Cly Itirretiistt: X 8 * SI b 0 A Ali LEBANON, PA. wmptrEsp - Ali, DVet • 24, 1862 . •: • • - HOME AFFAIRS. 31. aj. John M. Mark is now in tei4,.. , 'iporary command of the 93d Eighttept. 'Col. John E. Arthur, ofßeading,licentlo4. 'aigned on account of ill health, is spoken of as a , successor of Col. McCarter. The Lebanon P9o,'Offiee will be open on Obtistains from 8 ceplock A. M., to 2 o'- . clock P. M. The -Jonestown, Fredericksburg, lbaelreri;toWci,iind Mount Hope• Mails leaye the Lebanon 'P,itit'Otilee'halt an hour earlier than ussual during the winter season. Mr. Ebbecke', corner of Walnut and Water streets, (Farrell's) Lebanon itistinot sold last week, but will be again offered on the 26th day of December, (2d Cbristutes,) at Siegrist's at.l o'clock, P. M. LEMBEROER'S FROST CORR.—For frozen Feet, , Rands, C: USO LEMBERGEWS FROsT -Pons, a eertsrin ,relief and earnest invaria. XI lc care.' Try' it Only' 2.5, cents a-bottle., Pre vend only by J. L. Leruberger, Apothecary Market Street, Lebanon. [bee..lo.-3ut The following artioleiNvere sent by 1 0 0 -Lad 1 0 1 ' Aid. Society of.'Pobanoti county„ to :Dr. B. F. Schnielr, Island General Hotini. sinui yiegialan 'Avenue„ Washington, aQ C., on DeSember , 24i, 1462 : ..2 'dna., 'Flannel oh irts. " -Ai l-Drawers. ". " .Pecket handkerchiefs. 5 " 5 pair Slippers. 6 ;Sheets. - ...II 410 Z. Packs Corn Siarch. 6 Packages Flaxseed. ; lbs. Chocolate, Sugar, Tea, Rice and toffee. 2 doz. Stirskings. 21:/ Bundles Rags. 2 half,barrels'dr:ed fruit. 3 cans apple . , hut ter. -1 4 • 3 .barrels onions. 4' begs' potatoes. 1 box Wines, ACKNOWL4DONqNT ' ND ELtm.." GersERAL noßerrAT.,l Wastiteurrox, D. C., Dee.loth, 1862. ro the Nerettfle.4f, and. tknarol,:gtors to the“Lzbarion f.. 11 .Afif '''We batten to acknowledge a munificent donation to Hospital, froniyourassociation We had received a notification, dated Dec. 4th, from Your Secretary, Miss 3d. It. °Lauinger, that the goods had teen forwarded .en that day. They- reached us in good condition to4lay ; mad their tardy arrival was accounted for by the ;reight rtgent here, by reason of an accident on the road. We beat° snore you that- your' donation was most etratiftt ly received ; the more so since it was unsolicited. I.laVing no especial claims upon your well-known-gadta, patty, we feet that we owe you adouble debt of : gratitude, for this freeAsill offering to the sick and 'sounded 601. VlEra 1. is netWithinonr recollection thaP" - any Hospital in or Mround this city; has ' received . erklibeml a contribu tion- and it is only another probf (if any note were needed,' of the Winn and close sympathy which exists 'between the wines, and mothers, and sisters at home and the' brave men who do battle io rl,e lido Begging pin to receive our warmest acknowledgments, liffftals generous act of kindness towards us personally; e.6Peeeing yomto the hearty thanks of our patients, who are already enjoying your unexpected (and hence the more acceptable. benefits; aod thanking you again ter your generaint and humane contribution in behalf of the needy and suffering. Very truly yours, W.LLIAN WATS, V. S. A.. Surgeon in Charge, B. F. Smisscs, Acting, Assist. Surg. U. S. A. We Assert it Boldly.—There are no other 31(pdj,,inoo rellahls, effectual an& canvenient as lIOLLOWAYS' PILLS & OINTMENT, a (ways reedy for use. They are invaluable to the sold. ier expoeoi to Woo ode, Sores, Fevers and Bowel Complaint'. They never fail. Only 25 cents per Box or Poe. _ 229 Georae W. Ryan, formerly of Fred . torieltAharg, this eminty, hut laterly from Union - eminrity, Captain of n•eompany in the battle of rrodericktib tug, tirsie killed in that engagement. . Aiesrs. Waltz and Hauck keep for tale ell k inda of Revenue Stamps. U.S. Feuds are required is payment fur them. The fonowlng drafted men, from Lebanon county, were discharged by the medical examiner at Harrisburg : .:Duneen, James, aged 2S, examined Nor. 6; axempted'on'account of hernia. Miller, Isatio,.Nov. 23; dislocation of ankle. Phrianer, Samuel, Nov. 28 ; hypertrophy of tsatirt. . , Rohl, John:H., Nov. 28 ; deform ity..of chest o Stoulter"Tobn, sized 37, Nov. 8; hernia. Vlte.l27th Rogi to en t, of *lt Cap. knit% Greenawalt's Company toms a part, took a 'very active part in the late battle at Fredericks turg. We have been able thus far to glean the :following list of casualties to said company, which with use or two'slight cases embraces all. : Zimmertnatt, ofMast Hann ver, killed; Adam Car 'tunny, itotinded - in leg; Mini Kreider in neck and hack Guinea, peter,j r., of dotrestow n , miea ing'J littaherger, in hand ; John Seltzer, do; ‘Chotrmi pa tech ke , do; John Match, in ghoul ightfy; Yoiin, P. Umberger, in foot ; H. Iteller, band.; &sot , : D. Rise, leg; Isaac Brandt and %Wry A. Brarsit ire also wounded, but the character - Otte* injurleit we have not learned. ;John P. Umberger,:' l o(6 is now ,in one of the Washington HostAtals, laid on the battle field all night. He was rerao'Ved in en ambulance die next morning. Alehtrtrne just been riceiv wil from him descriptive of die bathe as far as he was engaged in it, bitt . ,want Of time prevents :fits publication this week Capt.. Fox's company, in the saint Regiment, mod /tartly recruited in - this piece, (Messrs. Jo . .osepik Daugherty and D. S. Long, Lieutenants,) were also in the battle, hut we have thus far been . ttettde to learn any . partisuluts u h u ut th em . Capt. : Poz was killed on Friday, while cross ing. the river towards h'redericksbtrg by a rebel .bell. Thef 127th Regiment.' Was the second that crossed the poritt:t.n bridge. s s . . WStit et ANTED•a girt for general housework in a family • of three. this office. 2t. Notice. iliK retookt mint has tny first volume ol'lttlegO Life of Washitkitoti, Ortll-rlieree to return St. J. W. GLONINGER. gritriat A 11Qa'rd to - the sugrerin l9 r , • The REV. WILLIAM Cosnaoys. white la b or i ng as a Missionary In Japan, stui cure d of Comm , ' ption. when all other means had fa lied. by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great City of Jeddo. fibisrecipe has gored great numhets who were suffer ing froin Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Coughs *ad:Outdo' .and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benelltting others, I. will send title re• eipe. whkh I ham brought home with me, to alt who heed it, free of charge .. Address .. Ng*. WJf. cosonoi% 480 Potion , A*l3lllle, iirookiin, N. Y. bee. 10,11962,--4. Dlt.. JNO. L. LYONS , Fressch Periodical. Drops FOB FE M ALES. this vairatiffe Medicine is now 'offered,lO the Ameri eon Ladies as the only sure, positive, and neverfulling kera and regulator of suppression of nature, from thllol49r, canoe. Particular rare sttotild, be need to ffeW that Preereincy is. nut the cause. the DroPli "Worsiti sarely produce an effect entirety eentrary to the , EMeritii pattire. for which I will not hold myself ye.- sprahrthle:These Drops are so mild and pleasant. that tha fetsfilerei ylgqd take them with perfeet Feuer Sty, yet se powerfuli ifti)heir effects, that they may be safetymilled a never failiXig Itegulator. ocy ; ritn be procured by Addressing wires tilracted ttelpw . . ' hove used this med icine for the Peet bum' se Swill' ilibixY Pin6t.t4n,ao Mete: ferule/4j know its merits._Sold by atl Drtiggisex .pope $1 per bottle. Adress • DR. JOHN Ai: LYON : Nei ilasen, Conn. INV 2;1862, . . HALT ! HALT ! A Cry, 1 - o‘iu Washington! VOLUNTEERS 'ATTENTION ! owes, mothers nitd Sisters, . . Whose Husbands . Sent mid Brothers are serving in the At my, cannot out into .their knapsacks a more nec• casters or valuable gift than a fim• boxes of mOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTUENT. They Insure health event under the expospre of, a Soldiers's. life. Only 15 cents C. Box or Pet. SOLDIERS' SPRCIAL NOTICE! Do Our Duty Youne4pes. ! _Protect your 'Health . 1 11%.. Read the following, just, received this day from Washington : T. HOLLOWAY, LLD.: Dass. Stu:-.4 avail myself of this opportunity to express my gratitude for year kindness in Leine an prompt in sending me your valuable Pills and' ;Oint ment. Hundreds of periraoldiers Live been rnadebolu fellable mid well by the nee of your, tnetlienteta and they all can testify to their healing r.Owers. and 04-a -bility of giving Instant relief. it has, within ny:own observation, saved many a poor soldier from bog noes and mach suffering. Yours truly. D. G. TOSE, Washington; b. C. November 28,1562-12. t. SINGER &• CO.'S LETTER "A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL TITS MEOEST LIG`ROT,ZMENTs., IS the.BEST and CZIEAt'EST and sesrllassurirm. of all Sewing Machines. This Machine' willl'aew anything. froin the running of a tuck in Mariann' to the Making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver. Cloth down to the softest Gauze and Gosmmer Tissue,. and is ever ready to do its work4oerfection. It can fell, hem. bind, gather, tuck, quilt:rand has capacity fin. a great variety of ornamental`work. This is but the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind,.and so forth. but it will do so better than any other Machine. The Letter'`." Family Sewing Machinemay be had in a great varle r ty of cabinet mks. The Foldhig Case, which hectint ing Ea popular. is, as its iintrie implies, one that can be folded into a box or case, which, when Opened,. makes a beautiful. substantial, and spacious talda for the Work to rest upon. The cases are of every - 11113%111'We design—plain as the wood grew in its native -fOrelti," or as elaborately finished as art can make them. ' Jeuct fur S copy of - SINOES k CO.'S GAZETTE. I. li. SINGIIIt Si C 0.,: 45S Braild rasiy. PIIILAD2,I,PULtpFria —: S I O cb# taut St. May 7, 18.02. The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. Published • for , the benefit anti as st, warning and ,a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debib; ity. Premature Beaty. &c..; supplying-at:the Mine time the means of Self-Cure.• one who 'hasenrdd himself after being put to great expense through , medical im position and quackery. By enclosing a postpaid °ad• dressed envelope, mum; COPIES may be had of the au thor, NATIIANIEL MAYFAIR, But., Bedford, Kings: Co., N. Y [New York, March 12,1882-3 y. It:tigitit,s 4tittii-E5. Ginn= and English preaching on Christmes•Eve at' 6P. M , and English preaching on Chri stmas-Day— at 10 A. M., also Orr man preaching on the stet inst.. at'B, and at 1134 P. SI., ana at 10 A. 31,, of New Year's Day, itt the Moravian church. No services en next SundaY:English at 10 A M.. at the nor se Shoe Pik° meetinghouse on next Lord's Day. On Christmas morning in the German, and : evening English, also on Sabbath evening Ensiled, in the First Reformed church. German preaching in Salem's Lath. church. on 'Thurs day morning (Christmas.) also German preaching next Sunday morning, and English in the evening at which Hain the Lord Supper is to be administer. ed—preparatory service on Saturday evening. English preaching next sammtri morning and evening it, the Methodist Episcopal Church. CURIST Ontaten.-z-Sievit‘e in Temperance Hall on the Drat, third, and tinth Sundays of the month at 10 A. M., on the seentid and foe his Sundays ofevery month, at 3P. M. Ott Christina Dlry. service in the 'after- noon at 3 P. St. Barriett. On the 21. st. Inst., b Rev. U. S. Miler, Vt.— G WOE LOOSER, of Lebanon, to 'Nil MARIA FlN.ti‘of.tack son Tp. _ Putt. On Dec. 1.1.862, AROMEOLD FEW, mon of.S. S. and P. A. RAMSEY, agatl.l year tted 11 data. On ate 15th inst , MtdIIA.EL son of John and Mary G ATKS, ag d 9 years. 2 months and 14 days. On the 14th inst.. N. Lebanon borough,. Mrs. MA ItY TRIM, widow.oGlohn Tice, deeM, aged 72 years, 3 months mei 28 deys. in Camp Ruff, Camden, N; .1., on the 14th inst., Ser geant TIBIAE! E. DOM BERGINE, run er.Tosepli Bomber ger of S. L. im _amid 19'yeare. g months acid-1.5 .143. ' On the 13th hint., in this Imrongli Mr. -SOI44SION 'McO.4.IILBY.', aged 5t yea. a. 3 n3nuthe and 13 days; 0 BIT LIA RY jAcros SvoxvErt. Esq., son of Frederick Stoo -1 ver, Esq., a cit izen o; this borough for many years, departed th IA life on the fourth day of De : eember. A. D. 1862. at the house of his siin, Wil liam StoeVer, in Jiickstm Towoship'. The De ceased was born on : the 10th day of June, A, D.. 1787, in this borough, and spent his life time in .the place of his birth. When in active life, he published the "Lebanon Morning Star" for 33 years, or the kof century.: Re was unflinching in his Democriilie prieciplus, both in State and Church, anti endeavored to uphold with strict in: . .tegrity the trumpririciples of his constituents.-- lie served one term in the State Senate, repre senting the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin.— lie was one of the draftettmen in 1814, and took his place in the ranks. When his Regiment was about leaving - the marching-orders were count. erinanded. On' the 29th day of . September, 1821 he was uppoin'ed, under . the regUlationa of the. militia of Penna., Quartermaster of tho 14th Regiment, first brigade ' ' sixth Division, com posed of the militia of the main ties of Dauphin, Lebanon, Berke and Sctnylkill. On the 23d of February, 1824, Jno. A. Shultz, Governor of Pennsylvania, appointed tit im . Lieutenant of the fifth company a f the above mimed Brigade.,,, In the year 1830.-the was'elected:as a State. anator of Pennsylvania, representln'g the. counties of Lebanon and Dauphin. Gri thmt4th day of De cember, 1838, Governor Wulf appointed bittb,a Justice of the Peace, in the district composed of the Borough and'rownship'of Lebanon. As a Christian he was unwavering in his attsehment to his Cherub and maintained a conduct in sup port of his faith in the crizeified Ife:deemVi, which was his firm relience to the end of his life. Re ever expressing himself in the strongest hope to realise a blessed immortality beyond the gra.Ve. Under all his trials, he bore thorn, with content ment., sis decease was an affection of the heart, terminating in dropsy. /Lis sufferings were in. tense until about 48 hours - before he died. He said be ivattnot sick. hitt-fell sweetly asleep to eivakefl'lla more until the morning of the resin reetion, at the age 5)1'75 yeare',.s thentba,ifititt 25 days The Lebanon Market: nlr,f6r7l N Correct,' TV:wl-1 y. LEBANON, Waustssost DECEMBER 24, 1862. Lel/, Bllla Ex, Nam 1 - 7 25 Eggs. 741. dos., 20 Smith. P. Extra 075 Sutter, f . 20 Leb. Tel- Super. Firres 60 Tub or salted butter, 10 Priori White Wheat, 145 Lard, - 8 Prime Bed Wheat '1 40 Tallow, Pririls 86 ' , 8 70 Shoulders, 6 Oats, 40 Sides; • - 6 Clover.aeed, 5.75.50ap, - 7 Timothy-sued, 1 50 Bees-wax, . 25 Elas.seed, 125 White Bags, 5 Wlefi Apples, Vibe.. 00 Mixedsltags, 2• ' Dried Apples, pealed, 150 MAX, ilb., t 1 21-A P9l l OlO-S- 141 ",?'. ' 50 Bristles, :40 reach "llutzelsr" 2 Featherii;ll. 621,4 Cherries, - 150 Wool, VS th.; 40 °Moos, - • 97 Soup Beaus,V qt, 6 Poteitneii, fi but, 37 Vinegar, 'fr gal., 12% A pple tier,* crock, 45 The Philadelphia Market . . , SATURDAY, Dec. 20, P. &f.—T h ere" is ' . Tater mo r er inquiry fur Flour for shipment, to day, and the market is firm. Sales of 8000 lots, chiefly ex tra fautily,.aes7 12}®7 37' 0 bbl., litchi:Ong ,500 Ws extra fatuity on private terms; and 250 bhls superfine 4446 12i, and it is reported 2000 to 3000 bbls, Western extra at ss®6 50. The sales to the retailers and bakers have been to a moderate extent from the latter figure up to $8 75 forcommon and fancy, as in quality . • No change . in Rye Flour, and there ,is but little bore. Small sales at $5.50®5 75._` . Corn Meal is very quiet and steady at $3 30 for Penne, and $4 25 for Brandywine. . There is more activity in the Wheat market, and at the close holders succeeded - in realizing better rates. Sales of 12@15,000 bus, Chiefly. Penne Red, at $1 47@1 48, in store, and. $1 50, afloat.: Southern is in demand at the latter quo tation, and White at $1 05@.1 85. Rye is unchanged. 500 bu Pen na sold at 65 @BSc.. qt.! o r Corn is in better dnipnd Ind prices are firm cr.. .Sales of 4@5000 'b a 6@B7c. for old Yellow, 87c. for old • and mixed, 70c. fey dathp', and 75e. for 'prime - y lots. Oats are in gaud request, al 41 ®440. for light weight an heavy kenna and Delaware. SEEDS.--,There is a,gnod.deuland,for Clover ietld, .iii:l fuitfier Rake of 800 kai lair and prince aie re Dried at $6 25®6 96 'OB4 Ms, ,end 1000 IM.pholita at $8,50. Small sales of Tinto by at .$2@225; 756 bu Flaxseed Sold at $3 lf bit, at *blob figure it Var wanted by the crushers. . Wiii4y, is bald NrEkty , tkul the tieun Mtn ind is . lied. Sales Of Okatv and Penne blils at.4l ®420., • Ithda. at 400., and drudge at 39@400. .• PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET.L-The arri, rals of Beef Cattls - Coniintie large, reachlPg 2'500 bead this week, most of which were disposed of. Good Pennsylvania cattle realited fuller prices, but owing to the poor quality of which the bulk of the offerings consisted, were 00e. the 100 lbs. lonmr, prices ranging at frnut:sli to $9,25 the 100 tbs.' net, for common to prime. COWS and CALVES.—About 120 were taken at from $lB to $3O, each for ,(`ringers, and $3O to $4O for COWS and calves,; BOGS Uro steady. The otteri,,nge and sales reitehed about 43e0 heart, inplo4ing3-139,at hotr nr.pi Q 6 and 676 t• the' kftlit at'fron $54 to $7 the io tbs. net, as in qua 11. ty. • SITEEP.—About3,OOO were o ffered.and . told, at s@fie, Vt,tla. gross, which is rather better.— Stock sheep were steady at s2l@s3', iindlainbs at $2/04i each, as in condition, =IRON.—The tnarket is quiet, the lirtnpe:es of We 'makers:Melting the operations in pig wetal to saine'soo(46oo..tons anthracite * ln ' Tote, t $3O @s33, cash and four months, for the three.num hers. For manufactured iron the demand con tinues- good it fully former rates; and the mills generally are ivell,,otr for orders. 19.11.111.N0T0.N, D. C Ifitu , .;...s)l4.etti,sl.ilti'ottAir For. Rent. • A COMFORTABLE Two. Story BRICK HOUSE . „“ on Mulberry street, Lebanon. Possession given on the let of April. Lebanon, Dec. 21,'62 J • D. S. irAwmozip. Store Starlit ftw .Rent. AGOOD SloitE SFAN D. in the BACol.4iii of bob. anon. Mid:tract street, now deenpied by F.;SWARTZ. is offered for Rent for, ono or mo re years. For further information, apply, to - • ..tebinon, Dec 24, 1862.] JOS. HA Rea'. Estate of Jacob toever, dec'd. XTOTICE Is Jere } gtyen that CAAttnt Tashi mentary on the Estate of.TACOIe STOE'VEIL dee'd. late of the; borough" Lihanort, Lebanon county, pa.. have been antnted to the underdigned. A II" perxmis indeot• ad to saßestate will please snake payment. and tifose having Clailllg wilt present them, duly ant henticated to the undersigned rot -settlement. • 0. F. STORVEit, ' , Mecheniciburn. Cumbtl een , l Co.. Pa. Jaelesini township. Lebtitton Co.. Pa. EP'entors"of Ad Estate ofJaeob Stoevar, , deed. , "Decembi. 24:, 1862. E $-lIE®. ANA` r STAT 1 0 N' E R Y s-c)W E RS 1 , Di SS I N G WOULD inform the Public, that they have plumed a 'Y 1100 K AND STA9IIINERY STORE. 2 doors south of Zion's Lutheran church. where they are prepared to supply all who may favor them with a call.. lair The New York and. Philadelphia Daily 'and Meekly PAPERS, *AND, MAGAZINES will be furnished, at the re , ;nlar prices. - r Anything wanted in their line will be cheeiTully at fended to. SOWERS t DISSINGEII.,, ..M.OASII PAID FOR RAGS. Lebanon. Nov. 20 , 1362. Jowl , - nowar.s.v, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Nis removed • his OFFICE to the ROOM lately occupied by Dr. Ceo. P. Line a weaver. in Cumberland Street, Delsanen. a few doors East of the Eagle Dote!, and two doors. Wat of Gen. Weidman's Ofline 1 11111 a Lebanon, December 11, 1862. • . IF YOU WANT A gOod PICTURE: fora Meditlion or Pin, call at DAI LY'S, nest door to the Lebanon Deposit flank. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE Si, Co.. Bankers, . . The undersigned, haring been appointed SUBSCRIP• TION A NNT by the Secretitr* of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year 6 peret. Bonds, of the United States. designated as "Five-Twenties." 'redeemable at the plimsnre of the Government. • after five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approv ed February 25. 1862. . . The COUPON BONDS are issued iu gamier $5O, $lOO, $5OO. $lOOO. , The REGISTER BOND". in sums of $ 5- 0, .V. 900500, $.1p90. and $6OOO. - Interest at Six per rent. per annum will continence .trldin . date of purchase, and is: PAYABLE IN GOLD, Sethi Aeiiinitlly , nhieh is emmlott the present premium on gold. to about Mir PER CI PE CE PNT.. Elt ANNUM. ParmW B s, -. . , :erehants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have city ,meney ,to invest. should know end re member that tlese Bonds re,ht effect. aFI lIST Mon . GAUE upon alb Bell„toada, est,als;. Bank Stocks and enrit anti' the fridnense proencts of alt the Manufac tures, :tc.. in the country ; - and - that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of pt laciest, by Custom Duties, Exeise Stamps and Internal Revoke, ~ae.ives to make I' ese Bonds the BEST MOST AVAILABLE. ASO MOST. POPULAR INvESTMENT IN TUB MARKET. Sy ecriptions received at PAR in Lein! Tender Notes, or notes Had cheeks of bunks at pa tin ,Iftade/phia.— Subscribers tiy mail will receive prorapt.ptimatots, mot every, facility and eaplanation will be afforded on ap plication at this °Mee. , . . • . .., r A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for ifa mediate delivery. i . • , - JAY .00(1.1C., Subscription Agent. Phila., Novenil;er 120.802.,3m. . : TltE subscriber has Again returned front the city anti is. offering the Largest Assortment of DRY GOODS, QUEECISIVARE, in the county—among which arc Prints for 8, ft, in and- 12% rents: 'Muslin, from 12 ,to 20 ; Glitghtitns Imre r than in the 'city I A. large assortment of Shirts and soldiers' Dlanketm .GOODS. MERENOES. (Franch) • BALMORAL Skirt?.' LADIES' A MISSES' HOODS AND NUDIAS. MEN'S WARE. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Beaver Cloth for Over Coats. Shirts and.Drawere. Also Carpetings; Cheeks and Ticking& eItOCEItIF:S. Molasses, Sugar, Coffee and Cheese; Fresh Mackerel The Subscriber would advise those in vial:tot Good., to' make their purehmes, ad every indication shows that cotton goods wilt:My:lnce oonsideraltly , the high price of cotton must raise thegooqs when the niniinfacturers are compelled to pay the prim Of cotton and an ex change of 40 cent. till Foreign . When the stock is onrk reducell ik will raise thoie huported goods consid erably._ Yea , is the time to get goods at a fair price. Cotne and see the largest and cheapest 'stock in -the county. No Ilturnbug.l ' 3. GEOROE. Lebanon, Nov. 6, 18G2. UST- RECEIVEDI—A Large and Splendid• Assort ') meet or super French; English and American Cloths and ekssimeres tor' COOL Pun Is toed VE244.- 0411 and examine our stick. We feel confident that we can please. Prices to Elia the times. at EADYNIA DE CIA)TIUNG Will be sold at Extremely L©w Prices.. I A BER. one of the firm of Reber & Bros, has la.', taken the stock of Readymtade Clothing at the apprahmment„ which will enable him to sell lower than anywhere else Cull be bought.' Cell and see for year selves before you makeyour PAR purchase. TBRIIB DOORS WEST COURT .DOOSE. Lel'anOni&Pt• 2b 1,10/ lIENItY RARER. ATTORNEY AT LAW IN FUNCK'S BUILDI:NO, 13 econd story, in the roma T lately occupied by John IL Bowman, Lebanon,,Pa. Lebanon, April SD, 1362-Cm.* CYRIA P. MILLER / TT . ORNEV-AT-LAW.—ollice in Wainutstreet, near. ly 'opposite the Book notelowed two doors eolith from Harmany'a Hardware atom. • • • Lebanon, April 9,1862.—1 y. S.. T. McADARI • ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE in Cumberland Street, in the room lately occupied by Wm. Al...:DEble, Esq., Lebaueb, Pa. , Lebanon, July 3,,1862.: JOURNAL OF COMMERCE A Conservative Family and Businees Paper. TM:CHEAPEST ANDBEST WEEKLY 1N AMERICA. CONTAINS news from all the world, the beet rt porta of the Prtiduee, Grain and Cattle trade, Dry Goods and Money merketa. Tihe foe to clisorgunlzers ' North . or Booth. The sup porter of the Union. the Constltutl_u end the In*a. TERMS . FOR ONE YEA 11. Twenty Conies or upwards, to eue address $1 each.— Tbir teen-cornes to one address $l5. .Ilight copies $lO. Four collies $O. Three copies $5. Under Three copies $2, each. Au extra copy to any one sending a chili of twenty with the motley. The Bally Journal of Omimierce, Jum ior, Issued for the Country, sti a year. Specimin: copies sent :groat. - Plt/9 1 Yo DTUND, DALE AND - BALLOON; • • 91 Wall street. New:Y6l4t. January 22,'02. • , Foi Hint TORR 800,1] No. 2, “En,nio Driilding," noir occujile6 0 by lcnizeAntein 6 Dm., on. Al tit.. 1111615 Stara. For . , . RA II LINPAVEA VER, or ii hire, k:LIZABETIE D. WEIDMAN .16,1802. 111 SOUTH TIIIRD"STREET. , Philadelphia. Nov. 1.1862 The Bee Hive Store. GROCERIES and COBURGS • SILKS, (Blank and Figured) Ab u DELA EBBS, (Mid, Stripe 'd) LUST ES, of nit prinew., W•• ItNitY & STI NET ADAM , S. ULRICH!, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MZMIII COMMISSION lIIERCIIANT • yOltylia SALE OP Butter, Eggs, Cheese, TUllow, Lard :Poultry, .Ga - me,. Dried' Fruits, &C;. No. 170 READE.STREET, Ono door above Vashingtou, llgrEiliolcEs . Robb' Aseough. ',New .York; A.Bristbey. do gs d ., flu; Jones Sheperd,. du; Slau• sou Luberll A Farrington, do; .Bstrotel O. J o ho.m m , d o; fdabanen, cont.), Ohto; W. C. Curry & 00., Bankers, Erie; . Va.; Hon. Julio Stiles, Allentown, Yu. [October 29,1882. 30 DAYS MORE, TIME. wroTron id hereby given to XII persons knowing jr themieleiti indebted to thd finis id' (Marge t Pyle: either ht the way of judgment notes or book accounts, that they will hare thirty days more time to settle or make .sotistitelory arrangements for the same, arter which time the accounts will positively beltittcediu tim hands of A. S. Ylia . ..Mt collection. JQIIN °BOWL CUAItLES Lebanon, Octobte . 20, 186 ' 2. • joity o.eimm, arisenLoxaACßE. LEBANON Door Sash and Steam Planinff to . 11110111:11111111E-411L. Located on Me :Steam-House Road, near Cumberland , Street, At' est Lebanon_ , rim E undersigned respectfully [Worm the public in general, that they ' till manufacture and. keep on hand. „ • , r. Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, ""•'-' 5 Af-,,,,„„,' Weather Boards, 0 Gee i Spring : ' 116 .'" / *'!" . "' Mouldings, of all ohms, Week lloardq. eating. stitsace, Cornives, and nil kinds of 11U1I,DiNG iMATBBIALS for Rouses. We £460 construct theAtost and moAt im. proved Stair Caviar and land • Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. We 110 W invite Farmers, Welts:Pies and Builders to call and examine stem stock, which.* swill. warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who tinti fav a or the under- Signed with their cmitont. , LONGA= tk Cr ABEL'. ' Lebanon, April 23, 1855. P. S.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the Same Mill. Planing, Sowing, he., promptly done for those who may furnish Lumber. - TAKE 111411TteE. .. ini UMBERS will`do well by coiling on J. H. BRESST.ER lir, Agent, as he Is prepared to do, alt kinds of TIN , ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOBWOI C. generally, -at H the very lOwest•prices. e also lian ' n baud a Mtge and gdod asseitment'of all 'kinds of ' N WARE, and all of the most implored Oa Burning COOK ....a., STOVES and PARLOR STOT - Also,, all-the different end, latest improved; nANORS. AND' GRATERS, of all kinds. he Ingo keeps urn . stantly on hand a large stock of, all kititWof ROOFING, _SLATE, which ho offers at lens price tliai bought of any other alatemen , in the couhty: ..: 01., WARE-ROOMS—One door South hf_the "Buck Rotel," Walnut Street.-Lebanon, Pa. :. Vehanon, December 25,Ha. ' i . . . . r. . , L JA.NUARY COM7I Proclamo Hr. WTIER.HAS. the HON. JOHN J, lEA SON, 'Flsq., Pitisitlent of the several Courts of 0 , ninon Pleas in the district composed of the countiee of pelituon and Dauphin, and Judge of the Courts of ' Oyer and 'refrai ner and general Jail Delivery, for the tribl of capital and all. other offences In said eonntlea; tbi.l edge of the General - Court of Quarter Sessions of ti#i Pence and General Jail Delivery, iu the county of liehanon; anti WILLTAMIRANK find THOMAS Firtidnit, Judges of the General Courts of Quarter Sessions, yif the :Courts of Oyer and yerminer, Geteral : Peace mid Jail ,Deliv ery, for the trial of capital and other cold county of Lebanon—through their prrhipts to Ole di-, rected the 4th day- of November. A. Di', 1862, to hold a Court of Oyer and Term iner atulDe nlll Jail. Delivery, and Court of Quarter Session .of th leaco :u Leba non for the county of Lebanon, on the First r Monday Jiinucti.,l next, . . which will be the sth day of said MOnt, to continue TWO Weeks. : . . - Notice is therefore hereby Oren. to• 0 Coroner, the Justices of the Peace;•atot to Constalies within the comity of. Lebanon, to appear in the lif own `persons, with their. rolls, resognicances, ingots bons, examina tions and other documents, and preset 'the same to the Prosecuting least ten days eMre tlie meet ing of the Court, contbrmably to the Orovisions of the. Act of Assembly, passed at the late seidlott of the Leg islature. • Also. all those:who intend tfproseente pris oners whicir•now aroor then may be trdtheJail of Leb anon county. will have then and there] to 'appear, on the let Monday-of January, to"nroceS# ekeinet them a then may be just. „ . ' I. - - .- • • Given•under my Imod,,bi AIM borongh ofLebanon„ the Bth day of December, in the yefir or ouelittrd, one thousand eight hundred•and PiXty-rt'O. ' • .- , , JOAA..H TAN 1319rDEFt,-Sherzy. Sheriff's Office, Leban-m;Dee. '1.71 186,2, • , FUNVCK'S. • HALL POSITIVELY 2 •;QA.T.V. .3ro,VDA y AND TUEID Ecenini; Dr.;. 22nd Sc Li. t L .._ .il P' , r , f c., THE 73.4 o'doelc. Administrators"'Notice NT, OTICE la herelu given 'that letters, of, Adiiiini4m tion on the,Estate of John AnSboch, deed, late of Mitlcreels township, Lebanon coonty.Pa., - Ilerebeen grunted to the undersigned, resitting in the lonmstii county And state aformeald.., All persons indebted to on id estate will please melso payment - ' and those baring clalrtii• Will , prelent Ahenticatod to thcoundeManed for settl JUNATEIAN, I CKIAU B. $I December 10, 1862. Election Notice. • NOMR is.herebY given, that tin elattion for iSel*n Mongers ortho LEBANON. Ofts cam vANx,ito serve rot' the ceeiiing '3'c r will he held lel ilficaply, the Bt/ du.y. of January, 1863, - nt the office or tliercein. 'plley on Water rtreet -between-the hours of fOo'clock, A. M .and 12 o'clock, JOIIN W. llilSll, Lebanon; Dee: 1e,1862. • NOU . 'IOIIIMILTC NOTION is hereby given, that .tha arepnat CC. of CYRUS M. KHALI, Assignee %Indere %bluntil• ry deed of assignment, for the benCtit %of creditors of Peter Miller and Veronica, his uiro,! of .11eidelberik township . lots been filed in the rrothonotery's Oglieu of Lebanon 'caunty. an that the arum will be ~presenkod to the Court of Common Pleas, of said cocnty, on, the First Monday of Jammu:, next, 'thy confirmation and allowance; when and where all persona wily utteriikit they think proper. r • lIENDY siEpirtsT,rroillonotairy. Prothonotary's Olfte, Dec. 2, 'lBll2. 01 ICC. 1 URLIC NOTICE is humpy given , that lire neural:l# or PHILIP ARNOLD, Assignee of Josiph Arnold and Lucy Ann,. Ideivire, by deed of assignment, fur the beneflt•of Creditors; bee but Died In the Prothonota. ry's Office of Lebanon county, and that the tonne Jill be presented to the. court of Common Plena ofsaid county. on the First Monday of January, next.lAw con. firmation and allowance, when and where all persons ..rottend, If they flank proper. HEN EY El ifORIST, Pruthontetafy. Prothonotary's Mee, Dec: 3, 1562. :i . • _ • . . • • Nolace.', - ttpido xipyieg f e h ere by given, 11l we account P,of_ HENRY Wll,llgLiti, Assignee r .the benefit of - eNittors of Joseph Craftier Sod Swain It, his wire, of the township of Londonderry, has bee filed lu the 'Prothonotary'' Office of Lebanon county, toil that the same will be presented to the Court of C 11110t1 PIMA of said eonntb on' the First Monday of nuorz,; scat, for coutirination•and allowance, 'ATikelt a whey, alt persons wady attend. it they think proper, 11 EN ItY SLECI Pm Prothonotary's Office, Deo. 3,1862. Election . Notice N onou I. 'hereby given, that an aloof -dent and ,dx - DirectOrs, of the NORM RAILROAD COMPANY, to serve ;or the and be hold on Monday, he 12th day of J between the hours otlo u'ebiek,.A. M., an at the °Mee of the Company. " JOUR W. MI Lebanon, Bee., 10,1592. - Election Miehee. .A N RLROTION will be hail by tho Mena er MUTUAL FIR P. INSURANCE COM PAN ville. fa., at the Witco of thu Company in Pa., on Monday Ott sth day qfJantiery, 15ts3. the haute oft anil3 o'clock, in the afternoon, 13 nianagore to tiers° fur the onentng , 'yeer. : By order of the Pres idcot t;• Annv 111 e, Die. 15., JIJB. P. '51.51% [l.e.bandn iihpers copi.] littolict. LEGA NON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL, JJ , , - 1 M MIL TGRA I, .A.N.p BrEariAlvw,AL ,FooLe '. frit Kikilobuiil eleetion Of Atli, 'ILEDANQN 1 0 WIT, AGIIICULTURAL, p lionol.l,iximAi; AN E caANichi, Sncirry," *ill be hold #ri Siztotila ,lan= uury'lo, Isaihtit ch) Ceart Ilikuit, iq, tte liot KOf Ltbanota., between ilia holati of I toot .1 &doe ... 1,1. It being filao ttaf time for the fleet *Anted nice tin of the Society for theyear 1863. • Dec. 211,18432 J ISAAC HOFFER, Bocce ty. ~ . . . . . The Largevot Sleek. 11 lIE BEST AS,SORTMENT! TEE 01.1010E,T. COLORS! THE EINET QUALITIES! TILE NEW BST YLES! Of Foreign. and Doruestic„Faacy and Steele Dry 0004 itt the store of . WICNRY d STFNE. i% AO ace.. - r • rosimir 01,10 M, Justice of the.Peaco,'will attend to 0 the ficrivening business—such as writing Deeds Mortgages, Releases, Mauls, .Agreements, '&l4. &e., at his office, in Mulberry street, two's oors south cif the Sforavinn Church, in the itorough"Of .Lebabou:: -, - Lebanon, 3 - anti:try :'2. I.g':::. HENRY & STIN E Tor AYE NOW OPENED THEIR LARGE AND VERY 1 - EVANDSOMII ASSORTMENT OP • Chntlies; Striped, KIM and Philo Mezatobtques: SP4- her(l NMI'S Challi Dehdoes: Foiderd kft. Also, a full stock of MOURNING GOODS, snell as Tutu- BerCges, Craps ACorcta. Orehadine Bareges, all Waal Widows Chellies . , au...,which aro worth looking. attn., for they rertaiply : arti it Urea Bargain. Black and White CIIENL POPLINS; Black and Plain PLAID, POPLINS; Lilac, Blue curd Breen PIiAIDB; Black and White DELA INES; Rich Plaid POPLINS; . Rich Chime I'OPUN r?ilier . Mixed por; , s,- of Very handaotne, at the Gulden Sign , - • - 11.BNRY.& . - Corner of Cumberland and. Market•ntreeta Lebanon, May 14, IdiS2. • . FROSTED EARS. ' • ritos T ED : • • Fitc.f., : rgp,pt.p l7 ... ; : .:,FROSTED FEET. FROSTED Il i • FItOSTED HANDS. FROSTED. LINTS. FF,OSTED-LIND• : . %AB it celebrated BROC AMON for, FROSTED LIMBS is note put up in tt tortn. which iunkes+it come wlthinthormich of all—a certain cure fur Frost bite or Chilplain—es a preventive for these' complaints Lit is invaluable —Full directions accompany each backers ..,,Senl at oneuf-r th Remedy. 'persons at dista by anc lash . * nicety Ave cents. can' bore a package 'scut-them free of all further expattsewe pre• pay freight. UEU. SF.,KISGSBU.6T Jr; CO- Deciember , , -ziralraziimA*4- N ENV; YOH K AMBROTYPE, PROTOGRAPHIC - GALLERY. . rtrillErsuliOctiber triotiti teflon!) his friends, end the citizens of Lithium tont Tteittity, that he has re moved -- his Gallery to , „ ADAM RISVA 1313(1..D1N65, (formerly; Kelm' t Gallery:) Jearly. opposite, Henry. Sie grlst's.Llotel.,where, he is al waye prepared:to take:first cIass,PICTURES, such AM BROTY PGS, MELAINDTYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES, P OUTGO RA PDS , Which he will sell at prices to Suit thOtimes.' Don't forget to glee him a call, as he is-taking the BLit,' - 1 mimeos in Lebanon. 'l7l , jr - A ebntinuanee Of the tiotronnitelieretefoie ex tended to Lim is re:ineetfiiity,..solitited. .N.13.-91l Pietikei warranted.' it YOU WANT a good PICTURE to send off in a let . ter, call at Zinnia:man 'a Gallery. -•• Lebanon, December 30862. • - NEW CASH STORE'. N LW • GOO'S' - ND E W "PR CES B' te. 'SWARTZ hereby, inform the politic :that he lute Just opened a stuck of NEW GOODS' /q the old Stand of Swart* & llro., hall Building: which, will be sold, fur cask'at prices to suit tht 'Alt are in vited tn'eall and examine. [Lebanon,' Apil 10,!.01. iVIR L.. IR ucn HAS Just returned front the eity,witlim splendid as. sorttnent of FALL. AND .WINER BONNETS Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Ilend-Dresses, Dress -40 Caps, and all kinds of Millinery Goods. l t er friends and customers are respectfully invitedto call and see Orders . filled at the sluirtest notice.' Lebanon, October 22; 1862. - NE AV L ILLY STA LE. underslgeed respectfully informs the puhlic that he leu opened a 1, , .;10V 'l 4 l VEII V.STABLE,. at ilia. *Ttise's lintel. ;Market street, Leh anion. where he will beep fnr the ie. übl‘ odlr od k6a .= 11 IC ti 1M . tot .go oe 4:rg , ..": Of ii.ORSES and vEttiorAxs. lle will Keep gentle and good ' driving 'Horses, end hand some sad safe Vehicles. Also. careful Drivers furnish. ed when desired.' Also OMNIBUS for Parties. ice.. Lebanon, July 17.180. JAMS ilfAlterf. D. S. RABIPAR'S W HOLES ALE 'Ai I) HETA IL • •• DR U.O S T 0 ItE Ilas been removed ;to 2us New Building on Cumberland Street, opposite•the Eagle Auildings, Lebanon, J. staflksubseriberrefiliatrully annoanees tob sa n- Ft tames and the publiein general, that he has eon -1 on hand a large"siotk`of ' . • • - ISRUGS. _ • ' PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS,I`• CHEMICALS, •` DYE STUFFS, yARNISHES, TUREENTIAMI, GLASS WARE, - BRUSHES:' HAIR OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning 'MAI, Surgfeel Inetroutents, Toilet Soap, Se. gars, Tobacco, ke. - Ale, a variety _of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention,which he offers at low rates, and warrants the Oriallties q.the articles its represent ed. Purchasers will please remember this, and egarn ine the dualities lied:prices of his goods before pereLles log elsewhere. AlaroPhyilelau preicrip tions and tarn ily'recipes carefully compauilikel; at all houri or tire day or night, by calling at the Drag Stnre, opposite the Eagle IluPdings. • tln :.nndayg the Store will be opened' fdr the corn. pounding of prescriptions' beta-ma thehours 'of 7 and . 10 o'clock. A. M., EL and 1, and 4 fili.l 5 P. Lebanon, Aug. 13 1802. DAVID S. RADER. N.KW...i.GOODS:J ;MST J!ECIITVEDA* 'llllg . L. L. LA_UDIRMILCH. Cutnkrland ,Street,, Lebanon • Pa. Selling Off: Selling OW AN'IN DUCHNINNT.TfI .O,A SU litfEltS. WILL 'SAVE - PER CENT, LADIES I % DRESS :.GOODS Froneb•sloriuo and Coberg.: • ..Fancy: and Black . Silica. froth 50 cents t&$1: 50: Detains front 10 to 20 cot 8• - -Lawns from 6 1 4: to-16 crotd:.. • Mohair Plain front.l6 to 3734 tents: -Valens-las front 8 to .16-cents.. ' htEN'S AND BOY'S _WEAR.. • Black Cloth: from 81 00 to $1 00 . • Faaby and Black Cassinteres,-fromlso to $1 . Ladies! Cloak Cloth, Troth $l. OW to $l-80. Cotionades;froot 10 to 20 centa.. • 'DOMESTICS: ' • - • :Dustin, from 634 to 1214 scuffs.' Check. froth 10 to 12 •ents. • - Vet id& from to to 16 cents. • Calicoes, front 6%-to 1234 cents. Ginghants, front 10 to 20 vents. , - SBA IV ! SHAWLS!! Spring Shawls, frOm-$1 QO to $4.00: Black Thibet Shairla, from-$2 to' $4 00. 11.0TIONS I NOTIONSI • .• ;Parasols and Umbrellas, front 50 to 4E1(00. ' Stockings,.frout.634 to 75 cents. • Hoop Skirts, from 25 to $1 50. liandkerchiells. trout 634. to 18 cents. • • • ' • Mums anti Paper Collars. „ An astortment of ~ READY. MA DE CLOTii IND, CARPETS! • CARPETS!! .. 4 • .GROCERI ES 'AND QUEENSIYARE. PROVISIONS. Sugar Cared 11AM. and MACEERND. , FRU ITS ! • FRUITS! L. Dried Apples, Dried Plows, , • . , Dried Peaches,' Dried EiderbErries, Allsold to suit the times, by L. K. -LAUDEIIMII.CU. N. B. —All kinds of Country -Produce.taken ex change for Goods. K. L. hebanon, April 23,1862. • ~ • -. TUE tfREAT CAUSE V 4:131/ HUMAN MISER ,1 d net Published in a Sealed Envelope; • Price' acts. LECTURE.BY Dtt, CULVER WELL, QN TILE .2i CAUSE AND CCItE of Spermatorrhma. ConsuMP tlon,3lental natirPhysiral Rebillty, Nervousness; tild lepsy. Impaired Nt4rition of the Body. - Lassitud Weakness of the , Limhz and the Back.' Indisowition, Mid Incapacity fdr Study and Labor, Dullness of Ap prehension; Losa of Memory. Aversion to ;Society Love of Solitude. Timidity, Self Distruet, Dizziness. Head. ,arbe, A11'00,10115 of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, In voluntary Emissions; end Sexual,' Incapacity; the. Con sequences.of Youthful Indiscretion, km, : ea,. This admirable Lecture clearly' proves that the above enumerated, often self adieted evils, may be re moved Without medirine and , without dangerous sur gical operations, and should be read b y every youth and weary man in the land. Sent water seal. to any address, in a plain. sealed en velope the receipt pt' six cents, or two postage atamPs, byinittressing, CHAS. J. C. Ki.T.NB A-. CO , " l4 Bowery; New York, Post Unice Box, 4666. Nitiember h 0 lOU y for Preeii I.IIMAN9N, i tiniiipg year, wolf; ltif3; 1S U 'dock NF :Ilia [of n;- ! He, [• ',eel g oleo Id. R. .D.E t , G'S LIQUOR STORE; . . • 4 ' Currier of itfarketand Witter Streets, Lebanon, Pa,: I r IDE uudersigned retipecttuily informs t..e public „ that be hes received an 'extensive stock of the, r gaci!st a ial „nutria Liquors or ail desoriptions. These ra V., r.inilots tai la ltmarttii.bly dlapoaed te- sett at zul :ty......pkiiiallontedl'y row priOs. ' Druggists, 'tamers. il aid Keepers, and tab - era wilt consult their own interests by buying of the underaigued. ' L. E.. DREG. Lebanon, July 9,1&G2. . . 771 M REMO VAIN. IMEI MAYORS OF-:THE Great a. Cities. We, the undersigned Mayors, hereby cer tify that the Druggists, _ Apothecaries, and Physicians of our several cities have signed docUmeni of assurance to us that A ..Y.EI3.'S SAILSAPAIUT.T.S has been found to be a remedy of great - o*. - dellence, and worthy the, confidence of the community.. HON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. HON. E. W. HARRINGTON, IVltyor of MANCIIESTER, N. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, MaYor of CONCORD, N. H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. HON. NATH'L SILSBEE, Mayor, of SALEM, MASS. HON. , . F.; W.;. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM. X. RODMAN,, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. I. HON. AMOS PRENTICE, •.• Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. r. HON. HAYMIS, Mayor, of NEvii"moNDorr, Corrsir. -.9HA5.., S. .RODIER,• Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, , lay. , or• &NNW 'YORK CITY. HON. EINSTREY, • Mayor of 'RA iim.TON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO,. p. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP; Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. L H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS 10*A. HON. JAMES XoFEETERS, Mayor of ovirmAmnraa.E, is W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, ,Mayor ;AUGUSTA; ME. HON. HENRY 'COOPER., Jr., Mayor of i.r A T.T,OWRT.T., INTL HON. JAMES p. BEETC, , Mayor •of FREDERICTON, N. E. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, NrOIS. HON. J..7I3LAISPELIN, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. no,N. ,W. H. CRNNSTOIsT, Mayor of; NEWPORT, IL I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. • , HON. .TOH'N' HOD'GDEIT, Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA. HON. THOMASiCR.ui.OH WIELD, mayok OtdEporri , AwooGA, TENN HON. ROBERT.: Br. A TR i Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAuGH, Al. WA . : HON. GERARD STITH, • Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, L HON. H. 'D.;‘SCRANA l ON, Mayor of ROCTrmSTER, HON. DE WITT... O. GROVE:, Mayor of, UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON; ' Mayor of PITTSBURG; PA. HON. C. H. Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. - ;A y-31_ HON. HRtEAN E. PAGE, idokorgar , nsir..w i tay. "prap. HONviWI W. VAUGHN, Mayor of RACINE, `1?1, RON. A. FARA, 74W" of HON. JOHN C. HAINES, 24117 .9T , Pf::P4449.4c/0; . : 14 .. HON. ;;;7-.4;!,44kiltrECT Mayor of SELMA ) HON. A. J. NOBLE; , Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA: EON. W. 4: - 1101Orlig.D, • Mayor of COLUMBUS, DON . ESPARTEitO KANUEL, Mayer of VERA CRU Z DON PXF7.AI2k a M f rio .lic J. batt EirgitiAßlE RODRIGy Mayer of HAVANA. DON,ANTONIO DOHAvE,RA, Mayor of LIMA, PERIL DON M. G. .MILANGNO, Mayor Or;VALPATtATSO, DON" MARC) SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor .oC,A./Sf JO, BRAZIL. Certify that the reitident Drum:ate have asanre them Ayer. s Sarsaparilla . . . Is, an. ittaellen.t and sicirtpytlie CCM.. fidencp o± the , community For Spring Diseases: For Purifying, the 'Blond: For Serornia,or King's For Tumors. 'Ulcers, and Sores. For Eruptions and Pinholes. ' For Blotches, Blainsti anil Bona. For St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erg- For Tetter or Salt Rhenni. For Scald Dead and Ringworm. For Cancer and CilltUOCI : 011LS Sores. ' For Kora Ryes, Sore 'Ears; tina Untotors. For Female Diseases. For Suppression and lrregnhirlty. I'or`Syphilis or ; Venereal Disclices. For Myer Complaints. . F!ro , or Discuses of the Heart. IMME The Mayors of the chief citidit of the frui ted States, Canadas, and. British Provincee, Chill, Peru; Brazil, Mexico, and infect al; most all the cities on this continent, have signedthis document, to iistire theirlaeoßrti what iiimedisathey.muy tigeWith..B. and confidence. ; But our space w ill OurY admit a portion of them. • 1; • Ayers ,taisaparilla, , , -flyer's Cherry" Pectora l, Ayer's - . Pills- aril - Ayer's , Ague Cure; PRBPARED BY • ' • J. C. Ayer it Cci. *Assi And lord by Druggists uteri where; . Sold kV tein 1D oo beilor, r. G. Roes , ./5te1.1) Itab r, Luba Bievur 4.8 0.. Arylville; urltown l ;., Horning, M Nub ; A.. IC Mark'. Bolievie w 114 , pet:,T,:i.4411enover; BliaofferstcArir; arta by DenTeig , every ELECTION' NtIPTIGE. . A N Er.ta rn rtas of the emberifof t he Washington Mutual Eire Insurance Corgpany of bebneon, Will be field at the office of.lecob Weifile, Reg., in Leh. anon, Pa., on Wednesday, the ith day of January,.l333, between the hours of f F. 1 3 o'clock in the afternoon to elect 13 members to servo a. 9 a Board. of Managers, for the miming year. JOS. BQWMAN,Pree't J. if: Minza.Seet'y. [Lebanon; 1fe0,1.0, 'OSZ, 4** DR.. SWEET9S . - I , N..fnv,NT GREAT REMEDY FOR .RIIEUMATISiI, GOUT. NEURALGIA-, LUMBAGO. STIFF NECK AND JOI.NTS-, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS.-AND ' WOUNDS. PILES. HEADACHE, AND. ALL RHEUMATIC-AND NERVOUS DISORDERS: For 811 a which LI tt , speedy Dna eertaiii remedy i and never fails. " This Liniment it prepared from. the recipe Of Dr: Stolidft Sweet, of Couneitient, famous bone setter, and bits been. used in his...piac iLee for Mere than Vdenit years whit most a§ton isbiutt ounces:S. - , As AN ALLEVIATOR OE,PApt, pre , paraitoo - lieford the" public, of whielA the uxdst EkeiticalmartlictirisibeetT by a sing*: trill. 7 hip Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. luAßin..lATiq DISORDERS of every kind, and in thou sagyii nr eit-eg where it Lit Etntn 'used neirer - beett knowhE . ' ' • • . , ;TOR'XEtiriALGFL.A., it , wilt afford itetivediate 'iefie'eisi. every ea:eV howaer,llietreVilnir: It 'will:relieve the worst cogesnf ADAORE .tbrea minutes and is Wal routed to it.l TooTRAORE, also win kt cure uss•tauLy 'EBB NEEV.OBS `DEBILITY GrzwitAL 7SlSslTUDl( . :stiscng twin nnpraderiee tir 6.l:cit.'s, this Liniment is a sliest hrpl y and failitm• remedy.. Act ing dirVetTy the neivouS tissues, it strengthens surd revivifies the sysiem,.andlrestires it th. elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—Ai art external remedy, we eltini that is the te*i kitaim..and Ave - challenge the world to produce sio equal- Every - victim of this treasirig eomitlaint should' it a trial. for it will nut fail td afOrd,inunediate relief, and in ti majority cftia; sea ,will effect a radical cure. Q~IIGSY'IIIGD'SOBE . . tHßO.A.rareiea eitireniety malignant and da.uaertitts;but 'a tituelY ap plication or this Liniment will serer aura. „ . . SP cIIN are Emmet Imes: very obstinate, and enlargement of tbeloints ia,liable to derim if neglect ed. The worst eaße may he conquered this Liniment iu.two or three days. • Ors, - w.ourips; 111.- CERS, BURNS AND , SCALDS.. ytehl re:actin, to the wonderful keeling properties of DB. SwEwre. !JULE LINIMENT. when used Itreotdink to ttirbe tionp,:, Alpo, LB Entil,NS, - FROSTED FEET, AND INSEgTS BITES AND STINGS. • - • Dr: Stephen g*bet; 'Or t.:diiiie6ticut, fiat tireatlVatuzia(lloite Setter: ,Dr: Stephen Sweet, oretin'tiectient, ts.kuivwEL dn. over the Unlied BtUtes. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of "Br. Sweet's Infallible Liniineitt." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment' Cures Rheumatism mid ['ever faits. Ili. Sweet's Inflillithe Liniment remedy fur Nenralg6. Di, Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures -IParna.and Scaldsjnimcliftely, . Dr. Sweet 14 the befit Icnbwn remf:fly 'for Spridus and ilinites., Dr. Si&eel's Infallible LininTeiri ttWeg lloadachi immediately and:Was , tie re known *to 1 . . Awe-et% Infallible Liniments Mrtlrd.d inandi:Lte rGlieifui Pitcs :mil seldom fait to f . it ;T• Dr: , Siveef s IYtfailible Liniment bureslouttiacho itomcoutuof. . . , "e . et 4 s InfallP?le LAupent Cures Cuts ; W l S ndvio'ulds in?merilatuiy aftd'tiares swim Dr: S'weet'ilifallible Linithent s Ilio Lest romidy tot Sores la the kiieir Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has'been inc.' by more then a million people, told in ,preiatl it. ','Dr. 8% . -eot's"lnrailible . Liniment Taken juin:many cures Colic; Chiltern Morbus and Chop Dr: Sweet's. Infallible Liniment truly a ,ufrieudda need," and every family shoo hare it at baud. Dr '§ivfee l Liriimtnt Is rut: Fitle ; GY oillorl4;idts- Price 25. wag, ' . A. Friend in need., Try it DR. SWEET'S •INFAitzuxt Diis.TrmEN as an external remedy : is Vet ou h rya ,an .111 al leviate pain more speedily thait tiny' (4114' lirePara' tied. For all Rheumatic and Nervous_ f lAsprderi„ it is truly iurattlide„ and as a euratfs'i; foiaores:Wcitinde; Sprain's, L'eais4a. fin: lts fAollaine . healing . ; and , powerful atrengthenint; properties, excite the Just wonder and astonish o ent of all who have evere given it a trial„- o,fet one thoyeand-per,tilleatesoffenaultablecures, per formed by it within the telt two years, attest the Acct., librse - Ovrnei.g DR. SWEET'S• INFALLIBLE. LINIMEXT FOIL 1101ISES is maimed by any, and all in eases of Lameness. arising from Sprinits,Brilisesor Wivaching, n iVeifect is 'inimical end erialti.' ilarness. or Saddle ~Galls. Scratches ..pange, &c., it willlllo curs speedily. and Itinghone may Ice 'easily prevented stud I cured in their incipient stages!, but continued castgan , . beyond the possihilipy: „iit;u:Kudieo I cure. No efse of ribe kind. Itaweier:lt Thiinerate or. hopeless but it may be alleviated by-thiaLinkment autl its faithful up plication will always remove the latuenese, Sad entails ho*,eslotriiei ieftlreoetParativet.s... - .ILiVery /Aortic °wilier t should have this remedy at baud, for its timely Ilse at the first ttptii.ttrames , Lifittruess will effestitally pie r' vent Ult.. nisrhitimbie d.Wei,,ics, to which all•liorses are I Isable. and whieli render to, ninny other vita Nitlnablt, Mast' nearly' wi.lrtaleii. - Infallible Liniment, t ~ f SOLDIENSFRIENIX: At d tlyousar,43.luve fewirdlt-trply A Teen& Nered " =lO !• oxenror. !, ',IT° , *void inqi6iition: ob - eizivir:the Signaturq and* likeness or Dr. Stephen Sweet on ererz labcl, and.4l-. so."Sttrillkeit Sweet's Infallible' Liniment" labial. 13, ' the g'int.s of each bottir without which, nos* : niegen,- RICIIARDSON & Sole . Pro attnt. Yoriricb, N€ 4 334.1.1cr S ..eXTIEN, General AgentiN .46 Cliff Street, blew York. sow by att dentate everywhere. Deecezber V - ICTORIA }AWNS, Plaid and Sty iped :fan nookn, Plain arid Plaid Cambrian. rhthi MA% Brilliants. largani moot, at tbo atore of V.EICILY & MKS:- IF YOU WANN _A.'4IOTOC.A.A.P II of yourself ,er friend, the best Oro to be bud' at PATILY'S 'Oepvg, gust drr,!9,ell, FA LLII3I, TILE ERE SWEET'S CEEB