THE CORNER A POISONED RING All visitors to Paris will have notic ' ed the shops of brie a brae, or objects Of curiosity and vertu, so 'numerous - and tempting in that capital. At ...le of these establishments, in the ru, .Pon ore, a &Atlas - an was engaged, a days ago, in' Oiamining an an etient ring for ?NM t hcro; when ho acci dentally gave h nisei f ablight scratch , in : the hand with &sharp wirt of it.-- 'He continued talking with the dealer for a short timef when he' felt at in '. describable nambnofts• and torpor tak ing possession of him; andparalyzing all his faculties, and 'Wu * became so ill that the pee:tilde - of flit; /3 b'op hasten ed to call in a physician. :The; doctor immediately declared that iheitiiiitte. man had been soMitlow erful mineral substance,applied strop ' antidotes and was fortunate enough to relieve the symptoms which had created so much alarm. The - ring was then examined by the medical ' man, wholutd spent some time in Venice, attd 'Who found that ibis' old jewel Wits what is there called a “Thsatfaing," a clam of ornaments In frequent use in Italy during the 17th century, when the habit of pois ' oning was airbut universal. Attach ed to the part: ofthe ring intended to bo wolrilnsffin itieflngiisr are two mi nute lien's Claws, of the shii•pest steel, and having clefts in them filled with )4 violent poison. In a ball, or other crowded assembly, the wearer of thiS fatal ring, wishing to exorcise revenge "Oh anyone present; would take the `victim's hand, and when pressing it, `,ever go weiity, the sharp claw would 'Velar° to infliot.a slight - scratch on the skin", and the victim would` be equally sure to be dead before the next morning. Notwithstanding the length of time which must have 'elapsed since tho poison was secreted in the ring in question, it was still powerful enough• to cause great dan ger, as has been seen, to the gentle man who had so unwarily touched it. see. A bachelor, vkiting us froin the interior of California, says , thut al though,young wdiden Mtn this Iricte 'of the Continent often arrive unmar ried on the California coast, they never get in that condition to the in terior. He says that, like misfortunes they "never come single." • - 1110" Uarley, about four years old, was one day receiving a reprimand from his mother for some delinquen• cy, when he turned, and, • with all Young terleu condensed - in his loßk and tone, reminded Pier Oho Wat 3 "with ing but a female." OSP "I don't care so much about the bugs," said Mr. Worley to the 'head of the genteel private boarding house in which be 'dwells: "but. the 'to is, madam, I bavn't got the blood 't spare; you see that yourself." Ste' Kansas is in distress,- and the cries of her people have reached from the•fa'r West into the far East. Lot cus see the Eastern Republicans be as liberal in sending them something. to oat as they were to sendthem Sharp's Rifles and Coltle Revolvers, and we will go 'fail that their dietreekwill be of bhdrt duration. Stir Sixty years ago, a naval officer wishing to cross from Staten Island to Bergen, could find no person willing to undertake the job save a barefoot. ed - boy, who, despite the roughness 'of ate sea, bravely rowed him to the place of destination. The officer.was ,so pleased with his pluck that he ,T'Lot him a situation on a steamer.— hat boy was Cornelius Vanderbilt, is now worth $18,000,000. * Stir If yob. want to make a pair of boots last four years, melt and mix four ounces of mutton tallow ; apply thErmixture while warm, rub in well; then put the boots in some closet, and —ga bcirelood. Viir "Where are you 'going?" said a yountiotitleman to an elderly one in a whtti cravat, whom ho overtook a few mites from Little Rock. "I am going to heaven, my son.— I have been on my way there for eighteen years/' "Well, good-bye, old fellow! If you have been traveling towards heaven eighteen •years, and got no nearer to it than Arkansas, I'll take 4110-ther route." —Near - Grashopper Falls,Kansas,a famous drove of wild horses is Been ; but, so fleet are they, that all attempts to capture the full grown horses are failures. The patriarch of the tribe, a cheen ut horse, somewhat larger than the So'rgan stock,• is a Mark for all pursuers, but has never been &or taken, although a reward of five hun dred dollars is offered for the capture of this 'Cheintit Ring' • . - ;--Paorconanan 8x .---The tines .tion, "what is a snob," is likely to be eatiefactorily answered through the 'discussion now being carried on among the military and hotel keepers in New York. It appears that Gov. Morgan, having invited one of his staff, who also kept a hotel, to the Prince of Wales dinner, recalled the intiitation, because tie *as assured it was not etiquette for a prince to dine et the same table with a hotel keeper. The military and the gentleman who keeps a hotel have voted the Governor a "snob," and remind him that he, as a gfooor and vender of molasses and nutmegs, had not any groat ad: Vantage over a hotel keeper. Th e insulted Boniface has resigned his military commission, Qufrifrzs.—.lllr. C. D:Brig barn tells us that a new sensation is in store for those who have never eaten quinces baked liked apples, and eaten with sugar and cream, His plan is to take fair, ripe quinces, bake them rather pricker than apples. 11 - - . • • - ~ , , ......, i o -ii k :- . h_le_,l3 opened age Wore,„ fe Pre cut them opek and remove - the core i ~,q „ „;;;- „ 1 „ .=:11 Mb of Y eta Domestic i t th• - weet cca petals. which will come out, if the fruit is itir ß e rbthk ' ' - Anima GINS, properly cooked, like a nut from the I RUM, writ MALT. I shell. Sprinkle on white sugar, end ' mice vairber ild BYL ;4 III6EIeB ' Ic - 11 - °° „t r et i n% that will or make it tQ ac ht ottl ag ect by deal:Vs eat them before they areguite cooled, na4 tob adding milk or cream. - Vliur inform- it ii, " ikci4d kh;, notel aeije ° rT 4 :l tl,tg,„Z the city. ant says the fruit cooked and - eaten examtll""l"t"R bef°ratv.p.n6n"ria'''..,""/N,..""a in this manner JAB a delicious 1111VOr ihretiztr* a tritia. Hs bas the ifsee - mul ZIT l rbil which would sumum4o7 be imagineg. } = r 7llo9 l4 ,T 4`ttLi'be"N ‘ h. ini. yin gam ' Merchant Tailoring. --- Mutual Fire insurance Com- REMOVAL, - - • .pant' 0 S. RAMSEY has relieved to the Corner of Cum- LEBANON COUNTY","PENN'A. beriand street end Doe Alley , Funck'a NewrivaiS COMPANY-Wes tura/STUMM, March.lBs4, and Building, where he will keep an maortinent - of Clothe, innow itifallaperation and ready' to make incur- Cassanaes i and Matins. tAlsoready made ell:thing anft ance_on Dwellings, and other Buildings, on Furniture, furnOld l W Pe* Ouch se-Elftelai Bose? q l aVeVl i an o " " /MA Merchandise generally. Also on Barna Contents, chlefit, Neckties, fith, At4 ,- .411.0f which` Will be sold as wok, Faj t a Impl emen t s; ga, on a Mutual ' principle. cheap as at any other establishment in Lebanon. • CUSTOMER WORK attended to promptly, and tEde.4 Christianaitchlaan,‘ John N. Smith, fits guaranteed. 8. S. RAMSAY: WilliamErrly, Jr., John . H. Kinports, Lebanon. April 1871860. _ David Gingrich, George Bigler, - - Christian Hoffer, John Allwein, • Saranerkleyer, , - Rudolph John .11". Delver, Joseph F. Mats, L Dr. Henry Stine. I ' •••• - JOHN ALLWEIN, 'President. Attie:Mat lomat Y. Mom literately. Aintrilli4Jsuthiri,l9,lB6o.4r. • • INSIVItAINCE, COMPANY, OF LEAANc.4,_LEBANON COUNTY. o(o7:Perpetual. TIFFICE AT LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA. llff This Company was incorporated by the Legii lature dr Pennsylsmla 9A April &LEW, and is now, in • full operatien,. end - ready W-11 *e insurance on Duel. Bogs and other Mu ildings, oft.Filialture or Merchan- I, Size gallonLl* also Orr Bartili,thid contents, Farthing .Implemente; Ac. - ;c. , J on a nsupdal . lrinciple. this Company ." Will het; %Mrs, property outside of Lebanon Counhy, as it le deslgnellto be merely mimeo. ciatftill for Lebanon county, and'as such, Maitre Property perpetually, se safe na Any otheiCompaoy,and at far lower rates.. Any furtberinformation can be had by-eilling on any of awl:Ward Of - Managers, and oftleers, or Any of their Agents. - ' - • - 141LNAGElli. • • -Jac Wendel, Awash Bowman, `(fr.,) Jacob Beadle, . _John L... Becker. Williatli-Shirk, D. 8. Hammond, ; , ,Cliristlart , llenry„ Jacob Witmer jr., - Henry Earths, Aleph Comer, Thema roller A': R. Bougbter. . Adolphus Reinoehl. .JOSEPH BOWMAN, (Tr;) President. - . StHAMMOND, - .VIco President. JACOB WEIBEL, Treathrer. J. HB.NRY - FflLLEl4.Becretary. • AuerAe. pang Gallagher, J. C. Reimer, John IL. MM. ler, N. Lebanon,Thomas Kramer, James Hummel. LeithildnZAtrg. 15, mg.._ FITS I FITS.I I 1P" - 11 ! di. H. RAT CHE Ye t • FASHIONABLE TAILOR, 114 Cumberland Streetr neatly opitosiltd Black I Hope Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. ALL work done up with neatness and dispatch, and Patin) vedette:lion guaranteed. April 11, 186 v. • a oar FatliionAble Tailoring! MICHAEL IWIPPIIAN would reepectfully inform the Citizens of Lehenon, that he has -.RIMOVED his DADA/RING Bus Anise to Cumberland' Street, two door. Real of nestles Store, and oppositelhe Washing ton Doom, where all pereons who wish garmenternade up in the moat fashionable style and best manner, are In vited to call. He hew lately received the New Xork, Phil adelphia, Paris and London reports of - Spring and Surnmer Fashions he has none but tie best workmen emplo;ed, he 111armiters tititi all werk entrusted to him tillphe done Ina satisfactory manner. SO ogi. With his thanks to Ilia old customers for their pat ronage heretofore, he respootroni solicits Ohne favor. . TO TAILORSI—Jrist received and for erslelhe N.York and Philadelnlia Report of Spring a summei leaobions. Tailors wishing - theLFashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, an that ho can make his arrangements accordingly. - ISICELEL Lebanon, April 7,1559.. Philip.lllcCsinly PAgttIONABLE BOOT-AND 4 - IHOB MAKER fAll Cumberland Street, owe door Beet . ki the Sleek florae Hotel.. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me for the abort time I have been In Madam's, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. He btu; at all times an aneortmtmt of SOOTS and SHOES of hie own manufacture °Owed, which *lll be disposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS,•,LADIES' GAITERS. tte.. Those desiring a neat, well made article, are Invited to give me a triaL ChHilreme Shoes of every•yarletj and color ou head. Heavy work mole to order. Kir AU work,warranW. Repining Tkettajl done and chargerimitads stixtarate. Le ba non, Sept. 15, 185 - 11Aofor and _,Shoe Store. ecr 'XDBL JA, - , - - • - tis o • • OB llCBDHLriapectitilly in- . cirrie the public Unit he still contin- , nes hie extensive establishment in illifilie all. hie new buildlilq gnmberland at, _where he hoped. render the.same satisfaction inibereinfore Wall- who may favor him with their custom. .$e invitee Merchants and deelere lu BOOTS and SLIOSS and every ono who wishes to purchase fashionable and, dnrablo articles In his line. to call and examine , fortheinaakrea,bla large endvaried stock. . . .. ... . . Us is determined to surpass all .c.cmpetition in the manufacture of every article in his bnsineint, suitable for any Market In the Union. A due care taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the beet quali ty; of LitATHEII and other swainish' are Wed, and none but the beet workmen are employed. P. B.—lie returns his sincere thumb to bis friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Be hopes by strict attention to.busineffearklendeaeoring to please his customers, to merit a elfaxeuf public pat. tronage [Lebanon, lfeb.l7, THE -LATEST ItETIORNs. —-- AS ALli THE PEOPLE will soon be full of 11 anxiety to learn of the Infest returns, the nu "... deesigned,would respectfully Imfo,tms all that the verylittearrettirtiwcati bo finind at big ' BOOT, SHOE, lIAT, OAP, TRUNK,' and TRAVELING EAO STORE, . on Walnut Street, Lebanon, in tho shape, octbikkaost ce In p dote FALL AND WINTFX §ifOalt ever offered in this place, embiacing everyiltlog in the trade for Ladles, Gentlemen, and Children; and all of the very latest Oyler, and for sale at the very lowest pries ever named in Lebanon. It is -not neceonary to specify. ac this stock comprises everything that ogn .proper ly be kept in a atom of the kind. All that is naked is that pers o ns shold call and exatnlna before purchasing elsewhere. Call goon. JOB. BOWMAN 3fen.kures taken and ir - ork made to order. Oct. 10, 18C0 ME!.! .•• . •NS .& -- r. o— . 41- • •• • TING ,nitted in the DOOT and SHOD RVIIINEM .Ind from their determination to be punctuni. and Make bone but the boat of work; they feollike soliciting slaisnof public patronage. Theywill always be Itnind at their OLD STAND, !Nair Doitnivio.,) in Jilarkd Street, near* opposite Widow Zits'* Hotel, where they will be mull , to serve and please their customers. They bare now on bend vi large assortment of BOOTS, SUOES, TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS, Ac., which they offer at reduced prices, Air Persons dealing at this SHOE STORE, can be milted with READY-MADE WORE, or hare It made to order.- ,Catirfaction is always warranted. • Particular attention given to the REPAIRING Boots and Shoes. [Lebanon, April P, 1850. ATRINE & DIPVB New Uoot and Shoe Store le fitted up in good order for comfortind conionforice, both for ladies and Oentlemen. A TKINB k BRO.'S Now Boot and Shoe Store is fitted A utrin good order for comfortand convenleuoc;both for Ladles and Gentlemen. ' A TKI NS & 811(). prondea to be punctual, aid ;rill en denvor t • lease •II allio may cull ou them ro. Boot. and Shoes.• • THE PEOPLES' Hat and Cali Store, AT NO 4, EAGLE BUILDINGS, CUMBERLAND STARE?, 'LEBANON, PA. PRACTICAL RATTER, Manufacturer, W holesale and Metall Dealers in RATS AND CAPS, of the newest SPRING STYLES. SILK RATS in all shapes ant qualities. A Bret rate NEW STYES of MLR RATS, for 5,3.00. A full assortment of Cassbnere fats. Spring style CAPS in endless variety. A splendid assortmentof SSIAMI,ESS OAYS— i the ntitetttstd. YOYAYE OPERA II AT; and all•tither styles of &iftßatsuruir worn from the finest to the cheapest qualities he keeps a large as. sortment of STRAW HATS of all styles for Men, Youths and Children's Wear. The subscriber hopes by 'Wet attention to bu.lness, fair prices aid straight forward dealing to merit a continuance of public favor as hero. toforo. WS; Bate of all kinds made to order. Wt•the shortest notice. Shipping Pure bought. and the high-. eat price paid In CAW. • JACOB Li. MILLER. Lebanon, May 16,1860. Fashion,' Ile Tait bring. subacriber reepeetfUlly informs hie friendr and the public in general, that be has commenced the TAILORING RIISINESSin - all its branches, at his'resl: dance, in East Lebegen,.(ilmulierland Btreot,) 2 squares - east !bid, )lola Ili4eres Hofel,•(south sido.) By atten tion to business, promptness in - his engagements, good Ma, and moderate charges, Do hem to receive a share of the public patronage. He was a long limo in tho em ploy of Idichati Wagner, dec'd.„ and feels confident of giving general satisfaction. Being a now Wenner be eolielti the patronage of the public. Lebanon, tday 12, lab& • camas MA:CAI/I,LX. . 1860 NEW STYLES. 1800 , t DAM RISM, in Cumberland Sireet, between A Market and the Court Ilonstr,north s s ;de, bus now on hand a splendid assortment of We .New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys. for 1858, to which the attention of the public is respectfully invi ted. Mats of all prices; from the cheapest to the moot costly, always on hand. 'Hellas also Just apericd a eplen did assortment of 81111 HATS, embracing such as STRAW, PANAMA, ...MAL, P.EARI N ,.fIORN, LW. lIORN t ,SENATE, CUBIAN, 'and all others. iss_, re will also Wholosale all kinds of Hats, Caps, Ac., to,Colintry Merchants on advantageous terms. Lehanon,April 21, 1858. SAYING. FUND. National CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLYAHLA. _ • I. Mone racily every day, and in any eintiant, large er y RULE& 2. FIVE PER CENT interest Is paid for mousy from: the day it Is put in. 3. The money Is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it ts called for, and without notice. • .4 lllotiey is received from Executors, Administrators, G'uardi'ans and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it 5. The money received from depositors is invested ,D 3 REAL ESTATE. MORTOAGES, GRQUAD RENTS, add such other first class securities as the Charter directs. _ 6. OMee lours — Every day from 9 till 6 o'Crofits an d on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock IntheemtdDlL This old and well established SAVING FUND halve ceived more thati TEN MILLIONS of dollars ?ropiness ly thirty thlentsand depositors. lION. HENRY L. BEHNI9R, PAttddelit ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Frstudent WII.LUM J. M.XI), Secretary. DIRECTORS. lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph D. BorrYi Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Band. K. Aahtoa, Joseph Yorke', C. Landreth Montle, Henry Diffentlarffer. OFFICE: - • . Walnut Street, B. W. Corner of Third Street. Jane 6,1860. PHILADELPHIA. JOSEPH REINHARD'S NEW LIQUOR.SEET24:O6. CORNER of WA I LWIT Und C 1 118 L enlbseqbeT 1?#77 ON, filt coed Lebanon : fillutual Insurance <. Cuinpan. 'LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, L EBANON CO., PA. rilo tbe property holders of the State of Penn .l- sylvanin :—GENTLEIIEN : Your attention is respeetfefly solicited to the fallowing RN, rants of Inane; fame of tt kip LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY Whit are transacting btudnese with the most flattering evidence of Publicconfidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ed them of being protected against loss by fire. The . jk:iilrd,pf Direetors ate practical business men well mad „fitprabig known, and enjoying the entire confidence and reepttf x pt the-torlimirpity in which theylive. Our Com• patig,le perfettly mutual add w 6 invite youreareful td teritkm totbiattitiowing low rotates we aradetermineil to inmate as low as any other responsible company, taking into const4eratkm the character of the risks Incurrild. Oar CNAETER being PERPETUAL, enables na to is .sue-Policies which never expire, which obviates the ne cessity of renewal every 3 (1, q years. Tits Company bas nqw awn in successful operation for nearly - 0 years, ood. all Hs looses have been prox.ptly paid tothe 6'olBlB4lmi of all males concerned; and, in fact it bas been, mod still continuo* tit, ter.r,the wish of the Din-more to hove the Compaby conducted on honest and economical principles. ~ RATES OF INSURANCE. Dwellings, brick or stone, state roof $0,15 $ $lOO do do do shingles ;IS " do do Log or Frame , ,20 " do Barbs, stone or brick ,20 " der do Log or Frame ' ...2 0 " do Store lionset4friek or stone • Ala " do ,do hmor - frame .. ,30 " do Ifotle& b oarding houses, brick or stone ,25 " do 1.10 do Log or frame .30 " do Aradendes and School honeys ,23 a do Churches and meeting honoree ,20 " do Printers books and Stationerke .30 " do Book binders All 6 _AO .....-. Tailor shops •• . . . . ,20.,a1 AO Shoemaker and saddler shomi 'gla .." do Silversmith and Watchmaker .. do Tin and sheet irtin shops ,30 -a - 46 Groceries and Provialon stores ,30 ^" :+io Tanneries ; 30 " 'do Batter shops ,30 " d Orist Mills, Water power .35 " d o Saw Mills do .. do' ;35 " do Drug Stores • ,30 " do Smith shops, brick or stone ,2,0 " do do do Wood - , " do C,arpenter,Joiner & Cabinet lank's. shops " 4. Wagoner and Ooachinaker shops " do Painter and chair maker shops , 40 " do Oil Mills ,40 " do Clover Mille . ,40 " do Founcierks of wood , ,35 " do do Brick or atone ,30 " do Merchandise in brick or stone build'ngs ,20 " do do in wooden do ,25 " do Furniture in brick or stone buildings ,l 5 s' do do in wooden ,20 'a do Stables & sheds, brick or stone,country ,20 1 1 1 -de do do wooden ,25. 4 do Livery & Tavern Stables - ,25 " do Asir AU commuukations shonld-be addressed to W. A. BARRY, See.retary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa. President—JOCK BRUNNER, Elie. Jim President--IL IL RANK. Preaturer4ty.O. F. 5110 I.Y. Secretary--WM. A. BARItY. Jonestown, September a, max_ - I=3=! A Through 'ffiket'to COlTlBritio. C. 8. COLBERT & 04!S FIFTH GRAND QtIAItTEIWt:DISTRIBLITION OF 400,000 ARTICLES, WORTH $400,000, Which will be cote for.sloo,ooo, to the purchasers of our Siir GOLD PENS AT 30 .Cre. FEB BOX. Our - Golden Pemis the banterer need, and %var . ranted notto corrode in any into Every business man and frintity - should use the GOLDEN PEN. The following list of 100,000 articles will be distributed among our patrons &CVO° ZACU, ands need not. be paid for untji s wo inform the purchaser, which of the fotio,sr,ipg;.artirios .I,lte . WILL sett. nix [OR $l,OO igi.Uheti it it OPTIO.NAL Itllllll- - Zll ac- MIDI Tug - DOLLAR *nu • • TA1011.2111 00ODS og etre... Xll= 'ALL GOODS- CAN BE RETTIENED AT OUR EXPENSE WITHIN T'EN.,DAYE AFTER TEE PURCHASER RE - •eelves' them, (unless they are eatisfietory)and the-mon ey will be Refunded. . • LIST OF GOODS INOLUDNDIN TITS DISTRIBUTION Planes. Gold Hunting cooled Watches, Gold 'Watches, Ladies' Silver WAteheit, .Cluatxl,.„Test and Chatslain Chains, Cameo. riwc,hoivaigiviip. end Jet Brooches. La va and Florentine roochets Oval, Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Cameo Bar-Drips, Meanie and Jot Bar•DriMs, Lava end Florentine, Ear-Drop., Coral Star.Dtvps, Eme rald and Opal Jiir-Drops, Handsome. Seal Slugs. Mosaic and cameo Bracelets, elects'. Bres‘stplas, Watch •Kcya. Yoh and Ribbon Budder, Sets of Nevin' Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Binge, Stone Set "Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Canton. Crape Shairls„ Mousseline de Laines, Challtes, French sad American Lawns. Doreges, Pop lins, French CAlicoes, and. other Ladles' Dress,Goode in great tariOpy,Auge4bor rrith Head Dresses,,Cahas, Fancy trans nod in fact almost every description of GOODS usually (mind In S laeq pDry , Goods Storei,, PLAN_:F DISTRIBUTION. Higheat Prentivn $lOO, Loweet,Pritun $2. The i,nmbered, and Ccrtlncala - etatlai whet wa will sell each person for one dolkeave placed la' eealed 'Envelopes, with &Deemed arrangement of Pretolump; so that •• Each I.lo4r44CertlAcedes - there le one tor 9 .• . GOl4l WAgreil l • • • AND TiIERRAVII.L' ALSO BE A SPLIN - DrD FERMIUM IN EACII TEN . 'CERTIFICATES. • - - Ladles, If you desire aline Shawl, or Dress Pattern. or a beautiful article of Wewelry, encloses flu 30 cents for a Box of the Ooldsp,kens, and we will send you a Cer tificate which may enable you to procure it for $l. On receipt of 30 Cents we will send yon one Box of our Golden Pens, and a flailed notice of tbe article which — we sell felt $l, , r'-‘3IIIIOK--1111e.. PRICES TO AGENTS POST PAW. 4 Bore. Pens, With 4 Certlfiestes 9 do . do 9 do 25 do do 25 a° 100 do do 199. do . • 18 5 N. B.—With sects peicitage otwloo. - beaes we present the purehaeer 100 Certiliotteii one of Whkh le guaran teed to contain one order for a FINE WATCH, or, Bew lug 31aohlne, orby ordering 50 boxes 'ln . 4340 package you are sure to receive 50 Certificates containing one or der for a splendid SILVER WATCH beelde a large num. ber of other very mattiable premiums. One, Certificate sent gratis, upon application of - any person desiring to act as Agent. which may enable him to procure a valu able premium upon the payment of $l. PSEri TiIIIST Compaliy.. PIANOS, MELODEONS, MUSIC, BOOKS, SEWING MACHINES,-&e., Bought and Sold on Confruisslon. Any. article will be tent to the Country at the lowest Wholesale Prices with .tbir addition of 6 par cent Commission !kw for warding. N. 8.—..41"1: aeantid in erery teem. Gircalurs sail me appitcatton. - Address all Communications tor. S. COLBEILTI Co. Commission Merchants and General Agents 138 Smith Fourth St., below Chestnut, Phila. N. For onriutegrity and ability to• fulfil our en. mementa, we beg to refer you to • the following well - known Gentlemen sod busing:as firms: s ltisl i xcelleney 3: W; Geary; Ex. Gov. Kansas,-West inonshinPa.; Rainier, Richardson & 'CO., Jewelers, Philadelphia, Z. A. Vfaihe, faq., Jeweler,. Philadel phia;gi;;A.. Gray, ,Req., Jeweler Philadelphia • •Meastii. Xemmerer & Moore, Water tit., below Arch, nidhidelphls; Messrs. Pratt & Reath, Fifth and Market. Shasta, -Philadelphia; 3. C. Fuller, Esq, Jeweler,. Philadelphia; A. F. Ward, Publisher of Fashions, Philadelphia; af.lf. Horne, Catasanque Ilatik• lion 81. Burson, Eureka, California. • Septemberti, 1860.-Iy. • , ..... .. . PRILADSLPRIA ' • 490 • WATCH AND JEWEDDY STORE, 0. CONRAD FORK= OCCUPANT • ' No. 14 8 NOkTH SECOND srizErf, , . maim 01 gum smear. Tirum:temp l ed be i st.. the above print:tiles, where e will keep a Mtge assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of Amerk, knell& andBWiss manufacture of the moat celebrated platters, in gig) ion to which, will be found always on hand (auk ' e to order) an extuniiive.yikriety of Jewelry, Silretend Sik4,Pleted ware, together with a general ass' ant of such goods BM axe usually *V In a first class etch and Jewelry Store. The patrons it_ 0. Copract, stud those of thisubscti bar, together wUM the publje generally, are oiled to call, whom they willysoeive. a good article for their money.' Am 2 Otis Sowrisslhed to do strictly • cash Mist: neurgootls will be Mai:. 4 ,,SmaU.INVIOf anti OM" 04111 "}",...4 1034 thhcestablishautlV ; " er4.' ', BRO0111ALa i • - ~ No. 1411 Neti Corr of Zitnitty °l3 4 ,Fidist. ititlil4ll Jams 'A MO.-V. ' ' - Geo. tg 11 ' 4 Geo. B. Matti S * Colo ELIPTIC LOCK-STICH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, MAZIZT STREET, Lisinoti. PRICES.—SSO, $BO, $66, s7b, $66 and $lOO. These Machines make the EIROVTLR OR LOCE.BTITOII. ke on both siderligiwithout the use or the leather pad. They have an entire raw 1611110 D of forming the stitcb—cimple and unerring in its operation. They have a New Paten; Under Tension and a New Upper Tension. Which can be regulated without stopping the Meehine --clippie bat effective. They will wswatithgreater span] serer drop a ditch, and do more work in the sante time than any other sewing machine ever invented. These Ma. chines have powerauffident to sew . THIRTY THICKNESSES Of heavy abetting . They will stitch, run, hem. gather cord, quilt, felt. lee., do, and for Stiching LINEN liare no superior. Also, Sloat ' s improved Shuttle 31kehint . . For tailoring aoir.;harary work. That Machines briar been well tested among Lenore ; and aro pronminced monk to those sold elsevelicre et double price. Let` all who intend to purdliase a Sewing Machine call at our Sales Room vast see our Machines practically tooted, or semi fore; circular. .3.-11LiAcift, • WATCHMAKER AND:JEWELLS/4.: : Market- Street, Lebanon, 'Ver *- GEORGE B. S LAT k May 30 f '6o.] 14, k . 41 4 . i MOTT Ayes. Art toVE RESIO°),- _ PILLS 3'.c_lPol4 AN operimitstrid Stomachic prepurntion of IRON pu TitledoL and Cistern by combustion In Hydre• gen. Situational by the highest Medital Authorities. both in ituropo and the United Stuten,antlprescribeiiia their practice,. The experience of thonsandadolly proves that no prep.- arailon of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of tho blood, depresalofeof vital energy, polaroid otherwiee sickly complexions indieSia its necessity In almost ev ery conceivable car*. Innoximio in all nsollidies in which it bee tSsen triediit has proved abso'utely cura tive in each of the following complaints, vies In Debility; Nervous Affection's, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, - Disiviirma, Dysentery, , Innipient Constiriaption,Serefolnus. Tnbort hies's, Salt Rheum, Mi*Menstrnation, Whites; Chloresis, ' Liver Compllinty, - Ohronie Headaches, Rlieums,_ tism, Intermittent fevers,. Pimples on the Face,, ke. • . . . In cases of GIfINERAL DESIT.ITY, whether fhb result of fleet, AIM* orof the continued diminution ef nor roue and maxeularenergy from chronic Complaints; Crie trial of this re/Wildlife/3m proud stmersitiDO to an ex tent which no description nor written attestation would render erodible,. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have beootunfotten in theirown neighborhood, 'have and dedke rdlOciared in - tbs. bogy world as 'fluid A:turned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind aro attested of female Sof ferere, emaciated viatlme of apparent mammes, san guineons extmostion.`eiltieel.rhanges, end that nompli cation of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and ex orciae for which tlo,•physteltufilms no name. In NERVOUS AFFECTIONS-of all kin/Nand for rea. sone familiar to medical men, the operation of,,this prep. paration of iron mustnnecoefuoi . be, salutary, for un like the old oxides, A .vigo rtonic, without being exciting and overheating; amt. ently regularly aperi ent. oven' in the moat obstinate cases of costiveness, without-ever being a gaetrk;purgative, or billeting a dbargr; eeable sensation. ~" " It 1s this latter Property, among others, - which makes It Ito remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy fur Pees, upon which it Also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In DYSPEPSIA, in uumereble an are its pauses, a Bia gio box of these Chalybeitte Pills has often auffieekfor the moat habitual cases, including theattetideut Cbslire- In nuebecke4MARREICSA:, sulfa when adranced to .D YSE/STERY,.notifintiad,.. , emliciating, and 4porently malignant, the effects have been equally derisive and astonishing. . . In the local pales; loss bf flesh And strength, debilita. Mfg Cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indi cate INC/PIENT CONSUMPTION, this remedy has al layed the alarm of frienda and . physicians, in. several very gratifying and, interesting instances. In.SC . ROVULOUS 'FITEED.C.D . LOSIS, this medicated. iron has had thr morelhan thavood effect of the most cautiously balanced preparatiani of iodino,"withont any of their well known liabilities. .- ' - The attention of females cannot be too confidently in vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases penult; arty affecting thane' In RIIEDMATI34, both chituioand inflammatory— in the latter, however more .deeidetily—it has !won in- Variably weltreported, both as alleviating pain. and re dectrig the swellings and stiffness of the joints - and ums cies. _ Iu INTERMITTENT . YEVERS it must necessarily be a greet , remedy and energetic rostorative, and its pro gress in.the hew settlenients of the West, vriliprobtkbly be one of high renowniand 'Usefulness. . No remedy has ever boon discovered: in the whole his tory ofnuedicine, which exerts such 'pn.ncitt;lippy, end folly restorative effects.. Good appetite. complete diges. tion, rapid acquisition,orstrength, .with alp .upeauel disposition (or active and cheerful exerciee, initnedlabily follow its uses . Put up to neat lila metal boxes containing .50 pills, price:oo cats per ttox.; for side by Druggists, end deal- Ira- Will he, sent free to any address on -receipt of the, 'price. All litters; orders, eel, should be Midresscd to B. 3. LOOMS ,dr,Co., ileueral Agent., 339 BRQADWAY N. Y. April 1.1, r . , „ u p DOST,:2IOW Re.oTORRD.,, ei • • ' Just Publisheil, in a Sealed Enveliipo, • K.IXOTI77I,E'ON r . E„.R.ATT.fRE,. TREti.TNIENT' AND R...ktilOA t .t. CURE OSISPERMATO.RiIIIORA, or Paninal Weinknims, Sexual Debitilig,,Eemiousuess and involuntary Emission's, pro dimingfrmpotency, Con s umption and Mental and Physical Debility'. By ROB. J. CC tiVE.BIVE I 4., Jtt. D•• The Important fact that the awful. callaeguences of self-abuse may . he effectually resuoved.without internal medicines °cilia dangerous aPp/iciatells2of:cauatini;:in. rtruments, Medicated bongies,,eud, other ,ykw. ie here; Heady .depionatiated. and _the, militely . new and successful , treatment,airidopted by the celebrated author fully explained, by:means of which every one is enabled to cure hlinself perfectly rind at the least possible cost, there%y avoiding all the - wirer. Wed' nostrums of, tha day. This le-attire his prove a boon to timusande and tholpands. ' Sent undersea! to any address, post paid, on -the re ceipt or tarogpoistageitampo, by Addresaing Dr. Ca. J. C. K.LINS, NO. First 'York, Poet tkra 4580. ROA' 25, . . . •NeRTR ÜBA.z.f9Y:o4 l ol:lSig . • : oximmEicr , GREAT EXCITENIEN-T. Or and Rush for the l'i..aplers /fWecl Quariersi THE ACTION • • - the logistature of the Commonweal h of Penes; • sylvarlin; in seferente to the Boiongb of NORT.i liEDAlfrahl, has caused an unusual - degrees of excite went among its quiW inhabitants, but not neat so much is the Fresh Arrival of .". . . • SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, . atAisellfANSION IQIOIIB.B STORE OF Itlessrs. Futirick Brolher. , The Proprietors feel ennildent that they are still able to supply all their customers, and the "rest of mankind,' who will favor them . with a - call, with. ituy variety of the - 02r010.EST G001)S. • Tles nevesystem enables thorn toarat at. greatly. re. dueed.prices, -which they hopsziyill,b4. it. Crest hiduce ment for all desinius ofal.ruPiug , theitPe to eve theli a call. Call alit,* for yoursslves. Air-. Ladicapndloeatlouteii Tire most cordially inilted to give thentatrall. and examine for. - themseivee. North Lebanim . Borongln-April 4 2-9. 1869: FliiST or:7 4. PALL & 4 11 ,. r . • s MN. AT TIM' 'l4l3,viek=kW : MT. K. Sr "J. WERRA! - KENDALL'S Bu tiling, Queshoitaad St., . LAWANON. 'Mr AVING Just 'returned from the CITY. with a sup- Al, ply of FALL and - WINTER GOODS, entirely new, WO are enabled -t, offer•Galar BARGAINS CO the people of Lebanon and eurrontuling country in DRY GOODS, . . GROCERIES, • QDEENSWAR,E, LOOKING GLASSES • CARPETS, OI L CLOTHS,; Whloh we are enabled to sell op for str or fa "ea change for Country Produce. - ... • *a- Thankful for past patronage, we would rasped.. fully solicit the continued favors of our friends, 'holing confident that we can please all. • • r Lebanon, Sept. 20, 1860. W. 4.4 J. ECKiRT. W TIN AND SILEET Illanufactgry. in e - C4rdsraigned reepectfully calls - the attention of • . friends and the putdic generally to the fact that he has opened* /MO ihr the mantiThoture: of aU kinds TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, on Mare street, opposite the Lebanon' Bank. lie hopes, by,..using none but the beet materials, by a per sonal supervision of all the s tkork coming frym his es tablishmen,t, and by sellingsboeper than an other in Lebanon .chat he will twelve a liberal share of public • patronag6 t B. = no roofing, Jobbing, Spouting, will be promptll.o4 properly attended to. - The pe4k, are respectfully invited to give int a call. Lebanon, llept. 20, 111431. 020. W: HAY. . .5. ' eidin hs zsoiYedu do t k_i sit Vito • ted . • 7Audiwyev.' aus bo tate at ;re& z t , ' , ember' re. Drag there where all aning - hrtlaw: 'Maio b aatatoawl to. • Mal. 8, WO. LEMBERCEWS DRUG STORE MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IM_POETANCE. • JL. LEMBERGER, Graduate of the Phila. . delphia College of Pharmacy, offers to the • Itreerts of Lebanon.aret g nrrouneling country. PURR seleatiore:4 brive, Medicine.. and Chemicals , . andbe-Bret quality-of Perfumery and Toilet nod Fancy Soape, embracing the bent manufacture in the country, and a large' variety of Tooth Brnebea, Nall, Flesh, Clothes and Jfair -amebae. Pocket, ...Toilet and- Fine lOonibil of Ivory, Shell, horn and India Rubber. • • PURE E? . ICES: .PVRE SPICES. • Pure:whole and .griyund.l44o4 arapffored.for Bale In large and small quardltloilat . • LEINIBRIWERT> Drop Store. GARDEN SEEDS, SEEDS, • You will And a full asearlatent and a Urge rariety L of FRESlrGlarglen and Moire? Seeds a 1411111ERGER'S. • Coudeneen Lye; Concentrated Lya,.Soda Ash, sal Potash tg large and small quantities at " • LEMDBRGEIt'S DEng Store. • . -"lrashing Soda, Baking SodarPoarl Aeh, Sal. ream, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale itilargokand small quantltlea at 1D.11f131511.43111V5. Drug Store. If You tire In want of good Washing Soap. pure ellite*or red - Castile. gasp, Country Soap, grastle Seap-to',remove grease spots, superior :having soap, bny•the same at. VEBIDERGER'S. Do yob `rants' &oil Hair Tonic? aomethingl to MOW the hair grow, to cleanne the heal; an d to prevent falling tint ofthe bait; if you d o • Call nt.I.E.MDED.G ER'S. TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The aftlictedare requested to call and exam , hie any stock of Trusacs, Suptuirters, &Fv coin ' pricing a 'variety of Manufacture. ldeiraSrsP Suirie "Improved - 30U Id. nirVid Trans.?' farsliV ()stamen ial Bandage. AninTalnsble article for the.purpose. If you ire in want of any. of Olio above you can be suited at • 0p..., L.B/1101141 - 4,12. Drug: kitorric. Pure Obintitawhi - Britnily. Tbo genuine article for Prirpoire to be had in all ire Pra-114/ at ' • • LEMBEfIGER'S tDrug Storeri Opposite tha Market Wens°. Anything you Iwent that. le,itept ; tn. a wall co, ndneteddflret class Drug Store, can be farm , hawed you by: bBHIIBRGER, , -:cbowist and ipothecary. Feeling fbanithil for the very liberal parent agathria far received from the PloyFicienot, Mer chants, and Citizens of- L ebanon and sucround- Inge, I again solicit a share, promising to use every effort to please all. - ser-spoBA attention given to rairottleT's veaseturrio, and FAMILL'ItEcEiPIB, and - nil medicine dispensed Warranted 'PQM.; always I is good :wean be obtained inywli,'gro, and sofa to suit the-tunes. Iteinemtior theAddrose, 405.. L. LEMSERGSR, Druggis Chemist and Apothecary, 1e1,.15,1860. Market street, Lebanon, Pa. TmoTHERI Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of EATON'S INPA TILE . CORDIRtt . • and why? heFause itisiaTor fails to afford inatantaneous relief whenglyou iu-Sime. It acts to if by magic, end one trinl alone will convince you that what wo say is troe. It coutaiiia 4c NO - RIC OR. OPIATE • entity ltiodZendlliarefore milsves by removing the su *si ng e elykr &MI, instead of by deadening Re senal biliths. tblereason. It commends Itself Bathe on ly reliable. preparatinn now. known- for :CHILDREN DlAllitliCßA. DYSENTERY, GRIPING IN TI ROWELS, - ACIDITY OF TNR STOMACH, WIND. COLD IN THE HEAD, and CROUP, also, for softening the' gums, reducing Inflamation, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, Is bai no equal—being an anti spaimiodic His used with -unfailing success in all came of.CONTOLSION. OROTHER FITS. As you tatile.the life and health of your children, and Wish to sniv them from those sad and, blighting consequences :which aro certain to result from the use of yywitoties of which all other remedies for. Infantile' Compleiote are comPosed..take'nono but. DR. EATON'S 'IN:PANTILE CORDIAL, this you rely.upon. It isperfeetly harm less, and cannot injure the moot delicate infant. ' !' rice, cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH k DEPORT, No. 4(9 Droadwayl New York. Sold at - DR.. GEO. ROSS' Drug Storrs. oppOsite the Court llouee.--soleagent for Lebanon, and by all. re spectable Druggists throughout the country. T. W. DYOTT & SONS,Philadelphin, wholesale agents; April 18, 1560.-Iy. .. Realgtsi human Blood upon ha Mg A NA-LYZIE D . e,:waye ptesents WI with the same essential elements. and gives of course . the TRUE STANDARD. Analyse the blood of s•pertort .suffering from Consumption, Liv er Compiniat; Dyspepsia, Scrofula, ge_, and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply then deficleacieg. and' yon are made welt The BLOOD FOOD is founded npon this' Theory •--herb its astonishing success. There are • FIVE PREPARATIONS . , adapted to the deficiencies of the Monfu'vlitferent eases. For COUGEIS, COLDS; nnomourns; -or any affection whatever of tho Thrent .pr - Thunga.,. inducing Consumption, use No4orhieh t bisleo• the N. for 1: 1 0• pression of•Spicitf t elLeali vSnpetttetoknd for all - Chronic Complain tisanielbertim ver-use; General Debillty, end Nea-N , ous .f!riartration. , N 0.2, for lacer Complaints, No. .2, fog Dyppepsia. Being already prepared for abeorp. . tion it is TAKEN BY DROPS and carried immediately intethe circiilation, so that what you pan you plain. No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weakness egiote. See special directions for this. For Salt Rheum, Bruptlene; scrofulous, Kidney, andßladderOomplainta, take No. S. In till eases the tltreeions must he etrietlY followed. Pnce.of the BLOOD ',OODII portbethlo... Sold by GRURCLI. DUPONT, No: 409 Broadway, Nevi Y0rk...!,.. . • Sold at Da.,./IRO. ROSS' Ding shy* oPposite the Court llouse.-4 , 01a agent tor. Lebanon, and by all re. rpectoble Drisieshr throughout the country. T. W. DYOI'T.& SONS, Philadelphia, erholeaale agents. , idnril 13,1800.-Iy. , . - 4-4 .4 ; DR. ESBNWEIN'S • -TADANDIiwoODNAPTDA • P.RCTORAL, . • je the best ilnommeln.the World for the Coax of Coughs and COlde, Croup, Brenichitia, • • Asthma, DLOlculty•in Breathing; - ~ - . l ...Palpitation of the [ Heart, .-- ' :" 4. , tiiptheria; •AUglipiliixtilinf of patients. lo :the adeaneed stage, of ... Onnantiiption, togeiber with all Diseases of [ ...- As Throat and Chest, and .which pro. • -.. • 'dispose to Uonsumption. ~- It is peculiarly adapted to the radical care [.- , of_ Asthma. Being PrePbted tiTAtirinOttil ii'hysicianand,Drupgia, and ono pf great eltiseicocebin'the cure , ofette laribier disoeseee to which the human fratno is liable. .. 4 . .. It is offered to t hettftl feted with the greatest confidenc e. Trp it and be consibeed.thit it is lovaleable is the cure of Broochial.arections. Price, 50 cents per Bottle. d or PIiPAVED ()sky by - Dr,. A. Is • Arcvniar . A co., Dittio,oisTo AND CHNIIIBTBi . - N. W. Corner NINTH 4 POPLAR , Ste, PITILIIVA. _. soLD by every respectable Druggist and Dealer. in [ maple's: throughout. the STATE. - . Poi, sale by Jos: . 1..• Lemborger, Apothecary and Chemlort, opposite th;Market.tebarion, Ps. • Philad'a, April 4, Ifia-IY. • ... . . D. - S .- RA - BER'S. Wholesale and Retail . Drug !Store, Has bea' namoved• to his New building , -nn Cuillier land Street, Opposite theMaglegiundh," Lebanon, - Pa. r rums subscriber respectfully announce co his acquain. 1 tenons and the public in general;.' at he has con. 'tautly on band,a large stock of • I) 'RUGS*PERFUMERY; MEDICINES-, • PAINTS, . CH E hf I CA.LS, DYE-STUFFS. t VARNISHES, - • TURPENTINE, GLASS - WARE , : BRUSHES • li HAtit-0118 , , -_.- . - EXTRACTiS, Horning Plaid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet SosPg, So' gam, Tobacco, Ac. Also a variety of Fanny Articles 100 numerous to mention,which he -offers atiow rates , and 1 warrentothe qualitie s of the articles is rePmeent:KL—, Purchasers will please remember this, and 'examiue the qUalitiee and prime Of Ids goody before purchasing else where: Air- Physicians' presertptioue and family reci pes carefully compounded, at all boors of tbe day or night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the-Eagle ßuildings. Buildings. • . On Sundays the Store will be "opened for the emu pounding of prescription'. between • the hours of I and 10 o'cloelr,,..k, 111.,12 and], and'A and b P.M.• Lebanon, Dec, 9,1867. , . DAVID S. BAKER. New Invention. Wood Burned Lime. - MOT-late improvement/On the art of Lure Bensnio - . the subscriber is now,enabled to produos•the beat-Woos- ROBS=Lwits that was ever 'node iekthie motion of coun try, and in duantities withnut limit, at short notice.— Hia Improvements arum,* that fis, is enabled to sell his Lime at 12 1 4 cents per bushels. whOletale, Instead of .26 cents, whiefi.bas - been the Woes heretofore. LIME, binned with OQAL, ein also he obtainedat low rates by the'boat-load, or in lees quantities, as may be WOOD taken In exchange for Lime. Having gone -to a great axioms. In the perfection of his Iniprovemente for ltinit burning on a 'Mtge iner : perces, the subecriher . hogbee to modest a shore Of.timtablio:petroty atitik ' • grloi*ticls r U= I.4 UraoSinf; N lai r /PAIOIIII4. N. Lebanon, May 18, 1880. _ . PARKER • 'r VERNNO ift•co: 469 BikijiirOttle, • .• saw Iftwiltz • • tianutketured - for ti ' 4'•llo3Fer tfc *airy 5 .. . „ IR. Co. by- She - PAR .KER -101404110 E - AND . 51SEING GI OVER &BA R's #I4PiStRATED • mOttIE4*OVICIIOto • 8 , Fa .., ~y sewing . • A .! NEWSTYLE - 411ICE s4ok .... ---- . , . . . • -...- .IL EL ROZDJA, LEBANON, PA" A STYLE ,OPPERS FOR SALE NEW STE MACHIN'S.. . r-..' -..1. ir -. r. :••• - Tboy will. HEM, 1?RI1.4-1ITITCH, RUN and ISTNiI in the most superior manner. and are the only Sandia/min the market that are 40 well and simply. made that they may be eeut into families with nootber Imbrue-Rona than are enntaimd in a circular 'which acwmpkrfles each innehine, sod Item whltill 4 dirild of fourteen 'years may read ily learn how to nee and keep them in onier. Thry sew rapidly, and Win do,the.seWing of a Intully cheaper and In lens time titan ten BbarnettrOme. . . Rang awing Is feet becoming among the things of the paat----lned Wleiblanilly.isill by *Wont a Sewing Ma chine when our new Machines will sew better, more expeditiousty, and eihoaytdi thdtt 4i7iloooldbli bo done by bin& • - -- .- . IT IS MORE SIMPLE AND TOILE EASILY KEPT IN WIDER ..TFIAN .....__ OTHER :MACHINES -,.. . ~.. -. , . , 1.. H. IlAttedel cabs the attention of Farmers to this lidschtemas he Is confident 4.11 thermeriKetrtislefor the use, - Call at Wade's Book stare, Lebanal. , . 1ti1k1,1116)..71y. . . . . - -pAltroftva- - L 1 PER WWlAt.►jelirtill NEVER =SIT:TATES. TT IS compounded - o**,ly , fi ttni : - Gains,. and has he iconie,pn established fact,ayStiradard Nledtritie, known and approved by all (hot &minted it and te now resort ad-to with ,conAdence in. At the , diseves for ,which it is recommended. pips . •', _ It has cured th ousands r 'within the isiat two yeirs .who had given up all hope . a ' of relief, as the numerous unsolicited ceitifiestes4o :.Ic. my possession show. The domundit be adapted i n tp the tentimpunent (if Chi, rjr / i 4ndllitinslialing iti aUS .r!l ed In such gitantities as to act gently on the bowels. . , Let the dictates of your .4 udgement guide yon in me of the LIVER IN V....10 it AT 0' it, end it will care LIVER COM-4,.. PlariegitlLLlOUS AT TACKS, DYSPEPSIA. iW.: 4 calttYPlc IKAItERDEA SUMMER 00 M- . O ..:PLAINTS, ' DYSENTE RY, DROPSY, SOUR - vv.. STOMACit TIRDLTUAL COSTIVENESS. C 11. 0 I. ""r• i IC, CDOLER-4.1• MOLE EA 4101tBUS CHOLERA cII'IINFA,NTIPM. F'L A T . VI LE:NCH, JAUNDICE _,.i FKAIALB . WEAKNESS ES, and may be need sue cp:cesifully an str i t ortata , RY FAMILY MItI) I ...„10INE. l i i . witt care SICK HE. HEA D A C as iiiM.,tholisan earl tr.stifr,) in TWENTY MINUTES, IF ~,,,,L prilfo 0 :THERE ISA SPOONFULS ARE YAK .A!'. 'I EN at. commencement of attack. ALL W HO USE IT ARE in its fever. • Mix. water In the month i swallow both together. TRICE ONE DOLLAR MR /lOWMg. -ALRO,-4- SAN FORDIS - • ux. • . est TH.I RYA4l.lritZib coNtrouNDED Purely TocetAlo Entracte and tin t ttp In 01F.AESS S - 10 M Light and will keelin any Clini:kato The FAMILY CA tie but active Cathartic used in pia practice more The eonetnntly bwreasing have long used the PI US all.eXpress in regard to pleat, them within the The Profengion well know act on different portions The le A 9I I L Y CA itatovitb due reference to been'oempounded from a table Extracts, which act alimentary canal,and are where a CATHARTIC is RAD/CEMENTS of the NESS. PAINS IN TILE COSTIVENESS, PAIN THE WHOLE BODY, freeinefitli; if neglected, Ter, 2L SOY ATTE RATION OF COLD Ol'Elt NESS, HEADACHE, or all: , TNTLAWMATORY CHILDREN or ADULTS, RIIRITIFE.ofthe BLOOD float is bele, too u utnorous tisement. Dose, Ito 3. PRICE Tlltt.Elt DIMES:- - Tho liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Vila are retailed by Drugglst goorrally, and sold wholeselo by the Trade in all the largo towns. S. T. IY. SANFORD, M. D. Manufacturer and Proprietor, •.• • • •• 208 DROA DIA' AY, NEW YORK. CcliV111.111" . FL'lllitiN STRUM. For e a le ky3.1. - -Lernber g e r , D. S. llabor,and . Di. Ross July Mourttain. Herb Pint... ' A DOVE, we present you with a perfect likeness of ji_ Tezuco, a chief o a tribe of the rtrango Aztec Na ti n, that once ruled exit*. You will find a full ac count of him and his pie in our Pamphlets and Al rnamus—to bo had . thy from the Agents for these Pills. chief The inventor and manufacturer of "Judson'e Moun tain Herb Pills," has spant the greater part of hia life in traveling, having visited nearlyercry country In the, *arid. He spent ovet alx years among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains, and of Mexico, and it was thus that the "MOORT/IN 74:43 Pius" • were discovered. A very Interesting accolmt of-Ida adventures there, .yori will find in our AluinuannodPampblet. ' ' It le au lititatilleltrd tact, that all diseases arisetrom ___- . _ R 13 LOOD! The blood is the rite! and when any foreign or tin healthy matter gets Mixed - with it, it le all at ones dia. tribute,' to every. organ of the laxly. Every nertelbela the pOleen f and all the vital organs quickly cempleivi.:— The stomach will not' digest the food perfectly. 'The liver censeato aecreta a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart 18 weakehod, 'did go the circulation le fee ble. The Wogs lamellae clogged with the poisonous mat ter; hence:a cough;,-and all from a alight impurity at the tountaintead of life—the Blood' As if you had thrown some earth, thrinetance. inn pure spring, from which ran a tiny riatilet, in a few minutes the whole course of the itreamfbeceines disturbs,' and diacolored. As quickly does impure blood fly to every part, and leave lie sting 'paid- All the passages become ob structed, and nal the nlbetruition Is removed, the lamp of life soon di .:..-These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate anzthe secretions of the body; they are, therefore, ltn rivalled a CURE ,Fo.,* BILIOUS DISEASES, Liver Comp.laint,liesliturbe, de. This Anfl-Eato' us aledielne expels frdsokbeldood the hidden seeds , of Ws. taw; and renders all the fluids awl secretions pure and Anent, olearing-andretniscitating'the vital organs, ~ . .rlensant. indeed, is it to 11r, that We are able to place within your reach, .4 modicino like tbe,"Monzirdtx Hzxa Pada," that will pass directly to the aglicted parts, through the blood and fluids of the hsly, and mace the sufferer to brighten with the flush of bounty andhealth. Zuebostes Pale are the Dec Remedy in oxistenee for She - following complaints: Rowel Complaints, lability, Inward Weakness, Cotigar,- Fewer and Ague, Liver Complaints, /30 _ petiole Cornplainityloreness of Spirits, Most Dite: Wiles, Headaches, Piles, Contemns, Indigestion, Shone and,Gravel, Dyipigiala, Influenza, Secondary Syrup. Diantout Inflanutbell, toms. , • D rowei ., • GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! Femmes who value heolth. should, never Abe without these Pilts. They purify the blood, removeebstsnottens of alt kinds, cleanse the skin of all bfruplee and bl.Ach as, and bring the rich color of health "to tho pale cheek. RS- The Plante and lierbe Or which thew Pills are made; were discolored in a very sarprising way among the Tezttokne, s tribe of Aborigines In Mexico. Get the Alatewin df s our Agent, nod you will read with delight; the. very interesting account it contains of the .3nanr biztuuns" of the. Aztecs. OBSERVE - - -The 6fountaln garb "Pills aro put up la a Beautiful Wrapper. Each boz contains 40 Ole and Retail at 26 wits per box. All genuine, have lailellg nertury of B. L. JUDSON 3 CO. on.each box. B. L. JUDSON:, & co., SOLE PROPR.IBTORS, I No. ISO Leonard , Street, NEW YORK. *L. Agents wantestalways--Address as above. ,gam Sold in Lebanon by Dr. Cleo. ROM, and IL S. Saber.. Sept. 5, 1880.4g4 HOWARD tiSSOClOliorii pa IL At , L P ILIA Benevolent instantion established A u k went for- the Relief of the Sfok and oar lifted 'with, Virulent And Bpideps4. Diseases, avid apaciarty ,for the Owe • of Disease. of the &mat . Organs, MEDICAL ADV - WRglygn gratis by the Actin. s e , goon* to all who apply - by letter w ith it d lion of their condition. (age, zootivition, lutiste sea itzt dte..and in man 01.exUeme poyerty, biegi c i t ; ne f t , r l rib free of charge.. VALUABLE REPORTS on Sperms° . rwha 3toin d o th, er Disarm, of the Sexual Orman, swim th ,Rsit• min emi)loyed in the Dispensary, ent 'to a nett --- in loaded-lett*. goyez i.e fr i , the clod Stamps Ibr.poetage. TWO ar three Address, DR fttrgaigi • • uermx etlEur o wa / 1 AelecAltjelti *LA flonth ifinth West ' • Jty , oilltiatelkialtrectorg • vie el m uwanz ' Iglat DiaXASTWELI., Zraidelit. Nov. 30, '69 ly IQIXIiiGfb Ad 3 Uniony P'wit&;tpe lo`it*bratot and 4 TRARTIC PILL is s gen. tr) ; wpkb The peoprletor has .1 - ! t han twenty years. J>, demand from thneo who _ l ' and t..e aatte faction which — I their 'nee, indnoeti me to -r ; cleach of all. ' that d ifferent cathartics b.,;(ir the bowel'', P.ILL t h . ir iy ell o r t t. p lis u b re. cd t v fne o 4 alike' on every tart of the :400D and safe in all cas'es ...%; needed. .such as L stomAGEL-s L E le; e 1- /IACIUND. - "U;AND SORENESS OVER from sudden cold ' which lendin a 1 ndconrs clot Fe r 'UTE, &CREEPING SEN. TimT RODYb EUSSTLEBS ,,,. WEIGHT IN TAR MEAD UP DISEASE, WORMS in • I nazunuensar, n great and Inanydisonse to which , mention in this adrec• • LINSEY'S fiIDVAO SEAlteliEto A STANDARD . For the epeedy, radical; and effectual eine of ALL DI . - SEASES arising f.otu I)I,PUIaTY. OB TUB BLOOD. • This medicine has wrought the melt miraculous curse In desperate mules of Sttofulsi -• I flutlineoue Disessio, Plittples on the face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, 'Totter Affections, • • Dyspoptilic, Jaunflics, Bileteuricil Diseases, Liver Comp]sint, Low Spirits, Female Complaints, anti al gin in The Above is a portrait of.Davitt 31cCreary, of Napi er township. who, on the 31st day of August, tBsB,made affidavit b fore Justice Gorky that he was treated for the more of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford co., and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic College in Ciociwy t . ti, for a period of nearly eight months, riotwithittWd ing which, his lip, non, and n pqrtion of Air tel ificer were entlrdy eaten away] lie had given lip all lops, when be beard of the "Thuod Searcher," and was "in duced to try it. Four bottles cured hfin,yind although sadly disfigured. there hi no enestion but what this ha -1 yaluaLle ntedielne saved his life.. The full particulars of this remarkable ease may he seen in a circular, which can be had of any or the agents; We also refer to the MOO of Narcy Blialcury, of Et dertcm. Armstrong eounty, Pa , eatrad of Scrofula af ter being unable to get out of bed Air three"yearo. To the case of a lady in Anamiville. Cfeardeld mu*. ty, who was also afflicted with Scrofials•fq..its worn form. , To the ante of George Meisel,. roshilnit ju '&rioltoie Cambria county, Pa., who was so Melly emitted with Cancer that it cat his entire anso off, and his eaae - Sraa worse, if possible, than McCrearry. . - The particulars ot; these celes--every . oue of Which was cured by the IMO of the Blood Seereher—may also be found in a circular to ho bad of anj of the Agents. It, M. - LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for -the manufacture and sale, near the Pohnsyllrannt-Italiroad Depot, Itellidaysburg,Ta. Drr Gen. 11. Keyser, Wholgsale Agent,Pittsburg. Pa. Formate by M. H. Bettie, Myerstown : Martin Manly, Palmyra; John Capi....t Son, J6nesto ern! Job t:r Seltaer, "Mount Nebo _JOhn Carper,- Itachniansalllo - John - Dein- Inger, Campbellatown; ICillinger A KlitpoAtt, „LisnAlle; John. C."Cobisugh, Bridgeport: all of Lebanon minty. Also sold at Dr. Gob. Roes Drug . Store, appotatill Court Howe, Lebanon, Pa. October 3;1860. Rosw .. D R. tt.:44 T 0-RE, • qppiiiiti Vie .Cofirt Newse... DR. ROSS o ff ers to the public the tsnofier and 'awe selection of pure and fresh Drugs, Medicines, Spices, Perfumery, and Patent Medicines that bal,over been in Lebanon. Jilt great Militia's for the parching" of Drugs, and his tang practical aronaintatice witlkfti. Medical, Chemical, andTharmacentical details" • Drug Store, as welltae the chemicia l- .Labornborf' ' Idea him to.give pareMsers many agivantagtet ~, It will be to the pro fi t of all ' pe a rados, to.beware or , ttioio who would ribeerve, and to buy their-Drugs, midiiiya. - • -- " - wish them perfettit .pgri, 'A - Oa. ".E, Opposite the COURT 'ROUSE. II) LIVER OIL.. . 'ore, freali,ani to 1:5;(1 Liver Oi Indy for sale a is' Drug Store. hied for the et' isumption. It. Ind Chrouic dit PHYSIC! ;OUGH SY7 he'growing di Dr. Physick'st mp, for Coughs, I, Bronchitis . _ _ age, has induced i nel to t ry his hand at counterfeiting it. This' is to 'warn the public to be on their guard in future, and:einem, well the marks of the gelatine Dr. 'Physiek's Cough Syrup, for without Dr. ltorar mime realise label. 15 S ., counterfeit. Prepared and sold only at Dr. Rosa' Drug Store; opposite the Court House. DR: ROSS' BLOOD PILLS, For all the PuiPasea of a final , / medicine, and Wkds- OVer porgation Is Decided, themi pills are equal, IMOD many cases superior to any other pills. They acipage. Iy, gently and without - pn4ticing pain or nnealint,— Good in the commencement of Rivera Headache, T alk Complaint, Costiveness, Giddiness, liympepita. and _et diseases arising from hapnre blood. Ask for thr.Rois' Bhiod Tills and see that Dr. Rose' name Is on the label. DR. BERA-L'S EXTRACT of SARSAPARILLA, For the cure of Rheumatism, Tetter, - Hilos, Scrofula Pains in the Bones, Old Sore, PimPles on the Pace, and Religions of all kinda, Nervous headache and other Nervous Diseases Dyspepsia, and ail dieeascs arising from impure hiec4 or the iniprudent use of Mercury.— Pa theeeparposes it will be forma suporior to.all other remedies. Price $1 .per , bottle, or $6 bottles for $5. Sold only ita4llinie Drag Store, opposite. the Conti House. .... PURE Otircl• CiTAIYBA BRANDY. For A'saluable consideration Dr. now. has begiso"p ; pointed sole and only, agent for Lebanon and Lilhan a i li , county. for wbolesaleing and retailing Lyon's 'PA D Ohio Catawba Brandy. A discriminating , palat e :Vim -one" perceive where the'Pear and °anoint 41 :k.i,oRrandj la to be had. Beware of poisonous iniiintlenalittras. care the genuine article at Dr.. Rosa' Ora. DR. ROSS' TONIC MIXTIJ -P.,,r the cure of Liver Complaint, Dy.teg4" -ib,, ache, Wmiknose and Nervous Diseassligenerally this* Tonic Mixture excels all other medkines. The large and terrorising gala of it, deniands that tt should 14 made more extensively known... Almost immediate re pelierf'unnsed.DinAmsm:Rinboyr siDr7lttlasbeell'' TmonPleidid'ctkiv.ttref7ikw iti' Pr'''. WlAlif ,I.O.O'Z'fGES. A see, pleasant and effectual :Worm Macneill*. Be ing perfectly tasteless, no child white ns. them, as they are as easily takiin useo much Dandy. Ofistrue. , these arel"e'n'llesot gesmeirfiviel*De.litßosal*l'°l;Yaorm3re at Dr. Rem' Drug Store. " DR. ROSE' - ZETTER OINTMENT. 'l l brthe ciiiii'orT:etter, Ringworms, and vari ous other oraPtive ditielseat. Sold at Dr.Dpine Drug Store. Dr. ItOtla a rigtflor practical Druffist, Chemist, and Pharnmeoritist, with anextenstve al Tariedoxforienas, Llteotrig.:,;to. .ron. they ,r,_ °f "er 22 lvistrt,-- and a Graduate of Je ff erson 3iedlail ~o urgo, Philadelphia., wishes to direct t h e atteltion of diatrinlinatitilaric a to Ma large and carea,,HY,r to tetistociLey p AND FREsyr Medicines, 0 "'”i-l ow all adVorditge oot, to be had elsewhere. ! please fbrix"Dr.elloaa nu7 Dra ° : this. BE. ROW Datro Snails DUMMY OPPOITI'D ran ...MEM. Setaglidireetad. stom cad aka care that younts PARTl T C h _cb_Lit ir i e- 06 . m mt- DID. ROSS ; Dam STORE OPPOSITE • THE . CO URT IOUSE . , . bonol4,lltdirroorA /11.0* Alutericass Life Insurance Company. , CAPITAL 5T0CK, 0500,;(06. _ COMPANY'S. BUILDINO, t. Coruer of FOURTH, Phila. Liftt:Tilinicatiott at- the usual AILITUAL RATES, or. at JOINT - STOOK , RATES, 'at about 20 par. cent: less, or at. TOTA&ARRTI_Nmsicy; BATES, the loweet*the *arid. _ spay semey.) WHILLDIN, President. • GEORGBI3LEIM, ER., la Agent for Lebsimen county. [February s, ill Cancerous formations, Erysipslas t Us, ; Sore •Eyee, Scald Head, 'lthenniatie Norden, pcudlvenees, Salt Rheum, fierreraltebillty, . of,A't!petite, . oul Stoffiltah. 'Dteeetteiefbielig , disk' . . •