The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 16, 1863, Image 3

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4 4... : 3
V'4 ,I T tiO r : N.
- - - $1 50 A YEAR
TERN ES, - -
Dr. 2.-B, :Nish trits , co . rnmeneet! the
practice of his profession, _ in this Bor- jug h . O f .
Ace in the former residence of iii; father l in Mai
kat street. Bee card.
A morning and evening accommo
dation passenger train will be placed on the L.
V. Branch Railroad, on Monday, December 28.
'or particulars see , adrertisement, ;Mr. Nicolls
Is always disposed to do everYtlaingie his power
for 'the convenience mai comfort of the public,
and this is only one more of the many other in
stances in which ho ; has been prompt to accede to
what is believed 'will be a,great accommodation.
Attent!ion is, directed to ,the +mina
tie„,..B.rou property advertised at' public sale,
I SIA:r AnltOn another column.
The New York Express Train now
'eaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. M., instead of 3 o'
clock, as heretofore, passing Lebanon at about
9.30. Passengers take breakfast here. No'
change of time in the train going West. •
The Teachers Institute wilt meet
in the Court House, on Thursday, the 21st of
January, and eontinue in session three days.
Advertisement next week.
As many of our friends go to Potts•
Title this week, with their pockets full of rocks,
we advise them to be on the lookout for pick
-pockets. It would, be rather a discouraging
state of affairs to be relieved of the greenbacks
by any other person but Uncle Sam.
Stine sold the "Btek Hotel"
- in this borough, last week, to Henry Shenk, for
-- $lO,OOO.
S. J. Stine and Dr. Geo. Ross, bought,' last
week, the "Mill Property," formerly Myers.
Shout's, for; $13,500. It is their intention to
turn it, into a Paper Mill.
Daniel Dicke] sold his house on Walnut St.,
now occupied by Samuel Houck, to Charles E.
Rob land, for $2,750.
-George Huffman sold a lot of ground, on Wal
-nut street, - opposite Salem's Lutheran church,
to Charles E. Robland, for $825.
There has never been an organ iza
tion in any country for benevolent purposes that
Iliad filled so important a sphere as do the Chris
tian Commissions of the present day. Wherever
the Union Army is, there are these harbingers
of good, distributing and meeting the wants of
our sick and wounded Soldiers. Supplying
those wants, too, without stint, doing for them
all that lies in their power for Soul and Body.—
..Few know to what extent these self denying men
and women have labored, and the work is still
progressing, almost daily, becoming more ex
,tended, supplying a. want that the U. S. Govern_
anent could not possibly fill with paid agents.—
'These organizations are sustained by the liberaL
ity of the friends of the Soldiers at home, and
there is perhaps no object more worthy of atten
tion to those who have to give of worldly goods,
and none from which the liberal givers will have
more satisfaction in feeling that they have done
a good work, than in encouraging these Ph Ilan
thropists in their work of Mercy.
On Thursday evening [to•morrowd 17th inst.,
the U. S. Christian Commission will hold's
*meeting according to previous notice. Ilevds.,
B. 3. Perrin, B. 13. Hotebkin, and Chaplain
Ambler, will deliver addresses.
The last named having been a prisoner in Lib
by Prison, for 3or 4 months, will be able' to
give the public facts of much interest. Let
there be a general attendance with a disposition
to encourage the good in a manner worthy of
Rey. 'Henry S. Miller, for 9 yearg
the respected pastor of Salem's Lutheran congre
gation of this place, has resigned his charge,
arid will remove to Berks'county, to accept the
care of several congregations in that section,
Mr. Miller is a truly christian and faithful min
ister of the word of God,' (which is not always
the best recommendation in these - fanatical
times,) and we sincerely hope that his declin
jpg years may be blessed ; with that: peace and
'comfort he so eminently deseaves.
A Sale of Personal Property and
Fartning.lmplements will be held at the farm of
John Dietz, in South Annville township, on Fri
day, Febuary 19, and another 'on -Thuraday,
March 17, 1884. - '
NEW YORK'FAsaiorts-,
,Bright yel
low cloaks with scarlet hoods, scarlet cloaks
with yellow hoods, blue cloaks with white hoods,
purple 'Cloaks -With orange' hoods, and . striped
`and checkered clotiks with crimson hoods, are all
the rago in New York.
Mr. John L. Book'sr has just-receiv
ed from - the city a new stock of BoOks, Photo
graph Album's, Portraits, for the corning
holidays. Call and examine at his cheap BUilt
Store on:Walnut street.
The ;Sinking Sprinviteicitt Fire
Insurance Company bad their yearly election
on the. First Monday of last month, at Reading,
when 'the following new members of the Board
of Managers were chosen, to wit : Lewis Driner,
Reading i Solomon Yoder, o f 0 ley ; George K .
)biag, of Centre ; Stanley 3. Kerby, of Rich
mond ; and Peter Spans, of Mar ion.
'To - Arms ! To Arms !—The Citizen Soldier
will Sad a more deadly foe in the brook ish,
muddy water, ,c i nd damp night air than in the
roost determined 'enemy. HOLLOWAY'S
PILLS so purify the blood and strengthen the
stomach and bowels that the soldier can endure
these hardships.and still be strong and healthy.
Only 25 cents per box. 230
For the berm fit of persons who claim exemption
from the draft on the ground of being the only
support of an aged parent, we would state that
there is DO necessity for presenting their claims
at present, as no exemptions will be granted on
this ground until after the next draft. This
course is adopted because the cause of tbeexemp
tie° might be removed by death prior to the
draft, and will be enforced in regard to those who
were, exempted from the last draft by this cause.
where exemption from draft is asked on the
ground that. "two or more sons are liable to mil
itary duty," the choice must be made before Dec.
20th, and not postponed until the draft has been
made. Last draft, owing to the law being new
and imperfee Hy understood, parents were allow
ed to exempt one were two were drafted. This
w ill not be allowed in the January draft:
DIVIDEND—The Reading railroad
company have declared a dividend of seven per
cant,*payable in common stock, on and after De.
camber 31, and a dividend of three and a half
per cent., payable in each or common stock, has
bean declared on the preferred steak.
Mews. Reinoehls Sr, Meily have
just received nine large boatloads of Lumber„
Seasoned Boards, Scantling , Palings, Lat he
etc. Persons in want of any of the above arti
clea will find it to , their advantage to call and
see the stook and aticertain4he prince. 3t.
TAKE NOTICE.—The enrolling is go
lug on, and it is expected that the•Conseription an
will be enforced immediately, so I would advice every
body to get their Provoitcs taken in time for their re
Wiens and friends, and the only place to get a No. 1,
Picture is at ZIMMERMAN'S New York Photographic
Gallery, for he is taking , the cheapest, the hest, and
most life-like Pictures in Lebanon. It is admitted by
all that be can't be beat, for his . gallery is always
crowded. Give bim a call aitd you will find as we rec
ommend. RemeMber =the. place, • Zimmerman's New
York Photographic Gallery, in Cumberland St. Call
early and avoid a crowd. '
P. S.-',,Children and anybody that has got week eyes
should call 'at Zimmerman's Gallery. Pictures IMF
.13 renn Relic= S to 5 seconds time to sit
&lim p Rifles; Pistols, Fovi4er, Caps, as.
ArrsrrnoriSpoiTimeic.—J. G. A 111.21'111ACR would re
spectfully inform the public tiant. be continues the
business of manufacturing aid dealing in
Cape, Wads, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi
al, at his Store, Market street, a few doors - North of
the L. V R. R., Lebanon, Pa.
VB. All kinds of Repairing done at the shortest poe
Bible notice and is the beat style of,workalasibip.
Lebanon, Jan* 24, a. 868-1,
Blanks for Bounty aid Tnvaltd Pen
ion Claims just printed and for sale at the AD
witmg.A.. CON._
--, -gpttfd
C., •
Do notliio.4.ithjytiter Constitution and
Charahtdr. 4
If you are suffering with any Diseases for which
is recommended,
It wilLCure yon,:sAveUng Suffering, all hug Pain
and•lndaMtnation,And Wilt rdstorc you to ;if
_ !•;•-, '
At Little Expemie,
Add No Exposure.
Cut out the, Advertisement in another column and
Caller send for it.
`Afirjor filemboltse. a 'Take No Other
October 213 t 1.8"63.-2m.
Dr. TObi:INI
1;7(!)73.,t1z4;3iaL X.akisi-imLOXL-tp
HAS given. 'on iversal satisfaction 'during the four
teen years it has been intralucettinto the United
States. After being tried by. millions. it has been pro
claimed the. pain destroyerof the world. Pain cannot
be where this liniment is applied. If used as directed
itcannot and never has failed in a single instance.—
Per colds, coughs and influenza. it can't be beat. One
25 cent bottle will cure all the above, besides being
useful in every farnil.t for sudden accidents, such as
burns, cuts, scalds, insect stings, &e. It is perbetlY
innocent to take internally, and can be given to the
oldest.person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents
a bottle. Office, 560ourtland Street, New York. Sold
by all Drngg lets.
Dec. 2, 180.-Im.
or Concentrated Lye
WAR makes high prices; Saponifier helps to re.
dime them. It makes SOAP for FOUR cents a pound
by using your kitchen group.
11M.. CAUTION I As spurious Lyre are offered also,
be careful and only buy the I'ATKNTED article put up
in IRON cans, all others be ing COUNTERFEITS-,
Penna. Salt Manufacturing co.,
Philadelphia—No. 127 Walnut Street
Pittsburg—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way
Nov, 15,1563.-3 m.
Published for the benefit. and as a warning and
who suffer from nervous Debility, Premature Decay of
Manhood, etc , supply ing at the same time.
By one who has cured himself after being put to
great expense and injury through medical humbug
and quackery.
By enclosing a post paid addressed enrelope, single
copies may be bad of the author.
Bedford, Kings county, N. Y.
May 27, 1863.--9 y.
French Periodical Drops
This valuable medicine is now offered to the Ameri
can-Ladies as the only sure, positive; and never-failing
cure and regulator of suppression of nature, from
whatever Cause. Particular care should be used to
know that Pregnancy Is not the cause, 'as the Drops
would surely produce an effect entirely contrary to the
course of nature, for which I will not hold myself re
sponstble. These Drops arose mild and pleasant, that
the feeblest can take therm with perfect security, yet so
powerful Itt their effects, that they may be safely called
a never failing Regulator. They can be procured by
addressing me as directed below. I have used this med
icine for the last twelve years. Lin my practice, and there
fore well know les merits. Sold by all Druggists.
Price $1 per bottle. Address.
DR. L. LYON, New Haven, Conn.
July 22, 1862.
QUESTEON.—Ho Ho ! there Dick and
Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such a
hurry 1.
AN:MEL—Why we are just on our way to Daily's
Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . fie
takes splendid pictures, and his Gallery is nearly all
the time crowded. no •I said to Nancy wo will go ear
ly this morning before any' body else gate there, or we
will have to come away again without getting any.
QUEST.—rest I have beard too that Daily's Gallery
is nearly all the time crowded, and so why don't you
go to some other Gallery /
Aars.—Gh my we could not think of such a thing.—
We admire the true nod beautiful picture that Daily
takes, so much that we would not go, to another Gal
lery if we nOuld get them fot nothing. Ilehas seven
yearn, experience in the businest, haos a complete sett of
Improved instruments, an excelliat -sky•liabt, nap
therefore takaa the btat platnraa n town, and so of
course, every body' that wand a good picture goes to
(It:est.—What kind of Pictures doestie take 2
AN4.—lfe takes Photographs from miniature to life
size,-pitin or ColOred. Card pictures tiara been
pronounced more truthful and life like than solute :that
ha're been taken in our large cities. His Ambrotypes
are beautiful, and can't be beat. He also excels in
copying pictures from small Daguerreotypes, sad eb
larging ttstmahnost: to any size.
QUEST.-11101 . 0 is this Gal bury ? I must give bins a
cull too.`
Atm.—Just come along Mrth Nancy and I, and we
will show you. It is-in stine's New Building, next
door to the Lebanon Deposit Bonk. He M . 'S constant
ly on band it - good assortment of Gilt and Rosewood
Frames, Cases, Albums, Am., which he jells cheap.—
For good and cheap Pictures we advise all to go to
Daily,'s.Gallery, Lehanonit. Pa.' March
XriigiDuisf Itatito.
Preaching next Sabbath morning in the Carman. and
in the evening in the English language, in the First
Reformed church. " '
Divine service in Zion's Ev., Lutheran church on next
Sabb-th morning, and evening in the English lan
English preaching next Sunday at Id A. M. and fler.
melt service, •at 2 1 ,4 , P. in the Moravian church.—
On OBACISTMAB Day, in the morning German preach•
ing, and in the evening the uStialChristmas service
in the Moravian church. Tickets ei admission can
be had at Mr. Green Confectionery Store.
On the 7th inst., b , Rnbraim G. Shusy. Kee . Mr.
lIRNRY FR to Miss REBECCA KRt3Eit, buth of
Union township.
On the 7 h inst., by the R....v. Mr. Keller, Mr. J. B.
WIKEL, of Robesonla, to Miss KATE NEFIEN,
°Etas 19ilt inst ,at the Lutheran Parsetive, iR
Palmyra t hy the Re, W. B. fern-ry, Mr. JOSEPH GAR.
RKRICH t Mies SUSAN GINGRICH, both of East
Hanover, Den shin enmity. Pa.
On the 25th of Nov. in. East Unilever township Dauphin
Minty, Pa., .701 EV EAEI.Y.Esq., aged 8 1. yeara.9 months
and 7 &ye. Mr. Early Wsl e long a, respected citizen, and
a faithful member of the Liitherttit Church. and at his
advanced age, duly and truly prepared, he fell as a ripe
shock for the harvestof eternal life.
On the 7th of Nov. E. Margaret, daughter of Benedict
Eerily. aged. 2 years 7 months and :8 days,ta West
over township, Dauphin cone ty.
On the 28th ult., in South A =mill° township, V ELI X
BURKHOLDER. aged 85 years 9 months and id days.
Mr. B. WWI a resident of South Annvilie township du
ring his entire life.
On the 2nd inst., at Campbellstown,GEOUGH FRANK
LIN, infant son of Jonathan and Mary COPPENLIA
VER, aged x roar nod 2 d eye.
lie was lovely, ho was fair,
,And for a while was ithan
An Angel came end claimed his own,
/ And bore him safe to Ilearen. ,
On the 6th inst., nt Comphellstown, `EMU S. only
child of Benjamin and Eliza DEINIVDER, aged 5
years, 5 months and 11 days.
Softly blow sweet scented zephyr;
Round the grave where Emma lies;; , : ,
Gently *Ei.ft.,lo:Niaveiing breezes'
'Daylight's glory from the skies.
Drink pate flowers, lrink the dew. drops'
Twilight springles round her rest,
Night winds lower o'er our Ernma
O'er onrEmma's lovely' breast.
Lark and lonely is her dwelling,
Like a atar among the clouds„
Yet her spirit never well
Wingeth to the bright abode ebote
There sweet Emma we hope to join thee .
When our nights of toil are o'ro.
There to dwell in Holy rupture,
Singing praises evermore.
The IL eba
Carefully 0,
Extra Family, • $7 50
Extra Floor, 7 00
Prime White Wheat,l 65
Prime Red Wheat, 155
New Wheat, tw. e
Prime Rye, 1 10
Corn, 95
Oats, 75
Closer-need, p , 00
I.2lnothy-seed, 1 50
Rica-seed, l 25
Dried Apples, pesied4 50
Peach "Suits," " 250
Peak ultutzela," . 1 52
Cherries, 160
Onions, 37
Potatoeokbes. 60
Apple Butter,Vseroek, 46
mon 'Market.
arrected TI
DAT. DECEMBER 16, / 88 3.
Eggs, doz., 24
Butter, Ib., 24
Tub or salted butter, 10
Tallow, 10
- .10
Shoulders, 8
Bees-wai, 26 •
White Rugs, 6
Mixed Rags, 8
! Flax, 12%
Bristles, 40
feathers,lfi ib., 623.4
lb., 40..
Soupßaaae,l2 qt.,
Vinaga,r, IA gal., 1214
phia Market.
Eveaing, Deo. 12, '63.
ig rather firmer. 'Small
making, at from $.45,@38,
The .Philade
Iron.—The rpor . ket
salsa of Anraoite are
ra ton for the three numbers
Flour.—Prioes are unchanged, and there is
very little doing; ablintl,2oo bbls sold at $7 25
®7 75 for low grade and good extra family,
and $8 25 ®8 50 for . fancy do. The home
trade are buying at from $5 75 ®6 25• for super
fine; $7 00 ®7 25 for extra; $7 50 ®S 50 fur
extra family ; and $9 00@10 00 6t bbi for fan.
ey brands, according to quality. Rye Flour is
scarce and in demand at $8 50 ®6 75. Corn
Meal is offered at $5 50 for Pennsylvania and
$6 p bbl fur Brandywine. •
Grain.—Wheat is dull. There are more sellers
than buyers at previous rates. About 6,000 bus
found buyers at $1 64@l 65 for good and prime
Pennsylvania red, and $1 67 for Southern do.
White is dull and offered at $1 80 ®2 p bus.
Rye is in demand, with small sales at $1 35®
1 37 "0 bus. Corn is better. About' 8,000 bus
new sold at $1 04®1. OS 'bus for damp and
dry lots. Oats are in demand, with sales at 87
®SSe weight. 1,000 bus, Burley Malt sold at
$1 62 10. bus.
Wh isky—Ts firm ,with'iales o f 300 bbls at SS
®9oe for Pennsylvania and Ohio ; and 860 for
Seeds.—Clover is in demand at $7 50 l, bus,
and generally held higher. Timothy is selling
at $2 75 bushel; 200 bushels Flaxseed sold at
$3 15 Ta bushel.
CATTLE MARKET.—About 2700 'head of
Beef Cattle were offered and all sold this week,
Showing a decrease of 600 head on last week's
receipt; the demand was gond and prices wore
rather better, although without touch quotable
change since last week, ranging at from $7 to
$ll for common to good and extra quality, clos
ing firm. The principal sales were made at $8
and $lO the 100 lbs. Cows.—The offerings, 130
headovere disposed of at $26 to $3O each for
Springers, and $25 to $45 For Cows and Calves
—no change. Hogs were rather better, with
receipts and sales of some 3800 head, mostly at
Glass's Union yard, at sB®9 the 100 lbs nett.—
Sheep.—The offerings consist of about 4200 head,
and the market was firm, sales ranging at 6@,
Pie 7A lb gross.
1)r. P. B• I Sift.
ITAXING located in Lebanon, offers :bit; profeseion
al to the public. Office in Market 3t.,
in the building formerly occupied by his father.
Lebanon, De'c. 18, 1863.
Philadelphia and Reading R R
[Alta n o n„,,Ta 'ley Brandt.
CIN and after DECEMBER 26th. 1863, an ACCOM
between Rending and Harrisburg in addition to the
other Pakseuger Trains now running on the Lebanon
Valley Railroad.
Leaving 'Reading at 7 15 passing Lebanon at
8 41 A. 31.. and arriving at Harrisburg at 10 A. M.
Leaving Harrisburg at P. M., passing Lebanon at
6 15, and arriving at Reading at 7 35 P. 31.
Stopping at all Passenger Stations.
The Fro;t. Mail Train, leaving Reading at 11 07 A.
M., will stop only at Aroma'adorn blyerstown, Leba
non, Annville, Palmyra and llmornelstown.
All passengers will procure their Tickets before en
tering the Trains. An extra charge is made on all
Fares paid in the Cars. G. A. NICOLLS,
Reading, Pa., Dee 10,'63:--Et. Gen'l Supt
Chestnut Street Property.
WILL be Bold at public sale, at the public
house of HENRY D. CaratoaT, in the borough of
Lebanon. on
TUESDAY, December 29, 1868,
at 6 o'clock, P. AT.; a HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND.
situate on Chestnut street, near East
street, in said borough. The LOT is
4 ,1 ; • 25 feet front and SG feet deep, run-
Wi n
f ning tack to an alley. The Donee is
a two-story 2''RA3IE, ccutaining
rooms, 3 on each floor. A - well of
never-failing water-with primp near the door.
PCHSPFSSitn/ and good-title i iII be given on the let
day of April, 1564.
.tr'For further information apply to A. 3lejor
Business Stand; -
N 1 TVA, he Bold at public . Salo at the public :howe
of DE:enr NI
T, n the borough of Leba
non, on
SATUR DA.Y , Jeniudry 2, 1864,
at I o'clock, P.M:. that valhable Dhsiness Stand loca
ted on Clitatietdand sheet, between the Black Horse
mid Washington 'Hotels, formerly in the posseseon
of C. Tteisher. The LOT is 22 feet front and
128 "feel tidk la MI alley. The 1101781 is a three.sto
ry. nearly new, Brick with' large
• ' Kitchen attac h ed. Wash ILO s st
a u•o> , 4. •
q..• anti other improvements. The first
g story contains a fine ,Stare room.—
_s_sThere is a Basement, all fitted up and
arranged fur an Oyster cellar. Gas
throughout the whole house.
This i s a very desirable property end . well worthy
the attention of buyers. It is within a soue‘e Or the
Court Gomm, and in the very centre Of the business
of the boreal:h.
Possession and good title will be given on the Ist
day of April, 1861.
Terms, &m., will be made known by
Lebanon, Dee. 16,1803.
irrE Subscribers. Heirs and Attorneys is ram of
1. the heirs and legal representatives of done ADAM
MILLER, hits of North A nnville tp , Lebanon county,
will cell at Public Venda° or Outcry, nn
WEDNESDAY, December• 23, 1863,
on the premises., all that certain
Mesfunge, Plantation & Tract of Land, situate
in North Annvillo township aforesaid, at the town of
BAleview, adjoining landsofilarid Long, rworge A.
Miller. Moses liege. Towo lota of Bel ler low, and lands
of Henry Frank and Joseph Frank and others and
the Swatare Creek,
Containing 155 Acres,
strict measure, with the appurtenances. The Union
Canal runs through the same. The improvements
• are a LOG !LOUSE, and a large RANK
BARN, Wagon Shed , other
!Jaz V g cessary outbuildings. There are a-,
`i'y bout 45 ACRES of WOODLAND on
the premises, an ORell A lip of good
fruit, and. t*o Spi lugs near the build
ings. The title is; indisputable, the land is of supe
rior quality of Limestone. and divided into conveni
ent fields and is considered a Choice harm.
.e../7" Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. M., on said
day, when conditions Will lie made known by
North Annville twyt., Dee.. 16,1801.
-13EING a Malting or Open Face or Lady's or Gen
tle man's Watch Combined, with Patent Self
Winding Improvement, a most Pleasing Novelty.
One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decided.
ly the best and cheapest time-piece for general and le
liable use eves offered. It has within it and connect.
ed with its machinery, its own winding attachment
rendering a 'key entirely tlnoecessary. Tho cases of
th is watch are composed of two /metals. the outer one
being fine 10 carat,gold. It has the itriproVed ruby
aetton lever movement,and 15 irwrranted .116 itectnate
timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per case of half
dozen, s'2ffl. Sample Watches, in neat Morocco bmtee,
$36. .
riRsT Class Denting Timepiece for accuracy of
movement, beauty of - material, and, above all,
cheapness in price, these watcSes must Insure univer
sal approbation.
An imitation faultless that it can hardly be detect.
et by the most experienced judges., The material be.
ing of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while the inner one is German Silver . it can.
not be recognized by cutting or heavy engraving, Mak
ing it, not only in appcaranre, but in durability, ill
best resemblance of SOLID STERLING SILVER in
The sale of these Watches In the army is a source of
enormous profit, retailing us they very readily do, at
s2s.and upwards. Many bundred dollars can be made
in a singlepay day by any one of ordinary business
Wrir AT WIIOLESALE ONLY! Jn heavy hunting
arises, beautifully engraved, white enamel didT, and
fancy cut hands. in good running order, by the halt
dozen $66, Sold only by the case of six
Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good
faith, we .dill send watches by expre•s to any part of
the loyal States, collecting balance of bill on delivery.
This ensures buyers against fraud, giving them their
watches before payment is requ Ired. Send orders to
the solo importer.
O.AIUS 'WHEATON. No. 12 Jewelers Exchange,
Cur. Cortlaudt St. and Broadway, New York.
Dee. 16, 1863.
PIIBLIC Notice herebygiven that the Charter of
the EtnanuePs Obrtrch, of South Lebanon town
attire, Lebanon;Co., Pa., was duly presented to the -
Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, for (saint
nation, and will be approred according to law, on the
ilea day of January Tenn, next,- unless good cause be
shown to the eontrary.
Dec. 9,1863:
TEAct num- wANTED.
AMALE, TBACHER: for School No. 2, in the Wit,
00011 ofLEBADION, le wanted: Applicante will
please prssent theraselvie to.the,Board animators, or
give notice; before Friday, Wet 18th day of December,
next, and the School to commence on the first Monday
in January, to continue six. months. Salary $36 per..,
month of 22 days. Apply to i i -,y. _ _ _
JACOB CAPP, Preehlint, or ..g It•
_:;t, t y . ' • * ' ; .
JOB. BARCH, Secretary, __
Lebanon Dec 9, 1863 . -al . ..
1_ .14..
•g . _ ,
Public Sale
[Lab. tee. 18,1883.—*
Public Sale.
Nagle Time Observers
The Largest Stock:
The Best. Assortment :
The Cheapest Goods :
Cheap Cash and .Produce
Cumberland. Street,
Raber's Block, Lebanon, Pa.
IVE have just received another addition to our
ready large Stock ;or Ilry Goods. Groceries,
Qnoensware, d c.
Full line of Blanket Sbawln,
do do do /koala do
do do do Scotch Plaida do
do do do Thibet Mourning do
do do do Second do do
Dress Go Dds.
full line of French Merino all Colors
do do do Coberga do do
do do do Alpacca do - do
do do do Detains New IStylea
• do do do Broella Valour} do
do do do Poplins do
d.; do do Valencia's do .
do do do Wool nelains do
do do do Wool poops do
do do do Plaids do
do do do Fig. Cashmere'.
M agnilicent line of Fancy Sills,
do do do Figed ain Black Sillte.
Balmoral Skirts fcr $2 75 antlitpwards,
IJotip Skirts,
Full lino ofSkeletons, at all vices,
do do do Quaker's Skirts,
Ladies 014111.
Drab. Water Proof, Black s Beaver Cloth from
$7. 75 to $3 50 per yard.
Fiatinel .
Wool and Cotton Flannels, at all prices:
Sh irting; flannels do do do
Blankets do do '• do
Mons' Wear.
cloib.iMeetings.meres, Setinetts and Vesting
Dents' Shawls. very Cheap.
Mourning Dern-talent.
Our 3lourning department is complete, consisting
of Single and Double width Detains.
Singleand Double width Cashmeres,
do do do Alpacca.
Merino, Bombezinos, all Wool lloPPs,
Valencia. Silk. Strips Plaids. Delainal. Calico, &c.
Hosiery, Cloves, Veils, Collars.
English end French Crape,'&o.
0.111,1%i - id look through our Stock snd 'get Vile prices,
us it Is no trouble to show g 0,48. Our 'motto is
"Sinall profits, quick Sales... and good ratite.
New York Cheep Catilt Store.
Leb., Dec. 16,'63
Ns* liltvati. Dee, lt, 180.
Having been taught that medicines, in order to be
valuable. must originate with some particular faculty
or school, we con ddered patent medicines. (so called.)
a humbug, until after 106;11X our beloved child with
Croup, we were forced by the angering of another,
from the Mlle disease, and the advice of friend's to try
Coe's Cough balsam, Little Eddie had gone, and
though we loved him, we would not call him from his
quiet rest, to share the sorrows Of this unfriendly
world. But Willie, is there no remedy for thee? We
Sound it in Coe's Cough Balsam. It relieYed him in a
bout twenty minutes, to our great joy, and the star.
prise of others. We cannot be hired to dispense with
this priceless blessing and we mu glad to learn that
Mr. Coe has made arrangements With parties, where
by it may become more extensively known. In view
of this let me say to every parent when your child Is
suffering with Croup. give tb is IYslssm, give It freely.
If we did not believe it to be the beet remedy for you,
we certainly would not say it. Truty yours.
For sale by all Dsugg lets everywhere.
C. G. CLARK & CO.,Proprietors.
See advertisement in another cobium.
[Dec. 16, '63.—St.)
Election Notice.
w-OTTOB is' hereby given, that au election of seven
IN Managers of the f.sso Axe's GAS gOMPASY. to serve
for the ensuing ye sr, will he held on Monday, the 4th
day of January , 1864, et the alike of f the Company on
Water street, between the hours of 2 o'clock, and 4 0'
cloak, P.M. By order of the Board.
Leh., Dec. 9,'63.
Election Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby Om, that se election for Presi
dent and four Directors, of the NORTH . LEBA
NON RAILROAD COMPANY, to serve for the ensuing,
year, wilt ho held on Monday, the lltlkday of January,
1904, hetween the hours of 1.0 &clout. A. 'I., and I'4 o'
clock; :11., at the office of the Comity.
By order of th ltoard.
•Jemi-ertnftstrs •
$ .5 , •
Let., Dee. 9,18 C
U. 5.5-240'S.
THE SobrttarY of the Treasury has not yet
given notice of any, intention to withdraw
this pont - ital. Loan from' Sale it ;Pai.. and ntitil teti
days notice is given, the undersigned, as "GENERAL
SUBSCRIPTION -AGENT," will continue, to supply
the public.
, .
The whole amount of the Lone authorised to Five
ilupdreil Millions of Dollars. NDARLY FOUR. HUN
mu stly within the lest seven mobiles. The large de
inand from abroad, and the rapidli increasing home
demand for use ns the basis for circulation by National
Banking A6-seciations now organfziig to all parts of
the country. will, to a very short period. absorb the
balance. Sales have lately ranged cram ten to fifteen
millions weekly,' fremiently exceeding three millions
daily. and as it is well known tit the Secretary of
the Treasury has ample and unthil g resources in the
Deities on Imports and Internal Rerenees, and in-the
butte of the Interest bearing Legal iTender Treasury
Notes, it is almost a certainty that , T will net and it
necessary, for a long time to come, to seek a market
for any other long or permanent Loans. THE INTER
Prudence and self Interest most farce the minds of
those contemplating the formation of National Back
log Associations, as well as the mind! of oil who have
idle money on their hands, to the pnompt conclusion
that they should lose no tine in sabscribing to this
most popalar Loan. It will soon be beyrind their reach
and advance to a handsome prowl*, as wits the ro•
polt with the "Seven Thirty" Louni when it was all
sold end could uo longer lie subscribed for at par.
It is a Six per Cent Loan, the Interest and
Principal payable in Coin, thus yielding
over Nine per Cent. per" annuin at the present
rate of preinitun nod coin.
Tho Government reqii fres all duties on linports to be
paid in Coin; these ditties have fOr a long time pest
amounted In over n Quarter of a Mi lion Of Dollars dal-
IY a sum nearly three times greater than that requir
ed in the payment of the in [crest on all .the 0.20's tend
ether penceuent Leans. So that ids hoped that the
simples Coin in the Treastity, at no distant lay, isill
enable the United States to resume Specie payment up
on all lia bill! ies.
Tne Loan is called 5.20 frriii the fact that-whilst the
Fonds may run for 20 years; et the Go eminent Has ft
right to pay them off in Gold at par, at illy time iftei
The Interest is paid half yeariy, viz : on
the first days of November aird May.
Subscribers can have Coppcik. Bonds, irhich are pay
able to bearer, and are $56, $100.4500, and $1000; or
Registered Bonds of sdate denominations, and in addi.
1100, $5,000 and $10,,000. For Banking purposes and
for investments of Trdst-mouies the Registered Bondi
r 0 preferable.
%%can 5-20'0 cannot be taxed by States, cities, 'Lemma
or counties, and the Goi•erninent tax on them is only
one-and-o.half per cent.,
on the amount of income,
when the income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred
dollars per annum all other investments, such as in.
come from Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Rends. etc.,
must pay from three to fire per cent tax on the it,
Banks and 'Bankers thrOughout ito Country a ill
continuo to dispose of the rondo ; and sit orders by
trail, or otherwise promptly attended tn.
The inc. nrenience of a few days" delay in the deli
very of the Bonds is unavoidable, the demand being so
great.; but as interest commences &pia the day of sub•
s i
i tt ,g r
o p
i t: t o d n o. ,
& n o o d l i o n s , s ih fs sa o h eezio t ' i n e e i d n . y it i d every effort, ie be.
j,ty COOKE ,
subscriber respectfully informs the public that
1 he has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swa
lam, formerly known tte''Straw's" and later as ''Wen
gem's," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown
Lebanon county, Pe.; that he has it now in cortipleie
running order, and is prepared to furnish etAtomers
regularly with a very superior article of ,
]ffignir_.l ODD 1 W —I 1 E 4 4-
/IS cheap as it can be obtained from any other rtburce.—
He keeps also on hand and for sale at the lowest cash
prices CHOP,, BRAPi, SHORTS, ke. He is also pre
pared to do all kinds of Cusrmaras' trona, for Farmers
and others, at the very shortest passible notice and in
vitas all to give him a trio:. The machinery of the
'Mill is entirely new and of the latest and most im
proved kind. By strict uttentlini to hominess and fait
dealing he hopes to merit a share of public patronage.
bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices
will be paid. FRANKLIN WALTER.
May 7, iB2.
A .IT. RICHEY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully an
„1 - 1,„ nounces to the citizens of Lebanon and` vicinity
that he has Just renal-wed from the city with a Atm as
sortment at
all of which he will sell or make up to order at 4 " -
prices to suit the times, at his NO.I Tailoring idsteh
'lament in Keirn's New Block, 4 dobrs South of the
Duck Hotel, South Walnut street.
All work entrusted to his care, will be manuSectur
ed in a workmanlike uniatter as to fashion and dura
bility. ..Goods purchased =elsewhere will be cheerfully made
up to order on the usual moderate terms.
Having bad years' f experience In the Tailoring And
Dry-Goode business, and being-inclined to- turn to Am
advantage of his customers,
all tifeadvantages Othat
from said acqulrements, be satisfied„that it
will be.respondedTo by a verk - liiiiimitahare of the pub
lie patronage. "*X:
Friends colt once to please - coo r thatLplease your
George Iloffmans
..ow . oksatf
Am: xi*
By Lebanon Valley Railroad.
- 1 - )A RTICU LA It attention will be paid to Goods chipp
ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will be
sent daily to and from Philatlelphialo Lebanon, Myers.
town and Annville Stations, and all otber points in the
Fit EIDIITS contracted for at the least possible rates
aril delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietor will pay particular attention to, and
attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all
For information, apply at his Office at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon.
EDWARD MARK, his Agent in Philadelphia. will al-
ways be found at IV IT. Bush's Merchant's Hold, Korth
Third .11., Philadelphia.
July '60.1 DEO. HOP AN.
ATOW in the time to buy your STO VI , IB before cold
winter Is hero, and the beet and chenpost place Is
at the
Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac-
tory of James N. Rogers,
Two doors South from the 'Lebanon Bank, where can be
had the largest and best 'assortment of PARLOR.
HAW., and COOKING STOVES, ever offered In Lebit-
Ons Burners for Parlors or Bed Chambers or his
own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stores,
and It laic 'variety of the bast Cooking Stoves In the
county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roast
. . . .
WASLI BOILERS con tautly on hand of all sizes,
and the beet material.
COAL BUCKETS—the largest assortment ; the heav
iest iron, and the best made in Lebanon.
Also, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the best
material and in a workmanlike manner. .As be Is a
practical WoAman, and 1:1,s bad en oxpei lance of
twenty-Ilse years, ho feels confident that he can glee
general lontisketion.
He takes this method of returning his thanks to bls
numerous customers for their liberal support, and be
hopes, by strictly attending to bis own business and
letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of
mile patronage. JAMES N. 110GERS.
.tker Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jonamo
such as Roofing, Spouting, &c., and all work warranted
New Boot avid Shoe Store!
'THE undereigned announce to the public that they
have removed their New Boot and Shoo Store to
Cumber/and Street, Lebanon, in John %metre building,
one door west of the Confectionery Store, where they
— vW;4l.4r Intend keeping constantly on band a goneral as
=sortment of Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., &c.,
all of which will be made up in style , and quality no
to be surpassed by any other workmen in . the country.
Na effort shall be spared to please and satisfy all who
may favor them _with-their orders; and their oharMi
will beau reasonable as possible,nomprttailii with a Mir
-They also keep a large stock or
1 - 19:11E MADE WORK,
wish*, is warranted to be as represented.
The public:arc invited tocaU and examine theirstock
previous to piimbasing.
Repairing tlOns en Mort notice and at reasonable
Lebanoia; Mirth 19, 1969, ..
4: : :* MANHOOD;.
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope.' Price Six Cents.
A Lecture on the Nature
Treatment and Rai_teal 5
Cure of Spermatorrlicea.or Seminal Weakness, Invol.
-eatery Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to
Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epi
lepsy and Fits: Mental and Physical. Incapacity, result
ing from Self-Abuse,` &e.-LEy ItOET. J coLvEn
wnL, D ...Author of the Green Book, &c.
The world renowned author, in this Admirable Lac
tore, clearly proves from his own eicperienee that the
awful consequences of Self abuse may be effectually
removed without medicine, -and without dangerous
surgical operations, boogies, instruments. rings, or
cordial. pointing oat a mode of cure at once certain
and effectual, hy which - every sufferer. no matter whet
his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. This lectiire will prove a boon
to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal. hi Et plain envelopo, to any address,
on the receipt. of elx bents, or two postage stamps, by
127 BoWork, New York. Post Office 80x,4626
LORENZO H. ROHRER ,w,tild re ti,
sPectfully infordi the citizens or' •
Lebanon and vicinity that he has removed his Ta Her
ing Establishment, a few doors east of Laudermilch's
store, and nearly bppOsite the Washingtoa Douse, on
Cuinberland t. 4 t, whore he will make up clothing in the
Most fasidoidtble Styles in the best manner; good ills,
guarantBed td HI. Thankful for the very liberal patron
age attended to him thus far he ]typos to merit and
eontinne the same.
Lebanon, April 8, 1803.-Iy.
It is made on the best principle, while the foreign
watch is generally made ou no principle at all.
Let us look at the contrast. The foreign *Mob to
mostlyernade by women and boys, a* *idle
their labor Is cheap, their work is dear at any price.—
Such watches are made without plan, and sold *ILI'.
out guarantee. They are iii-egtilar hi construction,
and quite as irregular in Movement. They are de
signed only to sell, and the buyer is the party most
thoroughly sold. Those who hare kept "nacres," "le ,
pines" and "Swiss levers" innrofesied repair for a few
years will appreciate the treth . of our statement.
- Instead of being made o f iwritral hundred little
ces , screwed together, the body of City American
Watch is formed of SOLID PLATES. No jar inter
feres with the harmony of its Working, and no sodden
shock Call throw its mach beery out of gear. Secession
of one part front another is unknown to Sts
lion, nod in riding or any business pursilt, It is all
held together as firmly as a single piece of metal. It
is just what all machinery should he— ~
3d,: STRONG.
We not only secure CrisAmvEss by our system, but
QUALITY. Wo do not pretend that our Watch COO be
Weight for Tess moneY thanh the foreign MADE BELTETEs
but that for as real value It is sold for one-half the
of it SOLDIER'S WATCH [named Wm. Elleryl ie
rlnft Ifs nano indieates Solid, Substantial, and al
rvnye to s land any amount of
Marching Hidifii or Fighting.
ed P. S. Bartlett) is simil ar' iu size and generatap
pearance, but has more jbwels, and a more elaborate
OUR LADIES' WATCH, recentilsy
s ugl s i s t
put np in a great variety of patterns, many of theft of
WATCH ti neat. not
of Young Amer
it t org e uren. bi ttly t du i t aoj ey unt
soxt i
go t
t u ati d or ' el t i,rh 7 l i ai i i k i i ii i bl a ri n At s
lahNris pocKet,
The PROOF of the' merits of our Watob may be
found in the fifct flint we now employ over five hun
dred workmen in qur feetorips, and that *e are still
nuahle to Apply the coustantly increes ing demand.
nor and tighter Man the Other NVe have demo
Its flno chrOnothete't ballance is ,delitately adjusted to
correct the variation caused by changes of temperature.
Thge Watches are chronometrically rated, and are
the fruits of the latest experiments in chronometry
andotro made;by our best workmen, In a separate de
partment of our factory. For the finest time-keep ing
qualities they challenge comparison with the best
*cake of the moat famous English and Swine makere.
Robbtno Appleton,
'Agents for the American Watch Con
La ES. 7 1 JV'E WS
aoIIFIC.3 -4 511rDIEN C1L11131P4118.11 4 110 - 1111fillo •
WE have just opened the following list ••• great bargains. received from our buyer in Yew York
Laines, 20 and 25 am per yard; very good faints from 16 ets. upwards, Hooped Skirts of all.. v er y I n
teat styles; Mack Stella Shawls, $1,60 end upwards ; Ladles' Collars and Sleeves obeaper tiari. ever.
We have just received from New Yorke fresh stock of GROCERIES, such as
Iffolosse.s Sugar, Coffee, Tea, &c. / Acc.',
triy- We buy our Goods exclusively fur CASH, and ere thereby always enabled to buy where we can
-em the olieapest add will always give our customers the benefit of this advantage. We have bat one
price and our tennis bre CASH. Come and examine our stook, and if you don't buy you will see us cross
Towle ik,
REIStiALL'S letritDlNG,`CtZtriCeriand Street, Lebanon, Pa ' :
Lebanon, Sept. 23,1866.
. .
Fora medicine that will cure
we quick ne
have been sold in its native townmend not a single in
stance of its failure Is known.
We have, In our possession, any quantity of certifi
cates, some of theta from
who have t4cd it In their practice , and given it the
preeminenceovor any other compound.
It does not dry up a COUGH,
bnt looneos It, so BB to enable the patient to expecto
rute freely.
A. RALF Bottlo ban often completely mire& the inoet
Stubborn Cough ,
and yet, though It to so Wee stit Eipeedy In its eie.rit.
Con, it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable.
It is yery agreeable to the taste, and may be admibis•
.terid to chibire 'Many age..
'OasesUORQUP . W., Will guarantee a care.
if taken In season.
HY should be without it.
ft is within the reach o all. the price being
4:=1.221.1* Cleam.tosi.:
And if an investment Sad thorough trial does not
"bank. sip" the above statement. the *money will be
refunded. We say this know lug Its merits, end feel
confident that one trial will secure for it a hoMe in
every household,
Do not waste away with Coughing; when Go small an
investment will cure you, It may be had of any ra
tpectable Druggist in town, who will furnish you
with a circular of genuine certificates of cures It hes
. C. G. CLARRAt CO.,
For sale by Druggists in city, country, and et•ery
At Wholesale, by
23 north Slat!, Street, Philadelphia, pa.
wov. 11;1863 .6ut.
Dark Dluo,
Light Blue,
French Bitee,
()lard Brown,
Dark Brown,
Light Brown,
snuff Blown,
Dark Drab,
Light Drab,
Dark Green,
Light 0rC0.71,
For dying Silk, e, Shawls,
Saarfs. Dresses, 1, Eats, Felt.
there, Kid Gloves. _ ~narrang, 11 kinds of
Wearing apparel. _
Oft- A Saving . bf SO ter cent. -Ems.
For twenty-Ste cents _lOl can color as many
goods as would othbrwise cast five times that .suco.—
The process is simple, and any one can use the Dye
Wlth .pbrfeet success. •
aennan; inside or
each paekage.
l?dr Further Information in,,byeing,. and giving
perfect knowledge Wber;g6l 4 Ors are best adapted to dye
eve; (Abets. (with, niaby valuable recipes,} purchase
Bowe do Steplienis' Treatise on Dyeing and coloring.—
Sent bY, Mail an receipt of Drice —intents.
Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS,
280 BKOADIVAT, Seaton.
For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally.
- [Oct. 25. 1883.—taft.1
irptrnys.e........;. eare
e 7
I knownTELt
AIpLO4:ON ilai bIS
11 introdulngtiect of ptitever3
RAVEN & BAdOlit and
eclat:triad PIANOS . for Cash, at a liberal deduction.
IS,. Over 30.000 sold.
JAMES BELLA& Sole Agent,
219 and 281 South Fifth Street, above Spruce.
July 13, 1863 —ly. Philadelphia, Pa.
Lowry & Nahm's
Confectionery and Toy Store.
LATELY occupied by C. N. SMITH, in, iV.A;LNUT
They have just returned from the City, with a fresh
smock o (Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Currants, Citrons,
Filberts, Walnuts, Feanfttii, Almonds, Oranges, Lem
ons, Cocoanuts, &c., dm.
Also. a large variety of all hinds of different flavor
ed FINE and COMMOiI 0/tNIHES. •
Also, 811 assortinefit bt SUGAR TOYS, consisting o
Fancy, White.aud etearSugar Toys.
CHINA WARE; inch as large and small Vomits,
Cups and Saucers roval I China Tea Setts, Ac.. Ac.
.WOODEN AND ' 'FIN.TOYS-A large and splendid 'va
riety, of lilt kinds to suit the tastes of the young.
Of all kinds, always on hand, and made to order,
PARTIES supplied at short notice.
.08y- Thankful for the liberal patronage heretefOre
egtended to them, and being young tieginiters, and de
sirous of giving general satisfaction, we respectfully'
solicit tho public to give us a trigt.„
kcisb . Lair, .
-,, T otiu. is hereby given that the Annual
1.1 List for the Tenth Collection District of
Deancyhernia, Hai been placed In say hands for -collec
tion by the Aeaesdor thereof; that the Dot les and Tax
+JO; assessed by-said Assomor have become due and
pay sble. . •
All persona in LEBANON COUNTY charged with
or other Excise Dutiei on said Aisessor's List, are rce
quirod to pay the saute to
Deputy Collector of the .Ith DSr. of the lOtli Dist., of
Pa., °nor before
SATURDAY, January 9, 1864
Aar Those who neglect to poi the Ditties and Taxes,
&c.. as aforesaid assessed upon them, to the said 7)epu•
ty Collector, within the period of time above tpecitled,
shall be liable to pay TEN PER CENT. additional up
on the amount thereof. .411 must be Paid in Govern
mad Funds.
Collector 10th D istr Fct, Pa
rrZ - - The undersigned, DGPUTF COLLECTOR, 4th
DIV., 10th DI ST.. of PEN,VA.. will attend, for the cop.
enience of TUX Payers, at the tollowing times and
places :
For Jackson Township. at the office of 14,1_3CODLI
SON, On Thursday, the 17th of December, next, bo.
ttseen the hours oflo and 4, o'clock of said day.
For Millereek Ton-or:hip. at the public house of F. A.
SIJULTZ. on Friday, the 18th of December, next, be,
tires:: the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock otscad day.
For tielddherg Township, at the public. house of
LEVI S. °tuna, on Saturday, the 19th dity of De
cember. nexi, betWeen'tho hours of 10 and 4 o'clock of
said day.
For hest ilanorec TOwn sh Ip, .at the public house of
J W. ADA W, on Monday, the 21 it of December, next,
between the hours of Vaned 4 o'clock of said day.
For Swam,a aid Union Townsh inn, at the public
hence of SIMION,IIEILMAN, in Jonesto*si, on Tau
day, the 22d of December, next, betWeett ate Hausa Of
10 and 4 of said day.
For Bethel. Township, at the publld house efIYNI.
ERNST,, On Wednerday, the 23d day of December, next,
between,the hours of 9 and 1 o'clock of said day.
For Londonderry, Township.„. at tho public house of
O. W. EBY, in Palmyra,
.ott -Tussdaj.,. the 29th day of
December, next, bettreen the hours of HY arid 4 o'clock
of said day
Ftir,North and Smith Annville ToWnships, at the
publlc house.ot 511.15)N KBALL, on WidnosdaY. th e
30th of hecember, next, between the hours of 9 and 4
e l eloik .- of said day,
' For Cornwall,roOnth Lebanon and North Lebanon
Townships, borough of- Lebanon, and Borough of
North Lebanon, at toy Office in the 90110u011 of LEB
ANON, from the let to the 9th of Janutem.)Bo4, be
tween the Douro of 9 and 3 o'clock Of cacti any.
lieu All payments Will base to be made be Qo►ern
ment funds.
A Friendly Invitation
TO all Oclirpuit or
At the ONION CANAL, on the East end Weet sides o
Market Street, North Lebanon Borough.
MLLE subscribers take pleasure in Informing the chi
t sena of Lebanon. and surrounding countle_s,
they still continue the LUMBRit AND COAL -BUSI
NESS, at their old and ip f iLL-nc l im.gand, where they
are dailY recertln'g,aBdrtlorial et:polies of the- -•
consisting of WIRD and Tallow Pine BOARDS, PLANE
arid SCANTLING: • - • • • •
ASII, from Ito 4 inch CHERRY, from to 3 loch.
POPLAR, from 5.4 to 2 Inch.
Poplar and hardwood SCANTLING. •
Oak and Maple BOARDS and PLANS&
Roofing and Plastering LATHS. - •
• _
Alan, Pine and hemlock SHINGLES.
A. large stock of the beat • quality of Stove, Broken,
Egg and Limcbiumers' COAL; and also, the beet Alla.
gheny COAL for Blacksmiths.:
Air Thankful for the liberal manner in which they
have heretofore been patronised, Btey,,Would extend a
cordial invitation for a continhaiwo of favors, as they
are canildent that theY.nont have the / 't'stY;tat, best and
cheaiest Snick of Lpia . ,vn bow in.. thp county,
vbteh'eill be told eta reasonable nor centime. ,
Aar Please call and Clashing our stock and pikes be.
fore 'pureliesing- elsewhere.. ;
North Lebanon borough, May 7, latch
I :"Ves
New Goods .1 Vett Goods
SattbStteS, soil from 50 ets. to
Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Flannel:
Woolen Itooifil Woolen Ito Ode I
A Genixitt astioftrifeht of
Otr Ail kin - de of Country prodn'ae
taken in exchange for Goods.
iik E e - T-baT i d
ikjf NortbWalit far PIIILABE'LPHI A, NEW-YORE.
EASTON, dn., Ac
Trains learn llnrrisburg for Ph Radiilphl a , New-Yotk.
Rending. Pottsville. and all intermediate Stations, at 8
n. M., and 2.00 I'. , passing Lebanon 9.18 A. ht., and
8.08 P.
New Y sprang leaves Harrisburg at 6.E0 A.M., pawl
Lebanon at 7.30 A. 11., errivizz at New York at
the same morning.
Fares from Harrisburg : To Now-Yorkss 15; to Phil- .
adelphin $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage . Checked through.
Returning. leave New-York,at 6 A. M., /2 Noon and
7P. IL,(PITTSBUIp EXPRESS). Leave Phdader7.
phia at -15 A. M. and2.3l 5.1., passing Lebanon at
12.17 noon, 7.17 P. M..andgEriness at 1.05 A. Mr.
Sleeping Wu In the New York Express Trait's,
thrtingh to and from. Pittsburgh without Change. .
Passenger,. by thiCatawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua
at 8.50 A. 51 . .. and 2.15 P. 31. for Philadelphia, New
York, and-all Wlly PointS.
Trains leave
trays l e a ves
at 6.06 A. i , nod returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P.
A 5- All the abovetrains run daily, flutids'iszeneppted,4
A Sunday train ?eaves Pottaviila at 7.30 A. ht. ; and
Pirlfaticlphis 5t.3.1.5 P.Sf. -.••••
Coniyautation !rickets, with 26 .COrtpone it 26 per
cent betwelor any points desired.
Mileage Tickets, good for 2000 miles, betvresa alt
points at $4O 25,4or•Ircindliea and Businositiirrns.
Season and School.Tickeo4 . at. reduced rates to and
front ail points.
SO pohnds lhailikKaithtvel'eadiPtiallabngst•
Patsengers are tauftestedetoeparchints their Meats!.
before entering dui cari4.asrfilglati Pares are charged
if paid in cars.
aetoma stiferintend•nt- -
Livery Stabil •-
riiiiE subscriber respectfully informsthe.public that'-
ihe has commenced a LIVERY STABLE at his Hp!
41E. tel, in Market. Street, Lebanon.. He will',
always endeavor to furnish good horses
and vehicles, at moderate prices, to all do
siring the same.
• -;
1 •
I tii
To the beet advantige, cetablished sad
well-kneel ,
i'lah'elilai), all colored
ENGLISH MIRINt, aI2 colored
All Wool Detains; all colored
BRAVER Over Coating:
from s2 j oo to $4,00
Fancy and Black Ca se
Bed Check and Ticking.
Venal:4d and Unbleached Atualiti:
Woolen Stockings
Calicoes and Ginkhatini.
Woolen drid Cotitein Hoselrini:`
and Gents' Gloves
}loop Skirts t HO§ Skirts I I
Umbrellas Umbrellas! f
Linen and Paper' Collate
A flill line or
Ladl66 and Misses Shawii.
Dry Goods;'
2.413aTt - tElt •
Dec. 9,1863.
LEstuqoil, Pi: