THE CORNER ONE WAY TO GET A "SMILE." If halfthe cleverness exhibited in petty swindling were only diverted to purpo ses-of honesty, our list of successful busi ness men would be largely increased.— But the poverty that sharpens the wit blunts the moral sense, and rogues glory In their skillful subterfuges Three ragged, wretched topers stood shivering upon a street corner. They had not a penny between them, and nei ther had drank a drop—within half an hour. They debated the deeply interes ting question—how to obtain the next glass.; after many impracticable sugges tions, one of them said: "I have an idea We'll all go in the next shop and drink." "Drink l" replied his eornranions,"that's easily said ; but who's to payl" "Nobody. Do as I tell you. I'll take the responsibility." Following the speaker's directions, his two companions entered an adjoinng rum mery and called for whiskey skins. The place was kept by a Dutchman. After he had waked on his customers, and while they were enjoying their orthodox beverage at the counter, in walked toper No. 1. "How are ye"' to the Dutchman. A i - low de do'!" said the Dutchman Toper No.l glanced suspiciously at to pers Nos. 2 and 3, and beckoned the pro• prietor aside. "enauly 103 The Dutchman started. "I know no more as dat dey call for de whiskey skins." . "Don't take any money of them," whis pered No. 1. "Sir ! I not take money for the whis key skins!" said the astonished landlord. , S , No ; they are informers !" 4 , Hey ! informers 1" "Yes; they buy liquor of you so as to inform against you." "Ah ! I understand," said the Dutch- Man. "Dey not catch me. Tank you, sir.— You take somethin' ?" "1 don't object," and toper No. 3 took a swig with his companions. "What's to pay,:!" quoth No. 2, putting his hand into his empty pocket. "Nothing," said the Dutchman. "Me no sell liquor. Me keep it for mine 11 ens." And having smiled the supposed inform ers out of the door, he manifested his gratitude by generously inviting the sup posed anti-informer to take a second glass. Of course No. 1 did not at all de cline the invitation. A SHREWD IRISHMAN An Irish priest was standing at the cor ner of a square about the hour of dinner, when one of his countrymen, observing the worthy father in perplexity, thus ad dressed him :-- ! Father 0 Leary, now is your rivirenee?"' "Mightily put out, Pat," was the reply. "Put out ! who'd put out your rivi renee • "Ah ! you don't understand ; that is just it ; lam invited to dine at one of the houses in this square, and I have forgot ten the name, and I never looked at the number, and now it's seven o'clock." 4 0h, is that all P' was the cry; &lust now be aisy, your riverence,lll settle that for you." So saying, away he flew the good-na ture Irishman around the square, glan cing at the kitchens, and when he discov ered a fire that denoted hospitality. .41Ie thundered at the door, and inquired, is Father O"-Leary here V' As might be expected, again and again he was repulsed. At length an angry footman exclaimed— "No , bother on Father 0' Leary, he is not here; but he was to dine here to day, and the cook is in a rage, and says the 'dinner will be spoilt. All is waiting for Father 0' Leary." Paddy, leaping from the door as if the steps had been on fire, rushed up to the astonished priest- “All is right, your riverenee ; you dine at 0, and a mighty good dinner you'll get.” "Oh, Pat," said the grateful pastor, "the blessing of a hungry man be upon you." "Long life and happiness to your riv. irence I have got your malady, I only wish I had your cure." tr:r"As the old cock crows the young ones learn." A story is told of a certain man and his wife who were almost con stantly quarelting . During their quarrels their only child (a boy) was generally present, and, of course, had many of his lather's expressions. One day, when the boy had been doing something wrong, the mother, intended to chastice him, "come here, sir what did you do that for 3" - The - boy, •coMplacently folding his arms and imita ting his father's manner, said : "See here, madam, J don't wish to have any words with you." *Among those who recently came down, from Richmond to Harrison's Lan ding, under a flag of truce, was an Irish man, who when questioned as to his wants and antecedents, replied that he wanted to get North. "But have you not belonged to the Southern Army ?" "yes an' 1 did, be Jabers, but thin I was not - with them." "Didn't you take the oath of allegiance ?" "Faith an' I did, yer honor; but thin I took it with a min tal reservation, an'it plase yer honor.° The Irishman was permitted to pass on his way. OtrAt a late term of the C. County =Court, held at C. N. Y., (where the chol era-has been prevalent during .the past summer,) the judge holding the court, re ceived from the jurproom, then occupied, the following communication : "Onrebel Judge B y, Sir : Oure lot is caste in A Dismal place, surounded By danger an de colery we wante our Super." (..,11 - We know little of the literature o Tunis or Algiers, but there are a Breal many fine books in Morocco. OtrWomen first resorted to tight lae htg to prove to men how well they cou!d bear the squeezing. (itr A n individual stepped into a store recently and asked the shopkeeper for a box to make a drawer of. "Yes, "I will give you two boxes. and then you can make a pair of drawers." 1 LEBANON ADVERTISER Book & Job Printing Office, 2d Story, runck's nan, Cumberland Street, We beg to call the attention of our Mende, and the public, to our extensive Book and Job Wilco Our facilities in Typo ?nines, and are such that we feel con dent we can execute all de scriptions of Printing at as Low Prices ns any office iu the country, and in style warranted to give satisfaction Off I in every variety to suit the times Pos e a, nandbls Pra.ranunes, Circulars, Checks, Blllheads, Inrolees, alanifests, Bills Lading, Tickets, and all descriptions of Printing, at prices to Suit the times. Book Printing. Our facilities for executing. all kinets_af_ 7tn~t_a•.-' Show Cards, Plain Cards, Handbills,Blanks and Labels, Printed in the best style and with despatch. We tender our acknowledgmente for the patronage we have enjoyed during the many years we have con ducted this establishment, and r.spectfully solicit a continuance of tho lavers of our h haulA. Printing for Country rtler- chants. We would respectfully any to our friendsin the coon try, that we have a variety of Large Type designed for Pesters end Handbills for Country Merchants. Any orders forwarded us, by letter or otherwise will he carefully attended to. Law Printing. Briefs, Bonds and Law Blanks, P anted and furnished to order at the shortest notice. Blank Deeds. Double, Single, Executor, Administrator and Trustee Deeds, and Mortgagee, constantly kept on hand for sale. Justices' Hhin ks. Summons, ratecutiono, Stipp:anus, fur sale. Blank' Constable Sales and Or ea l e fftrendbills for P' .dues, Printed nt on hour's notice Vendue Notes and MEM School Blanks. Orders, Agreernenta . for Teachers, Warrants for Collectors, Bonds fur Treasurers and Collectors or sale. Leeses for .Renfing Houses, Agreemeute for the for E e Tax Receipts. Receipts for Collectors of County, Township, Borough, or Mate, kept for enlo Cull at tbu Advertiser Office, Or, -Address W.M. M. lIRItSLIN, Lebanon, Pa A CR EAT BATTLE Is moon expected to take place in Virginia. But not withstanding this, the people MUST HAVE CLOTHING, Anti we would respectfully set forth our claim to PUBLIC ATTENTION ! as follows: Because we keep a largo we`ll•aesorted stock of Cloth hag on hand, which when exandued, taways please. 11. m de on ilf our own rst.l. lishment in the city, and" tn u a - marine, the country, and gives all Customers a city appearance. Because, by the facilities we have iu buying piece goods, we are enabled to sell our elothi»g 25 per cont. cheaper than anybody else in this in thborbood. We ]cave just received a large stock of SPRING AND Stlslsltiit CLOTHING, and invite our Friends and Cuatouiersres.pectfully to call at . It F. i ZkIN STET_ isi" Bit OS-. Opposite the Court Lebanon, April 24,166? OWLS LAITBACIVS New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Manv!factory. Mirka St., 3d door north of the, L. Volley Railroad. Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment of YURRITURB and CHAIRS, in the county. ntE public ix respectfully request ed to bear in mind that at these Vi'are Rooms will be found the best assortment of PAM lONA nu: and IfAxn some FURIOTUrIE. and CMS IltS. Persons in want ea any kind would call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which (being all of leis own work) he warrants to be better than tiny offered in this place. Prices will be LOWER than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of Lebanon. All orders promptly attended to, and speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. Ail persons purchasing yurnituee front him will be accommodated by having it delivered to them. to any port of tl.e county, PREE or COMIC IE, and without the least injury. as he has procured one of the best cush ioned furniture wagons. cliperini* for that purpose. yam. MONS Wade to order. and funerals attended at the shortest notice. (Lebanon, Sept. 13, 11360. NEW FURNITIJIIE STOLE CUMBERLAND t^TREBT, EAST LEBANON. .Nearly Opposite Bubb's hotel. riIIIE subscriber again calla attention to his full and 1 tpleadid aseortumat of all kinds of FURNITURE and .OILURS, such as Bureaus. Secretaries, Desks, Bookcases, Sofas, Lounges. Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, and ell other articles in his line. YOUNU BEGINNERS : Take particular notice that you don't miss the place, for Poi ran boy CLLEA PER there than at any other phtee in the borough of Lebanon , Ile, fur adore is nil of his own manufactu and warranted to be substantial. Come antlj a dgc for rotirselres. You will find a LARGE , A 1.11) 1.474 , 1D1P STUCK always on hand to suit any custorarr, and you will did that you can buy cheaper there than at any, other place. ltemember the place, and Come one. Come ell. and save your money. oir- All Furniture will be delivered free. in good care. • _ A. lIERSTULEItatat. Lebanon. December 25,1801: iiitti — islt•;_nals in Oentienien's and Bose' Wear Wean the Cheap store of It>•;NDY #l. STIND, LEBANON, Pa Illaferh Bank Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the President and Di rectors of the Lebanon Rank intend to make ap plication to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. at their next session, for a renewal of the charter and an ex tension of the privileges of the said bank now enjoyed, with the same name, title, location and capital of .;1100 ,- WO. 11y Order, S. W. reit 11X - 10-0., _ No. 37 Park Bow New York, & 6 State St. Boston, A]U Agents for the "ADVERTISER" in those cities, end are authorized to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for us at our Lowest Rates. May 21, 1804. THE NEW BAKE In Y 1 i 111): undersi g ned would respectfully inform the eiti- IL zees of Lebanon, that: helms commenced the BAKE BUSINESS, in all its varieties, at his stand, on Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Buck lintel, and will supply customers with the best MEAD, CAKES, Ac., Ac. Flour received from customers and returned to them in brand at short notice. CONFECTIONERIES, of ail kinds. fresh and of the best quality, constantly on hitd, and furnished at the lowest prices. Tb • public is invited to give use a Ulla. .! Lob non, Nov. 9, 1549. F. If. MUM. D UT LDERS will do well by calling on J. 11. DRESSLER jUI Agent, as he is prepared to do all kinds of TIN. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very lowest prices. Ile also has on hand a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and 4 , all of the most improved (as Burning COOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different and latest improved RANOI , IS, AND ' HEATERS, of all kinds. lie also keeps reit stantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which he offer& at less price than they can be bought of any other slatemen in the county. iM. WAR N-Rooms—one door South of the "Buck Betel," %% slant Street. Lebanon, Pe. • Lebanon, December 25, ltnt. riLOTII, WOOLEN CLOTHING of all colors. dyed let Black or Blue Mark, pressed, the color werrautod and goods turned out equal to new, by LYON LE3IBERC ER, East llo:Aorer. 4j' Articles to be dyed can be left at Jos. L. Leather - gee's Drug Store where all orders for the above will be attended to. [Web. 8, ISGO. " Market Sired Hotel " Cotner Market and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon: jOHN MArrilES, Proprietor. taken I JAVINC Eo.‘i) t i l , l , e nr a e lf : Le s o i n ia g re occ no u f p , i . e i d ri s il t y ° make'the Tinveling Pnbl is tvhu stop at it, perfectly comfortable, and invite all to give me a trial. The fb•use it large and well arranged. The Table supplied with the best seasonable adildes ; the l . bw stoegeil with the choicest Liquors, nail the Stabling hirge and cum. ntodiowt. JOHN MATTILES. Lebanon, April 9, .1892. Warrants, - Commitments, &e., Election Billet Of the cheapest and Best Goods EVER SOLD IN LEBANON!! BOOLS 3 Shoes., Hats, Caps, Ace rIMIE Undersigned has opened one of the BEST AS -1 SORTMENTS of HATS, CA I'S, BOOTS, SiTOES. TRUNKS. r,v, 4 11 f TR A't ELMO BAGS', &c., of all kinds, ' and of the best materials, which he will •„:„., L , sell at prices to recommend them to purcha. seri. Of the HATS he has quite a variety of New Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside. Dupont, McClellan. Stringharn and Monitor fist, very beautiful and very alto p. Of CAPS he bee a complete assortment of all the New Styles, got up in superior manner. Itith fine finish; Women's Misses? and Chil dren's finimorals, Gaiters, Congress Boots, Slippers, anti all other kinds; Men's and Boys' Balmorals. Ox ford Ties, Washington Ties, Congress Bouts. anti all other kinds worn by them, including nom and SHOES, of the different varieties, at his cheap Store.; n Walnut St., next to the County:Prison. C,ndi ons Any-. Thankful for the liberal encouracement of the public heretofore, I would invite all w idling anything in my line to call and examine. my stock before making their purchases. JOS. BOWMAN. Bala of Land, &c., Latana, April 23, 1862. P. S.—lleasu, es taken and work made at short notice rimin undersigned having formed &partnership 'lngle M Elie AN TI LE, MILLING AND CRAIN BUSI NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. They will confine to keep. at the lute stand of SUERK, GEESAMAN & LONG, a most complete mock of all kinds of 000DS usually kept in a country store, which they will re tail Cheap for CASII, or COUNTRY PRODUCE. They also want to buy for cash School Taa 30,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 730,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25.000 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay the lti6hest Market Prices.— They Will also take CRAIN on STORAGE. The will keep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices, COAL. the Boat Load or by the Tout all kinds of MILL FEED, SA UP, PLASTER, 4:c. Orr They solicit the business of all their old friends and the public, and will endeavor to deal on such lib rat and just principles as will glee sutistaction to all. MERE.' Sr LONG, North Lebanon, March 10,1562. NEW GOODS ! tt_yvn AT- 'Mir. STtlr L. K. LALTD - r - i-arli, In Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling OW! Selling OW AN IMMO! ENT TO (M 4 ll BUYERS. MISS ATKINS NATOULD respectfully announce to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that she has opened n FASHIONABLE MILLINERY and MANTUA MAK , ING ESTABLISHMENT, in Market street, 2d door above Hill. A new stock just received and ripened for inspection, embracing a full assortment of Silk, Crape and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Trimmings, Ribbons, Flowers, &c. Lebanon, April 17, 'SIR. For Sale or Exchange. Mill!: undersigned will sell, or exchange for a &e au 1. Yarns, his desirabL. House and lot of Ground. in East street, East Lebanon. The Henn is a ~. new two story MUCK with Kitchen attached, !!I all well built and well arranged with nil notes " easy conveniences. Also Cistern,Hath House, Smoke House, nil kinds of Fruit Trees, &c., en th e i t premises, This property if not sold, It'd' be exchanged us übove. Good and indisputable title given. For fur ther information apply to „JAMES N. ROGERS, Tinsmith. Lebanon, July 16. NW. HENRY & STINE IT ATN NOW OPENED THEIR LARGE AND VERY DANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Challies; Striped, Plaid and Plain 31ozambiques: Shep herd Plaids ; Chain Delainwe Poniard Poplins, ke., &e. Also, a full stock of MOURNING GOODS, Such us Tam outlines, ItaregeP ' Crape Moretz. Grenadine Raines, 1111 wool Deltdues,Cliallies, &c., An., which are worth looking after, for they certainly area Great Bargain, Blachnnd White Minn POPLINS; Black and Plain PLAID POPLINS; Lilac, Slue asd Green PLAIDS; flack and White blt GA INES; Rich Plaid POPLINS; Rich Chime POPLINS Silver Mixed POPLINS, Very handsome, at the Gelden Sign of DENRY & STINE, Corner of Cumberland and market streets Lebanon, Illay 14,1862. TAKE NOTICE. LATEST = A New Firm. Cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain Business. WILL SAVE PER &ENT. LADIES' IHtESS GOODS Froneb Merino and Coberg.' Fancy and Mock Silks. from 60 cents to $1 60. Delnins from 10 to 20 coma. i.fiWIIR from fi l . 4 to 16 teats. Mohair Plain from 16 to:173", cents. Valencias from 8 to 16 coots. AISN'S AND BOY'S WEAR. Block Cloth, from $l. 00 to $4 50. Fnacy and Black Cassimeros, from 50 to $1 O. Chitties' Cloak Cloth, from $1 00 to $1 60. Cottoocules, irom 10 to 20 cents. DOMEsTics. Muslin, from 814 to 1234 cents, Check. from 10 to 12 ~ eats. Tirking, from oto le cents. Calicoes, from 03,4 to 1234 cents. Gingham:l, from 10 to 20 cents. SHAWLS! S WLS ! ! `Spring Shawls, fimn $1 00 to $4 od. Black Thibet Shawls, front-$2 00 to $4 00. • NOTIONS ! NOTIONS 1 ! Parasols and Umbrellas, from 50 to $2 00. Stockings. from 5 1 4 to 15 cents. Hoop Skirts, from 25 to $1 80. Ilanokerehlets. nom 6% to 15 cents. Meet] and Paper Collars. An assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, CARPETS ! CARPETS! I GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE. PROVISIONS. Sager Cured II AM and MACKEREL. FRUITS FRUITS!! Dried Apples, Dried Plains, D 4 led Peaches, Dried Elderberries, All sold to suit Die times, by L. E. LAUDERMILCIT. N. 11.—All kinds of Country Product) taken in ex change fur Goods. L. hal:anon, April 23, 1802, A Card. 9)1119 le to inform my friends, and the public gene• j_ rally, that I base give over the charge of my of. lice mid my - business into the hands of SAMUEL T. AlcALAld r .yeq... ATTOaNEy-AT LAW. Mr. McAdam will settle up my unfinished law business, and will glee due attention to all matters pertaining thereto. Lebanon, July It, '02.) WILLIAM M. DERR. • _ • & EN'S STRAW lIATS, Lndies' lints, Hoods, &c., juet received and offered at low rates, by UENRY & STINE. OAKUM. ISEINOEiII . APOLPIIII9 ILEINOEM. CRAM. M. liteltt A FrilniHy Invitation To the best at 'outage. nt the old established and well-known LU ER YARD op REIN( HLS & MEILY At the UNION NAL. on the East and West sides of Market S t, North Lebanon Borough. rpm: subserib take pleasure in ittfOrming the cal l_ sena of Lela on, and surrounding counties, that they still conti a the LUMBER, AND COAL BUSI- I NESS, at their e and wait known stand, where they are daily receivi additional supplies of the BEST AN WELL S 'ASONED LUMBER, consisting of Wto and I w Pine BOARDS, PLANK mid SCANTLIN Ilem!ock BO DS, PLA - ' Bind-SCANTLING.DA I Ls. POST ,PA LINOS . and IFENCI NO 'WARDS. ASII, from 1 4 inch . ; CiIDRRP, - frem %to 3 loch; POPLAR, from V to 2 inch. Poplar and lit dwood SCANTLING. - • ' - Oak and Map* BOARDS and PLANKS. Roofinw and Plastering LATHS. SIIIALES lj SHINGLES! I SHINGLES! !I Also, Pineand Hemlock SHINGLES. _ _ . A large stook of the beat quality of Stove,Broken, Egg and Linn:burners' COAL; and also, the ent Alle gheny COA T, for Ittaelternitha. 4f Rl Thankful *r the liberal manner in• which they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation for a continuance of Ihrors, as they at. c t that!they now hare the largest, best and cheapest stook of I.IJAIBER on hand in the county, which wilt be sobrat a reasonaple per centage. .tiW' Please Calf nod examine our stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. ItEINONITT.S Sr 'AIRILY. North LehanoP borough, May i, 1862. =2l C TO R'lr ho has tl O/riest.andiZl7,,,eoems the public that TORE ancl CII itt4, ever EUOn county. e has On band at his Cabinet-Ware._ rooms, in Lelainon borough, nearly opposite Zeller's MLA. OM] D Jew doors south of Rumour's. a splendid a:isortnient of good. substantial and fashion able Parlor. Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, eon st.dfn% of 4cilin. Tete U-retes, Loimges, What-nots. Par = tor. Centre. Pier, bard and Common Tables; " Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bed steads, Work-stands, nis Wash-stands,and K itch , sea Furnitore of all kinds. Also, a largeand elegant variety of Fitallon BACK, BPREIG SEATED Choirs, Common Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds of Spring seated Rockers:, ;Also, Windsor, Cane-seated. and Com mon Chairs awl Rockers of every description. WI. All tloods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction. Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goods here offered for ,ale. eon he fully satbdied of their durability by refer. nee to these for whom be has man ufactured or to whom cold. Old Furniture and Chairs Repaired and Varnished. N. R.—Coffins made and Funerals attended at the shortest. notice. JOS Htql BOWMAN, North Lebanon, September 19, 1660. STOVES. STOVES. Now is the Cline to buy your SToVIILS before cold winter is hero, and the best and cheapest plume Is 01 the Lebanon Store, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac- ter', of James N. Rogers, Two doors South from the Lebanon Bank, where can be bad the largest end heat totsortment of PARLOR, HALL, and UCOJUNG STocES, ever offered in Lelia. n n, OAS Burners for Parlors or . Bed Chambers of his own make. witba general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large verity of the hest Cooking Stoves in the onnty or borough, which he warrants to hakeor roast. Witoit 80n4.88 coo tantly on band of all sizes, and the best material. COAL BUCK —the largest assortment, the Irene iest iron, and tpe best made in Lebanon. . . . Also, a largt.'itock or TIN WAKE, made of the best material and ma workmanlike manner. As be is a practical Woitinan, and his bud an experte•tee of twenty-fire yeas, he feels confident that he can give general batisrliction. He takes this method of returning his thanks to his numerouseuritorners for their liberal support, and he hopes. by strptly totentling to his own business and letting othetipeople's alone, to Still receive a share of peptic pntrofatge. JAIII.EB - N. ROGEILS. *Sr Partioular attention paid to all kinds of Joarako, snob of Itootik.. Spouting, tec., and all work warranted. Letuiflost Deposit Dank. Camber/04 vircet, one door East of Carmasay's nerel, Wll,l, pity the following RATES of INTEREST on DEPOSIIS. For i year, and longer, 8 per cent. per annum ; For 6 motifs, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum ; merit Yor 3 ant a. and longer, 4 per cent, per annum ; requiring a shot notice or withdrawal. Interest pad in full for ilicosits from the date of:deposit to the date of wit.7slstii. We will afforda liberal )li. of nos to those who may favor us with Deposits. 'Jaye& on emend. We will pay a premium on SPANISH o'r MEXICAN DOLLARS. and alm on old liksican Doll* and .11ott Dollars. Will make collec tions ou and milt to all parts of the United States, the ()steatites tit al Idirope; Negotiate Loans, &c, and do a general .IA.:(4IANGY, end BANKING LIU •INESS. G. IdA.WSON COLIMAN, President. Ono. CrLani''Ataltier. The undi l rsigtvi Managers, are individually Kahle to the extelitelf Estutee, for all Deposits and other. obi imitionegf,the "LEBA:ION DEPOSIT - BANK." SIMON OAPIERON, O. DAWSON COLEMAN, 0 HOItGE .0111i.LE1t, LEVI KLINE, JAMES lOUNti ' GEORE G GLEINL Lebituoi, May 14,1862. JAAii,ES B. KELLY,_ Sign. (orfile Mammoth Watch, ~ z,Ettgicilitilciinge. Cumbe.rtand Street, ct v 1.1: s of LEBANON, Pa. ,u, sor ient 3e Public an elegant end extensive as (J AI iS §TYLES OF FINE JEWELRY. 1 1 eomistil of Diamond, Ruhy, Emerald, Pearl,. Stone. Clim). itamded Work, and Etruscan Coral Breast Pins. Ea : hills and Finger Rings. of i;.,. . Onto Cliall'lS of every style -.4. ,•••. ---.< ~ . -4 t*" and quality. ;e4"........ ..-- -- 4.' Eaglialt , French. Swiss and Amer. lean tlidd an. Slicer - Watches of the moat approved and celebrated Mtkers. Clocks of every description. A large vadet of Ffllley (lauds, PAntings, Vases . , &c. The iii.we. ill he found among thelarg,est in this sec tion of Pe , T yiVtillial. and hoe been selected with great care front th Most celebrated importing and mar/Hine. luring e.stel ebments iu'New York and Philadelphia. linexinmo one at the iliortett notice, and in a most workmatili nitniner.:: : - DAVID 8. LONG .34 friend: t i ns the pohlie generally are invited to an eX minx,un Of my Superb Sleek. cbu o 14 U 4 TB E I& Uti7E R. rk NE of tit beat and che . ap!st assortments of LOWDER j offered o; the puthe. is now for sale at the new and extensi 11111 t Anil COAL YARD of PkiLIP BRECHBILL, • in the Berrff of North bebanon, on the bank of the Union Cam , ' at the head of Walnut Street. a few sinuses No of the Ilenessee Steam Mills, and one square RO.S f Bergner's lintel. Their ass tment consists of the best well-seasoned l, White, Tel,w. Norway Pine and Hemlock Boards;— Cherry,. Plar and Pine Hoards: 1% an '2 inch Pannel and Common Plank; i f Willis Pine and Hemlock Scantling mid Joists; lillittiVak BottrO. Plank and Scantling; ; inellPopler Boards, Plank and Sc; ntling. ''' ~P LES" SHINGLES LI ' 1.16 7.. 4 :1 - Yilest l artifhTt'r-::- --- '7: ---- ; pills and Posts , and Pailings far fences ; doing Boards; BOA ILLS of all sizes and descriptions. L ! COAL!! COAL!!! kick of Drotuin ' Stove, Limeburnersand rd Smith Coal. at the lowest prides. set that they have the largest and best as• Lumina of all descriptions and sixes, as well st stock of the different kinds of COAL, ever a citizensof Lebanon county, they venture they can accommodate all purchasers iodis ed would therefore invite all who want any air line, to examine their stork before pun -Where. PHILIP BILECIIBILL. ot4J n 13,3,18411. 153 E "Xttdo A 50,..h " Ches anx ' 00 1.1. ol id le—to sortment as the isl otiered t . to say th faatoriiy thing in charming N LEMBERGER'S Et II 'NU FA CTO it Ir. UL for past favors. the undersigned respect forms the UMW°, that he continues to carry factory in East Ilanover township, Lebanon extensive a scale as ever. It is ututecessa -0 say more,..than that the work will be done EXCELLENT STYLE, which has made his nue so well known in the surrounding cone. 1111808 to do the work in the shortest pond is is in complete order, and be •elf to be able to render the same satisfaction C. lie manufactures ert, T' oh , Bounty,' in tbeho work a n Lry. blo time flatters la ber et Broad Narrow Cloths, Cassirtetta. Blankets, White other Flannels, an in the test inpntter. pconvMt Wool and melees Bolls. TM. the al eonvo o- ysCustomers, Wool and Cloth will be taken lowing places:—At the stores of George & Or & Brothers, George Iteitmelel, awd at !rug Store of Joseph L. Lemberger, near ; House, in the borough of Lebation- ' at the rk & Long, in North Lebanon; at S. Cloth township; at the public house of William dericksburg; at the store of S. E. Bickel, in at the store of Mr. Weltner, Bellevue of3lartin Early, Palmyra at: the store of 'Mr. ae Ault Hanover. LanitiOn County. All ma' :Ile takeee away regularly., from the above pla t without delay, nod returned again. his ceistotneret who wish Stocking Wool card- Mixed, can leave the same, white, at Ho Meted places, with directions bow they wish ce.r leis customers can order the Stocking reported from the Wool of the undersigned, dope and lett at the desired placess. desired that those having Wool careled,will le therefor e Ili the above named places. LYON I..l2lB.Eltal'lt. lienover, Lebanon county, July 17,1861. C " nn 4% , Just itfiTLE and Cloth raequea, Silk Mantles quoit. Skeleton Skirts and ,pring llutmq nbrellas and Parasols', a full assortment, at the store if NENEY & STINE. MUM EOM COAL?! .IA3IES 11. KELLY. Sign or the Big, Watch uly 3.1661. =I G. L. ATKINS & Bro. ACING united in the BOOT and MOE HFSINESS, 1.1 and from their determination to be punctual, and make Mtn but the beat of work, they feellike soliciting a large or public patronage. They will always he tinfoil at their OLD STAND, , New Thatonvo,) in illitrket Street, nearly opposite Widow Rise's Hotel, where they will be ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS, &e., which they offer at reduced prices, SW* Persons dealing at this SIM STORE, can be suited with BEADY-:MADE WORK. or have it made to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. WY- Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. " [Lebanon, July 3, 1861. A k TKINS & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted £1 up in good order for comfort and convenience, both for ladies and Gentlemen. A'MINS & BRO.'S New Boot arid Shoe is fitted up hi good order for comfort and convenience, botb for Ladies and Oentlemen. A TIC INB & BRO. promise to he punctual, and will en Xi [leaver t. please all who may call on them for Boots sad Shoes REMOVAL. DANIEL GRAEFF'S 1300'l' ilii• SSIOE STORE, HAS been removed to hie new residence, in Cum_ Berland street, 4 square West from hisold stand, and opposite the office of Dr. C. D. Gioninger, LEBANON, PA. He hes just opened a ler eirel desirable stock of wel Lmade Boots and Shoes; dlis' Kid Gaiters; 25; Ladies' Lace ..Ihmtees $l. l er Misses, $1; Coarse Mites. Boots for $2.50; 55e tern n ; for Boys SL7S 4 to $2.50; for Children $l.l. '`to $1.62 1 Ar. Mao a large variety or Over: hoes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Rm. Come, see, and judge fi.r yonrseives. Lebanon, Nov. 20.'61 . DANIEL DRAM. . _ 1100 i Mid. Shoe Store. JACOB RIEDEL respectfully in forms the public that he still contin t: nee his extensive establishment in 606 21 , Ilaligr his new building, in Cumberland sts, where De hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may' favor him with their custom. Ili; invites Merchants and dealers In BOOTS and SHOP:Sand every one who wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in his line. to call and examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. ile is determined to surpass ell ecmpetition in the manuiacture of every article in his Business, suitable for _ ty of LEA' but the best workmen are employed P. S.--110 returns his sincere thanks to Ids friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on biol. kee - rarpes by strict atter.' Lion to business and endeavoring to please his custouterS, to merit a abate of public pat ronage.- [Lebanou,July 3, 1861. EW A AEI CHEAP STO RE r UHF.; undersigned would reTectfolly inform the nit izena of Lebanon end vicinity, that he has entered into tho BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, In Walnut Street, jive doors South of the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. where hekeops nn hand a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of BOOTS and S II 0 E S. will vierii n make to order o eadttWo • - - binds of BOOTS and SHOES, and at very short notice. He al so keeps on hand a large and wel lassert ed stock of LEATHER. such as RED AND OAK SOLE LEATTIER,,:'4I,Ie AND KIP SKINS, :MOROCCO AND FANCY ,KID, LININGS, ROANS, BIND INGS, he .7 . lind a irkinds of Shoemakers.' TOOL'S AND Fir7alNOS, sueh .as noolvritEms, LASTS, BOOT CORDS and Wt.:DOS, AWL-BLADES. KNIVES, PUN 11AMMER%" PINCERS, RASPS, TACKS.— Constantly, on hand:in assortment of Lastin,ls. Threads, Shoe naPi. Peg-breaks,: Sand-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit end Shoe Tunis of every description. Having been en gaged in the bilehiess more than twenty years, be feels satisfied that-Ke can give satisfaction to all who will facer hint with a call. Shoemakers fr.m the country will do well by calling on bias before purchasing else where. SAMUEL HAUCK. _Lebanon, hay 21 1862. Philip F. IVlCatsly FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SLIOE MAKER ON Cnntherland Street, one door East of the Black Horse Hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me tier the short time I bare been in business, I won td respect fully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Ile has at all times an assortment of BOOTS and 8110.E8 of his own manufacture on hand, which - will be disposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, &c. Those desiring a neat. well mule article. are invited to give ins a trial. Childrens' Shoes of every variety and color on hand. Heavy work matte to order. Altar- An work warranted. Rep atriny neatly done and charges made 'moderate. Lebanon,July 3, nal. TEE ST. L UK'S CHESTNUT STREET, Between Third and Fourth, Philad'a 4 : Fllllll undersigned, having lensed, for a term of years, 1. this popular house. have the pleasure of announc ing to Muir - friends nod the traveling - coeilliannity 'that it is now open for the reception of guest a The house since the first of March Inst, has been entirely renova ted and refitted in a snperior manner ; the apartments are large, well yeottlated and furnished in modern style. It is centrally located, convenient to all the de pot and steamboat landings, and In the immediate et. cinity of the Custom House, post Office and the Corn COnnected with the Hotel is a liestaurant for the ac commoderion of those preferring the European plan.— Prices of itootna from Three to Seven Dollars per week, according to location. Board $1.51 per day. Table d'flote for Merchants and budineaa men from 1 to 3 P. M. April 9, '1862 Mutual Fire litz suranee Coin panv of Annville, LEBANON COUNTY, PENN'A. f{♦llls COMPANY was incorporated, March. 1859, and .1„ is now: in full operation and reedy to make inanr ance on BWeliings, and other Buildings, on Furniture, and Meariandise generally. Also on Barns. Contents, Stock, Faruilropleinents. &e.. on a Mutual Principle. MANAGERS. Samuel Seabold, John li. Kinports, George Rigler, . John All rein, Rudolph Ilerr, Joseph F. Matz, C.lbriallan fiaehman, iamEarlyjr., (leorgbS. tiomgardner, T. D. .C.GarAean, • uor Wingeit; , ohm lielver:'' ratly, JOAN ALLWEIN, President, ByDol.l7lllzult, Treasurer. MATZ, Secretary. , Samuel Seabotd, Traveling Auent. Schnotteriy, Ar4ent, Fredericksburg. nw , "Jr.'4 MarchPi 1882.-Iy. -i tAilLo KING. RENIOVA L. - r,our,Nzo tr. ROHRER, WOVIId respectfully Inform ./..J the citizens.of Lebanon and viehlity that he has removed his TAILORING *ESTABLISLIM ENT from North Lebanon, to the building between Landermilch's store and Clinger's 'Liquor store, unkeedte Brartdrs ho tel. in Cumberland strett, Lebanon The patronage of his tad customers, a: , well as the pit-lie in general, is solicited, to wham intisfaction will be given. Lebanon, February 15, 1502.-ly. *Jacob E. 6.. Wakimermatnaa , s* pitsT CLASS It A iILEMESSINti AND DA It DYE' IND SA LOON. illarhat street. near ConitieriiiiiiL and opposite the Eagle lintel. Beim: thantiltst for the Mien' patronage heretofore extended to him. he wouid reapectfulty solicit, a continuance of the a ime. Lebanon. July, 2. litn. N. B.—The Stifoon will be closed on Sunday. - 1 4 111W.Er{7. CARL% ET IVA RE Ot 00Pli S South east corner of Market Square, r 11I} intim - ma the public that he ban the largest and best assaittnent of USA DY ,_ isso4irirrsa44,,,... 9 , MADE FURNITURE and Chairs offered to the Public of Lebanon county. Ho has now ,on hand, at his Ware-rooms, w.5t.1 . 1 tOf good Ild 4 - v fir, ;Lit - anteaautial Furniture—Parlor, L ajtm., Cottage and Chanilier—enusist ing of saw. Tete-,1-Teceg, Lows igep. What-nuts. Patter, Centre, Pier. Card and Cam MUD Tabled, Dressing end Common Bureaus. Ac.. COMES, SET. TEES. Cane Seated, Venation and Socking, Looking Glasses, Ac. ILIL PATENT BED SPEINit loads and for sale at a reduced price, It in very nuperl.r. • /SW COFFINS made and Funerals attended at the shortest unties). JOHN I'. ARNOLD. North Lebanon borough, Oct. O. 'U. Ai it it•lt IA fig" C. Its loves and hates. sorrows and engem. hopes and fears, regrets and Joys; MAN 1100D. how lost, bow restored; the nature, 4 "igeo l".- treatment and radical cute of spermator rhcen or seminal weakness; involifutarfendssions, sex:, mil debility and impediments to nn:singe generally - ; nervousness. consumption, fits, mental and physical tut capacity, resulting front SELF-AROSE—are fully ex plained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE. by YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to limit the num. her of their offspring to their circumstances. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity ' and old age, is hilly explained; every particle of know ledge that should be known is here given It is full of engravings. In Met, it tibadoses secrets that army one should know ; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not Re about the house. it will Lavinint to any one on the receipt of twenty•tive cents in specie or postage, clamps. Address DR, WM, YOUNG, No. 415 SDEUGE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. All 0" 4.l , ll,lCrChti AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter What may he your disease, before you place yourself under the care of app of the notorious Quacks—native or foreign—who 0411. tb , e this or any other paper, get a copy 'of Dr. Young's book, and read it eareflaty.,- 13 will he the means of saving you many a doirar, your health. and possibly you. life, - DE. YOUNG can he consulted on any of the diseases described in ids publleati .0, at his ofticc, No. 4.1.6 SPRUCE Street, above icourtli. Philadelphia. Mee hours *rem ii to u, daily. Pobruary 26,1662.-Iy. BLANK BXCE.IPTS For Collectors of State, County, and Militia Tax, for sale cheap at the Advertiser Ottce. Also for Collectors of School Tux, LEmBERcER's DUG STORE SRO. r. AtKINS IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IMPORTANCE. v or Bandage. An invaluable alibi, for the piirpoae. „. If you are in want of any of the above you , `.an be waited at 'lr . rt . a aP tore. I M FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OP Consumption, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, learasmus, loss • of Appetite, Neuralgia, Female Complaints, and all Disorders of the Nervous and Blood Systems. This Remedy has obtained a great reputation for most EXTRAORDIN ARY CURES IN ALL STASES OF CONSUMPTION. It is recommended by many thou sand Physicians in the Ull ted Stntes and Europe—hav ing been used with RESULTS UNPARALLELED IN TUE AN NALS OF MEDICINE. The Hapophosphitcs have a two-fold and specific ac tion : on the one baud, increasing the principle which CONSTITUTES N ERVOUS ENERGY-and on the other, being the MOST POIVERFUL BLOOD GENERATING AGENTS KNOWN. In cases of Nervous Debility, or Prostration of the Nita Powers, from ally cause, this Remedy' has no superior. "Winchester's Genuine Preparation" Is the only reliable form of the lITPOPUOSPRITES, Ridlib after the Origami FOrmulß or Dr. Choi chill. Atar• INQUIRE PUS. AND USE NU OTHER! !At- A FAIR TTIAL IS A CERTAIN ! "SAI liar FRIO:S.—In 7 oz. ltottles, s l .—Six Bottles tor $5. In Ili oz. Bottles, V.—Three for S 5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Druggists, and at the Sole General Depot in the United :hales. by J. WINCHESTER. 3tl John St.. N.Y. , w xrpt A SrECIFIC ItEMEDY FOR Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Irritability in either Sex. This Malady, the terrible consequences of which are too well known to rehire more than a bare allusion to them, is one of the most insidious , . and thereffire dan gerous, of all the long catalogue of human fits. It saps the very springs of Life. rapidly undermines the con stitution, and sinks the unhappy victim into Imbecility and a premature grave i From one to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL are generally sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the must aggravated cases, whether CoNSTITUTIOXAL, or arising frOin ADM Or ExOSSSES. HENRY NEILL. ISAAC L. DEVOE MEDICAL TESTIMONY. "We believe it to be. in the treatment of Spermator rhea, as near a Specific as any medicine can be."—D. KEITH, M. D. [Am. Jour. of Medical Science. "I have Mend them all that could lie desired. Their effect has been truly wonderful. I used them in cane or Spermatorrhea of letg standing which bas been under treatment, for years. I think three boxes will complete the cure."—E. I'. DICKEE,III. D. la- This is vet a llemcepathic Remedy, nor is there nay mercury or other deleterious ingredient combined Svith PRICE:—SI per Der. Six Boxes ferss, by Vail. pre. paid. For side by all respectable Druggists, and at the Sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WINCILESTE6, 36 John St.. N. Y. Octebtr 9,1801.-7 y. 25 PER. CENT SAVED. TO SAVE THIS IS • THE PLACE_ PER CENT. Great Inducements lo Cash Min undersigned hes just returned frotit the city 1 mei now opened n large liSaortment of New SPRIBG DW. I GOODS Which were purchuseol nt AUCTIONS, and enable hint to give II It NAT lIA ROA INS! ro make it. an ohjeet to CASH 111.11"KRS. I will take Fl VF: DER CENT OFF. (as adisesuat Oen all bills 'purchased in Ell V GOODS. PIE EAShf. amounting- to FIVE lii)l.l.AftS. xnd ..i.w.ents. and at the mute time mantra the public, that I will sell 1 100TES as law as any person in the County Wears the same dist-mid on 4 months tills. and are willinieto give !hesitate ad . Vantage to CASH DUN F:116. and 001111i , ItO our .larce assortment of DO V GOODS, alech were pmeleaserf, iVe. are also selling tile Latium, of the Stork of the MOSSe . R. ECREIZT. CI . ,ST, as w e got large per rent. sff from the first cost, and our Stock is now the L.acr.tsr in t he Borough. Afar The hilliiir in; Is inditt_attstrtiltlent. anal 2111) pieces A./bill: AND DARN from 034 to 12.3.cettbt. MERII.INIAeII. PRINTS at 1234 cents • worth 15 cis. 1110 pieces Nt-W Style .1711ESS GOODS; with 'French names-(tory cheap,) duo pieces MUTE MUSLIN'S, at 6 . 1 4, 7,0; 10 and 12% rents. _NEWMARKET muse,rms at 1:1% cents, and S per ct. off liar cash. 109 pieces DEKA INS at Y. S. 10 and 12 cents. 41) pieces DELA INS at 18X tato,. ; worth .25 mats. DROWN 51USIANS at 0 to 1234 cants. Ito) New &Pe COLLARS, very cheap, bought at Auc tion. Alaree aPsortnutat of BLACK and COLORED SILKS, (Great Bargains.) CLOTHS, CA SS/NERES AND VESTINGS. LI NEE POCKET DIMS. at 8 to 25 tents. SKIRT INGS. tow. STOCKY:4GS: tly t to 25 cents. TABLE LINENS and BRI WANTS. Iu math. FANCY SILKS. an cents to $1.25. BLACK SILKS, 62Y,, cents to $l. 75. COUNTEE PAN ES. very low. QUBF,NSWARE.--.I got a large assortment of 3lessrs. ECKERT, with 15 per cent. off the first cost. and without charge of freight, which I will sell at Clst. G I tOCEBIES.-31olassee, 7, It) and 123 cents; Su gars, 8,9, 10 and 12% cents; flatus, Cheese and Mack erel. Best Bed Feathers, J. OBtilte-E, "lice Hire Store," Cor. Cumberland and Walnut Sta. Lebanon, March 26, 1661, I 562 NEW STYLES. I Seol, ADAM RISE, in Cumberland- Street, between Market and the Court House, north side. has now on n Splendid assortment of the New Style of RAPS AND CAPS, for men and boys. for 18.58, to which the attention of the public is respectfully furl led. 'Mite of all prices, from the cheapest to the most costly, always on band. llehasalso just opened maiden did sssortMent of SUM= RATS, embracing such as STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, 1.1.01tN, LEG -110115, SEINATE, CUBIAN, and all others. gm. lie will also WhOletede all kinds of Eats, Car" dm, to Country Murcbetns on atlinuttageous terms. Lebanon, April 30,1003. SPE'C'TACLES. D R. LUDWIG I IECII/NGVIt. the celebrated OPT!. CIA N, 43 lolniden Lane, NEW YOB K. respectfully inferno inted the citl e ena of Lebanon county that lie has ap- Po S. AZ?It, Ltauccrar. his agent to sell his C ELit Int ATED Brazilian .'peclacies• 9 Gehr,, , Silver, and Steel cases, suitable for any -cleacclp tion of eyes. aSP - Purchasers wil/ - please bout. mbid - that D. S. RARER'S DRUG STORE is the place to buy good .V.ECTACLES. [lob:loon, March ID, 61. delphie. College of Graduate o o f ff t e l: , e s tPhn, thei cltiloPll , l of Lebanon and scirrou . aing country a ME selection of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and the first quality of Perrnmery • and Toilet and Fancy Soups, embracing the . best manufacture in the unman , , and a large variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail. Flesh, Clothes and Hair brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine Combs of Ivory, Shell, Horn Anil India Rubber. PURE SPICES. PURE SPICE:3. - Pure whole and ground Spices are offered for • sale in large and small quantities at LEMBEIWER'S Drug Store. * GARDE N SEEDS, FLOWER SEEDS, You will find a full assortment and a large variety of VlLE.s.ri Garden and Flower Seeds at LEMBERG- ER'S. Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash, land Potash in large and small quantities at LE;I4 BERG ER'S Drug Store. Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal eratus, Cream of Tartar. all pure, and for sale in large and small quantities at LEIB BERGER'S Drug Store. If yon are in want of good Washing Soap. pure white or red Castile Sictp,..Cfmntry Soap. Sraslye Soap to remove grease spats, superior Shaving soap, boy the same at LEMBERGERPS: Do you want a "maul Hair Tonic? something to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and Ito prevent falling on t of the . hair; if yon do MMMEM= m. TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The ntnieted are requested to esti and exam me my stock of Trusses, Supporteis, &e., emu prising; a Variety of Manufacture. •'Marsh's" Genuine "Improved Self Ad joeting lad Truce." 117 - - The gennino article for Medicinal Purposes to be bad in ail its Parity at LEMBER' ER'S Drntr. Store, Opposite the:lll'l.l(st Meuse. Anything you want that is kelit in a well , tindlietell First class Drug Store, - Call ire furo rished you by LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. 11 Feeling thankful for the very liheral patron- age thus far received from the Physizians, Mer chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and surround ings, I again solicit a share, promising to use every effort to please fill. 4W-Special attention given to PLIYSICIAVN FRESCIMPTIONS and FAMILY HECNIFTS, and ail medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always o as good as eau be obtained anywhere; and sold sa to suit the Limes. ltentember the Address, JOS. L. Lis rl BEtit.3 Druggist, Clidinist and Apothecary, Feb. IS, 1.800. Market street, Lebanon. Pa. tiluntum Lebanon Mutual Iniluranee Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO.. TO the property holders of the State of Pena sylvania r—GENTLEMEN .r. Your attention is respectfully solicited to the following low rates of itme. anre of the LEBANON MUTUAL INS.URANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the mart flattering evidence of Pointe confidence. There sources of the Company are ample Winiernoify•tbose.who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ed Mein of being protected 'against - loss' by Are. TIM Board of Directors are practical business men well and favorably kunWtt, and enjoying the entire tionedenceand respect of the cirmmutrity in which they live. 'OW Cont. puny la perfectly Mutes. and weinvite your eareind a 4 tendon to the following low rates as weare determinedild intone es low as any other responsibie company, Miring' into consideration the character of the risks Incurred. Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 or-5 years. The Company has now beep in successful operation _ for nearly 6 years, and all its losses have been-pro.t.pdy .." paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned; and, la 3 firm it has been, and still condones to be, the wish a a the Directors to hare the Company conducted on hottest to and economical principles. • RATES OF INSURANCE. • • gi Dwellings, brick or stone, slate reefso,ls It $lOO ✓ do do . do shingles 48 do Ido Log or Frame ,20 "- do. Barns, stone or brick , ; 20 , " do 114 do Log or Frame ' ;20 as do I, Store Douses, brick or stone . : • ; 25 . • •do do Log or frame AO as slo !! Hotels& boarding houses, brie& or stone ,25 " do NI do •do Log or frame . ,30 ."do . p Aradendes and School houses .. ,28 " do g Churches and meeting houses ' ,20 g's'do ' Printers books and Stationerles ,30 • ". do ! Book binders AO . do 0 1 Tailor shops ' - ; 25 ''. -do aShoemaker and =littler *bops , ,30 , ". •11 • Silversmith and Watchmaker ; 30 " do I "I ~ T n and sliest iron shops ,30 " - dd ' Groceries and Provision stores ,30,, ." - do is Tanneries Gautitteer ), i g i b il G s P , 4 Water power , 30 o - a. 1 - ,30 " do • ,35 .' do • Saw Mille do do „35 "do Deng Stores ' - ,30 " do gli Smith shops, brick or stone • . ,30. " do wi do do Wood ; 35 " do Carpenter,Joiner & (e'ibittot mater ?sops ,40 .-" =de 1 . 1 Wagoner an 2 Coacirnalter shoos ,40 " do in Painter and chair maker shops . ,40 " do '''' Oil Mills ,40 " do 10. Cl o ver Mills • ;40 "do as Founderies of wood ,35 " do re do 'trick or stone AO "do Merchandise in brick or stone Lnild'ngs ;20 0 do 4 StalL o &•s i l l ed w s oo , b d r e il:k kor stone,country ..'7l2s ti --- " "---alr' d d o o NI 0 - du ' dri -wooden ee ,25 .. do. In Livery & Tavern Stables oe .20 " do . 4 All cinniutinimitions should be addressed te • If, es A. BARRY, Secretary, Jonestown. Lebanon Co., Pa,. IR Pitsitielit-.401/N BHUNINER, ksi „1., SI lice President—D. M. RANK. Treasurer—GEO. P.:"MEII.Y. STereiwrY—lVll. A. HAIM)... er Jonestown, September 12,'1860. Mr------ I Farmers anti others Take Notice, THE undersigned haying porcnased rue entire I establishment of A. MAJOR 44 BROTHER, will manufacture and keep on hand a very general-as sortment of MACHINERY and FARRING IMPLE MENTS, embracing Improved FOUR-HORSE Powers and Threshers; Railway Horse Powers and Threshers, 'Morgan's Independent steel-wire Tooth Horse RAKE; Mumnin.s Patent Fabler, Straw and flay CUTTER; Gast Iron Field Rollers. Grain Fans. Hay Elevators. Clover Hollers, Corn-shellers, by liana or power, Corn Ploughs and Planters, Cultivators, Lc., with a Variety of the best PLOUGHS in use, &e. All of the above :Machines are of the latest and best impiovements. and areall warranted to giresatisfaction. Castings of all kinds made to order. and at short notice, lie also nsatinfactunis STEAM EN GINES,MiII Gearing. Shafting, and Mill work in general, and pays particular attention to Repairing Engines and Machinery of all kinds. - lie invites all to call and examine the workat the 31u. chine Shop, on PL' EGRoVE &Hum', Lebanon. All orders or comumuications by mail will be promptly attended to. D. 31. KA R3IANY. Lebanon, Lebanon Co, Pa. Lebanon, Aligned. 8, 1860. NOTIOE.—I have appointed A. MAJOR & BROTHER my Agents for the purpose of currying ont he above business. D. 31. EAIt3LI3I Y. Lebanon, A ngnst 8, 1860. USE DAT,LEY'S MAGICAL PAIN OR, The only True - Pain Extractor in Me World ! ! DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will care wounds of alt kinds. DAILEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will subdue all eater. nal inflammation. DAILEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will prevent and de stroy Mot tification. D ILLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Burn* or al kinds. DAILEY'S PAIN E.XTRACTOR heals Dlisters free of pain or mark. DALIEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR neutralizes nil Poisons infused by Animals, Insects or Reptheir. BALLET' PAIN EXTRACTOR will Mire broken Emote. Sore Nipples, Piles, Ice. DAILEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR wiE cure Salt Riaeum, Scrofula, Scald !lead. VALLEY'S PAIN EX:TRACTOR will more Chapped' Banda. Chili Blaine. etc. DALIErS PAIN EXTRACTOR will mire Colter; Oa hu/toles. Ulcers. Warts, RUIN, &c. No HOUSEKEEPER should ever 6- withoht a boX bandy for use. The timely use of a single box may prove of umre value than 100 times its .mat. P AR ENT you have anon in thearmy, send him a Box of D • Iley's Pain Extractor. It may be the Means of a tying, his Life. or the life of a comrade ; for it wilt cure wounds of ail kinds without paiu. Try the expert. meat: if he does not use it, it will east you but little: SISTERS'.—If you have a dear Brother in the arid!. send ),i.a a Box of Dadry's Pain Extractor; for it will cure wounds of all kinds, and, it may be the means of savire , your brother's life. DAM; lITEBS I—have you a loved one in the army, who is dower to you than life itself Scud him a box , of Palley 's Pain Extractor. - It will cure wounds of ail kinds, and prevent infiatumation,and maybe the means of saving his life. READdit I—lf you have a friend in the army, send hits a Box orroaltey's Magical Pala Extractor! It may be the means of savin i a life. If you have no conve nience for sending it, send Why mail. It will cost you but 9 cents postage fora 23 et.. Box; and in like pro portion for 50 et- and $l.OO Doi. The large b..rxes con tain mere fur the money than the 25 et. Iltytos. NOTICE!—The Dalley's Magical Pain Extraetor Will ito all and even more than we claim it will, we refer to Dr VALENTINE MOTT, and hundreds' of Mlle: emi nent Physicians and Surgeons, besides millions of peo. pie all over the land, who - have used the Extractor with never baling success for the past 2t/ years_ For sale by all Druggists and , .11ALL Jr, Rif tiggt., Agorae, 215 Greenwich Street; New York, Who will send a BM- of either Hze, Postage paid, to any address in the United States, on. - receipt, in mon e y or to Postage Stamps, of 25 eta, for the small size, or 50 eta. nil uu for the medium mid large sizes. January 22, 1862.-lyeuw. Gc o rem liotifin s idiltANON COUNTS' • --I ICANdI'ORTA:I7IOI LINE. By Lehanon Valley Railroad. DA IItTIIA 1t attention rill l.a paid to GOMIB rshipp , ell by the Lebanon Valley ItaiMard. (Makurdi be twat daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers: town and Anuville Stations, and all other points in the Con n ty. Fit EIGHTS con tmistml for at theleast possible ride* delivered With dispatch. - The Proprietor will pay particular attentfirer fe. wait a Freigttend personalty, to the receiving and delivery of all htt. For information. apply at his Ofttee-at the Lebanon Valley Railroad Defer- Lebanon_ - EDWARD 31A K. his Agent in Philtnielphik will al ways be found at IV X . Bush's Illerchaurs Hotel, Earth Third st., Philadelphia. . July /1,'041.] .„ ilew Hoot aild'2,,thoe.Nlore: ruin E undersigned announce to the public that they have remove" tberr New Root and Shoe Store to. Cumberland Street, Gammon, lit John Green's building one door wen of the Confectionery Store, erh. re they er.D - Air intend `keeping constantly on hand a general es sortment of. Ladies, Gentlemen, Alines, Boys anti Children's . Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, cEe., ike ., all of which will be made up lu style andquality not to be surpassed by any other workmen in the country.. No etfort shall be spared to please and satisfy all who , may favor them with their orders, and their charges will be as reasonable as possible, tompatible with a fair remuneration. They also keep a large stock of li OMR MADE ..I.VOR.X. which iv Witrlled to be as represented. - The public are invited meal ind examine tbeirstoclr, previous t purchasing. Ailir- ra :Repairing clang on short notice and at reasonable tes. ' ANDREW MOORE. SA.3IU.KL S. SMIRK Lebanon, Larch 19, 1802. The Largest Stack. THE BEST ASSORTMENT! THE CHOICEST COLORS! THE FINEST QUALITIES! THE NEWEST STYLES! Of 'Foreign and Domestic, Fancyand Dtsplellory Doods, ut the store of IIENItY & h"ftNre. TOSEKI Jubtuv eI tOe Peace, will attend. to. Lliabberivealog hutograt,sucti -NB with% Detta. 140111A0a, Re' , quodo, Agreowoot4 ail.. at 4tteet, ,two doota soutb the 41oruhtti Chukii i ill the Borough of Laboxiou.. = bubnoon s r ttuat7 1883. GEO. ROFFMAN