The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, November 14, 1860, Image 2

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. .
'could not understand her, she was
growing so strange like and taking
on. so many odd ways.
TO bring my story to an :onil, it
turned out that the sudden accessiwi
•of wealth, after such long pores iy
'And .fieqUent disappoint ment, upset
'poor Mrs... ttax.worth's brain. The
strangeness and odtif ivays resulted in
frantic madness, 'and she died a few
• years ago. in 'a private asylum.,
husband-still - lives, and speculates;
his capital is 'now immense, thouglk
he has not always won at the sleek
rate. Ilishouse has been Wilt:And
is let,clar he never inhabited it; ;nor
.set ''rip "his carriage. 'Once: alter iit'
iorrg'reckoning, he asied'lnif irthii .
'Old man had not spoken true 'icy . hi*
• dream, giOnly," said he, "wo`di . e,tiof
'understand it right - about. Sallic. tit`
that could nOt be .. .lieltied, iffil'iib li--
ing can , Mr. Ailey. Neyoriiiii4l
. 1,
have a - great reepeet 'far yoki r liikattsii'
I knOW - ytitt to' be 'a hie* - hicii'd: B4. ''
That leitii all I kitir hehrftliim Say"
on the lnifeet .:iebidh ''had' troubled
him so Mu& is ibis poverty-stridkoti
days . , ixition hirbegged me notto cdme'...
'to the houtnisior have anything to dO
With 4hom x iest his uncle's prOpheey
ibotti IN° • killtnk
.'cit:Sally - - should'
c 4111.6 *'. 0 18 Vin)PPlAie eltbletifint
f 'lleiw min: bq . the . fbiltitifit :iiiiic
came through me, must have' hen
th4:prOpter' Inierpre,tagdti ' :of " the .
dreafa; if it s hiffrany;luid was 'not all
- a downriglitlnvetition-iititait*corthlr
&nay, run n i riesu3 K. al#ajrs did; oii
stocks and shares.. !Arial ovetiVir tfi:
. itideinoney, aiii,Atiffikkrea peophi'
inif(?* l o l .7oing'Plo9' ll 4 6 i*liii 3 1 1....e.a-.
*ay ;:tot mointitiolt, , tlfore.ks trio . 7. fa
buSt&ts I &oleos fbr 'iddipi;iol d• I
!know hie etuillrrid jfielO - nly r — baing .
voiluoky hand ' 'itldef) • TO: le.ifflifaater
worth having lo'ihollidek'Bikigiange.
lily as :N4
X.Bllailuraditonsad ;ortorietor
~; ::t,
"ii*/#o4 . e*OlifiEg
•11{; an
ISENTzmar t D..--t-mayorly,, :convi cted , Of
'by vybioh Ww. Loluoiu vas atonic& . --
• -
out of bia-eleoion:andltimiontificaie 1 r 4t=is staid'. triu n e -et rit n
O ooin -W es
given to JobOIM- - Ititlor, has 'bOonuro Trendy fated with •p} rigors, .
sentenced to vii"!eiliki - or s_aoo, Lind wh.TEtn.. tqopreaumptioul°lo6/1Y hold ti9ke.o tifittoty
cointy pr .
. ", ,; 161t.431 ',„ i
an kiwi:lsom:4,oi of tviO yeari inth go ana
o .
toin.. : • ..i .4s*: llM . NituPd . for Skin k v
.. ~ pi ti((tt.soi.t tif:l)lteiti
. fiir' A . 4 .4 ►if:
. ..
• • - -••
„ - • t4l, usette, •
been inade . a Doct4 of Laws.. It. is
dono, says an Eastarn,peper,/beeause
ho has doctored the' ltiws Massa
ohusetfe till Chef let , a white
foreigner cote that - Atli! two "yoarS af
ter lie has, keen. netßitatimcloihi 0 th E YP
z ptekk negro thxotigti bhott--Av in ic
It ia,alkeadpsaid titatthe'w,‘
ministration- of jbWrltlig9iii'' wiR be
conservative on the - Stoltery (ittOetietii
We hope it will, bat w$1 1 0:WO:oillo;
sition is thus, already,
,striving for
Southern support, it must. not, ;forgot
the interests of the, north4liicillefee;
ted him. They blive . ,poiltittinied- the
people that we have '01.441 lyeto' ,
Presidents with e*eluelvapartkein
ciples.. If this'll soAaad while, Ihneleln,
is striving to beoontiatticinalpvedon't
want him to fill igloo 'Elie slim; 'error,
and allow the IntOreste of tenneylVa
. .
nia, and of the poor Mnid-meoban
;ics of 'the north generally,. to.become
subordinate. to hie- offer& foi South.,
ern support. "If lig tViS 'elected sec
tionally, let.his adrninietrtaion be na
tional--north as we 11.48 loathi •
• ols_ . The 'Wowing to. obAto itscittl
divotob to the New York; nnea,fro
. ,
the home
seen' thatalie BOW is to bai , e a prat
- ty fah riliregOttiatitm itithe Vabinot,
4nd t h ata Strong; bait is hpik out .4?
the .
tTnion C2pstitutional patty, in
the pox:130110f olin. 801 l , foi: the' Sec?
Totax7ship of Ike Interidt
BPsuoititta;lll.; /toy. 8. '
. ..„ . .
apequiatton is - rifiarriongliiinalrieiit politi
cians most iathisalii with the PreAftleht sleet and.
tatppOsed therefore to ha avall-ialforpactd to .his.
'probalilo course s , ~The compiAlmi spf.his Calai-
net is freell eatilaslid; and" iltititollowirfgstro the
names most:preitilne•ntly mentioned t •
Yon,snopuraitv Or ETATA•
.Verr York.
Ellmop Cameron, , Pon nay lvan ia.
William C. Rives, ." • - .'...4lfirginitt.
PAR Et onstaamor ran rxrcatun.
• John tell, . Tonnessee.
Cassius M. Clay, • " • Kentucky,
80bOyler Colfax, •• Indiana.
Z. Chandler, Michigan.
John Minor Ilotiv,
Itenry.firrntipi „ Maryland,
It is hoped Vita • tha Union . Con'grasinian . will
'wolletrith tti'e'Rbpabitoans, thus securing a Ito
-publican majority th "the Ilona° of ttcpresenta-
Jacob, Glaosb., for eleven
years a Representative and Senator
tram- LandaSterCounty in the State .
Legislature, fflisrt for 'tan ye s; As:,
sociatO Snag,•of thnkoontiV,.46(.l
Lis residence, in, Marietta, on the ; 4th
inst.., Aged 135. •
11141114T-1/011 TELE 50191 E SO , --.1.t IS Mid
that there are no i n l twenty or
twontir-ftro appltda: fiiiriho .
town kica l t izq ftiee x , pow *led, by 0, - poor
crippled widow flavor. 'Whig
-.member of .Vonkreile.
4616. Thaddeus Stmtentiod LairCAS
ter, will be a prlmineaVemididtete of
the itepublicans; fOr the - ld'States
ss3no:to4pfitiii). thisPriite: If den"
43,rwatisizn with the-opp,oitiosain Penny
sylvania,.on the slavery' question, is
444.ranfilypoerisy, be defeat.
etrzilost eigngliq. e• "
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. 'Seii- TherbrenzOrab3r have Ereille
Triumph of the Sectional Poi' ly.:,‘A. &cited, and tkesybolkald, itiedeeio'
The .4.lstsip sre, as ,ypt,.tionfmealra. .not.a)readyerilkxinlitew dal4inowt
and impeotiet'to„Ale glyeb : ; j i ilen oi, rii . ..; , The) fialdkriumatar,de
or with anAhinglikikaqo Pie f:S:a ‘ t are;alBo liClhinti t ,...llllll}Z , i„1 , 4 3 hoped
folla-ina'is n 4edite - iwitite4; ,
hVie- %b it better etliiheils.7nliiiy'tbreattbr
suit in the several-States, as near as prevail. mad we been united and
we can now, it,- •rEttrtlienrcL-.-Pasiannitiousp.•wilthlist ? ,,eue„ candidate.
turns may vaw it. slightly : i . in the fieldi..W i e.utighp jirobably, keys
-! - , rantOar' 0 jiklri:ir. , I SliCeeeded.ri , Atilitirle Etinr6' althroUg
New York, 35 Minnesota, 4 _ ,
.044PActtiptat,„,,,, , , 0 6 N am jumpshi t e,„.....l.,:witwpt..„W9wiikszaygt eons dAsperate .
?Monis - 11 Ohio
a 441013 1 :,
.p.. 4 one:
„f t ; . 'Wb not' 'opipy had to "contend
,lo;sta,. , 4 Rbotte Diana, „,...1 „Al. With l SClMl,tetred* illict dissatisfied
111110, 1 1 1 , 6 Of :0,111 ; own . paiii,:liat . the sectional.
... ma ' itumita, .
,i3 s Ver m ont wtaccnisi , t) ,
MlnhigiP4, f< Is i ' ,1„. , : f, ' `;.` - ''' •••--("llo,s;raierepreistitillibdis and; Ihieep
44;iii . .100 - • - LA' : • 4 : -. •
' i
the . ' * - •
~ , )52 . ttons, o oposition, yvere appi ov
'rroceullamtsa °bolo, .
ed 9t. Intl . Oiltipiii, t-.l*
.tbe.. people.—
t • LiD.oollV33tChijbriZy,.. • ' ' : - It
..3 1
:Anibsintt., A) Mississippi, .- ~ • ~
Angabgrts• . - - 1 4 North Oardliosi,. JO
Itilt&eute,, - : 1 Soitth c'arolinar - ' 8 ,
Vollthkr, , 3 Texas, '4
oor e tt,a., • - • 10 V irgiois,(ttrobably) .15.
Voti" uttts. ' , ' - ' it
karYltind; ' 4 ` - 14 ' 1 8 Tutalt ' • '.. `
*AP A-1411.711.tuuttrrt. AND 711/1101 1 11,
SOIN 1010 y, (Fasioll.. 7Tennessoo,
istitabley,ttirotiatil I
) 12 Missouri,
1 •,, re. ~ .st; •I . •+: 1 .4 - .1 ...., .: . ' ,7
• • I ••••
• • .Z 001: :14 - •av s
' TRIG lir A MIT. • 7- '
Totall,lectoral - • • 303 -
-Of trbr .i
ettiLilli4a• receires: 7. - 189
' • . 134
w , Ithegin • • •
p.musasary .t 6 4 • 15 g
, , 35
XiY' Via pltn as yot.4.lltai.n.pooii* /
rellatota!i.k the vote _Ofattailvejticiaisv
at • the e lection last givtft* , ;!ti:ti ., :ie-.:
eases iVip
18 ,:q:* : )1 0 ,00 1 Y.:404f-A4)..tti idhs
ty, for I icebi
• et. witYliroliabl i r tie • softie.:
.. 43cr,g004 ,
10,000;' Ove r all otlieik*.rticlajt4cOn; .
it Will 06 - 014 - gbittlfo4ll•l4itia. I
far knsoit - 13urlingsOnsi, :the:
- • • •
slavery4 3 , o *".: an_ Cf44 i 7Pli° 4 6 '9 4"
ad v ocate; Mid Yigho YrtiokOotilitted• ;!net.
weeladmaangresi ) E.Liit Vtlitet: ,by
the eddiehOtitiste iff Step*
;tie 'a t eßntli Ito for thcartiiiedtiitps.
Senaleisigp hrOnt, seacliueotts.l If
the peeploif Atlistmelku, setteJthougitt.
him itn wet t 4iefecin laciapfeecin tr. till=
ib the:i4evrerCoSlige‘of Congrosirvire
°4firt4 - Pet 4 . l )..?l ) F o frieit:t . o:9CtsidOrs
etteitiptiri trir IWO;bim 4140 :mether
and !tieleor - posit*); ' •
can pifgrims4o, visit for tho•fiext four .
months. The iide , bigration for
the West has airdady - -/Set ! in-what
Will it be a month heitee Every
train will Pilreign Min
isters, tlolistati; Indian ;fronts,. 4 1;14,
Itei.i;ers.:ef-kablie-Monoys, Governors
•TeufitorilseilAisiettiries ) Pose-Mop
tett; Odltedtoispit,inal Pg,t-keqKirs,,,
lif irVt!it and Li g h t . Ro u se'
KeePeirs, in Oriiirat i ttecy: It: is an ill
wind that btaisit.notbody gond. Tho
railroads and.lfotel+eepers of
tpriAi , fieki 44/1 " - .*o
altuer litov al — poor - devO, '4fter
spending.. hile;Monoy, ana Asir
months timo; wilkOalize the fact that
6e .
ungrp,tefut, , - .
wry Tior..Atlad elp h a :Press , atittel
that ehe . ....htergiti4ca'nd fifty free
groes have recently . * m e from Chnil4:ls,
ton, SOW :Qtliolina, and Settled, in I
'Tivo-thirds of fhe nikm, I
her are ; Radoe **pie, such asearpeh
tars, Imilers4oilelifterrs and masons;
the fliniatesiiniitiittia-makers,niillinors,
landrisittsjp,i4 "purses. This - ,exoduii .
of free negroakt9tin the south -is- n on ,
ply .the .beginntlfgrte what may be-ex
peetQd if the ihmery agitation' is nee= l
tin tied lThor fitith ern states aiiiiipa : \
sing laws tap them; so nio-thel
Western. stAtesi,. : l44 the Nortiorn
states •and, P4aachi..heing too , cord a
climate• fag' tharaMroB4ll . oos4*
e oyerrelOfiliVilil of Ropallfeao - P e kr"*.;• ; 21 0
free laborim mair..tiod mechanics: Of
izop . niel4niguriii:4oelcartniczeldave;
competition 'the Territoriei 114lEy
now neon 6t.the
ttrgif at tVitr't•w'fi doors.
*lbl - eat
"vhb was tried ,
last spriagid)liiladeliiltia,74:liiss,
ing eounterfolt . wiryis
Lancaster laoh.
ewer the eharge:.of:poliOa of
Einanuel Blotter's he - oEl,4oam° weeks
A. correspondent of 'the?Balti
more -Sun writes froinl : •'W.ashingten
"Mrs,4 oh n - C. Ca I ilnani aolibt • of the
distinguished Sonatokt*A,
Carolina, has been -fnifitifeitto t 014-41nr.
a visit to her daugliter,gla Olinnietry
near. Bladensburg.. Cabot:in' is.
now sixty-eight yoatatot Ngo'ir •pith - an,
flows liteareelrditened tryclogspC44 l €l drfui
MA, 07 1 ;Weilfa.tion, and ief€4o4l , Ch
sure. to iver many NfersetwArdsiden - e4-
,::W(ViOrigten andAlicalegetown.--i
Th t tikly ^of The depautedfrAatestruin•
clop: net, dbooso: - trthrole—itersqlf
411 oft within the - past4e l wl
weelinesitO has wrougho,:afia exhibits
to , herelfniends,t a_ larva apical('
curtain otltroehren. wolik,. Bone udillt
bor. ownkands, 'fend•witAloutttne:
of glasies - . 1 ! adding that aas .bit
the fit - at-of -ten wbidli ninr‘tiks - ignder-*
.taken.l.h : :2; , -• • • •
V ALII4AtiI fire: 4 It
•st pleou'o:q' infotruatibli, a little Inte
143 l,
now, but as wintof• , 'olreelreo
time to procure the•renieoi i ll i rebena
eaonded, it witfliir aadepta
;4 1 1t . 0f Our young , i.eafetw :
toliePtid best prbteetiort TtiedieVitull,
tetd will/ Mpg:obtained. by -filittio.yinit :4.
pretty. Thoo:l3€l4..niFilie
bite is s matrw,biqi,erdeete4hid alp%
tblifit bettiiir U'Udllitieatiforim • -.
After the. OpAqber i doWat TOrfnsyl
vanki ft ,viAtiLysltoelve4.4.4ll discern
'men: thif. the'frioh do of -Lincoln
had" the .in itself,
.16 th tes
was wo OUSEM 0 to him.
- WillloElfrrirjog - ;to plo'n nViifforences
aqd diffieulkietkin own. ranks, the
opposition pihked, .offi ant- stragglers,
j and - neu‘raliell .thotleint-hettrted, so
tiht;± . 4.l:af. trial was at
,bandlo4 only, 'a disorganized*fee 41Q.00,440,th Although the
Dettramici party' has. been defeated,
it ii'Vot 'fend
I::c' I !POPRi . 141 P>:,fislilf Win aar4in
4 1 .4;:iceP 9 q*Ot.POPOidititlinr : iv i I I
belth's 411 -
Ytt: 4l4 ,
by ch#,Vilif-1;143r ey d ll A va just len
31.9 shall do j tiec co'
-sidn?ipAitsittion:rof: - .141:. Uneol l3 ) ut
lbsthilsoi hiildnyenrto the )ori‘m
ises , itioon peo.
pie pr9btainlctifcfr:liim: Welwant
14; see ,Welikt - 16181 - all the promises
they riVid*OXPlkeikiefri.*,:men Arid
'rneehariftelieftikkeodntryiatict if they
:fail' i n ',tat hplifltspobSi
. _ ~,„ • .
0ft.11111 , 1 d TES I:EfeM "TIGER - , — , .a.
cokiospoti4nt, 'pigning - khinlsoff 4l :24m,
Old .Itif er ' , gives the folloWing,kiter . -';
• i
eglirkg - apotiO of4ho "Tiger,7 in a
rdeant . auttbor. q( theLeall form iafipir
it I:4* the` firtiisee: . It iaivortb-feadine—:- 1 " .
is. • ~ ~,.. ALt.
"Ili =the summer of 11322 or thereabinits'thig
, Boston Lighbittfaitry made a 011lapaign;a0.41is
neighboring pity oflalem. , The.eciepa bitting Al:
1 sided into fonr.sectione, each section took, to, it,
iiiiif . 'it Vinse. Tliff meinbbre of one section called:
, themsehetrLiong;..ifiellier section talk dieviame
of Tigers, and this. laat section eon tained not on
ly the.bia4; soldiers, but, also, •the greatest wits
'and wags, Originated all' thelun Mal deviltry,
igivini life and tone to - the camp. The corps, on
the,eticaropnient, adopted that noose, and have
liver sinceMeen known na,the Tigsrs,, now .terin
:ed, by Way of disfinction; the Old Tigers. The
Tiger groan originated:in this -wile : Al a
given tb this corps-during that visit, a trill' took
place betwtria the two rival sections, .
the Lions
and Tigers, to determine which could be tendered
the moetaturiil the Lion's roar-or - the- Tiger's
growl. With theiaid of that admirable auxins. ,
ry, the Boston Brigade Band, beaded by the fa
mous Bartlett, the Tiger groWl Was given with
such effect and trial) as to lead one to believe
that:a - veritablis four-footed tiger ,Was being: stir.'
red sp..' • •• • •
This last test eskablisheff . the supremacy of the
Vigers ; iand , e.ier Stue4.atiffe sumptuous dinners
61 itbat.dashing .04p%, Whenever a toast is drank
i which is•rtlittitilkably brilliant,,patriotic, 'or from'
I any eituie pea - I:thirty, acCeptiOle,it is followed by
rthree cheers and a tiger—Lb° additiOn of the ti
ger-being expressiremf extreme delight. In ex
traordinary cases, three tigers are
_given; this,
however, .is a rare and distinguished compliment.:
Here, sire, You have the -origin and history of.
the term frigey.l Which his now become so wel t .'
known throughoutithellition., And if ; yin. eoujdi
I.hear this thrilling tiger tendered by the B. L.:
Tit; sccompan ied'hy the. Boston Brigade' Band,
at one , of their thrilling Set-downs, it would in
tieektueltsuirgr.- Mend 408110 . 0 - briskly through'
your woUld'iso at a loss;
tß•afisi)FiA.Topiits populaiityund universality; ; •
CIoPPRA4GENTs.a--The Ledgir says
Dirkletorimf'the Mint, with= the :
approval -of 'the Secretary "of the
Troaentf..of ihii::Crnited States, has
arriinent , Itith ;the': Adanis Bxpresi
C6ttepanrforthe tralliportation: free'
of °Volt coppertcents in - stins
tif - t2o..anthitafardi4o'ths Mint, and
Oniitn, :to all 'poi nts
Ith-the .Aitldiftk tateilt .-anicr t Sible 'by
toalltird 411earnbirlit, , taid;i416ther.
*hi ei ?<fan 'beretteffitifliorltilAtiti r
~ saftirrivortAbd nOt inbarring f Awenc.
on ago
te.copipopity were sinirloinflao,
week:it-the announcernent,:th4
,t 6 the
pills, at bilk-place .of -residence, and
voted for •hinvi)f for President of the,
Tlnitedgintlk.,;,hidn"t,been fipthe n
A ta l tha t t 'h e Mali -11 9,9We') t wag 0 - 04'
'T 171 4-ire ; P 4 W• 2 XOrk I W/etir. it w 9V r(l 7
r:49. 4 * 09-RktPl hit9Y. , -man
See i kcim sg.b aritii3n - 0r,44
V lade 1 4At .0 a 94
A. aeth."To the credit of o n nation;
be tit , ,PaideSevalqeskta. has MAW
4 1 400-Tor.litielifaltad
:pied aa.Ma9alitbia a PasitiCT
trust itmnay. long, very. long, be
toltt any othgr,riball occupy I ar
.., • ' .
•yia.V T 46 n _encons!on..,
nthe trince's,vis,t to Paintaidka, a.
was pthitaelr .
I's 311: • EsiekoaSif .. iti
ttqueateil tint a
glass: Of Winn,
;rofilie(lo4 - ,k,
•iemaikiid to
hq PrinOn.3p Ifir that
ty4i-iitln,acbaM4ood *ql ogq
On annb-ocanainni:tiptito -
ti Gong' "
sfiid therPi nee ,` turning to
'POr bre' e was 'obliged :
4 1;a . tn 4 .t,lotr •;. • • •
- I pfitikt lady • in RyoNidenee; .
sliitely? Vat:Lunn itsgasteantitti;liffaihnd
[ 'ermined-Ace...commit statide., ..,sw- v •went
I ciaLgiruggist toipturChils.e,sttychniitai
• ' erlifteating:inmintrntion; pre her 'a,
rigibureffuir.:•eafietie Anstqtuk. • She look it
• " s thak teireifta*.igufsed! of her ..tidat:
Alartmi?' . • s , .
•:! 7.7 # .01tar#:_eifylic434 ..slloith . :14017,
'en Nor#444. exc e ss
't t1,0010t444-filfaphit
, • —la theqiiith:Dittrint of New Jerky;
llpheptah ,Petty, (D4ct) - beats Speliker.
Ittemingtoray 210 majoritk,: • .
A • • teyo y •
Ittet in tht-As.rortionse.'
I - Nt s V., , ,'oz d
rftlid . ": I F 6 itiOnying property
i i i
thozpoit oxith watph
burned •
-- -- •-•-......, ~;
Der Mr..l44ollll l l.llWillthsistration be To . soisred. tine iti..; Tb6. - kei:&10.• ,i. - ,
.. if toe .kear by the late Foro.
~.., ALB the y ir r s : v c i i ! tra r y, f laadattlAtstthor In etety dd
• itisv si) in r t To. .3,3 kyr buidpg, at, dim
will be wealiko;-thert z • - ! .. 4: Welpichat we• holders in ehillestor n had tenaered7their The - r- - ee ,3 V . 17, 18 9, .
. have eviltyo seise:: • iii'' no ho- ~' ,••• lote,*end e su,.. ch is tlr state o,forh- Mare, !....,.. ssi te . OreB IV cga. a ..rento iv that you pay
~ - any . l lO rer thati you would at ' -aby
of Cratabileanteuta
. . ~4 „ , J aw e e a4vantage,,ot. Tepelvieg,ao.eleipant
mogenitr;-ert eir ' t , iid ro y o 2004 than ot
~r . i • ht.„4, _,
ri9uB branemoir ..
, piert,. .. f. ,.. 2.lcliiin_
,e li i, c e f r c t
;tef.gthieer3Ltiiiiiiiii,iliterivolan,itceeliheettaiinba that 'his .occurred. .', litadditiort to, ;he,: •
romntt4 eiz ie.b , o t tle a r i t d7 eal ;l worth a handVid told more
gliatlitunbei of traiiiitrobservers • - tvkeNlED7on••l ll CassiNn e c b iq, tziOusr s i;;44 - as.
as . --.- tt .:iiiist -"4-A- .i. - hyrs,:e . , e a -- ;;* . °114.1 p:::, v .0 a. r ii i i; ,_ i f 1'
, °toe tb, s ' o 6 sitaii4d•protegt ityikti Niere,ltcattereAdottAline of its path
it,;:...tord e i r=L,oo , 2 i c b ti . ty: il ux
i rtnutt i ,ao..re_caii
she will .. .rebel, .. NAV' Yor . lf.. - NOP . In in th .27i argebilreir elk lii! , Rol l the Atiteet
con tin iielter'entilotitr4o---en--*drienis-- .. .to 17-
_gynt, thf'.....40:1:4;t4W.44 aliatro you that tlii best pkte . e IM
: .e o rt rarY:to..ri t iblgise be.oke is at the 'Gilt Book . • Eitatt•
ilament oC ~,,, GEOltog 0. P.V.Ott_i,
- ous parts of the State military organize- i new art of astronomical photography lent" •
tyation whiekyTtillatesruelo.4..94. iiol4, -wereirtrettgl...a.,...nd the Sta te ci2l : ,...Lits dowerftp aid towards 01 .?t**18'..,A....e..e r f l- , onginater of tho Gi ft Book Euterpriaa,
po, t ,43y„,Phf!stottt Street, Philadelphi a .
`PiOnsYl;iiiiiiiiiilirghlk donfierititifel - ors were generiOly displa y e d in lila& ICiiiiii . hiStoti;'‘orlfie phenomena. In :far
whom - gti t tGor induce.
.4 1 7 3 3 V ug.,_etts la - rpatitymilliVl,llilon- lite flat• - .41,ba1y . t05x . .. - ..! The Legitlatifie ' in ter totall4iPeelF,..•Whe.n the sot?.•er`VVo4 l.- ' 101 - Ac eF 4 'l n -NT"' to
A'r . l ie -Isitibli* , eit is Hap' . • 1 4revgiiiiitistaetioolefreet to • the mom- ' Pletetyhfiltten c bY;the • nioOn,; while ` still i T o n r e rtVi v OsTafti&a i si - ren u scSt e 3 a r o ila y n e l l iwtit i :i tin r l o o b ra t t l i
Jicart and„,iPA.4l-, ...I)lew.„YO,K,ltrAp.4, A pr i dotortt3 :9 l . ..thtg 9 yerpor,py delibret. brieiter,objeqtk.wenring like ,protuhet•- I ~7411,,„::ft=4 . ;,u,„
I .
•Qcipneollfal,bitt,littP3,..„.4lP:l,.llfigi- • ing Uporl.plalAfgr arrning . the State and - . entes,,Were 'iiee i t is fendipg into the'l'coro , i g .1- '•-•' -'•
_,•,_•._:',.-_,- - • '.
- • . obtai n
i.,. 11 .*0! 1 10 -2 0 q .,, ;:otaT i wokterre. - , .tiprixMon,.. .
.iinAftej . ..fciffoi2tAi . :'defelic,r, . :In na;:teefe hstit ii h - discu4slep ,among l i
- .Ettertl*rre•;Orrgeffitt ifSlti 7419.43;41e Viepkgia. ttre • *Orpicef7 ;.01ing,* A VALIJAILLB.,T,tIrtAttin
vt, • -
tlionkti.. aqgc . in.4.o*lniikard to theSer"aPpertiatt-. I : j it . i I Ii,.7O,M4UMB ' tit pi,Y,NN:
047:wbien Ithe..iiiirrik"f6e:lo,liin - ehiill 4tKopg, hasAot beenqutiksp• demoristiirt ies, sOnleAielielix that they were ' pr o- 1. ,AN ELEGAffr s t tLit...biass PATTER.,
14 1 7,9„ 1 0 , ritPti.-::‘"1 -- - :'.Z.: . :- . ;;; s t . " . : .:: e : ..: • Arr. i eseSingouth,.6o ol *t:..l ,. The Governor; Aced* ihe.actlon of The. earths' , atmos- 1., it sPLENDID. TT:-)ir .13 LFt Ir.
.'l3nt the *qr. a diverse
. 3 : , ;4115itilt . 7 , ..5042tegithiAill.nAipe l :iit ibe..wshi t .....oere apes fight, others attributing ! 4 ( . - " i f r
t:' ZV I ° 9 8o r e b b :;:=:Z r° a. ti e, r i n t I t i l i 7 L ort t ab r
sentiinents4i i iktiif . 4l;'o'i l-ffg . , Con - t• . litifte,:gi . - 00A.hia.viesits , .Stiolhe condition [l:them . .tlgtheonoorktind•otheri..-etill,"to the : lielnent. . -:k - ' - ca n 1,0
pared to the war: whfar*iii ttpeed it y . ' o.cfaa-.. ft.', -, .ge* Oin*Pda . fepigals .Upon; ;,*pn. Hopes had beep for sorne - litile
1 en- I n g ,, A ,7.CpV# I 4.Z . ViZi:ZIHTZ:'r a list z O't
brealp gift . .„.671, Kt.,wrign,Ops .4114 ran ts • ' Ate *deft:fent:Or . states- of, the North: •• •A‘,. , *dallied thatttlie:acli of thikOkiliarZOittAd;itizi t t i= ef ernictiti tit e • s tilbooat ,of taotry re q uiro'd
office an d
t1 i ,g4 , 44 ;h 1 . 4 M3 ..n ry• 'v,litlttires that repidiatien cOiltNeftherlitylaim's is also - WWII: obscriatioio; which ,-vircniiil ...settle - I - .. catalogtri, *hieh dmit.i',loB lii ,the aesired
ttAiqiie . A.iirket.o44litiePti)ighas beek,lhese,;(ll4efiitiello ,- allese . hopes ileac r i c=rsi ti Z t inti v re c t '' ggrt i lrit t a l galTiltg,
bones of 'erlaviirnnittat ~ ••••v - .."110,• • hen fiC.SarrUilfaheAP*lo4ll resolutionsi seen clisiiiPoi.4t4 '.l-rhe,eoronaisialiirfin- . addrePs au P
..,:, •
".• A 1 ready Ttbe'diaeordant •poijas Pfthi& '.i4gerAdoiitg:ol4iiiVittehathe.eteetion of . ons..atmOsphere A:of the sun, brighter 'than -!, rio r d if ,,L ll ll l =7:l B ;l i r"Odiglii v vrtter.
angry q'partoi - reoeb,• 9ei" . -Apli; -. .. - .;ln- I.iiietTlisshdli,,..,_*litioOglit not and will - not" face of the nitiOn; gradually:,.*oming ' priso iii the ! Woriß, permauently located ?.(0. 439
il:heitm t leStroet;Phßadolphia. [Sept. 2p, isoo,,..opri,
deed, we - befird . - .'"ucenr . lif-... nutiismuir:4 - subftlitt4 . td;that;thege444 :- teds4l- ih TO'S ithe"(ll:4_, tincefrom• thtitui;Hiletea-1•1 • • .-- .. . . . . - .. ..
qtittetelt Ntilfr:totire' ball°. ~..,..
.. : * et*. , thieu:ifoisrato asponneg' , t69lle rest -.lse till ft fades snotty in the -sky - ..tiirithpiat,
- - - I •n • Wie : ciarliiilW • ' Cetilt(milriifist, .; An I - • -. •
opened :!*40 . 44(114:. -r- F: ,,,- . - '.Q . ,,,, . Vo ti , 4
~. -
PTTY•: 4 7 ,44 . P.,_.: : 6 45.1t 5 , tojtol,6A , s4rAtrVoie - to communicate ictiiiii!Georgiatleik.undrkihoiciOd'egglies
. 11 , 441 , tke, body
1 .._
.. a . Pi'd}YlAvga-,Amii:.4ojitis'.l4ilk....oili4 - :: . ..Ors . 4fitif fße'pek . leatittiv4 .4iy . co*Na; of the sun. I"The;-re4 eirottit;iiiinci; are
deft; ,....... . .... • .— ~.. ~ , . .
PUt,:Oeu ' I 9 1 k Vd.titlY 1*.6.40': Oak'. midi co,operate sy#ll , tbe . Gtiverper •in. call-' luminous floating clouds, floating in the 1
€4lleitiV);ttriiting from pp . o9Bfat 1441171 -convention- of the
.petiPle . re; deter- shining. atmosphere, all of .them ,- pretty.'
eilifOritillrhbstile. r facticips,JC . .Wci e tild mine en some
,Or . re : 4oas' ! • The war the sodas* the - sun,' It is - ar. serid
inevitably,fall at e,,n- owl) , l'lkso.,i'fbriin . : t,ottinlid . flag of Georgii , vils'yi&a on . ;if's fetic:Witit.ioniect.fhe*Opli(is. inipress:,
.: . 01..,:ihvi.oti - s-i•iiic 0c aj,.: . ..u..**63414. general gfeene's monument in Sayan- - ; ed their.iitieo.,m , ,po...photpriaphic paPer,
tli po o w u e g rf h tr e te y ieseo ccl4 lx*H ;l4, :"Tti r is..fa:C h t r is ati e g ap hwi lai th n ,
o . :,attlVP . lek.or theories . so far as its ngi,... licikeSetide of an enthusiastic multt I f
intf. , Slaveli - aspects is obnoorned— . tilite;. 7;A '' L
..... ..
5 4 4 1 fh, 0 0 . ENtßifiitry :Ailif Ai ., l4M• ' - .S.enito47oid.w6.f Georgia, and cams:fed- on the, suppositioniiiiii*y inityliave
prittie.ritile 4 and - When,''tlie - AOUt"lior ;f?iikr; ,. .pr §Qtith CarOline, arei.rOPoited to Itmitted a deep violet - light ,i,rtfOstly...cliirn
-3.9olitit :itittil :p4tiV.V . 1410174111. alt lye] . ;ale • resigned': their- geatsf, The SoUth , . =posed of chemical rays. •--- •• ' -•••••• ••• ' `-.
e t ir
mi..the haniitilolitetteralife,o - : ••. a. .Caroltna*tntite passed a ;bill Callinrt,• The ,A t.n .,,, atio - h ils4 f ,; 4 4 hetli ` , - . 4 piciys i o:
t4lrize itliem itiitalfitiattrifi... Ntilliti; . ae;-'l;c.Onverition.,,to,..take. Arita: eonsideratcion - ht e a• -
• - of
trinekrili'seslqwfaeibt*troi?fobg. 1 ! easures ; Rot •,sqpi.So6l} . .."': . ebib.s- of gin : ;.'Pe* utieis voted toli ; ; SOUtfix
as '.tha•partyloo.tiiiiiiini...tblitit
l'i* aill 4 14- °* ell 4.6 :bii Pgtfi ll O ill Va 4 -•Plrtg' of I - NeLirit L ilt .!3 • 7;x- - ' .*'n th'iir to
114 ..4(W*ll3ll4r.T43titirst. ..11 - 601113 -- oriCe. -- 1,11- Sek4o ll 4 f iltatet. - ' ,:.Y-'4.::.; - ' '
mhos: Cavour - urged tile, . I:l iiii " tta Tik r iln ifi ani a .
„ , e vote ctn.-
--.,-- _.. . •
alined .the -- effertacif , trh,eir.§l44l,l;
. strong speech, in , whieh-lbe 'pointed out
and exposure - or: err altftet,sui ko
. . A' . . f • — • what was in the fuliirji4fripurtrpe. Ac;
thera to rise - no " morel .-
.Thfi":Will he • , cording - to his dee:Ural:lOn lir thitts assiem
thacasie with Mr. Lincoln should - he hly,. Rome is to be the Callfhtl' of United
attemptAqPtitarly of the absigd no%
ttiope*lrietite, which, -the
ridgy; .abe Sumne.r Lovejoy *,eichoel
have been- satithiing . bgeadeaet
• throughollt, the eattvtv.e.
- milbeenstreas.-rA great
9Ounterfetters was made in Phil
ondO, aceu4par.-
. Nveteitcliunitted.l6plison in deigny of
Ilktit. tiL TjiesApnteileit notes pur
porteditO:be the tine issue of-the western
Bank of Philad elphia, andAre.well engrav
ed, and goOd unit/4166 of .
The alleged csinAterfeiters are.Alleri Ast P,
l the Itith Virard, Philadelphia, and 1 .4111 m:.
11Tel Boy 1, iitlNlelirri.*wri: They:vier cap
'cured anthe tavcritOf; Menassah. ?dee., sir
Nineteentk iintlAoplar streets:
who was arrested kiln attempt fti..s a,
counterfeit ''495 on the, Western Bank gave'
the information .whiCh led to the discarery
of the gang. Price, tbe , lapdlorcl, escaped
by jumping from:a hack windiow
search of the preitittieS.l*Mted in dltedv
ming an
„ aggregate of 46,7E9, all in : $5
'dotes, bran c itievf, Arlon - The
- notes. Felt etince.sigitid crevices all over
the hou - se,lideno;press, dies, or engrav were to give a clue as to
where the was made..
'The arreit,is - a'forttglitte oife,,atfthe bills
;mere evidently packOin•lotstordikkilit=
Tion„and in another
'werabarge - scatteredi over tffestountry.---
The oftleenjilsO diSco - Veria a bOok con-
taining a .list of names of -.persons in..dif-•
fereat-ieces of the Vnion; cOpious
memoran cypher. - These are `lap
'posed to a the names o deaktrsto.:Whifniie.
counterfeit' Money is. stippli!NlF. - 0!tlie„
ukicfurer4l, The - boolcii . a - duifieSiry;finti
will he 'preserved in thkjarchieves . 44:lhl
mis%oes:iiffie6: _-•
—lmrstartm CorTsrfnesvrptcreirmtamerre
Carnet. Orgin -13ooke County Manx. Of
Lebandst,..4irti? 3:38. ;Hussey, ' Albert
A. Chlt3..
metricimmieted with thr-sarrte' institution;
were,arretlircton - the 3d trista'n't; anted
with qbrgery rind.circulattrig,t*.money:
liiiitaglently • iirtutd,
tot jainnlaefairit<46o9o•lvifr it: is .
,supposed that theie
t e d from 0300,000 t 0 ,500,000 ?re , !'eortiter-.
felt bills of the 1 109 1 10 0 •PoP03',1144;itar,-
. 1 .2.41411 931 *- - F),rtY-•
five thousand dollars in senuizie_ notes
wereosuektorthgAßlAPS---Of;itre State.
The sp . Ocsis And getiuine notes are from
tilt4atee Otte; While 10: : 4ilditio and
RPgist'et a, tiffentets.alk t * Pre.i s e4Pl l the
of the
Bank, madly hirrkScaKfrotttlfrattipolis
on the-3d. 'Al3out Slig(loo'd 'th -coun
terfeit have been_reoetved bt-tbe-bpiigers
here frijigspintegtondeAte, the. ,irekosti---
. .SeyejAhundrett :dollars in ' spurimktillbt.
'mete redeem& at,ibe,banli, ; at 'Lebanon.'
Att . ; ft filifi**clTE*4l WRY 1,
. a; 'r4ewJersey-:aleno
the-faiibleits found."" 4104 4 .11,aa-4jdri-,
"sIY 110 • 1 04inisbrAd
Wittliaiit)PitntgiAinttiftitgtittyd. Tnnk
, th ll 4o4l* l / 4 0fOrlighigi*: (1 kOt•
'Bel4l6:;taikirEllektletitOttnitiai t?' ;She
al edit tlitMatiill.ll:oliak,Waptijid". ot
three T46.48;340; two recilciti ' ritlge
lIIVI I ,,
and )491tAIS
by about 2,ooo.Tfici:iity, and defeats"
pett - Itar Pe4iniii*n. • Tbe,new
-dorigrefiiopal .dbleOtiph - -ZWAf. ittlehd
*l.aee -De.rniVtai r ai;
fbeing a Dernoefictie 'pe#
U C4l ' fit j l94l (nei g il bums),
. i'.,, ; ` 2 =lls) ( cr:E l 7
• 445. - Aleor g e-T, Cot {Democrat) •, •
"6th 41 ' 611 1 1 ,0 (PomPa*L) *.ton.
• Al f ilitidllidlitab PitOM TI3E '
,pte!o l ok ei ispat
c e
s fr om Sou th
_ - th,'OM:or
resisstliare't3the ad=
10086'141M of a sePliOna) PP*.ae - eVair‘
ly...arouried;and that theot Kepeato.rdata : ',
litiftwisoll hitheWsr k t,ofithVfllirttl4.o
On, ale - yeAokagto.,ildcrtlia• stiarle,
, positivelitetion. -South. Carolina - , appli
td'be bildlig :the 14041. In CharlBtpri,,i3itt , i
bark belotl. tr. to the•Quildt,lo. Of
'Boston, had hoisted iie"Pithuctititgitakjar
- salted it ivitb fifteen . la
NFAC' or:
tickin! At e 1 1 1 ,0 0 114 s'
acompany of toitiete - melt.
I~PY of xotlintetia 411 V ll o*k.
.deted their sersiosziekt
'. n South mellow - ,
.-twoet ;Of etettelso;
0r.,,5401fi cAT'9llliiiiriCdelerirAe4:s6llll'
mediate 'secassitifi t " - releo:t4Pl* P 0 4 1 , i.
tibps of co-oorstkotf•with. 04e: OPatgiNJ
which weiedbade. - A •Convention...willbe'
held in December,and secession appears to
b:4leir' vokpooke .-of. London
utrctf9.n boing tho . niost Adroft,fil
welintiy•Aoligrfo the
: statenunii of a-. 14.
Stutpgatt pan'faVymyal t. oau,oktles.
That geptlem9,n4ulur. in the
'Noikik?gttri, lBl le)lPokkt - at - thlt . 8 11 91Vp .
`Y‘h.eTiriirCA'S a46 31 4cfl
o n o little man,: vite . .offetetkis ecirvia
_ea thi3 -41)i
-talflslo.l4.9feier stififikTihil 01 (er. —
The n4i go lit;?tevor,tvas
nOtWelided, but - politely. 4ced fi bira
what•o • !l'hoft. of') ei` an:
swered le ••did Ticfpls :,a - s his vateh"
,had stopped, and inatinuod lin Walk
•tctqv!trd ,tll9-"AuAtegni Or.Atitt,ntaL
pttiob;•he, entergl.; e,bad not
_re InanY - mknutell * o) re l tte
sW:elifslisPiNtiqpn` ,to hith. With e
air of-an eld , ftelyttalntance eneoffer
-a• , of snuff:_T is ,dif.
.4' saying he fess no
an:44l4cii. .anct—walkocLaway but
tionie *linage atter, having a -PreSen
arllgn:t.cfr being.wro ng, he
feltibP:hia . ,in'llt-bbx;...F.4Pfnatead of it
'.found stlerap„.Of
,papir"l'asbin - pocket,
on 41libli:Was:writtonp.* you're no
saufit t S4'er.; Yslu
It thouiht the_ k)giC -6( his - link onn
ac~ ,
rosolved to bear the loss like a pbilbs:
ophbrj bat Whet WAS hie amazement
thait 4 isrenfietotiriaat also disappeared
and in. ifia..citifai.pticient as another
note, in Abe - ,firilitnyine, words: (As
you 11r9ItClf*iiiff noPiely : 04 hpuik,,
Awaaki :443 VOtir Ait l. oo:l l 4kecil l purker's
ymir Vociree :Atjt-ronneeres
4sattsi to - 4fayAllittlie'ttek&-lwainiffiny
fvrtJi gidirigic';
. .
genius oat Wiett r -oonteiv,ing
- SeralltreenYwood woild
..b iroklg, - directed, .ivemill-sCreani-from
.not possessing'*lignd sufficiently
Iwisk to
,out. cd!lit,,,a l s , tetsiyabli3
aka en toy 0;8;7 blovin r .ittfs 'a 'Million
co - rotiei7el4lle . •oecaelen
reasoned - le:3 1 1 hikisierViett:"lt 'cannot
be called 'Suicide, blitiall* . `he. ‘•!fidn't
Mean, to !kill ill niself;, it *ain't , vie4s,-
.tion - of7Grod,'-liecause fiiir,'"iilsret , streck
-, byelighitling; he did et, die . for want
of breath, for : lie hatlyrkawthing left
to - broatiieWsliickt's 'VOW *
.4 id ri' t
l‘know whit - lie was le„ ontr se,l.• shall
bring in—Died for - ': of • i em e z o n..
• . •
AtaitiiNCE4 . ll4intifier,.=.-Lorge
quantities of mackerel aredaily taken
on MO sputh coastef, Prince'!award
:eine boat, heivlb/ a crew of
thretP=mo l l, is kelkitteii *lialie taken,
.the - 11orth,•• Vette; vote. ; day,
1 Y; 40'fish:• `Ab tfrom - 300ot Bay
is said to 4i re= dattliti 'upwards of
,),1000, 2 in„tbe:Ilk e
- - -J.sClelliiiOatfeaturstaLeiclngton,
Kentucky,",writes At. `coree..spondemt,
• “ig, th e .-bootGr i
_.;ctkivi,,llics. Being'
exemp,fitrefier4lt drudgery,
:tilAY4l 4 so:lttetd all
these gromilltlliAti: Addrn '3ooiBt./110.
Oar= Mankind.. :, goirieldli6O•
hood, fly, bareheaded through Akie pity,
iln l T.WClP.,.:cokitih,",4 l o4o s l6l4; like so
miny • sngets.,just;•-droiced: froinlhe
Vomit& ldrtaitS.ll-I , oste:o Averttl . eke:
I s **E 4- mbctliff#o . Le3ingt,otpire
1 -6iiiiianin g , fppno.
I ,",014)4P4:1-:.tfkr.:#43.:•ileslid6d..`‘cith
ohlialious - ainfirsilftnif;by'the . mipn."
'st a ff r tatch..bette :waft ) - .and get: •
the fi 441,1 W Aei r
heeks instead 'of rd'iftlfrti I ' ' •
• •
- A LidierstO Asecd. orslitiold
.the pianist;•• Californ* : .- He jtair
- announced a coneertin .
cities in "diggins,r.skoent to-Satt
..ftranaisPo.ArldkPlan4, bilt.tto his great
dismay,it did lia - sOkb 7 ,._' Tlfe audience
Intaiusemblett Akdthe ukilliekfriniiician
etpected nothing Also than to bq
driers: Otisiairy
'lo.g.l,"l:rdits, they,aspa ititn4liat.-*as
I .the ' llo a ftt ifiLv?ter o 34lPP;./4
‘ s o;neitrAtind the vi-iLn*OrT*ll**o,s, of
ta PckwatiagdY,.._,wel,itiilje.aire , :for
;W: .ITh 'eame to 'see you,' a
x.tiecti)i- Whestoiniftlyw :kad
4Vg4PlPflbo ri lank jo;11:01Zit ciFtival
was •istnnoeced : A- .430#pany : cg -.stout
menlarlhOlt.intce the hall aid Placed it:
onvtirinigatform. It *as a. thte4k4tbrrter
,e4:l, orl,g,rand" pituwaifili-hatt fAmisetli,
himsel4,to- astoni3h>the n a av es }le seat
op himsellten an ani*.whiekEiy keg, Emit
- Astri,lek s tke.kvym," "plum "41ralirt•
splash•t Net ampulla did
thittql. A h Oke3 t 4 3 .straditg : 1 . " 4 " 1 " :
The. Catiarniabit-s9wiiigy the
Woiti • Stet-Il i iiin'efieO • . 4 : it:
, il . o 4.lT;.haotfil)fttlxVig :tints* ott
z ; =`l''
oxieiipoithe levee, , neglect.:
ed to pour the water from the inside.
meeting of -the , Officers'of tl*Fifth
FSlision Pennsyl7ania Velimteers,
***or• General W. H.,Keim-Pre<sided%'..iias
Ild at•Harrisbtfrg on Mondafillk,' A
t.eialution was adoptid•Tecitteiting:Aen.
-Kahn to issue an order_to.the Fifth DM
-130311 tO • parad atthe .ititulgul - atiOn of novi
ant& Curtin, and invitettielbilitarl'ef the
State to participate... Brig. Gen..Wil hatiis .
Col. Jordan and Col. llougherty 4 3rerirap.
.pointed to make the necessary arrange
ROE- W: 14 - IfTME
,_ATTORNEY AT LAW.-01Raa Widligt*Tiauzerymaq.,.
Lebanon, Pa. • (Waist* Mayik, 1860.
•• - . ll"ew Store ! Mete: -Goo .
HUFFNAGLE, Qi CO. hading . purelinied.the,
In:winces of Meisra. awarti & Brother, Hall
tnilldinne, Market street, uow open I
Uri° and complete stook ., of Dry .GLetle,:oo/12=7 .
'anode:fel Afen and Rope' wear, „Ladles' CapikV. -
and;lcult Goode, Nubia_o, and alt Airtrclaa in Whirling , .
kids Tu I atelort men t dreeeiins end mirk
alls or wliieh they will offer at the LOWEST Pagoillbr
caw • • • .
- •
will tho highosilFASS ri4oz.lNgfintgli.
.-• S.
r. B. F. Swartz lauvreinagekit nth
11.11hiiifnaltle & Co.. for aerie inalip .,
ft,h,ikte . his friends at thuiratori, ,• - .",,. ..:•;•, I 're';,, , :.. •
Lot? . am, OCtoher 2-I, 1850.. - ''. !.'-. . '?...." .`:
•Viimu.sooKs AT tilifificE
fn fhe- 1 1Worgil Perenneoq lecqed 0489 . ',ol . 9eOrri
.£qihceT,..Pettelemeuvi.. - • •: ' : •
• -
: 7
purchnaed Lite eirclOuelron
. 4ng, l•to.43Bititestnut Street, and fitted it up with e'iory
. .aritttedieneolo frilitate my businer particularit that.
In math dev.liteel to . oo UN'f KY ORDERS ; • araf haiin a
larger capital chart nny other party inv'estecrin •h'tt
auk LAT preparin tii-offer greater advantage.,
nnii`tiattiegilltr*ta avhiLdiay curtailer& " 7 :
I willlurolthitripinoirqof% morn character) pub-'
-Hated in y the•UrilieLAtitteasthe
mgalar iititiLkr,leo of
llttilnit I OnelloAliilor iint
'Worth Troin,tietrifit to . 1011 dollitra Witle-each -atAfe
guarantee to giyo perfect satiefactiiih-alai'eti.dgeopuin
, to inaititaitt tlllll , rif,ntation already beipittel;npon
•stpallgera kr° . InAriaMeall •
tualllidgiltiettienialrov. • - •- -N •
. .
--4Pr"..lf Yon G
hooks send to' aff;lit G.,
139 ellnistidet white all books are
sold at the Publishers' lowest prices, and you have - the'
advautsge of receiving a I.IA NEBO SI * E PREBENT worth
frotr. bQ cents to 100 dollars with oath book.
Q 1 .:a. isiVARS' 0.4114:11 Olft Book ttntifrpriso hoe
been endoried by the Book Trade and
Ail the leading city and country news
. • 'papers iktbe Onyotl States,
GEO. EFANS' Punctualithsluis fflol.l4lollsksilf
thossPPsZtPation 0( . 0 ,.Ver
• • CUD eitkiens of the Bpitoff,,Eltates, each
of whoa have received substapthki ev
- idouceOf:the bandits Studied by pur
- chasing books at this establishment.
GEO. a. zyAgS Rae Ono moro thug a,ax other, pub.
- 'Bober, or booksclim in the United
Enact, towards diffusing knowledgo to
tNi A • • :tbe.pegple. By his system, many books
. • ere read that otherwiso l would not have
* • Tonna their way into thilltakuhi of read
vqßit 4"rx,, (Frabk•Leshe's Iroikpappr.)
0: EVANS ifotipsnonstantly en hasul the most
".entiosibe stoolt, the greatest assail
• , mein, of Book., and circulates free tb.
itlrwho may apply, the molt completo
' • catalogue of Books turd (lifts iu the
• United States.
GEL•• p. liseAdviuttages offered him by other
piblishers hod manufacturers! which
- sealtio_him to tut slab his.putrons with
a fitter ifunifty And it better.esitortment
- , of-glfts tltatt auy estaitlishment
rtridO. 'O. EVANS -.0 - andt t es'itedrl T Twb hundred Popo
•lar end futertating Books, therefore, ail
—„.• • sentadisiter, hi) is better able to offer ex
- tra frn&nitltns and commissions.
GBO. G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all
who may send for books.
- cj
GEO. G. EVANS' New essified catalogue of books ein
l• brirtthe—writings of everysstandard
ituthor. In every department'Orlitera
- •.- tttrei,`antrgistes all the inforiauttiali;rel
- , .• ' ativb - lo the purchasingabilforlyaid-
I" 3 lug by. !dell or Exprees of books or
-• • dared from his eetabliehment, tagether
' ntithfilrel i roc tion a how to re mi t monoy.
'OBO: G.'"EVANS' Ceitsbors, o of Books will lbesentgratis
andlthinf expense to any addrleee in
lbw: Wilted 'States. •
GO. G. EVAlSMndueernents to Agents cannot , be
• .
• guriOusted. The most libetral-00161331/1-
shone are offered; and' by helielkflig • sOls•
"' • •••serlptions to'boOkS in the truillnkr" pro
posed, twenty hooks mut bit sold in the
• vamp tire@ that it would take to sell one
. ' on•tlos old fashioned subscription plan.
' Bend for a classified Catalbgue, end ov
ery Informatlon'will be 4th•exiin reps
' - ' • yaw to lygenolen. Select yotkr.binkai
• euelose tbo amount "Of moboy
4`.. „ od, sod 0130 Ilia will sitisfy,you that
• the best piste the ckh u i trx Co po t .
• chase botokit fib • • •••••••
Pitrtanstvms, whesist yea., fdds.
Bobks of Fact I " *- •
Nooks of Fiction !' •••
" Books of Dopitioil ••••. - "
; - Book‘of Anti/umoaf •- •
B ° 44 libr i SOW/Baksi
111‘ Ybutig Folks,
-)'/ loitiP ,Lotvui ven't
• - Beohaler ihnieWieTaa I
• ' Books for Royal
Books for Girls! * ./.• •
Cooke oP Humor!
s Bdokstof /AA . . .
Books of Travglx , -
Rooks' WRifi iktry
Books of .bilpgrophy
Bffeks Of advonturol in -
about Oh s l
t` Banta about Sates!
Boolts ittioutffintarts I
Books aboni s liuXtete I
- Bookaaliout BeroeSl '
k ,s about Pitriota •
B4X6'ffii Fox Mechanics!
- 'Books for liercluints I
tookb lbr Physlcha s •
• • ' took)! forliiiwyeksi
• r Bifib luefoettftteinnen
, • , • Preeetttation Books!
41g raliblfblit •
Hymn -Book ''• •
• Jivenile Hooka' • • .
. Annuals' ail '
Albums, etc., etc. • '
CEOIL E. HARTLEY'S titbiestlng Biographies! `
ENV. J.• B. INGaAttAAVS Wed' t 1.
BiItrOKEVI /MOIST P a t r i ou P an ur t i ti ) titaan nulvefla tf.
1 .
J. T. LAUESNfi ESvolsttlonar torlai.
11.**11211111V8-Potalat Ta Y ies '
, • •
BR AIiCOTT'S' Doctor!
.MR 3: morTts WOVeTe 1 7"
5 0 1) =LIF.00.14C'S'
atiOPKlV&Acy t „h il
W...A - VERL •mc ry
/M.'S Works I
_..13T - EVV• . ii 3 B- - r.... -.
, - ~ .
, : ........„....„.....-2„, • .., `TES
proprietors and. in anufasturert.4.ll9ll
41'ItliS can Appeal with t.e.4,:.000..66.. 6.
1 ...
iliysisians and sitix.ns Ottierailtdrilantfilted
States, betause:the article 4 1 1.a,.N
tation heretofore unittitZwn. , .. ,- Elesrlaiiiiip . . pelt
this point vvill speak ntore .powlirfillrikan
volumes . of bare assertion or NIA zoning puffery.
The soniumilion of Hostel tee "Stereash Al
lan ter =the 'suit year 'amin,rturelliir Diet elself...
Q tainiort bullies, awl' front ite'iltanifmt steady
- - "llniidase in iinteams et, itis evident tik.skiluring
::;#l4 .. ie . tinkkiglyear the eonsuroptiett will .reach
. appli on bot tles. ' -This itatitetiettWat *tint
-•sotildisover ltave been.:sold but for the rare
• meditititiltpi'd`pert les containedin the prepare
.ttion, and the unction of the Walt prominent
:physicians*. ii4tho se; aeoliornt- of the country
::Where. •the-articie is but known, who net only
' liemitmend . the pi Efirs,:je their' pationtsi. bat
, ; •erogreall . y,atall
,tsteasNiWistitßoutals to,lie
colesiy.ib 41.:eases.otsleadiclito 7 44cingeitente
.Itind4he'Ommaiel`itisilitt • lio're fr imi. -•
t i p
Thililsibtsi'l.e.tajniis • darily, obtained
•by exiiniateiikitt..itifOug• n.:liimiiikY - of iiinll
--pet•tng W. qualitiptiliik4i!AMitite r - but teolid
„estintaliiiii - :OfWit itkaltiabli-Midiitne, -which is
destintid . to bi as ontlyrtooki-tinth itself.
HoutetAttes 01tbmitilt Siltirs iltay.i proved
It Ocelitifid.V ._ :ool4 . Ateiti (over and ague
and, ratiouS*,:otliev ntifiiini '-eomplaiete have
tiouti.tetl :tl3lo:Aeliliatlair - Anildreds. To be
able' to filets •Fenn4.3 lll ltlt : ll 15.. e:. "Bitters"
::Ire it!tieflt.tirpliWifle•fhki . • ' and. like
diseiset:'.fsi*l•tkelntalrlepr . birtut
' 1114 . 411pTiatire, 'llsilfoi*allettinlidntitter
ilkintrAlter Ott:intik:tit, <puriftes'• ; tfoodg and
liteßitti.Osnotitifi.i.Y.4 .. thi#.otoprioocp.
tivittt Qlat, ton. and'aulttrlidiilngsable
fertio restoration of fietkln..-•At2tgittratei.upok
• ihe ate - insist', liver, earlAtigiel Ivo urgent,
millditli' ~
~n..rettortnt them
:foikemiditicin'teske - zititi to the hailtbrificharge
t •of,iltet.iiiiretio.l4l of -nature. - • .
F.Y.Bbierly verecidi may nits' t3tellittertidlity as
, iper • thitetionsi : an ile Willi, tad they will find
. in it a stimulant peauliaili adapted to boinfort
'llo4lirling;years; as ii ilpleskant to the palate,
isivigbratinr to the bowels, eitglent• as a toxic,
• end rejuvenating generally.- We kayo , the evi
donee. of thousands - of aged men and women
• Irbohave experienced.the ‘ benett of using this
..preparation while suffering from stomach do
'.irmigements and general debility; acting under
41feadviee of physician!, they have . abandoned
4111 •d t eleterlotis diugs , sill liirlr , testitil the
merits of thii• artkide. A few •words toliti
Agiittler sex. There ire certai periods when
:their cares: are 'act'.
.smissing that .rnany of them
oink under -the-friat. The relation of mother
and 'child is ao absorbingly-lsnder, that the
mother, especially - ff. - 01,1e yeuist,lii - apt to
forget her own - heiltdpu ler extreme, nxiety
for her infant. ..15houktliiisperitid of maternity
ii-rive d'urittg,thpeummeir seas*, the wkji_ et
bed, and mindliC.gin#ally 4 aggravated: more,
then, is a neceesity fora. stimulant (o-reenpe-.
:rate the energies of the - system; and enable the
1.0 - 4 :4"th . ,er 'to fbleariu t p , uuder hereab_ austtng.triala
..amrrispOsibili Jai:- Ifixtsingy intithers genl
- all IcOilik.:bleigora:.
P7 8111 % 1 ; recitlie;ACkenaPt ll 4!4:44 - 07 8 i -
Mans; because it is : agreeable tir;tiniAlisto as
Well so certain to give a ptorniiiientii*uiee
tit , l?l,Mij strengt h . _- • •-.- .: ..:•Z" .
. .
Ali l tlidee Pefione, to whom hawpiglicti•
,ainferere frota
-Oyer and - *pub, ctgisedgy diairhasa,
ifjieentery, indigeethiti:lcaa of appetite, and
_all- diseasea.or deiapgeiiionio' of be goulash,
.invall:da r YnOs' out 7of eedeatary
oecitpttelen,-and. NM consols.
4,,heit'olftt_phyaicarwelfare by givinK liar
t tetteFe - colelirt4.ol4,thanicklpttere a trial.
using -any of ilia.imuly,intitationator*anter-
Adta, but 'aek' for • Roblisriza's
rltlnui, and• deelhat eablilSttlifihas
thewdritit "Dr. J:lloatiftpWit'Stomachilittera"
"blow& on .cidoio 'the hotile, and otappei
on the metallic cap coyaring the cork, and
observe that our autogiliptsignat:uttdi on Ile
.label. r.,;
_ii- l'repaied and-solktbsilloatimz. &
57 6 1 1 TEE. by all
tVoifiostia, grocers.; and de rally
aaid,Gor. . • .
Goy, Rovqo). 8. nAber i 3 t L. Lciaberget,. ••• ba
. J: C. gelttet,zFAiderfekabdrg 11,D4Bleeoraltra.„
Annrine;)martin Early, PalrtiSTa. '
Mee espies
.$3 Five
The'peirpertand Bat—nanily and Cenral Alelo4l4lper
• itryin.yksited Btata.. 't rdk
The. NEW-YORK WEEKLY 'PI - MIN leseet-latge and
elegantly printed quarto 8E44; of eight Sois,Vribrty
eight columns, — rlsyotedlo':Polittca; liltaratoreind gen
era! News, and tokid•the REST 'as well es the
CHEAPEST Flsmi lfgwil:P,wran fit tbo United States,
The first rim . of the Trim la, and will alweys be, td
keep ha readerstharouglilk-and roll:Mr posted up. es
overYthing . iirldcli may happen, of general interest,
In any Vert of the world. It commont4 fully and frees ,
ly upon all topics impottaticit'fil every department
of ptiblld setloni•inidalways in the interest of Freedom.
Order, and the Public 'Good: While its influence will
be uniformly conservative; it advocates every measure
orjupt_and . ..banetir d ent PrOgress, add, resists the in-
Betdruitioe - er Slittery; ate:hf ev
erything ehte inComputi le - with the highoet 'Welfare of
the Wholo - Cdminitnity. While it reports pramptly„send
.intllreitelY tritelligence of general interest nspetery
-department of Inimein eibtivity, it never pandeis to
clOult.testes,lind - ose lades from its coldmne - eVetythlng
that might render it :Unsafe or Improper - itn 4 general
FAMILY pornsidi Iteecks. to Tromoto the -general w e i.
htleeby ftidik the - olrilms of ,
upon - thee_tnassee of the .people; and In all its dlsens
slollB, it endeavors constantly to' be kilned:lnk eon.
• trolled by the epirit.of ,
• SENSE"...
hi its Coseasrosnswein hrith loreigti and Domestic,
the Tak "
ttatn c" rei r m "t .t 4 rc'v h ‘ilsitrripr,Vhdty other Amer.
tts,dtiFore,p 4gr 4,l
. an
lathe prraealingirof-: clel..Oottluierbfal and
of irdpartint_Degatind'.Crinsida Trials, and of what
„ ever may ha.f i l rispajoitintireat , foithe groat body of the
ootrtinnaltnare full,.prompt .
..P4peilisl....etttention devotild to fu ll,at° and
trtletwnithr fet e rtit rit the •
tot'etileh &MO' :torte of Rlperter . sift maintained.
, I A/ 11161 ;Si - 1f nil t umbreLsing
ST N Altp - 140 1 1.stz AND TALES,
selections of the highest iittelfeet.
":e. Ol Ol l OO irbtft erlietitity Of sources, many of them
',it•ceSajble to the'Anivrican reader, and furrdelfeU
1 6 4tIformatiori-te the-Farmer and therelener.
The WEEALy Tiwr e s will be west to subeCli*l to
seT Piit'Ker the country on the following terinv t .
single Coplea
. Five Copies
Any person who will trend us a Club of TEN 6tb at .4.
ben, at $t each; shall receireem extra Copy! fUT:4dtuself
'4vOr may retain Ono Dollar as hie coMpensaldep.
• Tantibliabed Every day except Sunday,• ink is tent to
subscribers by mail at SIX DOLLAKEveklajw : .
Published on Tuesdays and 'llViday6; ii4Vereiataining
eight pages of reading matter TR ee!ety futhberi t.
to subscribers at the following ix* : ^1”
Two Moles • *,
'Single Copies .
, Any person who will son& tt - EIVE 8111 t.
=Ryon: may receive an _exusi. cony - yox . ll,4nrelf, or re
tain Two Dollars arks' mr4l,HaNgmneiThetiou.
_ _T X ,—{;llA ItiVarjal4 41.514catiCe. • . •
All letters - to . ..he- and,”44lstilik o 3, RAYMOND ic
Co., Proprietors of the EksCfoalt. New-York
, City. [November 7,1t030.