h nr it -, 4ft 4 • ; 1441; titfi : ;.v Lkeyvniliek•Ur AI t rCIICESLICIFMMICUS2. Neativ mid Pr & 'ceitacci, at the. ' i VERTISER UPI ,- 141MAN011i P.SAR'A • • Tnie eetabliebmeatie iunw retplied. vritlt an extensive assortment of. JQS , TYPA - efltic trill be increaeed ar the patroirige eanuutcla. If can now turn out PRINT/Nai of erery to •tit neat aciCeiritedltiOns spinner Won re , tononpableterrae: - . Such as • Pao* ; Chooke;... . Busi Wilitardit Ciral s ofaViittlfeb4' ' • • ' y . Pr ograoisnes, Bills of Faro,. " , tickets, 80. our- priiiist all kinits,"Cdiamon and Judgment DORMS SelsooloittittiConstahlce' and other . 111.arms,..prir.tral sorrectli and neat/3 . obi the boot paper, constantly kepi, for sale at this °Mee, at prices "to suit the times.*. - S • *Sutotatitiou price of It LEBANON ADVERTISER • One Dollsuaarrd a Half a Year: • Address, !ktous, irebolOnt Pa- Special .IViiileee.:• • - - On h &After JULY let. 180,;tbe s- jakly) . eite cowl waling the preuent. Issue oT lost Tender Notes Into Ike Nat lona) AIX per cent. Linist(eoiiiinaillnailbrod 4 liiel Twentiea") w ill cease. . , All wbo wish to in est intbe lineTwetity . Loan 'must, bierefore, apply beforisthe Ist St3.IILE nett:: • 4Alr COOKE, • SubsStiption Asset. Eit.:4l4ellLlttfrd PlitraClplas. Apsll 8,1863.-3 ts. - out4-4014, at Private.; AITILLI)e . soid at Private Sale, • , VII B ACRE S oridurA; • _ situated in tong Lane, near the boroug h line, In Corn- wall township. It adjoinsthe lend of Widow Fulmer, nn the North, Win. a flans sod Sohn Krause on the East. There is a one idol* LOG •1101:15E, weather boarded erected on the land, and a good WELL in the garden.— The land has lino stones foe quarries. This tract will make a. nice home for a email runny. IS!L It 18 free from Ground Rent. Good title will be given. • . • . A.D4ta N. B.—This trott to now eoveregrwlth'fillesrasi; hal. of which will be given to the purehaihsr. Lebanon, June 13, 1300. . Ilowacd. Assaciaoo . n, . Ma. Pa. ' tirfiro lISEAS o t . , SPERM:4.- 1f _ TOUR II tli A or •BEMIN AL WEAKNESS, 'MPG. TENCR. and other nffectiona ofthe SEXUAL ORGANS PHYSICAL ARBICITY iind PREMATURE DECAY,— new and reliable treatment, in Reports of the Howard Asioditloo, abut by Mail, in sealed letter envelopes, fiaeOrdukrier: -Addreie.Dr. J:SKILLIN HOUOELTON, HovApp,AssociNTx, No. 2 South Moth Street, Pxut.- Losirlset; Pa. ' , Jannary 28; 15G3.—/T• AdiiiiniSlratore Notice. NOTIOS is hereby given . that letters of Ailmlnistra- Lion on the Estate - of DANIEL GEIS, dec'd., late of South Letiarioii towoehip, Lebanon county, Pa.. have `been granted to"thwundersighed residing, in the town. ahlp,yonnt,t And.statoefureltaid. Ail parsons indebt ed toatild' estate wilPpledeo make payment. and those -having Alalmkorol:present them JOU P without ll delay. GEM ' SAMUEL ann. -7 Admiciatrolosts gf, the Estate of Daulal tielb,dec'd I,nbnnori, 81a1 . 1863; ' • . -ittimintstraiors , - • XTQTICE Whereby., gleen.that lettera Admin tetra .lll lkm on the *estate of.OIPIORO,B , IIOF,FMAN, dosed., late of the borough of Lebanon. Lebanon county, % Pa., have been granted to the undersigned residing in the borough, county, and daleitforeftald. All-reams in debted will please .paymeitt; and' those having claims will pr4eat.H.WHbout • tfAMUKt, AnawsoN, • '• - • 'ABRAM. , HOFFMAN, Admipigrotptil of tlie pitz!to ofoileo. Befit:nen, decd. Meg Adminiitratorsl Notice. IVOTICE'is hereby given that letters of Administra. 1.111 Lion on ths_Eatate of JOHN BACIII'dAN,. late of South A °DORI) town ehip, Lebanon eounty, 4 l%.,deted hare been firrinted' to the undersigned. All;periuma. therefore. having claims against said Eatita, Ire re. quested to.preeeot them, and those indebted to make payment. • MARY BACHMAN, South Antiville'. JACOB II It East IllUOVer, ..may 27, istis.-417. • • A...s4AA i 6 - "tad. tit, AT-TO RN:EY •ATL AW 0u removed as ottlee - to the building, one d4Of eau of Lapdermileh ',Store, opporite the Warblng ton House ,Lebanon. Pa. , BOUNTY and. PENSION claims promptly attended to • (April a, REMOVAL. .• ATTORNEY - AT L.AW; HAS REMOVED haeoMee to MasketStieet.Vlitmoito the Lebanon Dank, two doors Werth of idow Mee' e Lebanon. Starch 25, '63. .., • . B Fraingeir . TVISTRICT ATTORNiiY, has rraureed bis . 01410 to s ,tbelbl>osl bdelpoccupled. by Dr . P, Line. avatoir, id.o bCrlantt4treet. Lebanon a few doers }tut ottbp;btailb g 9 i44, aud,try dom. ;trt .of Gen. Watdmaq's Offico. Lrbanqa,DeC. 17; * • • • • • C MAUS • TTORNNY-AT-1011V. , -- , oolee io,Woinut street, neat • 11 oppimilte , the Book ILotel, and. two doors south from listmany's Hardwire store. . Lebezi,oitrAprll 9, 11351-Iy. • Iii 7111: DERR, • •A " tn ,„i te YAT LutiVplCHßoo EttlehteAr „gip' dinid 'flesi.V.,oppoilti 'the Court ' ' • ' tUtethoti.igey 11,1411.” OFFERili . pr3f•Poi4/11111.1141iirit*8 to , of S Jonest Own - anq *kinky. oific'e at the rieldebes Joneatowo, ',Vey . ..1.'608 . 63,-4m. • ' • ••• 'sAffiutt.S. r I FFEwe protessionBl seriltes ; to a lttl*eos of Lebanep,and.viclnity. OYFICit the teeiiienee of My& L. Ststhritre doors West or 01114, itt - Dr. &meal d'ec'd; lit'Combetlaud street : • Lebeeon. April 16,1863. ; • Or. Sanstutt .13. Light UITICE at the old reiddeoce Dt. oppovite the Court Hodge, Lebanon, Da- Lebanon, March 26,'63. • • fr. Alijale it,: Latb - r.:. OFTERS hie professional soriices.ta ortiiens of. the Borough of Lebanon end vicinity. - 001ce Walnut street, two doors north of the Lutheran Par- Nonage. March 4,1863. • Dr. C. L. Kireider. " Otters his profeseional service* to tbe community of Lebanon and vicinity. Office temprrarity with Dr. Schneekja Walnut stroet. DAM* ApelA, 1863.-3 m. • ; • ' GEORGE CLARK, DENIVIST• °nicest the nista lintel, Lebanon Particular attention politic, Vulcanite work end Fill hag Teeth. - REFERENCES:- C. N. PEIRCE, D. D. S., Professor of Dental Physiol ogy. rnd Operative,Dentistry. No. 501 N. 7th St., Phil ads' pbia. ?:. WILDMAN, D. D. S., Professor of Mecbanlent Den tistry. No. 24. N.llth St., Philadelphia. . 'JAMES TRUMAN. D. D. S4,Dernonatiator of Opera tive Dentistry. S. IV: Coiner of Frtinkliu - WM Green Stillest; Plilladelphia.. • • , - WWI DIJIAIIf, D. D. S., Denscitatrator of Mechanical ti e ntletsy 4 ,,No.. TX N. 12th it., Philade.ph a. . , Lebanon, April 1, Lar.. Bl ket Shawls, rILOT&I, WOOLENVIATIIINO of all colors, dyed.fea kJ Itlitck. or 9310ek;pribesed, the color warranted .. and goods terzsit olYtteiVial•bo'now, by LYON LEMBERGER, :7 ••• .• • East-Hanover: l'o.'be dyed an be. lelVat Jos., L...Lensber:- ger . ' Drag Store where . all , sall . ere for.tbe. above will be attended to. ' • - - " ~ (?'fetch 11.1363. • ' , - '• tieerrap- D pointed,. Zbf of•Perisiboa, at Washingtopi - Ititatululag Surgeon ror,,E,na,ipes, in pre pared to atOnd to all.applfateta far Pansfon at tile,, qf ttce, In Mirket'sititiet, nexedbor'tfo itie'NFLOflica. Lebattos,.Marclt 2t13, 1563.-60 .." TAKE N.0T1V4 1 1,. —'''. ial.piLDF,Fus will do wellby calling on Ji .4, 4 LI Agent, as he is prepared to do e11Ar1k15,...4....n . ,:? *IOOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK. itereselly; 0, 44eeiv Wrest price,. He also BSI ornlnaill'ii' : Diflii . And ssioduaeortment of all kinds of TIN WARE. and 44 a lof th e moat improved Osa Dentin COOK BDOVP.B end PARLOR STOVES .. Alen, all the ' Berent and latent Improved BANGS!? AND HEATERS, of all kinds. He also keep. cca.. eteatli_cm hand a lane stock of all kinds of ROOFING, stxcis, 7 1; k icz!. he 411gefr at lets prioa than they can be bought of any wrier 'talcum In the county. ikni.. WARE-WOKS—One door South of the "Beek Hotel,' BAilust Street. Lebanon, Pa. ,1,44040, December 2t, MB . jult P.ripted. at We office, Judge; rent Borido with waver oi $3OO Exemption Low NTED TO BUY , 4 BUSEELS.. RYE: 50 , 60,000 bushels CORY 60,000 bushels OATS 60,000 bugheli, W MEAT CLOV CRSEEC. TIMOTHY,SEED, rarerod, for tablet the higbeat CASH prteeeedltbe paid at the Lee anion Valley Ha!tread Depot, Lebaithn. QEORQE HOFFMAN . I.onnon, July 17 , 11561 , • . I . St an VOL. 14--NO. 62. Econerny is Wealth 1- CtiRE YOUR COUGH FOR • 13 CENTS. . , The fledChealeit rnbribeholil o Itemise:Or ilk the Ilkrild- Madame gADOC GitgAT votrOli ttidiniettibuint- THU'S Cunittire , B*lstartp warranted. ill ute* aseord ing to 'the'direCtrous; to cure Ptan. : tpuresi ; lnouglia, Oeide,,,Whooping .Cough, Asthma. aid instructions of the. Throat and Lunge . Ined'ir•ZAlKKl TOUTER'S Babson is prepared with all the requisite, ultra d skill; frotn.s . ireinbinian of ..the beat. remedies` the .vegetable kingdom affords Its reinedial rptalltice ar based on tie power`to re sist the healthy and yigo routfoireu l at ro n Of the blood; through the fangs, It is hot a violent remedy, but etnotthnent,—Nwn to, ing, eenrching sad effect ive; can be token by the oldest person or youngest „ =!!ta MOST IMPORTANT.—Madnme ZADOC POR. TER'S Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings Win the reach of every one to 'keen It convenient for Two. The timely nee of a single bottle winprove to be worth 109 times its'oost. NOTICE —Sale Tour Money II !-Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at es. to $l, which do not captain the virtue of a Dime Dottie of Nadarne Por ter's Corative Balsam, the chat of roanutactuiing which leas creates that of almost any other medicine; and the very low price at which it Is mold, makes the probt to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on which tkeir profits are larger, Village tbe custtenirs 'D eist upon having Madame Porter`s and none otbsi.— Ask for !Madame Porter's Curative . Biildam, pries MM., and In large bottles at 26,ct5., and talc no other: If yen can, cot get it at one store yon can at anot her sold by all Druggists and Eitore•keeperii it la cents, cud in larger bottles at 25 cents. MALL k JIUCKEL, Proprietors; - New Yak: -- Aka- Joe. L. Lembcrger. and Dr. Pea .4ose," Lebanon, Pa. Pliftwar/ 2Bitat To the Pail, . • . utidersigned haying bid tiftitaa' lean Prattle, L . likSperying, Ctistrating, Altering, or Cutting STOCK for FARMERS, and baring purchased the tools of Mr. Pieria Sohn, deceased, offers his services to O; form e* and the public in general, feeling confident that he will give satisfaction to all. His residence is at the Turnpike, 1 4 mile from Heillg's Tavern,' , 34 . miles•from Anayille, and 3% miles from Lebanon. SIMON KS AVKI,Y. South Aunvills tp., April 29,-1363.-4m. 1 'TORIA LAO NS, Plaid end... Striped Neneoohs V Flain and Plaid Cambrico, Phad end dotted Mulls, Ba I lianttt, Maraelltee. Bobinote, &e.. the lorgeat nseort-; me int. et the more of HENRY t STINE. .To ()Ulcers and Soldiers; co/tedibli-of.Peitsions, BountiEs, Bak ' - -Pay and ..}Vai' rlinit‘iindersi&ned, respentially..internts the• I that be lute mained an office for' dm' purpose of col. ketring Bountlea, Beek Pay and War claitu4. Office In the rooms lately occupied by Dr. Helm, de. ceased. .- All orOere attend - a to rid. prom:molese and dispatch. Lebanon, April 29, 18tZ.=.t.f. ,q F.. 0. PFLEOIIII. Jr. LIST OF COLORS. Mack: z r - Black Drown, Sift . " Drown, Light Brarrt, Dark Mac, ' Dark Green, Light'Grlen, Purple, . Slate French Blue. . koyal Purple, rani- tor*. Fir.dying Bilk, R'ocleti end Mired Gocida, Shiwis s Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Dloves, Bonnets, Hata, Bess. there, Kid Glottal, DhHdren's clothing, and all" kinds of iVearing apparel, perfect fair colors. • A Saving of . Bo . j9ez: cant. . These Dyes ars mixed ilf:th'e form of powders, con centrated, are thoroughly tested, and put in neat pack ages. For twenty-five cents you can .rolor ea many goods as would otherwise tort Ave times that sum.— The process is simple, and any one can ruse the Dye With perfect sunken. Directions inside of each pack age. Manufactured by 1101V6 - * STEVE : 4 78,200 Broadway Boston. .1. L. LEI1Blutollik: " 4 ln n ilitieion,'Dis., wholesale and re tail agent, and for salsrlerDr. ROBB and D. 4. RAOBI4 Lebanon. • • (April 1, Mili,,,Arno .nd introducing ....pedal baalliva aiery rastiument. E. GABLER'S uneurparited PIANOS for Casb, •at a liberal deduction, or on monthly inctidlcuents frOm *at-Over 500 sold In Plill4delphiti: J AgES BELLAK. Sole Agent, 279 and 261 South Fifth Street. above Spiuce. July 15, 1503 .—ly. , Plilladelplutt, Ye, Mutual Fitellustorailtee pany. of Afintille,. • LEBANON bOONTY, EBNN'A. • THIS COMPANY was looorponited, 'March. 1859, and hi now in full operation rind •ready to make insur ance on Dwellings; and other lltilitlintoc on Furniture, and Merchandise generally. "Also on Barns. Contents, 3tock, Farm Implenienta. &e.. on a Mutual Principle. MANAGERS. • Samuel Seabold, , John Itiltinports,- oeprgu.Riglor;., John4llwein, - Rudolph Herr, Joseph-F. Matz, .• :Vivi ALLtlNykresidest.i: • _ Traainwer. - :41aszia ilk.4ll2l7thdietarj;-' 1! :. f' 1 !:• . ; 7 • • Sanatut Seahold,,Traveling Sibriottarlyl A gea‘lkadkidkatiorg. Annirilla, March 6,,1fe.2.-ly;:- • I:Misting] Itachoan, i4ill iamEarly ~ jr.; Geo.rge.l.3. 49mgardner, T. D: A. °arrant!, • Deorige Dotiges, John D. Delver, Daiiitsl S. Early, • • 44mi • • • - .5).40, W.E S •. . S T.O V ES coldklN the buy your STOVES before winter la here, and the beat Ein,Tcheapcst place is italitzton Staite, Tin and Sheitlron Nanttfiii 'tory of Junes N. Fiords. doorq South from the Lebsioopßsnii; wberecito be. bar the 'argent and beat sr:flora:non; of PARLOit. NALL; and COOKING wrovtB; ever offariel in Loam app,, Oaa.Nnrners for Parlore or 4ted ..Chambers of.h Oink koala. with a general assortment of Parlor Stove6L aadei largo variety of the beat Cooking Stored - 1n 'ilia arilenty or borough, which be warrantato bake orAosst. *ASII BOILERS eon tautly oo hand "Of all sisel,, and the beet material. d. COAL BUCKETS—the lsigest assortment, the heir' latlron,and the best made in Lefiatuun• Also, a large stook of TIN WAftE,AnsolA of tam 140 . 1 . , material and in a - workmanlike Manner. As be I. • practical Workinan, "and, has bad an^expellente 'of twentyAlve year', halseJks_coolident that be can. glva. general satialiotkai:' - Ile takes this oriethtatof•rattinnt4 bia - thanks t.oltis. numerous eustoinerMfOrAtieirlibersl support, andhit; hopes. by strictly ortendlni•iii ormAusluessa:rililk letting other people's alone, to still .receive a 'ball> 4f. poplin patronage. JAIASB N. ItOttEitA... 44- Particular attention paid toidlitinds of SOW MO nob of Roofing. Spouting, Ac, mad all work warranted Sold by J. L. Lembei-ger. Dr. Goo. Rene, andDS—•• Reber, Lebanon ; Slaver ,k - Bro.; erstown Horning, Mt. Nebo; A. Zr Mark, _Bellelaw; Hornier, Host Minorite; Krell, Bbeefferstown; n ti bb Dealer. everywhere. NOT ALOOIIOI9IO. A HIGHLY 'pOiIdIiNTRATED Vegetabii , Ez‘tract. A PURE - VC:MC. DOCTOR 000PLAND'S GERRAY• BITTERS, Dr. C. m:.:rAcqrsoit, Philazi% , Pa. WILL EptEctuALLT CURL . • Liver Conwhilint' •' - • • • •. . ..• • • yeptirsta, . Agauadice. Chrob io or' /ferrous Debility, of the K deem elid.Bll d iseiiiiteltrisiog from a d loordered Idver-or-Stomach. Such its ConstlifetiotlfSiestard Pike Fulness or Blodd to tho rfead:Acklity.,of-. the:Stomach, Nausea. Heart, burn, Diffig.ost for ;Rind • Fulness orAtielght In the Stomech. Sour :Fri:Chalons,. Sinking Or. Fluttering at the Pirertheittiniach.livitiuni og . of tho React, latt . y. tied entrDillicrilt Breath lug,'Fliatterlng at ; the Haut, •Cltok lug or Beiffoceting Sensations when in air ingpos; -tore: Dimness .of Vis ion, Dots or Webs , beforeethe Sight, Fever end Dull Pain in the,llead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Tellowness el the Skin end . Fyes.! Pain In the . Side, Beck , Chest. Limbs, & c. Sudden Flushes of 'neat, Dm fling to •the Flebh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and groat Depression of Spirits. And will positively prevent relloto Fever, BRinim THEY CONTAIN • Shure ZADOC PORTER'S Baleani bas . besu used by the public for over •la years, and has smut. ed its present sale simply by .being recommended by lhose,whe bare.used it, to their afflicted friends others. No: .. No: Alcohol or Bad Whiskey Z. They cuen the above diseases in ninety nine cans out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal Depts+ larity pf Loot:ind's Galli:l9M Bitters, (pnrely veritable) U. of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous advoutu rers, bave opened upon - suffering humanity the' flood, gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Toto ire, Stormichiiis and Bitters. Beiare of the, innumbrible array of Alcoholic prep. aro Lino; inldethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, un der the niodeat appellation of stlitteri: which inaie.ol of curing, onlyiggravate disease, and leave U e nap .t.oloted suff rer to dispair. .-- 1100FLAND'S GICRMAN BITTERS! Are not anew and untried safely, but have. stood the test of Afteen years trial by the; Anierican publie; and their reputation and Ole, are not rivalled by: say similar preparation. The proprietors have thouaands of Lettere ‘fvorn CEEEDYBIEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS,'end CITIZENS, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial- effects ondliedionl virtues of then° Ti Meat. DO YOU WANT SOH EVIING.TO STRENGTIPIN YOU? DO-YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE? • . DO YOU WANT TO BUILD VP YOUR CONSTITUTIOM DO YOU - WANT TO FEEL WELL ? • . • 'DO YOU WANT TO ONT RID - OF NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU WANT ENERGY? DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WEF,?.? .-. • DO - YOll WA NT A.11,1118K AND VIOODOD Fesisiipt If y ou do, twe 1104)11;AND'S OERSIEN /Was - Rev: 1: Nettgon'Arovm, D. lA, raieor of Use::Sti. Knowleilge. Aitholigti.notdnipatied:to favor. or vecommend TM. ent Medicineapi.ipsnotel,through distrust of. their In. greilient- ankeffects ; I yet know of no sugfielent yea- NOII3I why a man may not testify to the benefits he be lieves' himself to hire received from simple pri.p .. - aration, - in The hbpe that' be may thus contribute to the benofit uf others. • . • I do.thte, the more rendily.to tegard to Ifootland's Gorman. Bitters , prepared by Dr. b. M. Jackson, ofthis • city, because I was prejudiced against them for ii r tanY years, under the finpreissiOn" that they were chiefly en elcoholki mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob. Oct Shoemaker, Esq.. for the removal - of this prejudice by proper tests. Rod fur encouragement !pit. y tly•nt,, when suffering from great and long continued debill. ty. The . use of three bottles of these Bitters; at tb•liti• tfiejaresent'yeisi:Fait * Salloirell by Orion! relief, stud reiterattoneo a delfts) of titritßy•siatiords' tel vigor which I had not felt for six mouths befoiti: and hod ahneet despaired- of regaining. ..I therefore thank 00. l and My friend for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, . Thera Are mtuy preparations sold under the name or Bitten!. put up in quart bottles., compounded of the cheapest Ibiskey nr common rum, costiug from 20 to 40 cents len gallon, tho taste• diegulsed by Aulee or Coriander 'Crintron; ' Salmon, Sear/el: Dark Drab, Light Drab', rdlow„. Orange, 3 1 fagepta, Sulfcrino, and This clime of Bittern has eltliked end will continue to co ass, as long as thoy can he sold, hundC , Cds to die the dith of the drunkard. liy their .use the system le kept, istintiniintly under the Influence of - Alcoholic Stitn: clients o f the worst kind; the desire for Lkiiior ie crea ted and kept up, and the 'result Is all thetorrore at tendant upon a drunkard's life and Aeat_h. For tho.st . who desire end will have Liquor, Bitten; we 'publish the fellaiiing receipt. Got One Bolds /fouft /an "s Cerina • Beltirs and mix with Three Quart,foil awl 'Brandyor'Whiskek;ind the residt - will pre#: elution tluit, will far etket/in medicinal virtues and true exce Bence any,.of dismumerous Liquor Bitten in the market, and will. cosi much /ets. You have all the virtues of ilbeflancrs.Anitreir in .touueetton with a good.artlelo of Liquor, at a" Much less' price than' these infoylor Preparattomiwill exist you. • - W.cifl the attention of_ all having' refitions and filleolda in .the army to the feet •Ihat ••1100F LAND'S . 001111910 Hitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases Induced hYdsEosures and privations incident to camp life. In the listspeibllshilit Eilrriost daily papers. on the arriraiof '.tho it will be noticed that a very large proportion aisisufforing from debit h I ty. Every case of that kind 'eau he readily cured by lidolland's German Bitters. Distnises••reeniting Irons disorders of the digestive organs art speedily removed. J We have no hesitation in statlite that. • If tlieenßitteri were freely.used-among ear, soldiers. hundreds of lives.; might be caved that otherwise wilibe het. We 'call partieular , attentiOn to the following Markablesind well authenticated cumin' °need ali . k net kin's hereee, *twee toitae hie' own tanitnetie e "bas ,heitn`saved by tbe,Bittt4s :" „, •—•• e" ; PHILAIDMPLIII., August 'Mid, 1863.. Aisrs!:Jeinit &" Evans .—W ell gentlemen, youiollikiP . litallriVerman Bitters bas ; saved my life. There is - nio: nifetake in this. It is yooFhil Kw. by 'jumbo's Of my I coniredea; siimeef•Whose natniarii"apperided, cud 'who: were folly 'cognisant of. all the circumstances of my. case, I are, and have been "Soi the last four yedre, member of Sherniiii!s jelebrated , battery, 'and under• the imntediale conatiand• of. Captain B. Aires.— ) Po Thriugh the eisure attendant upon ini . anlnons ties: 1 was attacked in Noirember last. with Inflammation.. of the loner, and was for CeVentylwri days in the hoe- ' 11111 VAS iroihrlitTiF by -great debility,' on attarkt oOlyeentery. I was. then removed . , Vont the White , and sent to tillsin. ) , " On board trelmi , r "State of Maine " front 11 lauded', en the 28th orient. Since that time ..1 hare boon a. bunt as low as any ono could be and still robin a spark• of vitality. " Fore week or more I was scarcely Mile to' swallow anyth I ng, 'and if I did force a morsel down, it was Immediately thmwn up again. • I, could not oven keep a glass of wateron my mom,. ach Mk' could not last under these cireunititaucee;. sad, accordingly, the ,physieititie who had boon work ing ,faith fully; .though unsuccessfully, to resent we • from the grasp of the dead Archer, fraukly,told me they could do uo More lor me, and adviied me to see a clergyman*, and to make such . disposition of my limi ted. funds as best suited our. Art• acqUaintores 'whip visited me lit the hospital, h!,1,r.: feed ede n ri a cit e,, ais a i.. ri Stoinbr , cm o c l ot: Sixth below Arch Street, 1 hope, to try Jour Bitters, and kindly precured a bet. tle. krout the. time I commenced taking them the gloomy. shadow of death receded, and I um now, tank God for it,•getting -bolter. Though .1.• have bat taken two bottles I have gained ten pounds , and, I fool s o n- Knipe of being prrmitted torejoin my wife Mid daugh: ter, from Whotti t i have beard•- nothing for Iti'mouths: for, gentlemen, I pm a loyal Virginian, from the skein-. ity ofFrnit•Royal. TO your invaluable Bitters I 'ono the certainty oltile which has taken the place of regd . (' fears— lo your Bittetili will I owe the gloriouiprivilege of agninclaspintio roy.boisom three wile are dearait-to me Mitre. . sVery tinly,yours, ISAAO:BIALONE. Whtruth csecui`in the of the above et:ethnic - id; as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,* Mr. Ihdolue4 restored to health. . • . LEBANON, PA.;,,WEVNESDIY, ITYNE 17, 1868: pxEß4tjó SY PIIILAD'A., Jim, :13 1661. . Pa rl icular Notice. • . AttentionWoldiiess! ANA TBE FRIENDS osv 21.6141.§. JOHN- CUDDLEBAdC Batt9ry. .OEOItGE A ACKLEY, LEW 8 'CILLEV AMER; fr2d New Yin*. E'SPENCEE,:Iat Battery P. J B -FAREWELL, Co,ll:3d.Vermoot. . 'HENRY B JEROME; Co B "do. ''' ' MERRY T MACDONALD, CO tich Maine. JOHN' Y WARD. CO,S 6t h Maine. HERMAN KOCll'i Co R 9 7/4-New York: • ,VATRA NIEL lITHOII/48,,C0l OtbPen.u.;. • ; 4,Ni*Ery J al)114101, - ock 4 NI voravio. JENRINL-Co.B 106tb , Poile.' • 4 . ••• ofi:CouTilmfeits surthittitie. eigestare of "c,,M.JACEB444-4! is au the WRAPPER Of Wadi' bottle ' 1. 1 ti PRICY PER BOTTLE "( - b awnoi ; OR HA 1.f,D0E... FOR SA 00. ElMdid'ye4tr seeireit drugtit not Ita;Te ti - e article, du ; nut be pat off by. any -of t into; lotting prepare,- Eons titer may be bfferell ia Ite pla4, Litt end to Rs, Mid we will forward. eimprelyred; -by ex prijav PRINCIPAL ontiot o ea iiNuirAcTotty, - on A 4 1 • Jeliller ; W:lg l iran ."- Oilioggiertip CAL. JAI:NOON & :C0.,), - !; t. i ; Proprietors.. - - NOR - 841141 by pb. Giso. Ross, opposite the Court libiliiiassaboit;ll., ind by Drugg ists and' Dealer' hi tinny. twit* tbe :United Statue. • . ' May V, 1863.—1 y.., • . „ r '' s. ~ .t • 4 . , • • • . .... n• • 1 . t • Alt -V, . ,' , AI., :e . ..:.1 . That ,pitt.Ouliet.... lijfil or t* .. sutra 1, t. io ii .nibjoh:1188, re . ~dAtiiii.ZWOr.lll.B. lucky, gpod'ot .esi.9 lyt1 ; 10:10.4:fotiosi 'in all. ogee and . al : ett t aaliefestei,. : tlie triYateryan ef.a.i.r .• An. , :itilt 10,4:4. 1 4 4tfig , ikte.ot..,.ii., riNliip,b - sii patiiiio,l 'rule' or' 'ailitisiritY offer. the .nalyiifa, Of Oil people. All - evair the 88 ,All4llpBo .the ,populations 1 .4": 4• R.t.igniV. ;:•"„ 4 ,- .l ° he fnurid traces Of ..4 . )1111144,49,5,1t!... ..sal w oi l it i iis . , of 14' ~ ..4i.. i5:94.0 Will: t :Or,tillit Culture:of, e .tide efice,n t . l ,ttid Ilia "disiolAcelit, • k,inti'ples :. Uibieh . ,i4ris a :the' lielief in 'g • i* . .4ii (Vpit),* a fi'., antiiiips t ittit.i • A .. .. ty '... .ig.; geid ... Cl,!•` . From, .o:O.e..leht; 't _4a..* ',..ltiii 13 t;ii. ptfiipi `lucky ! - of. "Egyii.tflifilay, ~ .'.s4,r it., tiro. ~iii. : . o iiiiii i. - 131. , t .. ... - t . ,christiiiii.49plai / 8 .that tliiiiiiipetsti,tl 4140-,"4#9,.:i%eri ; .4tifliiiq . iy. . 'llo' s ii 6.n ,iif - ,yea_ g r,.4o: . . month, 1 Ji 9 tOsiapd ' Jaye on' . - hiPti.lt. isAngep..i k ,ouB, if; kit_ fatal, ,t 4, iigin, 44.ey,8 1 .14er-: .prise,': Wdrk,;iir 9.141:: .Irbey, : ,l),gyil - : .with .oeivlreer'iaWt x ,:and 4,40p1y ; 1 end with the. lit,'llty s g D7o44itlesea-i Passing:. over., . Lig) , ;.4F.a.t.b . i0.....,a0g#11 1 1 :whopredicted-I°i . i' 'te.diYalot• wt . ; lifiee or-Iride; Wei , , '`, or, war;letimil len 'whii:t Ogi . Apitt, ,"! r . oii . for,i.f4tr . :B, believad - in . , tilis; , ; 'atter. " s otdaya, tt 4. Saxon MS, (co.t t i S. ' 'oo i ..C..,viit' fci 20] ,ii'ves - thef 'owing accOunt•of , ,fltase .pm. : 41i04,. -.`i.1 1 1).17(3,t daYS. t.ifiko). are ii . iltio ...year, .7 , 1 dii:We call gyp . t,i t . an, days.; 'that, ay i.p . .. our jsin . g Nigh ! iliiigeroui di„yiki tin; : at . i..x. i . .9ggeg.iim rliatesier, to .. tlfat. 4 iitoo .o . f....pittpAr• iliUyil;,. la the iti:p 0i:.,w.bich.., ! %e,, , .4 • April;th'i ?Ot; 1 .4.11. .11%;. 4 ° 41.- .O I PnOtO second at tpli. - .. , nvip Ortfiftfripptit we ialt Y August i l , Op. lic. t ibp.,,, 4:xio, siihieh - ii 'the 'Aral,. ,jk,0.43Fi.4ii.4 41 AV: in g .out*—Etilke, eci . . ,O.g, do of a . ,..,inoqth co n abated .4:4'00 .::. ...J.,*..fiheiep '4040,-,14. i the, 4: 1 4.4i....P,r• 8 0c,P.# 4.4. , ,b, aftA.b...itV? one days .k . llke.golng i put, ..0.4,110,ips - fir . 49!) t 4 5 Y.El 9r'filPY •Ft. 1 .0 1 74 6. ..(.14 1 0 In oilih ~...of,.,Peenai.bst,i , no, ~ .,,ho, 4ip thee! _tbive,flaya;hdlic:ps :01,0e51, bell, of Caen be it, . of. east 1,,b15 , we :fleas heartiAtky t tlSat : eiiclity,,pn i . thA.,..fiKat t.. ...e. o!,..seientfi day, a Ilre: l 4,totl opd, rr 4 .Or lr. lAA, life bel,;:tanget, ").0. 1 .410.:„01ai....:he come not , the.4.iken tii.,day,#: it. I!..iiii.mo. tiiii.- ' 11 4,. 436 2 .' Oat!' 3 o4P, 11 . 87.wirr end hia:ll c. l - ..'..: il,t!ii.tfi#l,:tae toe ptgOcali t itao‘se' t, .. . • - , .. ' ,'-- • . • • hie lifa:lie will etiX' -:. :0.the...141 441, sxeter lf.alenslar t ,.a 111a,...41d. to. : be...Of the age of lienix .„11.;,,the.ilpst or Ka tends of Jarivary,liatse.i . 4osvn.as "Dies I Main!' . These Saxon I,2tlendars give us.-a, total of. alrf.mt z tlenty,anur evil days !n, the three hundred , and sixty:five, ; or about one suc i n :every- fi ftemi.e—, But : the •rinpenati ion "lengthened:lW, 11 cords and stren thened its stakes. o ' it seems to, have I •been felt or feared, tbatAltu.blickAsys..had but too, email a ;bold -op: their regarders ; so they , Were multiplied. , ' vitstr9nomeKeifolY4itaA ; s ix,, d ays of the;yearorre p.erOlous.-9,t,'. death ;• and; therefQrs,Alkey.lerbid :.I.4l.on:tolet'blood. on.the.m ,'. or i takir; any. drip k ; that, is to,sity-illanuary:34i.ruly.:l l : .40/.otoy-2ii the' Irtat . of*Aprili.: Lagust . .lo ttfe:.llsk day going:out_ of :Decembcr.....v.These' sizdays mitt): great dilligence : ouglM to be kepterlitit•namely {main 1Y n'tbe latter:three, for al l;the veins are then 4a11: Fur thou, whoither.man ;or.tteast beAnit ..:io. AlionK•within :7 days,-or certainly. Ivithirr4l.4 days, be shall: dfe..7 l, Arrd -.lfn-th* take any drinks. within; l ls- days;::they shall die ; and/ if bliey,:tat any.gc4i 3 se in these 3 days;` withibv4fir days- t y.B h all - die ; andif. airy-child) .lia.: - . ban in,these-3 4-latter days, .ther eisballilie a ;wicked &kith:. Aiitriromersundi astrologers say OW lui.thei:beginntng, . of-March,' the sev.'. erittrrilight;tor--the - fourteenth. day, bit• Cher blorkl - Witharight: azuK; and in the.begiening:of*pril;;.'the-').lth . day,:of the lufetrin ; and in - the?end' of May: 3d'iri - 16tfl-'.day;;' inr , Whirther‘ arm thou 'ivitr.:urrii tring , of , as11:-.tlhoi, year, thou abil‘ordiely9e.keptllitiall the fever, the' falling•gorit;' , the' 'sled gout; and 1614:61'tliy; sigh - tl=-Book ''of knowledge,' b, ,17:49;•. 1 . " - : ... 45 . 3 f 1 ••Th ilse'V WO 'itiaitcs fraire.incliried;lrl vattou'elliesablett; M(01441111, will filia: an eau& 'on :"Day : Fatifity,r'•in Sohn- Aubrey'V mi.seellenies,:; in 'which he: notOskti&days.lacky Mid unluckyc.bil thii Jew's, Greeks f ßomine; and .:if Vial tibia 'distinguished individuals of lai ter trines. - -- -y: ••• - •z.. : :-.--. ....: :• •"I "a. comparatively: iiicidearil'4lB. Wader', of the:lime. ofireirril., ifietiVivriver's•-possessioti,sone'-pagit ofitqllu.ni is filledvwith ofitiiich vie Modernize the iipellinf I‘The .tiVdertvritten.•63- the paiiloaa' days; to be Vv i eddcidiri;:olk anylOutiriy gin any * *Dec on; that' •bei , w - outd: -W WW 600; Tbe: nulaber'ettliede ifilliiityear 32; thiy rfrti f:r•-• I "iOntiry 84; Att 14'503; 1 .7 tb" , 4: 16tb741144.5tiii- 1 %. • In February be t:—..6tbkftbpiiirtlitiit b ; - • . 1 11 , Mereb ik be l S reT .in '"ltt May be a 1-4114 (Aolll4ll* Io June to 2 t—ltbialid 15 In July be 2 and lath. In August bill :-1), and 19th. In September be and 711 i. 'Tn October is ft-okb? •• • - t• In NovemberibeAr4o ll i. add 16th. 44 '- in December, bs:.3 -- The'copy i thip 'bet of 'O.. • vil days witiii34Pßl.tier!tiir thi Sciperitition ago" 43 . , ore elioe,tw i e v iiest:s a higbei ti. ; -• 7 ,.. A ;%gee": •••: s ,try::: , ff••••,....... ~.. .• • . . ,/: , ..,.. • ...i,t r, ~."':', l'il;:i :,.t.f 11 §... ..r . 4 . _ . . . s• . • . " .r• ..., .• ,_. A , , • ~ .. . . . .. . . _ . . . „ . . .. 'lag Ms "aspirations above days itusi seasons; for he has appended to the 'catalogue, in a bold Sim band of the time="Sedtamen in Domino confido.' ABot, pootwithaanding, I will irustin the Lord.) Neither in this Balendar, - ndr inlinother of the same owner,. :prefixed to a small MS. volume con- Ltaining a copy of Atagna Charta, &c., ; is, there inserted in the body of the Kalendar anything. to denote a ' , Dies Mala." After the", Reformation, the old evil ,days •appear:to..have abated , mccb ofitbe ancient malevolent inftu• lilies, and tO have_left. behind them inik'y a; geinc ial inperatitiOn, 'against litifiefinen4ating 'out to!fisb,"or'sea :men Ito!take a iorige,Oilandanien'a *ottrupy. or t Actutegtio merants to..en. ter on,A.nay.v piano,. oiyiKEVkday. ~. 1.! many odurht;ryOstikte,. espeCially3p. T rifteneoirtiVol . EnglinVnto weddi i'• tafe:PlitteSii.Frtdiygrbai'this - Catri - e. According to: it .';nyazifn,g • proverb, I.4'ridaest,tsl99n,,conje.,pliec -It will, 'Opaii es,tnc „ rev" ~ l iir ~Thomtief Over,- Ihkry'lri . lip ,el t iarming Aeteil, of iiiiiiiiniiid v LsaytqathiParliarris' are sb :chaste, thaf4he'- (limit I.ollqhbili ;' only 'a t'..ritioy*.drearat isr. bat .bn le super fig,o3a, 4 :4"4.4 3 h8.9-.93eRtf.5kfi11."402 1 4. 0 f st i ng . er.' l :4 .V,raspzus,...„4weili,,on Ike !‘e2c icacirdlnfiry .inconsisteiiie , Of - tbi '.`cfgl lA' Or his itay,'oreit,Ciffi • ifes 17 1 ii ...recut; 'yet holdiiiteitlial beim:kit aferieb Lto:tiLt any , on , Friday'ont Of lieriff. The Friday superstitions cannot, t be wholly explained...by-the fact that it was ordaimiltobo . 1044 . 4 .8 a f as t b y tho.,.c It rie_tiaus .of go me. some ppr• 'don of its ,MileffiCent, chdract . ,er, is fifOlisilif,f 'cid bythe'pharg6tei of 4'o Seindinaviab Vends Freya; be wife • Odin, And: goddess. of , fedu n - d ity-....- 4 . 14 we at" met 1,),,941 1 949ther . /040dAT 1 o,t4ticl. that ,a939,ilet, the. _Brahmins 1 OftbdifialikeitiperstitiOniaversion to It'iqtafilievailif. Tikehisiiihileblilfibi 1 thif,staitinetior ithiat-be toinufeiloWd: Herein is•the:. Me' forieshallowid , cpii. antiquary . who .seeks. to trace polls. , pf our still linericff tiperstitions to a source. Like i the be,ildeflid trii , ler at the befiliiiiiithi;. loi kneiii titit'Viich to take - J."4We: lends' him Into,.:t4e •ancient.Teaton -forestal:a iitnotA, among the wilds of f OcanAna, via; a third . Puna), and thence to,.pil, gin. Rome ; and a ,touitharrieir him to the far East; and there ho is *l'de with the conviction 'that -Wiuch of what is, old 40 quaint and.; straogo WP I T-luife4 4 1 3 :19PergttiticttlitTqlics orilisr foitij4ders,.has.,its Ocit ,(I,oeti ;_he •. • • .no of the anciesitlonxins MITI Miami; . e C . Mining. can. hardly- be a pleasant oe cepation: Pie Attsiencik'zot! snn and all natural tigt4,-the ,dripping sides of the shaft t the Stiiiikr:*of . ,explpiigii from the s Sie'ditinp; of 'the' fall'O'fliiV ting rocks;lifiknatbetdu'l other 4 4'64 ils,finveskitoiltivvague terrors ttotaci4 tive imaginations. But when .. ; the shafts. run : undlir i the „ : :sea,- and. the swell `of the; ocean is distinctly bla,llP - &Inst l iniggiise'rilbiijr "fears to the AligenViiiiiiiiiri...4li - e foll'osivirik traphio,desbription ii taken frOm: an AliPliPh._ % Pill = • ''•-_,4 : ~.. 4 i. , :11-•1 l'• - ' 7 0 .-A! 0 , 007 kour.AitateA.yarcie out under ilie pow , 'A.!, a sQa,liiid twenty •fri*t-'iiiilOw the - slielii'elf-L Coagt trade vessels isiiiiiiiiiig' over our heads. Two hundredl.andlirlyteet below us men are at work, and there, aro galleries yet below iltat- • The sr.- traordiniry position; diiitti.the fiee of the cliff, of the engines; 'lid - other - works on tbe - Aiurface,-•at..Buttallie, is` now" explained., The mine. is not . ex cavated like 'other., mines ,undeg the earth, but andei the sea. Having communicated' these particulars,' the. miner tells - us' to' keep strict &lane° arid listen; 4 WO %obey hiin, sitting 1 speechless and motionless. If the reader.eould,oply haviklicheld us now, 1 drimßedin, our 00PPUrtcolored gar- rientli,"guddled kilos° tegether in •a 1 pribitii`elift of siihterranean rock, with •altalifie fitirato our " heads, our heads, and At ikness '. enve loping ,our limbs, he ; oust certainly •baire,i ; imagined, with.' !out any violent .strength of fancy, I ;that ire ; jic'imioeklug ; : down upon a 'conclave - at' ghOcatis. ''ifteilfitabing a few :Minutes, a dis• Ciibt.arid• - unearthly. sound: becometi faintly andible+,lo,ong, low,,,mysteri-•: oue-moaning that . never changes, that I is, "fell on-tha ear as 'beard by it—a , Sound that might 'prOc'epd'frOm some ' far i'nvisibl'e Wei - ea—a-sound - unlike i anythingthat inheard on.. the upper ground, in the:.feee,,alraf.;lieavonr•- a - ..sonnd so sa - plintiiig l iuqurfiful.a . .nd atilr,:iip ghastly andimpiessitio when, listened to in -subieffiaeliii recesses Of the earth, that we continue in stinctively' , to• hold ouetleace, as,if eiichalite,d,•.by it, and think not _of communicating, to • each other' tbe 'stein e **naafi astonishmant which it'h Umpired in us from the very flie .:" • . * • i g `ifilaatlbe miner Speaks again and tellii Oh 'that, - what we bear is - the bound of the surf lashing the rocks a •hundrod and.twenty feet above us, and ,of the waves that are breaking on the beacti„bsirepd f The tide is now, at the iki7i; and thence is in no eg l. .,tPr, 711Uury % atlas of; Agitation, so tbiLioutid 4,10* "itad,.,4lstant „Oat. at •,. — ' • _,the`.Or' . thwrin. ,t , ,•tt•Vben ," . ma aril la ti at, Piei!..,bitight ? , Ithea ,Ithit s,aiea" bqrointain afteilaotintara:a ti fltie, ter,on the atla s then Ole noise ig ter... rift° ;:thtiPs4ing.: 6 o ; .l, 4PittiiiithfiKe ilt.o%lllPeieb4Pl7o.rAibiter°°; and aw To; tit. i t ,thear i nl . . ?i!or f . area iifi l i iii"ti. °th at' !rttogtiO i r7lK 1 0,0 1 ~,. • % itrt:4 11=MMIZSI EMI vend to the. durface to - 'breathe the ripper, ak and stand on firni earcb ; dreading = thongh no catastrophe bas ever happened yet—that the sea will break in on . ' them if they remain in the cavern below. Hearing this, we got up to look at the rock above - tfs. We are able to stand uprigbt in the position we now occupy ; and, flaring our candles hither and thither in the darknesa, can see the bright, pure copper streaming through the gallery in ev ery direction. Lumps of ooze of the most green color, traversed by a nat. ural net work of thin, red veins of iron, appear here and there,in large irregular patchek over which water -is•dripping slowly and incessantly, in consul plitces4 !Weis the salt wa- Icr.. percolating through invhate , t4ontes in ;the rock. On stormy Ilaylit;.spurts :out furiously in . thin, continuous: dreams. JuSt• over our heitan Ai bike - vie a • wooden ; ,p I ug, of the thickneeef :of:e man's- leg ; there is a bole thilik plug is all we 4. 0 • the, 44 out l,;_ • . gielker- OfiEitkersOn : ,vl , • 1 ,Titas Jotter oa-ch!WAßWlligac4oef the Wriaii." - The' . iiiad* *tile leittitt .„„ • • " e • . . . ed byg- doetiineer should: •acktfeer. AffiklY eenn - R4tiJrk thlft Anilitledge is:inculeated-thtough•tbe.medium qi an iiiihienee Fen tier,rthe peresel frtbie,efftesieqt continuous .proioiiattl7o3pj 14nrcipnitint. and , ' . lauahter:lithetidXe;*l6 wen known, belonged toAher Old. line *toil, was forinetly.:;it ~refiresentat ive in Congress front Tennessee, and weieleitefte the eterkehip of the litst ,Heuee=-which- •olAce, : of course, he T POt . an Official of one of psi:trim:mills, of the' Owe rn men t, he :independence:remarks. bly"in contrast with 'the servility maitifested.,genendly ;by! officials.— 'll4let.tar. or.M Ek.hekidiei h*ie: pended; our readers 'may petuier and 18, 1863. GENTLEunit I bavejasb received yOur letter of the irtb• .initt;• inviting me; in behalf of Ale Waabington 3tfempbie,:to join you in a public celebration of tba aniverrary of the surrenderofthat city to the Federal arum-- You also apitUk kindly of my. Tibet efforts to ts••• duccothe peoplivof Aireet.••Tenneavett • to.ttomottiut , ebserfollyto the restoration of tlicualtioliel thority•-ttwoughont the 800 th •,—• •• • easion referred to, I could be of vervirek.treat_ attiglebonest, law-abiding citizen, or truly:lT pentant rebel:or tbat-1 could - Cootribute, to the' least extent, in end iog the war add restoring the blessings of peace under the Constitution, I Would 'certainly' attend.; But: b have no such faith-in-myself, and, thereforic-Fihall tint go. ' le your letter;.yon expriant:tbe opinion that; hy direct 'personal ppeal,f; utigh 'ENCORD.- : Ann the . loyal,- Or riceLaini thie-dielnyal:- I con- I fees my astonishmen't at such statement; and I can attribute this opinioninr*ours to nothibg I but 'a, failure, on fyour - parro:Ati eemPrehendllits masterly polcey'oUour great and goodi President; and-the w ire atatiam . en `wliestild him in abopini and directing the civil pliliey:olhhe Elovertimdfit When: you have . -latudieit and• understand lisit grand - purposes , of oar :Meat. God-feeritig'and law-abiding President; when .yoti are more fig , ' miller .with: the- profound f. -military strategy.. which - , as_ 'Cbmtnander -in-chief of the army and navy of the United States:- he *vie now display log -;.-and whemyou further remember the eaten. litho:tint success we have had In .reolaimiog Lisa ided ccuotlymeir' , ,and - in conquer log omit: 'way warcfkisters, Ushall be amazed if you coo' , lime to believe it necessary' to 'encourage thn' loyal.' WRY ENCOURAGE - THE - LOYAL? Is it , possible they aced encouragement in Memphis: where, fur nearly a year, you have been insidi of the Federal lines ?—where every night TAT. , Too is substituted - for 'Bash! my baby, don't' you cry,' and at REVEILLE, 'Hail Columbia' ai rouses the people to a cones iousness of the great ascents which, is afforded to the ettoesery of the' loyal people in Memphis and 'all the calm. try round that (political) Jordan Bow can you or I 'encourage the loyal,' whine . ' our matchless President, the late Congress, hie ' sage counsellors;: and his peerless military stab ordinates, have-already done end promised all which wisdom • tati , tiuggett, which our Stem) Constitution authorizes and which. file Christian religion tolerates or approves?: There remain, nothing for us •to do, unless it bo to obey our incomparable President in all his wise measures to conquer a glorious pence. Trne.wo have among us croakers and copperbeads--silly, brain less men—who are so unwise and unpatriotic as to question the wisdom of oar indefatigable President. -.lf you have any such in Memphis, you ek:mid at once denounce them as in sympa• thy-:w ith the rebels.; you- should, send them to their friends 'down South,'-or, to ,the. Dry Tor tugas, which is understood by many) to be aplace where everybody is tortured w ith thirst far rifle whi.ky, and not a drop can be obtained. No. geed Un ion man will complain of the con duct of the wise : inea;:whoniretet our public af- ; fairs- They shouldbe taught to remember that scasreatow. RACINATO3I was formerly a high crime—il -is a most heinous offence.,:n6w—atifi nothing saves eneb copper-colored wretehewb.at the Christian charity of-our most pious Presi- , den t.•", • • _ At yo u r proposed s meetbig, you should so ar range matters as to ioeurn a list of all who fail to attend, or omit to render a suitable: apology, Mid ; you should adopt resolutiOns of tho,motft' 'loyal kind: Allow me to suggest, thalthiatim, mlttete on, resolutions b* !elected from tiontrace . tors, and office holders.."l.:partieularly suggest, one Cooper, who hal • recently been appointed Assessor for the large, ritih, and populous die trict of ;Wait - Tel:Testes. Be was originally Dem Nevi ,True, he was never in West i Tennessee until sent from this city on his official errand, blithe no doubt knows by intuition the true value of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, .tc., An., of a people be never knew, and a country in which he never lived. But be is so loyal—so much an that I doubt not he is better fitted , for the office than any one of the native-born sons, brothers, or fathers of the thou sands of soldiers wh kb, before the 22d of last September, West Tennessee had furnished the Federal army. Let the committee imitate the 'Loyal Leagues' of Baltimore, and resolve that you notenly - approve*Avi, the present wise and patriotic Administration NAB done, hot that you will sustain and uphold it in EVERYTRIRS !TEAT DEBEATTER DO. Let the committee make an elaborate report accompanied with resolutions denotation's if II who find fault with our most ex. oellent Preoldeut. ffer instance ,: The last Con-- grate (ID lisli,lB62jYassed ti law to confiscate the properly of certain rebels. ' That Congress, though'_ .'very wise bodyi did not possess as michaggftigate wisdids 'es our great and good ! -• 1a procif of thir ire need bOt refer to I the fat:4 . 6oi the CtineresS ifotersid provided that; under this la*, trial should precede inner& thin and ferfeiture, and 'that guilt should-be pfiveo,, not presumed. - 'Worts still, it'offered an amnesty te'rspentsnt - rebels ; it mercifully gave WI TOLE N0.,.180. gebaun ittinittis tr. AtAUX.? PAPS* 31:111.1•01VN AID Cob3ilekT: IS ?IMMO AND PtilitIENED imam' ly WY. X. 88I#* 24 Story tbr rime], Nog WWll&&lariat et At oft, DOHA! 1113( Fi ft y °alb a sair. eGrAablattettarro Moiled at dm gavot 1•01+4.110 The blonds or the torobtiolookoot, +NO Om "auk two 111 9 lus_reeValtys6l ed toved to Moir oiitomii. Atir.HADM3III,3 at a Wears benbsei. ItATIIS Olt P•oalatt - - • In Lebetera County, frog lb Pebbayttanlo, out of Le 00Anty IX;Mita Yet quarter, or 13 erne A year_ Out of this state, 4 1 4 qutatet, Ist- ttiky yeor If the PontelP I. Vat paw in taitslate, ride atr. . • , 'repitted to print "Rorie biuiilsoapftylo, ea abort natita Irbil at reasonable rates. - _ . . them sixty. days -In *Mb to oneot it,aard pit , - ,vlded. further that onr most not& President might anapand, for a period, the AD)orattEteut this law as our armies advanted Southward, so as to afford ALL en °pp:an:inky to avatopt Valenti b Worse still, this law actually applied to RD Didt etrr lea nescut. And it is astounding that,it applied to them everywhere, . North as watt se South t . in Sor lug:Sold ) Illinois ) , se., Welt as it Springfield, Tennessee. But Went atilt t it did not effect the rights or property of Union seas, women and eh ildreo, or laraaties in any eantnb of the country. That Congren, strange, 0, ,It, may seem, did not peroelve that the erte ,3., the tebolliott and restore affeetionatoselationo. tvreen the sections, was, to place the Union Met, women, children, and the insane, upon a porfint footing of equality with the rilest s tralton intim land ! That Congress believed that the. of refusing obedience to the usurpattott oided'. be vie and Co., in Mississippi, Arkansaa, North Car olina and eleewhere, amid the terrors oft lat Bi tar), despotism, did not merit the rime or worse punishment than that which they had atheneum( against titled and official traitors! That Con groan spared the women and ehtlaten 1 It -Jaw shleided from harm the Union men who still ad hered to the national symbol of proteetion I-- What weakness I But Congress had adjourned. What was . to be done t Thank Beaven:!. Malt gacious President was found Neal- to As °ten sion. You will perceive that nn the Int ofSlik• uary last, under this so:called.:nonfiscation lan, the slaves of every rebel In the Vatted Steno who had *net acenoted the amnesty therein itto vided, Were DE JURE free. But hoer well tali* end this rebellion if the Union men, *ornateAli children in the so•called Confederate Siena trims left in undistributed possession of air Their 'egg and conalitntional rights ? If title Oolieyeati adopted, the rebels might become 'angry with 'these ''inonairiente of l?'aderat. mercy,' and, io that event, ihe spared monuetrante afo?ueai4 might °ling more closely to the Pederal.lig. Thia division, among the people might nen o still eon tin happy Crate of affairs in Dixie,.- otr frienda flier.; might have to bear additietal Int. dignities. As before remarked, our merciful-and considerate President wee' found equal to the c.. sis. In a biog conversation with soffit insplr“ apostles from the saintly city ef,Citicogo i Itlace where Onderdonking and orbit *O4 amusements are toil now n -th e Presi4ent 'CIPACri - M:confessed tlist be was . endeavorin*lbe did or 4 ate the, mein Orto ascertain the Will of the Lord ft ti,t is tffieu.t question i thatso snuff b e t,i, 'h - ii" '' ' - Weil the limn ! , pleasure, ht, verily, wont!' dd the will SCi.he Matter who sent him.' The reve lation cams, .doubtlets, y doemine of piatif:i Judging qt 'that wbieh is :ritieeo it sosinisit ed to this : that in portions of Yitisilt - 4 till Louisiana in Delaware, in Marylon iti rsia.l tacky, in Tennessee and Missouri ,:' itirms *L. In] for traitors who had_accepted the amnZ , provided by the confiscation Diet, end all, O persons, to hold slaves i but that in the Lille Hit* ter region. of Virgin's, and in tires Pitt of X,initit: Mans which had not been 'enintlettiirlirtitikefit.at VERY es TH E MILITARY °yenta:nil& 'oseiiiallialt BUTLER, as alio in North Carolitie; ' &tat WI. tins, Florida; °corgis, Alabnint, Milsinipbi,:kr k eases, And Texas, it should no longer belalital for the Union men, women, and Albino to hirld our African fellow eititens to service orLefoal. And yet there are those - of the , civii , iipiriot i pey; suasion' who profess not to see title - -4 this great mater stroke of our tenet exhalted..Presitient. Sin, did ft not ' ly invite the South and VIM% -tifielfirtatiffil Were not our camps forthwith neeV lift countlesithyrilds ! of bold and ardatotrl There not 'our American brethren df- AfrlOni-Vez : scent' crowded by thousand', into oar sitilits; ' spiting 'trot coldiers withiefiad onalloofileaWand I rendering night rocs% with tb st ;_danite iiflMAHlett ; °bitted Dinehe and mewling and rain* 'trim- I boat And have not env Sung hero ritibetions al w a since the deem of the negro Millen : Dilate of 'CP -., - . -- --- - • - • I know that men iihei Gestetsl - 111% , who commands in- your vicinity § at BoUfaV. Tennesseed *regality of alsartlitilis of *eta which afford' the eneinitqf of our sageeioda Teel* Went excuses for comnlaint add eritieiefL. instance, - On the 14th of last Brareh• M Miens then in command - at Bolivar. wrists as Llionerke regard to the proclamation ofretedtlttl*lttiidttlif ohs illustrious and far-seeing Prireidtlit.gteetii theretbaut of the new year : • • •." t' e llidneyearMin is -Noisily heipieellsortibutilit diitlayisfitt pot, more so l pi- itkir bffibMsa434ath, dehrreeihimn im — thsffarei!Sitillt serres,..whgeztiveleteantlo74 an:nen &Selo our Damns beyond tielittfalith:,—a Under title process the rebel holds tifeslaeiss try , carrying . them into ii•Blate in whieli thiji t'esrvii-t elsred rue ,'while the law- abidiat-cititteerboip , Es Ens byreta ln in g- them in a state *ram it4la Law , to nidl , AS.it talk*, 4114001 ty and good conduct of these =Sew iteiilllseat nothing." . . a:••• In rprak:ng; of thaileorating - litieW-of this syt tem upon oufenemieuand the_Asegesee, cienetal Braymen shocks our Sensibilities by the use of; each language isetthiet '!Theis Finesse to thaw Government is enormous. - It requihreirc;soidiero to guard them. They , sicken and dieliE sirawd., ed and filthy coital,. • They • hemmer, debased , and demoralized.' They debase and tletnotalhno the army. - _ • ,• Now,among the resolutions you wilt adapt al the Memphis meeting, there should, by ell tateae-44. be one censuring Generabßraymtia for timber of language so insulting .to-'*tetr fellaw-olhigens o f Africa descent," and so jestly calculated to itt cense the slaveowners in-Tennesseevrho hare so stubbornly 'erased to,join the rebels. Why, sirs, this license of speech 'mast be sup pressed. What right have men who do not sup port the present wise and efficieritAdattibiattatitur to criticise its policy or the consequences-of it? With in the last few days I have beset persona in this city—in this capital which traaratho sa ored name of Wash ington, and which for the Tucson', is the home of our illttstriotisChief.Mag istrate—draw, seemingly, invidioue distloctinna between the fate of Jesse D., Bright, of hailing, and that of John M. Botts, of 'Virginia. How my blood 'boiled with pious indigestion" when a few days age, T heard a certain individual of, the straiteet sect of Copperheads disetituaitig thus : "Jesse:D. Bright or radiate, ear etpeill• ed. from the Senate of the United States lest year, charged with treasonable . practices. Ho then owned a farm and negroes in kenticky—still owns them. Ile accepted the amnesty proirided in the so celled confiscatiou law, which passed Congress hurt July. He is now preparing-to es. company his family on a trip of plessure to Bo rate, leaving his large properties in Indiana and his slaves in Kentucky under the ,protection of the law, John M. Botts is just cot of "Libby," or some other Confederate prison,whers he was incarcerated for his devotion to tha. Delon, god. his undying hostility. to ,the so-called Southern. Otintederacy. Ten days ago his slaves were itc.• tined witnin the lines of otti armies in Virginia: Mr. - Botts.demanded that they be surrendered ot„ returned, and received for answer, direct frees! Washington that he bad no ri gilt to them I that our wise and law-abiding President hattept,thstk free V.' . 1 eon feu that when .I heard this ,a fi t plain lag rigmarole, I was indignant son's stupidity. He could not eet.thisviiidenc t r. this, wise policy of our most noble XecintUve.--e Ile was almost as incorrigible as Jailed', L.' Pitt( grew, of South Carolina, who when he read the.: great Proclamation of the most Mutation! sue center ,of Washington, took the 'oath of allegi ance to the Confederate Governmest, and offered his private fortune to the rebels to aid them making war upon the armies of the'ettlilhaaer man of modern times ; as Nelson of Tennessee, who, with SODS in rebel ceptivity * published an appeal to the people of that State to take up arras againet our freedom loving President; as Hone too, - Henry, and others, who immediately want over to the rebel cause. -Away*lth rech - snen ! A goOd Union man loves his conutry jrC.— lie cares nothing for liberty or property ;imam or fortune; consideration or contracts ; office or opinion. The true teat is simply this :who is the greatest, wisest, and best of mankind 1 Who is the first natural military genie° of the 11.° " 7 Who doeth all things wisely and well? - Who should be elected Precedent as long as be will sie cept the office ? If to all these inquiries tha re spondent answers, with a firm and unfaltering voter; A ERAMAX lanSCOl,if , ESQ., be' may be set down as a:good Union man, fit to joie a "Loyal League," receive a contract; Accept I commission 'or office, and ro !Int. Bat, if like Crittenden . • . . . ,