors West of 10frice detir.S,.arated
Ii tuft, dCe'd,qh - Ctiisiberiand - StrOot.
Tetiatibn:kliVitra 18e3.
11 1 r
.00111-10781g1(.0:2V" AWE' C1iA.2.1 7 TS
ALE (iv
Butter,Eggs, Cheese Iltra,
Poultry, Game, Cheese,
Grain, Seed, &T.
Ono door above Washington,
0. Wofgley.
It. Duman.
Robb & Amongit, NO, York; AIM
W. W. Selfridge. Esq., do; JaWSS t Shepard, do; Man
son. Labach & Farrington:do; Samuel O. Johnson
an, do;
W. M. Breslint Esq., Lettmon. Pa.; L. Bete. Cton,
Ohio; W. 0. Curry & Co., Bankers,Erie, Pa.; lion.
John StHO, Allentown, Pit. [Jan . 14, 1883.
]Hirai n W. Rank,
FORMERLY of Jonestown, Lebanon county, Would
reipittfully inform his friends, irid the public,
thallieltastonneeted'himself with Mr. Loves,in the
7..10.1-18 North Thlrd street,
wliere he will be glad 'to receive customers, add VII
Bell *t rates Butt will prqve satisfactory.
Iday * Bo, 18 63.
el c‘r''' r v 4,--- TO MY FRIENDS
A B d I shall necessarily be absent front the County
d uring the Session of .Congress. I have Made ar
rangements with Jolly W. RYON, Esq., of Pittsville,
to take charge of my legal business. My office be
kept open as heretofore and those 01 my friends and
clients having legal business may depend upon its re
ceiving prompt and efficient attention. Mr. Ryon 15,0
gentleman of extensive legal leaning hail king etiPeti
ence at the bar. I have full confidence in his ability,
integrity and industry, and I therefore eliderfolly
commend the interests of my cliints and friends to 'his
tare and 'attention. IPr. V. W. CONRAD Will MO
kelinkin in My office,
Respectfully. MYER' ETROtiSB.
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 2, 1863--am.
Market Square, apposite the Market Howse, Lebanon, Pa.
IVEIE undersigned reSpecttUlly informs tae public
that he lxas ttCeicea an extensive stock of the
'elibieent and 'AIWA% Litfuors of all descriptions. 'rheas
g Lititen s lie is invariably diaposed to sell at un
t, * firecedentedly low prices.
Druggists, Farmers, li otel Keepers, and oth
.ers will consult their own interests by buying of the
'Undersigned. L. it. DREG.
Uharton, April 15, 1883.
Toy. `26th UM,
The public Is respectfully informed that on and af
ter MONDAY, DEcEMBEIt 14th., all Passengers who do
'not purchase their tickets be fore entering the Cars,
will be charged 28 cents estiu Ott 'each ticket porches
ed ou the tfaib, for width they will obtain from the
Conductor lt Check Receipt ' . This Receipt will be re.
'deemed, end 25 newts laid therefor , in cash. upon its
Tresebtettob Many Ticket Mice of the Company.
G. A. bilelloS.
General Sup't.
tiecomber 0, 18611.-2 m.
ONE ofthe largist ;NtIRSERY FIRMS, in South
OEastern Pennsylvania, wish to secure the perma
nent services of a competent SALE AGENT in LEGA.
NON COUNTY. They wish a reliable enterprising
man, who will devote his whole time to selling Fruit.
.and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Plants, &e. Fur far
ther Information apply at the Office of this paper.
Dec. 9,1868 —4t.
ÜBUC NOTICE is hereby given. that the account
Pof Daniel Walter, assignee or JACOB HEIM and
Catharine his wife, by Deed of voluntary assignment
dated the day or A pri1,1862, has been filed in the
Prothonotary' resented( Lebanon county, and that the
same will be pto the Court of Common Pleas
of said County on the _first Monday of January next,
for confirmation • and allowance when and where all
persons may attend' if they think proper.
MORT KEGRIST, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary'iOillee, Dec. 1, 1863.
-PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. that the necotint
'of Charles H. fifelly, assignee under a Tnlh ntaty
deed of assignment for the benefit of creditors of
GEORGIE REINOEtif, and wife, of the Borough of
Lebanon, County o Lebanon,been filed in t hat the
Offic f e
of Lebanon county, and that the
same will be presented to the Court of Common m eet,
of said..counly, on the first Monday of January next,
for confirmation and allowance, when and where
all persons may attend if they think proper.
HENRY REHBIBT, Prothonotary.
Prothonots 'e Office, Dec. 2, 'CI
Notice. -
101101BLIC NOTICE, i heriby itiv2ll, tilatthe,,account
ofJoeeph Reines, and Joseph Akrnold, fth ognees of
WILLIAM-E,ARNOLD end Wife, Of ttm PerougD. of
Loboooi,,vounty of T. 0041104, P 4., under it 114911ta1l
deed of assignment for the boneflt' of Creditors, has
been died in the Prothonotary's °lgoe ofLebanon
connty;,arid that the ;owns , will be , prosoutpd to the
Court of ..Common pleas of said county on tie first .
Monday of January neat, for confirnintion and
ante, when and whore sit persons may attend if they,
think proper,
HiNAV STEGRYST, Ptabortotikry.
VOL. 1.5-NO. 26.
Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philad' a Pa.
Liver Complaint ,
Citron ie or' Nerrous Dthility, -Diseases o f_the.- - trir - o - taaraq - firfiffirg - , Worn a
disordered Liver or. Stomach.
Snob ns Constipation, Inwaid Piles, Fulness or Blood
to the Read ; Acidity. of 'The Sialneh. Nausea, Heart
hOrn,;Disgust Tor teoil, Paineie 'or Weight Jo the
:StOinitCh. Sour Erugtetious, Sinking or 'nattering lit
the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Bead, Slur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutkering at the ileart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lyingpos
'tore, Dimness of Vision, Dots" or Webs before the
Sight, F4rer end, Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of
Perspiratßin,Tellowness Ot the Skih and Byes.' Pain
'in tbs. Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, &a Sudden Flushes
'of Beat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and great Depression:of Spirits.
Andwill positively prevent IciSow,Ferer, Biitour
Rev., ire.
Nb Alcohol or Bad Whiskey . ?
They tvILL CURE the above dipeues in ninety
nine caeca out 'of a hundred.
Induced hy'the extensive Bale and universal men- '
larity of Hoofiand's German Bitters, (purely vegetable.) ,
ho , te of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventu
rers, have opened upon suffering humanity the flood,: '
wiles of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely
coinpoitoded with injurious drugs, and christened Ton- I
lee, Stemechlas and Bitters.
Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep
mtatitins in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, un
der the modest appellation bf, titters ; which instead
of curing, only aggravate diseitie, and leave the disap
pointed suff rer in dispair. , ~.. „..
Are not snow and untried article, but have stood
the test of SD - eels - years trial by the American Public;
and their reputation and sale, are not rithfled by any
similar preparstibb.
The proprietbrs have thiiiiirinda Of Letters fraiii the
Most eminent _ ,
Testifying of. their own personal knowledge,, to the
beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters.
Prow Rev. J. Newton Brown. B.
,D., Editor of the .A'n
. cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat-
ent Medicines in general, through tIiMUSt of their in
gredient, and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient rea
sons why a man may not testify to the benefits be be.
Heves himself to have received from any simple prep
aration, In the hope that he may thus contribute to the
benefit of others.
I do this the more readily in togard to Iloofiend's
Berman Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. N. Jackson, in'this
t fty,heetufse I was prejudiced against them for many
i oarsilinder the impression that they were chiefly an
alcoltollc milithre. I etc indebted to my friend Rob
ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal or this prejudice
by .pacifirkrlfists, and for encouragement to 'fry them.
Wri"3ll 13Uffe!iiiit,I ekii
roiit gt iihOtilfg 'continued delis'.
`iy. 'fhe nee ciftiniOstiiitles'Of - shake DittAta,.etiho tie
; ginning of the preient year. Wee - followed. bylifiiitintf
'''''''''""-"-----14-hedilv and Men
tal vigor tiett - rilad rtot felt for siX
'laid bad almost despaired of regiiiiiliag. I therefor:
thank Gtal and my friend for directing me to the use
Pan.s.D'a.,Jmes, 23 1561.
0 tuton
Vegetable Extract.
Particular Notice.
Rhiere ofe'tni t y "Preparations sold under the name of
'lYlftgra,init up in quart belfries. coirspouuded of the
( chelijibet Whiskey or common rum, coating from 20 to
40" cents per g Midst, the taste disguised hy Attlee 6r
'Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused and lilt Wntinue to
'cause, as long as they can he sold, hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard. By their use the system is
kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stim
ulants o fthe worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea
ted and kept hp, and the result is all the horrors at
teudaut leXt, a drunkard's life and death.
For those who desire and mil/ have a' iquor Bitters,
we publish the following receipt. Get one Dottie it-oof
rani's Germa Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of
Vaxl Brandy or Whiskey. and the result will be a preit•
oration that will fur excel in medicinal virtues and
true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in
the market, and will cost winch less. You Will have
all the virtueaof lifooftund'sßUters in etinnealon with
a good article of Liquor, at a much leins price than
these Inferior preparations Will cost you.
Altentiou Soldiers!
••• We call the attention of nil haviiig' relations 'and
friends In the army to the fact that --1100 FLA ND'S
German Bitters" will cure eine tenths or the diseasne
induced by expostres and privations incident to camp
We. Yn the lists, ipabl ished almost daily In the news
papers, on the arrival of the it Will be noticed
•that a very large proportion tire suffering from debili
ty. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by
Nowitanit's Qemrtin Ilfttere, Diseases, resulting from
diiMi'dersOfthe digestive organs are speedily remoied.
We hareem) hesitation in stating that, if Hinge Biefirs
were freely used among our soldierS, hundreds of lives
might he saved that otherwise Will be Mat.
We call particular attention to the following re
markable and wellauthenticated mire of one of the
nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language,
"has been saved by
P the Bitters :"
IIIIADELPIIIA;).11g11St 23rd, 180.
I Messrs. Tones Beans.—Well, gentlemen, your Hoof.
an d's German Bitters bus saved my life. There is no
mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of niy
comrades, Seine of whtiie 'ennui are appended, and Who
Were fully cogniiailt 'Of All the eireunistancea of my
mos I nm, and have been for the last four years, a
member of Sherman's zelebrated bettery,, and Meier
the immediate command of Captain R. E. Ayres
Threugh the exposure attendant upon my arduous du
' ties.l was attacked in November last with inflammation
of the limes, and was for seventy-two days in the hos
pital. This was followed by great debility, heighten
ed by isti - attack of dysentery. I was then removed
from the White House, and sent to this city on board
the Stormier "State of Maine" limit which I landed
on the 28th ofJ • nue. Since that time I have been a
bout as low as any one conid be and still retain a spark
of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to
swallow anything; and if I did forth a morsel down, it
was immediately thrown. up again.
I could not even keep a glass of water on my stom
ach . Life could not last under these circumstances.;
and, accordingly, the physicians who had been work
ing faithfully, though to rescue me I
from the grasp of the, dead Archer, frankly told me
they Could do no more for me, and advised me to see
a clergyman, and to make such disposition Of, my lind
bid funds as best suited me, An acquaintance who
visited me ut the hospital, Mr.Freilerick Steinbron,
Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as u forlorn
hope, to try Jour Bitters, and kindly preeured a bot
tle. From the time I commenced taking them the
gloomy shadow of death receded, arid I am now, Clank
tied for it, getting better. Though I have but taken
~two bottles, t have gained ten nounds, and I feel san
guine of being ptrinitted to rejoin my wife and [laugh
, ter, from wheel I have heard nothing for 18 months:
for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from the tithe.
ity of Front ]loyal. To your hivaluable Bitters I owe
the certainty ef life 'whin has takeh the place of vague
fears—to.yotir Bitters will Lowe the glorious privilege,
fof again steeping to my besinh those Who are dearest to
me in life. Very trely yours, ISA:A.O MALONE , .
We.fully amour in the, truth of the shove statement,
as - ire had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone,
restored to health. •
JOHN CUDDLEBACK, Ist New York Battery.
CIEOIIOI I A ACKLEY, Co 0 11th Maine.
L E SPENCER Ist Artiller, Battery F.
fi, GO Rld Vermont
HENRY E JEROME, .00 B . do.
HENRY T MACIKINAI.I3, Co C 6th Maine'.
JOHN F - WARD. Co E stb Maine:
LIEBMAN KOCII, CO il 12d New York.
ANDREW J lILMBALL,Cp A Btl Verscitia.
JOHN JENKINS, Co B 10601 Penni
Beware of Counterfeits' I
See that the signature of "0. 31. JACKSON," is on
the WRAPPER of each bottle.
" HALF DOZ. FOR $1 00.
Should your nearest.druggist not have tt e article,
do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara
tions that may be offered in its place, but send to us,
and we will forward. securely nacked,-by express.
NO. 631 ARCH. ST,
hones :Evans.
J.A.OIOON,* C 0.,)
Jar .ron, 840 1- , y. Da. 114:05, opposite Lhe Cana
trouiin Linago, Pe..i.andby.ltgAggists and 'Dealers in
.Tart' town in t h e i:l9lted Rtatms.
" • 'May 27, 180.-Iy,
The Way Hans Made a Fortune
There Was once a poor mechanic
Who .had two sons. One was a
very good, :amiable, industrious
boy, named Hans; but he was by
no means so smart as his brother
,'ll - otnerich, and therefore was not
half . 'asi.inneh , Inved by his silly
father,' although Hemel rich Was 'an
: wicked fellow.,
Now -it
-e-verycinn - g - was so much'dearer
than usual, that the poor man's
purse wasalthost empty. "What
0 `the World kin I to do?" said he.
.'We must line. My customers
haVe been very, 'attentive to me ;
politeness requires that I should
go and see thorn in return ; and
who knoWs but, :thinking Of tile
hardnessof the times, they may
pay some of their bills?'
So said, so done. Early the:
next morning. he set 'out, and
knocked at many a stately door - ;
'bitt he was not long in facing
'that the riebest men were not al
.iVays the best paymaster's, fOir'nb
one Money - to pay - bills, or even
tithe to look over them. In the
evening the poor. ;man came
weary and diAbonrais;ea,.and bethk
ing himself to the ‘public house,
threw himself . bn the bencl t hefore
the door. - Ile had .o,'Ven the
heart to talk With 'tho - Se'atont him,
and therefore soon found himself
all alone. He kid not want to go
home, for he could not bear to look':
at the sad face of his. wife:who was !
too, much annoyed at being
ed to give up a new petticoat on
which she had set. her heart to be
a very pleasant companion..
While he sat there busied with his
own thoughts, he could not help
hearing what was going on among
the guests
A stranger who bad just :a`tijiV&l
from the Capital was that ' I
the king's beautiful danghter had
been spell-bound by a wicked ma-1
gician, and must remain in bon,
'dage !all !her 'life, 12-nless some one',
gicixin's . chaith's. The diStm,ssed
king bad offered great rewai.ds to
anyone who would free her. He
should have the 'lady for his wife,
and, any qhatit'fty Of rich treasure
beside. . -
To 'el this the :poor W6rktnan
listened—first with half an ear,
then with a Whore Pne,, and at last
with two. 'Why,' said he to, him
self, 'should not my son Hemelrich
try as any other? He is : a little
wild, .I know ; but he has ple . rity
of brains. What is to prevent him
from getting the lady and her
money see too it. I'm sure
even the lag might be proud 'a
Porgetting his troubles and the
unkindness of his custonrers„ he
ran quickly b o*. 'lid Wn
.the afThir to - his Wite. 'She agreed
with hini VeriValy:
'lf,' said She, 'it - haa We'en 'that
booby nails, I should say No at
office nut s'o bright an'd 'Wive a
'Mk* : as Helmerich caniyet help
bat to succeed, and I'm sure both
the lady aria her father will admire
Early the next morning he call
ed Helmerich, - and Itesii•ed him to
borrow a horse and such weapons
as a gentleman would require, and
'start at once ukyon the ; journey,—
nelying upon MS great reputation
for brains and good loolis, he felt
hs siire of his success as his father
did, and promised his parents that
as soon as he was married he would
take them to ride in a coach and
six, and try to give his stupid
brother a lift in the world, too.
Proudly he set out on his way,
and amused himself by torment
ing everything he met. Little
birds sat on the bushes singing
praises to God in their oivn wlty ;
he switched then down with his
riding whip. Then he came to an
ant-hill, just finished. He made
his horse go over it and paw it up ;
and when the poor little insets, iii
their fright, ran up' upon hitt and
horse, too, he crushed and killed
every one he could see. Next he
came to a beautiful • clear pond,
where some ducks were swimming
There were twelve. He drove
them to the shore, and killed elev
en, but the twelfth escaped. Then
he came to a bee hive. lie switch
ed and slashed round the hive un
tinthe terrified insects fte* out to.
see.what was the matter; and then
flashed a charge of gunpowder a
mong theti killing. orstunning the
whole swarm. It seemed to de
light him to hurt or destroy all Hy.,
ing things, not ihat he wanted .
them' for foed but for The;:wicked
pleasure, of seeing them suffer : and
struggle. ,
Just as the sun
merich reached:. the castle in,which
the princess was shut upi. and
knocked lustily at the closed gate.
There was no answer. Ire knock
ed again. Presentlya small round
window was opened, and out of it
was thrust the head and face of an
old woman .all covered with cob
webs. She asked what he want
ed. • 1
'I. have come to fro(e the princ
ess,' he rcpled, conceitedly, 'so let
me in gnieltly l'
'Oh, that's it, is it 2' '
'said the la.-
dy. 'Well," there's 'lie hurry my
son. To rntirrow'vuill he another
day, I will '-.he ready for you at
'nine 'o'clock,' and she hatilpthe win
dow. .
. The next e day at ttin e o'clock
q t.....-io.k. : - Ts-..:.;esents4k.- -1- : - "--... , . 1 fir- ,, L--
gal n , . ann--b AT - -7esti l ertr t gclii 'tlidr'e wag
the oin'Citti4fi wr,iting ftit's'im•- - -
She gh'Aie Min a kegftill'of flaxseed
saying: 'I shW be itfack in an hour;
meanwhile :thread 'these seeds to
gether, and hayeqt'done" when Tie
turn.' i 1 .
. lielmerichtttidlOt the ,old lady
viaS'ttiaking- :Awl 'lsf-him, and
would not ey h look at the seeds.
He walked u and down seeking
some way
. of . tting' into theCas
tle, and wile be came back, the
keg . ever:,
'That's no light,' -said she.—
'That's not ight.' Then taking
frdM 'hor , p cket twelve. golden
'spddrS,,thre: The.'m One 'by'dile In
tOzehroad lAlb
efore 'ale `cattle.-_
li`'there,' salt e 4ish them u'r a
gainst I 'rot. .n,. I'll be back in -. AI - 1
hour.' MI . M3Ch . langhed, but
'paid no M . ]ide a 'to iN4itit - Sll6
said than lie'ad 't o 'the Irak - geed.
, i ,
when the 'd ' i woman- tame - bank
and saw a ' t mutters stood, she
shook her - •Jid angrily, and . ex
'Not rig ! not right!'
Then sh ook hiS hand, and led
him up th :reat castle stair case
to a vast soon, :where
sat three
veiled fern•.s. 'Choose,.'
said she,
'but be e, fill, I'll e back in an
hour,. thei 11 me -\.‘ lich of these
you Will :6: lichnerich amus.
cd himsel'bl look 4 At the ele
gant furni i , but acre no beed
to the fig beforelliiinuntil the
old woma of bad : . and 'aSked
him what I though of the.prine
ess, . New 4 .,..1e 'lad 0 - idea that
either 'flivalt ' .I't 'KO time to
0 w. 1 4. 9 .. F .„_, - .4.. - s l ' '1 ' , 1.p.4..r0 4'l
) 4er.
k,, 0 - iess, a ivd..vad - 4 ; :-.s. ia,". oag 'a;
1- fitql - r - V --• Itks4o - ebi - their - VON
were dra:Vi. , ' :sin the middlesitt,
the beautif n.ineei, and 'the fig
ure on the - it \vas a fierce drag
on, 'that fel . on the lazy and con
-ceited fello nd destroyed him in
o, Moment. .
I;,ipie passed after :the
. itterfnerich, nothing
t if the coach and six;
li mechanic began to
fi essed. He thought
lat hiS Son could not
man of himself. If
I ans,'now, be should
at all surprised, for
s plodding no matter
'finide his hands,-and
,l of biniself by feed
wigiy 'data and birds
If it had been 'e,
.t - rave felt at all Sur
',' e.ltnerich vas certain
ugh to do anything,
is 'enough to ii-fake
-,1l lka - love with him.
its 'own" thoughts up
'et t too, it _ wobid
one bright' 'thorn
s father's -consent to
could . do. . But *the
d not listen to•such
'lcy, Sou must be -a
an I thought you I'
Jen the smart and ac
eh has, failed, what
et to do ?' He was
son to go Without his
nt but his heart was
So lank
being hea
that the . I
be quite
it very
make a g
it had be;
not have
he was al.
how dirty
ing,all to
iii the :col
prised ; b
Ly 'clever
any 0 Ell
on the
try What
old man
a thing
said he.
ttve He
can you
too duti
set on it
he begged so often
that at last the old
,o 'be off, if he wonitl,
, d,of hearing birth'
and so
man, told)
for helvai
With ti
but as he
nor weal)(
stitk anal
On foot.
days, to tt
brother his
ho was not
slept on th.
ever ho bal
the birds di'
afraid of hi
1 with theit
went , on, h i l
the inddst ,
rebuilt i.bi4i
he .went t
bringing hii
ting it eln)
t in
did he inj
when, in t f
they ran -
his arms; vitlj
did bite Hip]
At the We
of ducks, 41
shore a'od 1 1 I
.. h p had .puifi I
out, for f, ‘ll
the way ' n ,
many, s flo i
bly, , -pa for,
~t.trem,.a eel
hive he - 13
the gre -d
So he ri
lib started,
get neither horse
tdtk a stout oaken
1 .
u h t took hun three
tht yummy that his
l omt shed in one; but
tl arid. At night he
at s& moss under the
, r& ed A 8 sweetly as
.det is father's roof.;
t o , think of being
'oh g him to sleep
, h songs. As be
tst ant hill which
cr 'tires had newly
te.a f destroying it
,Lk help them by
is ravel dad put.
t nest; neither
c a §ingle one,
rigl t seeing 'him,
• pa loons and over
i • irlerror they
tty d.
e f d a nett , flock
d • therti , to the
hi part of; a loaf
• p. , t. wben ; he set .
ig be hungry on
he & be.picked as
ers.- o Pould :postti ;
• way, fond of
tittlo inmates.
rsaehed .the
royal castle, and knocked inodr,stly' l at
the door. It was opened by the iit
tie woman with the cobweb covered
face, who demanded his businefie,
it would not be toeopreeifini-pfu
nue,' replied Has,-'for a werking trian's
son, I also would like to `iry to set
the young lady free.
'The chance is open' to all. r tny son,
replied the old wornan'kindly. 'Gen
tle or 'simple, all have the same"right.
But you seem to be a modest deserv•
idg fellow', and I would not like;ta see'
yen in .trouble... I, beg you toiconsid
er oretl hpforesnu decide f to . make the
attempl,,'fdx:if you do 'not succeed in
dha th - ree 'tiriali`ippointed, remember
you your life.'
'`Very Well mother,'--
said Hans.
01. r at - kJ:Jin x
loss Minh to heart Unless I suce eed in
making a great man of, myself. then
1 should have plea'}- of friends. So
please tell me what. nun to do.'
'Well, then, tuke keg and
•sfrirrgliellax seeds ;:that are in it.
shall he`back in an hour, so be brisk,'
:Ind she went off.
'Hans was not a 'bit lazy, if he was
quiet he stooped down to the keg and
worked diligently for full three quar
ters of an" hotir, but the sseds were
not half strung., He was just think
ing of giving up, when'the whole col.
ony of7ants came crawling up to him:
'One good turn deserves another,'
said the queen ant, who headed the
procession, 'you worked for anti
giving the •co'npnittiii, - Ope'seized
it'bee:d 'turd 'ran 'the riee'd le through
and the work was done before the did
waman showed herself.
'That iigood'l tkat is goodT
she, when she OCitie, :and saW wheat
hit' this job,' and
She. losSed . the twelve spoons into the
deep lake.. Tishthese.all up by the
time I get back, just an -hour hence.'
Hans. fished diligently till be got
tires, and then plunged in himself
and dived to the bottom over an over
again for nearly the whole boor, but
all in vain. In despair he sat own
on the shore, when twelve ducks
came swimming up, each carrying in
his beak a little golden spoon. 'Ono
good turn deserves another,' said the
eld drake who led the party, 'you fed
us,' and dropping.the spoon on the:
wet grass at his feet, off they swam
affain. -
When the old woman gut back, she,
looked delighted. ''That's gdod I
that's good`.' said she, 'nodding her
head in approbatien. 'But now, my
son, the, hitYde* , ib yet , 'to come ;be
cautions Tata , * has hand she led
•. saloore, and ba e- 4 • .11-par
ths..tle)lm, m
111 . 1; fnincl, while she was gone, which
was the princess. She' would return '1
in an hour.
Just as she went out a swarm of
bees came in at the window, and be
gun to buzz around them ; but Hans
observed that theysoon left the two
outer ones and settled upon the other.
He at once concluded •that the .two
must* be dragons . , for they Smelt hor . ,
ribly of sulphur and pi't'ch that they
were fed with; while he line* -that
the ptin'cest was so fond of honey
that her lips were always covered
with it. As soon, therefore, as the
old Woman came back he. told her
that it was the - 4,*iniddie
No sooner had he spoken the words
than the dragons spread their wings
and MeTt'ed away into thin air, and
the old woman, wiping the cobwebs
from her face stood before him young
and fair, the guardian of human life.
'My' son,' said the, 'You. have found
•the geere. :kindness .and diligence
are the talisrank insure man's
success. The treasure heseeks can be
won only by toil and pat ience; fol. be
hold ! before these powerful weapons,
the.dragori's that guarded it,:the dark
and misty b' fearful forms of doubt
and disappointment, vanish into
Without them .the brilliant and beau
tiful Helmerich failed ; pride and pre
sumption were powerless to carve his
way before him ; with them, siinplici
ty and honesty have won the prize,
and the son- of the poor laborer has
become rich and powerful, and takes
his father to ride'in a coach and six.'
Hans brought up his own children
carefully, and to this day they live in
pi , 31.00 and prosperity, honeitt In their
dealings; truthful in their Speech . ,
gent and induStriblis'eveh ih the small
eat tasks, and kind and gentle tb every .
ihto Which tidtl ha'brhAthr:
ed the breath of life.: ,
Five`_Deaths at a l'ittre,—A French
man resolved togei rid of life, went a
little before high tide, to a post set
by the seaside. lie had provided him
self with a ladtfer, i rope, a pistol, a
bundle of matches and a vial of poison.
Ascending 'the ladder,_ be tied one
end of the rope to the past, and the
other end around his neck, then be
took the poison, set his :Clothes on
fire, put. the. _muzzle .of ;the: pistol to
his head, and it kibkediaway the ladder.
In kicking dowh. the ladder; he snap
ped the pistol solhat the - ball missed
hiS head, and etit the 1-01)13.6 , which
he waS , adapendeci,;' he fell into the
seap thus extinguishing the flames of
his clothes . , and the sea water, Which
he inrolontafil3= swallowed, counter
acted the poison thus, in:spite of his
precautions, he remained .unhanged;
unshot, .unpoisoned, unbarned and
undrow n ed.
In answer , to the many inquiries we have
received frommen Who were hi ttie Dine
l• Months .service and others -Who hat+
been discharged;we wohld ittf# ttikt
men who were in the aervice.on at , thir c i
9 c 111a - rch7l:B6l, — ki% — eXerript, frpm t the,
dPerationa Of the i cOmitik draft, 'All such
persops,W.pso petng th eir l ,charge
.payers 'gotird: of prjroo4ent, can
Base their napes Stricke6,,eiff ASe '11:14, of
of t
in il
Did you vies' go nii:to Thangegivlog4
I ovraney "that-Jots of good living.—Nete
(From tee Chien() Post.)
EDITOR .PosTt :F-1n different countries
the inhabitants observe Than - ksgiving in
differentways and With different degrees
of reverence. In
,Madagascar they nev
er have, a; Tharikagiving ;In New jersey
they. al ways do. r; In, New England - -the
best families, oy,those who had plenty
of means, stuff a turkey on "'1 hanksgiving
day, and -then -stuff themselves. New
b,ngland•inade.fietiplf,Slek oh a Thanks
giving-dinner twenty years ago, and ;has,
not got over it yet. Chicagd has sutler
ed from the incipiency of her Imwellness
up.te its worst stage, `which has. eon
staintrmarri f — ested its presence by violent
diaptragmal convulsions, and the empty
ing,ofjite:itopiilation in our midst by a
t prociss`tmilar, to that which would be
proeueed, in , the humEin t
overdose of ipecacuana or lobelia.
In Kentucky, Tennessee and North
Carolina, Thanksgiving it welcomed with
a log rolling or a house raising ;in Penn
sylvania with a quilting party ; in Mis
sissippi a horse race is the only palpable
demonstration, and in Arkansas a few
r good SOciable'citizens get together and
hang Et mart In none of the States is
the pleasure that may be cleilveil frdin
this holiday 'totally neffeeted. I * never
eeteibraNd a l 'i l hanksgiyirig day in Ar-
IcanSis -- ; but I6,elebrated One`in chicato
"a•day or two ago. where no piiiittve pa
c.tzliarify characterizes ffie day, except
the matter of fate li:inches. All manner
Of People may find enjoyment here on
- %!
Thatiksairrnrr days fitting their incline
lions, hitt after all free lunches are in the
ascendenby. We have free lunches in
saloons, and hotels, and, private hbuses ;
free, lunches on . g round Boors and top
floors; free lunches on the sidewalks,
free lunches everywhere,
The man of interminable mtinicipal
possessions whose smile is auriferous (no
allusion to jalndice,) and whose voice is
like silver or copper (no allusion to a dis
tillery, may be invited to a magnificent
Thanksgiving dinner in a hrovvn fronted
palace on the avenue, but he sits down
to a free lunch : it's nothing elf. Free
lunches are great, they are mighty ; ;they
are gorgeous (A play on the word gor
geous is played out.) Free lunches are
good for a sick man,; he can eat them
when (in reduced circumstances) he can't
eat anything else. "Free press, free
speech and free lunches" -is a motto good
enough 'for'frie, or any other man. I at
tended a Thanksgiving fi& ffincli 'Un'the
brown 'lidded aven'fie*,. '''SeloCt. They
had `cralriechicl - drit:„V6rt wine and nal).-
prairie .chir-ke
flaW- i, 3 ai ways
nowinzmywfakness,,l went in mod
erately at first, tint `towards the twelfth
round, fired with iserniliiitin and inspired
by a generous rivalry, whleh was waged
by a dozen competitors oh 'pi t y right 'and
left, I struck from the shoulder and 'Went
for the . small glasses with such a4tanf.4ll
- and 'soothing rapidity that the ap
pearance of their evolutions from the ta
bre to my mouth reminded me strikingly
of a juggler's performance with `brass
balls. The result Was that in the thir
teenth round I felt bad. The host got
the best ofthe fight ; the 'Oft disappeared
and .f.he brought the 'claret." A charm
ing young lady with an overpowering
address, asked me if I was sick at the
stomach. I told the overpowering young
lady I was sick at the head. Thereupon
Pih'i bat] I ought to go somewhere and
laUgh it off. I remember distinctly baV,-
ing asked her if slie alluded to the h'ead
or the sick.
I had occasion remark Male
frierid of mine, of the maseditie Peandagn
`(he dender), that I tiititi g ht' a laugh would
oMe idtid, an asked hihi to ?late me
In 'the 'which he declined doing, UaY
inir that we had bet ter promenade awhile
and search for some innocent amusement.
We promenaded. , -
Arm in arm with my fellow-being, who
had as much prairie chicken aboard as I
had, except four wigs, nine legs, and
twelve glasses, we encountered a man
who, proclaimed himself treasurer of a
circus. He was one of the Robbinson &
Howes' circus, the stovernment of whicli
is as follOws : E - q uestrian manatel . ,
Frank Howes; treagtirer, Loyd troika ;
director, Another Howes ; outside Man,
Junius -13ruttis - 11clik r ea ; than,
Themistocles Itowei clOWn, Persicla
Howe t tirOpertir man; H. Greele3'
Howes, JIM others of the
It may seein sti-atig,e to ih'e public thai
§holild he so many of one name
*connected with one institution': hut let
me say to the public, for whom I have
great respect, that the success of a public
entertainment is always governed by the
We promenaded, me and my friend
and me, and I think his proposition for a
promenade was occasioned by the lint)
liar inclihation of in head at certain mo l i
menta, and fear Irk ttie "safety of his mir
rora raid
The treasurer cif the circus, I think, is
an fionest Man; Mit the management corn
pet him to pantaloons withoin pock.
ets for a reason iinknoWn Ili me. It is
firobablk &At*: to the fact . , beink so well
aged to poeitef§, he stirrietirnes forgets that
he has a treasiirY bhx—couldn't say pos
ititely. •
We entered, Me and my* prothenader
and hie; Without' flinch difticaliy,-except
in tife *ay of paying fdr . tickets.
fife clown madii a joke
,as I went in,
end t said to my promenader if I couldn't
beat that _I would qtift. And says he,
"suppose You try your fluid at it ;" an
I Keplied that I didn't make jokes with
my hands. The of 'equerry (I
don't know what that means) heard me,
arid 'he glided • around, and said he, "I'l
don't like-my clown , Intich, and If
iwill ;Ake his place. Pll. pay you big : " 1'
accepted ; thecontract was, signed, seal
esd fnedeliyered., I • arose and "wended'
my - Way Inelancholily into the drp3sing
taMik(or the undressing-room ; the men
wire all undriterting wheni went in). I
Al' A 511.11,Y PAPEFt FOTIT.OWN k. extu*ritT.:
2ti Story,cf ligock's New BuUdiag, e t utattrAM Et
At One 'Dollar and Fifty Cents *Tear-
Aa-aevaanetaaare,innerted at the usual rave. "ill .
The friends of the estalAishment, and the public getter
ally are. teeportfully soltritrai to weld in their orders.
AGPILANDEILLS Printkl at an hours notice.
In Lebanon County, poetage. free , -
In out of Lebanon county 3 1 ,1;. cents per
quarter, or IS cents a year.
Out of 'MU State, 534 cte. per quaiter,or 4R Oa. a yras
if the poet fa not pail. in adyalismnt re are dont ie
ivas 'lntroduced all around, to the tum
blers, and sornersaulters, and equestrians,
and 'clowns I sneered when I came to
'the latter, thinking how soon I should lay
them in the shade. I wanted to play
cloWn 'just . five minutes. There was a
volley of whiiperinq and snickering 'Wept
up severakkininutes after I. 'eniered, but 'I
thowlknothing of it.,
- .t
Finally, says one of the elou ns,(his
!lane Was . Castello ), said he,'Sean Hick
eft, do you pad '1
IVglancea at 'ray. godlike 'Fiendir
•preir4itions-and repl:ed. "Not vastly."
"'Well," said, he, turning _allay
tvll ptq9Usly," ./You oUghtto.' •
Immeiliately upon the utterance of .his
last reark, the juvenile vulgarly coeds
property boy, laughed Inimcitterately. and
an application 01, boot leather was ToUnil
.absolutely necessary to reduce hini to a
state of decent 'quietude. e 4
One of the tumblers said to me'(l met
several thinblers,;,but onbr_one*pitelier,,
and he was the Man appointed to, pitch
boisterous people out at the dote) said
he,: Beau Hackett can you stand oil your
head ? I replied in - the negative, but
told him I could stand on somebody elien
head if that would answer lies puipose.
I observed a man in the last stage of
placidity, lying stark, still on the Ae i nnd,
while another man was . horse
shoe over his lieA. I inquired the ,ctittse
and was told that the proceeding was-in
tended to make hirtCso that fie wQiild not
mind having his brahis kicked out.
tfie;iiianager asked me how I thought
I would look in tights. I said I had been
In one every day for five years, and Die
public had pronounced rnepassabie.—
Thereupon I incased myself in a set of
fleshings, and the manager offered t? In
troduce me to the equine departraent.
The firsf Man I met was a mnle,lhree
feet - high. May I eat :flay h's long as .l l
live : way 'I he compelled to cat hash at
a common boarding house till the era*
ofdoom groWs b 1 'enough loran elephant
to go throbgh, if the Manager didn't tell
me that thatyrinle's name was Beau Hack
ett. I looked at his teeth and endeavor
ed to - inform myself whether I had beeti
named for the nil le or the Mule fqr
but could gain no enlighTenthent. ft
tickled me to hear it stated that he was an
educated mule. I wanted to cultivate
acquaintance, but the feeling - was not re
One of the knowing ones after calfini
me a "guy," and other happy appella
tions, said he would "maketne up," and
commenced spreading paint on my lice
with a brusirbroom. I sqii i itied myself,
MadtetiVied fhe lie_7 orii. arid 'o l7 nvts
M'y 'right atirt,.liad I think IliitideltlM
In a Inhnner :that would have -won the
of a Connoisseur. He uttered
_cough as I planted my digits be-
the whole congrega on o" 51:e a - hand.
in two Minutes there Were a dpken turn
biers on my shoulders ; sixteen trapeze
men on-my thorax, and a wee boy doing
La Perche Equipoise on the top of nsy
head:-' They rolled the through
rite sta
,ble, and Beau Hacke i tt,lr., elevating hii
hinder half In ~the 1;011e - sphere, like
juvenile faiti4 his first lessons irra hand
spring, brought his two heels:suddenly in
contact with ay cranium.- -I . did pot - Stop
to argue the queition
namesake, but if ever he' * itafearn tn. the
circus here, 11l hns Mark that.
I found my way out through eyittider
escapement, with a black eye and a sore
head, and such epithets , attached to- use
as "nixe weeden," "sherry his nibs,"'and
a hundred other pbraies thatimbOdy but
a circus man knows anything atstr.
I , ;vallfealend a -Tier of pantaloons
to my . iirottier ifi'the army once, add an
expreas:ageni woutdn't send 'them' he:
cause they We're ilieAtesObles. The
Pilblfc exctila me if I fail express
_my 'erYinion or circusses- °write sartie - pil4-
am opposed to them rnorappand
physleaWy, especially the fatterig. Hence
rorth they wit find no sym'pathy,noblim
of Gilead in my bosom. They may name
their mules in honor of hie it they want
to, and their horses too, and pigs; and,
pups, and everything else, but they Can
never rope me in to play clown again:—
I've got enough.
I alb, - slightly;
BSA& Hl+c stn.
NW' A Republican paper ,wants• tar
know "what relation do - the - ,=Democrats
really suppose Lincoln, theToir
ernment r Well use shoUld , say About
the same Mallon that a 1 lownbearaito
circus.- -
!'he el it
ne na ,aze e says "popular
government is on trial." Yes on trial
before court-martial, with the habeas cor
pus suspended. What ,chance will It
have for, its life in such a trial?
A TUB of "pickled feet,": ((moped of
from the fair legs ofcelestial beautlo,, hsa
been sent !hint. China to the giffeeonaf
THERE Is a lake in Minnesota called
Minnetonka which must be very clear
and very deep . for a strange getilus, lri
describing it, says, by looking ; into if you
can see them making tea lb Chiba.:
Lebanon' Oink s toalx
Sale. •
Ir ,
SHARES. of fhe STOCK of the LEDArf,
1 DANK, [nesi} arc offere: D af it e . s . qe .z. „ . .. 3 ,,M,.."
Lebanon, Dee. 9,1393.
twig liiiroarat. JOwd 0. IMEMI
DoOr Sast. 4.0 Steam llaulig
Located on the Stearn-i/oure CciAl),,Aand
&rest, East . 7 4tornon.
t h e public in general, that they gill(
(ill triannritetnre and keep "on band, „ 1RI;;;z1
Door Sash, Shutter, Blinda Flooring
v DI
Weather Boards, 0 Gee Spring
Mouldings, or au ill Ceti n& iSerbsoe.
Coral - rea r aid an hied, 'or WlLlilltfl;lif.A . E.RlALS
far Houses. ~Wo also,or,okatru . et the-lair and :nest tor
oroied Stidi`Otting turd' Ha nd Doffing,' atittible fat
large and email-
"We now itiv,:itg Faßtnereilier . leinlga„ a i red 'Wulf era to
Mail and °Patrons our 'rniaeir.;whiela.trp, 4.”11 , 11rMa .
.giva t entfre astlefaction all 7 ho,gtay foyer thtnuder ,
slip:l4o,lth their enwraps; ,
. • liiNGAt r ltE:dr
„ Lebanon, April 23,1862, • • , ,
"Mao all 'kinds" pi - TURNING at the
snap Mill. inanPer,_ diewritrd,, aw—rittoroptirtert• foi •
there Trim may fern:ea Inintrer„