llTsliturtiotr: TEENER, - - - $l5O A.YEAR LEBANON; PA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1863 HOME AFFAIRS. The following are the recently elect ed Directors of Lebanon Bank; for the emu fog John W. Glon lager, Jacob Witmer, jr., Sam uel Becker, John Heilman, ta. s.„.] Jacob Sbertz er, Jos. G. Heilman, David Rank, .Joh n Bloa ter, C. D. Gioninger;B. B. Lehman, Benjamin F. Schnook, Geo, F. Miller, Michael Kreider, [c. a.] A semi-annual dividend of four per cent has been declared by the Lebanon Bank. The following:are, :the ...Directors just elected of the Lebanon Valley Batik : Ja k e. George, -John W. KillingekTitas T. Worth', JOhn Light, Is. s.,] David M. Rank, William Shirk, Jefferson Shirk, George Ross, , George Mark, Cyrne M.Krall, Henry D. Corm°. ny, Jos. S. Bomberger, John D. Dieyer. refkreWannnat-dividend of three per cent has been doctored by this Bank. TriANIESIGIVING DAY.---The, Leba "Bank, ,and ire preeetne all Banks, will be closed to morrow (Thursday,] and all notes and bills payable en aaid day must be attended to the day previotee. Ns Are were in error last week in sta king:Oat Butter was 26 cents in the. Lebanon We'underitand that it never was high er than 25 cents, which it is now ARRESTED. ---Henry B usb on g, for :nierly of the firm of:Busbong,k Landis, Lances ter, doing business in Virginia; 'was arrested in that oily, on Saturday on °barge of being in the rebel service, voluntarily. Mr. .13'usbong, was taken .to •Ph ilade la; where the charge will be fully investigated by the United States Commis ,SiOrter. U. REVENUE • TAX.---Fitririero ) v h e bu teller th.tir awn stock--that is the stock `k.h„ y hare . raised or fattened on their farms—and - to tha -t way sell it, .inust make a return under ,rfath ake Assistant A.sseasor of all stock thus •Alss ugl i ti - fed and sold. They do not 'need a li. un 1E18,4 they sell $l,OOO worth ; but they i sm, haunt, I to;pay 20 cents per bead for allvat ii, over is In-Inths'old, .5 cents for, all under 13 ti.tton 6 fdr each bog and 3"renis for eactle4.-3. R E IVtA B s OP 1311ANCFf CANAL.—The Union ainiti t 'OM.nen.Y being out of funds to re pair theV nine. Bran o b (lanai, CO injereci by the freshet o 1362,, Elohie enterprising Citizens in tereiterttthat WOT it, have proposed a plan of making o ,l id rope ire h 7 subscription, their dis• bursements to be 'etur red to them in the 101111 of interest &axing . corttAatea, good for tolls. Books are now in the irilDdS of L. R. Ilya ieka for Lebanon, Mr. Viebelmti Thompson at Jones town, and me, J o i n :. W. Cawden at Pinegrove, where su bser iptions ,to the laudable enterprise can be received on the terms mentioned. It is a great Wes to this vicinity, that the work sh ou ld so long remain out of use, hod we commend the aubseriptiost to the eonshleratulh of our citizens. EVERY FAMILY SIIMILI)IIA.YE I—The %wrest and best medicine ever latystloced to the people for the Pm of Dispepsis, 'Crimp, Colic, Sick Headache, is Zionaeresuan's Keystone Stom ach Rittere - , it bin never boiled to Cane this xbore diseases. For sale at. D.- S. Reber awl Jas. L. Lemberger's Drug Stores, and ail trtar. 03rough out the coast/T. Try it. THE 93. PENNA. Rsoodusr.—We are informed that upwards of 204 soldiers of this Regiment have reported to the War Departmen t their willingness to re enlist, provided the regu lar bounties to new recruits are allowed them,. and they be permitted to return to their old ren dezvous in Lebanon, Pa., to recruit, reorganize, &c., for at least 90 days; each man also to have. a furlough of at least 30 days, The answer of the Departmen t to this propo eition,has not yet been returned. Theßoard of Trustees of the Phil adelphia Gas Works have resolved to increase the, price of - gss ZS per cent.. bring --r $2 '.5-0 per thousand feet. Or" That's nothing to what it is in Lebanon, --,-.s4,orwith 10 per cent off for Cash. Mr. G. L. niebie has sold• 20 acres of land, with buildings, Annville town- M.r. David A. Mark, of East "'allover, for $2BOO, carb. We are informed that the examina tion of drafted men in Schuylkill county will not probably be got threegh with before the middle of next month. Messrs; Mtn. Woolison, of :NyeTs, town, Geo. F. Reinhard, of Lebanon, and 'rhos, Walker; of Jonestown, are the Aseistar. t Alases pors for Lebanon county, under the iteryt AsSeSst.r, Mr. Killinger. Services will be held in the M. E. 'church next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, when a collection will hu held for, the United States Christian Commission, for the relief of our sick and wounded, eUldiers. The attention of Farmers and o tbers is directed to the sale advertisement of Ma jor,k. Brother in another column. A large lot of serviceable machinery for their use will then be disposed of. • TAItE NoTICE.—The enrolling is go leg on, and it is expected that the Conscription ac will be enforqad immediately, so I would advice every body to get their PLUTURKS taken in time for their re lationsimdfrientia. and the only place to get a No.l, Picture is at ZIMMERMAN'S New York Photographic Gallerl.Tor be is taking the cheapest, the best, and moat life-like Pictures in Lebanon. It is admitted by all that be can't be beat, for his gallery is always crowded. Give him a call and you will find as we rec ommend. Remember the place:, Zimmerman's New York Photographic Gallery, in Cumberland St. Call early and avoid a crowd. P. S.—Children mid anybody that has got weak eyes should call at Zimmerman's Gallery. Ms Pictures no -13 require from 3 to 5 seconds time to sit Gans. Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Caps, &o. ATTNNTION SPORTSTerrt J. G. AIILENB ACA would re Sportfully inform the public that be continues the 'business of manufacturing and dealing in GUNS, RIFLES. PISTOLS, POWDER, Caps,Wfuls, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi al, at his Store, .m Market .tr eet , a few doors North of the it. it.. Labanon,,Pa. lit oAU kinds of Repairing • done at the shortest poS Bible notice and in the best style of workmanship. Lebanon, June 24, 1563.—1 y. &fad *titcs. • (COMAIUNICATED) PULMONARY CONSUNPTION A CURABLE INSEAM ! LI A CARD To CONSUMPTIVES. • The:undersigned having been restored to health in El. fewweeks, by a very simple remedy. after having suf fered *several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make ;known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. .10 ail iclw (kW it, he will send a copy of the pr& snoription used.(free of charge), with the directions for ge-IpMbig and using the same, which they will find a memoir" far CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHI TlS,CBEaffig, COLDS, An. The only object of the ad- Vertiierin sending the Prescription is to benefit the afdicted , andepthad information which be couceivver to bit invaluable ;.and he hopes every sufferer will try iris remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and ma; prove a blessing. rxrn .... "m eg th e prescription will please address WILSON, Williamsbu Arc . EDWARD A. rg* Kings County ' New York. 0ct.:21,18 63 . -4 m BE WISE BY TIMES! Do not trifle With, your Icahn, Constirltion and Character. ' If you are suffering with any Diseases for which . IiEbIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCK(' is recommended, TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! It will Care you, save Long Suffering, allaying Pain end Inflammation, and will restore you to . HEALTH AND FURITY; At Little Expense, • And No Exposure. Cut out the Advertisement in - another column and senor sendfor it. • • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask ter Hembolt'a. Take No Other. CUBES GUARANTEED . •, MOW 28;1883; =2m, , . TeriMe - idliselosures. —4ZORZTB for the million I A most valuable and won ha ,Ile] publication. A work et 400 . pages, and 30 1 ,7 111,. colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S 'FADE STUMM, an original and popular treatlsd'on Man and Woman, .their Physiology,Ftinetiens, and TSexuaVdisereere of °Vet,' hind, -with 5 1 eVer' Failing Remedies for their stfeedy cure. Thearraatice of DR. MINTER bee long been, and still ishinlibanded, bald the 'earnest solidi- Wien of numerous persons, be haeteen induced to ex tend his med Mal usefulness through the medium of his lIIF.ODM." It is athe that should be in the hands of every family in n the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped. will be for warded free of postage to any part of the United States for 50 cents : in P. O. Stomps, or , 3 copies for 51. Ad dress. pest iniId,DR.:RUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, Ne w York. • - . Sept. 3, 1863.-1?. "creatiekielizi. rit.ixtinea:c , A Cortain.cure for pains and aches ens! warranted 1110110'61ov to, any other. °Soup it pnsitively.dures 'reliefs absolutely sure immediately it is used. Moth ers remember this, and arm yourselves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no no tice, frequently attacking a child in the dead hour of the night ; before a physician Can' be summoned ft may be too late. Netnember,the Venetian . Liniment neverfails . Price - 25 and 50 cents s. bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 50'Courtland Street, New Ytrk. Sept. 23, . , - SAPON OR CONCENTRATED LYE - FAMILY SOAP MAKER. • • WAR _ makes high prices ; Saponifier helps to re duce them. It makes BOA 1, for FOUR cents a pound by using your . kitehen:greass: .*. CAUTION I As spurious Lyes are offered also, ke careful and only buy the P4T4NTED.artiele put up in IRON cans, all others being COUNTERFEITS. .F'n?yz. Sat litatiffeturing cc,, • illiftlfel'D'Aia--"lfq. 12 7.Wallitct Street ; Pit nrg Pitt Strat an:WTl:tip:Leone Way Nov, TEE CONFESSIONS Ail fiNVAL' Published for the benefit, and A CAUTION TO YO who suffer tenni nervous Debillt Manhood, etcsupplying at th TEE MUANS °FS fly On 4 whaltnii co' .1.4 great expense end injury throu • and quackery.... Ey'enclosing a post paid tiddreti copies may be lied of the author. NATHANIEL Bedford, Ki, •, May 27, 1/362.—1y " . • DR. RV O. L. LYI Frelfth Periodica l FOR FEMALES. This valcagXe medicine is DOW offerer `o the Ameri can Ladies as the only sure, po.sitive, at ever-failing cure and reeNtoe of suppregaiou of ture, from ,whatever cacao. :Particular care shout. a used to know that .I,t!t'ncy is net the ectose, . 'the Drops would surely rokince an effect entir ell' co. ary to the course of natitfc, fin. which I will lien ho " yself re spectable. Thele Props are so mild awed pi ant, that the feeblest On tube them with perfect seen y, yet CO powerful ic`their eff4Cts, that they may ,be s y called a never failing .12i*rtitor. They can be Art. _ red by addressing the as directed below. I have an" . +l' a med icine for theTtistX .We"yeara in my practice, , a , there fore well ki49l - ite,ihkits. Sold by.ail Druggis . " i Price $l. trier BOttyl. Address ft. - J . 611N I. LYON, New Haven, 4.4 Jay 22,1822. • It Notice.. MADAN `PORTER'S CURATIVE BALS4I . has long Tested ihe truth that there are great princip : in Melicines'iis there'ie'in SZience, and this ~Medici is compolitytied ou Principles suited to the maul, fold 14 I tore of Man I The cure of Ciads is in keeping (l i nen th' pores, ahirCresZitig a-dhile Internal vranath, at .d this is caused, by - tile use df this Illedicine. Its rentedial gas title's are based on its power to assist the lieolthy and vimlrouscheulatiola of broo'd through the longs, it enlivens ihe,linieles"anirtissfats 'tile skin to perform its duties Ofregulatingthe heat of the system, and in gen t ly throWitrg off tile' wants aulistitice from the surface o f la:%. ft is not's rodent rolitedy, but emollient warmi ,'lehrelling,add"effectfve . Sold by all drug gists tit.t3l,iad'2s ients'per bottle. SePt.ll, A.. 7C*114 t Ittrering. ThOtiy.. 'Catiadve,. while laboring as a vr..e core d of Consumption, when all othortheAns Matra iled,By a recipe obtained from a learmyttoihysiefitli residing - in the great City of Jeddo. This. recipe 'fie cured - great'redlubers who were suffer ing frinit Coasyniption, Bronehi t is, Sore Throat, Coughs and OBS, efortfte debility aid nervous depression va " : " '0 tY'ttieie ffisorilers. De4iftino of.beilOttillg,.etloirs; I will send this re. lirtibght"hCine with me, to all who meta it, c free"of 6bArge. Irks . ff3i. ahem- I Dec. it,i2so27--Is. Qui!`gikoN.-11,0110 t there Dick and Naucy,,Whire aro you going s that you are hi such hurry; we emu Just on our way to Da fly's Phsit.44 - apit Gallery. 'o have our pictures takes,. jjo, talms splendid: piel'ares, and his Gallery is Mialy the time cre;,, v a e a, so I said to Nancy We Will • 4) ear. ly this loM.riing before any body else g eta ther f,.r we will to come away again without getting • QuY.sr.--Yesl I have heard too that Daily's is nearly all the time crowded, and so why do r o o to some other Gallery.? Arts.-ohmY ! we could'net think of such a t We admire the true and beautiful picture the takes, so much that we would Out go to :moth lery if we could get them fot nothing . He ha years, experioncem the business, hoes a complet improved instruments, an excellint sltvlitth therefore takes the best pictures It town, and course every body that warits a good picture. him. Ql3.32.—Silat k ind of Pictures doestie take? Ass.—lie takes Photographs front miniature size, plain or colored. ' the cord picture:4 beiv pronounced more truthful and life like than semi have been taken in our large cities. II is Alubri are beautiful, and can't be beat. Ile. also exm3 copying pictures front email Daguerreotypes, ea larging them almost to any PiZe. QUESTe- - WkOre is Gal levy ? I must :gin hl call too. Arts.—Just come alOng with Nancy and I, ant will show you. It is in Stine's New Building, door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. le bat :ckln''s . ly on hand a good assertinent: of Gilt and Thism I Frames, sates, Albums, &c., which he sells chew *'or good . and cheap. Pictures we advise all to at 1 Daily's Gallery, *Lebanon,* Pa. Morel 11, lEtigitato Antices. Preaching next Windt) evening in the English gukge in the First Reformed church. English preaching next Sabbath morning mill evenin Tbankskiving sermon on next Thursday evening i Zion's Ev. Lutheran church. German preaching next Thursday morning in Salem' Lutheran church, also next Sunday morning in the Herman, and English in the evening. A. M. Abel, of' Lebanon, will preach iu the School' House, at Cornwall Furnaces, on Sunday, the 29th inst., at 23 o'clock, P. M. English preach lug on Thanksgiving Day in the mein ing, in the Moravian church. German preaching next Sunday at 10 A. DL, at the Horse Shoe Pike Mtetiog House. &MO. On the 19th inst.. by the Bev- R. S. Miller, Mr. JA COB FESSLER, of Millcreek, to Miss SARAH SCIIMAL2 Z, of Jackson. On the 21st ult.. in Jonestown, by the Rev. Wni. Gerhardt. Mr. EDWARD STROH, of Fredericksburg, to Miss LYDIA ERMEL, of Swatara. Ou the lEth ult., at the same place, and by the same, !kir. MOSES HEALY. of E. Hanover, to Miss ELIZA BETH. MUT, of Onion. On the lith inst., by the same, Mr. VALENTINE D. MUCH. of N. Lebanon. to Miss EMMA B. WAL BORN. of Bethel tp.. Lebanon co. On the 21st Inst., by the same, My. HENRY WOLF, to Miss SARAH IVEIS, both of Bethtl township, Leb anon county. , On the 10th Mel., tit Middlesex, Mercer. county, WILLIAM, on of William C:, and Lucinda SHAY, aged about 16 years. _ • . On the 6th inst., in East Hanover, MILTON, SOD of Henry KRUM, aged 15 years. 10 months and 5 days. On the 29th ult., in 'East Conover, MARY EU EA. BETH, infant daughter of Solomon STEIN, aged 3 Years, 3 months and 24 days. On the 13th inst. Hanover , CATHARINE KEENER, aged 71 yeare,s months and 23 days. On the 17th host On Jonestown, SARAH CAPP, con. sort of John CAPP, aged 59 years, 7 months and 12 days. The Lebanon Inatket. ear. LEBANON, Wamma Extra Family, 57 50 Extra Flonr, 700 Prime White Wheat,' 60 Prime End Wheat, 160 New Wheat, • . mt .. Prime Rye, nil ' Corn, 95 Oats, ' "ro curvor.geed, 6 00 Timothyeeed, 1 60 Flax-seed, 1 25 Dried Apples, pealed,l 60 Peach “Snita,” 2 60 Peach "'hazels," 162 Cherries, 150 ' Onions, 87 Potatoes, 14 bus, 60 Apple Batter, Vero*, 45 lit Phibide =EI art'.—Flie 1 arid State Floor is Jive D EXPERIENCE .0 wurning Bud Preturiture Decay of tame tiros. IF CURE.- kfter beiitg put to medical humbug riM .envelope, eiggle YPAItt, Esq.. sl county, ti. Y Drops E'lery ' 04 Dtf LEBAN TURA L ALS 'SOCIET Y, arty Gal veu tt of '6l&- Sale to COM melleC al 12 o'clock. M., on said dart. when conditions of MI6 willtc condo knows I.,)1 DAVID E. MILLER DAVID 11OLLINOElt, SOLOMON SMITH, .Committee to make Sale. 9 . " " .1.; baton, 't ov. 26, 1963. AM E RICAN - WAIT El ES. AFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE THAN TEN YEARS, the time pieces montane ured by the American Watch Co., of Waltham, Mass., lave gained a firm 1% Id upon the favor of the public, .nd now, no less than 75,000 of them are speak ing for Iherosslims in the pockets of the people. From a very significant beginn fug the business has Increased nn we are iustined. in stating that'WE MAKE 'MORE AN ONE HALF of all the watches sold in the tint- States.. Repeated enlargement of our faeary hiiiid. s, and the labor of 500 operatives, Alit find us, un -1 to supply the conitenpy increasing - &Maud.— we may here observe that notwlthstand log the pr ice of labor atidilite tittle; we actually een our icts at less Prices tivin dicise ciitient 'five yerirs .rreeted Weekly. ./..r, NOVEMBER 25, 1862. Eggs, 10 dos., 22 ' Butter, Ws lb., 22 'Tub or salted butter, 10 bard, ' 10 Tallow, 10 Flinn, lO Shoal(lora, 8 Sides, 8 7 'Soap, - Bees-wax 25 - White lags, 6 Nixed Bags, 3 Flax; l. 3b., .. 12% Bristles, 13 lb., 40 Feathers, lila, 62}-i Wool; 76 M.,' 40 !Soup Beane, IA qt., T Vinegar, t gal., 1214 phis. Nia rizet. NOYEMBXR 20, 1858: ow grades for Wisteria touts'. bbl bettor, `but quiet; while for medliam and Vigh grades are in fair demand, and ten to fifteen cents 11 barrel higher. The sales are 18,400 bbls At $5 90®6 1.5 for superfine State; $6 40 ®6.50 extra State • $5 55 ®6 85 for fancy State ;$7 20®7 dO for the low grades of Western extra; $7 45®7 50 for ship. ping Ohio ; $7 60®0 40- ortrade and family brands, and $7 55®11 50 for St.. Louis ex tras. 1 Southern Flour is a shade firmer and the'mar• ket is 9, little more active. Sales - of 1,800 blals at $7 45@8 10 for mixed to gaud superfine country, Baltimore, he., and - sB' . ls@lo 50 for trade and 'family brands. , • • Rye Flour is firm,..and : • unchanged. Sales 'of Iho bbla at,ss 5505 60. Corn meal is ' s caredaqd - held higher.. - The Wheat market ittArreguls r ; Winter is na. - saleableand lewer, but-Spring is in good demand and„lc bush higher. The inquiry is ehielfi on speculative account ) and for milling. • The'sales are sk, - Qop troshole at $1 42@1 95. for•Ohicage spring; $115@.1 47 for Milwaukee : club' ; $1 '47@1:48 amber do; $1 50 for. choice hi innegota ;.anthir Western closes quiet at $1- 58@1 60. White 'Wheats are dull. Oats are higher 'rind 'quite active. Sales of Canadian at 87@.896; Western at SS @Ho, and State - tit . 1 88®90e, eloaing. , heav y, however. Rye continues scarce and wanted at $1 22@ I 25. r Cora is 3@40 8, bus higher, but closes quiet at the improvement. Sales of 125,000 bus mix ed .Westero at $1 13 ®1 16, in store do do at $1.15, afloat, and do yellow at $1 14i, afloat. CATTLE MARKET:— The offerings of Beef Cattle, only reached 2700. bead, a falling off of 200 as compared with last week. The demand was fair, and good Cattle were scarce and want ed at an advance on previous prices. 11 the prime lots offered were sold. Prices ranged at from $7 to $lO for common to good. and extra quality, mostly at $8 ®9l the 100 ths, About 160 were cffeelfd and sold 07420® 32 each for Springers, and $25®45 for Cows .Ir. Caltes, showing no change. Hugs were steady, and 3700 were offered and sold including 2900 at Glass' taken at 7 50 ®R; and SOO as the Avenue Yard at 7@850 the 100 - ths nett Sheep were about the same, and strum 1500'geltrae4M5c '4FI lb. gross. Itta alitotionutlik Coach-Making Shops TO RENT at Public Salle. w ILL be RENTED at Public Sale, on feIiTIRSDA.Y, November 26, 1863, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. at the public House of HENRY D. editMONY t in the Bur ongh of Lebanon, all those certain COACH-NI AKIN° SHOPS, e m situate in Water Street, between Pinegroye , and Walnut streets. in the llorough of Leba '• CM non, Pa , for the term of ONE YEA,R, com rueuoing on the Ist of April. 1864, ending Ist of April, 1865; late the property of .108.1Q11 ARNOLD. .* Terms will -be made knorin:be '1 , 111141' Assignee 'of '36itia IsoroLD.. Lebanon, Ney.'25,1863. P=rib lie 'Sale Of Fanning Implements. Lebanon, „Nov, Sale BEL *TY u . ILL be AEON nt PUBLIC SALE, un Y, Decem/147, 1883, e Fair Ormids cif the COUNTY AGRICUL ' RORTIOULTURAb LEBANON, • Trim 3111E.4 ;alllll/311. rb. - belonging to)suid society. embracing about 2.4=04:001C24:04:0 FEE OF - - - - BOARDS 'AND SCANTLING, inlol.lo suit ptirelaseys. . , A WORD ABOUT refer to these ilicts only for purposes of proper , . mincing another subject relative to our mann er watches. 11 itherto our 'chief object has been e Goon wateb.Cs ?or the million at the lowest pot lee—something to take the place of the make ', watches called "Ancres," "Lepines,"• "Eng ) ieat Levers," &e., annually thrown upon this re -in countless. numbers, by European work sh etches which are the refuse of their facto tieable at Verne ithd Prfebtly worthless (n -en: , . , set we haVe accoinplished, and noW we have to a .e, that we have commenced the manatee hi re cbes of the very EST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRO NOMETRY, tinsel by anything hitherto made by ourselves and L I seed by anything made in the world. For this P we hav‘. the amplest facilities. We have ereets dition to our main buildings expressly for thi hof our business. and have filled it with the be men in our service. Profiting by our long e ,re, we have remodelled the form of our watche clueing such improvements as have been suggest' , ' 1 proved to be good from time to time, cud ha tuted new and severe tests of hombre uansedd. theis ni&rei e?.,,nt sod compensation. New nuichmes rin fact and app.) have been constructed. which , perform their wo. , consummate delicacy and exactitude, most approved materials only are wanting either in mechani cv 1 prin.l a terial of workmanship 'Mansura per- . fection We CO manufacture our other well-known qualities le follow rug names : ,'LETON, TRACY & CO." ..P.S. BARTLETT," the "Soldier's Watch," -WM. EL I.ERY." The let lowus ; priced watch we make, is a love-piece, based in sterling silver either inr sod Is not liable,to get out of order described riding or fighting., All the above t inelliding the /WEB; which is nam• dealers gen ed a ,compAx*,.. are sold by Watch . „,„1" trOughout the Cbuntry. 11 . ass & Appletoiti AgentSP meriean Wateketympy, 'Nov.lB2 BROADWAY, N. Y. id 26 ' 1; ' ' e cow 4m. et Shawls, • IYPILINO of all colors, dyed.fet . ClL B Or cii , 4 . 01. and goods tort pressed; the color warranted ' gnat to new by LYON LEMBERONE, ' Nast lieliover. Aar Articles ,„„„ d can be left at ,Tos. .Zonsber- Per'e DV's' II orders for the above WM be attended rMaroh 11,1803. MI Ist Class ROTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. . THE W ELL KNOWN f lue " HOTEL " PROPERTY, IN THE - 33corcrizg3i of laelbkeibrociad., W IGL be sold at PUBLIC SALE, on . Friday, NOVElll.73gii 27, 1863,. at the ROTEL. now kept by IiEYIIT D. °ARRANT, at 1 o'clock, P. Al. - ••'- , f • Tlds a•first class :ROTEL. loco. •-•-• tett on the corner or °tmberland and M '"grt d -Walnut Streets; opposite the. Court = I-yuse 4 and but two squares from the Lebanon Watley Depot, on the same Sgeot. has, been for many years one of the principal imitr,s in the Town,- with a large country as well as traveling ditstoth.lt has been lately remodeled, and a large FOUR-STORY BRICK BUILDING added, with the modern improve. meets, such as WATER. Gas. &C. ItS. Also. a RESTAU RANT and TWO BUSINESS ROOMS in it A NEW STONE STABLE PROPERTY Is also .connected with It, IS This is one ot.the most desirable ROTEL PROP ERTIES in the interior of the State, and any pergon iu search ofa good Hotel Property and location, will find this one, of rare advantages. Fora safe and well paying investment in Real Estate there 'is none equal to it in the County, as it - can always be rented at a high rate. • DOL. Possession will he y given on the let of April, next, and terms, which will be easy, made known by SIMON'I. STINE. Lebanon', Nov. 18, 1863.-2 t. _ r• Shatl .n lell i gtetyis Proliberty. AVILL be sold at Public Sale at the lute Residence ,V^ Vof WM. BAER : deed.; in Shaefferitown, helm non.cOunty;on , • • , 3 U.R . D AY, „Dcgembtr 5 , • 186 , the follow ,^EST ATE, viz „NO..fr—A "nib LOT of Ground, centrally located in Shaefferstown, Lebanon county, having erected . there• on a substantial two.story Frame Dwelling ROUSE, new BARN. end -5 , other outbuildings, adjoining proper - •. ^ ^ ty of Peter Zimmerman and Henry Garrett. No. 2.—A LOT- of Gireuud, contain ing ttAkres and 32 Perches, situate about liana mile fron4haefferstown, on the rend - loading from said lateen to Lebanon; adjoining lands of Peter Brubaker and Philip Albright. No. 3.—A LOT of Ground containing 3 Acre's and 143 perches, about hal f a mile from Shaefferstown, ad joi Ding lands of Edward K. Seibert,' dd - hu tZnitia and a road. No. 4.—A LOT of Oround conttiv 1 - Acre add, 117 in Perches, about half a fle front . S aefferstown, adjoin ing lands of John M. Hotrich and John tand ts,. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terns will be made known Executor 0 Ktlio'llitate Will„ BAER; deed: Shectrerstown, Nov. 111, tlor Site or Eileithiiike. trill] undersigned will . soN % or ,uxchange, fer a &tail -1. Ro lla, hisAusliar,de - Movie. ind let of Ground, In AL,,t ~,troat, East Lebanon. The Go.use is a 41iiiew two-story BRICK with Kitchen attached, ill all well built and well arranged with all neces- I I eery conveniences. Also Gistern;Balh House, Smoke. noose, all kinds of Fruit Trees,-&c., on the r . „, premises, This property if not sold, will be exchanged as above. Good apd'lndirsputable title given. For fur ther. information apply to JAMES N. ROGERS, Tinsmith. 06'2. - . Lebanou, July 1 Public Sale ; OF A Splendid Farm T ifE subscribe.' offers at public sale his fine farm in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, a bout S miles front Lebanon, near the Cornwall Anthra cite Furnaces, on the road leading from Cornwall to Shaeffer stowti, Containing 100 Acres, more or' less, or g ood Terming Land, adjoining property MR. W. Coleman, G. D. Coleman, Jacob Sucher, mid others.— The improvements are, a TWO STORY weather-boarded, LOU DWELLING ROUSE. Su e itzer DA RN, Stimmer Geese, a• Ju Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, &c, A first rate " Orchard, Well with never failing water, and pump near the house, and FLOWING WATER in every field with one exotistion. Also Sor iq Acreh of WOODLAND. IRON OM has elan bees toond en the Vrelnieee. Good title and possession will he en Me Notice to jetriitcaitoks•:.,..„. IDA° POSALS Torn Viktilgione „end ine two pe,rehes of the .Iforilt Lebanon and ,114. Hope Flank and Tu,;(tiiiie Hood, commencing t near the Pub lic Ifonse.of.Jos. Kotyruatv thsm.morthwards towards Lebanon bereecive4 at the Office of Jacob Weidte in, he t‘banon. on WEDNESDAY, the 25th of N .1551fiElt Plauc and specifications may be .seen lit the office aforesaid. The company reserve the .right to accept or reject any or all orthe proposals that may be offered. . D. S. HAMMOND, Seet'y Lebanon. Nov. 18, '63".-2t. AT'I'EIiTION rprlE MEMBERS of the Lebanon County _L. Association for the detection of Horse Thieves, and the recovery of stolen horses whit meet at the nubile house Of Jou; 31.‘irtins, In. Lebanon, on SATURDAY, DEC., 6, 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. KITAT AN, President. PS rEit STEI?ZER, Secretary. lIENRY FOBTNA, Treasurer. Lebahoh, :Soy. 18, '63. railLE Books of Dr. D. D. MARSTIALL, ImVe .1. been placed in my hands flr ,pettleirient.. wlth In struction.. to proceed against all pitvinil friac,bted af ter THIRTY DAYS NOTICE:. Persons Interested Sri Il please take notice. .• , Justice of the Peace, W. W. Lebanon, Oct. 21,1863. _ , .18 , 64 Diaries, Diaries, 164 WALTZ & , 11 Afor ,LE4irr thcr! a og r r g r F orFte lY u: 'r ti l lxloTt aG Stationery Store. in Cumberland street, Lebanon. t Leh. Nov. 18, '63. Photograph Albttilfs OF different Styles and bind Ing,,alwp.ys po haintaid for Sale at the Book and Stationery. Btoie of WALTZ Fr. iroueli, in the Borough of Lel:noon. Lob. N ov. 18, To Regulate the Timejor thr: aliening of ilfarket /liners. AtriisitEns it being desired to• 'inland an ORDI NANCE enacted June 10, 1803, as follows, viz:— Therefore; Be ft enacted and ordained, by the Chief il'urgaiii arid Too Council of the Borough of Lebanon, .that on and after,the publication of this Ordinance, it shall not be leaflet for any person or persons wb toyer, attending market for the purpose of disposing of mar ketable produce, to oiler for sale, or sell, such produce. before the hour of 0 o'clock, from the Ist day of Novem ber to the let day of March. Enacted November 4, 1863. D. DI KARMANY, Chin f Burgess 1). E. htimmt, Clerk. Lebanon, Nov. 11,1863.-3 t. Lebanon Bank Notice. trimitE will bean adjourned imelitiiig of th e Stock:. 1 holders of the Lebanon Babk, on - Ikionday, November 30,1.363, at 1 o'clock, P. Al., in the banking binise, E. A. U 1 LEE, Cashier. Nov.ll, 1863. LIQUOR STORE, Market Square, opposite the Market Henn, Lebanon, Pa. ritilfr undersigned respectfully informs fee public Ithat he has received au extensive stock of the choicest and purest Liquors of all descriptions. These Liquors he is invariably disposed to soil at un precedentedllow Druggists,Farmersm Hotel Keeeers, and oth• ers will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. Lebanon, April 18, 1883 Fancy Furs Fancy Furs !! few years, ant. would my td them that I now have in store, of my own Importation add Minufacture a very exteneWe assort ment of all the different kinds and. qualities of FAN CY FURS, for Ladies and Children, that will be worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. Being the direcelmpOrter of all my Furs fi mu Eu— rope, and having them all 'Manufactured under my own supervision—enables me to . offer my . customers and the publio a much handsomer 'Set of Furs for theme's money • Ladies please give me 4.40/1 before purchM. leg please remember the name, number and street. JOHN FARBIRA,,.. No. 718 110 K Street. Philadelphia. !15t,111,1/1113..--11m. NEAP ADVERTISF,MiNTS. PUBLIC SA-L ON Saturday, November 28, 1868 Notice: AN ORDINANCE Z. R. DEEVO ahn Pareira, 10. 711 Arab Street, slow Bth, soak side, Importer, Menefee. %Kir o f mid Dealer in Il kinds 01 Fancy Furs, ir Ladies' and Child ren's Wear. I wish to return my tanks to my friends of this surrounding aunties, for their very iberal patronage ex ended to me during toe ist fr— and AT THE 14EW YORK STORE. FALL A,ND. WINTER ANY-GOODS, WE have Just petted the following list of great bargains. receiAd front our bdyer in New Yu k Lanes, 20 and 20 me. per yard; very good Prints from 16 ate. upwards, Skirts ef all sizes, very 1 test styles; Black Stella Shawls, $1,50 and upwards ; Ladies' Collars au dpateoves cheaper than ever. - GROCERIES, GROCERIES • 'We have Just received from New Yorka*.fresh stock of GROCERIES, such as itiolosses, Sugar, Coltfee l Tea, eke., &c., •. Xtifil , ,,We buy our. Goode exclusively for CASH, and ere thereby always enabled to buy where we can find able, eime,peskautl. will always give - our customers the benefit of this advantage. We have but one price and thll• finite are CASH. Come end examine our stock, and if you don't buy you w ill see no cross faces. . . Lebanon, Sept. 23, 'lll4, _ STOVES.,.7STOVES - .,,' N OW is the time to buy your STOVES before cold winter is hero, and the heat and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Maniac= tory of dames N. Rogers. Two doors South from the Lebanon Rank, where can be had the largest and best assortment of. PARLOR,. HALL, and COOKING. STOVES, ever offered in LOA nm, Gas Dalliers for Parlors 'or Bed. Chambers .of his own make. with a general assortment of' Parlor Stoves, and a large variety - of the best Cooking Stoves in the county or borough, Ye hhe warrants to bake or roast WASH BOILERS4' a ll ntly on hand of a sizes, i iik and the best Material.' COAL BUCKETS—OM largest assortment, the heav iest iron, and the best made in Lebanon. .. .. AiNO, a large stock or TIN.WA RE, mado,of the best 'Material and in a .irorktnaul Ike manner... A's. he is a 'practical Workman, and limo...bad an expetieme of twentplisAyeara.,. he feels confident that be can give gessoral tatisffetion.. ~ ~c, !, • i ii... -. : ucuifei,this me . thp f l or. returning.bis thanks. Miffs nitmerous eashimers for,tbeir, liberal 17Appret, and: lie hopes. by strictly attending to his own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of pudic patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. Air Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jotter:o3 'snob as Roofing. Spouting, &c., and ail work warranted /00 MAN I 0003; - HOW LOST! ROW RESTORED ! b-ooko, Just Published, inn Seale4 Entelope. Price Siz , Cents. -A 'Lecture oh the 1 1 1ttitre 3 Irreattu" en"; stit* - 4 .111.:41ica1 . Gore of Sperinatorrbeea or §efninal notary ,Ernissions, SexualbeltilifY)stilliiPPediMents Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits: Igental and Physical:lncapacity. oesult ing from SeiPAbuse, ItORT. . CULVER WELL 31. D tither of the.Gteen -Book„ &e,. The world renowned author. in.thle admirable 'tee fore, clearly proves from his own experience that the' awful consequences of Self abuse may be effeetuelly rainovoll.witliout medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boogies. instruments. rings, or cordial:pointing t out, a mode .gf mire at once certain apd elfectual, by which avery,.sulferer. no matter, what his condition may t be, mayocOre,„binicelf chasif.pri vasely„.and This lecture will prove aeon to thousands andoqinincends„ . Sent Attaier seal. he a. plain envelime, to en address, On the reeciPlorsix coots, o r two postage stamps, by addressing. CIIAS. J. C. ALINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Port Office Box, 4556 October 21, 1863.—1 y. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVHD AT VTR STORE OF L.. K. LAUDERMILCH, In Clanberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling Olfl Selling OW INDUCEMENT TO 1P BUYERS. WILL SAVE MlGill PER CENT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS . French filei•ino and Coberg. Fancy and Slack Silks, from 10 cents to $1 60. Delains from 10 to 20 cents. Lawns from 6 1 4 to 16 cents. Mohair Plain from Vito 37% cents. Valencias from 8 to 10 emits. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Black Cloth, from $1 00 to $4 50.- Fancy and Black Cassimeres. from 50 to $t 50. Ladies' Cloak Oloth, from $1 00 to $1 60. Cottonades., from 10 to 20 cents. DOMESTICS., Muslin, from 6% to 12% coots. Oheck, from 10 to 12 "cuts. 'finking, from 'to, to 16 route.,• Calicoos, frdhC634 te;l23 cents. Gingfiktii - s, from 10 to 20 cents... ' • , SHAWLS_ $.114137L5l Spring SiLaWls, from $l.OO to $4 00: ; Blank Thibet Shawls. from $2 00 to $4 00. ...NATIONS NOTIONSI Pirritidiglo.ljxbretine, from 50 to $2 00, Stockings, from tiK to 16 cents. 'too wffils. from 21 to $1 10. ,AVY 4 - *kat CLOT :ITN a j CA FF I TS:I CAIIErfS ! . bhogtitigs A. 16 4,TIERNSWARE. PROVISIONS. Sugar Cured RAM and MACKEREL, FRUITS! FR MTS.: ! Dried Apples, Dried Plums, Dried Peaches, Dried Elderberries, Angola to lull the thnes, by L. E. LAUDERMILCH. N. IL —All kinds of Country. Produce taken in ex change fur Goods. L. K. L. Lebanon, April 23, 1862. Economy is Wealth! CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS. The Best and Cheapest Household !Remedy in the Worird. Madame ZADO PORTER'S GREAT COlliGlll REMEDY! raz ~ \ ~\ MOST IMPORTANT.--Madame ZADOC POR TRIPS Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in the reach of every one to keep it convenient for nee. The timely :use of a single bettle will lichee to be worth 100 times its • • • MM.—Savo ror oncy ! a, not be persuaded to purchase articles at 45.. to $l, which do not contain the virtue of a Dime Bottle of Madame Pow Curative Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which is 113 great as that of almost any other medicine; and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the pront to the sellernpottetitly small, and unprincipled dealers will Soipetimos .recoturriend other medicines on which their profits ere larger, unless the customers in sist upon havinfribladame Porter's and none other.— Ask for Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, pries 13 eta., and in large bottles at 25 Ms., and take no other. If you can sot get it at one store yoti i ciin at another. /Or Sold by all Druggists and RI - ore-keepers at 13 cents, and in larger bottles at 28 cents. HALL & RUCKEL, Proprietors, New York. or Jos. L. Lemberger and Dr.•Blpo- Roes, Agents, Lebanon, Pa. (January 28,1863. L. A. LEEG ESTABILSHED 1760 PETER LORILLARD ; & Tobacco Manufacturer 16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST., [Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York,? Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.: Brown Snuff: Macaboy; Demigros, VD° Itappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse HapPao, Neehitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. Teflon ,. Snuff: Scotch, , Htmeg,Dery Ecosch, nigh Totrat Scotch, Fresh Honey Desk Scotch, Irish nigh Toast, Fresh Scottli. or Lundyfoot. • , sEr..Attention ended to the Large reduction in pri ses of pine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which wit/ befriend of a Superior Tobacco. - SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. Long, P. A. L., or plain,S. Jago„ No. 1, Cavendish, or weet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Gamester, Nos. I 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish.'. Granulated. ' ' , " • NIL—A: circular of.prioiso sent on appli. cation. New York, April 1, 1888.-Iy. LaTE'sli JVE W'S - ftirirffesiar - it , arAt•wvor - taqiew - mrif - A ,MAGNIFICENT STOCK OE` Madame ZADOC POR TER'S Corative Balsam is wurrauted if used accord ing to the directions, to core in all eases, Coughs, C 0 1 ,16,, :Whooping Cough, Asthma And all affections of the Throat and Low • Mud's ZAPOO PORTER'S Beim - Kra is„ prepared ail the requisite care at d skill, front combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords Its remedial qualities nr Lased on its power to re sist the healthy and sign runs Oren let 1 A n.ef the blood„ through the lungs, It is note iriolent remedy, but emelliMent,—warm, leg, searching. 'and. effect- WO; can be taken by the *lest person or youngest Made ZADOC PORTER'S Balsam has been used by the public for over 18 years, and has acqub ed its present sale simply by being recommended by those who have used it, EC heir afflicted friends at i others. Towle &lide KENDALL'S BUILDING, Cumberland Street, Lebanon; I'a XlOO REWARD] Nora medicine that. will euro COUGHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WiIOOPING COUGH 'Or relieve CONSUMPTIVE COUGH na quick :16 41 ICS JOE." 'l5 COUGH BALSAM. OVER FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES have beim sold in its native town, and not a single in stance of Its failure is known. .We haye, .in our possession, any quantity of rertifi rater, somealthem from EIifINEWT PHYSICIANS N iP l ha , ... i ve need tin their practice , and given it the preeminence over any other compound. , It does not dry 'op a COUGH, bet loosens it, so as to enable the patient to.expeelo rat e freely. ' TWO OR TITRES DOSES WILL INVARIABLY CURE TICKLING IN TH k TDROAT. A HALF Rollie hes nffMt completely cured the most Stubborn Cough ; _ : . 0 yet. though it.is _so Alum and speely in its opera tiop, it is perfectly h.trutiess, being purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste, and may be adminis tered.to children of at)y me. In cases of CROUP we will guarantee a cure, if Litkoqi in Beason. Nofimily should, be without it. It is within the reach of.alt, the.miceheing C 323113- CM 40 , 033„..tiaL And if on inrestment and thorough. trial does not "back up" the above stmenmoi., the-money will he refupded. We say this hamming its merits, end ~feel confident that one trial will secure fur it a home in every household... .-- • ~ "., ..k, • '''A'. , D o not waste nwl.iY with Conlin*, when no entail an Investment .will cure you, /t may be had of any re treatable Druggist In town. who Will furnish you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures it has made. C. G. CLARK & CO , Pro,-.dietr.rp, • KEW HAVEN. CT. For pale by DruggLits in city, country, and every. where. ' —• . • Nov. 11, 113C3. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Black, Dark Blue., Light Blue, French Blue, Claret Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, snuff Brown, Crimson, Durk Drab, Light DruL, Dark Grerp, Ziglirtlreen3 For dying silk, is, Shawls, ,Scarfs. Dresses, It) , Hats, Fen. 'there, Kid Gloves, all kinds of Wearing apparel. r' A Saving of 80 Tor cont. "IK For twenty-fice cents yen_ can ; color as many .goods es would.otherwise cost like times that sum.— nie process is simple, and any one can use the Dye 'With .perfect success. Directions in Itlnglish, French and German, inside of each package. Nor Further inforthation and _ ; giving .perfect knowledze what colors are best adaptod, to dye Weer others, {with: many valuable recipes.) pfirchane ;Howe & stdplions, Treatise en,Dyeing apd Coloring.— AT THE New York Cheap Cash Store, of GOODYEAR & DIFFENBACH, Cumberland Street, Raber's Block, Lebanon. HATING been at New York and Philadelphia for sometime attending the Auctions, and haying now returned w Rh a very large Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c. Notwithstanding the great advancu In goods they, by careful attendance uram tha Auct ioue and buying:large ly, , ere now prepared to sell goods al New York and Philadelphia Wholesale. relies They respectfully invite tit's, 'attention of their custo mers, and all close Buyers to the following 100 pieces Bleach katsliii from 12 1 6 to 31. 100 •• unbleac had " " /0 .35 10" " Calico 15. 100 . Calico" 15 hest 'i 22. . . 50 . Timelier cloth " 12 1 / 1. to 31. 50 . Best styles American Delains, all prices. GO . Gingham from 1.04 to 25. 50 " Cotton Flannel all colors, and prices. 60 . Wool " 1%." French Merino Gg . 20 . Cobings amid Alpaen. . 'ariety of Dress Goods " We have a full line of LAKE'S CLOVE all Colors and oheap. and a full line of Black and fancy &LEIS and at the Lowest prices. MOURNING GOODS. Onr Mour•;ing Department is complete. comprising Mack French Merino, Borelissines, Wool, Peiain, all widths, Per ihn.o6o....Crob.usiora, SA* ~Piaybus and a variety of all kinds ot Motu-fib:lg and Second inourning • GERTLEMtN'S WARE. , . A f 11 nue of Cloth. Cassimer, , Testing, Settlextta, Jona, of the Lates and Cheapest. GROCERIES. Gores, Sugar, Toes, Spices, Syrups, &a., Cull and look through our stork and get the prices as it is no trouble to chew goods, as our Motto is small profits and quick sales and p od value. COUNTRY PRODUCE taktri in exchange the goads GOODYEAR & DIFCENBACH. Lebanon , &pt.% 1883. HOLIDAY. PRESENTS AT Lowry & Nahm s Confectionery and Toy Store, LATELY occupied by C. N. SMITH, in WALNUT STREET, near CUMBERLAND, LEBANON', PA. They have just returned from the City, .vith a fresh stock o Maims, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Currants; . Citrons, Filberts, Walnuts. Peanuts ; Ali:Minds, Oranges, Lem. one, Cocoanuts, &c., &to. - • Also, a large variety of all k nods of different flavor ed FINE and COMMON CANDIES. Also, an assortment of SUGAR TOYS, consisting of Fancy, White.and clear Sugar Tpys. CHINA WARE, such as large and Binh)! ;Yams, Cups and Saucers, sump China Tea Setts, &e.. &c. .WOODEN AND TIN TOYS-A large and splendid va riety, Of all kinds to suit the tasteit of the pining. CAKES CAKES H Of all, kinds, ativaye on band, mad made to order.— PARTIES supplied at short notice. „Mil - Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them, sad being young beginners, and de sirous of giving general satisfaction, we respectfully solicit the 'Pubic° to give us a trial: wwity,* • . Lebanon, Nov.ll, TS. BLANK RECEIPTS For Collectors of State, County, and Militia Tax, for sale cheap at the Advertiser Office. Also for Collectors tirSchoOl Tax; Blanks'for Bounty and Invalid Pen ion Claims just printed and for sale at the AD VIIITISZE Mee. CHERRY PECTORAL, j FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Colds, Coughs, and Hoarseness. BRIMFIELD, Mess, 20th Dec-. 18.98. Da. J. 0. Area : I do not hesitate to say the best remedy I have ever found for ' Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza. and the concomitant eymptemi of a Cold, is your Caesar Pzeroast. Its constant use in ; my practice and my famHyrfor the last ten years has shown it to kilalSeirf sopa rior virtues for the treatment of ihees complaints. EDEN A. B. BIORTLEY, EBQ.,OrDirI4I,4I. used your Pectoral myself aud , ln any amity ever since you invented It, and believe it the hest medicine for Ifs purpose ever put out. With . a lied cold I should sooner ; pay twenty-five dollars for a bottle than do without it, er take any other remedy." 'Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. SPRINGFIELD, Muss, Feb. 701364. BROKER Arm: I will choerfully certify your Thearni is the best remedy we possess tor the cure of wbo_olittig cough, croop, and the chest diseases of children. We of -your frateraityjn,the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine to our people. „ HIRAM CONKLIN, M.D. AMOS LEE, ESQ., MONTEREY, n, writes, 3d Jan : Off:Sr ," I %had tedi o us eettlineelne th dodrs sir weeks • took many. medicines withon,i relief; deafly . tried your Ptetoralby.the advice of oneeteiti.:...:The Una dose relieved, the swum= in my th roat and Innis less than one half the bottle made me completely well- Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the tend. we can buy, and we esteenl you, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's Mew! , Asthma or Phthisic, and 7 3roncltitis. Wear Mancararsa, PA., Feb. 4, dna: Your Cherry Pectora/ is performing marvelkat cures in this section. It hes relieved several from alarm ing symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man ..irbo has labored nutter an affection of the lungs for .the last forty years,. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A.. A, itAMSEY, M. D. ALBION, Mosaoa , Qp , joy/Ai writes,Septo.6,-113.55:- " During my practice otinany'yinra I hare! found.uothing equal to pm: OMIT' Paztantalbe giving ease and rale to consumptive* patients, or sunny such as are cambia?! . ... We,ntight add-volumes of evidence, bit the most cop. Arming proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in Its effects upon - trial.' • Probably no one remedy ha's ever been known which mired-et) many and such dangerous cases as this... Sonia aro human aid can reach; but even to those the Cherry Fedora/ affords relief and comfort. ASTOR Mouse, New Yost! Orrir, March 6,1861. .. Dacron Area, LOWELL: I feel it a duty ate pleasure' Jo inform you what your Cherry Pegiorat bas-dobb far my Wife. She had been five months laboring under the dew .Barone symptoms of Consumption, from which mien we „could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily fit& lag, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where - we have come tie :advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we do year pkill; for she has recovered ,from, that day. ,she is not let as strong as she used to be, but is free front her cough, and calls herself well. Yours with gratitude and - Jekent, ORLANDO SHELBY, OT diratsTIVILL annenprioes, do not deanaintilf ycM have tried AYES& tHERRT PECTORAL. It is madely-one of the best medical ~chemists in the worldiendite curds sll - tcronnti us beirpeak the high merits of Its virtues. --PirdatioVria,infiiwr. - A • yer s Cathartic T E sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most pirrfirt purgative which is known to man. Innumerable mop ere shown that these Puts have virtues which sin - paestn excellence the ordinary medicine% and that they win un precedentedly upon the esteemufalimen. They eraser° and pleasant to take, but powerful to tuna Thelr.Oeisee hating properties stimulate the Ahebodyi remove the obstioctlOnS of he olivine, purify. the -blood.. and expel disease. - They plug* eilt Aliti foul humors *Web breed .ard grow ithdeipperottluoitate,ologgish or diger.. dared iirgans into their eaturai action, and impart healthy tone with strength to_ tlie whole system. Rot only they cure. the every -day compinintsbrerylledy4 but. Also formidable and dangenalaWhaniee that•hava baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they - are at the same time, In diminished doses, the :safest and. beet physic that can be employed for children. Doing sugar-coated, they arepleneent to take; and behig purely vegetable, are free front any risk of harm. Cures . have been made which surpass belief:were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted petition andachereetee ; es to forbid the suspicion of untruth. -.Many eminent, clergymen and physicians have lent their names to rectify to the public the reliability of my remedierywhile others have . sent me the assurance of theireoeurictical that my t'reptirstions,tontribute . ,insineneery to the relief of en of licted , sulferlitg The Agent below named is pleased to fornialligentia my Atit edam Almanac t oontaining directions for their - use and . certificates of their curse, of the following complaints: - Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, • Heartburn, Headache arising from a ford stomach, Nun see, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, ali. ores nod Cutaneous Diseases which require an amount Aga mile, Evil. They also, l v nnrify- ingenta, tarpon, ra nge, ink, 'urp/e. Nor,/ Purple, atmen, Jute, t inlet : alum_ Nervone Irrihibility,Deramvmen, e the me er and ' nnys; %ant, and other ..kindmintonrplaintls arising *am - a low /Ante tbnliody,* of itlnneitiona. Cic t 63.—81 D . . . . . . .. . . . ~. Do not be mkt off.by,Mnprincpled dealers-with same other pill they make more Trait an. Ask. for Arena PILLS, and take nothing else:- No. Other they can giro you compares with this in its intziasiewedew ocettre powers. The sick want the best aid there is for them. and they should have. it. -. Prepared by Dr. Z. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, lanyell„ ipus. Paso *5 Orig. rss Box. - Frrs Box= ros Sold by 3.1, Lemberger, Dr. Geo. Bows. and D. 8. Reber, Lebanon ; Biever & Bro., Aniirille; Shirk, My erstown ; Horning, Mt.,Neto; A .B. Mark, ftgliview; Harper, East Hanover ; lire% Simefferatown ; end by Dealers every where. CIONTRat' Tila RECEIVED TWO - - - "I: I6 MILX.MM 3% 0 133130.41.X.0311iP . (Prom Juries 3 and 4,) at the , INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON; Being the SOLE AWARDS Gained by Anything of the kind. It also re ceived the cu Perlative Re port of "Exceeding ' Excellent For F00d,:,, AT THE Great International Exhibition at XX.A.353131:711.Cr, Zu.l.sn, 18616 .RECEIVED • TUE HIGHEST MEDAL FOR DELICACY AD AN ARTICLE OF FOOD: Used for Puddings. Custards. Blanc Mabge, ke.,with out. Isinglass. with few or no eggs, It is excellent 6* thickening Sweet Sauces, Gray lea for Fish, Meat; Soups, XT. For.lce Cream , nnthing can compare with it:- A tittle boiled in Milk .rnakes a rich Oreani for Coffee, Chocolate, Tes,-Ac. A most delicious article of food for children and. invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root, and much more economical. Air-Rut up in one pound Packages, with full . dmist• tions, and sold by all Orccers and Dmtggistih : , WM. DURYEA. Jyholo:al.:e Agent; • • 166 Fu ItOn Street, New York. . October 14,1563.—Gm. REMOVAL. • TAILORING. Tll ZO IL HON HER .rmitl re- , ; Fpectfully inform the citizens of Lebanon and Tidally that he hes removed bin Tailor ing Establishment, 11 few dare east of. Laudermllch'a store, and nearly opposite the Washington House, vat Cumberland et., where he will make up - clothing in tho most fashionable styles in - the bast , mantsar;.good tts 4 guaranteed to all. Thankful fur the varr, ithant patron; age extended to -him thud far he hope's to merit and continue the saute. Lebanon, April 8, 7.8C3.—1y. TT RANSPORTATI ON LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad: . < - PARTICULAR attention will be paid ed Ly the Lebanon Valley Raitrot& 'Goode will be gent daily to and from Philliderphia tolsbanon, Myers- • town and Annville Slattern', and all, other points in, the County. FREIGHTS contraeted ler at the least poesitde rate; aril delivered with diepatch. The Proprietor wilt pay Particular attention to, and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all Freights.' Fur information, apply at hte-Oillue at the Lebanon, Valley Railroad Deiot, Lebanon. • , . - EDWARD hi ARK„ hie Agent in Philatieliihia. will al.' ways he found et W. IL .11ush'S Merchant's Hole2,llroril: Third it.. Philadelphia, July 11, 'BOA Livery Stable; 9 1 1 1 P. subscriber respectfully informs the public that 1,1 has commenced a LIVERY STABLE at his He tel, Atarkot Street, Lebanon. • H." always endeayor to, furnish Fr. aid vebiclea,' at moderate yo - ' siring the same. Lebanon, October 21, 18610....621:71117 31ATTRES AYER'S Consumption. BOLD BY ZEN FU2 George Uo4Tmaillifi, LEBANON COUNTY O. IMF AN. - 161 , olk , -O,Ar ...4431tbri est to all de.