tft anon athrtistr. TERNS, $l5O A YEAR LEBANON, PA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1863 HOME AFFAIRS. Sergeant Jerome Strohm, of Capt. Sperry's company, is among the wounded of the battle of 'Gettysburg. Sergeant Jacob Melly, of East Thanover was also badly wounded in the left breast at the same battle. Sergeant 7. 11. Beamenderfer was also severely wounded in Ibis bend and neck. The latter is et home and is speedily recovering. Farmers and others are earnes!ly requested to bring in contributions and supplies to the Lebanon County Aid Society, for the sick and wounded soldiers at Gettysburg. The Aid Society is forwarding weekly many articles of comfort and necessity, still the supply is not e qual to the pressing demand. Dr. Abiah H. Light of this place, has been rendering useful - service as Assistant Sur geon, at the hospital at Westchester; where a number of the wounded from Gettysburg have been taken. Mr. J. L. Becker, formerly of the Lebanon Democrat, has purcbasturthe Book Store of J. H. Miller, in Walnut street, and will be pleased to see h is friends-and the public in gen eral at the old stand. The stock of Books, Sta tionary, and Wall paper will always be kept full and complete. STOLEN.—TWO horses were stolen, last week, from Mr. C. Yorty, in Corows ship, by two deserters from the army. They slept In the barn of Mr. Yorty, and got up dur• ing the eight end rode off with the horses.— They were arrested by the Messrs. Booshore, near Fredericksburg, in Bethel township, and committed to jail, from which they were taken by the Provost Guard and Fent, on to the army. Capt. Sperry, wounded in the, bat. tle of Gettysburg, was brought to Lebanon on Monday. He is severely wounded, but the hopo is that he may speedily recover. The light fingered gentry were a• bout et the Circus on Monday evening. The pockets of several persons were picked of small amounts. The Teachers Examinations for the schools of this county will commence this year with the District of Cornwall on the Sth' of Au• gust. The County Superintendent's notice of the times and places for the examinations in the carious districts will be announced next week. Volunteers, Attention!—For the derange ments of the system incidental to the change or diet, Wounds, Eruptions, and exposures which every Volunteer is liable to, there are no reme dies so safe, convenient, and reliable as HOL LOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, 25 cts. per box. 209 IN' SEASON —Spring chickens, huck leberries, and raspberries—the former at fifteen cents a piece, and the latter at a '-feep" a quart. The Pennsylvania State Teachers As- Fc , liatinn meets at Reading, on Tuesday, August 4. 1863, and continues three days. It is expect ed that the Railroad Company will issue tickets at reduced rates to those attending the Associa tion, and satisfactory arrangements are also be ing made for accommodations. Lebanon county will no doubt be well represented. Mr. ITouck the County Superintendent, proposeslo open a Normal Class et Annville, on the 3d of August, to continue for five weeks, which we aro con fident will be supplying a void which has long existed in this county in preparing Teachers' for our common schools. See Advertisement. TAKE NOTICE.—The enrolling is go. ing on, and it in expected that •the Conscription act will be enforcedimmediately, so I would advice every. body to get their PICTURE'S taken in thee for their re lations and friends, and the only _place to get a No. I, Picture IR •ut .211MARISMAN . 8 ffew - York Photographic Gallery, for be is taking the cbeapft-t, the best. and most life•like Pictures in Lebanon. It is admitted by all that be can't be beat, for his gallery is always erewded. Give hint a call awl you will find as we tee olemend. Remember the place. Zimmerman's New York Photographic Gallery, in Cumberland St. Call early and avoid a crowd. P. S.—Children and anybody that bee got weak eyes Fbould call at Zimmerman's Gallery. his Pictures on ly require from 3to 5 seconds time to Sit. ' Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Caps, &o ATTENTION SPORT MEN.—J. G. AULENISECIT WOnid re spectfully inform the public .that he continues the business of manufacturing and dealing in GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, Glyn, Wade, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi al, at his Store, Market street, a few doors North of the L. V R. R., Lebanon, Pa. Is_ All kinds of Repairing done et the shortest pas sible not lee and in the best style o f workmanship. Lebanon, June - 24, 1.863.-3 m. grpf (41Dtir rilirg CON FESSIONS AND EXP.ERIENOE OF A NER - 1 VOUS YOUNG MAN.—Published as n 'warning and for the especial benefit of young men: and those who suffer with lilzsvous DEIIILEEE, Lose or :demon; rame:A. TUBE DECAY, &e., &c.. by boa wbo has cured bins eel f by simple means, after being put to greet expense and incenven fence, through the use of worthless nv-d -ieines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be hod (free) of the author, C . A. LAMBERT, Esq., reenpolut , Long Wand, by enclosing an addressed en velope. Address CHARLES A. LAMBERT, Esq., GIIEENEOINT, LONG ISLAND, New York. July 1,1803.-2 m. THE CONEESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE C 7,13 INVALID! Published for the benefit. and as a warning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MAIN who suffer from nervous Debility, Premature Decay of anbood, etc , supplying at the mule time. TUE MEANS OF SELF CURE By one who has cured himself after being put to 'great expends and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL, DIAYFAIR, Esq.. .Bedford,,Kinga county, N. Y. May 71, 1863.-4. DR. JNO. L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops FOR FEMALES This valuable medicine is now offered to the Ameri can Ladies as the only sure, positive, and never-litiling cure and regulator of suppression of nature, from whatever cause. Particular care should be used to know that Pregnancy is not the cause, an the Drops Iseuld surely produce an effect entirely contrary to the courso of nature, for which I will not hold myself re sponsible. These, Drops are so mild and pleasant, that the feeblest can take them with perfect security, yet so powerful in their offsets, that they may be safely called a never failing Regulator. They can be procured by :addressing me as directed below. I have used this med icine for the last twelve years in my practice, and there . fare well know its merits. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 per bottle. Address DR. JOHN L. LYON, New Haven, Conn. July 23,1862. WHOOPING COUGH OR GROUP, however severe, 'may be alleviated and cored by the use of DIADA3IE ADOC PORTER'S CURATIVE DALSANI. _ . This invaluable Medicine possesses the extraordina • power of relieving immediately WI - MOPING COUGH WiItSENh'SS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATIIING, USKINESS and Tickling in the Throat. It loosens .e phlegm, and will be found to be very agreeable to .s taste. It is not a violent remedy. but einolient— arming, searching and effective. Can be taken by ()blest person or youngest child. For sale by all uggists, at 13 and 25 cts. per bottle. 'January 25,1803.--Iy, PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY. OF FORM, YOUR ItEALTII AND MENTAL POWERS, • twin , * ' that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific • odyknown as ILELIIII3 OL US EXTRA OT DUCH a `end the Advertiseruen in am..ther column, and prof •y it— DiSeaFes and Symptoms Enumerated. it Plat o on(' Preserve it. 11/1.1 may not tow require But may at some Puture Day. "It giros health tu.d vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek." Ved Long Suffering and Exposure, .Beware rrf COunterfeits Oure.s Guaranteed ebanon, April ..%), 1863.-2 m. Card to the Suffering. .e RE". WILMA 00134/ROVE, wb Ile laboring ei a .ionary in Japan, Wa cure d of Consumption, wben Cher means had fa fled. by a recipe obtained from a ned physician residing in the great City of Jedde. recipe has cured giost numbers who were suffer from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs Colds, and the debility and nerions depression ed by these disorders. Woos of benefltting others, I will send this re• eine, which I lotto brohight home with 'me, to on who need It, free of charge Address Rev . WM. COSGROVE, • 43 Fulton Avenue, Breotilin, N. Y. Dee. 10, 1862.---ly. QUESTION.---Hollo ! there Dick and Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such a hurry ? Answes..—Why we are just on our way to Da ily's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . He takes splendid pictures, and his Gallery is nearly all the time crowded. so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before any body else g ets there, or we will have to come away again without getting any. (ll:lam—Yes! I bevy heard too that Daily's Gallery Is nearly all the time crowded, and so why don't you go to some other Gallery ? Axe.—Oh my! we could not think astral) is thing.— We admire the true and beautiful picture that Daily takes. so much that we would not go to another Gal lery ifwecouldgetthem fot nothing Gallas seven years, rxperienee in the business, Imes a complete sett of improved instruments, an exeeliint sky-licht, asp there fore takes the hest pictures n town, and so of course every body that wants a good picture goes to him. Qunsr.—What k and of Pictures doesqe take? Axs.—lle takes Photographs from miniature to lip size, plain or colored. His card pictures hare been pronounced more truthful and life like than some than bare been taken in our large cities. His Amhrotypes are beautiful, awl can't be beat. He also excels in copying pictures from small Daguerreotypes, mid en larging them almost to any size. Guesr.--Where is this Gal lery ? I must gire him a call too. AXS.—Just come along with Nancy and 7, and we will show you. It is in Stine's New Building. next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. Ilaishas constant. ly on hand a good assortment of G lit and Rosewood Frames, Gases, Albums, &c., which he sells cheap.— For good and eltemi Pictures we adrbe all to go to Daily's Gallery, *Lebanon,* Ps. March 11, SAPONIFIER, Concentrate I Lye, THE FMIIL Y SOAP MAKER The PUBLIC are cautioned against the . SPURIOUS articles of LYE,• for making SOAP, &c., noir offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye Is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANU FACTURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being , SAPONIFIER, OH CONCENTRATED LYE." The great success of the article has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, In violation of the Company's PATENTS. All Manufacturers, Buyers or Sellers of those SPU• MOB Lyes, nre hereby NOTIFIED that the COML'A NY have employed as their ATTURNBYS, GEORGE LIAR DING, Esq.. of Philo-owl WILLIA.3I BAKEWELL, 'Esq., of Pittsburg And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, or SRI, LERS of Lye, in violation of the rights of the Compn ny, will be PROSECUTED at once. The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, 13 for snle by all Druggists, Grocars and Coen Stores. TAKE NOTICE! The United States Circuit Court, Western District of Pennsylvania. No. 1 alley Term. in 1862, in suit of the PENNSYLVANIA SALT NIANUFACTURINC COMPANY vs. THOS. G. CHASE. decreed to the Com pnny, ou November 15, 1862, the exclusive right grunt ed by e patent owned by them for the SAPON (FIER.— Patent dated October 21, 185.1. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURfNG COMPANY. OFFICES : 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pitt St. and Duquesue Way, Pittsburg April 2D, 1203.,ru. CHRIST CRURCEL—Service TCMperalles Rail every Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock_ English preaching next Sunday at 10 A.lll_, and Ger man service at 8 P. Al , in theltioravian church. English preaching next Sunday morning in St..fohn's Reformed church. German preaching next Sunday morning at 934 o'- clock, and Engish in the evening in Salem's Lutheran church. arriA 0i the evening of the Pith inst.. in Philndelphia. by hi. 9 Honer Meyer Henry, neeordinK to Friends' cererno n.;-, CYRUS BOWMAN and SALLIE TAYLOR, both of Philadelphia. On the 9th inst., in Philadelphia, by the Rev. Mr. Flannery. Pr. SAMUEL MEI I.Y, or Lebanon, ht. to Miss S. JOSEPHINE MARTINDALE, of Camden, Del. par. On the 19th inst., in South Lebanon, PHILIP, son of John SHAAK. jr., aged about 3 years. On the 14th inst., after a I fingering illness of four months, which she bore with great patience and rca ig uatiou, Mrs. MARIA CATHARINE GRAEFF, aged 70 years, 6 months and 21 days. On the 11th inst.. in Cornwall township, Lebanon county, MARY BOMBERGER, widow of Christian Bomberger, aged 41 years, 10 months and 13 days, On the7th tact., in East Hanover tp., Lebanon co., Pa., EMILY 3 ANE, daughter of Charles and Anna T. SItBIVEit, aged 35 years and 23 days. In Philadelphia, July kith. Lc.olcAnn Parris, only son of Bev. Abraham In! Sabina Hondo'', aged 1 year anti 22 days. The funeral proceeded from Lebanon to Kilnr tnerling's church on Sunday at 12 o'clock, where Rev. Dr. llarbaugh and Rev. Mr. Gerhart of Jonestown Offi ciated at the burial. Go little loved one, go ; Your parents' heart ran tell, And none but they can - fully know, how hard to say farewell. The little flower bloomed awhile, In sorrowing paths below, nut now enjoys the Sarinur's Where sorrows never grow. l'he Lebal Caro fully co eon Market. , rreeted Weetity. soar. JULY 22, )863. Egge, 'f doz., 14 Butter, igi lb.. 0 12 ' Tub or salted butter, 19 Lard, 8 Tallow, 9 Ram, 9 Shoulders, 7 Sides, 7 Soap, 7 Beee-wax, 26 White Rage, 6 ' Mixed Rags, 2 Flax,p lb., 1214 Bristles, - it lb., 40 Feathers, 18 lb., 623,4 Wool, 18 lb., 40 Soup Beans, 11 qt., 7 Vinegar, p gal., 1234 L FillA1401 , :, Wm: Extra Family, $8 50 Extra Flour, 8 00 Prime White Wheat 1 40 Prime Red Wheat, 1 8b Prime Rye, 00 Corn, 76 Oats, 65 Clover-geed, 5 00 Timothy-seed, 150 Flax-seed, 1 26 Dried Apples, VS bu., 1 06 Dried Apples, pealed,l 50 Peach "Snits," 2.50 Peach "llutsele," 1 52 Cherries, 150 Onions. 37 Potatoes. "f bus, 40 Apple 13 utter, s lBcrock, 45 The Philadelphia Paget :el. SATURDAY EVENING, July 18, 1863. FLOUR—There is very little demand, and the market continues dal?. 100 bbls superfine sold at $5 50 ; 300 bbls Ohio family at $5 30@6 50 ; and 300 /his City Al ills - extra at $6 50 per bbl. The trade are buying in small lets at $5 50 for superfine; togs 50 for extra • $6 25@6 75 for extra fatnily,.and s7@B per bbls for fancy brands according to quality. Rye flour is dull at $4 50 04 75 per bbl. In Corn meal there is very lit tle doing. Small sales of Pennsylvania are making at $4, and Brandywine at $3 25 per bbl. GRAlN.—There ,is very little demand for Wheat, and prices are unchanged. Small sales of Pennsylvania red - are making at $1 40@l 45, and white at $1 50@ 155 bush. Itye . is sell ing at $.l 05 TO bushel for Pennsylvania. Corn is very dull ; about 1,000 bushels of prime yel low sold at He, and Western mixed at 81(g82e 1-1 bush. Oats are without change ; 2, 500 bush Pennsylvania sold at 78080 e, and 400 bushels Delaware at 78c, weight. CATTLE MARKET.—The receipts of Beef Cattle were very large again this week, reaching about 4650 bead, and the market generally very dull at previous quotations. Of this number some 3000 were taken by the government at from $5 37! to 5 80 the Mitts. gross, and the balance sold to the butchers, at $8 to $lll the 100 lbs., as to quality. Cows—About 100 were disposed of at --from $2O to $35 each fur Springers, and $2O to $4O for cows and calves, as to condition, which isa decline. lingo were also rather lower and about 2350 sold, including 1603 at Glass' Union Drove Yard, at $7 to $B, and 720 at the Avenue at front $3 50 to $3 25 the 100 lbs, net. Sheep continue in steady demand, and- about 6000 sold at 6igstic tb, gross. Lam& ranged at s2©4i , each, as to condition. BLANK RECEIPTS . For Collectors of fftata, County, and Militia Tax, for sale cheap at the loiverthoor CiSee. Moo for Collootore of School Tax. Behr Purtionmtb. LOST.-$3 REWARD. Asmall box. containing a Watch and guard, and other small articles ' between the Meeting Rouse at Cornwell and Plank Road Toll Gate, on Sunday morning, July 12. Any person finding the above and returning it to its owner at Cornwall will receive the Baer° reward. THOMAS memElloN. Lebanon, July 22, 1863. Normal Class. AFTER we had closed our examination of Theach ers last Fall, there were still upwards of thirty Vacancies in different parts of the County, for which there were no applicants. except such ns had already been rejected as being incompetent. This was owning to the fact that many of our Teachers were in the mili tary service. Many more will quite likely be called by the draft which is soon to take place. and consequently it will be more difficult to supply the demand for Teach• ers this Fall then what it we' last. The Millersville Normal School which has always furnished as so many teachers bee been suspended, I therefore propose to organize 'a NORMAL CLASS, in the Lebanon Valley Ins:Rote AT ANI , TVILLE, to commence op '2llonday, August 2d. antt continue five weeks—until the time n f Exam lent inew, The exercises° r the Class w ill Consist MU hily of Drills in those branches which are named on the certificate ; Also of Lectures, Institute meetings, Discussions Zta I shall hare the Coopperation of the Princi pal W. J. DuaNsine A. M. And will be assisted occasionally by some of the neighboring County Superintendents. The above plan has been adopted in many of the Counties in our State and has been attended with the best results. We will likewise @IVO it a TRIAL • As the term is short, those who wish to avail themselves of this oppOrtonity for, improvement wilt do welt to be present at the Commencement. Arrangements have been Made for board ing . and Ac commodations at very low rates. For further mfoitini tion apply to me at Jebel] , n, or to Mr. BlLilltianlE at A any Me. . HENRY HOUCK, Co., Supt Lebauen, July 221663. A Joint Resoliition PROPOSING CERTAIN THE CONSTITUTION. • • . BE A.Resoived by the Senate and 'Haaseof Rspresers. tativesbf the-Slate of Pennsylvania in Gteneral Assem bly Met That the following atuendinents be, proposed to the Coostitntlen of the "Comnion - weislth in accord ance with .the tenth article thereof: There'phal l be an additional section to the third ar ticle of the Constitution, to be designated as. section four, ae follows : • Secrion 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any sietual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of th is Common wealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall' be, prescribed by laws, as fu3ly as if they were present at their usual place of election. ' There shall b, two add itional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows : Stones S. ICobill shall be passed Ly the Legislature containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. ' SteTros: 9. No bill shrill be pasted by the Legidhi tare granting any powers, or privileged that has been. or cony hereafter be, couferred upon the courts of this Common wealth- JOIIN CESSNA , Speaker of the Holm of Itepreeentatives JOHN I'. PENNEY. Epeaker of the Senate OFFFZE OF THE SEORETAUT OF THE CONSIONWFALTIT, HATMISFURO, duly 1, 1863. Pennsylvania se : ,-,—, I do hereby certify that the foregoing and /l annexed is n fnll. true .nnd correct copy, of L.S. the ortgund Joint Resolution of the Gener al Assembly, entitle l, "A Joint Resolution ~..,--. proposing certain Amendments to the Con stitution," as the stuns remains ou file in this of- nee. In Testimony whereof. I bare hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER. July 22-31 no Sec'ry of the Commonwealth. ATTENTION, FARMERS. THE HIGHEST MARKET Price paid in CASH for BUTTER, EGGS. LARD and TALLOW, and general Country Produce by C. H. JOHENNING & CO Lebanon, near the Depot. July, 15, 1883.-2 t. - Notice IDIIBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that the Supple. mental account of Abraham Fernsler, Trustee of JOHN HEILMAN, a Lunatic. has been filed in the Pro. th.nohaloa olliceuer , L..b.racuren, lona teal tirrAsine will be presentei to the Court of Common Pleas of said County, on the Third Monday of _August, next. for con firm:it ion and allowance, when 8111 i where all persons interested may attend If they think proper. HENRY SI WRIST, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office. July 15, 1853. Notice. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. that the account of Usury Fry Assignee under a voluntary deed of as^ signment - for the benefit of creditors. executed by JA COB BORLAND and CATHARINE his wife, late of North Annville Township, Lebanon County, Penna. de ceased, has been filed in the Prothotfotary'S office of Lebanon. County, an't that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said County. on the Taira Monday of August, next, for confirmation and allowance. when and where a .1 persons interested may Attend if they think pr per. II F.:NI?.Y SIEGRIST, Protley Prothuuotury's Office, July 15, 1863. Not ice. pIiBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. thitt the neeinint 11 of Solomon R. Light. Assignee far the benefit of creditors under a voluntary deed of assign men t ot RY WENGER a d SARA El his wi re.r+l" Unit,» Township. Li - batten County, Pa., has been Mad in the Prothonota ry's office of Lebanon County, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Said County, on the Third Monday of Aitgust. next, for eon :lntition and allowance, when and Ivhere all persons interested may attend if they think prone , . 11.1P,SZRY Si EGUIST, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Ju'y 15, 1.8ri3. Notice. - DUBUC NOTICE is hereby given. that the arc iun t of Cyrus 51 Krell. Assi.ittine of JAC 'll UA RT3IAN and ELI ZA'TII his wife. forth° benefit Of crediters,has been filed in the Prothonotary's office of E.mbanon coun ty, and that the same mill be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said County, on the Third .Monday of August, next, for confirmation and allowance. when and where all pirsons interested may attend if they think proper. HENRY SlailusT, Pr. th'y. Prothouotary's Office, July 1.5,1863. - Nonce. P . EMME NOTICE ie hereby' given, that th e account of Michael Kolw, Assignee for the benefit of cred itors of WILLIAM'A DAUS aud wife, of Bethel town ship, county of Lebanon, has been filed .in the Protbonoiary's office of Lebanon county, and tbat'the same will be presented to the Court. of Common Pleas of said county, on the Third 2lfonday of August, next. for confirmation and allowance. when and. where - all persona interested may attend If they think proper. HENRY 51E6.1tIST , Proth'y. Frothonotery's Office, July 15, 11303. Nt,tice. 1)UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. that the account of Henry Grnmbe in, Assignee, under a voluntary deed of assignment, of ATOMS GfiLLNIBEIN arid-SU SA NNAII, his w ife, of worth Annville township, Leb anon county, State of Pennsylvania, for the benefit of creditors, has been filed in the Prothonotary' office of. Lebanon county, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said county.lon the 'Third Marlday of Ategeut, neat, for confirmation and, allowance, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. lIHNRY SIEGRIST, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, • 'July 15, 1363. • NOTICE. IN the matter of the balance iu hands of Jacob Witmer, 'Jr., administrator of, &e., ROSANNA T (lONIA ,lafe of South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County. iloc'd. PiOTICI is hereb3 given that the undersigned auditor appointed to Mukedistribution of said balance to and among, heirs, will attend for that purpose at his oflico, in Lebanon, o' TUESDAY. the 11th day of a 110 usT, 1863, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place all pet tons interested are requested to be present. ANTI - 10NY S. ELY, Auditor. Lebanon, July 15,1863. IttoMal Fire insurance Com. • pany of Annvilie, LEBANON COUNTY, L'ENN'A. mitis COWAN Y was incorporated, March. 1859, and 1.., is now in full operation and ready to make insur anceon.Dwellings, and other Buildings, on - Furniture, and Merchandise generally. Also on Barns. Contents, hock. Farm Implements. &a., on a Mutual Principle. MANAGERS. Christian Bachman, Sainuol Seabold, Williarnliarly, jr.. John IL , liinports, George S. Bomgardner, George Bigler, T. D. A. Garman, Georgo.Donges, John ; D. Beivor, Daniel S. Early, JOIN ALLWElN,President, RUDOLPH HERR, Treasurer. JOSEPH F. MATS, Secretary. Samuel Seabold, Traveling Anent. Jacob Schnotterly, Agent, Fredericksburg. Alarcll 0, 1862.-ly. , *Jacob E. L. Zimmerman's* FIRST CLASS 11AJR•DBF,SSING AND HAIR -DVEi IND SALOON, Market street, near Climberland, and opposite the Basle Hotel. Being thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he would respectfully solicit yountinuance of the same. Lebemon,-July kitO2. N.B.—The Saloon will be elated on Sandity. ' Just Printed, at this office, Judge ment Bonds with waver of 000 Exemption Law T HE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY -411UIP LOAN AT PAR -5 AME . NDKENTS TO July 15,1883. PIII4DELPHIA. WHISKERS 1! ! ITLATREAUT StimulltiggOnguent., OR FRENCH CREAM FOR BALD 'TEAS AND BARE FACES ! !! rIHIS celebrated altiele is warranted to bring out a j_ full set of Whiskers on tho smoothe-t Rice, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald head, in less than six - weeks , and will in n.b way stain .or injuqetho skin . The French Cream it manufactured by Dr. M. Pete. treaus, of Paris, and is the only reliable art He of the kind. "Use no other." Warranted in every case.— One Box will do the work. PRICE $l.OO. Imported and for sale Wholesale rub Retail by THOS. F. CUAP3IAN, ,themist and Druggist, 831 Broadway, New York. . S.—A Box of the Onguent sent to any address by by return mail, on receipt of price, end 15 cents for Postage. duly I, 1503.-4 t. BAUEZIDAIEIL & CO. no PEIBUILDING, NOS. 131, 133 135 DUANE STREET, .NEW YORK. A RE prepared to leceive consignments of WOOL and give their attention to the sale of the same. ADVANCES MADE IF DESIRED. Moderato rate of charges for 0011111li8510II, Insurance and Brokerage. July I, 1863.-3 m. BE all well built sad well arranged with all neces sary renvenienets. Also Cistern, Bath House, Smoke House, all kinds orFruit Treee, de., on the premiere, This propertilt, pot tight, will bo oxchnuged as shove. Good and indiipntable title given. For fur ther information apply 6 JADIFJA N. ROGERS, Tinsmith. Lebanon, July 16, 1862,1_1: All about the Net York cheap cosh Stnre. Goofijimet received f in the NEW YORK PLI AUCTIONS. 110 ye EConomical Illusekeepers why don't you go to the New York Store ant Save .30 per cent on all you bay. 20 plarasMagnincienVraney Dress Sitka,vory cheap, wall a r,Bwer exactly fot4ffeilding, dresses. 19 pieces Black Oro Dx/Rtrine Oil Built at figures de fying Competition., elemint variety of Black and Mourning dress gods, any kind and tut all prices. 1000 pieces of Fancy ress Goods in an endless varie ty of colors. Plain and Figured French Morienoes,—all wool De tains, Coburgs, Cashmei,s, Broche Shawls, Blanket Shawls, Black Thibed long Shawls, Stills, Shawls. MifiFeZ and Children Shawls. 1609 Its miker:lders *it 51,4 ets. up such as IFEAI STITCHED, —SILK,—LIN- Calico from 12 ce4s up to 20. Mons and iguo frog t 8 to 31. • G bighorns from 184 to 25. Deletes from 12 ft 25. Mollies from 25 tqBo. 'Bleached and unbleached Muslin from 12 up . Stocking font 125 11 - Auction Silks. r • i t , ... i t 4 ; t ln i . ) o f u n , r 4r i T xp is ! ues, Variety of Casslia vs, Vosting,s and Cloths. Cotton and Linen panting. Poplins from 18 cts. np. A NEW ARTICLE bf BALMORAL SKELETONS. Plain Silk Moil - AM Full line wool Der Ens. Handkerchiefs. Full Line of MO (WING GOODS. Queensware, beautiful au lovely to look upon, in setts very cheap, will suityoung persons just going to housekeeping exactly, and tLe very best kind of Ware, as w 11 as 30 per eta. cheaper than it can elsewhere bo bought. Groceries. Sugars orgilitinds, and cheaper Byrupfor 8,12 k, and 16 cts., the eau:Wound in the cone ry. Come one come all, our motto still is Small Profits and Quick sales and no misrepresentations. GOODYEAR lc DIFFENBACII, May 20, 1803. Market - Street Hotel . , , Corner Market and. Chestnut Streets, Lebanon JOHN MATTHES, Proprietor. a A;f r l . lc h l o ta za k it e o n ho3ll/.,5, willd long p s o occupied i a e i Lb t y o make the Traveling Public who stop at it, perfectly comfortable, and invite all to give me a - The House is large and arranged. The Table supplied with the hestieasonable edibles ; the her stoCked with the choicest Liquors, cud the Stabling large end com modious. JORN MATTLLBS. Lebanon, April 9, 3.892. I= Door, Sash and Steam Plaiting Located on the Steam-Rouse Road, near Cumberland Street, East Lebanon.. MITE undersigned respectfully inform . I the public in general, that they t o till manufacture and keep on hen& ff. 1.4041, Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, •' Weather• Boards, 0 Gee Spring t' , ATIPAO, Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash Boards, Outing, Serbia:a, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING 'MATERIALS for 'louses. We also construct the latest and most im proved Stair Casing and nand Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. We now invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to call and uxamine our 'stock, which wo will warrant to give entiro satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom. John Allwein, - Rudolph Ilerr, Joseph F. Mute, Lebanon, April 22, 1862. B.—Thorn M also all kinds of TWINING at the Mlle Mill. Planing, Smiling, &c., promptly done for thoeo who mayfurnish Lumber. • I{ENIO VAIL. DANIEL GRAEFF'S - BOOT SHOE STORE, H AS been removed to hie new residence, in Cor,. berlaud street , 3,6 sgaare Met from hie old stand, and opposite the oMce of Dr. C. D. Oloninger, • LEBANON, PA. lie has Just opened a large and 'desirable stook of welt.mede Boots and Shoes. Ladles' Kid Gaiters at $1.20; Leslie,' Lace Bootees. $1.50 ; for Kisses, $1; Coarse Men's Boots for $260; Men's Gaiters 112;;. for Boys 0.11 t 0 1 2 .6 0; for Oldfdren $1.12,6 to $1.6234. Also a large Variety of Overshoes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, &o, Come, see, &adjudge for yourselves. Lebanon, May 13,'63. DANIEL GRAEFF. HAS AUTHORIZED ME To Continue my Agency for a BRIEF PERIOD, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, I SHALL CONTINUE To Receive Subscriptions TO TAE AT MY OFFICE AT TIIE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENCIES, urrtotra norm THE LOYAL STATES JAY COOKE, SPWRVT.TON AGENT. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, or Sale f•r Exchange. undersigned will, ell, or exchange for a SMALL Int, his desirable - Mouse and lot of Ground. in _ East utreet Kelt Lebanon. The Home is a new two story MUCK with Kitchen attached, THE B ,ST GOODS. NOD AR 81, DINBACH I DEARS IN Foreign a d Domestic DRY OODS ) qroceries, ueensware. &c. IDOLS sOllll 7 l HILL LEBANON AMIIL JR:3C..17L.1 lONG ACRE k G TnE L TAKE NOTICE. BOILDEES will do well by calling on J. li. Dittman. Agett, Re he is prepared to do all kinds of TIN. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very It? West prices. lie also lies on hand a large and good assortMent of all kinds of TIN WARE. and 4- all of the moat improved Use Burning COOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different anal latest improved RANGES AND BEATERS, of all kinds. Ile also keeps ten atantly on band a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which he offers at less price than they can be bought of any other slatemeu In the county. ' l 32‘ WARE-ROOMS—One door South of the "Such llotel,' 1% alnut Street, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, I) ecember ire, MB. LATEST NEWS Of the cheapest and Best Goods EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!! Boots, Shoes, Bats, Caps, &C IllfE undersigned has opened one of the BEST AS sonTmENTs of rLiB ATS, CA eS,BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, n u , TR.& - , , ELING BAGS, dm., of all kinds, f, and of the best materials, which he will -',,-!, sell et prices to recommend them to purcha sers. Of the HATS lie has quite a variety of New Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringham and Monitor Hat. very beautiful and very ehenp. Of CAPS be has a complete assortment of all the New Styles, got up in superior manner. with fine finish; Women's Misses' and Chil dren's Balmer:as, Gaiters, Congress Boots, Slippers, and all other kinds; Men's and Boys' Bahnorals. Ox ford. Ties, Washington Ties, Congress Boots. and 0.11 other kinds worn by them, including BOOTS and SHOES, of the different varieties, at Ills cheap Store i n Walnut St., next to the County Prison. •• Thankful for the liberal encouragement of the public heretofore, I would invite all w anything in my line to call and examine my stock before Making their purchases. , • JOS. BOWMAN. Lebanon, April 23, 1862. P; B.—Measures taken and work made at short notice New Boot and Shoe Morel TIIE undersigned announce to the public that they have removed their New soot and Shoe Store to •Cumberittnd Street, Lebanon, to John Greefre building, one door,,weit of the Confectionery Store, - where trey ViZIAP intend keeping constantly on band a general as tANlX,Csnrtment of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys tend Children's • ' • Boots Shoes, gaiters, &c., &c., all or which will be made up in style and quality not to be surpassed by any other workmen in the country. No effort shall be spared to please and satisfy all Who may favor them with their orders, and their charges will be as reasonable as possible, compatible With a fair remuneration. They also keep a large Mack or HOME MADE WORK, which Is warranted to be as represented. The public are - invited to cull and examine theiretock previous to purchasing. gilt'. Repairing done on short notice and at reasonable rates. ANDREW 111001 LE. Lebanon, 'March 19, 1802 Phillip F. 171cCanly FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER (AN Cumberland Street, one door East of Ajthe Black Horse Hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me for the short time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. He has at all times an assortment of BOOTS and SHOBS of his own manufacture on hand, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. _ . FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, &c Those desiring a neat, well made article, are invited to give me a trial. Cbildrens' Eboes of every variety and color on hand. Heavy work made to order. - AII work warranted. Repairing neatly dune and charges 'made nualerate. Lebanon,July 3, 1861. READYM4DE CLOTHING Will be sold at Extremelo Low _Prices, has let ei3nEtjtlieognte of o o ti r Ready - made of Rnber Clothing at the appraisement, which will enable him to sell lower than anywhere else tan he bought. Call and see for your selves before you make your Mt purchase. TRItEE DOORS WEST FRO3I COURT HOUSE. Lebanon, Sept. 25, 3861. HENRY RARER. ERC II A 1111"l'A !LORING. SS. R.OISAY, in V anck's building, corner of Cum bezland street and Doe alley, has on band and fur sale, either by the yard or made to order, a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, well:selected from Goad Houses. Good Fits and sub stantial making guaranteed to all. Also Handker chiefs, Cravats, (loves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. 8, S. RAMSAY. Lebanon, April a, 1862. Eirrs4.. . -RlCHNl7dicerchant Tailor, respectfully au flounces to the citizens of.l.ebanou and vicinity that lie Las just returned from the city with a flee as sortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, all of which he will sell or Make up to order at prices to suit the times, at his No, 1 Tailoring Estate lishment In Reim's New Block, 4 doors South of the Buck Hotel, South Walnut street. An work entrusted to his care, will be manufactur ed Ina workmanlike manner as to fashion and dura bility. Goods rtarchased elsewhere Hill be cheerfully made up to order on the usual moderate terms. Having bad years of experience in the Tailoring and Dry , Goods business, and being inclined to turn to the advantage of his customers, all the advantages result lag from said acquirements, he feels satisfied that it will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pub lic patronage. Friends calk ones to please me after that please your selves. • .July 8. ISt . Fashionable Tailoring! REMOVAL. 1011AEL HOFFMAN would respectfully inform Di the Citizens of Lebanon, that be has REMOVED his TAILORING Rosiness to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle Hotel, where all persons Who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are in rind to call. TO TAILORS!—,Iust received and for sale the N.York end Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer }Wilton& Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MIOLLIEL lIOFFMAN. Lcbanom.l pril 10,1861. VICTORIA L kAVNS, Plaid and striped Nansooks' Plain and Plaid Cambrics, Plaid awl dotted Mulls, Brilliants, Marseilles, Bobinets, &c., the largest assor went, at the store of LIENBY & GEO. L. ATKINS. JIW. T. AT/CUTS G. L. ATKINS & Bro. TT AVINO united in the BOOT and MOE BVSMESS, and from their determination to be punctual, and make none but the best of work, they feellike soliciting a large of public patronage. Theywill always be found nt their OLD STAND, (NEW BIITILDING 2 ) in Market Street, nearly opposite if dew Risr's Hotel, where they wilt be ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, STIOBS, TRUNKS, . _ _ CARPET BAGS, &e., which they offer at reduced prices, Pereone dealing at tbia SHOE STORE, can be eulted with READY-MADE WORK, or have it made to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. Particle* attention given to the REPAIRING Bootsi and Shoei. [Lebanon, 3 lily 3,1861. ATHINS ,& BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted up in good order for comfort and convenience, both for lathes and Gentlemen. & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fated A. up in good order for comfortand convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A TKI NS & BRO. promise to be punctual, and will en deavor t. please all who may call on them for Boots and Shoes STOVES. STOVES. XTOW is the time to buy your STOVES before cold winter is here, and the best and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Mannfae • tory of James N. Rogers, Two doors South from the Lebanon Bank, where can be had the largest and best assortment of PARLOR. HALL, and °COKING STOVES, ever offered in Leba n n, Gas Burners for Parlors or Bed Chambers of his own make. with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large variety of the best Cooking Stoves in the county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roust WASH BOILERS con tantly ou hand of all sizes, and the best material. =I . . COAL. BUCKETS—the largest assortment, the heav iest Iron, and the best made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock or TEN WARE, made of the hest material and in a workmanlike manner, As be is a practical Workman, mat beg had an experience of twenty-five years, he feels confident that be can give general satisltetion. Ho takes this method of returning his thanks - to his tmmerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes, by strictly si tending to his own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of peptic patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS• "Particular attention paid to all kinds of JOBBING orb of Rooting. Spoutiug,, Ac., and all work warranted WALTER'S MILL rpiliE subscriber respectfully informs the public that 1_ he has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swit tarn, formerly known as "Straw's" and later as "Wen gert's," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown Lebanon county, Pa.; that he has it now in complete running order, and is prepared to furnish customers regularly with a very superior article of AB -gr Ar--.4 411310 cAlk as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source.— Bo keeps also on band and for sale at the lowest cash pr ice. CROP, BRAN, SHORTS, &e. He is also pre pared to do all kinds of Cusvostsas' Woes, for Farmers and others, at the very shortest possible notice and in vites all to give him a trial. The machinery of - the 'Mill is entirely new and of the latest and most im proved kind. By strict attention to business and fait dealingLbe hopes to merit a share of public_patronage. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, okra, &e., bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will be paid. * FRANKLIN WALTER, Asay 7,1502, NEW AND CIHIEAIE" STORE FUME undersigned Would respectfully Worm the cit -1 izens of Lebanon and vicinity, that helms entered into the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, In Wainza Street, five doors South of the Buck .ffoget, Lebanon, Pa. where he keeps on hand a large and assorted stock of all kinds of BOOTS and SHOES. Ile will Make to order all hinds of BOOTS and SHOES, end at very short notice. He al so keeps on hand o • •"4 large and well-assort ed stock of LBAtitEli, such no RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, CALF AND PPP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY LEATHER, RID; LININGS, ROANS, BIND INGS, Am, and al[ kindS of Shoemakera' TOOLS AND FINDINGS, such el BOOT.TREES, LASTS, BOOT CORDS and WEISBS, AWL-BLADES, KNIVES, PUN CHES, xiAMSI_Rns, PINCERS, RASPS, TACKS.— Constantly on band an assortment of Dustings. Threads, Shoe trails, Pe breaks, Send-stones, Pegs, Bristles, RR and Shoe Tools of every description- Hitting been en. gaged in the business e'reSe than Men fy years, he feels satisfied that he can gift salsfaction to all who will favor him with a call. Shoemakers fr: m the country will do well by calling on lain before purchasing am - - whore. SAMUEL HAUCK. Lebanon, MaY 21 1862. SAMUEL RhINOIIIIL, .ADOLPIIUS D.P.ItOEDL. tit As. MEILY A Friendly litriiittion LUMBER & COAL To the beet advantage, at the old established and ,well-known LUMBER YARD TEINOEHLS Bz, MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the lkiet and West sides o Market Street, North Lebanon Borough. rpm, subscribers take pleasure in informing the Ml mina of Lebanon, and surrounding counties, that they still continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS. at their old and well known stand, where they are daily receiving additional supplies of the BEST AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER, consisting of White and Yellow Pine BOARDS, PLANK. and SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, 'PLANTS and SCANTLING. TAILS. POSTS, PA Liivos and FENCING BOARDS. ASH, from I. to 4 inch ; CHERRY, from %, to 3 inch; POPLAR, from s',g to 2 loch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. (Mk end :Sinple BOARDS and HANIts. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! l SHINGLES' Also, line and Hemlock SHINGLES. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! A large stock of the hest quality of Stove, Broken, - Egg awl Linieburners' GOAL; and also, the best Alle gheny COA I, for Blacksmiths. 14"=. Thankful for the liberal manner in which they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation on a continuance of fitvors, as they are c ill - Went that they now hare the largest, best and cheapest stock of LUMBER on hand iu the county, which wi,/ I be sold 'eta reasonable per tentage. Please call and examine our stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. SAMUEL S. SIIlliK REINOLIILS Sc MEILY North Lebanon borough, May 7, 188e1. Farmers and others Take Notice. THE undersigned having puronased the entire establishment of A. MAJOR BROTHER, will manufaeture and keep on hand a very general as sortment of MACHINERY and FARMING IMPLE MENTS, embracing Improved FOUR-HORSE. Powers and Threshers; Hallway Ilene Powers and Threshers, Morgan's Independent steel-wire Tooth Horse RAKE; Mumma.s Patent Fodder, Straw and Hay CUTTER; Cast Iron Field Rollers, Grain Fans, Hay Elevators, Clover Hullers, Cormshellers, by hand or power, Corn Ploughs and Planters, Cultivators, .te., with a variety of the best PLOUGHS In nee, de. All of the above Macihnes - ore of .the latest and best Improvements, and are all witirented.tagiyEaatisfaction. "- Cilfgairgs of tar Linde' trade to or r. and at short notice. He al so manufactures STEAM EN GINES. 311110earing.Shafting, Putt AI IN work in general, and pays particular attention to Repotting Engines and Machinery of all kinds. He invites ell to call and exammo the work at the Ma chlue Shop, on PiIo:GAM STREET, Lebanon. om All orders or communications by mail will bo pr ptly attended to.. D. M. KARMANY. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. Lebanon, August 84880. _ NOTICE.—I have appointed A. MAJOR do BROTHER my Agents for thepurpose of carrying onthe`above business. D. KAJUJANY. Lebanon, August 8,1800. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AT THE STORE OF L. K. LA_UDERYILCH S fn Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling ow: Selling Off AN INDUCEMENT To CASH BUYERS. WILL SAVE M. PER CENT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS . French Merino and Coberg. Fancy and Black Silks, from 50 cents to $1 50. Detains from 10 to 20 cents. Lawns from WA' to 16 rents. Mohair Plain from 16 to 37% cents. Yalenclas from S 16 16 cents. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Black Cloth, from $1 00 to $1 50. Fancy and Black Caseinleres, from 50 to $1 50. Ladies' Cloak Cloth, from $1 00 to $l. 50. Cottonades, from 10 to 20 cents. DOMESTICS. mum in, from 0 1 4 to 1234 cents. Check, from 10 to 12 "sots. Ticking, from 10 to 16 cents. Calicoes, front 614' to 12X cents. Oingliams, from 10 to 20 cents. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! ! Spring.Shawla. from $1 00 to $1 00. Block Thibet Shawls, from $2 00 to $1 00. NOTIONS ! 'NOTIONS! ! - Parasols and Umbrellas, from 50 to $2 00. Stockings, from to% to 75 cents. Tloop Skirts, from 25 to $1 50. Handkerchiefs, from 6 1 4 to 1S cents Linen and Paper Collars. An assortment of , READY MADE CLOTHING; CARPETS ! CARPETS!! GROCERIES AND -QUEENSWARE. PROVISIONS. Sugar Cored HAM and MACKEREL. FRUITS! FRUITS!! Dried Appleei Dried Plumb Dried Peaches, Dried Elderberries, Altsuid to suit the Iluica, by L. K. LAUDERMILOII, N. B. —All kinds of Country Produce taken in ez• change for (brilate. L. K. L. Lebanon, April 2.1, 1662. For Rats , rice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woollens, tc. Insects on Plants. Fowls, Animals, .tc. Put up in 25c. 500. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles. and Flasks, $3 and 4;5 sizes for HOTELS, PUBLIC INeriTurims, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Unman family?' "Rats come not of their boles to die?' Va-Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Air Sold by all DRIMOISTS and It EntILEILS everywheta ! BEIVAAB I ! !" of all worthless imitations. VS. See that -COSTAR'S . mints is on each Boa, Hot , tie and Flask, Wore yori boy. Address El EN ltY It COSTAR, . . PRINCIPAL DEPOT at: Bac/A ow.W. N. Y. RarEold by J. L. I.I3SIIIERGEIt, Wholesale and Re -IM. tail Agent, Lebanon, Pa. Illarb 4, I ftn3.—Gm. " $25 Employment $7l; AGENTS WANTED WE will pay from $25 to $75 per moral% and all expenses, to active Agents: or given commission. Particulars sent free. Addreas Ems SPWING s:Lwow COMPANY. it. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. May 13,1863. fIIDIIS is to notify all Carrnters sad Cabinet rankers 1 that no bills for oaffina will ha paid by the Direc- tors of the Poor for poor persons dying within a circle of flip miles of the Poor Rouse • ea all each persons w ill b e furnished with Coffins fr;oe of expense on appli cation to the Steward at the Poor !lowa.. JOHN E. DOWMAN, ELIAS WALBORN, Direc aB of tile' loor GEO. ZIMMERMAN, May 27,1863. To oil deßiious of purchming Notice. PitOSi'ECTUS OF "THE AG E.” A NATIONAL DEMOL I RAT . IC NRWSPAPER. tef to; rubtislaeci Daily/ find A Weetqy in th e City of Ph:Wide/la. BY A. J. GLOSSBRENNER & CO. A. 3. Oiossritezizaz. R. 1. Gatizib". w. rt. ITEMS 'DIE will advocete tqa piiitij , ies and fkAtcy ,Sf th.rnoaratic part}', and will, floret - ore, neemarily. 7.-nr the reseohttion of tEto 'Union as it wto, and defend tbe ConatitutiVix OTth9 United Stung:, and that of this Common weftlib . - . It will freely and fatrlY disefies all legifiniefesubjecy of newspaper comment, including of course, an 4 eminently at this time, ail quesAlons Connected with the existing unhappy condition OT olr country. It will fearlessly criticise the public acts of public servants nod defend the legal and constftntilYnal rlgfit of individual cititens and of sovereign Stales, against assaults from any quarter. It will seek - to awaken the minds of the people trig proper sense of the actual condition of the Republic— to present to them, truthfully, the fearful perils in which ire etand as a nation—to exhibit the magnitude of the tusk, that is before them, if they would check our dottliward rogiess , .--iind to iTtenfee eheth frith pg triotie detenninatioti to apply rue REMELT, for oar em tional ills. -• • . In brie; it will in all things, aim to be the faltliful exponent of Democrafid - principles, and to render itself worthy to be an organ of the Democratic party, nodal Whose auspices our conntry piotopered so long and ab well. The restoration of that party- - -- - ate party of the ColeSirrnriort and the trenod—to potter in the legisla tive and executive governmental branches of the Stafts and of the Do ion, we believe to be necessary to avert ameichy , and the utter ruin of the Republic. To con , tribute to that restoration will be our highest aim. Theliews , Literary, Commercial and other depari; meats, till reeeide due attention, and will be so n - ducted us to make, 4 -Ttre Ans. worthy of the support of dm general rea'der. 'The mcifiy dittleulties TOW surrounding an en terprise u f tbe magnitude of that fu Which the under signed are engaged ,•reciulf appeal to the pub- lie for a generous support, and to salt for eht ”TnE Aor a liberal. patronage and extended circulation. The present state of the preparatory arratigeMenta warrants the expectation, that the first number of the Daily will appear before the close of the present month, (February, 1603.) The Weekly will be issued aeon thereafter. e•• 7 8 DAILY: ' WEEKLY Per annum $5.013 Pet annum; Six Months 3.00 Six Months. Three Months, 1.50 Three Mohths; 'Petr 'Copies to one Copies delivered at the address. 17.50 Counter, and to Agents twetify ". 32.60 and Carriers, 2 Cents each Thirty d 45.06 isir Payment required invariably imailvanee. .4c/dress. GLOSSBXESNI3I. it 00.- Feb. 11, '63.-2nl. 430Thestnut st. Economy is Urealthr CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS. The Best and Cheapest jionSehold Remedy in tl►e World. Madame ZADO PORTER'S GREAT COVGD REMEDY!: Madame ZADOC POR TBR'SOuratire Balsam is warranted if used accord ing to the directions, to cute in an. cases, Congtts, Colds, Moo/ring Cbrigri,- Asthma. and all affectiouf Of the Throat and turigi-- 1 1:=MO MOST IMPOBTANT.—Madame ZADOC FOR - Tem.% Curative Balsam is sold at it'price which brings It in the reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. The timely use of a single bottle Willlpeove to - he worth 109 tidies ififoost t - - NOTICE.—Save Pont Money ! !—Do not td persuaded to purchase articles at 45. to $l, which di not contain the virtue of a Dime t r otelo of Madame Por ter's Curative Balsam, the coat of manufieturing which is as great as that of. almost any other Inedicittit and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless the - rental/era in sist upon having Madame Porter's and 'none' otber:= Ask for Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, pries 13 eta., and in large bottles at 25 eta., and take uo other. If you can sot get it at one store you can at another- • Air Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers at 13' cents, and in larger bottles at 25 cents. HALL A BCCKEL, Proprietors, New York. 4af- Jos. L. Lemberger and Dr. Geo. Boss, Agenf9; Lebanon, Pa. [January 28,1863. GEORGE CLARK, DENTIST. 0 Mee at the Eagle Hotel, labauove, - Particular attentiou'paid to Vnicartfte worlii:and Pl* tag T,eth. R.E . r.tII.ENCtS O. N. PEIRCE, D. D. S., Professor of Dental ogy rnd Operative Dentistry. No. 501 N. ith St,Phß adelphia. B. WILDMAN, D. D. S., Professor of Mechanical Den tistry. No. 24. N. 11th St., Philadelphia. JAMES TRUMAN. D. 1). 5, Demonstrator of Opera• tire Dentistry. S. W. Corner of Franklin anti Green Streets, Philadelphia. E.N. BAILEY, D. D: 5., Demonstrator of Meeiinnien} Dentistry. No. 222 N, 12th St., Ph-Bade:phi*: Lebanon, April 1,1563.. Blanket. Shaliyis, LOTII, WOOLEN CLOTIIINO of alfeolore, dyed•fet C Black or Blue Black, prtnsed, *arcane and goods turned out equal to new, by LYON' tEnrUERMY, Etot ar..20,031. zip- Articles to be dyed can be left at Jos. L. Lember , ger's Drag Store where all orders for the above will be attended to. plarch 11,1863. - PENSIONS. DR. GEO. P. LINEAWEAVBR, basing heel) ti p. pointed, by the Commissioner of Pensions, at Waeldngton, Examining Surgeon for PC01310111 . ; in pro. pared to attend Ca an applicants for Pension at Ids of. fice, in Market street, next door to the Poet Office. Lebanon, March 25th, 1863.-60 • To Officers and Soldiers. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War claims. MITE undersigned, respestfully informs the public 1 that he has opened no office for the purpose of cOr ircting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay amf-War Office in the rooms lately ocirepied by Dr, Bela m, de , ceased. , All orders attended to wilt promptness and dispatch• Lebanon, A pril29,lBB3.—tf. O.EO. PFLEGER, jr. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned having taken the Large and; 001311110= diens Rotel, in Pottsville, known as the MORTIMER, HOUSE, Weald respectfully announce to It is old friends and for . mer patrons that he is prepared to aecommo , date all who may favor hint' with their patronage. The 14011TP.1IER HOUSE has been' nervily' papered/ painted, and refurnished throngliont, and. the Paorats , TOR feels warranted in saying that His UNSURPASSED WY ANT HOTEL IN THE' Borough of Pottsville, for comfort and convenience. Ho Pains will be Spared To render it an agreeable ' and comfortable stOptting' place for strangers nail travelers. The Stabling and Shedding,- Attached to the lintel, are safficieutly large for the aci• commodatlon of the heroes sarti carriages of his attests': The MAO is now open for tlav Reception of the Publte. t. Ile will be happy to accommodate all who Mat glee bin, a eell. JOSEPU M. HEGER, PAL, villa, April 8, 1863. L. R. REEGIS LIQUOR STORE, Market Square, opposite the .hliarket House, Lebanon, Pa= Fp IRE undersigned reirpecttany informs fee public I that ha bas received an extensive atotk of the choicest and purest Li(pnors of all descriptions. These --- r .. & Li q uo,s he is invariably die-posed to sell at un • preecdcriteilly low prices. Druggists,. Farmers, 11 otel lfeepare, and oth era will consult their own interests by buying of the' undersigned. b. R. DEER. Lebanon, 1863. SOO C. CARMA NV, 800 South-West turner Eighth and Chestnut, Md-NCTACTITICER AND PLAY:Eit Gi MIEN'S FURNISIM:JG GOODS, • TEE 'LATEST STYLE OF Cravats, Scarfi, Neck-ties&c Philadelphia, July 15, 1853.-6 m, 2-Cie 7.00 Slad'e EADOO PORTER'S' Eaffam is prepared with' all the requisite care al a ekill, from a combination of fife nest remedies the' vegetable hill enryairoFdir Its remedial Oalities ar based on its power to re sist the 'healthy and vigil rouseirculation °fele blood, through the lungs, It is not a violent remedy,- but emolliment,—was tag, searching and effect ive; can be taken by the oldest person or youn&est child. Mad'e 7.A.DOC POWYERIf Balsam has been . osed the plaint for oVer 19 years. and has acquil ed its present Sale simply by being recommended by those who hare used it, their anietedfrienas at others.