THE CORNER. Ma. LINCOLN'S LAST JOKE. —We learn from excellent authority (says the Phila delphia Bulletin) that during the recent visit of the finance committee of our Board of Trade to Washington, an informal vis it was received with all of his well known affability and cordiality. Encouraged by the President's open manner, one of the members of the committee made bold to attack him directly upon the topic near est his own heart, when the following dia logue ensued : "Mr. President, I wish you wou!d tell me where the Burnside expedition has gone." "Why, don't you know where they have gone I I thought everybody knew that." "Well, sir, it may appear very ignorant in me, but 1 must confess I don't know, and that I would like to know, exceeding " You really surprise me, sir. The pa pers have been full of it; everybody has been talking of it, and I did not suppose there was anybody who did not know all about it, Of course I will tell you, if you will promise not to give your authority." The gentleman promised solemnly. The President drew his chair close to him, and with his hand carefully interpos ed between him and the rest of the com pany, whispered, with mysterious empha sis : "The Burnside expedition, sir, has gone to sea 1" A "Sums's" idea of soundness is apt ly illustrated in the remark of an old bee hunter in one of the Egyptian counties. The "times" were the topic of conversa tion among a group of villagers at "the store," and the soundness of the various Illinois banks was under discussion. A mong these is the Gaston Bank, owned by Smith, a popular man among the "cop peras-breeches" thereabouts. "Is Smith sound 'I" inquired one of the party. Uncle Milt, an old pioneer, taking his pipe from a hole in his face like a slit in a side of sole-leather, broke out. - "Sound !'Smith sound ! Well, he is.— Ile never wur sick in his life, weighs more'n 180, voted fur Duglis, and believes in immersion—sure 1 I call that sound —some I" Wr A Peasant who had a miserable old hack horse, who was absolutely dying of old age resolved to destroy him. As he was riding along the road, he met a jockey riding a superb full blooded Ara bian horse. "My friend," said the owner of the an. tiquated animal. "I'll bet you ten dollars I can do with my horse what you can't do with yours." "Done r said the jockey. The peasant quietly led his horse to the brink of the river and pushed him in. "Now, let's see you dolhat with your horse," he said, The jockey preferred paying the ten dollars. ims. Theodore Hook once said to a man, at whose table a publisher got very drunk: "Why, you appear to have emp tied your wine cellar in your book cellar." A LAND or PLEarry.—A letter-writer from Danville, lowa, at the close of De cember, says: "The farmers are plough ing their ground and husking their corn in the field. Everything very cheap—corn from 10 to 13 cents a bushel; wheat 45 to 50 cents a bushal; oats 8 and 10 cents a bushel ; butter 5 to 7 cents a pound ; eggs 6 oents a dozen; chickens 50 cents a dozen; turkeys 35 cents apiece; beef 3 to 4 cents a pound; hogs 82 55 to 82 75 per hundred; hay $7 porton; apples very plenty, 20,25 cents per bushel; cider 15 cents a gallon. All kinds of business very dull in the Western country ; money scarce—those who have it to let get 20 per cent. Some farmers have from 4,000 to 5,000 bushels of corn in the crib." A MAN UNSUSPECTINGLY ORDERS HIS OWN GRAVE CLornes.—Lust week a merchant of Boston, in the prime of life, and appa rently In a perfectly healthy condition, called upon a tailor and was measured for a suit of clothes, to be sent home on Sat urday night. They were received at the time appointed, but in the meantime the' merchant had suddenly sickened with brain fever and died, and the new suit was used for the purpose of clothing the body for the grave. Zar A dandy negro entered a book store, and with a very consequential air, asked: "Hab you a few quiers ob de letter paper ob de berry best rate, for gem 'nen to write lab letters on 1" "Yes. How much will you have s'pose my stay at de Spring may pe about two or tree weeks. Gib me 'nough quires to write four letters." Mir "Here'e what it says about you," said a flippant fellow to an Irishman, and he commenced reading something pro voking about Pat's countrymen. "Does it say anything about me knocking a man down 1" said Pat, gathering himself. Im pudence was silent. The health of General Anderson is any thing but satisfactory. His physicians have ordered him for the present to avoid all undue mental exercise. He is not al lowed to engage in any of the public plans, on business even of the simplest na ture possible; consequently he is living with his family in the utmost quiet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. 0:* - "Where did you get this turkey r said Colonel Billy Wilson to one of his amiable recruits, who came into camp one day with a fine bird. "Stole it," was the laconic answer. "Ab e you see my boys may steal but they won't lie," said the Colonel Worn. phantly to a bystander. Viir When Judge . eters, of Pa., was Speaker of the House of Assembly, one of the members, in crossing the room, tripped on the carpet and fell down. The House buyst into laughter; while the Judge, with the utmost gravity, cried : " , Order, order, gentlemen—a member is on the floor." CIA.. Lord Campbell, a few days before hit death, met a barrister, who had grown wiry stout of late, and remarked, Why, gr. —, you are getting so fat as a por poise." "Fit company, my lord, for the wilt seal," was the ready response. Stir The girls of Northampton have been sending a bachelor editor a bouquet oftanzy and wormwood. The wretched Individual-says he don't care—it's sweet -4T Shan matrimony anyhow. A I I ARE - - CUMBERLAND STREET, EAST LEBANON. Nearly Opposite Bubb's Hotel. rrHE subscriber again calls attention to lila fall and I splendid assortment of all kinds of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, such as Bureaus, Secretaries, Desks, Bookcases, Sofas, Lounges. Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, and all other articles in his line. YOUNG BEGINNERS Take particular notice that you don't miss the place, for ynn can buy CHEAPER there than at any other gizplace in the borough of Lebanon. His fur niture is ail of hie own manufacture, and warranted to be substantial. Come and., edge for yourselves. You will find a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK always on hand to suit any customer, and you will find that you can buy cheaper there than at any other place. Remember the place, and Come one, Come all, and sate your money. 4iiir All Furniture will be delivered free, In good Care. A. lIERSHBERGER. Lebanon, December 25,1861, CHRISTMAS IS COMING And we are immured that many who read this ADVER itetuRN 1% are already conaiderlng WHAT TO PRESENT to their relMives and friends at home and abroad. We would suggest the following : Either A CADA, A GOLD PEN, • A PORTEAIONI A, A TRAVELING RAO, A PORTABLE DESK. A FINE ENGRAVING, A MAGIC LANTERN, A STEREOSCOPE, or A PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM, AN AUTOGRAPHIC ALBUM, A FRIENDSHIP ALBUM, A SPLENDID BINGE, A BEAUTIFUL I.I.FAIN BOOK, • A PAPER MAMIE BOOR, A HANDSOMELY BOUND BOOK, or any other Fancy Article, In our line, suitable ae • present, and acceptable to any person. THE PLACE TO- BUY THEM IS AT U. Itoedel's Book and Stationery Store. Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Penna. N. 13.—Miseellaneous Rooks will sell at greatly re duced pricee--yis; $1.59 .Books for :5 cents; $1.2.5 for 60 ; $l.OO for 40 ; 75 for 30, and in for 37% Lebanon, Dec. 19,1861. Out-Lots at Private Sale! WILL be sold at Private Sale, 8 ACRES OF LAND, situated in Long Lane, near the borough line, in Corn wall township. It - adjoins she land of Widow Pointer, on the North, Wm. Atkins and Joh n Krause on the Met. There is a one story LOG ROMA weather boarded, erected on the land, and a good WELL In the garden.-- The land has tine stones fur quarries. This tract will make a nice home for a small fly. IPI It is free from Ground Rent. Good title will he given. ADAM RITCHER. N. 11.—This tract la now covered with fine graze, half of which will be given to the purchaser. Lebanon, June 13, 1860. "Nlarket Street ilotel Corner Market and Chestnut Streets, Lebanon. JOHN MATT.HES, Proprietor. APING taken the above Stand, long occupied by 17 Mr. LEONARD ZINNEUNIAN, I will spare no palneto make the Traveling Publ le who stop at it, perfectly comfortable, and Invite all to give me a trial. The House is large and well arranged. The Table supplied with the beat seasonable edibles ; the Bar steeled with the choicest Liquors, and the Stabling large and com modious. JOHN 31iTTILES. Lebanon, May 8, 1861. ISGI NEW STYLES. 1861 ADADI RISE, in Cumberland Street, between Market and the Court Houae, north side, has now on hand a splendid assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, for UK to which the attention of the public is respectfully Intl Data of all prices, from the cheapest to the moat costly, always on hand. He has also just opened a spl en did assortment of SUMMER HATS, embracing such se STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, HORN, LEG HORN, SENATE, CIIBIAN, and all others. In). He will also Wholesale all kinds of Hats, Caps, Le., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, July 17, 1861. NEW CASH STORE! NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. Tio P. MARTZ hereby inform the public that he atan ha d j o u nw op a e r i t ' a ed ‘r. e iir s o t .7ll. k 11 121L.G E ,"2,1` will te old be sold for cash at price's to euit the times. All aro in vited to call and examine. [Lebanon, April 10, '6l. SHOEMAKERS WANTED. 10 Shoemakers to work on Military work, and 2 on Ladies' work, are wanted by the undersigned, in Cumberland street, .Lebanon. Good wages and steady employment given. P. F. AIcCAULLY. Lebanon, October 23, '6l. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE A Conservative Family and Business Paper. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST 'WEEKLY IN AMERICA CONTAINS news from all the world, the beet rrports of the Produce, Grata and Cattle trade, Dry Goode sod Money markets. The foe to disorgoofzern, North. or South. The sup. porter of the Union, the Conatltatin and the laws. TERMS FOR (WE YEAR. Twenty Copies or upwards, to one address $1 each.— Thirteen copies to one address $l5. Eight copies $lO. Four copies $O. Three copies $5. Trader Three copies sg, each. An extra copy to any one wending a club of twenty, with the money. The BailyJournslorCommorce, Jun. for, issued for the Country. $5 si year. Specialist copies sea gratis. PUMA STONE, HALE'AND HALLOCK, el Well street, New York Jaovary 22,'62 HARDWIRE AT COST. THE subscriber offers hie large and . well selected stock or HARDWARE. PAINTS, OILS, Sc.. JIT COST FOR CASH. Arir Parties who have settled their accounte to April 1, 1861, will be allowed a liberal credit ou purchasea.— Those who have notaettled will dud their accounts with A. B. Ely, Eaq., for immediate settlement and collec• tlon 11. 11. 11A1181AN Y. Lebanon, Julyll7, 1861. Hooka and Stationery Em porium, AND TEACEERS' HEADQUARTERS! MCMCWE 419 .HAS REMOVED Has removed hie Book Store to Market Square. Lei anon, VILT HERE may be bad, ou reasonable terms a general Yif assortment of &norm, SUNDAY SCROOL, THEOLOCF. ICAL and MISOELLANZODEI BOOKS of every description. Copp Books, Cy pbering Books, leather cud paper bound Pass Books, end every variety of HTATIONEIty, wholesale and WINDOW SHADES. A large Of variety Plain, Fenny, Duff, Green, Gilt, &c PAPER SHADES, Wet Pattern', Plain, Green, Blue and Gilt. Also the latest and elroplest STYLES OF FIXTURES. CALL AND EXAMINE. igst Lebanon, September 27,1860. It b a Fact 111117 }At known to the medical faculty, that a heavy TV dinner cannot be worked off the stomach by reading "Pordon's Digest." It is a fact of equal au thority tbat Reizetastein Brothers OPPOSITE THE COURT HOTJSE, are selling Ready•roade Clothing of their own menu factoring, Gents' Furnishing Goode, Tallow!, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas,'Pistols, Revolters, Portmonais and Purses, and all inds of gaiety Goode, without waiting for high bidders. suAri, PINS, for Gentlemen and Boring 'Pins for Soldiery' Blanketa at 11..E.IZENSTEIN BROTHEKS, tvhenon. Nov. a. 'rd. Opposite the Court House. 00, YES 00, YES II E undersigned re- epectfully informs the Public that he will attend to A.UOTIONEEKI?IG, & _c. will CRY SALES at abort pollee and on reasonable e el:: .• 4. 7,.)AT, ,, terms. lie can be forme - +writ 1 - 4ift at his resideftce In North Lebanon Borough. JOSEPU. BRICKER. N. Lebanon Borough, Jan. 16, '6.2.-But. WOOD and COAL YARD. ITHE undersigned, having bought Mr. 0 Henry Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, a abort distance northeast of Messrs. Foster a Hutch's Foundry, in the borough of North Lebanon; and also bought from 200 to 300 CORDS OF WOOD and from 600 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds and grades, which I will sell at the yard or deliver at m small profits as will suit the times. I therefore in vite all those that are in want of any of those articles to call and see the same, ascertain prices, and J edge for themsolvee. DANIEL LIGHT, (merchant.) North Lebanon, :tub , 3,1861. MISS AT r INS ix701:11D respectfully announce to the citizens of VT Lebanon and ♦lcinity that she bas opened a FASHIONABLE MILLINERY and MANTUA MAK • MG ESTABLISHMENT, In Market street, 2d door above Hill. A new stockinet received and opened for inspection, embracing a full assortment of Silk, Crape and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Trimmings, Ribbons, Flowers, to. Lebanon, April 17, 1861. IF YOU WANT Apa PICTURE for • Medallion or Pb', otlfat T'S Gallery, next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. IF YOU WANT APUOTOGRAPR of yourself or Mena, the beet are to be had at DAILY % Gallery, next door to the mon Deposit Bank. UN UMBRELLAS, Parasolsoich and flue; Skeleton 1,7 Skirts, Duelers, Shawls, and a variety of other goals for ladles, Just received and . lbr lade chipper than the cheapest by ,BIitNRY TrYOITWANT Na. 3-AlitilitOTYPlVereey Cheap, go to ,DAnani / 4 1, artery; next docir to the 'Lebanon Deposit Bank. USE VALLEY'S MAGICAL. PAIN EXTRACTOR. The only True Pain Extractor in the World I ! DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure wounJa of all kinds. DAUM'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will subdue all exter nal inflammation. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will prevent and de stroy Slot tlfleatieu. D ILLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Burns of all kinds. MALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR beats Blisters free of pain or mark. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR neutralizes all Pois)us infused by Auiraids, Inserts or Reptiles. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure broten Breasts, Sore Nipples, Pilaw, &a. DALLEY'S PAIN NXTRACTOIt will Cure Salt Rheum Scrofula, Se:U.lllnd. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will curo Chapped Hands, Chill Blaine, etc. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Corns, Car• boucles, Ulm re, Warta, BAN, No HOUSEKEEPER should ever be without a box handy for nee. The timely UFO of a single box may prove of inure value than 10U times its cost. PARENTS;—If you have a sou in Wi Army, scud him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor. It linty be the means of saving hie life, or the life of a comrade : Coe it will cure wounds of all kinds without pain. Try the experiumut ; if he does not use it, it Will cost you but SISTERSI—If you have a dear Brother in the Army,. send Lim a. Box of Dalley'e Pain Extractor ; for it van cure wounds of all Enda, and it may be the means of Wring your brother's 1116. DA UtiIITERS I—Have you a loved one in the Array, Who is dearer to you than life itself? Sen,l him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor. It will cure wounds of all kinds, and prevent inflammation, and may be the means of saving his life. READ/Al—lf you Lave a friend in the Army, scud int a Box of Dallerallagical Pain Extrector I It may be tho means of sating a life. if you have no conve nience for sending it, end It by mall. It will cost you but 9 ceuta postage for a 25 et Box; and in like propor• tion fur 50 ot. and 1.01) Box. The large b oxen contain morn for the money than the 26 et. Boxes. NOTICE.—The VALLEY'S MAGICAL FAIN EX TRACTOR will do all and oven more than we claim it will, we refer toDr. VALENTINE DIOTY, and hundreds of other eminent Physicians and Surgeons, besides Millions of people all over the land, who have used the Extractor with never failing success for the past 20 years. For sole by all Druggists, and by . HALL & ItIICXEL Agents, 218 Urcenwlch Street, /sow York, Who will send a Box. of either size, Yes ta gs paid, to any add. ass in the United States, ou receipt, m money or in Postage Stamp+, of 25 eta. fur the small tam, or 60 cte. and $l.OO for the medium and large sizes. January 22,1861-Iyeow. Lebanon Female Seminary. RAOUL% F. ROSS, Principal. JULIA ROSS, Museial Department. Mre. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing. fTIRE NINTIJ SESSION will commence September 3, J_ MO. This School is designed to elevate the stand ard of female education, and to offer superior advanta ges at a mode: ate coat. The school year is divided into two 1308810118 of flee months each. Charge per BeffSioo, from 73 to 15 dollars, according to the studies of the scholar. Extra for Music, French, Latin, and German. Particular attention given to the musical deport ment. Instruction upon the Piano, Melodeon and Gui tar end in Singing- Pupils not conneeted with the School will be waited upon at their homes, when deeir ed, and at the usual rates. Early application should be made to E. J. STINE, cr J. W. 311511. Board of Directors: S. J. STINE, D. S. HAMMOND, J. W. MISH, yOttle MEILY, C. GREENAWALT, C. D. OLONINGER, JOSIAH FUNCK, ISAAC BECKLEY. Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1151. Lebanon Deposit Batik. Cumberland street, one door east of Carman 's Hotel. [UT ILL pay the following BATES of INTdREST on DEPOSITS,.. — For 1 year, and longer, 6 per cent. per annum; Per 6 months, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum ; For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum; requiring a short notice of withdrawal. Interest paid In full for the Deposits from the date of deposit to the date of withdrawal. We will also afford a liberal line of no. comitiodatltns to those who may favor us with Deposits, payable on demand. Will pay a premium on SPANISH and ILEXICAN DOLLARS, and also on old Mexican Deb tars and half Dollars. Wlll make collections on and reo mit to all parse of the United Statile, the Canadas and Harems; Negotiate Leans, Ac., &c., and do a general EX CILLNGE and BANKING BUSINESS. G. DAWSON COLEMAN, Presideut Gao. Cunt, Cashier. The undersigned, MANAGERS, are individually liable to the extent of their Estates, for all Deposits and other , bligations of the "LZBANON DEPOMT MUM." SOWN CAMERON, G. DAWSON COLEMAN, GEORGE &MULLER, LEVI KLINE, A:1113 YOUNG, AUGUSTUS BOYD, Lebanon, May 12, 1858. GEORGE GLEIM. Lebanon Mutual Insurance _Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON CO., TO the property holders of the state of Penn- Bylvania :—GENTLEst es : Your attention is respectfully solicited to the following low ratee of insur ance of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE: Mi. PANY, who are transacting business with the most flattering evidence of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through Re agency of the means afford ed them of being protected tigaiust lose by tire. The Board of Directors are practical business men well and favorably knoWn, and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Our Cow pony is perfectly maws, and we invite your careful a•. tentton to the following low rates as we are determined to insure as low as auy other responsible company, taking into consideration the character of the risks incurred. Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables - us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 or 5 years. The Compile) , has now been in successful operation for nearly 6 years, and all its losses have been promptly paid to the satisfaction of all partaes concerned ; and, in fact it has been, and still continues to be, the wish of the Directors to have the Company conducted on honest mid economical principles. RATES OP INSURANCE. .. Dwellings, brick or stone, slate roof Alb IR $lOO do do do shingled,lB " do do Log, or Franca ,20 "do Barns, stone or brick :20 " do do Log or Frame ,20 " do Store Rouses, brick or stone .15 " du do Log or frame ,30 "do Hotels & boarding houses, brink or stone ,25 " do do do Log or frame .80 " do Academies and School houses ,Z " do Churches and meeting houses ;20 " do Printers booka and Statioueries ,30 . do Book binders ,60 " do . Tailor shops . ,26 " do Shoemaker and saddler amps ,30 " d Silversmith and Watchmaker AO " do Tin and sheet iron shops ,3' " do Groceries and Provision stores ,30 " do Tanneries ,30 " do hatter shops ,30 " do Grist Mills, Water power .35 " do Saw Milk do do ;35 " do Drug Stores „CO " do Smith shops, brick or stone ,30 " do do do Wood *l5 " do Carpcnter,Joiner & Cabinet xnalf"r shops ,40 " dr Wagoner au Coachmakor *Mops ,40 " do Painter and chair maker shops ,40 " do Oil Mills ,40 " do Clover Blills 40 " do Founderies of wood - :35 " do do Brick or stone ,30 " do :Merchandise in brick or stone bullfrogs ,20 " do do in wooden do ,25 , Il do Furniture in brick or stone buildings ,15 " do do in wooden ,20 " do Stables & sheds, brick or stone,cotuftry ,20 "do do do wooden ,25 . 1 do Livery & Tavern Stables ,25 " do &sr All communications should be addressed to W A. BARRY, Secretary, Jonestown. Lebanon Co., Pa. President—JOHN BRUNNER, Es' 4. Vice President—D. 3!. RANK. Treasurer—GEO. F. 311:11.17. ' Secretary—WM. A. BARRY. Jonestown, September 12. 1680. Farmers and others Take Notice. THE undersigned having purchased the entire establishment of A. MAJOR & BROTHER, will manufacture and keep on hand a very general 111-4 sortment of MACHINERY and FARMING. IMPLE MENTS, embracing Improved POUR-HORSE Powers and Threshers; Railway Horse Powers and Threshers, Morgan's Independent eteeLwire Tooth Hone. RAKE; Mumma,s Patent Fodder, Straw and Hay CUTTER; Cast Iron Field Rollers, Grain Fans, Hay Elevators, Clover Hullers, Corn-ahellers, by band or power, Corn Ploughs and Planters, Cultivators, ke., with a variety of the best PLOUGHS in use, &e. MI of the above Macihues are of the latest and beat Improvements, and are all warranted to give satisfaction. Chsttngs of all kinds made to order, and at short notice. He also manufactures STEAM EN GINES,MiII Gleariug,Shafting, and Mill work in general, and pays particular attention to Repairing Engines and Machinery of all kinds. He invites all to call and (mamma the work at the Me chine Shop, on PINEGEOM STRIM, UllllllO6. sir All orders or Communications by mall will be promptly attended to. D. M. RARMANY. Lebanon, Lebanon Co.. Pa. Lebanon, August 8 ,1860. NOTICE. -I have appointed A. MAJOR, & BROTHER my Agents for thepurposo of carrying orstbe above business D. H. K"AItiIANY. • - Lebanon, August 8,1860. Blanket Shawls, purrs, WOOLEN OGO%IIOOO all colors, dredJet 1„_„, Black or Blue Black, pressed, the color warranted and goods turned out equal to new, by LYON LEMBERGER, Feat Braorer. Arr Articles to be dyed can be left at Jos.Z. Lensber per's Drug Store where all orders for the above will be attended to. [Feb. 8,-1890. IF YOU WANT ,1A PDATILII of pear deceased friend, enlarged and , ,colored in oil, call at DAILY'S Gallery, next door to,the Lebanon Deposit Bank. MERCHANT TAILORING. 0 S. RAMSAY & BRO., in Funek's building, corner 0. of Cumbetland Street and Doe alley, have on hand and for sale, either by the ygrd or made to order, a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINOS, well selected from Good Hawes. Good Fits and sub. stantial making guaranteed to all. Also Uandker. chiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAMSEY & BRO. Lebanon, August 8, 1861. Fashionable Tailoring! REMOVAL. j'J the At% ne lio o rtß e tt an N on w , would r i t i :ptc u tful: , u,z7; hie TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle Hotel, -where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and beet manner, are in vitcd to call. Ti) TAILOESI—Just received and for sale the N. York and Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MICILNA, ROFFMAN. 1.0b6P713, April 10,1801. . R EALDVItIADE CLOTIIIING Will be sold at Extremely Low Prices. A DER, one of the firm of Reber & Broe., has 1 1 1 . • taken the stock of Ready-made Clothing at the epprniveruent whieb will enable bins to sell lower than anywhere else can be bought. Call and see for your- selves before you make your rill purchase. ilkl3 TOREN DOORS WEST FROM COURT ROUSE. Lebanon, dept. We, 1361. lIEZTRIi RARER. FITS ! FITS ! ! FITS ! I AII. RICHEY hes removed his No: 1 Tailoring . Eitablishment to Ne. 3 North Walnut street, tWO doors north of George & Pyle's Store, and directly op polite the Court House, up stairs, where he will contin ne to manufacture all articles in hie line with neatness tiriddispitch. Particular attention will be paid to euttingand making children's cloth ing , &c.. te.' . Ile solicits a continuance of the very liberal patrobiolge thee far extended by the citizen. of Lebanon and vicinity. All kinds of stitching done on reasonable terms on One of J. 11. ginger's Sewing Machines. All work warranted and entire satisfaction guaranteed. tgebanon, July 3,1861. Watches, Jewelry and Sil ver Ware, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BTELLWAGEN & BRO., No. 632 Thlnrket Street, 1 door below 7th, Philndelphio March 27, 1861.-Iy. _DRESSLER'S BAIR JEWELRY STORE No. 206 North Bth Street, above Race, Phil'a, OO hand and for sale, a chotee assortment of superi or pattern,—and will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bann- Lars, EAR Butes, FINGER Rlcctm, BREAST PINS, CROSSES, NECRIACF.6, VEST and G11.4,1tD Casms, &C., ,to /rip. Orderd enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be sent by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on paper and enclose such amount as you may choose to pay. Cost as follows :—Ear Rings $2 to $6; Breast Pins $3 to $7 ; Finger Rims 76 cents to vim ; vest Chains $6 to , Necklaces $2 to $lO. try- Hair pu Unto kedalions, Box, Breast Pins, Rings, kc. OW gold and .11ver bought at fair rates. June la, 1861. CLOCKS. Thirty Day, Eight Day, Thirty Hour, CLOCKS, Just Received at J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon Pa. James R. Kelley,. STUN OF THE MAMMOTH WATCH, Eagle Buildings, Cumbeiland Sired, LEBANON, PR. . . _ PPET E LS to the Public au elcgaut and extensive assort - OF PARIS STYLES OF FINE JEWELRY, consisting of Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, Stone, Cameo, Enameled Work, and Etruscan Coral Breast Ear Rigne and. Finger Rings. Gone CHAI.F.s of 'every style and quality. English, French, Swisi and-Ameri can Gold and Sliver Watches of the must approved and celebrated makers: Clocks of every description. A large variety of Fancy Goods, Paintings, Yeses, The stock will befound among the largest In tbissec lion of Pennsylvania. and has been selected with groat care from the moat celebrated importing and niannfac turing establishments In New York and Plilledelphia. REPAIRING done at the slier teat notice, and to a most workmanlike manner. My friends, and the Publie generally are invited to an examination of my superb stock% JAMES U KBLII I IP, Sign of the Big Watch, Lebanon, July LEMBERGER'S CLOTII MANUFACTORY. rrHANKFUL for past favors, the undersigned respect fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry on his Dienufactory in Fate. Hanover township, Lebanon county, on. akextensire scale as ever. it is UTMOCCREIa. ry for him tp "say more, than that the work will be done in the same E2i.CELLENT STYLE, which has made his work and nanie so .well known in the surrounding coun try. lie promises to do the work in the shortest possi ble time. Ills manufactory is in complete order, and be flatters himself to be able to render the same satisfaction as heretofore. Re manufactures Broad and Nannw Cloths, Cassinetts, Blankets, While and other Flannels, all in the Lest manner. He also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the conve nience of bie-Cnitornere, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at the following places:—At the stores of George & Pyle, Looser & Brothers, George Reioa.lil, amid at the new Drug Store of Joseph L. Lemberger, near the Market House, in the borough of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk & Long, In North Lebanon;' at S. Rosh art's, Bethel township; at the public house of William Ramat, Fredericksburg; at the store of S. E.Dickel, in Jonestown; at the store of Mr. Weltner, Bellevue; at the storo of Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of Mr. Zimmerman, East Hanover. Lebanon county. All ma• oriels will be liken away regularly, Iv6m the /011445 pla tes, finished without delay, and returned again. Those of hie, custoiners who wish Stocking Wool card ed dyed and mixed, can leave the same, white, at the above mentioned places, with directions how they wish it prepared. 6r his customers can order the Stocking Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned, which will be done and left at the desired places. N. Et. It is desired that those having Wool carded, will pay the Ca* therefor, at the above named places. LYON LEMBERGBR. East Hanover Lebanon county, July 17, 1861. "TERRY & STINE are dilly receiving fashionable Dress Goods, MAO as:Gazelles. Mozambiques, Ale dense. lawns, Lavelltm ORR kinds for traveling dresser, Silk Citallya, Silk Tissue's, Crape De Spangs, Gingbams and Grey Dress Goode of - every, description, offered at unusually low prices by HENRY & STINK. Aar All the above goods offered at, very low prices. IF YOU WANT GOOD PICTURES GO TO BRENNER* SKY .LIGHT Gummy, over D. S. .Itaber's Drug Store, on Cumberland - street, Lebanon, Pa. Astattorrres, AIELAINOTYPES, YEMITITEB, PIPTROTTPEE and PHOTO GRAPHS. taken daily, (Sunday excepted.) Prices reasona ble and in accordance with the size, style and quality of the cases. Itooma opened from 8 A M.. to 4 o'clock, P. X. Lebanon, Tune 2.1838. Hiram W. Rank, •FOtttLYCl N N N COUNTY,reoec: hie atd t pub lic, that he has connects - t‘innseltwith Mr. Lawn, In toe TUBACCO. SNUFF Al:: BEGAN BUSINESS, No. 138 North Third Street Phila., where he will be glad to receive customers, and will sell at rates that will prove satisfactory. Philadelphia, July 17, 1861. NEW GOODS ! . JUST RECEIVED. AT THE. STORE OF L. K. LAUDERMILCII, In Cumberland ',Street; Lebanon,Pa. Selling OEM Sellin_g, ff AT REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' DRESS GOODS Pial.N dad Figured Delaines, Valour Cloth, Pam metta Cloth, Persian Cloth, Ripest, Fancy and Black Bilks, sack Flannels, Gingham', and Calicoes, SHAWLS. Brocba, Ding a Square Blanket Shawls, Gents' Shawl!. NOTIoNs. Gauatbits, Ildke, Stockings, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirls, Collate Umbrella", Hoods, Nobles, Sintacka, Scarfs, Back Gauntlet., de. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Clothe, eizallaaerins, J ea ns, &c. DOMESTICS. tandios, Tickinp, Check numls, GSOCERISS, QUEENSWADE. READY-MADE CLOTHING SOLD AT .COST FOR CA4H 1igh..411 kinds of Cotantry Produce taken in exchange Lebanon, Dec. 4,1861. L 'AMBER. LUMBER. VIE of the beatand oheapeet assortmenta of LUMBER kJ offered to the public, is now for Bale at the new and eatenalve LIDIZER and 00AL YARD of PHILIP BRECIIBILL, n the Borough of North Lebanon, en the bank of the Union ()anal, it the head of Walnut street, a few .wares North of the Hemmen ',Steam Mille, and one roam east of Borguer's Hotel- Their assortment consists of the beat well-seasoned White, Yellow, Norway, Pine and Hemlock Boards;— Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards; .134 and 2 ineb Pannel and Common Plank; - White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and Joists; White Oak Bennis, Plank and Scantling; and 34 inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. SHINGLES 1 SHINGLES!! The best Pine and Remleek.Shingles; Aloe, Rooting and Plastering Lathe; Chestnut Balls and Posts, and Fallings for fences and fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes and descriptions. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL 1 ! &large stock of Broken, Stove, Llnteburnersand Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices. lia,Confldent that they have the largest and beet RB - of LUMBER of all descriptions and sizes, u well as the largest stock of the different kinds of Cost, ever offered to the cilium of •Lebanon county, they venture to say that they can accommodate all purchasers satis factorily, and would therefore Invite all who want any thing in their line, to examine their stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. DRECHBILL. N. Lebanon, July 3,1861. OWEN. LAIIISACWS - New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Mawr factory. 31 xrkef SL, 3d door north of the L. Valley Railroad. Largest Hanufeetory and Best Assortment of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, in the county. MEW, public la respectfully request " ed to bear In mind that at these Ware Rooms will be found, the best assortment of FASHIONABLE and HAND SOME FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Persons in want - et any kind would best call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which (being all of his own work) be warrants to be better than any offered in this place. Prices will be moms than at any other place, either In the Borough or county of Lebanon. All orders promptly attended to, and speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. All persona purchasing. Furnituee from him will be accommodated by baying it delivered to them. to any part of the county, FREE OF CHARGE, and without the least injury, as be hue procured one of the beat cash ionedfurniZure wagons, especially for that purpose. la_ COFFINS made to order, and funerals attended at the shortest notice. [Lebanon, Sept. 13, 1800. NEW CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY. TAE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TURE and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public or Leb anon county. He has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware mama, in North Lebanon Borough. nearly oppesite Zeller's Hotel. and a few doors south of Bernier's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashiona ble Parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, con sitting of SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, WHAT NOTS. Parlor, Centre, Pier, Card and Comm on TABLES; Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bedsteads, Work-Stands, Wash• Stands, and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also, a large and elegant variety of FRENCH BACIT, SPIUNIT SEATED CHAIRS, Common Spring Seated CHAIRS; all kinds of Spring Seated ROCKERS. Also, Windsor, Cane-Seated, and Common CHAIRS and ROCKERS of every description. Sisi- All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to sire satisfaction. Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goods here offered for sale, can be fully satbifled of their durability by reference to those for whom he bee man ufactured or to whom sold. Old Furniture and Chaim REPAIRED and TAR- N. B. -COFFINS made and FuNERALS attended at the shortest notice. JOSEPH. BOWMAN. North Lebanon, September 19, 1860. GEO.L,,ETEGE, • ' JNO. T. ATNIKO. G. L. ATKINS & BrO. lIAVING united in the BOOT and snoE BramEss, and from their determination to be punctual, and make none but the besrof work, they feellike soliciting a large of public patronage. Theywill always he found at their OLD STAND; 'New Bumnitia,) in Market Street, nearly opposite Widow Rises Hotel, where they will be ready to serve and. plena° their customers. They hare now on hand a large ansortinent of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c., which they offer at reduced prices, Apar Persons dealing at this SHOE STORE, can be suited with READY-MADE WORK. or have it made to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. Ju- Particular attention siren to the REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. (Lebanon, July 3, 1361. A, TILOS & nito. , s New Boot and Shoe Store ie fitted up In good order foreomfortand convenience, both for ladle, and Gentlemen. ATHINS .1 BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Stiwe is fitted up in good order for comfortand convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A THINS h BRA, prOmise to be punctital, and will an deavor t• please all who may rail on them for Boots and Shoes; This is the Place to Get CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE Soots Slaves, Hats, Caps 4'c., 1 0 0.4 SPRING AND SUMMER rrilE undersigned having opened his SPRING AND 1 BUMMER L BOOTS, MOBS. RATS, CAPS, TRUNKS and f 1 a T E, R d A TRAVELING eslitAgySieosf and t h verye finish , la t ri f would respectfully invite all his old friends • and customers, and others, who wish to buy the bestnr• tides in his line at the lowest prices at his store in Walnut St., • nert to the County Prison. It is not necessary to enumerate particular articles, tot his stock embraces everything for Ladies, Gentle men, Girls, Boys and . Children.that can-be called for in this department of business. The Ladles particularly, will find a choice selection of all the bandaoinest anti lat• estaty les of Shoes. Gaiters, &c. Ills aseortinent of Hem, Cape, Trunks, Traveling Bags, &c., have been selected with great care. Cull soon and obtain a bargain. JOS. BOWMAN. wt. Measures taken and, work made to order. Lebanon, May 8, 1861. Philip F. IlleCauily FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE KA HER CVT Cumberland Street, one door Emit of I,..ithe Black Horse Hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me for the short time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. He has at all times an assortment of ROOTS end SHOBS of his own manufacture on hand, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, ttc. Thou doilrEmt o seat, Won made ardele. are halted to give me a trial. Children' Elmo of every variety and color ou band. Heavy work made to order. ,may All work warranted. Repairing neatly done and charger wade inadeydte. Lebanon,July 3.J861. New "Boot and shoe Store THE undersigned announces to the public that he has opened a New Boot and Shoe Store, in Market Sired, Lebanon, two 'doors south of Zion's Lutheran Via, church, where he intends keeping constantly on Ofigllthand a general asiortraent of Ladles, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, tte., &c., an of w hieh will be made up in styli and quality not to be surpass" ed by any other workmen in the country. No effort shall be spared to please and satisfy all who may favor -him with their orders, and his charges will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fair remuneration. Me also keeps a large stock of -11014.114 MADE WORK, which is warranted to be as represented. The public are Milted Wean and examine hie stook previous to purchasing. Repairing done on short notice and at reasonable rates. ANDREW MOORE. Lebanott, May 1,1861 REMOVAL. DANIEL GRAEFF'S BOOT AP S BOE STORE , "Ur AS been removed to his new residence, in Own berland street, %BIVIRT43 West from hisold stand, and opposite the office of Dr. C. D. Gloninger, LEBANON, PA. Re has just opened a large and dottrel& stock of well-made Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Kid Gaiters at $1.25; Ladies' Lace Bootees $1.50; for Misses, $1; Coarse Men's Boots for 92.50; Men's Gaiters $2; for Boys $1.75 to $2.50; for Children $1.12% to $1.62%. Also a large variety of Overbboes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, &c. Come ' see, and judge fbr yourselves. Lebanon, Bar. 2e, '6l. DANIEL GELAEFF. IBoot and 'Shoe Store. - - SibpJACOB ItCBDEL respectfully In forms the public that he still contin ues his extensive establishment In illam, NOM his new building, in Ctuttberland st., where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and SHOEB and every one who wishes to purchase fashionable aid, durable articles in his limo, to call and examine for themselves . , his large and varied stock. Ho le determined to surpass all competition in the Manufacture of every article in Ms business, imitable for matterarket in the Union. A n o nere taken in regard to ials and workmanthip; bt the beat quali ty of LEATHER and other materials are need, and none but the beet workmen areemployed - P. B.—He returns hie sinoere thanks to bis friends for tbe very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. He hopes by strict attention to imagoes" and endeavoring to please) hie customer,, to merit a share of public pat ronage ' (Lebanon. July 8. Mel. A full aseortinent or Linen Goode far tla' au) and rantithiet received and offered at Great Bargains by LIBBBY ST.Y.NB. LEMBERCER'S DRUG STORE IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IMPORTANCE. L. LEMBERG - RR, Graduate or the Phila T delObia Collage of Pharmacy, offers to the: citizens of Lebanon and surrounding country. a PURR selection- of Drugs, lll:edit:ince and Chemicals, and the, first quality of Perfumery and Toilet. and Fele) , Swipe, embracing they best manufacture In the country. and a large' variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail. pesh, Clothes and Bair Brushes. Pocket, Toilet and Fine Combs of Ivory, Shell, Horn and India Rubber. PURE SPICES. PURE SPICES. Pure whole and ,ground. Spices are offered for I sale in large and.small quantities at LEMOBBGBR'S Drug Store. . GARDEN SEEDS, FLO WEE' SEEDS, You will find n full anoortment and a large variety of YREsir Garden and Flower Beetle at f4EMBERGER'S. Condensed:Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash, and Potash in.large and small quantities at. LE MBERGER'S Drug. Store: Washing Soda, Baking Soda, 'Pearl Ash, Sid oratus, Cream of- Tartar, all . pure, and for sale in large and small quantities at Drug Store. - - - If you aro in want of good Washing Soap, pure white or red Castile Seap,.°Guntry Sears, liresive Sixty to iernoie grease spots, saperior Shaving soup, buy the same at LEMBERGEWS. Do pro want a good flair Tonic? something o maketho hair grow, to cleanse the head, and o prevent fulling ont of the hair; if you do Call at LEMBERGER'S. rogi,, TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The afflicted aro requested to call and exam ice my stock of Trusses, Supporters, &c., corn prising a variety of Manufacture. 106"Marsh's' Genuine "Improved Self Ad jesting Vad Trues" "Marsh's" Catamen lel Bandage. An invaluable article for the purpose. If you are in want of any of the above you can be suited-at' LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. The genuine article for Medicinal Purposes to be bad in all its Purity at _ _ _ LEMBERGER'S Drug Store, I Opposite the Market Ileum. Anything you want that is kept in a well conducted First class Drug Store, can be (urn isbed you by LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. Pectin. , thankful for the very liberal patron- 1 age thus far received from the Physicians, Mer chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and surround ings, I again solicit a share, promising to use every effort to Please all. Altic-Speelal attention given to PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS, and all medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always as good as can be obtained anywhere, and HOW CO suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LEMBEItGER, - Draggiet, Clanniat and Apothecary, Feb. 15, 1601.1. Market etreet, Lebauon, Pa E=El =I .11. New Firm. Cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain, Business trlIE undersigned having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. They will contiue to keep, at the late stand of SIIJIRK dr. LONG, amost com plete stock of all kinds of GOODS usually kept in a country store, which they will retail Cheap for CASK, or COUNTRY PRODUCE. They also want to buy for cash 50,000 BuFhels of WhEAT, 30,000 Bushels of. RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Butalcis of OATS. Tor which they will pay the hibheet Market Prices.— They will also take GRAIN on STORAGE. The will keep always on band and sell at the lowest prices. COAL, by the Boat Load or by the Ton; all.kluds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, &e. sir They solicit the businesaotall their old friends and the public, and will endeavor to deal on such lib eral and just principles as will give antistaction to all. SHEER., GF,SSAMAN it LONG. North Lebanon, March 13, Mil. JOHN 0 : GABEL. JACOB LABEL JJEBAIS ON =1 Door, Sash and Steam Planing 311.111 L Located on the Steam-flome Road, near Carabcrtand Street, East zebanom rrIHE undersigned respectfully inform 1. the public in general, that they . .., still manufacture and keep on hand. • I:Fft..., Door, Sash,Shutter, Blinds,, Flooring. Weather-oards. 0 Gee Spring Mouldings, of all sizea Wash-Bo trds, eating, Surbace, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS fur Rouses . We also construct the latest and most im proved Stair Casing and Hand Railing, suitable for largo and small buildings. We now invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to call and examine our stook; which we will warrant to giro entire satisfaction to all whn may favor the under signed with their custom. LONGACRE, GABEL is BROTHER. Lebanon, October 9,1851. P.B.—Therele also all kinds of TEMNING at the same Mill. Pinning, Sawing, dz., promptly done for those who, may furnish Lumber. REMOVAL. rnOTOGRAPHS. DWELL°, Betsy, where are you going that you are t 'dressed up an? • Ans.—l. am going to J. 11. REIM in his NEW Build. log, in Walnut street, to have my Likeness taken. Ques.—Why do yen go to Keim and not to ono of the other rooms to, have It taken ? .dns.—Becatese Keira's Pictures are sharper, clearer mid more truthful than others and nearly everybody gem to him. Ques.—Cau you tell ins why life pictures are superior to others? - Ans.—Frei he had 60 years practice, and has superior Cameras, and all his other fixtures are of the meet im proved kind. Ques.—What kind of Pictures does he take! Ans.—lie takes Ambrotypes, and lifelainotypes, of all sizes and superior finish: and Photographs, from the smallest up to Life Size, Plain and Colored in Oil. lie takes all B iieS Photographs from Daguerreotypes of de ceased persons and has them colored life like. by ono of the best Artiste. His charges are reasonable and his rooms are open everyday (except Sunday) from 8 o'clock, A. M. to 6, P. M, Don't forget, WELD'S ROokiS is the place you can get the Best Pictures. Pan. 29,'62. LIME BURNING CM LIMESTONE. MBE Subecriber having rented the excellent Lime I_ Stone Quarry of Mr. John George in the South Western port of this borough, offers to the public LIME, fresh from the Kiln at $ll per hundred bushels, and $3 for 6/ricked Lime. Ile will eell at Ibis price in Cash or Trade. sTONE for Wells nod other purposes can be had at any , time, cheap. for cash and trade. He solicits the marmot* of the public. llitt.A3l HOUSER. . January 15, 1862.-St. WEIGLIEY & KEGRIZE, General COMMISSIOR Merchants, FOB THE ELLE OF • Flozr, Grain', Seed, Dried Fruit, But ter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, 4., &c. 102 WARREN FT., NEW YORK. O. wEroLEY. KEGRIZE. REFERNNCHS Chapman. Lyon & Noys, New York; David McKnight, Reading, Pa. ; Wm. M. Breslin, Lebanon, Pa.; B. R. Allen, Lexington, Ky.; William Selfridge.. New York; L. Betz, Canton, Obio ; Kauffman & Kissinger. Read tug, Pa.; 'Jones & Shepard, New York ; W. C. Curry Co., Erie. Pa.; John Stiles, Allentown, Pa. New York, January 15,1862 Furs. .Furs. Furs. mliE undersigned would hiforra the Ladies of Leba r non county, that he hea the largest lot of LADIES' 'FURS on hand ever offered in Lebanon, which will be sold at low rates—from $3.50 to $45 per sett. No Fare nilerepreeented in order to affect a sale. Lebanon, Nov. 6, '01.. Abilir RISE. la. Reader, have you seen Prof. Wood's advo rtisement in our paper. Read it; it will merest you. GRAMT WEIDALIJ4 * 3 A TTORNEY•ATIAW.—Office in Cumberland street, in the office of his father, Gen. John Weidman, Lebanon, August 28,1861. J. IL BOWMAN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, bas REMOVED his dace 03 /hawk's New Bbilding, (second store,) Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa, Lebanon, Aprll 6;1850. -CYRUS P. MILLER, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW.--LOffice in Walnut street, near -11, ly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors sonth from Karmany's Hardware store. Lebanon, March 28, 1881.-Iy. JAMES T. YOUNG, GAS FITTER, wA fi tzuzalltr A ex . t door to A . Administrator's Notice. • N onoß la hereby given, that lettere of Administra• tjon on the Estate of Aims Fox, late of North Lebanon township, Lebanon county pa., deoeased, have been granted to the undersigned, of North Lebanon ,bor ough. All persona, therefore, Indpbted to said Es tate, are requested to make payment, and those having el alms to present thaw. HENRY A. FOX, Administrator. North Lebanon, :Tannery 8,1861. FBargains in Gentionien's and Boys' Wear please . at tat Cheap Store of ..'IIN.R.Y . a STINE. Fancy Furs! Fancy Furs!! FAREIRA, 718 AM St- cet, between cal and Stb Sta., (late or as Market Si.,) TatpORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF; and DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF FANCY FURS, for La 'Tee , 21Tissee and C7lll - Wear. Ilaving now manufne tred and in store my ;nal large and beau ful assortment of all le various styles and tallties of Pure, adapt to the coming Full id Winter Seasons. I . ould respectfully in vite an examination of - my stock and prices from Mops.% intending , to purchase, as- I am enabled to offer them very deshnble- Ind nem:usage, All my Pure have been purchased for cash. and made by experienced and competent hands, and as the pros. ent momentary troubles render it necessary that I should dispose of my gmalit at very small advance on cost. n I am satisfied.that it will be to the Interests of those w•ho design uurchneing, Wove . Mb a call. .1)-). Recollect, tla'e name, number and street : John Fareira, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, l'hilad'a. Slpteruber 11, 1861-sm. , TAKE NOTICE. BUILDERS will do well by ealling,on .T. H. BRESSLER Agent, as be is prepared to do an' kinds of TIN. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very lowest .priees. lie also has on hind. II ' large and good'aSsortraent of all kinds of TIN *AB; and 4 all of the most improved Gas Burning COOK STOVES and PARLOR STOVE'S. Also, all the different and latest improved RANGES AND HEATERS ) of all kinds. He also keeps ccu gently an hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which be offers at less price than they eau be bought of any other alatemen in the county. nra. WARR-ROOMSLOnedoor Simth of the "Buck Hotel," h ahint Street, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, December 25, 1851.• Stoves s Stoves Stoves. - "VOW is the time to buy your' STOVES - before cold rll winter is here, and the best and anapest "place is lUM Lebanon Stove,. Tin and. Sheet Iron Idanufae ' tory of Taines N. Rogers, Next door to the Lebanon Bank. where can be had the largest and best assortment of PARLOR, HALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Lebanon, Clas burn. era for Parlors or Bed Chambers of' hie own make, with a general assortment of Parlor. STOVES, and a large variety of - the best Cooking Stoves in the county or bor. °ugh, which he warrants to bake or roast. WASif BOILERS constantly on hated..of all shee t •and the best material. COAL BUCKETS--the largest assortment, the heav iest Iron, and the best made in Lebanon. Alan, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the best material and in a workmanlike manner. As he is practical Workman, and has had en experience of tweet• ty , five years, he feels confident that he can give general He takes this, utethcid of returning , his.thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes, by strictly attending.. to his own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive: a share of public patronage. JAMES N. HtiftEßS. Lebanon November 7. MO Oa — Particular attention paid to all kinds ofJonncto t such as Roffing, Spouting, &c., and all work . warranted. REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON Saddle and Harness Manu factory. T"undersighed has Removed " his Saddlery an d Harness ,* s Manuf otory to a few doors South of the oldplace, to the large room lately occupied by Hillman a Bra, as - - a Liquor store, where he will be happy to weal/hie old friends and customers, and where he has increased fa cilities fur attending 1 o all the departments of his busi ness. Being determined to be behind no othereitablish ment in his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor expellee to obtain and make himself master of every modern improvemen in the bu siness and secure the services of the bee workmen that liberel wages would command. Be will keep a large stock on band, and manufacture at the shortest notice, all descriptions of HARNESS, such as Saddles, Bridles Carriage Harnesi of all kinds ? heavy Harness, Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture Bufalo Robes,Fly Nets, EMEEM mob as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and'a new tied lately invented; WHIPS of every land, such es Buggy Vhips, Cart Whips, &c.; HAMESof all deseriptions.HALTEß, CHAINS, home-nuidc TRACES, Ac., kc.,"allof Which is will warrant to be equal to any that eanbe obtained In any other cotablishment in the country. All he asks that those desiring anything in this Hue, should Call at his place and examine his stock. fie feels the fullest confidence in his ability to give entire satisfaction. .1191. All orders thankfully received andpromptly at tended to. SOLOMON MTH. "North Lebanon Borough, April 24, 1861. George Boffin:luls LEBANON COUNTY ~_: TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. IDARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goode Shipp ed by the Lebanon Talley Railroad. Goode will be sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers town and A.nuville Stations, and another points in the County. FREIGHTS contracted for at the/east possible rates and delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay particular attention to. and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all Por information, apply at his Office at- the Lebanon Talley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. EDWARD MARK, his Agent in Philadelphia. will- al ways be found at W H.. Dash's Nerchant'sifold, North Third st. Philaddphia. July 11, 'WA BE D. S. RA BE S WHOLESALE AND :RETAIL DRUG STORE! Ras been Removed to his Now Building, on Cumber land Street, opposite the Bogle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. - MITE subscriber respectfully announce (obis acqualm tames and the public in general, that he has con stantly on band a large stock of DRUGS PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, 1 PAINTS, CHEMICAL S, DYE-STUFFS. VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, GLASS-WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR-OILS, . EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se gars, Tobacco, itc. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to Mention, which lie offers at low rates, and warrants the .qualities of the articles as represented.— Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing else where. gat-Physicians' prescriptions and family reci pes carefully compounded, at all boura of the day or night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle Buildings. On Sundays the Store will be opened for the com pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. 51., 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P.ll. Lebanon,: Dee. 9, Ha. DAVID - S. RAKER. Min nail Fire Insurance Com pany of A nnvilie l COUNTY, PNN'A. MILTS COMPAIdYLEBANON was incorporated E , Marob. 1859, and I. in now in full operation and ready to.make insur- ance on Dwellings, and other Buildings, ea,,,Furniture, and 'Merchandise generally. Also•on .Barna - Oontente, stock, Yam I inplentente, dic., on a Mutual Principle. MANAG.iiRa. ' Christian Bachman, William Early George S. Bonmardner, T. D. A. Garman, lcorge Bongos. ohn D. Beiyer, •,tniel S. Early, JOHN ALLWEIN, President. Bunin.rn HEM, Treasurer. JOSEPH P. RtArz, Secretary. Samuel - Saab°ld, Traveling Agent, Jacob Schnotterly Agent, Fredericksburg. Annville, January 30, THE NEW BAKERY , iclic undersigned would respectrolly , inform the citi zens of Lebanon, that babas commencedthe BAKE „ E BUSINESS, in all its varieties, rat life - stand, on Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Buck Betel, end will supply customers 'with the best }MEAD, CAKES, &c., &e. .Flan received from customers and returned to them in bread at short notice. CONFECTIONERIES, , of all kinds, fresh and of the hest- 'quality, constantly on hard. and fliillished at the lowest prices. Thy public is invited to give me a trial. Lab non, Nov. 9 3 1659 . F. H. EBUR. "THE - UNION " AMOR STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA.. Upton S. Newcomer Proprietor THI3 hotel is central, convenient b; passenger Cars 1. to all parts of the 'city, and in every particular adapted to tile comfort and wants of the business pub lic. la. Terms $1.50 per day. 50pt.11,'.61-I,A Wanted to Buy, AUSRELS RYE; 5 0,00050,00 busbets CORN ; 59,000 bushels OATR; — , 50.000 Images NntEAT Also, OLOVERSEED, TlddoTtlY SEED, Fla "ed for whirl the highest CASLI prises will be paid at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. GEORGE HOFFMAN. . Vibano July n, 2667 Shoemakers Attention 5n Shoemakers, to work on Mllibtry 'Shoes, are LI wanted by the undersigned in lebiumn. 000 d wages and employment for the whole winter will be given. Apply immediately to JACOB ROEDEL. _Lebanon, Sept. 4,'61. D 1.1 ) you see AT.IIINS Allito.lNow Boot and Shoe Store. , 4775 - Tyi 9,1 GEO. HoFFMAN Samuel Seabold, John. H. Kinports, George Rigler, John Altwain, Rudolph Herr, Joseph F. Matz,