• siETEEKA:cr rmaFoicsasEpßEP:34:l3aDsmts _ - Nittilleand Promptly. Executed, at the - ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A establishment is now supplied with an extensive seasdrtineitt of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the patronage demands. It catießoyr turn out PRINTINO, of every descriPtiOn, in a neat and expeditiouinntither— linden To.ry reasonable terms. -Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, tkc., din. Jar DBEDB of all kinds. CommonAndJudgment Bosq. School, Justices', Constables' and other Stamm; printed correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept foraleat this office, at prices "to suit the times." * * *Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Half a Year. ' . • - Address, Wsi.-litA3ititt 'tthr;teliiiiiaii, Pa. . ita - WEIDLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office North,TVest Corner of Water and Market Streets, - 41 6 14 ',_ P 77 1 " 45 ! , .. - Lebanon brow.l.B issa:aay* George. Plieger, _ ATar CYRN LAW , ' - 1 - I ,FFlcE.irCrooms formerly occupied by .1)F. Samuel ll Behm. deceased, and opposite to the Black Horse Htthailt:mberland - Street, Lebanon. ' i.tiagnifil26, 1863. . WEIDMAN, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0;J/:"c4; Quw4lberlind street, a few doors east' of he Begin Hotel, in the office late, of his father CiPt, Jnbn 'Weidman, dec'd.' • • ' `LeVerton• Sept. 9,1863. ' REMOVAL.. • 4.:STANLEI T ULRICIR, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW , Has removdd , his office to the , building, one door eae Landermlleh `liStoreopposite the Washington House tLebanon, Pa. BOlffilffirmfd 1'.g,,N210N. claims 'promptly attended [April 8,433.-3 m. . REMOVAL. S. T. MeADAM, ATTORNEY AT . LAW, la A S REMOVED his office to Market street, opposite I • die Lebanon Bank,two doors North of Widow like's Hotel. Lebanon, March 25, '63, Jroff - li. MOlWalatir IrOSTRICT ATTORNEY, has removed his OFFICE ,JUF tn'the Book lately occupied by Dr. Geo. P. Line. *leaver', in Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a few doors EalitUf the Eagle Hotel, and two doors west of Gen. Weidman's Mee. . . Icbalion Dec. 17,18 p. CYRIUS MIL LER.; ArT°RNRY-AT-LAW.—Offloo in Walnut street, near • ly opposite the Duch BOW, and two doors south Wool Kartnany's hardware store. 'Lebanon; April. 9, BASSLER BOYER, A TTORNEY-A T-LAW.—bffice wis h A. R. ItooonTso, A Esq., CUmberland Street, oppnette the Court House, Lebanon, Pa. - [Oct. '28,1863.1 ARMY AND NAVY PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AGENCY. • DateLEZ LUSTRA 43. X' XI. En - sr Eti t az - 11717" undersigned, &acting been licensed to prosecute 1 claims, and having been-engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, offers his services to all those who at e thereth 'entitled, in Accordance with the various acts of Congress. All such should call or address at onse, told make their applications through BABBLER. BOYER, Attorney at- aw, • OFFICE with A. R. BODGE sq., Ikunberland street, opposite the nose, 'October, 28,1863. Lititinon, Pa. WM. M. DERR, ILTORNEY • LAW, Office in Stichterle Building, Otratberiand street, nearly opposite the Court ouse. . [Lebanon, Play 6, 11363.—tr. EM==EIILIM I'AFFERS his professional services to the citizens of kJ Lebanon and vieinity. 0141051 at the residence of Mrs. L. Duch, two doors West of Office of Dr. Samuel Ban', deed, tu Cumberland street. Lebanon, April 15,1863. w. if r. Ablah cyniettsnerVotsa:tocintlitey..eitfirces in the Borough Walnut street, two doom north of tho fiutheroo--woo -- nonage. . March 4,1568: WEIG:LEY & DEWA LT, COMMISSION MERCILANYS FOR THE SALE OF • Butter,%.!,E:ggs, Cheese ' Tallow, Lard, Poultry, Game, Dried Fruits, G r ain,Seed,&c. „ No. , 170. READS STREET, One door above Washington, NEW-YORK. 0. Weigloy. R. Desalt. R EP BRENCES Robb & Asoongb, New ,Yort: ; Allen & Brother. do Selfridge„BsO,. do: Jones t Shepard, do; Ran son, Latreeb & Fltreington. do; Semite' G. Johnson. do; W.M.ES4:, Lebanon, Pa.; L. Beta. Canton, Ohi o ; C. - Curry & Co., Bankers, Erie, ra.; Hon. John Stiles, Allentown, Pa. [Jan. 14, 1563. EA p, ILETICOPFIL. ADOLPHUS REINOEOL. CUM. 11.41EILT A 'Friendly in Tostil desirous of POrolissiog LUMBER& COAL To the beat advantage. at the old established and *ell:known . . LUMBER YARD REINOEHLS & MEILY At the, UNION CANAL, on the Bast and West sides o ,Market Street, North-Lebanon Borough. THZ subscribers take pleasure in informing the citi tens of Lebanon, and surrounding counties, that they still continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS, at their old and well known stand, where they are daily receiving additional supplies of the BEST. AND WELV-SEASONED LUMBER, consisting of White and , YelloF Pine BOARDS, PLANK and SCANTLING.' Hemlock BOARDS, PLANE. and SCANTLING. RAILS, POSTS, PALINGS and. FENCINOLBOARDS. ASH, from). to 4 inch ; CHERRY, from % te 3 inch. POPLAR, from % to 2 inch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. I \ Oak and Maple BOARDS and PLANKS. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! I SHINGLES! Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. -;HOAL I COAL!! COAL! I 1 A largo stock of the beat quality of Stove, Broken, Egg and;Littmburners' COAL; and also, the best Alle gheny COAL for Blacksmiths. Afa" Thankful for the,liberal manner in which they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation for a-continuance of favors,' as thoy are confident that they now have the largest, best and cheapest stock of LUMBER on hand - in the county, which will be sold ate reasonable per ceutage. AM-Please cell and examine our stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. REINOEHIS & MEILY, North Lebanon borough, May 7,1882. READING RAIL ROAD: SIIM MER ARRANGEMENT. ~" --- -- k-Lwir , GRE/a TABNE.`t,INE FROM THE NORTH AND North-West for P LEILA DELP 1.1 A, NEW-YORK, lIEADINO, PorrsviLLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON.; TWO, leavellarrisburg for Philadelphia. New-York. Readhig:"POttsvilla ;and all intermediate Stations, at 8 A. N., and 2.00 P. 51 , passing Lebanon 9.13 A. M. and 3,08 P.. 51. New Yxpress leaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. H., passes Lebanon . tit 3.15 A. Si, arriving at Now York. at 9.15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg: To Now-York $5 15; to Phil adelphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning.' leave New-York ate A. M., 12 Noon, and 7P. M. (PITTSBURG EXPRESS). Leave Philadel phia at 8-15 A. M., and 3.33 P. M., passing Lebanon at 12.17 noon, 7.17 P. M. and Express at 1.00 A. Si. Sleeping cant in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passenger+ by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 A. M., and 2.15 I'. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottiville at 9.15.A.'111:, and 2.011 P. 51., for Philadelphia. Harrisburg ark:Near York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves ReadTklE at 6.00 A.lt , and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. _ . jar All the aboratrains rill daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville' it '7:33 A. M., and Philadelphia at 815 P, Commutation Tickets, with 26 Coupons at .26 per cent. between any points desired. MileagaTickets, good for 2000 miles, between all points at $46 35—for Familiee and Business Attu. - Beason andSehoot Tickefs, at reduced rates to and from ali Wats. 80 pounds Baggagis allowed each passenger. Passengers are requested to purchase their tickets before entering the cars; as higher Fares are charged if paid in cars. April 20,1888, A PURE TONIC: DOCTOR 1400FLANDI GERMAN MARS, Liver Complaint Dyspep.sma, Jautailice: Chronio or -Icierfoas Diseases of the Kidney:li and all diseases arising from, a disordered 'liver or t tomeeb. . _ . , • Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fairless or Mond to the Head. Acidity of the Slob:tact, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations. ,Sinking'or Fluttering at , the Pit oftbe Stomach. Swimming 'or'tbe Head, Hier tied and Difficult Breathing, Platlering at Ile Remit, Choking or Suffocating Sensations whew in a lyidgpoi. tura, Dimness of Vision, - Dots •or Webs before the Sight, Fever end Dull. Pain in the Head, Defidien9y.of, Perspiration, Vellownaes ot the 'Skin and Eyes„ Pain In the Sido, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c;. Sudden Flughes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits.: • • And will positively provent. Yellow Aver, .Baious Aver, cf.v. No .Alcohol or Bad. Whiskey ? They WILL CURE the above diseases in ninety nine eases out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal .popu— larity of floofland's German Bitters, (purely vegntab hosts of ignorant Quacks and inscrupuloris adventu rers, have opened upon suffering humanity the flood, gates of Nostrums "in the shape, of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs; and christened Ton ics, Btemachiss and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep saations in plethoric bottles, and big bellied begs, f Un *der the modest appellation of Bitters; which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the diaap. I:ointed sof, rer in despair. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are not a new and 'untried article, but have .stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public . : and their reputation and‘sale, are not rivalled by any . similar preparatlott• The proprietors ha, thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS, and CITIZENS, Testifying of their own personel knowledge, ttv.dbe beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN YOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE - ? DO YOU WANT TO BUILD FP YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU WANT ENERGY? „ . DO YOU WANT TO:SLEEP WELL?. DO YOU WANT A BRISK ANDVIGOROUS FEELING? If you Ao ' üße 1100FLAIVD'S GERMEN BITTERS. From .Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En , cyc/opedia. of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines In general, through distrust of their in gredient, and effects ; I yet know of no Sufficient ma sopa why a man may not testify to the benefits be be lieves himself to have tees ived from any simple-prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Trooflarid's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. O. M. Jackson, ofthie city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob art Shoemaker, Nag., for the removal.of this prejudice by proper teats, and for encouragement to by them, whee,,,,,areeing-frout - great and long continued deblll. ty. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the be• ginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodiand P and lad almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them J NRWT.ON BROWN. PHIL/ad, Jun, 23 IE6I. There are twiny preparations sold tinder the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. • This class of Bitters has caused' and will continue to 00116 P as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stim ulants o f the worst kind, the, desire for Liquor is crea ted and kept upoind the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and wiio,4qoc,a. Liquor Bitters, we publish the folloning receipt. Set One Beale Hoof lanq's Genna Bitters and mix with Three Quarts sf Good Brandy or_ lVhiskey. and the result will be a prep aration that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, anti will cost much - less. You will have all the v irtues , of HnojlantVs Bitters in connection with assed article of , Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations Will coat ycia. AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having. relations and friends In the army to the fact that -1100FLAND'S German tters" •w ill cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident "to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of the s'cif, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering front debili ty. Every case of that kind can be readily cared by Hoofland's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. • We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has been saved by the Bitters :" PHILADELPHIA, August 23rd, 18132. .71Iessrs. Jones & Beaus.—W vll, gentlemen, your Hoof. land's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched fur by numbers of my Comrades, sums of whose name are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am, and have been fur the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Captain It. B. Ayres.— Threugh the exposure attendant upon my nriluoustdiu-, ties, I was attacked in November last with inflentmaticin of the lungs, and was for seveuty-two days in the hos pital. This was followed by great debility, heighten ed by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed front the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer "State of Maine." front which I landed on the 28th ofJune. Since that time 1 have been a-' bout as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of Vitality. Fora week or more 1 was scarcelyable to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down,,it was immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my stom• itch. Life could not last under these circ'untstunces; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been work. lug faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told me they could do so more for me, and, advised me to see a clergyman , and to make such disposition of my limi ted funds as best suited me. Au acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbrun, Sixth below Arch Street,.advised rue, as a forlorn. hope, to try 3our Bitters, and kindly precured whot tie. From the time 1 commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I. am now ; thank Hod for it, getting better. Though I have but taken two bottles. t have gained ten pounds, and I feel san guine of being jammed to rejoin my wife and daugh ter, from whom I have heard nothing for 18 mouths: for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicin ity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life which has taken the piece of vague car e —to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege, fof again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life., Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above statentent, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. JOHN CIiDDLEBACK, lot New York Battery. s GEOIt.G.E A ACKLEY, Co C 11th Maine. LEWIS CHEVALIER, 92.-1 New York. L E SPENCER, Ist Artillery, Battery F . J FASEW.ELL, Co B3d Vermont. HENRY IS JEROME, Coll do. . HENRY T MACDONALD, Co C Gth Maine. JOHN F WARD. Cu E lth Maine. HERMAN KOCH, Co 11 72d Now York. NATHANIEL B THOMAS, Co F 95th Penn. ANDREW J KIMBALL, Co A 3d Vermont. JOHN JENKINS, CO B 106th Fenn. • Beware of Counterfeits ! t JEW - . Should your nearest druggist, not,have the article, do not be put off by any of toe intoxicating prepare,- lions that may be offered in its place, ,but send to us, and we will forward. securely packed..by,express. ' PRINCIPAL WPM AND mit.NUFAOTOBS, NO. 631 AMR ST, `. G. A . 241001!LS, Ganeral Sarrintiondeot =I l:cii pj ~‘ ME VOL ; W;22 NOT ALCOHOLICi A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED' Vege , table Extract. I. , II,EPARED Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philacra Pa WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE THEY CONTAIN Particular Notiee. Attention Soldiers! Eee that the elgoaturo of 4 .0. 21. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of earl' bottle. PRICE PER BurrLE 75 CENTS, OR HALF DOE. FOR $4 00. Jones & (Sacmaor to C. id. JACKSON C 0.,) :jt . / roprzetc*.s. Atir TOR BILE by Dr...Gao.-Ketie, opposite the „Court Rouse Unisex, Pay and by Druggists and Dealers in every town in Os Cnited Rates., ;lay TT, 1810.-4. Cfjoits lltatrg. 7 0l The room is swept and garnished for thy, sake: The table slimed . with 'Cove'sqiiiitt liberal clifer ';* The fire, is blazing brightly on tbe.hearth ; Faith lingers yet to give thee wireinint hee. •• • • .. ~ When-wilt MAT come T' • • Daily I weave the airy web of hope.— 'Frailat the stikler's, wrenghtlvith beads dew—: That,; like Penelope's. ericbm igbt .undonei • Each atom in pat lance I begin aria*. : . . 'Yihen.wiltdhon eomel, Not. yeti Tomnirroar her, thight, The fire dA ont, the bangnet:dhieppeer Forever wilt these fingers , drop the web, And only &gelation wait 'thee here. • • `Ob.tome I . - 'r'/(iotili-410Vito' 4 i:-'..fl , BABON SAVES HIS44ABTER.` Jacques Pierrot, who was born' nd brought up in the city of Bourdeaux; Franed, bought a dog, and mar. ried hint' ii l Wife, in the reign of the SixteenthLeuis. His dog was,a large, brown, shabby creature, - which' many called ugly ; but nobody ever applied that epithet toPierrot's wife who was young, sylph-like; pretty and fasci-' Hating. Jacques loved two creatures —so he said at leatkt-- - his dog and his wife. We mention the deg first be-- cause HE alwayB did;'and it was the one of his two loves Which he first procured. Now, though Jacques loved 'both dog and wife, and the dog seemed to love both master and •mistress, the wife, for some reason did not love both husband and dog, but disliked the latter exceedingly, perhaps be. cause she fancied he divided affec• lions that should have" been all her ',Jacques,' she would frequently say to him, 'now do SELL that ugly brute, if you can find anybody fool enough to buy him—or, if not, GIVE him a way. He is only in the way here, and cats as much as you or I.' 'Now, my dear Jeanette,' Jacques -would reply, 'you'd , be one of the sweetest and most reasonable little beauties in the world, if you'd only appreeiate.poor Bober), who's a dog that knows as much as either of us.' 'Speak for yourself, Master Jacques, and not for me I It's no great corn. pliment to the dog to say he knows as much as you. But if he knew ten times as much, of what use would he be to us ? for he takes all out and brings 'nothing in,' :But 1 like company, jeanette.' ""' be- I Well, haven't you me P evident ?PI/ M j niti WI ineW: 'I wish Leonid, and make a night ly report for your benefit.' 'Yes, but I don't want any report, and so prefer the dog, who's always discreet and keeps a civil. tongue.— And then, Jeanette you know be guards the house at night!' 'Guards fiddlestieks, Jacques ! Why; we've nothing for anybody to steal 'But the thieves - don't KNOW that, my dear, you see. - And then, if some of the rascals` should happen to:-hear you..talking so sweetly tome, whd knows but they'd just carry you 'Off, and,leave me to break my heart in solitude. You see I 'got Bobon, for some purpose—l don't exactly know what—but it'll turn up some day, as sure as I'm a prophet.' 'F'shaw ! you're a fool, - .Tacqucal' - know it, but I can't help it, any more than you can help being so sweet and pretty.' 'Well, there, Jacques,' Jeanette we'd, generally wind up, with a, kiss, 'you are a dear good sou& so you aro; and if you'll only prom*: to love . me best, you' may keep 130 . 61 long as you like,' This kind - of ,colloquy generally took place - as often as once, some• times twice, a week—Joanette be. ginning with a firm determination to get rid of the dog, and ending with her permission for him to remain as long as his master might think proper. The subject of this family bicker ing was a very sagacious animal, who behaVed himself as all gentlemanly dogs should. His master did not stretch the trutti.a great deal, when he said that Bobon knew as much as himself or wife—for the dog was a remarkable dog, and would seem to comprehend many things like a ration al human being. For instance, du. ring the wrangle about himself, he would steal sorrowfully away, under the bed or under the table, and there, with his large, bright, noble-looking brown eyes fixed earnestly upon the contending parties, would seem to listen anxiously for the conclusion ; and then, if was, to himself, as it generally he would come forth wagging his tail, and"look up cheer fully, almost LIUMANLY, into the faces of both. Time rolled On, France became as a troubled ocean, and a perfect:tor. nado of human passion swept" adly over the Ship of State. TheTgood but vacillating King Master w:l6' put under hatches, and a monstrous and bloody Insanity took the helm, and ran the old," leaky and crime-laden vessels upon the breakers of -faction, whets she speedily became a wreck, and engulfed hundreds, of. thousands of human beings who bad -embarked in herfor the voyaie of life.' 'Sneaking without_ figure,. that bloody epoch, known ,as . the • Terror, had, begun in. France; thou sands ofoll classes and-ages, were be ing daily.dragged to prisons and,dun. geone,,to. be tberiee e.Ofveyed to 'reek-. ing guillotinesi . and.sinking"..hulks.ror to Some open spot of fiendish-Mae ,saere. _ Bat so, fAr„.Taqqoes, anyt-Aooo_fittp, tho' ofteu horrified at 'what 'they saw and heard, remained unmolested ; L.F,BANON,`, P:A., - wonspAy l NOVEMBER, -5','.-1863. MEM and If kept them company;, and 'atitiet:even Jeanette went so far as to say She,its. glad the noble brute was with thern r an,d ;that - she .would not part r witii-him fur any money. Jacques Pierrot was • a rriitlh 'tgade.--wifidh..W.as - it good :business 'in those ; days, ,when fetters, chains, bolls,swords; axes, knives, and fire arms were in Aquisition and imliev. ingthitimelf agibafe at . the "forge as elsewhere, he , tept steadily at his work from day to day, minding his own business,giving everybOdya *- it word, and'venfuring no opinion on 103r - subject.' 'Bebop regularly accom panied him-to Ind from - his `work; ' and:es jacquee:Wk s rater spite mat io,and -precise on certain points, Jett nkte mgt look out at a certain min ute, an'd See ttleth both, side by side, coming up the,'Street to their Meals. On e ay; -th mapper hour (fret"?' near, Jeanette glanced - at the clock, and thempickened. all her motions, l'Or she was a little behind time with the Meal ; and as Jacques W al3 always so punctual, she prided herself on al ways being ready' for him at the min. ute. -.At length tbevian4 Rood amok. inn on the table and -looking up a gain at the clock, Jeanette was sur prised to perceive the_, minute hand had passed the hour without Jacques being present. 'What can detain him; she mur mured, with , a strange dread of - evil creeping over her, as she hurried to the 'door and looked anxiously the Street. 'Not to be seen either,' she continued, with nervous anxiety; 'what, can it mean ? Mon Dieu! if they should haVe taken him away to prison I' and Jeanette dasped her hands upon her heart, and 'staggered back into the bouse. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed a-, way, - and yet no Jacques. This sus. pense was not to be borne ; better the reality, however .fearful; some thing terrible must have happened ; and throwing a light shawl over her head, Jeanette flew to the smithery. The doors were onenthe 'fire was burning—but no Jacques was there. She made hurried and anxious ioqui ries of her pa9.sers-by ;:but they scarcely beeded her; for that.was not a judicious time for persons to know anything, or care to.knowanything about matters of State, or about in dividuals who bad mysteriously dis. appeared. .. At length ,thaotAstrnas of, wleratiette attraeted th-e., iititrentiont of an old_ woman in the vicinity" ISTITTEWVUU - mew - rn ret ott he tween two - rough-looking men, who might be officers of the Revolution- i ary ,Corn mission. - - - 'Oh ' Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! my poor dear Jacques 1' cried the half frantic wife, wringing her hands.— 'As I feared, he has been taken to prison, and I will follow and die with him But it was not so easy for the 'Oh-, happy Jeanette to follow the missing Jacques, simply because she knew not where to go; and no one, not even the old woman could tell her .whither be bad been taken. So:she finally went home in great distress, to wait for another day, or some tidings of him ; but.she bad scarcely entered the house, when she heard 'Bobon scratching and whining at the door. The moment she admitted him, be flew to his master's vacant seat at the table, put his forepaws upon. it, look ed up sorrowfully in her face, and gave - utterance to a tow mournful cry. 'Where is your master, Bobonr said Jeanette,' bursting into tetw. The dog jumped. down, with a slight bark, and ran to the door. It then occurred to Jeanette to kit . him out and follow him. This she did, and he led her to the massive gate of the-main prison of Bourdeaux. Tremblingly she-knocko at tbe gate; and of the porter who opened the wicket, she inquired if Jacques `Pier rot was confined within. The man gruffly-replied that he didn't know, and didn't care to*kno‘.v, and advised the fair questioner to go about her business. • Thus repulsed poor Jeanette sat down by the gate and cried for an hOur—the noble dog 'standing be. side her all the while , and looking the sorrow which he bad no language to express. When ,at last Jeanette got up and went borne with a heavy heart, the intelligent animal accom panied her - to the door, and then bounded away to take his pOst at,the prison gate, and watch for an oppor tunity to get in to his master. Jeanette passed a sleepless night, praying for the deliverance of ifim she loved. The next Morning at day light she again repaired to the pris= on, but Bohol) : was not to be seen.= She made further inquiries for her husband, and learned he was impris oned within, but could not be com municated with till after his trial, which woad take place whenever the authorities should see . proper.— What the charges were against him her 'informant either did not know or would not tell. Poor Jeanette after this remained most of the day at the gate of the prison, but heard nothing more concerning her husband, and saw nothing more of Bobon. • The.evening following,. the dog re. turned to her and acted very strange. 1y.,. Re barked and whined, rubbed his head againit.her knees, looked up, •wistfully.and .keenlv into her face,' and occasionally put op a paw te.hie neck as if to rernove'.bie Whenever Jeanette would' , open the door as,;before for . him to "oori tact' ; - ,her..to his master, Abe: - .WOhlecitlob hold of her dress with his, teet4i *nd run beok, and ,howl :plaintively; and 21bvertiorta. then go through. With stV his strange motions again. Did he want to-com municate sourething, poor fellow.? At length it occurred to Jeanette that his collar might hurt him,lnd 'She proceeded to remove it. theZog held perfectly still till she had accoin plish6a her purpose, and then whined joyously, wagged: big tail, and skip. pbd about playfully But there lip peered Lo . be nothing' lwrOng about the collar:; and Jeanette'rWould have buckled it on adain,-,only thrtt, when ever shaattenipted-it, tho , poiir brute would crouch down, and howl so nfournfully," as to cause her to - de- zSuddenly, in turning the collar o ver in tier hand, Jeanette, to her great!surpriiie and delight, ;&spied a few. words scratched along , the center 'twit might be with a sharp stone or nail. , With a palpitating heart she immediately set to work to d.ecip'her them ; and soma, wit% Rua). 'feelings as only one in her situation might ex perimice,,she made them out as fol lows : "Fasten a bit of pencil and paper to the collar, and let Bobon come back to ,lacques . 1 * Tremblingly Jeanette set to work to comply with this request of her poor, dear, imprisoned'husband; and as soon 'as this was accomplished, the dog quietly permitted her 'to htelt. le on the collar, and rushed with a bark and a bound through the door open for his exit. - The night and next day passed slowly away, without the anxious wife bearing anything more from her husband, but the night ensuing the dog came back ; and on removing his collar she found, penciled on the pa per she had sent, the following hope. ful note. "I'm confined in an npper cell.— the grated window is toward the east. Between the prison and an open space beyond, is a high wall. There's a fine saw down at the shop, amongst my small, best tools, made from the mainspring of a watch. Send me • that - coiled up in the collar of Bobon. I always told you I bought that dog for something, and now I know for what. I thin I can cut the bars and lower , myself into the yard.— The second night from this-, at two o'clock precisely, throw one end of a rope over the wall, and fasted the other, so that I, can draw myself up if I happen to get out-and, with the saints.' blessing, I may. doretknow what I'm charged witha t .don't :91;MM - rather be ~off with_you an. Bobon.—l'm not very closely watch ed. Bon% fail me, and soon I hope your arms will again clasp your poor Jacques." It is needless to follow out the re sult in detail. The saw was found and secreted in the collar of Bobon, who, true to an instinct amounting to reason; flew back to the prison, and awaiting his chance of dodging in aVithe first opening of the gate. = Terribly exciting were the _hours passed by Jeanette, till the time came for her to act, and to be happy , With sUccess, or be rendered wretched by failure. At one o'clock of the eventful night which was to witness her happiness or misery, the trembling and half. fainting wife took her station in the deep shade of the eastern wall of the prison, with a rope coiled in one band and Bobon, who had joined her a few hours before ' now standing quietly' patiently by her side. Ohl how her poor heart beat I and how every sound made the blood 'leap, and her nerves thrill! At last the , great clock of a neigh boring cathedral struck heavily and solemnly the hour of two. No lon ger trembling, but-nerving herself for the great purpose she had in view, Jeanette quickly poised the coil in her right band, and, holding firmly to one end of it with her , left, sent it upward, with a sincere prayer, into the air, and heard a fairst, dull sound as it struck on, the other side. Was HE there ? Somebody was— for in less than•a minute, she felt a slight pull upon the. rope. Quickly fastening her end around her body, she grasped it with both her hands, and thus held against the heavier strain that ‘ followed. Harder and heavier became the strain upon the rope ; but: throwing herself against the wall, she still held firmly, till she felt the cord suddenly loosen ; and then looking upward, her heart fair ly reaped to her mouth as she beheld a dark figure upon t he top of the wall. A minute later, Jacques stood safe beside her—having run down along the rope, which he had taken the pre= caution to fasten on the other side before, making his ascent. . No word was now spoken—not a whisper—even the dog remained si lent.—Grasping the hand of Jeanette Jacques stealthily, silently, and hur riedly led her away, through one dark and narrow street after another, till he reached a place of safety. The next day a search was made for him ; but he managed . to keep .himself se creted till after the Reign of Murder had ceased to be ; and then he came forth from his hiding place, 'and made a boast of his Own cunning. his wife's devotion, and his dog's sagacity: • It will be remembered that a few years sgo, certain ministers refused to no tice the'day of prayer, because Mr. Bu chanan- was President and appointed that day. What would be said of a minister now who would refuse to respond to 'Mr. Lincoln's proclamation for a day olthanks and prayer, to' God 1, Would he not be rttialtbr and a villian g. TO:would ,and by those who justified ; minietererfor refusing to ; respond to Mr.. Buchanan'i procjamation. Ip.this rolegion. WHOLE NO. 752 SUPREME COURT '‘OF PENNSYLVANIA, Aot.b(Congress of 3d March, 1 863, Commonly ;called the "Conscription. sLaw," Declared UnboristitutiOnal. Darfur S. KrliEbLIR, 1 Three bills in Va. )equity. And on . . DAVID M. LANE,Eft aI. Motion in each plaints 13.:Sannt,Ts• Same. 4 case for special Wit. F. Nionstr.s Same. ) injunction. *raenwaan..T.--,On'the 3d day of March 1863, the Congress of - the United States passed an Act for "enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes," which is com monly called the Conscription law. The plain tiffs, who are citizens of Pennsylvania, have set forth the aetfully in their bills, and they com plain. that they have been drafted in to the m tarp service ofthe Government in twittanne . ol said enactment,. but that the same is nneonatitu tional and void, and that the defendants, who 'are engaged -in executing it, have violatc4' the rights and are about to invade the personal lib erty of the plaintiffs, and therefore they invoke the equitable interposition of this Court to en. join the defendants against the further execu tion of the said Act. • For the jurisdiction of this t Court to set aside an act of Congress as unconstitutional, and to grant the 'relief` rayed 'for, 'I refer Myself to the views of ChiefJhatide In the opinion he has just deliv'efed in these eases, and I come at once o:the constitutional question. The Act begins with It preamb . le Which 'recites the existing insurrection and rebellion against the authority of the United States, the duty of the Government to suppress insurrection and re. hellion, to guarantee to ench State a republi can form of government, and to preserve the pub. lie tranquility, and deolare that for these high purposes a military force is indispensable, "to raise and support which all persons ought will ingly to contribute," and that no service is more praiseworthy and bun ora.ble than the main tenante of the Constitution end the Union; and then goes on to provide for the enrolling of all the able. bodied:thole citikensof the United States "and persons of foreign birth, who have declared: their intention to beconse citizens, beteree'n the ages of twenty-one. and forty.tve years, and these able-bodied eltitens and foreigners, with certain exceptions after Ward enumerated, are declared "the national foreee,"; nod made liable to perform military duty when called out by the President. The act divides the country into military districts, corresponding with the Con gressitnal districts„ provides for Provost mar shals and enrolling boards, and regulates the de tail of such drafts as the / P resident shall order to be made from the national forces so enrolled. The payment of $BOO excuses any drafted per son, so that it is,' in fact, a law providing for a oompulsory draft or conscription of such citizens as are unwillingly or unable to purchase exeinp. tion at the stipulated priCe. It is the first in stance, in our history, of legislation forcing, a great public burthen on the poor. Our State legislation, which exempts men who are not worth. $3OO from paying their own• debts, is in striking contrast with this Conscription law, which devolves upon such men the bonbon which belong to the whole "'national forces," and to which "all persons 'ought willingly to contribute." This, howeVer is an "objeetion to the spirit ef the enactment rather titan its con stitutionality. The discription of persons to be enrolled able bodied citizens, between twenty and forty-five years of age, is substantially the diseription of the militia as defined in our Pennsylvania statutes and probably in the Statutes of all the States. The national forces, then, mean the militia of the States--eerta inly include the militia of Pennsylvania. This expression-, 'national for ces," is moderniatiguage, when 'so applied. It is not found in ,our Constitutions, either Sta - ,&;01 . :"" -; "'"-- 1 'onitiftat" 'aired our stance ing army. At Is a total misnomer when applied to the militia, for the militia is a State institu tion. The General 'Government has no militia. Th'e State militia, always highly esteemed as one of the toilwarks o f our liberties, recognized in the Federal Constitution, and it, is not in the power of Congress to obliterate them or to merge them 'in "national forces." Unless there is more magic in a name than has ever been supposed; this conscript law was intended to act upon the State militia, and oar question is, therefore whether Congress has pow er to impress or draft the tof ilitia of the State. I cannot perceive what objection can be taken to this statement of the question, for surely it will not be argued that calling the militia national forces makes them something else than militia. If Congress did not mean to draft the militia un der this" law, where did they expect to find the national forces? "4114ble.bodied white male citizens between the ages-.of twenty.ono and forty-five years, residing in- th ia State, and not exempted by the laws .of ztlip United States," with certain specified exceptions, constitute our State militia. Will it be said that the conscript law was not intended to operate on these ? I think it will not. Then if it does tench, and was framed' and designed to draft this very class of citizens, no possible objection can betaken to the above statement of the questian vre have to decide.. thereore, repeat the question with greet confidence in its accuracy, has Congress the constitutionalpower to impress or draft into the military service of the United States the militia men of Pennsylvania? This question has to be answered by the Con- Motion of the United States, because that instrument framed by deputies of the people of the Statet and ratified and put into effect by the States themselVes in their respective °operate capanities, deligates to Congress all tho'powers that body can exercise. These delegations _are either express or such implications as are easifn. 00 to the execution of expressly delegated powers. There are but three provisions in the Constitu tion of the United Stotts that can be appealed to in support of this legialatino. In ordinary edi tions they stand numbered as dances 13,16 apd 11' of the VIII section of Act i, of the Constitu tion : "13. Congress shall have power t o raise and support armies, -but no apppriatious of money to. that use shall he for a longer term than two years, "13. Congress shall have power to provide for ealliog forth the militia to. execute the -laws of the Union, to suppress insurrection and repel invasions. "17. Contrast( shati have power to provide for orgeniting, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing snob part of them as may be employed in the service Of the United States, reserVing to the States respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress." "To raise armies"-these ate large words What do they mean ? There could be no limita tion upon the number or size of the armies to be raised, for all possible contingencies could not be foreseen ; but our question has not reference to numbers or size, but to the mode of raising armies. The framers of the Constitution, and the States who adopted it, derived their ideas of government principally from the example of Great Britain—certainly not from any of the more imperial anti despotic governments of the earth. What they meant to make was a more free Constitution than that of Great Britain— taking that as a model in some things—hut en larging the basis of popular rights in all respects that would be consistent with order and stability. They knew that the British army had generally been recruited by voluntary enlistments, stimu lated by wages and bounties, and that the few Instances of impressments and forced conscrip tions of land forces had met Vi ith the disfavor of the English nation and had left to preventive statutes. In 1704, and again in 1807, conscrip tion bills were - attempted in Parliamerft but laid aside as unconstitutional- During the American ' evolution a statute, 19 Geo 11 - I C: 70, permit.: ted the impressment of "idle and disorderly psi. sons not following any .lawful trade or having some substance sufficient for their subeistsoce," and this was its far as English legislatiob bad gone When our Federal Constitution wig planned: Assuredly the flusters of„ our Constitution did not, intend to subject the people of the States to a system of conscription which was app tied in the mother country onlyiepatipersand.vagabonds. On the contrary, I infer that the power confer: red on Congress . was the power to -raise armies by the ohlinatty English mode of voilintsry en liements, The peoplt wAirihatlylealotmof attending ar ,iliac! Renee; they tbok away most of the.war „power:limn the - Eitel:attire, where, under mo ' aerobia! farms; it generally resides, and vested it Is the legislative departateni, in one branch Piirttizsr: , . r'INULT FAFER FoRTOW AND:VOW:2M IE PRINTED AND KIB N REDA WEEKLY By WK. N. BRESLIN. 2d Story or Flnk's New Building, Cumberland is At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year. ASP ADVIRTIitIINUIS inserted at the amid rates. ni-10 The friends of the establishment, and the public getwor ally are iespectrally solicited to send In their orders. Aii - HANDBILLS-Printed at an hours notice. RATES OF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon County *4 cents per quarter, or 13 cents a year. Out of this State, 6 cte.rper'qtiarter, or 25 eta. a year If the postage Is not puid:ln 'advatice, 'rates are Ovalle.. of Which the .'Sfates have equaliepreseutat ion; and in 'the other branch of which the people of the . Fixates are directly represented according to theirmumbers. To,thcise representatives of the States and the people thiettower of originatink war was committed, but even .in their hands it was restrained by the limifatitin of biennial ap prpriations for the support of the aftniee the:) , might raise. Of course, no army could be raised or supported which did pot commend popular approbation, and it was rightly considered that voluntary enlistments would never be wanting to rectu it the ranks of such an army. The war power, existing only for the protection of the people, and left, as fares it was possible to leave it, in their own hands, was incapable of bat used without their consent, and therefor, non t. 6 never languish for enlistmeuts. They would be ready enough to recruit the rank's of any army they deemed necessary to their safety. Thus the theory of the Constitution placed this great power, like other governmental powers, directly upon the consent of the governed. The theory itself was foentied on free and fair elections—which are the fundardental postulate of the Constitution- If the patronage and power of the Government shall ever be employed to control pOpulareitections, the.nominal represen tatives of - ttle:paciple may cease to he their" real reefratiettatives, and the armies .which may be raised may alit so noattitardi 'Palk confidence as to attract the 'necessary recruits, arid then conscript lairs and other extra edastithtional ea pedients may become necessary to fill the ranks. But governmental interference with popular• elections will be subversion of the Constitution , and no constitutional argument can assume such a possibility. Supposing that the people are always to be fairly represented in the balls of Congress. maintain that it is grievous injustice to them to legislate on the assutu t ption that any war hon estly waged for ,constieutinual objects will not always have such sytntiatbYtind support front the people as will secure all necessary enlist ments. Equally unjust to their intelligence is it to' suppose that they Meant to douNr on their servants the power to impress theta into It war which they could not approve. When to these considerations we add the abil ity of a great country, like ours, to "stimulate and reward enlistments, both at home and abroad, bY bounties, plosions and homestead's; as well as by political patronage in countless forms, we see how little necessity or warrant there is for implying a grant of the imperial power of conscription. There is nothing in the history of the Omit& tution nor in thoie eieellen't Contemporaeeetts papere called the Federalist, to justify the °pink ion that this rast power lies wrapped up in the fair plain words of the 13th clause, whilst the subsequent clauses, concerning the 'AMU', abl , solutely forbid it. If the very iMprobable case he supposablii, that enlistments into the Federal armies might become so nunteroita lit a paitictilar State at sensibly to impair its own proper military pow er, is it net much *ore Improbable that the State meant to Confer span the General Govern ment the power to depilie them, at its owe, pleasure, altogether of the militia, by forced ? Yet this might easily happen if the pow 'er of -conscription be conceded to Congress. There are no limitations expressed—nothing to compel Congress to observe quotas and tont:M-- 00ns as among the several States—nothing to prevent their raising armies wholly from one States thing :every able-bodied citizen out of it to the endangering, if not utter undoing of all its domestic interests. And besides, if we concede this dangeinusliow - - er to the language of the' thirteenth hlause. Ire destroy the force and effect of the WoKds of ths sixteenth and seventeenth alaties. We Made the instrument self-destinetive; which is viols- teen, and there ore, argue ongresi; arrnoffEe power to draft them. Is an express rule of the Constitution to give way to en implied one ?= lithe thirteenth clanse confers power to draft the militia, the words of the sixteenth and sev enteenth cl auses are the idlest that were ever written. But lithe eighteenth conferred only the power to enlist roam teem- then the ease quent °lenses become very intelligible—stand well with the thirteenth, and add essentially to the martial faculties of the Federal Government. Look at those clauses. The militia are to be called forth to execute the laws of the Union, supprels insurrections and repel Invasiontli to be organized, armed and disciplined by the State . ; but according to the laws of Congress; and such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States are to be governed by the President but offiebred by the reepective States. Now this Conscription law recites an "existing insurrection and rebellion" es the. ground and reason, not far calling forth the militia under the above provisions, but for drafting them into the military service of the United States. The very case has occurred in which the Constlta tion says the militia shall be called out under Stute officers, but Congress rays they shall hi drafted, in contempt of State authority. Gen: era' Washington and the men of his dayi did not eo read the Constitution, when in euppreasiog the Whisky insurrection id this State they paid the most ecrupulons regard to the rights and poWers of the State. Under pressure of a for eign war, a Conscript Bill was reported in Con gress in 1814, but it did not pass, and if it bad, it would have been no precedent foi this laWi because, we are dealing with' an instnitetfon, and insurrections are epeeially provided for ilk the Cottlititution. If to support a foreign war Congress may draft the militia, which I do not . admit, the power of draft to suppress insurrec tions is not to be implied, since another meld* of suppressing insurrections is expressly provi ded. When *State is called on for its quota of militia, it may determine, by lot, who of thtt whole number of its enrolled militia shall an swer the tall, and thus State drafts are Oita regular, but a Congressional draft to Sitpreii insurrectien.is an innovation that has no war rant in the history or text of the Constitution Either such a law, or the Constitution, must be set aside. They cannot stand together. And, happily, no ill consequences can flosi from adhering to the Constitution; for the stand ing army of the Federal Government, recruited by enlistments in the ordinary *ay; with the State militia called forth according tb the Con stitution, are a force quite sufficient to subduti any rebellion that is capable of being subdued by force of arms. Such a formidable force, wise ly wielded, in connection with a paternal and patriotic administration of all other constitution=-,, al powers, will never fail to put down refractory mileottents, and preserve peace and good order athong the Athbticab people. This Conscript law, tberefor‘not sanctioned by thO donstitst. tion, is not adapted to the exigencies of the timeaf' . nor likely to have success as a war measure: In its political bearings, evert more than in its military aspects, it is subversive of the Consti tution and of tbe rights of citizens that depend upon State authority. A few thoughts will make this plain. It is impossible An Study: our State and Federal Constitutions, without seeing boa► manifestly the one Was designed to guard, and maintain the personal and social rights of the citizen—the other to take care of h issuer. nal relations. Nurture, education; property, home, wife and. children, servants; administration of goods and ohattles after death, and a graveyard to sleep the sleep of death, these are among the objects of State solicitude, for the protection of t whieh the State provides civil authorities and back of,themi the posse eomitatas and the m ilitery to make the civil administration effectual. Nottri if the prin., eipie he admitted tha . t. Coogrees may take away the State militia, who does not see that the ulti mate and final security ofevery Man's domeetia and personal rights is endangered., to ,the ex tent delegated is the Constitution nobody ques tions the right Of Congress to control the State but if to the extend to which this enaot went goes. the States will be reduced to a state of mere counties of a groat ,Commonwealth, and the oit Rena of the State tattst look td the Feder al Government for the enforceineta of allhis,do mestle rights as well as for the revisal= able external relations. The eitleens of the States .need protection from tentage foes and todien,tribes-rpeacefal in tercourse and'Odatteeice with all the *orld,--a standard of videos and of *eights and o:mattered that shall be common to • all, the, State% and a postal system that shall be :'o.e*te*lsbrek SOW interstate trade.nod ..cOuttnerre. - 'itdiPtt red maintain thestsxtertsaUgatiOntltif the eitlieni are•high duties whfitt.thi•VOnstittition has max mitted to the Federal Governmedt, and haalftw- Mailed it with all necessary civil funotionaries; and with power to levy and collect taxes from the pee , ple of the.Stetse, to raise and 1111140