The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, October 23, 1861, Image 4

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. _
The fact that Gen. Buckner did not take
the city of Louisville instead ofstopping at
Green River, where he invaded Kentucky
on the line of the Louisville and N ishville
Railroad, is due not to any foresight or force
of the United Sta:es authorities or of the
Union men of Kentucky, but to the loyal
ty, courage and tact of one obscure indi
vidual. The Secessionists had laid their
plans to appear suddenly in Louisville
with a powerful force. They had provid
ed for transportation our hundred cars
and fifteen locomotives and had eight
thousand men, with artillery and camp
' equipage, on hoard. They had secured
the services of the telegraph oherators,
one of whom forwarded to Louisville a
dispatch explaining the detention of trains
on the road, and were moving forward at
a grand rate. Everything was going well
with them, and Louisville, with, perhaps,
the exception of a few Secessionists was
unsuspecting and unguarded, Gen. Ander
son being innocent of any knowledge of
the movement, James Guthrie, President
of the road, totally in the dark, and Gen.
Rousseau lingering in camp on the Indi
ana shore. But at a station just beyond
Green' River, there was, a warm friend of
the Union, and who, comprehending the
meaning of the monster train when it
' came up, seized a grow-bar used 'for tak
ing up rails to make repairs, and while
- the locomotives were being wooded and
watered, run across a curve, and in a deep
'narrow cut, wrenched the spikes from
four rails. The train came along at good
speed, the rails spread, the locomotive
plunged into the ground, the cars crashed
on the top of it, and it was twenty-four
hours before the train emed go ahead,—
In the mean time Louisville was saved.—
The hero of the occasion had not had time
to get out of the cut before the crash came,
and was taken, but in the confusion and
excitement got away, and is safe. These
facts are related by Dr. R. S. Newton,
who was in Nashville when the Secession
army advanced, was detained there sev
eral days. lie subsequently, heard the
circumstances narrated there, and was
told of them afterward by Gen. Buckner
and other officers of the Confederate army.
All Bulls might be made to do work
enough to pay the expense of keeping
them, andt they would in every respect be
the better for it. If they have any dispo
sition to be turbulent, nothing will more
effectually "take the conceit" out of them,
and render them safe and manageable,
' than constant labor. Mr. E. R. Andrews,
of West Roxbury, owns the imported Ayr
shire bull Albert, and for sometime past
has worked him almost daily. A yoke
was made for him, and by means of a sad
dle and breeching,, he is harnessed in the
thrills of a wagon or cart, and hauls any
load ot suitable weight for a horse. In
deed the men who 'have him in charge,
state that he can pull more than any horse
on the farm They take him to the field,
and carry from thence to the barn, a ton
or more ot grain or hay at once. He is
very tractable and easily managed, but is
quick in his action, generally walking lest
er than a horse commonly does He has
been used considerably in hauling man
ure out of the barn cellar, and there being
considerable of a rise in the ground, he
has been shod to assist him getting a f ot
hold, and to keep him from getting foot
sore. We were assured that he often
takes a heavier load up this rise than two
stout horses could. He. is said to be
'"handy" anywhere. A man saddles him
as he would a horse ; gets on his back,
.and by lines attached to the ring in his
.nose, guides him, and "takes the road"
at a smart' pace. In fact he is made "gen
erally useful" about the premises,—[Bos
!ton Cultivator.
We do not assume that we recognize
'that which is truely beautiful in all that
makes humanity approach to the Divine;
but if there is anything that comes near
er to the implorations of Ru,h to Naomi
than the subjoined, we have not seen it :
"Lord! bless and preserve that dear per
son whom thou hast chosen to be my hus
band ; let his life be long and blessed, corn
fortaWy and holy ; and let me also be
come a great comfort and blessing unto
Mtn, a sharer in all his sorrows, a meet
helper for him in all the accidents and
changes In the world : make me amiable
fbr ever in his eyes, and for ever dear to
him. Unite his heart to me in the dear
-est love and holiness, and mine td him in
all sweetness, charity, and compliance.—
Keep me from all ungentleness all discon
tentness, and unreasonableness ofpassion
and humor; and make me humble and
obedient, useful and observant, that we
may delight In each other according to
Thy blessed word, and both of us may re
joice in Thee having our portion in the
love and service of God for ever."
correspondent says :—"Soon after the ar
: rival of Gen. Wool we were reviewed by
'. him; and such an inspection ! `Even the
`cuff's of our coats were turned up to see
if our under-clothes were clean. Noth
ing escaped the old man. It was the first
time that I had had my sword inspected
a ince I wore it.
,' • New orders are published every day.
r;,All officers have to attend roll-calls, and
*especially at reveille, which beats at the
. first call. }le visits the guard both day
and night, and woe to the unfortunate
• :.commander of a guard if everything is not
all right."
SEND your Ili tle child to sleep happy.—
Whatever cares press, give it a warm
' roodnight kiss as it goes to its pillow.—
i+ rhe memory of this, in the stormy years
;which fate may have in store for the little
I me will be like Bethlehem's star to the
i,ewildered shepherds. "My father and
ay mother loves me!" Fate cannot take
~way that blessed heart-balm. Lips parch
' , d with the world's fever will become
: i;"-.ewy again at this thrill of youthful. mem
ties. Kiss your little , ehild before 'lrg'bes
. ,
, k , Aud ito r 3o Notice.
if 7,ISTATE OF A ICFIXI, II ETTERAIA la, 111 , ,C . T.—The
,', 4 undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
[ , urt of Lebanon County. to tuel & trdigtrthotion of the
, lance in the hen of Pharos Passithre. will attend to
i f
, dut i es or his appninti»ent nt his <nee, in the bar
ph 9r Lebanon. on Sitturday. ths lf/ clay r, ;( remlrer.
1 At 1
ze, at 18 &Oink. A M . et which time and plate 011
, roans interested and having claim. Will please attend,
Oct,4 Sli t lin. ISA AO „11OFFER, A utlitnr.
ill• '
. PICTURii of year ilecenaed friend. enlarged ..ant'
, 3, colored to oil, call at DAILY'S' Gallery, next door
the Libation Deposit Batik. •
I ` ) u) you tee ATErsa 4. DROVE New Dog and Shoe .
Philip F. lleemily
f - IN Cumberland Street, one doer East of
the Black Horse Hotel. Thankful for the
very littoral patronage extended to !Defoe the short Olio;
I have been in business, t would respectfully solicit a
~,n t io aance of the patronage of t h e ramie.
Ile lets at all OMes an assortment , of wow' , nod
SEtstErt of his own nnionfzieture on hand, which will be
dUposed of cat re:ono:010 terms.
Those slesiriaz a neat. wall made article. are invited
to give use a trial. Childress' Shoes of every variety
end enior mt hand. heavy work mole to order.
4' All work warranted,. Repoiritrg neatly sione ova
eherties nuide moderate. Lebauem,July 8. ISK.
New Boot and 'fthoe Store
MILE ontlersignm ' , Timm , t o the public that he
has opened a New Root and She' Store. in Market
&red. I,anitmn, two doors south of Zion's Lutheran
church. sib. to lie intends keeping constantly on
.r . ...Fla.hand a gonoral ass,atinent of Ladies, bleutlemen,
Misers, Roy' and Chiblron's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, et.7o, d?c,,
all of which will be made op in style and qualay not
to be surpa•sed by any other workmen in the country.
No effort -hall be wared to please and satisfy all who
111/1Y favor him with their, orders, and his charges
will be as reasonable tts possible, compatible with a fair
He aka keep,. a large stuck or
which is warranted to be as represented.
The public ere invited Wean and examine his stock
previous to purchasing,.
AZ" Repairing 'lane; on short fake end, at reiOnnable
rotes. AND118:1V 7414)0RX,
Lebanon, May 1,1861.
BIIILBRItS will do well by calling on J. FL LIRESSLER
Agent, AO 110 is prepared to do all kinds of TIN
ROOFING, SI'OUTINO and JOl3 WORK generally, at
the eery lowest prices. lie alro has on hand a large
and good assortment of an - kinds of TIN WARR, and
all of the most improved Gas Burning COOK
STOVES end PARLOB . 6TOVES. Also, all the and latest hriproved RANGES AND
HEATERS, of all kinds. De also keeps con-
Bluntly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING,
SLATE, which Inn Orem at loss prim than they can bo
bought of tiny other slatemen inn the county.
SA. WAIL E-ILOONIB-otie door East of the Lebanon
Valley Bonk, ComlaTlitiol :Arian, Lebanon, Pa,
Lebanon, January U, Mal.
cLorraiNG; eLwriniNG!
Large Assortment of Men's and Boy's
Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing
Goods for Fall and Winter.
There are several. who have them for sale,
- Dot at wie store they are sold veey low ;
'Tis at Re izenstein 11.05., in Cumberland street,
Where crowds of men and boy 4 go.
VEDZENSTEIN BROTHERS, opposite the Court
IX, house. are aware. that among the capital neecesi..
ties of humanity. good clothing are of tLe first Manor
to ace. have supplied thernel Yea and are Weetrlyreceiv.
lag necessions to their stock from their own manUtite,
turing establishment in Philadelohla,Of the best luting,
clothing the Men and Boys. They invite particular AA.-
teutiou to the large assortment of overcoats,
coats. Fnek , coatti. Business-rents. all hinds Of 'Rays'
Clothing, 'Undershirts, Drawers, Knit Jackets, Socks.,
Gloves, llandhercblefs, and a genera variety of di.v.T
-ulshing gonna.
Prices +town to the lowest motet ebe mallet anvil,
and general satisthetion as usually given.
September 25, Ittil. RM . /AGNS/UN (MOTHERS.
ITAviim united-itr the ttilnlT , and S. TI BellNi , k4S;
and From their determination to he punctual, and
make Ilene but.the best of work, they ft:alike soliciting
a large of,publie patronage. Theywitl alwovs be found
at their 01,D STAN D, 'Saw Butualso,) fa Market Street.
nearly opposite Milan; Itise's Had, where they will be
reedy to serve and please their customers.
They have now on bond a largo ar.sortuveit of
cARPrrr BAGS. ,te„, which they offer et reduced prices,
Aritr Persona denting at this SHOE STORK, can be
suited with READY-MADE WORK, or have it made to
order. Satisfaction is always warranted.
44- Particeler attention given to the REPAIRING
Boots and Shoes, [Lebanon,. July i. 1331_
TKI NS & BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted:
up in gond order for comfort and convenience, both
for. Indies and Gentlemen.
AINS Lt IlltufS New foot and Stew $t rein fitted
l, r up in gued o for leidiro and rder nt
eoiortaed cpuveuiekico, both
n ie
A 'MUSS 0. ;waxlike to tie Imo (limb and will en
deavor t a pluim all who !nay eidlou them for Boots
and Shoes
IL RICHEY has rumored his NO. I Tailoring
Establishment to No. 3 North Walnut street. two
Mew north of George A Pyle's store, and directly op
posits the Court House, up stairs. where he will conlin
on to manufacture all articles in his line with
neatness audit ispatch. Particular attention will
be paid to cutting and making children's cloth
ing, Ac.. ite. lie solicits a continuance of the
vei y libore l patronage thus far extended by the citizens
ot Lebanon Mai vicinity, All kinds of stitching done
on reasonable terms on one of .1. M. Singer's Sewing
Marhines. All work warranted and entire satisfaction
guaranteed. [Lebanon, July 3,1861.
Fashion:lWe Tailoring:
ittCHAEL HOFFMAN would respectfully inform
Vat i bt, Citizens of &halloo, that he has It EMOVEU
his VA I I,olilStl liminess to Cumberland Street. tiro
dorm, East of Market Street. and opposite the Eagle
Rot l. whore all persons who wish garments mule.
up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are in
sited to tall.
TU TATI.OIt S I—Just received and for sale the N. York
and I'hlladi•lphia Report of Spring & Summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the Fashions, should let the subscriber
know of the fact, no that he Cllll make his arrangements
accordingly. MICI-LaTh KOFFMAN.
I.obaiton. April 10. 1
I, THE - undersigned. having bought Mr.
1 ,
.11eary Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, a
pshirtll3 , tanee north -mist of MeSsrs. Foster ds.
Match's Foundry, in the borough , of North ,
Lebanon: and also bought from 200 to 300 COEDS OF
WOOD and from noo to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all
kinds, and grades. which I will sell atthe yard or deliver
at as small profits as will snit-OM times. 1 thereforeln
viteall those that are in want of any of those articles to
call'and see the same, ascertain' prices, and i ndge for
themselves. DANIEL `MORT, (merchant.)
North Lebanon, July 3, 1301.
wflee, Va I;NT next door to &, Ta l.
Fancy Furs: Fancy Furs!!
301-1 N FAREIRA. 718
.edltt Altekt St cot. between
11, 7at and tttlt 5t , ... (too of l e 818 31erk, , t St..) Phila.
".•eti, 1 ,,
4 4„.
delpttia, Tx PoltTEtt AND
P ,"
FANCY FUltS.for La-
!',,e. .a
. 1 1 I , '',;' f - ,11-'4*;, dies', Alissee and Chil
dren's Mar.
it, . 4 , 11 ,,, t ,„ , t
...i.... ,.....„..,..... nitvii, g how iii.a.
;/ i ) .. 141 lA , - R . ,,.. \
. 7,.7 , -- - ' ttillTd 'slid in ,4tire my
1 , ' altra ..` ' li r tr. *moat large slid 1teatt
....1,-.....,,,,,,, 4 ~., . ‘„i0.,.; ....:„.-..-' tiro, ttesortment or on
tid - s {yafrv.4 . o the verione et s t oß ~,,t
t.,,,i i t, .k:"11 'tplt , '? ._ , erer; quid fties of MA 'Weld.
, ~,,..,,,#,.,,,3;;Ce..., etl to the COll/11 I r, Ktit
''.' "'' - ' 7.-'.' --- .eTr.....:-.,. - .- - '. - - - :` - : ond lit toter Selo:one. i
would tlege.etfrolly in
vite ao oxotninatino of my stock and prices trtoo ttom,
totentlio , to purchase. As I ttttt tumbled to titter them
very (le.-47:110e inducements.
0111 lay I•`strs have tenon inirehnVel fiSroaßh,und roads
by experioneett 44 n.l ornpotent , und c. the preo.
ent mnowntary troubles reader it neo , esary that
should di.•pose of my goods at you senall.aavance ou
I am satisfied that it will be to the Interest, or those
*lto tleatga purchasing, to give me moult.
4 , 47^ Recollect. the mono twin her and street a Jahn
Fareira. (New Fur Store.) 718 Arch Street, l'hilad'a.
S.ptemhee 11, 1861_5 in , •
Header, have you
. .soca Prof,
!Wood's odvortisetneut in our piper. Read it; it hill
interest you.
"THE UM01917 2
Arteß STREET, ABOV4j2,
Upton M. Newcoiner Proprietor
1 1 IIIS Trak is central, convenient by Paajointer 'Cars
1 to all part, of the city, and in every particular
adapted to the comfort and wants of the business pub
*5. Terms $1.50 per day. Sept. 11;
Till; NEW 1114k1 rt V,
J ill K . undersigned Would respectfully inform the eiti
vPna of Lebanon, that belies totnmenced thoßeifili-
INtt BUSINESS, in all its varieties, nt - his stnnd; on
Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Buck
•I bud. and will supple customers with the beet
'CAKES. &c., be. Flour received from customers and
returne.l to them In breed at Abort notice.
of all kinds, flesh and of the best qoulity, constantly
on I, Ed, and furnished at the lowest prices.
Tb public la invited to give me atrial.
Len non, Nov. 9, tab% F. HOUR.
L;011. Ilargoins in Gentlemen's um! goys' pleose
( . 1111 ut theelimp Store (,1* II ENIIY & STINE,
E !Mit A ?Vl' TA a EMIR IN lA.
(„2 S. it.A..IISAY &LINO.. In Nuriek's building, comer
or Curnbeeiand street end boo Riley, have On
hnud 111,111 for sae, either by the yard or wade to order,
large lot of
well Felected from Good Houses. Good Ells and sub
stantial malting guaranteed to all. Also llandker
ewers, cravats. loves I.lspetulers, Fancy and
Plain Linen tilbirts, Under 6blets and Drawers.
S. 13. It AM SBY 1111.0
Leh-. on A'l emit P 1 g .
Y are daily receiving, fashionable
11 ill t' , .s thi. (l6 l nnch M. t hizel Ira, 11(1ZelliihiqUeS, 110-
"toms. hawns, buyer I kiudn for trnvelingdressep;
risk I Irdit a Silk Tis-nee, Crepe De. Span., limpbanis
:Intl Uley Drocs Ounde uf every deseription. - !aiNred at
unneualiy low prices by &
AA the above goods offered at very low prices.
. _
Afull aesortinent of Linen Goods for Coate.
Pents Just received and offered at Great Bargains
127 PAO
Price 15 cents—Single Copies.
No. 2.
.182 PAO RS.
, • Pace 15 cents. 02 per hundred
Containing the
218 PAGES.
Price 20 cents—Single Copies.
-' TUE ,
INFANT scpoob: aivrEatusi%
. BIRTH 7 0F carirsT.
tfa- Printed on n Card for oral instruction in Infant
s nodal t.,chonts, at V per hundred.
Leban on,'August 22, 1861.
;recoil K. FunK. . Jolly K: Fuscii.
'l' tillE CO UN'F' It V- .SAFE ! .
Wl' MTr 0.0 0•• 4
.rIIIIEIPUB.IC are respectlnily invited to call
-1 amine a handsome selection of ._
which hove been bought to please, both io stylo and I
price. TUE LADIES will :find it tile &thief...SO Imy ,
Including Fancy Dress Fahriesrin Every rinilm,..l3 , lark
And Taney Dress Eilica."fkailmide, Bareges and . g oi ltobe-s. Lawns, lhiglist Chiltrzeß,
e...tiallirYs 0101414 es! tretio. Sanjores, ..
.• lavolla ao .I.knarer Olathe, Prints
. Tend *iodine,
:1 mamn AND inirrAreagratiEs,.
, vru I yr.:130.0g,,
.51ar.4544+ X6ITrtNTiI•G Gloms,
- 4sfrEs.,6 , stmers,
I - - -
(4 1,0 V bl'l7.', MITTS , ke. I
iIENTLFr/FP.:y 'Rill 15() o.lll.Sed with•UNTidlepllon of
. GS,
And 'ofhot-articles of Gent - 4.2 1 .4yard. ,
' ,- ,
In fact everything That is fonnd 40,a *oll•otacked
f country morn.
1 1.1r5 - - We most Teancelfolly tinlieit n call ' from the pub
,l lit, and trill take great plefisurolo sligikinggoods.whiall
fo clearness cud ly.aii ty cannot bu eur.passed.
FIINCI.i: & Bt:01.11Elt.
Worth Lebanon Ito' rough, April 3, 18E1.
'Stoves, Slaves, 'Stove's.
wrow is the time to buy your STOVES before cold
n ',rioter is here, atid the best and cheapest place is
at the
Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iran Manufac
tory of James. N. Rogers,
Next door to the Lebanon Bank. where can 1/01,141 the
largest nod best assortment, of PARLOR, HALL, sad
COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Lebanon.Oes burn
ers fin. Prirlo or Red Chambors of his own niake, with
n general 14 Asortnzent of Parlor STi)VES,..and.,a large
variety of the best Cooking Stoves in.theenunty orher •
°ugh, which lie warrants to bake or tonat. '
.1 - A.SII BOILERS couetantly on Iland of ail sues,
and the best materiel.
COAL BUCKliTS—the largest assortment, the 116 av
- Iron ; and the best made in [Niemen.
Also, a large stock of TIN Whitt:, made of the beet
material and.iu a workmanlike manner. As he is a
practical Workttiae, and has had en experience of twen
ty-five years, he feels confident that lie can give,general
lie takes this method of returninir Moults to his
numerous customers for-their liberal support, and he
hopes, by strictly attending. to his owu business and
letting other.people's alone, to still receive a share:of
public patronage. . JAI.VD:6 N. ROGERS. .
Lebanon, November.;. 1860._
Asir Particular attention paid to all kfnds of 3 0P91111.1,
such Boning, Spouting. dt.c., and all , work warranted.
ifliram Iltank.- • • •
T,lffilliftittLY aB ..'`INESTOWN. LI BANON COUNTY,
I would respectfuli; , tiforrit his friends, anti the pull.
lie, that he has connects, ''ilniself with Mr. Lowan, In
No. 138 North Third Street- Philci,
where he will he glad to receive customers, and will
sell at rates that will proSeSatisfactory.
Philadelphia, July 17, Mt;
Adjoining The Lebanon Valley Depot,
midersignedhaving taken the:there well , hricArii•
j ataMl f invitee his friend, and theMiblie to give him'
a mill. Everything pertaleing to the emu
fort of glIeStS will
. bed one :. lie Ooßelts Far
6 mere. Travelers and, Boarders to. give hiar'
Rxteesive Stablingattached, aml good.
flost.ere always attendance.
Lebanon, duly 17, 1 - 6151. WILLIA3I'I).
Q LIGHT. ALTARS', over D. S. Ilaber's Drng Store,
On - Cunilierland street, Lebanon, Pt. Aghttarress,
URAPIIS; taken daily, (Sunday excepted.) Prireciencona.
Me and in accordance with the size, style and'quality of
the mice. Dooms opened from SA. 31., to-4 o'clock.
Leba.non, Jima 20858. -
Vtailelies, Jewelry 'awl. $ll
- Ware. -•
WHOLESALT; .4.ND '.11E.T.1114.
N. f 212 Market street, 1. door botow 7th, I'hiladelphia,
March 27 .
A DAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between
ft_ Market und the Court !louse, north side. haq
now on hand a splendid assortment of the New
Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and••bcipj.. for 18*
to whirl' the attention of the public is respectfully invi
Ctrl. Wats or all prices, from theshemnad to the most
-1 kr. al ways on hand. lie Ii: sOm just 0pe11,41 a slilen
11111 amsorthient. or SUNMER. HATS. embracing such as
HultN. SENATE. CUM AN. and all others.
. .
171j_. 110 will Mk. Wholesale all kinds of Irate, Caps,
&e., to Country Merchants on advautngeous terms.
Lebanon, July Ir, 1861.
1 1 ) 17:isited to - Boy,
50UELS U-I ;
ng ,ooo uo S
50 13 ,0_0 bushels- CORN;
60,000 Wallah; OATS;
50.1100 bashers WHEAT.
which the highret OASII prices will be paid at the Leb
anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. • •
GEOREIE 11.00 - 11 AN:
Lebanon, Jnly 17, 1861.
OW) 11 *AN
ut earner of ilTnr&et and —
dater streets, Libanon,
11 R. DEED, Ag't, respectfully informs his friends
and . the public, that .he has taken the 'above
stsnd, formerly occupied by Enianiel Reigart,-and large- -
ly increased the stork of WINES: AND LIQUORS, with
• selections from the 'CHOICEST BRANDS and
qualities now in the. market. lily assortment
• - consist. ci Ortard, Hennesy, Pinet Castillion,
T. Wows, Martell. Marett, Pellevoision, J. J. Depuy &
Co-, A. Sarguettel; Co. .
WINES..--Champagne, OldoPorto, iturgundy;Claret,l
Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon,
.renertire, Hack, -Muscat and .
Malaga. of various brands and qualities. .
Holland Gin, Scbeltiam..Schtiapps, Jamaica Stow],
Scotch and Irish Whiakeys; Peach. Apple, Lavender,
Blackberry, Cherry;Ginger. and Raspberry BRANDIES;
Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, &c., &e.
Also, corn-tautly ,or. hand a superior quality of Hid
Wheat, Bourbon, Malt and Mournitabela WHISKEYS,
of the very beet guejitios. and Pure Cider Vinegar,
From long exmtrience he Batters himself that he will
be able to tender satisfaction to all who may patronise
the new tirtn, and the - reputatlon acquired for furnish
ing the hest brands df LIQUORS, at the lowest prices,
will be maintained. All articles sold at this establish
ment will be what they ire represented. •
Lebanon • . May 22,1883
141 PAGHS.
Price 12 cents. SIU per hundred
At the Store of
in Cumberland street, Lebanon. Pettn'a.
WAS opened on Monrey, April let, 1861, at IS per
cent., less than the regular prices, for Cash or
Country Produca :
Fashio movie SPRING SHAWLS,
Fashionable now DRESS GOODS,
Fashionable SPRING CLOAKS,
Fashionable PRINTS for 10 ets,
regularly sold at 12 cents; Fashionable styles Medium
and Dark Prints, at 634, 7,8, 9, and 10 cents. GOOD
BLACK SILKS. and a line stock of other BtacK GOODS.
Oambrice, JamMetts,
Swiss, Nainstock,
Brilliants, Bird Eve. Diapers,
Embroideries, Ilandkifs Collura lc Setts,
Lindns, Towels,. Sheeting's,
Bleachml lJnb'l Ac,
Fine Black Cloth for Gentlemen Spring wear. Cloak
Cloth, light and dark; Boy's Cassimeres and Coating.—
Gen tlemeu's thee Black Cassinicre; Fanny Cassimeres
for spring,Fancy and Plain Vestinge.
Briiwu 6X., 7 and S etc. per lb , White Refitt
ed at 9, Rio Coffee 1234, 14 and 16 cents; TSA, Young
llyson and Imperial; MOLASSES, 8. 10, 12 and, l 5 emus
Dried Apples. repelled, Cherries, 'Elderberries, fresh
Mackerel, Prime 11am, Prime Cheese, Candles. Soaps,
Lebanon, April 5, 1881.
And for . the speedy cure of .the f llorving complaints:
Ser or - alai:tad Scrofal as
as . Turaors,,lllears,.. , Sane.% lilrupttarits, t
Puatoti.e.e, Itlotebee, ,
Blains; and all Skin Biseases.
. atruND, 1114., Oth June, 1819.
J. C. Aran Co.,gents: I feel it my duty to ac
knowledge What your Farsomartlits hats done for me.
naviog inherited a SCrofulons infection, I have...suffired
from it in rarions ways for year& buret
out in_lllcors. on inv. hands, and .arms;, sometimos , lt
turned inward' nnl sitstressed meat the Storthielhi' "'Torsi
Yoram ago it hrolie out on ice head and covered my scalp
and care wititetto sOrti:VlliCl4 was painful isud loo.theortie
beyond deveription.. I tried many medieioce and several
isityalcians, hot. without moth .reilief front any thing.. -In •
feet, .dissersiar grew Worse.: At length I was rejoiced`
to read in the eami Ilessessger that you had prepared
NU attend Lye (Ser,upanills.); for f JiUPIN from your repute
lion that aims thing suumsade must Le goad: I soot . ta
Igneintudiamtigist awl nerd it till it mired nre„ '.I took
kt, as you advise, i i ianall tic vc of a teaspoonful fiVer
arienth, and used almost thcedhettles: New and healthy
skin Antos, began re , ferns sassier the iirob, witiiit after s
whilefrlt elf. My Ikin is 11341 , clear, aud I know,by my
feelings that the disease hits gone free' toy ,system. - You
ran trell Where heat I fool what I ant saying when I tell
you. that, 1 hoili you to tie este of the apostles of the age,
and remain (WPC gratefully. ' Yours,.
Auntup B..TALLET.
St. Atatlionyls Flril.,ll:oss or Erysipelas,
Teller anti. Salt ltb cum, Scald Head,
dl'iuj j wnrnk, So r e .Eyes, Dropsy.
lrobert )I,7'raile'vrites from all oi, N Y.:l2th
Sept., CiS9, that he has cured irn. inveterate case of
Dropsy, which threatened to 'forminnia tidally, by tba
persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also.a: dangerous
Maiiynant Ery.dpel.ts by large, doses of the sathe; says
cures - ilia conunow 'Erni/Wens by constalitly.
Brouthorel, Goitre; or Sxr.elled.Neok.
!Italia: Slum: 4 , f Pibspect. Texas, writes: "Three but.
ties of your Sarsaparilla cured ine from a Goitre—a hid
eous sttelling on the neck, which I had suffered - from
M.,r tat, years." .
.„ .
I.eneorrham or 13. 7 11 it C . Ovarian Twiner,
13 LEII I / 2 /10 Ulceration, 'Female Diseases.
Dr. J. R. S. Charming, of New, York City, writes; "I
most cheerfully comply with file request of your agent in
saying / have' found your Saiaaparilta a meet excellent
alieratite 'OM 1111111Dr011S resent:tints frm which tvo
emplity such a but esneetally l4,,wr . lc,..oiseams
of the lira-anions diathesis. I have emelt many.loreter
ate ewes of Lettoorrtitea by it, mid some where the eum,
plaint VCRS eansed by ttkolttion oCtilg The nicer
mites Itself MIS sans eitred. 24:editing within my knowl
edge equals it for these female derangements,"
Edward S. :Ilerrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes; " A - 1%;
gerone 41wrian tumor oti one Of the females in my family,
which had defied all the remedies we, could elnuley, has
at letitctit been completely mired your Exiled of Stir
's:maxilla. Ottr physician thought-nothine but' extirna,
lion calsid afford relief, but tie nileised thedrial of your'
Sarsaparilla fls the lait. resort before culling, Arid it
proved eifeettazi. After taltingyour remedy okght Weeks
no E.yrmitant of thedl4 ,, ese remains.' -
pit nut/ Iriereurial. Disease.
IS're• OuLnots, !nth itimust; 1559.
De. J.O. Aron: Sir. I cheerfully comply with' Om 0 3 .
quest of your m.o. end revert, to' yen HMIs Of the sheets"
I bare realized with your 43:Wk.:Willi! ht.
- Lltaru cured with it, ih niy.prtteticeilitost ofy thif omit
. plaints for which it isokmittaendeti,Und havellittntl'int
rfreets'tritly wonderful in the cure of rinieroia and Mr
,enriot, Diserrge. . One of my- patients had ftymitilitle ttiolm
in his thront,,witick were consuming- his polite andthe
top of his- mouth. • Yotir Steltdily takers,
cured Mtn In _five weeks. Another Wee attacked ttilttle
()Wary systmumis in his-nose;,and the ttlecratiott.lint,
eaten away a considerable-part of it, to that I bole tit&
disorder would anon reaclultia.braita mid - kill bite. Balt:
yielded to my administration of your- ."!Alltaparillit ttts
uleets healed, and he is well agnitimint of course witle;f4
acone disfiguration to his thee. A woman who had Inittn,
'trotted for tlio same disorder by limitary , was suffering
from Otis pOlsou in her bones. • They had become %AlM
sitiVe to lb* weathor that ott•a damp day- alte-sunered
,erurialing pain in her joints and banes. ..Lbw, too, was ,
cured etiliroiy by your oats:marina -in a few ...‘Voeks: .
know from its formula, WWII your agent gave me, that
this Preparation frum your laboratory must be a great
remedy,.' caniuquently, these truly remarkable ..restelts
with it have not surmised me.
'fraternally yours. CI. T. LARDIEIt,3I.D.
rtiletmarttlem, Gout, Liver Complitirt,
Jaagetaaveye t hastan Ca., COI lily', 1b9..
Bit. J. C. Ana: Sir , i hero been *filleted with a pain.
ful chronic Mannuthent for a long limo, which ballad the
skill orphyritiatis, and mark to me in *pito of all the
remedies! conkt find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One
mottle cared me in two weeks. and restored my genetral
Iteuttit se mitePtitat am far_ better before I was
,athicked. I think it tt.Wonderful tuedieine. J. F.Aft'kfAkt.
Jules Y, Geteliell; of Et. Louis, writes <r have iteen
"%filleted fOr year's with rction the - Liter;
destreyettuty health: 1 - tried every thing, and every tying:
killed he relieve Me; andi have been a broken-down man
for some years from as other rouse then derangement of 'I
the 'Arm M y beloved pastor. the Bev. Mr. Eepyt, advised
me to try, your SilliMparilltt, because he said he knew yon,
and any thing-you made was worth trying; kyr the .bless
lug or cad It hes cured me. and hat so purified my bleed -
es to make a new nutti or me. I feel you, again. The
best that can be said of you taunt half good enough."
. ,
Scit Irrees,Cstneer Tll2ll ors, Enlarge/nen - it,
Ulceration, earles,atitg Exfoliation of
the Bones. , •
A great vs riety of ensk hardleen reported lo whet°
cores of theme f"rinisiniAc .coinpleints hove remitted fruin
the' tiso of this- retoctly, hut our isps.en here will" loot Admit
thren: Sono of them mad• be found in our A metrical'
A Imade, which the egoitt; boluir named die iileased to
fernish gqttir; to all irr,r mit for
Dinapipshi• - : ifeact. 'Disease; Fits, F.p .
• •
zy, ittelaitcholyy Nestraleia
Many row:irk:Ode acres of these affections - hare been
tondo hy the shrrat ive power of this medicine. It sattiti- '
• istos the vital fottrtions Into rigorous, action, and ;thus
dt.iriltfil . :Vhi , h ' Arit ' ald be sodniosed helot .l'it'ri"
teat h Such n remedy. has long boon required by the 410-
:rossititiii of the people, and we are tontlthrultliat
do for Ht.:il:all that medians can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
: Coughs, ,I.lkflorri to t .ito!t•Ks
Cron'p 'Bra Orbit:tic,. Inc e.ll
.t Con
salt). for the,"
of. COnsio.ntptir.e .Patients
1./91. " 11:v Stages
. 1 of bl
.Dea ti
. .
This is a remedytto nuivarsally,kuown to surpass any.
other Mr the cure of:throat and lung complaints, that it
is useless here evidence oPits.rirtura.. Its
unrivalled easellence. for coughs and. coldlytutilits truly
wen:Meld taros of pnlmonery , disease:liars made it
known throughout the civilised nations of the earth.
Few ere the ronimunities, or even families, among them
who hare - not sonic personal experience orit& abets •••
some tiring trophy in their, midst olits victory over the
subtle mid dangerous disorders'bettie throat and lungs.
As all know the dreadful fiaality of these disorders, and,
as they knew, too. the olfoets of this remetly,*o. need net.
do more than to assure them thatit,has noy,all the viz.-
tnes.that it did hare:tellentnekingAlie cures iibleh hare
wenao strongly upon the conddsnes of mankind.
Prepared' by Dr. 7. O. AYER bt. CO.. Loweß,
i,",,,erger, Dr, !toss and Hauer,
Lebanon . ; Delver 8; Um. ; Annville ;'Shirk, Myerstervin;
Horning, Mt. Nebo; t!arper, East Hanover;
Slteftratown; and . hyDealers everywhere.
riIIIANICFUL, for prist favors, the undersigned respect
fully informs the kublic,lharbocontinues to carry
on his Idomni k etery FAUSt. Hatt° %%Jr township;Lebanon
county, on as extensive a settle as ever. It is unnecessa
ry for him to any more, than that the work will be done
in the same. EXCELLENT STYLE, which has made Lis
work and MOM so well known in theaurrounding coun.
try. Ile promises to do the , work in the shortest pmd
hie time. ills manufactory is in complete order, and he ,
flutters himself to be able to render the samesatisfaction
as heretofore. De manufactures
Broad undA-anytpazoti!s,__FasTineits,...xialthqs,;.
ancrilth6 l Flannds, alt iti the b e e t withicr:
He also cards Wool and makes Rolls. for the move-.
nience of ids Customers, Wool and Cloth - Will-he taken
in at the following paces:—At the stores :of George &
Pyle, Looser & Mathews, George- Reineeld, - sad at
the now Drug Store of Joseph L. .Lemberger, near
the Market House, in the borough of Lebanon;" at the
store of Shirk & Long, North Lebanon; at S..Gesio.
errs; Bethel township; at the public houseat Wiliam
Barest. leredurEckshurg; 'at the store of S. B. Bickel,; in
Jonestown; at 'the" Stern 'of lir: 'Walther; Beilernet
at the store of Martin Early; Palmyra; at the store of Mr.'
Zimmerman, East Hanover. Lebartatueounty. All
Crisis will be taken away regulerly,from the above pia=
ces, finished withont delay, and returnedagain.
Those - of lds customers who ivish‘Steeking - Wool tard
eel dyed and mixed, can- leavet:Pie'sante,- whitd, at the
above mentioned Places, With - directions how they wish
it prepared. Ow his customers cat -order the Steeking
Wool to be prepared from tho Wool. of the undersigned,
which will be done and left at the' desired places. •
N. Mit fa desired that' those'having Wool carded; min;
pay the Cash therefor, at the - above named places:
• • e' • • LYON LSALB.KitGAIL
East Ilanoyer, Lebanon county, July 17:413p1,
Shmentakert.4 Attentioial
.Shoemakers, tootrorlb on Military Shoes, are
OM wanted, by, tho undeptigtied in. Lebanon. Good
wages an4.eniployniebt:. tni the whole . , winter wilLintl .
!liven. Apply immodiatalY to - JACOB BGBP4L:
/44xlm4n, Sept. 4, 'Si.
Lebanon Mutual Insurance
TO the property holders of the State of Penn
aylvania :—OattrLegmt : Your attention is
respectfully.solicited to the following low rates of insur
PANY, who are transacting IJUSIOPOB with the most
flattering evidenen of Public crmfidence. There Sources
of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may
take advantage through its agency of the means afford
ed them of being protected against loon by fire. The
Board of Directors are practical business men well and
favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and
resmict of the community in which they live. Our Com.
pony is perfectly 'nutria. and we Invite your careful
tention to the ftdlowing tow rates as we are determined to
insure as low as any other responsible company, taking
into consideration the character of the risks incurred.
Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is
sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne
cessity of renewal every 3 or 5 years.
Tin Company has now been iu successful operation
for nearly 6 years, and all its 'oases have been pro.r.ptly
paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned: and, in
fact it, has been, mid still coutinnea to be, the wish of
the Directors to have the Company conducted on honest
mid economical principles.'
Dwellings, brick or stone, slate roof $0,15 'll.. $lOO
do ao do shingles. ,13 do
do Log or Framo ,20 " do
Berns, stone or brick ,20 a do
do .Log or Frame ,20 a dii
Store flouses, brick or stone ,I 5 ' 6 do
do Log or frame • . ,30 ' 6 do
Hotels.% boarding houses, brink or atone ,25 " do
do do Log or frame ,30 " do
Academies and School houses ~25 " do
Churches and meeting housmi. •' ,20 " do
Printers hoOks and Statioaeriet ,80 0 do -
Book binders ,50 '. do
Tailor shops , 4 25 4 ! do
Skoemaker and saddler shops • ,30 . "d.
Silversmith and \Watchmaker - . ,30. ' 4 do
Tin. and shoot ir on shops ,30 " do
On"aeries sird Precision stores ' ,30 .• " do
Tanneries ,30 " do
Hatter shops
Grist Mills, Water power
Saw Mille do do.
Ding *tom . . ,30 " d 9
With dtiOpe; . blick or arena' ,30 ". do
do do W00d ,36 " do
- .
Carpenter,Jolnor & Cabinat mak!r•ahopy ,40 " d.
Wagoner eni Conehmaker.vhoner . ,40 " do
Painter Rod chair xnakor Amps • ,40 " do
oilmine • ' - . • ,40 ". do
Clover 51111 a "- ,40 "- do
Younderies of wood ' . 1 35 "- do
do Brick or stone, " do -
Merehandito in brick or stone build'nge ,20 " do
do in wooden 'do • ,25 " do
Furniture in brick or atone buildings ,I 5 " do •
do in wooden - " do
Stables & sheds, brick or. stooo,country ,;•E) " do
. .do do wooden ,25 " do
Livery & Tavern Stables ,25 " do
/Er All Ooninsunicatione should be addressed to W
A. BARRY, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebnoon Co., ra.
.President,—JOliN BRUNNER, EJQ. •
ViEt President—D. M. ItANIi.
Tneastawr.--GEO. F. -MEI IX.
...Setre4try . —WM_ A. BARRY.
.16naitosin;Senteniber 12, 18110. '
Nluttial Fire Insurailite Com
pan!. of A nus vilie l
911ITSMOMPANY was incorporated, Mandl. 1859, and
1 is now Tull operation and ready to make, insur
ance on Dwellings, and other linildino, mo Furniture,
and Merchandise generally. Also on Bairns. Contents,
'Rock, Farm Implements. &c.. on a Mutual Principle.
'Thristina Bachman , Samuel Seabold,
John H. Einports,
ileorge S. ilonigardner, Oeorge Bigler,
1.. D. A. Oarman, John All wain,
leorge Donges, . .Itudolpb Herr..
obn D. Bsiver, Joseph F. Idatz,
;laniel S. Early,
JOHN ALL#ElN,Prdsident.
Et - Imm Thm. n, Treasurer.
JOSEPH F. MATZ, Secretary.
.Samuel Seabold, Traveling Agent.
..JeCeb,Seltnotterly,"Agetit, Fredericksburg,
A nu ville, January 30,1861.-Iy.
kree , ll IMOD. SEA ITCHE
STANICARD - :htEpl.ol - N.E.
-Foi till) speedy, radical. 'and effectual cure-of ALL
BiI4ASKS arising f nu IMPURITY 0F.T141
This medicine has - wrought the moat miraculous cures
n tiesperate eases of •
Scrofil In.
tammus 'Annan,
. _ . . .
Pimples on•the face,. Sore Byes, .
011. Stubborn Ulcers . , Sonia Ilona.
'Fetter alteetio us, "Rheumatic Diordel'ey
Jal.llltl lee, :.. : ^B.2lt.RllCtltti, .
Mercurial Diseases, ,GeneralDebility,
Liver Complaint, . • 'Lomat Appetite, •
L o w :f Orlin, , ... Foul Stomach. •
Female Complaints, rind all Diseases having their orh
gin iu au impure state otthe Blood. :
The Above iaa portrait of David McCreary, of Nap'•
er township. who, on the 31st day of August, 1858. made
affidavit b fore Justice Charley that ho was treated for
the epre of:rancor by -
three physiciancof Bedford Co.,
and by Dr. Newton •
of the Eclectic College in CinCinan
ti, for a period of 'nearly eight months, notwithstenth.
log which. his lip, nose, and ci 7)9r/ion of his 14 ass*.
were entirely salsa away! lie bad given up all hope,
when he beard of tho 'Wood Searcher." and was. in
tiered to try'it. Four bottles cored him. and although
sadly disfigured. there is no neestion but whet this In
valuable medicine 'laved his life. The full particulars
of this remarkeble . case may. be seen in t" circular,
which cnn be had of, any of the agents. .
We Moo refer to the cage of NancyDleahney, of El
derton, Arnistrong'countvi . Fa ...ctielia of Scrofula af
ter befog unable to get out of bed the three . years.
To the gate of a holy in Ansonyille, Clearfield coat).
ty. , debo Wee abso..afilit:ted with
.Scrofula. in, its worst
form, . • ~ •
To the ewe of George 'Meisel; residing in Carroltown
Cambria county. Pa, who was so" badly afflicted with
Cancer that it not his entire noes oil, and his case. was
worse, If tensible, Shim s.lcCreary'e.. .
The particulars of these cesee-=eVery one of which
was cured by use of the Blood Seer Cher—may also
be found Ina circular to be bad of:mily of the Agents.
It. M. LEMON. Proprietor. .
Labdiretary . Ibr the manufuetaire . and sale, near the
Penneylvenia Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Dr. Om, Keyser.-Wholesale Agent. Pittsburg. Pa.
Fur sale by' M GOttite, Ilytrecossrli : Martix:
Palinyri; Johu Capp Son, Jonestown John Seltzer-
Mount Nebel' John tlirper,litichmartsville t John Delo,
ingoe,,Cesupbellstown Binger a Kiaporta,thunsiffe .
John C. Colenigh, Bridgeport: all orLebanon 'county;
Alto sold et Dr. - Geo. Rosa' Drug Store, ow/date 'the
Court .bane , Lehmann, Pa. • -9:
October •-• : :,•: • .. •
P. 111.41,.
Le.:.banon Hey Br an c h.
Two Daily P assenger Trains. to ead
and Harrisburg..
-"jiliSSl.Ena NON, goiug'East to Reading, at 9.1111..1111.,
Paes Lebanon, ping , West to llarrieburg, at 7.10:P.
31..aud 12.011'. Al. • , . .
At Itoistling r , both *heailie make close' connexions
Phipidelph in; Tamaqua, Williams.
port, Ao. • • "
Morning train only connects at Reading for-Wilkes
lyarre rittatun and S.crunton.
At ifirrisburg, traiits connect with "Pennsylvania"
"Norther Contral," and "Cumberland Valley" Ballroads,
for Pittaburg,lnnonstcr, Baltimore, Sunbui,r, Chambers. ,
Through Tickets to Lancaster, in N&l...Ogre, $1 50, to
Baltimore. $3 30.
80 lbs. baggage allowed to each passenger. • •
The Second Class (bun ran with all the abovejtpsdns.
Through: First ChM Ticketeat reduced rate to Nlegera
Fells, Buffalo, DetrolteChicago, and-all the 'principal
points In the West, North West, and Canada,; and Emi
grant 'rickets, at lower Fares, to all above plates, can be
'bad ms.supplleation:pa,the Station /Aunt, at Lebanon
' Through First-Chute 'Coupon Ticketai and Einigrant
Tickets at reduced Fares, to all the principal points •in
the NOrth and West, And the Canadais. " • •
With 26'Cottpymp,gt 25 per cent discount, between
any points datrody4ind , •
floal'for 2000 Miles, between all , points, at $l5 each
for Families and Business slams. •
Up Trains leave Philadelphia for 'Reeding, lierris-'
burg and Pottsville at 8 A. M. and 3.30-and 3'1.. MC
U 1 Passengers are requested to pnrolutso tickets be-
fore the Trains start. 'Beier Fe r. , it charged; if mdd'in •
too cars. 0. A. NICOLLS, '
Jttly 17,11884 kts Ater' t• and:,SyperfaSeadettc.;,.-
George: 1111ffiliali 5 S
IR Ili
By. Lebiznim. Pall e y • Ratfroad.
13APT1CUL/lit attention will be paid to Goods.sbinp.
ed by the Lehattoi TalleVltailroad: tioods will ho
w•ut dully to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon; Myers-,
town end dnnville Stations , and all'nther points in the
ElA ilVigbh6lictdd'foOitraiii4esiit , iosiirelir rates
and delivered with dispatch—, : •: •
The Vrtvrietnr. will : pay. partieniar attention to; and'
attend rationally, to the receiving and delivery, of all
. ;Otbee th Lebanon-
Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanou..l,: •
'N.DWAIU) MARK, his Agenetit,ghtiadelphht:w.ill
ways be Ibitud at W. H. Bush's Merchants+ Hotel, North
.Third at.. Philadd,phitv . 4,421* .•2
July Ul' 6o l wao. liovauiv. ,
Benevolent Institution e.stahlishe.d by special Ibutow
m eat for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed,
aff tided with Tiro/cut and Epidemic
Diseases, and especiolly
° far the Cure
of Diseases of the &runt . .
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis bs the Acting Sur
goon. to all who apoly by letter, with a descrip•
tion of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life,
tic.,) and In cease of extreme poverty, Medicines fur•
niahed free of charge.
VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrlicea ' and oth
er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the Nine REM
EDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted
in sealed letter envelope. free of charge. Two or three
Stamps for pottage will be acceptable.
Address. Dft..t. SICILIAN 110UOIITON, Acting Sur
goon, !Inward ASseciation, No. 2 South Ninth Street
l'biltulelphls, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
EZRA. D. lINARTWELL, President
azo.,rentoulLD Secretary Jan. 2, '6l. Iv.
--.. .
......------... • ..c ...a s as _.
#3l4j . 10 3 " 3 / 1 ,/413Wie.
1• 4 c ,----- '•' NOIO3 /4 67 arlf? \
co -.. 0-- c. 7 ~_,
ort I 0 , 4 ' 113 i tl % )
, 4 ,\,.......V,0 t PSI : I3IV . . s „„,i L s.,, , ik.
. " Ififfitt B SI , 311 CI \...."
Mills valuable preparation, freed of all the com
l. men components, Filch na Opiates, or Expectorantn,
which not only run down the system, but destroy all.
chance of mire, will be found on trial to possess the fol
lowing properties. and to whim:. the most va l u able t es ti.
incouials may be found ion the pamphlets.
For whooping Cough, and as a Soothing Syrup. It
meets every want, and by early use will save the largest
proportion of ruptures in children which can be traced
to Whooping Cough.
In ordinary Ganglia and Broner,ial Complaints, the
forerunners of.Cousumpt lon, Its splendid Wahl proper
ties make itnot only the most perfect enemy to disease,
but builds up and sustains the system against recur
rence of the Complaint. leo nursery-should he without.
it. uorebould parents Sill to get a pamphlet, to be faced
with all dealers ; as the only way to do Justice to its
valtic. •
' 3O " do
•83 " do
,35 " do
rtims great Nemnleic Remedy auil Natural Opiate
J. calls for special attentiou and Interest, being free of
Opium, or preparations of Opium, or of any but its
'strictly regotald, rn
and edtcal properties. For Noiral
gla, Bbeumatism. Gout, Tooth and Enr Nebo. Spinal
Complaints. Bleeding at lungs or Stomach. hose or Day
Fever,•Gatarth, and all minor Nervous Complaints: • •
For Loss of Sleep. Oleronie.. or Nervous - Head Ache,
Sick Hand Ache, it has no equal, and to which we offer
estimcrnials from undoubted sOurces. •
For Delirium Treni•ms it, in a Suro licmedy..
For Bowel Complslets, Including Cholera Slorbus,,lt
is splendidly adapted. In not only removing ' the pains
but acting cc physic,agrent,contrast with Opium,,which
not only constipates nod drugs the system, but makes
the remedy worse than the disease.
From physklans we ask attention, and on demand
Forthulite or Trial Bottles will he sent, durelopiug in the
Anodyne an - Opiate which has long been wanted, and in
the Bough . Rouied,r such Ise re et entirely on one central .
Front invalids we milt - torreepondence for Pamphlets
or oxplunation, without "postage-sumps."
For--Large Cough ltemedY, 60 cents per bottle,
Tolls Ausd,tne,oo"
L. II UHNCELV, Proprietor,
IVs. 9 antssorsiat IV/urtf..Ekietani Maw.,
Pot Sale by all usual whalsigAle and' retail dealers iB
every town and city, cud by Joseph Is. Imnberster. Leb
anon; at Wholesale by (itio:11. Aslstpd. Charles Ellis
Co., Ph d'st. [Aprit3, 16i3t..71y,
NEW TIN AT - .13 , SEEET .
iron-Ware ill ala mi rite to 'by.
ri MEI. undersign.' napectfuity (mils the attention of
hie fltleads alai the public• generally to the fact
that Imbue opened 3 Shop for the manufacture of all
khan of
in 11111 Street . . between Nlarltet and Wainutetreeta lie
hopes, try using none hut the beat materials:hi , a per.
sonal•supervision of all the ,vork coining from his ha;
tablialnuent, and by ailing cheaper than nny other in
Lebanon, that he will moire a liberal share of public
N. .11..T1n roofing. Jobbing, Spouting, kc., will be
promptly end properly attended to.
The public are reveetfully invited to give him a call
Lebation.Sept. INOI. W.' SIIAY.
Cantor Otis fOrnintions,
P. H.O T 0 G sir
E l ks ROUTED in the imst style known itt the art, at
532 Arch Street, East of Sixth,
Ziff Site in, oa..giod Posen
For Cases, Jlc lllnu,, Pins, Itingsi
Juno $6, 1.60 . 11. • •
. .
NEW 010D5:.... •
.. • .
AN:D::NEW P RI et .
I . 3 iT. SWARTi hereby torm the public tbstt•he
JD. joat opened -a stock of NEW GOODS' et - the
old Stood of Swartz Br . ~o Building, which will
be Feld for cash at prices t o soft the thous. All are in
vited to call and,ettainioe, {Lehman, April 10, '6l.
Has been Removed uto tilk Haw Blinding. an Ccituber
land Street, opposite the Engle buildings, - .
• Lbbaunn, Pa.
subscriber respectfully announce- co hiss-Nl:min
i taunts and the public In general, I at he hits cede.
stoutly on luind a large stock of
D 11 U G S•; -
CHEMICALS, '1 1 . 4 e in DYE-STUEVE.
HAIR-91LSt ! • ! ' EXTRACTS,
Burning Fluid, Surgical .
Internments, Tenet'. SciaMi, So
ars, Tobacco, ke. Also a :variety of Fancy Articles too
numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates. and
warming the qualities of the nrtiClos as represented.--=
Purchaiere will Wage remember this, told eknntilie the
qualities and, prices of his goods before purchasing else-.
where.. .05rehysiciaits' prescriptions awl family reel
pcsearefrally - eoruponnded,. At all hours. of the day or
night, by calling 'at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle
On. Sundays the Store will be opened lot the cool
pounding of preacriptions between the hours 0f.7 and
10 o'clock, A. M,.12 and 1, and t and 5 P.M.. ' • :
Lebanon, Dec. 9,1.857. . . DAVID S. BADER.,
• R C 0 IMP J 4.1114 T, •
And the •variona affections cones , :Pleat Upon** disordered .
ElliCll .441 Indigestion, Acidity of the SP:match, Colicky PADS,
Heartburn. Low of Appetite, Braptatiletici Cpstlieuess,
Blind nod Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous,
Neumigiclidections, it lam In nOnterona instances proved .
highly'beneticial, ands In other* effected a,decided cure.
Thia to taut v6getabie conmound,rePared on strictly
saleutige principles, after the manner of the mdebreted
Holland Prot:weir, Brerhave. Its reputation at home pro
diteed its introduction hero, the demand commencing with
those •of the Fatherland scattered over
the face of this'
mighty country, ninny of whom brought with diem and
taunted down the tradition of its value, p it now ()Arm
to the American public, knowing Mat its truly. monad:fel
medtcLnat rirfties MI/Si be notwmeirclgicl:
It In prirtiOrtlari,v rremminaided to those *sous whose
tonstitutiontitnny have been impaired by the contlimona tine
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
inatantaneous in effect, It finds its way directly' to the seat
of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the
drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing bow health and vigor
in thesystain
NOTlCK—Whoever expects to findthis•a beverage will
be disappohntedt but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will• move a grateful aromatic cordial, POSIIOIIBOtI of singular
remedial properties. - • •
. .
The Genuine highly concentrated Boarhavo's nollann
Bitters is put tip in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
ONE Doman -per bottle., er. six bottles for •Ficre DOttmta.. The
great demand fur this truly celebrated sfodlcfne has Induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against.
pore wing. •. • . .
Beware of Imposition. Bee that our mane is pia the
label of every buy.
Bold t
ruggiste genera ll y. It Can b. 6sysitsjoil
by Ysprees to most points. .
BENJAMIN PACtE, Jll. - Slt CO.:,
Far eaktAi J. L. LEMIIIMIER'Pirrug Store, -stark•l.
Street, Lebanon, Pa. Dept, 6.11.8(30.-ly
01 Ip.. 71 - 10 1 EWELES c,A4M - Zr„\
-cc, - - r A l N.F—,"'its \
' :----N 6 . . , ' ' v L i ft ~x A
-2,r2 , 2 2 li
tr %ULU 0 piL onEql , I tsooo4- -)
7,..z.,_.—/ 4,/ 0 30/ILc ic . 0 v ai s4 , o ..,
\ wo -,,,eir
~,11 . 0„, 0 41E01,.. . ca E'
N.. D Iti " - itai.• °NO'
- _., A RALOP •
D;;;S: -. 2-ItABE:WS
O N ole o r t e t tl he t b o ee t t hr i p .4. ure i Ts t u a oW 'l'or e tmenta ltrawnetßw
and extensire LUMBER and COAL YARD of
a the Borough of North Lebanon, on the bank of the
Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a few
limns North of the Hausman ,Steam Mills, and one
quare east of Borgnei's Hotel.
Their assortment consists of the best well-seasoned
White, Yellow, Norway, i'ioe and Hemlock Boarder,—
Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards;
Iy2 and 2 inch Paten& and Common Plank;
Yltite..Pine and Hemlock Scant:log and Joists;
White Oak Hostels, Plank and Scantling;
and % inch Poplar Beards, Plank and Scantling.
The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles;
Able, Roofing and Plastering Lathe;
Chestnut Rails and Posts, and railings for fences
and fencing Boards;
FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes and dascriptions.
- -
A large -stook • of' Broken, Stove, Limeburners and
Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices.
'lll3—Coniident that they have the largest and best as
sortment of Lociumt of all descriptions and sites, RS well
tiS the largest stock of the different kinds of Coil., ever
offered to the citizensof Leballen iyminty, they venture
to any that they can ne.eotninOdate - all purchasers satis
factorily, and would therefore iriyite all who want say
thing in their line, to examine their . Mock before pur
chasing elsewhere. • piwarjutpuzu.L.
• N. Lebanon, July 3,1861.
NO, ittl Arch Street, Philaddphia.-,
0 hit of the largest and most complete Onlleries its.
the United States, whore the best Pictures, known
to-the Photographic art. are taken at prices no higher
than are paid-fur miserable enrrie.ntures.
The Proprietor, a practical Photographer. attends
personally, every slttiog—and allows no picture to
leave the Gallery unless It gives perfect Satisfaction.
Daguerreotypesand Anibrotypes. of absent or de
ceased friends. photographed to any required size, or
taken on Canvass, life size, and painted In Oil by the'
best Artists. -
At this Oallery pictures can be taken In any weather
—as perfect in cloudy days as when-the srm shines.
Persons visiting the city nuiPectfully - 'netted to
examine nor specimens, which for- mite anif - q - Uslity do ,
fy Competition. • • -
Aar Instructions given in the art of photography.
It. NEWELL, GAtt.r.ns OP AR?,
7.':14 Arch. Street, Philadelphia.
Prow lion. LEWIS D. CAMPBELL, M. C., Ohio.
My family and friends all concur in the opinion that
the (Newell) Picture is more life-like than any thing
they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken
by different Artists In-various ways. but I have never
,loid euc which presents so true to nature. all the
features and expreasion a of countenance as this.
From lion. h. JOY -Meatus, late Minister to Italy.
.The exquisite finish. beauty and softness of . your por
trait's, conjoihed thoir durability of color and faith
'fulness as likenesses, cannot fail to commend them to
the attent ion and patronage of all who appreciate true •
Having occasion fora portrait, I procured one from
3lr. Robert Newell, of 'the city of Philadelphia, a min
iature in Oil Colors, wider the Stew process discovered by
him, and take great pleasure in expressing the natiafac-
Lion given me, not only by the.accuracy of the lik.ness,
but its artistic finish in all .respects, and rcoommenti
him to the patronage of thoso disposed to 'encourage
the beautiful art. ' Jemea Yeas.
Yhi)adelpiliu, January 23, 1561.-17.
Farmers and others Take Notice.
THE undersigned hitiiing plifebilsed Ebb en tire;
estnbliqiment of A. 111 AJOH do I : MOTHER,
will Manttracture atutheep on hand It tern general•tut
sortment of I%.IAiI'L I INERY and FAltu IF O IMPLK , .
MINTS. embracing Icaprored FOUR-HORSE Powera
and threshers; iblowns Horst, Powers and Thrashers,
Itlorgan's Independent steel-wire tootli Horse ltittch%
Itlnana.s Patent Fodder,Straw and flay CUTTER: Cast
Iron Field Antlers, (Irian Fans, Hay lilleeatnrth Clove!
Iluller.s, Corn-shelters, by hand or rower, Corn Ploughs
and Planters, Cultivators, &c, with a variety or the
best PLOUGHS 'in use, &e.
All or the above 'Machines are of the latest and best
improvementa;and areal' warranted to eiresatisfactkru,
Clultnys of all kin& matte to order'. -
and at short untie°. He also manufactures STEAM ESN'.
OINES. Mill tlearing.Sharthig, and Mill work In general,
and pays particular attention to Repairing Engines an d
Machinery of all kinds.
He incites all to call and oxanuns the work at the MA
chine Shop. on PINEGRoVE Sraswr, Lebanon:
dYiF All ureters or communications by Mall will ba
promptly attended to. : D. Iit.,,KARMAPIY.
Lebanon, Lebinon Cu., ra.
Lebanon, August 8,1860: • •
VOTICF...-1 bave appointed A. MAJOR k BROTHER
Agents for the purpoen or carrying nacho abova
busiisemc I). M. HARMAN Y,
Lebanon, Miguat 51,1960.
HAlli JEWELRY sTo p tig
No. 206 Nortlllth Street; above Itadd, $,
ON hand and for sale. a EIIOICO agßOTtarlerli et Ripen=
or patterns.—and will PLAIT TO onDra, 1111.ASI.
Nacraviote..rear and 'GUARD CHAINS, &e._. gse -
AllliP.Ordera enelosinfr the hair to be plaited; tdaY'bu
seta by mall. 6i•rea drawing as neir tie you' min ort
paper 'and encidsa such ,amount as you may etattert ter
Cost as follows :— Ear Itlngss2 to $6; Breast
$3271 linter Rims 75 rents to $3.50; Vest•Oliatalf
$6 to $7;. Neeklami $2 to $lO.
air Hair put into Moialioutt,Box,.Breastrinian ivi
ailiOold and Silor'bought et tarr 4 rates.
"Juua 19, 1861. .
New Cabinet Ware . Rooms
•Jhrkee v.; 3d door itorth of Ole Retariad._;:.
Largest ManufactoryandWit Assortmentrer
FVERITITEE and etroLtaBf Ili the county
rlttiE ;intik is iespectioliytequest."
ed to hear in mind that-at Otago
Ware ltocons,will'he koulfd the best
assortment of PIeIIIONABLE and HAND ,
BOIIE FItitIYITURE and CH d I RS. Femme . lit .
any kind would hest call and examine Lie stock befotilr
purchasing, cliewhere. Which (being all 'of ,
work) he warrants to be betted.' than any' offered in •
place. Pricers will ho wren than at soy other placer.
either iu•thelliiroueh orcotintY of Lebanon.
All orders promptly etteiiiied to, and speedily exam ,
cod at the lowest prices. ' •
All 4 per?tenti.Purollitattig Fernituee from hire w ill. be y
ahconlinoduteld,by haring it delivered Co theta, to 11 .07 •
part of. th e COIIIIItY, ME Or . (MAROS, o.lld wittiont.tner.
luau injary,llB he has procured one of the beet auk. -
jotted furniture.ebetgons, especially for that purpose. - •
la- COFFINS made to order, and funerals attended
aktbe.shoricst pot , [Lebanon, Sept. 13,,1880.)_
Gielliriblie - Gist .•
• ' • MANI/FA( VORYi' , r' .
pot of FURNiz
T r r eTt li b E ß oh:a bictribev d it the cH A in l i i r s ts es P t: c a ve n t r d rn .o bos i fy l : r t in eci ass *Pinla to Ort .tw tb epnvic
anon county. li e , has on hand at. .biAr'... C.aistnetWare
rooms, In North Lebanon Borough: nearly onpesitti
Zeller's Hotel. and a few Anors'aoutb • of "Semler's; a '
splendid assortment of ;God, substanthil and fashiona
ble Parlor. Cottage and Chamber,FURNITURE, con
SOTS. Parlor, Centre, Pier, Card audComtuon
TABLES; Dressing. and Common BUREAUS;
Bedsteads, Work-Stands, Wash-Stands, and
ILltohdii' ‘Firrniture of all. , kiOde. 'Also, a
large and * oMmint..varlpty of FRillOtt BACK. SPRIIIO
SLATED ell Ant..% COnitilon Spring Seated . Cakllls; on .
kinds of .Spring Svatoif ROCKERS.' Also, Windsor,
Cane-Seated. And CODIIIOLL °HAIRS and ROCKERS of
every description. •
All Goods eold-LOW. and WARRANTED to give
satisfaction. •
..._ .
_Perilous' desirous of knowing .the eharactcr of the
goOde here olfered . for sale, can be fully adieded of their
durability by reference to those tbr whom ho has man-'
ul'actured or to whom sold.
Old Furniture and Chairs REPAIRED and VAR;
,N., 8.,-9OFFINS made and FUNERALS attendialat
the shorteeE notice. JOSEXIE BOWMAN.
North Lebanon ,Septemberin, 1860.
rrPlB , lpstitute, conducted for two years past, in this
ark , . by MADWILE CHUMMILY and her Diem, -111sniatt
D'llimundm, upon the same principles asthe one in New'
York, established them in the year 1814,'willre•open on .
31.0nday, Sept. established_
with its usual ample and complete
•Provialonlonthe education of Young Ladies, under the
direction of Madame Circulars, and all ,
ettulaite' information can be obtained on application
Ale Principal. IThiladelphis, Log. 14, •'6l-I;in
A No. I .A.MBILOTYPE, yea? cheap ; Igo to DAnans
j o i,L Gallery, neat door to the Lebanon Depoidlt Dank.