II 1 1, 1,1 UDR)) 4 o 2l l:iCtr ia tle# tP W eak and Fri:ft l ted~ IvErsans OrrieD; LP,II:/p/(ON,-PERICA Tins estalie bbreentiii nowleirplilied with an extensive ' A sgospz-ent JOH"TYPittiehieb.will be increased as the Aparroi sge demands.. It, can now turn out Painxuse, or *very deserintfoldii",a;bbat'iind 'expeditious tilentter— ndam very Such i.e PAmplilttsP insisting . earls, Itandbills, Cirsulataidiabels, Billl4ea.4lings,, Blanks, lizegrmspnolf ? Bills of Fars, . lickpta, &c., *C. Mr DIMS of anktuda. Omunoti and Judgment BOND. School, Justieee'„Oonstablee' and other Btaarts;.ptir.ted - tly neatlyon the' test paper, constantly tie office, at prices "to, suit the ttates.r tiou,price of the LtIBANON ADTRILT/SER and ailalf a Year. Ad4reas, lti as. 3i. ttasms., Lebanon,P . a; lots at Private %A ie sold at Private Sale, .r: 8 ACRES , Or LAND, Goog i one, near the borough in Corn ip. It adjoins the land or' Widriu4Fillii:An a, Wm. A tkirie and JolittlErittreA thf•theltiet. 111 , awry 1.00 ROUSG,'weetheirtairded `re laud, andtt'stiod . WEWnitfetriiden.— s hoe Stoner] for•quarries. - - This - 'treat will home for a BMW! family'. • '• ••• free from Gyourat 'Sten% Good title will be ' ' .1.3101 ILITG:111R. fs tract is riatr covered with line grass, hal , 11 be,gtien to the ourebseer. 3u11e13, 1860; ward Association , Phi *dolphin ra. MS of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. SPER MA IHCE.A. or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. other nifectionn oral* SEXUAL ORGAN S, TINBILITY and PREHATU Kr. DIXAY.- 1 labia treatment. in Ren,frts of the Howard sent by mail, in sealed letter envelopes. ilea. Address: Dr. .1. S N HOUGHTON , .88OCIATiON, NO. 2 Sleuth 'Ninth Street, Prm.- Pa. 8,18 M -1y REMOVAL. TANLEY ULRICH, 0 RitEY AT. 'LAW, Iles removed his office to the be Wittig, one door tea of Laudermileh %Store:opposite the Wnehing ton House Lebanon. Pa. BOUNTY and PENSION claims promptly attended o • [April 13, REMOVAL., • • S. T. WA - DAM - ,. A T-TORISPE4Y4S.6A.T, -L. A W AS RBIIIOYEb his office to Market Street. opposite the Lebanon Bank, two. doors North of. Widow Rise's Hotel. • Lebanon, March 25, 'BB, JO 111 Jr ' WO :111 4 47fridi.V. D 'STRICT ATTORNEY, baa removed , Ina OFFICE it tope ROOM AAlely 1ip1. , 1 by Dr. geo. P. Line aweavet•. in crittatkaa.nd net eban i t treff_deari 4 Ewa of rho giia.ia itaal, a ts ldoo 4s,r t rAt4%, Webiman'a Office. ' -: . Lebanon Dec. 17, 1862. . _.. . cyrtus' . l , :iiiitatkit„ A TTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Offtcpin Witinutstreet, neat - ill.. ly opposite the Buck hotel, and two tioefs ?otitis from Karmeny's nerd ware store. Lebanon; APril4, - .18014-3Y, ; - -F. - : '-' - • • Wllll. At. DIERI.t, ATTORNBY AT LAii tfliCbtee's Cumberland atreet. neatly opposite the !.'nett Boum. 111r.Sninnel S. literlv OFFERS patltunpnVatartieeTtoellie Citizens of Lebanon antrerefolty. 01 , FICH, retidence of 31re. L. Boob. two doors West of Office of Dr. Samuel Bebm, deed, in•Comberland street": Lebanon, April 1'5;1803. ' " ' tiatit tie" i <-11 t comer, nt the old rew3denee Of DV. tleo. opposite the court House; hebetton, Pa Lebanon. March •.:5,-'6Bl , : 1)r. A bi:lll N. Light. rogEns,bto Atln fet i Mp l al Ft , ryires to„tkn o eitizenss of the itbrefwit# 9,ClotitomindNietnisL:,.ollice" In Walnut street,. two dooit north ortgO Luttitettix rar /000110: Morch 4.1863. WEl.Gnif; E E lir 0.01153101 - . MER HANTS. • Felt OR sA.LE 91 , Butter, Eggs,. Neese, Talloiv, Lard, Poultry, Gauze. Dried Fruits, .. Grain. Seed. &c. Ao. 170 READA S TREAT, One door above Washington, 0. Wedgley. Dowalt. RAFERRNCHS Robb & Asemigh, New York ; alien k Brother. do W. W. Selfridke. Esq., do; Janes • Shrum-a. do; Sian. non, Labach k Farriugtan..do; Samuel G...!ohneou. do; W. 51. Brpstin. .Lebation.• Pft. ; Betz. canton, Ohio; W. C. Curry k Co., Saukere,' Rrie; Pa.; lion. John Stiles, lilleiirown; Pa. Otin. 14, 1.8153. TAE „NEW ISA Sri E Y, CIIN undersigned Would respectfully infofil the eiti sena of Lebanon, that beim commenced' the BA it- ING RUBIN Ekti, in all ith varieties, at his stand. on .Cumberland And, Lebanon, neeriy,oppttsite the llnch "Uotel, and will ait};pty dustomers mith,tice hest BREA 11, CAKE'S. &e, Flour received from customers and '.returned to them in bread at short notice. - COIN. FEciTI NERI ES, 111 kinds, Tres)] Und :of the desb quality, constantly on b.:r.d. and fuinished at ihe'levkat Tb public Is invited to die mu Leb non, Nov. 9, 1559. .*Jacob E. L. Z . ii"nrmeriatass , s* 'FIRST CLASS ILAIR.DIIESSING AND HA ell-DYB INO 8.81,00 N, Market street, near Cumberland. *ld opposite the Engle Hotel. lleingrhankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to bitn;.he wouid respectfully solicit a continuance.of the a cme. Lebanon, July 2. 1862. N. It—The Saloon will .be closed on Sunday. North I,eoanon 111 briNt. GRAIN 'WANTED Win undersigned will purchase. all kinds of GRAIN. limb as - r ci WHEAT. RYE, CORN. OATS. Lc.. a., rr ' ILUEE at their STEAM MILL. on' the Union penal, for which the • highest market prices will be paid, in CASII. All kinds of CUSTOMER- WORN will be done at the shorteit notice, and iti the most satisfactory manner. The public is respectfully invited to give us trial. YELIX LIEMT, GIDEON LIG UT. DANIIS 1.. LIU HT. Not th Lebanon, May 21,1892. = A New Firm. Cheap ash Stare, and Milling and Grain Business IIE undersigned having formed a partnership In the T MERCANTILE, MILLING AND GRAIN BCE NEAR, would respectfully invite the attraution of the public to their establishments. They will cootiue to keep, at the late Fibula of SMIRK, G.RESAMAN LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODS usually kept In a country store, which they will re tail Cheap fin GAEL or COUNTRY PRODUCE- They also Want to buy for cash 30,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 30,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Buihels of CORN, 25,099 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay the biOcet Market Prices:— They will also take GRAIN on Stunstot. The will keep always on hand and sell et the lowest prices, COAL. by the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, ke. gar They solicit the business of all theirold friends Find the public, and will endeavor to•deal on such Db l.'sl and just principles 11.6 will give sutistaction to all. & LONG. BorthLebanon, March 19, 1802. g. V. Pettengi Co., No, 37 Park Row, New York, do 6 Stqte St. Boston. A" orr Agents for the "AnvEitristn" in those cities, and are authorized to take Aitvertieetnetits and Subscriptions for no at our Lowest Rates liatty 21, 1802. ESTABLISHED 1760 PETER LORILLARD, SnUff & Tobacco Alooufacturer 16£ 18 + CH A NI HERS ST.. [Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.] SOoul call the atteotion of Dealers to the articles of Eris manufacture, viz : Brower *ikon: IdaeabeY, Demtares. Fine Rappee, Pore virainla. Coarse Rappee. Ruchitothes, Amoriesn Gentleman, Copenhagen. Yellow Nona! honey Dew Scowls, Fresh Honey Dew Beach, .Fresh Scotch. Scotch, High Toast Rota, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot • Attention is ea/late the large raiudion in pri ces of Fine• Cat Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found ofa Superior quality. Tobacco. SMOKING. FINE COT CHEWING. SMOKING. oiv, P. A. 1,.. or plain, S. Jago. No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, „spaniah , • No, 2,iiieet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, No, 1& 2. :tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish- mixed, • Graunlatith • - : dislod lan of mono wjU be sent on appli cation: New ToriMpril 1,1843.-1 j: VQL. 15-NO. 8. NOT ALCOHOLIC. A STOMA" C9NCEI TRATED Vegetable Eitriet. A PURE TONIC. DOCTOR WOOFLAND'S • GERMAN ' ;BITTERS, 'IIITTERS PREPARED BY Dr. C. M. JACKSON Philad'a WILL ETINECTIJALLY CURE _Liver Canifillaint Dyspepsia, • . . Jaundice. Chron io or Nervops Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys; end oil ditieases artsitirfrom e - ti iso'rriere!! Liver oh Stoinech.- Stich DS Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or Illood to the Head Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea. Beart. harn, Dif . gust for Food. Fulness sW t. eintit in the Sthinachour, liruitatyins. Einking,or: , Phittering at the Pit ot , the Stonnich—Swiintning of the Wead,llnr tied and Di suit Weighing. Plot wring at the Ileart, g , Chokin or Suffocating S . e.Ssatipins when in •a lyifficPclet titre. lirstnensi Viipiont. Woe LeiciMehe heforetthe Sight,Yeverand"Doll Plan in the tread. Deficiency. of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Akin end Eyes. PAM in ths, Side. Deck. (hest. Limbo, &e . Sudden .Flushee of Beat, Dinning in the'Plesh. Con§tant of Evil, and greet Depression at Spirits. And will pcisltively prevent Yellow Fever, Bfindis Fever, de. THEY CONTAIN No Alcohol or Bad Whiskey?' They wit.t, ming the :those, diseases in ninety - nine eases out Di it hundred, Induced by the e*temilve sale, and mnivertal popu larity of Iloofland's German Bi tters. (purely vegetable) ho ts , ofienorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventu rers. have opened upon suffering humanity the flood, gates of Nostruins.in the shape of poor whiskey!'idlely compounded with injurious drugs, and chrintenefiTon. ice. eiteinachiss and Bitters. - Beware of the innumerable array'of, Alcoholic prep arations in plethoric bottles. and big bellied kegs. der the modest appellatitit . of Bitters: which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave t. e [minted soft rev ill &Spate 4 IIOOKLANIPS GERMAN BITTERS! 'i'Arg„not anew and untried article, but have stood thaidat of fifteen years trial by the American public; and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLEWYMEX, ?IA WVERS, PII TSIrl AN S. and.CTTIZENS.. Testifyini or their own person ei -to:the 'F•treaDt itnd medical virttiewof these Bitter DI/YOLF WAN P '&111 ET lIIN' To sT ItlO;t7TtlEy you? Do „you V. 6 NT A GOOD APPETITE ? in ITOW,WANT I P YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO yiio VITAITT To re.r.i, WELh? YoU.V. , A NT Ti) 13 ET RID OF,NERTOUSNESS? DO MU. WANT Cs: Y Dry yoo WANT TO SLEEP WELT? WANTUOYtIU A BILISK AND VIGOROUS FEB.L'INI.I II you do. ume HOOFLAND'S !BO LEN BITTERS. FEMII. - Rim J. Newton Brown:. D. D, - Drlitor of MO En 'click/et/1a of Religions Krtoipledue. , Although not divosed to titvur or recommend Pat. Ent tiedicines in genera), through clistru , t of their ht. gtedietit and effects ; 1 yet know of sufficient reek .toiot why a man may not testily to the IsMetita he bw. lievee hlitn.di to have received from any simple' prep aration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bemfit of "them I do this the More readily 4n tegard to Ifeofiand's (lemma Bitters. prepared by Dr 74..laejmon, of thiS city,,bacanse I was prejudiced ageinit thorn for many years, under the impression that they , : were ebiell an alcolndin mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob. ,ert Shoemaker. tsq.. for the removal Of this prejudice 7, , by proper tests. and fur encouragement t- y them. 'when suffering front great and long continued debili. ty. The use of three bottles of these at the he );ifin!anz of, th,.'preent year.•was thilowed by evident relief, and restoration - to a degree of odily and men tal vigor which I bud not felt for SIX months before. and had almost 4im.pa /red of re.ain inn. I therefore thank On t and my friend for diresting me to the Mie of diem: NlAtl'oN BROWN. PEILADU., 4"crxm. 23 If Gl. Particular ritolliCc. There are many preparations wild under the - name of It ittqrs,ppt up in quart bottles. tioinpounded et, the - ...cheltpest3.stlttstiey,er ointrinkfttlittk' 'to cents par gallon,. ur Coriand This class of Bitters has caused and will' continue to COWS., as hal its they MU 1.0 sold, hundreds to die the death of .the drunkard: By their itse the system is I kept coiditittAitinder the infineace of Alcoholic. Stint ' ulun tee I the worst kind, the desire fit' Liquor is mu ted and kept . ;. op, and the result is all the horrors at tendant upon drutikard's tile and death. "or thole who desire and will hteve,a. Liquor Bitters. , we publish the followina rweipt. het Oiee Botele Heel ton 's Gerneet Bitters and with Three Quarts of Good.Braticly or Whtsirey.nn.l the result will be.s prep aration that wili.far excel in atedirium.l virtues and true exceilence nut of tile numerous Liquor Bitters in the inarket, And wilt cost much tees. . You will have all the virtues of Holland's Bitters in connection with a pond article of Liquor, ,at. a much-less price than these inferior preparations:will cost you. Attention fttoldier! AND 11t1EML•S OF '4,OLDIDIES. We cell the attention of'" all haring relations anti friends ia the army to Um :feet that. - I.l.oolthalsiD S German Bitters" willberss n int) tenths of the diseases Indians! by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists. published almost daily a the news papers. en the arrival of ,-the' sick, it war be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debili ty. Kvery case of that t" old can be readily Mired by lloofland's German Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestivesiirgt ns are speedily removed. We have no hesitation lusts tine that. it these Bitters wars , freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might he saved that otherwise will be lest. We cell particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated rare of, one of the nation's heroes, whose. life, to use his own language, has beeu saved by the Bitters:' PIIILA6ELPISIA. August 23rd. 1862. Nam. Jones & gentlemen, your Roof. lasd's German it biers his saved my life, There is, 00 mistake is this. it is vouched 'for by umbel Sof my t , "lorades. Some of whose name are appended, and who were hilly cegi.izitnt of all the circumstances of my case I nub acid have been. for the last four years, a member of Sherwin's zelebrated battery, cud under the immediate Minna ad 'Captain It. B. Al res Thrsugh the exposure attendant upon my arduous du tiws. I was attacked in November last with intientatation of the lona, and wee fur'seventy-two days in the hes. pital. This was followed by great debility. heighten ed by an attack of dysentery I tens then rumored from the White House, and sent to Hai.: city on board the Steamer 'State of Maine " from ,which Ilatided ou rh.,2sth of June, Since that time I have been ,o hoot as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I wan scarcely able to swallow anything, and if 1 did Sores a morsel down, it was immediately thrown lineman. I could not even keep a glass or water on my atom orb. Life could not last under these circumstances; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been work. iug faithfully though unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told we they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to teake,eneh disposition of my Ibid. ted funds as ,Lesbsuited'xi•e.. An acquaintance who visited tile at the hospital, Mr. Frederick bleinbron, of Sixth below 'Arch Street, sal r ised me, -as a los torn hope, to try I our, Bitters, and kindly preeureV ttn Fran the time I commenced.: taking them the' gloCitny, shadow Ordenthreped4-and: Inn) now, tank Chid for it, getting better. Theligh.l hate but taken twd hcittleS, 4 have gained ten pounds, and I feel san guine or beingniratitted to rejoin my-wife and daugn. ter; from ; whom I haiVe.heard niathin“or 18 mouths: for u gentlemen,::lini a loyal Virginian. from the min, - To yo ihekinitlatit owe the certainty of life which has taken hie place or vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege °regain clapping to my bosom those who are dearest to nee in lite. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALON S DL 1D B• LONG We fully concur in the truth Atf the above statement, aP xe bad despaired of seeing , our comrade, restored to health ADP: CIamI,EBACK, let New York Battery•. 1.F;01,1;11: A ACKLEY. Co C 11111 Maine. LEWIS ‘lllEVal.ißii. U2l New York. SFr:Net:IL, let Artillery, Uattery F. FASEW I3I .L. Co U.;l Vermont. HENRY It JEILUIIE, do. Itt.:NKY T MACDUNALD, Co C 6th F %VAUD k .sth Maine. IIEIIMAN KOCK, Co 1.172 d New York. NATIIANIEL 1111101 AS. Co 1 0 95th L'enn. ANDREW .1 KIMBALL, Co A 3d Vermont.. JUIN JENKINS,,Co B lutlth.Peno. Beware of ounteyeits . See that the signature or "C. M. JACKSON," Leon the WK.A.FP f ea. h, bottle. • - • • •. Plclo4 BOTI'LE.76 GENTS, OR ['ALF DUZ. .FON't4 00. Should your ,aearret di uggist not have ti e article. do not Lepet off by any itie intoxicating prepare,- Lions iliat may be offere I in its place, but semi to us, and we will forward securely packed. by express. PIIINCIPAL OFFICS AND Nk AN U FACTORY, • NO. dIIARCHST, jr()lrt'S' k FaVatig. (Successor to C. Al. JACKSON A Cp.,) Proprietors.. agir FOR SALE by Da. GEO. ROSS ut.pilsßO thr, Cotirt Brune I.EI3ANoN, Pa., and try DlllgglatS and Dealers in eVeri COMI ZJuited Suites. To the roblie. glee undersigned haring had fifteen years ,tiract ce 1, in Spa yin y , thstruting, 4titertV, or Cutting STOOK. for FAILNIERS, and having purchased the tools of Mr. PZT StIOTT. deceased. offers his .Be:twice's to the fottO , era and the public in general., feeling confident that ho will give satisfaction to alt.. Ms residence is at the Turnpike, 1,4" In tie from lleilig's Tavern, 3 miles fr9nt . Annville, and a% miles from Lebanon: - filmorr SNAVEif." South Areevitle tp., April 29;,1861%—an5. • The ,bere'.Veteraft, — Who - was a citi zen, captain, colonel, ,. brigadier and Major geOeral, ti'apace-_or,nitk months, though a rigid disciplinarian, and ii:perfent -ironsides the charge of his efficial'dittieseould en joy a good joke, and is alway t s ready to perpe rate 'onel*WlVen' on'opporta.', 'nity presents, , 'lndeed,aitiong biaite quaintances, lie is Ainueli. , beitowned' for his, eccentric ,huMor, as he is for his skill and bravery as ,a commander. When Grant :iv‘iiii'''w;'-'brigadier southeast lifissetiili; he commanded an expedition against the rebejsionder Jeff. Thempsen,,in, northeastU44n. ass. The diStance 'froth the *tilting poiot,,orthe eapedition to the atfppop• ed rendetivotra of the 'rebeleivaa one hundred and ten mile, agd~the, grt4atr portion. of the mu:talky:Vito the hiimiling wilderness homy suffering that our soldiers dared during the first two days of their mare") was enormous r lt '--wits; Impossible to steal or ‘corifiscate',tin cultivated real estate, arid not a beg, or chi cken, Dr an ear of'eprn was any'. where 'to he seen:•''On tlir.third day, 'however-affairs leoked robrlA hope.!ful, for a.feiv. small specks of ground, in ar state Of partial cultivitthefe here' and there visible. OrifltiWdity - Lient. Wickerfield, of an fildifjfiteavalry * regiment, nom m ded;-tlfe - ltdVance:' guard,tionsistitig :Of eighty mounted men. Abont noor he came OMB farm hotise, (i.nrn the Outward' . appearance of Which lie judged that there might.he something •te - eat in side Re talterVbis company, oils mounted ; and will) sc:6nd lieu tenants entered already "crone all that cone': 'try, and it occurred to him that by-1 representing himself to be the Goner al he, might Obtain the. best the house afforded. So, assuming a very imper- I ative demeanor, he accosted the in ,mates of the }Mose, and told them he. mast have something for himself and staff to eat.: They desiredtoli,now who he wee,and..he ; teld Omni he was Brigadier General Grant. At. the sound of that name:they flew around hitn with alarming rilaerity, and s ere= ' ed lop about all they had in the house; tskiig great pains •all the while to make loud, professions 0f•.,14'.)37a1ty,- - --- The lieutenants ate as much as they could of the not over .su mptuous.tneal, but which was, nevertheless, good for that country f and demanded what was to pay. "Nothing."' And they went on r _thei way?rejoicing:. • . hi the meantime General Grant; wh o bad halted his army a few Miles further back for a resting spell, came in sight of, and was rather faVorahly impressed with the appearance of this same ' h ouse .. Riding up to the fence in- trent of thti oor,. he desired to know if they would cook him a meal. ~No," said a ferilate, in agruffvoice, "General Grant . and Staff have just been here and eaten every thing in the house except one pumpkin pie." "Humph 1" murmured Grant ; hat is your name. "Selvidge," replied the woman. Casting a half-dollar in at the door, he asked if she would keep that pie till he.sentan officerior it, to which she replied she would. • That evening, after the camping grounti . had been selected, the various regiments were notified that there wouid be a grand paiade at half past six, for orders. Officers wotiald 6.0 tlfat their men all turned out, &e. In five minutes the camp was in a perfect Uproar, and filled with all sorts of rumors, Some thought the enemy was upon them, it is so unusual to have a parade when on a March. At half•past sic the parade was formed ten columns deep. and:nearly a quarter of a mile in length. Alter the usual routine of ceremo nies, the A.. A. A; G. read the follow ing orrier•: .Headquarters, ?Army in .the Field. special order. No .--,ieutenant Wiekerfield, of the- Indiana cav alry, having this day, eaten ''eyery thing in Mrs. Selvidge's house, at the crossing of the Ironton and Pocahon tas, and Riack River and Cape. Girat, deau-roads, except one pumpkin pie, liieuL Wickerfield is hereby ordered to return with an escort of one hun dred cavalry, and cat that pie also. U. S. GRANT, Brig. Gon. Commanding.] Grant's orders were latir and no soldier ever attempted to evade them-. At 7 o'clock the lieutenant Sled out of camp with his hundred men, amid the cheers of the entire, army. The escortctincUrfed.:ia stating that be devoured the Whole of the and seemed to relisla , - [ play 27,.1863.H1y . = tfiblsinit chi not; make one trathg - I, LEBANON TA WEDNESDAY A.ISOU S t 1 " 1863. - etlaire lioetg. • ON THE DE LET. - Their !bet should walk in peaceful Their lives should be exempt fireinuare They wish the futroma on their brows. And sil‘ur threads lemony their hair. But passions that 'Choir youth ne'er knew. Are kindled 3n Itiefe bosoms, when, They eft end ponder on their wraegi-- The Fathers oethe (trailed men: They are looking beck °null the ;ears, They freely nese theiy'etiengthaway. And strove with toll andianzlons tears To bring their boys to manbootre'day. They weep 'their tears—they pray theirprayers— , Theybrake (Stair hoarts, and then - Tiley sir grill-grieve in mate despair— The metbere of the drafted men. , Sweet Children cling about their necks, Fond wives eit,:near in dumb dismay ; Their lips ate sltht with shnddering fear, They pour' ute curses on the day Th,at.gave nano the tyrant's power, • Atutiainly question if again • ' A liff!'d of freedom Will be sure, idsid•help them ail—the drafted man. fffistetiantnis. A STORY OF' GRANT. . , 0N li - M ,-; BRIF,FA'V • BtISCIV. 4 l' le' lt Tilltit— du'n'k, ,ERR spAc: ,I. § „et.ver• sehropke,,,es ist yuq,,cnieh..l Jell will a mole a aleiner. btif,sehri;he,ztt . „eloh, 1 wags ; derma 5ae141,,,w0 di ,? ,,,i ? it,. idle weil so org 13 frel;k:FA. ' D 1 1.1 1 'f 4lit,:das mir.en grosser kriek,uf unsere bend 'hen, Sehlaebt unt-,wkeder sZlile,eht,..l gebt es, und doeb:hitch ken rii4de.::-- Wesht du wie deslommt? ,leh will. dir sage., Die ke tn ey • wo den .krieg m geaeht h'en, die . 'en do .phppi k te 1, von, ,de,..,gate, ,ehg„ighe• . lei.,t g'lanbe gtmaeht des es we 4'en krieg l feer die r Union wieder pf snilietze,. and, depae , weg batte i' 3. 4!, l Prk . fgg.l l ..f. ' Sie,-4 1 , 1 ei4! da, hams untl,slit,eltp 41e hence in. Ore hussesetk i abet. an re )64; ..tr k ipei gc4 ,1 1 feriae, und 111114`*,04.4,gafie, in ells.' . 1 Bache, odersiAllasto_ide "„Dorkes"und "Sudden] Zimpatligrp.",,Dlp oifel's.- kinder gleietititt- aleinpad s das , ..ger 3 i 1 fri ede ~ rn,ac.ig- Wikt.44s'kftdelej..ilteAte,..- ,' mend , des dieeAriginjon , oo:-.o.ig ittt . .. oberigkeit , wiedeE p babe wpjle. 1. Aie, [ Hasse alle mannaqr.. , net, glaubt .dap , ' die : 11 egor, froi gpsetzt ',polio set;, .X.),,i,e,i Seliwertze missel,'ebre , frelhejt,4iakoi ..oder de Union ist:nietite worth. ...Der . Washington hitt .kina,,,,die alt. Union. gebe, und de neltef i biteer net frei , ge:* setzts Er but se), r ; neger ge:eignet. feh geh Peer% de ' 4 -shington I Sie`' l'A r Republik, ish gut Onniik foer, inieb ! fell verlang net'lne,h'eager doh zu babe deg wie aire:yeil2do,inn, und sii& sin zu viel. Dia',Selltputzjge,celitieli:e. di n ger rieefie a Vimig:zu abtarli'feer mei n ags. Sie koilli'te a ii r zu vie' tox. 'Herr Yeh I Won (kir von Mx (eli. w et'i.er ) es tnoelit,mieh gtinti seliWach feelit,r-- Shtate toit-,fiollt y t(* - -bikunty t ; ONT —license tax —ea 41 nights wie tox !, tox ! tox I Die ikisinp'et , niag fait P griega *On's Inl4l:ii net ufbreeht elms;. von denne idia,' Zu denke 'desnoir alt des iedli .iiiiYie •bezahle leer die hued zu - tedraklify!der alt Aube - thane aria sehickt ehor qis zu reyiera I - felik wo't des sie di: reulili'fiegu. eb lung ! Es geht 'gs,ifs - it her thit Hine, 'so ) lang diii 'ine Slifeekilate."kenne 'und Belt inaehe aus d 'iri kiieg. Was gebp, sie durum we v,lel blut vergosse wer A t und wie vie' gelt 'des' der lirieg koslif, won -ehre - foutellNerrier ehre hint er halte and ehre 't i red( es gelt griega'?, 'Die neger kenne ~iiiW guns sehlueke; won sie In die . gri'ne bickel gewitkelt sin: Solehe kii rl s'o't w mir virerke i t mit hanff Vel,::( I, eh re 'zeit.korri mt. - Sie Icenne uric'ii siiic-leit net distort vernorra -Mit eh enN% geselirei . wege der:Union: Ifiir Wised das sie ,yust gern'a Union 114 a Mit da rieger and .init.'.eitte Offisali% r Sie kerma es nir,n-,4 nighkoindut ! l ie seliviatte sch !mike - , he'll ern alto Sam F,e)hinkle neslita 1 srlion tang . :g,eiintk ausg,vsuekelt: l -- Mir wel Id ffi (if -tiiiiiere arreirtchenteSts - tiitii. , )2Mi t . 4 ... All 4". 44 o ' S. ' -Teschtr . Illtaset hui, Aug, 8, I B p3. _.--- . • PERSIAN STORIES OF HUSBANDS, • A Married man. presented hiinkelf, trembling and sorrowful, at, the gates of .Paradise. .119, had heard so. often, of. his" faults andshort-eornings while upon earth, that he believed in them devotedly, , and 1341 d, no hope , of being adtnitted..to the , habitatjens. of .the blessed. One wife 4e had been.repeat edly informed, as a : blessing, far be yond his-merits„rhile , io.-fletfh;. )IQW,_ then, (lonia : he hope 1 . .1r-the smiles of :sevest ty , hoe ris 7 ' 13uf the. ; prophet, when he presented liiinself .at the gates of heaven,',to his great surprise, greeted him witb Its- smileof ineffable eompaision. "Pass on ".poor,,mortal,' : ' i i said Mithamot. 'You, have have .been in deed acgreat,si ri but-you have suf. fered enough upo . the earth, .so be of good . cheer, -for:you , will not meet eyour w s ile.h re.''.. . . ~, ~ , . A man who' had hitherto crept up to heaven, now stood .01). Confidently, and presented liiinsW to the prophet upon the.. groaatUthat. Ven twir:q married. 4ANay," said . ,„the prophet, angrily, "Paradise is no place for,fools,"" • A miffing young,fallow married the wealthy widow of a great Khan. On the weddina night she determined to 4 't; So assert lier anth_ri y over lint. she treated - hiM with, great contempt when he came into the ente.rontn, and sat luxuriously embedded in the rose-leaf cushions, caressing- a large white cak,' or. Which She pretended to he doatingly z fond: She appeared to, be annoved; .by her husband's en. trance, a4lOoked at him out of the corner of hat —eyes with a glance of cold disdaiiii "I dislike - ".;tints," remarked the young soldier,. - blandly, as If he was making a. mere casual. Oseri - mion ; "they offended my: eight." If his wife„had looked at him with a glance of cold, disdain before; her eyes now wore an expression of anger and contempt such as - no :words can , express. She did npt even deign to answer but t she, took ,the „c..q . to her bosom, and fondled it passionate,• ly. Her , whole heart seemed to be in. the cat, and cold, was . the stiobldea. which she turned to her husband.— Bitter was =the sneer'upon her beauti ful lips. "When any one offends me," con. tinned , lier gallant, ghily, "I 'ciit off its `fiend. It is a pecialiarity of •inine which I am sure, will only make me dearer to you." Then drawing his sword, he took the cat gently but firmly from her arms, cut off its head, wiped th*, , ,b a e, sheathed, it, and sat down, continuing to talk affectionate. ly to his wife as if nothing he'd hap pened. After which, says tradition, she became th,e best and most sub missive wife in the world. A _henpecked follow mestitng him next day as he rode with a gallant train through the., ia4iket ,f)fann, ',gan7",t;,4spinfiOnle virjtti • -4,410" t Araiiif th e;`ireinprectri4- - -44W - • • MIME deep feeling, "you," too, have taken a wife..iind got a,tYrant.' You had bet ter remained thepbor saidier that you were I pity yen from the bo a t= tomOfinY heirt." :"Not' so;"'replied the jPyfull ly; "keep your sighs to cool yoUrself nest entimer." He,,,,then related the events of his WedAigg .11 igh t, With 'their satisfactory results. ' ' 1 The hiriPPckedinan listened attent l Aively,:and pondered long have a 'swcird;'' said he;" is"rnsty; and wife likeWisklond of cats: I tvitt,,cutdir 'the head of t my, wife's faverite - cat at' He did so- and received sound: 'BeaTing.`,,Eiti moreover; mad e tipCiii;liia ik ees;und . tell` har t , what . yr7t(o,*!' of evil fi t ibr.byee,a:h . il4 . topbrn Rat, 414 blandt , atird:;th9laty, d with a' viz: bbialiiniil4' 'Alen ,Alit had 'OctiagiO4' h l ersel f - or the u tiVripeadad Wisbaria:a secret, ‘typb,shbulo have dppeitthe , Wrsf pkgh,t" ' 31„Zittar,.—:Advfaer kauseless to fools: v05i,*6060011.:.A141.0 SABBATH, z Judge 'Woodward 11 not "only one Of our wisest jurists aiid`ablest states tnan;kuthe is a Mim i ', of the pirest' `moral Char t acter, a cOngistantineMber` a the Einscopal okiirch; Model cbri t s,tiaa gentleman. conversation a few days since, with nn intelligent gentleipau of this, county, who bad been engaged fn Benne -trimilic dons- in the' county 'of Huntingdon, during, the time ,Tudge IrVood Ward pie sided over the courts Of that district, he reltited an ineideht vilrath shows both the good practical sense and the firmly ti*edrel,igioue'prin`eiples our' eandidate`for the office Of Gbvernor: in'il.untiiigdori county ii.•has been. customary to summon' thw jtirors to assemble • at 1.0 o'clock' on - Monday morning;' of Court week. As the county is large this obliged many of them to travel on , the‘Sabbath day.— BefOre discharging : the grand jury at the first court lie beld,'Judge Wood wain alluded to thiti . fact in fitting terms, remarking on the , duty of strict observance of the Sabbath, and' giving it as tkis - opihion that no pub. lie bUsiness, except that of the most, urgent 'character, could justify Pablic offierals i3l requiring ,men to leite their'''homes and travel on the Subbath. He 4r` tified fhose present and the court Oinciels that thereafter the ju rors would, be sapirnoned to attend on Thesquy Fristead et 'Monday morn inearici this rufe_he es talajisbel and tdtiered all Ch, adhered to io i all the counties of .is tfintrict, - , F 4104 VPFeper of lifisinetie all the ,thrie eondav, Was hills , taken' up with other mai ters,, and on Puesdtly morning the' rors 'Were present and the court ready' to proceed With the trial• list withOUt interruption.' gut informant added thatilthe business of the court never seemed to he carried on so smoothly and so rapidly as whenn - under the die' rection of, this able ch w ristiari Judge.— I In the hands of such a man all 'the 'I best interests of the' _Commonwealth will be eminently safe.--FuttOn Dem o - =coat. WHO ARE EXEMPT FROM DKAFT, AVe receive frequent inquiries as to the elasses of persons ; who are exempt by Jaw 4rom the operation of the mili tary draft. The shortest•and most satisfactory way qf , ansWering them is,Uy pohlishing the following section of the lasv,- ,Saorios,„2, And be it further enlcted, That khe Jollowing persons be and they'are hereby, excepted, and exempt from the. provisions of this net, arid shall. : not-be, liable to. military duty under the same, to wit: Such as are rejected, as physically orsnentally un fit for ; he service ;,also, L The Vice. President, of the Uni ted States, the Judges of the various Courts of the United States:, the h eads of the various.executive departments of the Government, end the '.Govern ors ofthe'Seireraf States.: 2. The only son liable to military duty ora - widOw dependent .upon - his labor for support. '3.. The only .8011 of. an aged and in, firin Pafent, or parents dependent up , orillis'labor-fOr support. -4. 'Where , there are two or. ,more' sons °Paged , or 'lapin parents .sub ject to draft, the father, or if he-he. dead, ' the-mother may select-which son shall be exempt -4.. The only brother 'of children not tWelve years old, haVing neither fath er- nor 'Mother, dependentqtpen his labor for support. 6. TheltitherVf mcitherless child ren under tweive.years of age, dependent upon his labor for support. 7. 'Where there4are-fatherand sons iii fife Same' household, and two •of them dre 'in the , military service .or the Unite&St ittes , as non-commission ed officers, inusiCianVor privates; the reSidaii of Such: family and household, not exceeding two, shall be exempt, , and no persons but such as are heTein exempted shall be exempt : Provided,' hoWever, that. no person who has , been Convicted of any -felony shall 'be enrolled or permitted to servo in'said. forces. ' • • Theie' ire I'd aaitioii the'se empted hy eeeerillA substitutes, or ofi' min - 0300 "fOr the proeuiationl•of gitbErtitute." . A NEW INVENTION O f MILITARY - DES- : POTISM.' A few days striae two bai•sai, Atte,be longing to Levi E'en "liiist,op apA the otbPrAck.i9§9o , fe,rry.tl )o t4 9 1 ain4it,kg s tic. J)9,tx311 . Y1PYA,r , ..0..NT.90,, Pf Ilartc°r4E 6.coPty4/443.74.Pati . MK% billneßgari EISIE WHOLE' NO. 73'7. How ~t he fires occurred—whether from the hu m I of an lacendiary,or. from ,the,Careles,sness of sonic person s attached to the form—no inquiry his he inmade. ' 'Whether the . owners are trulyleiyal'.ie niatter ,liable to. question,. Buttons: of th*kprestimpt,u , 0118upstarts, c ,(Majur Geo. :. Sehen i k,) *bona Ahe„rcesiclent 3 bas authorized to ornament his' shoufd'ois . with military trappings; has, - decided,: %vithout'any'Sgal inquiry - and .with out anyr- evidenci3, first, :that, these, barne.Wete..§grAledbY dieloyal,eity.ene3 leeopflly,;thatf they are ~:worth three thousand' dollars ; . thirdly, that all the, Six nine% must para-'prrrittiz'of the;three 'thousand doll ors;accordi according' to amount..of their property. tp,an army captain of his selectioni, i fourthly, he, determines; *balking tie six,, miles; are' citisati':,:•:-'hi;effifOrrnation, no .4 4nhht - ; deri,veliLiraninintelli gen t'-4 cont, txaberids';:and, ft lily, e , ntra • qu red Aro rn each ,p,erson must be paid, ig:ithin,tirreer-diye r ,44r i not,ification, "or the recusant, no inotter what the cause of fiiq refusal,,, will be put under the custodiansliiii' l of Provost of. Baltimore •until , , ABLE or. willing to meet, the ransom prescribed, by . the iniliwy-inindits who, like their Ital ian predece4i3ors, prey Upon the'coni- Triunity; The loyal 'State of Mary lon&ii. gloriously gotrerned by the present Administration.. SINGULAR METHOD, op STUDY. lt is recorded al Anthony , Meglia bechl that Ilis "atteritien was- contin. uallv absorbed, day atid - oight, utriong his books. An old cloak served • him' for a gown in the - day, and. for bed olotlie's at night. Beihad one straw chair 'for his table, !arid - another for his bed, in which he generally.remain cc! fixed, in the midst of ,a heap of volumes and papers, until -.he' Was o verPciwered by sleeP: With all hik intense aPplication 4 to -rending iiis knowledge was well-estimated in the observation, applied to him, that he was a learned man among , booksellers, and a bOokseller among Ake. learned. Sohn Williams, Engliki. _prelate, used to-study in a particular way.— He• used ta'allot one month to'a 'cer tain province, esteeming variety al. most RS rfr9lslli,ng cessation from labor; the end_of which he would take up_some other matter, and so on. till 1,44 carne round to his former course. ' M ezeraiii the' famothf hietorian, used to study and ...Write by , :candlelight, even at noonday. in,sammer ' and, ae if there had been. no in-the world, alwaY i s.iwaited-: upon his eompanyje the 4 - cor,with a candle _in his hand. The famous, Mr. w h en an extraordinary hirn'h 'gener y retired t6hed,'and•has been `known : l,o I,ie,,thiere : .one, two.. or rthree `days, till-he had ; sUrmounted it, Re would then get np and execute his de- With'Out any ,drawing or 'Model, for.he;had wprodigious memory and parried everything in Eitel:mad, ser John tir. Forney editer of the 'Philadelphia Press in a speech at Lancaster a few years ago said "what is- there in our. happy country to make Teen:afraid of the light of day, or—of honest inquiry ? Have we a 'conscript law that tears the husband man ;from his plow, the father from his larhily, the son from-bis widowed pother, to go forth and act.as gladia tors tar the , amusement of a few am• bitious kings? Have we a .gang of hired tax-gatherers •to drain the sub. stance of the. people? Is our. Pres ident an Attila or a lAdigula ? Is our Senatewa' Council of Ten ? Is- our .House of Representatives a body of tyrants, armed with power to ravish and destroy! =Secret usurpation a gainst such wrongs Would be justifta blo and rig,hti, forlwe are taught the great lesson "resistance to tyrants:is obedience to God I" Sueh were Forney's,sentirnents a fewfewa.years ago;• what are they now when we lave all these things , EXTRAORDINARY ABERRATION. —A soldier named Pierre -V# has just died in , one of the charitable asylums of. Paris after . heing•subjeet top. sin- . gulag mental aberration ever since the battle of Solferino, - where lie was wounded in, the head hy'a, musket shot. The wound soon - healed, but the own though 'apparently . in `good health, fancied-himself dead from the ti me 'he received the , injury. , 'When asked hoW he was--lie invariably re. plied, "Ah, you are askingubout Pi erre. Vali ?' Prior He was killed. at 'Solfarino by a musket shot in the bead. What you see here is not Valin, but it machine madenn , his semblanhe, and so badly put together that you-'ouglit to get another in his stead." In speaking of- hiniself be never said 'mei -but always cit' HO Wou ld sometith es' r6:m ain for-days in a state"of 'complete immobility,and so insensible to pain, that neither mus tard poultices, blisters, pricking, nor pinchin g was Telt , by him. He would often reitse , to teat; saying, "It does not Avant anything-; it has no stoma THE ,BREAMERS-AND THE EMPEROR. `As Charles V., Was hunting ()nee he lost his way, apl* ! 3,nie.red a miser able roadside inn' for "rest and refresh ment. Tie noticed 'four meri Eying on a bed whose cou'rtenpai . ees *eta by no means indicatiVe of 'good'inientions. . In fact, they Were thieves. Charles asked for refreShoidhtS, but he had scarcely, tliKo9wiefft . dreiv When One of the,iti !pa rig , gpt and alif;:tloa`cilbeh Vro the remark o;drea`nied":s . r.st; now * flat you : had s` i risot : la that wbu~d Grit me' EZO libbertiont: A FAMILY PAPER FORTOWB AND COIINTRY. • IS PRINTED AND PUBLISDED WEEKLY By WM. BREEILLN,, 2d Story of Punch's New Building, Cumberland Se At One Dollar. and. Fifty Cents a Year. nar ATME.Tiszriarrs inserted irt, the usual rates . - AA : The friends of the establiabausit, end the public sewer ally aretespectfullysoliclted to nend in their. orders. itritIIANDBILLS Printed stain horse riotioe. RATES.OF POSTACIE; • In Lebanon County, postage free. - In PCM:l6)lTatlia, out of .Lebanon'county rroq, cents Pow quarter, or 13 cents a year. . Out of this State, b 3,6 de. per quarter, 0v,26.0tai yen' If the postage is not paid in advance, rates are doable.. We are prepared to print Horse. Bills in handsome style, on short atitiee and at reasonable rates. „ , to a T,” and thereupon he appropi ated the garment. "And I," said a aise„ond fellow, fol lowing his eoutrade'ae.xtimple,"dresm- - ecl you had a buff coat which would fit me Alleely." At the same time,.he eeiziod upon ' the buff coat. The third took hie hat; the fourth prepared to tae . a whistle. which the Emperoi wore eiNietiffeet frcim his neck by a gold cbiOß. , "Softly, my friend," the ChaAelii "let me, first, show you the nee of thief" Whistle." • Accordingly, be raised it to his lips; blew a shrill note, and the bowie was fillsid with his armed retainera; s. "Here," said Charles, pointing to . the ruffians, "are a set of fellows who dream whatever they want. It is my. turn - I have dreamed that " - sir these rascals were worthyof a gibbet.. yet the dream be realized instantly.* The hint was taken, and, without further delay or formality, the rascally 'quartette were' swung up before the. inn door, a signal warning to all un. principled psychologists. An Incident of the Pitt Street Massa cre.—Ainong the wounded lying in . the Thirteenth Ward Station Hones on the morning of the shooting wag( .Tarn,es Stephens, a child only eight years of age, who was shot in . the right arm. Re lay quite patiently on hie left Side, and only moanect„ when his arm. was touched. Our re porter seeing him so helplesi attired him where his parents lived, and hav ing obtained the necessary informa: Lion set out to look for them i and was successful after about an honr's search. The father is a stout .ablei man, and beam the mark of a bullet' wound across the right eye , __ which" he received- while in the Navy. He cotild's6traely believe that his chifit was shot, and remarked that the sol diers "must have meet mischief or they would not have fired so low as to hit a child like that!' Be alai stated that he had two other boys . ," one of whom was twelve years old and tbe other two. On entering the Station House be went to his child, who brightei3i3d up . and cried "Ohl daddy, daddy, eomn . :land kiss me, and bring me home to mammy, till I kiss her before t die." The scene was truly heart rending, but it'he worst had to come, "did you see Billy ?" (a brother, aged twelve.): "Yes, daddy," replied the child, "be was shot in the nose." "And where is he?" "I clon't know, daddy." Here the_man looking at the eoun-f tenances around him, perceived ,that :therewas not a dry eye in the place, • .d That all viewed him with compas emTi,‘ turned as pale as death and cried "Merciful God, have they . shot: both my children ? 0, can any one tell me where' my boy is?" ttera some one said there was a boy lying dead below, and suggested,for to:. go down and see wether it might not be his. He went, and in less" than, two minutes a shriek so unearthly, came:from below as to startle every one; the poor fellow was soon seen to come up, stairs like a maniac.—ln the pale, bleeding corpse below, he recognized his eldest boy, whom bet a moment before he was speaking of- with all the pride of a parent, sad there side by aide, the woundedand, the dead, the two little brothers were carried on a door home to their moth er whose' 'heart is "broken.—.Y. Bun. QUAKER GUNS USED WITH EFFECT. —The rebels considered they had le good joke on us when they defended' Manassas with wooden guns. While, acknowledging the corn, we beg leave to call their attention to several wood en mortars that gave them more an-, noyance at Vicksburg than all other guns. The mortars threW six, twelve,' and twenty-four pound shell with considerable accuracy. Captain Tris sellian, a "fighting Irishman" on Gen.. Logan's staff, conceived -the idea of manufacturing mortars from logs.— Securing several sound logs, be bad them 'bored out, and then hooped . them with iron. With a small charge of powder they answered better than . iron mortars, for they made little noise. The rebels confessed that more damage was done by these" shells than any we threw into Vicki: burg. - SMART.—The draft draws out sham.:: bering genius, and expedients are As. thick as blackberries. Oar eolore bre.heren are placed on an equality with the Caucassian race, so far as they are concerned in the draft itself. But the Wilsons and Wades, in their excess, of love for the colored man s have passed a law that he shall have only ten dollars a month and'no bona. ty, when forced into.the allay; thotigh the white soldier gets thirteen dollar(' a month and $lOO bounty. In this town a-number of colored men were drafted. One of them, a hotel wafter( made up his mind to get an Oxen*. tion certificate. Being sound him self, he procured a colored brother with a weak knee to go before the surgeon . and personate him, the an• sound leg being sufficient, he suppos ed, to get him clear. But the leg - *ape not unsound enough. The surgeon "passed" him, and the uProvo" .kele him as an able.bodied soldier in Un cle Abraham's army. This scared the darkey with a lame leg almost to: death. Turding a little bine in f;h6 - . face, he declared,. "Lori a MOSS; laic, I ain't no Boger at all 1 - 7 Who are you l "ilksar, I conies utit, for de lame leg; to get him thedidf,--: that's all aattia A— diAt tot6cw*ai--can't be dOO,