attVtrtiott: T Zwiteass, - • - bb N , BM WEDNESDAT, NOVEAIIItII 11, 1863 HOiViFi AFFAIRS. KlMhp ort Tilt liAlttlCtAD.—On Sat- Urday a ttern eon . last, a boy about 10 years of age, son OW. George Gordy, of North Lebanon, was killed en the railroad near Pinegroce street, in this borough, by a freight train. It is not known jo artain tystrbethey the , un fortun ate boy was IhrlOwn.frOur tl4e4rathY a sadden jerk, er.wheth er he was endeavoring to puss under and through the cars. The wheels passed over his neck near ly severing the bead from the body, and other. wise mangling him. Ile is said to have been a smart, intelligent lad, We deeply Sympathize With the parents :u their affliction. Rev. Dr. Harbaugh, pastor of St. John's Congregation of this place, has recently betit delved professor of didactic Theology, &c.. in ate , Setninary a.t Mereersburg, by the Synod lifigh-P- 'alumna Reformed Church recently in ses• !einn•at Carlisle t , in place of Rev. Dr, B. C. Wolf, Ireiieed, Dr: Schaff has resigned his pro lessor idrirft In the 'Seminary for a period of ,two years, trlnilitning to visit his friends in Europe. The $2(10. lost by. Mr. G. L. Atkins weretound hist week by Mrs. Killinoyer, near the Furnace,Dantinglitnore who promptly returned it to tho owner. It is ucky for Mr. Atkins that Xis money fell into honest hand's. Previom3 to the election the Demo crats of Union townsh ip held a meeting at the house of Jacob Beeshore, as they ha d_ a right to, when settle of the, opposition party, in accord. once with the teachings of their leader:', attempt ed to break it up. They, according to tt. , eir own got diAasaited and battered for the it labor of love, whets they instituted a presecut B ills were prepared end laid before the g rand jury, last week, which were very properly lrie‘ted out and the prosecutors ordered to pay the cos,'s. .There are a good-matey more besides the prose cutors of the Bottditirei, who deserved' "choking aid kicking" for their conduct at meetings this fall. Startling ! but true.—The Volunteers axe braving the dangers of Fever, Scurvy, Wounds and Cholera. Many a gallant fellow will leave his bones to bleach , who, by the aid of DOLL°. WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, would have returned to his family strong and healthy. Sol• diet's, try them ! Only 25 cents per box or pot. 226. The Direotors of the Poor met on 'Monday and reappointed Mr. E-iward Kreider Steward and Dr. Win. M. Guilford Physic - Wm for the coming year. They also appointed C. P: Miller, Esq., Counsellor to fill the vaenecy inan e:lased ty the death of Levi Kline, Esq. The Lebanon Valley Bank declar eo,M Tuesday of last week, a semi-annual divi- dend of three per eta t, clear of U. S. taxes. BOARD OF CLAIMS.—A. Board of Ap• praisers, consisting of Colonel James Worrell end Hon. A. 0. Mester, of Dauphin county, and Jacob Weidle, EN., of Lebanon county, were appointed by the Court on Friday last, to inves tigate the claims fur damages occasioned by the rebel raid of 1862 in the counties of Franklin and Fulton. The appointment ismade under the net of 11th n rid 23d of April, 1863. Tbe Board will commons° its sessions at Chauthersburg some time next week. IRON Urn! UOLLEGE, PITTSBURGH . , PA, —There is no Ins - that - ion of learning in the country, gt presen t. Wren t ing co great an amount of attention as Students are flocking to it from all parts of the country, on account. of the reputation it has among business men for mak ing' tbrodgli, practical and reliable aecoun tents. Its graduates take precedence ever those of all other Comintern int Schools ; a Diploma from this College being a certain passport to success in business life. The faculty is composed of skillful and expe rienced men, whostand at the head of their pro fession, and who ore well known to be eminent. ly fitted for the positions they occupy. Every young man in the country should try to avail himself of the advantages afforded by a course of study in this College. Circulars of the Col lege, containing full information,can he had on addressing the principals, Messrs. JENKINS & SMITH, PrITSBOItaiT, Ackerman's Perfected Extract of Coffee, one of the chnapestand best prepartions of coffee offered tosthe public. Give it a trial. It costs .6 cents a package, which, with a pound of Coffee is equal to two pounds. It comes highly recommended. For sale at - J. L. :Lemberger's Drug. Store, op. pasite the Market house. 3t. Sulphite. of. Lime for preserving Ci der.' A fresb lutist this artielejust received, and for sale at Leusberger's Drug Store. 3t. /41011. Or !OR :001YRTERFRITS l not only of bank bills, .bat of everything truely valuable.— We understand that even" the ind ispeus ib le arti cle known na,"Family Dye Colors" are not en exception to this The imitations, like all court terfelts,' sire utterly worth less. Remember that Rowe do Stevens' Family Dye Colors arc the original, the only valuable and useful thing of tliokind. • . Mr. George Clarke, the dentist, has sone to P,kiladelph is -to attend ,Leoturoe. and prolthibli`iwill`be'bock to `Lebanon about March to resume his piofessional duties. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT.-0 1 ) day Oast as dis.tressing an accident happened to a child of Mr. David Blough, in North Lebanon township. as could well be imagined. The mother of the child (which was about 7 m4nths old,) had laid it on the floor alongside a large wood stuye to sleep . , and left it there to attend to her 'works." A boy had occasion to enter the room to get c pair of stockings banging over the stove to diy, when by some moans the stove was upset upon the , child burning and bruising it ter ribly. It lingered about 24 hours before death put an end to its sufferings. The School Directors of this bor ough have rented the Town Hall and intend o pening a school therein. Most of the schools at present are overcrowded. ' `.'‘CILOLLOCK'S LiBVAIDI" Is the best itna purest Baking Powder known for making Light, Sweet and Nutritious Bread and Cakes. It does not contain a particle of Saleratus, Alum or'any other kind of deleterious drug; but is perfectly pure and healthy. It is an excellen t composi tion for persons suffering from dyspepsia. For sale a LEMBEAGER ' S Drug Store. TAKE NOTICE.—The enrolling is go log on. and it is expected that the Conscription en will be enforced immediately, so I would advice every body to get their PICTURES taken in time for their re lotions and friends, and the only place to get a No. V Picture is at &UNEASIER'S New York Photographic Gallery, for he is taking the cheapest. the best, and most lifelike Pictures in Lebanon. It le admitted by all that be can't be beat, for his gallery is always crowded. Give hiin a call awl you will find as we rec ommend. Remember the place. Zimmerman's .New York; Photegentlig Gallery, in Cumberland St- Call early and 'lOllll,ll a crowd. P. S.—Children and anybody that hos got weak eyes should call at Witninerman's Gallery. His Pictures us by require from 3 to b seconds time to sit Puns, Rifles.-Pistols, Powder, Caps, dm. gAtrgivoir SPda'r B MEN.—.l. G. AULENBACEI would re iipectfUlly inforni the public that lie continues the business of manufacturing and dealing in OUNS, RIFLES, PisTot.s, POWDER, Ceps, Wade. and all kinds of gunning end gun mated al,.at ids Sternal.% Market Ftreet, a few doors North of tlie L..V . It. R Lebanon, Pa. *l3; All Nina of Repairing done et the shortest pos slide notice and in the nest style o f workmanship. Lebanon, June 24, 18d8.--3m. Blanks for Bounty and Invalid p en ion eta 4114 just printed and for 3410 at the An • TERTISER Office. gptgiat 4,Dtitts. ( commumeATED.) PULMONARY CONSUNPTION A CURABLE DISEASE ! ! A CARD TO COIVSURIpTIvES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy. after havicfenf fared Bowers! years with a severe lung affection, a n d that dread dieeaee, Comnimition—is anxious to make known to hie fellow.aufferers the masks of cure. o=;&==2=te= (free of charge), with the directions foi proPering and using the sante, 'Which they will fled sure CifiZ far CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHI- TlB, dOldfl US, COLDS, Au. The. only Jobject ; of the ad. Vert Der ill sending the Pteshrintlefris to benefit the afflicted, and spread information 'Which its toileelves to be invaluable ; end he belies every siiilerer will try his terliedy, as it will cost them nothing, and ma; jakete a blessing. Dirties rrisith,g the prescription will please address BEY .EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Conroy Oct. 21, 1803,—1m. New York. 4 BE WISE BY T11412R! bo not trifle with your IleaPh, Constitution and Character. If you are suffering with any Diseases Cur which lIEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIII is recommended, TRY IT! TRY IT I TRY IT ! It will Cure you, save Long Suffering, allaying Pain and Inflammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND FURITY, At Little Expense, • And No Exposure. Out out the Advertisement in another column and call or send for it. • - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask for Ilembolt's. Take No Other CURES GUARANTEED. OetOber 28,1863 —2m. Ircrible Dischgnres SECRETS for the million 1 A most valuableand won derful publication. A work'of4oo pages. and 30' colored engravings. DR. 1113M033'S MADE MECUM, an °stains' and popular treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never Falling Remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of DR. MINTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solici tation of-numerous persons, he has teen induced to ex tend his medical usefulness through the medium ofhie .41 , ADP. MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the laud. as: a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of ono of the most awful. and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be for. Warded free of post ,"ge to any part of the United States for 50 cults in P. 0. stomps, or 3 eopiea for $l. Ad dress. post paid, DR. IrONTEilt, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Sept. 3,1833.-Iy, Dr. Tobi 3sl lireaa-atiet ! lra. X-Jiwilatxs.(eamt, A Certain cure for pains and aches and warranted ,Asuperior to any other. Croup-At positively cures relief is absolutely sure immediately it is naafi. Moth ers remember this, and arm yourselves with a bottle without delay. Group is a disease which gives no no tice, frequently attacking a child in the dead hour of the night ; before a. physician can be summoned it may be too late. Remember, the Venetian Liniment neverfails . Price 25 and 50 cents abottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 55 Courtiand Street, New Ittrk. Sept. 23, 1855.-Im. A Gentleman, iThURED of Nervous Debility, Incompetency,Proma ki ture Decay and Youthful Error , actin: tedby a de sire to. benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directsons for making the simple Remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by his experience—and possess a Val uable ;remedy—Will receive the same, by return mail, imrefully.eattled,) by addressing JOHN B.:OGDEN. No.oo NASSII.7 STREET, KEW YORK, Aug. 19, 1.883.-31 n. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit. and as a warning'and A C.ILUTION TO YOUNG MliIN who suffer from nervowt Debility, premature Decay of Manhood, etc , supplying at the same time. THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense Roll injury through medical humbug and ltuackery. By , enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be bad of the author. N ATI! AS I Et, MAYFAIR., Esq.. Bedford, King 4 county, N. Y. bray 27, 1863.-Iy. DR. JNO. L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops • . FOR FEMALES. This valuable medicine is now offered to the Ameri can Ladies as the only sure, positive, and-never-failing cure and regulator of suppression of nature, from whatever cause. Particular care should be used to know that Pregnancy is not the cause, as the Drops would surely produce an effect entirely contrary to the course of nature, for which I wilt not hold myself re sponsible. These Drops arc so mild and pleasant, that the feeblest can take them with perfectsecurity, yet so powerful in their effects, that they may be safely called a never failing Reap War. They can be: procured by addressing me as directed below. I have used`this med icine for the last twelve yearsin praetice,und there fore well know its merits. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 per bottle. Address DR. JOHN L. LYON, New garon, Conn. July 25,1882. =I!UM= MAD AM PORTER'S CURATIVE BALSAM has long tested the truth that there Ore great minciples in Medicines as there is in Science, and this Medicine is compounded on principles suited to the manifold na ture of Man ! The cure of Colds is in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle internal warmth, and this is caused by the use of this Medicine, Its remedial qualities are based onLitglpowel..l.ty musk di the healthy and' vigorous circulation of bleod'throbgh the lungs, it enlivens the mules and assists the skin to, perform its duties of regulating the heat of theeyatem , and in gent ly throwing off the waste substance front the surface of the body. It is not a vollent remedy, but emollient warming. searching and effective. Sold by all drug gists at 13 and 25 cents per bottle. Sept. 2,1863. A Card to the Suffering. • The Rev, Wars:rex Cosonove, while Inhering esa MiSSiOnarY in Japan. 'ANS core d of Consumption, when all other means had fa Bed. by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great City of Sadao. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffer ing from Cousumpt ion, Bronchit is, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. . Desirous of beneatting others, I will send this re cipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge Address Rag. COSGROVE, 4.39 Fulton Avenue. ' Brooklin, N. Y Dec. 10,1802.—1 y QUESTION.-110H0 I there Ditk and Nancy, where are you going, •that you are in such a hurry ? Altswea.---Why we are just on our way to Daily's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . Ile takes splendid pictures, and hiti Gallery is nearly all the time crowded. so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before any body else gets there, or we will hove to come away again without getting any. QUEST, — YeI4! 1 have heard too that Doily's Gallery is nearly all the time crowded, and so why don't you go to some other Gallery ? Aas.—Oh my! we could not think of such a thing..., We admire the true and beautiful picture that Daily takes, so muck that we would not go to another Gal lery if we could get thent : nothing Ile has seven years, experience in the basiodss, liars a complete sett of improved instruments, an excelliut sky-liebt, slip therefore takes the best pictures u town, and so of Course every body 'that wants a good picture goes to him. QuEsv.—Witat k ind.ofictures doesue take? arts.-110 takes Photographs from. miniature to life size, plain W or colored. s card from, have been pronounced store truthful and life like than solos the , have been taken in our large cities. Ilia Ambrotypes are beautiful, and can't be beet. lie also excels in copying pictures front entail Daguerreotypes, purl Cu. forging them almost to any rise. ()stem—Where is this Gel lory I must give him a call too. Aws.—Just come along with Nancy and 1, and we will show you. It is in Stine's New Building. next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. He bus constant ly on hand a good assortment • of - G ilt and Rosewood Frames, cases, Albums. &c., which he Bulls cheap.— For good and cheap Pictures we itairise all to go to Daily's Gallery, *Lebanon,* Pa. March 11,'63. I (yan k • • t I 1411 Z ' ' , ittaltf 0 • . _ German pi caching next Sunday morning and English in the evening in Salem's Lutheran church. English preaching next Sunday at 10 A: M., and Ger man service at 2 1 A i". M., in the MoraVian church. Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church.—English preaching in the morning, and German in the afternoon at 334 • o'clock. Preaching next Sabbath morning in the English lan. gunge in the Find Reformed church. gittr. On the 7th inst., JOHN, oldeitt on of George W. GORDY. aged 9 years, 10 months ang 22 days. On the 6th inet.. in this borough, EMBER EVLS WORTH, child of ,Peter and Sarah MILLER, aged 3 months and_ 22 days. On the Bth of Oct in Sheefferstown. WILLIAM BARR, a highly respe4ted, useful, and industrious citi zen, aged 61 years, 3 mouths and 4 days. On the 2711 i of October, at Cornwall, Lebanon comi ty, Mies ANNIE SLIMES , after an illness of severe I weeks, at the age 0)1 years. 6 months and 8 days. Sleep, loved one, sleep With thy white hands folded meekly O'er a still and pulseless breast, Slumber, sweetly, calmly, deetily„ Take thy quiet. dreamless rest. Nevermo re Will grief or anguish Cloud thy talc and sonny imam Walkout the shadow of a sorrow. Thou art with thy Saviour now. Sleep, loved one, sleepl 'With the dear ones gone before thee To the heppy home above : Thy pure spirit now is stray ing Through the realms of light and love Yet we murmur in our blindness, And for tears we cannot see All thy joy, peace and glory, We can only weep for thee. Sleep, loved one, sleep Rest thee darling, slumber sweetly, We who now thy loss deplore Soon we'll come and sleep beside thee, Thou art only gone before To the realms of lire eternal, To tby home among the blest One of Ood's own holy angels— Sleep sweet darling take thy rest. gER TEAOffER. On the 30th of October' at Cornwall, ISAAC, young. tat ¬ Isaac and Charlotte LIAMBLETON, aged 8 petite, 7 mo. and 17 days. [Communicated.l the death of this beloved young chlld is to the hearts of the bereaved family like dew on a plant, from which a laid has perished. Th., plant lifts up its head in freshened greenness to the morning light. so the be reaved family gathers from the dark sorrow through whin they have passed ,a fresh brightening of their heavenly hopes. Little "tease passed away in the hap pinesa of life. and always was a happy, Joyous and healthy child, its strong constitution and brave spirit battled short and fiercely against the inroads of dis ease, but at length overcome by a short illnese found deliverance in the peaceful arms of death. What a change in the family with the loss of such a child.— The full loneliness of the vacant place only the parents know. Yet he knew that the hour of Death would soon come, he called his father to his side, and said, "Father thou hest no little boy anymore, I am going to heaven to dwell with angels there." Clay they feel that heaven` was the only atmosphere where their precious flower could unfold without Spot or blemish, and they would not recall the lost. 'Knowledge in that clime 'loth grow Free from weeds of toil and woes, Joys which mortals may not share Mourn ye not your child is there. re Memory of ISAAC HAIKBLETON Close the door lightly, Bridle the breath, Our little earth angel. Is talking with death. Gently be woos hint, Ile w itthes to shot. _ ills arms are about Win— ne bears him away. Music comes floating, Down from the dome ; Angels are chanting The sweet welcome home Come stricken weeper! Come to the bed, Gaze on Ste sleeper— (Jar Isaac is dead I Smooth out the Ringlets Close the blue eyes-- No weeder such a beauty Was claimed in the sky, Cross his hands gently Over his white breast So like a wild spirit Strayed from the blest, Bear him out softly This Isaac of ours Let his grave slumber Be mid the sweet Bowers. lIIS TBACILOR Barriela. On the 30th of Angstst. by the Roe. EL S. Miner, 31r. HENRY S. GRIME, to Miss MARY ANN KAHLE, of Lebanon, On the Bth inst., - by the MOM. Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHONDEL3IRTER, to 31 iss MARGARET WEIST, both of Coro He ll The Lebanon Market. ear,.rully Corrected ' LEBANON, Wsmessear, NOVEMBkt 11, Mg. Extra Family, $7 50 Eggs, 11 doz., , 20 Extra Flour, 7 00 Butter, 99 tb.. 20 Prime White Wheat, I 40 grub or salted butter, 10 Prime Red Wheat, 335 I Lard, 9 New Wheat, ""P : Tallow, 10 ~,. Prime Rye, I us Ram, 30 Corn, 95 Shoulders, g Oath, 70 Sides S 5 00 Clover-seed,7 Timothy-seed, Soap,' 1 50 Bees-wax, 25 Flax-seed. , 1 25 White Ra 6, 5 Dried Apples, pealed,l 50 Mixed Rags, 2 Peach "Snits," 250 Flax, V lb., 12X Peach "Hutzels," 152 ID: atlas, '4A lb., 40 °berries, 150 Feathers, V lb., 6234 Onions, 37 Wool, p lb., 40 Potatoes. V bus, 50 Soup Beane, V qt., 7 Apple B utter, Vcrock. 45 Vinegar, V gnl., 1234 The Philadelphia Market. The Flour market continues very rum, but there isnot much doing for export. Sales of 500 barrels old stock extra family sold at $6 371, and fresh ground do. dn. at s7n7 25 per barrel. Small sale- , for the supply of the retailers and bakers at 5 371a5 75 for low grade and good su perfine, soa6 50 fur extras, $6 75a7 50 for extra family, and $8 up to $lO for fancy lots—accord to quality. There is very little stye Flour here, and it commands $6 37-5a6 50. in Corn Meal nothing doing. The receipt& of Wheat are light, and_it is in steady demand, with sales of 1500 bushels plod Pennsylvania Red at $1 50, some choice quality at $1 53, and 500 !Instr.:ls Ken tuck White at $2. Rye is-worth $1 19a1 20. Corn is arriving more freely, and has again declined 3 cents per bushel, with sales of 10,000 bushels Southern Yellow, afloat, at $l. Oats come forward very slowly, and command 80 Cents. CATTLE MARKET.—The offerings of Beef Cattle were very large, reaching nearly 3300 bead; an increase of 750 over last week, and the market was dull at about previous quoted rates. Poor Cattle being very unsaleable. 1100 head ware taken by the United States Government and the packers, and 41 . ®500 left over uttso Id.— TireThiaance wore taken- by the battlers at pri--f. cos within the range of s6@9- for oeu,roon to good and prime, including a few extra quality sold at SIO net, and some Virginia Cattle at $2.1 lg)S3 the 100 lbs gross. The principal sales were made at sB®9. Cows and Calves—About 250 were d isposed of at $20@35 each for Spring ers, and $25@50 Em Cows and Calves, which is rather better. Hogs were a fraction ower, and the receipts, about 4700 head, found buyers, in eluding 3765 at Glass' Union - Yard, at S 7 ®7i, and 877 at the avenue at $61@62, the 100 the, nett, as to condition. Sheep—The offerings on: ly reach about 3500 head, one•half as many as last week, and prices were firm, ranging at 5© bic I tb, gross. Pilerti,senuitto. HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT Lowry & Nahm's Confectionery and Toy Store. LATELY ncenpied by C. N. SMITH. in WALNUT STREET. near CUMBERLAND. LEBANON. P.A. They have-just returned from the City. with a fresh a lark 0 flittidins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Currants, Citrons, Filberts, WI louts. Peanuts, Almonds, Oranges, Lem ons, Cocoanuts, &e., • Also. a large variety of all kinds of dif f erent flavor, cal FINE and COMMON CANDIES. .xSlsn, WI assortment of SUGAR TOYS, consisting of Fancy. White,and clear Sugar Toys. CHINA WARN, such as large and small Vases. Cups and Saucers, s•"zall China Tea Setts, ke.. WOODEN AND TIN TOYS,A large and splendid vit. riety, of all kinds to suit the tastes n f the young. CAKES r CAKES I! Of all kinds, always on band, and made to order.-- PARTIKS supplied at short notice. ,Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them, :.pd being young beginners. and de sirous of giving general satisfaction, we reepeetfully solicit the public to giro us a trial. *JOSNIPEI LOWRY,* 14 . PURI' N A 1 . 1 3.1 . Lebanon, N0y.11,113. Statement, TIIE LEBANON BANK, Nov. 4, 1863., published 1,..1 as required Ify Acts of Assembly, viz: lit—. Loans and Discounts 227,276 25 Mint Certificates 70.000 U. 5. 12 mu. certificates. . . 50,000 U. $. Loan 26.000 Penns)lvania War Loanf 10,000 . • I . 1,440 $254,716 25 24.--Specie 36 . 583 51 . Specie certify 52,983 51 mutes 14,400 Legal Tender Notes, 37.400 Notes of other Banks, 'MORO Due by other Banks, 117,586 37 ---------- $221,049 88 M.—Notes in Circulation. 246,496 4th.—ltitlinidual Deposita, 144,250 90 Due to other Banks, 1,878 a 8 f 146,138 83 E. A. 1311LBR. Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed before nun Nov. 0, 1863. Lebanon, Nov. 11, 1353. .1..1. BLAIR, .1. P. Statement OF THE LEBANON VALLEY BANK. Tatum: v. Pa., November 3, 1863 - ASSETS. Loans and Discounts Loan to Commonwealth United States Mint Certificate and Bonds 73.701 00 Due by other Bunks 63,652 42 U. S. Legal Tender Notes 14,430 00 Notes of other Banks 3,055 00 CashDraih;,.k Checks on other Banks 2.729 54 Bold and Silver [including loin to COMM%) 35',745 69 $309,565 . 35 LIABILITIES. . . . Notes in circulation $131.966 00 Deposits 81,247 2.5 Due to other Batiks 933 73 --$214,140 88 The above statement is correct, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. JOS. N.S.U.CII, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me • Lebanon, Nov. IL, 1803.3 Alirrno37 S. Es.', J. Y. Private Sale • OF A VALUABLE TAVERN STAND. riTHE subscribers offer at private sale their valuable 1 two-story Brick TAVERN STAND at the Lebanon Valley Depot, Myerstown, Lebanon county, Pa. The llouse 1.30 by 35 feet, with Kitchen Attached 3=3 by 23 feet large Shed, Well with never failing water, Cis tern, and other outbuildings. This property is at the Depot, about 34 a 'mildd from 3lyirstown,And is imitable for almost any burble s. Possession and good titl'e given on the Ist day of April 0.864. • Tor further pto HARRISONDEN ART, • = . JOHN A. AONGEB. fdyerstown, Nov. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. 0. ofo. F. A full attendance ofthe members of Lebanon Lodge, A No.lm .1.0. of O. F., is requeeted at their liall on nea t 'FRIDAY evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements to attend in full 'Regalia the dediMition of the Rattle Grounds at Gettysburg. Pa., to take place on Thursday the 19th inst. By order of the Lodge. ATTEST. J. IL S.I.ILLER, Secretary. Lebanon, :Nov. 11, '63. AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Time for the Opening of Market Rotas. WIIEttEAS it being desired to amend an 01101- NANCE enacted June 10, 18021:3, as follows, viz : Therefore, Be it enacted and ordained, by the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Lebanon, that on and after the publication of this Ordinance, ft shall not be lawful for any person or persons wh-tever, attending market for the purpose of disposing of mar ketable produce, to offer for sale, or sell, such produce, before the hour of 6 o'clock, from the let day of Novem ber to the Ist day of Mardi. Enacted Noreutoer 4. 1863. D. lq Mid' Burgess D. E.MILLErt, Clerk. Lebanon. Nov. 11, 1863.-2 t. ' . Lebanon Bank Notice. riiriEßH will bo an adjourned mee ling of the Stock ]. holders of the Lebanon Beni. on Monddy, November 30, 1803, at 1 o'clock, P. M., in the banking house, Lebanon. E. A. 13 ULkilt, Cashier. NOT- 11, 1863, Myerstown Property AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer at private sale -the following valuable Real Estate on the Berks and Dauphin Turnpike, in Myerstowu Lebanon county, viz:— No. I..—A Lot and a half of Ground, having erected thereon a two story Frume IMMO, adjoin- tag lands of Augustus • Stoner and Ja cob Spangler. The same lot contains a ease d tom-story frame Shop, Stable, Well atm- I f I I : ter, &c. This property is suitablo for two tlamilies. No. 2'.—Two Lots of Ground..having erected thereon • = a two story Stone: HOUSE with filitch -4W---„; en attached.= 1=34 Story- frame Shop, v •• out-kiiciteux.WASi. ofperer tailing AM ter, Cistern; Sce,.. lliri 'prOPerty ra 70• ''=- = - cited on the road- called No.r S rent loading to Lancaster, in the to-en of Myerstown, and is anitable for any raechani ml busi ness. Possession and good tit]o will be given on the ]et Say of April, 1.544. For further particulars apply to A. DONGES, AUGUSTUS D. STONER.. Myerstowoi Nov. ii, '63 PRIVATE SALE OF Myerstown Property. 11111 , 1 snbsri iber ofTers rrtt private sale a LOT OF GROUND situate . in Myerstown. Lebanon county, - " on the Derks and Dauphin Turnpike, adjoining property ofJneoh R. wnom. or, and Widow CopPenhaver. The int 4.,:i., provementa are a 134 story Frame HOUSE:, Stable. end other outbuild ings. It is tree of Ground Rent. Posaession and good title will be given on the tat day of April, Mit Par further information apply to AUSUSTUS D. STONER. Myargtown ,Nov. Ur, '63 Public Sale, OF A Splendid' Farm ON Saturday, November 28, 1863 rrlllt subscriber offers at public sale Ms fine farm 1 in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, a bout 5 miles from Lebanon. near the Cornwall Anthra• cite Furnaces. on the road leading from Cornwall to Shaeffer steam, contai.,ing 100 Sores, more or less, of goild Farming Land, adjoining property of IL W. Coleman, G. 1). Coleman, Jacob Bucher. and others The improvements are, a TWO' STORY weather-hoarded. LOG DWELLING HOUSE, Sweitzer BA RN, Summer house, .1 Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Ac. A Bret rate Orchard, Well with never failing 'water,. and pump near the house, and FLOWING w ATER in every Held with one exception. Also Sor 10 Acres of WOODLAND. IRON ORE has also been found on the premises. good title and possession will be given on the first day of April, IS&4. Effie to commence at 1 o'clock I'. M. Nov. 11,1863 XlOO REWARD!, For a meaicioe that will. cure COUGHS, TICKLING , Irr - iIiTTIIROTT WIIOORTNG COUGH, Or relieve CONSUMPTIVE COUGH, as quick as ED 4 11 CD JIE:"Nsi COUGH BALSAM. OVER FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES have been sold in its native town, and not a single in stance of its failure is known, • We have, in our possession, any quantity of cortiti rates, some of them from - EMINENT REVITSICT NS, who have wed it in their practice, and given it the preeminence over any other compound. It does not dry up a COUGH, bnt loosens it, so as to enable the patient to expecte« rate freely. TWO OR THREE DOSES WILL INVARIABLY QURE TICKLING IN THE THROAT, A HALF Bottle has often completely cured the moet Stubborn Cough, and yet. though it is so sure apd speedy in its opera , dun, it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste,ktud may be adminis• tared to children of any age, In cases of CROUP we will guarantee a core, if taken in r ea son. IVo family should without it. It is with in the reach of all, the, price being Ciiol:l3.3r Eta Ceutost. And if nu investment and theroagh trial does not "bark up" the abovli statement, the money will be refunded. We'say this knowing its merits, and feel confident that one trial will secure for It a borne in every household, Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small an investment will cure you, It may be had of any re- Lpectable Druggist in town, Who will furnish you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures it has made. NEW HAVEN, OP. For sale by Druggists in city, country, and every niters.. Nov. 11,180,4,. 250 BEST PIANOS. 250 DIJC . KETI, Having removed toltistnecv Wireroonis, 19 West Houston Street, New York, Tickets great pleasure in calling the attention of the pub lie to New and Full Seale 7 Octave ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES. Containing idi the Modern improvements : Overstrimg Bass, French Grand Action, Elarp Pedal, and full Iron Frame, from $OOO to $OOO. 7 1-4 ROSEWOOD Extra fini 'lsom . " 'we aage. Tho greet success at tendiuol Pucker's New Seale PilltlO Fortes is, of itself, sufficient guarantee, for their superiority.. They etity need to be heard to beowno un icormit favorites, 4 14 GRAND PIANO FORTES, (For which the Prize Medal was received at the last American Institute Fe ir,) he offers. fur 1113.100. Mr. Thiciter's Tlich. toned end Powerful 7CIRICOLCOXIMOZWES, Which received the First Prize in roan and ;mkt. and likewise at the Inst. Fair, lie now effers at the following low prices, varying from $3OO t 0411•325. These superior instrument'? pusses suiltrient putt or to lead a congregation of 1000 persons in any Church. All their instruments are warranted to be made of well.seesoned material, end regulated in the best style. N. 13.— and antateurs are respectfully in vited to esiintino these very superior instruments. October 23,1863.—1ra. sloB'_32 70 5 .000 00 U.; MANHOOD; " HOW LOST! DOW RESTORED Just Published, in a Sendai Envelope. Price Six Cods. A. Lecture on the Nature ./ Treatment and Radical Coro of Spermatorrhmst or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Etnissimul, Sexual Debility, and failpediments to Marriage generally, Nexvoneness, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits: Mental and, Eby - steal Incapimity, resul t- Mg from Self-Abuse, &e.—ily ROLM J. CULVER WELL M.D .. author of tie green Book, dm The world renowned author, in this admirable Lee ture,clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self.ahuse may be effectually a mode of cure at once certain and removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgicalii,poopinertaintg out bungles, instruments. rings, or cordial, and effectual, by which every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, may curd himself cheaply, prl. vately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Bent under seal, in a'Plain envelope, to any address,' two postage stamps, by on the receipt of six cents, or addressing. ' ' ` ou*S. J.. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, TieruNcirii:. Po&t Office 80x,4526. October 21,1863.-Iy. - * , HENRY BUCHER C. G. CLARE ,t 7 Pro;4ietors, Friends and Relatives OF THE BRAVE SOLDIERS At SAILORS. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy. should take special care. that they be amply sup plied with these Pills and Ointment ; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailers have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have-been proved to be bre' Soldier's neverdidling friend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS, Will bo speedily relieved and effectually enred by us ing these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions whmh are attached to each Pet or Box. SICK IIEADAQ.IIE AND WANT OF APPE TITS INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These feelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or eat ing and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus Ms tu t b ing the healthful action of the liver and stomach The organs must he retie , ed, I• you desire to be well The Pins, taken according to the printed instructions will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and strimach. and as a natural cot once, a clear head and gaol appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER. FAT le LIE. Will soon disappear by the use of these invaluable Pills, and the Soldier will quiekly Acquire additional strength. Never le. the Bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. Utility scorn strange that Hollo way's Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persona supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is It greet mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach, and thus remove all the acrid humors from the syst nu. ThiS medicine will give tone and rigor to the whole.orgemic system hewer er deranged, while health and strength follow es a mat ter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so 4tlre as title ISMOUS medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! LYDISCRE TIONS OF YOUTH! Sores and Moms, Blotches and Swellings. can with certainty be radically cured if the Pills are taken night and morning, end the Ointment be freely used as stat ed in the printed instructions. If treated in any other manner they dry up in one part to break out in another Whereas this ointment will remove the humors from the system and leave the Patient a rigorous and heal , thymtan. It will require a little perseverance in bad craws to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS. EMIER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR Tin: BUL LET, SORES OR BRUISES, To which every Soldier anti Sailor are liable, there are no medicines safe, sure and convenient as Hollo way's Pills anti Ointment. The poor womoled and al most dying:sufferer might have hhi wounds drt*sed im mediately. if he weak) on iv supply hiaiselt with this matchless Ointment, which should he thrust into the wound and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece or linen from his Knapsack and compressed with a handkerchief. Tatting night and IllOrri ing or 8 Fills to cool the system and prevent inflammation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and ,Sestmen's Cheat should be provided with these valualde Remedies. CA UTION !—Non., are granitic unless the words 91111.1.0WAr,. NSW YORK AND Lc:um:Kg," are ditiiernible as a Watermark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the seine may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one renderingsucb information as may lead t o the detection of any party or parties cone torteiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *.,„.* Sold at V a Mannflictory of Professor HoitowAr, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civ ilized world. In boxes at 24 cents, O 2 cents and $' each. tar There is considerable saving by taking the lar ger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in ev ery disorder are affixed to each box. [Oct. 28, 1853. Dealers in my well known mud icines can have Show Cards, Circulars Ac., sent them, FREE OF EXPENSE, by addressing THOMAS HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, N. Y. - _ Fancy Fitrs '1 1 ancy Furs ! ,:-... 4 , John Farcira l ,_ dI T 4,, No. 718 Arch Street, , i" below Bth. sont'... side, 74. : 'A.:".. I'IMADELPiII A. _,..C.•• - 71 ,. 4 4,' ,, re importer, Mannino te-1- timer of and Denier in — all kinds of " ~; 'i. 4 'it 1 4 4:41A ' Fancy F urs , 1 ~,, i 44;01," -- far Ladies' and Child , .it 41,,,AV - ___'—''' e ! ren's Wear. ?7,,t 1 14A'R. 4 -...-- I wish to return my .. ~;:..7. z .,,.....f t : k 0 f z,7 . ..: thanks to my trimois of_ f_ iejilf -- lip,4 , P . ii:lt and th is surrounding _ „ .,___..4„,,_:, , , ~..._ C? unties, for their Ter) . :...r .... 1,.. 7. - 4', ,.--,,,,,... )3b.ral patronage ex =_-..-_,....--=-------- tended to me al u ring tae -'"-- .1 . .. ,-, --='f--" , - ,- - - -- - last few years, and would say to t norr 'Wall TElStorc. of .- - Itnnortation and Manufacture a very exlensive assort. ment of all the different kinds Cu,! gnat tieA of FAN CI NTH& for T.adias anti Children ; that will ho worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Importor of all my Fors from Eu rope, and having them all Manufactured under my own supervision—enables -me to offer my enstomere and the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for the same money . Ladies please give me a call before purchas ing ! Please remember the name , number and street. JOHN FAKEI RA, N 0.718 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. Sept. 16,1863.-sm. Economy is Wealth! CURE YOUR 5617011 FOR 13 CENTS. The Best and Cheapest Household Remedy _ in the World. Madame ZADO PORTER'S GI{LAT COUGH, REMEDY! Madame ZADOC fOR. TM'S Curative Balsam is warranted if used nocortl ing to the directions, to cure in all cases. Coughs, Colds, Whooping Congb, Asthma. and nl l r. ffections of the Throat and Lung,. Mad'e ZADOC PORTER'S Balsam is prepared wi , h all the requisite care al d skill,Trom a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords Its remedial qualities ar based an - its power to to slot the healthy and ,igo roue el ten let ion of the blood, through the hinge, It is not a violent remedy, but emolliment,—war m, ing, searching and effect ive; can be Laken by the oldest person or 3-oungest Mad'e ZA DOC P0111901'3 Balsam tws been used by the public for over 18 yearn, end lute negui. ed its present Bele simply by being recommended by those who have used it, Lc, their attllctedfrienda 1 other!. MOST IMPORTANT.—Madame ZA DOC POR TER'S Curntive Rnisem ie sold nt n price which bring^ it in the reach Of every one to keep it convenient for use. The timely use of a single bottle will prove tube worth ItiO times its oast NOTICE.— Save Your Noway !!—Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 4s. to $l. which do not contain the virtue of a Dime Rot tle of Mmiame Por ter's Curative Ilaleam, the cost of -manufacturing which is as rest as that of almost any ether medicine; and the very low price at which it is sold. makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other inedicine:sou which their profits are larger. unless the customers in sist upon haying 51adonto Porter's and mule other.— Ask for Madame Porter's Curative 'Balsam. price 13 cts., and in large bottles at 25 eta, and take no other. If you can sot get it at one store you can at another IGe - fold by all Druggists and Store-keepers at 13 cents, and in larger bottles at 23 cents. HALL et MICKEL, Proprietors, . New York. tar- Jos. L. Lembergor and Dr. Geo. Ross, agents, Lebanon, Pa. - (January 28, 1863. TO eTAIKEXPENO AN D PEDLERS ALSO TO THE PEOPLE.OF LEBANON. MARCUS NATHAN respectfully informs. the people of Lebanon and vicinity that ho has opened a No tion and Fancy Dry Goods Store in Lebanon for the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Wade of nil articles in his lino at the most reduced prices possible. His stock conststs in part of till kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stock lugs and Hose, Undershirts, Drawers , Woolen Crape and Nubia., Mils and Gloves, Scarfs ,all kinds of ihmk er aims, Collars for Ladies and Gentlemen, Hairdresses and Nets, Ribbon& and Velvets, Spool and - Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Scissors, Combs. An., Ac, A large assortment of UMBRELLAS anti PARA SOLS, at the lowest pr Ices. ,Spectacles, ,ks, Portmonaires, Dominoes, Cards, Ac. A large assort ment of Musical Instruments, Violins, Accordeons, Banjos, Tamborines, Flutes, Fifes, Baskets, Trunks. Carpet . Bags, Satchels, and all kinds of Toys, in fact everything almost that can be thonght of in the Notion and Fancy line. Also a large variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES. Pedlars and Storekeepers will Sod it their interest to buy of us. Our Store is in Cum berland Street, in Funck's building, between the Conn noun and Market Rouse. MARCUS NATHAN, October 1i,1503 MCI LATEST sTrE FUS 1111 L7 4 5; 4111 - 1031 Lz 6 .11VCC.:1411111 - A MAGNIFICENT sTocti OF • FALL •AND WINTER DRS"-GOODS , AT THE ANEW YORK STORE, WO baroe jrlat opened the following list of great bar:aims. rl , tit:; Vt ., / 14 , oar ',lvor in New York :De Laints, '2O and 25 ets. per yard; very good Prints from 10 rta. upwards, lloonrd allttizes, vary la; test styles; Black Stella Shawls, 3 1 ,50 and upwards ; Ladles' Collars and Slserea , than ever. GROCERIES, GROCERIES.. We have just received froiti New Forks fresh stock of GROCERIES. curb us Molasses / Sugar / Coffee, Tea, &cm, fte.., girtVe tray our Goods exclusively for CASH, ant are thinebY always enniile to hey ‘sli-re we eau find the cheapest and will always give our customers the benefit of tLia admit:lire. but one price and our terms are CASIL Come and exantitte our stock, and if you itne't bay you w faces. Lebanon, Sept. '23, 1863 Special Notice, THE PROPRIETORS OF TLIE GIRARD HOUSE PH I LADE LPIHA, Respect fully call the attention of Business Men and the travelling &nnum ity, to the superior accommo dation and comfort ifered in their ext4blishment. KANAGA, YOWLER & CO. A umust 2C. ISM—Ame. Howard. Association, Phl . adelphis Pa. TATSEASES of the NERVOUS sl's SPEXHA. jf TOREMEA. or SEMINAL WEAR - NESS, IMPO TENCE. and other affections o f the SEXU A L ORG A NS PHYSICAL DEltlbirr and PItEMATLtIU DECAY._ now and reliable treatnient, in Reports of the Howard ASSOCilitioll, sent by mail, In sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Address, Dr..l. $ /TOWARD Assoc/Amex, No. 2 South Ninth Ftreet, AWILPHIA, Pa. January 28, 18 C3.—ly. STOVES. STOVES.- -vow is the time to hey your STOVES before sold n winter is hero, and the beet and eheapeat place ie DIM LObazoit Stove, Tiii";e.nd - ShOef iron Manafa,e- tory of James N. Rogers. Two doors South from the Lebanon Bunk, where can he had the largest and best assortment of PA BLOB. HALL., and GCOK UNG STOVUS, ever offered in Leha n -n, Gas Burners for Parlors or Bed Chambers of big own make. with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves. and It large variety of-the best Cooking Stoves in the county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roast WASSI HOMERS con 'tautly on hand of all arses, and tliebo;t mete:vial. GOAT, HUCK ET:i—the largest assortment, the heav iest iron, and the best made in Lebanon. Also. a large stock or TIN WA 11E. made of the best material and in a , votkmanlike manner. As he is a premien] Workman, mid h,s had en experie ,, ce of twenty-fire years. he reels confident that he can give general satisr coon. Ile takes this method of returning his hanks to his numerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes'. by strictly a.teuding to his own business and lotting other people's alone, to still receive a share of pupilc pat mange. JAMES N. 1W ERS. tar Particular attention paid to 41 kinds or jou,' No such as Roofing. Spouting, .tc.. and all work warranted L. R. DINEws LIQUOR STORE,- Markd Square, opposite the 3ficrtrt ffouse, Lebanon, Pa. r IRE undersigue4 respectfully informs t..e public that he has received an extensive stock of the choicest and purest Liquors of all descriutions. These i t Liquor She is invariably disposed to sell at on precedentedly low prices. Dro„,ogb , ts, Farmers, II otel Keepers, and oth ers will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. , L. it. D.BEG. Lebanon April'ls, 1553. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE 11Tew York Cheap Cosh Store, of GOODYEAR & DITENBA.CII. Cumberland Street. Faber's Block, Lebanon. TT AVING- been at New York andilliadelphia for II sometime attending the Aneti and having new returned w fth a very large Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c. Notwithstanding the great advance in goods they, by careful attendance-upon the Auctions and buying large ly, are now prepared to soil goods at New York and thiladalpitits. ITholesale Prices They respectfully invite the attention of their custo mere, and all close Buyers to the following. 100 pieces Bleach Muslin from 19 to 31. 100 " unbleached 44 16 4 $ : 105 " Calico - Calico " is best a 22. 50 " 'fattener cloth 12: 1 ,4 to -31. 50 " Best styles American Domains. all prices 50 " Gingham from 18. 4 , to 25. 50 " a.tron Flannel all colors. and prices. SO Wool 20 " Cobings and Alpaca 44 -Variety of Dress Goods " We have a full line of LADIES CLOT!! all Colors and •heap. and n full line of Black and fancy SILKS and at the Lowest prices. MOURNING., ooDs Our Mourning is Departmen complete. comprising Black French Merino, Bombazines, Wool Detain, all widths, Par , iatt cloth, Cashmiers, Silk Poplins and a variety of all kinds of Mourning and Second Mourning pods. GENTLEaIEN'S WARE A full line of Cloth . eassititer , Vesting, Sattinetts, Jens, of the Lates and Cheapest. GROCERIES. Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Spices, Syrups, &c., ke., &c., Call and look through our stock and get the prices as it is no trouble to BilbW goods, as our Motto is small profits and quick sales and p od value. • COUNT/tY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. GOODYEAR 4 . DIFFENDACLL Lebanon, Sept. 9, 1163. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AT TIIE STORE OF L. K. LAUDERMILCH, In Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling ow:. Selling Off AN INDUCEMENT TO CASH BUYERS. WILL SAVE ...!CIIIENO PER CENT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS . French Merino and Coberg. Fancy and Black Silks, from 50 cents to $1 50. Delains from 10 10 20 cents. Lawns from. 6W, to 16 cents. Mohair Phan from 16 tout 1Z cents. Talencias from 8 to 16 cents. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAFs. Black Cloth, from $1 00 to $4 50. Fancy and Black Casslineres, from 50 to $1 50. Ladies' Cloak Cloth, from 51 00 to $1 60. Cottonades, from 10 to 20 cents. DOMESTICS. Muslin, from to 121 cents. Check, from la to 12 "outs. Ticking, from ;0 to 16 cents. Calicoes, from 614 to 12% cents. Cingliams, from 10 to 20 cents. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! ! Spring Slmnis, from $1 00 to $1 00. black 'Tibet Shawls, froin $2 00 to $.l 00. NOTIONS ! NOTIONS! ! Parasols and Umbrellas, (mat° to $2 90. Stockings, from tu to 75 cents. Hoop Skirts, from :5 to $1 50. ' Handkerchiefs, from Ole:, to 18 cents Linen and Paper Collura. An astpriment of READY MADE CLO r !NO, CARPETS! CARPETS!! GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE. PROVISIONS. Sugar Cured HAM and-MACKEREL. FRUITS! FRUITS!: Dried Apples, Dried Plums, Dried Peaches, Dried Elderberries, Allsold to snit the times, by L. It. LAUDERMILCIT. N. B. —All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex• change for Goods. L. R. L. Lebanon, April 23, 1862. • ESTABILSHED 1760 PETER LORILLARD , Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer 16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST., [Formerly. 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the attention of Deelets to the articles of his manufacture, viz.: Brown Sniff. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine !tappet), Pure Virginia, Coarse itappee, Each itoclies, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. Yellow SOOII7 Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Sceteh, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch. or Lundyfoot. /161 .Attention is culled to the large reduction in pri ses of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of et Superior quality. To ba eco. SMMING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING.. Long, P. A. L, or plain, S. Sago, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet,. Sp an i s h, w No. 2, Sweet Scented Gronoco, Canaster, Nos. 1& 2 Tin Foil 011vendish, Tartish. mixed, Granulated. NB.—A circular of prices will be sent on appli cation. • New York, April I, / 863.—1 y. NOTICE. 4N Electionfor thirteen Directors of the Lebanon Valley Bank, will be held at she banking hnuse in Lebanon, on Monday. the Nth day of November, nest, between the betas of U .%, M. and 3 Y. M By order of the Board. /08. l ARCII, Cashier. Lebanon, October 16,1863.. Towle & Caxlisle, KENDALL'S BUILDING, Cumberland street, Leb4non, P. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TUE RAPID CURE OF Colds, Coughs, and hoarseness. Mamma, Mass.. 20th Dee.,1855. DR. 3. C. ATER do not hesitate to say the hest remedy I have ever found for Gonad;, Hoarseness, Influenza. and the coneolnitant symptoms of a Cold, is your CIIERRT PECTORAL. Its constant uas in. my practice and my family for the last tea yens hoes shown it to possess supe rior virtues for the treatment of times complaints. R I ENTGLIT, M. D. A. MORTLetY, Eso.,of lima, N. Y., writes: "1 hare aged rota• DOOM/ Myself and in my fondly over since you invented it, and believe it the Lest medicine for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-Pre dollars for a bottle than do without it, or take any other remedy." Croup, Whooping Cough,. Influenza. Sramornan, miss_ Peb. 7. SSbtl. Bacili= Arm: I will cheerfully certify your Ptctoral Is the best remedy we possess for the cure of whooping cough. croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of your fraternity, in the South appreciate your akin, and commend your medicine to our people. 'HIRAM CONKLIN, Si. D. AMOS LEE, ESQ., MONTEREY, Lt., writes, 8d Jan, 1856; 4' I hod a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doom six weeks ; took many medicines without relief; finally tried your 'Word/ by the advice of ourelergyman. The Drat dose reliered the soreness in my throat and lungs ; less than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we can buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's friend?' Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. MANCIIESTER, Ps., lab. 4, 1556. Sta: Your Cherry Pectora is performing, marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarm ing symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the tangs for the last forty years. LIEN ttY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., AMON, Moulton Co_, lowa, writes, Sept. 6,1555: "During my practice of many years I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable." We might add volumes of evidence, but the most con vincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its effects upon twin!. Consumption. Probably no one remedy bas ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach; but even to those the Merry Pectoral affords relief and comfort. Asron Rouse, NEW Yost( MY; March 5, 1556. DOCTOR Area, LOWELL: I feel it a duty and a pleas - ore to inform you what your Chem/ Pectoral has done for my wife. She had been five months laboring 'under the dan gerous symptoms of Consumption. from which no afd we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily fail ing. until Dr. Strong; of this city, where we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless hie kindness, as we do your skill; for ehe bus recovered from that day. Sho is not yet as strong as she need to be, but is free from her cough, and calls herielf well. Yours with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SIIELBY, or SITELLYTILLIC. Omsumptires, do not despair till you have tried AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all around us bespeak the high merits of its virtues. —.l7nTaddphia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. m TIE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost ED produce this beet, most perfect • purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these PILLS have virtues which surpass is excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win en. pracedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They aresafe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cnre. Their pene trating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, • remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors uldch breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disor dered organs into their natural actiommar Itorm4hewlthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do- they urge -the ernry-day complaints of every bixiy;lnite, also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human gin While they produce powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for Children.' Using sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take;' and being' purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures hare been made which surpass belief were they not sub' stantiated by men of such exalted position and character * us to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of my remedies, while others have sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering follow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and certificates of their cures, of the following complaints:— Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Rowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite. all Ulcer ous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuant medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify ing the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervons.lrritability. Derangements of the Liver ami Rid ners. Dont, and other kindred complaints ari,ing from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put oft by unprincipled dealers with some ether pill they make more profit on. Ask for Arm's thus, and take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid there is Sr them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass Fuca 25 CTS. PLR Box. Firs Bo= Erna $1• Sold by 3. L. Lemberger, Dr. Deo. Rasa. and D. Daher. Lebanon ; Biever & Bro., Annvilln; Shirk, My erstown Iforning. 51t.D.Zebo ; A. E. Mark, Harper, Sa,t Hanover ; lirail, F:haeft..:ratown ; and by Dealers everywhere. LIVEYEAV DAINEILI RECEIVED TWO “X , 1=1.12.3M 1V1M3=1..9.T-elet" (From Juries 3 easel 4.) at the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, Being the •