The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 08, 1862, Image 4

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A Goon PACKER.:--The Washington cor
respondent of the Bridgeport Standard
writes :
Our hotels are Nil An officer on ask
ing for his bill a few days ago found that
a quart of wine was charged when he
had but a pint. He took exceptions to
items. Landlord was incorrigible—said
there never was any mistake about the
wine bills. Officer paid it, went to his
roonsilito pack his carpet bag. Having
made purchases, his bag was too full to
get in an extra pair of boots Landlord
sent for—came. Says the officer, "I can't
get these boots, sir, into this blamed bag."
Landlord—'cif you can't I'm sure I
Officer—'Yes you can—for a man who
can put a quart of wine into a pint .bottle,
can put those boots into that bag.
Landlord cancelled the whole bill and
returned the amount,
delphia North America is responsible for
the following :
A Milesian female approaches. She Is
short and angular, with a. hatchet•shaped
face, and a hatchet•edged voice.
"Where's my letther I" is her abrupt
"What letter 3" asked the clerk.
itikliver mind now; I 'want 'me three
cints." •
"What three cents?"
"The three clots I gev ye to Bind a let
ther to New Yorriek."
"What do you want the three oents for,
then 1"
"Because the letther niver wint."
"And how do you know it never went."
"Because whin me sister answered it,
she said she firer got it."
"how courd she answer it if she never
got it?"
uArrah, hould your head. Will yd gev
roe the three tints, or won't yea"
"No ma'am ; you must be crazy to ask
"Is it me crazy r
"Certainly, crazy as a bedbug "
"Bad luck to ye, and is it the likes of
ye that dare calLawa bedbugl Is there
any other way of gettlre at ye except
through this little windy '!" Asked the
now furious woman.
"No ma'am, no othir way."
"Faith, ft's lucky for you then. Av
there was, l'd come and welt ye like an
old shoe. Niver mind," continued the la
dy, as she went away, "I'll till me husband
to-night, and he'll dot the two eyes of ye,
so he will."
a quaint humor attached to somebody
connected with the Rochester Express
that breaks out in spots occasionally in
that sheet, as witnesses the following: "A
gentleman, whose name we 'suppress for
obvious • reason, while returning home
with the family purchases on Saturday
evening, stepped into an oyster saloon on
Main street, to refresh himself with a stew.
While . thus engaged, a friend who had
followed him in, abstracted from his gro
ceries a package containing a pound of
coffee, and having emptied, re-filled the
paper with saw-dust and restored it to its
original place. The mistake was not dis
covered until the following morning, when
the wife of the 'injured man' prepared his
breakfast. Laboring under the misappre:
hension that the grocer had swindled him,
the husband returned the saw-dust in the
morning, and indignantly demanded and
finally received its equivalent in Old Java
The unhappy grocer, who is notoriously
subject to fits of 'absent mindedness,' de
clared most solemnly that it was uninten
tional, and that, really, it was little the
- worst mistake he ever committed t What
renders the transaction still more perplex
ing is, that 'for the life of him he can't re
member where he got the saw dust !'
A Woonra Monna.—We have heard
of wooden nutmegs, wooden hams, horn
gunflints, wooden oats and wooden clocks,
but what infusion of the Yankee ever
tinctured John Bull to invent a wooden
Mother! The Wowing, by a correspon
dent of the Mark Lane Express, des-
cribes the new Invention :
A fine sow, having twelve sucking pigs,
belonging to a pork merchant in Monk
wearmouth, was taken ill and died sudden
ly. The proprietor, who is an ingenious
character, set to work and formed a
rough model of a sow in wood, being hol
low in the centre, the abdomen being furn
ished with twelve teats, cleverly formed
of raw hide.. The interior of the model
is kept filled with milk, and the whole of
the young pigs suck from the teats of this
singular looking wooden sow, and all are
thriving well.
is reported about town that Secrets.
ry Cameron, on his 'recent visit 'to this
dty, had a conversation with Col. Samu
el Colt about buying his whole works in
the South Meadow for the government,
and asked the Colonel for his terms for
factory, machinery, grounds, and all
Col. Colt 'wished time for consideration,
and thestory is, that he has quite recent
ly sent a letter to Mr. Cameron, offering
to sell his whole concern ibr 85,000,000.
Everything to be included for this sum,
except his own private dwelling and
grounds contiguous, We give the story
as it goes, without vouching for its accu
racy in any particular.—Hariford Cour.
ier In the town of T— there was a
man who at times offidiated as a preacher.
He always wrote the notes himself, in or
der to save the, expenses of printing.—
Here k one of them : "There will be
preaching in the pines this Sunday af
ternooo on the subject, "All who do not
believe will be damned at three o'clock."
Mir The following is .written as a no•
tin on a car running on a railroad in the
northern part of New York: "Passen
gere are requated not to get off the cars
to snow ball while the train is under full
bead way."
There b a man in the west who has
.moved so often, that whenever a covered
wagon comes near his house, his ehick
enitlLtgareh up and fail on their backs, and
ctess their.legs, ready to be tied and ear•
tied to the next stopping place.
etibecribes tigers st.prlrate ile all Oar Attain
JL . firm or treataland, situate partly in Phtegrove
tripe,P.p,l lichuyikilLoorusty,lll3ll partly hi hathetuteut.
Ibtp, 00urdby.lenda91.11c10.,
and" Qtdlford, Thr*Mtn.
rter, d yerh l t t
bertandothr, outrandugoxrinuded O m n M a t d
fauTwe%cweeandoarquao atwithheanellr•
ngwm indn
prss fit boarded) alai log dwelling bane% hew
batik 1 other oat+ nas. and a new water Power
OW ' ' Yor terms, Ad, VIM will be ow APPI7 to
01. W. lIATCILIIi, agent
s) April 20, 1061/.41.
"Lebanon Valley lastitute,s)
Annville, Lebanon county, Penn'a.,
DESTON tv. ens Smoot is to meet, as far es may
1 be, the reed; emulate of aprogreadreage. The courier
of softy being CO erranged and extended that pupils of
any age or degree of advancement may be entered ro
ueerly Gwent advantage, and embracing in Its differ
ant departments thole) Ilranebee of Education most
useful or desirable in the different spheres of life.—
Impart a thorough, practical education, which may be
turned to account in the transaction of bneinesus.—
Tarn CLASSICAL DBPAILTM COT embracing the steely of the
Classics, ancient and modern, with a view to cultivate
the taste—to refine end elevate the mind. or aa a baste
to the study of what are called the learned profeseions.
A Neatest oft Teamsters' Dipaneragirr, in which an expe
rience of more than twelve yenta, in schools of various
gredee and in different sectiene of the Union, will be
drawn upon in familiar lecture'', illustration and exam•
pie, to import a knowledge of the axrev TSSCEMNI. '
TEI DM:UPI:ME Is gPOtle but &M. nneethir
eery restraints are leatituted for thornlike of mere effect,
—but mirth as are deemed conducive to the moral o"men
tel welfare of the student will leer-bridle refereed. Bin.
dente from abroad nut board, (unless otherwisedesired)
in the dimity of the principal. And over these
tal control will be exercised during their stay. They
will not be allowed to be absent from 'the Inetitute at
unseasonable bourse to visit taverns or places of amuse
unmt without permission ; or to be elegant ,from their
places in wheel on anyprefest except or pen
mission of parent orguardian.
TUE LOCATION is pleasant, healthful add secluded;
in a flourieblog little village—surrounded by. a pictur
esque and highly cultivated district. It is twenty miles
Erwrward of Berrisburg. and within view of the Labe
non Valley . Railroad, which connects Harrisburg and
Reeding, and forma a link in,the great their, of rat/•
reeds between *Sew York and "the West."
TILE INSTITOTE is :a. epaalone, throe-atm, -Brick
"tracture—planned and'builtTeepressly fora boardlrk
school. The furniture of the. school.roome is nearly
new, and of the kinds most approved for use and com
fort. The students' rooms - are large and Convenient,
and will be occupied ;Neurally by two etndePte each..
STUDIES t—epetorig and Defloing;
cotton, Willing, Arithmetic, English Oran:Muir, Othe
r-Thy. IlLtery, CempOsition and Declemation, Book
Keeping, Id-neuration. Algebra. Geometry,. Chemistry,
Natured Plailesophy. Astronomy. Anatomy and Phyaiol
ogy, Surveying, Slane and Spherical Trigonometry,
Logfe. rthetoric, Moral Miens"
,Differ Wink, French,
end Meta,
TUE YEAR OF SCROOL, (Conimenoed. on Monday.
July 2213,) will continue for 10-month, *Ma au inter
ruption of one week:between Christina and Near Year.
Students oan enter at any time. and then will be charg
ed only from the trine of entering.
-EXPENSES for Board;Weehing,Tnitcon, Ueda, do ,
per quarter of 11; weeks; SBE Y,r Tuition alone, per
varier, $5 to /O. Additional for ancient 'and modern
langriegea, each ; for Music, $5.
. Any further information War ma) be desired can be
obtained. by addreaelug the Principal
. W. 3. itcrranme
July 31.11.-o'. Antirtile, Pa.
Lebanoit Femal e Scmittary.
RACHEL F. ROSS, Principal.
JULTA MISS, Mosel/a Deportment.
hire. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drswing.
MIIE NINTH BISSIGN will commence Soptember 3,
IOdO. Thta Schoorta designed to - elevate the stand•
and of female education, and to offer enperlor citvauta•
gee at a mode: ate cost.. The reboot rear is divided into
two sessions of five mouths each. Charge per aesslon,
from 7% to 15 dollars. according to the studies of the
'choler. Extra fur Mule; French, Latin, and Gorman.
*** Particular attention given to the musical &part
meat. Inetruction upon the Plano. Melodeon and Gui
tar and In Singing Pupils not connected with the
Echool will be wafted upon at the!: homer, when dealt ,
ed, and at the newel retail -
Early application should be made to
E. .7. E'TINE, cr
J. Ml2ll.
Beard of Directors:
8. J. STINE, •
Lebanon, Aug. 21, Vaal.
Lebanon Deposit Batik.
Nmheriand street, one doer east of arrotany's //:td.
IX.rILL pay the following RATL,'S of INT.ZREST CA
For I year, and longer, 6 per cont. per annum;
Yor 6 months, end longer, .5 per cent. per annum;
For 2 months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum;
riiiiiring a short notice of withdrawal. Interest paid 11l
for the Depoatta from the date of deposit to the date
o withdrawal. We will also afford a Metal line of ac.
commodatitne to those who may favor ns with Deposits,
payable en'demand. Will pay a premium on SPANISH
and DIRKICAN DOLLARS. and also hn otd dfezicdn DO!.
Ears and Half Dollars. Will make collections on and re.
mit to all parts of the United Stamm, the Canada. and
Europe; Negotiate Loans. Sc., Ac., and do a general EX
G. DAWSON. COLEMAN, President.
Gao. ilattt, Cashier.
The ozdersigned, MANAGERS, are ladiordneny
o the extant of their Estonia, for an DenaliSte and other
bingatione of the "LEBANON Deports BANK."
Lebnigor, May 12,1868. GEORGE GLEIM.
Lebanon Nutty al leiskiranee
rpCs the property bolder" of the State of psno.
A sylvania GratTLEAlnir : Your — Wei:don is
respectfolly solicited to the fallowing low rates of inenr•
Pala, who are transacting business with the most
flattering evideryw of Public confidence. There sources
of the Company are ample' to haemnify these who may
take advantage through its agency of the means afford•
ed them of being protected against lers by Are. The
Board of Directors are practical ,insaine4s men welt and
favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and
respect of the community in which they live. Our Coin.
pony is perfectly mutes, and we Invite your careful a•t
gentian to the following low mem lowa ore determined to
insure as low as . any other responsible company, taking
into consideration the character of the risks incurred.
Our CHARTER being P.DRPETUAI., enables us to is•
nu Policies which notar expire, Which obviates the ne.
amity of renewal every 801'5 Yeard•
The Company has now been In succsesful operation
for nearly a yeare,And all its lamesbays been proxptly
paid to the sathifortion of ell parma concerned ; and, in
feet it has been, Imel still Continues to be, the wish of
the Directors to hare thetompany cooductedon honest
cud economical principles.
Dwellings, brick or stone, slate root $0,16 11 $lOO
do dO do ebineles ;la " do
do Log or Promo ,'.:O " de
Borne, stone or brick 30 ~ do
do Log or Frame ' ,:",0 "do
Store Houses, trick or stone 23 " do
do ' Log or frame ,30 " do
Hotels& boarding houses, bd.* or ;tons ,23 " do
do ~.. do Log or frame .30 " do
Academies and School bottles ,23 " do
Churchee and Meeting houses ,20 " do
Printer* books and Stationer-hi - .00 " do .
Book binders ,SO ". do
Tator shops ,25 - do
Shoemaker and saddler shops 00 " d
Sbeerendth and Watchmaker ,30 " do
Tid dad slider bun shops ,' t3l " do
Groceries and Provision morist - 30 " do
Tanneriei - - '.- 03 46 d o
/tatter shops " • - AO " do
Grist 311118,1 Cater power !35 " do
Saw Kills do do T at, " do
Drug Stores ' .• , ,30 .‘ do
Smith rhos, brick or atone ;30 " do
do do Wood , ' - - ,36. " do
Cerpenter,Joiner & Cabinet mdk'r silo* ,40 " dr
Wagoner on Conollmaker shone - ,40 " do
Painter and duds inakor 1140 pit ,40. l• do
Ott mins, - -- - . . , ,40 - 4-, do .
Clover Mille _ . - - ; 40 '"
Yotuaderleo of good ' . . - ,30 " do
do Brick or strati " 7 , "do
Merchaudize in brick or atone bald*" " do
do its wooden do ,2i " do
Furuiture in brick or atone buildings . ,16 ,do
do in 'wooden . ,V) do
Stables & abedeibrick or stone,aountry .410 t‘ do
do do wooden ,25 " du
Lieel y & Insert! Otat les . . 25 " - do-
An communications ehould be addressed to VC
A. DAUS, Sec retary.Joneetown, 2 l.sbanott Co., ?a.
AveicA' ref-JOHN VltaNtflat, Ewa.
rlries President-Ai. U., RANK. -
turer-4EO: X.
Secretary—WM. A...114=x. -' • ' '
Jonestown, September 12, WO,. -
Farmers and otheraltike Not
THE anderslgned having purchased the en Lire
establishment of A. MAJOR. BROTHER,
will mantsfeetere and keep on band a very gene r al aa .
sortment of HAM:MERE and PAHMING
MISTS; embracing Improved FOUB:HORSE Powers
and Thresher" Hallway Hone Powers and Threshers,
Morgan's Independent steel-wire Tooth Horse LUCA.
Mumma.. Patent Podder,l;traw and Hay CUTTER; Cut
Iron Field Rollers, Grain Puts, Hay Elevators, Clover
Huller., Comets*Hers. by head or power. corn r PlO4 gb•
and Planter., Cultivators with a Indildie.Or the
beet PLOUGHS In use,
All of Membe* 3Raellons are of the ) ' d best
Improvement", end Areal% wareamedto Cam
aastingszrall kinds mado .
and at short notfos :Amato mann STEAM EN
GIN E5.?4111 Gliminfrabentinn; andllairork la enteral,
and pays particles:a:Scotian to Itepa/HtigAnglues and
Nacblnery of* nde.
He invites ell to call and exe • • " ~ be workat the Ma •
aloe Whop, on Pt:COWIE RI anon.
An` All orders or comm . by mail will be
promptly attended to. , - KARMANY.
Letilindb, Leponon Co., Pa.
Libation, Angela 8,1880. • •
OTIOE.—I bare appointsd A. MAJOR & BROTHER
viy . a4posfa forUoplarpoeo of carrying onthu above
wast 8,1880. '
E. Al. 1 1,IRMAXY.
• Blanket Shawlol
- WOCILEW CLOTHING of colors, dyea 54.
Inaok Vie Mark, proeseda the color* warrantsa
and gouda turned; oat equal to new by •
4116 P" Mikan toils dyed can be WA at J'os. 21.;r4r14p,
gees Drug Etorerwbure litt orders for the akbkrre b
attended to. (Yob. 8," 1860:
Li B. RAMSAY & BIM, fonck'ir building*, corner
and fo r
street and Doe alien;
hend and for sale, Other: by the ysid or Leslie to order,
a /erre iot of
aeleetod from Good nottees. Good Pita and arab
elan ital ranking guaranteed to all. Also iiaudl:cr•
chiefs, Cra veto, Gloves. Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and
Plain Linen Slarte, Cindcr•Bbirts and Drawers
LObanon, Anguit 8,-1861.
- -
FaSboonable • adoring-.
VORAEL HOFFMAN Wvontd respectfully inform
the Citizens of Lebanon, that ho has RRMOI'ED
Lie TaILORINO linsineas to Cumberland Street, two
dims Rest of Market Street, and opposite the lfaglo
Hotel, whore all person who wish garments made
up in the meet fashionable style and'best Mannar, ere in
rued to call.. •
TO TAlLonsi—Just received and for male the N.Tork
and Philadelphia Report of Spring a summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the alionld let the subscriber
know of the fact., so that he can make his arrangements
accordingly. /117C11.1.EL •HOFFMA.N.
Lebanon, April 1.10, ISel. ' •
Will be sold at
Extremeil .IC l out Prices.
nl' AREA, one of the firm of Palter S - Bros., has
. taken the stock of 11: eadrarade Clothing at the
appralsament, which will enablehitn to sell lower than
anywhere, else can be bought. and see for your
selyes before you make your risi potshot.).
Lebanon, Sept. 23, 1541. - 110NRX RAS Mi.
n. ItICHXY . has removed his No.3Tall or ! i
. Eetabliehtent tO If o. 3 worth Walnut Meet, two
doors north of GeorgeA Pyle's More, and directly op
posits the Court Hones, up stairs, where he will contln
line to manufacture all articles in hie line' with
neatness and d 'match. Particular attention will
be paid to cutting and making chtidren's cloth
' log. Itc.. ko. , Ile solicits a ,Oontlnuance of the
very liberal patronage thy_ e far extepded by the cittzeue
of Lebanon and vicinity. All kind(' of stitching done
on reseoriatde term on one of J. 31. Singer's Sewing
Machinee. 411 work warranted and:entire ead.factlon
guaranteed. . [Lebanon, July 3,1861.
Waleheo, Jewelry and bill
:vet- Ware. '
No. 632 'Market Street, 1 door below 7th, Philedelphia
March 27, 1861.-Iy.
No. 206 North Bth Street, above Race, PhiPa,
/AN hand and for oak, a choice aaaoitment of super!.
Ijf or patterna.and will PLAIT TO ORDER, BRACE
.424). Orders enclosing the hair to ba 'plaited, may be
sent by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on
paper and, enclose such amount as you may choose to
pay. Cost as follows ;—'•F,ar 'Gaga $2 to $6; Breast Flay
$3 to $7 ; Finger Rings 75 cents to p. 50; Vest Chains
$6 to $7 Neekiarea $2 to $lO.
liair put Into Medalions, Box, Broast Pine, Mugs,
Ate. Old Gold and Silver bought at fair rates:
June lb, FM.
Thirty Day,
B.tgilt Day,
T h rt y Dour ;
Atst.Receivißd at
S. J. BLAIR'S Jewelrj , Store,
Lebanon' Pa.
HELLO, Betsy, where aro you goingthat you are
dreamt up eo?
eta going . to JAI K.ElBita Anamitiee'aßuild•
log to have toy Menem; taken.
Quer..;--Why do you go to Kelm and not to one of the
other rooms to have it taken?
Ans.—liecauss Pistnree are sharper, clearer
and more truthful than others and nearly everybody
goes to him.
too the
m? —Can . you tall me Why his picteuna are superior
41.1te.1e , t 1 he had 9'y - eare pried* and superior
Cameras, and all We other datum aro Of the most ita•
proved kind. "
Qua.—What kind of Picthres'elcos be take?
Ans.—He takoe .AmbrotyPes, endllelalnotypee. of all
sizes and imperior finish": and Photographs, from the
smallest up to' Life B,lze, Plain and Colored in 911. lie
takes all sizes" Photographs froth Daguerreotypes .ef de•
ceased persons and has them colored life like, by one of
the hest, Artists. Ilia charges are reasonable and hls
rooms are open every duy (except solidity) from 8 o'clock,
A. NI. to 0, - P. 31, Don't forget, KELM'S ROOMS is the
plicoyon can get the Best Pictures. [July 3. 1661.
- VXZEGUTILb In the beet style known In the art, at
582 Arch Street, East of Sixth,
Pll 11 DELP fl lA.
Life Size in Oil and Pastil,
POr Cum, Sleciallitam, Pins, Rinke, Sc.
June 26,1660.-
.SIREN 1411,),S
OKY I.lOl[T Gemr,nr, over D. B.4ltaber's Drug Store,
on Cumberland street! Lebanon, Pe. li-IaROTTPEE6
au,trag, taken daily, (Sunday excepted.). Priest remora=
ble and In accordance with the size, !style, and„quallty
the eaten, Rope oponed from :8 IL, to 4 o'clock,
`l. - .ebeman, Sone ~1858.
• , 7•41 Arch Street,. l'hilttelettthite.
or The largeat and mast coMplete Galleries in
V the United Statei, where the best Piseures,known
to the Photographic art. are taken ut prices no higher'
than are paid for miserable earricatnrest.
The Proptietor, ti` practical Photographer, attends
personally,. erary eltting—and allows no picture to
leare the 9allbry unless it,givea perfect satisfaction.
D.geerreotypee and Ambrotypee; of tibsont or de-
ceased'frientle,pholograpbed to any required else, or
taken on Canvass, life size, and paurted in Oil" by the
beet Artists.
',.At this Gallery urethra can be taken in any weather
—.Re perfect in cloudy days as when the eon shines.
Persona vialtine the city are respectfully lathed to
examine our specimens, whleb for price and quality de
ty comp:titian.
ASP Instructions glien in the art Of Photography.
R; NEWELL, 04Ltrat2 or Mt;
724 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
FM./ Mon. LEWis OAS/Print.. M. a s Chia.
My family and friends all concur in the' opinion that -
the (Newell) Picture is more lifolik a than any -thing
they ever saw. My likeness his been repeatodly taken_
by 'different Artists in .various Ways, but 3 biro never
yet had ens which presents no true to nature, all the
features and expressions of countenance milli%
From Hon. B. Joy Mounts, late Minister to Italy.
The exquisite finish. beauty and softness of year per.
traits. ecujoined with theirdurabitity of color and faith.
fulness se tlketesces, cannot fail to commend them to,
the attention and patronage of an who approciato true
art. '
• From COL. jAME; Pao..
Basing occasion for a portrait, I procured 'one from
Lir. Robert Dietvall, of the city of Philadelphia, a min•
isture in Oil Colors, undir ile new process di3cavered by
him, and take great pleasure hi expressing the satisfac
tion given me, not only by the accuracy of thanks:tea:4
but he artistic apish in all respects, and recommend
hiM to the patronage of these disposed to a:montage
tbehisautiful art. JANIVI PAGE..
Plihmielphis, January 2,1,
Hiram W. Rank,
would respectful.; .uform bib frienthy and tbepub.
Ho, that halms conuetni - Mould& with Mr. lowan, in
No. 188 P North. Third Street Philo,
winks hirtia baVad to recall,* cuadinaika, and will
arll;nt"rafastbatwtll proTe sattafaatory: .
Philadolidda, July 17, 1861.
- Wattled to Buy,
KOri.nti BUSH L:8 RYE;
)VVILF6O,OOO bushels CORN ;
60,000 bushels OATS;
60,000 bushels WHEAT.
Also, evyrzßam, ?MOTES SEED, Slammed, rot
which the highest CASH prises will be paid at the Lab
auuu T ley EsEroad Depot, Leruote il
tolitutoti, Jul:* 17,101.
•- I
,Sh4teniakers : Attention ,
giLfaceemakors, to work on . Military Mum, are •
i-Fxr`stonteir by the nedvigned b Lebanon.,. Goal,
wage*, and. employment for the whole winter will be
even.' ,Op ply-immediately to - JAM ROWEL i...
riel#4 . oi Eopt:4on.
A No.l ANBROTTP.II, very deep, to to
a gallery, nest 4per to the Lebeten Deposit Beak.
ONE of the beet and cheapest assortments:of Liman.
offered to the public, is now for ealent the now
and extensive LUMBER and COAL YAP.D of
the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the
Union Canal, at the head. of Walnut street, a few
luares North of the Genessee '„.Steatrildil/s, and one
quare east Of Borgner's Hotel.
'rbeir , Drtmont consists of the best well-seasoned
White. Yellow. Norway, Pine and Tfemlock Boards,—
Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards;
I% and 2inch Pannel and Common Plank; - -
White Pine.and Hemlock Scantling and Joists;
White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling;
acid inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling.
•' 6ll NGLES ! SHI NGLES 1 !
The beet Pine and Hemlock Shingles; •
Also, Roofing and Plastering Laths;
Chestnut Rails and Posts, and Paitings ter fences
and fencing Boards;
FLOORING BOARDS 'of all sizes and desertptions.
A large stock of Broken, Stove, L meburners and
liellids.yeburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices.
13.Confitieut that they hate tholargeet and beat as
eorttnent of LUMBEZ of all deseriptions and sizes, as well
as the largest stock of the differentkinds of Coat, ever
offeredto the citizens of Lebanon county„they venture
to say that they can accommodate all pufehimers aatis
factorily, and would therefore, nvite all who want any
thing in their line, to' examine their stock before pur
chaaing sieewhere. PHILIP BRSUUBILL.
IC Lebanon. July 3,1861. '
Ikw mr: ra ierhAV-
Southeast corner of MarkeiTSggare, 3
sUbticriber reepeetfully informa the public that
, he imathe largest and bestassortmentuf READY
. anwia MARE FR RNITURN and Chairs
: • , to the Public of
. ounty. Ha has now
- on hand. at hie Ware-rooms, a
splendid assortment of geed and
Isilbstantial Furniture—Parlor,
I z . ate.,- - -,;Cottage and Cliamber--consist
tvela.„7.- olSofas,Tate-a-Tetes, Loon.
t- tge's, What not ®, Parlor, Centre,
• • ,Pier, Card and Common Tablas,
Ptessing end Cam' ,Rareaqa, &c., SET
TEES, Cane - Seated, Cetainem arid Rocking. Looking
Ciliteses; PAYENT'EtriSPtasii made and
fer vale at a reduced price. Itls very impart
"Er COFFINS made and. Funeials attended it the
shortest notice. .JORN. P. ARNOLD..
North Lebanon borongh;Dot; 30.'61. •
NEW Cabinet Ware ROMS and Cliair
3ferket St, 3d door no of the L. Miley Rai/rood.
Largest Manufactory and . Best Assortment of
FURNITURE andiCRAIRS; in thO county.
f 1111 E publk le feepeetfully regnee:• -
ed to bear in reefed that at these .
Ware Rooms will be found the beet.
assortment of Feetameeete and Ham)
some FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Perms la want at
any kind would best call and axon:Line his stock hefc;re
ranubising elsewhere. Which (being ail. of hie own
work) ho warrants to bo better than any offered in this
place. Prices will be weirs than at any other place,
either in the BorOugh or county of Lebanon.
All orders promptly attended to, and speedily exeen•
(ad at the loweat prices.
All persons pi/reliving Fur%ltnee from him will be
accommodated by havii2g it'delivered 'to them, to any
part of thezontity, Pace OF mom, and "without the
least Injury, as be, has 'procured one of. the best cosh
ioncdfurniturs wagons, Especially for that purtiose.
.8421,..,C0FF1NS Made to order, and.funerale attended
at the shortest notice. - [Lebanon,l3, 1800.
_._Sept.• .____.
crilE enbecriber respectfully informs the public that
1 he has tbn:largest and beat assortment of -FURNI
TURE and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public of Leb
anon county. Ile has on hand at his•
rooms, in North Lebanon Borough. nearly oppesite
Zeller t Rotel. and a few - doors south of Rainier's, a
splendid assortment of good, substantial and feeble/fa
ble parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE. Con
NOTE, Parlor, Centre. Pic:, - , Card end common
TAMS; Dressing MA - Con/mon BUREAUS:
• Bedsteads, Work-Stands,
Wash-Stande and 1:
Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also, a
large and .elegant variety of Farms RICE, SeitiNst
SastED CHAIRS, Common Spring Seated CEIAII4; all
kiwis of Spring Siated - ROCKERS. Also, Windsor,
Cane-Seated, and Ceinmon CHAIRS and ROCKERS of
every description.,
' .OiF• All Goods sold LOW' and WARRANTED to give
malefaction. . .
Persons dealrous of knowing the character of the
goode hero offered for salef eau be fully satisfied of their
durability by reference te those for whom he has man
ufactured or, to whom Sold.* , '
e and Chairs
RIS lIED. - : - " '
N. B.—COPFINS made and' UNERALS attended at
the shortest notice., , JOSE PR BOWMAN.
North Lebanon , September DV 1800. ".
022. L. ATKII32. JKO. AT712.2.
G. L. ATKINS & Br•o.
TxAVM) nutted in the BOOT and SHOE livens - ass,
and from their determination to be punctual, and
make none but the *sit of work, they feellike soliciting
R large orpnLUc patronage.. They will always be found
at their OLD STAND, 'NEW nOIL/DINEW in Market Street.
nearly opposite Widow Rise's Hotel, where they will be
ready to serve and please tbeiroustomers.
They bale now on hand a huge kr-sortraPat of
CARPET BAGS, &0., which they offer at reduced prices,
reroute dealing at this SHOE STORE, can bo
rutted with BEADY-MADE WORK, or have it made to
order. Boa/action is always warranted.
• 'Fir Particular'ettention given to tho REPAIRING
Boots and Shoes. ' (Lebanon, July 3, 1301.
ATHINS 3; BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store ie fitted
up in good order forconifortaud convenionce, both
for ladles and Gentlemen.
A THINS A: BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe St”re Is fitted
up in goodorder for comfort and conve9ience, both
for Ladies and Gentlemen.
A TRW& & BitO. promise to be punetnal, and will en
deavor tcplahae all who may call on theta ?Or Boot!
laid Shoes;
This is the Place to Get
Boots,,Slioes, Mats; Caps itt.,
1. ax undersigned having opened hie•SPRING AND
i TRAVELING BAGS, of the very latest ..-
and handsomest styles and heat finish,'
would respectfully, itiviteell his oldfrionds
and cuutomers, and others. who wish to buy the beet ar
ticles In his line at the lowest prices at his store in
Walnut St., next to the County _Prison.
It is not necessary to ID umerato particular articles,
ter his Mock embraces ererything for Ladles, Gentle
men, Girls, Boys and Children that can be railed for in
this department of business. The Ladies particularly,
will find a choice celection of all tha handsomest and lat•
eststy le+ of Shone Gaiters, Ac._ His assortment of Rata,
Cape, TruOks, Traveling MO, Act, have been selected
with great care. Call coon and obtaid a hareiiin.
305. BOWMAN,
Mean:ran taken and work made to order.
Lebanon, Slay 8, labl. -
Piiilip. IP. ItleCatilv
('iv Cumberland Street, one door East of
Lithe Black Morse liotel. Thankful forthe
rery liberal patronage extended to me ter the. short time
I bri:Ve. ' , eon in business; respectfully solicit a
continuance of the pgronxge or the public,
lie hoe at .ull times` an assortment or )1 , 00T3 and
dttOES of MS own menufecture on hand, which will be
cli,posed of on reasonable terms. _ .
noon desiring a neat. well made article; are Invited
to pre me a trial. CMldiom' Eimer, of every variety
and cf,lor on band. heavy work made to order.
.I,l*. 611 work Warranted'. Repidrinvietiti3i done and
cacaos made moderate. Lebanon, July 3. 1861.
New. Boot and Shoe Store;
underalzoold aupounces to tho public that he
has 'petted New Bootattd Shoe Store. in 3farket
Stria, Lebanon. two doom-month of Zion's Lutheran
•P"ltethurch,'Whe're he intends keeping eminently on
hand a general assortment of Ladies, Gentlemen,
Mecca, Boys and Children's,. • '
Boots, Shoes' Gaiters, &e., -
all of which will be made up in style and qualitp not
tr. be surpaese4 Virru , other.weilimen in the Country.
No effort shall be spared to. pleaSe and satisfy ,all who
may favor him with their orders, and his charges
will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fair
remuneration. ,
lie alen keepo a large stock of
HOME MADB :WORN; warranted to be me represented.
Thu public are.Moited weal and examine his Hoek
prey/one to pewebadeg.
4SP Repairing done on lank notice and at rossonabfc
rates. 41.NDFarir MOORE.
Lebanon, May 1, 1881.
DANI . -E. R - A EF P 8
HAS been removed to hie nevi . residence, in Cum
berland street. sgstare West from Weald stand,
and oppoaite the office of Dr..C. D. Gloninger,
Ile has jelt opened a large and desirable stook, of
woll.mado Boats and Shoei. Ladies' lig °alienist $126;
Ladies' Lace Ebetees $1:50-; for Minden, 411 Nam
Alen's Boots for $2.50; Men'S (Balms $2; few Boys $1..76
to V. 1.60 ; for Childrou $1,1234 to $ 1 . 62 %*
Also a large variety of Overshoes, Trardtailravellrig
Bags, &c. Come, See, and judge fir yourselree.
Lebanon, Nov. 20.-'6l. DANIEL' OR:ABFF. .
Boot and Shoe 'Store.
' ,' ' JACOB rp.00311 - reepinitfally In.
forms the public that he still contin
rise his extensive establishment in
gib. iiiimi his new' building, in Cumberland st.,
white he hopes to render, the same
satisfaction as heretofore to all who
may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants
and dealers In BOOTS and SHOES and every one who
wishes to purchase fashionable. and, durable articles in
his line, to call M i d„ examine forthemselves, his large
and varied stock.
Re is determined tit - surpass
~.eempetition In the
manufacture of every article in his business,.snitable for
any Market in the Union. A due care taken hkregard
to materials rand workmanehlii; none bt tbe
ty W . 1. - FATHER' and other materiel', invited, and none
but thelest workmen are employed -
p.B.—He returns Ida sincere , thanks to hie friends for
the very llherd patronage , kdotoTetel'bedewed on him.
Relopes by strict attention to bneinitdand endeavoring'
to please his mistemen, to merit? Ohre of public pat.
Anew [Dobatton, July 8,1881..
OLD Slfri_'Sriffro
N. W. corner of Market an' ater streets,' L — eb un an; Pa
1 - R. DREG, AO, respectfully informs his friends
j and the public, that he has taken the above
starlit, forinerly occupied by Ernatdel Reigart, end large
ly Inorduell the stock of WINES AND LIQUORS,.with
-selections from the CHOICEST BRANDS and
:•-• qualities now in th e market. 3.1 y assortment
7 ,„,
conalsta 01 Ortard, Mummy, Pinot Caatillion,
T. ihmea, Martell. Marett, Pellevdision, J. J. Ferny' &
Co.. A. Sergnetto & Co.
INES.--Champagne, Old Oporto, Burgundy, Claret,
Sherry, Madra, Lisbon, Tenerille, Hock, Muscat and
Malaga, of various brands and qualities.
Holland Gin, Scbeidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits,
Scotch and Irish Whiskeys.; Peach, Apple, Lavender,
Blackberry. Cherry,Oinger and Raspberry BRANDIES;
Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, &e., &c.
constantly or. hand a superior quality of Old
Wheat, Bourbon, Malt an d.Mouongahola WHISKEYS,
of the very best qualities, and Pare Cider Vinegar. .
From long experience be flatten himself that he will
be able to render satisfaction to all who may patronise
the new firm, and the reputation acquired for furnish
ing the beat brands of LIQUORS, at the lowest priees,
will be maintained. All articles sold at this establish
ment will be what they arc represented.
Lebanon May 22,1361.
Fancy Furs! Fancy Furs !!
. 7l
RCII Steam, between
h and Bth Sta., (late of
Market. Bt..} PhIIa
4LITAO2taII OV, and
NCY FURl3,for La
, Masa' and Chit.
liming now tnenufae•
mei and In Store my
nal liage and beau
-1 assortment of all
r ri on • styles and
Ham of Furs, adapt.
to the coming Fell
Winter Seasons. I
id : respectfully In.
prices from Uwe. ,
. . .
Intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer • them
very deetrable Inducements. . •
All my Furs have been Purcluused for cash, and made
by experienced and competent hand , ' , 'and as the prem.
ant momentary tronblea render it necessary that I
ehould dispose of my goods at very- email advance. on
I am ettieSed that It will be to the interest: of thole
who detigo combating; to give me a call.
AT Recollect, the name. number and street : John
Pereira, (New Yur store,) 718 Arch Street, Piffled's.
B'ptember'lt, 1861.5 m. •
n GI LDBRS will do well by balling on J. H. BRZERLZIL
1)1 Agent, its he is prepared to do all Mode of TIN
ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at
the very lowest prices. He also has on hind a large
and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and
all of the-most improved Oar Ruining COOK
STOVES end' PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the
different and latest improved RANGRF AND
HEATERS, of all ;duds. He also keeps ccn
stantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING,
SLATE, which he offers at lees price than they can be
bought of any other ilatemen in the county.
salt.. WARE-ROOMS—One door Bonita pf the "Buck
Hotel," tt stinnt Street, Lebanon, Pa.
L eloanon, D ecember 25,1881.
Stoves, .Stoves, ' Stoves.
Now i the time to buy your. STOVES before col.
winter Is here, and the beat and cheapest place is
at the
Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac
tory of Sasses N. Rogers;
Next door to tho'Lsbanon Bank. where can be bad the
ltrgeat and beat assortment of PARLOR, nat.t, and
COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Lebanon, Oaa burn
ers for Parlors or Bed Chambers of hie own make, with
a general assortment of Parlor STOVES, and a large
variety of the best Cooking Skives in tho county or bar •
()ugh, which he warrants to bake or roast.
WASII 1:0ILEI{S constantly on !Sand of al,l sizes
and Use best matcetsl.
E../t.;KETS--tlie largest assortment, the bier
lest lion, and the beat made in Lebanon.
a largo rtock of TIN WARE, made of the best
material and iu a Workmanlike manner. As lie is a
practical Workman; and baa hittl an experience of twen
ty tire yaws. be feels confident that he can give general
a:aim aetiou
Be takes-this method of returning his thanks to hie
nuaterous customers for their liberal support; end he
hopes, by strictly attending to his: own business and
lotting other people's alone, to still receive a share of
potato patronage. JAhiES N. Roazits.
Lebanon, November 7. 1860. .
..03- Particular attention paid to all kinds of Immo,
such NI Roiling, Spouting, to., Sind all work warranted.
Saddle and Harness Manu
TIIR uudeiaiglied line Removed
hie Saddlery and llarneaa
Dimufaotory to a few doors
of the old place, to the large room I jbee:. - •
lately occupied by Elliman a Bro. as - -
a Liquor store, where he will be happy to see all his old
friends and customers, and where he has increased fa
cilities for attending 10 all the departments of 12.1 e bust.
rm. Being - determined to bo behind no other establish
ment .in his abilities to accommodate customers, he
has spared neither pains nor expenao to obtain and make
hitneolf master of ovary modern improromen in the bu
siness and secure the services of the bed workmen that
liberal wages would command. Ile will keep' a largo
stock on band, and manufacture at the shortest notice,
all descriptions of HARNESS, such as
Saddles, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of
all kinds heavy Harness, Buggy
Whigs of the best Manufacture,
Buffalo Robes, Fly Nets,
such as Cotton. Worafed, Linen, and a now kind lately
invented; TVIIIPS of dvery kind, agdt as Buggy WWI,
Can Whips. &c.; /LA kfESof all deacriptions. HALTER
CHAIM% home-made TRACES, k.c.,.&c., all of *blob is
will warrant to be equal td any that -ambit obtained in
any other establishment in the country. All he asks
that thorn desiring anything in this lino, should call at
his place and examine his stork. He feels the fallen
conffilenco in his ability to give entire satisfaction.
W All orders thankfully received nudpromptly
tended to. SOLOMON BMIT H.
North lehauon"Borough, April 24. 101. '
• r:•=ri s
, , .11-13*-WIT.EITip • , „
An. ' :gm - •All•
By Lebanon Valley:Railroad. .
PARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goode shipp
ed by the Lebanon-Valley-Railroad: Goods bo
sent daily to and from PhPadEphis to LebanOn, alyere
town and Annville Stations, and all other points in the
PRRIGHT/ cant:spied for at the least possible rates
ani delivered with dispatch.
Thu Proprietor will pay particular attention to, and
attend ht personally, to the receiving, and delivery of AU
Freig s.
For information: apply at Ma Office at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon.
EDWARD MARK, hie Arent in Philadelphia. will al
ways be found at W. H. Bug's ,Iferehant's.EfrotaLlVerth
Third et.. Philadelphia.
July IL 'BOl GEO. ROFFild N.
i_z:"tx-roatz T f A4 )
Consumption, Asthma', Chronic Bronchitis,
Nervous Prostration, General DObility,
Dyspepsia, Scrofula. Marasmus, Lose
of Appetite, , Neuralgia, Female
Complaints, and aU Disorders
of the Nervous and Blood,
MR Name* bee obtained a great reputatlon.for moat
CONSUMPTION.. It to recommended by many thou!
sand Physielans in the Milted States and Rurope-.bao
lug been used with ansmre ONPAIALISLAD IN 11l ati.
NAL!! masecang. • ,
The Iflipii*rphitez iwolold.ftne tspectte ac
tion on the ale hand, Increasing the principle which
AGENTS KNOWN. In cases of Nervous Debility, or
Prostration qf the Thal Powcrs, from any cause, this
Remedy has no superior.
"Winchoetor's eattuine Preparation" .
Ts the only nimble form of the Illmopammartm; made
after the Original Fordmla of. Dr. Chinch'll.
oil- PRICS&—In oz. - Bottles, si.—Slx Bottles for
p. in 16 es Bottles, P.—Three for. P. Circulars
gratis. • Sold by all rispectable . Druggists, and at the
gole Generil Depot 16 the United States. by
.f. WINCUBSTNR, 36 Jobe et:, N. Y.
- 1 0 11 TWIM I IIM
•N . . „
....... •
SperMatorrhea, or Semi n al Weakness, and
Gehital Irritability in either Sex.
This'Malady. the terrible conseqiences of which are
too well known to require more thanla hers allusion to
them, le one of the moat lluddkele, and therefore dint.
games, of all the font catalogue of human Ills. It rape
the 'feu springs of fe, rapidly . undermine . the con..
attention, and sinks 'unhappy victim into imbecility
and a preinatnre grave Prom' one to`eix'boxis of the
SPECIFIC PILL are generally sufficient to effeot",a
permanent cure In the moat aggravated pies, whothog
CoMproriTMO7AL , , or arising from ABINCIM fierSer&
, 17 4 , believ e It
It t o be, in T
the treatment bf Sper
rhea, as near a Specific as any medi^fme can be."—D.
Herrn, M. D. [Am. Jour. of ?dedh e l Scie nce.
"I have found them all that could be desired. •Their
effect biwbeen truly 'wondv.lial. I need them Lampe of
Spermaterrbes of •10r..a. Mandlatt which haablfio,wider
treatment for yeartv: I think three bona wtlloomplate
the e ure." — E,P..Dialtal, M. D.
Tbia le not a Horarepaehic Remedy.otet• hi .
any ute,rom or other-de!eteriolos Logre4ml,pepilgpetde
with It.
PRICE :-11 per SOL Six-Dorsi for s4,lll,_.itediet
paid. Fir sale by all rupee:able rirggsbitOttflit
SoleStenfinal Depot in the thaltad•Steise;bjf•- • .
3. WINCHESTES, 36 John at- L Y.
9, 1861.-Iy.
1 , -rwirsttulid
George Iloffinlin's
----- 5 - • 7I S
/-4aaif/&,\ /0. _ 9 < f. \
.. , i ' -/''`--„ ' l O utOERSAL i o --„, tl
1 / 4 .. ) *".a: 0 4 ( C 0 11 Gil '‘ 2, V- 2
~, - -- ,4-.
"'£m vS) / R rill t, - .DY • `ATE ek:
-valuable proparaticm, freed of rill the cum
-1 mon component", such ea Opiatee, or Expectorants,
which not only run down the syetem, but destroy all
chance of cure, will be found on trial to pennies the fol
lowing properties. and to whicl. the moot valuable testi•
monlale may bo found lathe pamphlets.
For whooping Cough and as a Soothing Syrup. it
meet* every want, and by early use will save the largest
proportion of ruptures In children which ran be traced
to Whooping,Cough.
In ordinary' Coughs and Bronchial Complaints, the
forerunners of Constunfitkin,' its splendid tonic proper
tiea make itnot only the moat perfect enemy to disease,
but builds up and subtaine the system against recur
rence of the Complaint. No nursery should be withlnt
it. nor should parents fall to get a pamphlet, to be found
with all dealer", u the only way to do Juatice to its
value. •
- - ...... --- ' utitllWT(laivr . 4 4 . \ .
/41rJr6:'es \
' i - ZIOLU G ) in umfi Ttt Al ' eNtke, ,
`\l:, Ot Ai C ie ' OA LI 14' t /
4 , A,pyik tif ‘ 4, t, MED ' -01+11.1•-• .
...." - TU ArO D; ATE-\:--...._...--
• •
rlilll3 great Neuralgic Remedy and Natural Opiate
calls for npealal attention and interest, being free of
Opium, or preparation's of Opium, or of any but its
strictly vegetable and medical properties. For Neural
gia, Rhentnatietn, Gout, Tooth and Ear Ache. Spinal
Complaints, Bleeding at Lunge orStomach. Roes orilay
Never, Catarrh, and al) minor Is:ervone Cptriplaints.
For Loss of - Bleep, Chronic or Nervnue Head Ache,
/lick Heed Ache, it bee unequal, and to which we offer
eatimontale from undoubted eel:frau,.
For Delirium Tremens it is a Sure Remedy.
For Bowel Complaints, Including Cholera btorbus, It
Is eplendtdiy adapted, In not only removing the pains
but acting es physic, ttgredt contrast with Opium, which
not only constipates and drugs the system, but makes
the remedy worse then•thd disease.
Prom physicians we ask attention, and on demand
Formulas or Triel Bottles.willba sentoleeelopiug In. the
Anodyne an Opiate which ha/flans beeh wanted, and In
the Gough Remedy each ae reit entirely on ono central
From Invalids We ask correspondence for Prinriblete
Or eXplanation, without "postage•stampa."
For—Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle.
' Tutu Anodyne,• 50 • "
JOHN L. lI UNNEWELL, Proprietor,
• • .oriental AND rHAILMACZOTIAT,
Ni , . 9 Cbminerceat Wharf. Boston,
For sale by all usual whoteisapi,and retell dealer? In
'every town and city, and by Joseph L. I.emberger. Leb
anon ; at Wholeiale by deo.11: Mhton, Charles Ellis
Co., Philad'a. [April 3,1861.—1 y.
And Grows More and More . Popular Every Day
al4- ND testimonials. new, and - almost without. nnm
her. might be given from ladles and gentlemen in
. grades of society, whose united testimony none
could resist, that Prof. WOod'S Blair Restorative will
tore the bald end may, aid Piiiierve the hair of the
youth - to eld age, in all its youthfuibeauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 216t,1 858.
Pees. Woont.Thee wilt please accept a line to inform
thee that the hair on my head all fell eli over twenty
years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at
tended with an etaptlon on the head. A continual
source of suffering through life having reduced me to 4
state otdependenee, I have not been aidelo obtainetuff
!Ter cißeivieltber have I stnip them up; in con
sequence of which my head has pedferid extremely from
veld- Thili induced me to tey Briggs & Hodges almost
the butt cent I had on earth for a two dollar Witte of
thy flair Restorative, about the Ist of August. last. I
have faithfully followed the direction,,. and the bald
'pet Is now covered with hair thick and black, though
short. It is also coming in all over my head. Feeling
confident that another large kettle would restore It en
tirely and permanently, I teal ansioua to persevere In
Its use, and Geing destitute of means to purchase any .
more, I would ask thee if thee v:euldst not he willing
to Send mu an order on thine agents Mr a bottle, and
receive to thyself the Scripture:cleclaration—"the re•
ward le to those who era kind to the widow and the
fatherless." Thy friend, SDSANNAII KIRBY:
Ligonier, Noble Co., Indialia, Feb. sth, 1859..
Peor. 0. J. Woon—Dear Sir—ln the latter part 03
the year 1852, while attending the State and National
Law School of the State of Now York, my hair, from a
cause unknown to me, commenced failing off very rap
idly, so that in the short apace of six mouths the whole
upper part of my veil) was almost entirely bereft of its
covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the
side and back part of my bead shortly after became
gray, so that you will not be surprised when I telLyou
that upon my return to the 'State of Indiana, my more
casual acquaintances were not se much at u lose to dis
cover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my
more Intimate aconaln tnneei were to recognise me at all.
rat once made application to the most skillful physi
cians in the country, but, receiving no essLrance from
them that my hair could again be restored, Nees forced
to become reconciled to my rate, until fortunately, in
the latter part of the year 1857. your Restorative tee
recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most
reliable Hair Restorative in we. I tried one bottle,
and found to my great eatiefeetion that it was produc
ing the desired effect. Since that time I have need sev
en dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result,
have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no
money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill
in the production of so wonderful an article, I have
recommended its use to many of my friends and ac
quaintances, who,:l am happy to inform you, are using
it with like effect. Very respectfully yours,
A 3i: LATTA,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Depot, 444 Broadway, and aold by all dealers through
out the world.
The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three els es,
viz.: large, medium, and smalls; the small holds a
pint, and retails lhr ontfetollar per boat° ; the medium
bolds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than
the small, retails for
,two dollars a bottle ; the large
holds a quart, 40 per Cent more in proportion and row
tails for $3 a bottle:
0;3. WOOD & CO:, Proprietors, 441 Broadway, New
York, and 11441arket Street, St. LOU* Mo.
Sold by tir. ROSS,
.aud by all good Druggists and
Fancy Goods Dealers. • July 31, '6l-Iyeetir.
T L. LEMBEROER, Graduate of the Phila.
eitedeiphia College of Pharmacy. offers to the
LOBI Of Lebanon and Surrounding country.
PURE selection of Drugs, Medicines and
Chemicals, and the first quality of Perfumery
and Toilet and Fancy • Soaps, embracing the
hest matinfaetur.i in the country, and a large
variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail. Flash, Clothes
and Bair Brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine
Combeotlvory,Sholl, Elora and India Rubber.
Ms Pure whole and ground Spica., arc offered for
W I NO lithen.O . ancretnan:quantities •
• • az 4-0. . ' I . I I6WINERGER'S' Drag Store 7,
• P L°Wilit SEEDS.
I" • •
Yon Will find a full . mpiortinent and a large
variety of FRESH - Garden and Flowor Seeds at
... 1111 Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda_Asb,
et and. Potash in large and small quantities at
a; Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Aah, Sal
i o 'mattes, Cream of Tartar, all pure; and for sale
In largo and small quantities - at
are LEMBERGER'S Dtug Store.
Upon arc in want of good Washing Soap,
WV pure white or red Castile neap, Country Soap,
16. Erasive Soap to remove grease spotarsuperlor
oi Shaving soap, buy the same at
Do ydn want a good Hair Tonic? something
to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and
to prevent falling on t of the hair: if you do
The afilleted are requested' to call and exam.'
ine my stock of Trusses, Supporters, &e., cons )
m „ . ...• prising a variety df Manufantere.
, w 2 ike).."Marsb's" Geinline "Improved Self
juating Pad Tram." •
feF • "Matah's".Cntamenial 'Bandage.
An invaluable article for the purpose.
If you are in want of any of the above yOU
We can be suited at •
s LEMBERGERiS.Dnig.,Store.
Pure Ohio Catawba - Brandy]
TlM•genuine article for kedlainal Panama.'
114 bela4 loan its..Portty,at : •
• lIIMBERGENS Drug tore,
" OppOsite the Maiket
Anything Ton want that :is kept •in -a well
gio conducted „First clam Drig Store, can bolero.
r ue! i lebed you by '
Chemist and Apothecary. lil l
Feellnethinkful for the very lihtrai patron. ~,,
age thus far received from the•Pbyateiane, Mar- Wil...
chants, and Cittiene of„ Lebanon and anfr.ottnth 1111
Itige;l 4 egelti solicit 'a share; promising to two ow
evary. adbrt to please al t.• -r,-
idertipeided attention given to. Pimp^ 'Ft
'Plitsciurrions and rabitty ittoari7P • •'...AJON 'ell
medicine dispensed • Warranted , Pr" ....,4 and all ..."'"
as good at! Dan be obtained ap- "A R E , always C 47.
JOS. '.. LEMBER " .
to sattilie Ilium Iteme , 4 wnercii.and sold
l Feb, 14 1) :
tilipt.,.;4enitat ai2d-Apo'at
, -Aber the Address,-
.6 . Market attelitc..Li •
It is a'
-. tad'
117 ELL known to the inediailliegwliet_ aurvy
dinner -cannoLbe- wtetedilieFtli atemtee'lli.
readin g " %
Purden'e t" It 1g itepef MVO ffl g a ,
thorny that •
ReiZeignein IlfreitheLeal
OPPOSITE TREl3:ol:l,__Ltid thllErit,
Areolllo g /toady- made Ilhatlarleett. Inanimate*
-Ftwarksktrlg lhafitittiOrilivOsif
I** ilmbrillaa, 'Plst6ls, Rerittivir • and:
o rwattehtli - kiitdo 13fi Otada-NI
foe mak blertArs: • ••• : t 7 ,
SHAWL ; PINS 4.4 : Ter•
fcirfAihlerifeif and gpr In g Plea for liyawlitita •
Lot &not, Nov. 0, 'el. vpiposlte the Coast Rom.
Al'o yon te-blo, end •
:fun Wand 0,1? Ave you out of
faro, wtth your aystern de-
Ingot). sod your feellogi
nwfort:thint These ry Trip•
nits ere often the . prelude to
;oriole' Mitten)," Some tit of
loketess'il - creribing uyun you,
and alionid be nverted hy..a
thusly was of the right rvto
isty. 'fake Ayer's Pill, and
cleanse Olathe disordered bu
-- purify the blood; out
A. the nnida IMOVO on 11NOn
ittliOted In health e.,•;:tie.
Alemiulmto the fuuctiqua
Webs Lily into vlgoroui at.
40tiallty, purify the eyetem from
the obetructione which make
disease. A Gold settjethiseMyrhere, ht the bwly, and ob
structs Its riedunil7figaitriotti. ltvie; If not relieved,
react *pea ortrfvundhog origami; Iwo'
deading general,ligkrayaliOvt,. •yucraring, and disease,.
Inge thin equ4ltin, opkeeiied by the derange/neon',
take Areal e, and see how talectly they restore the
natural. ectkm of the eyelet°, Reid with' it the buoyant
feeling of Linth L egntn. What te true and so apparent In
this *Avis] and cuntann complaint, is nice true in many
of the dairies/et, and dangerous dietotepora;- 'The. same
purgative effect expels them. Cancel by similar ebetrue
tions and
. dcrongententsot the enters/ furetione of the
body, they are rapidly, not many of them ..urely,cured
by the s a me moan,. Nnue who ktmw the etrtrien - eftbeee
Pills; wlal .uoglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Suttee:tante from lending pitpivlnus In smite of the
Prix:caps& cities, and front other well huoven public per,:
/3vo. a Araoctra;ng )le.T4unt ‘f .9. teas, /U. 4, ISSG.-
° DIE AT tour Pllle are tho paragon of all that le
groat In medicine: They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerate save upen h er. hand& and feet that 123 A proved
locuraLle for yeare. liar inutlior bas been long griev
ously &filleted with tdotililoolad - Pfutigotimslter akin and.
In her hair. A (tor our child :172a tired, aloe also .triod
your Pills, and they Lave cured her.
ASA 11Oltql1IDGE.
As a Varnqy
-nem nr. it. TV. atrttertght, Chicatu.
Your Pills are the prince at purges. Their excellent
gttalities surpass any cathartic ice pevices. They aro
mild, but very certain and offectnal in their action on the
bowels, which nudges thew invaluable to to in the daily
treatment of disease.
neadciche,Sickliertdacile t ronl Stomata'.
From Dr. Edward Dori, Baltimore.
Dittrtllrte. 'A . :
latannt nruiwer you what oomplaints
I have CUrOd ‘ritb your LIU+ hotter than to gay an that ut
erre treat with a purgatAle mulicine. I place great depen
dence ou an effectual cathartic fa my daily covieet with
disease, and heliostat; as Ido that your NU afford ue the
beet we baro,l of COUMO value them highly.
Prrranouo, Pa., May 1,1655.
Do. J. C. AVM Sir: I . have been repeatedly eurod of
the wend headache ony body eau have by a claw or two
of your Nile. It imams to guise Iran a foul ototoach,
Which they eksanse at Once.
Teas with great respoct, • En. W. PItP.BLIZ,
Clerk nl
,SiCtlmer Clarion.
Bilious Disorders—Liver Complaints.
Peon' Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York CO.
Not eniy aro yonr namirailly adapted to their par•
poen as an aperient, but I And their beneficial effects - woo
the Liver cart' marked Nihon. They Intro in toy prac
tice proved mere effeetnal ter the core of bilious cam.
pleints thou nay one retuudy I can mention: I !sincerely
reJoicu Weil we have at length a purgative which IS wor
thy thu confidence of the prufeesieu add the people.
Wasitington, C., 7th Feb., 1856,
Butt I have used your rills in toy general and hospital
practice ever duce you outdo them, and cannot hoaitato to
say they are the beit cathartic we ouiploy. Their regu
laths.- action on the, liver is quick• and.dacided, copse.
town tly they are an admirable remedy for derangements
of -that oran. indeed, I bare seldern . Amami n case or
alliour &setae ao vbatinate that RAid not readily yield it
theta. Fraternally yours, ALON7,IYIIaI,i, M. I).,
41,yskian (lithe Marine liespital.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Wormall
Prom Dr. J. C Oran, of Chicago.
You PULL Intro had a lung trial in my practice, and I
hold thew In eeteetnne One of "the beet aperients.' have
ever fund. Their alterative effect upon tho liver malice
them an excellent remedy, when given In small dosed tir
lamas dysentery tont - di.trhceu. Their 'engar.coating
waken them very ticcrptelde and convenient La the nee
a women end children. •
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the 131°04.
.jot Rev.. J. Y.Viimet, Pastor of Advent Grittrelt, Boston.
Dm Arno: Z base owl your MU with eatraoratnary
mecum in earfairdly and among tboie I am called to visit
In distrww. To regulate too organ/ of digeatkrow and
purify the blood, they are the very beet remedy I have
ever known, and. I can conlideutly recommend them to
toy friends. Yuare, .1. V. littetES.
Wauaw, Wyoming Co., Y. , Oct. 24, 180.
Pain Sm.: I am item; your Cnthartic.lVille in toy prac
tice, and find them au excellent purgative to eleanee the
System and purify the Arnatains qf the I4ned.
Constipation, Cos lir eness , Suppression,
Itlictiniatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop
ay, Paralysis, Pita, etc.
From Dr. J. P. ravitn, Alootroal, Canada.
Too much cannot be mild of yeast Pills for the cure of
costiveness. If others sif our fraternity harothund them
ns eMcnctons as r hare, they slatiuld join Mein
ing It for the benefit of the multitudes who Rorer from
(hat complaint., which, although bad enough in Itself; is
the progenitor of others Unit are IT Ord°. I betters est
tiiettess to originate in the flyer, but yoeir rills West that
organ and curo the disease..
-Front Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Itldwlß , Itartaa.
And one or two large docen of your rm., Wiest at the
'proper time, are excellent promotive/ of the nahrral sea".
Linn veheii wholly or partially nnupremed, and also very
efteplind to chonse the tionnolt cud cape? worms. They
are ao much the Lott physic wu have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
Roam the Rev. Dr. Thisekes, of the 3/eihadiat /Ns. Mirth.
PULASKI Room, Savannah, es.. Jan. 6, 1856.
INKOKED SIR: I Ithaluld be ungrateful for the relief
your skill has brought me if 'I ca d report my essee'to
you. A cold settled Inrny limbs and brought-on- excru
ciating neuralgic pains, whites ended in chronic rheuma
tism. Notalasstandleg had the boot .it.phystsiana, the
disease grew rOoile end worse, until bs the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Maciteuzie, I tried your
Their effects wore slew, but sure. By perserering
In the use of them, I em now entirely well.-
BLNATS CHASMS, Baton Rouge, La.,.6 Dec. 184.5.
Da ATEK: I hove boon entirely cured, by your Pills. of
RAICWILItiC Gout—a painful diselkse that bad 'afflicted me
se-Moat of the Pills in market contain. Mercury,
which,' although a•valtiable "rOn'nely in. skilful bands, is
dangerous in a publle p9l, from the dreadful conse
quences that freqnently follow Ito incautious use. These
contain no mercury or mineral Imbalance witatoior:
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $.1..
Prepared by Dr. 7. 0. ATER & CO., Lowell, Mug.
&id by 3. L Lomberger, Dr. Rosa and D. 8. Rolm.
Lebanon ; Beiror & Bro., Aonville ; Shirk, lityoundowis
nothing. Mt. Nebo , ; Harper, East Ilamoier
Shaefferatoivu; and by Bealera everywhere.
Hits been Removed to his New Building, on. Cumber
. 'Lind Street, opposite, the Eagle Buntline,
subscriber respectfully anutunce to his acqualn
l" Uncoil and the public in general, that he has con
stantly on band a large stock of
llnruttg Fluid, Surgical Instruments Toilet Scupe,-Ces
gars, Tobaccol&c, variety ot Fancy Articles too
Miming to' mention, which he offers at low rates, and
warrants the qualities of the articles as represented.—
Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the
qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing else
where. 4611.Phyakiazio' prescriptions and family reel
pesearefully compounded at all hours of the day or
night, by cal at the ' Drug Store, opposite the Eagle
On Sunday, the Store will bo opened for the own..
pounding of prescription, between the hours of .444
lo o'clock, L. M., 12 and 1, and 4 and SP. M., •
Lebanon, Dec. 9,1857. . DAVID tik•Rf.4.l3.
Mutual Fire Insurar A ctc,_
pany of Annville?
FIGIIE3 COMPANY was incorporat•A Maw'
p m. imtia;
1 is now in full operation and , w.a.. al. ~__•
._,_.--, ..o owwas insur
ance on Dwellings, and mbar IP ...t. en Furniture,
and Merchandise generally A',B o on Ban n. ci onwnt ..
stock, Farm Implements. &C on a Mlatual Prlnelp/n.
MAN Aggytyc.
Samuel Efeabold,
• Jahn H. Kinports i
. Geoe Rigl•- "
bohn rg Al' -..
• .Rurt-'
,4 ipb nein
...mph F. mita,
%viatica Bachman,
George a. Boingnniner,
T. D. A. Gaimiu;
ieorge•Dop see,
obn D. &Aver ,
, sniel S. EarlY,
- • -
ZinoLen FILIB 40Hli ALLWEIN, President
JOSEPH F. 'A, ~irreasunrer.
Eteunnel, SeOretary.
;IP decibel& Tiwirellug Aureut.
.^Ab Behnotteriy. Agent, Fredericksburg.
314,1861-71 -
vas6nidete pe d would reppo c tfully inform the
lie " O f ÜbaDOSirtbarltf hie commenced the BA KE
IND BUSINESS, In all Its varieties, st on
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, nearly o PPeuriteC the thick
alld/Wll/ IMPIO/V eustosers with the hada/IE4D,
&o. received from customers and
rithriied tii„Linirs in bread st short notice:
et all kinds, fr and of the best Quality, oonstantly
Ink Yazd. and fu7llDLd at the lowest prices.
As ...public is invited tO she ma a 4113-
non; Not. 9, 1869, r et:
tinir ri trlOQN.l,
AMOR . BlitaT,±4Bovil HIRD,
• , - "PAMADS4III.II..
~. . .
UPteh liewoOmer Proptactor
Ilan Hotel is centrel,..eoireimitat lettelpaimpar Con
to ell parte at the; -city, awltq
4 4117=tadar
adapted to the comfort and want* of Dub.
63. Terms $1.50 per day. OVAL 'fl.-IP
• AYEws
JOHN O. JIE.i.CI/ A 31, JI. D