THE CORNER. = WATERI/ 1 o, THE- ,DAY AFTER THE SLAUGHTER. Though .many a brave spirit fell on Sunday last, the slaughter was not qutte equal to that in which Napoleon was de • prived of his prestige. We read that on 'the surface of two square miles at the bat :tie of- Waterloo, it was ascertained that fif ty thousand men and horses were lying! The luxurious crop of ripe grain which had covered the field of battle was reduc ed to litter and beaten into the earth, and - the surface trodden down by the cavalry and furrowed deeply by the cannon, strew ed with many a relic of the fight. Hel mets and cuirasses shattered fire-arms and 'broken swords, all the variety of military ornaments, lanced caps and Highland bon nets; uniforms of every color, plumes and , pennons; musical instruments, the appara tus of artillery, drums, bugles; 'but, good • Godl why dwell on the harrowing picture of a foughten field? Each and every ru inous display bore mute testimony to the misery of such a battle. Could the mel ancholy appearance of this scene of death be heightened, it would be by witnessing the researches of the living, amid its deso lation; for the objects of t!.eir love. Moth ers, wives and children, for days were oc cupied-in that mournful duty; and the con fusion of the corpses—friend and foe inter mingled, as they were—often rendered the attempt at recognizing individuals dif ficult, and sometimes impossible. In many places the deadhay four deep - upon each other, marking the spot some British square had occupied, -exposed for hours to the murderous fire of a Frenci.i. battery. Outside, lancer and chasseur 'were scattered thickly on the earth. .Mad ly attempting to force the serried . bayo• nets of the British, they had fallen in boot less essay by the musketry of •the inner files. Further on you trace the spot where the cavalry of France and England had •encountered; and the heavy Norman hors 'es ofithe imperial guard were interspersed with:the gay charger that had carried Al 'blon's chivalry. Here the Highlander and traileur lay, side by side, together, and the heavy dragoon, with green Erin's badg upon his helmet, was grappling in death with the Polish lancer. On the summit of the ridge, where the ground was cumbered with the dead, and trodden fetlock deep in the mud and gore 'by the frequent rush of cavalry, the thick strewn corpses of the imperial guard point ed out the spot where Ntpoleon had been defeated. Here, in column, that favored corps, on whom his last chance rested, had been annihilated; and the advance and repulse of the guard was traceable to a mass of fallen Frenchmen. In the hollow, ,the last titruggle of France had been vain• ly mode; for there the old guard attempt ed to meet the British and afibrd time to !their disorganized companions to rally. CORNSTALKS.—OId Hurricane says, "there is great evil and mistake in feeding to much coarse material to animals." he means musty straw; or molcly f frost bit -ten cornstalks, such as farmcrs had last full he is right. Brit we have a farmer here :who keeps nearly one hundred equinines, great and small, and many blood bovines, entirely on -chopped cornstalks, through the winter months, adding a 'little corn meal, and 1 have seen his heifefs leave hay to eat the finely cut cornstalks with out meal. But all the stalks are cut up as soon as the corn was glazed, put in small stacks in first, and them two or three of these were bound:together. Cut up your garden sweet corn as soon as the ears are plucked, and throw the half -dry stalks in 'the bay mow. Your cow in the winter will eat such stalks, butts .and all, before she will touch a mouthful of late cut timothy hay. 'Tis true 'that straw and late cut stalks are poor in nu triment, compared with .early cut 'hay cur ed in cock with its juices intact, but in win ter coarse material will supply carbon to support animal heat and respiration as well as fine. How often you hear a far ;Hier say, "my cattle won't touch straw until cold weather sets in," then if they don't have straw, they must have more :hay or suffer. SMART Scaot..ta.—"Did you ever see An elephant skid!" asked a teacher in an infant school in a fast neighborhood. "I have!" shouted a six year old boy at the foot of the class. "Where' inquired the teacher, consid erably amused at his earnestness. "On the elephant," shouted the prodigy, gleefully. ARITHAICTIC L PROGRESSION.—One of the writer's schoolmates was always behind with his lessons. Upon one occasion, his teacher, in an academy in which he had managed to obtain entrance, was endeav oring to explain a question in arithmetic to him. He was asked: "Suppose you had one hundred pounds, and were to give away eighty pounds, how would you ascertain how much you had remaining!" His reply set the tek,Aer and scholars In a roar; for, with his own peculiar drawl tone, he exclaimed: 6 . - Why, I'd count it!" °tr. It is said that while Senator Wil son was making his masterly retreat in Virginia,. on being repulsed by a teamster whose wagon he sought to occupy, he protested, in plaintive accents, that he was Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. The response of the teamster was to the point —"Henry Wilson be d--d. I have kicked him off the. wagon six times already." A Wiseman.' SoLoiss.—A young man applied at a recruiting station across the way for enlistment was asked "if he could sleep on the point of his bayonet." when he promptly replied by saying, "He could try it, as he had often slept on a pint of whiskey, and that they used in Wisconsin would kill further than any shooting iron he ever saw." • FALLrau la LOVE—As a woman was walking a man looked at and followed her. "Why," said she, "do you follow mei" "Because I have fallen in love with you." "Why so, My sister who is much handsomer than I, is coming; go and make love to her." The man turned back and saw a woman with an ugly face, and be ing greatly displeased. returned and said: "Why. do you tell me a story." The wo man answered, "neither did you tell me the truth. If yi iu are in love with me, why did. you look for another woman. REIGARTPS 7 C SION 'S TA • N. II: corner of Market anti Wner .nrents, Lebanon. Pd T R. DREG, Ag't, respectfully informs his Mends and the public, that he has taken the above atand„ formerly occupied he Emaniel Reigurt, and large- i ly increased the stock of WINES AND LIQUORS, with selections from the CHOICEST BRANDS and g / 2 - ,:quelities now in the market. My assortment 01! consists of Ortitrd, Ilettuesy, Pinet Castillion, T. filmes, Martell. Marett, Pellevuision, J. J. Depuy & CO.. A. &metals & Co. WIN V..--t - hammtne„ OW Oporto, burgundy, Claret, • Sherry... Madeira. Tentirig,, thick, Muscat and Malaga. of various brands and aw , iities. e Aland Ole. echehiam schnapps, Jamaica Spirits. S CO: ill and Irish V , I.i..keys: Peach. Apple, Lavender, t.' t e 'rry.iiinr..r coal Rrepti e rry BRANDIES; 'oe Tatters , Amsterdam latent, &r., cutc•iantty or band 31 superior quality of 014 Wheat, Boor Lain, Malt and Motte:ididtela WHISKEYS, or the very best qualities. and Pure Older Vinegar. Prom long experience he flatters himself that he will be- able . to render satisfaction to all who may patronise Few-and far between—Visitors at cash the new flan, and the reputation acquired for furnish in the best brand,i of LIQUORS, at the lowest prices, kmable watering places. Most people will be maintained. All articles sold at this establish meat will be what they are represented. rind acniddirrablis difficulty living at home. Lettanon,May 22,1861. ' Miss Jones says she.only wears crino• line for form's sake, - r • rnoToG it G A I. GIRT No, 721 Arch Street, Thilaclelphiu. ACE of the largest and most complete Galleries In the United States. where the beet Pictures, kamn to the Photographic art. ore taken at prices no higher than are paid for miserable otrricatures. The Proprietor. a practical Photographer. attends perNenidly. every silting—and allows no picture tO leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect antiefactiom Degnerreety pee and Anihrotypes, of absent or do tensed friends, photographed to any required size, or taken on Cu ovass. life size, and painted in Oil by the hest Artists. At this Clattery pictures can be taken in any weather —m perfect in cloudy days as wheM the sun shines. Persona visiting the city are respectfully Invited to examine our specimens, which for price and quality de fy competition. AiZt- Instructions given in the art of Photography. B. Gamma or ANT, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. COMM ENDATIONS: lion. ',awls D. CAMMI.L, M. C., Ohio. My family and friends all concur in the opinion that tbo (Newell) Picture is more lifelike than any thing they over saw, My likeness has been repeatedly taken by different Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had ono which presents so true to nature, all the feetures and expressions of countenance ae this. Front lion. IL JOY MOKTUS. late Minister to Italy. The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of yonrpor traits, conjoined with their durability of color and faith fulness its likenesses, cannot fail to comnatmil them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art. . . Having- occasion fora portrait, I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a min iature in Oil Colors, under the new proms discovered by him, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfac tion given me. not only by the accuracy of the likmess, but its artistic finish in all rospeeta, and recommend him to the patronage of those disposed to eus.ntrage the beautiful art. JAMES PAGE: Philadelphia, January Far; ers ttod others Take Notice, THE undereigned having purchased the entire eetnliliAmont of A. MAJOR & BROTHER, will manufacture anti keep on hand a very general as sortment of 31A43111NEItY and PARMINti IMPLE 31ENTS,'embrachat Improved FOCJt•IHORSE Powers and Threshers; Railway florae Powers and Threshers, Morgan's Independent steel-wire Tooth Horse RAKE; Miuntrt.s Patent Fodder, Straw and flay CUTTER• Cast Iron Yield Roller:'. Grain Fans. Hey Elevators. Clover Millers, Corn-shelters, by band or power, Corn Ploughs and Planters, Cultivators, .tc., with a varlet , " of the beet PLOWIRIS in lace, to. All of the above Marlhnes are of the latest and beat Improvement., mod arcell warranted to give satisfaction. Casteor of all kinde mode to order. and at short notice. Ile also nuonitimtures STEAM EN- Oeuring.Shafting, and 31111 work in general, and pays particular attention to Repairing Engines and Machinery of all kinds. Ito invites all to mill and examml the work at the Ma ebbs Shop, on Puttonovt'Sraccr, Leb anon; All orders or communications by mail will be promptly attended to. D. M. KARMANY. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. Lebanon, August 5, 1560. OTICYL—I have appointed A. MAJOR & lIROTL{RR IA my Agents for the purport, of carrying oath.; above business. D. M. KARMANY. Lebanon, August 13, IRO. GIN AS A REAIEDIAL AGENT TUTS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT. - F,ISPECIAt LY designed for the non of the Medical /S•ofession and the Family, having superseded the so called “Dins," , •Aromatir." • Cordial," "Medicated," "eclinapps." els.. in now endoreed by all of the proud ta•nt pbssiciaue.chemirts and connoisseurs, as possess ing all or those intrinsic medical qualities (tonic and duretic) which belong to en OLD and PURE Oin. Pnt up in quart bottles and sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. BIN tNt; lin Jr. CO., (Established in 1718.) For Pula by FRENCH', RICHARDS . CO,,—W. W & 11. SMITII, and all the proudnynt Wholueule Drug gistA In Pbiludelphia. December , 1860-Iy. HAITI JEWELRY STORE No, 206 North Bth Street, above Race, Phil`a, grIN hand and for sale. x choice assortment of superi- J or patterna.—and will PlotlT TO UR DE H. BRACE: UT'S, EAR RISES. I'INOER RENGS, BREAST Pta;s, CROSSES, NREECLAOES. VEST and GUARD CHAINS, kc.. azu Sir' Orders enclosing. the hair to be plaited, may be vat by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on paper and enclose such amount as you mar choose to pay. Cost as follows :—Bar Rings $1 to $0; Breast Pins $3 to $7 ; ginner Rings 75 cents to 41.50; Vest Chains $0 to $7, tiecklares $ to $lO. Bair put into Model ions. Box, Breast Pius, Rings, Se. Old Child and Oliver bought at fair rates. Juno 19, 1861, OWEN ILAITUit CH'S New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Manufactory. 21/trket Sk, 34 door north of the L. Viilley Railroad. Largest Manufactory and rest Assortment of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, in the county. 111 E public In respectfully request ril to bear in mind that at tbe-ae Ware [looms will be found the beat assortment of Famitmanix and lIA.No trOSIS FURNITURE and CHAIRS. Persons in want of any kind would bsst call and examine bis stork bcfora purchasing elsewhere. Which (being all of his own work) he warrants to be hater than any offered in thin place. Prices will be LOWER than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of Lebanan. All orders promptly attended to, and speedily exam. , ed at the lowest prices. All persons purchasing Fundßrea from him will be accommodated by having it deli, ered to them. to arty part of the county, raze or costars, and without the least injury, ran he has procured one of the best cash iorzed furniture Wagon& tepecially for tint purpose. ltM. COFFINS made to order. and funerals attended at the shortest notice. LLebautat, Sept. 1:3, I,Stkr. NEW CABINET AND CHAIR 31A N UPAVTO rt rural subscriber respect fully informs the pahlitt that 1 he has the largest anti bent assortment of FURNI TURE and CHAINS, ever offered to the public or Leb anon county. lie has on Mind at his Cabinet-Were rooms, in North Lebanon Borough. nearly erpeeta n Zeller's llotel. and a few (1001 - $ south of :tender's, a" splendid assortment of zond. urn Kitantial and tashiona ble Parlor. Cottage and Chamber FUR TUR 5, con. elating of SOFAS, T Erra. TET.I-.:s. L , t;o w A K _ NUTS. Parlor, Centre, Pim., Card and cemn wn TABLES; Dressing it tal Cotenant BUREAUS': Bedsteads, Work-Stands, 14's,d 1 .stand s , an d "r: Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also, a large and elegant variety of of_ Sratno SEATED CHM [l.B, COISIITIOU Spring Seated Castes; all kinds of Spring Seated ROCKERS. Also, iVindsor, Cane-Seated. and Common CHAIRS and RoCKERS of every description. Aria- All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfartien. Pursuits delirrius of knowing the character of tha goods here offered for sale, can be fully sati..lned of th e i r durability by refermunt to those for whotu he has matt utlictured or to whom sold. Ohl Viiruiture and Chairs REPAIRED And VAR N. IL—COFFINS made and FUNERALS altended at Ole filiorteat notice. JosEPU BOWMAN. North Lebanon, September 19. MO. ITARRISON K. DUNDORE would respectfully ta -1 for= the piddle that he has removed opposite the old place. a few doors west of Bowl:etas Betel. on Coal burial= Street, where he will keep the largest, finest, and cheapest assortment of FURNITURE ever offered in Lebanon. Ills stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which he will sell tower than the like can be bought at any other place in Lebanon. lie has ea hand a large assortment of Sotas.'' r- Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other is. him. NV hat Note. Hat Racks. sc. Also a large and cheap stock of stuffed, Cane-seat. and common Chairs, Settees, Millsteeds, and a tot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses,—Guilt. Rosewood and Mullogany—very cheep. Venetian Blinds; Carriages, Gigs and Bobby Horace, ler children. Particular attention paid to I.J.NDY.RTAKING. Ile has provided himself with the FIN IiST 1..1;i3AN , ),N. and will make Coffins and attend Funerals, at the ahurtest natioe and most reasonable terms. Lebanon, July 3, B. N E WELL'S From COT., j4tAin PAW; (13TiviKqEs Sole Proprietors, No. 19 brood street, N. y II RESSLER'S New Furniture StOre. George Illoffinsanlo LEBANON COUNTY 147 1 1 _1 TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. ARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goods shipp ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will be sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers. towu and Annville Stations, and all other poiats in the County. FREIGHTS contracted for at the least possible rates an.l delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay particular attention to, and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all Freights. For Information, apply at his Office at the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. EDWARD MARK, his Agent in Philadelphia. will al ways he found at W. IL Bush's Merchant's Hotel, North Third st., Philadelphia. :July 11, 'dig GEO. HOFFMAN. R EMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON Saddle and Harness Mann- factory. T l .. IM undersighed has Removed . _, his Saddlery and Harness , 1 , ,- i ; Manufactory td a few demi South it Aiq .6.,,.-4%.' of the old place, to the large room I"' • .7.—a, lately occupied by Billion & Bro. as a Liquor store, where he will be happy to see all his old friends and customers, and where he has increased fa cilities kw attending to all the departments of his busi ness. Being determined to be behind no otherestablisti went in his' abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and make himself master of every modern improvemen in the bu siness and secure the services of the lies workmen that [fibers[ wages would command, He wilt keep a large stock on hand, and manufacture at the shortest notice, all descriptions of HARNESS, such as Saddles, B , idles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds heavy Harness, Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture, Buffalo Robes, Fly Nets. such as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and a new kind lately invented; 117.17 PS of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips. &c.; EfAMES'of all deseriptious,HALTEß CHAINS, home-made TRACES, Ac., ,te., allot which is will Warrant to be equal to any that canbe obtained in any other establishment in the conutry. All he asks that thoso desiring anything In this line, should call at his place and examine his stock. lie feels the. fullest confidence in his ability to give entire satisfaction. 459 All orders thankfully received andpromptly at tended to. 501.0M0N SMITII. North Lebanon Borough, April 24, 1861. Stoves, Stoves,...Stoves. - VOW is the time to buy your STOVES before cold 1:11 winter hi here, and the beet and cheapest' place is at the • Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac tory of James N. Rogers, Next door to the Lebanon Bank. where can be had the largest and best assortment of PARLOR, HALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Lebanon, Goa burn ers for Parlors or Bed Chanr•rs of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor STOVES, and a large variety of the best Cooking Stores in the county or bor • ough. which he warrants to bake or roast. WASH IiOILEItS constantly on land of all sizes, and the best material. COSI, itUCKETS—the largest torortment, the heav iest iron. and the best made in Lebanon. Also, a largo stoci of TM WARR, made of the hest material and in n workmanlike manner. As ha la a practical Werictnan, end has Woo experience of Oven ty.five years, ha feels confident that he can give general satisfaction. He takes this method of returning his thanks to hie numerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes, by strictly attending to his own business and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share of public patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. Lebanon, November 7. 1860. Aar' rticular attention paid Wall kinds of .lounpro, such as Boffin& Spouting. &c, and all work warranted. TAKE NOTICE. 11) UT LDERS will do well by calling on J. IL DIMMER I) Agent, as he is prepared to do all kinds of TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at the very lowest prices. lie also has on hand a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and q. nll of the most Unproved Ons Burning COOK . ... w t.- STOVES aml PARLOII STOVLS. Al n. all the 4.2 4 . ..i i l l nn E t n ;nil n o Intent kinds. improved AND c CM staidly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which he otri-rs at less price than they can be bought of any othyr slatemen in the county. W,AliE,4loo3lS—Gue door Boat of the Lebanon Valley Bank, Cumberland Street, Lebanon., Pa. Lebanon, January 9, 1.8111. A Through`ticket to California C. S. COLBERT & CO'S. FIFTH GRAND QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION OF 100.000 AwrichEs, watt= $300,005, Which will be sold for 8100,000, to the purchasers of our AR- GOLD PENS AT 30 CTS. PER BOX. Our Golden Pen is the best ever used, and is war ranted not to corrode in any ink. Every buaines m man and family should use the GOLDEN PEN. The tbllowing list of 100,000 articles will be distributed among our patrons at $lOO nue, and need not be a paid for until we inform the purchaser which of the following articles we WILL sem ma Fort 51,00 and then it is OPTIONAL 5111ETE1- 115 scans TOE DOLLAR AND TAKES TOE GOODS on NOT. pEr• ALL GOODS CAN BF. RETURNED AT OUR EXPENSE. WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE PURCHASER RE reives them, (artless they are satisfactorMand the mon ey will be Refunded. LIST OF GOODS INCLUDED IN THE DISTRIBUTION Pianos. Mid Hunting Cased Watches, Gold Watches, Ladies' Silver Watches, Guard, Test and Chatelain Chains, Cameo Brooches, Mosaic and Jet Brooches, La va and Florentine Brooches, Coral, Emerald, end Opal Brooches, Cameo star-Drops, Mosaic and Jet Ear-Drops, Lava end Florentine Ear-Drops Coral Ear-Drops ' Eme rald and Opal Ear. Drops. Handsome Seal Rings, Meade and Cameo In areiets. (tents' Breastpins, Watch Kays. Fob and Ribbon Slides, Sets of Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Canton Crepe Shawls, Mousseline de Weft., Challics, French cud American Lawns. Berea.ea, Pop lins. French Colic .es, and other Ladies' Dress Goode in great variety. together with Head Dresses, Cal ' ais Fancy Fans, and in feet almost every description of GOODS usually found in first class Dry Goods Stores. PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. ugliest Premium $lOO, Lowest Premium $2. The articles are numbered. arid Certificates stating abut we will sell each person for one dollar are placed in sealed Envelopes, with a Decimal arrangement of Premiums; so that in Each handrail Certificates there is one for a GOLD W ATC EI, AND THERE WILL ALSO BE A SPLENDID PREMIUM IN EACH TEN CERTIFICATES. Litilies. if you desire a line Shawl, or Dress Pattern. or a beautiful article of Jewelry. enclose us 30 cents for it nox of the,Goldon Pens. and we will send you a Cer tificate which may enable you to procure it for $l. Ott receipt of 30 Cents we will send you one Box of our Holden Pens, and u Sealed notice of tho article which we cell for .1,1- - 111_7 4 A00.' PiciuES TO AGENTS POST PAID. 4 Boxes Pens, with 4 Certificates $ 1 9 do do 9 do 25 do do 5 100 do do 100 do 18 N. IL—With each package of 100 buses we present the purchaser 100 Certificates, one of which is goitre's. teed to contain sue order fur a PINE WATCH, or Sew ing Machine, or by ordering 50 boxes in one package you are sumo to receive 50 Certificates contaiuing one or der tore splendid 51 L V lift WATCH., beside a large num ber of other very valuable premiums. One Certifimite sent gratis, upon application of any pars -=it desiring to act its Agent. which may enable hint to procure a yalu &Lie premium upon the payment of $l. PIANOS, MELODEONS, MUSIC, BOOKS SEWING MACHINES, b.e., Bought nod Sold on Commission. Any article will be sent to the Country at the lowest Wholesale Prices with the addition of fir per wet Commission thr for warding. N. B.—Agents wanted in every town. Circulars sent on application, Address all Conthinnications to C. S. COLBERT & Co. Commission Merchants and tdeueral Agents, KIS South Fourth St., below Chestnut, Phila. For our integrity and ability to fulfil Our en gagements, wit beg to refer you tO the following well known tientletnen and business Arms: Ilis Excellency .1. W. Unary, Ex. Gov. Kansas, 17W inoreland,-' Palmer Richardson & Co., Jewelers, Philadelphia, E. A. Viartie, Eel., Jeweler, Philadel phia; Wm. A. Cray, Esq., Jeweler, Philadelphia; Messrs. Kemmerer & Moore, Water EL, below Arch, Philadelphia; Messrs, Pratt & Reath, Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia ; .1. C. Fuller, Esq., Jeweler, Philadelphia; A. P. Ward, Publisher of Fashions, &c, Philadelphia; M. 11, Home, Catasauque Bank; lion. L. M. Burson. Eureka, California. September 5, MIL-Iy. SPa Bathing Near Philadelphia. 171011. SEA BATHING, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (two I and a half hours' ride front Philadelphia.) is more frequented than illy other place in the United States,— Its bathing, sailing and fishing facilities .are unsur passed. Its hotels and boarding-houses, whj,h will ac contniodate shout 7,We persona, are as well kept an those of Saratoga or Newport. Its beach is nine miles in length, affording a magnificent drive, while the at me-- pliers of the place is.remarkeble for its dryness. The mails are ca. tied twiee daily to and from Philadelphia - and and a telegraph extends the whole length of the road. Trains of Camden and Atlantic Railroad leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, at 734 A. :if., and 4 P. AL Leave Atlantic at 6 15 A. 51., acid 445 P. M. Distance 61.1 n ilea. Fare I SO. lUctilbbin's (United Stato Ifotel,) the Surf and other houses now open. . June 26, 1861.-Im. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS Of administration baviag been granted by the Register of Wills. of tebanon county, on the estate of Wituast COLEBIAN. late of Cornwall township, Leis non connty, deed., to William J. Freeman, all per. sous indebted to said estate are required to make iai uletliute payment, and persons haring claims against it are requested to prepsent them duly authenticated for settlement, to 'WILLIAM. G. FREEMAN, Miner, City of Washington, D. C., Or to his agent, Jacob Weirlie, Lebanon, Penna. IF YOU WANT 4kkHOTOORA.PII of yourself or friend, the beet are to be had at DAILY'S Gallery, next door to tko anon Deposit Bank. H. H. ROEDEL'S WINDOW SHADES. At Prices to Suit the Times. TiAVINO a largo stock of Window Shades, of every variety. and being desirous to close them out he. fore the 'wagon ends, I will sell any ono desiring Win dow Shades at a bargain. Call and see. PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES, UNION NOTE PAPER, MEDALS OF EVERY KIND, MILITARY TACTICS, MILITARY MAPS, UNION ANT) PATRIOTIM SWEET MUSIC, 11[ National Authem.—THE CONSTITUTION. COLUMBIA TILE 13En OF TILE OCEAN. TUE FLAG OF OUR UNION—by Hugh Clark. W. B. Bradbury. National Ode—TUE FLAG OF THE FREE. OUR GOOD SNIP SAILS TO NIGHT. Vivo I' America—llOME OF THE FREE. OUR UNION—it:MUT OR WRONG. DIXIE FOR TILE UNION. AMERICA. llarper'e Weekly. (a Pictorial Paper) Prank, Leelle's Illustrated, and Frankteelle's llietory of the War. can be had by calling at IL 11. Rocdere Book Store, Cum berland Street, Lebanon, Pa. [June 26, 1861, Iscon K. FONCK. Jens' K. FoNes THE COUNTRY SAFE ! THE ELECTION ALL EIGHT! Tu PUBLIC are respectfully invited to call and ex aminee a handsome selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. which have been bought to please, both In style and price. Tus LADIES will fled it the place to buy SILK & .FANCY DRESS GOODS Including Fancy Dress Fabrics in Every Variety, Slack And Fancy Dross Silks, Foulaids, Bart:gee and Mirage - holies, I.IMIIO, English Chintzes, Challies, Clotbildes Irene. Sanjorca, Lavelle and Dueler Cloths, Prints and aluellna, THIBET; SPRING, BROCUE AND STELLA SHAWLS LACES AND EMI3ROIDERIES, wiirmoo./DS. SECOND MOURN N G Woos, STEEL SKIRTS, FLANNELS, VEILS, - GLOVES, MITTS, &c. GENTLEMEN will be pleastal with our selection of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, And other articled of Gent's Apparel. CARPETS, QUEENSWARE A GROCERIES, In fact everything that is found in a well-stocked country store. gar We molt respectfully solicit a call from the pub lic, and will take great pleasureln showing goods which fo cheapness and beauty cannot be. surpassed. FUNCK & SKOTILER. North Lebanon Borough, April 3,1861. GRAIN WANTED. riluE ,:ndereigned will pay the biglat prices for all kin anf grain—WM:AT, RYE, CORN and OATS— et the Warehouse, on the Union Canal, Walnut street, Z4-rth Lebanon. JOHN DLUEL. North Lebanon, June 6, 1860. 1110 W AR A ssocutirioN PHILADELPHIA. A Bence°lent Institution established by special Endow mcnt for the ',Wier of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and .Kpidentfc Diseases, and especially for the, Care of Diseases of the Sexual Organs, ItEDICA ADVICE given gratis by the Acting Sur .ol L, peon, to all who apoly by letter, with a descrip tion of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines. fur. nielied free of charge. VALUABLE itEPOUTS on Spermatorrlime ' and oth er Dl uses of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Ram anus employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. S. SKILLIN 1101301ITON, Acting Sur goon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZIIA D. II EA EITIVELL, President. CEO. Seerdary Jan. 2, '6l. Jy. 013 0314 1 ,4", 115110 4gonn s , ~,D l4l 3 N A' \ ' 4%113 WI" •.,X \ r 'Sr449 ll ./ Slll 4 ,11. valuable preparation, freed of all the cora -1 mon components, such as Opiates, or Expectorants, which not only ran down the system, but destroy all chance of cure, will be found ou trial to possess the fol lowing properties. and to whim. the most valuable testi- MOllillie may be found in the pamphlets. For whooping Cough, and as a Soothing Syrup. it meets every want, and by early use will ihve the largest proportion of ruptures in children which can be traced to Whooping Cough- In ordinary Coughs anti Bronchial Complaints, the forerunners of Consumption, its splendid tonic proper tics make it not only the most perfect enemy to disease, but builds up anti sustains the system against recur rence of the Complaint. No nursery should be without it. nor should parents fail to get a pamphlet, to bo found with all dealers, as the only way to do justice to its value. On*, NutitiEWELEs <•• t:6 • TOLD ,) GREAT k pit it ,:?nke b 11/ 01: •t,INA.4IP" 02 1 uld i f EV Al URAL OPIRTE • ,N.,‘,.!N MRS great Neuralgic Remedy and Natural Opiate calla for special attention and interest, being free of Opium, or preparations of Opium, or of any but its strictly veg,,table and medical properties. For Neural. gia, Rhentnatbmt. Omit, Tooth and Rar Ache, Spinal Complaints. Bleeding at Lungs or Stomach. Rose or Hay Fever, Catarrh. and All minor Nervous Complaints. For Loss of Sleep, Chronic or Nervous Head Ache, Sick Heed Ache, it has no equal, and to which we offer estimonials from undoubted seurves. _ ...... For Delirium Tremens it is a Sure Remedy. For Bowel Complaints, including Cholera Mortise, it is , plendidly adapted. in not only removing the pains but acting as physic, a great contrast with Opium. Which not only constipates and drugs the system, but makes the remedy worse than the disease. From physicians we oak attention, and en demand Formulas or Trial Bottles will be sent, developing in the Anodyne an Opiate which has long been wanted, and in the Cough Remedy such as rest entirely on one central principle. From invalids we ask correspondence for Pamphlets or e=planatien, without "postage-stamps." For—Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. Small 25 " Tole Anodyne, 50 " .• JOHN L. IitiNNEWELL, Proprietor, CHEMIst AND PITAIMACEMST, No. 9 Ommercial Wharf. Boston, 311055., For sale by att-osuai wholesale and retail dealers in every town and city, and by Joseph L. Lembercer, Leb anon ; at Wholesale by Geo. 11. Ashton. Charles Ellis Sc Co, [April 3,1301.—1 y. BCER HAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TIIK CF4I , 7I.IIIATh'D 11OLLAND REMEDY FOE DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, CORIPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AUD.ACUE, Aud the various offectlette consequent upon it disordered ST Ili CII OR LIVER, Snell as Indigestion, Acidifrof the rawer, Heartburn, Lam of Appetite, Despondency, ilostiTelmos, Blind anti Bleedin Pilre. In all Nervoue, Rheumatic, and tc..tn7a g ic Annetion., tr has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This i. a purely regetahle compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland professor, licerbere. Its reputation at home pro duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom. brought with . them and handed down the tradition of its value. it it now tetrad to (lie American piddle, knowing that it; truly wonderful medicinal eirtnes must tie acknendedged. • It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may hare been Impaired by the continuous use of ardent Narita or other forms of diesipatlon. Generally Instantaneous in effect, it fluids its way directly to the emit of life. thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact,Jhfusing new health add vigor In the system. NOTlCE.—'Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be diaappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular renocilkil properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated gcerhave'a Hallam Bitters is put up ice - bait-pied bottles only, and retailed at ONE DOLLAR per bottle, er six bottles for Flea DOLLAR& The great demand For this truly celebrated Medicine has Induced many insitatians. wbinh the public should guard adlikifil purchasing. Bsrars of Imposition. Fee that our name is on the Mel of every imtie you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be !rewarded by Express to knost points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, YR. & CO. NAN UPAOT USING pharntrattifists and ah utast - 5, PITTSBURGH, PM For oalo at J. L. LEMBEROZItIS Drug iltoredilarket otreet, Lebanon, Pa. Rapt. 5, 1860.-/r OPENING OP SPRING GOODS FROM NEW YORK MARKETS At the More tor L. K. LAUDERMILCII In Cumberland street, Lebanon, Penn'a. AIT AS opened on Idoneay, April Ist, 1851, at 15 per 11/ Gent.. less than the regular prices, fur Cash or Country Produce: FASHIONABLE SPRING SILKS, Fashionalile SPRING! 'SHAWLS, Fashionable new DRESS 000DS, Fashionable SPRING CLOAKS, Fashionable PRINTS for 10 eta. regularly sold at 12 cents; Fashionable styles Medium and Dark Prints, at,,6X, 7,8, 9, and 10 °onto. GOOD BLACK SILKS, and a fine stock of other BLACK GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Cambria', Jaconetts, Swiss, Noinetock, Brilliants, Bird Eve, Diapers, Embroideries, Ilandkls Collars k Setts, Linens, Towels, Sheeting; Bleached. 11n1.04 relied. Ac., kc, BROAD CLOTHS AND BOYS' WEAR. Fill 9 Black Cloth for Gentlemen Spring wear. Cloak Cloth, light and dark; Boy's Cassimotos and Coating.-- Gen Gemen's thto Black Cassimere; Fancy Cassimores for spring, Fancy and Plain Veatings. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . . _ Brown Sugars, 6 1 4, 7 and S Ms. per lb, White Defin ed at 9, Rio Coffee 1234, 14 and 16 cents; TEA, Young Dyson and Imperial; MOLASSES, 8, 10, 12 and, 15 cents; Dried Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Elderberries, fresh Mackerel, Primo Ilam, Prime Cheese. Candles, Soaps, L. K. LAUDERKILOR. Lebanon, April 5,1861. REDUCED PRICES OF SUMMER GOODS ECKERTS' NEW STORE, CTJAIBERLAND ST., LEBANON WB would respedi fully call the attention of tho Public to our stock of SUMMER GOODS—eutta• .ble for the present Feli9ol3.—nt the follow ing greatly re deiced prices: Lawns at 4 cta per yard—worth S ate. Lawns at 8 cts per yard—worth 1234 ets. Bereges at S cts per yard—worth 12 1 A eta. Bereges at 1234 cta per yard—worth 25 CM aingilaMS at 8 cts per yard—worth 12% ets. Ginghams at 20 eta per yard—worth .5 cts. Challis at 1234 eta per yard—worth 23 eta. Challis at 16 cta per yard—worth 25 eta. Ducal Berege at 16 eta per yard—worth 25 ets. Hair Cloth Plaid irt 20 eta per yak—worth 25 cts. Mohair Lustre at 35 eta per yard—wortti 45 eta. Mohair Lustre at 40 eta per yard—worth 50 ets. Jaconet Ginglianis at 28 etc per yard-•worth 3734 cts Silks! Silka I I at 50 es per yard—worth $l. Shawls! Shawls I I—very cheap. Dry Goods of nil desoriptions—rery cheap. Queensware—tho best assortment in Lebanon. GROCERIES. Brown Sugar 5,6% and 8 cts per pound ' - White Re fined and 19 eta; Best Me Coffee 14 and 16 eta ; Mo lasses 7 eta; Bust Syrups 50 and 60 eta per. gallon.— Dried Apules and Peaches, Mackerel, Candles, Soaps, &e. re, No trouble to show Goods. Call soon for Bar gains at the New Store of W. 1 &1. ECKERT. P. 3.—We pay 10 ets for Eggs and 13 ets for butter. Lebanon, June 5,1361. AX Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING - TM BLOOD . And far the speedy cure of the following complaints: Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections,such AS Tumors, 'Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Blaine, and all Skin. Diseases. OAeLAWD, Intl., 6th June, 1859. .1. C. Area k Co. Gents: I feel it my duty to ao. knowledge what your cetraaparilla has done for me. Baring inherited a 'Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. anmetimes it burst out in Ulcers on my bands and arms; sittnetintes it turned, iliward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and enured may scalp cud ears with one sure, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried MAD)" DivdiCillte and several physicians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1. was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that ,you had prepared an alterative Varstipariileh for f knew from your repute. lion that any thing you made mint be good. I cent to Cincinnati midget it, and used it till it cured me. I took It, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over 21 month, and used almost three bottles. New end healthy skin soon began to ti.rni under the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings Ibex the dianne has gone front my systetu. You can well believe that I fool what faro saying when I tell you. that I hold you to hue ono of the apostles of the age, and remain over gratefully. Yours, ALltltka) It TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Bose or Erviipelas, Totter and Salt ILitenia, Scald Head, P.lngsvorm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y.. 12th Sept., WM, that he has caved en inveterate muse of Dropxy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering me of our ersaparilla, and airu a dangerous Malignant Nrysipebis by large doses of the same; says he cures the common Eruptions-by it constantly. Bronchorele, Goitre or Swelled liroc3c. Zeholon Sham or Prospect, Texas, writes: "Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre—a hid eous sw,lling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years.. Lieu ro*rionea arWhites, Ovarian Tumor, rterine Ulceration, Pomade Diseased. Dr. J. IL. S. Clowning, of Now York City, writes ; "I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in slaying 1 have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alter/silos in the numerous ossaplishits for Which we employ sorb a remedy, but eeparintly in Footsie Di SidSti of the Scrofolons diathesis,. I Lave cored sunny inveter ate yams of bearers - tires by it, and some whore the com plaint was Cattnell hy ulceration of the Worm. The ulcer ation inlet( WM 50011 Mired. Writhing within my knowl edgiegnotls it for these female dcraugenientaf" Edward S. Morrow, of Newhory. Ala., write., " A den proms honor on one of the females in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could estploy. by at length been completely cured by your Extract of Sar saparilla. Oar physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, hot he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the lest resort before tutting. and it proved effectual. A fter-lekliigyour 'monody eight weeks_ no symptom of the diseme remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NeW CALKAMI, 211111 Atiglint, 1859. f`. A sea Sir, 11 cheerfolly comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. here cured with it. in my overtire, most, ot the rem pleinta kw which it is rernilthirtMed. and Image (Multi HS effects truly wonderftil in the titre of Vorreroot mid iler ouou4 Diseose. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were tsomnining his iodate tend the top of his mouth. Yobs Sansamitilla, steadily takes, cured him lit five weeks. Another was attacked by nee ambit/ symptoms in labs and flit ulceration had eaten away a.codsidertilde mii-T of it, to, that I believe the disorder would mutt reach hie brain and kill him. hot it - yielded to toy ndministrittion of your Sarsaparilla; the Ulcers healed, and lie in Well again. not of course withoot some dislignmtion to his fate. A Wentielli who haul Won treated fOr the same dicersier _by mercury Gras suffering front this poison In her lames. They had become so sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day clic antlered 'ex cruciating pain in her joints and billies. She, No, Wan cured entirely Ire your .mrsapartlla in a few weeks. I know rinnii its which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory most lett greet remedy; consequently, them Hilly rental knish] . results with it ham not surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. T. LAMMED, M. D. Itutrainatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. IteaItPaNDEMM, Preston Co., Va.. Cali July, lefiu. Drt..l. C. AYES.: Sir, I hare been afflicted with a pain ful Chrwilie Rheumatism fur et- long time, which battled the skill of physicians. and Muck to - ate in 'spite of all the remedies I could (hid, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One bottle cured me in two - weeks. and restored toy general health so lunch that I am far better than before I was attacked. I think it a wonderful nieliyine. FitEAM. antes Y. Geteliell, of St:Louis, writes: "-I have been afflicts] for years with an afiTtion of the Linn. which slestroyail toy hyalth. I tried every thing, end every thing failed to relieve Me; and.] have been a broken-down man for mane years from its other eattse'than eleroogemoot of the Lirtr. Sly tirtored pastor. the liev. Mr. Espy, adristd lire to try your Sarsaparilla, became lie said Ito lisseW you, mid coy Odor: you Mule was worth trying. Ity the bless big of (toil it lobs cur st m.raud bus so purified my mom as to make it new men of tic. 1 feel young again. The boot that can be said of you is not half good enough." Soh irrns,Caneer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carlos and Exfoliati o n of the Bones. A greet rarirty or owes bare been opted to um where core. of tia.aa fen/ridable complaints here moulted from tLe 111 , 11, or tide remedy, but oar apace .here will .not admit them. Some -of them may be !band In oar- American AltwitAt. which the az;entii below pained ere pleased to facnich riiiis iti all who eal: fny them, D,yalte ps tit freari '...".'sense, Pits, - ,:y, " .11(;:lnucholx, ifs trailn. Many rstourkaide newels of these affections hare - been mode by the ancintive power of tiffs medicine. t stinift- Istcs Ilia vital functions into vigorous action, and thus ovsrcatinin flisuidera which would be supposed beyond its reach. knell n reineil,y has long been required be sins ne cessities of the people, and Wlit are confident that this will rlo fer them all that medicine can d 0.... Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOE THE AAND cum or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, hoarseness, ICroup, Bronchitis, Invviplent Con• sum pLion, and for the Relief 1 of Consumptive Patients iu advanted Stages of the Disease. This ie a remedy so universally kneels to surpass any ether for the cure of throat and lung complidtits, that , it le oedema here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its I unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Yew are the communities, or even families, among, them who hare not some personal experience of its effects— some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do Wore Than to assure them that it has now all the vie toes that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. • Piapared by Er..T. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass. Sold by d. L. Lenkberger, Dr. Roes and D. S. Reber, Lebanon; Solver. la-Bro., Annville ; Shirk, MYeratowu ; Horning. Mt. Rabe ; Harper, Bast Hanover; Shaefferstowa; end by Dealers everywhere. . 1.1 0 YOU WANT A No.I AMBROTYPE, very cheap, go to DAILY'S Gallery, neat door W the Lebanon Deposit Bank. Phillip F. McCain) , FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE RAKER ON Cumberland Street, one door Nast the Black Horse Hotel. Thankful for the very liters& patronage extended to me fur the short time have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. lie has at all times an assortment of BOOTS 'and SHOES of his own manufacture on Land, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, &c. Those desiring a neat, well made article, are invited to give me a trial. Childrens' Shoes of every variety and color on hand. Heavy work made to order. 411" All work warranted. Repairing neatly clone and charges made moderate- Lebanon, July 3, New Boot and Shoe Store! rpnE undersigned announces to the public that he I has opened a Sew Boot and Shoo Store. in /Varlet Street, Lebanon, two doors south- of Zion's Lutheran church, wtc re he intends keeping constantly ou VFOgghand a:general assortment of Ladies, Gentlemen, NUM% Boys and Obildrei'a Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &e., &c., all of which will be made up in style and quality not to be surnamed by any other workmen in the country. No effort shall be spared to please and satisfy all who may favor him with their orders, and his charges will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fitir remuneration. lie also keeps a la stock of HOME rge MADE WORK, which is warranted to be as represented. The public are invited to call and examine his stock previous to purchasing. Sir Repairing done on short notice and ot reasonable rates. ANDREW MOORE. Lebanon, May 1, "SOL Boot and Shoe Store. JACOB MEDEA, respectfully in forms the public that he still contin ues his extensive establishment in ilidlea age@ his new building, in Cumberland st, where be hopes' to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. He invites Merchants and dealers In BOOTS and SUM/Sand every one who wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in his -line to calrand examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. Ile is determined to surpass all ccmpetition in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any Market in the Union. A due care taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quail t,y of LEATHER and other materials are used, and none bat the beat workmen are employed P. S.—He returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. lie hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share of public pat tronage [Lebanon, July 3, 1861. This is the Place to Get CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE iloots,Shoes, Oats, Caps #c., • FOR SPRING AND SUMMER rrHE undersigned having opened MB SPRING AND I.SUMMER L_BOOTS, SHOES. . HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS and ? 4 TRAVELING BAGS, of the very latest l and handsomest styles and be e t fi nish, '—. A would respectfu lly invite all his old Irian d a "2:4 and customers, and others, who wish to buy the beat ar tieles in his line at the loWest 'Meese! hie store in Walnut St., next to the County Prison. It is not necessary to on umemte . particular articled, for his stock embrecos everything for Ladle., Gentle men. Girls,,Boya and Children that Can-be called for in this department of business. The Ladies partitularly, will find a choice selection of all the handso west and lot esmty les of Shoes. Gal tem, Am. His assortment of Hate, Caps. Trunks, Traveling Bags, &c.,-have been selected with great care. Call soon and obtain a barrain. JOSI. BOWMAN. S Measures taken and work made to order. Lebanon, May 8, 1861. —____ GEO. 1.. ATKIN& /NO. T. ATNINB. G. L. ATKINS & Bro. HAVING united in the BOOT and SHOE Basmass, and from their determination to be punctual, and make none but the best of work, they Teellike soliciting a large of public patronage. Tbeywill always be found at their OLD STAND, , Nsw Bormusto,) in Market Street, nearly opposite Widow Rise's Hotel, where they will be ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Ac.. which they offer at reduced prices, .41Qr. Persons dealing at this StIOE STORE, can be suited with READY-MADE WORK, or have ft made to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. Atiltr Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots and S.hoes. [Lebanon, July 3, 1881. ATHINS A BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted up in good order for comfort and convenience, both for ladies' and Gentlemen. A.THINS A BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted up in good order for cotufortaud convenience, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. A TKLNS & BRO. pmethe to be punctual, madriill en A deavor t. please all who may call on them for Boots and Shoes FITS: FITS ! ! FITS ! ! ! AII. RICIIEY has removed his No. 1 Tailoring . Establishment to N 0.3 North Walnut street, two doors north of George & Pyle's store, and directly op polite the Court House, up stairs, where he will condo -111 ne to manufacture all articles in his line- with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention will be paid to cutting and making children's cloth ing, &c.. &c. lie solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage thus far extended by the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity. All kinds of stitching done on reasonable terms on one of J. M. Singer's Sewing Machines. All work warranted and en tire satisfaction guaranteed. (Lebanon, July 3,1861. Fashionable Tailoring! REMOVAL. ..a i ricHAEL ITOFFMAI'I would respectfully inform the Citizens of Lebanon, that be has REMOVED Lis TA ILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle Hotel, where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are In yited to call. TO TAILORS!—Just received and for sale the N.York and Philadelphia Report of. Springs Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, an that he can make his arrangements accordingly. lIICILLEL HOFFMAN. Lebanon, April 10.1561. 11. 1 1700 D and COAL YARD. I T THAI undersigned, having bought Mr. 1. , Ileury Spoon's. Wood end Coal Yard, a - 1 -, short distance north-east of Messrs. Foster a •-.- 1 Mritcb's Foundry, in the borough of North Lebanon; and also bought •from 200 to 300 CURDS OF i WOOD and" from 800 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds and grades, which I.will sell atthe yard or deliver I at as small profits as will suit the times. I therefore in rite all those that are in want of any of those articles to eill-and see the same, ascertaid prices, .and J udge for themselves. DANIEL LIGHT, (merchant.) i North Lebanon, July ,3, 1601. BOWMAN, ITAUER .It . CAPP'S d. u worn R sti R IP 1' This Way, fyou Want Cheap Lumber, rpliE undersigned have lately formed a partner i. ship for the purpose of engaging in the Lum ber Business, on a new plan, would respectfully inform the public at large, that their place of business is Dawn Ilowstsx's Old Lumber Yard. in East Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, one square from the Evangelical church. They have enlarged the Yard anil filled it with a new and exeellant assortment of all kinds of Limber, such as BoAnns, 'PLANKS, JOISTS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they keep con stantly on hand, a full and well-seasoned assortment of all kinds of lIIIILDING MATERIALS. Persons in want of anything in their line are invited to call, examine their stock, and learn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to business and Moderate prices, to merit a continuance of public patronage. BOWMAN, BAUER & CAPP. Lebitnen. September 6,1860. WALTER'S iffILL.... r r illE subscriber respectfully informs the public that be has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swa tars, formerly known an ••Straw's" and later as "Wen gerVs," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown, I ebanon county, Pa,; that be has it now in complete running order, and is prepared to furnish customer* regularly with a very superior article of IIiW3II_4II2IOI,IIICT as cheap as it cast be obtained front any tither source . lle-keeps also on. hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices CROP, BRAN, SHORTS, &e. Ile is also pre. pared to do all kinds of CUSTOSIERs' Wolin, for Farmers and others,-at the very shortest possible notice and in vitee all to, give him a trice'. The machinery of the Mill is entirely new and of the latest and ntoAt proved kind. By strict attention to busiasss and fai t dealing , be hopes to merit a share of public> patronage, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, &c., bought, for which the highest Lebanon - Market prices will be paid, FRANKLIN WALTER. May 8,1861. Lebanon Deposit Bank. Cumber/and street, one door east of aunts:stet Hotel. rME pay the following RATES of INTiStEST on Y DEPOSITS, For I year, and longer, 6 per cent, per annum; Vor I mouths, and longer, ti per cent: per annum; For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent, annum; requiring a thort notice of withdrawal. Interest paid in full for'the Deposita from the date of deposit to the date of withdrawal. We will also afford a liberal line of so commodaticns to those who may favor us with Deposits, payable on demand. Will pay a premium on SPAND4I and MEXICAN DOLLARS, and also on old Afarican Dol lars and Half Dollars. Will make collections on and res raat to all parts of the United statan, the Canada?, and Earepe; Negotiate Loans, &a., Az., and do a general EX CHANGE and BANKING BUSINESS. G. DAWSON COLEM,V, President. Gro. Guth, Cashier. The undersigned, MANAGERS, are individually liable tatbe extent of their Estates, fur ail Deposits and other Ihligations of the "LEBANON Demur Bann." OIMON CAMERON, G. DAWSON COLEMAN, ifX)RGE SMULLER, LEVI KLINE, JAMES 'YOUNG, AUGUSTUS BOYD, belmion, May 12,1555. GEORGE OLEIM. ATTENTION: Company ! Forward! March! rilo REIZENSTEIN BROTHERS' CE(X6P CLOTeING I Store, opposite the Court House, and get a suit. of Spring and Summer Clothing at reduced prices. BOWIE KNIVES! BOWIE KNIVES! A Sne lot of Bowls Haves just repaired and for sale at .BBIZENSTEIN BROTFLERS, 1,1061. Opposite the Court House. Lebanon; May COUNTRY PRODUCE rp attention of Farmers is called .to the following I prima pild for Country Produce by the undersign ed, at the "Beet Lebanon Store," via: Butter, 14 I Ham, 15 Lard , 10 , 72 Sides, /0 Potatoes, Lebmson, Mar& 27, '4i. 12 EPHRAIM BOERNER. Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company. LOOATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON 00.. TO the property holders of the State of Penn sylvania Your attention is respectfully solicited to the following low rates of loser• ante of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY, who are transacting business with the moot Bettering evidence of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the Means afford ed them of being protected against loss by fire. The Board of Directors are practical business men well and favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Our Cum. panyAs perfectly mutue. and we invite your careful al tention to the following low rates as wean) determined to insure as 101 r as any other responsible company, taking into consideration the character of the risks incurred. Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 or 5 years. The Company has now been in successful operation for nearly 6 years, and all its losses have been pros.ptly paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned; and, in fact it bas been, and still continues to be, the wish of the Directors to have the Company conditctedon honest end economical principles. RATE& OF INSURANCE. Dwellings, brick or stone, slate roof $0,15' do do do ,shingles • • ,1S do Log or Frame ,20 " Barns, stone or brick do Log or Frame ,20 " Store Houses, brick or stone ,ritb " do Log or frame 'Hotels & boarding houses, brick or atone do do Log or frame Academics and School houses Churches and meeting houses Printers books and Stationtries Book binders Tailor shops Shoemaker and saddler shops Silversmith and Watchinaker Tin and sheet iron shops 'Groceries tend Pro'vlsion stores Tanneries natter shops Grist 5.11115, Witter power Sew Mille do do Drug Stores Smith sham britk Or stet,* '3O " do do Woad. 00 " Carpenter,Joiner & Cabinet maker AM! $0 " Wagoner ant Coachmaker shone ,40 if Painter and chair maker shop ,40 " Oil Mills ,40 " Clover Alilie Founderiee of wood do Brick or stone " do Mercbandire in brick or done build'ngs ,20 " do do ill wooden do ,25 " do Furniture in brick or stone buildings ,15 do do in wooden " do Stables k elicits, brick or storte,country .20 " do do do wooden ;25 "do Livery Jr Tavern Stables ,25 " do Sir All communications should be addressed is W A. BARRY, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon co., Fe. • President—JOHN BRUNNEII, rice President—D. M. RANK. Treasurer—GEO. F. MEI Li% Secretary--.-WM. A. BABIllt. Jonestown, September 12,1880. Watches, Jewelry and Sil ver Ware. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. STELLWAGEN & BRO., No. 632 Market Street, L door below fitly Pblladelpbia March 27. 1861.-1 y WASHINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LEBANON, LEBANON COUNTY. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE AT LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA, V This Company was incorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania on April 2, 1830, and is now in full operation, and ready to make insurance on Dwel- - lingo and other Ku ildings, on Furniture or Merchan dise generally; also, on Barns and contents, Fanning Implements, &c., &c., on a mutual principle. !LW Company will not insure property outside of Lebanon County, as it is designed to be merely au asso ciation for Lebanon county, and as such, it win insure property perpetually, as safe as any other Company,and at far lower rates. The insurance fens, being only 11. .50—for membership, Policy and Survey. Any further information can be hueby calling on any of the Soar of Managera,audeflieers or any of their Agents. , MANAGERS. Jacob Weide!, .Joseph Bowman, Jacob Beadle, John L. Becker, D. S. Hammond, Ilenry_Fortna, Christian Henry, Jacob Witmer jr., Thomas Forster, John D. Krause, Jacob Bomberger, David B. 31i1ler, Adolphus Reinoeltl. JOSEPH BOWMAN, President. JACOB WEIBEL, Treavurer. J. HENRY MILLER, Secretary. Agents—J. C. Reieuer, Jefferson M. Light, James Hummel, Daniel Gallagher, Geo. W. Ryan and Henry Meyer. [Lebanon, January 30,1851. Mutual Fire tit surato ee Ipany Aunville, LEBANON COUNTY, PENN'A. rrans COMPANY was incorporated; March. 1859, and 1 Is now in full operation and ready to make insur- ance on Dwellings, and other Buildings, on Furniture, and Merchandise generally. Also on Barns. Contentei - Bock, Farm I mplements. kc.. on a Mutual Principle: "MANAGERS. Samuel Seabold, John H. Kinporta, George Rigler, John Allwein, Rudolph Herr, Joseph F. Mats, Ehrlstlan Bachman, Wit , jr., George S. Bomgarduer, T. D. A. Garman, leorgo Bongos, ohn D. Deicer, :Antal S. Early, JOIIN ALLWEIN, President Ituseurn lime; Treasurer. JOSEPH F. 'Niers, ' Samuel Scab°ld, Tilts'ling Azent. Jacob Scliuottariy, Agent, Fredericksburg. A suville, January 30, 1861.—1 y. LINSE Y'S IMPROVED aigi .- BILOOD SEA RCUER.-witt A STANDARD MEDICINE, for the speedy, radical, and effectual cure of ALL DI SEASES arising tom IMPURITY OF TUB BLOOD. . . . . .. This medicine Etas Wrought the naost miraculous cures n desperate cases of Scrofula Cancerous formations, . Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the face, . Sore- Eyes, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Scald Head, Tetter affections, Rhetimatic Diorderr, Dyspepsia, • ,Costiveuess, Jaundice. Salt' Rheum, 'Mercurial Diseases, • GeneralDebility, .' Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, • Low Zpirite, Foul Stomach. ' Female Complaints, and all Diseasea having their:ori gin in an impure state of the Blood. The Above la a - portrait of bavid McCreary, of Napi er township, who, ou the Slat day of August, iSSA,made affidavit b , fore Justice Gorley that be was treated for the cure of Cancer by three physicians, of Bedford ea, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic Collage to Cincinna ti, for a 'periadef nearly eight months, notwithstand ing which, his lip, nose, and a portion of his let aide were entirely eafen away! lie had given up all hope, when he heard of "the "Bloat Searcher," and was in dined to try - it. Pour bottles cured him, and although sadly-disfigured, there is no question but what this ut valuaLle medicine:saved his life. Tho full pertientera of this remarkable case .may be seen in a circular, which can be had of any of the agents. We slat) refer to the case of Nancy Bleakney, of El derton, Armstrong county, Pa, cured of Scrofula at ter being unable to get out of nod for throe years. To the ease of a lady in Ansel:vin Cleardeld coun o, ty, Who was also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form, To the case of George Meiaal, residing in Carrolton-a Camin in county. Pa., who wee so badly affdated with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, and his mum wee worse, if possible, then McCreary's. The particulars of these cases—every one of which was cured by the use of the Blend Searcher--may also be found in a circular to be had of any of the Agents. IL LEMON,Proprletor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, - near the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Goo. H. Reyeer, Wholeaale'Agent, Pitt burg. . Pa. For sale bild..ll. Genie,Alyetatown • Martin Early, Palmyra; John Capp & Bon, JoheitoWn P : JChrt Seltzer. Mount Nebo; John Carper , Bachmansvi ll e. John Dein, inger, Campbellstown; & Hinpo;te, John C. Cobaugh, Bridgeport; all of Lebanon County; Also sold at Dr. Geo. Rosa' Drug Store, opposite Gm Court Rowe, Li3banon, Pa. Oetober 8, LIMO. slol do do do do do 1 30 20 39 50 • * , 0 6 30 •" 30 $5 . ,ao " I 4(j rt .3 •