Pfartiott: TERM IT $ 4,:kt&R LEBANOX PA.. _ __ WBIIN~S'DA.'Y~ANbUX+ft~i! .~, ~g+oa. HOME Afilits. Mir Wby,,fillit), `'Obtre are you go ing to In littcVa t tariP 'Why, rikteetyetvalthuays, in llarket street, t it' 'lhv i elhoe lot Of %%Unto. . WelleYtWiitilts4titt tell we the reason why Ullman t 'sells so Tana' i11!4.4. Furniture and Chain than all .tho - eitilieVinaltdtsitn Lebanon together 1 '.;' '1111; 1 311%, t think I con tell that reason very Olitinlj; la liiisleirsqs got by Sir the largest and bast. tuned. Ai Vet dt all kinds of Furn Kure Mat Quark on hold es t ..„ I ' 4 '"vir Idls he also sells a great deal cheaparthals any Oilier hist-maker ; besides be tuts an esitidterieenshloned V artilture Wagon with which he delivers all Furniture and Chairs sold by him, free of &me; these I think to .be very good and advantageous reasons. ** As the 48d Regiment will leave for 'ibe sett or war this week, the public will please ibear in nand that the best and oldest CABINET 'MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, in Lebanon, Is West of C. Bnornantann'a. Any person in want •of good made work will please call on him, afore buying elsewhere. C. Bito.rusnuan. Lebanon, Nov. 20, 1861.—Oino. One of the Cornwall Anthracite Samoa. was started on the 18th ult., and the second will also p intp operation in a few days. Enterpriee serer flase at Cornwall. It may be interesting to those of oir ruder, 'rho oontemplate visiting Harrisburg tinting the present session of the Legislature, to state that Senator Boughton le stopping at Cov• emirs, and Aesemblyman Hoffer et. Buehler's. Mr. Roodel has for sale, at 10 cants a copy, Poriion Brownlow's Farewell Address in view of hls imprivonment by the 'Rebels. It should he read by all n 1 9 ,1 c ludered upna. Al. though addressed to the ulany in the North may gee in tile abarip,o their own. Aar.— The Adireas has n portrait of itia Parson, nod is latoodud for framing. Mr. Roodel's book operation is a splendid Success, ha baring 'sold a very large number of desirable books atbis'induced prices. Us sells dollar bo.Ais of 90 tents; $1.60 books at 50 mints, and Co on lu proportion. no up the supply. John Allwein, Esq., assumed the duties of County teat:mixer, on Mooday, in place of C. 11. liorgner l ifsq., when term hoe expired. Ife will make a - good Treasurer. For the out. going Troll/mar We oat only may, that he luu in. variably been ntientive to his digits, and in his intercourse with those who bed business with him, ho was always kind end obliging. It will be seen, in the letter of one if our correspondents, that the issuing of ratifies to privates and commissioned [he probably in tended to say non•oommisstunedj officers in our army, tor the purpose of going, home, has been stopped. There ere no doubt setae great move. media contemplated. . Lost, on New Year, in this bor. 'tough, aam Breast Pin, One aide has a Cameo and ihit other is intended for a likeness. The tinder kill betoultably re.maided by leaving it at this office. PARDON or SIMON GRENN,--We Aeard lest evening for tho drat time of the par. don of Simon Green, convicted of murder In 1854, .and can lanced to be bang, Green vas indicted for a murder Conitnittiod during a dynollett roar at it shanty en the Lebanon 'Spey railroad, which 'Woe then being constructed . The evidence up= which be was _convicted was deemed very flimsily, and after-discovered evidence was brought in an hour. before ids ex. ettution,.Wttleh induced Gov. Pollock to grant a respite for an indefinite period. Efforts were made by a gentleman named Nichols, who took a deep interest in the nuttier, to induce Gov. Packer to pardon him, but they proved unsuc cessful. Gov. Curti& ballet length rendered the man a simple act ofpuitlee; after it long impris onment.—BarrfahareVarrior. • Or At Itn election held on Thursday evening, Dec. 26, 1861, by May -Flower council, No. 69,0. of U. A. IL, of Lebanon, Pa., the following, officers were elected to serve for the - ensuing term, viz : C., D. E. Millet., V. C., Wm. C. Fauber, R. S., J. H. Miller, A. it S., j. E. Daugherty, F. S., Geo. R. X'arch,. 1., i,. L. Greene. - watt, Ex., John liodearmel, J.l'., John H. Erick, 0. P., Benj. Young: tQ At a late Sheriff's sale of Mr. Abm. Lehman's property,the following were the purchasers I John Wolf bought the Stettin mlll for $1720.00, and one•tbird interest in the sideling attached to it for $45. David :S. Werner bought a house and lot in North Lebanon for $420.00. -The mortgage on -the property was $3,200.00. fir Capt. Mark's company of the 98d has sent home *1133.00 since their prirday. Oapt. !dark is spoken of in the highest terms by those from the camp. Weitiviays predicted that he would make a first-rate officer. Akir etWailtOsta AL3145140 hut now iiritted and hi now ready for delivery grittia, by our Di tigglais, to 111 who call for it. Our fistdoes to ty by tttirptiand to know that this little pamplOnt ic hag ordutoo so ,AktiCit a ff.vorita In our. 'maim ha! vita el, treat cir culation of any nue bobk in tho vr,ir the ill Ws. it is prfitti..o,..itt many langtttpw .nattered ibron . gb 120441 7,nation. oo ar. i .q,,l to almost thowildra pnpulatiOn of our own runt domain. 'Story family atiolihd hoop fir it Contains 'ter trination Wbledi ikibis t regales, when sickness Oran , k“s they and which 03y prom invaluable Rum beluw at band to Eason . " It you don. , ~ o r advice, you Vein call and get an Ayeeir lttinanaa, and when got, keep it. We Visited 91,1t*ile gre4f. Panorama ,at the Rebellion ea Monday eight in the Town ilia It Is alias represented, haring been pro. nounoed by 'tram' one of the great works of art r produeed during the present oentuty, ;Ito the 4 itelt best thing, by startling meohanleal OOOtri %Mello to :tieing the actual battles of the great otabillion; Nasty of the scenes relate to the early history of America; many to the Indiana ; 11,n• othermettion is devoted to the glorious campaign is Dtexia t and others to the present war `with the South. f,!_fe,sise portraits of the prominent • an 04.40tik aide: are also presented. There will be but two more . eiNbiti" a in this place (Tuesday and Wednesday. t s 7nningst) and a school exhibition this (Wednesday) The following are the officers eleC led by thi Wail ington Mutual sire Insurance Company, Os :—.President, Joseph Bowman; T.; Treasurer, JanStF.Weldie ; Secretary, J. H. Mil ler; Manaltergao Ik.soerman, T., Jacob Wet. die, Thomas Fainlirro4llo,/, Adolph Jobo L. BeekmONOPliiMiet Jr., ar roll " ea, D. E. miler, J ail D. Krause , .1 eel) Bom berger, W. C. Fauber, Win. Shirk. / Oar HuNNEwBI,IIB COUGH RSBIEDY excels in one of the most laisidaint' (*immaterial= namely, that of containing no materials of opium or antimony, which ore so debililmithlgivi weak conetitn. tons. When'by la pu r r e d, s i m ptho 1 le done with the Cough or Lung Complaint its _aged' a Toni° Una' 4 ties exhibit _ themselves in giving of to we" O a ' term, imulakened by disease, a ;monitor sy very impor tant, but often lost eight of. In a preparstkin like the. UtliTtrllli °Mb Monad] may betimind a greltighoe city ibreifery . mumery. every nisaisme sham, sirrsetint ingroost and firdat infmey to age ft may lisaiWkwitlt per impunity. ibe a4vertimemenhand , raid iam.- phial. [November d-lterr OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE, From the 93d Regiment the men, that they are well pleased with the rag , iment, and with their offieere. I have every rea son to believe, from the talk I had, that Captain Weidman and Lieutenants Reinhold and. Linea. Cants MART . ; FORT Goon HOPE/1 weaver stand as high in the affections of their 'Decetuber 27, lael. j s wan as the pincers of any company in the army. EDITOR ADVERTISER t -L-Hope you enjoyed et Merry Christmas ) in your Lebanon county homes. Returning from my stroll around the camp, I With us the day passed. off much as other' days, met Captain Weidman, who took me into his mar except that we were tried on the manual of load. time, where I wassoon made to feel quite at home. ing and firing, with blank cartridges. The com petition among the companies was rather sharp, Here I met, and was introduced to, a number of and so was the firing, neither company being a- the officers of the regiment; whose kind alien tile to Maim much advantage; and all done 're- tions and gentlemanly deportment towards me, markets!, well. rendered the day very pleasant. Captain Weld- Intimations had been thrown out in camp, last Wan, who had been presented with a couple of Week already, that a few car loads of boxes were being shipped for na from Lebanon, and expecte- turkeys, invited me to dine with him, which I lion was on tip-toe until yesterday afternoon, was constrained to decline, having a prior en. when a strange wagon made its appearance in gagement with Limits. Reinhold - and Linea eur field. It thade for us, and the boys made for weaver. Strolling over the min and visiting a it; aud then aneh a scramble and rush as , there couple of neigbboring camps, filled up the inter was, each one calling for his share. After. the i vat between'this and dinner time. Dinner being wagon was unloaded you could see_ spille long, ready 'I was shown a sent. I was' not long in disappointed looking faces, but they soon tight- taking occupation.' It was my first meal in camp; ened up again when told that there wals'ainotherend when the viands were brought upon the M isted coming. The'second load came in duislime, ble • I found that the novelty of my situation had and with it a repetition of the rush. I hail a not at all affected my appetite ; but on the con share in that Wager:Wand I am not eater it yet;--' trary—l partook of the dinner with a zest rarely I guess you can *lv in that 'there were no co. equalled. , plaints to the Comp4s Quartermasters -tid day, -The party MRS graced with the preSelles of nor there wont be for a few days yet; but,.l, am 1 some ladies who had been invited to partake of a rather afraid the sick lists will he pretty strong. I Chrlitmas dinner in camp. I have no doubt that Last week I paid , another visit to the city ; . I rdining in a seldier's tent erns soinewliat - Inovel to spent considerable portion of my time in-the I them, yet they were perfectly at' hoMe, among Smithsonir a Institete, and was only- sorry that I I their relatives ; - and I question whether they had not more, as ne one who is not there all the could have enjoyed thlstdinttfir any,,,hatter or even time, Will ever tire of visiting it, I will not at- las well elsewhere. Th`tainitedatid dinner party tempt to say what is, there, but I would like to i • were a complete surprAe7toltferforl expected to see, or hear of any animal, fowl, bird or beast, - have a very ordinarysChlietterra dinner that, day, that is not represented there, I was also in the I but was agreeably di46411110k vg} party Was Capitol for a short time, visiting both chambers, I composed of QuarternidaterdWitrdi nisditristvilfe but bad no time to stay long in either. I and daughter; Mr. Glans -end wife , - Sergeant' These are places that all Americans should ' Buffington; Lieutenants Reinhold and Linea visit at least once in their life time, and- oftener !*saver, and myself. There is nothing so well if they have time and money to spare. I calculated to induce good humor and sociability The going home party has been suddenly Sr- 1 as the enjoyment 'Of a good meal, and conse rested by an order prohibiting: the issuing of any , quently we *ere soon on quite easy terms. The passes to privates or commissioned officers.— I meal was interspersed with occasional sallies of There must be sours cause fdr it, but we are all humor, which kept up the good feeling during in the dark bare. I dinner. A couple of hours soon paesed away, Last night the Oeverntnent stables near that together with a wonderful pile (eonsidering the City were destroyed by fire, the- work . 'or an in- ' smallness of the partY) of, turkeys, pheasants, cendiary. Rumor has it from .6'oo to 760 horses quails, oysters and many other concomitants of were burned to death, It is reported in camp atood dinner. Itavas &festive scene, truly rural, this (wishing that the scamp- who fired the stables ' and as such, was highly enjoyed by all who par was caught. I hope it may he true.. It is ably took of it. I never shall forget the pleasant par e pity that he was not made'to suffer with the ty with whom chance east my lot that day, and horses. • I wish- they may all have many, very; many, such Of news I can give you .nothing , more than is merry Christmas. After dinner I spent much you have at home in the daily papers; as that, is of the time between that and night in the menti on we have. . party of Captain Weidman. The evening was Speaking of daily papers, 'I would like to know spent in the Quartermaster's Marquee in the cow- Why it is that we have to pay fink cent* here for party of Lieutenants Milner and Dodge, Sergeant the Philadelphia and New York dailies for which Buffington and a couple of others ; and it passed . you TAY but tura. The carrier here West . either very agreeably, toopay Witch, or they ark - -100 mach. At ten o'clock I retired airing with my host, The weither,,for the last two day's, has bean who, being Lieutenant of the guard that day, was decidedly cool enough to make overcoats corn • , anxious to get a little rest before midnight, when fortahle. according to agreement with Lieut, Robinson, The winter quarters are still being talked !about who was also officer of the guard for that day, but they are not made yet. :Yesterday I was Walks was,required to turn out again. But he was we were to have Sibley rdnlte instead. If thillfilrear being disappointed, inasmuch, as *hen I give us Moves with them, I Wdrild prefer them. got into the bed it broke down. We, laughed Thanking you for your etteritroas, wed wishing heartily at the mis-adventure which for a While you a happy New Year, I remeinfamers.,. drove' Bleep from our eyes. We soon had it fixed 13. ROFFMAN U. and in due,time were in the land of forgetfulness. We slept soundly until two o'clock when Lieut. Robinson came and called up Lineaweavor to,go to the post of duty, It being linewn te him that Lieut. Robinson had kindly given up his' bed to another, he requested him to turn into his place, which request, being urged by myself also, was complied with. Lient. Robinson informed me that it was supposed that the guard never lay off their arms while on ditty; upon which he rolled into bed with his boots, overcoat, cap, sword and pistol; and was soon sleeping soundly. The sin gularity, of my positibn, in bed in camp, with a soldier efintel -to the teeth - , started a train of ideas respecting the life of a soldier, which kept me awake the greater part of the time between this and morning. I arose early, :and was not long-arriving at the conclusion that the dinner of the- previous day had not prevented me from becoming hungry again. Breakfast was called and I partook of it with an appetite, and shortly after left this camp to go to Camp Mary, where I spent another day; an account of-which I pur pose to give next week. -. . CIT. FROM GEN. STONE'S DIVISION CAMP OBSEMTATION, near rpolesyille, Montgomery ea., J‘td., Jan 1, '62.- , Pantie illtistatt t—lnustuuelLas there has been a dearth of news,l have been unable to gather items enough to iterest yott and your readers.— Hence my delay. There is no' other duty I love so well, Its to have a chat With the readers of the • AbitetalSEll. but when it is nothing but the old thing over again, it looks as if ono "was up the stump" for something 'to talk about. We re main at the same place weteocupied when we left Chain Bridge, and from the present, indications we are likely to remain ll'ere until spring. But -we cannot tell. An order• may come to morrow for us to peek up and be-eddy for a march.— Such is a soldier's life—they a% content to go or stay, with good or bad ,It is Indeed strange bow soon men, who hare been :tomato:lir ed to the greatest freedom,-will yield to the com mand of others. Our arnia - are not exactly what we expected, but are a very effective weapon, and woe betide the rOael who would show his grim visage within tire hundred yards, fur with a steady aim he would surely bite the dust. The boys were somewhat startled some time ago by the beating of the long roll—which is a signal far an attack—at ten o'clock, and such a scram ble for hits and shoes, (Ufa toys were all in their bete,) you nwrer sew. Every Man was at his post, and Company A. was the fitst in line on, the parade ground. = It was a false'alarm. General Stone wanted to see bow quick he Could get the men out. There was considerable grumbling by, some that they did not have a chance to meet the enemy, and by , others that they were fooled out of their. warm beds. The health of the Com pany is very geed, the only , cases , now reported being bad colds, and ei far as the Regiment is concerned we have every reason td be thankful. It does seem that we have been a rimaritably favored Regiment. There has been but one death from disease contracted in clamp. Our xa. Lions are excellent and we owe much to our Quer termaster for his energy in our behalf We have been employed' in • erecting a Hospital for the sick, and all orns — s4us to relish a day's ,work with the spade and pick, inasmuch as it gives us a good appetite for our grub. We have an excel. lent drilltround in our Camp, but we make free use of the adjoining fields, and sometimes go a Mile and 'a half for Brigade Parade. Yesterday we went . With linapsabke for the purpose of get ting Used to our "budget of fun," as one of the boys calls it. There- have been considerable preparations for the Cold weather. going on in camp. - We have the large tentv, and a imall stove in each one. There are fifteen men in each tent. It would do you good just to take a peep in at the "buzzards" as they are fluttering around their camp fires, and here an old buzzard spin a -yarn. Our officers are still the best on the field, and as far es 'drill is concerned the few Lebanon boys are equal to the best. In the manual line John Leisey cannot; be beat; he handles a MIMI - ket up to time. r have not seen the Lebanon pa pers tor so long. I most close, with my kindest wishes to tbs,goctd folks of. Lebanon. , Yours, Truly, GEO. W. KURTZ, Drummer. A DAY IN: CAMP CAMPBELL "There'll I °hie! among notes; I'falth hall print em." MR. EDITOR lug spent a couple of days in camp, which I found very agreeable, I pro pose to give your readers a deeeription of camp life as I found it. I will devote this article to the deseriptlin of a .day in Camp Campbell, and, et the risk of becoming occasionally inter esting, I Will give the Clay's experience in detail. Early on Christmas- morning I left the St." °bailee Hotel, in Washington city, and walhed out Seventh Street in the direction of the camp, passing on my way the Past Of-ea-and" - the Pat ent Office, which areAvro as splendid buildings in outside appearance as ,can be found in the country. The morning wet fine and the air cool and bracing, which rtindeied my * walk exceed ingly pleasant. Continuing out the told' into which 7th street leads, after the city limits have ion missed, I arrived at eaMp Campbell, finely situated is a wood, at tbe•side of the road, on a bill which commands a fine view of the * country between this and the city, as well es the city it self. I paused awhile before entering camp to view the prospect before me, Belo*, at the dis tance of a mile and a half, lay Washington city, which looked very fine in the early sunlight.— Xiound me on all aides were- eautps filled with busy isoldiers; all teemed life and animation.— The siin&stirring sound of the Bugler's trumpet, sacred from all sides, whiWa'Seisted not a little J tit 'enliveMthe scene. Passiiigitn'Ati entrain:4'ot' the camp, I met number,of the.teen.from thia.placer Ark° 'are in Captain Weidman's epmpariy. 'They were sweep ;Z.:s their street, the.eamps being so arranged that cash eto.:7IP.ADY has its owe street, which I found upon inepacZnu-toibe kept as clean as the streets of a well regulaten cittY. Entering, lAstet Lieut. W. K. Lineaweaver, a47,...gredted me very eordi-. ally. and. claimed me as his it7fost . dkit l 7B my stay in eamP. Ea led the waylnto cupieilby himself and LientAfelaboiti, who for the present. messes with him,. !Where. I mop the latter who extended me a weloome.tbatpiadenie feel that Thad fallen in • with frieiilX,... I here observe that I found the ~ _istargnehis camp fitted tip, with an eye to coniforiOntrinel doors, bed'stead's and stoves, besides tab les i oamp- . staple - ant . olltei.rliisites.ifiry to "convent;' enee, ! , temple few at f n ge. nth e:martpusei . when I pass ed out end visited, the 'men the company. It : being.a linitdep.iLliadAfinn kiviiriAoit with gpcial 4D.tites. Prelfention is Better than Cure, TO ladies of delicate bealth or impaired organization, or to those by whom an increase of family is fi um any reason objeetionable, the undersigned would offer s, prescription which is perfectly reliable and safe, and which has been prescribed in various parts pf the old world for the past century-. Although the article is re , rreheap. and simple, yet it haa been put up iu half pint bottles and sold very extensively at the exhorbitant price of $5 per b.ittle, the unhersigned proposes to fur nish the recipe for the smelt sum of $l, by the posses. alen of which every lady aim supply herself with a per fect Safeguard, at any drug store, for the trilling sum Of 26 cents per year. Any physician or druggist will tell ' you it is perfectly harmless, and thousands of teatime , - : Wale can be procured of , ita efficacy. Sent to any part . pf the world On receipt of $l, by addressing Dr. 3. C. DEVERAUX, Box, 'No, New Haven Cantu. August i,1661.41 MILITARY UNIFORMS.--'-- here is,-Der lisps , no department of Military business in 'Which there has been a more marked improvement than. in the clothing of the„eoldiers. Not many years since cancers and prirates were clad in garments which were almost skin-tight. They wore leather stocks, which were wortbg of. the name, for they kept the, wearer in tribulation; .whilethelrpadded bretraMand night sleeves made volition a matter of great difficulty. Dining the present war, such of our volunteers as proenre their 'uniforms at the brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itockhill *Wilson,. Nos. CM- and 644 Chestnut street. above Sixth, Philadelphia, obtain 'clothing that la neighing easy,Anbstantial and becoming. The firm named kave gone largely into the hilliness or Making Clothing., and tin it facilities enable them tb fiji the largest orders in the Abiartest possible thee. Vibe Lebanon Market. threftilty Corrected lnekty. LEBANON, WiraxESDAT. JANUARY 8, 1802. Lett. 31111 a Ex. Fam $6 25 Eggs, doz., 15 Shilth a Extra d2O Butter,* lb., 14 Leb. Tel: Super. Itiveb 50 Tatior salted butter, 10 grime White Wheat, 1 25 Lard, 8 Prime Red Wheat 115 Tallow, ' 8 56 Unm, 45 Shoulders, 31. Sides, 'BeSip Prime Rye, Own, • Oats, Closer.seed, 3 50 ' Sethp,. 7 Timothy-Reed, 175 Bees-wax, . - 25 Flax-seed, 125 Wbite Hags, 3 Dried Apples, V.ltu., IQD Wised Begs, . I, Dried Apples, pealed, 150 Flax,' lb , 1214 Peach "Snitz," 250 Bristles, lb., 40 Peach ~ ..iiutzebt," 125 Deatbers, 16 lb., 62 1 ,4 . , ChirriSii, , 150 Wool, 'ft lb., 40 Onions.' • 37 Soup Beans, 'f'qt., - •0 Potatoeis, ill b,us, 40 . Vinegar, '" gal, 12% • sApple Butter, -$ crock; 45 The Philadelphia Market. SATURDAY, Jan, 4.—There is more inquiry for Fitsurfor export to•day, bns the detested is confined mostly to the higher grades of family white; extras supetfin e are comparatively neglected. The market however closes with firmer feeling, The sales for shipment comprise 2500 bbls. high grade extra lumpy Pesse.s. and Western la $6 ; 3505615. extra at $5 62/ ; "600 bbls. Broad. Street Mills extra ;60.0 y, ~ J enn Lind, and 300 bble. at a price not made public. The,sales - td the retailers, and , bakers have hems to a limited extent,,ranging . fron $5. to $6.50 for caminotji to, oodsupeilite4s (05 T 5 for extras ; $5 slk@fi 25 for atilt fitm:-: ily, and $6 3Ti for fancy lots, according to qual ity. - . Rye Flour is but little inquired after and :pr cos are leas lino. Sales at' $3 75@54. Corn Meal is quiet, and there is nut "much of fering. The receipts, of Wheat by water aro about over for the season. It is in good demand, and the improvement noted yesterday has been well maintained. Sales of 9®10,000 hushele fair and prime Penns. and Western red "it $1 33® $1 35—chiedy at the latter rate; 400 bullets good Penna. white at $1 44, and 1500 bushels Kentucky do. at $1 45. Rye comes forward slowly and meets a:steady demand. lop bapholc Pennsylvania at @Me:: • " 4 '`' Coin is "dull and prices have undergone no change. Sales of new yellow at 580600., afloat at the'tatter rate. Old Corn is not inquired of and would not command more than 600.. , Oats are dull and lower. 1500 bushels sold at 31e. for goad Pennsylvania, and 32e. for inferiof. , Clorerseed is in fair dOniabd. Bales of 300 bnaliele ar , 54'.25®4.50 64 lbs. 'Thins is very little Flaxseed coming, in, and it is $2." 15(06 Ifl.biuthel, - PartanatPata' Caine MtulteT.—There; was a goo 4 demand for 'Beef Cattle this week, and the offertnp, same 1,422 head, found ready age 'at fully formr.rates, the tendency being upward, sa ki, ranging trent 1160/3 50, ineLudioge few ex tra finality, sold .g $8 75tg0 the 100 the. Cows..—n, sold at Isom vows earth for ant, and $%56313 for-Ccareand Calves, ca. to _ . ,ca Won . elleringe and *saw reach Mce bet , and amnia* rhit Irma:nil& and ea th, 9auoll..*.bacanang4io3o - at Italtoffe,'s4 erad 44 4.:111,th .0500 atAlteAsegtermditt es-v, XII4 II H riti 2 M4 o- !pig 41440# 4,- ., (Also Tihru iñUEL St. Joistv's lissom= Curaca..--Regular service •every Wednesday evening at 7% o'clock , every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and 'every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, CRAM CM:MOS.—Services in Temperance Hall, every Sunday at 10 A. M., and every Friday at 7 P. M. English preaching next Sabbath morning' and evening in the Methodist Episcopal Church. English preaching next Sabbath morning in the First Reformed church. Monocrats Cnueen.—English preaching at 10 A. M., and German service at P. M., on Sunday next. Pray er meeting in both the English and German language an Thursday evening next. English preaching next Sunday In the morning in So lent's lAithoran church, and German in the later noon at 2 o'clock. German preaching next Sunday morning and English in the evening, .in Zion's Lutheran church. German preaching next Sabbath morning: at 10 o'clock. in the Evangelical church, and in the evening. itlarrifV. On the 2d hist., by the Rev. F. W. Kremer, kr.GEO, W.OREINER to Miss LUCINDA. GARRETS, both of Dorry township, Dauphin county. HENRYOn the same day, by the same ' kr. HE PROP REL to Mrs. _FREDERICKA REEK, both of.' this. place. On the 26th Dec., by Rev. Wm. 1., LannerC ittltie home .of.the .Bride's father, ,Mr: JAMES. SIONIIOR MOHR andlitaiLMAßY BOWMAN, - daugliter of Henry Bowman Esq.-, all of this borough. - • On the Mu ult.. by nay. A. kiteigerwalt. Mr.-OMAR SCHOTT totiplies VERONICA ZIMMERMAN, batik . of Cornivall tOwnshiP. . _ -•—, On the 7th ult., by Rev. A. , Rinnich,Mr.JOIRPH. GERHART to "Miss HARRIET WELTNTI. I Initli.Aif West Hanover toivriship, DauphieCcol ' ", ' ' ji: ,: s tto b :u.s7 day, by . satire. 'Mr: JONATHAN SCHWARTZ to Miss ANDA GILBERT both of Ott the 19th alt, by. '1...101.1N ADAM AL. wl BERT to Miss MOLLY.SCIIRIVEIt, both of East Han over, Lebanon county. • ' 4 In Jonestown. on the 'Mit hlt.,• by Rev. Wm. Ger. hardt, Mr. DANIEL sronvalt to Miss ELIZABETH YEARLY, both of SS/stare township. On the 20th tilt . by the Rev. J. R. Mester, Mr. HENRY SIIR'ItTZER to Mrs. ELIZABETH. ANN LANDIS, both orGaion Deposit, • ' On'the sane day, by the wee. Mr. CYR IlS' KILLIN GER'fo Miss CATHARINE HOWARD, both d'ldetna daville, Dauphin county., On the 29th silt', by tlibi name, Mr. JACOB FLOW ERR, of Spring Creek,:to Miss SARAH A. GINGRICH, of Palmyra. . gitV, In South Lebanon township, on the ' ,12th of Decem ber, 1 MR, ELIZABETH, aged 4 years, 1 month and 21 daya ; on the 31st December, SARAH, aged 6 months and 14 days; milhe Ist Inst., SUSANNA. aged 4 years, 2 months andlo dap ; on the 4th Inst.. JACOB, aged 8 yeas s and 10,daya; all children of George HESS.— Elizabnb and Susanna were twine.. All the children died of putrid sore throat, The three last mentioned were buried tniather on-Monday. on the buryingground near their haw Mame. We, sympathize with the poor parents in their severe aßlictidtife - . in N. Lebanott borough, Oti"-tite-2d init., ELMER ELLSWORTH, child of John and Maria P. IMMEL, aged 5 months and 14'days. tln,:tho 13th Dec., in North Lebanon township, AMOS FOX, aged 65 'Years. On the 22d of Novembei , ,ln'Compb.llstalsl, FRANK. LIN IC son of John H. end Catharine WOLF ERMIERCI ER, aged 2 years, &Praha and 22 days. In Union, on the 20th ult.. hiIoINDA. miLLER, dangletir of Henry and Elizabeth Millet' raged 6 years, 1 month and 8 dkys. •• In Unlen, on the 26th nit.. LEVI SIIDEY, on of David and Mary Sliney, aged 16 years, 1 month and lb days. . • ' On the 27th ure... in nn et Hanover torrnablp.Lebanon county,. DAVID DUTTER, eon of 'Jelin and Catharine • Duster, aged 24 years, 2 mettle arid ri'dasei •'' [Communicated:] Died on the 30th ult., in Mechanicsburg, Cum berland county, Pa..- CATILLRINP,, wife of the bite Rev. John Henry Van Hoff, at-the advanced age of 81 yeark,. wanting. 14 days. 'She was the daughter of, the late Christian Selfzer, 'Sr., of Jonestown. She was buried on the 2d inst., on ly four weeks after the death of her aged cam panion, and laid by his side in 'the burying ground of the Er. Lutli. Peace Church, ca l which occasion Rev. Mr. Fry assisted Rev. Mr. Groff, and preached a very appropriate sermon from Genesiti; - Chap. 24: Ver. Sl--"And Isaac was comforted after his mother's death." tti attiurtiontento. Atiriminis ratoes Notice. x-roricE is hereby given. that letters of Administra lion c.n the Estate of Assoc Fox, at of. North Lebanon township, Lebanon county,lPa.. deceased. hare been granted., to the undersigned. of North Lebantrn bor ough. All persona. therefore, indebted to =ld. Ectate, are requested to make payment, and claims to present them. lIRNItY A. FOX, Administrator. North Lebanon, January 8;1861. hi ii FOIL RENT- rullE SUBSCRIBER oilers to Bent his large three story BRICK-BUILDING, in Cumberland street, - Lebanon, betireen the 'Black Horse and Irashington hotels. Said buildintiaab lately in possession of Mr. Reisner. Ilium a tlmi'ltdre RiOntti Basement, large Back Building, Outbuildings, Garden, It will be rented in whole or pat t to said applicants. - A pplyto J. C. Ilelsner , on tha prentlaim. or to tbo undersignedobore Annvilio. Possession will be given do April 1, 1861. Jandary-8, 1882.. WM, AULT. LEBANON', Tanurtiy 4;1862 , s flit THE WAiIDINGTON MUTIAf. 11RD ANCE ~COMPANY, of. Lebanon, Pa., from ita cm rthiucement„llay 2.1, 1860, up to January 4, 1862. viz: .Amoiinf. Valueineured up to date,; $1,928,627 4 . of enro inatlrOd Crier deducting I A: from Real Value, - ^ < 1,416,471 Taxanle amount with the iimpectivq : rates added, 1 860 '3O Amemit of money received for Policiee . fa fried np to date after deducting agente' yiarcentage $77215 Am't horrowNl from John D. Krause, 125.0 C Expenses paid as follosoi, viz Paid for Company's Charter, $12.25 P'd for Company's books, Seal, Press, Sc. 20.55 P'd for Stationery, &c , • 10.34 P'd for Safe and freight on same, /0408 P'd Samuel Light, loss by lire, on Ste. ble, in full, 75.00 P'd Beale Few, loss by fire on Stable, in part, 90.00 P'd George Wily, loss by fire on Stahl and Slaughter house, in full, 200.00 P'd Wm. IS. Breslin, Advertising, . 8.75 1"d Werth kßeinoehl, do 8.75 P'd 5. Young & Co., do .8.75 P'd H. R. Ilartinan; do 7.50 P'd fur printing Policies, Applications, Orders, Certificates, Constitution and IV-Laws, &c.,, 100.20 P'd U. M iller, Secretary's service up. to April 1,1861, . • 177.50 P'd,iniscellaneone, - 7.00 $831.27 Bal. to bands of Treasurer, January 4,1562: • 66.48 Indebtedness of. Company, as follows • Note of Beale Beiv, balißce on loss by • fire, .$200.00 Interest due on store, 6.50 • Note of John D. Krause, 125 00 Interest duo on same,' 1.56 Due Secretary, 9.months' service, 112.50 445,56 Del. of whole lodebterloess..luildliry 4, ito2, $319.e8 As It woUld ouly require an assessment of about 20 eta. on a thousand dollars insured to pay the above in debtedness, and the expense to collect so' small, an amodnt would be too great, the Board of Managers have rescilred to borrowllie amount to pay 'the same and not to levy tuf assesenient for the present. " MILLER, Secretary. Lebanon, Jandary'B,l.B62.-1t" Church Dtdicaticin; 'FHB:United trethrin Chrigt Church, at Acuyille, LebotOti will be dedicat. ed on Sunday the let, of January next; sertiwAs to commence on Saturday evening preview.. The 1 public generally and Blinfaters of Rh denotainations, are respectfully invited to attend. 'fife dedication t.ermon will be preached by Bishop Patid Edwards, Seth. bath morning. No Ilacketering will be a towed about the premises. • RUDOLPH II Eltg, • ' • 18ft I'EVGNUNKR, J.IHN- H. KINPONTS, JOHN K. MOYER. ••••. . PNT - Eit QUAYS! LT,. Det,25,181.. Buildlng•Commithar ""Llei iioul i~Tirlii __. XTOTlCE,itchereby given. that a general Meeting of theStockholdent of the NORTUIMBANON R tIL ROAD COMPANY, will be hold at their Office.. in the BorOugh of-Lebanon, 0,, Monday. January 12th, 1862; between the hoitrecof . lo o'clock, A. ?i.„ and =l2 o'clock. M., at which time and place an Election for' Treiidtktst and Six Directors; to aerie for the ensuing yoor, will be held. By Order of the Board. Lebanon, Dee 18 '62. JOHN W. MISR, Sec'y. Airs. Errs: Fars. rurg, ti nd er id g ned wotild Infer - al the Ladles of Lelia. Inon countyohathe hi/. the largest lot of LADIES' YllRStentband eriir offered in. Lebanon; which will be sold at low•rates—froin $8.60 to si9--per tett. No Fare mieggrestuited'iii order to affect a sale. Lebano*Nov: 6,'61. - - -- ADA "].USE."" Eiiecutors ) Notice. . _ OMB is hero* given, thatlAttors Teatonnentary D YKE the Bonito of MiOlmor lielt,or i deeklivto,of Union township -Lebanon County, baiiibeed I;4'4u:ti ed to the undersigned: All perebna having 'claims on said Estate will:please prevent them Oul - ," authentic& Wandl.lwitie indebted will wilikepiiialeut Without dc• Jay to eithgeortho dadArgigned. mozrAzz, • 'JACOB WEIDI4II,-Lobion9lo, • • ;X:101VolorsOf Qat ratzio of .Oragiom trxed, •ar., deed. .X 1 .1 1 1 4 44taT 2T;185.1. is , pistraloes Notrice., . botereby glum uat.Lettont of AchitinThtra• #ol4o4heogroano, Vimars ElearTzw, deed:Oat& ars , 0100 1 1_ _biP..1140140,u caugt,y,.l.4„, liana been 40bet-IladaNgßedok's o 411Dria: theTlwiraship intL aa vigqtr f ,,Vogridd, 4114parwaC1Oette400 1 areidmt. 10.01010 PO/ ,PantoPl4 l ll4llW•lakitsfaroliitg MralvAgid4beg4oo. o tit'deber , ta th* %**&ignedil. 7 4 0 ffrEVI I1110 1V 1 V6404 41 1W - ' • TiOndonifer l 7 towninitP, WIMP: — ' "' TO the Hembera; of the NORTHERN MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY of Lancaster county: Isaae.Diffenderfdr, of Warwick township, Lancaster county, had-Barn and Contents destrayed by ilre—LoSs to be paid, $6OO. Samuel H. Qring, of East Oxalic() township, in said county,. Grist Mill and Contents— Loss to be paid, s4oo4.With Jntereat from date-of said Losses in the year ending . December 1, 1861. NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN to all the mem bers of said Comps.ny to pay FOUR PER CENT ON THE DOLLAR on their respective premium notes de posited with the Secretary, previous to the 26th day of September last past, to be paid within 20 days from the date hereof. to SAMUEL 'IIIBBLY, near New Ephrata, Lancaster county,. Sectetary of said Company, or to Adam lionigrnacher, Ephretatownstdp, Lancaster co. Samuel Heller, John S. Hacker, Lineoln, " " Abraham E. Bare, West Co-slice " John It. Ties`e, Clay . • 4: Samuel Uollinger, ' ~, Illratn Erb, oi 4' C. W. Eby Lexingtork. —extugtob, Uenry Delirium, Jr., North'Lebanon, Lebanon county, Directors of said. Cbmpany. . „ - Maury Arndt, Mantletra, Lancluiter county. _ Jobe Bollinger, Maytown, Chrlatlan 11, Rauch„Litla, iC Jacob L'..Etchtnan, Noir Haven " llenry Boob, Itotbeillto, Ezra Iturkholdar,.West ,Earl, " JODI Echtorziachiathersirl, " ' Lintel B. Museeltnan,Drocknork, Esalas Billingfel t Adamstown, " Levi W. Mentzer West °matte°, " iC Ilenry S. Eberly, Clay,. Peter Martin, Prothonotary, " City. Jacob Herr, Jacksen twp.„ Lebanon county , Cyrus M. Era% Shaeftbratown, " , Dr, Edward ling, Stoncliaburg, Berke " Isaac 1 idler } Womolidiorf " '" 3 Agent iof {aid Company. All those members who foil to make payment 'before the FIRST-DAY of FEBRUARY NEXT, - their IMur ant will be suspended until the First of May next ; and if .not paid on the First of May next 'their hum ekes will become cancelled and'ntill and void, ,by rea son of aneb•eelinquency, and the costs of Collection oust foil-.w, aninovided by, the 'net of incorporation and Jiy i bews of the Company. • By order of the Board of Directors, • .SAMt L NlSSLY;Secretary. ;For the convinienie of the Members the undersigned :Director will be prosent•at the following places and Utiles, for collection, namely January lith, at the 'Public. House of Jelin hock,. in West Happier town ship, Dauphin county ; •Jannity 16th, at the Harper liouse, in East Hanover township, Lebanon nounty ; January 17th, at Samuel Rank's, Jonestown ;' January 18th, i• t John Matches'; LelamonVJannary '2oth, At Christian Moines; Palmyra, and on-the '2lst,. at the Louse of the undersigned, North Lebanon townhip, Lebanon county. 'Bach day from 12 to 2 o'clock. HENRY ILEI [MAN, Jr., blifiet.'n. January 1, 18011. GREAT. 'BARGAINS AT TH 1. , ; , :! , ,*t1 . BE - .." nivi , 4 • r i'TJ : - GEORGEI .„,...„ -. tins purchased the . stock of Geode of .....,.. . . ECKERT' :BROMER & ...„ ..AND WILL - SELL AT AND BMW_ COST. liating ; bought - the Dress Goods at a- large tliv.,.;. .. counqUiny. one . wishing ; purchase' ()code .-- .• cheer/418 remotabeellie:BEE DIVE STORE. :r Lehi - dim; frectuntrer 25, 1861.,--- . .... - . No tice. - , , i , ' , . LEBANON COUNTr.'AORICULTURAL. HORN CULTURAL AND AIDCHANICAL SOCIETE rilriE annual election of the":Jatts4NON COUNTY I AGRICULTURAL: .nowrictuAlmAL AM) :%1 Et CI I ANWAL SOCTETY,7 win be haldbrrSaturclay, Jun zazt*li; laa, - aethe Couit norm?. in the. borough of Lebanon, beta inarthe /tours of A. and 46'cloik, P. M. /t being alto tha time for the first stated meeting of the Society for the . year 1862. Dee. 25, 1561.) ISAAC HOFITII, Secretary. NEW FURNITURE STORE CUMBERLAND STREET, EAST LEBANON. Nearly Opposite Bubb's Hotel. MITE subscriber again calls attention to his full and I_ splendid assortment of all kinds of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, such as Bureaus, Secretaries,, Desks, Bookcases, Sofas, Lounges. Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, and all other articles in his line. • YOUNG BEGINNERS Take particular notice that you don't Dalai the place, for _Ton can buy CHEAPER there than - at any other place in the borough, of Lebanon. His fur niture is all of hie Own' Tnanufaethro, and warranted to be aubstautial . Come and judge fur yourselrea. You, will , find a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK always on band to stilt any customer; and you will flod that you can' buy cheaper there than at any other plpre. Remember the place, and Coale. one, Come all. and care your money.. 4," All Furnitdre will Lo delivered tree, in "good tare. A. I.IIiIt3III3.ERGER. Lebanon, December 25, 1861 CINIAISTITIPIS IS COINING! And we are amazed that many who read-this ADVER TIEEMENT are already considering WHAT: TO -PRESENT to their rehitires arid friends-at bonze and .We would inggest the fallowing : Either. A CADA. PORTEMONFA: . A TRAVELING ;BAG, . • -• 'A 'PORTABLE DESK, - A FINE ENGRAVING, . "A: MAGIC. LANTERN, . •.A STEREOSCOPE, or • • • . . - A PITOTOCP AN AIITOOR A.PIIIC ALBUM, A VICIENDSIIIP ALBUM, • t i A•SPLENDID•BIttLE, • • ' A BEAUTIFUL lIYMN BOOK, A PAPER magicE gooic, - , 11 TIANDso.t.E,LX , ..tquNIi. BOOK or any other Fincy Article, in our line, suitable as, a present, andmeeeptable to any - person. - THE PLAGE TO BUY THEM IS AT 8. , 11.-IleedeVs Book-gid-Stitionery Store, Cumberland . Street, - Lebanon, Penna. N. B.—Miscellaneons Bonita' will sell at 'greatly re- duced prices—viz: $1.51 Books for :5 cents; $1.25 for 50;11.00 for 40 ; 75 for 30, and 02 for Ml' Lebanon, Deo. 19;116'; - =MEM RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR gl Is preelecly what its mime indkates, fir, while iiii 1 • pleasant to the taete,:it is . revielfying, imbibe • rating, and strengthening to the 'OW powers. • • , It also revivi fi es , reinstates' and renews the . blood in all its otiginal purity, and thus rts. , , . ROI CIO :Led renders the systole. invulnerable to attacks of disease.. It is the only preparation . ever offered testis world in a popular form as ~, ~ as to be within thereach of all. So chemically • and skillfully combined Re *to be the moat pow- :, 1111 orful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted to as to act jn perfect accordance with the laws otna ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organ;, and allay all ner vous and otheeirritation. It is alio perfectly . exhilarnting iu its effects, and yet it lii never 01 followed by lamltivele or depression of spirits.— leis composed entirely of vegetables and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and south log properties, and consequently can never W- Ilifihim, Such etemedy has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical *world, both by • the thoroughly skilled in medical science, and also by all who have suffered from debility; for it needs no medical sklllor knowledge even . to tee that debility followa all attacks of die. • Lease, sod Jays the unEttarded system open to, e eiticit'S 6f Mane et dm most clangorous to, ' which poor hurhanity in constantly tliable.-- i i • Such, for example, atrtlie following : Consumer thm Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, low ' of ippetite, Faintness , Nervous Irritability, ... Neuralgia, Palpitntiuu of the Ifeert, Malan- • Icholer, Hypochondria, Night Sweats, Languor, Dithnueste and all that class of mom, en fear- • fully fatal If unattended to in time, milled Fe male Weal-nesses and Irregularities. Also, LIT- , T er Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com !delete, Diseases of the Ridueye, Scalding or Incontinence of the Urine, or any numenzeitt of the Urinary Organs, Pain In the . Back. Side, and between the Shoulders, predbe position to S light Colds, flecking and Gentile „E . uod Cough, Emaciation : Difficulty ofitreatillog I • ' and indeed we might 'enumerate many more . " dill, but we have space only to say, it will . not only titre tile debility following Chills and 1 Flear, hut prevent all attacks arising from MI , mimetic leduences, and cure the &defuses at already stacked. And as it acts di- • ' freed . and y if ta peral l e t to . Ltly upon the biliary sys- -I We, arousing the lAver to action, promottug. a in fact, all the, excretion, and secretions of the r , system, it will intallibly prevent any deliteri- O• oreconseq ueucus following upon ebetoge of cli mate and water; hence all travelers should have a bottlenith them. and all should take a . table epoouful at least before eating. As it . ti V . prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive , 1 • organs, it should be In the hands of all persons Of sedentary habits atudeots, minister*, liters-::.„, . 0 r'y men. And all ladies net accustomed to ninth out door exercise should always ace 41.1 • Jr they will th ey will find an agreeabloodesse aot, and efficient remedy against those ills ' 'which rob them of their beauty; for beauty • ' cannot exist Without health, and health cannot dila while the abate Irregularities con tirine.-• Then again, the Cordiat is a perfect. Mother's • Relief. Taken a month or two before thefinal . 'l. 0 trial she will pees the dreadful period withper- . ' ' foci ensiled eafety.t.Thire u no mfetoke aut it. this Ctirdialiia/2 we claim,' : for it. .11tokier,s ~ try ith. - Andisayon.w..appeal to detect thorn- - - nes.s or deolineno4 only of your daughters be.. fore It be too late, lint also your eons and bus. • •• bands, for whilelbefenner, from false delicacy, go down to a premature grave rather than lid ' I their condition beknown in time, the lattcrare 14 often so ' Mixed up with the excitement of base nest thatlf It were not for you they too would • travel•ln the same downward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. Dot the Mother 14 in silwaiii vigilant, and to you we confidently. • tt appeali for we are sure your never fililigg af , . faction sini uoerrtngly point yon to Prof. ...ft,.• f, roof Cordial and Blood Redo . E tor4a thermatedY.which 'lipoid be always'-6d t'D hand in time Of need. O, J. WOOD, Preprit4 ow, 4/1 Breedings New York, and 114 Mark' % • . street4t- -Toonhq Mo., Ana iefildbyall good•Drin, glom . -Alio, by Dr, Boas, oppoeite .the Court a • azmie,A.Letianon. r: k". —Daliar—pec • Bottle. • • , .%11 r 4.1.." . 9w. . FIRE NOTICE. PROF. WOOD'S AND moniElic wall TED. TIIE. Commissioners of Lebanon county are desirous of making a loan of SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL LARS. Immediate application should be made to the. Treasurer, C. 11.1Borgner. Esq., or DAVID ROLLINOER, (lommisekmAre SIMON Frwrz, of - ROBERT Er/6Na Lebanbn county A tied, :—Cratie SAME, Clerk. Lebanon, September 18, 1861. • PUBLIC NO'FICE. . A LL PERSONS indebted to ARRAII AM LERMAN, 21 Steam Miller, of North Lebanon .township, Lebe. non county, are hereby notitled that lasi books of an . count have been transferred to Michael Shenk, and that the sautellave been'placed in my hands f or colloo lion. If the accounts are not settled before thd Jet of January, next, suit will be brought. JOSIAH VUNCK. Lebanon Dec. 4 , '01. Att'y for Michael Shenk. Store Moose for t. mins stand - contains a large Store - ROOM and eleven I other' rooms for family dwelling an.l store house.— la situated in Ileiltean's Dale, Lebanon county, four • and a half miles west from Lebanon, on the ' • I. Union Canal. Store has been kept in the above house for the three years. This stand is " situatedin a thickly settled - part of'Lebr•non county arid is calculated to do a large Country and Moat hardness, hailiga a fine wharf and landing for boats to lay, and large and convenient stabling for boat holies. This stand is well worthy, the attention of such wishing to.engage in Store, Grain and Coal Mt- SitleBB. Terms very moderate. October 30,1)1. aoirts , HEILMAN. 11. S. WOOD • and COAL YARD; THE undersigned, having bought Mr. I - Henry Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, a - short distance north east of Messrs. Foster Atutch's Foundry, in .the borough ,of North Lebanon; and also bought from 201: to 300 CORDS OF WOOD and,from, 60 to 3000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds'and gades, whleh' I will sell at the yard or dellyer at as small profits as Will suit thO times. I therefore in cite all those that want of any of those articles to call and see the samO,:.ascertain „prices, and judge for the:S.4olre% ' .DANIEL LIGHT, (hieroant.) North Lebanon; July` 1801. Books aind„Atationery Eva ' TEACTIERS' HEADQUARTERS! Itlkomem,,,,swarisma AS,:.RE I MO Y, E 1) Has removed ilia Book Store to Market Square, I. anon, vir HERE may be had, on-reasonable terms a general v assortment of SCHOOL, Strairetr SCHOOL, THEOLOO feat and ldiiiegt.tAnr.ous UOOKS of - every deseriPtlon.,k Copy-Books, Cyphering Books, leather:and paper bound Pass Baas, and every: variety of STATIONERY, &c., whotesele aud retail. • , WINDOW SRADES.. A large.ef variety Plain, Fancy, Buil, Green, Gilt, &c. . PAPER SHADES. Neat Patterns:Plain, °teen, Blue and Gilt. Also the lattig and simplest - STYLES OF FIXTURES. - • PT" CALL AND EXAMINE. 16;Z.. Lebanon. September 27,1880. NEW CASH STOltti NEW GOODS . AN D . N.EW P.FLICES, F. SWARTZ hereby infoim the public that he • has just .opened steel: of NEW tIOODS at the old Stand of Swartz & Bro.. Hall Building, which will be sold for cash at prices togait the times. All are In rited to call and examine. [Lebanon, April 10, PUBLIC 111. - DEIISONS having-claims - against Isaac:-Hoffman. of ileidelbeit township, Lebanon county, will please present the MOO to the undersigned in Shaefferstown ' and those indebted will plonk, anakel.payment wltbunt delay. Theliiddle ` 1a eittnlollPa Against. bliylng from or selling to the said lamb Hoffman. JONATIIAII ZERBA Deg. 19, 1.5C1.) Committee of Isaue-1161Imun. _NOTICE. 1 - rTS le to notify all Carpenter? and Cabinet makers I that no bills for coffins wilt be paid by the Plum tor? of the Poor for poor persons dying within a circle of fire Miles of the Poor house; as all such persons will befurnisited with Conlin free of expenae on MTH catioO to the:Sttwora at the Poor Bones. JAMES BENSON, JOHN' E. BOWMAN, Directors.of the Boor. ELIAS WALIROEN,, Lebanon, Dec. 11, 1801.43, TEACHERS! INSTITUTE. Teachers, Directors; and Friends of Ed neation in.Lebandn- County. E undersigned hereby announess that -n TEACH"- EnS' INSTITUTE 1.111 be held in the COURT 11.013SE,LE8 ANON. commencing oti - 271URSRAF. the 18th day of January, A. D., 1842. at 10 &clock,. A.. hi, and continuing in session 4TIIRNE 'DAYS. . . The exercises in the forenoon will eotedet of CLASS MULLS, arid 'thnee in afternoon and orening of ESSAYS LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS. -• Tile" followingquestions will Coble up for'diiieutizioi —viz: Should schools be closed on Saturday, and District Institutes hold in their stead Has a purely ihtellectual culture a tendenc:l , qA pro mote good morals? Aro not a majority of our Tencheratoo tyrannical in theirShool government? ShoulthaTeacher's authority go beyond the school house limits? Should'akildren - be compelled by law' to attend school? .Dr. BURROW - ES, (State Superintendent:oE6n. 0.130: LANDON, riot-WICKERSHAM, and C. W. DEANS, Esq., County Superintendent of Delaware county, are. expected to be present to deliver lectures in the even ings. The exercises throughout will be interspersed with Vocal MUSIC. In short, everything will he done by the Executive Committer, in connection with the un dersigned, that will have a tendency to interest and In etruct the Teacher. Is it asking too much in return that each Teaeher:lo the county be present during the entire session, to avail himself of the means for lan" proyement that•will he presented I- It le considered needier* to ',peak at lengthy! the Importance of Teach era' Instituted, and the good they have already ACCOM pllshed. The experience of the last fire y ears clearly dentotietrates their usefulness, for It is they that have been mainly instrumental in elevating the Teacher's profession to its pt asset position, and In bringing about the "happy Union of hearts and Union of hands" eve. rywhere manifested in the great education cause. It is believed that Directors would act in conformity with the best interests of the schools, by granting Teachers the privilege of attending Institutes without lussof time or reduction of salary. The Directors in quite a number of districts have already granted the time. Let theligcod example be followed by every District in the county, and where the time will naklie granted it can hardly be deemed a sufficient reason for Teachers' abseuce. Tho hotel keopers havo consented to make a liberal reduction iri'pri , .es of fare. Ladies will be entertained gratuitously. Let theta be a..tunt ont worthy of the good cause. By urder of II Debnuon, Dec. 11,16111. County Superintendent THE LASTIVOTICE. f 311 E SUBSCItIIiERS having been out . .of .bnehteae 1 Eight Mouths, would give notice/ to.peiltms yet re. =lining in debt to the firm of GEORGE & PYLE, that settlement must promptly be made between. this.aud the le of ..)inuary, next. After that time the, honks will be placed into the !mode of A. 13. Etr,.,.Eaq-, for collection. - • GEORGE & lAiluumn, Dec 4;1961. • •GRefl.i'T WE 1D.71.14X, A TTOIMEY-ATLAW.-0t in Cumberland street, Ad. Willie office of bie father, Gen.Jobn Wtfamen: Lebanon, Ao , • J. 11,. BOWMAN ,. • , ATTORNErAT-LAW,.l , an Icknit):V.ED-Dis aka of Planck's Nor •Buildlug, (Award moty,)Oumberland greet, Lebanon. Pa... . . Lebnpou, April 8 , 1859. • ~ . . CYIIUS I'. MIMI:LER,. A TTORNEY.AT-LA W.-oThoo in•Woilsot street, near- C). ly opposite the Brick Hotel, and -.tan doors south !rout linruisny's Hardware store. Lebanon; March 23, 1881.-Iy. OE JAKE ' S.WAN.TED. Shoentakors to work on - Military work, and 2 on V Ladles' work, are wanted by the undersigned, in Cumberland street, Lebanon Good wages eini steady employment given. P. F. McCAULLY. Lebanon, October 23, '6l. •A RARE C HA NCE. aU. KIM o ff ers lite well known PHOTOORAPHIC • for axle. Thorough instruc tions will be given to any ono purchasing not acquaint• ed with the businefie. .Fgr hartculare cell at big rooms in A. RilleS building. [Lebanon, March 20 '6l-3m. DEFENDS & STINE are daily receiving fashionable IA Drees Goods, such as Gazelles. Mozambique., ble donee, pawns, Layel Iss °fall kinds for traveling dresses; Silk Challys, Silk Tissues, Crape De Sperms, Gingham and Groy Dress Goode of every description, offered at unusually low, prices by . HENRY & STINE. ga- All Om above good, offered at very low prices. 0N umBRELLAS, Parasols, rich and fine; Skeleton Skirts, Dusters, Shawls; and a varlet. ,of other itewds for ladies, just received and for Mb, eheats:lr than the cheapest by HENRY STINE. CHRI STIBAS MEE K Among the AineOtani..sla vex *c.) DT, Tuzsr!" , zsanuka: ,BP4.B's - 6171 r410,a, "Aia iif itin. .ehitilren ; O n ` itd4 - thros . :lloeigiziong the Ajeortean • 1•1 1 454 . 640,?;.c... • : , • ; : . • trMeef 'ems; " • ~ S'! icggllde;"• etc. fd . SALE AT it - It "fr #6.EVEL'S BQ 0 K S - T l .Oke r s • • CIMLBIrittANEL .1g1i413% .011010 N. • LebanaN Dtc. 10,11ifrl• ..,....„_. IF Irsalf WANT .. 4:11,,0T0p.1t‘P.11.0f. ouraalt,arcriand, Ma itest-air • "rtpiNi Aid" at ZATEXT aaliel, oast 'door Cattkil Le bnlicOsit Bank. - ''' ' - ' - • • • HOSTr.E;TTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and Manufacturers or FIOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT .TBRS can appeal, with, pare - et 'confidence to 'physicians and citizens gelierallY of the United `States, becauSe the artiolel as altritined s.repti tation'heretofore unknown.. A few tants upon this point will „speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or bleioning puffery,, The consumption of Hostetter's Siontach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles; and from its' manifest steady increase in times past, ibis evident thstoduring the coming year the consumption. Fill reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold hut for the rat's , medicinal properties contained in the prepara lion, arid the sanction - of the most prominent physioicns •in those . sections of - the country where the article is best known, who not, only recommend the Bitters to their patients,, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. . This is not!" temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of,lite, Bitters, but a solid estimation of. an invaluable medicine, which is destir'ett to be as' enduring as time itself. Hostetter's' Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever- and ape and various _ other bilious complaints .have equated . their victims by 'hundreds, To tg able to state confidently that the "titters:' arc a certain cure for the Dispepsia and lilic diseases; is' to the 'proprietors a source of unL. alloyed pleasure. it removes all morbidnuitter from the stomach, purifies •-the blood; and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable,' for the restoration,of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly -bUttpOwerfully, and soon restores theta to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. . , Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily es per directions on the bottle, and they in it a stimulat peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it - is pleasant, to the palate, invigorating totho bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating -generaliy. We have the eyi 7 deuce of, thousands of aged men and ivornezt Who hare experienced the benefit of Using this preparation while suffering, from stomach tie- ratigeinents and 'general debility; acting usher the advice'Oflibysieians, they Lave abasithingd all deleterious drugs and , fairly tested ..tre, merits of this article. A few words to. thi gentler sex. There are certain periods when their Cares are, so harassing that many of ifigni sink under'-the trial. The relation of Mother and- child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety forlier infant: Should the period of maternity arrive diiring the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.: Here, then, is a necessity fora stimulant to rec.upc :rate the, energies of the system, and enablethe Mother to . bear up under her exhausting trials and yeoponsibilitio, Nursing motherss'ene.'-' - rally prefer - the Bitters to all other invigora tors- that receive the 'endorsement; clans, because it is , agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength., . All those persons, to 'whom w4ave,articu larly referred above, to auffe'rers.Srom fei•er and ague, caused by . malaria, diarrliceti; dysentery, indigestion,Aoss of 'aiiiietite,-and all diseaseS or derangements of , the.Stointick,, superannuated invalids, -persons-of. sedeatety occupation, and nur e sing mothers, Will.consuk their own physicarwelliVeby giving to llos tetter's Celebrated Stemnehrßitters ti-tfiat tAUTIOW:=—We caution the public ttgatirM. using any of. the ,many . imitations or counter= faits, but. ask for Hobraprun's cELmirc.47fll STomAUn BITTERS, and see that each bottlefias the words "Dr: J. Hostetter's Stomach Hifteral! blorn on the side of the bottle, - and stamptid on the metallic cap eoTerilag,tle,cirk,. -and ojaserve that our autograph , signature itroir the eEe - - Prepared and sold by - HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers gerte'rally throughout the United States, South Arne-J . rice, and el:ern:may. LE MBE AGER'S CLOTH MANUFACTORY. rinIANKFUL for-past favors, the undersigned-respect- J„, fully informs the Public, that he continues to caw on his Manufactory in East Hanover township, Lerstncn county, on as extensive a scale as elver. It is unuecessa ry for him to say more, than that the work willbe done hrthe same EXCELLENT STYLE, which has made his work and name so well known in the surrounding cone try. He promises to do the work in the shortest powi blelime. His manufactory is in complete order, and be flatters himself to bo able to render the same satisfaction . as heretofore. manufactures Broad and Narrow Cloths, Oissinetti, Blankets, White and other Flannels, ati in the bed manner. Ae also cards Wool and mikes Rolls: _For the eotrre silence of .his. Customers, Wool and Cloth will belaken in at the following placutc—At the Agree of George & Pyle, Loeser & Brothers, George Reloceld, and at the ' new Drug Store of Joseph L. - Lemberaer, near the 'Market House in the borough-of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk & Long, in North_ Lebanon; at S.Roth ores, Dethel•township; at the public Louse ofWWiam Earust, Fredericksburg; at the. store of S. E. Bickel, in: Jonestown; at the stcre of Mr. Wenner, - Believing at the ofMartin Early, Palmyra; at the storeof Mri Zimmerman, East Hanover. Lebanon county. All ma. oriels will be taken away regulnrly, from the above phi; cae, finished without delay, s,ndseturned again. • Those of his customers who wish Stocking Wool card ed dyed and mixed, can leave 'the same white) at ea above mentioned places, with dirvietlonsiow;tbey -wish - It prepared. Pr his customers can order the Stocking Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigno4 which will be done and left at the desired places. N. It. It is desired that those having Wool carded, will pity the Cash therefor, at the .above nannedplrless. LYON . LEMBERGER.. 'East Hanover, Lebanon county, July n, &. Reading Railreniork Lebanon Val Hey .11eanch I A .. ; ,4,,n,.-71' , "'.1! ~~~ Two Daily Pasaeakiet."-7'raini to Rad. • • and Harrisburg. ')ASS LEBANON, going East to Reading, at 9.43. A. M., and 2.4.5 P.AL.• r .Pasa , Leh anon, going West to ,Tfarrishurg, at 7.16 P.- 11. and 12.01 l'.M • At Reading, both train, make, close connexions - for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Danville, Williams port, dm. Morning train only connects at Reading for Wilkes bares, Titteton and Scranton. - At Harr/share, troinereonneet with "Ponnertratats."" "Norther Central," and "Cumberland Valley" Railroads for Pittsburg, Laricaster,Balthnore, Sunbury, Chambers. burg, &e. Through Tickets to I4ncaater,in N0..1 Cats, $1 50,. to. Baltimore, yz 30. 80 Pos. baggsguallowed to each pa:monger: The Second Chum Cars run Nith all the above tnarpa: ThrOugh First Class Tleicetsat redecod'zittetti Niagara Falls, r.notTalo, Detroit, Chlosgp, cud all the-yriacipal paints in the West, Noi - 111 West, and Canadas ; and Emi grant Ticketa, at lower Pares; to MI above , placeorain had on application to tho Station Agent, at_ Lotann.. Through First-Clogs Coupon Tickets, and - . P.Ogitint Tickets at rodace&raros, to all tha principal paints in the North and Weat, and the Canada& COMMUTATION TICKETS. • Wit& 28-Coupdas, at 25 pas cent discount, between. any Imintedealred, an& ,•• • MIIMAtTE 710KETS, . Good for 2000 miles, betwoen all points, at gis each for Families and Business Firms. Up Trains leave Philadelphia fel' Reading. Llistrik burg and Pettsville at 8 A. M: and 3,3oindli Mgr' Paaeongars are purchase tickets bew fore the T,rains start. Higher Ps r ,, e chirged, if paid in too cars. • . • O. A..'NICOLLS, July 17, 166 L.. Engittesr and Superintendent. HARDWARE AT COST. COST- 'OR ; -Ca 411.. lear Dutton:who bai.e fettled. thoir accounts to April 1, 1801, will bo allowed a liberal crelit on- purobasea.— Tbooe 1111013'k.* n ot. settled will dad their accounts with A. B,l.Ely„Esq.,•bir immediate eettlenleot and collet. Lion. ' IL . 4 5 , T. YOUNG,.. . GAS. -F I T . . E j y -ALM* tfßZET;iiext door co' & bora .. • acivIEBANOIi, Pk. „ Mara nova. e.,..v• •-• • ,• ~Y,OU WANT • . . }IMHOF.* atedellion of Ic, doer: 1 t .OR Intl t;entien 4 — aati2ll4FlKani laic, een Lhogbom &tort ui. xamix. kMx • . • IS . a IvEw : ,sler.L . Et i 8 61 box 14/311, bitialkarland Street, - taieen u - ' 'Market apil the Coort4Louse,nortjaiti!*.liea, . ow dii band a splendid ateaortinent of. the .7ow. , Style dr,UATS Ant CAPS,foxmattaml 15oita, foe.l.BW„ to ',bleb Lite attitaiiin if Itainttil!c,ta rearAtfolly ix,* ' WI. ihts' 0 f I ,ll 4 4 :l o mb,pPll4 l itsheopq s 434l3o,rapa_ costly, always Olt t•osofl: Ltaltal k inatopetei : did assortment .of SUMMER . ,enlbmcing Ameh as ST4AW.,,PANAMA., pr,DAL,..P • RL, IiORN.LEG. BORN, 81rNATE C L l BlANagool99 2l stti.. , ko . 103.„.11a.Wi1l also• Wholesale all kinds or Hat* Oars,. e., to Country Merchaate ( - 11 n 1 Tirsitictio us terms: - ' Libman, July 17, lttr.l. i