THE CORNER. A COLORED FALSTAFF A Western correspondent on one of the Mississippi gun-boats gives the following account of a spicy conversation with a philosophical colored man : I upon the hurricane deck to day an elderly darkie with a very philo sophical and retrospective cast of counte nance, squatted upon his bundle toasting his shins against the chimney, and appa rently plunged into a state of profound Meditation. Finding upon inquiry chat he belonged to the Ninth Illinois, one oFthe most gallantly behaved and heavily losing regiments at the Fort Donelson battle, and part of which was aboard, I began to interrogate him upon the subject.— His philosophy was so much in the Fels taffian vein that I will give his views in his own words as near as my memory serves me:— 'Were you in the fight V 'Had a little taste of it, rm.' 'Stood your ground, did you t' sa, I runs.' 'Run at the first fire, did you 3' 'Yes, sa, and would hab run soona, hab I knowd it war comin.' 'Why, that wasn't very creditable to your courage'!' 'Mt Isn't in my line, sa—cookin's my porfeshun.' 'Well, but have you no regard for your reputation 'Reputation's nuffin to me by the side ob life.' 'Do you consider your life worth more than other people's?' 'lt's worth more to me, sa ' 'Then you must value it very highly 'Yes, sa, I does—more dan all dis world —more dan a million ob dollars, for what would dat be wuth to a man wid de bref out him 7 Selfpreserbashurn am de lust law wid me.' 'But why should you act upon a differ ent rule from other men?' Because different men sets different values upon dar lives—mine is nut in the market.' 'But if you lost it, you would have the satisfaction of knowing that you died for your country.' 'What satisfaction would dat be to me when de power ob feelin' .was gone l' 'Then patriotism and honor are nothing to you 1 Vull3n whatever, sa—l regard dem as among de vanities.' If our soldiers were like you, traitors :night hao broken up the Government without resistance.' 'Yes, sa, dar would hab been no help for lt. I wouldn't put my life in the scale 'ginst any Gobernment dat giber existed, for no Gobernment could replace de loss to me: 'Do you think any of you Company would have missed you if you had been killed 1' *May be not, sa—a dead white man ain't much to dese sojers, let alone a dead nigga—but I'd a missed myself, and dat was de pint wid me.' It is safe to say that the dusky corpse of that African will never darken the field of carnage. GENERAL McCLELLAN. The Rochester Union relates the fol lowing anecdote, which it heard some two months ago : Some ofthe civil'Generals' of the 'For ward to Richmond' and irrepressible school called on McClellan to urge him to make an advance. He heard them pa tiently, of course. They finally asked him, 'General, can't you take Manassas 'l' 'Yes, I could take it; but it would proba bly cost one-third of the entire attacking force.' 'But, you could take it l' 'Oh, yes ; I am confident I could take it at that cost. "Then why don't you take it at whatever cost I' 'Because I can get it at a much cheaper rate r KILLED AND WOUNDED IN THE WAR OF 1812.—From an article in the New York Historical Collections, prepared by Wm. Jay, Esq., mostly from official sources.— It appears the whole number ofAmericans killed and wounded during the war of 1812, extending from June 1812 to March 1815, was 7738 ; of the: e, 2816 were of the number killed; this includes both the naval and land forces. The largest num ber in the naval forces was at the engage ment between the Chesapeake and Shan non, where the number of Americans killed and wounded was 145, and the Brit lsh 86.' At the battle of New Orleans there was 52 Americans and 2074 Brit. ish killed and wounded. The Americans appear to have suffered most at the bat tle of Bridgewater, where they had 743 killed and wounded, and the British 643 In the various skirmishes among the In dians the Americans had over 1100 killed and wounded. In the engagement be tween, the Constitution and Java, the Americans 34, and the British 161 killed and wounded. During the whole war .the whole number of British killed and wounded is put down at 8774, of which 2560 were among the killed. WHO ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE UNION —Let us take, upon this question, the tes timony of one of the most devoted as well as most efficient friends of the'Union:— "The worst enemies of the Constitution are those whose constant cry is for the blood of the rebels and the confiscation of their estates, with the emancipation of the slaves, and who, to reach their purposes, would trample tne Constitution, the rights of property, and the principles of humani ty under foot, and blast forever the pros perity of the nation. Such men propose to establish, through Congrssional action, provisional governments over the seceded States."--Extract from a speech of Hon. lames Guthrie. DARICEII HAPPINEBB.—The happiest man in the world is supposed to be a "nigger at a dance." A darkey may be poor but he is never low spirited. Give him a dol lar, and in less than an hour ha will lay seven shillings alt. out In yellow neckties or a cracked violin. There is something in the African that sheds trouble as a duck will water. Who ever know a "collud pussun" to commit suicide i The nPgro is strongly given to love and jealously ; bulbs has no taste for arsenic. COWS AND ry wit - --The Van Buren County (Mich.) Tribune tells a story a bort a 'trade" which took'place in Deer field, when a Mr. Lovelace of that town ship mild his wife to a Mr. Dodge for a five-year old cow. Mr. Dodge is living with his purchased wife, and Mr. Love lace is living with----uo, we mean he keeps his, cnw Mrs. Lovelace Dodge must have been effectually cowed when she consented to such an arrangement. 14 UMBER. LUMBER. ONE of the beet and cheapest assortments of Loma offered to the public, Is now for sale at the new and extensive LUMBER and COAL YARD of *PHILIP BRECHIULL, the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street. a few -Inures North of the ()enemas Ateam Mills, and one gime east of Bergner's 'Hotel. Their assortment consists of the best well•acasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Pine and Hemlock Boarda,-- Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards; 1.4 and 2 inch Pannel and Common Plank; White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and Joists; Whits Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; and 4 inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! I The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles; AlFe, Roofing and Plastering Laths; • Chestnut Halls and Poets, and. Failings for tonsils and fencing Bou.rda FLOORING BOARDS of all SiViS and desertptione. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! A large stook of Broken ' Stove, pinseburnera and Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, Ikt the lowest prices.' ge..Coofnleut that they have the largest and beet as. eortment of LIMBER of all descriptions andeizee, as well as the largest stock of the different kinds of COAL, ever offered to the eltizensof Lebanon county,they,ventura to say that they can matommudate all - purchasers satis factorily, and 'woulcitherefoitrinvite all Who want any thing in their line, to examine their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. PHILIP P.RECHBILL. N. Lebanon, J u1y3,1881. , - WOOD and COAL YARD. T TELE undersigned, having bought Mr. 1, Henry Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, a short distance north-east of Messrs. Foster Mnteh's Foundry, in the borough of North' Lebanon; and also bought from 200 to 900 CORDS OF WOOD and from 000 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds and grades, which I will sell at the yard or deliver at as email prolite as will suit the times. I therefore hi- Tits, all those that are in want of any of those articles to call and eon the same, uncertain pricee, and fudge for themselves. DANIEL LIGHT, (merchant-) North Lebanon, July 3,1801 CHEAP STORE OF RAUCH & LIGHT. At the C'arner of Camber/and Slreer and Plank Road, LEBANON, PA.,. Al - Fans. ItiktfCll & LIG T Oka please re in inform lii fog their Manila and the public genefilly that they have Just opened-a large and carefully selected assort. ment of DRY 000DS, GROOMES. CRIBEAWARE, Le., to which they respectfully mute the attention of the public. Their • DRY GOODS, hare all been selected with the greatest care from the largest Importing louses in Philadelphia. GROCERIES, A large stock of cheap Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Chocolate, and all kinds of Spires. Also, a large assortment of Q,IIEENSIdVARE. among which are the newest patterns, together with al most en endless variety of Goods In their line of blvd. ness, which will he sold very cheap for cash, or Countty Produce taken in exchange. BAGS! BAGS!! BAGS!!! The attention of Miller/1 and Farmers is directed to their large stock of DADS, which thy will sell at wholesale prices. October li, 1,880.] RAIICII & LIGHT. NEW GOODS ! ,„ST RECEIVED AT THE - STORE OF L. K. LAUDERMILCH, In Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling 0111 Selling OW AT REDUCED" PRICES. LADIES' DRESS 'GOODS PLAIN and Figured Delainea, Valour Cloth, Pare melts Cloth, Persian Cloth, Rivas, Fancy and Black Silk; Sack Flannels. Ginghams and Calicoes. - SHAWLS. Brock; Long & Square Blanket Shards, Gents' Shawl; NOTIONS. oguovet., Ildks, Stocklngs, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Shirts, Collars Umbrellas, Hoods, Nubiaa. gimmicks, Scoria. Buck Gauntlets. de. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Clothe, Catoimeree, Satinets, Jeans, Lo. DOMESTICS. Muslin, Ticking; Check Flannels,OßOCEßl, QIIEENSWARE. READY•MADE CLOTHING SOLD AT LOST FOR CASH. ea,All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange Lebanon, Dec. 4, !Mi. . NEW FALL & WINTER I GOODS JUST RECEIVED HENRY & STINE'S STORE! LADIES' DTIESS GOODS French Coburgs, Cashmeres, Muslin Le laines, all Wool Reps, Sack Flannels and Plaid Goode of every description and at all prices. For a splendid assortment of Dress Goode call at ILENRY & STINE'S. • SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS I I - 'Ameba Square end Long abawle, all Wool plaid Long Shawls, Mourning Wool Shea& and a large lot of square Wool Shawl's offered at low prices by HENRY & STINE. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Clothe, Centrum, Sattiuets, Union Cagsirnere, Hen. tacky Jeans. Ermine Cloths, and en assortment Beaver Cloths. which will be offered at reduced prices by Lebanon. Nov. 6,'61. HENRY STINE. Lebanon Female Seminary. RACHEL F. ROS,S,.,Priocipni, JULIA ROSS, Musciel Department. Mrs. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing. rprlE NINTH SESSION will Commence Soptember 3, 1 1880. This School is designed to elevate the stand ard of female education, and to offer superior advanta gee at a mode: ate coat. The school year is divided into two sessions of five months each. Chow per session. from 7% to 16 dollars. according to the studies of the scholar. Extra for Music, French, Latin, and German. **a Particular attention given to the musical depart ment. instruction upon the Piano. Melodeon and Gui tar and In Singing. Pupils not connected with the School will be waited upon at their homes, when desk. ed, and at the usual rates Early application should be made to S. J. S'FIN'E, cr Board of Director:: S. J. STINE, • A. S. TIAMMOYD, J. W. Mist', JOIIN MELLY, C. GREENAWALT, C. D. OLOZIINGEIt, JOSIAH VUNCK, ISAAC BECELEY. Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1881. Lebanon Mutual Insurance . • Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LAANON CO., TO the property holders of the State of. Penn .l. sylvenia :-‘-(3ENTLEMBB : Your attention is respectfully tollelted to the following low rate. of ham , mice of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the moat flattering eviller:ma of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ed them of being protected against loss by fire. The Board of Directors are practical luminans men well and favorably known. and enjoying the entire conndenceand respect of the community in which they live. Our Coin. pant is perfectly mutant, and we invite your careful al tentlon to the following low rates alive are determined to inetire as low as any other responsible- company, taking Into consideration the character' of the risks incurred. Our CHARTER being PE'RPETUAIS, enables us to Is title Policies which never expire, which. bviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 or 6 ycare. The OM puny hall now been in elacceSaral operation for nearly 6 years, and all its looses have been prox.ptly paid to the satisfaction Mall parties concerned; and, in fact it has been, and Still continues to be, the.edek of the Directors to have the Company conducted en honest end economical principles. " RATES OF INSURANCE. _ Dwellings, brick or atone, slate roof s o 4k 'I! $lOO do do . do shingles ,18 do do Log or Frame , ,20 " do Barns, *tons or brick , ,20 ft d o do Log or Frame ,20 " do Store Houma, brick or stone 65 a do do Log or frame ,80 " do" Hotels& boarding houses, brick or stone ,25 " do do do Log or frame . 40 S 4 d o Academies and School houses Churches and meeting houses : 2 4 " d dll o Printers books and Stationer's. Book binders ,80 8 50 :: d do o Tidier shops Ar „ ,S 4 d o Shoemaker and saddler elope ,30 " d Silveremith and Watchmaker ,30 -' do Tin and sheet iron shops ito CI d o Groceries and Provision stores ,80 00 do Tanneries ,30 " do natter shops sao " do Grist Mills, Water power " ,86 "do Saw Mille do - do . ,85 " do Dreg Stores ,30 " do Smith elope, brick Or atone - ,30 " do do do Wood ,85 " do Cerpenter,Joiner & Gabinet maker shops ,40 " d. Wagoner and Coachniaker shot* ,40 Si 'do Painter and chair Maker shops ,40 " do Oil Mills ,40 " do Clover Mille . * ' ' ,40 00 do Founderies of woed • 35 " do , do , brick or stone . , ,30 " do Merchandise in brick or atone Validity - ,20 " do do . in wooden do ) 26 " do Furniture In brick or atone buildings Mr " do do .In wooden ,20 " do Stables & sheds, brick or stone,couttry ,20 00 do do do wooden ,25 "do Livery & 'LIMIT Stables , ,25 ii do Air All communications should be addressed to W A. MARRY, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa;`- 4 President—JOUN BRUNNER, East. Vice President—D. 111. Tws,g, Treasurer-4EO. F. ME] LY. . Jonestdwn. September 12.18010.. ' " ' , c OR l$ Eagan' In Gentlemen's sod Boys' Wen? please Ir ;01 it the Cheap store of HENRY a STINE. • It is a Fact ,•. WELL known to the medical faculty, that a heavy dinner cannot be -.Worked off the stomach by rending "Puritan's Digest." It, is a fact of equal au .. thority that Reizettsteitt Brothers OPPOSITE THE COURT 110 USE, are selling Reedy made Clothing of their own menu factoring, fleets' Furnishing Goode. Valicee, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas, l'istole. Revolvers, Partntonais and Purses, and all kinds of Fancy Goode, without waiting for high bidders. SHAWL for Gentlemen and Spring Pine for Soldiers' Blankets , at REIZ I ENSTEIN BROTHERS. Lebanon,Nov..6, '6l. Opposite the Court House. TAILORING. REMOVAL. • LORENZOIi. 110/ITIER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Lebanon end vicinity" that he has removed his TAILORING ESTABLISEDIENT from North Lebanon, to the building between Laudermiletfil store and iihuger's Liquor store, oppositellrandtfir Lei, in Cumberland street, .Lebanen. The patronage of his old customers, as well - as the ptiblic in general, is solicited, to wh.nn satisfaction will be given. Lebanon, kebruary 19, 1862.-Iy. IRERCHANT TAILORING , . c„ S. RAMSAY & DEO., in Funek's building, corner of Cambaeland street and Doe alley, have on baud and for sale, either by the yard or made to order, a, largo lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, and - VESTING% well selected from Ooad troullAs. Good" Fits and sub. stealthl making guaranteed to Handker chiefs, Cravats, Gloves,.liosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Wain Linen Shirts, Milder Shirts and 'Drawers. S. S. RAMSEY Sr BRO. Lebanon, August 8, 1881.. Fashionable Tailoring: REMOVAL. • MICHAEL - -tier/WAN would respeetfullS• inform the Citizens of Lebanon, that be has REMOVED hie TAI WRING liminess to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and oppositeObe Eagle Ilolel, where all persons who wish gardients made up in the moat fashionable style and best manner, are In vited to call. TO TAI LORIS I—Just received and for sale the N. York. and Philadelphia Report of Springs Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the Subicribei knew of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MICILEG HOFFMAN. Lehr' imn, April 10.1861. RICADYRIADE CI.OTIIING Will be sold at Extrentel ri Low,. Prices. AKER, one of the firm orßaber & Bros., has H. taken the stock of lieady-mada Clothing at the appralFement,.whleh will enable bins to cell lower than anywhere else can be bought. Call and ace for your eel ves before you make your *II purchase. • VOL. THREE DOORS WEST F1i.051 COURT DOUSE. Lebanon, Sept. 25,1261. 11ENRY HAKIM FITS . 1 . FITS !!. FITS T. H . RICHEY has removed his No. I Tailoring . Establishment to No. 3 North Walnut&met, two doors north of George & Pylo's store, and directly op posite the Court ilouse, up stairs, where he will contin litue to manufacture all articles in his., line with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention will be paid to cutting and making children's cloth'. tog, &c., &e. Ile solipits a continuance of the very liberal patronage thus far tixtended by the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity. Alt kinds of stitching done on reasonable terms on este of J. M. Singer's ,Sewing Machines. All work warranted and entire satisfaction guaranteed. ' , [Lebanon, July 3,1361. Walter ez.Fochils Mill. . subseribere respectintly inform the public that .1 they have entirety rebuiltthe Mill on the little Swa tare. formerly known RA '`S r raw's and later as "Wan. gert's," about one-fourth of a mile front Jonestown, Lebanon county, Pa.; that, they haeo it now in complete running order. and are prepared to furnish customers regularly with a very auwlor article of 31P911U...4113.1111_TR. sßp RS cheap as it can be obtained from any other source.— They keeps also on band end for sale at the lowest cash prices CROP, ORAN, SNORTS, &c: They are also pre pared-to do all kinds of CUSTOMERS' WORK, for Ferment and others, at the very shortest possible notice and in . vita all to give them a tile:. The machinery of the Mill is entirely new and of the latest and most im proved kind. By strict elfin Lion to business and felt dealing they hope to nierit a thereof public,patronage. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will he paid. FRANKLIN WALTER. Nov. 'lib 1861. WILLIAM ,FOCHT. Watited to Bow l 50,000 BUO bushels CORN; 69,000 bunhels OATS; 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLOVERSEED, TIMOTRY SEED, Flaxseed, for which the highest CASH prices will be 'Feld at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. GEORGIE HOFFH AN. Lebanon, July 17,1561. WEIGLEY & KEGRIZE, General Commission Merchants. YOR. TUE EAU. 0p Flour, Grain, Seed, Dried Fruit, ll:ut ter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, (tO., &C. 102 WARREN ST., NEW YORK. 0. WEIOLEY. M. KEGRIZIC. .REKERENC ES Chapman. Lyon & Nuys, New York; Timid McKnight, Rending, Pa.l , Wm. M. Breslin, Lebanon, Pa.; B. R. Allen, Lexington, Ky.; William Selfridge. New York; L. Beta, Canton, Ohio; Kauffman & Kissinger, Read ing, Pa.; Jones & Shepard, New York ;'W. C. Curry' & Co., Brie, Pa.; John Stiles, Allentown,-Pa.. - „ New York,•January 15, 180,2. XLIJAH LOSGISCRZ, .Inum 0, autei. JACOB LEBANON Door, Sash and &Pam Plaking 10111-IE3IIE. IE4 Located• , on the Stearn-House Road, near Guntherland Sires!, .Beast Lebanon. Tundernignettrespectfully inform J . the public in general, that they Oat still manufacture and keep' on' hand. 4Of 141;19i, Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring. Weather Boards, 0 Gee Spring ouldings, of all sizes,Wash-Bo trds, Surbace, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS for Houses. We also construct the latest and most im proved Stair Casing and Hand Railing, suitable for largo and small buildings. We new invite Farmers, Mechanics and 13ulldcre to call and examine stir stork, which we will warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom. • LuNGACRE, GABEL & BROTHER. Lebanon, October it, MI. S.—Tberels oleo all kinds of TURNING at the same 111111. -.Planing, Sawing, rec., promptly done for those who may furnish Lumber. YOUNG ST. LAWRENCE. rr HE UNDERSIGNED would Inform Farmers and others that his well-bred STALLION will stand for service this season, at the low price of $5 to ensure a mare with foal, at the following places: , • ^- From the 3d day . of March. until the sth day of Ju1y.1862, at the following placer:— The Ant week. from Monday until Friday afternoon, at the stable of Heilig's (David Smith's) Inn, 1 mile East from Aunville, awl 4 milee West from Leb anon. The 2d week, from Monday until Friday afternoon, at the atoblo of Christopher Laney. iu West Myers town. Joekson townahip, 6 Innen East from Lebanon, Arid every Saturday at the stable of the Keeper, D. Seibert, I.eor the Toll Crete, one mile Rest from Leba non, than changing every week during the season. All the above play. are on the Berke and Dauphin turn pike. ail— For further particulars see bandbilie: 0. I'. STEINMETZ, Owner. DAXIXL Susan; Keeper. [Annrllie, Feb'y 5, '62. IF YOU AVANT PHOTOGRAPH of yourself or friend, the bent are to be had at DAILY'S Gallery, next door to the hanoo Depoult Bank. IF YOU WANT good PICTURE for a Medallion or Pin, cali;al.l).4l LI. LIT Gallery, next door to the Lebanon Depoelt Bank. 'NEW LIVERY STABLE. THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that be has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, at Mrs. , RISE'S Hotel, Market street, Leh anon, where he will keep for the ( pnblicaccommodationagoodetock - of 'HORSES and VEHICLES. He will keep gentle and good driving Horses, and handsome and safe Vehicles. Also, careful Drivers furnished when desired. Also OMNIBUS for Parties, de, Lebanon. July JAMES MARCH. TO CONSUMPTIVES. 9111 E Advertiser, having been restored to health in a' few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered soteral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. ' To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription need (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Seat Colts POR CONat MPTIOY . ASTILMA, BRONCIIITIS. &C. The, only object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread inform. tion.which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hie remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. ItEV. EDWARD A. WILSON, VillliamsbuFgh,ltings county, New York. February , l94 1862-3 M, Notice. JOSEPIT °tram, Justice of the Peace, will attend to the Bcrivenlng business—such as writingDseds, Mortgages. Releases. Bonds, Agreements, kr., .Be, at Me office, In Mulberry street, two doors south of the Moravian Church, in the Borough of Lebanon.. Lebanon, January 28,1862. -NEW GOODS -I I p R OLM al i rel n izeo ( d ll ates . , by "' at r " "4 " HENRY $6 sinks. -coriCarßY & STIN-E airy effector, all Mile of. Dress 11 Goads cheap. Please call and. axmaincat the atop, of— KUM ENAY_ GROCERIES ! GROCEITES I,F7' Afresh assortment of °rosaries just ?mired and affered at reduced prices, by HENRY t S'l72tT. D. Sr-, R ABER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' DRUB SPQR E! Ties been Removed to his Now Building, on Cumber land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. rims subscriber respectfully announce,co his acquain tances and the public in general, tat he has con stantly on band a large stock of DRUG'S, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, - PAINTS, CHEMICALS, "'"'"'"'" DYE-STUFFS. VARNISHES, -TURPENTINE, GLASS-WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR-OILS, „ EXTRACTS Burning Fluid, Surgical inatrumputs, Toilet Soaps; Be- gars, Tobacco, At. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and warrants the qualities of the articles as represented.— Porch Mere will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing else where. Xiffir• Physicians' prescriptions and family reel pesearefulty compounded, at all hours of the day or night, bycalling at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle Buildings. tln Sundays.the Store - will be opened for the tom. pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 mid 10 o'clock, A. IL, 12 arid 1, and 4 and 5 P. Lebanon, Dec. 9, 1557. DAVID S. RABER. k ,pv,IBERcERPs.i- DRG-STOR_E IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF • FIRST IMPORTANCE. I - - L. LEMBERGER, Graduate Of the Phila. • it delphia College of Pharmacy. offeratothe eitizenarof Lebanon and surrounding country. a PURR selectien of Drugs, Medicines and am Chemicals, and the first quality of Perfumery and Toilet -and Pansy Soaps, embracing the LIJ hest manufacture in the country, anti a large variety of Tooth Brushes. Nail, Fleala,'Clotties and Hair Brushes. Pocket, • Toilet and Fine MI Combs of IvOrY, Shell, Itorn. - andAndia Rubber PURE SPICES. - PURE - SPICES: , Pure whole and ground Spiee.ri tiro offered lb sale in large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug •Store. 41 " G RrIETT p E E, D s, ;:l FIPWEB- SEEDS,• I • You will lnd a full assortment and a large variety of Fltfilail Garden, and Fldwer. Seeds at lAMBER4 ER'S. Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash, and Potash in large and small quantities at DEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Washing Soda; Baking Soda, Pearl Asb, Sal eratus, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for safe in large and small quantities . , . ' LEMBERGER'S Etrug .. Store. - If you aro in Avant of good Washing. Soap pure white or red Castile Soap, - Country Soap Erosive Soap to remove grease 5p0t0 . ,,, onperio Shaving soap, buy the same at LEMDERGER'S, Do you :mut good Hair Tonic? something to make the hair grow, to cleanse Mahood, and to prevent fulling out of the hair; if you do Call' at LEIVIIIERGER'S. 3ESA, TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The affEcted are requested to call and exam• ine my stock of Trusses, Supporters, *a., corn prising a variety, of Manufacture. &."Marsh's" Genuine "Improved Self Ad iiisting ilia Truss." "Marsh's" Catamen:ial Bandage. An invaluable artiel; for the purpose. If you er° in want of any. -of the above you can be wilted at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Pure Ohio Citawba Brandy The genuine article for Zledieinal Purposes, to be bed In all Its Purity at 'LEMBERGER'S Drug Store, Opposite the Market Muse. Anything you Irant . that Is kept In a well , •ondncted First class Drug' Storo, eau be turn-, ishod you by LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. Feeling thankful for the very liberal patron. age thus far received from the Physicians, bier-, chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and mu reandi lugs, I again solicit a share, promising to use , every effort to please, all. • • . - /led — Special 'attention given to PITYSICIAN's VICESGRIVITOiqe and FAMILY MILTIPTS, and all medicine dispensed Warranted PQItE, always as good as can be obtained anywhere, and sold to suit the times. Remember the Address, 308. L. LEMBER(IER, Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary, Feb. 150860: . ..Market street, Lebanon: Pa. 'l O l-okitasriclica FOR TOE PRZITNTIONIp • ctR K OF Cpnsumption __Asthrita, Chronic Bronehitis, .Nervous irostration, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Atarasmus, Loss of Appetite, Neuralgia, Female • Complaints, and all Disorders of the Nervous and Blood • Systems- • This Remedy has obtained a great reputation for most KNTRAOIiDINANY CUItES IN ALL MONIS OF CONSUMPTION. It, *recommended by. many thou sand Physicians In the United States and Europe—hay ing been used with .RESULTS UNPARALLELED .Tna AN NALS OF 74EmerNE. .The Ifypophorphires have a two-fold and specific ac. Hon : on the one band, increasing the principle which CONSTITUTES NERVOUS ENERGY, and on the other, being the MOST. POWNEFUL BLOOD eVNtaiIITING AGENTS ENOWN. In cases of Nervous Debility, or Prostration of the Vital Powers, from any causo, this Remedy has no superior. "Winchester's Genuine Preparation" Ye the only reliable form of the ItYPOPRORPRITES, made after Ilia Original F'ormule. of Dr. Ch at . .11Eir• INQUIRE FOIVAND USE NO OTHER! . pir A FAIR TrIAL Is A CRISTAIN GRIM ! By PRICES.—In 7 oz. Bottles, sl.—Six Bottles ior O.' In 16 oz. Bottles, V.—Three for $6. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Druggists, and at the Sole General Depot In the 'United States, by J. WINCHESTER, 86 John St.. N.Y. !. _ _ _ , = Spermatorthea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Irritability in either Sex. This Malady, the terrible consequences of Which are too well known to require lucre than a bare allusion to them, is one of the most insidious, and, therefore, dan gerous, of all the long catalogue of Imam ills. It saps the very springs of Life, rapidly undermines the con stitution, and sinks the unhappy victim into imbecility and a premature grave 1 From one to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL are generally sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the most aggravated cases, whether COSSTITUTIONAL, or arising front Aimee or EXCESSES. MEDICAL TESTINONt - - "We believe it to be, in the treatment of Spe motor rhea, as near, a Specific as any medicine can be."—B. Briers, M. D. [Am. Jour. of Medical Science.' "I have found them all that could be desired. Their effect bas been truly wonderful. Fused thein in cased Spermatorrhea of long standing which inu3 been under treatment for years. I think three boxes will complete the cure."—B. Dwane, Id. D. lkk,. This is rot a nomoepathic Remedy , nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingredient combined with it. PRICE :—sl per Box. Six Boxes forss, by 3lail;pra. paid. For sale by all reespectable Druggists, and at the Sole Octieriel Depbein the United States, 7. WINCHESTER 36 John St.. N. Y.. October 9,186 . 1.—1 y. , Watches,. Jewelry -and. Sil ver Ware. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BTELLWAGEN & BRO., No. 632. Market Street, 1 door below i tb, Philadelphia. March 27, 1861.-Iy. D RESSLER' S 'HAIR JEWELRY STORE Rq.:2oB.Rerth -, Bth Street, above Race, Phil'a, oidniand and for snip, a - choice assortme n t of superl 10t.patterns,—and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bases 18T8, Ban RINGS, FINGER RINGS, DEEMER PINS, CROSSES, NECKLACES, VEST end 017ABD CHAINS, &0., &C. "'Sr Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be sent by snail. Oise a drawing SIK near as you can on Riper .and enclose 'such, amount as you may cheers) to pay., .Cost an follows :—BaLltings $2 to $6; Breast Pins $8 to $7 .Pinter Rinse 75 cant" to $8.55; Vrat Chains, VS to $7, Necklaces $2 to $lO. ' Air Hair put into hledalionr,,Box, Brenat Rings, &c. Old Gold and Riliar bough t at fair rates. Junel9, 1851: , • • . VEND UE NOTES Vor Bala at the ADVERTISEE Offm NEW FURNITURESTO R ovmsERLAND STREET, EAST LEBANON.. . Nearly Opposite Bubb's-Hotel. _ • 1 SHE subscriber again calls attention to hia full and splendid assortment of all kinds of FURNITURE sod CHAIRS, Inch as Bureaus, Secretaries, Desks, Bookcases, Sofas, 'Lounges. Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, and ell other articles in his line. YOUNG BEGINNERS . . . . Take particular notice that you don't mite the place, for you ran buy CHEAPER there then at any. other 21: place In the borough of Lebanon. His fur. fibre is all of his own manufacture, end warranted to be substantial. Come andjudge for youreelves. You will find a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK always on baud to'suit any customer, and you will Sid that you can buy cheaper there than at any other plate. Remember the place, and Come one, Come all, and save your money. Amp- All 'furniture will be delivered free, in good Care. . A. lIERSIIIIREGEB.. Lebanon, December 2s. 1861: - . • IIOW - 111:47.11S.7111CT CABINET WA REROOMS. ;Seeith•eiud . corner of. Market Square, - NORTH' - :TABOON BOROUGH. MHZ diabseriber respectfully Informs the public that .1.1 ht bal tholatiteet and boat assortment of READY 'rSM.I.,i,,,_,... MADE F URNIT UR Ean d Chairs , Th-__. - .„,•-:-.....„. ~.,.. ever offered W ,the Public of _ -___ _ _ , ..,„ 1 . 4 ,, Lebanon county. "Ha hoe now -• 7 -. , t:1- ,--, • -•:•• on hand, it hie Ware - rooms, a %; , • : a' ' ' i splendid assortment of good and 0 4 , ?=r4 ' :, substantial Furniture—Parlor, tv ' n r --• • i; Cottage and Chamber—comilst -1 ettArtr . .. ...: ;-1....: - .;;Q - iog of Sofas, Tete.e•Tetes, Limn ': in i gos, Wbet-note, Parlor, Centre, . , Pier, Card and Common Tables, Drawing and Common. Bureaus, ic..,CHAIRS, SET. TEES. Cane Seated:. Common and Rocking, Looking Glasses, .•&c. Atm_ PATENT BED SPRING made and (crania at a reduced. price. It Is very superior. Sir COFFINS made itud Funerals attended at the ehortent noticia - - .. JOHN P. ARNOLD. North-Lebanon horough,Oot. 30,41 F. , ,' New Cabinet Ware MuMIIS and Chair ilzr -e SC., 3ti door swig of the L. Valley Raffruod. • Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment' of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, in the county. illE public is respectfully request, ed to bear in mind that at these Warn Rooms will he found the beet sesortrueut of. RASHIONAsss and HAND some FURNITURE and.ollA IBS. Persona In want et any kind would beat call and examine lds stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which. (being all 'of his own work) he warrants 63 lie bettor than any offered in this place. Prices will be rowea than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of Lebanon. All orders .promptly attended to, and speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. . . All portions purchasing Furnitueo from him will be accommodated by having It delivered to them, to any part of the county, ruse or °twins,' and without the tenet Injury, as he has procured one of the best cosh toned furniture wagons, Especially for that purpose. COFFINS made to order, find funerals attended at the shortest notice. [Lebanon, /Sept. 13, 1880. NEW - CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFA(IT6R . Y; MBE subscriber respectfully inforint-the public that 1. he has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TURE and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public of Leb anon county. lie has on hand at hie Cabinet.Wara rooma, in North Lebanon Borough. nearly oppesite Zellor's lintel, and a few doors eolith of Muller's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashiona ble Parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, eon slating of SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, WHAT azNOTS. Parlor, Centre, Pier, Card and Common TABLES;. Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bedsteads, Work-Stands, Wash-Stands, and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also,• a largo and elegant variety of ) aksoa BAOK, SPRING SEATED CHAIRS,. Common Spring Seated CRAM; all kinds of.. Spring Sealed ROCKERS. Also, Windsor, Cane-Seated, and Cotumon CHAIRS and ROCKERS of every description. fir All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to giro malefaction. Famous Madrona of knowing the character of tbo goods hero offered for sale, can be fully eatieflod of their durability by reference to those for whom he has man ufactured or to whom g01d... Old Furniture and Chairs RSPAIRED and TAU NISIIED. - • . N. 11.—COFFINS made and FUNERALS attended at the shorten notice. JOSEPH BOWMAN. North Lehanon,September 19, 1860. BUILDERS will do well by calling on J. A. BASSBJA R Agent, as ho Is prepared to do all kinds of TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very lowest prices. lie also has on hand a. largo and good assortment of all klnde of TIN WARE, and all of the most improved - Gas Burning- GOOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different and latest Improved RANGES AND lIEATERS, of all kinds. Ile also keeps Gen stantly on hand a largo stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which lie offers at loos price than they Gan be bought of any other alatemen in the county. ig3. WARKEOCIPJS—One door South of the "Duck MAO," tt about Street. Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, Peeember 25, 1861. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. OW. is the time to buy your STOVES before cold N winter le here, and the beat and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and. Sheet Iron Mannfae tOry of James N. Rogers, Next door to the Lebanon Bank. where can be had the largest and boat assortment of PARLOR, MALI, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Lebanon, Cies burn ers for Parlors or lied Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor. STOVES, and a large variety of the beet Cooking Stoves in the county or bor • ough, which ho warrants to bake or roast. WASH BOILERS eonetautli on hand of all slam, stud the beat material. COAL BUCKETS—the largest assortment, the bone lest Iron, and the beet made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the best material and in a workniaolike manner. As he Is a practical Workman, and has bad en experience of twen ty-flee years, he feels confident that he can give general satisfaction. lle takes Oda method of returning his thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal support, and - be hopes, by strictly attending to his own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of public patronage. JAMES N. EGGERS. Lebanon,'Norember 7. 1860. Sip Particular attention paid to all kinds of JOSHING, such tut Ito Mug, Spouting, Lc, Cu,! all work warranted. Saddle and llfarness' Mann fagtory. THE Undersighed has Removed his Saddlery and Harness s elk- Manufactory to a few doors South , ; ;'' of the old place, to the largo room lately occupied by Biliman a Bro. as - a Liquor store, where he will be happy to see all hie old friends and customers; and where he has increased fa cilities for attending to all the departments of We busi ness. Being determined to he behind no othereshiblish. ment In his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither paina nor expense to obtain and make biniSelf muter of every modern improves:lien in tho hu- BMUS and secure the services of the him workmen that liberal wages would command. Ile will keep a large stock on hand, and manufacture at the shortest notice, all descriptions of HARNESS, such as C. 2 . tl tit. Saddles, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds : heavy Harness, Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture, Bufalo Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and a now kind lately invented; WHIPS of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, &a.; ILIIIIESof all descriptions.HALTEß CHAINS, home-made TRACES, &c., &c., all of which is win warrant to be equal to any that (antic obtained in any other establishment in the country. All he asks that those desiring anything in this lino, should call at hie place and examine his stock. lie feels the funoet confidence in his ability to give aritire satisfaction. All orders thankfully received andpromptly at tended to. SOLOMON SM IT IL North Lebanon Borough, April 24, 1861. JrF fou WANT A Pfeil:Mk ofinr deceased friend, enlarged ape colored in oi l, call at DAILY'S Gallery, neat door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. tIELLO, Betsy, where aro yOll . going that you are jlrdreasoil up sot' - • am going to J. IT. HEIM In hie NEW Build ing, in Walnut street, to have my Likeness taken. Ques.—Why do you go to Kelm end not to ono of the other rooms to have it taken 7 Arm—Because Kelm's Pietnrea are sharper, clearer and more truthful than others and nearly everybody goes to hint. Ques.—Can you tell mo why Lia pkturee are superior to others/ Ans.—Vas I he had 9 years praeles, and has superior Cameras, and all his other fixtures are of the most im proved Ques.—liliat kind of Pictures does be take? A7l.ll.—lie takes Ambrotypos, and Melalnotypce, of all sizes and euperior finish ; and Photographs, from the smallest up to Life Size, Plain and Colored in 011. He takes all sizes Photographs from Daguerreotypes of de ceased persons and has them colored life like, by one of the beet Artists. His charges are reasonable and his rooms are open every day' (esmept snoday) from 8 o'clock, A. M. to t 3, P. fif; Don't forget, R.Elld'S ROOMS is the place you can get the Beet Pictures: fJan. 20;12. IF YOU 'WANT GOOD,PIOTURES GO TO BRENNER'S SHY LIGHT GALLERY, over D.- D. Esher'sDrug Store, on Cumberland strect,'Lebation, Pa. Assonant's!, litiu.sthorresis, Fritorrpgs, Parreorriza and Pismo. °RAPES, taken daily, (Sunday excepted.) Prices reasona ble and in accordance with the eke, style andquality of the cases, Rooms opened from 8 A. M., to 4 o'clocit, P. M. Lebanon, June 2,1858. Market Street 1i0te1; ,35 Corner Market and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon. JOHN MATTES , Proprietor. HAVING taken the sheet' Stand, long occupied by Mt. laotesuu Zbessinuteur;.lwill spare no pains to make the Traveling Panne who-stop at it, perfectly comfortable, and invite all to give me a trial. The. Howie is large and well arrangeill. The Table supplied with the best seewonable edibles ; the her steeled with the chotoest Ligners, - and the Stabling large and coin. mallows. - 2 .. t• . JOHN MATTHES. Lebanon, May 8, 1861. • • aeeort Ltne A full ran le Jost Ze n i t ce o d f and off Gi°° eda d t l Gr fo o r at Coate rgai "d by HENRY lb aT t IVE n . 8 OWEN-.LAVISACIVO Manufactory, TAKE NOTICE. REMOVAL. NORTH LOBANON REMOVAL. PIIOTOQR.A.PIIIS. • OZO. AnEWS. /NO. T. anima. G. L. ATKINS & Bro. HAVING united in the ROOT and SROE BEstNESS, and from their determination to be punctual, and make none but the best of work, they feellike soliciting alexia of public patronage. Theywilt always - be found at their OLD STAND, (New Bomntrici,) in Market blreet, nearly opposite Widow Rise's Hole!, where they will be ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on bend a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOBS, TRUNKS. CARPET BAGS, &c., which they offer at reduced prices, AMP Persons dealing at this SIIOE STORE, can be suited with BEADY.IIADB.WOItg, or have It mado to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. tOr Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. [Lebanon, July 3, Mal. ATKINS BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted up in good order forcomfort and convenience, both for ] tulles • and Oen tlem en. THINS eBRO.II New Boot and Shoe Stara is fitted Aup in good order for comfortand convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A TKINS & Blto. promise to be punctual, and will en 11 deavor t. please all who may call on them for Boots and Shoes • REMOVAL. DANIEL GRAEFF'S ROOT dir SR/OE STORE , HAS been removed to his new residence, in Cum berland street,,% square West from his old stand, and opposite tho office of Dr. C. D. Oloninger, • • .LEBANON, PA. Ile Las just opened a large and desirable stock of well-made Boots and Shoos. Ladies' Rid Gaiters at $1.25; Ladies' Lace liontesa $1.60; for Misses, Coarse Mon's Boots for $160; Men's Gaiters 12 ; for Bop $1.75 to $2.60; for Children $1.12% to $1.62 Also a large variety of Oversfmes, Trunks. Traveling Bags, to. Come, see, and judge for yourselves. Lebanon, Nov. 2@, '61. DANIEL CRAEFF. Boot and Shoe Store. limp JACOB RCEDEL respectfully im forms the public that be still contin ...._, nos his extensive establishment in Ililila, eillioll his new building, in Cumborlandst., where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who tn sy favor him 'with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and 9110F.Sand every oue who wishes to purchase fashionable nnd, durable articles in his line, to call and, examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. ' Lie is determined to surpass all ccmpetition in the nutunfacture of every article latts business, suitable for any Market in the Union. ''A due care taken to regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the beat quail. ty of LEATHER and other Materials are used, and none but the beet workmen aro emplOyed P. 3.--ffe returns his sincerWthanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Ho bonen by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please Me customers, to merit a share of publii pat ronage. [Lelianoti,July 3, 1561. This is the Place to Get CHEAP AND FASIIIONABLE Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Ase., FOR SPRING AND SUMMER aIIIE undersigned having opened his SPRING AND 1. BUMMER .. . . FIEBOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS, of the very latteit ' and handsomest styles and beat finish, would respect rimy invite all hie oldfilefide and customers, and others, who wish to buy store best ar ti Glee in his line at the lowest prices at his store in Walnut St., nest to the County Prison. It is not necessary to enumerate particular articled, for his stock embraces everything for Ladles, Gentle men, Girls, Boys and Children that can be called for in this department of business. The Ladies particularly, will find a choice selection of all the handsomest saint eetety les of Shoes. Gaiters, Sm. Hie assortment of Hata, Cape, Thinks, Travelliix Rage, ite., have been selected with great care. Call soon and obtain a bargain, JOS. BOWMAN. WS& Measures lakenand work Made to.order.. Lebanon, May 8, 1861.. •'• . . . . Philip F. lilleCaguly FASHIONABLE BOOT AND S/1-013 MAKER ON - Cumberland Street. nee door East of tbe Black llorsellotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage me fur the abort time I have been in business. I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Ile bai at all times an assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of hie own manufacture on hand, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOT,S, LADIES' GAITERS, &c. Those desiring a neat, well made article,' are invited to give me ,a Children's' Shoes of every variety and color on band. Henry work made to order. Air All work warranted. Repairing neatly done and. clearga made moderate. Lebanon,July a,lBBl. New Boot and Shoe Store! undersigned nunonnee to the public that they a have removed their .New BMA and Shoe Store to Cumberland Street, Lebanon, to John Gractra building, one door west of the Confectionery Store, where they 'lijaintend keeping constantly on hand a general as sortment of Lathes, Gentlemen, Mimes, Boys and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., .&c., all of which will be made up• in style and quality not to be surpartieil by any other workmen in the country. No effort shall be spared to please and eatisfy.all who may favor thorn with their orders, and their charges will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fair remuneration. They also keep a large stock of • EOMB MADE WORK, • which is warranted to be as represented. • The public are Invited to call and examine tbelrstock previous to purchasing. - 41iir Repairing clone on short noltbe and at reasonable rates. ANDREW MOORE. SAMUEL S. SHIRK Lebanon, March 19; 1832. 3 ...... , ,4...",._ I\l lts 7 (4 - _ - • laN Ekss, umvEnsm ;,tic-Ape4 4 ,c,1e.W COUGH. S 4?) tMED R—Emisk, tft-i> IINIS valuable preparation, freed of all the com-' mon components, such as Opiates, or Expectorants, which not only run down the syetom, but deetroy all chance of cure, will, be found on trial to possess the fol loiring properties. and to whie. the most valuable testi monials may be found id the pamphlets. For whooping Cgtigh, and as a Soothing Syrup. it meets every want, and by early uac will save tide largest proportion,of ruptures in children which can bo traced to Whooping Cough. . In ordinary' Coughs : and Bronchial Complaints, the forerunners of Consumption, Its splendid tonic proper. ties make it not only the thostperfeet enemy to . dlttease, but builds up and 'sustains the system against recur rence of the. Complaint. No nursery abould be without it, nor should parents fall td get a paniplitet, to be found with all dealers, as the 'only way to do justice to its, value. OEWe> Utit4EWEles Iyaizi ~., ,-...F.,... \ .: ... -.. - -0 11-4 1 . - e--,OE--....1m. ) tiO Lil I . 'Ts. ul E,,s a- F.taT tif jtgn# . A0 ....,-.!iy , -.....Lci• el""kn 4 -voi l i t x. , tk.kt E 0 e c pslU l i ve% -, 1 MIRA It_igiq AT E. ' 0 RI IN* - ►great Neuralgic Remedy and Natural Opiate I calls for ape.cial atten Lion and interest, being free of Opium, or preparations of Opium, or of any but its strictly vegetabla and medical properties. For Neural gia, Rheumatism, Gout, Tpoth and Far Ache, Spinal Complaints; Bleeding at Limper Stomach. Rose or Hay Fever, Catarrh, and all minor Nervous Complainta, Far Lass of Sleep, Chronic or Nervous Head Ache, Sick Head Ache, it hae !Ili:equal, and to which we offer" setimoniala from undoubted sources. For Deliriam Tremens it fa a Sure Remedy. For Bowel Complaints; Cholera atorbus, it is splendidly adapted, in not only removing the pains•, but acting as phyeic, a great contrast with Opium, which not only constipates and.druga the system, but makes the remedy worse than the,dtseaaa. From physicians we ask attention, and On deMand Formulas or Trial Bottletwill bo sent, developing in. the Anodyne an Opiate which has long been wanted, and in the Cough Remedy such as rear entirely on one Central principle. From invalids we ask correspondence for pamphlet", or explanation, without "postage-stamps." For—Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bcttle, Small . . ' 25 " " Toln Anodyne • 'I" JOHN L. 311.4bNIWELL, Proprietor, • • 'ookmter -, ano PIIAILMACEUTIBT, • NO. 9 (banns : rant TFharf, Boston, Mass,:,. For sale .by all usual wholeeale and retail dealers iu every town and city, and by Joseph L.. Lembetper, Lab. soon ; at Wholesale by flan. IL &bitten, Charlea Ellis & Co.,Thila Wit. • [April 3, 1861.-ly. & Reading Railroad. Lebanon Vanier Branch. • •11, L. Mit Two Daily Passenger Trains to Read= • 'mg, and Harrisburg. • • - PARR LEBANON, going East toßeading, at 9.156.K.511 . 4 and 2.46 P. M. • Pass Lebanon, going West to Ilarrisburg, at 7.94' P. M. and 12.10 P. N. At Reading, both trains make close connexions for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Danville, Williams. port, &o. • Morning train only connects at Reading for Wilkes barre, Tittston and Scranton. At Harrisburg, :trains connect tritlv "Pennsylvania." "Norther Central," and "Cumberland Valley" Railroads for Pittsburg, Lancaster, Raltimore,Annb.nry, Chambers burg, &c. Through Tickets to Lancaster, in No. 1 Care, $1 50, to Baltimore, $8 80. 801 he. baggage'allowed to each passenger. The Second Class Cars run with all the above trains . . : Through First Class Ticket/tat reduced rate to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West, North West, and Canada/5; andltaii. grant Tickets, at lower Pares, to all above places, esn b e had on application to the Station Agent, at Lebanon. Through Plrst.Ctase Coupon Tickets, and-Emigrant Tickets at reduced Fares, to all the principal points In the North and West, and tke Canadas. COMMUTATION TICKETS. With 26 Coupons, at-26 per cent discount, between any points desired, and MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2080 miles, between all points, at $45 each for Fiunthes and Business Firms, Up Trains ;leave Philadelphia for Reading, Harris burg and Pottsville at 8 A. M. and 8,30 and 5 P. IS. sir Passengers are requested to purchaselickets *up the Trains start. Higher Fares charged, if tni Mire: G. G. A. NICOLL July 17,1881. ' Engineer and Saperinten Lent. gam, LAF.t_uvihio .folt int Skeleton. 0 Skirts, Dustin, Shaw* mid• a variety. of other, goodig for ladies, just receivea•and tor sale cheaper than the oheapeet by 'KENNY c & STINJIL DTDto you see ATKINS 4 BRO.'S Now Boot and Shoe Sre. CATHARTIC PILLS. Aro von sick, feeble, and complaining? Are you out of order, with your system de ranged, and your feelings un comfortable? These symp. toms are often .the prelude to serious intuit. Some fit of sickness Is creeping upon you, and should -be averted by a timely use of the right 210111- My. Take Ayer's Pilicand cleanse out the disordered hu mors purify the blood, and let the Snide store on unolk stnicted • In health agnin. They stimulate the functions of the body into vigorous ac tivity. purify the system from the obetructione width make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob structs its natural functions. These, if na, relieved, reset upon themselves nt,d the surrounding ne, pro , rinsing general aggravation, suffering, and disease: While In this r Mien, oppressed by 11.10 derangements, take Ave,', Pills. and ace how directly they restore the natural' action of the syntem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. IVltet is true:Mil do apparent in this trivial and re 11111 l on complaint Is also true in many. of the deep-settled and dangerous elletempors.. Tice same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstrue• Ilona and derangements of the natural fur.ttlons of the body, they are madly, and many of thems.wrelyieUred by mewl= means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering' from the disorders they cure. • Statements front leading physicians in some of the principal cilia', and from Ober well lcuoiu public per. NOM. Ras: a Flnuardhig f!a•dmnt rfSl. Louie, .Fbb. 4,185 d. Da. Arca: Your rills aro the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cued my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved inenrable for years. Iler mother has been tong grier onely attlictod with blotches and pimple , ' en her akin and in her hair. After our child wa%cared, she also tried your Pills, and they hare cured her. . ASA, IORCIRIDGE. a Family Phkrafa. . . E. W. Cartwright, Nita Orions. nlmt Dr Your Pills aro Ow prince of purges. Their excellent qualities sarongs any cathartic we liessess. They, are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which nukes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. neadache t SpOktieadouchetPon *mach. Froth, 7iY.:Edi&trd Boyd, Baltimore. DeAu Bac. Arta: I ruinot.answer you what complaints I have cured wititSoltr pfir 4 batter than to say all that we ever treat with ciptitgalive atie:ro'ne. I place greet's:tem done!, on an Weston) entltns.tic in my daily contest with Aborts°, and believing as I Jo that your Pills afford, US the best we have, I of outim value them highly. Prrrsncno, Pk. May 1,1855. Dim1..0, - .Amte»- Sir: I' have been repeatedly eared of the worst headache any body ran have by a dole or two of your Pills- It seems to -arise from a fool stomach, whieh they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, RD. W. PRETILE, - * Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Disorderi--:Liver Pram Dr. Theodora Dell,"e t if Yew TorkVily Not only are your rifle admirably adapted to *air pur pose as an aperient, hut I find their henetteial effects upon the. Liver very marked indnoil. +alley have in myprac lid) proved more effectual for the cure of bilious *en plaints than any one ronielly l can mention. I sincerely rejoice that wy)rare At length a purgative which is wor. thy the conGdUllat o 1 the profession and the people. DEPART/JEST OF TUC INVCRIOR • Washington, D. C., i th Feb., 185 ii. SIR i I have used your fills Li my general and hospital practice evor since youlnade them, and cannot hesitate to say they am the hest cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Intived, 1 have sofdoin found a case of bikoti 4isotse Co uhAtinate that It did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO HALL, .11L D., ..I"hysiciun of the Marine Hospital. Drfesttery, Diarritma, Relax, Worms. Amn lir. .1. C. (Went, of Chicago Yonr Yillehavohad a long trial in my prattle° and I hold them in esteem Its one of the hest aperiental have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liter makes theni nu excellent remedy, when given in small dotes fur bilious dysentery and fliarrherrt. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women end children. • . .Dyapepala, Iti'tplulty of the Blood. Pant 17ev. J. V. 'Ulises, Ilestor of Atle.rnt Church ; Batton. D. Am: I have used your , Tilln with extraordinary :mecca in my family and among how I am called to visit in distress. To levitate (lie organs of digestion and purify the blood, they ern the very beat remedy I have ever known, said 1 cnu coulldeutly recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. MITES. *- • Wane thy, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. DEAR Stn: I am using your Cathartic Pills ha my prac tice, and find •them an excellent purgative to •leans. the system and purify the fountains of ambito& JOIIN G. MEACIIASI, X. D. COnstipation,Costiveness,Suppresiiion, Itheuntat.isin,.Gout, Netartilgfit, Drop- IT, Paralysis,•Pits, etc. Pront-Dr..T. P. Vaughn, MontrcaL, Canada. Too much =not bo Bald of your' Pills fern the, Coro or cwtiroirss. If others of our fralenilty hove found theta ay afielleintlS us I have, they should join me in proclaim ing it fur the bonefit of tho multitudes who Suffer from that complaint, ‘rhich, although bail enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe att. titeness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and curs the disease. Prom Airs. E. &tare, Physician and Midwife, ikknon. find one or two large dosoa of yonr Pills, taken at tho proper time, are excellent promotlima of the natural earn. Linn When wholly or partially ellppreSaildr, and also very effectual to cleanse the gamed! and expel worm. They are no much the boat phyalc we have that I recommend uo other to my pationts. • From The Me. Dr. Ilietokes,ef Die Meedoclial Epic Church. PRIAM! horse, Earunnali, Ca., Jan. 6, 1866. lloNonsm Sim: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I aid not report my case to you. A cold settled In my limbs and Iwoughten e=cru slating neuraTgie pains, which ended in chronic rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent In Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but Bare. Ity persevering in the use of them, I em now entirely well. "SMUTS CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Doe. 1855. Dn. Arca: I hare been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rhewnalie and—a painful disease that had afflicted me for yours. VINCENT. SLIDELL. sa- Moat of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful bands, is dangerous in a public pill, *can the dreadful' conse quences that frequently follow its incautious Use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr. I. C. ATM & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by. J. L. Lemberger, Dr. Ross and D. 8. Ratter Lebanon ; Bever & Bro., knoville • Shirk, klyerstown Horniog. Mt.. Nebw; Harper, - .B;st. Hanover; Krell Shoofterstown; and bypealeva everywhere. Economy is Wealth! Cure Your - Gough for One Dime The BEST and OREAPEST Household REX EDY in-the Wei.ld. Madame G ZADOC . P6R - TEPAC. COVGIII , REMEDY! 3 " _ Mamie ZADOC P.OB- TBLl 3 dCunttlro Balsam is warranted if used accord ' ing to the directions, to core in all mesa, Coughs, . • • Colds, Whooping Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. % \ Made ZADOC POILTER'S- Baleam.bas been need ly tho ptibljeo for over ]8 ...ytumg and • halo aqui, ed its preeetit sale simply by riicommended by —l,hose - whia ball:, used it, to theft' afflicted friends and. 1;=10 . . MOSTIIKPORTANT.--liadaine ZAD OC POR TER'S Curative Balsam is sold at a price whichlOrings i t in the renekof.every one to keep . it convenient for use. • The tiniejfise Of a single bottle will prove tube worth 100 times its oast. NOTICE.--gave Your Money ! —Do not be Persuaded to pnreli . ase articles at as. to $l, which do not contain the virtue or a Dime. Bottle of Madame Por ter's Carative.,.l3alinam, the coat of manufacturing which is as great nit that of almost any other medicine; and 'the very low price at which it is sold, makes the protatirthe seller apparently small, and unprincipled. dealers Will sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless the customers in sist upon having Madame Porter's and. none other.—. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, prlee 10 cta., and in largo betties al 2C eta., and take no othee. If you can aot get it at one store you can at another. Air - Bold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 10 Cents, and in larger bottles at 20 cents. ' HALL & BIICREL, Proprietors, . New York.. `Oa. Joe. L. Lemberger, Agent, Lebation j Pa. January 29, 1682.-I y.eow. ••- - - "TEE UNION II : Ait,dfriSTREET, ABOVE TIIIRD, PHLEJA.DBLISIA. yl i p Hi to s a t e S ti. . c ry n e tz.3 7oo 9o... ln iihn e t r ut p Pr am oz er ie c t .. or b. alt parts of the city, and in every partleolr,r adapted to the comfort and wants of the busliteaA io. *A. Terme $1.50 per %lay. Eept. I I, .(31 AYER'S 3lad'e ZaDOPITORTBB"S Balsam „hi prepared with all the tequiiite sate and skill;frOin a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords. Its remedial qualities are bagel on lea power to as sist the healthy and riga rausclreulation pf the tologiai, through the tun gw . It to not a violent remedy, but etuolliment,—war m _ log, couching and-effect- Ivo; can betaken by the oldest person or youngest