The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 16, 1863, Image 1

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    _ 1J ntin .
1:613. ceraruattiozr Imuntemazitit:Plrclatir 3 .
Neatly and Promptly Executed, at the
Tins establishment is now supplied with an extensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
patronage demands. It can pow turn out Partenatt, of
every description, in a ',Mat and expeditioits Manner—
andon very reasonable terins. Such as
Pamphlets, Cheeks,
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headings, Blaier ,
Programmes, Bills of Pare,
Invitations, Tickets, &c.,
;l- Mass of all kinds, Common audJudgmentßoantei
School, Justices', Constables' and. 'other
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept
for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times."
v s *SubscriPtion price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER
Ono Dollar and a Half a Year.
Address, We. M. Emma, lebanon, Pa.
Offiee North, West Corner, of Water
. And Market Streets,
Lebanon, Nov 18, 1853.-1 y R;
George Pt"ewer, Jr.,
irtiTIOR is rooms formerly oceepted by Dr. Samuel
Behm. deceased , arid opposite to the Meek Home
Hotel, CLmberland Street s Lebanon.
." Moat 26, 1568.
OYFIGE Cumoberland street, a few doors east of
the Eagie note', in the office late of his father
Capt. John Weidman, deed.
Lebanon 8,1863.
STANLEY '.11:11b1ICU I -
removed his office to the building, one door eas
'Of Laudennitch 'a Store t opposite tit e Washington Rouse
Lebanon, Pa. „
BOUNTY and PP.NPION elaims promptly attended
to [April 5,'83.-3m.
S. T. ItIeADAM.;
'n AS REMOVED his office to Market Street, opposite
11. the Lebanon Bank, two doors worth of Widow
Else' a Moto!.
Lebanon, March 25, '63,
AroilAr IL 10 111A7P1.61.31
to the ROOM lately occupied by Dr . Geo. P. Line
am:saver, in Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a few doors
East of the Eagle flotel, and two doors west of Gen.
Weidman's Office. •
Lebanon Dec. 17,1862.
TTORNBY-AT-LAW.—Office in Walnut street, neat
-11 opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors south
from Harmany'a Hardware store.
Lebanon, April 9, .
Esq., Cumberland Street, opposite the Court
Muse, Lebanon, Pa. Net-28, Iqm/
1 UB undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute
claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and
Pension business, offers his services to all those who
toe thereto entitled, in .accordance with the various
sets of Congress. All such should call or address at
oriee, and mite their applications through
BASSLER Donal, Attorney at-Law,
'Cumberland street, opposite the Court lionse,
'OCtbber, 18, 1863. Lebanon, Pll.
win. Mr. DERR,
ActIORNEY 6T LAW, Office in Sticbter's
Cuinberland street, nearly opposite the Cour
'Nouse. . [Lebanon, May 6, 1863.—tf.
Or. Sainuel S. Melly
irit - FERslits•p:iifessional services to the citizens of
1,1 Letterion end vicinity. OFFICE et the residence
'Of llrs.i.:l3lkat,liso: doors West of 01lice ofTsr.
deo , d, in Citnfierlandlttroliit.
Lebantin, Mire 15,18,63.
Vi..1.11 - G LEY& DEW Att.
utter, E ggs,. t Olie Taltdio, ard )
Poultry, Game, rtiits,
Grain, Seeil tke.
178. 170 REA.tE 'STREET,
134d00r above 1 , 1 ashington, NEW-YOW L
R. "oven. S
Robb & Aseougb, New York; Allen & Brother, do
W. W. Selfridge, Esq., do; Jones ¢ Shepard, do; Sam
son, Labatt; & Farrington. do; Samuel G..7olinson, do;
W. M. Breslin, Esq., Lebanon, Pa.; L. Bata. Canton,
Ohio; W. C. Curry & Co., Bankers,..Erie, Pa.; Hon.
Jelin. Stiles, Allentown, Pa. • [Jan. 14,1883.
W. Ranks
FORMERLY of 3 pnestoWn, Lebanon county, would
respectfully inform his friends, and the public,
that he has Connected himielf with Ur. lowan,: in the
No, 146 North Third street, Phila.,
where he will be glad to receive customers, and wit
sell at rates that will prove satisfactory.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1363.
A s I shall necessarily be absent from the County
111. during the session of Congress. I have mule ar•
ran gemen is with JOHN W. RYON; Esq ~ of Pottsville,
to take charge of my legal bus iriSYS. titp ofilcb VIII hp
kept open as heretofore. and those Ol my fildnds
clients baiting legal hlisiness Mardeliend 'upon ita to
ceiving 'and eiPeient attention. Mr. Ryon is a
getetteman Of eXtensive legal learning and long experi
ence at the bar. I have full eonßdenee in his ability,
integrity and industry, and I there fore . cheerfully
commend the in terbitss of myslientslind friends to his
eare'aud attenthib. 'Or. F. 'W. CONRAD will also
remain in ney Lade,
Resp'e'ctfully. STROITSE.
Rottarifle, Pa., Dec. 2, 1863---:-2m.
•Marke.t square, opposite the Market Ilintse, Lebanon, Pa.
- undersigned respectfully informs tLe public
'that he has Yebeived an extensive stock of the
chhicest atillVicrest Liquors of all descriptions. These
..vEffi k Liiinots he is invariably disposed to sell at an
' g mi z .. l .precedentedly low prices.
Druggists, Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and oth.
'ere wilt consult their own interests by buying of the
'undersigned. L. D. DREG.
Lebanon, April 150803.
READIKI, Nov. 28th 1883,
The public is respectfully informed that on and wi
nes' MONDAY, DECENDER 14th, all Passengers who do
, not purchase their tickets be fore entering the Cars.
'will be charged 25 cents extra on each ticket parches
'ed on the train, for which they will obtain from the
Condnctor a Check Receipt. • This Receipt will be re
'deemed, and 25 cents paid thereier, in cash, upon its
presentation at any Ticket Mee of the Compa OLny.
General Sup't.
December. 9, 1883.-2ns.
NE of the largest NURSERY FIRMS, in South
:0 Eastern Pennsylvania, wish to secure the perms,
:vent services of it competent SALE AGENT iu • LEDA
'NON COUNTY. They wish a reliable enterprising
.4nan, who will devote his whole time to selling Fruit
land Ornamental Trees, Vines, Plants, dtc. For fur
'tbdr information apply at the Office of this paper.
ec. 9, 1863 —4t.
PUBLIC NOTICE in hereby glvenAlhat the account
of Daniel Walter, assignee of JACOB KERN and
Catharine hie wife, by Deed of voluntary assignment
dated the day of April, 1862, has born filed- In the
Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon county, and that the
i mnie will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas
of said -County-on the first -illiraday of January next,
. for contrination and allowance when and where all
'persons may attend if they think proper.
- - HENRY SIBOIUST, Prothonotary. -
PrOthonotary'l Office, Dec. 2,1863.
PUBLIC NOTION to bereby given * that the 'moonlit
of Charles H. aleity, imeignee under a voluntary
: .
: creed , of assignment for the benefit of creditors of
RBllifißilf , and *lre, of the Borough of
Lebanon, County of Lebanon, Pa., has been tiled in the
Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon county, and that the
E m i le will be presented to the Court Of Common Pleas
of laid county, on the first Monday of 'January nett,
for confirmation and allowAoce, when *inn where
`all persons may attend if they think proper.
HENRY BIEO KIST, Prothonotal7.
PrOttionotary's Office Dm. 2,'63•
• -
. • •
URLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that the account
ofJoseph Reineel and Joseph Arnold, easigrieea Of
WILLIAM E. ARNOLD and wife, of the Borough of
Lebanon, County of Lebanon, Pa., under a voluntary
deed of assignment for the benefit of Creditors, hue
been Sled. ifs_ the Prothonotary's Oflice of Lebanon
county; ind that the same -mill be presented to the
Court of CoMMon Pleas of sald - .county on the first
Monday qr.fcntucliv next, for confirmation and allow
ance when and ,wheril all perms:us may attend if they
think proper .:.
Ilfillitt'SlMßßlßT, Prothonotary.
Prothombtary'l Mee, Dec. 2, 'B3n
,f 1 • ,
, •
. • •
• .
, .
VO L 1151---N0..: 25.
.'„,.. - ..,-Biotillk#.i. , -,,i,. - .
Grosssuperstition is generally al•
lied to
,ignnynoce. The,man who se
riously believes witchcraft and silver
_like to contend that the
world cannot , revolve • every twenty.
four • hours, becauseit,does not empty
the water out of his well.
Uncle Billy, as an old' pioneer we
wot of was familiarly teriued, was
one of this class. He knew there
was such- beings !witches—old
woman wh,o had made a.league with
the devii—because he had some sad
experiences in his younger days.—
How dicl it helnow such things to be
facts?.- W by, , easy enough -as any
fool of sense might .know.
'You see,' said Uncle Billy, slat
a man or Parning—l never werit to
no school a day , in my life—l dont'
know bow to write any name, or
even read a *rord of print ; but;. for
all that, 1 knows 'as much about
witches, and can tell you as much a
bout 'em, as-the-next.
'I settled ont West here arter the
Injins had all been dray off, and so
me and my wife hadn't nothing to
fear from them ; but there was other
critters about in these here diggings,
nigh as bad, as I'm a gwine to tell
you about.
'You must kriow, that arter I'd got
things fixed up to suit me, I tuk to
raising bosses, - having a nateral 'in
cline for that ere animal. I've knoW.
ed a boss ever Bence was old-enough
to know anything; nobody couldn't
fool me in a hose; I knowed all his
parts as well as some folks does a
book ; the best hoss.jocker in the
kentry al'ays gin in that he couldn't
head off, Uncle Billy in a trade—
no, sir; and so I sot to work buying
up the right stripe of mares, and
raising colts to suit me. Arter two
or three years, I got things a joggling
in the right kind of style, and was
doing a purty decent business, for
a man of my means and edication.
'But then come my lust trouhle.—
An old woman`, areal old hag, called
the widder Groat,- living abOut two
miles off, come over to my house one
day, to borrow a peck of Injin meal.
My wife she let her have it, and the
old witch she went off good nater'd
enough. A week went by, and she
didn't fetch it 'batik, bdt come agin
for another peek, telling :sonie kind
of a stoty abOufleing 'disapp'inted
and so on. dloweekinevdr, my wffe
- ebe -- didn't‘belieVe ter;—anti woUldn't
let kivr imvu - no-Ittoro - till - Mill :paid 'tip-,
and thi - s'iitn'e'lihe went twiny thud,
and said Mal 'rich people that
"Wouldn't help .poth' 'folks wouldn't
git alongnone too weW, and that we
mought look out to see the Lord pay
us off for our meanness in a way we'd
feel it, If she'd a said satan instead
of the Lord, I reckon £he'd a come
nearer the mark.
'Well, about a week arter that, I
went out to - see arter my bosses, and
found five of 'em sick in., a way Pd
never seed bosses 'afore; and the
minute I looked at 'etn, I knoWed
Mother Groat had begun her de'ilish
work, and I didn't have, much hope
to cure 'cm; though I went, in fnr -try
ing what I thought was best. It
didn't do no good though—they, all
died in . great distress—and then
some more of 'em wits Os in t:he
same way. I got a boss dootor to
come `and - see em, but he ouldn
tell what ailed 'em, nO tflote'n me,
and they died too. But When, right
arter, the third lot was tuk, I thought
it high time to try so'thiug else;
and backing my saddle-boss, 1 rid
thirty mile to see a woman that told,
fortins and sich: She was a big, fat
greasy thing, with a party sharp
eye, and knowed a heap.
'You've come on important busi•
ness says she, as I Moped dower
from my panting hoss, and hurried
into her house.
'1 has-,' says 'what is it ?'
'So' thing's bapped to you of late,
that's kind of awful and mysterious!'
says she.
'Yes,' says I, 'that's true , ,' won.
dering all the time bow she could
'You've lost,' says she; and,there
she stoliiied, and looked right eark
ous into my eyes.
..1 has,' says I, 'but can you tell
me what ?' I did that jest to try her
4 'l can tell you,' says she, 'but it
mought take me some little time to
git at all the particulars, and every
minute are so precious to the success
of what your arter.'
'lt are,' says 1; and I went on to
tell her all about the bosses.
'They're bewitched!' says she,
right off, without stopping to think a
, Thal's it!' says I,'l knowed IL'
'There's an old woman in the
scrape says she.
'Exactly , r says I.
'Let me see r sass she; 'bet name
are —'
'Groat r says I.
, The very name,' says she; 'and
I'm glad you knows it yourself, for
now you'll be ready to act as I • tell
4 It's wonderful, sir, what that are
fortin-teller knowed. She notched
at the name of Groat the minute I
spoke it; jest as it she'd knowed the
old witch be r life; and I s'pect
shed nevn7set eYel3 oh her norther.
'Well, she told me to go and git
some tansy, some dogwood roots, and
mix 'era with some yarbs she giv me,
and put 'em in a pot,.along with a lot,
of ipins, and needles, and bile 'em all
together for two hours, .calling out
the name of the Witch every minute
or so, -and I'd find it 'ud make her
sick, or at least put her into a great
distress,.even though She moughtn't
let on ; and if that ere didn't take
the, spell off of my bosses, to come
back to her, and she'd tell me so'thing
else to do as would. I wanted her to
tell me the other thing . tbe.n—bekase
thirty miles was no small bit to ride
—but she said as how . it tud break "the
spell to tell me the second afore the
fast was tried; and so I bad to go
home with what I'd got, which I paid
her fivee - dollars for. -
'Well, sir, 'yid borne; and tried the
yarb spell, as soon as I could git all
the things together, which was the
next day ; and arter I'd done so, I
started Widder Croat's, on
pretence to ask about her health and
the corn.,meaf; but really, you see,
sir, to find out out how the .thing
worked. The old wahan liveit in a
log but about a mile off ; and when I
got:there, l'seed at onct as how the
chartn was doing the business beauti...
ful. ThingS didn't look thrifty round
about, and the shanty was 'kind of
shut up like. I knocked on the door,
jest for form's sake, a.nd a faint voice
told me to come in. I went in, and
?there lay the old woman, stretched
dut on her bed, grunting with pain.
* 1 013,' she sniveled out, as soon ns
she seed me, 'it's you, are it, 'Uncle
Billy? I'm glad to see anybody, fcir
`l's feared I'd die here all alone
'What's the matter, old Maker
'Groat?' 'says I, just as if I didn't
'l'm nearly dead with the 'rhetirna•
'tits and starvation,' says she, with
another grunt. '1 helot had a mouth.
'ful to eat since yesterday morning!'
says she. 'Didn't you fetch me over
so'thing to eat 7' she axed.
'Nary thing,' says 1; 'l've had e
nough to do to tend to my own boss
es, that's a dying with your bewitch
ment,' I says.
'What do you mean ?' says she.
'Oh, you don't know, in course!'
says I; 'in course you don't know
nothing about it I'
'No,' she says, 'in course I don't!
What's the matter with 'ern ?'
were too mad to tell her at fust
any mere, and so I just axed her how
long she'd been sin.
'Two or three days,' she says, with
another grunt.
knowcd she lied, for it hadn't
been but a few hours Bence I'd got
the, spell pnt on her; bttt I wasn't dis
applitted none; 1 'spected her to lies
the fortin - teller had said she mough't
litit let On, Ind the - didn't, ydu seel
ailter I'd gin her a piece cif
rriy - zriind onher wicked doings, I get
outcto-go. .She fairly 'begged Erie 1:13
feteh her sotbing 'to 'eh, dr tel l ] some
body else to, as she was dying, which
I promised I'd do as soon as my boss
es got well, if sh'd agree never to
witch 'em ag'in.
'You're an old fool says she ; 'and
the curse of Heaven be on you and
your family !'
'Which it won't-be none the more
for your wishing it,' says I,as I walk
ed away and left, her.
'She was a terrible wicked old
witch, sir, that same Mother Groat, I
tell you. Arter all.l'd said and done
to her, she wouldn't let up on the
critters, whieli kept on dying, till l's
afeared I'd lose the hull of 'ern. So I
started off ag'in to the foitin teller's,
and told her all about it.
'I see we've got Co try so'thing se.
- Veie'r„ says she. • 'lf the old witch
can't tie satisfied with the punish.
meat we've gin ter, the.te's noway
but to go to exti•emes, even if it kills
her, which 1 spect it won't be no great
matter. Now you go home,' 'says she,
'and pound up somo,silver into ballets,
put one on 'ern into year - gun, and go
out into the woods and d'raw her
face on a stump, or tree, and then
shoot into
'But I can't draw her face,' says 1,
'bekase I ain't no drawer.
'Oh make a round mark for the
face,' says she, and then make marks
for the eyes, nose and mouth, calling
her by name all the timethat'll do
jest as well.
'And will that kill her ?' I axed;:
'lt will hurt her a good deal,' says
she,lit it don't 'go nothing else, and
may be it'll break the spell onto the
bosses.' .
'And• spose it don't?' says I
'Then you must take the rest of
the bullets,' says the fortin teller—one
for each hose as .is sich, mind and
shoot the critters dead, one arter
Vother, and so keep on shooting all as
gits sick.'
'Well, sir, I come home ag'in, and
sot to work on the new spell. I cut
and pounded up two old silver spoons
and some pieces of money into bul-
lets, and went out into the Woods
with my gun, drawed the old witch
on a stump, and let, her basic), 'On'e on
'em right through her heed. the
next day I went over to see what had
come on't, arid fottnd old Mother
Groat stiff and dead in her bed. Yes,
sir, the bullet had done for her, and
spect Satan had got her soul Ocord - -
leg to his barg'in with her.'
A suggestion that she might have
died of st•iirvation and disease, was
treated by the superstitieMS Uncle
Billy with scorn and contempt. It
was astonishing hOw ignorant people
were on the subject of witehes. 'She
was not the only one that had been
put out of the wiirld in that way—he
had heard of many others—and had
had some other ekperienees himself.
'But what about the horses ?'
'Well, I only had to shoot, four of
'em arter the old witch. died,' he said,
'and then the rest of"'em got along
right nice.'
You might have madn,Upete.^Bi)lY
believe the milky way wke:peinted,
beeaeso that looked reasonable, but
not Wet the world timed round; or
that there was no , such thing as
witchcraft. lie was only one of a
large class, hoWever, whose ignorance
was a sad aid o their credulity.
SHINOON, tqc. 9,1863.
Fellow-citizen of the Semite and House
of Representat*ves:--Another year of
health, and of e(ifficiently abundant har
vests, has pashed. For these, and especi
ally for the iMpriaved condition of our Na
tional affairs, oreoewed and profound•
gratitude to Go is due. We remain in
peace and frien hip with foreign powers.
The efforts o disloyal citizens of the
United Statee,o involve us in foreign
wars, to aid an inexcusable insurrection,
have been 'un veiling. Her Britannic
Majesty's GOT? merit, as was justly" ex
pente.d, liave;Aihic,iesll their authority to
prevent the departure of tiew hostile expe
ditions from tritish,ports. The t mperor
of France has,by a like proceeding,prompt
ly,vindicafed the neutrality, which he pro.
claimed at ;the beginning of the contest.
Questions ofgreat intricricy and impoi to nee'
have arisen eat of the blockade, and other
belligerentroperatioOe'between the Govern
ment and several of the maritime powers;
but they have been discussed, and as far
as was possible, accommodated in a spirit
of frankoess, justice and mutual good will.
It is especially gratifying that our prize
courts, by the impartiality of their adjudi•
cations, haVe commanded the respect and
confidence of maritime powers.
The supplemental
_treaty between the
'United States and Great Briteiu for
sdppression or the_lfrican Slhve, Trade,
made on the 17th dii,7. of Februarylast,bie
been-duly ratified kind 'carried into exe
&Con. It is believedlhat, so far as Amer.
can ports and Ameilcan citizens are con
cerried, that inbuinitn and odious traffic
has been brought to an end.
I shall submit, for the consideration of
the Senate, a convention for the adjust
ment of poOession claims in Washington
Territory, arising out of the treaty of the
15th of June, 1846, between the United
States and Great Britain, and which have
been the source of some disquiet among'
the citizens , ofithat now rapidly improving
part of the coontry.
A novel and important question involv
ing the extent Orthe maritime juridiction
of Spain on the waters which surround the
Island of Cuba, has been debated without
reaching an agreement, and it is proposed
in en ann'eable spirit to refer it to the
abitrament of a friendlylimwer. A con
vention for that, purpose will be submitted
to the Senate. i -
I have thought it proper, subject to the
approval of the Senate, td concur with the
interested com.nercial ppwers in an ar
rangement for the liqvidation of the
Sae dt does upon the principles which
have bees heretofore adopted - To regard to
the,impoits upon isaligiticia in the water's
of Dentriark.
The Ititg:p6tididg 'contrilVersy "betiween
this GOviruinent and that uf,:Chili, touch
the stiLi . ufe at Sitania, Pera,by
inn crfflceW On large . liinoti et treasure
lielonging to-eitistins c! the Vbited State,l,
has been brought to a close hi the award
of his Niajeety, the King of the Belgians,
to whose aibitration the question was re . .
ferred by ,the parties. The subject was
thOroughly and patiently examined by
that justly respected magistrate, and al.
though the sum awarded to the claimants
may not have been as large as they expec
ted, there is no reason to distrust the wis.
dom of his Sbjesty's decision, • That deci
sion was promytly complied %N itn by Chili
when intellimuce in regard to it reached
that country.i
The joint clommission, under the act of
the last session, for carryina b into effect the
convention wth Peru on the. subject of
claims, has been organized at Lima, and is
engaged in tio business enstrusted, to it,
Difficulties 'concerning the inter-oceattic
transit throng') Nicarauga, are is course
of amicable adjustment.
Io conformity with the principles set
forth in my lavt annual message, I have re
ceived a representative froth the United
States of Coli - tibia, and have accredited
a minister to that Republic.
incidents occurring in the progrleis of
our civil war have fiiieed 'upon my atten
tiou the unartain-state of international.
Anestidns knelling the right of 'foreigners
in this country, a:nd of 'United States citi
zens abroad, in regard to. some govern
ments. Their rights Are at least partially
defined by ..treaties. In no instance, how
ever, is it expressly stipulated that in the
event of civil war a foreigner residing in
this country within the lines of the insur
gents is to be exempted from the rule which
classed him as a belligerent, in whose be•
half the government of his country cannot
expect any privileges °Humanities distinct
from that character. I r.sgret to say, how
ever, that each claims have been put for
ward, and in some instances in behalf of
foreigners who have lived la the United
States the, greater part or their lives.—
There is reason tO believe that many per
sons born in foreign countries, who have
declared their intention to become citizens,
or who have been fully naturalized, have
evaded the military duty rerluireti of them
by denying the ta'c't, abd thereby throwing
upomthegoverbbent the burden of proof.
It bas been found AilTicult, or impracti•
cable, to ,ontitin this proof front the want
of guides todthe proper sources of informit
tion. These might be supplied by requiring
cit.rks of courts where declarations of in
tention may be made, or naturalization ef
fected, to send periodibully a list of
the names of the persous natqralized or
declaring their intention to beCorne citi
zens, to the Secretary of the Interior, in
whose department these names might be
arr.inged and printed for general informa
tion. There •is also reason to believe that
foreigners frequently become citizens of
the United States for the sole purpose of
evading duties imposed by the laws of their
native countries, to which, on becoming
naturalized ,here, they at once repair, and
though never returning in the U. States
they still claim the interposition of this
government as . citizens: Many alterca
tions and great prejudice have heretofore
arisen out of this abuse. It is therefore
submitted to your Serious consideration.—
It 'eight be advisable to fix a limit beyond
which no eitiZen of the United States resi
ding abroad may claim the interposition of
his government:
The right of suffrage has often been as
sumed and bkercised by aliens under
pretences of naturalization, which they
have disatreived when drafted into the mil
itary service. I silbotit• the expediency of
such an amendment of the law as will make
the fact of 4otitig an estoppel against any
plea of exereptiou from military service, or
other civil obligation on the account of .
In Common with other WeeteiaTOwere,
our relations with Japan have been brought
into serious jeopardy through the PerTeree
.a.b.' . ,.,..':.t-i6'.i'ii.
opposition of the hereditary aristocracy of
the 'empire to the enlightened and liberal
policy of the Tycoon, designed. - to bring
the country, into the society of,n4ions. It
is hoped, although not with entire confi
denoe, that these difficulties may be peace
fully overcome. I ask- your attention to the
claim of the minister residing there for the
damakes he sustained in the destruction by
fire, of the residence of the Legation at
Satisfactory arrangements have been
made with the Emperor of Russia, which
it is believed will result in effecting a con;
tinuous line of telegraph through that Em
pire from our Pacific coast. Ire-commend
to your'-favorable consideration the - subject
of an international telegraPh 'across the
Atlantic Ocean, and also a telegraph be
tweeh the Capital and the National forts
along the Atlantic seaboard and the Gulf
of Mexico. Such communications, estab
lished with any'reasOnable outlay would
be an economical as well as effective aid in
the diplomanic r military : andoaral servibe.,
The conaul ar system of the United State's,
under the ena'citinent of the last Congress,
begins - to be self-sustaining, and there is
reason. toliope that it may become entirely
eo with an increase of trade, which will en
sue benever peace is restored.
Oar ministers abroad .have been faithful
ly defending A madcap 'rights. In protect
ing commercial interests, our consuls have
necessarily had to encounter increased la
bors and responsibilities g rowing out of the
war. These they have, f:Nrthe most part
met-and discharged with zeal-and efficien
cy. This acknowledgment justly includes
those consuls who, reeidion in Morocco,
Egypt, Turkey, Japan, China and other
Oriental countries, are charged -with corn
pier functions and, epttraordinary powers.
t The ,deict4)lfoil 'of the several organized
Territories is generally satisfactory, altho'
Indian disturbances in New Mexico have
not been entirely suppressed. The mineral
resources of Colorado, Nevada, Idahoe,
'New Mexico and Arizona are proving far
Heber than has beeo heretofore understood.
I lay before you a communication on this
subject from the Uovernor of New Mexico..
I again submit to your consideration the
expediency of establishing a system for the
encouragement of immigration. Although
this source of national wealth and strength
is again flowing with greater freedom than
for several years before the insurrection
occurred, there is still ,a great deficiency of
laborers in every field of industry, espe
cially in agriculture and in, our, mines, as
well of iron Wand coal as of the precious
metals. While the demand for labor is
thus increased here, tens of thousands of
persons destitute of remunerative, occupa
tion, are thronging our foreign consulates
and offering to emigrate to the United
States, if essential but very cheap assis
tance can be afforded them. It is easy to
see that under the sharp dieciplit a of civil
war, the nation is beginning a new life.--
His noble effort demands the aid and ought
to receive the attention and support of the
Injuries, nueoreiieeit by 'the itriveinirient and unto
tended, may in sorer cases bare been inflicted on the
aut , jects or citizeue of hirel.,:a countries, both at era ,
and on land, by persona in the service of the Palma
elates. As this Government expects, redress from other
powers'is , hen els:altar iduries are inflicted by persona
their seAlea:upon citizens of the United Mtge, we
must be,propigoti,• to.,aolusuoe foreikiteri. II the,
existing - jam:del - tribe. nr.inatltelplate to thie.pur
pose, a special court may be authorised with power t 0
hear and decide such claims of the character referred to ,
as may have ,risen under treaties and the public low.
Conventions fur adjusting the claims by joint camel:s
alons, have been proposed to some governments, but no
ddluite answer to the propositinu Mao yet beau received
from any.
In the course of the session I shall probably have
occasion is request you to provide indemnification to
claimants where decrees of restitution have been ren
dered end dtunageo awarded by Admiralty Courts, and
in other cases a here this government may be acknow
ledged to be liable in principle, and where the amount
of that liability has beau ascertained by an informal
The proper officers of the Treasury have .deeined
themselves required by the law of the United 'States
upon the subject to demand a tax upon the incomes ,of
foreign conams in this country. While such a demariti
may not. in strictness, be in derogation of publiclaw,
or perhaps o (any existing treaty between the United
Staten and a foreign country, the expediency of so (Sr
modifying tbe act as to exempt-from tax thaincomes
of such consuls as are not citizens of the United States,
derived from the emoluments of their office, or from
property not situated in the United Statee, is Bub pitted
to your seriphs consideration. I make this suggemion
upon the ground that a comity which ought to Le re-
Morena ted exempts our consuls in all other Countries
from taxation, to the extent thus Ihdfeated, The United
States, , I think, ought not to be exceptionally illiberal
to international trade and commerce. . -
The operations of the Treasury during the last year
have been successfully conducted.' The enactment' by
Congress of a National Banking - Law, has proved a
valuable support of the public credit; and the general
egielationln relation to leans hes Nig answered the
expectations of its favorers. Some em ndments may
be reit utredto perfecteltisting laws, • But no change on
principlestheir or general scope id believed to be needed.
Since theee measure.] base bowl inoperation, all de
Mande on the Treasury, Inc) edam; 'titis pay of the army
and navy, have been promptly met and tally fettle:fled.
No considerable body of troupe, it is beileved,were ever
more amply provided and mere liberady and punctually
paid, and it may be added, that by no_ people were the
burdens incident to a weak war ever afore cheerfully
borne. The receipts during the year from all sources,
including loans and the balance in the Treasury at its
coinmencemeet,were 5901.125.074 86,and the eggregtto
disbars - entente, $895,797,630 65, leaving a balance on
the Ist of July, 1563, of $5,329,044 21. Of the receipts,
there Were derived from custome $69 059,642 40; from
internal revenue, $37,640,787 - 95; from direct tax,
51,485,103 61; from 1e,nd5,1167,517 17; from iniscelle
aeons sources. $ 35 ; and from loans. $776.682,-
361 67 ; making the aggregate 5901,125,674 86. Of the
disbureements there were: For the civil service, $22,-
263 922 OS; for pensions and Itlians. $4,216,520 79 ; for
interest on public debt,- $24,729.846 51; for the War
Department, $598,298,600 83; for the Navy Department,
$60,211,105 27; for payment of funded and temporary
debt, $181.08645 07, making the aggregate $895,796;
630 05, aid peeving the balance of $5,329,044 21. But
the pep went of funded and temporary debt having
been made born moneys borrowed during the year,must
be regarded as merely- nominal payments, and the
moneys borrowed to make them as merely nominal
•ot Ira. Their amount, $181,086,635 07, should there-
ore be deducted both from the receipts and disburse
petite. This being done, thee-remains as seta
reeeiptc $720,039,091 79, and theactual disbursements,
$lll 7r9,965 58, leaving the balance as already stated.
The actual receipts and disbursements for the brat
Quarter, and the • ettmeted creelits and disbursements
fur the, reillOni ttX three quartera of the current Banal
agar, 1864, will be vhowy, in detail by the Secretary of
tie Treasury, to which I Invite your attention.
• (tie auttleient here to say that it is not believed that
Actual results -will exhibit n elate of the ft maces 'ess
favorable to the coon try then the estimates of that efficer
heretofore ouhmitted, white It is notaidentiy expected
that et the close of the yowl' both diebureemeuta and
debt will he found considerably lees lo an has been
The report of the Secretary of War is a document of
great interest. It costeletsof• , I •
First, The militar operations lan of t Year 'detailed
In the report of the Oeneral in Chief.
Seined, The orgeniiation of colored parsons Into the
mar service.
Third, Tho exchange of prisoners, fully thit forth in
th'e letter of Hen. Hitchcock.
Pout th, The operations under the .Art for Etiiolling
and Calling Out the patione.l Forces" detailed iu the
report of the Provost Marshal Oenertil.
Plfth„The crganization of the InvaZid Corps; and
. .
Sixth, The opera , ion of the slave Departments of
the Quartermaster General, Gotensisrary General, Pay.
master Generml,,Ortfef of Engineers, Chief of Ordnance
and Snrseen General. It has.appeared impossible to
make n valuable summary of Ibis report, except 'such
as would be too extended for this:place. and hence I
content myself by asking your careful attention to the
report Itself,
The duties detroliing on the naval branch of the aer
vice during the year, and throughout the whole of this
unhappy conteat, have been, discharged _with fidelity
and eminent SUCCOI3B. The:extensive blockade has been
constantly lucreaaing in ethelency as the navy baa ex
pand , d.. Yet on so long a line. It has ; coo far been im ,
possible to entirely es,ppress illicit trade. From returns
received at the Navy. Department, it mme re that more
than 4000 veeselahave been captured aluce , the block
ade waa Instituted, and that the .value of prizes already
sent for adjudication amounts to over $13,600,000.
The naval tome 9f the.DuitedAteteeconsists at thfs
time, of 588 Osceola, completed and in the coma. of
completion, and of these 75 are iron clad or armored
eteatoorm The events of the war give arkincressed in
tercet and importance to the navy which vri I probably
extend beyond the war Itself. • 4
The armored Teasels iu our Nevi, oompleted an i in
service, or which are ender contract and, approadhing
completion, are believed to exceed in , nitmber tnoae of
any other power, tsar while these nifty be celled open.
for harbor detente and west service, otherd of greater;
strength sud capsoltrwill be necessary for 'cruising
purposes and to maintain our rightful position on ,the
._The change that has takes place in naval meets and
naval warfare stem the Isitiodictlon of seem arse ace-
rive, powerlor ships of war, demands either a carrell
ponding chaagein an of onr evicting Navy Yards.
or the eatablishment of new ones for the constructs •n
and neceavary repair of modern naval reeeele, No in
oosaidera . le embarmament, delay , aid itsjory
have been experienced from a want of such governmen
tat establishment.
rike - nseelssity of such a Navy Yard, so furnished, at
some. suitable place' upon the Atlantic seaboard. has
en repeated occasions, been brought to the attention of
Congress by the Navy Department, and Is again pre.
rented in thr report of the Secreted y,which accompanies
this cretin:Rif:dation. I think it my duty to Invite your
special attention to ibis subject, and also that of es
tablishing a yani and depot for naval purpoeus, upon
one i f the western rivers.
A naval force has been created on those interior we.
tars, and 'lntim. many disadvantages, within a little
more, titan two years, exceeding in number the whole
naval force of the country at the umnmencement of the
present administration. Satisfactory and important
as have been the performances of the heroic meet
of the nay Mat this interesting pe.icd, they are
Scarcely al :i .s 4;ronderffil than the success of our
ronchaoics and artisans in the production of war 'ves
sels, which , has created a new form of naval power.—
Our country.bas - advantages auperim to any other nit
tine in oar kesources of iron and timber, with Mos
hanstible 'quantities of fnel in , the. idamediate vicinity
of th and all available and in Mose proxiMity to na.
_lrrigable waters, Witlsont the adva,tage of publi'
workiythe ream:trona of . the nation have been developed
and its power displayed in the construction of ^navy of
such'magnitude. winch has, at the very period of its
creation• rendered eignaleervice to Union.- -
ittcfesie of -the number of seitorm iv the ptiblic
service, from 7,500 men in the spring of 1851, to about
34.000 at the present time, has been accomplished
withont specie legislation, or extraordin sty bounties
to promote that increase." It has bran found, however,
that the operations of the draft, with the high- boon
ties-paid for arm, recruits, is beginning to affect Juju
rionely the naval service, r nd will, if not corrected, re
h kelp to impair its efficiency by detaching seamen f-om
their proper calling, anti indncieg them to enter the
army. I therefore r spec fully suggest that Congrees
naightaid both the army and naval services by a defier
Le prevision on this subject which would at the same
time be mei' able to the communities mare especially
I commend to your considerations the suggestion of
the Secretary of the Navy in regard to the policy of
fostering and training seamen, and also the education
of officers and engineer for the naval aeviee. The Na
vel Academy. is rendering signal service in preparing
miashi t axten fer the highly responsible duties which
in after life, ,hey wilt be required to perfcrm In order
that the country alto- Id not be deprived of the proper
quota of educated officara, for which legal provision
hat been made at.the naval school. the vactmelearzans
(id by the neglect or omission to make nominations from
the States in insurrection, have been OM d by the dec
rotary of the Nary. The school Is now more full and
complete than at any, former period, and in artery , rs.
'Meet entitled to the favorable consiteration of Congress
Doting the past fiscal year the financial condition of
the Post Office Department has been one of increasing
prosperity, and lam gratified to state that the actual
postal revenue bas nearly "equaled the entire expendi
tures, the latter amounting to 8:1,814.208 84, and the
former to 8 , 1,183,789 59, leaving a deficiency of but
5140.417 '25
In 1860, the year Immediately preceding the rebellion,
the deficiency amounted to 85,658,705 49, the postal re
ceipts of thatyear being $2,845,722 19, lees than those
of 1863.
The decrease in 1803 I n the actual amount of bummer
tation has been only about 26 per cent., but the annual
expenditure on account of the same has been reduced 36
per cent... I t is manifest, therefore, that the Post office
Department may become seltsustainlng In a few years,
even will, the restoration of the whole service.
The international conference of Postal Delegates from
the pritfelpal countries of Europe and America. which
was called at thesuggestion of the Postmaster General,
met at Paris on the 11th of May lest, and concluded Its
de fiber/Wont' on the Bth of June The principles estab
lished by the conference as beat adapted to facilitate
postal latercourse between ustione, and as the heels of
future postal conventions, inaugurate a general ti) [item
of internationelcharges at reduced rates of postage, and
canner fail to produce beneficial results.
I refer you to the report of the Secretary of the inte
rior, which Is herewith laid before you, for useful and
varied leformation in re)atlon io the public lands, Indian
affairs, patents, pensions. and other matters of public
concern pertaining to his department.
The quality *fiend disposed of during the last and firtt
quarter of the present fiscal year was 3,841,549 acres, of
which 1e1,911 acres were sat forcash. One million four
hundred and fifty- lx thousand five hundred and fourteen
acres were taken up under the Homestead law, and the
residue disposed of under.the laws granting lands for
military bounties, far railroad and other purposes. It
also appears that the sale of the public lends is largely
°Lithe i aciaaes.
"lebai long been it . clirished opinion of some of oar
wisest stoker:it en that the people of the United States
had a higher and more enduring interest in the early
settlement and substan tint cultivation of the public lands
Oven in tlie.Annount of direct revenue
.4"oton d e rived fawn
the male ottbenu Thin-44' Imehaid.sconktrolling: in
fluence in shapitig legieletion upon the'subject of ouc
I may cite as evidente . of this the liberal measures
adopted in reference to actual settlers; the grant to the
:Antes of the overflowed lands within their Halite in or
der to their being reclaimed and rendered fit for culti
vation. The grants to railway companies of alternate
sections of land, upon the contemplated lines of their
roads, whiCh, when completed, will Bo largely multiply'
the facliities for reaching our distant possession s
This policy has received Its most signal and beneficial
illustration in the recent enactment granting hothesteads
to actual Settlers.
Since the first day of January last, the before men
tioned quantity of 1,436,514 acres of land have been
taken up , under its provisions. This fact, and the amount
of sales, furnish gratifying evidence of Increasing settle
ment upon the, public lands, notvrithstandlng the great
struggle in which the energies of the nation have been
engaged, and which has required so large a withdrawal
of our citizens from their accustomed pursuits.
I cordially cm:multi the recommendation of the Secre
tary of the interior, suggesting a modification of the act
In favor of those engaged in the military and naval ser
vice of the totted States I doubt not that Congress
will cheerfully adopt such measures as will, witil.,ut es
eentially.changing the general features of the system,
secure, to the greatest practical extent, its benefits to
these who have left their homes in the defence of the
country in this ardoris crisis.
I invite your attention to the views of the Secretary
'fie to the propriety of raising,by appropriate legislation.%
revenue from the mineral lands of the United States.
• The measures provided at your last session for the
removal. Of 'certain Indian tribes have been carried into
effect. Sundry , treaties bare been negotiated.which will,
in due time, be submitted.for the constitutional action of
the Senate.
They contain s'itinelatione for extinguishing the pas
,sesssory rights of the TrUliflpil to large and valuable tracts
.Of land. It is hoped that the fffect of these treater will
reeuitin tim establishment of permanent friendiSt-rela
tions with such of these tribes as hive been brought into
frequent and bloody collision with our outlying set le
meats and emigrants:.souttd policy and our imperative
duty to' these wards of:The Government demand ouranx.
lops and constant attention to their material well-being.
to their progress in the arts of civilization, and above all
for that moral training which. under the blessing of Di
vine Providence, will confer upon them the elevated and
sanctifying influences, the hopes and consolations of the
Christian 'faith
I suggested in iris last annual message the
propriety of "remodelling our Indian system.—
Subsequent events have satisfied me of its ne
cessity. The details set forth in the report of
the Secretary evince the urgent need for imme
diate legislittilfe ent*•
I commend the Benevolent institutions, ostab•
lisped or patronised by the Governipent, in this
District, to your generous and fosterihg are.
The attention of Congress during the lest
session was engaged to some extent with a pro
position for enlarging the water "communication
between the Mississippi river and the North
eastern seaboard, which proposition, however,
failed for the time.
Since then, 'upon a call of the greatest re
spectability, a convention has been bald at
Chicago upou s the same subject, a suttqiittry of
whose views is contained in a. ineiziorial ad
dressed to the. President and 'Congress, ,and
which I, new, have the honor to lay before you.
That this interest is one which, ere long, will
force its own way, I do not entertain a doubt.
IVltile it is submitted entirely to your wis
dom as to what can be done now, augmented in
terest is given to this subject by the actual cam.
ineneenient of work upon the Pacific Railroad,
under anstlic'eb so-Travorahle,to rapid progress
ltild;oottlPietiOn. The eelerked .navigation he
comes a parpohle need to the great road-
I transmit the Second Annual Report of the
Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture,
asking your attention to the developments in
that vital interest of the nation. ,
Wben Congress assembled a year ago, the
irar bad already lasted nearly twenty Months,
and there bed been many conflicts on I:ink - and
and Fan, with varying results. The Lebellion
bad been pressed beck int? reduced limits, yet
this ions of Miblio feeling and opinion at home
and abroad was not satisfactory. With other
signs, the popular elections, then just passed,
indicated uneasiness among ourselves, while
amid much that was cold and menacing the
kindest word; twining from Mistime., were ut.
tared in accents or pity that we were too blind
to surrender a hopeless pause.
Our comulerce was Skittering greatly by a few
armed vessels built - upon and, furnished from for
eign shores, and we were threatened with such
add itious trim the some quarter a§ would sweep
our trade, from alba seas and raise our blockade.
We had failed to elicit from .t urepean Govern
men is anything hopeful upon this subject.
The preliminary Emancipation Proclamation ,
gepterivir, was running its ; assigned
PeriQd thO..begmning of the new year. A
1 3/ 9 1 : 1 tit iffier the final Prociamattoe came, Mehl
ding the annoitncetirent that, colored, men of a
suitable condition would be. tqceived into the
war serv'ee the policy , t of ,nolancipation OW'
; offiroploying black soldiers, gave to the felt - gra
ti - new aspect, about, which - hope and fear and
dbnbt contended in Uncertain conflict.
According , to our political system, as a mat
ter of civil. *dui in ignition, the - Genera 1 •Govenn.:
Wait had no lalirdl poWer to effect oinanoits-
. ,
old sooty ' • • OR.; di 01 .", es: _l': ' ... ,t, tt - . 74 ~.! ,
1 .. fe r .
0. o t !• ,', olio. 0, : . •,!, 413.11...'11P. '. 1 ..
.* flf •
4, tto of an' t i ,ri,oi ,roortte oi J,:ro trt,i; b ,t,.1
A F AlEltr PA:PIArkdR7,O WM:00) ; 617 gliktr
—lg .-..: — ..),....t. t 0 o.t. ' A y.' 4. .
By WIL . BatAttlau, '
2d Bevy of Fonck's , -iitrif -:Zlitilin9i,.: quZtttir land Sa
At Ono Dollar and Zifty Dentii AYear.
MP' ADVTRTIMOirawn irosstual at the ismal ratee."%da
The friends of the establishment, and the public getter
Filly are respectfully solicited to sand in their orders.
4:0-11ANDBILLS Printed at.anlowirs notice.
In a tebanon County, postage free
..' - -
In Pennsylvania. out of Lebanon county S 3 mut; pot
quarter, or 13 cents a yeez.
. Out of this State, uIA cut per quarter, or Wale. a year
if the postage is not paid in advance, rates ere trouble.
tion in any State; and for a long time it; bad
been hoped thq the rebellion could be suppress
ed without resbriing to it as a mi Mary measure.
It Iris all the while, deemed possible that the
necessity for it alight come, and, that if it should
the crisis of the contest would then be present
It came, and, as was anticipated, airs
bf dark and doubtful days. Eleven months
having now passed, we are permitted to take
another review. The rebel borders are pressed
still further back by the complete opening of
the Mississippi; the country dominated by the
rebellion is divided into distinct parts, impracti
cable communication between them. Tennessee
and Arkansas have been substentisAly „capered
of insurgents control, and influential citizens in
each, owners of slaves and advocates of Slavery
at the beginning of the rebellion, now .declare
riPerily for Emancipation in their reipectle.
Of those States not included in the -AEmanet
pation Proclamation, Mary land and Missouri,
neither of which three years ego would tolerate
any restraint upon the extension of slavery In
to new Territories, only dispute now as to the
beet mode of removing it Within their own lim
Of these wbo were slaves at the beginn in of
the rebellion, full 100,000 are now In the United
States military service, about one half of which
number actually bear arms in the ran ks—thu*
giving the double advantage of taking so miroh
labor from The insurgent cause, and. supplying
the places which must otherwise be Ailed with
so many white men.
So far as tested it Is difficult to say that they
are not as good soldiers as any. .No servile in
sorrectipn, or tendency, to violence or cruelty,
has marked the measures of emancipation and
arming the blacks. these measures have heels
much discussed in foreign countries, and, con
temporary with such . discussion, the tone of
public sentiment there is much improved.
At home the same measures have been fully
discussed, supported, criticized, and denounced,
and the annual elections following are highly
encouraging to those whose official ditty it Is to
bear the country through this great trial.--Thus
we have the new, reckoning. Theicrisis -vadat,.
threatened to divide the friends of the Union is
Looking, now, to the present and future.and
with reference to a resumption of the national
authority within the States wherein that author
ity has been suspended, I have thought fit to is:
sue a Proclamation, a copy of which is herewith
transmitted. On examination of this Proclami
tion it will appear, as is believed, that nothing, is
attempted beyond what is amply Justified by the
True, the form of an oath is given, but no man
is coerced to take it; the man is only promised a
pardon in care he voluntarily takes the oath..-
The Constitution authorizes the Executive to
grant or withhold. the parden at his own atm;
lute discretion, and this _includes the power to
grant on terms, as is fully established by judi
cial and other authorities.
It is also proffered that If in any of. the State.:
named a. State Govern ifietit shall be, lit the mode
prescribed, set up, such Government shall be
recognised and guaranteed by the United States,
and' that under it the State shall, on the Cons*
tutinnal conditions, be protected against invasion
and doinestio violence.
The constitutional obligations of the Un lied
States to guarantee to every State in the Union
a republican form of government, and to proteot
the State in cases stetted, is explicit and
But why tender the benefits of this provision on
ly tea State Government set up in this yeartion.
lar way?
This section of the Constitution contemplates a
case wherein the element within a State favora-
ble to repablicio Government, In the Union.,
may be too feeble for an opposite and hostile et
ement external to, or even within the Btats, anti
such are precisely the cases with which ite aro
now dealing.
An attempt to guarantee and protect a revived
Stis4e:dovernment, in whole or in a prepondor
ate part, from the very -aleiettent-segitinst whose"
_hostilities nod violence it is to he.,protecled, is
211111 . 141117P1M.. •Xtrata-........a. •
to separate the opposing elemenza r ie as to build
only from the sound, and. that test' is a sufficient;:
ly liberal one which accepts as sound whoever
will make a sworn recantation of his former un
soundness. ,
But if it he proper to require as a test of ad-
mission to the political body an oath of ailede
once to the Constitution of the United States and
to the Union 'under it, why also to the laws and.
proclamations in regard to slavery ?
These laws and proclamations were epee . *
and put forth for the purpose, of aiding in the
suppression of the rebellion. To give these:
their fullest effect there bad to be a pledge fel ,
their =airman:lance. In my judgment, they
have aided, and Will further aid, the cause for
which they were intended. ,To now -tihandon .
them would be only to relinquish a lever of Pa* ,
er, but would also be a cruel and an astounding
breach of faith.
I may add, at this point, that w hile I rem
in my present position I thall,not attempt to re=
tract or modify the Emancipation Proclamation;
nor shall I return to slavery any person who is
free by the terms of thatiProclamation, or by any
of the acts of Congress.
For these , and other reasons it is thought best
that eittiport of these measures shall be included
in the oath, and it is believed the Executive
may lawfully claim, it in return for pardon and
reanimation of, forfeited rights, Which be hal Wear
constitutional powers„to withhold • atitegether-or
grant upon the . terins which lie shall aeolux WisOSt
for the public interest.
It should be observed.alsu that this part of the
oath is subject to the modifying antLabrogating
power of legislation and supreme judicial deci
The proposed acquieseenedof the National Ex,
eentive in any reasonable temporary State ar
rangement for the freed people, is made with the
view of possibly modifying the confusion and
destitution wbiob must at beat attend all classes
by a total revolution of labor throughout the
whole States.
It is hoped that the already deeply afflicted
people in those__ Statea.may be somewhat more
ready to give up the cause of their affliction, if to
th is extent this vital matter be left to themselves
while no power of the National Executive to pre
vent an abuse is abridged by the proposition.
The suggestion in the Proclamation as to main
taining the political framework of the State, or
what is called reconstruction,
-le made in the hope
that it may do good without danger or harm. It
will save labor, and avoid great con fusion..... Bus
why any Proclamation now upon this subject?
This question, is beset with Atm. cofficting views
that tbestep might be delayed too long or be ta
ken too soon.
In some Strtea, the elements -for resumption
seem ready for action, but remain inactive, art._
patently for the want of a rallying point—or
plan of action. Why shall A adopt the plan of
B, rather than B that of A ; and if A and It
should agree; bow can they knciw but that the
General Governthent here will reject their plan.
By the Proclamation a plan is presented which
may be accepted them as a rallying poirtt„aini
which they are assured in advance will not be re
jected here. This may bring them to act sooner
than they otherwise w0u1d... .
The objections to a premature presentation of
a plan by the National Executive, consist in the
danger of committals ori points which could be
more safely left to further developments.
Oare_has been taken to so shape the document'
as to avoid. huibarrjessments from this source,
Saying that, On certain terms,. certain classes
will be 'Pardoned, with righte restored„.it is not
said that other classes or other terms will never
he included.
Saying that reconstruction will be accepted if
presented in a specific way, is it not said it will
never be accepted in any other way.
The movements by State action, for emancipr.;
tion in several Of the States not included in the
Emancipation ProClamation, are matters of pro
found gratulation:
And while,.l do not twist in detail what I
have heretofore so earnestly urged upon this
subject, my general views and feelings remain
unchalfged, and I trust that Congress willomlt
DO fair opportunity, of. aiding these important
steps to a great conanutmetion.:
in the midst of other cares;lio*ever,lMper:
tent, we must not lose sigbtef the fact that the
war power is still our main reljanctvtothat
power alone can we took yet for a • time to.r,ive
confidence to the people:in, the eetriestedregiam,
that Ate iasurgentowei,wiltnoVagiiin overrun
Uniil that con#denee shall be established, lit
tle can he done anywhere for .whatjs called
conatraction.. ;• . • •
Ulnae oar ehiefest eariei mnst-sttlt be directed ,
,tolhe army:add navy, who base thus far borne