: 3) f/ ttittiug: lab 7. 1,:ra=v= , :ft..,....m.-4- Axlvir m s.ta °Prim LEBANON PHillie& • Tam astablialdiettla now rapplaa with an owtetwiett quirortment of tiOB TYPE, which will triebtontaaod Ili ON Peirol l 4tedoDeawdet can now trim oat Parornro, -every, doiwrlptjon, I ' a' east and expedltioni butanes.— and on titry reasonable tensor. Euchre" pamphlets, •Chealu, Badness Cards, Handbill", Circulars, Zaibell, Hill ( 14V ii; Blanks, gr t dills of lam in Ilona, - Ticket", &a., &n. ir , Duna of all kftrds, GErrorraon and Judgment Downs.• lustleoss, Canetablee' and other BLAMES, printed eorrottii and negly on the beet paper, constantly kept for sale at this eke, at prices "to suit thlt times." al. /NU titlttriptieln price of tkoLICILDNON ADVRRTISkIt Otta Dag! and Ma a Year. Addrems, W. if. Dlttetis,Lebetwar. ' ongltoNtaitli A fine Businalso4liy wen von 0101` , • fine businesi Room In 6, J. fittnePi 110 W balling, two loon east of the Ituok Eittteh neat - thir Court Inquire of . 8, d. num Lebanon, Nur. SO, 16161: FOR It I% RI NE tiIISIN4II3I Witt, *AIWAe for t hardware .A O L. or clothing Store - oe okay other kind of busioese our the &knee of Cumberland and Plank Read streets, lately oatt4plad by f. K. Akitidora's Cabinet Ware, Is or kind for yetsli by the undersigned. POsiikaft4t of the above given at any time. Apply O' LabliPolt , 'Jan , 46, Ito3o. li. Private Side. - .. rstiblerlbet offers at Private Sala 'hjit pear twos, *tory brick ITWICLLING 110088, situated itt Intrats th *tract, Lebanon, Pa. The House to 17 . . 28:bet, has 2 rooms on the first door a d 8 on the second. The other improve -4.4 fr e. mints are a good NV Mili-UOVEIV4 /*Re- !.1-! :. 1 .. • 1 , reran, Cistern and Garden. The Lot iii 8.0% - i- pi.: feet. The .hove prepert fa ell la 1n A good conditicrat and 804 Clare :Arum: .1} nipti . 7l . 3 . l*sisittwivii • Airv.--. • A t'.l o 1: . • . . t pher, Lebanon ,•4,4,8;15e9-1. For. fhtle , N2W BRlOar t loll9ll and Qt+ nAlt* DOM 40 MO TWO Y slum 110 1 / 8 11 on the °Oiler et Cehirl and Clan t. Street* not Atte finished, aid a IiIISOLE TINIO-111,TO&-DlonCbeet nut Street now eeentied. by. Thho Ifriak, and a, frana• 1 3,4 Story toNorth Lelernan, near John' F• Arnold, Cr. altered at Private Sate, and wilt` r. so d Cheep and upon Pay Wins: Possesareu *eau of the terearlelt In AtigAet: next, by erntax J. laTtPiE. Lebanoqi June 39, tele. • rlvate Sale. 9 .112 Subseriber offers at prirate tole theft certain' fern or treat of lend, Altman partly In Pirtegrove brims*, Schnylloll county, and partly in Mabel town ship; Lebanon county, bounded" , 'anchor Eck, __ • art and Onlitord. Beletnin Ayceigg, Daniel (111 Dou bort n nd others4natain intone hundred and torty•eight acres tindatwitter, with the appnr- Oneness, mutating-a A tiro story lot cl.welling•.ouse, ;weather haartledra 11 1 1 41 log dwelling It a new ' bent bere t ober totAroNtegroentt a new water power sow mill. Por ternis,Ao., which qllq be gamy,. Apply to. - G. W. MATCH:IN, Agent. .lincarove, 20,11142.-tf. VALI, A,BLE BOROUGII PROPERTY AT PitiVAVE SALE. THE subscribers offers It RffiVete Sale, the following Oral ratite, •Ittiato on Millberry street, in thq nth of Lebanon, via : A plat , 1.0/ Olt PIIiCSI Olt OROUND, front lng 211-trot 1 lathes art Old IldulharrY, street, and running bank So an allty. on whheis is erected a sew BRICK .11603.4 21 by 49 Set Intlednet a two-story twit talldlng, with necessity' ent•bnibilage. Vie house ffnlihod in the beet fil*Sl344i the 101140011 le -, 4 *lirtllleasalut ono. It will be told en Mel terbul. Pot parties:dare apply to Lettings Aar 12 1 ,1142. D. S. RAPPLOND. For ettiktergre boltding In Cumberland street, the most goribtr bultiness place in the Borough of-LeliaMkt, 7be front house cos-. tuning a large StorilOW, by-room and cellar; • large Beaement, by•room and teller; Are rocans i en the Second, and live rooms on the story, 'nor Al largo garret stir cables. 2 Alio o Lack building. Kitchen; Shod* &c. era dwell lag far a thmity, with one of the haste:m ing gardens in the borough. Of the Store Doom, Basement Room, end the rXnue on the third story, potscattlon ran he kalatidittulY gle an t tut of the whole property, or In parts, 11111 it may Ault, on the first of Aprli next. WILLIAM AIILT. for further information please inquire et the,owner or Lebanon, Sept. 6,1560. C &Ewalt. Out-Lot* g Private Salle: WILL be told At Private Salo, 8 ACRES OP LAND, situated tb Long cane, near the borough Dna, In Corn wall township. It 1141010/Itho land or Widow ?Water, on the North, Writ. Atli log end John Krone.' on the Nut Thanatos one story LOO lIOUSN, 'tougher bearded, •riritl on the land, and a good WILL in the garden.— n• laud liar tine stones for quarries. This tract will make a nice hoino nit emelt fentllY gEl.. It la fterfrom Around font, Good 11110 will be given, ADA-Al RITOit N,D —TM* trot els n.rir corerinbilatb fine grim, heir of 'which will be aliento the parcha4r. Lebanon, June 13, PM. 'North Lebniton Nterem taiIIANON ex - Au - Arttc will be of farad for MINT, by Public Chit/err on 401044, the lit day of kleatinher, at 2 , o'eloek, P ..114411 the Public Homo of J. L. 001, if not aeld - before that • rkilitniglifilt time. , * :tyn The Mill 14 in goat runokfir order, '"" with two pair of A Corr PDaur Stoner, an ono • of C6op4tonas, and Li. 83 try 40 feet In 111“. 11 JO L 0004114 Lebanou, on the Unlen 9 11 n 111 . irif-Therlinitittit be rented, from April 1. 1861 , for one yor. DAVIti LIMIT, Pre/Meat. Ifortb t Lebanon, Oatobea3t, Taw. WilliltAte SAL . - *7 IL T, besold at Pablier gale, on Sotemlay. Noeina. tel 17, MCI, et the Public house of Daniel' Tiabb, In the borough of Lebanon, the desirable toittILLMO fIOLIES and I/Yr Or 011.01.1XD, on Cum -4 berland street, In Rave &Undo. (laid Lot ll iti Is qcorner Mt, and adioles property of f aatio Deals*, The House is nearly new, wa-btalt end errdtrited. There It a well of neeer4itino water, and plenty et good halt trees on the premises• hate to ow:mance at 6 et. °lock, P. Ed, when terms will.be-mede Unawn hy IlliN UT ma& (October 3106014 P. A rnblch, Auctioneer, 11%.10.141C S 1;4 40143 YLIBLIC 'BALT, op PRMAT, the lilth day qf lirotentiler,lBoo,, at Ulu ?tabllo Musa 0 / kentyrr, eartneny, in the borough or „Leba,rtop, at 1 o'clock, P. M. thielbiloMlng ftemi W. lag A TWO OTORY 160VSZ AND LOT OP 1111011N11, on Curnbagland street, In the Lor i:WO of Lebanon. idjaftenyit property of POI. 1p Vidor on the-Wait, and Barbara Mina on the t. Tsane—.lo pat erect. club, sad balance on let of AprU, 1601, when poesession and a tool It will he &Oen. MOLES OODIII, it BMWS 'X'.• (WING, • • BK9tJ. T. GRING, Executors. of Henry Gring, deceased. Imbootl, October el, 1860. N. D—Tlte Preyerty can be purchased at Wiest, Bele, at Hay time belong Ike loth qf November, by ap plying to A. S. rm., msg. ,sn Lebanon. SH AWLS 1 SUAWLS Brorho Lou% Sttwh, troche, sqnstov Ettilism* • 41 Blanket Loog 811119, Blanket swore %Awls, Mown:dos Long Mott:sang square aborts, 2thititrie Lobi Shawls, Wool' Wore Shawls, Alp> • Gouts' harry [Melee Just ch telling very imp ot the New Store of W. K. AL J. .10.110ERT. Lobosoo, October 10,1880. Caplr-Silvia latikroval THE,' ertognet bas REIMOVIND Ws COPPER 83111 and Afli WojOUNG B1:18r$188 to orkat Mutat, Ow secoul door fro* Sirtalgr's ma, whore ha wlll he happy to see ail Iltitold friends and custom ers, and where he hat bureatakt futilities for attending to all the &Pertinent§ of bletnutiness. Puitoular attention ilvon to RATAIIIINS, All orders thankfully reptivoct atKi protptly attetuted to. CHARREd at WARM, e;uppessualk mut Braineorker. Lebanon, Mardi 7,1860. *WAS I.O**Menn....SOSIN 111.0,40DIFL..,JACila gels/. LEBANON 'Door and Sash 191(zunntek tory. Located on the Steam4rouseßeart,near, &rod, East Letortgem THE undersigned resEfoOtftlityl;- 1 11 1 111 1 0 41_, form the public In general, UU they . e 'FU i . have added largely to their form °ate lii:thzetl,dand al: hove all kild:t r olf the t i mproved MACITINiatif In the to full operation, suob ea wo o p woa TO FLOORING, 4-0 • , thr-coadtitkiiitE the gonoral business for Planing, SorPas , Sawing, 4-c., std, 414 lit esparto!" acqittred by E. Mimeos* sod T. 0. Genet daring Ms& isonneotko .Nth the Door, Saab and r Tradoitorltinolekr of yaws post, affords full se- Lumbe outlines of the? stag, O fn M connection with J. OAHU, to select stook sitltOblis wants of the Door and Sash busineell be riot& Th e y nowayes, ye Nrelltrildll and Verniers gemmtlly, upon favorable tortes, • l e I =arted stook of 000itti, k 0.., from the best Lumber usstrulkotories In the State, fowling °outdo** that' :knit ezeortmont is uot to be excelled by any other ettablishment la the itt a t e retar4 to min"..rw Inality or flulsh,and scalcuiet e d to elk,itt liikortuuti oouoftotion that, who 'neY favor the to with their ettotoes. 'The h e r li g Hat oostprtoom ale leaslits artielee of stock nu o n :— Doors, of all sleet; n t . 4 2,,. 1 1 11"4 Boor Frames, for brlok land Alio''' . from. houses; Casings, from 8 to 6 ID.; Window Primes, for brick, Bilitetow; and from. houses!: (Outten' Of all ilLia; lands Of Mouldings; Dili*, Of iat 0 2 •e° • O. d. Sprier mown --Inc of all duo t.lelooki.boodo".... LONGAC,IBBI, OANZI / 1110 Tu -x-u ' . smith% cArdAbil• fOr the tsf &globe/. 1.11,#471 it v on „ area rod Bt.T•ptp• lathyThparra en NS tIZORCLB eltir . . _ .. . • . . - 4 4 . f " .-. ... . 4 • z..' ''.ii .....' l , i • 4 ,7 ' J . ' ''' _..•••‘ '°°l4..' A A. , if .. . . ...... . , .. , _ ~.... . .0, . s . '''' : 7 - . -, . l'.l Or 7.**---''''. - :A l f: .-. • :' . .. .. • . . . • ...„._:.3,,,•,.....,:::::41000........k....... a_ ...:._ .., Tr ... , , ... vz_mmzazairsw.. . . 21~. '. It IF Ormitury Store. _ .IE, DUNDORE would naspectitally Itp • *en Ilts public that be bas tomovel "Weak tip 31d, Ldscsh. a fcx - Aposs west of Bowman's MOIIII,OrouIe. m e laotag i rrirbStre be wilt keen the WSW, toss, and cbes ittobrfraent of FURNITURE Over ollitlfikt ht . t,...het" l,4 „___ .Rhr ifts:k consists of all kinds of Psolift. and, - uutc ) Roulualttiretrkli he will sell lower • tbss , WO-like eon bought at :my other n , plett . LebilAna ." 11. "' gal lillidllllassortment of Mks .40 4 41410/ 4 tqty„ ire, Neff. Ca:lit: zi t 3 iioihgr a _ . -ec st att.' t s, sc. Also a pan ebearr . ' t°4 " Odtrelk OttbillseskEnll common - Aduit., Bedsteads, amit 11,. kit titeAttap Mattresses. Abia• I + 4 =6. Glasaas, -- Gaßosawood and MshoganY-1 1 `07 . Venetian A Ritesines, Gigs and I:lobby FlorelyEat children. egt. Pattieshir attention paid to UNDEARZL.,..-.' He bes prafirlakigirwlf wlth the FIN an up LEBANON, end etill.vike-Cothos end AMA lit the AOrtigt net* and.mort reasonable • Lebsnonpeoprom ism ,-- ~, _ _.,_, a - , ' - 1)§ 1. FARM STYLES OF FitirE J*WEPRT, . 7 . , ... _ •OASW-4 OE T T ' .; constoting of Diamond, Ruby, Bmirne,' - feini. Stone, Pr i7,l- • wish Voinftent their temers . , f Übe, Cameo, Enameled Work, and Etrualoan Comlßreast Pins, c ::li t : o.4•44Coubty, and e rroaletrodln;g of ; 'Ear Itikrts and Finger Mega. ~., C 1 - tria thel•they ive ittif;4 l a.fait operation„ and 1 .. - • 610 Ortgizt of every !style 1. ... • . - r • ", 0 Milo all El • •• and quality. -• Ow 114 A 111 B ALCJOrg , A l '" N' k IfIVEILCEITI4RYS I • Engliab, Fred& Bulls and Awed. Yew uabithel Ware Rooms Old Mtge- - ' Mel hard ell the 'LATEST nitlo*AD .- atatztr-- - AtioSet4ell!t,SilveiWatchee of tapproved and I DtblttY, and feel confident t/sabthay aan compote with eny pi ti o )brated =ken!. Clocks of every . description. A Ilia nufactory. - I date: In the:Matt, as regards GOOD WOICS. They en- ; Illgriety of Fancy Goods,Tainthitra, Vases, do. 211 " trket St, Sa door coll. of at L. fans i Noarond. - ploy none buttlr OLI 1 beet irorknaen, work zxu uebut•thalA -'. 210 4 ib will be uud -411 : 11 "Lini 9 11 4 P A ln thia sec - ben twat wen seasoned Lerrabrr. • lion o f Pennsylvania, and has beenaltected with great I /ar , iq , _Blanntuflo ry and Beat Aseorleamt of Tbafr'stdek of work is always open for emskirdat 10n . ... 11111r0 train limn:Lost celebrated imp p` and anahntso : VAN/TERE and CEALES, in the etnlitty. _, by Carpenters alai Builders, as couel*ta of , .. .itaking estaldishments in Naw•Tdricenlkliniadelphia: rivuE public, ii retioaftylly request- Doors, Sibutpm.,Blinds, Wint4lo ' ll ' . 'nti. ---, ArnimiziNGdOrie at thd4horiststnotiees'ind ln a moat I 4 , 1 to Imo in ml%ti that at Uncle 'lrk -4''' - :Workmanlike ma r. Ware ROO*OP4AROArfociA4 the•OtAt _. " - LriClDes ranges; -• Casing, •Wash — .. My lends, and `the Publie genetally ate invited to an aaeortment BAAITIONABLs and Kenn.. . . iw0.,,, • Boards , Mouldings, F.looring . en of mpeoperb stock. W •• ' YE. RE and mama. .poricooileot or • any kind would bast call and er lute gook before Boards, Weather Boards,. - p urc h ßair , g o. ger b ere . Which being all of las own --' ,_• :, JAMES to u . t t . Il e ; 8 i j E. gE. Watch, L ,' - tsidinp rri tc...4c • Ifiirkl he warrants to be bettor t 'lt any Awed hi. od e - , , .r ~. „, Place. Prlcee will bo towsa than at any other. puce, , Also, SAWING AND SI NO done to order. either in the Borough or coutify or Lebanon. ' Also, Rend 'Rai ',.for continua Maim, for rottkkoc All orders promptly a ttandi4 to t rand speedily emu: which they have a mart contently employed..- They ted at the lowest prices. have also erected tt Allpersons porebssiog lurrdinee :ono Ithearill 'he TURNING LATHE, p e rt uddoted by having It delivered to thenn tocany in addition .to thelwether I:Maltas; and have employed e of•tbgeounty, PALL OP mutat, and "Await tbill a .firstrate mechanic toadtend f 0 11: Sly-Cabinet Bak• lout initlrY, as he has procured one. o.f.,,*,,,heve_r___.,elloc...: era will do well to call and ezennine their stock Wine ismetfurniture wagons , "PeebillY fat ralIT Punta's: • . purdessine elsewhere, as they always-keep on bend. IMIII. COFFINS made to order, and' fanatabrattrded B . Low i d ir w o , Nu, 14,, s ta i r B emistrt . , pk im u, nts, at the shortest notice. L LOI4I4 " , . II OCX O r I • 6 °- and everything . else belonging to the Terning BOAlbeeal ..- _. _ which they will sell 'at Philadeiphiaprieea. akIL. TURN- ' ING WORK done to order, as wellas *bray* on band. .' liffi. Their .11top will be - found on DINEORQVE ROAD, bitween Cumbeliand Street and 1144or'efifounikrir, Lebanoe. Jnly 4, nee. NNNV - CABINET AND 'MAAR I'IANUFACTOg r 11 subscriber rempectfully inunitts the-public that 1 lie has the largest and best assortment of PURNI . RN and CHAIRS, ever offered to the Public of Let- Steam county. lie has on hantrat his Cabinet-Were rooms, in North Lebanon. - Iftelpingh. nearly opposite golfer's Bata. and a few - Sogeuttr of ;Under% a splendid issartment of good, subthOutial apd We Parlor, Cottage and Chamber PUItNITUItE, eon elating. of SOFAS, TETDA-TZTES, LOUNGES, WHAT- N °TS, Parlor, Centre. PlerCardapd Common TABLES; Dressing Mid Winn:ion BUREAUS; Dedeteads, Work-Stande, yresh-Stsodt, and Kitchen Furnitttee of all . gi r o.. Al so, a large and elegant variety of faliNjoit Selma Sauna CHAIRS, Common Spring Seated Oman; all kinds - of Spring Seated Rocims. Also, Windsor, Cane-Seated', and Common CHAIRS asa ROOMERS of every description. kir- All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give astiatMdion. Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goode here offered for sale, can be navy eatioad of their durability by reference to those fur whom htbai man ufectufed or to whom sold. ' . Old Furniture mid Chain RSPAIRIID and VAR NISU D. X. 8.--COFFINS made and FUNRlCAtEeattended at the shortest notice. .709 RPM' BOWMAN. North Lebanon, September 19, MO Farmers and othersillke'Notice. T a • E n ' ta u tT l iA r l i e g n n e ed ör h i lb : lat i tt ur4 R tg l e i n E ti ß ro wllt manufacture and keep cagsaisl. very general as sortment of SIACIIINEIM .01ad MA.U3ltyg I 3IPLF MINTS, embracing Improved YOUR-HORSE Powers and Threshers; Railway- Iltirse Powers andThreshere, Morgan's Independent stoel -wire Tooth Rome RAISE; nnueste Patent Pisider,:_stVew andlllay CUTTER; Cast Iron Weld ifolferk:ando Yaw, liar Aerators, Clover h oilers , Corwaliallers, by hand or power, Corn Ploughs and Planters., coottivatoter Aa., with n varlets of the best PLOVICIIIS In nee, Act. All or the above Sflipihum are of the latest and best Improvements, andiltWanwarrentetttogive satisfaction. Ctutiags tf AS Huila made to order: • . apd at abort isottco. Hs also manntbatures STEAM EX tikNESi mat gagehog,Shafting, sndMlll work in metal, and - pays perifbllliiiirstftention to Repahving twines And Machinery of li e Amu* ' ate, expand exa min t the erotica: thiakta chino Shop, ow -Prtros•Cim ssT. TAibinoD, 46 All Oratittor gut 404Onicaliona 'Ly meal be. promptly lattsdhled to. D. ar. K AILISA..'Y. _Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Lebaaony Angest , S,ls l3 Q. NOTICE,. --I have appohatud A. li.k.TOFt k my Agetrig tar tkepurpose, of carrying - atitMr spOOVII bumfmats. D m, .114aziA:NY., Lebanon, A ugnet 1540. . Reads ' = 11;ead, Read. • --41— CA 0. Mixon, July 29th, lade. Magary. Jon. 2 Bind Co.:—Your "Inspecticia;' or "Persian - Hever Ohs 2 ," Lu done wonderi. I was wholly despondent and wretched whierc,l applie4 it, and in Bre Loin tics chills were removed - link tie' ptsde has ensued. It la the 'amplest cure imaginable,4tra24 init der of nature or art. 1 wonld out be without. BM "Ar 2 rpeeticsTh ',lngle hour. By constantly wearing 41 I seem to los i'agus proof." Yours Very Trals E. It ebtrY. MOITIVZ, ALABAMA, July 231,1860. ar.mr..o-1 saes leen snatched from the iITBV6 th e % Lion of "out eronderful •-Inspectine," or iifter Marra" I'or several years I boreauf rayed erertimsuroo lass friar and moo Last - Spring my life wait LillYtateliOLT, Mit your remedy has destroyed the disease, suit Y dtic tepidly gaining an appetite and strength. • Respectfully, Yours D. N. BARRON. • TO. truly Weaderftil preventive and core for Fever 104Iy• end Billions Fevers will be sent by mail s post rdilp on roloetpt OE one ollar. Alen for vele at all re spostobli Dr again% and Cestotry sreme,t Ityfunipol Depot and Eannaeototy. BA Main 8t„ Rich ikehd •:neemehMeer, Daoy of Commerce Building, New *ark. , Cdd rees JOHN WILCOX & CO. Bs6, /s6° • U , ''A • to mire. Doak. ,oINiS ivar Wes WA SON. - Pa., , WEDNESDiY, NOVEMBER 14; 1880 -• • . • • Autariiiiirtilouse r .11013 VIA OORREII of Ptenk void ode al/ nerd Streets NORTH LEBAIMN, 731N14%. To TIM Paten. , • HO I etH. ye thirsty tome end - drink. for ZtiCe cool mineral water, ethesheiceet.winte" MO the terreetelett liquors aremriely bar. Andy°, hungry eoth e ty,,t,b a t, tke table biloaded with the most substantial fire, and the richert dellosoier of the season obowozi a beent— Clothe Mel and beaet; b ons* alvrays *to the atranger Ind the him* efu d for animals the. of pro. vettdar, Ana ,etatillnit, and, ottongro Weis, are ever reedy at my *idle. • ' Xtelimelpe I tfuldy, 14 ortir Landon, Sept44, rk tEtatilr Jinn. LEBANOIII.47.OItNTY 'firrEANl rteaktilliM JGC•111111117. ZUOTlfillstit () NE of the best and cheapest assortn ll urnte of LUMBI offered to the public, is now for sale at the new and extensive LUMBER and COAL YARD of PHILIP RRECHBILL, is the Borough of North Lebanon,, on the bank of the niers Canal, at the head of Walnut street, a few inures North of the Nenettese :Stearn Mills, and one game east of Borgsser's Lintel. Their assortment consist( of the best well.sea.soned White, yellow, Nor - way, Pine and lienslock Baarda— " Cherry, Phplar and Pine Boards; '134 and inch Punnet and. Common Plank; Whitest slAslcd lifonlock Scantling and Joists; White . 01M . Brearge s Plank ant(Seaitllot: and %inch Plar Boards, Plank and Scantling. S 1 SHINGLES 1 SHINGLES It The bog Pine and Hemlock Shingles; "t„ Alva, Rooting and Plastering Laths: . Chestnut-Rails and Pesti, and Palling' for fences and ftsneing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS of all sizes and descriptions. • •COA I. ! COAL !! COAL 1! ! A large stook of Broken, Stove, Litneburners and liollidayelrurg Smith Mal ' at the lowest prices. • *9...Confident that they have the largest and beat as. sortruent of Martin of all descriptions and enee, se well as the largest stook of the different kinds of Cosi., ever offered to the entraps of Lebrun:Gamily, they venture 'to say thatthey can aocommodate ali-Purchlute4gl.l4,- faetorily, and would. thereibre invite all who Werpt any in their line, to examine their .stock bekrii pur chasing elsewhere. SHILLS Bit SWIM IC Lebanon, April 4,1880. WALNIIT STREET STILL - 4.y..ne tax Chea.P 43 4 Eat Silvded, and Largest Moak of WAI L PAP,EFtS 'Window isliade - s, Curtam, Arm,' rt. urgiEnsIGNED haying In connection with his Ban Aril) STATIONERY- STOEE, purchased the entire stocker WA I LVAPESS of Messrs. WALTZ & nagDZI: aid W. G. WARD, and basing 1090 1 . 0 eently received large supplies from New'York and Phil adelphia, ineltetiug the latest and most bandboxes styles Paper Hangings, Borders Decorations, Parteitinga, Fire Board Prints, , Window Curtains, Sh ides, 4.c., *C., now nlanufsetured. -lite a to* presents tbe best assort ment of rapers. bOtis'in style and quality, that hasever been Seat! in Lebantin, ant its .he hae:kollhttnoat of bis Papers reduced r otas, for Cases, jai is able to sell Well Paper ittiheapar rates than, they. can be obtained at any other p1a5e.",..1.1e halt also Made anu t iliteteents with the twit Paper Hankers in I.ebanon to put tfp paper for him. eft desired, at the shorto it notice on the me e t reas onable terms. I Give bim a call and be convince t: • sir Remember the sktee, at the_ Hew Bookstore its 1,111!thlut Street, a feu; doors soutk of Kern aesnyes Hard :Mini. • , r"rUbenen, April 4 186? llooks and •Sta.itjantry. • • parkins'', • AND • . TEAM:MS': ,AD QUARTERS ZOOM. IVAISiSS • - HAS REMOVED - • Eisn MATIOTtdiIIpBOOk Store to Market Sqnaws,,L4lspoon W ILENE maj.bo bad, on reasonable terms I% genera.? - asabrtment 'of :sca. ! ipi suNDit . .l3otwoi, TREQLOCI- Ips*LtAtisommiWirißOOKS of Vreery•descrlption. - (abi b ks,C , y pbering Bonita, I rather and paper bound Pwladokn, and every 'variety ai STATIONEIIY, &c., Wholesede and retaiL •Thefolloviing New Books, &5..;: ifnmbol4t's Com% (wt. - volt. ." Oreeley'dPdlithral Tait Book for 1880. kfilit/bWlr'ai Lar , at, utiedge. Throne tfr Ihiil Ise Book of Forms- • . • . bMory of the.Uoited Brethren Church. Helps for the Pulpit. The Hornlike. Wliedond'e CramonbtrY- Iturkitt's Notes. Different - Hymn Books, (German and $041413). Obatechlann, (German and English). • • Tee tamente—large and small, (German and English) bibles—different sine, do do Dlctlocaries—Webster's And Worcester's. Dietionarler—diffennat sizes, (German & English). Cook Books. Books on Gardening, Grapes, &e. - ALMANACS. Lancaster. German and ..English ; Philadelphia, differ ent kinds; Readlux 'Alumnae the Lutheran, (German and English,/ auckfhe Evangelical from Milo; Lebanon, Septeutber:27 ;IWD. . • IF YOU :WANT ti 60.1 ). PIOT111018:GO TO '.:. . • BREAINEWS-- L oa" • • Kraal' 0/1-1.1.6LT, oser'D. S. Raber'e Drug Store, • 141D'Odlawirlitud street, Lebanon,Pa. Asoacrryrsa, Simoirtie, • PITYROTYPIJI and PlM eliOnAlalcen daily, (SUOday excepted.) Prices Moselle- Mum!! hi acconiance with the sire, style and quality Of the wee 4.. Rooms opened from 8 A. M., to 4 o 'clock. P. II: 1 :"' • ~ . . Lebanon, June 2,1858. . - . . . NEW LLVEEY STitiILE. /MIR' undersigned respectfully Inforniethe putdio that 1 he tots opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE,. at Mn. filE— . MT? . si l lrd 4 lNVl r k B ,7l.;r l Vtitgrilk, public accommodation agood stock of HORSES and VEHICLES. lie 7- will eep gentle and g o od drislntrirses, andßandeome and ealls Vehicles. .d. . careful Isere furniedicil when deolyt•od.. Nee OMNIBUS for pirtagmi, &r: i . . I WO*, April 27., 1658. ... .1011.1 M LIAROIL If ymkwant good tin were Call at tho Tin and 3heai hen Store of . GEORGB SHAY. If you went Coal Buckets, Shovels, &v., call at the Tin-and Sheet Tien Stored' - . • IVY4:111 WAN, ,•*, • A . pICTITIen ottani ileeele***llied; oilktOrgbl. eolorid In oit, call at . DAlLlrbealtery, next Ilan to the Lebanon Deposit hank. . . . . . . . RE.l9k l 4 l :Aiii iSz•AN. : • 14:.011 - T . .L ON • 81tAtilit and thetiity. . •• , . undersighed . hat Removed .4 bin Saddlery and Harnett 4,, Idanufaotor4to" a few doors South /au 7:0 of the old pleas, te the large room lately occupied by,, .1/00. Liquor store, where he will be happy to tee all Weald woad!' end, customeni,, and where be has increistarta dlitim, ter atteindidg to all the departmeuta or Ws bust. nem_ Being determined to be behind no other as tablish• moot in his abilities In. accommodate maptomers he bap spared neithirpeas nor expel:wet° end Make himself' 'twister of every modern improveanen in the bia sinew; and socure the services of 'the bee workmen that litsiral wages would command. He will keep a large stock on band, anitinanufacture at the shortest notice, all iknoriptions Of HARNESS; goot:tlis Saddles ,bridles, -Cat'riage Harness, of all kinds.: heavy Harass,, , Buggy , . Whigs e the best Stinvlicture, .oa-ffalo Robes, Fly Nati,. Snob 1111 Cotton. Worsted, Linea, and a new kind lately i m reeted; FlalaV of svir. kind, such as Buggy , y?hipe, Cart Whips, de.; iiLilf.E.Sof all descriptions.LCALTEß rya/NA home-made TRACES, An., in, allot whiCh is will warrant to be equal tosny, that canba obtained in any other eatabilatuneat Iwthe conntu. All he asks twi t iti o o dogmas anything ittaila line, abouldeall at bisnesi and szataine Mistook. He feels the Tidiest -oo i nye hp his Ability Weiss entire X.l orders thankra4 niOatitalaraproarrtliat tawdok 7 - 11: - stmarop North Lebeewn porougb,..isit. 26, Imo. . MADANIE StSliftVENIrS INFALLIBL pOWDERS. VOA the epeedy and effectnrkture of all Intlemma stigma, levers,..ftbetunartiess, Dyrpepels and Liver Complaint, Mee, Gravel, sal ay Mute and Chem* Divulges of Anlnas A.VD CaLnuani—Send 3 omit Stamp to her Agent, , a. g. ;ONES, Hundreds of testimonlai. Tho p 200 lled's P.O. 41r- Agency, 8. W. COL •11r1 Etc October 3,1880.-10 t. • • James. 0. SIGN OF THE BIAMMYTH WATCH, • saute *Min" erflegekkand Strut, LEBANON, paled FFEBB to the PnbUo on oleo:1001nd eAtonaleo assort amont _ Lebanon, Sept. 21,1859. * - tebanoiriPeniale Sinsimary J, 31. POST, A. 8., Principe:. flilßS NINTH SESSION t ell commence Soptember 3, mu gthool, is downed to elevate the stand arltuf recall* lAeattoli, end to offer superior advanta ge" at a ,node : ,node : a coat. - The School Igsr is divided Into two WessiDne of ftir e months ea h, 511Rtice peeepeelon, from 7„ ) ,4 to lb dollars, according to the etudlee of the &choler. Extra for Kusic,Erencb,:lAiLin; and 'German. so Particular attention *en to.tamisittbal depart ment. Instruction Upon the Pistil& ldiefbduzul and Gut ter and in Singing. Pupils not connected With the School will be waited upon at their homes, when desir ed, and at' the usual rates. Early application should be made to S. J. STINE, or - • J. W, MISIL Board of : Directors: • • 8 B. B. LERMAN, .-.7. SEINE; C. B. FORANY, J. W. KWH, • JOHN . AIRILY, C. GREENAWALT, • C. D. GLONINGER, JOSLfkil YUNCK," . ISAAC BECKLEY. Lebanon, Aug. 30, -1 Phila.*lkettd - jimg Railrod.d. Leboucietallifty . ittrinch. TAPDaity Passenger- Trains . ink, and: Harrisiar.: • . pASS LEBANON, going East to Reading, at 9,13 A. M., and 225 P.M. Few Lebanon, going Weed to Harrisburg, at 7.24 P. ltand-11.48 At IL. •At Reading, both trains make clam. connexions. far Pottorille, Tamaqua, Danville, Williams. . part, to . • . Morning train ant y ‘ connocM nt Reading for Wilkeit harre, Mutton and Stamina.: At Harrisburg, train* connect with "Pennsylvania." "Norther Central," and "Cumberland Valley" Railroads -fur Pittsburg, Liuicester,Baltinsoraitradiury, Chambers bnrg, Ac. . • , Through Tickets to Lencastir, In No. I Cars, $1 50, to Baltimore, $.4 so. SO lbs. bage allowed to each passenger. . • The Sec ond Class Caravans Isith AU thre above trains. Through First ClasiVeruies at reduced rate to Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the .principal points in the West, North' West, and Qanadas ; antlEmi. grant Tickets,.at lower Fares, to all above places, can be blur on application to the Station Agent, at Lebanon'. ' Through -Tirsit.:Class Coupon Tickets, and Rmigrant Tickets at reduced Faroe. to all the princlpal.points in the North and West, and the Canadas.- COMMUTATION TWEETS.. . With 28 Coupons, at per cent discount. bet ween any. points desired, and lIIALBAGE_ TICKETS. - • Cood'foll 2008 'WWI, between points, c at - SES each for htmdl es and Business Pin= • • : Up Trains leave Philadelphia . foL.Reading. Harris burg and Pottsville at 8 A. M. sad 1;80 and 6 P. M. - .ll:6— . Passehgers ode requested to purckase tickets be fore the Treble start. Higher Yam charged, If paid In hie cars.„NICCLIS July.2s, 1880. /engineer asyd /641/grustessetsnl• .7 1 :4 , 6. t.g. 5 .....xml.„;.g.-.- 71 ' q . 04' 0 .. A. . . , pi t". l i .-. p, 1144 c 1,t4217,• - •1.,..*4 - .4:)W . 4"rt;1. —4 L .. 4 " 16 di 'ls.reir•Va.ot'lca i l,sgl 4 4111 • • 4 •- • l 4l4l.,Ett i LLEt.l t a ' er ' 0 - td .74 I ti til 14,4 :g. . 5 ,,,.. t ...4 0 0) tj e P.:* b,.../- IX el •valTs•4F'ig;'73l4.sn IX _ ,gi , -s-pa f..gze.#4l:cia:,., ;I . .g s i l r , , -4 z. , ...- 1 a s - Nal4 4 gO, rgirilf.r ?, Lis Pt , '• 2 -...ei . t gill' "7 1 .;.'.0;i: alo , It - gte.,.fi : ...;. - x& ..i . g &.. r- % .clg'M :r 2 mPt i" i, Er 4,,,,. • rziwg• "485,1•g°V3 :5-fpg l .1 •:-?1,F;, - t1 -co 4 kei', -- rti. • . ti t ...5" ...'" - C/1 - CM . V.l . . 4 r ar'l '11. 41 ...,50 Fig•E• to l g' ;;; E- R 8 q ixs .ip si a 5 Gl, cp m • -• • c , - V' yr 11, ..e. . . - - . ...,_., . RA,IMITA.WWIRD. TvlizmudensiD,4 . ;the higtvieriatrohe !orlall AL .kindo.of, grmis..: ;._.. NYN 7s . '' '. - ‘'' • . ' .:4 4 4 '.• i", • 'in , DORN and' OSTS— Otthe .13p,o,h_tgork abal; Wahuttltrest, North hot: J°Bat'll1611" North Lebow:o'444s4h IBM. - • •`.*:` v" ' . . , , .t and Shoo D ID you sae ATKI k -thw Geor•,ve Itofraiiitn 7 s LEBANON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION LINE. By 'Lebanon Valley Railroad. 1 - )AItTICD LAD attention will be paid to (roods ed by the LebArun Valley Esilrosd. Goods will be • sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Labium, Allen town and Ant/14110 Steams, and all other points in -the aiunty. . • FRIAIGIITS contracted Air at, the least pie' 31ble•tates awl delivered with-diapatbh. - . Mae Proprietor will pay particular attention to, and attend persoually,-to the receiving and' delivery : of all Freight.. . - • For informitUon, apply at his , Oplicik at the Lebanon Talley Railroad Depot, Lehanon.,- W. • , ZDAItD MAIM. his Agent iiiMadelphle. wiH el. mays be found at W H. Huth's *del, At . ttl4 Third se.. Philadelphia. : •• • July 14.'60.1 • 4210:."HOTTZAN. .CONVIIAIf; .IiAA..P.R.Ik CAPP'S • . er g, t r o7flito -R. led -R. /al6-. '"is, Way, Tyco -Want Cikeip Lunibirl; . TIM undersigned have lately T formectApartmer-. ship for - the piiriiCqeengeginerreibe Lem; bet Business, dh a new plan; would r espectfully inane the public at largo, that their place oflweinces L DAVID BOWMAX'Er Old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting' on Chestnut street, one equate from tbe Evangelical church. 'They haTer enlarged the Yard and BUM. it with a now and excellent sailed:neat of all Ulnae of Lumber, fuel' jArgro, I;Ards, BruNnixti, AND SCANTLING, of all length! and thicknesses. In short, they heap con stantly *on bank el full alai wattle:awned seeurtmentof all kin* of BOMBING UATERIALS. Persons in went of any thing in 0101'11,1e are invited to call, eXhl4l:4lthelr stock, and learn their prices. • Thankful' for past facers, they hoP, that by attention to , bd . iiners and moderate prices, to merita continue.of public patronage. BOWbfAP s BB= 4 EAPI!. Lebanon. September 6,18110.• • 1... • The !West CitestOrAtadenly, -Tup.,LlAAtt wiTzß,s,.A. - - m., p r incipal, al . Y V 101. tad by itdwr gentlemen of tried ability and. CXPeIiC4I6B. *in romantic.) the 'Winter Term, of tire Mouths; on..the-brat ttlf •November next. The Ger man, Brearl and Spanish languages axe taught by na. tire reaklent towbars. r o e egadognee, apply to the Principal, at West chub, .•10etotor 17,-Itedg . IF,YOU WANT. YIXOTOORAPI.I of yourself at Mend, the beet art ,L 1 tdbn tuid.at beig.ro Gallery, n07..* door to the Lebanon Deposit rvas am o rs i gu ed, in North Leb1113 . 40 . 16 400',000"04( • Briek* 'Brick the beet BRICKS for - sale. No hatter esti be pb taLed in this neighborhood, taut, ,bir sell, shen% In large Quantities at II 60 (cub) *if thertiaWd. • Also. %Inch, Wan and 2 Inch ot the be 4 .• Poplar Boards andDlankii, for We. _ DAVID BOYER: North Debtiaota Feb. lb. -1860..• :•• YOU W. T Ak.roAtiSTltirtsfor Iffredtligteerlat.caltiedi-t. . BlanlKWarrants for Colfebtors of school Tax, Ik.ods of %Vector; Aa .frimittzrers' Ag ream en ta 141'0441r Tkireetors 444 Teachers, and Orders on Tatunleer, for sale at thip office,ie [Ol We have just - regehra a 7 47#.4.1tit orbiank Cards„,plain and colored,wh lob -kir 'kill' ba fitesiter i k to - work np for tlifpublie. Weluere Amaral unusual, bdt esori andivial ties. i.~te~C~u~~c~, THEIMICY ELMYt . ru tell•the queerest thing ; that ever, .haPPelfed'ti . r : *Nte in bturtaaati..Orkt evening,•*loot -tiiiehty y ` ea pi hgo, I I• was gotng licirmi• arimAgliks•fnity -road sio my own hdtritont Pentrniviile Hill. It:Was near theimdef-'pecember.:' r had staid balancing accontrta• in MY • Office some thingftezAthe. Stook Ex Imliatlrge violin& '4V. :frixiV . night with h bait fog in it, had lent* and there • waan •rather valuable tit -- )bliet book safely buttoned up in the breast pock-. et of my. great coat,-for f had that, day sold five hundred*stern Canal sham', which, in 'Oninion with - all such property, thb ritilthi t ys were rap idly bringing down.. .They belonged' to one of my bestcustomers had; been advantageo ust- disposed of, and- I. Was . carrying bonne the bank-notes, kinking my (wit house was a safer , phiee-thah - Abe ollisscW this - gentleman 'beitnotpleasNl:to retention his bank- .or. The City Rood is not• a solitary .plane - at :&-.P ‘ ...lit „1 walked-on, shm ming up thisiAss'astransactions and . the probabilitietea the: morrovv,look-. leg . Into ttie irladdrireof all newsmen and stationeralor•the evening papers I thought moist neliabletana„,occasion ally geeing that mY; great coat was scarcely buttoned, "-- ' • - • I Was engaged in the latterWcupa tion within sight of that;bodoble inny the Angel, Islington,:lithent *Caine conscious of .being tateriti 'and fel lowed by. a. man who, neemed- defeat-. mined to keep - his eyes on me. ~ Ris 'dress and appearance belonged to the shabby respectabley himselfand ev erything around him looked : as if he had seen better days.' his flgth'e was , tall and thin, his 'Ace long and sharp; his bair was long and gray r ynt I felt IP twinned- eat' hisyears did not mach I .exceed my-own, and I was ,then ,sin • i the sunny of fifty. It was strange, [too, that he made no: ettiMipthe. con-, 'nealing his ..pursait of -Irk . indeed, there ,was, laplttilriii itli„ Or,...eriabing: looking abortilfriman— . Still, .I,lsid My: pocket book tixeoraof; landii we reached a 41.tieter:,pary -otthe road skirting the New-ltivet c .CoM,pany'a Water Works, I resolved to 14thim 4in0vi,,411.14.he was 4 .* eiV ek -by ;turn ing iibriiptly. Ind Tieing. bim m. the' full - light of the streeelamp. • . . ': Ilnd,it. be . fyi any description -of wo- • Manhood,. Astead: of a gray-haired eviden4y not,well-to=do-man,l should Ihave gone, home to. Idrs. Rugly more _puffed up with vanity and self-conceit than the honest woman was accustem ed to find me; for:the best-dressed speeitnerrig beauty andfashion in alt . ! .Belgravia could.not have been:greet- I ed, with a raze greater admiration and delight, thekn• that he bestowed 1 on My cane colored:Nhiskers and al most carroty:hair. Was the man mad, or making gameof Me? Some how, he 'did not look :sti t be eithe r; there was an -.appearance .of perfect earnestness and sincerity in his loin onstrations, as if his whole heSit Wai I in the husinesw,rand he caredforliotb- : , ling else. • - -- . - , , ' ':. . •• , 'To you (la anything in Om Stock Exchange, sir r., said he, befOreaVould make up my mind .what proceedings to take. Ales,' said I,:03 toniblied Out of all my..-caution..:. 'Whydoyoa ask T. 9. sit,.l"* . ant a -little bpi- Aeas done,in that way. , •It's not much, .but I'll pray. :,you. any coingibMion ..oars'. and. .hei 'l4'essed' so neat: .tilfats - .lEdd hdnd — dn -my bretitAinttons. will be ,so goodiuktOf tCflime your Aloe. oi.anywherc yea see .me, I'll come to-morrow foretioo4.! ere's my .address" said I: 'l'm always klad4a•see people , in the way of businelisi fn the , meanti meantime,lain in _'baste' -to. get home,- and 'wish you •a very. good-night.' - lily steps - did - not linger icing after that declaration. '.The eliabby,admir ing man have nonfederates,and the roafi was hoSyi_ bdt whet I looked back at the.next'• tvirti,viboto 1213 was standing in - the sifinespot, and 4-azing• after me as if I hadzbecn.lie ggu di: an angel leaving him to himself. -.- lars. Ragly and, I : bad:a good - lan& cwer-the_intervieW - - ' - vihenr !St by the -fire after;our bOys , anit.ipt?fa; Bad gone to bed. I wanted to Make .her 'believe he was ti-itOtifiteas in &gate; ahe Insisted-. that .he' was ft . sharper, and meant to wheedle me out of money or stock. At _last we - agreedthat the man must be mad; and 1 wen4;4o . the Office next, morning resolvedi.:to lei allp . out i of my aequaintax ockra4 quietly-as - he had stepped infolt . -z According to my usual cilstom,A at tnp..offico full three hours- before th'e'Fischangs opened, but there was .tbe Manpaeing. up and down,in front of , klistpreeiniseu, and evidently wait. . When he had- kot w fa'rly into Of business; 'alias the email aetWitly room which . serves gen tlefaeo...o.• my :Prikftelision in the copel:Court,he came to the point:Without Oving mc time to.eak itl by: producing,pocketilipok with, as many:MO.lEs of better• - • clays Aid ard iiitvieel'ek himself,:. furi3ing it over soi.atto me-seokameiy few notes and reading a-mernorainidni for his own - indriletion,,arkd then re questing me to buy thru*ilmndred .harvi in , a certain Scot land. . •-• . The line is flow one - of the bestifly. . ing in Great tin, but - for prudep- Uzi . ' reasons, whictione ought to in-epea . kingi. oft-anything SlOoteh, I will, not. eve .he partinWardesigiSit• It bee nom men?eed:in the Viet fever' of Making . , when , tlik-p_nblie mind, hOlpg ;wakened to utilLty .of th4 - Orion.ireigkapt which_ fkiOgalSS 4 # 4 /0 134311 * 114111 t BlI tipi rters: . bad fonekt,iso t0411;,a-liitider, rnehed• into Am1101 131 61 1 ,,W •eveFy di nation, and wOuld• : deem WHOLE NO. 50;:_ rails between John. oTiritats and ..the' -Lan d' s End. 'The e Titi . 3i;i:(ixxwiras' • "qO. quite' I E 4 ImPromisingv butV from local causes, as well•as igete*porary r -t 'he of the ferment, itieorip was going rapidirdowo.:::4 4. 1 1 8 . awar e , that interested •parties •••were• doing their-tent to keep up the ihares,, and "brekors - who.luid -none 30 - eel!' 'called it a lifigspeen, a too. Perhaps oh toaaiin..oinedit for conscieutisitieness beyond - the;Want of Cartel Ourt Men, but my iiauld -be customer' looked so harctup; sfk - vtinestly Winton turnius his few notes to the best .advantage. • that I could;: not help telling Mi=ni my. mind on -the subject, and.eeriotisly . ad-f kising bp:o;33 . l; g have hothiniti4nriVith., Abe . Seirtxpritilway. .tEe me. With hic,lc of quiet but unmovable obstinacy; f -- * 'lt may . be all true ' sir, I am sure it is, for nay° heard as much from all quarters; but 'buy the .three hun dred shares for me—they are down fifty per cent. 'now. Iliidegot.klintr . - dred pouncia4i3ro,.-ind-I'llioaryou the Teat within ifortnighit • ‘; lone- your: 1.:V. 21 93'i' said I, %tit jig bevattay.'" • • 'ltoirifl pay apd'l ivon'tibse r. ttalniin, his eye' kiii,dling witkiitre 96, brightaod wild that it mado me.think of oar °Onclusions the night-bell:4v don't care if I tell you, though some people -might think it silly_ to believe ib such 'things, that I had' a dream about thak.railway t sir.: My uncle Was a 'first-rate speculator, a 'Lancashire Man, One, of the earliest -that;:ciaiiie out strong•for George Ste plason;•you have -heard , of him fer taps;"And he named a gentleman well .kiown in the first railway war, but then - deceased. for some; yef,rs., 'He brought me npi and would -have left -me.his shares - in' . -the Northwestern, bat I displeasell; hint by marrying againstAtig . .wille-anci My uncle never forgave:itnybody., I don't repent that yet, my .Wil 4 N.,the best woman the world, lind apSrettier faiel nevorkkw;. •but we've been poor, atidnothini has succeeded with - me, though - I have tri ed a good many thingd..:**beri my uncle died,-five years ho left. his thares, .bank-stock and all, to alonse keeper he bad. I'm told tliey'relliv erpool gentry now; but I hadliot•imen pit for Oven teen years, tilione night last month I had a dream; it must havelkien near daybreak. The old • mans appeared to come into my room; looking as , lie-'eadd 'to do miaow. we worn good friends, and bringing•;ivith him a person whom I-had never seen before 'Tom,' said be, 'OAS' gentleman is a-seock-broker; -got him to buy n you three hundred shares,' in . the . . - Railivay, and you'll , be a rich man he- L fore seven years.' • He said afew more I . words -which don't matterknit at Fires:* ent, then walked •away; .and I woke I up so sure of the whole basin* that I struck... Y r -light, and looked - 011nd the room for:the Man he had brought,till poor Salli,thought I -bad-lost-.-my judgment." 1.7 tie dream oecurreo every night fort, week after. I gatolp,. all 'the money..icould muster, and :pent Oyer lioetion;' looking for: thit fikkek brolfiiri:iyfien;l was going home; skid,' sir; you are the-very man *my- uncle 'brought . ..with _him. I -would i : know you .• u a mong twenty thousand, 'and; if you Will btly me the sheresit will. be' 1 !xttier-foilie. both." - . -; i -•,, ' -.- • Mrs. Itil e glY . , at least,:gavO me ored it-for-44ns°' and discretioX4: tint' the singular alk.',T,..the fact that he Lad recogUised *le, and, the. Man's - own -faith in his dream, made. Me:give pp reasoning . against!the Seot.skrailway, -slid conseaVto buy the shareat io They badenother fall that very, ikijr , i; and I , knowing they axvere still. iwther de ' seending Ifue,.l bought:theni'laelew , ly; so thatiinr - the..end of.ttieleuek, three hundred shares, worts.-teaUted 1 with littlemore than the. contetits ef m • y-friend's pocket honk. Thei:Min had interested me. You perceive iit it is , poAeible.tainterest'eysrfn stock broker; and •wbile buyjng up . the shares, I made inquiries after his an. tecedente. There waseot a broker, in the Eicliairge who could not tell me Something about hifri, .and their accounts confirmed biaaivn=th at lie bud, tried a good imliny things, and sueded in. nothing. There was - no apooulation:--mine, canal, dock Or rail- Way--la which-he hall not, -dabbled and the popidar superatitian'-,W C4R! 3 . 1 -oOrt was, that whatsoever ho Foualit •shares in was, sure to go to . the dogs, except be sold out leinsedll ately, when it was equaily. eqtatik' to rise in the market: Viers) viteretales I of stoek-brokers who. )1144 made their I fortunes and thosecrtheir customers, 07 ;the guidance of 'thee curious: rule. Lathe natural consequeeee of .3ontich ill luck and de tertai riatioti Ul9l3culate, I also heard that...he wailful, the habit of owing and bOrrowing; and' that his :feeds and, his credit - was - now at : . a ve -4 low ebb. Nokedy could imagine where he got tha,bundred pounds,. except from-his .relations in, Lances ' ahlire,, on a proinise .to .embark for 'AtMtralia to which safedb3tante their united andeavorebad ..net l been suffi cient to send him,niftT his wife, though employed to that ,94d-iore#te last ten years. Theirs,_it the time of my sto ry was a second: floor•fin Cummin, street, Pentonville. TheiT narrie Was Raxwortb, and' there was at once a contrast and a resemblance kictween them; while he was a: - 411::dkran she was a little ; 'but.',lißth were gray, before th r, 44,*:...7017 -thin, ma s and looked as? 7 . oey *Fere : , A, ways ex eating something.. `'a ':ia` , Faith is- infeetiona. "When I had bought the share% delivefed them to 'fr. Itaxwortk,,-Snd . above. all, talked over, the matter - with - Mrs. Rugly, she and _kfel Pio fbeistOid that Something ronld*.lailet. the*ea,M that wakel:ot, our. eyes on the itaxworthe, took a • deep, interest. ii- .11mk, 'Welfare, •and Airotkld ll 4vl) l **l4o;ldlY -wittit'then l 'bit for an unexpected .obetak34,:„Pn Ctit A FAMILY PAPER 'PORTOWN AND 00IINTRY, IS - PHINTEDYAND PUBLISHED WHEEL . / By Wit. X. IIitESIIN, .2d Story orPuock's New Banding, Oembertand At One Dollar and Fifty .Cents a Year. . Afar Anttralstisitrta Inserted at the usual rates. 'la The friends of the establishnionc and the-palate goner soy are tospectfullyaotielted to spud in their orison. " 45r HANDBILLS Piloted at arilours notice, ItATES OF POSTA43I3. ' • . • 'ln Lebanon County, postitge free. Inycnnsylvanht, ooloolAiolninoiteolinty;l4 . oenni per quarter, or IS•contit a year. . Oul of this State, 63.4 eta. per quarter , or 26 cfira yelr It the poste : is not paid In adyanco. rates are doubled. the evening after 1 had _hiNighlf, the last of the sharosood We ,wele settling money matters ih the back room of -a corce-honse, where Ram worth insisted on treating •mo to a, steak and porter because, I .would charge him no commission., : One pot followed anotherytill my friefid's eyes began , to twinkle, and his worEls..fol - 'lowed rapidly. He told all.he would do when his fortune was made by . the the Railway; of there's - tit:6lB'6 would out dead•for-looking down , on him and Sally; of the house he would band overlooking Birkenhead, and to Which he would take her home in hof ewe swinge, _to Spite peophywho thougbt t little of her for being a dross. maker's girl, though anybody mho) saw Sally.knew she wad k t i;:kn to . be a ....,••- lady. "iitlo. doubt of it," said I, my own &fart is getting warm. "I am sure Mrs. Rugly would like very will:tO know her; we'll call on you sonic* day this week." -"No s .if you please ;" said Raxworth', starting back with a blank terror in his look. ."I..beg your pardon Mr. Itaglzy it:wonid" be a great Nepure wifii - and me; in fact we are too poor acqasdntances for • you. Bat don't come sir,•don't come to our house, at all.. After whit the old man said, the; might he Alto, as well as this' • • rest of the. dream . ' "Yithat (lid tho old. man say, Bosworth Mr. r said I, laying down my pot with groat determination. 'Well, sir, I should fume told yoU before, but I thought you would not buy the shares for me. ,My ulicle af ter he toad me abeett-the making of my fortune, and -the band you were to have in it, said ofew words more, and they weretbd strangest of all : ' "Take care of him, for he will kill your wife !" Now, - sir; I don'tAgf neve you would do the, like, but 'it was all in the same dream ;•that was 41se•lait thing niy_unele. said. Don't come to the house, sir, nor breve , any -thing more to do with us I" '• Basworth believed in what-he told ' me, stud.l did not tell tlmit . part .cif his dreath to Mrs. , Rugly'llint r filid6 him-a solemn premise, and took a fli ed resolution to-avoid their domicile, which ander-one excuse or-anotheeti I always managed to keep: - , -In pursuing this policy, I grodually lost sight of the man of the tVeohlitiL died shares. I- tliii , ram m CaPel Court sometimes, occasionally Met him going home heard of him first as an agent for somebody's anadulte: rated coffee, then as a ticrieler for a patent bill, and lastly of,hiestibia6rib: ing a pictorial 4 3Sible.. They had to.: moved from.-Cirmulin 'street to an huMbler lodging in Clerkouivell; and his wife was taking in plain.work.--: -To say thetruth I had' nO'leish - to, see 'the Thor man. In-: spits of his dream the —"-: - .ltailniiif 'had gone utterly and totally to the 1160; the most sanguine speculators pion ou n oed it a bad job; 'its shares were deelated,. .to be nowhere at oil i had a d many time lirs"Ruglrand'l lamented over poor-Raxworth and his three hundred: . - In thecares of one's• family, abd the ups -and downs Of tone's business,. time slips away wonderfUlly. ' It 'rig five, years after I had hought f th'e dad shares; there had been a patife; bad times, a settling down and clearing upagain,-when to the amazement.of tbewholietock Exchange, there - Alias a resurrection of the -.---- Raifwa3rk Somebody-from Glasglow had,Ultinl it in-: : hand:'" The geutlemnLhicri; large (*pital and• rich consiiilr - 'The, neWspaliers began to tallt-orwhitaut:, minglintaity the line would bi tithe .northerif to*neatiAlle:hgr - icolturaf districts ;* th e shirtill eamd s ,lut67 , the market and went . up eyery•::da i y,,-- -Wfiere was Raxwortli 7- 'I ceikaliOil make out till one day be apOsied,in my office, looking grayer aipl.-.0404 shabby than ever, but.w illi tee ::iigune, earnest eyes. .. .., . , , . . eThey're.gontepVt,•437, RA*, his first Salutation:a; . . .. "Yes," Said .1., rf otiell .gei'. giaok your. handred-poutiaset."; ..- ''r •, ... "Get. tutek• my litindred • -pounds-I" he screamed, for kis voice,had'grosik strangely' cracked and shrill. it make my fortune-; didn't the old Man -say it ? Have Sally and I'liyad polo,; oed pinehed,wantingieetWin'-V&M; .and beer in sufnmer, all.hese years, only to.g . et banira hundred pi-Sands! No,' hfr. - .Rugly;-I - woul eell:caitt-unti4 they came to-cent pereent;kflepst." No' argunients .viod .- 'Maim that resolution, aid 7; did not'try.. tto 'do it,i the Matter was.. beyopd `tiny , eke COurt..extefientiej• but for Conce;llosc.' Worth 'was nAt t lnbitaken: - T.lieolitretil wene'lp higher and hightin.i3neff a run upon a rail W*y waSne igfck i ifttit *At .190 they rating cent: '4'. gent, Sid then he sea me; a 'brie 'bow "to? IT sell opt immediately, -and" bitif him six linuctieil shaies in the Soit.,:iieliV . .. __ .. . ern. Itas‘orth had 'got houTn. lily reasoning. .11.eaceforth robbyeithis mandates- without question, and they' also came hy. post; Somehow, what-- ever he-bought; whatever be Bolt. success and profit attended kis', epee nlatione. Lknew him net - five thou.- acid, by . a, yen : tura that same year; andlociloPled it within the nest.-4. His tpek:hecarne as provorbial :mous , the brokere akhis want of it'l=rion before.. He was now • a comp 6 ., ly rich ipan.,. 'I Was aware of his havit:' ing a considerable deposit in the bank of England* beside owning:railway' stock to a gvhitteeamciant; yetirlatien. Isaw him againUasworthleoked.air shabby, as careW'oxin, -aid as earnest •as he had looked *hen .I , .cane-`going ' to Ongratulate, biiii on -the Pvigosot of getting back his-hundred, potaixes. He settled' with me Aibeinally, proulie edtbe 'continuance of his.patronao,' told . fie;,-brat he: lad: -Wight:4lo .. ..ndit..-fox hie heuWiliferittnking 'i ' : 2..xii/gail):: - 4•4!tc't.luititiblly , 4313410) . would enjoy tWir mcmey.;.aitklosi El