TilE CORNER. WHAT PRIVATE MAGUIRE SAYS 6 0e'b I it is astito be captain nr enlcnel, Divil a bit would I smut to be higher. Bin tomtit as a private I think's un infernal Treditament surely," says Private Maguire 'Thitcan go sparlan' and gra yftt'Ut idtibird WI Money to upend for their PI igh tfrw t desire, Loofin" and Ulu,' and driukin' at Willnrit'w, While we're on the pickets," eaya Private Maguire "Livia' to clover, they think it's a trifle To stand out ell night in the rain or d the mire And a rebel bard by with a rillainoul rifle 'Jilt ready to pop ye," says Priests Maguire. ileitb, now, W. not that I'm after eomplairdo% evilin' to meet ye, Jeff. Davie, Email-of Te Mat irardt-it'n Only I'm weary of fbraltdre, nd tbrabi ', and thy:aria', says Private Ma- Vire. , . itr a . tali I—but,tagulre, be ally, Beep yourself sweet for the enemy's fire. ifcClelleu's the setiliti' that shortly will plisse ye, Be theholy St. Pathrlokl"ssys Private Maguire •'And led, if yews hlt, (0, boded, that Internal Jimmy &Dowd would make up to Martel) Whatherys're captain or mgor or , colonel YOU'die with the beat, then!" los Private Ma. lairs: 'o4r• Pun6h's Almanac advises the farm ers 'to sow their Ps, keep their Us warm, hive their Bs, shoot their .Is, feed their Ns, look after their.potatoes' Is, and then take their Es. mg.. An 'eminent mathematician—a professor qfthe University College—be ing challenged to find a rhyme to "Tim buctoo," promptly replied with the follow ing irreverent Voile ft/ wu s'esastesty, On tha muds of Tinibuotoo, r would at • missionary, OW dud bona, and hymn-book too i" SItATIS7ICAL.—ITp6n The Indulgence of ; this now fashionable pastime, the Journal of Health is especially pirticular. 'lf the thermometer is below thirty,' it says, 'and the wind is blowing, no lady or child 'should be skating.' We are not So clear about this. -Ifthe lady is ‘belcrttr. thirty,' fend of graceful figure, let her skate, no matter how the mercury descends. If she Ii tlfe teVerse—let her slide! Otr A good eplerirn it a good thing, and never grows stale with age. Here is one very old and excellent. Who wrote It 1— A fool and !my., with diforant 'taws, 4'or Julies hand apply; ',The knave to mend hie fortane The fool to please his ay,. Adk phln iIO 4 X. Julia will behave Now, take It for a rule, If shies afool, shall weii the knave; alies a knave, lb* fool. °old it was said, that to the brave alai belonged the victory * but the bat tle of Port Henry convinced The world that the victory night Boillefitmet belong to thefieetor Fode. lONORANOE.-II know well enongh; said a fellow, 'where fresh fish comes froth, but Wete th'ete ban ones are catched, I'll be hanged if I can tell.' ROW TURKEY MAKES NIGGER 'Torn; sus ?dick, ',you've been stealing muss% turkey.' 'I ain't no such ting ; wbo say I tuk musatt's turkey V say so,' said Dick, 'for I seed you go Into de turkey house, and come out wid de turkey head sticking out of a bag.' 'Oh, well,' replied Tom, 'ef you did see me, sure snuff, Dick,den I tuk the turkey; and if yoli won't say anything 'bout it, VII give you de driiin-stick,,dat's left.' !lick made no promis'e, biit the master who had overheard the conversation, soon had the delkutueht Torn before him. 'Torn,' said he, Tye just heard you con fess having stolen my turkey.' 'Well, mama,' says Torn, 'since I'se notched, I'll jest own I tuk it; I wan't go ing to deny it, no how.' *blow; Toro, you know I don't alloiv stealingonmY land, and I intigt punigh you for this.' Tray, maim, don't le the overseer flog Mel for massa, (a sudden thought seeming to strike liieryou hain't lost nothin, if I did Altai dat turkey.' 'Why, you rascal, dld'nt you admit you had stolen and eat it r 'Dat's true, masa,' said Tom; 'yet still you hain't losi Oothin: 'How's Thai (WO, you see, massa, tuk de turkey, and done eat it up. When I tuk the tur key and eat it, it got to be part of me—it Went into me, and made more nigger for you, mask. 'So, you see, what you lost in turkey, you made up in nigger.' Tom was excused for his wit. A SAD FAULT.--When Gen. Lee was a prisoner at Albany, he dined with an Irish rnah. Before entering upon the Wine, the Genttetl remarked to his host, that aftet thinking he was apt to abuse Irishmen, for which he hoped the hod would excuse him in advance. "By my soul, General; I will do that," said the host, "if you will excuse a trifling fault which I have myself. It is this : irherieveti hear a man abuse ould Ire land' /have a sad fault of cracking his sconce with my shillally." The General was civil during the whole evening Ate Itustuctres Wm.—Patrick Mc• Quinn was a baggage Mager on one of the railroads, and attentive to his business. A few evenings since, while at his post, he Was accosted by an excited passenger, who, in a rude and boisterous manner, de ft:need to know the whereabouts of his trunk. Pat, atter several times replying to the interrogatory, lost patience, and thus put an end to the stranger's trouble tome questioning "Och 1 mister, I wish in my soul ye were the elephant instead of a jackass, for then ye'd have yer trunk always under yer eye.' That passenger didn't ask for his trunk another time. OLD ABE'S LAST STORY An old friend from Springfield lately oallecl to see the President. After the us ual •greetings, etc, “Lincoln," said he, "When you turned out Cameron, why didn't you turn out• all the rest ofyour Cab inet ?" "That," saidihePresident, kmakes sue` think of something that took place neer home, in Illinois. An old farmer had Wen pestered with a colony of skunks that depredated nightly on his poultry He determined to be rid ofthem, and final ly succeededli getting . them all Into one bole, where be couldMl MOM at his pleas. ure. He drew one forth by tall, and ex witted him, but, said be in telling the sto ry, thlt tensed such an infernal stench Mall was obliked4o let the rest run." Vir The “Good Book" says "that a man shall cleave unto his wife.". This ac tennis for a lover baize marriage axing a glrllaltalve , ()NE of the best and cheapest assortments of Lemma offered to the public, is now for sale at the now and extensive LUMBER and GOAL YARD of PHILIP BRECHBILL , o the Borough of North Lebanon on the bank of the Colon Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a few le ere!, North of the Hemmen „Steam Mills, and one nem east of Borgner's Hotel. 'Moir assortment consists of the beet well-sessonedo White, Yellow, Norway, Pine and Hemlock. Boards;— Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards; 1!,4 and inch Panned and 0011111300 Plank: 'White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and Joists; Whits Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; and 3. inab.foplar Boards, Plank and Scantling SHINGLES I SHINGLES!! The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles; Alas, Rooting and Plastering Lathe; Chestnut Ws and Posts, and Psflings far fences and fencing Boards; ILOOIURO BOARDS of all sizes and descriptions. COALI COAL 1 I COA L I I A liirito "it it Of Broken, glove, Liraeburners and 11.0111dayelnirg Btrilth Coal, at the lowest prices. 1181.. Confident that they have the largest and beet ea. sortment of Lonna of all deserlAions and sizes u well so the largest stook of the different kinde of Coil., ever offered to the citizensof Lebanon county, they venture to say that they can- aooommodats.ill pairchesere fastottly,,and would therefore litilteall4rho want any thing in their line, to exanitne. their attar hodwe pur chasing elsewhere. IHILLP BRECNBILL. N. Lebanon, July 9,1861. WOOD and COAL YARD. T TILE undersigned, hiving, bought Hr. , ' 1,1 New? spoon's Wood arid Coal Yard, a abort distimce northeast of Masers. Teeter ti" lfatch's•Ponndry, in the borough of North Lebanon; end also baaght froth 200 to 800 CORDS OP WOOD and from 800 to 2000 TONS OP COAL, of all kinds and grades, which I. will sell at the jeril or deliver at as small profits as will snit the times. 1 therefore in. rite all those that are in want of any of those articles to oil and see the same, ascertain, priote, mad ridge for themselrea. DANIEL LIGIEIT, (merchant.) North L•banon,4nly 3,1801. CHEAP STORE RAUCH &LIGHT. .dt the CornerOuntberfand srtet and Prank Road, LEBANON PA. Nri a n s g ß utt E rt i le c tUVre l putc a rr as' ne ' Xi e y i t t .glT a ); havejnet opened a large and Garefnl/y aeleeted assort• meat of DRY GOODS, CiROORRIES. QUEEStSWARE, to which they ratpeetfnlly invite the attention of the public. Their DRY -GOODS, have ell been selected with the gesatsst care from the largest Importing Mouses In Philadelphit. GROCERIES, • A largo stook of cheap Sugars, Coffees, Team, Chocolate, and all Made of Spices. also, a 1 aesortnient of QUERNSWARE, among which are the newest pattarna,together with al. most an endless variety of Goods I n their line of bind nees, which will be cold very cheap for cash, oYConntty Prodnoe taken in *Etienne. BAGS! BAGS! 1 BAGS! ! ! The attention of Millers and Farmers is directed to their large etoo)r, of 8A.63, which they will sell at wbolescle price& October 17, 1860.1 RAUCH Ze LIGHT. NEW 'GOODS ! RECEIVED AT THE STORE OF L. K. LA.UDERMILCIT I In Cumberland *Street, Lebanon, Pa. Selling 0111 Selling Off' AT REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' DRESS GOODS . 1 . FLAIN and Figured Detains' , Valour Cloth, Para. metta Cloth, Persian Cloth, Riga, Fancy and Black like, Sack Flannels, Gingham and Calicoes. SHAWLS. Dream, Long k gOuare Blanket Shawls, Gents' Shawls. NOT/ Ganntlets, 'Hake, Stockings; Roop Skirts; Delnioral Skirts, Collars, Umbrellas, Roods, Rubies, Sintacks; Scarfs, Buck Gauntlets, ko. MEN'S AND BOYS' YEAR. Clothe, Comilmeres, Satinets, Jeans, &c. DOM.ESTICS. Tiokings, Check FIanneIs,GROCERIS, QUEENS WARE. READY-MADE CLOTHING SOLD AT COST FOR CASH. tws_All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange Lebanon, Dee. 4,1861. NEW PALL & WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT HENRY & STINE'S STORE! LAMES' DRESS GOODS French ltierinoes, Cobargs, Caahrueres, Mitalin Do laines, all Wool Reps, Sack Flannels and Plaid Goode of every description and at all prices. For a splendid assortment of Dress Goods call at . RESET & STINE'S. SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS ! ! Drocha Square and Long Shawls, all Wool plaid Long Sbaals,.blourning' Woid Shawls and a large lot of agbiLie Wool Sbawle offered at low prices by ILENItY As STINE. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Cloths, Caseffiierie, Sattineta, Union Cassimere, Ken tucky Jeans, Ermine Cloths, and an assortment Beater Cloths, which will be offered at reduced prices by Lebanon, N0v.6,'61. HENRY & STLNE. Lebanon Female Seminary. RACHEL F. ROSS, Principal. 4IILIA ROSS, Musciel Department. Mrs. A. J. JIMISON Dr. wing. US NINTH ISIISSION will commence ,Soptember T 11380. This Sawa Is designed to elevate the stand. and of female education, and to offer superior advanta• gee at a mode: ate coat: The school year is divided Into two POBsions of five months each. Charge per session, from 7% to 15 dollars, according to the studies of the scholar. Extra for Mule, French, Latin, and German. *.• Particular attention given to the musical, .depart ment. Inkruction upon the Piano, Melodeon and Gui tar and in Singing. Pupils not connected with the School will be waited upon at their homes, when dash' ed, and at the usual rates- Early application should be.mado to S. J. STINE, cr J. W. MISII. Board of Directors: d. J. STINE, S. HAMMOND, J. W. 517Sii, JOHN AIRILY{ • C. GREENAWALT, C. D. GLONINGER, JOSIAH YUNCK, ISAAC BECKLEY. Lebanon, Ang.2l, 1861. - Lebanon Mutual Inaranee Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO., TO the property holders of the State of Penn. .L eylvania :—GENTLEMEN / Your attention ie weepectfolly solicited to the fallowing low rate, of that. anteof the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the most flattering evidenee of Public confidence. There sources -of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means atford ed them of being protected eosin/it lose by fire. The Board of Director, are practical hueineos men well and favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Our Com pany is perfectly mutua, and we invite Your careful al tendon totbe following low rates aewenre determined to insure as low as any other reeponeibiCcompany, taking into consideration the charactee of the risks incurred. Our CHARTER being PER-PETUAG, enables us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cemtty of renewal every 3 or Syeare. The Company has now been in successful- operation for nearly 0 years, and all its loeses have been promptly paid to the eatisfaction of all lames concerned ; and, In fact it has been, and still matinees to be t the wish of the Directors to hare the Company' conducted on holiest end economical principlea. • - RATES OF INSURANCE. • Dwellings', brick or stone, elate roof 5 0 / 16 I . S, - 1 1° ° do do do /Mingle, ..,13 . do do Log or Frame - • '2O " do Barns, atone or brick ,20 " do do Log or Frame ,20 " do Store Houses, brick or atone ,25 " do do Log or frame . ,30 " 4 " do Hotels& boagding hones , brick or atone 52 4 " do do do. Log or frame ,30 ,' do Academies and School houses 28 " do Churches and meeting houses ,20 11 d o Printers books and Btationeriee ,S 0 s' do Book bindere ,60 6 do Tailor shops - ,25 " do Shoemaker and saddler shops ,80 " d Silversmith and Watchmaker ,30 " do Tin and sheet iron 'hope ,30 " do Groceries and Provision store.Ml ,80 d o Tanneries AO " do Hatter shove ,30 " do Grist Mills, Water power .85 " do Saw Mille do do A 5 " do Drug Stores • ; AO " do Smith shops, brick or atone ,30 " do do do Wood -- ,36 " do Cantenter,Jeiner & Cabinet maker shops,4o " de Wagoner and Coachmaker shops ,40 " do Pointe,. and /shelf maker gimp, ,40 " do Oil Mills 1 40 " do Clover Mills ,40 " do goanderiee of wood ,86 " do do Brick or stone 'AO " do kferchandize in brick mitosis) buildings ,20 " do do in wooden d 0,25 "' do Furniture In brick or stone buildings - ,15 " do do in wooden • AO " do Stables & shed!, brick or etone,country ,20 " do do do wooded - ,26 " du Livery &Tavern Stables . - ,26 't do .4a- All communications should be eddrenwd .te W A. BARRY, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa. President—JOHN BRUNNER, Itati- Vial Presidest--D. M. RANK. Tragorer--GEO. F.:MAI 1.. Y.. . . Rturtgery—WM. A. BARRY. , ' - Jones:Wino, 16eptember 12,1860;* - • L'OG Bacitaine in Gentlemen's and_Boye Wllll7 Sean call at theftbasp !!Lose of HENRY & eTIMIL ' It is a Fact Q t - T ELL known to the medical tenuity, that a heavy V V dinner cannot be worked of the stomach by reading "Purdotes Digest.", It is a fact of equal au thority that Reizettstein Brothers, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, ars selling Ready-made Clothing of their own menu Gents' Furnishing Goods, slices, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas Pistols. Revolvers, Portmonals and Purses, and all kinds of Fancy Goods, without waiting for high bidders. BRAWL PINS. for Gentlemen and Spring Pine for Soldiers' Blankets at RF.IZENSTEIN BROTURRS, Lebanon, Nov. 6,'61.. Oppoeite the Court House. TAILORING'. RE KOVAL. LORENZO H. ROHRER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he has removed him TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT from North Lebanon, to the building between Launerinilch'e atom and Shnger'e Liquor store, oppoeite Brandt's ho tel, in Cumberland street, Lebanon. The patronage of his old customers, as well as the public in general, Is collated, to whom satisfaction will be given. Lebanon, February 19, 1.882.-ly. MERCHANT TAILORING. B. itemmy & BRO., In Runck'a building, corner .rof Cumbedand street 'and Doe allay, have on hand and for sale, eittferhy the yard or made to order, a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIA/2HW, and VESTINOS, well selected from Good Houses. : Good Fits and soh. Mai:alai making guaranteed to all. Also Itandker dile% emirate, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain 14neit Shirts, Under Shirts and Dmiivers. S. S. RAMSEY A BRO. Lebanon, August 8, 1881. Fashionable Tailoring: REMOVAL. ILITCHAEL HOFFMAN would- respectfully inform ..131.the Citizens of Lebanon, that he has REMOVED his TAILORING Edginess to Cumberland- street, two doors Emit of Market Stfuet, and opposite, the Eagle Hotel, where all .persons who wieh- germ enta made up in the most fitehlonable style and beat manner, are in Tilted to call. TO TAlLOltat—arst received and for sale the N.Tork and Philadelphia Report of Spring* Summer Fashions. Tallors 'wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact; 80 that he can make Me arrangements accordingly. DIIOIL t.IIOFFAIAN. Lebanon, April 10, 1861. lIEADYIH ADE CLOTHING Will be sold at Extrema', Law Itkices.. PARER, one of the firm of Reber & Eros., has I taken the stook of Ready-made Clothing at the appraisement, which will enablotim to sell lower than anywhere else - can be beught. Call and eke for your selves before you make your II purchase. 11%. TUREE DOORS WEST YRONI COURT HOUSE. Lebanon, Sept. 25, 1881.• HENRI RARER. FITS : FITS . :: FITS: : A Er., YGOITET has retooled his No. 1 Tail Ming ... Establfshment to No. 3 North Walnut street. two doors north of George & Pyle's store, and directly op posits the Court House, up etalre, where ho will contin no to manufacture all articles in his line with neat nen' and d ispatch. Particular attention will be paid to cutting and making children's cloth. lag, An., An. He solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage thus far extended by the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity. AU kinds of !Limiting done on reasonable terms en one of J. M. Singer's Sewing Machines. AU work warranted and entire malefaction guaranteed. [Lebanon, July 3,1861. Wailer & Focht's Rill. THE subscribers respectfully inform the publle that they have entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Etym.- tarn, formerly known RR "Straw's" and later as "Wen gores," about one-fourth of a mita from Jonestown, Lebanon county, Pa.; tbat they bare It now in complete running order. and are preparettto furnish customere regularly with a very superior article of 11E'W.... 1 11131 , 11C3]M. as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source.— They keeps also qn hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices. CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, &e. They are also pre pared to do all kinds of Cosvosistu? Wong, for Farmers and others, at the very, shortest possible notice and in vita all to give them a trial: The machinery of the Mill is entirely new ana, of the latest and most im proved'kind. fly strict attention to business and fait dealing they hope to merit a share of public patronage. WHEAT, RYE, 43ORN OATS &c., boufght, for *blob the highest Lebanon Market prices will be paid. FRANKLIN WALTER. Nov. 20, ISM. WILLIAM FOCHT, Wanted to Buy, 50,000 " " 50,000 bushels CORN ; , 50,090 bullet; OATS; - 00,000 bushels WHEAT. . Also, CLOVERSEED, TIMOTHY SEED, Flaxseed, for which the highest CASH prices will be paid at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. GEORGE MEEHAN. Lebanon, July 17, 1861. Seed Wanted THE subscriber will pay the highest ,market prices for TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED, FLAX SEED, At the Mill is Market etceet, Lebanon boi - augh.-• Bring It hnmediately. ABRAM STRICKLER. Lebanon, September 4, '6l.= WEIGLEY & KIEGEOZE, General Commission Merchants, POE TEE SALE OF Flour, Grain, Seed, Dried Fruit; But ter, Eggs, Cheese; Poultry, &c., &c. 102 WARREN ST., NEW - YORK. O. *EIGLEY. ht. KRouzz. REFERENCES: - . Chapman, Lyon & Nov, New York• David McKnight, Beading, Pa.; Wm. .M. Breslin, Lebanon, Pa.; B. R.. Allen, Lexington, Ky.; William; Selfridge. New York; L. Betz, Canton, Ohio; Kaufman. .& Kissinger. Read ing, Pa.; 'Tome & Shepard, New York ; W. C. Curry & Co., Brie. Pa.; John Stiles, Allentown, Pa. New York, January 15,1882. ELLTAB LONGACB.E. - JOHN 0. - GABEL. JACOB GABEL LEBANON Door, Sash and Steam Planing Located on the Ream-Home Road, near Cambertated direct, East Lebanon. TILE undersigned respectfully inform , the public in general, that they 11. still manufacture and keep on " Door, Saah, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring. Weather Boards, 0 Gee Spring Mouldings, of all sixes Wash-Be wds, Surbace, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING- MATERIALS for Houses. We also construct the latest and meet im proved Stair Casing and Hand Railing, suitable fur large and small buildings. We now Invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to call and examine cur stock, which we will , warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom. LUNGACRE, GABEL k BROTHER. Lebanon, October 9, 1801. P. S.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the same Mill. Planing, ~ Sawing, dc., promptly dune for those Who may furnish Lumber. YOUNG ST. LAWRE.‘CE. lINDERSIONED would •Inibrin Farmers and others that bis well-bred STALLION will stand for service this season. at the low price of $3 to ensure a -v mare with foal, at the following places: From the 3d day of March. until the 3111 A day of Ju1y.1383, at the following places:— The first week, from Monday until Friday afternoon, at the stable of Liellig's (David Smith's) Inn, 1 mile East from Annville, and 4 naive West from Leb- ROM,. The 2d week, from Monday until ?May afternoon, at the stable of Christopher Baney, to West Myers. town, Jackson township, 6 miles East from Lebanon, And every Saturday et the stable of the Keeper, D. Seibert, near the Toll Gato,..one mile 'Bast from Leba non, thus changing every week during the season. Ali the shove pianos ate on the . Barks and Dauphin turn pike. Tor further particulars see handbills. C. D. STEINMETZ, Owner. DeSIBL SZIIIERT . , Keeper. tet finville, Feb'Y IF YOU WANT APDOTOGRAPII ofyourself or friend, the beet are to be had at DA s Gallery, next door to the 111011 Deposit Bank. IF YOU WANT A good PICTURE for a Medallion or Pin, rallied A LYI Gallery, next door to the Lebanon Deposit Ronk. NEW LIVERY STAFELC. Trim undersigned respectfully informs the_public that he has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, at lira geRISE'S Hotel, Market street, Lab- ~..., anon, where he will keep for the .... public accommodations good stock • of HORSES and VEHICLES. He will keep gentle and good driving Horace, and handsome and safe Vehicles. Also, careful rirlvera furnished when desired. Also OMNIBUS for Parties, &c. Lebanon, July 17, 1881. JAMES MARCH. WEEKLY ARRIVALS f BS "DEE DIVE" Store, opposite the Court mouse, j_ has anim; this week's arrivals 111 the Molasses at from 25 to 50 ate per gal. • 5 Dbls Sugar (good) at 8 and 10 eta per pound. 5 Bags Coffee (best) at IS cents per pound. DttY GOODS. 20 pieces Calico and Bleached Muslin 6 1 4 eta. 10 " New Markets 1234 eta. 10 " Detainee 614. eta. 10 " New Style Be Lainee 25 Chi. 20 " Print 6 1 4 eta. A lot of Tickings from 5 to 25 ets.' Domestic Gingham 10 ctn. - Stockings 6% eta, Carpeting, 4'orti &nation very low. 20 Brooha Shawhwool and eiliettie gamine /dada —vey cheap. MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTS, " . LADIES' CLOTK CLOAKS, and a largeasaortment 'of DRESS GOODS, which will be sold cheap for cask and for any bill of foreign goods forward Orilieslatlara, bOught for caeb, a deduction of dre,per et, will Bejnatle. .611;, , AD kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. Lebanon, Nov. 20,'61. J. GEORGE. D. S. RABER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE! Has been Removed to his New Building. on Cumber land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. qIIIB subscriber respectfully announce to his acquain t tenon and the public in general, that he has con stantly on hand a large stock of DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS; DYE-STUFFS. VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, GLASS-WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR-OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se. gars; Tobacco,dc. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, end warrants the qualities of the articles as represented.— Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his goods before surchaeing else where. ta - Physicians' prescriptions and family reel pescarefrilly compounded, at all hours of the day or night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle -Buildings. On Sundays the Store will be opened for the com pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. M., 12 and I, and 4 and 5 P. M. Lebanon, Dec. 41567. DAVID S. RARER. LEMBERCER'S DRUG STORE IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST , IMPORTANCE L. LEM:MAGER, Graduate of the Mila n delphia College of Pharmacy, offers to the eitiames of Lebanon and surrounding country. a PURE selection of Drugs, -Medicines and Chemicals, and the.first quality of Perfumery and Toilet and Panay Soaps, embracing the oast manufacture in the country, and a large variety of Tooth Bindles, Nail. Flesh,. Clothes and Hair Brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine Combs dreary; Shell, Uorn and India Rubber, PURE SPICES. PURE ?ICES. Pore whole and gromieSpices are offered for inter in large and mall quantities at IMMBERG ER'S Brun Store. GARDEN SEEDS, FLOWER SEEDS, Yon will find it fall assortment and a large variety of FRIISTI" Garden and Flower Seeds at LEMBERGEIVS Condensed , Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash, and Potash in large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Washing - Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal maths, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale in largo and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. • .11' you are In want of good Washing Soap. pure white or red Castile Seap, Country Soap. Erasive Soap to remove grease spots, superior Shaving soap, buy the same at LBMI3ERGER'S. Do you want a good Hair Tonic? something to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and to prevent falling out of the hair. if you do Call, at LEMBERGER'S. tom„ TRUSSES! The afflicted are requested to call and exam ine my stock of Trusses, Supporters, &c., corn• prising a variety of Manufacture. gra..."Blarsh's' Genuine "Improved Soif Ad. lusting Pad Tress." ..blarah's"Catatnental Bandage. An invaluable entail for the purpose. If you are in want of any of the above you cau he suited at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Pore Ohio Catini ha lira oily, The genuine article foss Medicinal Purposes to be bed in nil Ito Purity at LEABEROER'S ;Drug Store, Opposite the Market Muse. - Anything you want' that Is kept In a wet conducted Plrst elms Drug Store, can be furn tithed you by LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. Feeling thankful for the very liberal patron age thus far received from - the Physicians, Ater chants, and'Oitizens.of Lebanon and P? urroundz lags, I again solicit a share, promising to use every eftbrt to please all. AK - A-Special attention= given' to Ptirstots , ep PREBCMPTIOZCS and Footar Romig's, and all medicine dispensed Warranted. PURE, always as good as can be obtained anywhere, and said to suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LBMBERGER, Druggist, Chemist end Apothecary, Feb: 15, 1550. Market street, Lebanon, Pa • FOR TH6 PREVXICTIOX A D CURE OF Consumption,Asthma, ' Chronic Bronchitis, Nervous rostration, General Debility, ,Dyspepsia, Scrofula„Nraraemus, Loss of . Appetite, Neuralgia, Female Complaints, and all Disorders Of the Nervous and Blood Systems. Thts Remedy has obtained a great reputation for most EXTRAORDINARY CURES IN ALL STAGES OF C.ONSUSIPTION. It is recommended by many thou sand Physicians in the United States and Europe—bar ing been used with RESULTS UNPARALLELED IN Tits AN NALS or MEDICINE. . The Hypopfunphites bore Atao•fold end triccific Ac tion : on the one hand, inereesing the principle which CONSTITUTES NERVOUS ENERGY, and on the other, boing the ?HOST .POWERFUL BLOOD GENERATING AGENTS KNOWN. In cases of Nervfna Debility, or Prostration of Vie Vita/ l'otuers, fro= any calm, thie Remedy hes no euporior. Genuine Preparation" Is the only rellableform of the lITPorgIoPPIIITES, made after the Original Formula of Dr.Chutchill. 49 INQUIRE FOR AND USE NO OTHER! ISt -.A FAIR ,TT) L IS A CLAIMS' S' 467- PRICES.—In 7 , J 7. Bottles, V.—Six Mines for $5. In 19 oz. Bottles,-s2.—Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Druggists, and at the Bole General Depot in the United Slated, by J. 'WINCHESTER, 56 John St- N. Y. . . 1 . 1 - •,-,.-_,•,..-- , A ,, .._..1.., ~.?... • _ - • ~„.............=, __ A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Irritability in either Sea. This Malady, the terrible consequences of which are too well known to require more than a bare allusion to them,'is one of the most insidious. and therefore den gm-ous, of all the long catalogue of human ills. It saps the very springe of Life, rapidly undermines the eon attention, and sinks the unhappy victim into imbecility and a premature grave 1 From one to six boxes ,of the SPECIFIC: PILL are generally sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the most aggravated cases, whether CotisvrrunnSat, or arising from Amiss or EXCESSES. MEDICAL .I.I:STIMONY "We believe It to be, in the treatment of Spermaler. rhea, ae near a Specific as any medicine can HEJT7I, M. D. [Am. Jour. of Medical Science. "I have found them all that could be desired. Their effect has been truly wonderful. I used them in case of Spermatorrhea of lot.g standing which has been under treatment for years. I think three boxes will complete tle enre."—R. P. Thong, M. D. fit, This is rat a Ilemeepatbie Remedy , nor is there any mercury', or cither'deleterlons ingredient combined with It. PRICE:—.gI per Dux. - Six Banns forss, by Mail, pre paid. Fur sale by all respectable Druggists, and - st the Sole General Depot the United Statts, by J. WINCHESTER, 3610hn St.. N. Y. °debt r 9, 1,801.-Iy. I Platches, Jeweirp aid SR ver Warkt. WHOLESAL.XAND RETAIL OTELLWAGEN & BRO., No. 632 Market Street, 1 door below sth, Philadelphia March 27., 1861.—ty. .10 NB 8 SLEW S HAIR JEWELRY STORE No. 208 Forth Bth Street, above Raoe, Phil'a, ON hand and for Sale, a choke aaeortment of superi or patterns.—and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Baacs- LETO, Ban RIRGEI, P/NGER RINGS, BREAST PINS, Ceosaze, Excitants, Vase and,GUAaa BNA3SII, .1131. Ordeis ear:lolling the hair to be plaited, may be sent by mail. Glre a drawing as near as you can on paper and enclose such amount as you may aeon to pay. octet as follow. :—Rar BingS $2 to $0; Breast Pins $ll to $7; Finger 'Rings 76 cent. to: $3.60; :Vest Chains $6 to $7; Necking:el $2 'to $lO. - • • ff Wingtint* Medalions, Box, Brent Pius, Rings, •ke. Old Gold and Silver bought at fair rates. June Iq, 1801. • VENDTTE NOTES Far sale at the ADVERT/SEE Office. NEW FURNITURE STORE - CUMBERLAND STREET, BAST LEBANON. Nearly Opposite Bubb's Hotel. Mtn subscriber again calla Attention to hia fall And I splendid assortment of all kinds of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, such as Bureaus, Secretaries, Desks, Boa:caw, Sofas, Lounges. Jenny Lied end Cottage Bedsteads, and all other articles in hie line. YOUNG BEGINNER S - . . . Take particular notice that you don't miss the place, for you can buy CHEAPER there then at any tabor ac',loco in the borough of Lebanon. His fur niture I. all of his own manufacture. and warranted to be substantial. Come and judge fur yourselves. Yon will find a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK always on band to suit any customer, and you will hod that you can buy cheaper thero than at any - other place. 'Remember the place, and Come one, Come all. owl save your money. • Sir All Furniture will be delivered tree, in good Cam . A. HERSIIBEROER. Lebanon, December 25.1661. I AK; UT CABINET WAREBOOWIS 3 _ . South-east corner of lifarket Square, NORTH LEBANON BOROUGH. rilliE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has the largest and best assortment of READY • Issioseti ~..0,.. MADE FURNITURE and Chairs. .e." ever offered to the Public of ~ ...ar,.- - P.:wmWs:t Lebanon county. Ile has now )17.--,4- 7 ---,. -,-- oc=..t :on hand, at his Ware-rooms, a L 3 s 14 ; g ' g 6 t l a d a i l ' 3lrallt r ll tn 4l e tt lig Vail t r. _Z: i 'SA Cottage and Cbamber—censist o e - iPrv- ing of SofaitTete-a-Tetes, Lonn '. .. i MI gee, Whatn o ts, Parlor. Centre, win' Pier. Card and Common Tables, Dressing and Common Bureaus. Ac., CHAIRS, SET TEES, Cane Seated, Common and Rocking, Looking Clause, to. 13, - PATENT RED SPRINO made and for sale at a reduced price. It very superior. SSP COFFINS made and Funerals attended at the shortest notice. JOON P. ARNOLD. North Lebanon borough, Oct. 30.'61. New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Merkel St., 3d door north of the L. ratio Railroad. Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment of I'MITURE and CHAIRS, in the noun . rri HE public is respectfully request ' ed to bear In mind that at these Ware Rooms will be found the beet assortment of Pteutowantai and HAND SOME FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Persons in want of any kind wonld best call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which (being all of Ids own work) he warrants to be better than any offered in this place. Prices will be Lonna than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of 'Lebanon. All orders promptly attended to, and speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. All persons purchasing Furnitnee from him will be accommodated by 'laving it delivered to them, to any part of the connty, hum or CHARGE, and without the least injury, as he has procured one of the best cush ioned furniture wagons, Especially for that purpose. la, COFFINS made to order, and funerals attended at the shortest notice. [Lebanon, Sept. 13, 1890. NEW CABINET AND CHAIR - MANUFACTORY. . 11111. E subscriber rospectfully informs the public. that J. he has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TURE and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public of Leb anon county. Ile has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, in North Lebknon Borough. nearly oppeelto Zoller I Hotel.- and a few doore south of hamler's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashiona ble Parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, con sisting of SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, WHAT NOTS, Parlor, Centre, Pier, Card and Common eItrTABLES; Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bedsteads, Work-Stands, Wash-Stands, and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also, a large and elegant variety of FRENCH BACK, MIMI SLATED CHAIRS, Common Spring Seated CHAILL; all kinds of Spring Seated ROCKERS. Also, Windsor, Cane-Seated, and Common CHAIRS and ROCKERS of every description. MEMI IIRt• All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give eatieraction. Pergola. deeirvue of knowing the character of the goo& here offered for sale can be folly eatigled of their dorAbility by referetme to those cOr whom he bas fOoo ufactured or to whom mAd. . Old Furniture and Chairs REPAIRED and VAR NISIiED. N. B.—COFFINS made and FUNERALS attended at the shortest notice. JOSEPH BOWIIAN. Korth Lebanon , September 19, 1860 BUILDERS will do well by calling on J. El. ReKamm Agent, as be is prepared to do all kinds of TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very lowest prices. Ile also helot band a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and dimg all of the moat improved Gas Burning GOOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different. and latest improved RANGES AND HEATERS, of all kinds lie also keeps ern stoutly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, ELATE, which he offers at lees price than they mu be bought of any other &stamen hi tie county. vs. WARR-ROOMS—One door South of the "Buck Motel," alnnt Street, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, Decomher 2.5, 1861. Stoves,. Stoves,. Stoves. 7 -vow . le the time. to buy your STOVES boforo cold 111 winter ie here, and the be and cheapeet place is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac tory of James N. Rogers, Next door to the Lebanon Dank. where ma be had the largest and beet assortment of PARLOR, lIALL, and COOKING STOVES, evor offered in Lebanon, One burn ers for „Parlors or Bed Chamlsms of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor STOVES, and a large variety bf the beat Cooking Stoves in the county or bor • miali, which be warrants to bake or roast. WASH BOILERS constantly on hand of all sizes, and the beat material. . COAL BUCKETS—the largest assortment, the heav iest Iron, and the boat made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the best material and in a workmanlike manner. As he is a practical Workman, and has kaftan experience of twen ty-tire years, he feels confident that ho Can give general satisfaction. • Ile taken this method of returning his thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes, by atrictly attending to ids own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive a Dims* of public patronage. JAMES ROGERS. Lebanon, November 7. 1660. Particular attention paid to all bitide JontoNo, such as Rolling, Spouting, kc, and all work warranted. • Saddle and harness Mann far,lory. TEE underaighod has Removed . his Saddlery and. Harness Mabufactory to a few .doors South 4 ,- , .04:et ~ of the old place, to the large *room lately occupied by Gillman a Bro. as - - a Liquor store, where he will bo happy to see all hie old friends and customers, and where he had increased fa cilitlea for attending SO all the departments of his bud. nese. Being determined to bo bebind no otbereateblish• ment In his abilities to accommodate customers, he has apered neither pains nor expense to obtain and make himself master of every modern improvemen in the ho sineas and aecere the services of the bee workmen that liberal wages would command. Ile will keep a large stock on band, and mannflietnre at the shortest notice, all descriptions of HARNESS, such as Saddles, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds r heavy Harness, Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture, Buffalo Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and a new kind lately invented; WHIPS of every kind, such as Buggy Whine. Otrt Whip; dc.; HA AIESof all dmicriptione.HALTEß CHAINS, home-made TRACES, &c., &e, all of which is will warrant to be equal to any that cant* obtained in any other establishment In the country. All he asks that those desiring anything in this line, should cell at his place and examine his stock. Ile feels the futleat confidence in his ability to give entire satisfaction. Siy- All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended W. 60..0310N SMITH. North Lebanon Borough, April 24, 1861. C Pli J 6 CIF YOU WANT APICTURE of pear deceased friend, enlarged and colored In oil, call at DAILY'S Gallery, next door to the Lebanon Dencnit Bank. ELIA, Betsy, where aro you going that you are dressed up so t Ana—l am going to Lit. KHIM in.hie,NEW Build. ing, in Walnut ptreet, to hove my Likenstui taken. Ques.—Why do you go to Keim and not to one of the other room to have it taken t Ans.—Limnos Keira's Pictures are sharper, clearer and more truthful than others and nearly, everybody goes to him. Ques.—Cnn you tell me wby Lie pictures ere superior to others? Ans.—Yeti 1 he had 9 years practice, and has:superior Cameras, and all his other tixturee are of ,the most Im proved k ind. Ques.—What kind of Pictures does be take! takes Erni:retypes, and Slelalnotypea, of all sizes and superior finish: and Photographs, from the smallest up to Life Sire. Plain and Colored in 011. Ile bakes all Axes .Photograpba from Daguerreotypes of de. ceased persons and has them colored life like, by one of the beet Artists_ His charges are reasonable and his rooms are open every day (except sunday) from 8 o'clock, A. M. to 6, P. M, Don't Ihrget,.KElM'S ROOMS is the place you can get the Best Pictures. [Jan. 29,'82. IF YOU WANT 00%.).0 PICTURES GO TO BRENNER'S FLT LIGHT GAILISAY, over D. S. Itaber's Drug Store, on Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. Awaturrirres, ALVIYITPIti, FEROTTP*I6 Parnurrina and PHOTO mama, taken daily, (Suldityeaeepteo Price. plasona.. ble and in accordance with the size, !style and quality of the cases, Rooms opened from 8 A. H., to 4 o'clock. P. lef. Lebanon, Jute 2,1868. TO CON stmernivEs. lIE Adyertiser, having been restored to health in a 1 few weeks by a very simple remedy, after basing suffered moverabywas with a severe inng affectson,vind that dread disease, Consumption—is anzioul to Make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre. ectiptiOn used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will 2nd a 21:11a Coal POR COSOOMPTIOtf. ASTIinA, BRONOSITTS, &c. The only object of the advertiser Sr sending the Pro. scription is to bisnefit.the afflicted, and spread Informs. tion which he conceives {o be Invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try lilt remedy, IM it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blooming. REV. &SWAIM A. WILSON, - • Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York: .-February 190862-3 m- OW. EN LAITBACIEN Mamlactory TAKE NOTICE. • REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON REMOVAL. PHOTOGRAPIIS. QM L. ATM& /NO. AMU. G. L. j% TKINS & xi - Avnut united In the BOOT and SHOE llrstffiffla, J,J. and from their determination to be punctual, and make none but the beet of work, they (catlike soliciting a large of public patronage. Theywlll always be found at their OLD STAND, INEW litalnum,) in Market Street, nearly opposite Widow Rise's Hotel, where they will be ready to Serve and please their euitomers. They have now on band a large assortment of BOOTS, SIIOES, - TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS. de., which they otter at reduced prices, Persons dealing at this SHOE STOUR, can be ignited with READY-MADE WORK. or hare it made to order. Sal isfaction is always warranted, hats Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots end Shone, [Lebanon, July 3, A THINS tr. BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store in Stied up In good order for comfort and convenience, both for ladies and Gentlemen. ATHINS lc BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store Is fitted ill. up in good order for comfort and convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A THINS 0110. promise to be punctual, and will en .t deavur t. please all who may call ou them for Boots and Shim REMO VA 1.. DANIEL.GRAEFF'S iIOoT 81.10 E STORE, AS been removed to his new residence, in H berlaed street, IA egsare West from hisold stand, and opposlto the °Mee of Dr. C. D. Gioniuger, LEBANON, PA. Ito hos jurt opened a large and desirsbie. stock of well-made Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Kid Gni tete at $1 25; Ladi?ir Lace Bootees . $1,50 ; for - Mime, $1 ; Coarse Alen 'a Boots - for $2.50; Men's Gaiters $2; for Boys $1.75 to $2.50; for Children $1.1.44 to $1..02 1 4. Also a large rarfety of Orerkhoes, Trunks, Twiveling Don de. Come, see, and judge fur yourselves. Lebanon, Nov. 20, '6l. DANIEL. GRARF*. _ _ Boot and . Shoe Store. JACOB ItIXDBi. respectfully in forms tho public that be still contin- Sl i lies his extensive eitablisbment in nab el/P l lll his new building, it! Cumberland st, . where be hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. Be invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and. SliOESand everyone who wishes to purchase faahionable and, durable articles in his line, to call and examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. He is determined to surpass all crmpetition in the manufacture of every article in,his business, suitable for any Market in the Union. A doe earn taken in regard to materials rind workuianeblig uene.bt the best quali ty of LEATHER and other materials are used, and none but the best workmen are employed P. 8.--116 returns his sincere.tbanks to his friend* for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. He bopea by strict attention to busincseaudendearering to please hie customers, to merit a share of public pat ronage. [Lebanon, Jfily 3, 1661. This is the Place to Get CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE Boots, Shoes, Mats, Caps Are., FOR SPRING AND SUMMER - - - 1R nndmisigood having opened ble SPRING AND SUMMER FILBOOTS, SIIIOSS, BATS, CAPS, TRUNKS and iand TiL"ELi handsomest A i?ty S Ic o r! : h u e d l' b e e r s y t latent ßos „ would respectfully invite all his oldfriends and customers, and others, who wish to buy the best ar ticles in his lino at the lowest prices at his store in TValnut St., ?tent to the. County. Prison. It is not necessery to enornerato particular articled, tor hid stock embroces everything for Ladies, Gentle men, Girls, Boys and Children that can be called for in MU department of business. The Ladies particularly, will niid a choice selection of all the bandsomest and hit tingly lea of Shoes. Gal tom &c. Il r isAasortment of Hats, Cape, Trnnks, Trarelinx Bogs, &c., base 'been selected with great c are. Call coo,, and obtain a bargain. .708. BOWMAN. tB@..-ISlcsaures taken and work made to order. Lebanon. May 8, 1861. I:=Z==M FASITIONABLB BOOT AND SHOE MAKER (\X Cumberland Street, one door East of• ' \JUR+ BlKek hoots hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended tome for the short tints I hove been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Ise has at all times a» ;assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of hie own maneEtcture on bated, which will be dilpoacd of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GdITERS, Moen desiring a neat, well made article. are invit to give me a trial. Children' :bees of every vane • and color on hand. Heavy work made to order. Alia-All work warranted. Repairing neatly done and charges made aux:crate. Lebanon,Snly 3.1801. Li- vIu7 MS/ 0&7-' UNIVERSALtftk ett 4 CMG `' - '° F-°1 - - R Emus , . 4,4-ffii, vlllll5 valuable mrparation, freed of all the com l. mon components, such as Opiates, or Expectorants, which not only run down the system; but destroy all chance of cure, will be found on trial to possess the fol lowing properties. and to whic4 tbovnost valuable testi. monists may,bo found in the pamphlets. . . For whooping Cough, and as a Soothing Syrup. It meets every want, and by early usesvill save the largest proportion of ruptures in children. which can be traced to Whooping Cough. In ordinary Coughs and Bronchial Complaints, the forerunners of Consumption, Its splendid tonic proper ties make it not only the most perfect enemy to disease, but builds up and sustains the system against recur rence of the Complaint. 'No nursery should be without it. nor should parents fail to get a pamphlet, to be found with all deniers, as the only way to do jostles to its value. 414EW111111t4EWEt!t Ali', t . - G %% VtalL7) k rkaf_EXT tivo‘ coitt . ' 4 l t o - fir , 6 4 1 2 ,.- v . m E - 0 ,0 ATURAlnt,cae.. ON L.l 47 • ,/ ris great Neuralgia-Remedy and Natural Opiate iln calla for specialattentlon and Interest, being tremor Opium, or preparations of Opium., or of any but its strictly regotaitle and medical properties. For Neural gia, R hettnaa tinn, Gout, Tooth and Ear Ache, Spinal complaints, Bleeding at Lungs or Stomach. Rose or lay Fever Catarrh, and alt minor Nervous Complaints. Fcrloas oI Sleep, Chronic . or Nervous head Ache, Sick need Ache,.it has no equal, end to which we offer estimonials from undoubted sources. . . . For Beßelem Tremens it is a Sure Remedy. For Bowel Complaints, Including Cholera Morbus, it is Pplendidly adapted, in niel only removing the pains but acting as physic, a great contrast with Opium, which not only constipates and drugs the system, but makes the remedy worse than tho disease. From physicians wo ask attention, and on demand Formulas or Trial Bottles will be sent, developing In the Anodyne an, Opiate which hasdong been wanted, audio the Cough Remedy such as rest entirely on one central principle. • From Invalids wrrask correspondence for PumUlets or e:cplanntion ' without "postage.stanips." For—Large Cotigb' Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. Small 25 A. lc Tole Anodyne,LO cc JOHN L. RNNEWELL, Proprietor, CII£3IIAT AND PHARMACEUTIST, .No. 9 Chnintereial Wharf, Boston, Most., For side laj all usual wholesale and retail dealers in every town acid city, and by Joseph L. Lemberger, Lab. anon ; at Wholesale by Geo. 11. Ashton, Charles Ellis & Co., Philad'a. [April 3,1861.—1 y. Phila, & Reading Railroad. Lebanon Vallley Branch. Rickaaa . E 444 Two Daily Passenger Trains to Read- ing, and Harrisburg. - IDASS LEBANON, going East to Rending,at 9.18 A. itJ., r sod 2.46 P. M. Pion Lebauou, going West to Ilnrriaburg, at 7.04 P M. and 12.10 P. M. At Reading, both trains. maim ohm connexions for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Danville, ZS illiams port &c. Morning train tin)y connects at . Reading for Wilkes. ban°, Tltteton and Scranton. At Harrisburg, trains connect with "Pennsylvania." "I , 7,ortber Central,. and "Cumberland Valley" Railroads for Pittsburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, B unbury, Chambers berg, &c. Through Tickets to Lancaster, in No. 1 Cars, $1 50, to Baltimore, $3 30. 60 Itei. baggage allowed to each. passenger. The Second Class Care nit with all the above trains. Through First Class Ticketsat reduced rate to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points In the. West, North West, and Catunlaa i and Etnt gran t Tickets; at lower Faroe, to all aboi , e'places, can be bad on application to the Station Agefft,at'Llibanon. Through First-Class Coupon Tickets, and 'Emigrant Tickets at 'reduced Fares, to all the principal pOints in the North and West, and the Canadail. COMMDTATION• TICKETS. -With 26 Coupons, at 25 per cent discount, between any points desired, and MILEAGE TICYCETS, Good for 2000 Miles, between all points, at, t4t each— for Families and Business Firms. • Up Trains leave Philadelphia for Reading; Razor's burg slid Pottsville at 8 A. M. and 3,80 and frP.AL 4W- Passengers are requested to purchase tickets be. fore' the Trains start. nigher F ar,.s charted, !tr in the cam o. A. — N COLL inky rr, 1861. Enqineer and Superint SUN UMBRELLAS, Parasols, rich and tine; Skeleton Ilk firs, Dusters, Shawls, and a rariety of other good, for ladles, just received and for sale cheaper than the'ebeapast by FINIVRY a A full assortment of Linen G oode for °oats and Paula just received and offered at Great Bargains by HENRY A STINB. ``larket Street Doter ' ', • . Corner Ifirliet and Chestnut 8 tieeti,. Lebanon. JOHN MATTERS, Proprietor. 11 AVINSI taken the above. Stand, long occupied by Mr. LEONARD ZIMMERMAN, I Will spare no pains to me the Traveling Public who' atop at it, perfectly comfortable, and invite all to give me a trial. The Moose is large and well arranged. The Table supplied with the best seasonable edibles ; the Bar stocked with the choicest Liquors, and the Stabling large sod com modious.JON gErruEs. Lebanon, May 8,1881. Tri min 4 BUNS are daily r Kelvin* taatitbdable I Dress Goode; such na Gazelles, ititepatelfgnea, Mo. deltas, kawn ii,Sa vel Its of all de tbr t a lin g dreamer, Bilk Ohallye, 1311 k.Tlesnes;Criipe De Spangs, Olughams and Grey brass floods. of every description,softerad at unnanttlyJesr.prices by ILEENt & 4anthirabove goods offered litcyary,lavrprices. TD you 906 AnrniSt BRiaifiew Boot . and Shoe 1.1 Store. Economy is WeiMhl Cur 6 Your Cough for One Dime The UST and CHEA the PEST Hoorld us . ehold • 4 - EDY iq W. _ifadqine ZkDOC PORTER'S . HEAT COTJGIIREMEDII Madame ZADOC POR- T Curative' Bilsam is warranted if used sccoixii ing to the directions, Co cure In all eaten, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Curler, Asthma- and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. -\\ - - MOST IMPORTAr2.—Madame ZADOC POU TER'S Curative Balsam Is sold at a price which brings it in the reach of every one to keep it coitvooient for use. The timely use of a !Ingle bottle will prove to be worth 100 times Its cost. NOTIOIL—Save Your Noneyl !—Do lief be persuaded to purchase articles at 45. to $l. which, do not contain the virtue of a Dime Bottle of Madame Por ter's Curative Bahian', the cost of manufacturing whiCh is MI great as that of almost any other medicine; and the very low price at which it Is sold, makes the prost to the roller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other. medicines on which their profits tiredarger,moleas thercustomers in sist upon having Madame Porter's and none 'other.— I ek for Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, priee 10 eta., and it) largo bottles at' 2C cts., and take no othir."lf you can cot get it at one store you can at another. e e w ' Yo SE-Sold by all Druggists mid ilitore-Iteepora at 10 cents, and in larger bottles at 20 Centa. ; • BALL & RUCKBL, Proprietors us. Jos. L. Lemberger, Agent, Lebanon, Pi. January 29, 1862.-1 y.eow. A:YER'S Sarsaparilla • FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Aud .for the speedy cure of the following complaints: Scrofula n'lld Scrofnl one Alfections.auela as il'uttluirs, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, plc*, Ynstnlos, Blotellacs, tend oil Skin Diseases. OAK!. ND, 1 6th ISSA. kire. C. l . aunts :'• 16w1 it my fluty, to ac knowledge u lint your rareaparilla has dose .for too. Hot Mg inherited a Scrofulous I haye stiffl.red from it in various ways fir years. Fontellines it burst out it, I:leers on my ha ms and arms; sometimes it tarod in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it 1....a...0ut on my Lnul mid covered my soap and enrs Korn. which was paluttil ;CIA lontlasotne =1 L' pleystrilites. ltt without notch relief from any thing. In fuel. the dhander grew worst.. At length Lain rrjotced 15111 in the ih.rl 3lessenger that you hart prepared ace erillivA (Fitratpottllol. tier 1 knew from your reputa tion nit any.tiling you made meet he. gond. I aunt to Chichi um( mot pet it, and used it till ft cured me. I took it, AS you tolviee, he Hotell doses of a lICAMIOOIIfUI over A and used almond threw bottles. New and healthy skin rear hrout to germ miller the scab. width after a white L• 11 telt My skin Is now clear, and I know by my ftviinge that.-the dimmer Imsgone from my systein. You cell. wall believe that I feel what Item saying when I tell you. that I hold pen toile ono of thelipostice of tea age, art remain ever paternity. Yours, ALFRED It. TALIAIT. . . 81.. oniony's Fire,Dosie or Eryslpe/os, 'reLt r and Sal t Itli mom, Scald head, Ititigtvortia, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. • Dr: rfibert cl. Pruqelo writes from Salem, N. Y., 1211 e Sept- ISfrtt,. flint lie .11:1% • Aimed au inveterate case .of which threatened to terminate fatally, by - tho peroorcringase of oar Suemparille, and also a tittugerotte Jfarignctiot Ery.-e'reelas ley lury,-u &mei; of the mate; says be cures the common Eritplicms by it constantly. Beonehoetle, Donee or Swelleit Neck. Si ~nn of I'l...meet, Tomtit, writes t "7/tree hot tire of your Sittraparille cured me. &OM a a/PM-61111d. *woe ti.dltnr . out the neek, which .1 had suffered from Met tiro yeare.." I.e.s4•Orrbeen or XVII it en. Ovarian Tumor, I Utoirba• (Tieeratioaa, Female Dimmases.. Tir. 3. R. S..chamting, nr row York City. writes "." I newt riteetfully recently with the request of your agent in 1 hare tonal your Flomparillo a moat excellent. Itheratire in the numerous complaints for which we curie n remedy, lint experially in thank Inteases ..f lice. Screinletel run9l ninny inveter- Ale of betworrhaw ley it. end FOAM where the Coln-. plaint AAA l.:111R1.11 by ft/EMI/AM of the uterus. The ulcer eti ~,, itself was etenn cured. -Nothing within my knowl edge etpials it for t hem female derangements." • Edward S. Marmw. of Newbury, Alb., a-HIM, oA dan ger...ls .er,rime biome on one of the females in coy heel .ticlied all 'the remedies we could ctitidny. bee it . I.nigilr 'Win, .4,1110010 y cored by your Extract of gar •nporilla. Our phririnti tlmtught nothing hut extirpa tion emit,' afford ',died. hot lie tulvieed the trial or your as' the last before 'cutting. and it proved efferitial. After triklogynor rented eight- weeke nP Nytopt or tie.' remninS." Syphilis noel llrercitrial Dlscttse. FM Oniccvs, 2541 s .August, ISSEt. Atte , : Sir, I them-fully comply . with the re. onost of your agent. and report to you some of the ellects I hove reslised with your S.' srosperilla. I hove owed with It. In my prorate ; most of the coin plainto for whirls it recommended. mid lodes, fond ha etf,ev truly wonderful in the rum of no/erred and _Ater- Iliseo.e. Ono. of my patients had Syphilitic nieces in his throat, whirls were consuming his palate:" and the nip of lain. month. Your Famsparilla, ,sieving 'taken, cured Lim in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec t:lltory sy students in 11/9 Huse. mat the ithreration lied emett away a callaiderable part tit it, So that 1 belieVe.the disorder would thou reach his brain and kill him: Bulit yieldest to. my sotmlotstristlon of your Santspurilla; the ulcers Mailed-and he is well again, not ot‘ course without sonic disfigitratisai to his face. A woman who . 11411 been treat.] for the same disorder •by mercury was suffering frete this poison in her Issues. :they had Weenie so Seu fiihc to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pairs In hoe joints slut lames. She, too, was mired esitirely lay y'our r. , nrsnisarilla In a few weeks. I know rim's ile formula, which your agent gave too : that, thin Preparation flout yam - laboratory must Ise o grent remedy: cimetekticatly, lliese truly remarkable resuUs with it Inure 1101 flll'prl*o 311 e. Fraternally yenta, C. T. LART3TER", Rite (Ism, Gout, 'Liver Complaint. Iseies.vorzten, PreStois Co., Tao Offs July, 1159. Da- J. C. Anat.: Sir, 1 have been afflicted with a pain ful ehrotiiii. Meow 'also, fur a long time, which skill of .physlebnis. and stuck to use in spite of all the reimeticel could fluid, mall I tried your 'Ssireaparilia.- One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored mrgeuerat health so In t uit that I Inn ,far better then botbro terms attacked. I think it It WVlllllerflaMedithie. J. Fill:AM. .Isales Y. Cetelsell. of St. lands, writes; "I have been nattered for years With an oflietion of the Linn, which dust rayed my 6tytlth. I tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man fot• sortie years Hole it other cause titan dentligement of the Lircr..sOly beloved pastor, the Iter..llr. Espy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, lieratme he said lee Imew von, rand any thing you mailewns worth trying:. lty - the bless hug of llosi it hue tared me, and lies so purified my blood as to make a new 1111111ot ate. I feel young spin. The best tint esse he said of you is not half good enough.. Seltirruft,Colieer Telmoisi-EniargCnient. Ulceration, Caries and tai.Kollation oif the "Domes. A groat verlelyof cages hare beenTeporteil to i i i tchcro cures of three furiahluble complaints hare resulted from the use 'of tble remedy, but our space boreal!! not admit than. Some of them may he found in our American Altnanue, - whteli the ngeuts below named are Flea:red to Nall's!, 'gratis to all who cell for them. Dyapepslat, llenrt Dinenne, Fits, Epilep— y, Neizrnlgfa. Molly sirup of Own, a ffectiwis 101[14.1irn imule by (he ulleratice power of tbis medicine. i t stinno boom file chid rnuctions hilt) rigorous acll4o4,,antl thus neoreome4 digorders %Odell weiild be supposed beyinid ila reach. ends a remedy hew lung been TcquiTed . ttyllni ee cesAlics of 040 i wno o , ow; we are confident that tide wilt do toy tliem all that medicine can 410. • . ' • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOIL THE 'RAPID - CORM. Or Coughs, Colds, lallacnr.n, Doariteness; Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient Con.. somption, stud for the Relief of Consitniptive ratienta_. in ntivaitectl Stage,* of the Disease. This is a remedy en unircrsiilly known to surpaas any other for the cum of throat and lung complabits, that ft in useless here to piddleh the evidence of 11.s.virtness. sJta unrivalled excellence for coughs and celda,and 1f truly wonderful cures of pulmonary tPaensa,- hive made it_ known throughout the CiYilized ilHiSolle ' of the earth. the t .,,,ntunnities, or even Families , among them who have 1101 60111 C pm-aerial experion.or lu eff„t,_ Wale living trophy in their midi:tor itirvietory over the. subtle nod dangerous disorders of the. throat nnd As all know the dreadful fidelity of .theae disorders,and. as they know, too, the effects of this 'remedy, we nee.bbt do more than to leisure-them that It has now all die *i x ._ tune that It did have when making the coma which have won so strongly upon the Confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J, C. ATEE Et, CO., Tosinns - .11 4141111" Sold by J. L. Lamborger, Dr. Roes and D; B.• Haber, Lebanon; Delver & Bro., Annville ; Shirk. "Myerstown Itorntng. Mt. N e bo; Harper, East Raeover ; g el ; simetreyetowg ; and byDeaters everywhere. .• ttitiliE UNION • Ir ARCH 'STREET, A- 9.7 A. 41:RD , • .PHILADBLIIM: •• . • •: UptonS.:NOVSeiner .ooptifitor ripRIS Hotel fe oath*: i Plsesier. cam. to all parts of the ejtac 'sad ik...svorYliiosalar adapted to the coreforeoe Yd b uid ui s pub , lie. er.A. Tema sl.tift per day. F' 24Ind'e ZADOC PORTER'S Balsam is prepared with all the regnieite care nod skill. from a combination of the best remedies the vegetAblekingdomaliorde. Its remedial qualities are based on its power to as sist the healthy and vigo ronseirdu Patton of the blood, through the lunge. 11.1 s not a violent remedy, but atnolliment,.— warm ing, searching AO effect. ive; can be taken by the oldest person or youngest child. . . I%lnd'o ZADOC PORTE*'S Balsam has been used • the public fur over le years, and Lae acquiled its prevent MOO simply by - beingrecommended by those whobere used it, to thoi raftlict NI friends ~a others. Sept. 11,'61-1