'I HE CORNER. ..irktr` Fon;qn MATcH.--W , heard ar,d slw a gri thing S.lllle time riFro In of S;essions a pretty case being tried. A well-I.c w .wit criminal la wyer, who pities on !Its wit in et osi-examining a wit ness, had an oct,! looking genius upon whom to Operate. The witness was a boy's shoema er. "You sAy, sir that the prisoner Is a thief"' . "Yes, sir, cause why, she confessed it " "And you also swear she bound shoes for you su!isequent to the confession 1" "I do, sir." "Then (ffiving a sagacious lock to the Court) we :ire to understand that you em ploy dishonest iwnp e to work for .you even after their rascalities are known V' "Jf course, haw else could I get assist ance from a lawyer 1" The counsellor said •stand aside," ,and In a time which showed that if he had the witness' head in a hark mill no mercy might hove been expected. The judge nearly chocked himself in a futile to make the spectators believe that a laugh was nnthingbut a hiccough, while the wit ness stepped off the stand with all the gravity of a fashionable undertaker. laer uleps are in Season, and sn is the Atory of the broad-backed Kentuckian whu went down to New Orleans tbr the hist time. Whtsky. brandy, anti plain drinks, he knows, but as to the compot.nd and Havered liquors he was a know-noth ing. Reposing on the seats of the bar room of the St. Charles, he obserVed a crowd of fashiondblos drinking mint j•ileps. , Boy,' said he, 'bring me a glass of that beverage.' When he consumed the cooling draught he called the boy again. *Boy, what was my last remark , Why, you ordered at julep.' .'That's right ; don't forget it ; keep on bringing 'ern.' "JOHN PHOENIX" DE M-. ieut. George H. Derby, author of the "John Platinix" papers in the Knickerbocker, died a few days since in an In ane Asylum. Lieut. Derby was a native of Massachusetts from which State he was appointed to the West Point Arinletny, where he gradua ted in 1842. Un the Ist ofJuly, 18411 he Was made Brevet Second Lieut. of urd nance, and in Atimist following he was I.ansferred to the Topogrophical Eng,i netTs He served in the Mesican war with th.tinction,nn I for 'gallant and merito rhos con Im - t . in the battle of t erre Gordo, where he was severely wohndea, he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy. low LONG Ftiour.rp c ows co Davl—ln an swer to this question, a correspondent of tie per. furnishes the following . - Sensthie suggestions, After saying that no rue coif(' app'y to'nl enws alike he adds: I h ave f ;h a t cows inclink td take on fat could lw nuked up to within two weeks of cawing, and hay both cow and calf healthy arid plump; mid rows that could not he thltehed when milking, required from kilnr to six weeks of calving, other wise the raT was small and not well firrm ed: dial the year's supply of milk much lessened. M RRI AOC OF THE Tircoott —The Ty -Goon of Ippon was married on the 4tb of March to tl e beatutifal, accomplished and only daughter of the Mikado, the Spiritu al_ Emperor of the Empire. The Tycoon is fat: . months the senior of the bride, the former being eiuhteen years old last No vember. His-hi-me is the Enmity • name of the Tycoon. Fle is entitled to eleven more wives, or tonsemas, according to the laws of the :mitt,. ANOTHER OF QUEEN VIC'S DAUGHTERS TO az M Agana—The Prince Louis, of Hesse Darmstadt, who is to be united in mar riage.with her royal highness the Princess Alice; is the son of Prince Charles, ( )•oth er of the reigning grand Duke) and the Princess Elizabeth, of Prussia i( laughter of Prince William. uncle to the kii.g,) and was born on the 12th of September.lB37. G.AROENING FOR Yousa LNDIES.—Make up y‘ur berh, early in the morning; sow buttons on your husband shirts; do not rake up any grievances; protect the young and tender /ranches of your family; plant a smile of good temper in your face : and earetully root ,)lit all angry feeling's, and expect a good crop of happiness. Excessive indulgence to others e--- pecially to children is in fact only sellin dulgence under an alias. op- Of all earthy music, that which reaches the farthest into heaven is the beating, of a loving heart. sfo- Model wives formerly took a stitch In time," bat now with the aid 01 a sew ing machine, they take one in no time. sifir . Lnve is a compound of honey and gall mixed in various proportions for cus tomers. fligir Most men have in their souls no locomotives strong enough 'to draw a train of thought. .Jame K Ft;Non. --- ;loam K. lens. THE COUNTRY SAL FE THE ELECTION ALL RIGHT! 11 5 17 a M TUE PUBLIC' ftrw rnsnnetlnilylnvitod to call and ea amino a lonoblooloselootion o f spRrNll AND SUMMER GOODS. %bleb ',eve to elf 1 ought to y4loomo. both in otyle and prim Tea LAC los will find It the ninon to buy SILK & FANCY DRESS GOODS Including Fanny Dress Fabric,. In Ivory Variety. Diva And Fancy Down Ilk,. Font:4l4s. Ibtrog eti and it anon., 1t0tn.,... Chintzes, ('lothibinn treno. Sonjeres, Lltrvltn and Mune.. cloths, Pttolo enfl 70 ...Il e % TUIBET. 1.111i)sillE AND STELLA S NV 'S a 7 LACE.* AND nllattoi Wjllibttt BLEO' ri %ITT G00D.% sTLEI,gl it wrs. FI.A.N.\ Vgrr,S ti ...IV KA. Ato. Gafftbratry will Zr,' phrOfori trlOh our goloot lon of CLOIII3. CASSIIMERE3, VEZTINGS, And otber"artiolim of Apparel, ti..P (WE SWARE kti Roc:BRIER, In fact n nrytbing is found in a well-stocked 4s4wetry stem OP* 91., urn., real ertfell.: m, , liolta Cott front the mite Ile- and .111 coma 'oar, goods which tteepto,e ,s,d bee tit) Cortlllll lie ol.rpuoourf. ELINCK A BROTHER. :Conti Lob nooi, April 3 1.61. 44 ,11181 - 4rB Nireet s ote 1 77 Corfaer :aaricot a..d Caeatunt Stree.ts, Lebanon. .1(YIN .11 ATTU E 6 Priwietor. I: 0 fist otoll o Ile v. lo.t o ,tod_ 1. . i r oocculojood by jj A ti A. r. tohLrVot I will limit MI pnhuto mike the ltzlit , i). g tibtt rifop rprfet.fly uore..rt illy. 11114 11 V Itt. it ii 11. it tntl R trial. The 1 , 111.1 aril % t wo with the * art owelitt**l.l.* eilit*tee ; the Bur etuekedl with the choicest, hi-unt owl the ~tithlitiw {urge and emu •. JOII.i MATTHES. Lateile*li. Kay 8. isu 1. Pt liii, notrki,ro,,i .iii pay 164 114111.4 prieus for all kir £ 01 zl.>lll-....V5' nil:i., YE, . With and OATS— ,.; ..t.w ot, ~:,...,, u sc un the ,11.4.6 canal. Walnut street, ;ir.cti,,,,,,,, jdu isi Luau,. If y3 Willi i good tin ware call at the Tin and Sheet Ilhattb inhanott.itinothithiv. 11ra/116h/roof • GEOltag SWAY.. . . . LINSEY'S IMPROVED .SAN I *Z .Z-11111411104)111 S iii: AI it Cll E IL — au .1„, 11 4 E ii r 'Mil A 8 I'A.N DAM) INIEDICIN E. NEV TT IS compounded entire For the i4rvoly. radical , and ptr , ctonl cure of .i 1,4, DI. I,COIIIO Mt etattblished fact SEAlq;::: arising f em IMPURITY OF Tue, and npproved by nil that h BLOOD. cal to with confitlcnce 10 Thin medicine hos wrought the moot miraculous cures id in „ commend " . n deoperatc canna of It hoe cured thousand , Scrofula. C4 ""'" fff m4tl " 6, '; who had given up nil hope rut:memo m..0..1, cry, ip..J.A. 110i14, 7 unsolicited certificatca in . ~ , ....-........- . Pimples on the faee, , Sort: Eyes, ' The dose must be minted 1,3 H. StlalhOril Metall, j Senhi il end, i : individual taking it. &us Tidier affections, Rheumatic Diordere, net gently on the bowels. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, ' Lot the dictates of your .Isundire.Sait, Rheum, , use of' the LIVER IN NI 4.1V1111 111 . Diseases, I Dimond Debility, i will cure LIVER CO3[- hirer Complaint, I Loss or Appetite, i TACKS, DYSPEPSIA Lon, Spirits, l Foul Stomach. , ' S U Ni. ME It CO M. Female Complak ta. on , i all Discimee hilving their net. I n y . Ditopsy , S . 0 t ; i t gin in an impure sinus of the Woad. l COSTI V ENESS. C 110 L i RA' MOR DVS CROIiERA 1 LENCE, J . A L' N D IC E! I ES, and may be used sue ItY FAMILY M 11l Dll ME A D A C II E, {as! TWENTY Mt sumt: Irl SpODNFULS ARE TAR: attack% t ALL W 110 ESE IT AWE' l in Its invor, i Mix water in the mouth swallow both together. The .81. eve is a portesii of Intent McCreary. ef Na pi• !he : et, y n A o'...tW!. Ft3B.llAritio .-M.Lt it L f..ee doelhs. tee I.••.• I!,t he was treated for „r 10 th e re nheSiciattl of Bedford en.. and by be. Nen lon of the elcicei to t'4ltcee in dneinna, for a period df eh,rit:, 0r.,, ties, netwltlnetand• 4,, z whirl, ids ono' n iro•GIN of his let chick Wfre 47/#tt city oO.g! llr. I given up all hope, whom he hefted of lire ' Wood Searcher." and was ; deiced to try it, Fein' hotbed eneed. him. and althunvh sadly disligiteest. they is no !ine'didn hut what this in. ! valuahle inctlieind ,aved his life The full parti coign; i of this return Ikalle 111,cy be seen in a circular, t which can be had of any the ng,..utts. We aim' refer to the enie (.4 Ntittey Blettkuay, of dertun. Arnotron,; comity - . Pa, eured of Strteltht af ter being unable to get, out of bed for three years. To the case of a lady iu An , obvide. Clearfield coon. tv. Who was also afflicted with Scrofula in lid Wore t.,ren• To the ease of (3aa•.go residing itt Carroltot•n Cambria county. Pa.. win: was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it rat his e +tire nose off, and Lis use was worßit, it p•Rslblo, thtra :McCreary's. The parlieulars of these eases—every ono of which was eared by the LISO of the Blood :lean:her—may also be. found in a circular to be had of any if the Agents R. M. LEMON. Pritprietor. Laboratory for the Intuit:rat:taro anti sale, near the Pennsylvania Railroad Moot, ifollidayaburg, Pa. Dr. flea. U. Key oar. Wholesale Agent. Pit tab:oT: Pa. For sale lie Cottle. Myeratonn : Martin Early, vidiftyrls; John Capp it Sou, Jonest, .11 .10111 . 1 :jet tZer oll tit Nehot John Carper. Itachntanaville: John Pain, inzur, Caninbellatown; KUM:ger tt, Kinports. Ann rite. Joh t C. Cobaugh. Bri.lgaport: all of Lebanon County; Also sold at Pr Geo. Furs' Drug Store,. oppo•lto the .rt Louse. Lebanon. Pa. I toote' i lst 0. Y(?. t s i• e ( TIV,IiIiT4II ' fCx.- ,, ,6101,1k. 4 . Ae 4 ' -' - '' - ' 4 ) ,0 ,,... ki.. -..-- • ; titii AS ,t. ttE A a daunt Lei front those who have long used the PILLS .land L.e satisawtion which all express in regard to ltheir use, induced me to place them within the reach tie till. The Profession well know 1 ythat d'inereut rathakies art on different portions 11.. of this bowels. The FAMILY CA 1. , ` — ;1! II AItT IC PILL has with du-> re fereme ht 1 this welt establfshed fact, been compounded fr. •nt a j variety" of the purest vitae table Extraets. which act ...Ilene on every part of the alimentary renal, and arc ;tiOOD and said Mull civet where a CAM xIiTIC is 1 p s , heeded, such .as it Es nANGENT ENTs of the 1 .37romAcii. SLEEP I NESS. PAINS IN TUE 'DAM AND LOINS, ((tsTINENESS, PAIN A NL) SORENESS OVER TI I DODV, 1 (ruin sudden cold. which frequently. if nealeeted, 1 in a I tug coo rse of Fe set.. L. 0 8 OF A PPE ITLTE,riCREEPING :SEN SATION OF COLD° V i r BODY, RESTLESS NESS, LIENDAtIi lE. or; 'WEIGHT IN TILE IL ILA hi pit 11'ORMS in C1111:011EN or A Di) LT:t, MATISM, a great PURL YI Kit of the 111,00.1) and ninny diseasetowhich flesh in heir, ton numerous • to mention iu this adver tisement. Dose. Ito U. P . :110E TURES' Mil itS. The Lirpr I 11 S ig,Oniter FlllUily Cathartic Pine are retailed by 1)114%h:4. generally, and soU wholesale by the Trude in all the large turns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D. IsAanufactnrer and l'thprieter, C+I;INEL; W Frurcyyr STRI:LT. Fur sttle by J. L. Lemberger, D. S. natter. and Pr. Moss July. Ig,ISCO-1 y. FvEtis -171 I / SU RE4IV-0 -;AV Eitor 040 - 74" &NI i:O7 611, t 4 11Ji • .1, com mon components, such lii Opiates, or Expevorauts, which net enly run down the system, but destroy all rhunee of wire. mill be found on trial to possess the fob Inwirdt• properties, and to whit the most tatuabitt testi )3ll-Minis moy be found in the pamphlets. For whooping Cough. and irs 0 Soothing Syrup it locate + - Very Want. and by early use{ ill SW/0 the largest proportion of ruptures iu children which oao be traced to Whooping cr'ougli• • In ordinary Coughs and Bronerifd Cemrilaint4, the forerunners of Coneernpl ion. its splendid tonic proper_ ties kr, it not ouly the moot perfect enemy to dine:rise. but builds up and sustains the syteut against. recur. renee of the Complaint.' No nursery should be without i I. nor should parents Lail to get a pouiphi et. to be ilium) with all derriere, rue the only way to do justice to its ) ---- „pel Wiz, 41116 17135 t 71-IVAREIkt r' ' It ? 4 'err& Ack. (14,1R4.0, -, nußALuovcre. ow. _ rpnis great tienraleie Remedy. null IN:tteral Opiate kCalla for rperiel attention and interest be free of Opium. Or preparations of Opintn, nr et any bat. its strictly vegetable and medical properties. For N , 1E . 41.' gia, I a• ine. Gent, Meth and 'Ear ache spinal Compleinte ittecOhor et lames or Stomach, Rosa mIE - ay Caturril. ft t:I.1 all miner :Nervous Complaints. Far Los:. of BI B ":•t, tAtrottie Ache, Fick Bend Iteho. it has no egnal, taut to whlelt we offer ettimonints from undoubted Rourzes. For Delirium Trelll. us it is n Sure r emely. For Bowel C6llll/11ChltS, illetufling Cl'olera Mortals, it Is plendhily tniapted. in not only removing the pains but noting as physic. a great c it trust with Opium_ which not only coadtipstes and . d rugs the system, but makes the remedy worse than tl.t disease From physicians wo ask attention, anti on demand Formulas or Trial Bottles will be sent, developing in the Anodyne an Opiate which has long bees. wanted, and in the Cough Dinned) , such as rest entirely on one central priori From invalids We ask correspentlen , o for Pamphlets or e:tplanation, without 'postage...stamps." for—Lsrge Cough Remedy, :7:0 colts per bcttls. " 'coin Anodyne. " JOHN L. 11UNNEWEI,L, Proprietor, CIMMIST AND PIf4Tt3EACV.CTIST No. 9 C'onancrcia/ Mari. Bostin,:lrass. For sato by alt usual wlieleeitio and retail dealers in awry town and city, and Joseph 1,. Leinberger. Leb anon ; at Wholesale by Cleo, 11.. Ashton. Charles Ellis & Co, Philacra. [April 3,1.861.—1 y. II 0 Vir R SSO C I'll ILADELPHIA. A Benevolent lnthlutiren established by 'peeled Endow ment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Disease=. Owl especially for the Cure of Diseaxee of the Se:ezad „ Organs. Lion of their condi , ion, (age. occupation, hatits of life, &e_.) end in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines fur nished free of charge. VALUAIII4: REPORTS on Sperneatorrlicen. and oth er Diereses of the Sexual Organs, and on the New TUI4- LOIC,. employed in the Oh.peroctry. snit to the afflicted in Pealed letter envelope. free of charge. Two or three Stamps thr poetege will he acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Sur gonn., - Howard Asoociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street Philadelphia, i'a. • L'y order of thetireetors. EZRA D HEARTY, - 51A, President. OM FAIRCHILD. Seeretarq Jan. 2, 'ill- RHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CP:LEDIMTI:D HOLLAND 111:31EDY FOR "AYSTMPSTA DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS; LEVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affecto,n. consequent aped a disordered STOMACH Ott LIVER, sno...<, Indigestion. Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky PAIS, Heartburn. Lira. or AppW,W, DeSpoudeticy, Costiveness, Mind nod 7tkrdbrx Piles. In nit Nervons, Ithemnatic, and Neuralgic. Affection.. it has in numerous instances proved Malay beneficial, and in others effeeted a decided cure. This ha purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor. nrerhore. Ito reputation at home pro. timed its introductien liere, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country. many ~r whom brought with them and banded down the tradition Cl, its value.. It is smote drered to the American pub.'ie, harming that its truly wonderful medicinal rulers cu tts/ to it , , S.pnuledged. it Is particniarlY recommended to those persons whose ((institutions may have beep impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other Gonna of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in it..th‘as its way directly to the neat of life.-thrilling sod Mg every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, aud, itt feet, infusing new health and vigor in the system NOlECE.—Whervor experts to dud this a beverage will be disappointed; but to OM sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial proporties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly eeneentrated Iherhaves Milano Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One DOLLAR per bottle. -r six bottles for Ftyt; Domarts. The great demand for this truly reit:limited Medicine has induced many imitations , wbteh the public should guard against purchasing. 46r Beware of ruipteltiOn. See that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists• by Express to most points. :generally. It .ean be forwarded SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. I=l Vharmareatists and (It'll entists, PITTSBURGH. PA. For vale at J. L. LEADS/WE/VS Drug Store, Market ottoet, /abotion, Ra. [I opt. 6,1660.—1 T Philip F. IlleCahly gggigigAigt#4 V ' FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, VIN Cumberland Street, ono door East of 4m Adi Geo. B. Stoat A' Co the Black Horse !Intel. Thankful for the Iit.IPTIC LOCK , STICII very liberal patronage extended Co me for the short timo I h a , f,,,,,e to nusnmea, I wool.] respectfully solicit a ' continuance of the patronage of the nubile. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. lie has at alt times an assortment of BOOTS and 1 -- SlioES of lila own manufitatore on hand, which will be '. disposed of on reasonable trims. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, , to. Those leafing a neat. well made article. are 1 , 1 cited to give me a trial. Children.' Shoes of every 'variety Bud color on hand. Heavy work made to order. - - r Ail work warranted. _Bemiring neatly done and purges made moderate. Lebanon, Sept. 15, 1559 New Boot and shoe Store: rpm: undersigned announce to the public that they 1. hare opened a Now Boot and Shoe Store. itt ttarket mreet. Lebanon, two doors south of Zion's Lutheran church, , vie re they intend keeping constantly on ...,A.Wouul 0 gt-nvi al assortment of Ladies, penal:men, Ittism-s. Boys and Children's Boats, Shoes, Gaiters, all of uldch will be made up in style and quality not he be surpa.sed 'by any other workmen in the country. No effort shall he spared to please and satisfy all who may then tutu wi th their orders, and their chare,e; will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fair reimmenttion. They also keep a large stock or HOME MADE WORK, which is warrant , 1 to be As represented. The publi, are invited to cull au t examine theirstoc k previods to purchasing. 43.- Repairing dons on short notice and ut reasonable .10SiiPtt Lebanon, Slay 1, IS6I. ANDREW MOORE. Boot and Shoe Store. ctotr JACOB 11110E1, respectfully in forms the public that he still ecetin nes his extensive establishment in oak. onitie his new imilding, in Cumberland st., where he hopes to render the some RAI kfaCti ,, ll as heretotbre to till 1,1110 mac favor hi:n.l4ol their custom. Ile invites Merchants an ,i dealers i t ButYrtt :ctrl SlMS:mil' every one who, wishes to purehase fiishionahle and, durable articles in his line, to call rind examine for themselves. hb large and varied stock, . . Ile is .letermi tied to surmss all coupe:Mon in the ntnrl tartar" of t.:1'&1 - ri;rtide lotsiness, suitable for any Market in the ij Mom A dm, rare taken in regard to material , snd workmanship; none bt the bust Quaid •ty of Lt.:ATI:Mt and other materials are used, and none bat the best WOrklnen are employed returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed nit him. Ile hopes by Fidel, attention to business and ende:svoring to please his customers,-to merit a share of public pat trothrso [Lebanon, Feb. ri,'sB, I= G. L. ATF:itiNS & Bro. &VINO united in tiro HOOT and Silor. iwsmss, and from their determination to ha punctual. and make none but the best of work, they feellike soliciting a large of public. patronage. Theywill always he found at their Cl fll STAND. 'NEW 111.711.DIN(L) in Market. 'Street. nearly opp , mite, Widow Itise's Flntel, where they wilt be ready to serve tool Hesse their customers. They have now on heed a large ensortmeut of BOOTS, SBONS. TRUNKS. C,t RPM' DADS), Se., which they offer at reduced prices, PCl'6olle dealing at this SHOE STORE, eau be emited with HEADY-MADE WORK, or have it made to order. ililiqtfaction is siways tenrranietl. Partienlar attention given to the REPAIRING I . l.elatuom April 20, 1.559. Deets and Shoes. 4, TKI NS d BRO:S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted np in good order for comfort sod couveuienee, both tar hutntietn en- riAl o p ? 4 '/= , e t , o -0 F-4 A TIC INS & BRO.'S Se w Bout and Shoo St,re is fitted ut, in goond order fur comfort/mil convenience, both fur Waif', and oon ttnnn n. A Tit* t ttlto. promise to be punctual, and will en t. plc:et:co all who may call on thew ror Itoott; Ml= This is the Place to Get (II.EAP AND FASITIONABLE Bools,Shoes, Hats. Caps 4tc., FOR :3 NUNG AND SUMMER. rulm under , itotcd he , ing opened hia SPIiI.NO AND I SUMMER LO, Boor,. SHOES. HATS. CAN. TRUNKS and TEA VELINU BAGS, of the very talent r., an , d hatrisantest styles and best finish, .' ' 2 Z, won Id respectfully invite all his old fr holds -: ': and en:detours. and others. who wish to hey the best or t -lnaar MI lila; at the ittwest prices at his store in Indniit St, ne72 to the County Pris6ii, • It I, lot !wee:4l , 3l'y to enumerate particular articles for his stack embraces 'everything fur Ladles., Gentle turn, Cirls, flop; and Children that eau be called fur in Id< thlatrl men rof bn , 'IUUSS. Thu had iett varticularly. lied a rholae selscti.m of all the handsomest:m.l st)lssof iu Ana. Gaiters, dm. Ills assortment of flats, Cava. Trunks, Travelind Bap, Am., hare been selected with groat %ate. Cali f01:11 cud obtain a barsuin. JOttt. WWI/ AN 4:11, 'Measured mime :tad work made to order: Lubitucm, 3-I,y 8, 180. lir 11 E NEW 1E 11 ‘ , llll undersigned would respectfully inform the sla t, seas of 1,e1,,,tc,n, that he has commenced the BA !NU lILISLN ES& in all its varlet - lee, at hie stand. on Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Ituclz ILdel, nod will supplr customers with the best BREAD, BABES. Floor receiv,nl from customers. and rettirrzed to them in bread at Aort notice. CON FEMONERIES, of nil fregh and of the best guiltily, constantly on hatlti, and furubthed at tan lowest prices. Tits public is iuvitiel idgirc nos a. hie!. Lob non Nov. 9, 1058. T. IT, TIMM. "4" CLOCKS. Thirty Day, :'•0. kchit Day, hirly r CLOCK "ie) Just ReCeived .L.BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, :5 7 ?;;;10 - Lebanon Pa. Jaelles Si. litqley, SIGN OF THE 31AMMOTH WATCH, Eitgk Chu"ld(ups, ezmtherland Sired, LEBANON, Pa. OFFETIFI to the Public an elegant and extensirousurt J molt • OF PARIS STYLES OF FINE JEWELRY, consisting of Diamond, Roby, Emerald, Pearl, Stone, Cameo, Enameled Work, and Etrusean Coral Breast Pins. Ear Mgt's and Finger Rings. Ln CHAINS of every style and /polity. n Preneb, Swiss and Amer-- inn Gale and Silver Watches of the men approved and e,.lehr a ted . Clocks of every description. A large cartels of ' , alley Goods. Paintings, Vases. The Etna; will ha ,hued among the largest in this4aO • thin of Pennsylvania and has hen selected with great care from the most celebrated importing and minutiae tuning estahltshinents in New York and Philadelphia. REPAIRING 41011 e at the slier test notice, and in a most earls warlike manner. 31y friends, and the L'nblie generally 0,1'6h/riled roan examination of my annerb stock. .JAISIES IT. KELLY, Sign of the Big Watch, Lebanon, sept. 31, 1859 IF YOU WANT A„ICTUItM of 3,L1: deeewed Friend. enlarged ant! colored in on, call nt DAILY'S flattery, next •dotn to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. IF YOU WANT .110-1, PICTURES GO TO Mill A rt s ft KY I.AIIIT tlAtmmr, over D. S. Ralier's Drug Store, on Cumberland street. Lebanon. P's. AMAROTYPES: pziturrpss,. PAPYROTYPES ' And Poore- GIiAIMS, taken deity. (SoudaYexcePted.) Prices reasona ble and in accerdanthe with the size, style and quality of the cases. Ituoms opened from 8 A M., to 4 o'clock. P. M. t.el Imam. Tune 1. 1858. IETELLO,I3etsy, where aro you going that you are dremyl up so? . Ates.-1 az., goinz to J. Jr. 103.31 M Adam Rfee's Band ing to have my Lik,•ness taken. Ques.—Why do yon go to Kelm and not to one of the other room; to bare it taken ? Ans.—Because Brim's Pictures are sharper, clearer end more truthful than others aud nearly everybody gibe to him, Ques,—Can you tell the why his pictures are Rupert(); to others? ! had 9 years practice, anti has superior CaMOMS, and all hix other fixture.. are of the moot 1111- proved kind. Clues.—What kind of Pictures does ho take? Ans.—He takes Amhentypcs. and Melainetypes. of all sizes and superior finish: and Photographs, from the smallest up to bite Size, Plain and Colored in Oil. He takes all sizes Photographs from Daguerreotypes of de ceased persons and tuns theta colored life like. by one of the_hest Artists. Iris charges are reasofadsie and his rooms are open everyday. (eseept aunday9 from 0 o'clock, A. 7.41. to 6, P. M., Don't forget, KELM'S DOOMS is the place you can got tim ifrst Pictures, PHIOTOG EINIE G LL'Ett No. ittt Arch Street, Phitodetphis. NE of the largest andmost dual - dote t3alleries in U the United States, where the beat Pieta re?, known to the Photographic art. are taken at prices no higher than are paid for .121iStlIALle carriextures. The Proprietor. a practical Photographer. attends personalV, every silting—anti allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satiathetion. Daguerreotypes and Aduhrolypes. of absent or de ceased friends. photographed to any required size, or taken on Canvass. life size, and painted in Oil by the best Artists. At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather —as perfect in cloudy days as who., the .nn shines. Persons visiting the city nre respectfully invited to eXhllli/10 our SpedWellls, which for prke and quality de fy competition, inr Instructions given in the art or Photography. it IC "YELL GALLERY or ART, :14 Arch ! . .3trect; Philadelphia. • CO DY ENDATIONS: Fro o Hon. Lewis D. C.tarrlMLL, Ohio. Afy faintly and friends all concur hi the opinion .that the (Newell) Picture is more lifo•Ilito than any thing . they ever saw. likeness has been repeatedly taken by dinrel•ent Artists in various way 4. but I have never yet had one which presents Co true to nature, all the features and exprmions of countenance as this. From Ilan. E. Jor /tennis. late Minister to Italy. The exquisite beauty and ooftness of your per traits. conjoined with their durability of color and faith fulness ae likenesses, cannot tail to coalmen:l'6cm to tlie attention and patronage of all Who appreciate true arC From Coe. Jstics Pmts. having occasion for a portrait. I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, n min iature in 9il Colors, under the new process , discovered by hint, and take great pleasure h, expressing the satisfac tion given me, not only by the accuracy of thank.. Pees, but. Its artistic Mush .n nN inspects, and recommend him to the patronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. J&3118 PA6I3. Philadelphia, January 23, 1!61.—1y. EI;M!!=! Pea OTOG t PUS. MIKUEM ;NAM= STREET, LEBANON $6O. $65. $75, $B5 and $lOO. These Machines make the SHUTTLE OR LOCK.STITCH, AZ T Alike on both shlee — cOvrithout the use of the leather pad. They have an entire xew MeniOD of forming the stitch—Fimple and nnerying iu its operation. They have a New Patent Under Tension and a New Upper Tensiorz. which can be regulated without stopping the Machine —simple but effective. They will tinV witioreater.speed never drop a stitch. and do more worts in the .came time than any other sewing machine ever *welded. These Ma chines have power sufficient to new THIRTY THICKNESSES 0 f heavy sheeting,. They will stitch. run, hem. gather curd. quilt, felt. Sze., &e., and for Stiching LINEN have no superior. Also, Sloat's Improved Shui t le Machine For tailoring and henry work. These Machines hare been well tested 1111101/' lailorn, nod are pronounced equal to those sold elsewhere at double price. Let all' who intend to purchase a Sowing Machine call at our Sales Dom and see our Machines practically tested, or octet fOr cireular. J. J. BLAIR ATCEIM ATc Elt AND JEWELLER, Market Street. Lebanon, Pa.. nr UIOItUI B. SLO AT Sr, Co.. May 30, '6o.] PHILLAPELPIIIA. fi z I ,4a LEMBEBGER'S C LOT II al FACTO RY. ri'tIiAiNKFUL for past favors, the undershrued respect fully" informs the Public, that be continnes to Carry nu his Manufnotory in East Hanover township, Lebanon .501Ints.. on as ostensive a scale as ever. It is 111111CCCSSA ry for him to Sky more,. limn that the work will ho done in the saute EXCEbI.ENT STYLE, which has made his work and name so well known in the surrounding coon. try. Ile promises to do the work in the shortest possi ble time. His manutitctory it in complete (inter. and he flatters himself' to be this to render this same satisfaction as Iteretofiire. Ito mann Inetnres. i roud itne. Nitrrow C'tntfts, , COSSilet . fl4 White = lie also cards Wool and makes Dolls. For the conve nience of his Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at the following places:—At the stores of George & Pyle, Looser k Brothers, George iteinceld, and at the new Drug Store of Joseph 1.. Lemberger, near the Market noose, in the borough of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk k Long, in North Lebanon: at S. Gosh. errs. Bethel township; at the public hence of Williams Earust. Fredericksburg; at the store of.S. Balickel, iu Jouestewn; at the stero of Mx. Weltner, Bellevue; at the store of Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of 'Mr. Zimmerman, East Ilatiover. Lebanon county. All ma erhds will be taken away regularly, from the above pla tes, finished without delay, and returned again. Those of his customers who wish Otis-Icing Wuol card ed dyed and mixed, can leave this same, white, at the shove mentioned places, with directions how they wish it prepared. ,r his customers can order the Stocking Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned, whi.th will be done add left at the desired places. N. r.. It is desired that these having {Pool carded, will pay the Cash therefor, at the above named places. LYON LEMBERGER. East Hanover, Lebanon county, July 4, 18150. ELIJAIT LONCAOIII.;...JOIIN G. GA8E1....J ACOII GABE LEBANON Door:mai sa Nl§ Manufactory. Located on the Steam-House Rnad,neur Cumberland Street, Etta Lebanon. , Fr - TILE limier:Jig:nett respectfully ' _ Wm the lethite in general, that they hare added largely to their former estab qe,./ lishment. and also have all Mune of the - -lateat and best improved in the State in full operation, Fetch as WOODWORTM,S` FLOORING, ere., for conducting the general business for Planing, Scrolls, Sawing, 4-c., and the experience acquired by F,. LONGACRX and J. 0. USUEL (tilling their connection with the Door. Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years past, affords full as surance of their ability, in connection with J. GABEL, to select stork suitable to the wants of the Door and Sash business in this State. They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, upon favorable terms, a judiciously assorted stock of DOORS. S.Ab!ll, Fie., from the best Lumber manufactories Ilk the State, feeling confident that• their assortment is not to be eicalere6y any . other establishment in the State in regard to exactness in size, quality or dutch, and is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who may favor tlic undersigned with their custom. The following list comprises the leading articles of stock on hand : Nora, of all sites; SaFII,Of all sizes; Door Frames, Mr brick and Architrayes; fronic bonsact= Casings, from: 3 to 6 in.; Window Frames, for brick Sorb:lse; and frame holues; All kinds of Mouldings; 0.. G. Spring Moulding, of au Sing NVZ4.911-boards. LONCIACRE, °ABEL /4. BROTHER P. S—Planing. Sawing, dc., promptly done fur theme furnishing the Lumber. [Lebanon. July 1.5,'57. Partners and otlivrs Take, Notice. THE undersigned hniing purPhared 'the enlire estublishlnent - of A. MAJOR & BROTHER, will manufacture end kern on hand very general as. sorheent of tit A.MIAN.ERY and FAR)! IN I IMPLE MENTS. embracing Improved FOUR-HORSE l'osms and Titreslows: Railway Horse Powera and Threshers. Morgan's independent steel-wire Tooth -Horse RAKE; Mumma.s Patent Folder. Straw and Hay CUTTER: Cast Iron Field Rollers. Grain Fans. Hay Elevators. Clover Millers. Corn-shelters, by band or power. Corn Ploughs and Planters. Cultivators, 4:c., with a variety or tbe best PLOUMIS in use. &e. All or lbe abo - e M . :tames are of the latest and best improvementa, and areal warranted to nivesatisfaction. Castings of all, kinds made to order. and at abort notice. He aloe manufacture: , STEAM . RN -441 .N ES. Mill Hearing.Shaltiug, and Mill work in general. and pays particular attention to Repairing Engine* and Machinery of all Muds. Tie invites nil to eitil and exannns the •Mvnicat the Ma chine shop, on TINE:CI - WYK STRUT., Lebanon. AR,— All orders or communications by mall will be promptly attended to. D. M. KAAMANY. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. Lebanon, Almost S. MO. ancE.-1 tiara appointed A, MAJOR 1: BROTHER 11 my Agents for the purpose. of carrying onthe above business. ' 1). M. HARMAN Y. Lebanon, August S, 1860. =1 i LAITRACIPS New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair Manufactory. .711" trket SL. 3d door north of Oat L. Talky Railroad.. LargestManufactory and Bost Assortment of FURNITURE and CHAIRS; in the county. rilitz public is respeetfully ed to bear in mind that at theve 11:-.re.R.00nts Will be found - the best--" assortment of FARlfroNmax and lIAND seas FURNITURE and GRAMS. Persons in want or ally kind would b-et call and examine his stock before purchming elsewhere. Which (being all of hie own work) he warrants to be better then any offered in this place. Prices will be Lowan than at any other place, either in the Borough or county of Lebanon. All orders promptly attended to, and Speedily execa :ed at the lowest prices. All persons purchasing Furnitnee from him will be accommodated by having it deliVered to them. to any part of the county, MEE OF CHAILGE, and WitilthAt the tenet injury. as he has procured otto of the hest cue& lowa furniture wevong, (specially for that purpose. CuFl'lNs made to order. and funerals attended at the shortest notice. [Lebanon, Sept. 13. Odith NE W CA Br'6,T ET AND CHAIR MA N UF V, '''O RV. the subscriber respectfully informs. the public that ho has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TURE and CHAIRS. ever offered to the. public of Lab. aeon county. lie has on hand at his Cahinet.wa ro . rooms, in North Lebanon Boreugh. nearly orpesite Zeller's Llotel."and a few doore south of hander's, a splendid assortment of ,:ord. substantial and fashiona ble Parlor. Cottage and Chamber FURN ITURE, con mating rsop,ts. TETE 7 A,TET ES. Mat:VIES. WJIAT NOTS.Par lor; Centro, Pier, Card and Gilmartin TABLES; Dressing:Mid Common BUREAUS: g nedsteads ' Work-Stands. Wash-Stands, and - lifiCheD IrtMlitll.l3 of all kinds. Also,. a large and elegant variety of FRENCH' BACK. Seam SEATED CHAIRS, Common Spring Seated Cosmos; all Finds of Spring Seated ROCKERS, Also, Windsor, Cane-Seated. and Common ChliklßS and ROCKERS of every Me:climb») &AM sati sfact All (Mods sold LOW and WARRANTED to diveion. • . Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goods here otrerad ihr sale, can be fully satisfied of their curability by reference to those tor whom ho has man ufactured or to wh om so ld . Old Furniture and Chairs REPAMED and yAlt- NIS tiED. N. 11 . -- corn - 3.:s made and FUNERALS Mternied at the shortest notice. dOSEPII BOWMAN. . North Lebanon Septemberl9. MO REIGAI S ft, ._____________ 442 1 c 0n ISTVAF7-11m • N. Iv corner of Market a crid lEiter streets, Lebanon, Pa R. DREG, Ag't, irspectially informs his friends J. and the public, that he has taken the above stand, remedy Otett plod by Etnaniel Reigart, and large ly increased the stock of WINES AND I.SQUORS, with E; - . - .r selections froni• the CHOICEST BRANDS and z, ssmi a titles now in the market, My assortment 1 cotodsts oh Gruen!, Ifennesy, Pleat Castillion, f T. 111111111, Martell.. Marett, Pellevoielori, J. J . Depily A; Co., A. Sorgnette A Co. WIN ES.—Champagne, Old Oporto, Burgundy, Claret, Sherry, madeira, Lisbon,Tenerlire, Ileac, linnet* and Malaga, of varfonS brans and qualities. Rolland Gin, Scliehlam Schnapps, Jamaica . Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, APple,, Lavender, Blackberry. Cherry,Oina-nr and Raspberry BRANDIES; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Am, Am- Also, • constantly or. hand a superior - quality of Old Wheat, Bourbon, Malt and Monongahela' WHISKEYS, of the very best itmlities, and rum Cider Vinegar. From long experience be flatters himself that he will be able to reudnr satisfaction to all who may patronize the new firm, and the reputation.arquired for .furnish- ing the best brand., of LiQuoitS, at the lowest prices, will be maintained, All articles Bold at this establish- 1 ment wilt be what they are represented. I.4barion,May 22,1661. ATTENTION ! Compaity . 1 Forward./ March ! r trio RKIZEIISTEIti 'MOTHERS' 1:11EAP CLOTnINO Store, opposite the Court Howse, and get u suit of Spring and bummer Clothing nt reduced ices. BOWIE KNIVES!BOWIE K pr NIVS! I A flue lot o f B ow i e Ki l ls -unjust reveis ed and for sale ! nt REIZENSTEIN BROTLIEICS. Opposite the Court House. Letraion, ISi3l New Fornitore Store. ry ARIIISON K. DUNDOBX would respectfully 101 l ll form the public that be has removed opposite the old place. a few doors west of Bowman's Hotel, on Cum berland Street, where he will keep the largest, finest, and cheapest assortment of EU ItNITUItV ever offered in Lebanon. Ms stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which he will dell lower than the like can be bought at any other place in Lebanon. lie has on hand a largo assortment of SOfilFo 7.- Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Ta bles. What Note. Ilat Raults,Le. Also a large and cheep stock of stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, and it lot of cheap Mattresses. Also Looking Olasses,-.LG cult. Rosewood and Malingany--very cheap. Venetian Blinds;.Carriages, Gigs and hobby Mors% for children. IlEgi.. Particular attention paid to UNDERNAKING.— lie has provided himself with the PIN EST HEARSE IN LEBANON, ;tud will make Collins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Lebanon, December, !ZS. ISSP. hTILL Altran VHS elleaptSt. Best Selected; anti Largest Block of WALL PAPERS • Window Shades. Curtains, &o, Tim UN HERSIGN HD having in ennueotion with Ws ROOK AND sTATIONE HY STORK, purchased the entire stock of wA.L.I.. PAP EltS of Messrs. W.turz St RIEDEL and W. 0. WAttu, and having also re • costly received large supplies from New York and Phil adelphia, including the latest and most handsome styles of Paper Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Paneling Fire Board Prints, Window Curtains, Ides, 4-c., 4-cl, now manufactnred. Ii is stock presents the best assort ment of rimers. both in style and quality; that has over been seen in Lebanon, and as he has I-ought moat or his Papers at redured rates, for Casa, ha is able to sell Wall Paper et cheaper rates than they can be obtained at any other place. He has also made arrangements with the best Paper Rangers in , alatuon to put up paper for into, if desired, at the aborted notice on the moat reas onable terms. Hive him a call and be convinced. tt Remember the niece, at the ~Ytne BOnfesiare is Widnut Street, a Au, doors soups of Karatany's Hard ware Store. 47. AMAKR, Lebanon, April 4, 180, I. 17.4711 ER. ALUM Di R. p: of the beat and cheapest assortments of LIMMA Offero to the pablie, is nest for sale at the now and extensive lidinlllol anti COAT. YARD of PHILIP BRECHBLLL n the Borough of .North Lebanon, on the bank of the Union Canal, at the head of Walnut street. a few inures North of the Oemissec Steam Mills, and one goitre east of Borzner's Hotel. Their assortment consists of the best well-seasoned White. Yellow. Norway, Pine and Hemlock Boards;— Cherry, Poplar anti Pine hoards; 134 and 2 inch Punnet and CoMmon Plank' ' White Pine and Hemlock Scantling and .Toiste; White Oak Boar4si Plank and Scantling; and /4 inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. S 1.1 ING LES ! SHINGLES!! The hest Pine and Hemlock Shingles; Also. Rooting and Plastering Laths; Chestnut Rails and Posts, and railings ler fences and fencing" Boards; FLOOttIiNG BOARDS of all sizes and descriptions. COAL ! COAL!! COAL! ! A large stork of Broken, Stove, Limeburners and Hollidaysburg Smith Coal, at the lowest prices. ts.Coniidelit that they have the largest and hest es. sortmeut of LUMBER or all descriptions and sizes, as well as the largest stook of the different kinds of COAL, ever offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, they venture to say that they can accommodate all putchnsers satis factorily, and would therefore invite all who want any thing in their line, to examine their stock before'pur elmaing elsewhere. PLUMP BRRCEIBILL. N. Lebanon. April 4. Hl6O. Shut:tom, of all sires; Blinds. of all sizes; THE DESIGN of the Scheel is to me..t, as far as may be, the requirements el a progressive age. The course of study being so arrange! and extended that pupils of any age or degree of advamicinent may be co tared to nearly equal ads-outage, and embracing in its .different departments of these Branches of Educationamost metal or desirable in. the different spheres of life.- - THE ENG LISLE DEPARTMENT designed mainly to Impart a thorough, practical education, which may b turned to recount in the transaction of IoISIPOSiL.--- Tot CLASSICAL DerAWIMUNT embracing the study or the Classics, ancient and modern, with a view to cultivate the taste—to refine and elevate the mind. or as a haSis to the study of what are called the learned professions. A NORMAL OR TELICOEW DSPARTDIENT, in which an expe rience of more than twelve tears, in schools of vitrions grades and in different sections of 'the Union, will be drawn upon in hutilliar lectures, illustration and exam ple, to - impart a knewledge of the * AO? OF TEACIMIO, THE DISCIPLINE is gentle but firm, No unneces sary restraints are instituted for the sake of mere effect, —but such as are deemed condncive to the moral or men tal welfare of the student will borigidiv enforead. Stu dents from abroad ran board, (unless otherwisedesirei) in the of the principal. And over (heap aparen ial control will be exercised during their stay. They will not be allowed to be absent from the Institute 'at unseasonable hours; to visit taverns or places of antuse ut without permission ; or to be absent from. their places iu school on any pretext except sickness cc per mission of parent or guardian. THE lA/CATION is pleasant. healthful and secluded; in a flourishing little village—surrounded by a pi:d.ur ftltple a, d highly cultivated district. It is twenty miles Eastward of Harrisburg. and within view of the Leba non Valley Railroad, which connects Harrisburg and Reading, and forma a link in the groat chain of rail roads between New York and “the \Vest?' THE INSTITUTE is a spacious, three-story, Erick structure—planned and built expressly fur a boarding school. The furniture of the schuol-rooms is nearly new, and of the kinds most approved for use and com fort. The students' rooms are large and convenient, and will be occupied generally by two students each. STUDIES:.--spening and Defining, Rending and cation, Writing, Arithmetic, English Crammer, Ceog,. raphy, titst-ry, Composition and Declamation, Book Keeping, M nsuration, Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Anatomy and Physiol ogy, Surveying, Plane and sphcrieui Trigonometry, Logic, ,theteric, Moral Science, Latin, Greek, French and Music.. EXPENSES for I ard , Washing,Tuittoit, Lights, Sc, per quarter of 1t weeps. $:l5, Sur Tuition alone, per quarter, $5 to 10. Additional for ancient and modern languages, each $1; for Music, $5. STUDENTS can enter at coy time, and they will be charged only from the time of entering. Text Boolts wit be hawed to students al a email charge fur mse, or furnished at city retail prie t ,.. Any !miller inlurmation that ma} be desired can be obtained t' addressing the Principal. W. J. 'BURNSIDE, February (, gill; Leh 111111101111 lIISUratICC COMpaltlV. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON T o the property holders of the State of Perin eyivania Your attention is respectfully solicited to thetWio wing low rates of incur ance Of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM - - PA NY, who are transacting business with the most flattering evidence or Public iionfidence. There sources of the Com pany`are ample to in4etunify those who may take advantage through its 'agency of the means afford ed tlo t of being fil'eteat'd egMlest loss by tire. The Board of Directors tire practical busine,s men well and ilisorably !mown. and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they lice. Oar Coin Palls' is perfectly in otos. and we invite your careful ot telnion to the thllowitix, low rates as we are determined to insure as low 44 any other responsible company, taking into consWratina the character of the risks incurred. Oar CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is sue. Policies which never'expire, 'which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 or filettra. Th.) Company has now been in, eueee . ssful operation for nearly . 6 years, mid all its losses hare been promptly paid to The satisfaction of all parties concerned; anti, in fact it has been. mid still continues to be,- the !wish of the Directors to have the Company ootiductml on honest tad economical principles. itAms OF INSULIN= Dwellings, brick or stone, slate roof . $0,15 1 1 1 $l.OO : • do do do shingles 0,3 " do. do Log or Frame ,20 " do Darns, stone or brick„2o ” do ' do Log or Frame ,20 "do Store Houses. brick or stone - ,15- " do .. do Log or.framo , ,30 "do Hotels& Wordier , houses, brick or -stone ,25 " do do do Log or frame . • ,30 nd o ,- Academies and School houses o 3 " do Churches and meeting houses , . 20 <4 41q Printers book, end Stationerii.s .;30 n d o hook binders 50 i- do Tailor shops ' ,25 " do Shoemaker and saddler shops. ' ,30 " d SIIVVV:OIIith Ulla WattAlf.nakttr .. ,30 `s do Tin and sheet hou shops . , ' ,30 " do Groceries and Provision storms ,3O "do ' Tanneries ,30 " do Hatter shops ,30 " do Grist Mills, Water power - ; 35 " do Saw Milk do do , 35 " do , Drug Stores .. ~30 " do SMith shops, brick or stone - - .30 " Ido do do Wood do Carpenter,Joiner & Cabinet under shops ~ 0 : d 4 .44 c 0 .) :: d d00 ... Wagoner and Coach linker shops Painter and chair maker shops ' ,40 " do Oil Mills . , Clover Mills . ,40 " ' do Founderies of wood ,35 " do do (trick or stone ,30 " do Merchandise in brick er stone build'ngs ,20 " do do in wooden do . . 2 25 .4 d o Furniture in brick or stout) buildings ,15 .`i do. . do in wooden ~ . , ' 2O " do Stables & sheds, brick.or stone,eoUntry, ' .20 " do . 25 do do wooden ' . " do - Livery & Tavern Stables AM.. All communicatlsonusmisthobwual ,25 "do . A. BARRY, Secretary, 4 , : L b et a a d n d o r n " Pt. W * - ' President—JOHN BRUNNER, F.A. Co., - Fice-President—D.' AL - RANK. ' ' -• ' Treasurer—CMG. P. 51.E11.Y. Jonestown Secrstary—WM. A. BARRY, , September 12,1100. IV A LINIIT Swit “Lebanon Valley luslilute,” Annville, Lebanon county, Penn'a TIT'S INSTITUTION, interrupted in its progress by 1. the death of its late proprietor, Prof. 13.ttseAnott, has been re.organized, it is hoped permanently, under the Superintendence of :W. J. IntUR.NSIDE., A. 11. THE ENSU.INCI QUARTER will commence ou Mou• flay, April Stll. The Fall 6essiun Hill open on Sionday, July 2.11. COUNTRY PRODUCE. TIT= attention of Farmers is called to the following prices paid for Couutry Produce by the underelga ad, et the "East Lebanon Store," siz : 12 Butter, 14 I Eggs, limn, 15 I Bed, 18 Sides, 10 Potatoes, 72 Lebanon, March 27 5 , 01. EPHRAIM BORONER. I BOWMAN, HAUER R CAPP'S all IS JE R R D This Way, if you Want :Cheap Lumber. HE undersigned hake lately formed a partner- Tship,for the purpose of engaging in the Lum ber Business, on a new plan, would respectfully inform the public at large, that their place of business is DAVID Bowatax's Old Lumber Yard, in East - Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, one square from the Evangelic church. They have enlarged the Yard and filled it with a new and excellent assortment of all kinds of Lumbar, such as BOARDS, PLANKS, JOISTS, LAVIN, BRINDLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they keep eon sten tly on bend, a full and well-seasoned assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. Persons in want of anything in their line are invited to call, examine their stock, and learn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope,"that by attention to business and moderate prices,, to merit a continuance of public patronage TaW3l.-I.X. HAUER & CAPP, TA:mon. Svpteintim- ALL ThE WORLD A• N the rest of mankind who are in need of SPRING /11:. ANT , Sunlam Cumin) for themselves and their Boys shOilid not tail to call at EI4qZ.ENSTEIN . BROTHELS, opposite the Court (louse, Lau:won, who have just re ceived .line assortment. of Spring Clothing of their own manufactory, Nil of which they will sell at prlce.e to snit the times, BOYS' JAOR".F.T.q. Au ftnortmait of !soya' Cassimere Jackets at nEIZENSTEIN BROS. BOY'S' COAV, PANTS AND VESTS. at rYry tow figures, at OAS6IM ERE COATS, PANTS AND VE.'STS, at a (sitting cost, at REMENSTEIN unos. Fine Cloth Coat, Doeskin nod Fancy Cassimera Pants, Silk Velvet, Fancy Silk and Satin vests at It El 7..KNSTEIN MlO5. Constantly a full assortment of clothing at BEIM:NM:IN BROS.. Opposite the Court Muse. April 10, 1501 George illoilinaWs LEBANON COUNTY ff-T7 71.:, 4 1 *awe oge.t.ro I _ J 'ue7irisl7 • Aria . -.4=r TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. IDARTICIf R attention will be paid ta thnotlef shipp jr el by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will be tent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon. Myers town and Annville Stations; and all other points in the County. FR I.:lollT,S•contracted for at the least possible rates an delivered with dispatch. - The Proprietor will pay particular attention, to. and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of - all Freigh t For information ' apply at his Office at the Lebanon Talley Railroad Depot. Lebanon. EDWARD staltla. his Agent in Philadelphia. will al ways be found at IF H. Bush's Merchant's Hotel, North Third st.. Philadelphia July it, 'dill =2 I= A New Firm. cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain Business 91HE - undersigned hating formed a partnership in the 11. MERC,A ',LING AND GRATh BUSI NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments.. They will cocaine to keep. at the lato stand of SIIERIC & LONG, u most com plete stock or all kinds of GOODS usually kept in a country store, which they will retail Cheap for CAUL or COUNTRY ruoDucn. They also want to buy for cash 50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 30,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay !be his,hest Market Prices.— They will also take GRAIN on STORAGS. The will keep always on hated and sell at the lowest price... COAL. by the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, &c. AG- They , solicit the business of all their old friends and the public. and will endeavor to deal on such Mr erul and just principles as will give sidisfacticin to all. MEEK, GESSAMAN & LONG. North Lebanon, March 13,]561. EMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON Saddle and Harness Mann faelory..,=: • \ THE undersighed has nenioved his Saddlery and • Harness , \ , Manufactory to a few doors South 4 4 ,, of the old place, to the large room r lately occupied by Billinan k Bro. - as - a Liquor store, where he will be happy to small his old friends end customers, and where he has increased fa cilities for attending I 0 all the departments of Ws busi ness. Bid ng determined tube behind no other establish merit in his abilities to accommodate custoinori, ho him spared neither pains nor expense to Obtain and make himself master of.every modern imprOvemen in the bu siness and secure the services of the hes workmen that liberal wages would command. 'lle will keep a:large stock on hand, and manufacture at the shortest notice, ail descriptions of HARI yg'S, , ,z; such as Saddles, Bridles; Carriage Harness, of all kind. heavy Harness, Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture, B ufalo Robes, Fly Nets. . . snob as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and a new kind lately invented ; wil/Pgar every kind, such as' Buggy Whips, Cart Whips. Sc.; HAMESof all doseriptions./LALTBR CHAINS, home-made TRACES, Se., allot - which IS' trill. Warrant to he equal any that eanbe obtained in any other establishment in the country. All he asks that those desiring' nything in this line, should call at his place and examine his stock. lie feels the fitllest confidence in his ability to give entire satisfaction. ifa- All orders thankfully received andproustitly at tended to. SO:-OBON North Lebanon Borough, April 24, 1861. A 1 hroiiglh 'Ticket to California. C. S. COLBERT & CO'S. Finn GRAND QUARTERLY DTSTRIfitiTION OF 100,000 ARTIChES, WORTH $.000,00e; Which will be sold for $lOO,OOO, to the purchasers of our ,05?' GOLD PENS AT 30 Ors. PEE BOX. Oar Golden Pen Is the honer& used, a d Is war ranted sotto corrode in any ink." Every - business man anti family should use the GOLDEN PRY+ The following list of 100,000 articles will be distributed among our patrons at $lOO 'SAM And need not be paid for wail we inform the purchaser whicA of the following articles we WILL SELL DIM F o as l ,oo and than it ISOPTIONAL WHETS.- Ea HE seNns 'rue DOLLAR AND TAKES THE GOODS on NOT. - - - • • - • pfr ALL GOODS CAN BE RETURNED AT OUR EXPENSE WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE PURCHASER RE eeives them. (unless they are •satisfaetory,)and the mon- ey will he Refunded. • LIST OF GOODS INCLUDED IN Tar; DISTRIBUTION Pianos. Gold limiting Cased Watches, Geld. Watches, Ladies' Silver Watches, Guard, Vest 'and Chatelein Chains, CaIIIPO Brooches, Mosaic anif.let Brooches. Lo ve and Florentine Brooehes, Coral, Enierald. nod Opal Brooches, Canna) Ear. Drops, Mosale and Seb:Ear-Drops„. Lir:Laud Florentine Ear-Drops. Coral Ear-Dmps, Ease.. raid and opal Bar-Drops. Handsome Seal; icings, 310 sale and Cameoliraeriete. Dreastpink, :Watch Keys, Fob and Ribbon Slides, Sets G,f HOS' , III Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Shawls, Set •:Ilings. Sets Lathes' Jewelry', Canton Crape' Shawls, nortatelitio sits Lanese Challics. French and American Lawns - , ilawges, Pop lins. Freirli Ca lle .es, and other Wine,. Gress Goods in great.variety, together with, Ikad Dres.ms,.Gatnis, Fancy Fans. and in Met tilllkOSt every deseriptibu of:GOODS usually found in first ciasa. Dry floc Js Stores. PLAN OF RisTßlßuTioNHighast . Premium ,3100 Lowoßt Tremiuth $2. The articles are numbered, and Certftle4es stating What Ave will sell eachperson for one .44nrare , • . placed in sealed Envelopes,.with Deeimat arrangement of ['rummies; ea .that Itt Each- Unadred Certificated there it one fur a GOLD WiCregit, AND THERE. iV.ILL ALSO' 13L' A SPLENDID PREATEITAI 'IN EACH' TEN CERTIFICATES. • you, desire a line Shawl, or Drool Pattern.' or a beautiful article or Jewelry, enclose us 30 touts for a Dux of the Golden Pens, and we Will sand you a tifiente which may enable yon to procure seJidry it ou f o or i n ° ex of our t t s lo r l e il'el im ofiPes3,liCmet'l'tsawSe gill eeled notice , of the article . w hi c h w e sell for St. PitluES TO AGENTS POST PAID. .t Boxes Pens, with 4 Certificates • 1 $l. 0 do - d 4 9 du' 26 do do 25de ' 6 - 10t)-do do 100 do • . 3.8 N. B.—With each package of 100 bcxcs we present the purchaser 100 Certificates, one of which is 'guakin ' teed to contain one order 170 V, e FINS WATOLI, or Saw ing Machine, or by ordering 50 hogas in one package you ere sure to receive 50 Certificates eontainingone or. der fora splendid SILV It Et WAT42II beside a large num ber of other very valuable premium& One Certificate sent gratis, upon application of any pers9n desiring'to act us Agent, which may enable him to procure a valu able premium upon the payment of 61. . 1 PIA NOS,MELODEONS, MUSIC, BOORS SEWING MACHINES, cte. Bought and Sold on Commission. Any article will be sent to the Country .at the lowest Wholesale 'Pikes with the addition of 0 per cent Commission for for warding. N IL—Agents wanted in every town. Oireulars Ott application: ssrtt Address all CoMmunications to C. S. COLBERT & Commission -Merchants and General Agents, 139 South" Fourth St., below Chestnut, Per our integrity and .ability to fulfil - our en, memento, we beg to refer you to. the fallowing, well known Gentlemen and business firms: Kis Excellency J. W. Geary, Ex•-Gov.l(anaaa; Wen moreland, Pa.- Palmer, Richardson- & Jewelers, Philadelphia . E. A. Warne, Esq,., Jqwelar, Phitadel. phis; Will. A. Gray, blsq., Jeweler, -Philadelphia; Messrs. Kemmerer &' Moore, Watel , 'M., below Arch, Philadelphia; Messrs. Pratt & Reath, Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia; 4...0. Fuller, , Esq., Jeivelor, Philadelphia; A. P. Ward; Publislier of Pashions, &c., Philadelphia; M. I. Borne, Cataasuqua Bank; Hon. L. AL Burson, Eureka, California. • GIEO. lIOFFMAN DEE=