II Fl 1 14 It t ' t • , -0 , . " COUP umpuotsivis zEnmigaammur.P.creteasz. Neatly anti .Promptly Executed, at the ADVERTISER OTELCF., LEBANON, PENN'A ,Tail establishment is now supplied with an extenskye assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the patronage, demands. It can now turn out PRINTING, of every description, in a neat and expeditious manner— union :very reasonable terms. Such as .-Pamphlets, Cheeks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, • Programmes, Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, &c:, &c. 'JfiIif`DEEDS of all kinds. Commen and Judgment BONbS. aclmol, Justices', Constables' and other BLANKR, printed correctly and neatly on the best paper, .constantly 'kept for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the; times'.? * * *Snbse'ription price of the LEBANON ADVEN.TISPit One Dollar and a Half a Year. Address, Wm. hf. BitstniN, Lebanon, Pa. George Pilleger, ATT'O'RNEY -AT LAW,- oFFIHE in rooms formerly of:carried by Dr. Samuel Bebm. deceased , end' opposite to the Black Horse Hotel, C-mberland Street, Lebanon. August 26, 1863. GRANT WEI D N, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. irMFFICE . in,Ctfinhherland street, ,a few doors east of Vir tlie Eagle Hotel, in the office late of his father Capt. John Weidman, dec'd. Lebanon. Sept. 9, LW. I{,EMOVAL. 'A. STANLEY VIGRICII4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, lins.removed.his office to the bn Ming, one door eas oT titudermficii 's Store, opposite the Washington House Lebanon. Pa. BOUNTY and PENSION claims promptly attended to [April 8,'63.-Bm. • REMOVAL. S: • T . : 111c:ADAM, ATTO,RN EY. A.T LAW, H ASIU MOPED Lis !No g... r tr tri t f ,o tvi a oci a o it s e r t e vr e o th il ltiar the Lebhnon Bank, oorx Itise's„Uotel. - "`Letkatⅈ_ll4arch 25, '63, • - 0 1 11 ISTRICT .4.TTOENEY, has removed his OFFICE to the mom lately occupied by Dr. Geo. P; Line. sweivier, in Cumberland Street, Lebanon, a few doors 'East of the Eagle Hotel, and two doors west of Gen. Weidman's Oflice. Lebanon Dec. 17, 1862. CYRIJS P. MILLER, v TTORNEY-AT-LAW.--office Welnutstreet, neat • A ly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors south from Kemeny's Hardware store. Lebanon A .ril 9, 1862.-ly. BASSLER BOYER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—office with A. B. BOUM:ITER, Esq., Cumberland Stieet, opposite the Court Holm, Lebanon, Pa. [Oct. :8,1663.1 ARMY AND NAVY BENSION, BOUNTY. BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AGENCY. DA,IVIEN USVE-IL 21. 113 37. E t, t W • fillE undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute I claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, offers his services to all those who at a thereto entitled, in accordance with the various acts of Congre.-s. All such should cell or address at once, and make their applications through BASSLER BuVitit, Attorney at-Law, OFFICE, With A. It..BOUGlrren, Esq., • Cumberland street, opposite the Court Mouse, 40i:tuber, 33,1663., Lebanon, Pa. - • Win M. DERR ,• ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oiliee in Stichter's Cumberland street, nearly opposite the Court Mouse. 4' 4 , (Lebanon. May 6, 1366.--IL 131 i lir.' Saltine' S. M eily rFFEES Ids professional services to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity. OFFICE at the residence of Mrs. L. Duch, two doors West of Office of Dr. Samuel Debra, decd, in Cumberland street. Lebanon, April 15,1563. Dr. Ablah 1, - fria. riFFBIIB his professional liettiCeS tO the citizens of the Borough of Lebanon and "vicinity. Office in Walnut street, two doors north of the Lutheran •Par soilage. 31areb 4, 1863. WEIGLEIT & DEWALT JI IffSS TO V MER HANTS FOR THE SALE OP Butter, Eggs, Reese, Tallow, Lard, Poultry, Game, .Dried Fruits,. Gram, Seed, &c, No. 170 REAM STREET, One door ahoy" , Washington, 0. Weight'.:: 7 , It. Dowalt.' - - - REFERENCES Robb & Ascongh, New York; Allen & Brother. 4o W. W. Selfridge Esq., do; Jones e Shepard, do; Sian- Hon Laboeb & Farrington. do; Samuel 11. Johnson, do; Breslin, Esq., Lebanon. l's.; L. Betz. Canton, Ohio; W. C. Curry & Co., Bankers, Erie, Pa.; lion. John_ Stiles, Allentown, Pa. Van. 14, 18833 SAMUEL REINOSHL. ADOLPHtIs REINO.EHL. CHAS. 11. NEILT A Friendly invitation fi laßst ME To all desirous of pure:wit% LUMBER & COAL To the be advantage, at the old istablialied 'and well-known LUMBER YARD REINOEHLS & MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East and West sides o Market Street, Nor th .Lebanon Borough.. subscribers take pleasure in Informing the till ." tens of Lebanon, and ,surrounding counties. that they still Continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS, at their ad and well known stand, where they are daily receiving additional supplies of the BEST AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER, consisting of White and Yellow Pine BOARDS, PLANE and SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, PLANE and SCANTLING. RAILS, .POSTS, , PALINGA and FENCING BOARDS. ASEI, front 1 tcv4 inch; CHERRY, from to 3 inch. POPLAR, froln to 2 Inch. -- Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. Oak and Maple BOARDS and PLANES. Roofing antLlGuateritig LATH'S. .striNGLES i" •.; SUING LES i ! SIIIN'GLES ! Also, Pine and hemlock SHINGLES. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! A large 'Steck of the best quality of Stove, Broken, EgOnd•Litneburners' COAL; and also, the beat Alle gheny COAL for Blacksmiths. ,gar ! Thankful for the liberal manner in which they hi3ie heretofore been patronized, they would extend a caidiaLirfaleation for a continuance of favors, as they are confident that they now have the largest, best and cheapest stock of LUMBER on haul in the county, which trill be sold at a reasonable per centage. .00- Please call and examine our stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. BEINOEIILS & lIIEILY. North Lebanon borough. May 7,186'2. PRIVATE , SALE , • • OF •BcfrgOUGH PROPERTY. mitt eibscri,bgi Orem for side the zot of Ground on 1 ;Market street, Lebanon. 34 square south of HR west side, 33 feet front by 199 deep, formerly occupied _... by George Hess, Sr. The improvements are two story weather boarded DWELLING HOUSE and other improvements. For further information, and terms, apply to GEORGE S. GASSER Lebanon, Sept, 9,1863. IMA DING RAIL ROAD! SUM MER ARRANGEMENT. - - - - GREAT 'MUNE LINE mom THE NORTH AND North-WeA fur Plll LADELPIII A, NESV-YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, &c., &c Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. New-York. Rending, Pottsville, and all intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M. and 2.00 P. M, passiug Lebanon 9.13 A. 31., and 3.08 P. M. New Yxpress leaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. 31., passes Lebanon at 3.15 A. Al., arriviez at New York at 9.15 the Baum morning, Fares from ilarrisburg: To Ns w•York $5 15; to Phil adelphia $3 35 and $2 SO. Baggage checked throng)); Returning. leave New-York at 6 A. 31., 12 Noon, and 7 P.(ph-mune EXPRESS). Leave Philadel phia at Si., -15 A. M., mid 5.33 P. Al., passing 'Lebanon at 12 . 17 noon-, Wiry . , 'BB ...and Express:at I.oh A. 31. Sleeping cars in the New York Express through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Pasecegers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. M., add 2.15 P. 31. for Philadelphia., Row York,'aud all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. 31., and 2.30 P. AL, for Philadelphia. Ileirrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 0.00 A.. 31 , and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. )1. .sir- All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. M., and libiladelphia at 3.16 t, at. Commutation Tickets, with 26 Coupons at 25 per cent. between any points desired. Mileage Tickets, good for 2000 miles, between all points et $46 36—fbr Families and Business Firma. Season and School Tickets, at reduced rates to and frdin all points.. SO pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. Parsengers are requested to purchase their tickets before enterins the cars, as higher Fares' are charged if paid in care: G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent Apr 11290.863. 'C.."''.,' - b.: . ._.4.:''ii,''o-..,ii YQL'... - J''.NO, 20. , NOT, ALCOHOLIC, A HIGHLY CONOLiqIRATED Vegetable•Extrael, A PURE TONIC. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, , PREPARED BY Dr. C. M JACKSON, Philad'a Pa WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic or 1.4i-rousDihes of the sen_ K idneyr; and alkdisease'snfising from a d istircie red, Liegr %mess or Blood to the fiend Achlityof. the Stomach. Nausea. Heart burn, Disgust for. Fond. ,Folness or n eight in the Stomach. Sour 'Eructations; Sinking or Fluttering it the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head. flur ried and Difficult Breathing. Flut , ering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when-in EL lyingpos tore, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever end DUB Pain in the Bead. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin end Eyes. , pain in the Side. Beck. Chest. ldnibs, Ric. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and greet Depression of Spirits. And Will positively prevent Yellow Paver, Bilious Fever, de. TIPS CONTAIN - No Alcohol or Bad. Whiskey ? They WILL MIRE the above diseeses in ninety nine cases Out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive:sale and universal popu larity of NOWAWA'S German, Bitters,,(purely vegotab hogs of ignorant Quacks and tinscrumilot4 adventu rers, hare opened upon suffering humanity the Bond, gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, : eudchrlStened Ton ics, titemachiss and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep arations in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs. un der the modest appeliation'of Bitters; which instecd of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave tl e disap pointed suit' rer in dispair. BOOFI, AND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are not a new and untried Hrtiote. but have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public; and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation, The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent - CLEiIGYJIEN, LAWYERS, . Pll YSICIANS, and CITIZENS, Testifying of their ow . h. persohel hhowledge, to the beneficisl effects end medical virtmes of these Bitten. DO YOUWANT sou:Tin:4.4 TO STRENOTLIENYOU? DO YOU WANT A 000 D APPETITE 7 DO YOU WANT TO Bill LD YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL W ELI. ? DO‘,YOU WANT TiTGET RID OF N.ERYOUSNESSI' , DO-YOll WANT ENERGY?, DO YOU WANT TO SLED" , WELL? DO YOU WANT A. BRISK AND VIGOROUS PRIMING? If you do, use HOOF GERMEN BITTERS. From Rev. T. Mutton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyciopedia of Religious Know/edge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through "distrust of their in gredient: and.effects ; I.yet know of no sufficient rea sons why a man may Mit testify - to the benefits he be lieves himself to have received from any simple prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoothind's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, ofthis city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mittture. lam indebted to my friend Rob ert Sboemaker,y,sg.. for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement 'o t y them. when suffering from great and long continued debili ty. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the be ginning of the present year. was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and men. tat vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had uhhoo .dwaited of regain I therefore - th4iikAled and try_file4d *reedirectitig Me' US ate use ofllieru ' •j NEWTON BROWN: • Pnitsn'..t., JON; 23 1161. Particular Notice. There are twiny preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and will continua to Cause as long us they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stim ulants o f the worst kind, the desire fur Liquor is crea ted and kept' up, and the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life end death. For those who desire and toilthare a Liquor Bitters , we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Hoof. 's Germa Bitters and mix with Three Quarts •of Good Brandy or Whiskey, and the result will be a prep aration that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of thm eunerons Liquor Bitters in the Market, and will' cost Muth km. :You will have all the virtues of Hoofland's Bitters in Alluectiun with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price .than these inferior preparations will cost yoa. Attention Soldiers: AND 'NIB EMENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention - of alt having relations and friends in the army to the fact that —IIOOFLAND S German Bitters" wilt cute uMe tenths of the disease' induced by exposures and privation- incident to camp life. In the lists4ttblished almost daily in the news papers. on the arrival of the sick, i citl be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debili ty. Every cafe of that kind can be readily cured by Ilootland's German Bitters. Diseav4 resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation iu stating that. it these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be hot. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his , own language. "has been savedvby the Bitters:' ' PHILADELPiIIA. Augnst 1552. Messrs. Jones ,t. Evans--Well, gentlemen, your Hoef t:taws °ennui li itters has'eaved my life. There is no mistake iu this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose flaw are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case I aim, and have been fur the last four years, a member of Sherman's ..x-lebrated battery', and under the immediate command of Captain It. B. A, tee Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous du ties. I was attacked in Novetuber last with inflammation of the lungs, and was ,for seventy-two days in the hos pital. This Wes followed by' great debility. heighten ed by an attack of dysentery I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer nState of Maine" front which I landed on the 25th of.litne. Since that time I have been a bout as low us any one could be. and still retain a spark of vitality. Porn - week or more I was scarcely able to svrallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it was hutuediateiy thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my stom ach. Life coulli riot last under these Circumstances; and; accordingly, the physicians who bad been wont lug faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told mo they could do no more for me, and advise. me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limi ted funds as best suited me. A.O acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steitibrun, g, Sixth below Arch Street, ad- ised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bot tle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy, shadow of death receded, and 1 UM now, thank God for it, getting better. Thinigh•l have but taken two bottles. I have gained ten pounds, and I feel min able of being pi rmitted to rejoin my wife and dough. ir, from whom I have heard nothing fur IS months: r, gentlemen, I am a loyal .Virktinfau. 11 - 0111 the vicin ity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life which has taken toe plaice of vague ear.—to Your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege fur again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to the in life. ?! Very truly yours, ISAAC MAbONS We fully concur in the.truth of the above statement, as we had 'deem' ired of seeing our comrade, Mr. listens, restored to health. ' JOHN CCM/ LEBACK, Ist New York Battery. G e. 040 E A' ,: , AUK LEY;OO_: 11th Akeino., ',. - L I EWIS CHEV A L1E1t,'22 , 1 New York. L E'SPENCEIt, Ist Artillery, .Battery F. J B FASEWELL, Co 0 Sd Vermont. HENRY B JEROME, Co II do. HENRY T MACDONALD, Co C tith Maine. JOHN F WARD. Cc li. sth Maine. lIEBMAN KOCH, Co 11 72d New York. NATHANIEL B THOMAS, Co F 05th Penn. ANDREWJ KIMBALL, Cu A 3d Vermont. JOHN JENKINSi Co If Io6th Penn. Beware of Counterfeits ! See that the signature of , `C. M. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS, Olt HALF DOZ. FUJI, $.l 00. Should your Nearest druggist not have 0 e article, du not be put off by any 01 the intoxicating prepara tions UM maybe uttered 'in its plake; but amid to us, and we will ferward -securely packed. hiexPread• PRINCIPAL OM VICE 'AND MANUFACTORY, , NO. 631 AROil ST, Jones AL Evans. {Successor to 0..5. JActisuN do c 0..) Proprietors. lar FOR BALE by DR. Ciao. Rose, opposite tits Court Rouse LERANON, PA., and by Druggists and Dealers in livery sown in the United States. May 27, 1303.—1 y. LEBANON, PA., WEDESDAY, NOVEMBER 11,, 1863, Biordlanenz. The Old House at Brocklehurst. We were together in the parlor— my wife and I. It was not much past nine, but people kept early hours in those days, and supper bad long been over; the children were in bed, and the house was quiet. I was ketone back in my easy chair, wearied tvitri my long day's work, and half asleep, when I was aroused by my wife'e voice saying, as she laid down her sewing.: Have you thought or done any thing yet, Alfred, about our go ing to the couetry ?' Now, to tell th& truth , I bad Ibought . a great deal, V --1-4 ' 411-71L a ltu n' - t at rllawylia salthat lime Philip would never plow up a healthy boy in Our close London house, and I was as anxious as any father need be about my child; but I knew too, by sad experience, how LL little a poor drawing master with seven children had to epare for eountr3 trips. All this I said now to the eife, who al ways bore her full share of my heavy cares ; but in her the mother'e love conquered all else, and us I looked in to her eyes, 1 saw, though she spoke little, that she would never rest until our boy was breathing the fresh coca • try air he needed. But the weeks pased away, and her worn face, and the few words she dropped from time to time, told me how constantly and vainly she watch ed for any chance of this They had grown to months, when one evening she met me at the door radiant with gladness, and drawing me into the parlor, put into my hand a letter, ex claiming :—'only read that Alfred, and tell me If it will not do.' It ran thus: 'Not three miles from here is a tare() house s Brocklehurst Grange, which having been empty many years is now to be let at a very low rent .— t could hardly advise Mr. Saiesbury to take much trouble about it, for it looks so dreary and comfot fleas, that you would never like to live there.— Still, in case my description does not alarm you, and you wish to hear more, I send the address of the agent in whose hands it is.' My wife hard ly waited for me to read to the cud. •Nly aunt does not know,' she said anx iously. 'Think ;it is large and cheap; and it must be near a coach-road, and near London. since it is close to Leek ford, arid that is such a healthy place. Oh, Allred, dear, we don't cure for fine houses, and we could make it efieertul soon, I know, rr Toe^ carry think that it will do.' That was too much to say ; but in pity for her im ploring face, I promised at least to see the agent. I called at the office the next day, and found him, and ev- idently glad to hear of a possible ten ant. The house, he said, had belong ed to a Mr. Abbot, who had lived and died abroad. The nephew, e•ho had just inherited his property, preferr ed receiving rent, however small, to spending money on the place. Tire agent could not help discoursing tt little on the short sighted economy of his proceeding, since the bunch'', was in fair repair, and only needed' the, outlay of a few hundreds to make it comfortable ; but it was, he added, no affair-of his, and he had only to obey orders. In conclusion, he press ed me to inspect it for myself. I felt inclined to do so, but as I could not vi ell spare a whole day, there was a difficulty. The agent himself resolv• ed it by proposing that I should go down by an afternoon coach, the time of whicl4 he mentioned, and return the following morning There %%ere, he said, living in charge of the house, two end servants of Mr. A bliott,' , , with their son, who bad leer there for' fatilly years. '1 eannot promise you a warm reeeption,' he addt•d, starling ; 'at least it they treat- you as they did me. Still, If s tlen't mold sour looks, they cruel know, prov ide you with a bed, and, as the village is only two miles off, with so pper also.'. It teemed my wisest plan, solve I could thus judge ( f the daily journey I might have to make, and 8(.0 the house under its morning, and its eve fling aspect-; so mindful cis my Witv'e• anxiety, I deterniinfld to lose no time, and obtained from the agent a letter to the Id man in charge. With this le ter, I made my way to the emu 11 Office the following afternoon ; but when there, found, much to my vexa tion, that the agent had mistaken t he time of the coach's startling, and that we should not be off in two hours There was nothing for me but to wait patiently; hut through this de lay, it was nearly 6 o'clock instead of four when I was set down at a vil lage inn okvo miles froen.Brocklehurst I was just about to inquire my way of sonic of the boys lounging about the inn door, when it occurred to Me that it might be wiser to hire one of them as guide. The short February afternoon was closing in, and I might miss my road alone, and so lose time, and besides from these country lads I might learn something of the house and neighborhood; so I- chose out a bright faced, active youth, who read ily' closed my offer, and started oft with me at once along the village street, and down a lane, and then over a style into the fields, his tongue going incessantly all: the while. He could tell little, as it seemed,- about the Grange ; only that, within his memory, 110 one had ever lived there but the Pearees, 'a queer, crusty set,' he said. The son got work some. times with the farmers near, but the old people rarely left the house, and even' when' they went abread,'ex changed few words with any they might meet. But if his information on that poietwas . .stnalt, • on:a117 oth ers it was reost,Oundanti the names arid histories- of the neighboring squires, and who prospered and who idid riot'; the land Owned by eaehifar . Mer, and the=" 'character' ho bOre mong his men ; this, and m,uch.more, he told me as we trudged onward. 'There,' he said, as we came out of a thiek fir plantation, and stood on the edge of 'dreary, broken bit4sl 'coi'ered:• with gorse and heath—'d'o ..you see the. red brick house ,youder,hy the .gravel-pit?' I looked the way' his finger pointed,' and througli - the gathering twilight just diseerileB klong,'loW .1 tell -3you •wlAr.t, sir,' - he said in a low tone, ,and,comiow closer to my side,. •there'snot.a tad in, all the would ienTe....o round there after iirder.ilOne' 'lllurdeil'• I exclaimed. ' • 'Yes, and the cruelest murder it was, too.: An old gentleman ut•;ed to live there—not so very. old either, not Much past Sixty, l'Ve heard say ; but however that Might he, he lived there quite 81°4/except-Inv onayouo g ser want woman, who. kept his house A pleasant spoken lass Ann Forest many's the kind word she's 6aid to ins when she's been to mother's shop.'' She seemed 'to take great care of her old master, no wonder, for he was the best old man that ever. lived, and a good master to her ; but he had money laid by, and that must have tempted her, for one morning sotne laliorets going past foUnd' the front door open, the house deserted, and the poor old gentleman lying cevered•with blood at the bottom of the garden. They say he used to gO down there to smoke his pipe at night, and she chose that 'time,. when she knew .he couid lay'hold of nothing to defend himself with. An old iron box, in which the, old man kept his money and which: only - she: knew where to find, was lying, turned hot tom upwards and empty, in the pas sage ; and there.were clothes and many other things sca ttered about the floor . of her room, and in one of her drawers they found a long knife that she had hidden th.ere,. But they never found her; and Nom that day to this no one has heard of her.' It was a horrible story to listen to With the black darkness closing round us, and the lonely house close by. We hastenedon in silence across the common, down a' dark steep road, and through 4ome, Meadows; as we passed from the free air into the shadow of to wood, the boy said., Id Ala former:eherry tone : 'There sir, I:fp-cif:lA - A*4'i) fro The': old warren through the 'trees.' A faint dark outline—that:WaS all that 1 could make nut,: as ?companion unfas tened:a:gate; pointed the way up a neglei:ted drive, and saying that be should run across the fields, and so hothe by the high road; bade me good night. The old gate swung to with a dismal creak, and I was left to grimly my way alone. On I went, brushing past -shrubs, whose long boughs swept the ground, and stub ling over 'ruts and stones, until I reached tin open space that had ()nee been graveli-but now svas. - oVergrown with moss and weeda, and crossing this stood in Irma, • of the old house itself. Tne walls, as I could see, even by that dim light, were 'Weather stained and darkened 'to a dull "brown, three sharp gahles high above cut into the grey sky ; and higher still there rose a sort of dome tram the centre of the building.— The rising Moon cast a faint gleam on the latticed oriel windowS, and' the qttafrit stone carvings round the •entrance :door, and gave a strange and weaved aspect to the solitary dwell ng. The clang of the bell echoed through the stillness with. in , then silence settled down once more.' I waited long, then rung again, and at length there was a sound of steps and voices ; at tirst, tar away, then nearer.- A key grated in the rusty luck, and the dook was partly opened by au old man, whose short th.o"sel figure at once tilled up the way, as it to prevent a hasty .entrance. Behind Mtn stood a woman, some-what bent by age, and holding in her hand a lantern. Both started at we in silent wonderment, as, addressing my- Se II to the old man, I told my errand.— It was well I was prepared for sullenness, fur his furrowed brow darkened as, stilt • standing in the'door•way, he spelled out the agent s • 'A strange thing,' he muttered. 'We might have had some notice, I should think ; we want no gentle lolks here.' My spirit' ruse at thls insolence, but re menthering his age and surly teMper; restrained myself, and said that t had Meant to arrive sooner, but need aiVe lit tle trouble, as some bread and clieese and a bed for the night, was all that 1 should require. The man stood doubtful. as though half inclined to shut the door in my face ; then •his'rnind changed, and without a word, he teak the lantern from his wife's hand, and signing to me to fol low, let the way across a bare and empty hall, and along two stone .passages, to a large kitchen, where a fire was blazing. Setting down the lantern on the table, he turned round,and Said, 'You'll maybe see that this is the ‘kitcht2n. If you're too proud to sit here, there are other rooms in plenty, but you ll:find no fire or can dies ; and without waiting for a. reply, he walked away, Itarned to the wom• an, Who hid lolloWed us, and now stood bOhe fire, and asked some questions ; but she answered me briefly, with a hur ried glance at her husband ; and weary Of attempting to conciliate, 1 said, abrupt ly,-that as:my time was short, I would see the house at once. "There's very little you'll , be , able to see this time of ' the night,' old Peeree said gruffly from the window where he stood. - , 'At least,' 1 answered, , '1 can go through the rooms and gee sOrne no REIM abilertisctv. ton .of and I made a move., , Fora,fatinicht;4Seentibil'aS though , • they meant 'to:let inn gO aloha : Pearce Stept suddenly forward, and harshlY calling to his wife to bring his,keyei, caught:up . ,ths, light. Pre ceded fty. my unwilli - ngi,gilides, .Itrit• veratid' king paSSageS; _Um. foot steps sounding hollOW on the ' stone flberS; mounted staircases and et ossedland ings. stopped from time to time while; the woman tin loeked the doors of and uns'hattered rooms, where - dust:lay - -thiek and the feeble: glimmer of the lantern only served to and-desolation ntore apparent.. - No word.:Was spoken by either of the two, sarii in answer to my questions, until we reached a -large chamber, once a drawing ri,orri, as I could guess by:. the gilt mouldin g s As I entered and. 7 lolified old man drew - his wife out side the door, and when Abey had exchanged some ..sent her downstairs and, coining torny side, begany to tell me how, thirty years .before, in Mrs. Abbott!s days, grand balls were often given in this very room, and bow portrait of, her dressed for one' still hung:in - the library beyond ; and then let me in to look at the pale fad• ed face in gold and crimson turban, gazing fixedly upon us from the wall. As I turned from it, the woman again joined us, resumed her keys, and the man's sullen humor coming over him once more; we went on in the old si lence until we reached the foot of a narrow winding staircase. My con ductors had begun to mount it, when I touched a door upon my right, and said, !Surely we have not been in here?' .che man, half way up, stop. ped and looked down at me. 'No,' he said ; it is only a lumber room ; the key has been lost this long while; if you wish to get in, you roust have a fresh key made before you come a gain ;'-und he went on. It was a large, rambling house,. where „you, came suddenly upon cupboards and cornere, and hits of winding stairs, or a step up here and down there, and passages with such queer turns and twists, that one .wondered whither they would,lead; still there ,was some thing quaint about' it that took my. fainey greatly. When at last we got back to the kitchen, a man eat by the fire unlacing his boots with his back towards the door. He turned as I entered and displayed a muscular form and heavy face, like enough to, old Pearee's to mark him, t es his son. He returned my greeting 'with a si. Ilent stare, resumed his seat, and pull; lug: at h hi.,faieees :stoeve„ muttered angrily, 'And rt.vho on earth may he he ?' I did not catch the -answer, but the gruff snort &hat folloWed was suf. fiejently expressive: The woman sat 'about preparing supper, and presently a repast of ba con, eggs, and beer was put before me; and while I engaged upon it., she and her husband went away : togeth er. The son sat watehing me in si• knee for a while; then follbwed them, leaving tile alone -for the first - time since I h adr come into the house: He and his father soon eitine;fack, but'a chao'ge hi4l come upon them ; their suflenness" was gone, and they" seem ed most ea?er'to•hear my. -iiitentio`ns about the place. 4,Was evident how much they feared that I might take it, and so deprive them of their home ; and in this fear, they caught at every doubt of mine, and:tried to fiister it. From their account, the place was hot in summer, cold in winter ;•it was even tun Oiling pieces ; and it al most to uched - roe, when, - turning to the son, I said, 'And yet Vou seem to like to live in it,' to hoar his curt an• swer : 'l've been bred ~up here, and that makes a. deal-of differenee.'— When the woman at last returned, saw that she liad been crying very bitterly ' and with 10.114-emorserul feelia,.l. took a candle from her trembling hand, and followed her up Stairs. They had chosen tar rile one of the old state bed-rooms, on the first floor, and a lung war from the hitch en anti the hall, at the end of a wide gallery. She paused at the , deer to tell she hoped I might find all I want ed, bat that if nut, there was a bell, and giving me no time to answer, hurried off. The room was large and lofty,' and quest have once been rich ly furnished, f o r there wore cushions of laded blue silk in the window seats, and blue silk drapery about tie win duws; but all its other furniture had disappeared. and it was bare and ear petless like the rest. At one end a trestle bedstead' bad just been put up, 'and near it stood a wash•stand a•rid glass, and a couple of rickety chairs. That wits all ; and very Apagre and comfortless it looked; but I could cx pest nothing else, and eared little. 1 • sat long, noting down in ,my - pocket book all I had observed, and ponder ing on various things, until the dull tones of the far-off stable•elock arous ed me, and 1 began to prepare for bed. Before lying down, I went instinct ively across the room to secure the door, and found to my . surprise,-that I was Without the means-dt doing so, for 'there Was no bolt, and the key was not in - the lock. 'For a moment, was startled ; then I retnerdhered that the keys of all the roonne w had been on one largo bunch, hO doubt the woman had forgotten to take this one off. Should I ring for it? I paused - undecided ; bot the hour was late, the people must long since have been • in' bed, and'''. was 'strangle unwilling to - encounter those Burly looks again to night. After all, it, mattered little. Traveling as I did mithOut money or luggage, and in sim ple, almost snabby dress; I had noth ing to lose; and with health and strength in my favor,-none would- WHOLE NO. 750 choose lightly to encounter me; and so, without disquietude, I blew out my light; and lay down in bed. Still I was "not in darkness, for the moon shone full into the room, only obscur ed-from time to time as a heavy cloud swept across, and passing, seemed to leave it more clear and beautiful' than cver. I lay gazing, long through one of the two large windows on my right, at the soft radiance of its face, the hurrying clouds, and the bright stars tilatettidded the dark sky, and think. ing, as husbands and fathers are wont to thirtk, ofthe wife and children at hbme7 . ---thinking of the little feet that. might One, day go dancing over these unrarpeted floors, of my wife and toy self.sitting together in that grand de serted.drawing-ronm, planning busily hoW far our homely London furniture . cotOd 'fit, It up., Gradually my. plans I.L - %.1 T., rtCntiles or liou'rs, I cannot tell, but I woke in ;in instant, and with a sud den start and thrill. All was quiet— aCloud had- veiled the moon, and the roott, was dark and 8011 as death.— No, not so still; what Was that which as I held my"hreath, came faintly on my ear? A rustling—so slight that I could scarcely catch it, yet surely a rustling in the fur off corner of the room. I was a man of strong nerves. In my youth, I had been in perils both by land and sea, and I had kept my courage - and composure. I did not lose them now. These men be low might, despite the risk, be pur posing to rob me; they might even, in their anger, and revenge at my mission here, meditate worse'things ; but 'if the absence of the key had been no accident, and they were now in my room, they should find harder work than they had looked for. I had no firearms; but a loaded stick, which went with me in all my jour neyings, was by my side now. Slow ly and cautiously my hand stole out in the darkness, and grasped it tight. Then 1 waited. For a while there was a perfect silence; then the sound began. afresh, and here—there -by the door, I could just see a moving form I On it came, and then stopped, as though listening, and bearing noth ing bat.my steady breathing, came on again, nearer and nearer, until, as it reached the foot of my bed, I sprang up. My stick was raised, Was ready to descend, when the moon shone out affain, and my hand dropped to my side, for a Woman stood before me— not the old woman I had seen, but one many years younger, clad in dark garments, with pale, haggard face and wild eyes. What was it ?a spir ii;:opsqap6d mad woman. or some WO to frighten Me .4.(trisv th'ought came to my mind, I summoned breath to ask, 'who, in heaven's name are you ?' . 'Oh hush, hush I' moaned out a voice feeble and piteous as a crying child's.—'Don't speak, don't let them hear .Thoy! who are they, and who are you r '1 will tell youL--I came to tell;' and with sudden vehemence the fig. ore seiz.ed my arm in a covalsive grasp. '1 am a poor creature whore, tor:eighteen months, ,these wretches had kept imprisoned in. this. house,'a. Way from all who might have given me help. You are the first living soul %fhb has been here,; and I vowed to myself, that it I died forit,l would come to pray you to proteei, Me; rinA oh, dear sir, kind sir, hay . ,o pity one. 'me l' As site gasped out these words with passionate earnestness, , yet in faint, faltering tones, something seemed to tell me that this «a. 3 no insane delu sion., and no eoneerted scheme. 113; - • pool woman,' said soothing ly, in : a Whisper low as her own, help you, if' 1 can, but you must show me how. What is your name, and why are you here I" 'They brought me—l hail seen them do it—no one else, and they dared not leave me behind to tell ; so when they had murdered him, they brought me here, and shut me into the dread ful room up stairs. I am Ann For rest.' The boy's tale, the Penrce's reluc tance to let the hq,pse be seen, the closed lumber roora,—those few words threw light upon it all, and in my horror, I could not speak at first—l could hardly even think. At last 1 asked her how she freed herself. 'There were three rusty broken keys-1 found them one day under some rubbish in an old chest up there and 1 Cried them all'', and one fitted; but I dared not use it. while they were always down stairs, and so Filid it a• gain ; they vould have killed me long ago, but Shc—the woman—is kir.der than the others, and would never let them, and to night she cried and talked about you being here, and her husband's anger, little dreaming how I heeded her, ter they think me almost silly now- But I did heed ; and I thought that you: would help me perhaps ; and so, 'when I knew that they must all ho in bed, I brought out my key, and it unlocked the door and then 1 listened outside every room until I found you by your breathing.' She stopped at that last word, and locked at me, with a wist ful, searching glance. .'I found you,' she repeated, 'and now, oh sir, you will not forsake nte.' .1. will not,' I answered ; but, when I paused to think, a'sense of our dun• ger rushed upon me. Alone in this house, more than a mile from any human aid,how could I defend her or myself from men desperate, as these would be, if they only guessed that I knew their.terrible secret. I, IA , ;h wife and children looking at me: had no right uselessly to peril my lite. "- must - be - cautions ; , and then if it-came st.luttint: A FAMILY PAPEIt FORtCIIVN AND COUNTRY, IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY By WM. MT.. BRESLIN, St . ...,ryar Flinch's New Building, Cumberland ACOno Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year ~e2r"AIWERSISEMENTS inserted at the Untal rates. The friends of the i - stabliAlitnent, and the public gener ally are tespectrolly , lieited to ennd in their orders. 441 - ^IIAZitalli.J.F, Printed at an hours notice. POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, poskKe free In Penusylrania, out of Lebanon county 334 cents per quarter, or 13 cents, a yislr. Out of this State, cts. per quarter, or 26 ctn. a year if the postage is not paid in advance, rates are &Watt. to the worst, I could but try what one strong arm in a good cause could do against two villians. So I spoke gent ly to the woman, holding her hand as she stood beside me, and try ing to quiet her agony of terror and despair, while I said that I would save her, but to do it at this moment would not be possible. 'Only wait till morning. Uo back now to your prison, and trust to me.' She started and shuddered. . 'The key stuck in the lock ; it would not come out,' she said. 'They may find it there, and then they will murder me, as they have threatened.' 'Listen I' I whispered. 'There is no sign that they hare heard us yet.--, Go back and try—try with all your Strength to loosen the key, an lock yourself in again ; then you need fear nothing, for they cannot guess. I will Au L tpl u if you need me, err out for the morning thatam - 1f Ffig roil safety and release; only go now, be fore they find us together.' She seemed to understand, and mov ed towards the door submissively, and then stopped—'You would not deceive me,' she said. The look and tone were so imploring, so inexpressi bly mornful, that my heart smote me for letting her go, for remembering anything but her misery. She gazed into my face: '1 know you would not,' she said in quite another voice and again turned away,l following her. Her fingers softly turned the handle, she crept into the passage, and I watched the tall, dark form flit ting along the gallery, her bare feet moved noiselessly upon the boards. I listened breathlessly, but there was neither sound nor movement in the house. The old couple slept at the foot of the staircase and near the kitchen, the son .in a small room close to the ball, never dreaming . that the prisoner they bad kept serurely all those months would find means to force her prison on ;this very night— only the woman even knowing that. she had heard of my presence in the house. If any chance noise awoke those sleepers, if any chance suspicion bad turned them into watchers, then it might be a struggle of life and death. No, all was still as yet. The moonlight flooded the room, as, softly closing the door, I crossed to the win dow seat, and sat down there to lis-- ten and to think. Think—think of what? A horrible crime, a secret prison.house not 20 miles from Lon don, the work that must be done to- morrow ; all these things seemed crowded together wildly in my brain. By degrees, - I grew - calmer. I must release her, but how? Many ways flashed across me, and were cast a side again; so I sat motionless, gaz. ing into the sky, my car strained for any cry, until the first streak of dawn came into the east. No sound had broken the dead silence of the house, and now at last my plan was made, and might be tried. I dressed quiet ly, then awaited for a while, and as the red rim of the rising sun showed through the trees, trampled noisily down stairs. I meant that they. should hear and see me, but no one appeared ; so, crossing to the kitchen, I looked in. The old man was there. cutting up wood; he did not hear my step till I was close upon him, then turned sharply around—'You rise ear. ly,' ho said, in the old surly tone. With all the blood in my veins curdlieg in sight of that wicked mut.. aerous face, I forced my lips to speak 'naturally. ''W by yes,' I said ; want to see something of the grounds be fore I breakfast. Can you tell me the best way to take?' ' know nought about it,' he an swered, 'there's nothing worth seeing anywhere about here.' 'Where does the garden lie?' I ask ed. The instant I had spoken I felt that my question, meant to divert suspicion, had been a rash one. Ho looked up, a new expression in his eyes —was it fear or was it doubt? 'There is no garden now,' he said„ 'it's a wilderness; and breakfast will be ready directly, if only that old id iot,' and lie shouted his wife's name, 'was here, as she should be.' The precious minutes were slipping fast away, and yet I dared not seem in haste. The old man had returned to his chopping, and the monotonous thud of the hatchet alone sounded through the room. Presently I said carelessly : 'Well, I'm just going for a turn in the wood now, and present ly I shall get you to go round with me.' I had not done speaking when the old woman's door opened, and I heard her beginning slowly to ascend the stairs. Was she going there?— All might, perchance, he safe; but if that broken key should still be in the lock, the secret was betrayed. In desperation, I racked my brains for some device to bring her back : 'Stay,' exclaimed to the c•ld man; 'is not that your wife? I want her to get me, it' she can. some eggs and vegeta-. ble' to take to town; I will pay- well! Ms eyes brightened, and absorbed in that promise, he never saw the ag itation of my manner; he stepped to the door, 'Meg,' he called, 'the gen tleman wants ye. Come down, will e A pause—then she said above, '1 ,han't be long.' I breathed hard. 'Come down,' be called again ; 'the gentleman's waiting,' and then the foot came slowly down. A few min utes later I saw her, with relief no words can tell, go off with a basket on her arm to the hen-house and gar den, Now was my time, and there was not a moment to lose. Followed by old Pearce, I' crossed the ball. As I stood waiting while he unfastened the door, the - lad's Words about the, son came to my mind. He might be