The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 19, 1861, Image 3

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    Cljt VAtttiotT:
The semi•annunl examination of the
eoholars of the "Lebanon Volley Institute" at
Atalanta, IV. J. Bernal,le, A. M., Principal, will
hike piece on Friday next, the 21st inst. The
publio are rtopecttully invilt. , l to attend.
On Satertiny evening the 22J. the !cholera of
the same Institution will have an exhibition.—
Patriotic and mousing declamn , ialegnes,
are among the ettercipeA of the evening.
peoranee, 'net weoh, nt the Public ITiottgo, of Pet
rick Brown. in East Hnnover township. Ho was
oared for n.few days, when he dionppoored pnd•
deafly with the watch of Mr. Brown end shout
$2O in money belonging to Jncnb Bllinger. He
ft ono of tholfentlemen' for whom we are kicking
our utelfare,lmppinetennd prosperity to the doge.
If is eivglt our tax payers will bo obliged, in
addition, to maintain bin) in the ponitentlary for
two or three years.
.Milton MeNero, John H. Leisy,
Abner W. Harman and Frederick Rummel,
members of Cnpt. Ulrich's cowpony, returned
.to Lebanon on Sunday and Monday last invalid.
ed. The rest of the company were well and still
at Alexandria when they left.
SUICIDE.—A young man, who gave
his name as William Ritter, belonging to Captain
Lents's company, was drummed out of the camp
at Harrisburg, last week, for inanbordination
He immediately tried to drown himself but was
mimed. A day or two after he was found hang
ing to a tree in Geiger's woods, above Dauphin,
keying hung himself with a leather belt. He was
31 years of age and from Pittsburg.. Sometimes
be called himself Johannes Stinemetz, and at oth
er times A. W. Ritter.
When found ho had very good clothesupon his
person, and a book was in one of bis pockets, in
which 'was written—
"Adieu, lovely world. This is tbe last depar
ture in Jane t 1881. Harrisburg, Penn's."
"To my children—Slater, my effects I wish to
be buried with me, so all that has Wener' me
shall be forgotten."
REY: MR. MCCARTER, pastor of the
Methodist R. Congregation of this plane, has
been appointed Clanplain to the 14th Regi
ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and left here
on Tuesday for the field of his labors. The
Regiment to.which be is attached Is now on the
march from Chambersburg across Maryland in.
to Virginia, and although tho enlistment of Mr.
McCarter will continue but a few weeks, or until
the discharge of the three months' men, he is
likely to see some stirring scenes in this short
porlod of time.
A-moNO the bidders for the 53,000,-
000 State loan we notice the Lebanon Bank fnr
010,000, and the Lebanon Valley Bank for $5,-
SUDDI:II DEATII.—On Saturday la t tt
the wife of'Mr. John Krick,of this place, culled nt
the residence of Dr. John W. Botchy!, nlen of this
place, to have a surgical operntinn for the cancer
performed. The tumors was located nt the side
of the (nee or neek. Two of them wore extracted
between 0 and 10 o'clock in the forenor.n. , The
patient was doing well, but about 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, while desiring the Doctor to extract
several other smaller ones, she suddenly fainted
and expired, The woman, was about 30 yeasts of
sgennd only a week ago followed her mother, Mrs.
Orth Light, to the grave. Little did she , think
that !oscine short week, she too would he a corpse.
We received a copy, last week, of
the OW issue of the soldier's newspaper by the
6th Pennsylvania Regiment. It is printed in.
line etj'le, on the old Alexandria Sentinel
press, and is full of Interesting Information
regarding the condition of the soldiers, &o.—
Several of its columns are devoted to German
literature. Lieut. John P. Ely is its editor, and
among the compositor. we notice S. W. Lnecotnb
gad Ji4enb Y. Ely, all of thit , place.
Wr. MAW, seen several of the blank
alp, pants, end shirts furniTheritn our volunteers
by the Government when they left 'fnr the "tent•
eci field." They having seen about six weeks ser
rise, were discharged and sent to the friend' , or
their owners in Lebanon. Some of them are
scarcely fit to make decent senro• f.rows with.
Lernherger's Soda W..ter Fountain is in full op
eration, where all thirst+, indiviaunls nnn he sup.
plied, with a cool, healthy and refreshing drink,
rt i•jti.t the drink for hat weather,
At a meeting of the Lebanon Hook and Lad
der Company, bold on the evening of Fourteenth
of June, 1881, the following resolutions were
,unanimonely odopted, viz :
Resolved, That we tender to the Fire Camila,.
nies and Banda of Lebanon, a.P well as to the
North Lebanon Band, a vote of thanks for their
: tine display, and their grand reception and escort
of our apparatus upon the occasion of its intro
duction Into Lebanon.
Resolved, That S. 'McAdam, W, W. Murray
and ]Teary Derr be appointed a committee to car
ry out the design of the foregoing resolution,
S. T. McAn.tx,
W. W. Mtittnia, Committee.
June 14, 1801.
Dn. Roes has for sale a very &sir.
able propagation at this reason of the year for the
ifpurpose of making family BEM at a cost of on
• 17 8 cents a gallon. The article is called the
veCompound Extract of Roots," and in addition
to Its other qualities, Is bald in grant esteem for
Its blood purifying and strengthening properties.
Try it... 28 cont* a bottle.
MIRGLARY.—On Tuesday night sev.
oral burglarious attempts were rondo is this bor
ough, one of whlah was successful. At the Jew
elry store of 3. J. Blair, the slide to the front
door was pried out and a pane of gloss broken,
but fortunately the theirs, mode no fur
ther progress, being evidently frightened from
Oak bad work by some one appearing. At tho
store of E. 13orgner, in End Lebanon, they wore
more successful. They entered by the, some,
means, vie I—prying out the door slide, breaking
glass, and unlocking the door. It it supposed
that they took about $6O worth of -tore goods.—
They elan effected an entrnnce into J. Goodhart'e
Wittoh-ntalt log shop, but wore unsuccessful in ob.
t o wns anything of value. It to to be hoped
that the wino will be caught and punished.
To TAX CoLLEcTo.-7-For sale at
thle °elde r Blank lioeelpte for Tax Collector&
Otis, County Commissioner and As
soelate Judges, who are by law appointed to di
rect the disbursement of the appropriation for
the aid of the soldier's families have determined
to pay to each soldier's wife $1.25 per week and
50 seats per week reread' child. It is likely that
the amount to the wife will be increased .. before
long, the amount now given is felt 10 be too small.
The committee having in charge the Fund sub
scribed by eiIiZOIHI of the borough atid.neighbor
hoed, has determined to pay the rents .of the vol.
ionisers 110 W due and coming due; • and also make
Atberadvances in extraordinary eitergeneles.
Jefferson Davis to theiffii?'yland Com-
mtss - goners
• FREDERICK, June 18.
The following is the letter of Pres
ident Jeff. Davis to the Maryland
Commissioners .
"MomsaomEnv, C. S. A., May 25, 1861.
"Gentlemen received, with sincere pleas
ure the assurance that the State of Maryland
sympathizes with the people of these States in
their determined vindication of the right of self
government, and that the people of Maryland
are enlisted with their whole hearts en the side
of reconciliation and peace.
The people of these Con federate States, not.
withstanding their separation from their late sis
ter have not ceased to feet a deep solicitude in her
welfare, end to hope that, at no distant day, a
State whose people, habits and institutions are so
closely related marl assLitilated with theirs, will
seek to unite her fate and fortunes with those of
"The Goverrement of the Confederate States
receives with respect the suggestion of the State
of Maryland, that there should he a general ces
sation of hostilities, now impending, until the
meeting of Congress in Jets next, in order that
said hody, may, if possible. tin tinge for an ad.
justment of existing troubles, by means of nego
tiation, rather than the sword : but is at a loss
how to reply without a repetition of the language
it has used on every possible occasion that has
presented itself since the establishment of its in
"In deference to the State of Maryland, how
ever it again asserts, in the most emphatic terms
that its sincere and earnest desire is for peace ;
that while this Government would readily enter
tain any proposition fiom the United States lend
ing to a peaceful solution of pending difficulties,
the recent attempts of this Government to enter
into negotiations with that of the United States
were attended with results which forbid any re
newel of proposals from it to that. Government.
"If any further assurance of the desire of this
Government Mr peace were necessary, it would
be sufficient to oheeree that being formed of a
confederation of sovereign States, each acting
and deciding for itself, the right of every other
sovereign State to the same self hetion and self
government is necessarily acknowledged; hence
conquests of other States are wholly inconsistent
with the fundamental principles and• subversive
of the very organization of this Government.—
Its policy Cannot but be peace—peace with every
nation and people. "Very respectfully,
To Messrs. Mliaig, Yelittt and Harding. Com-
Missioners of the Maryland Legislature
Cr The officers of the"Lebation Guards"
have requested us to publish the following
letter to Mr. Killingc r; acknowledging the
presentation of swords from that gentle
man to them, while on recent visit to
Washington : •
Ohre McDowecr.. near Alexandria, Ta.,June 7, '6l.
lion. John W. K Inger • Dear Sir: —We owe you an
apology fur not me this acknowledging the receipt of
the three handsome sWORDS, received several weeks ago,
which you so kindly presented to us Rest assured your
kindness is highly appreciated, and shalt be remembered.
Should it tall to unr lot to Lure an engnement with the
enemy, ho assured, sir, that the swords .shall be used iu
the defence of the stars and stripes, the flag of our
common country' The entail swords we haul previous to
those which you ski kindly presented us, have been
handed over to the Sergeants of the Company.
With our best wishes for your continued happiness
and prosperity, we remain
Your friends,
Lierr. itlidsxmen not ill camp,' being retailed on
special duty, but wishes tojoin In the above acknowl
edgment . P. B.
Cir The 'order of United American
Mechanics was organized in Lebanon Pa.,
on Thursday Evening the 6th inst., under
the suberintendence of J. A. Woomer,
D. D. U.—called "May Flower" Council
of Lehanon, Pa. The following officers
were elected and idatalled, viz :
0, C. H. Bergner V. U, U. E. Miller;
S; H. Miller ;F.S,G. H. Kareh ;
T. P. F. Mooaully ; I, L. L. Greenawalt;
E, Wm. 0. Fauber; I. P, John H. Krick;
O. P, Benj. Young; Trustees, D. Hollin
ger, John Yordy, C. R. Light.
Qr . At a meeting ,of Mt. Lebanus En
eajppment No 68, L 0. of 0. F., the follow
ing officers were elected for the ensuing
term, viz
Gt . . Wm. C. Fauber ; P., Adolphus
, P.,
Iteinoehl ; S. W.,Tobias Reinoehl, (s. a.) ;
J. W., Jesiah Fauber ; Trustee, George H.
TREES AND SHRUBS.—As the season is near
at hand when persons. who, have a suffi
ciently refined taste to cultivate fruits of the
different kinds are annoyed by marauding
ftuit thievps, we publish for their benefit
the following provision from the penal
code of Pennsylvania to meet such cases ;
and will remark that it is the public duty
or every one to prosecute offences of this
kind to the fullest extent or the law. The
provision reads us follows
"if any peen,* nlntliWillitfly 11131160t14, injur. or
(lest rny-any fruit or orneturniat !rem:, altrub, plant or
growl Ti nod growing Or eultairviii in nay art:l).rd, Liar
den or or upon nnv or Nimaro in 41iis
eaniranii Wealth. irt• be xuiitt .I%* noad,nninne.
anti on antitnclintl, 1 , fiu ,, l nut -Xelteallig One htltitlitid
itollara, un , krgn at. tutpriz“.!Any nt not ex , eeding
Gr bath. rithrr. at iir likeretion or the.
There was a still more stringent Jaw q.p..
plying to fruit thieves passed by our Le i
gislat.ure last winter, but ;s the pamphlet
laws are not yet out, we are unable to ob
tain it. We shall publish it as soon as
we can get it. Fruit-steuling is pistols cri
minal as any other kind of stealing, and it
is time that it was put a stop to..
Muses, Jure 5th.1561.
Meeting of the Board of Managers of
the Lebanon County Agricultural, Horticultural and
Mechanical Society, held in the Graud Jury Room. The
President, Judge Rank, in the chair.
C. If. Bergner was appointed Superintendent of Fair
around, with power to bare the grass made into hay,
attend to the repairing of Mures and buildings, &c., and
to enlarge the trotting track.
On motion, the President appointed T T. Worth, Sam.
eel grit and John Heilman. a Connuittee to prepare
Premium Lists for the next Pair, to be laid before the
next meeting of the Board of Managers.
0 • motion, the Secretary was directed to notify the
members of the Board of Managers. by Klatt.] notice,
of their election, and request them to signify their ac
ceptance or nonacceptance to the Secretary.
ISAAC Holerkt, Secretary.
Attend to the Culture of Grapes.—
Tha public will please notice that a fine assort
ment of GRAPE VINES IN POTS, areforsale at Lem
berger's Drug Store, comprising some of the
choicest varieties, such as the Delaware, Alvey,
Hartford prolific, Diana, Rebecca (white,) Union
Village, ,tc,
"Tun Lire or THE Paean is IN THE BLOOIL"
was said by inspiration long before Harvey's die.
covery of its circulation had brought to light its
purposes and uses. Now wo know not only that
"life is in the blood," but that disease inhabits it
also. Many of the disorders that pervade the
human frame, have their home in it, thrive and
grew in it. The celebrated Dr. J. C. Ayer, of
Lowell, has bad regard to this important fact in
making a Remedy to cure these disorders. His
Eitraei oi Sarsaparilla purges out theimpuri
ties of the blood and induces a healthy action in
it that expels disease. This looks reasonable,
and it is true, for we known by our experience.
Seldom as we take any medicine, we have never•
theless several times been under obligations to
tl'te POI of Dr. Ayer for, the relief which his
remedies never. fail afford us when we are
obliged ie tohave recourse to them.—[Catholic, Hal
ifax, N. S.
gilt cid Pim.
THE llNlON.—Philadelphia possesses the most splen
did.Clothifig Emporium in the country. It is splendid
no regards the palatial structure in which the immense
basineas of the establishment is conducted, and it is
equally splendid in respect to its great facilities and
vast resources. .But to its patrons its chief attractions
are, first, the elegance of the garments for Gentlemen
and Youths. manufactured there; secondly, the beauty
cud durability of the materials, And the- superior excel
lonce of the lit, and lastly the moderate prices at which
the goods are sold. We refer, in this description, to
none other then the Broan Stone Clothing Hall of
Boclthill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 005 Chestnut Strpet,
above Sixth., Philadelphia. [ju 12-Iy.
See Dr. Bamford's advertisement of Liver Invigo
rator and Felony Catbird° Pills, in soother column.
THE following is a.sample•of the
numerous letters constantly receiving for Itostotter's
Stomach Bitters:
• CthiANDACUA, July la, 1859.
Mama. ITOSTETTEt SMITII, Pittsburgh, Pa.:—Gents
—Aa we are strangers, I herewith enclose you twenty
eight dollars for foot dozen Hostetter's Stomach hit
ters, which pleate forward via Michigan Southern Rail
road, Toledo, Ohio, and' Clayton Station. I have pur
chased several dozen betties at Toledo this Summer,
but the sale Is nn the increase so much that I wish to
open a direct trade with you. I was induced to try
your Bitters by my physician. for his Liver Complaint,
and. received such material aid that I have recommend
ed It to others and have sold abort t dozen per week
for same time. I have all kind 4 of to edieine in my
store. but there is none that I em, cc cheerfully and
truthfully recommend us your Bitters. for knew they
have helped me beyond my expectation.
yours respectfully, PHILO WILSON.
June 12-lm.
Another Great OUreeffected by Arrhares Mglanel Bitters.
The wife ..)f Pieter De Witte. living in Holland Town,
Sheboygan county. Wisconsin,suffered much from weak
ness of the Stomach and Indigestion. She had been un
der a physician's care for Nome time, but the else ass
seemed to baffle even his skill. She purchased some
HOLLAND 'UTTERS at our office, which has given
tone to her stomach ; her appetite and strength are re
turning, and we firmly believe that th is is another great
cure effected by your medicine.
We have still to record many wonderful cures effected
by this remedy, but must wait another opportunity.—
One thing you can rely upon, what we have published
are from persons much respected in our reommunity,
and are literally true. J. QUINTUS,
Ed. Sheboygan Nienwsbode, Sheboygan, Wig.
June 12—Im.
WIWONNG eau° IL—The, ch iof cause
of all ruptures in children may be traced to this die
tresSing complaint, and ti,is result may be checked by
DY. Ileing free of component:l which restrain a free
use of the remedy to check the spasms, and allow the
coughlo have its run in a quiet way. is enough to say
of one preparation. At a small outlay, all we claim
far it will to prov, ti, and fat particnians found in the*;
pamphlets to be had of all agents. or the proprietor.—
advertisement in another column. .m-
EmpLoYmma,-..Tito .Etie Sewing Machina Company
desire to secure a few 'needlin g Agents, upon a salary
of 25 to 60 dollars per month, and expenses, or a cam 1
mission. This is on opportunity seldom offered, and
those who choose a constant business. can nety,on con-
stant employment for a term 'of years. Confidential
Circulars sent free. Address Brie &tang Machine Ch. 1
It. James. General Agent. Milan. Ohio.
ftli e gitur,s nti z.
English preaching. next Sabbath morning and evening,
in the Methodist Episcnpal Church.
German. preaching next Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock
in the Evangelical church, and in the evening at 6 o'-
IVednesday evening at 7 1 / 2 o'clock . every Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock, and every Saralay evening at
734 o'clock. •
Gorman preaching in the morning at 9% and Englieb in
the evening at S o'clock, hrSalein's Lutheran church,
neAlt Sunday.
German pi each4ng next Sabbath , morning:lt 9 1 /6 o'clock,
and English in tbe evening in the First Unformed
-church- . .
English prixtelling next Sabbath morning and evening
in Zion's , Lutheran church
• .arrieV.
On the Bth Inst., by Rev. J. Stamm. M. B. SIEGTVIST
to ANNA B. FLICKING kn. both of South Attain°.
On the 11th inst.. by the same, JONAS LESIIER, of
Cornwall, to ANNA SNYDER, of South Lebanon.
On the 15th inst., In this borough. under very distress
ing cirrumstritioss. SARAH Karate. cons ort of John
Krick. aged 30 years. 2 months sod 9 days
On the 11th inst.. at the house of her grand thther, Hen
ry Rohltind, in North Lebanon township. MARY
ELIZABETH SHANK, aged 1 year, 2 mouths and
11 days.
On the 11th inst., in this borough, Mrs. CATILARLN E
MA RSHE, aged 50 years, 5 months and 3 days.
On the 19th May, in Jackson township. Mrs. CATHA
RINE, wife of Christian STILACU, aged 67 years, 10
months and 10 days.
Felt ewers ly asleep in Jesus, in •this Borough, on the
6th Ins , . ett.-r many years of settirring, Sire. KLYZA-
It NTH LIGHT, consort of Mr. 0 rttfLight. being aged
56 rears, 6 monrheraud 14 days. -Tat BEMOP.4 OF TEM
JOST IS Utast)."
On the 6th of May. in North L,banrn tr,woship.
Mrs. -, wife of Mr ABRAHAM It. LIGHT, aged
33 years, 1 m.nth end 12 days.
In Reading.on the 30th of May. Dr. HENRY SCHOEN
FELD, aged 60 years end 5 months.
Ou the 19th ult., In Bethel Township. 'CLINTON
MARCUS KOll lt. eon of Michael and Mary Kuhr, aged
3 years. 4 months and 13 days.
tin the 21st tilt, in Jackson township, EMMA
MENA KAUV VI AN, daughter of John and alsry
Kaulman, aged 4 years 9 months nod 19 dal R.
On the Bth lest.. in this Borough. ANNA ELIZA.
lIBTLI MILER, only daughter t.f Eld ward Ye,' and
Edzsbeth Uhler. aged 7 years, 10 mouthsand 18 day*.
Go to thy rest. my child,
Go to thy dreamless hod,
Gentle end undefiled, i-*..
With blessings an thy head.
Fresh roses in thy hand,
Buds on thy pillow laid;
ITaste from this fearful land
Where flowersqlo quickly fade.
Borate thy heart had :sarticd
In wavwardnetm v. =tray.:
Betore thy P.M. had turued
The deck and down wsrd srp,y
Ere sin 114(.1:Ne , lred ul,s breast
Or sorroar is,lte the tear:—
Rise to thy home of lost
lEi you zeleatial sphere.
The LON:llmm Market.
Par, frilly rorrreird Weelay.
LF,11.41 , 1(*, Vre,trygsll.l7. JUNE 19, 1501.
Lob. Mile Ex. Fam $0 25 Eggs, ji doz., 10
Steitll " Extra " ' 020 Butter...A 11,.. . 10
Lab. Val, Super. Pi ii... 5 50 Tub or salted butter, /0
Prime White Wheat, 12) bard, • 11.
Prime Red Wheat, 119 !rellorri, 10
Prime Itye. 05 11am, 12
New Corn, 50 Shoulders, 10
Bats, 26 Sides, 10
Chiver-seed, 400 Soup, 7
Timothy-seed. 250 Ilnes-wax, • 25
Ptsx.seed.. lOP White ltnga, 5
Dried Apples, 'ft bis... 100 Mixed liege, 2
Dried Apples; pealed, 150 Plax."ya lb , . . 12 1 / 1
l'eueh ' Shiba,' • 250 Bristles, 15 tb., 40
7erieh'llll n tzels," 125 Feathers.? lb., 4121..., , ,'
Cherries, 1 60 Wool. ..alb., 40
•Bnions. 37 Soup Beans, ^4l qt., d
Potatoes, 11 bus; ,70 Vinegar, 11 gal., 12%
Apele Butter, V crock. 45
The Philadelphia Market
SATURDAY.; ,Inne 15, 1861.
Flour to-dny is an.ll.:' The price has fallen: $5 1:(0)
$5 25 for superfine; Patio $5 52: Family $O, and Fancy
$707 25. The trade ore buying at theso rues, onl
same little good Wet tern sold fur export.
Rye Flour $3 50 ; few offers. Corn Wel—Pennsyl
vania $2 81: Brandywine $3 13; some few sales.
Wheat—The arrivals are 6500 bushels. Sales of Red
at $1 25®1. 33: White, $1 3%1 44; this is all Penn
sylvania. Sales of 5000 bliiiilols, mostly for expert.
Rye is wanted at, 03e®14a., per bushel.
Cron—The arrivals are small—fiooo Sales
of 4500 bushels. afloat, at 55W4e.; inferior, 48e.;
We tern White, 450441 c.
Oats—The arrivals are small, only 150 htthels, And
sold at. 31e.
CATTLE: SLARKET.—The offerings of Beef Cattle
were about 750 head at Pleillip's.yards during the week,
part of which were disposed am the qnotation of last
week. ranging from $8 to $9% the Val Pm. Mr common
to extra quality. and the market closed very dull. The
principal sales were at $pS , /,' and $O. About 411 CLAcs
were disposed of at $2O to $3O each for Springers. and
$2O to $25 for Cows and Calves. Of Hogs, the receipts
and sales reach 3610 head, including 2750 sold a t S in _
hofrs at from 4 75 to $0 35, the latter for corn fed. and
880 at the Avenue yard at from $534 to $2!.4 the UM lbs.
net; the market closed rather weak. The lades of
Sheep reached 5000 head at 3033 per lb. graes; no
r flu E Subscriber has im hand and for retie. %Moto r ola
and Rstail. a large go:46v c o axa l and fine SALT.
"LTENKY S. STINK tee daily receiving filehionahle
I.l_ Dress Goods, such as (klzolles, Movtinhiques, Mo.
dentis. La. vas, have! I:a of k bids for o,re:li:lg:tresses;
Silk Challys. Silir Tissues, Crape Do Spattgo, tiingbarnc
and Grey Dress GOWN of every deacription, offered at
unusually low prizes by &
. All the above goods offered at very low prices.
Lr UN UMIIIIEL '.AS, Parasot, rich and tine; Skeleton
tj Skirts. Dusters. Shawls, and a variety of other
goods for iadies, Pitt received and for sale cheaper than
the cheapest by HENRY & STLYE.
TOR Bargains in Gentlemen's and Boys' Wear please
call at the Cheap Store of lIENRY & STINE.
COMJONEI COME ALM and see the bargains of
fored in all kinds of landitlie and Gentleman's wear;
greet bargains offered in all kinds of Dry Ooods.—
Please call and examine our stuck—n fu ll :visor trnent on
hand, at very low faros by lIENRY &
No. 206 North Bth Street, above Race, Pitij'a,
ON liamiltnd for sale , a abate e assortment of superi
or patterns.—and will PLAT TO ORDER. Blum
*Sr Orders enclosing the hair, to be plated. may be
sent by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on
paper and enclose such amount as you may choose to
pay. Cost as follows ;—llar Rings $2 to $6; Breast Pins
$3 to $7; .Finger Rings 75 cents to $3.50; Vest Chains
$6 to $7. Necklaces $2 to $lO.
jar Hair put into Medalions, Box, Breast Pins, Rings,
in. Old Gold and Silver bought at fair rates.
JIM* 18,1881.
A'ai , sorttnent of Linen Goods for Coats and
Pants just received and offered at Great Bargains
fifil members of Faicl company will take notice that
I the time limited for payment of assessment No 11.
viz:-90 days from April 6.—will expire on the 6th of
July next and all policies on which said *imminent re
mains unpaid after said date will be deprived of all
Maims upon the company for Maws by flre.'(but never•
theirs be bound to pay said assessment.) Hence the
importance of prompt payment 01 the same to either
of the undersigned agents for Lebanon county.
:WIEN R. MESTER. Lebanon.
CHRISTIAN 0. MELLY, Fredericksburg.
Sinking Spring, June ID, 1861,
M"I"UrS TA U1r91,1 toeli
.:n:Zittini+o orni 3O,ethritu
Insurance Cmnpany of Lancaster county, as liy the act
of incorporation of said company is provided, do report:
that we have examined thearcomds for the year preced
ing the first day of May, 1861, and find the same as fol
lows. to wit:
Policies issued as per last Re-
port., Mny 1, nip°, V 2,730,712.00
Increase from 31ny I, IStO, to
:May 1, 1861, 0%3,581.00
Amount of property insured May 1,1851, $2,830,290.00
Premium notes filed as per
)ast report May 1,1300. $110,897.15 from May 1, 1850, to
May 1, 1.861, 6,143.50
OIL Funds of the Company:
Balance in hands of Treasurer ,
May l, 1860 1188.47
Interest till paid on fire losses, 4.71
Reed percentage on premium notes 300.67
Rec'd fire tax on December as
sessment, 1860 ..$9,780.40
Commission for receiving tax
and paying fire loises 77.59
Amount lies 'd for said company $7,265,41
Dr. for expenses and fire losses paid, to wit :
Paid Auditors' tees for the year
Paid Lao. Examiner pub. re
port At fire election notice,
do Union, do do
do Intel ligencer do do
do Volks freund do do
do Lebanon Advertiser do
do do Courieret do
do do Democrat do
do do Where Dem. do
do Reading Adler publishing
fire notice 3 00
do•' John Deer's Sons, printing
600 policies 14 00
do do sin 600 notes 3 00
do W. R. Wiley, printing 2000
fire notices 7 00
do Panel istdy,printing elec
tion bills 1 25
do Postage 5 05
do Blank Books 225
do A. Ronignischer, Pres .- 14.1
signing policies 2 OD
do _Director's fees 48 75
do Secretary's fees Sir malt
tog assessmtat and Are no
tices, Sce.
do Committee and Witness
fees to investigating fire
$249 02
1869, March 10, Peter
Sholly. of Swutara
twp., Lebanon co.,
leas of grist mill,saw
mill. dwelling 'tense
and contents, with
ihterest $3,898 98
1860, July 19, Isaac
Wagner,of East Han
orer twp., Dauphin
county, barn and
contents, with inter
eat 1,647 50
1860, Ang.l3, Johnit.
'fess, of Clay twp.,
Lancaster en. partial
loss on dwelling MI.
contents. 4 4.3
1360, October 8, David
Fisher, of the bor of
Manbeitn, Lancaster
county,barn and con
tents. with interest 610 90
1300, Nathan Worley,
of the bor. of Man
helm, Lancaster co.,
barn and contents,
with interest 473 33
Total ninotin t raid
Balance In bawls of Treasurer, May 1, IS6I $380.62
Amount of fire tux assessed on
premium notes on polleie. in
force Dec. 1, Ino
3 per rent. allowed tocolleetora
to collect said tax
Am't of tax to pay fire looses, $7,06.5.0
1861 May 1, amount paid to
eutetandine Ere tux i2+5.55
Witneee our hands the Ica , day of May. A. D., 1561
L. 111.1111iIIOLDSIC.,
EZRA SUelllidt,
_June lb, 161.—f2t.
Executors' NOIiCC.
OTICE is hereby given. that letters testamentary
IN upon the estate of Dr. HENRY STINE, late . of
North Annville township. Lebanon county, Da., deems,.
ed. have been granted to the undersigned. Persons in ,
dented to said Estate are requested to natite payment
without delay, and those baring claims will present
them properly authenticated to the undersigned for set
MATILDA STINE. N. A nncille, Executrix,
DA NI E.' STINE, S. Aunrille, Executor.
Juno 5,1861.
runut - c. SALE.
WILL he sold at puldic sale, on SATURDAY, JUNE
Tr If DJ, 1861, at the dwelling of Levi J Peltier, nt the
Lebanon Borough line, in the Borough of North Leba
min. tire following personal property, late the estate of
Abraham Peitfor. deed. to wit:
/MPTables. Chairs, Chests, Stands, Bureaus,
Bedding; Bedsteans. Pillow Cases. Coverlets,
Desk. Looking Glasses, Tubs. Kegs, Tools,
EiNiartittiOD.ll7. 310.1e116
and Pipe, busbies a - number of other articles in the
household and kitchen lino.
Also a small quantity of Store Goods ouch as Vest
ings,4famikerchiefs, Calicoes. 1:5.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and:
the conditions made known by
Executors of Abraham l'eiffer, deceased.
Lebanon, June 12,1161.
OF ,
w E pu V i t i t c ld to rme t t oe fo i l , ly or a s il u l
m t s h i e lit a t trao 11 , T . !
blo for the pre.sent reason—at the fellow log greatly re
duced prices:
Lawns at 4 ern per yard—worth 8 ate.
Lawns nt R eta per yard—worth 1234 eta.
hereges at S eta per yard—worth/ eta.
Ilereges at 1234 ets per yard—worth 25 eta.
GinghirMS at 4 ets pm. yard—worth 1234 eta.
°foghorns at 20 ern per yard—worth 25 eta
Challis at 1234 ets per yard—worth 23 eta.
Malta at 16 eta Ire yard—worth 25 eta.
- Ducal Berege at 16 eta per yard—worth 25 eta.
Mar Cloth Plaid at 25 clam yard—worth 25 eta.
M o h a ir lustre at 35 eta per yard—worth 45 eta.
• Fahalr , Lustre at 40 eta per yard—worth
. .
JAC01r.....! . ... ' .;;;L1AMS At 2R eta pCr Vail—worth 3734 cts
Silks!. Silks! I at 50 cts per yard—worth $L
Shawls: Shawls !. , —very cheap.
Brawn Sugar 5, VA and R eta per pound; White Re
tried 9 and Id eta; Best Rio Coffee 14 and 16 ets; Mo
lasses 7 eta; Best Syrups 141 and 60 etc per gallon.—
Dried Apples and Peaches. Mackerel, Candles, SC1111)9, dc.
sm. No trouble to show Goods. Call soon for Bar
gains at the New Store of w. A. aJ. ECKERT.
p, pay 10 eta for Eggs and 13 eta for butter.
Lebanon Jane 5.1561.
Eiecutors 7 Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary on
the estate. of Asn'Amtm PetFrea, deed., late of
Nort h Lebanon borough, Lebanon eannty, . I'a, have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted
to said estate will make payment, and those having
eb t ims will present them properly authenticated to the
uuderigned for settlement.
11 FISH Ell, An n ville
June 12, Mt. Executors.
Av OULD reaptetrully natoonne , , to the rit zena of
hobanor, and vicinity i hot r , he has o-eievil
ING ESTAIILISIIMENT, iu Market Btreet, hi door
above TIM.
A new Mock just received and opened for inspection,
embracing a foil assortment of silk, Crapo and Straw
Bonnets, Bonnet Trimmings, Ribbons, Flowers, kn.
Lebanon, April 17, Mt.
FITS: FITS : ! VIA'S ! ! !
ARICHEY has removed his No. 1 Tailoring
. Establiahment to NO. 3 North Walnut street. two
doors north of George & Pyle's store, and directly op
posits the Court House, no stairs, whore lie will contln•
/ne to nianufacture all articles in his line with
nea these and dispatch. Ps rticular attention will
be paid to cutting and nicking - thlldran's cloth.
ing , &c., &c. rie solicits a continuance of the
very liberal patronage thus flu. extended by the citizens
of Lebanon and vicinity. All kinds of stitching done
on reasonable terms on ciao of J. 31. Singer's Sawing
Machines. All work warranted and entire satisfaction
guaranteed. [Lebanon, April 3, 1861.
TIEF, undersigned, lowing bought me. L—,
1, 1 leery Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, It
short Wahine° north-asst of Messrs. Fosters
Nutell's Foundry, in the borough of North
Lebanon; and also bought front 200 to ao CORDS OF
WOOD nod from 600 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all
kinds and grades, which I will Cull Mem yard or deliver
nt as small profits as will suit the tines. 1 therefore
vile all those that are in want of any of those articles to
call and see the same, ascertain prices, nod judge for
themselves. DANIEL LIMIT, (merchant.)
North Lebanon, Aprill4,lBss.—tf.
lur ICU AIM .1101 , 1 , 11.45 would respectfully Inform
Inthe Citizens of Lebanon, that he has 11010VEL,
hie TAILORINU Business to Cumberland Strout, two
doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle
Hotel, where all persons who wish garments made
up In the most fashionable style and best manner, aro In
vited to call.
----- 125,040.65
TO TAILORS!—Just received and for axle the N. York
and Philadelphia Report of Spring & Summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the Positions should let the subscriber
know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements
accordingly. MICIIJ:I.ItOFPMIAN.
Lebanon, April 10, ISM.
Alt the fiiklore of
ra Cant/ler/and street, Lebanon., Pentea,
cent., opened on erkorg,
ular p l r l e t p
es, for Cash or
Country Produce: .•
Fashion:l'4e SPRING SitAIFT.S,
Fashionable new DIIESS (1001)8,
Fashionable SPRING CLOAKS,
Fashionable PRINTS for lOcts.
regularly sold at 12 cents; Fashionable styles Medium
and Dark Prints, at Fl, 7 ; U, and 1.0 cents. GOOD
BLACK SILKS. anti a tine stock of other Mack Goons.
Cambrics, Jaconetts, Mall,
Swiss, Nab:stock, Plabl,
Brilliants, Bird Ere, Diapers,
Embroideries, liandiCfs Collars d; Setts ;
Linens, Towels, Sheeting.,
Bleached. Ilnbreaohed,
Fine Black Cloth for Gentlemen Spring wear. Cloak
Cloth, light and dark; boy's Cassimeres end Coating.—
Gen tlerneu's but) Black Cassimere; Fancy Cassimeres
for epring e Fancy and Plain Yeatings.
Brown Sugars, 6 1 4, 7 and 8 cte. per lb , White Refit.
ed at 9, Rio Coffee 1.2 y., 14 and IS rentic TEA, Young
liyaon and Imperial; MOLASSES, 8,10, 12 and, 15 cents;
Dried Apples. Peaches, "Chorries Eldciberites, fresh
Mackerel, Primo limn, Prime deese, Candles. Soaps,
Lebanon, April 5, 1861.
G," 11.59
$3 00
6 25
6 25
, e LD
inuloal Fire Insurance Conn
pany of A online,
PUTS COMPANY was incorporated, March. 1353, and
is now in full operation and ready to make thsot ,
mice on Dwellings, and other Buildings, on Furniture,
and Merchandise generally. Also on Barns. Contents,
Stock, Farm I mpleinents. Ac., on a 'Actual Principle.
Samuel Seabold,
John 11. Kinporte,
John Allwein,
Rudolph Herr,
Joseph F. Mate,
Christian Bachman,
George S. Itomgardner,
J. D. A. Garman,
George Donges.
John D. 'server,
Daniel S. Early,
JOHN ALLWEIN, President,
RoooLni Man, Treasurer.
JOSEPH F. Maxa, Secretary.
Samuel Sunbelt!, Traveling Arent.
Jacob 13chnotter;y, , Agent, Fredericksburg.
Antrille, January 30, 1.861.-ly.
A No.l iIiBBOTYPE, very cheap, go to DAILY'S
Oallery, next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank.
$6 . 7
ob ;Ls 29-I ER . S
in; s
The p:mprie:ois mr.nitras fevers of 'HOS
CI: I.E : . fa•omAcli BlT
can appeal with perfect confidence to
inn, and eh iv. Ls gencraily.of the United
e;ot :es. he cause the articlo lips atta.izedarepu
t.^,tit;:isunknown. A fuw, facts upon
Imint. ssiii speak mere powerfully than
volomos of h= re assertion or bLizoning puffery.
The com-,emptlon of Dust ett er's Stomach Bit
ters fur the last year amounted to over a half
bottles, and from its manifest steady
increase in times past, it is evident that during
the coming year 180 consumption will reach
near one uxillicn bot Iles. This immense amount
email never have been sold but for the rare
medicinal properties contained in the prepara
tion, end the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those sections of the country
where the article is best known, who not only
recommend the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready at all times - fa givtitestimonials to its
efficacy : in all cases of Itontachic derangements
amt the diseases resulting therefrom.
'llls is not a temporary popularity, obtained
by ex ;re ordinary cilorts in the way of trum
peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
estimation of an invaluable nualkine, which is
destined to be as enduring as time itself.
Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved
a Godsend to regions where fever and ague
and various other bilious complaints save
counted their victims l'inuth'eds'. To he
able to state confidently that the "Bitters"
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from the stomach, purifies the blood, and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
giving it that tone and energy indispensable
for the restoration of health. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and ether digestive organs,
raild'y but powerfully, and soon restores them
to a eundit ion essential to the bu ild*. discharge
or t he functions of nature.
$7 283 0
2 8 0
6, A.
Elderly persons may use avi.Eilters daily as
per directions on the bottle, and they will . find
in it a stimelam peenliwcly adapted to contort
declining years, es it is pleasant to the palate,
invigorating to the bowels, excellent es a ton is,
and rejuvenating generally. We tore the evi
dence of thousands of aged men. and women
who have experienced the benefit of using tliia
preparation while suffering from stomach de
rangements and general debility: acting under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoned
all deleterious drugs and fairly tested tl,e
merits of this article. A few words to the
gentler sex. There are certain periods when
their cares are so harassing that many of them
sink under the trial. The relation of mother
and child is so absorbingly tender, that, the
mother, especially if she be youl, js n - pt to
forget her own Bent! 1 .1 in her extreme anxiety
.for lur;lniant Should the period of maternity
arrive during the summer season, the wear of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Here,
then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe
rate the energies of the system, alai enable the
mother to bear up under her exhausting trials
and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene
rally prefer the Bitters to all other 'invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of, physi
cians, because it is agreeable to.,ihe taste as
well as certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we have particu
larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from
fever and ague, malaria, diarrbeen,
dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and
all diseases or derangements of the stomach,
superannuated,,Mvalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and nursing mothers, will consalt
their own physical welfare by giving to Hes
teller's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.
. CAUTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the-many imitations or counter
feits, but ask for Hosrsmit's CELEIIIIATILD
STOMACLI Thrums, and see that each bottle has
the words . " Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters' .
blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped
on the metallic cap covering the cork. and
observe that, our autograph signature is on i he
ear. Prepared and sold by HOSTBTTER
131vTITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers generally
throughout the United Mates, South Ame
rica, and Germany.
By Dr. Geo. Ross. D. S. Rubor. J. L. T.ousberger. Leto.
norm: J. C. Seltzer, Froderloltsbnrg; H. D. Bievor
Bro Manville; Martio Borly, Palmyra.
Blow wir $OB4O-19.
la Is'*; ATKI Ai t-§
Fashionable Tailorin;t!
.173 1 M.7 741) , MZ.
ManUfactured for the Cr*,9ver Baker S. M. Ca. by the
Family Sewing Machines.
They will ITEM, FELL. STITCH, RUN end BIND In the most suporior manner, met are the only machines lie
the market that are so well and simply made that they may be vent Into families with mother instructions than
are contained Ina circular which accompanies each machine. and from which a child of fourtdit wars may read
ily learn how to use nod keep them in order. WI , sew rapidly, and will do the sewing of a family. cheaper and
in less time than ten seamstresses.
Hand sewing is fast becoming among the things of the past—and what family will be without a Sowing Ma
chine. when one new better. more expeditiously, and cheaper titan can possibly be donalty hand?
11„ IL noglel culls the attention Of Partnere to this 31achluo,as ho io couiLlont LL ti thu very article fur their
Call at rketlers 'Ronk Lire. Lebancn
Are y4tit sick. fo6io, and
complaining? A re you out 6r
Onion, with your system de
ranged, anti ) roar feelings Nil-
Thooe symp
toms are often the prelude to
SeSIUUS intiuSS. Tonle tit Qr
sickness is creeping. upon you,
end' should be averted by a
I.lllloly use or the right tent
edy. Take Ayer's and
dentate out the tikordered !tu
mors— purify the hiked.
let the tills ;tient on unob
structed in health again.
They uthuoluut till, fuorti-mi
of the body invevigorous ace
tirl ty, purity the E)11011 from
the oh. , - mil". make.
ti ,oetruetiette ahidt twit,
disease. A cold settles tomoultero is the bail', and elt
struets its natural functions. These, if lot relieved,
react u p on thettett.lres and the surrounding . organs. Kee
Musing general aggravation. sulfuring, bolt. ditteaset
Whit in thia condition, oppressed by the dstrangettletti ti
take Ayer's rim. and unit h•ew directly they nature the
natural action Of the eyeball, and with it the hie.; ant
feeling of health again. What ha trot, anti en apparent itt
this trivial and c 91,1111.1111 complaint, h • tlsr , trite in many
of the deep-sealed era dangerune ditdoinpors. The atone
purgative ellit6t expels them. Caused by similar ohetrttet.
Lion and derangements of the natural fitotnions of the
body, they are rapidly, tend Inane of t Man rural
by he same moan.. None who tjen,y the sitlinte of these
Pills. will neglect to employ them whoa buffeting from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from lealitic nhyairittne he stasis• of the
principal cities, and from other well kttowit public par
soni. , „
Feoz. a Mrwar,7/1,1 ,Iferchant f tih toms, 14;L:
Dft.. AYER: Your arc the pamp, of oil that is
groat in mailicia , ‘. Thor have curl my filth. doughtor
of ulecron% of/M.4 Inv. 11;), hande and Fed flint had proved
incurable fn• yours. llor !author hue hem* lung griev
ously afflicted with blotche4 and pfiliplt•lS nit h er skin and
in her heir. Alter our child eves curod,oho also tried
your Pins, and thoy hove cured h v o.,
AA at nanny rilyatc.
Prom rte. E. it: chrhroight, Nen
Year Palm or the prince of porgom. Their excellent
qualitt”9 morn:lse Itny C4l)llll . tic Wet lIIISSOB. They aro
mild. bat very cortnin and ofTretnal in *heir r.ctiou on the
whirit males them invalinthi. to tra in the dnit,7
treatment of disease.
Prone 1)r. Ediu.trel itoyd,Thilimore.
DEAn Into. A vent: 1 canton 111.1 , m-or con what complointa
I hove a+rel With your try say an that We
erer treat teith a ionegallee Medicine. 1 vices great dePell.
deuce on on etrectnei cathartic in toy doily contest with
disease, awl believing . as I do that 3ntur afford Its the
beet we have, I of course valau them highly.
Prrrsconte. PR., Mityl, 1855.
Da. J. C. ATM. Sir: T have hoeu remeuktft• cured of
the ty,,r4 heltdochn any fmkly erto firm: hy u chain or two
or your PUN. It sertn4 to mina from a foul stomach,
which they tqUitti. , tl at once.
Yotirn will groat respect, ED. W. Ditl?.DLI!..
Clot; of ,C'erovrrr Clarion
3131 lions Diqorderu —Myer Corn pi what.
Pr.a. Dr. Theodor, Brit, . Yew Turk Qty.
yolir Pilt4 Athuirably nilliph , d to their pun.
Rpttchtltt. Let I find hemplicistl olrects upon
thu Liver vory minice.l They have in my pm:.
tie, proved .s ,, re othoctitlel 6.r the cum of billow! cam
pia fats theist weep 1010 I 1,110 o.olltioll. I simeenoly
',joke pidli nu .
14.1 0 01. letJgli& prirgat ire which ie worn
tiii the CUlafitien4l, 1.11 the
WpAllogloo, D. C., ith Feb., 1856.
St tt 1 haws' maid year rills in my general anti hospital
practice over sinewy - on made t6mu , and canuot hesitate to
say they are the best ratlau•tic we employ. Their reg,u
toting action on the Jiver in quirk and decided, comm.
(penny they are as admirable remedy for derangements
of that towns. linked, I hare 'seldom found it ed. of
tiUoui dioeaoe en Obit Nato that it did not readily yield to
them. kraterually years, ALONZO liAbla M. D.,
reviews of lbe Marius Mospitcd.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms.
kiwi. pr. Orcell, of eiactigo.
Your Pilin have had n lung trial in my prailide and I
hold thew in esteem ne one of the Last aperients 2 hare
eat- found. Their eltoret ive effect ui.oli the liver snakes
them nn excellent remedy, when giron in Staall loser thr
Lilinus ilysenter . o 111441 dlinThral. Their anger-coating
maker them .fiery IsecertiLdell) ants convenient fir the use
of acumen and chanter).
Dyspepsia, Impurity of Cite-Mood.
_Front hen. J.l". Hiatt', 'Valor of 41(1.ent C'hnechjAlusiolt
Dr:. ATM: I have used y OM' Pills with extraroltnary
CarCE.-a itt my :Molly and aniond thosiil am culled - to visit
in distroso. Tti rrgnluta t h e organs or digestion and
purity the blood; thvy are the vary brat remedy I hare
o vor knot-n, and / Con eunfideotiy roeonomend them to
kuy (ricotta. lours, J. V. 11131145.
NYAltal7r, Wynn:hoz Co.. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1055.
DEAR Sin: I am using-your Cut hart ic lay praC-
Lice, and Dad them an o.tdlont luirgutivc to cleanse tho
U.stem wml purify fir fortotohot of lie Moo&
JOHN G. 31L1A0114#14, It. D.
Collatipit 1011. COs.i iveness, Suppression,
Itheutaatisca, Gout, "Noticalgia, Drop
sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
Pram !h•. J. l'.. Vaughn, A:arta,- Cftwa.e..
Too nowt' cannot ho stild of y, , oir Pills for the cure of
rostirroow. if stairs .r our ft.:04310:y have found them
ellitiacions as I MIST, they should joht to in proulahrt
ing it for the betwiit of the 'outfit lutes whil sitlfe'r.from
that complaint, srleicty allliongli tool conngll in itself, is
Um progenitor of others 111:1t ere' nt rw. •1 believe coo
tirenaS to originate iti.the liver, but your affect that
organ mad cure the dhuar,o,
l'rom Mrr. E. Mrreirf, i'leysiaern and 174,tinn
find nit" or tNo large doses rfpair l'illa, taken itV the
proper live. are axeql kat pronw.liTtil of the 'haunt, area:
twlnni wh. I or partially stulnuouut Mat eils6 t 4 sr
viti.ctual to rift, ',Sr Ile 411,1000 - awe' edrelc.nms. Tin
are KO lIItIIII the haat phyaie we tom, that 1 reconunena
no other to my pal lentr.
/'.am the Tier. Dr. 11.. e . -es, n( :he .4.1411.4:31 Mils. Church.
Pti.AANI 1101%4 . _ .Snramukb, Go.. ann. 11.,
itosinitro Sot: T should lie ungrateful for tits retie(
your rtl 1 lin.' brought toe if t 411'4 nut report c; , r osss to
sum A cobl atiticti In any limbs awl ltrouglit ou excru
ciating twiratnin tnnind in eliivenic rhonma.
loot the 1,4 t of physicians, the
iihieogo grew srori , e and irt , rf.e, titan F, ilie /Oriel" of :your
excellent acrid to itnltitgioro, lla lifackelisio, I tried your
10 - 411 s. heir ellerie Were slow, hot sure.
in the use of them, I inti now entirely well.
P ware NAMBEr., Paton Ttotme, Ln., Ji Dec. IRU.
DR. Alan: I hove bran entirely cured, by your Pills, of
pa g „ nw ti n and painful disease that had afflicted nut
for years. VESEENT SLIDELL.—
Most of the Pills in market rentefiVßlereurY,
what), although a valuable rensotly ib skilful handset Is
&moron% in a public pill, from the dreadful eohso
queures that frequently fallptp Itshictuttionis it&o. These
contain no mercury or rilineral,subsjanca antiwar.
Price, 25 ,ceiata per Box, or 5- Boxes for $l.
Prepared by Mr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Nam
Soid by J. L. Lemberger, Dr. Bose end D. 8. Reber,
Lebanon; Delver k Bro., Annville: Rbirk, Myeretown;
horning, Mt. Nebo ; Iterrer, Best Renover;
Sbnef•rstewn: end by Dealere everywhere.
Charter Perpetual.
ki This Company was incorporated by the Legis.
'Were of Pennsylvania on April 2. 15t10, and is new in
full operation, and ready to make insurance on Dwel
lings and other euildings, on Furniture or Merchan
dise generally; also, on Barns a"d contents, Farming
Implements, nn a mutual principle.
This Company will not insure property outside of
Lebanon County. as it is designed to be merelpu&asso
dation for Lebanomeonuty, and as Flllth. it will Insure'
property perpetmally,piteafe as any other Comparlir,and
at far lower rates. ThOnsunince fees, Wm; only st.
50—fur mentPerAlp. Pulley and Surrey. Any further
information can be hard-by,ealllng on any of the itottra
of Managers, and officetn,
or any of their Agents.
Jacob Weide!, r Joseph Bowman.
Jacob Beadle, John L. Becker,
U. S. liainrnolali 'Henry Fortna,
Christian -Usury, Jacob Witmer Jr., -
Thomas Forster, J o h n D . Krause.
Jacob Demberger,,, .wh ia dd s
JOSEPH - l. WM AN, Presidont.
WEIDEL, Treasurer.
J. 1411NIIY MILLER. Secretary.
Agents—J, 0. Reimer, Jefferson U. Light. James
, Hummel, Daniel Gallagher, Dim, W. Ryan and Henry
Neyter. [Lebanon, January NOM.
rAr 31Er3IP 41G-'IIIHC.O
4L'IAIITEit, Graduate of the Phila
. ;,:il,eof Phrcey: &ford td Hi
citizens of Lebanon and surrounding noulatey.
a PURE selection of Drugs. Nedicinee and!
Chemicals, and the first quality of Perfumery
and Toilet and Palmy Soaps, embracing the
hest manufacture in the country. and a large
variety of Tooth Brushes. Nail. Flesh. Clothes
end Hair Brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine
Combs of Ivory. Shen, Horn and India Rubber.
C." .., Pure whole and ground Spires are offered for
W. olio in large and email quantities at
t g , V IPW E R S E E D S '
- ' . You-will find a full assortment and .ft large
;TO variety of PRESII (hordes; and Flower Soetts at
Ras been Ran : lased to his Batt Building, on Camber
. land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings,
Lelianbn, Pa.
TILE subseriber respectfully announce to his acquain,
tences and .the public in general, I at he hew cow
stoney Owluind a large stock of
burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se-
gars, Tobacco, ke. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too
numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and
war antsthe qualities of the articles as represented.—
Purchasers - will please remember this, and examine the'
tpialities and prices of his goods before purchasing else
where. 4W- Physicians' prescriptions and family reel
pescarefully compounded, at all hours of the day or
night, by culling at the Drug Stare, opposite the Eagle
On Sundays tha Store will bo opened for the coin
pounding of prescriptions- between the hours of 7 and
10 d'eloelf, A. M., 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P.
Lebanon, Dec.o. 1857. DAVID S. RADER.
cURVEYuIt and CONVEYANCER, Cmnberland .St.,
► . 1,4 Roam ens t of "'Nm . reilu Hotel," Lvbanau, Pa.
44111 N, 1801.
ATIMINVI-AT-I,NW.—Office in Walnut street, near
ly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors south
from +Zermany's Hardware store.
Leban..n, `larch 23, 1.801.-ly.
A TTORNET-ATAAW,-ltn REMOVED• Ills' cape ei
Fuuck's New Building, (second st9r7,/ Cumberland
striqd, Lebanon. Pa.
L 104131011, April 6, 1.856, ,• •
w A fi r c .s e, u , :r4_ , R o E7 : _n l ext door tittiAa.rlll,pjaio.
subrcriber bus returned
_the second time .this
spring Wont u Eastern ci ties, find bas opened a
splendid moo, of -PRING and SIM 31 ER
Illorllol, MED jiIED
which were purcluved for casb at very reduced prices.
goods are now sold entirely for mat in the Cities, I
will ewstme my sales to Cash and Country preduco—.
We sell MUSLIN from .1 to'l2l,l' ! ets; perlard,
do TICKINGS do b tot 5, do do
do E.
GING lAMS do. to'2s: :do do
do, PRINTS do sto 123,4 do do
do SEA LS do , 25 to ss.vo
do ' 'LuTritn do 10 to 75 ets. par yard.
Lebanon, May 22, 1801 CIEORGB.
At Mc Corner o Cumberland Slrect and Plain:, .Road,
it,ry - ES:3IIS. RAUCH & LIGHT take pleasure tubiform.
.03_ lug their friends and the public generally that they ,
have j uf g: opened a large and carefully selected alaort.
meat of . .
DRY GOODS, - , •
guranrsrrAnE, &a.,
to which 1.1,e7 respectfally irzvite the attention of the
public. Their
- oav GOODS )
have all been anieetted with the greatest mon from the
Wren Impartin tiousee in Philadelphia.
A large stock of dump Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Chutetato,
and all Mails of Spices. Also, a large assortment of
among which are the newest patterns, together with
most au endless variety of Goods in their line Of . betil- -
ness, which will he sold very cheap for cash,or Ootintty
Produce exchange.
BAGS!- BAGS! ! BAGS Hl r - •
The attention of Millers Rod Farmers is ditecteCto
their Isrge stock of BAGS, which they will„sen at
wholesale prises.
Castabta• 17, 1860:.] RAUCH .t T41013T.
Condensed Lye; Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash,
and Potash in lar ,, e and small quantities at
LEMDIRM ER'S Drug Store.
Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal.
eratus, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for safe
in large and small quantities at
LEMBERcIER'S Druk'Store.
ff you aro in Want' of goad Washing Soap.
pure white or red Castile ;Alp, Country Soap,
Erasivo Soap to remove grease spots, superior
Shaving soap, buy the same at
Do you want a good Hair Tonic? smoothing
to niche the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and
to prevent falling out of the hair; if you do
The afflicted are requested to call and exam
!no my steel: of Trusses, Supporters, Sc., Com . -
prising a variety of Manufacture.
o.l„“Marsh's" Genuitie "Improved Self Ad
justing Pad Truss."
"Marsh's" Catamen ial Bandage.
An invaluable artick for the purpose.
If you are in want of any of the above you
,an be suited at
.I.JEMIMIGER'S Drug Store.
Pure Ohio (Wall ha Brandy.
Tile genuine article for Medicinal Purposes
to be had in ell its Purity at;
Opposite the Market Muse.
Anything you want that is kept in a well
quiducted First class Drug Store, can be furn
ished you by
Chemist and Apothecary.
Peeling thankful for the very liberal patron-!
.ige thus far received from the Physicians, Mer-i
chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and surround-;
ins, I again solicit a share, promising to use s i
every effort to please all.
/LW-Special attention given to PnYsiciAN's;
PRESCUIPTIONS and FAMILY Itactievs, and all
medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always
as good as can be obtained anywhere, and sad
to suit the times. Remember the Address,
Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary,
Feb. 15, IWO. Market street, Lebanon, Pa.
July 4, 1R60,1y