ME CORNER. The difference between having a tooth properly drawn by a professional surgeon, and having knocked out miscel laneously by•&• . 1611 upon a pavement, is aalight--verbal distinction after all— voile tehtai , and the other acci dental. The Canadian press is crying out loud ly.against the outrages committed by the negroes up:in the female portion of their community. Two of them have been condemned to be hanged on the 11th of December, for these outrages. The .crime is said to be fearfully prevalent in 'the western parts of Upper Cannada, and the provincial :penitentiary is full of such MD — At a .London , police court, a man was charged with stealing lead from an empty house He admitted to the constable who apprehended him, that he had'taken the lead, and added mourn ludy, it certainly is a very paltry act, for iin my,time I have broken in and robbed jewellers-shups. See what it is to be .re ,duced. -As •the deputy Sheriff in a Western county was rapping to secure'the silence Of two men who were talking, one of them rose and said to the Judge: "May it please yer honor, it is impossihle for gentlemen to converse, if that man is al .lawedito make such a noise." An ametuer naturalist offers a reward to the man who will furnish him a live specimen of the "brick-bat." If it was +only a brick that he wanted, he probably could have found it in his hat, which would have answered the purpose just as well, bat or no bat. An orator prespiring freely, in a husky voice, said : "la short, ladies and gentle man, I can only .say that I wish I had a wir%indow in my bosom, that you might -see the emotions of my heart." The newspapers printed the speech, leaving 'the , aa" out of ',window." Jf you put two persons to sleep in the 'same bedroom, one of who has the tooth raehe and the other is in love, you will find that the person who has the tooth :ache will go to sleep first. Two -gentlemen fishing—sharp boy ap pears, -"Well sir, got any bites?" "Lots of em" Ye s, under your hat." _Race between boy and sundry stones—boy a little ahead. Mrs. Partington is delighted that Prince Alfred would have nothing to do with Foreign Greece. She says she al ways thought he had much beetter stick to his native Ile. Star Appropriate.—A hotel and livery stable keeper, at a failiionable watering place, advertises, among other induce. ments to visitors, .sociables, for young la. dies and gentlemen, and sulkies for mar . Tied folks.' Tun Allentown Democrat publishes the following item in its last issue under the court proceedings:—Commonwealth vs. Samuel. Frankenfield.—The defendant, an old man 77 years of age, was indicted for fornication and bastardy, on oath of Polly Frankenfield, who is the widow of defendant's son. Defendant declared him .self innocent, but the Jury thinkin,g other wise found him guilty, and the Court sentenced him to pay a fine of $ and the usual lying in expenses and mainte mance of the child. General Burnside is now a private-cit izen. He retires with near a million in Bank to his credit.—.Excltange. Big thing to be Commanding General, if . they retire from service like Burnside, Further comment is unnecessary! ear The Lincoln-Chase contest has extended into women's department. Mrs. Lincoln having got a new French rig with all the posies, costing. $4,000. Miss Cate Chase "sees her and goes her one better," by ordering a nice little $6,000 arrangement, a $3,000 ldve of a shawl. .Gro it, greenbacks, while it is yet to-day— Dayton (Ohio) (Ohio) Empire. Mr. 'Secretary Chase in his speech at Indianapolis, the other •day, said greatmation must be born again,' We' are afraid - it will prove a Nigger .I)b . ,y with a Gi'reen. back. , The,Board of dogs. 7 -In New York it ~appears that ladies who have their dainty pets, poodles &c., when they go to a ho tel to board for the winter, expect, though they dp not ':so . say, their pets to be in eluded their bills of board. An even• :journal says : The greatest' horror has been created in an uptown fashionable hotel by a strike en the part of the hotel for St per day for the board of the pet or the poodle. The dog's board is now $7 per week-- The excitement among the ladies with the poodles is now tremendous, 'and there even is, if possible, more debate and in dignation about it thari v in the strikes of the great machine shops, the drivers, &c. ALMANACS For--1864. Baer's Lancaster 'A/manors, (English & German.) The Reading Almanac, (l erman.) The Philadelphian. (English & German.) The Lutheran, ( do.) The German Reformed church, (do.) The Tribune, do. (English.) (lAN he bad wbolefale and retail at the cheap Book 1 1,_, Store of WALTZ & 1401:101i, Lebanon. Lebanon, Nov.lB, 1883. JUST RECEIVED ! The Vetoing Parson . Ahighly interesting work by a young clergyman,— Founded on Feet. Price $1..5'13 For Bale at WALTZ dr HOUCK'S cbenp Book Storo Leb. Nov .113, 133. Fancy Fnrs Fancy Furs 1 , ohn Fareira 'a. Thiii•Arch street , low Bth, Fours side 'LITLADELPIIIA. Importer, Menu {ne wer o f and Dealer in Ei kinds et Fancy Furs, ir Ladies' and Child ren's Wear. I wish to return my tanks to my friends of id tb is surrounding ..Junties, for their very -liberal patronage ex tended to rue (haring tne - last few years, and would say to them that I now have in store, of my own Importation and Manufacture a very extensive assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FAN CY FIIRS, for Ladies and Children, that will be worn .during the Fall. and Winter sieasens. Being the direct Importer of all my Furs ficisia Eu aqpe „and lmving them all Manufactured under my own euperwleion7-enables me to, offer my customers and the pub lie a Mach handsomer get of Furs for the same :Moneyi'Aadies.pleaee give me: a call before purchas ing I illease'rquiember•the name . number and street. JOHN PAREIRA, , No.:l'l4M 8B Street, PhUadelphlg %>__ • 1862 NEW STYLES. 1962 ADAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between Market and the Court lions°. north side, has DOW On hand a PPiend id assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, fur 1858 to winch the attention of the public is respectfully inv, Vats of all prices, from the cheapest to the mos costly, always on hand. Re bats also just opened a [Tien did assortment Of SUMMER. HATS, embracing such n STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, HORN, LED HOPS, SENATE, CILIMAN, and all others. prn He will also Wholesale all 'hinds of flats, Caps &e., to Country Iferchunts on advantageous terms. Lebanon, April 30,1862. Fashionable Tailoring REMOVAL. Nizig iNwodespctful O fcT Tf Lebanon , that tehaslL3Pl'E his TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Engle lintel, where all persons who wish garments made up In the must fashionable style and best manner, are in sited to coll. TO TAILORS!—Just received and for sale the N.York and. Philadelphia Report of Spring g Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MICR:EIi ROFFMAN. Lebanon, April 10.1861. ME RC II ANT TA lt LO KING. • S. ItAAISAY, in Funek's building, corner of Cam °. heeland street and Doe alley, bas on hand and for side, either by the yard or made to order, a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, well:selected from Good Houses. Good Fits and sub stantial ranking guaranteed to all. Also Handker chiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. ebanon, April 9, 1562 800 C. CAIIIIIA 3111 C, 800 Sonth-West corner Eighth and Chestnut, MANI/V.OI'I73MR AND MEL - LER IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, THE LATEST STYLE OF - Cravats, Scarf's, Necklies&e, Philadelphia, July 15, 1868.-6 m. READVTIADE CLOTIIING Will be sold at Extremelv Law Prices, TT ' , ABER, ono of the firm bf Reber d Bros., has taken the stock of Ready-made Clothing at the appraisement, which will enable him to sell lower than anywhere else can be bought. Call and see for your- selves before you make your Fall purchase. IM-. THREE DOORS WEST FROM COURT HOUSE. Lebanon, Sept. 25, 1861. HENRY RARER. A GREAT BATTLE Is soon expected to take place in Virginia. But not withstanding this, the people _ _ • ILUST HAVE CLOTHING, And we would respectfully set forth our claim to PUBLIC ATTENTION I as follows : I. because we keep a large well•nseorted stock of Cloth log on hand, which when examined, always please. I. Because our Coodsnre made vp, in our own Estab lishment in the city, and in a manner that takes drawn the country, and gives all Customer's a city appearance. Because, by the facilities wo have iu buying piece goods, we arc enabled to sell our clothing 25 per cent. cheaper than anybody else in this neighborhood. We have just received a large stock of SPRING AND 51.15151N1R CLOTHING, and invite our Friends and Customers respectfully to call at REIZILNSTEIN EROS.. Opposite the Court House. Lebanon, April 21, 180. • Boot and Shoe Store. JACOB RCEDEL respectfully in forms the public that he still contin ues his extensive establishment in eft s* .414 his new building, in Cumberlandst., where he- hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and SHOES and every one who wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in his line, to call and examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. He is determined to surpass all ermpetition in the Christian Bachman, manufactpre of every article in his business, suitable for WffilamEad Ys any Market in the Union. A due care taken in regard George S. Bomgardner,-- to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quali- I. D. A. Garman, ty of LEATHER and other materials are used, and none George Dune°, but the best workmen aro employed John D. Delver, P. 5.—11 e returns his sincere thanks to his friends for Otniel S Early, the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on bim. He hopes by strict attention to businessand endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share of public pat renege. (Lebanon, July 3, 1851. REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON Saddle and Harnesg Manu factory. THE undersigned bna removed ; his Saddlery and Harne;. , 30.. 0 1 . . ; ._ Manufactory too few doors South of the old place, to the largo room lately occupied by BB lman R 13r0., as a Liquor store. wherche will be happy to see all his old friends and customers, and where be has increased fa cilities for attending to all the departments of his busi ness. Being determined to be behind no other estab lishment in his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and make himself master of every, modern improvement in the business and secur*the services of the best work men that liberal wages would command. He will keep a large stock on hand, and manufacture at the short est notice, all descriptions of HARNXSS, such as Sad dles,tpridles, Carriage Harness, of- all kinds; heavy irarnees; Buggy Whi,m Of the best manufacture, Buf falo Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton,' Wciested, Linea, and a; new kind lately invented; WHIPS of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, &c.; Mimes of all descriptions Halter Chains, home-made Traces, &c. : Rm., all of which he will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country. All he asks that those desiring any thing in this line t should mill at his place and examine ais stock. He feels the fullest confidence in his ability w Oro entire satisfaction. M. All orders thankfully received and promptly at ouded to. SOLOMON SMITH: North Lebanon Borough, Aug. 13.1552. BOOKS & STATION ERY A NEW rram. WALTZ HOUCK yy i nform nted the B C o n , ll c .t . a t a h et Stationery Stores or andor li. it. Boodel awl George Wu/ they are now prepared to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the old stand (H. H. Boedel's) in Cumberland street, where they will always bore on ii nd a large af well se lected supply of School, Blank and SLIT) ay School Books, end as an inducement they offer thlrMiscella neous books at greatly reduced prices. The New York nail P 1 ilaftelphis. Dolby and Weekly Papers, and Magazines, can be had and subscribed for, on reasonable terms, by calling at their store. Anything wanting in their line will be .ebeerfully at tended to with promptness and dispatch Lebanon, N0v.12, 1862 NEW CABINET AND CA11.1.11?..111:1.71eUr.1 C TOR riiKE subscriber zespectfully informs the public that he has the largestand hest assortment of FURNI TUBE and CHAIRS, ever offered to tlie public of Leb anon county. He has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, in North Lebanon borough, nearly opposite . Zeller's Hotel, and a few doors -south of Borguer's, a splendid assortment of good, sobstantiad and fashion able Parlor, Cottage and Chamber•FURNITURD, con sisting of Sofas, Tete a-tetes, Lounges, What-nots, Par lor, Centre, Pier, Cork:tad Common Tables; Dressing And Common Bfkllfkk.US; Bed steads, Work.stamls, Wasittatands,and It itch • en Furniture of all kinds. Also, a largeand elegant variety of FRENCH SACK, SORTED SEATED Chairs, Common Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds of Spring seated Rockers. Also, Whidsor,eans-seated. and Com mon Chairs and Rockers of every description. . All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction. Persons desirous of knowing tore .character of the goods bore offered for Palo, can be fullysatisned of their durability by reference to those for Whom he has mau. of:tamed or to whom sold. Old Furniture and Chairs Repaired and Tarnished. N.8.--Coffins clad° and Funerals attended at the shortest notice. ! IOSBPII BOWMAN. North Lebanon :September 10, 1860. OVITTIFTIV - 14 Ar BA CB'S New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Manufactory Mzrket St., ad door north of the L. Valley Railroad. Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, in the county. rrIIE public is respectfully request- :•-.• ed to bear in mind that at these . Ware Rooms will be found the hest assortment of FASHIONABLE and lawn sows FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Persons in want of any kind would hest call and examine Ma stock before purchasing else Where. Which (heing all of his own work) be warrants to be better than any offered In this 'place. Prices will be LOWER than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of Lebanon, All orders promptly attended to, and speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. All persons purchasing rurnitueo from him will be accommodated by having It delivered to them, to any part of the county, PRES OF CHARGE, and without the least injury, as he has procured one of the best cued ioned,rarniture wwjons, especially for that purpose. ita.. COFFINS made to order, and funerals attended at the shortest notice. {Lebanon ;Sept. 13,1860. Hiram W. Bank, FORAIERLY of Jonestown, Lebanon county, would respectfully inform his friends, and the public, that he has connected himself with kir. Lemma, iu the TOBACCO, BNCI/8 AND B.BOAB, NESS, N 0.148 North %laird SlXeet, where he will be glad to receive enstomerwa nd wil sell at rates that will -prim .satisfactory. Philadelphia. May 20, 1883. CLOCKS. Thirty Day, ' Eight Day, !Thirty Hottri CLOCKS,• .7 Jest Received at J. BLAIRII Jewelry Store, Pe LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE. AT ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. 11 7 . J. BURN SIDE, A. M., Principal. HE ENSUING SESSION will commence on T MONDAY, July 21st. TIIE SCHOOL has the ages of a•pleasaut and beautiful Location—spacious Rnildings—Yentillated Rooms—n fine Library and Cabinet. TRU COURSE OF STUDY is not fixed, the studies of each pupil being directed according to the time he can afford in School, or to the profession ho designs to pur sue. TITE NORMAL DEPARTMENT ofitws special advan tages to those who propose to engage in Teaching ; as the Course pursued conforms strictly to the require ments of the County Superintendent, and to the Course of the State Emma! School. CIRCULARS and further infurruation can be ob. tattled by addressing the Principal. W. J. EURNSIDR, June 1i,1362. Aunville Pa. LEBANON ACADEMY, u u t n al o e n rs il ai ne c cl nwistn herebyinform i i the public xcr elexclusively the Lebanon for the youth of the Borough, but It always did, and still does receive pupils front :thread. Lately, also, the Directors have improved its general character, and elevated its standard, by refusing to ad mit pupils without the necessary qualifications, and by their continued care they hope to raise this :school to its proper place in the estimation'of this community.— A limited number of pupils of the proper grade can be admitted from thecountry by applying to JACOB CAPP, Presid, nt. JOSEPH. KAMM Secretary. or to CYRUS BOGER, Teacher. Sir Tuition for common and higher English branch es, Latin and Greek, . • $2 per mocth. Lebanon, Aug. 26, 1863. Lebanon Female Seminar' RACHEL F: ROSS, Principal. 'JULIA ROSS, Musical Department. Mrs. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing. rr IRE Ninth Session will commence September 3, 1880. j_ This School is designed to elevate the standard of female education, and to offer superior advantages at a moderate cost. The school year is divided into two sessions of five months each. Charge par session, from 734 to 15 dollars, according to the studies of the scholar . Extra for Music, French, Latin, and German. 14 0 Particular attention given to the musical depart- went. Instructions upon 'the Piano, Aleloileon and Guitar and in Singing. Pupils not connected with the School will be waited upon at their hOOlOl 3 whoa de sired, and at the usual rates. Early application should be made to 5..7. STINE, or J. W. DUSII. • Board of Directors: D. S. lIAM3IOND, S. J. STINE, JOUN MEILY, J. W. MISU, C. D. GLONINGER, C. GREENAWALT, ISAAC BECKLEY, JOSIAH FLINCH. Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1861. S. S. RAMSAY TO THE PUBLIC. The nodersigned having taken the Large and Comma thous note], In Pottsville, known as the 11101tTIII/KR HAWSE, Would reapectfully announce to his old friends and for mer patrons that he is prepared to tuvomme• data all who may favor him with • their patronage. 'The MORTIMER HOUSE has been newly papered, painted, and refurnished throughout, and the PROPRIE TOR feels warranted In saying that it is UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOTEL IN THE Borough of Pottsville, for comfort and convenience. No Pains will be S . paed To reader it an agreeable aril comfortable stopping place for strangers and travelers. The Stabling and Shedding, Attached to the Hotel, are sufficiently large for the ac commodation of the horses and carriages of his guests. The Hotel is now open for the Reception of the Public. ts„. He will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. JOSEPH 8.. SEGER, Pottsville, April 8, 1563. Proprietor. 1Piota:11 Fire In suranee Com • patty of LEBANON COUNTY, PENN'A. Tth S COMPANY was incorporated, Marcb."lBs9, and is now in full operation and repdy to make insur ance on Dwellings, and other Buildings, on Furniture, and Merchandise generally. Also on Barns. Contents, Stock, Farm I mplements."&a., on a Mutual Principle, BIA N AGERS. Samuel Stabold, John If. Kinports, George Bigler, John Allweln, Rudolph Herr, Joseph F.'Mats, 301 IN ALLWEIN, President, I RI7DOLPHErik, Treasurer. JOSEPH F. lidarz, Secretary. Samuel Settbold, Traveling Agent. Jacob * St:boaterly, Ageut, Fredericksburg. Annville, March 5, 1852.—1 y . OrnamenlM Ikon Works. WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., OFFER for sale upon the most favorable Tomas, new and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS iu great variety of IRON RAILINGS for Cemetaries. RPS:IICIICCA, Ac., of Wrought and cast Iron, and GALVA NUAMD IRON red BRASS TUBING ; IRONVERAN AIIS,BALCONIES, STAIRS. CODN'TERS, FOUNTAINS, .GATES, COL• HICIEINd POSTS. LA3II? STANDS, VASES, TABLES, FLOWER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STAT UARY, ANIMALS, and all other Iron Works ofa Dec - . orative character. Designs forwarded far selection.— Persons applying for same, will please state the kind of work needed. . Sept. 9,1563.-3 m quirs is to notify all Carp nters and Cabinet makers that no bills for coffins will be paid by the Dire°. tars of the Poor for poor persons dying within a circle MAN° miles of the Poor House; as all such persons will be furnished with Coffins free of expense on appli cation to the Steward et the Poor ilou,e. jOIIN E. BOWMAN, ELIAS WALBORN, }Dirge of tho Poor GEO. 7,IIII3LERMAN, Nay 27, MS. JOJIIN L. BECKER. DEALER IN USO i ltat aTATICRIENT AND WALL PAPER. I 1 AS constantly on band and for sale at his Cheap Book Store, on Walnut Street, between the Court Rouse and the County Jail, in the Borough of Leba non, a general assortment of all kinds of BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. Consisting in part of Elam llane- OUR and School Books, Blank Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Bookarkfteceipt Books, Pass Books, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Note Paper, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Black and Bed Writing Ink, &c., Blank Deeds. Common and Judgment Bonds, Vendue Notes, Promissory Notes, &a. ALSO, a large and general assortment of NULL Nam, Lowness, W INDOR BLINDS, AO., at low prices. Re has also for sale a splendid lot, of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. All of 'which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, to which be invites the attention of the public patronage. *lr. Any Book or article not in the Store ,precurod at a few days notice. JOHN L. RECKER. Lebanon. 0ct..28, 1803. G. 1.. ATKINS Air- Bro. TIWINO. united in the BOOT and SHOE BasmasS, lA_ and from-their determination to be punetwal, and make none but the beet of work, they feellike soliciting alarge of public patronage. Theywilt always be found at their OLD STAND, otaw Buitonm,) in Market Street t nearty opposite 'Widow Rise's Motet, where they will be ready to serve and please their customers. They have now an baud s large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c., which they offer at reduced prices, Atir Persona dealing at Ohs SHOE STORE, cau be milted with ItEADY4LA DI: WORK, or have it made to order. Satia,faCtion is always warranted. . . Asir Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. [Lebanon, July 8,1861. A'PRINS & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted up in good order for comfort and convenience, both fur ladies and Gentlemen. A Tian it BRO.'S New Boot and Shoo Store is Rtted la good order for comfortand convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A TKINS BRO. promise to be punctual, and will en A denvor t. please all who may call on them for Boots and Shoes LATEST NEWS Of the cheapest and Best Goods EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!! Boots, Shoes, Bats, Caps, Le %IRE undersigned has opened one of the BEST AS SORTMENTS of fa lIATS,CAPS,BQOTS, SIMS& TRUNKS, fi T R t iE iV l iA 7 B 4I c- ?t kin l7andf the bestmaetes,, e e will L sell at prices to recommend them to purcha sers: Of the lIATS he -has quite a variety of New Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringhain and Monitor UR& very beautiful and very sheep, . Of CAPS he his a complete assortment of all the New Styles, got up in superior manner. with tine finish; Women's -Misses' -and Mil dren'ii Balmoral& Gaiters. Congress Boots, , Slippers, and allnther kinds; Men% and Boys' Balmorals. Ox ford Ties, Washington Ties, Congress Boots, and all other kinds worn by- them, including BOOTS and SHOES, of the different varieties, at his cheap Store in 'Walnut St., next to the County Prison. .416 r Thankful for the liberal encouragement of the public heretofore, I would invite all wishing anything in my line to call and examine my stock before making their purchases. ' JOS: - BOWMAN. Lebanon, April 23,1862. P. B.—Measures taken and work made at short notice. FASHIONABLE BOOT.AND SHOEMAKER OO Cumberland Street, one door East of the Black b oree hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me fpr the short time I have been lo business, I would respectfully 'solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. e has at all times an assortment uf BOOTS 'and SHOES of his own manufacture on hand, Which will be 'disposed of on reasonable terms., . FINE. BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, Ac. Those desiring a neat, well made article:. are' Invited to7give me a trial. Ohlldrens' Sham of every- variety andsolOr oh hand.. Heavy work made to-order. work warranted. ....Repairing'neady,dene and phar,ges made moderate. - Lebanondnly 3,1881. Notice. Philip F. Weanly; LEIVIBERCER'S DRUG STORE IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IMPORTANCE. T L. LIIMBBROSR, Graduate of the Phila• delphia College of Pharmacy, offers to the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding country, a PURE selection of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and the first quality of Perfumery w e nd Toilet and Pettey Soaps, embracing the b st manufacture in the country, and a large variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail, Flesh, Clothes and Hair Brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine' Combs of Ivory, Shell, Horn and India Rubber., PURE SPICES. PURE SPICES. Pure whole and ground Spices are offered for sale in large and 6111811 quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. GARDEN SEEDS, . FLOWER SEEDS, You will find a full assortment any "alarge variety of FRBBII Garden and Flower Se'ekla at LEMBERGEWS. Condensed. 'Lye, COffeetittated lye,. Soda Ash, and Potaih in large and email quantities at VEMBERGERIS Drug Store. Wasbing'Soda,lttiking Soda, 'Pearl Ash, Sal. eratus, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale in large and small quantities at LEIVESERGER'S Drug Store. If you are in want of good Washing Soap, pure white or red Castile Soap, Country Soap, Erasivo Soap to remove grease spots, superior Shaving soap, buy the same at LEMBERGER'S. ' Do you want a good hair Tonic? something) to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and to prevent falling out of the hair; if you do Call at LEMBEIWER'S. gm, s , TIZIISSES? The afflicted are requested to call 'mammal.. lee my stock of Trusses, ~F3morforst co i n pririug a variety af lilanu facture. tEl).illarsh's" Athulue 'lmproved Self Ad kustizig Pad Truss." "Marsh's" Catamenial Bandage. An invaluable article for the purpose. If you are in want of any of the above you can be suited at LEMDERGER'S Drug Store. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. The genuine article for Medicinal Purposes I to be had in allies :Purity at LEMVERGER'S Drug Stare, Opposite the Market House. Anything you want that is kept in a well conducted Nretulatin Drug Store, can be furn ished you by VEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. Feeling thankful for the very liberal patron age thus farrocelved from the Phyaicians, Mer chants, and Citizens of Lobanon and surround- 1 jugs, I again solicit a share, promising to use , every Offorttonlease ,Special attentiodpgiven Ito Pwratorax's PRESCRIPTIONS and FablltY RECEIPTS, and all medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always , as good as can be obtained.anywhere,.wriE: sold to suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LEMBERGER, Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary, Feb. 15, 1860. Market street, Lebanon, Pa D. S. RABER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE Has been removed to his New Building on Cumberland Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, staHE stibrriber respectfully announces to his acquain t,l tames and the public In general, that -he has con rttly on hand a large stock of DRUGS, . PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, TURPENTINE, GLASS WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se gura, Tobacco; &c. Ale, a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and warrants the qualities of the articles as represent ed. Purchasers wilt please remember this, and exam ine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchase fug elsewhere. JOY-Physician 'a prescrip Lions and fittll tly recipes carefully compounded, at all hours of the day or idghtiby calling at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle BiL„a. On Sane he Store will be opened for the com pounding eflirecriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. M., 12 and 1, and 4 and 6 P. M. Lebanon, Aug. 13 13152. DAVID S. RABER. THE EARLY PHYSICAL DEGENERACY AMERICAN PEOPLE. Just Published . 1) . )r Dr. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Caw and Hygienic Listitnte. A Treaties on the Clauses of Early Physical Decline of American People; the cause of Nervous De. bil ity,. Consumption and Illarasines. This work is one of 'high moral tone. written in chaste, yet thrilling language, and appeals directly to the moral consciousness of ALI, PARENTS andGuard fan.; especial ly, detailing scientific and reliable dais and treatment for cure. It 'Aril' be sent by mail on the receipt of tire (a) cent Stamps. 9.. Parents and Guardians! Fall not to send and obtain tide book. ta.. Young men! Tail not to send and get this book. Wk. Lndies You too should at once secure a copy of this book. A. word of Solemn Conscientious Adrieo to those who will reflect Arises of maladies prevail UNt fearful extent in the community, dooming at least 190,900 youth of both sexes annually, to an early grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifes tation, or symptoms are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exhaustion ; Marasmus or wasting and consump tion of the bissues of the whole body ; shortness of breathing or hurried breathing on ascending a bill or Hight of stairs; great palpitation of the Heart; Asth ma, Drench his and sore Throat ; ekaking of the Hands and Limbs ; aversion to society and to business or stu dy; dimness o f eye sight, toss of memory, diseiness of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain in various parts of the body; Pains in the back or limbs,ldunlatgo, Dispepsia or In digestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged seer°. tion of the Kidneys and other glands of the body, as Lencorolitener Fleur Albus, - .te. Likewise Epilep Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. Now in ninety-nine eases out of every one hundred, all the shoved named disorders, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the Lungs and that most Insidious and wily form of Consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Dorsales, and Tubes Mesenter ies, have their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success* on tho part of old school pfactiee in treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institution, is now engaged in treating this class of 1%1 odern Maladies with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted by the Institution is new; it is based upon scientific principles, with new discovered remedies, without minerals or poisons. TI-n Mclnnes of cure are such that patients can bemired at their homes, in any part of the country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter ; and have the med icines sent by Mail or express. Printed interrogatories will be forwarded on application. Ha., Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of the throat eared as well at the Homo of the Patients as itt the In. stittitiou, by sending the Cold Medicated INHALING BALsxmic YApons, with inhaler and ample directions for their use. and direct correspondence. Air- Patients applying for interrogatives or advice mint enclose return stamps. to meet attention. H%-• The attending Physician will be found at the Institution fut. consultation, from 9 a. in. to 9 p. each day. Sunday in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE, Physician to the Troy Long and Hygienic Institute, and Physici in for Diseases.of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 90 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Jan:l4, 1563,—.1y NEW AND STORE rITE undersigned would respectfully inform the cit j„ inane of Lebanon 11,1141 vicinity, that he has safaris! unto the BOOT. AND SHOE BUSINESS, In Minn/ Motet, fire-doors South of the Buck Hotel Lthanon, wherehekeeps on I band a largeand well • assorted stock of all kinds of HOOTS and S 110 E S.• lie will • - geti N make to order all eadiklits kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, and at very short notice. Ile al - so keeps on hand a -itt large and a - ell-Resort ed stock or LEATHER, such as RED AND OAK SOLE. LEATHER, CALF AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY - LEATHER, KID, LININGS, ROANS, BIND INGS, kc., and all kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND FINDINGS, such as BOOT-TREES, LASTS, BOOT COEDS and wießuS, AWL-BI;ADES,, KNIVES, PUN CUES,. HAMMERS, ,PINCERS, - -RASPS, TACKS.— Constantly on band an assortment of Lenin/Ka, Threads, Shce-nuila Peg-hreaks, Sand-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit and Shoe Tools of every description: Having been en gaged in the business snore than twenty years, he feels satisfied that he can give satisfaction to all who will favor him with a call: Shoemakers frin the country will do well by caning en him before purchasing else where. SAMUEL HAUCK. Lebanon, May 21:1862. WANTED TO BUY , 50,000 Bus 57%,(Tat. COrtN 50,000 bushels OATS ; 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLOVE RSEED, TISIOTIIY SEED, Flaxseed, for which the highest CAUL prices will be paid at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. GEORO34 HUMAN. Lebanon, J uly 17.1501. Market Sweet Motel. Corner Market and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon. JOHN ATATTRES, Proprietor. ix -Mr. LEONARD ZIMMERMAN, 11011" AVING taken the above Stand, long occupied by I will spare no pains to make the Traveling Pubi ic who 'stop at' It, perfectly comfortable, and invite all to give--ma-a trial. The House is large and well arranged. • The Table.supplied with the bestseasonable edibles; the Bar stoc'ked with the choiceok Lai:lama, and, the Stabling jarge and coin. AUTTLIES, -Lebinolc' April 9,1882. t , Ttn23:_ou.see ATKIN& & Duo.% New Boot ao & Sh oe P.m! Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO., TO the property holders of the State of Penn / sylvan's :—OSNTLEWEN Your attention is respectfully solicited to the following low rates of insur ance of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the most flattering evidence of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample tOlndentnify those who may take advantage through its agency of ' the means afford ed them of being protected against loss by fire. The Board of Directors are practical business men well and favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Our Com pany is perfectly mutual and we invite your careful 'al tentiun to the following low rates aswe are determined to Insure as low as any other responsible company, taking into consideration the character of the risks incurred. Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to ie• sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 8 or 5 years. The Company hasmoW been in successful operation for nearly 8 years, anti'all its losses have been promptly paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned; and, fact it has been, and still continues to be, the wish of the Directors to have the Company, onducted on honest and economical principles. ItAa,ES OF INSURANCE. Dwellings, brick orstone, slate roof $0,15 WO do do shingles ,IS do 'Log or Frame ,20 " do 'Earns, stone or brick •,20 " do do Log or Frame AO " do Store Houses, brick or stone A 5 " do do Log or frame ,30 " do Hotels&boarding houses, brick or stone ,25 " do do do Log or frame ,30 " do Academies and School houses ,25 " do Churches and meeting houses ,20 " do Printers books and Stationerles ,30 " do Book binders ,50 " do Tailor shops ,25 " do Shoemaker and saddler shops AO " d Silversmith and Watchmaker ,3Q " do Tin and sheet iron shops , ,30 " do Groceries and Provi.sibil stores ,ao " do Tanneries ,30 " do Hatter shops ,80 " do Grist Mills, Water power ,35 " do Saw Mills do do ,35 " do Druz Sterne ,80 " do Smith shops, brick or stone AO " do do do Wood ,35 " do Carpenter,Tottior & Cabinet mak'r short " 11 Wegener anti Coaohmeker Shona ,40 Painter anti chair maker shops ,40 0 do Oil Mills , ,40 " do Clover Mills ,40 " do Founderles of wood ,35 " do do Brick or stone 3Q. " do . Merehandite in brick or atone buihrniis ,41411 " I do In wooden do rES o Furniftirelin'brielcorttcate'brtililinge -,15 " do do 111 wooden ,20 " do 'Stables & sheds, briar or stone,country ,20 " •do do do wooden ,25 " do Livery & Tavern Stables '25 " do .tUa- All communications should be addressed to J. IHEILMAN, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Po. Irer OFFICE at the " Black Horse Hotel." President—JOHN BRUNNER, Esq. Vice President—D. M. RANK, Treasurer—GEO. F. MEILY. Secretary—J. G. lIEIL3IAN. Jonestown, March 4,1583 TRUSSES!. Coach-Making Establishment? rintiE undersigned, et his MANUFAG- I TOEY, at the.• let Toll Gate, one mile East of Lebanon, has on band a very large stook of READY MADE VEHICLES such as 'BUGGIES. ROCK-A-WAYS, CARRIAGES, SULKIES, &c., made out of the beet materials and by first•rato workmen: From' his long bep•rionce in the business, and his determination to allow none but good work to leave his Shops, he feels confident that he can give to customers the most complete satisfac tion. Much of the materials used in manufacturing the above Vehicles were purchased before the raise in the price of articles, and I can therefore sell cheaper than any other establ.shment in the comity. ItLI'AIItI~G~ Repairing done at short notice, and at low prices. Persons wanting nnything in this line, are invited to call and examine my stock before, making their pun , Owes. DANIEL FULMER. HARDWARE AT COST. ripttlE subscriber offers his -large and well selected 1, stock of lIARDWARE. PAINTS, OILS. T CO. T FOR, GISH. Parties who have settled their accounts to April 1,1861, will be allowed a liberal credit on nerchases.Those who have not settled will find their accoonts with A. S. Ely, Esq., for immediate settlement and collet, Oen. D. M. KARMANY. Lebanon,July 17,1861... North Lebanon Steam Grist Mii GRAIN WANTED rprLE undersigned will. purchase all ill j_ kinds of GRAIN, such as WHEAT. RYE,...; COON.An, tze., izr ° ' at their STEAM. MILL. on the Union Canal,. for which the highest market prices will be paid, la CASH. All kinds of CUSTOMER WORK will be dohe at the shortest notice, and in the most satisfactory manner. The public is respectfully invited to give us trial. FELIX LIGHT, GIDEON LIGHT, DAVIT) L. LIGHT, Not tit Lobacwort, May •20, 1882. • NATIXONAL HOTEL MATS SWAN,) Race Street, above Third, Phi la. rilllls establishment offers great inducements not on on acconnt of reduced rates of boarding, but runt its central location to the avenues of trade, as well as the conveniences afforded by the several PaSsenger Railways, running past and contiguous to It, by which guests can pass to curl from he hotel to the different Railroad Depots, should they be preferred to the regn , lar Omnibus belonging to the louse. ( sea determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort end convenience of my guests. TERMS $1 25 PER DAY. D. C. SI/WRIST, Proprietor, Formerly from Eaglellotel. Lebanon, Pa T. V. Bimini, Clerk. [Phila., March 12, 1862. TIME NEW BAKERY" E undersigned won d respectfully. inform the chi _ cermet'. Lebanon, that he has commenced the BAKE. IND BUSINESS, in all its varieties, at his stand, on Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Buck hotel, and will supply customers with the best BREAD, CAKES, &c., &c. Flour received from customers and returned to them i n bread at short notice. COIN FECTIONERIES, of all kinds, fresh and of the best quality, constantly on ham/pi:and furnished at the lowest prices. • public is invited to give me a trial. Leb non, Nov. 9, 1859, F. H. EtllJß, *Jacob lE. L. Zimmerman's* FIRST CLASS tIAIR•DRESSINO AND HAM-DY.B. ING SALOON, Market street, neat - Cumberland, and opposite the Eagle Hotel. Being thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to lahn, he would respectfully solicit a cont,lncrarice of the same. Lebanon, July 2, 1842. N. B.—The Saloon will be closed on Sunday. BUILDERS will do well by calling on J. H. BRESSLER Agent, ns he Is prepared to do all kinds of TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and ..101.1 WORK generally, at the very lowest prices. He also has on hand a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and . • all of the most improVed Gas Burning COOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different and latest improved RANGES AND 11EATE11S, of all kinds. He . also keeps ceo stantly on hand a large stook of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATY.. which he offers at less price than they can be bought of any other slatemen in the county, WARE-110051S—One door South of the "Buck Hotel," Walnut Street., Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, December 25, 1851. AIINAGAN DAVID B. LONG A New Firm. Cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain Business. undereitned having formed a partnership In the IIIETtCANIILE, 511 - I,LINO AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would respe'ctfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. They will cantina to keep. at the late stand of SMIRK, GEESABIAN & LONG„aquost complete stock of all kinds-of GOODS usually kept in a country store, which they will re tail Cheap for CASH, or COUNTRY PILODUCE. They also want to tiny for cash 50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 20100 Bushels of RYE, 29,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay the Eitsbest Market Prices.-- They will also take GRAIN on STORAGE. The willteep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices, GOAL. by the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, &e. .1/1- They solicit the business of all their old friends and the public, and will endeavor to deal ou such lib eral and just principles as will give satisfaction to all. SITERE: & LONG. North Lebanon, March 19, 1662. A FORTUNE FOR ALL? EITHER MEN OR WOMEN I NO DMIWO, but an ENTIRELY WEW thing. Only three months in this country I No clap-trap operation to gull the public, but a genuine money-making thing Reed the Circular of instruction ohne only, and you wilt understand it perfectly, A Lad, haq Just written to me that slur is -making as high as TWENTY DOL LARS SOILS DAYS I giving instructions in this art— Thousands of Soldiers are - making money rapidly at it. No person hos to bo urged to patronize it. It le a thing that takes better than anything ever before or fered. You can make money with it home or abroad —on steamboats or railroad-'clies, and in the country or city. You will be pleased in pursuing it, not only because It will yield a handsome income, but also in cease Deuce of the general admiration which it elicits It is ,much all profit. A mere trifle is necessary test a. The Scarcely one person out of thousands who ever pI4A any attention to advertisements orthis k lad, thinking they are humbugs. Consequently those who do send for instructions will have a broad field to make money in. There is a class of persons in this world who think that because they have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that everything that is advertised is a humbug. Consequently they try no more. The person who succeeds is the one that keeps on trying until be hits something that pays him. This art cost me one Ofelisand dollars, and I expect to make money.out of it- , -and all who purchase the art of me will do the same. Otte Dollar sent to me will In the Proieptieturrt,of,a earoilj,),fittptructlone in the ait. money will be rebind to thou not sattlfica. Address "WALTER T. TINE LILY, No ;I Park Place -New York. -. Octeber 28~ 1883.-3 m TAR El NOTICE. *** DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT NE f GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMA VSAI, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND - WOUNDS, PILES. HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famous bone setter, and has been used in his prac tice for more than twenty years with the most aston fishing success. As AN ULM/viol O 1 PAIN, it is anti wiled by any.pretetfatioh before the public, of which themost skeptical maybe convinced by a single trial This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. RHEUMATIC DISORDERSof evary kind, and in thou sande of cases where it hae been used it hoe never been girawn to NIL FOR. NEURALGIA, it will 'afford immediate relief in every ease, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE -in •tittes minutes and is wet ranted to it. TOOTHACKE also will it care instantly. NFORENVOU DEBILITY AND GENERA - I. LUDASSITE arising from imprudence. or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Act ing directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restcres it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it le the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every viotim of this dis tressing complaint shordd,give it a trial, for It will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of ea ses will effect a radical cure. Quinsy AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely ap plication of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate,- and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglect ed. The worstease may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BEVIES, OUTS, WOUVDS, SORES, 1:71, CERS, .BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used .according to di-rec. lions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECTS BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone setter. Dr: Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is known all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's TufaDible Liohnent." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cares Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Or. Sweet's Infallible Liniment /13 the best known remedy for Sprains and Brahma Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Ileadacheinnneclietely. It was never known tea Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom faila cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one stibnite. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and wounds ituntediately and leaves no seat Dr. sweet's Infallible Liniment re the best remedy far Seree in the know world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million' people, and all praised it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken interne/1y cures Colic, CheleraMorbue anctChop Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment le truly a "friend in need," and ovary family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Ie for Fale by all Druggists• Price 25 amts. A lPrientl la need. Try, it DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy. is without a rival, and will al leviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and :Verrone Disorders it is truly infallible ' and sufa. curative for 'ores, Wounds, Sprains, Braises, ix. Its soothing healing and powerful strengthening, properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have evere given it a trial.— Over one thousand certificatesofremarkablecures, per formed by l within the last two years, attest the bat. To !tome Owners. DR..SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR NORSE'S is unrivaed by anyrand all in eases of Lameuess, arising from Spraina,Bruisesor Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls. Scratches, Mange, it will alsiscure speedily. Spavin and Itingbone may be easillprevEhted and cured in their Incipient stages, but confirmed caeca are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or bopeleSs but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful ap• plication will always remove the Lameness. and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. Every 'Horse OWner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually pre. vent those airmidable diseases, to which all homes are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horse• nearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Lininient, IZMI SOLDIER'S. FRIEND, And thouaauda have found it truly A Friend in Need! CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and al so "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown is the gleam of each bottle, without which none are gin: nine. RICHARDSON di DO., Sole Proprieders, Norwich, CL • MORQAN d AlXEM;Genoral Agents, 46 OM Street, Now York air Sold by all dealers everywhere. December 8.1862.-4 • • PIENSIONb. DR. GEO. P. LINEAWEAVER, having been op ' pointed; by the Commissioner ofPetioions, at Washington, . Examining Surgeon for Pensions; is pre. pared to attend to all applicants for Peision at his of fice„icilleireet street, next door to the - PoiOffice. Lebinniu 25th; 1863.-410 • ••••• -$25 * Employment! 157'5 ASIENTS WANTED ! Ix - TB will, pay :Erma $25 to - VS par mon th s, and all TV expenses alideDia dente, or gives,. COMMigaioll: .part!culara fent tree. Address Ea!' Sawn Maennut %7 ',oonpoiry 13 , : R. -AMES,, , paAfral A gent, W / 4) . 9 0 0. t Ma THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. The Great "American Remedies - 77 Known ao "Alelmbold's” GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. ILELHOLIPS vrAIItACT "BISHRIT," SARSAPARILLA LIIPROVED ROSH WASH. H.ELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION 'Mighty Concentnited" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT RUCH% A Positive and Specific Remedy For diseases of the. Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings: !the Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ALSO) BENTS into healthyaction, by wide* the WATERY OR CALOEROUS depositions, and alt 'UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as welt es pain end inflammation, and is-good for MAN, WO MEN, Olt 0111 LOREN. HELMBOLDISEXTitiket illiCilU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of: Dissipation Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE poLLOWIRG SYMPTOMS 7: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power. Lass of Memory 4 Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembliag, Horror of Disease, ' Wakefullness Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body, . Muscular System, -Eruptions on the /ace, But Hands, Countenemoe, Dryness of the Skin. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med. Wine invariably removes. soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC Frits, In one of of which" the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those %Ireful diseases," Insanity and Consumption, Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess. The records of the illBl3lllO Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear am ple witness to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH. • ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Itegiaires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigo rate the system, which HELMBOLD'S EATRAPT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, 'OLD OR YOUNG. SINGLE, MARRIED; OR CONTITAI— PLATING :MARRIAGE, . . In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Ruche is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlo- rosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or snp pression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or- Schtrrons state of the Uterus, Lencorrhes, or Whites, Sterility. and for all complainta incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipa— tion, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. C=! NO FAMILY EHOULD ,BE WITHOUT IT: Take no 'Balsam, Mercury. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES SECRET DISEASES Ir all their stages; at little expense; little or no change in diet; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Uri nate. thereby removing obstructions , preventing and roping Striotoreo of th e Urethra, allaying pita sad in flammation, 59 frequent in this class of diseases, and ex polling POISONOUS, DISEASED, AND WORN-067' MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands • WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF CT~ -ate SC. And who have paid PEAVY PEES to be cured in a short time, have found they were aeceived, and that the "Poison" has, by the use of "Powerful Astrisgents; been dried up in the sYstem, to break out in an aggra— vated Sore, and • PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SUOMI For all Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Wbetitoroifidingin NALE.OR FEMALE,from what ever cause originating. and no matter Of how long Standing• Messes of these Organs require the aid of a Innarrio lielifibold's Extract Bitchy IS TUE GREAT DIURETIC, And it is certain to have the desired erect in all Die. - eases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD ! BLOOD !! BLOOD !I I. Helmbeld'n Highly Coneentruked Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affection the Blood.a.nd attacks the Sex unl Organs, Linings of the Nose, lars,'‘Throat, Wind pipe, and Other Mucus Surfaces, making its appsitranc e in the form at:ricers. riebabold's Extract Saraaparill purifies the Blood, and removes all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the COMP'S:ion *Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for . this class of cornpiaints, its niood•Pnrifying Properties are preserv ed to a greater extent than any, other preparation of - Sarsaparilla. illeimboldls Rose Wash. Aneicellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na tore, and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, arising from habits of dissipation, used in oon pection with the Extracts Bache and Sarsaparilla, in such diseasos as recommended. ' Evidence of the most responsible and rel Wl* charae ter will accompany' the medicines.. . • • " CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Blom eight to • twenty yeari standing, with. OMER t known to SILENCE AND TAME,For • Armsicar properties ofDUOILIT, -see Dispensatory of • EES' valuable 'works en the prim of Seetl I p U r n o i r t e ed' mo S r ea u t e e w s Dee of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated, Jr. PRY& . ICE! Philadelphia. Sea remarks made by Dr. EPRItAiII IIIeDOWZGL,ri celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published iii the Trani:lath:me ,Of the King and Queen's' jounud. See Medico Cirtirghial Review, published by ' EEN.TA • TRAVERS,FeIIon of the Royal College of Sargeona. Sft most of the late Standard Werke - en '4lne. . , Earrieser BOUM. 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 " Sarsaparilla, 100 " • Improved Rose Wash; 50 " 5 00 Or half - ; a dozen of each forll2;whiek suAcient so to cure the mostmbatinat.ocas em if dlr . calmer are ad hered to. Delivered to any address, securely - packed from ob servation . 'Describe symptoms in all communications. ..Ouree guarantred. Advice mayo. . AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the 'city of Phlladelphla,4l. T. HELHBOLD, who, being de -ly sworn, doth say, hie preparations Contain no naroot - ie,nointercury, or other injurious drum but ace pure 1y vegetable. DBLIBBOD. Sworn and Embseribed before me, this 2Sd da3 of lira- Timber, ISM. WM. P. HIBBARD. • Alderman, Ninth-streeteabove Race, Phila. • Address Letters for information in oonlid.ineet. H. T. fiELMBOLD, Chemi s t. Depot 104 South Tenth street, below Chestnut, Phila. • Beimeaie of Cosiniterfeits AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "OF THEIR OWN" and other er" articles on the reputation attained by 0 0 1 1111itte Preparations, " Nxtrantlinehn • . " :Sarsapa " is lmproied Rose WrMa, ash. Sold by all DrugadOta, everywhere. ..018.1Z70.22 OTHER. Cirt °tit the advertisement„ and send for it, AND • AVOID IMPOSITION AND RSPOSIIRN. - ' SiFilartareorm's Ding and phiming Warebonts, 594 , .. Broadway, New. York. ' • February 18 1863.—1 y. ' •