l eg ginittr. J 173 T 11111 DIFYSITIENOIO. —We had a number of Sympathy meetings hero In New York, for John Brown, not long algae, and we do not know how isuoh money was raised for his family. Now, why cannot we have Is sympathy meeting fur the °pont white shoemaker," striking against the Shivery of rtarvetion wages--not in Virginia nor Botith Carolina, but down in.lffassaohusetts? Mesa. fur the shoemakers.—Paint your faces, blaik, or be able to show that you have murder ed somebody for freedom, and we shall have a meeting Air you, right straight off, with plenty of materialaid from Plymouth Church and Union etpiare. White neda't apply.)—Express. lktAiltira • (PUCK Tate.--At a trial before a 'Squire the fallow lug queer colloquy occurred ; 'Counsel--"Didn't you toll P— to go' to the Ileell?"'Wituesr— ,, I rather 'think I did." Com te-OMR, did he go?" Witneee—"l gums not; but If ho did, be made a quiet trip of it, for I methlm the next day." Ike Os in Oinan Truss.—We print, 11.11 we findit, the following ixtraot from "Thank er's Military Journal of the Revolution," under date of June 20th, 1779 . "I have just had the satisfaotion, with a num ler of gentlemen, of viewing a remarkable large fat am, whioh has been presented by some gentle men in Comsat:Aleut, to his Excellency, General Washington. He Is six feet seven inobes high, .and weighs on the hoof three thousand'fire bun. .dred pounds, and is the largest skeletal 1 erer behold." A DLO MAN Av:VD(111y0 PAT $l,OBB ton ras FVF( or OVUM BLevryciv Ida POWDZR MILL. a recent ITlster county, New York court, the following trial came off : John Smith against Harem Hasbrouck, Administrator of Adam Weis ser, deceased. Mr. Hasbrouck is Administrator of Weisner by virtue of his office of county trea surer. Plaintiff claimed that the oarelessness of Weisner caused an explosion of his powder mill at Esopus, by which he lost $l4OOO. Weisner was killed by the explosion., and left no relatives. 'The jury gave a verdict for plaintiff of $l,OBB. Kamm Foote or TomisaLvas.—"Gentlemen of the jury," said an * Arkanne lawyer, "would you sot a rat trap to catch"' bear? Would you make fools of yourselves by endeavoring to spear a buffalo with a knitting needle? No, gentle man, lam sure you would net. Then bow can you be guilty of the gross absurdity of finding My client guilty of manslaughter for taking the lifs of a woman ?" imp.. The Richmond Disiatelf layer that home spun clothe. are becoming so &Atonable with business men in Virginia, that the factories in diferent parts of the State (iodic impoisihtc, with their preeent facilities, to fill the numerous orders that pour In upon them. Doter Rut. Away.—Don't run away from the world's tiimptatiuns and influences. If you are rosily a coward, go and hide yourself somewhere, end), yr Oa have acrawed up back-bone enough to bee the enemy like a man. Don't ran away at ihe "slightest Indication of danger, as if you hadn't the sitilb test confidence in yourself. Nobody ever conquered a foe by heating a retreat. If you mean to fight the battle of life like a hero, you can't begin too early. Would you reopen yourself, and win the respect of others ? Then •don't shrink away from trials and temptations, but encounter them, smite down, lay them in the dust at your feet. A man who has conquer ed hie enemy is immeasurably greater than the poltroon who creeps away in adject terror. High or low, rich or poor, we are all soldiers in the action that terminates only with the sunset of life's day, and the weak-hearted trembler who shrinks bank, and quakes at the sound of the trumpet, -Is yet 'far in the rear when the light of 'doter, shines on the oreet of the warrior who primed etreight on and fought his way through. A temptation overcome is better discipline than twenty avoitted 4 No matkknows his own strength uttEll it has been tried and proven, and the no blest natures have passed oftenest through the drop of trial. `An attempt was recently made by certain 'fanatics in Geneva, New York, to give up the Methodist Episcopal Church in that place to an Abo!Mon pow-vow. A portion of the congrega tion, who felt that the ohuroh was not built, for negro worship, but for that of God, interposed, and procured an injunction forbidding the trus tees to dessorate the building by suoh an abase. The season of Lent, or the forty days' fast, will end on the Bth of April, Easter Sunday. Aar Mr. G. Dawson Coleinan has built a fine bridge over the Union Canal ,preparitory to ma king a railroad connection between the Lebanon Valley road and his furnaces. Rands are now at work grading the road. ifilfrlt is announced on the authority of Del egates that the Penosytvania Delegation of the Charleston Convention have contracted for the steamer Keystone State to take one hundred pas gangers from Philada. to Charleston and book, between the Mith of April and the let of May, and 4iuniah them on board, during that period, for 480 each. ."`Tlib Governor bas reappointed Charles D. Mineline Superintendent of the State Printing : Jiir The Memphis Avalanche publishes is tit tle of the brickyards in that city, and of the 'comber of bricks that it is estimated will be imanninctured by each this Beason, The table lig res up the respeotable aggregate,ofb4,6oo,ooo, which, at eight dollars per thtresaud, the price paid lust year, represent th'e• tong little sum of nearly bait a million dollars. NEW FIRM, And Cheap Dry Goods, Groceries and Queens. ware, ell Vie Corner of Cumberland Street and Plank Road. 22159R5. RAUCH & LIGHT take pleasure in inform tug their friends and the public generally that they vs opened with a large and carefully selected assort ment or- DRY GOODS, nnooskrns. QUEENSW AIM, Ac., to which they respeckfurly invite the attention of the public. Their DRY GOODS, have all been selected with the greatest care from the largest Importing llamas, In Philadelphia. G ROCERIES, A large stock of cheap Suers, °ogees, Teas Chocolate, and all kinds of Spices EE . Aliss,A W large assortment of QUNS among which are theneweet patternAßE, , s, teethes. with al most en endless variety of Goods In their line of tonst _.sess, which will be sold Tory cheap for cash,or Countty Product taken in ezahanga. Oct. 20, 18501 &WOE & LIGHT. TAre NOTICE! BO HUMBUG TREE OEUUDIAT, PZETIIINT. AND LARGEST EMIL 01 DRY GOODS GROCERIES & QUEENSWARE, That bu ever peened, or ever will pas, over a. Lebanon counter. $15,000 worth of GOODS, cheap, fine. end delightful to look upon. PPLEGER'S STORE IS THE GRAND FOR ALL. MIL. I have $l.OOO worth of DRESS SILKS, from 50 vents, 87 cents, $l.OO, $1.25, $l4O, both Black and Fancy miblioaaan for the 1,000 pieces CLOT LIS and CASSI 8. from 60 cants to $lO 00 per yard. air JEANS, Tick, Welsh Flannels, and every other kind of Flannel, to be had at Grow.: Prisons's Bronx. sta. 500 plows SATTIDIETS, „tom 12 cents to.sl 00 pekgcaz yards PRINTS and CIIINTE. 1,000 pieces Prowls, Englbdt and German MUSLTNIS. 1,000 pair bleached and unbleached, mixed end lead colored fleecy lined ROSE, long and short, from 6y. cis. up to 8734 cents. 1,000 pair Ladies' and Children'. OAUNTLETT. 1,000 OPERA BOOBS, French Nubian. Woolen Hoods and Caps, of the latest and moat desirable styles. limuum foLthe 1,0(4 Sassrm, such as Playlet's latest sty le; long and square Spot/her Cl:lsraelite; Shawls of thomand corners. folding 100 different way', • Tkibet and Merino Shawls; long andaqwiro woolen B ay-State Shawls, &c., an. 1,000 pair STOCKINGS, allitinds, colors, slue and ntsalitles • Chltdren's Boots, Legs and Gloves ; ChLidrim's Roop Sk(rta i. Under Garments for Ladles ; white, black and grey m ed Nose for Ladles; Life Preserver' and Jleantinors for Ladies. Children's and Misses ?diary Armlets, Hoops, Skirts, Llt. Preservers, Tle", Gauntlets; 3,000 pieoee DRESS GOODS, such as Pauline, Salinera, 1./tremens, Parade, Byedere, Plaids, ell wool; French Merin% figured and plaint In abundance, Scarlet, with WO figured and at rnier•Shirta and Drawer', bought et Auction, very low; Buckskin Cloves, Gentlemen', Snarls, silk Chen. sale and woolen. Bonnet Ribbons; Velvet Ribbotui, n largenseortment Trimmings, all kinds. i h ERTS, all kinds and of the latest styles. lap Meets, Pip Tisk, Pip Pip Combs, Yip Scarf*, Pip : Roods, Flp Towels, Pip emits, Yip Oboes itry or Stain, W. in It. a ySF a t Flake. ' 'XL* Obeipost prey • liebAt as lay, ) 4, WOW] ;,22 What Everybody Wants. -EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, COUNSELLOR rfUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF 71-1111 PRILADELPIIL! DAR. IT TELLS YOU -.How to draw op Partnership Papers and gives general forms for Agreements of all kinds, Sine of Sale, Leases and Peti tions. IT TELLS YOU How to draw op Bonds and Hort -gages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes 'and Bills of Exchange, Receipts and Re leases. IT TELLS YOU The Laws for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limitation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from ExacntiOn in every State. IT TELLS YOU How to make an Assignment proper ly, with forms for Composition with Credi- tore, and the Insolvent Laws of every State. IT TELLS YOU Tho legal relations erletbag between Guardian and Ward, Mastesand Appren tice and Landlord and Tenant IT TELLS YOU , What constitutes Libel and" Slander, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Property, Divorce and Ali- to. IT TELLS YOU ony The Law for Ifechardee Liam in ev ery State, and the 'Naturalization Lawa of this country, and how to comply with the fame. IT WILLS TOIt The law sentoorning Pensions how to obtain one, and the Pro-Einptioa Laws .to Public Landtt. IT TELLS YOU The Law for Patents, with mode procedure in obtaining one, with Interferf snout, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU How to make your Will, and how to Adminietor on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in. every State. • IT TELLS YOU The meaning of Law Terms in Gener al use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judical Powers of both the General and State Governments. _ . . . IT TELLS YOB How to k - eep out of Law, by Showing how to do your buslnese legally, thus ear log avast amount of property, and Tenn. Bons Iltigation,.by - lte timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid to Ev ery Farmer, "Seery Mechanic, Every Man of Business, end Everybody In Every State, on ftoolpt of $l.OO, or in law style of binding at $1.25, $lOOO A YEAR, Lanivirtrugad.maabieez. ry 4 where, in selling the above work ea our Inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to meals, with other information apply to or address JOAN E. POTTERS, Publisher; No. 617 Stumm St.,khiladelphla, Pa; Nov. 280860.-Bm. REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON Saddle and Harness Manu factory. THE undersighed has Removed . his Saddlery and Harness Manufactory to a few doors South 07 6 1 1 of the old place, to the large ram lately occupied by Wham k Bro. as - a Liquor store, where he will be happy to nasal his old friends and customers, And where be baa increased fa cilitlesfor attending to all' the departments of hie busi ness. Being determined lobe behind rie stherestablish• meat in his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and make himself master of every modern improvemen in the bu elnese and secure the services of the best workmen that Mural wagea would command. Ile will keep a large stock on hand, and manufacture at the shortest notice, all descriptions of HARNESS, such as Saddles, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds v heavy Harness ) Buggy Whigs of the best Manufacture, Bufalo Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton. Worsted, Linen, and a new kind, lately Invented ; WHIPS of every kind, snub as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, dm.; HAMESof all descriptions, SUL TER CHAINS, home-made TRACES, h o., ho., all of which he will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained is say other establishment In the country. All he fake that thaw desiring . anything in this Bus, should call at his place and examine his stock. Ile feels the fullest confidence in his ability to give untire satisfaction. • 'Or All orders the ally received and promptly at tended to. SOLOMON all/TU. North Lebanon Borough, Jan. 25,11160. Netv Furniture Stoke. 110TARRISON K. DUNDORE would respectfully in. form the public that be hes removed opposite the old piece, a few doors west of Bowman's Hotel, on Cum berland Street, where he will keep the largest, tluest, and cheapest assortment of FURNITURE ever offered in Lebanon. His stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which be will sell lower 4 . than the like can be bought at any other —` place in Lebanon. He bas on hand a large assortment of Sofas. =r Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Wes. What Note, Hat Racks, se. Also a large and cheap stock of stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, and a lot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking Glasses,—G Wit, Rosewood and .labogany—very cheap. Venetian Blinds;parriages, pigs and Hobby Horses, for children. 'per . Particular attention paid to 17N. DERTAEING.— He has provided himself with the FEN EST.fIEAItSE IN LEBANON, and will make Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.- Lebanon, December, 28,1850. OWEN LAVBACEI, 11JUNUFACTtritER and DEALER in the very best niado FURNITURE at hie Cabinet Ware Rooms, in Market Street, three doors north of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, on the west side. He has large assortment of NEW STYLE SOFAS, JENNY LIND and other BEDSTEADS, EXTENSION TABLES, Cane-aeate d and Common CHAIRS, SETTEES, 811LrKOCKINO Crimea, &C., &C. He also offers for aide at very low prices an esti naive assortment of LOOK/No Gums and Picture Frames of Gilt, Mahogany and }rosewood. AR he manufactures the most of We furui • tare himself, be can sell mach cheaper than those who buy the Ready•made. All orders punctually attended to, and articles safely packed to any part of the country. Re also has on hand all kinds of FANCY WOODand Gilt MOULDING which he offers for sale. Remember LAU RAIDIPS NEW WARE ROOMS, Market street, 'Lebanon. P. B.—Coffins made and funerals attended at the shortest notice. *2)... Mr. Laubech desires pertlee who purpose going to Ildladelphia to purchase their Furniture, to call at hieWaterooms and examine his stock, as be is confident that his ware is better and will be sold cheaper than any that can be bought in the cities. Ile has prepared himself to manufacture largely, and hopes to receive a home patronage. Lebanon, October 6,1860. . To Fartners and Gardeners. gill& Subscribers offer for Sale, 60,000 Barrel/ of POUDILETTIL made by the Less MANMFACTINUNG COMPANY, in Lots to suit Purchasers. This article is in the twentieth year of its intnxitictlon into this country, and ha outlived fertilizers of every other description, for the following reasons i• let. It Is made from the night soil of the City of New York, by the L. M. Co., who have a caPitaruf $lOO, O OO Invested in the business, which la at risk should they make a bad article. • 2d. Nor Corn and Vegetables it is the cheapest, neat est and handiest manure in the world; it can be placed in direct contact with the seed, forces and ripens vege tation two weeks earlier, prevents the cut worm, doubles the crop, and Is without disagreeable odor. Three dollars worth or two barrels is all sufficient to manure an acre of corn In the hill. Pstca-1 bbl. $2,-2 bids. $3.50,-5 Mils. $B, and over tibia, $1 50 per barrel, delivered free of cartage, ta res. eels or railroad in New York City. A pamphlet containing every information, and cer tificates from farmers allover the United SSA es, who have used It from two to seventeen yenta, YUJI be sent free to any one applying for the name. GRIFFIN() BROTH Ras a. CO., North River Agricultural Warehouse, 00 Courtland Street, New York. Or 138 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. March 7,1800.-2 m. Copper-Smith , Itemoval: 'PUB undersigned has REMOVED Ills COPPER SMITH and BRASS WORKING BUSINESS to Market Street, the second doerfirolti tStrickkes NW, where be will be happy to aeo elf his old friends and custom. era, and where hopes Increased facilities for attending to all the dopartmente of his business. Particular attention given to ESPLIIIINO. AU orders thankfully received and attended to. CHARLES 11. BEVEREIN, Coppersuith and Brastworker. Lebanon, Blare!' 7,1880. A dmi nistratotos Notice. NOTICE' le hereby given that letters of adminietrop lion on the estate of Mrs: &ARAM . SELTZER, deed., late of the township of gotith LeMinot'. L ol,l "*Th county, Pa., hare been granted to the undersigned, re• siding in the township and county aforesaid. Therefore all persona having claims will present them and thoeo Indebted pill make payment to DANIEL K. SPAYD, Administrator. March 7, 18111).-8t. Take Notice, ALL persons are hereby notified not to sell or give any kind of strong Lei uots, Beer or Lager Beer, to OKOROX BLACK, of North Leb anon township, as they will bo prosecuted, if detected, to thentmost extent of the law. The undersigned also offer a reward.of five dol lars to any person who will give such information its will load to the conviction of soy person offending as above stated. i IWO BLACK,. JOHN BLACK, Jr. N. Lebanon tpwneblp, Marchl4, 1860. atiutie Won:BB, LEBANON, PA. P. WELTIER STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS, nnid at a ß r r a rst e l a c tli Vorll d all kinds of Ma ohinery/tap-Engine, Mill, Furnace, and Boiler Repairs attend ed to With dispatch. [Lebanon, Feb.l6, IMO. Lime and Stone. ita undersigned haw oonetantly.unlmd, and for sale T good imply at the best lime and atone for build. hig p n r rosea near the Donaghmore Ifurnace, wldala will be dlspoeed of on reasonable terms, :•Lebanon, June 1,18 SD. CllttadZi BANES. t RR, • nil, THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.---A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. C LOCKS. Thirty Day, Eight Day, Thirty Hour, CLOCKS, Just Received at T. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon Pa. Farmers, Look to Your Interest. A. Major Ac Bro., W-• OULDeall the &Mention of the Farm- Mk ers of this and adjoining Counties and tbeir.friendeln general, to the fact. that L .. they have ppened their AGRICULTU RAL STORE, on Pinegrove street, near their Foundry it Machine shops, in the borough of idb anon, Pa., where we ran truly say, that we halo the Largest and Best Assortment of FARMING IMPLE MENTS ever offered to the farmers of this community. As we have had a long experience in the Maunfactuning of Machinery, we have Made it our object to select rho beat and most durable Machines, and all that we offer for sale we can say that there is no other in UFO that can surpass them. We have the following Machines that we can recommend to our farmers, viz t Manny's Cbrabined Reaper and Hower, Witb.WOOD'S Improvements, Dorsey's Combined Rak er, Reaper & Mower, Railway Horse Powersand Thresh s, Your horse lever Powers & Threshers, Moroni; Pat ent Independent Steel Wire Tooth Horse RAKE, Mum ma's Patent Fodder, Straw aid Hay CUTTeIt, Cast Iron field Rollers, Grain Fans and Drill., Hay Elevators, Clo ver-hullers, Cornshollers, by band or [smear, Corn Plough and Planters, Cultivators, &e., with a variety of the best PLOUGHS in use. All kinds of Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, grass and grain Scythes, grain Cradels, Bushel and Peck Measures, &c.,&0.,&c. Farm ers will bear in mind that they will find it to their ad vantage to buy their Machines at home, as all are liable to brake or get out Qf order, and if they have been bought from a traveling agent they will have trouble to get them mended: How are they to be need or the brok en piece: , replaced, and particularly a Reaper which, by breaking in the midst of your Harvest may deprive yon of the use of it for seven days, whilst had it been bought at home it would have been ready for use again in a few boure, as we have the patterns for all the Ma ebinen that we sell, and keep a good stock of extras on hand, so that you cannot come amiss. We would invite our friends and all others to give -us a call befthe Pur chasing elsewhere, as our aim is to please and be pleas ed. . Also CASTINGS of all kinds made to order and at short notice. . ENGINES, Mill Gearing, Shafting, we Manufacture and repair Stearn Engines, Shafting's, Circular Sawa, Lathes for wood turners, &c. REPAIRING all kinds of Machinery'attentied to with , dispatch. Address, A. MAJOR & BRO. "'" Lebanon, May 25.1559. WEIMER MACHINE & P. L. %Veinier, Proprietors Opposite the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, LEBANON, PENN'A. (AUK vor.Es aro now in aucceseful V operation, in all their verione de- 1.1 1 11111, partmente, which, for complete arrange- . riIaFRIFORR mints, are excelled by none In the state, • end our our facihties for doing all kinds of - L' 61 " MACHINE WORK, - - - dgrlc excepted,) are not excel ed by any manu facturing place. Our . bTAVHINB SHOP Is stocked with the most complete modern MAORINR, RY of a very heavy capacity, which enables us to turn out at very short notice, heavy and light Zngine and Furnace Work, Mill klacbduery, Shafting, Saw Mill Work and all kinds of Machinery. Our -'FOUNDRY has a capacity excelled by but few lathe country, being furnished with two cupolas capable of melting „Beven tons of iron per hour which enables us to make cast ings of twenty tons weight All kinds of castings made to order at very low rates. We haVe superior facilities for making good hot blast pipe,: BRASS FOUNDRY. Brass nod cOmpositiou metal castings made to order at abort notice andlow prices. Brasswork finished to pattern or order. BOILER SHOP. Boilers of any size and shape made to order. None hut No.l Iron used, and no other than experienced workmen employed. Smoke Stacks, - Water Tanks . , Gas Flues, &c., de.oaxecuted with dispatch. Machine Smith Work mad, by Machina Blackamit ha to drawing or sketch. - PATTERN SHOP. We make,to order Patterns of any description at abort notice, and persons in want of patterns will find it to their advantage to examine our Pattern itooms, in which are stocked a very large assortment of Patterns. ENGINE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. This department embracesall furnishing required - lo Machinery, and is always stocked with Iron and Brass Valves, Cocks, Checks, Guages, Gas-pipe box, Iron; Steel, Spring Steel, Ohs•pipe fittings, Couplings, Oil Globes, Oil Cup Oil Lamps, in fact all things necessary about a Steam angina or Machinery. PARTICULAR ATTENTION • - Is called to our etyle'of Engines, which for economy of fuel, smooth and effective workingoannot be excelled. PORTABLE ENGINES. Our build of Portable Engines are very superior and our new Portable Alining Engines are now being 'titre deceit in the principal ore routings in our state. Lebanon, February 15,1860. ELIJAU LOBOACRE...J OD N G. C ABEL...JACOB GABEL LEBANON Door and Sash Manufactory. Located on, the Steain,L forme Road ,nearpumbertane Street, East Lebanon. TEE undersigned respectfully it form the public in general, that they 41411r tqFP1 have added largely to their former estab- ITT . = lsr lishment. and also have all kinns of the =latest and best improved MACHINERY in the State in full operation, such EIR WOODWORrirs FLOORING, 4-c., for conducting the general business for Planing, Scrolls, Sawing, 4.c., dfc.., and the experience acquired by E. La:tom= and J. 0. Gann during their connection with the Doer. Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years past, affords full as -51181113C0 of their ability, in connection with J. Galax, to select stook suitable to the wants of the Door and Saab business In this State. . They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, upon favorable terms, a judicionsly assorted stock of DOORS, SASH, Ac., from the best Lumber manufactories in the state, feeling confident that their assortment is not to be excelled by any other eatablishment in the State in regard to exactness in size, quality or Anish,aud is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who may favor the undersigned with their oustom. The following list comprises the leading articles of stock on halal t Doors, of all siscs; - Sash, of all sizes; Door Frames, lbr brick and Architraves; trona. houses; Casings, from 3 tot in.; Window Frames, for brick Burbese; and frame houses; Shutters, of all sizes; All kinds of 3fouldinge; Blinds. of all sizes; 0. CI. Spring Moulding, of all slims; Wash-boards.. LONGACRE, GABEL & Bitt.Y.fllEß. P. 3—Planing, Sawing, cfc., promptly done fur those furnishing the Lumber. [Lebanon,July LEBANON COUNTY STEAM PLANING 'MILL. BOAS, GASSER A (SETTLE wish &inform their customers. of Leit- Y non County, and surrounding Counties, S~II:41 that they are still In full operation, and P GIII are prepared to do all kinds of CAitPENTEh WORKNYMACHINERY They have all the LATIST IMPROVED MAGNI, NERY, and fitel confident thin they can compete with any other in the State, as regards GOOD WORK. They em ploy none bat th beet workmen, and work none but the but and well seasoned Lumber. • Their stock ofmork le always open for examination by Carpenters and Builders. as consists of „ . Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window and Doors Frames, Casing, Wash Boards, Mouldings,Flooring .Boards, Weather Boards, Sidings, 4-c. itc. Also, SAWING AND SLITTING done to order. Also, Hand Hai 'for continued Stairs, for making which they have a man constantly employed. Akir 'rho) , have also erected a TURNING LATHE, In addition to their other business, and here employed a first-rate mechanic to attend to it, Zile'Cablnet Mak ers will do well to call and examine their stock before pnrcheaing elsewhere, as they always keep on bend, Bedstead Posts., Thtde Legs, Stair 80/mister, Newel Posts, and everything else belonging to the Turning Business, which they will sell at l'biladolcblepriees. IRO WORK done to order, as well as alwas on hand. Is. Their Shop will ho found on PINEO BOVE RO4D, between Cumberland Street and Major's Foundry. Lebanon, March 16, MO. Merchant Tailoring. REMOVAL. • CI S. RAMSAY hen removed the first door south 0 from henry & Santee Store, and opposite tbo Ea gle.llotel, where ho will keep an trasortmont of Mat, Cassameres, and Vesting:. Alston:ray nurds clothing and furnishing goods such as Shirts, Rose, Gloves. handker chiefs, Neckties, dc., &c.,—all of which will be sold as cheap as at any other establishment in Lebanon. CUSTOMER WORK attended to promptly, and gocid fits guaranteed. 8 . S. RAMSAY. Lebanon, April 13, 1819. • sew- Fashionable Tailoring! ICULEL. HOFFMAN would respectfully Inform the Citizens of Lebanon, that he has REMOVED his TAILORING business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Pfleger's Store, and opposite the Washing ton House, where all persons who.wish garments made up In the most feellionable style and beet manner, sre in sited to call. He bee lately 'received the New York, Phil adelphia. Paris and London reports of Spring" and Summer Fashions, end as he has none but the beet workmen employed, he gonrantees that all work entrusted to him will be done In a satisfactory manner. .m.„. With his thanks to his old customers for their pat ronage heretofore, be respectfully solicits public favor. TO TAILORS I—Just received and for sale the York and Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer Fashions. Tailors .wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the feet, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. MICELEIL HOFFMAN. Lebanon, April 7,1859. Marble Notice. ri 1118 undersigned Invites the .attentlon of the people of Lebsbon county to his large stock 'of American and Italian MARELH, which he will sell at redused prices and reasonable terms, at his yard, recently occu pied by Mr. John Farrell. CMARLES BBBBONKA. Jour FARRELL, Agent. N. B.—English and llermtui lettering done in the best style. iks„, The undersigned desires all persona having bills against him, to present them, and. these indebted to make payment, as be wishes to settle all his accounts before the 20th of May next. JOHN Leba'tibu; Mardi Vl,' 1900.41 t: ' Look to Four Interests. Come one ! Came all I ! see and judge for yourselves. TOHN GASSER respectfully invites the citizens of Lebanon county to call at his uew BOOT, SHOE and HAT Store. in Walnut street, between Carmany's and Bomberger's Hotels, where he has opened a splen did new Spring and Sommer stock Of Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen ; also Flats & Caps for Men and Boys. lie takes-orders for Boots and Shoes, and makes them at short notice out of the hest material, and will war rant them to give perfect satisfaction. lie is determined to sell very low for Cash or four months' credit. Lehaoen, April 20,1850. • Philip F. McCallly FASIIIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER CrimberlandEtreet, one door Eeet tUrthe Black Horse llotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me for the abort time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Ile hes at all times an assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of his own manufacture 012 hand, which will be disposed of on rewsonable ' , terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, ..4e. Those desiring a neat, well made article, are invited to give me a trial. Childrens' Shoes .of every variety and color on hand. Heavy work made to order. Sir All work warranted. Repairing neatly done and charges made moderate. Lebanon, Sept. 15, 1859 GEO. L. AT/LINS. JNO. T. 6 TN) £B. G. L. ATKINS & Bro. RAVING united in the BOOT and Sum Business, and from ' their determination to be punctual, and make eindhle.jig none hilt the best of work, they &el °s Belting alarge of pub y/ lie patronage. They will always be found at their OLD STAND, 'NEW Burianno,) in Market Street, nearly opposite Widen° Rise's where they will tie ready to serve and please their customers. They have now on-hand-a large assortment of BOOTS SHOES, TRUNKS. CARPET BADS, dm„ Which they offer at reduced prices, Air Pomona dealing at this SHOE STORE, can be suited with READY-MADE 11 1 011.1 E., or have it mule to order. Satilfaction is always warranted. rarticalar attention given to the REPAIRI.NG Roots and*Shoos. [Lebanon, April_ 20, ISS Boot. and Shoe Store:` JACOB IttEBBL respectfully In forms the public that he still contin „ nee his extensive establishment in ;.41111•11 his new building. in Cumberland st., - • where he hopes to render the dame satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. Ile Invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and SHOES, and every one who wishento purchase fashionable and durable articles in his line, to cell and examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. • . . . He determined to surpass all competition in the manufacture of every article in his 'business, snitable for any blerket the Union. A due care le taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none but the best quali ty of LEATHER and other materials are Used, and none but the beet workmen are employed. P. returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the veryllberal patronage heretofore bestowed on hie). He hopes by EdrictattnnPion to business and endeavoring to please hie customers, to merit a share"of public pat ronage. (Lebanon, Feb.l7, '5B. NEW STOCK OF FALL 16 WINTER, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jte. THE undersigned has returned from the East, and has opened at his store, on Walnut street, a munifi cent stock of 14. - --.- - --.4,001'5; SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, , TRAVELING BAGS, to ~ de. embracing the most complete - assortment ever offered to the Lebanon Vtablic, for Ladies, Gen tlemen and Children. His assortment for the Ladies in cludes the latest styles of Shoes, and a new articl' of Gum Boots, elegantly adapted to the coming nasal— For the Gentlemen be has the latest style Hate, of all qualities, and at lotv prices , and Boots, tc.,- of the let eat fashions. For Boys and' Meyf be has a great assort ment of Cape, of the latest styles. A great assortment of Gum Boots and Shoes - of all kinds. Bo sure to call and examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. 4fir Mr. Bowman has "removed his Boot and Shoo Store to the corner of the alley, opposite the jail, a few doors south of his late location, in the Courier building JOS. BOWMAN. la. Measures taken and woik made to order. October 12,1859. , . . New Invention. TFrood Burned /ointe. B y late improvements in the art of LIME Bunxism the subscriber is now enabled to produce the best Woon. RIMMED Lois that was ever =de in this section of coon. try, and in quantities without limit, at short notice.— Ms improvements are. such thathe is enabled to sell his Lime at 12% cents per bushels wholesale, instead of 2f, cents, which has been .the the priced heretofore. LIME, burned with COAL, can alio be obtained at low rates by the boat-load, or in less qualitities, as may be desired. WOOD taken in exchange for Lime. Having gone to a great expense in the perfection of his improvements for lime burning" on a large scale, at low prices, the subscriber hopes to receive a share of the public patron tin loeation is at the old and wellknown placcon the Union Canal, in North Lebanon. „ DAVID 'BOYER. N. Lebanon, May 18. 1859. . PHOTOGRAPHS. Dr ELLO, Itotay, where aro you goiug that you aro 11 - 11 , dress& up not Ans.—l imi going' to J. IL lIEIDI in Adam IlLso'sßuild ing to hove my Lateens' taken. Qws.—Why du you go to Heim and not to one of the other rooms to have it taken t Ans.—Because Keim's Pictures are sharper, clearer and more truthful than others and nearly ercryhody goes to him. Chas.—Can you tell me why his pictures are superior to others? , Ans.—Yes I he had 9 years practice, and has Superior Cameras, and all his other fixtures are of the moat im proved kind. Quea—What kind of Pictures does bo bike t Ana.--fic takes Ambrotypes, and Molainotypes, of aR Wes and superior finish: and Photographs, from the smallest up to Lila size, Min and Colored in OIL Ile takes all sizes Photographs from Dagnerrootppea of de ceased persona and has them adored life like, by one of the best. Artists. His charges ure reaeonable and his rooms are open everyday (except sundayi front S o'clock, A. M. to 0, P. Id, Don't forget, KEIM'd ROOMS la the place you can get the Best Pictures. Trusses! BriceA suppOrters! C. H. NEEDLES, • S. W. Corner Twelfth and Race Streets, -PHILADELPHIA. PRACTICAL. Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and 31e chanical Remedied+. Has constantly on hands Jorge Stock of Genuine FroLcb trussoe. also a ampleto assort ment of the best American,lncluding the celebrated White Patent Lever Truss, btlioved by the beet authori ties to be superior to any yet invented. linglish and American Supporters and Belts. Shredder Brows Sus pensory Bandages Self Injecting Syringes, adapted to both sexes, in neat portable cases, Brandt Pessaries, Uri nel Bag; &C. • Orders and letters. of enquiry, will meet prompt at tention. .[Aug.31,1859.-Iy. Who lllas not seen the New Sign Put up!' .- By STELLIVAGEN & BRO., at their .. ' t . WsvenanaJEWELAY EST UILISIMPNT.632 - ' ' Market Street, one door below 7th Phil r. ..i' adelphts. But the Sign is nothing to 41 D ..;,‘ .., w ron ha d t i:ok e :pe tb rs ito o d f } ile g id i j a ,h . Am d e s r ,A l7 . ll . '..... ' l / 4 4 - Watches, in Gold and Silver Cases. Rail makes • Fashionable Jewelry and Silver ware, and also fine Table Cutlery, and the best thing of all Is that the prices af all the attractions is within the range of the tusallestpockets. STSI.LWAG EN & 8110.. April 27, 1859. 632 Market street, rhilad'B. ..W.T.IiLIAM. CONWT.Y, SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTURER, No. 316 South SECOND St., Philadelphia. Palm. Variegattot, White, Chemical, Olive, Extra Yel low, Pale and Brown Soap, Stoarine, and Tallow Can dles, he. . N. B.—The highest ptices paid for Tallow. Oct. 12, 1859.—1 y. Lebanon Deposit Bank. cumber/arid street, one door east of Reinhard's I,IVTILL pay the following RATES of INTEREST on DEPOSIT§, For 1 year, and longer, d per cent. per annum; For 6 moutha, and longer, 5 per cent. per annum; For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cont. per annum; requiring &abort notice of withdrawal. Interest paid In full for the Deposits from the date of deposit to the date of withdrawal. We will also afford a liberal lino of as vommtalaticror tothoee who may favor us with Deposits, payable on demand. Will pay a premium on SPANISH and MEXICAN DOLLARS. and also on old Mexican Dol lars and half Dollars. Will make collections on and re mit to all Tiara of the United &etas, the Cunadas and Europe; Negotiate Loans, &c., &c., and do a general EX CHANGE and BANKING BUSINESS. G. DAWSON COLEMAN, President. Gze. Guns, Cealtfor. The undersigned, MANAGERS, are indlviduelly liable io the extent of their Estates, for all Depoeite and other .bllgntlons of the "Lenssont DEPOSIT BANK." -11510 N CAMERON, • G..DAWSON COTEM&N, tIEORGE SAIULLER, LEVI RUNE, JAMBE YOUNG, ' AUGUSTUS BOYD, Lebanon, May 12,1858. GEORGE GLEIM. - Bricks I write S. -- ER undersigned, in North Lebanon, has 400,000 of the best BRICKS for sale. No better can be ob .--.k * 'Led In this neighborhood, and he will sell them in large quantities at $ 60 (eaaL) per thousand. • Also, M inch, looh and 2 inch of the best Poplar Boards and Planks, lbr sale. DAVID BOILER . North Lebanon, Neb. 15, 1850. THE NEW BAKERY ; CARCundersigned would respectfully inform the dß sensor Lebanon, that be has commenced the BAKE - /NB SUBINFAS, In all its varieties, at his stand, on Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Duck note, and will supply customers with the best BREAD, OAKES, &c., &c. flour received from customers and returned to them in bread at short notice. CONFECTIONERIES, of all kinds, fresh and of the beat quality, oonstantly on band, and furnished at the lowest prices. . The public is invited to give me a trial. Lebanon, Nov. 9, 1859. P. H. EDDA. Feed --Feed ! Pmarsoris in want of Feed for ,Cows or Pigs, elan ott. tato it dilly at the Lager Beer • BBEWHICY of the subaothar, In . North •Lebanon township. Price, 10 cants . a bushel. ' 11BNItlf PIABTMAN. ' .'..111111011, Web. 2,1869. ' ; .rational Mouse. NORTH E. CORNER or Plank road and Oull lard Streets NORTH LEBANON, PENN'A. TO THE PUBLIC' lit)! all ye thirsty come and drink, for nice cool mineral water, the choicest vintage, and the purest malt liquors grace my bar. . And-ye hungry come and eat, as the table is leaded with the most substantial fare, and the richest delicacies of the season crown my board:— Come man and beast; my house is always open to the stranger and the friedd; and for animate the beet of pro vender, fine stabling, and attentive hustlers, "are ever ready at my stables. Yours, Respectfully, North Lebanon, Sept. 14,1859. HENRY BOLTZ. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, JUST BY RECEIVED AT WACKER'S, Frcnn 1,25 - to $10,13 day and 30 kour, Oat. 22, '56. NEW LIVERY STABLE. 'T be undersigned respectfully informs, the public that J. be has opened a. NEW LIVERY STABLE, at Sirs. RISE'S Hotel, Market street, Leh anon, where he will keep for the ' public acceramodationa good stock of HORSES and VEHICLES. Ile will keep gentle and good driving Horses, and handsome and safe Vehicles. Also, careful Drivers iurnished when desired. Also OMNIBUS for Parties, Ac. LebanOn, April 21, 1858. JAMES MARCH. 1 SGO NEW STYLES. I SGO PAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between - !AMarket itrid the Court House, north side, has now on hand a triilefidid 'asitortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, for 1858, to which the attention of the public is respectfully invi ted. Hats of all, prices, from *the cheapest to the most costly, always,ou hand, He has also just opened a spleu did assortment of .SUMMER HATS, embracing such as STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL.. HORN, LEO HORN : SENATE; CIIMAN, and all others. . ? Lie will alto Wholesale all kinds of 'Hats, Caps, Ac., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, April 21,4858. - -IF YOU.WANT A. good PICTURE for a Medallion errin, call at 'DAI LY'S Gallery, nest door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. IF YOU WANT ApiertrkE ofyour deceased friend; enlarged an 2 colonki in oil, call at DATUM Gallery, next door to - the Librium Deposit Bank. IF YOU WANT A PHOTOGRAPH of yourself or friend, flit, best aro to ballad at DAILY'S Gallery, ;:next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. • Joseph ReinhBr,d's' • NEW LIQUOR STORE. CORNER of 'Walnut and Chestnut streets, LEBANON, PA. - • The subscriber having 'opened a liquor store, is pre pared to.furnish all kinds of Foreign - and Domestic Liq sours, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash Prices. MS Stock consists:of . -• WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, • ' RUM, WHEAT, MALT, * POTATOE and RYE WELTSREYS, •-• All of which will be warranted to bees represented, and geld at prices Via twill make it an,ol4ect for dealers to bay of htin,instead of going or sanding to the city. It is hoped that Hotel Keepers and others will call and examine his stock before purchasing, elsewhere.. tk*,.. Physicians are also respectfully requested to give his liquors a trial. lie has the best and only article of Pure Port. Wine Juice in this borough. LebaticM, DOC. 29;1859. ...JOSEPH REINHARD. FOR SALE. FLOUR; CORN. .:14ipihffp4mik ()4T8'313338iLi808, SALT BY THE BAO, at the Genaisee Mille of MYERS. & SHOURs , Feb. 3, UN. ...ebtupn, Pa v-tx WANTED. AT the GeneaseeMills, in the borough of Lebanon, _FI. • . WHEAT, •-• CORN, RNA, OAS, In any gliaStity, for which the highest Market prices will be paid in Cash, .by MYERS SHOUR. Feb. 3, 1858. - . . . • • North Lebanon Mills. THE subscribers having leased are now prepared to furnish customers regularly , with a--eery superior . , article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be obtained - from-any. other source. They, 44 also keep constantly on hand and for sole, CHOP; BRAN, SHORTS, le. am. They are atm -prepared to do all kinds of CUSTOMERS' Womr, and respectfully invite all the former customers of the Mill, as well- as new ones, to give them a call. gaii— They will pay the highest market.prices for all kinds of Grain. such as WHEAT, RYE. . : HORN, OATS. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, and afford all facilities and accommodationsto those`who MEM N. Lebanon, rebroaey 8,1880 Coal, Coal, Coal, WE, the undersigned, would respectfullyinform the citizens of Lebanon county, that we are now pre pared o supply the community with COAL, elthe 'Wholesale or Retail, m we will keep all kinds of COAr on hand; such se Pea, Chestnut, Nut, Store, Egg and JJro.en COAL, white, red and gray ash, which we are constantly receiving from some of the best Collieries in the Coal regions, and would here say that we will sell our Coat as low as they can be sold by any Person in the county, which we will sell at our Mill, or any part of the two boroughs. MYERS & SUOUB. 434wERMALls,polbsoop, teb.B, MS. - - - STOVES and TIN-WARE. One Door East of the Lebanon Valley Sank. DORIS & BRESSLER are now prepared to offer JO" the best assortment of. STOVES and %Ix- WAItE to the publis, ever offered in Lebanon.— They most, respectfully invite their friends and public to call and sae before buying elsewhere. Also, the SELF-SEALING AMERICAN FRUIT CAN, the best invention of the age, as it is 20 per cent. cheap er than any other offered to the public. We aloe have on band all kinds of Ravages, which will be pu t up at the shortest! notice. All kinds of Job Work done in the beat workmanlike manner, and at the shortest notice. • &a . ..A150, particular attention is paid to SLATING.— We have always on hand the best Lehigh Slate, which cannotbe surpassed in quality. Ang. 'aa-tf. BURR & BRESSLEIt. SAVING FUND. CTIARTERED BY TILE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA RULES. 1. Money I received every day, and in any amount, large or Pm a H. 2. FIVE PER CENT interest Is paid for money from the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, , 4dministrators, Guardians and others who desire to hate it in a place of perfect safety, and 'share interest can be obtained for it 5. The money recoialtd from depositors! Is invested in REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such other first clang neearitieS as the Charter directs. 8. Office ilount—E'very day. from 9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays tillS o'clock iu the evening. This old and well established SAVING FUND has re• coived more than TEN MILLIONS of dollars from near ly thirty thousand depositors. HON. HENRY L. BENNIBEtv President. • ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President WaLLtsi J. Rasa, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Non. Fleury L. Bonner, • P. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, _Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sarni. K. Ashtoa, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Manna,. Henry Diffeaderffer.l OFFICE: ' Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third Street. 1, • April 20,1869. . PHILADELPHIA. LEBANON . Stove, Tin . and Sheetlron Ware . MANUFACTORY,. In Market street, next door to the Lebanon Ratik;• W IIERE can be Lad the largest and beat assortment of COOKING STOVES ever offered to thepublic, Comprising the following varietlas:-z-ROyal Cook, 4 sizes, Girard Mr Tight, 4 siz. ti, Hercules, a Rome Man nfiusured Stove, 3 sizes, Extendeded fire box for W nod and Coal, Royal Cook, 8 sizes, Prairie Flower, Different slim, Fanny . Forrester, 5 sizes. All the above Cooling Stoves, are warranted.to Bake, Roast, Boil, or do anything in or on them-that may be desired; also, a Large assortment of Par/or, HAW and Barroom Stoves, which will be sold cheap for- Oa OF approved Credit. Also the largest, assortment'aldUltd. made TIN AND SHEET IRON WABB - - or Retail. over offered to tho public which will be sold Wholesale The largest iuisortment, and best made and heaviest Coal Buckets, to be found iti Lebanon, at tba Stove and Tin Ware' Manufactory of JAMES N. ROGERS. sIL. Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing of all kinds at tended to at short notice and on reasonable terms. e All work warranted. • J. N: R., befog a practical Workman in kiellue be.dness , attends to bla work personalty. Lebanon, Sept. 21,1659. - . . Assignee's Notice. N OTICE is hereby given. that Jacob Weller, and Ma llllry hie wife,w of Bethel township, Lebanon county, , did, by ltallod of Asefgnment, make over and transfer to„.the uadorligned of the townehip end county aforesaid , all-their . property and effects. for the beoent thoirLareditre. Alls,persons, therfor!, in deb: tie well as t o ff ee h chains are requested to presentthe* tO • . DAVID * - IdarChl,lBBo. W. . • LINDSEY'S AIPROVED BLOOD . ' SEARCHER, THE ONLY ACKNOWLEDGED RENIEDIAL AGENT )br /ciptteitY of The Diafdi THAT DOES ITS WORK THOROUGHLY, EFFECTUALLY. • AND wiTHQ.UT FAIL!! ! THIS great PURIFIER, now before the public bbt a few years, has already won a name and reputation unexampled in the history of any mediene ever inven ted. The ingredients composing it are simple, yet in combination all powerful in driving disease from the human system. it Cures Scrofula, Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Bolls, Pimples on the face, So a re d Eyes, Old & stubborn Ulcers, Read, Tatter affections, Rheumatic Warders, DYlPBPatai Costiveness, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, • Mercurial Diseases, General Debßay, Liver Complaint, Lose of, Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Female .Complaints, and all Diseases having their origin in an impure state of the Blood. Every Agent who has this medicine for sale, has cir culars on hand containing certificates from persons who have been cured by Its nee. -- Many of them are desper ate cases, and commend themselves to the attention of those afflicted with any of. the above diseases. The fol lowing certificate alone is selected, as carrying with it the most indubitable evidence of the virtues of this llon derful medicine. Sworn statement of David M'Croary, of Napier Town ship, Bedford county In April, 1856, as near as I can remember, a small pimple made its appearance on my lip, which soon be came enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel, and wash of blue vitro', without effect. Finding the sore extendhig, I tailed on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg„ who pro noureced it C&NOSB., and prescribed awash of auger of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidville, Somerset county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and gave me internal and 'external remedies—the latter con sisting 'principally of eituatipt - ' brnt all to no purpose, the disease continued spreadihg . thwbrd the nose. I next used a preparation of amine, in the form of salve. This for a time checked the disease, b at the inflammation soon increased. I next called upon Dr. Statler;of St. Claire ville, Bedford county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a never failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever in , checking the - spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, the disease had eaten away a greater part df my upper lip, and bad attacked the nose, when I wont to Cincinnati, where I consulted Prof. B. 8. Newton of the Eleatic Medical College. Ile pronounced th e d isease "acutane• one Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate nee of mer cury." He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me in ternal remediem. My face healed up, but the infiamma Lion was not UK/roughly removed. In February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, and I left for h an& In April the disease again returned, and so . violent was the pain that I could not rest at nightl Latein May / returned to Cincinnati, and again placed myself ander the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until Septemberdn ring which time ho used every known remedy, and part ly succeeded in checking the diseasie, heft when I return 'bdhome there wore still three discharging, ulcers upon my lace. I continued wing Newton's preparations and also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely, but the C ancer continued growing mail it had eat off the left side of my nose, thegreatee portion of my eft cheek, and had at. acked my left eye. I bad given up - all hope of ever be ing curbd, since Dr. Ely said he could give relief. but that a cure was impossible. In March, 1858, I bought a bottle of "Brae' Searcher," but I must confess thatl bad 'no faith in it. I Was very weak when Icommenced taking It; but I found that .1 gained strength day by day, and also that the ulcer commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was taken my race was healed as if by a miracle. I used a tbarth bottle. and I have been healthier since than Ihave bean for the last seven years. Although my face . le sadly disfigured I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spar ed my life, and which has been done through the Metre mentality of Ltanser'slsperoven BLOOD Smarm& DAVID M'CREARV. Sworn and subscribed, this 31st day of August, A. D 1865 before me, one of the justices of the peace, , in ate for the Borough of Hollidaysburg. Blair county, Pa,, Witness—U. J. Jones. Jens Goarzr, J. P. It M. LEMas, proprietor. Hollidaysburg, Donna. For rale by U. H. Gettlo, Myerstown ; Martin Early, Palmyra; John Capp & Son, .Jonestown ; John Seltzer, Mount Nebo; John Duper, Buchananvillo • John - Delo• inger, Oampbellstown; Killingar& John 0. Cobaugh, Bridgeport; all of Lebanon county. AlsO sold at Dr. Geo. Rose' Drug 'Store, oppealte - ti Odurt House, Lebanon, Pa. (Aug. 17;•1859,—ly:- SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL,' Ts a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, iby which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease en any part of it. No or gasm is free from its attacks, nor is there • ono which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint' is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth anefiltby habits, the depressing vices, and above all; by the venereal infec tion: Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary In the constitution. decending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generatlon;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Rim who says, "I :will Yieit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by disprisition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in time lunge, liver, and internal organs is termed tubercles ; In the glands swellings, and on the surface, eruptions or sores.— This foul eors'uption, which' genders in the blood. de presses the energies of life, so that screfnious constitia tkma not only suffer from scmfulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of other disca.ses•, consequently vast numbers perish by disorders which although not tproftsione in their na ture. are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has Its origin directly in this scrofulous contall- Motion ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain; and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the Mlle cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous I their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system WOlllllO. renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and Invigorate it by healthy food and exer cise. ° Stich a medicine we supply in AYERS Fymmitsitom Compound Ettrief *Of Sarsapa- ; the snort effectual remedy which the medical skill of out times can devise for this everywhere prevailing and fatal s malady. It is combined from the most active re medy& that have been discovered for the expuration of this foul disorder from the blood, and the reac g ue of the system from its destructive consequence& Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only aerofoils, but also those other affections which arise from it, such as BEUrTITE and SKIN DISEASEN, 82. ANTITONY'S rats, Ross, or ERTSIPELAg, PrAfil,ED; PusrmiS, BLOTOBES> BLAitle and BOILS, TO/10718, Tirrsa and SALT Rasing, SCALD lIEAD, RlEollolcm, RHEDMATIAm, .81111ILITIO and MERCOBIAL Mosaics, DEOPET L/TAPEPHIA, Dansurr, and indeed, ALL COIIII4INTE LIIIAING FROM VITIATED OH DE MME 111.04. TIIO popular sbelief in "Impurity of the Blood' , is founded JD truth, for scrofula is a degenera tion of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenerate this vi tal fluid, without which's:mod health is impossible in contaminated constitutions, Ayer's Catharlic Pills, For all the purposes of a Family Physic, aro so ahilynied that disease Within the mugs of their action can rarely witimtand or evade thorn. Their pen etrating properties searelf,. end cleanse, and Invigorate every portion of the human organism, correcting its Imseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. An toconsequence of thems.properties, the invalid wise is diwed down with pain or physical debility is se a nyslied to find his health or energy restored by a rem led nonce so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the everyday complaints of every-body, but also many formidaiAe and dangerous diseases- Ths agent below named is pleased to funtisla gratis my American Almanac, containing certiflostes of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: CU:timers, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Aforbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Lau of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints aris ing from a low state of the body or obstruction of ita funcUoiis. National SAFETY TilliSi Company. Ayer's Cheitry Pectorial, FOR THE RAPID CURE 9F Coughs; Colds, Influenza., Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Inoipent Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in att• yenned stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almetit every section of the country abcoinds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once triad its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our elf. mate. While many inferior remedies throat * upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forgot; and. Produced cum too numerous and too' remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR..J. C. AYES & LOWELL, MASS. J. Soul sr J. L. Lemberger and 1).-5, Reb er, L e b anon ; A. narper, V.:lfratover; EL R.• Horning,' One; 11. D. 'Bever & Bro., Annville• Bowman Bon Cambells - town; M. Bottle ; Idye;stown ; and by addruggist. Allo sold by Dr: Rosa. April 27; 1859.-ly • HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA, A Benevolent limitation established by special Endow nient for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, aff tidal with Virulent and Epidemic . Diseases, and especiaityfor P. Curt el" Diseases of the Sexual.. Organs. M EDICAL ADVICE given gratis by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a descrip tion of their condition, secuPation, habits of life, dc.,) and incases_ of extreme poverty, .Medicinee tar nished free of charge. _VALUABLE. REPORTS on Spermitorthesa, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, antion the NEw Raw um= employed in the Dispensary, emit to the Stain afflicted In sealed letter envelope, ll tie free of ohatge. Two or three r:r postai* wi cceptable, .Ad 2, DR. J. SKILLIN RouGEITON, Ariting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 Booth Ninth Street' Pkilladelph* Psi. By order of the Directors • • '' EZRA HAARTIV/314 Pratidat:' NEO. VAIROIIILD, Socretcsry . • Nov - 80 .1043 IP A No.I.A3BILOTXTB YOU WANT "vecy obant,s,ito to, — . Amyl's .Is, eigliiry, itext - door. to - the Lebanon epoeft Bank. , Mountain Herb Pills. ABOVE, we present yoii with a perfect likeness of Tozuco, a chief of a tribe of the strange Aztec Na ti. n, that once ruled Mexico. You will find a full ac count of him and his people In our Pamphlets and Al manacs—to be had gratis, from tho Agents 1 br those Pills. The inventor and manufaetnrer of ~ Judson's Mona. telt' Herb Pills," has swot the greater part of his life in traveling, having visited nearly every country in the world. Be spent over six years among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, and It wait thus that the "MOUNTAIN HERB Pius" were discovered. A very Interesting account of his adventures •there, you will And in our Almanac and Pamphlet. It Is an Mehl kilted - fact. 'silks troth IMPURE BLOOD:! - - The. blood is the life I and when on . * foreign or un. healthy matter gets mixed with it, it is all at once dis tributed to every organ of the body. Every nerve feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. The, liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action. of the heart le weakened, and so the eirenlatlonle fee ble. The lungs become clogged with the poisonous mat ter; hence. a cough—and all from a slight-impurity at the tonntain-bead of life—the Blood! Al if, you had thrown some earth, for instance, in a pure spring. from which ran a tiny rivulet, In a few minutes the whole course of the stream becomes disturbed and discolored. As quickly does impure blood fly to every part, and leave its sting behind. All the passages become ob structed, and unless the obstruction is remored;the lamp of life soon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate• all - the secretions of the body ; they are, therefore, un rivalled as a CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, &c. This Antialions Medicine expels from the blood the hidden weds of &l ease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cicanng and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed,la it to us, that we are able to place within your reach, a medicine like the "MometeLwilkaa Ficus," that will pass directly to the afflicted parts, through the blood and fluids of the b dy, and cause the eufferer to brighten with the flush of beauty itralbealtb. Judson's Pitts are Me But Remedy in existence for the • folknoing annplaints: Timed Complaints, Debility, .Inward Weeknoct, Coughs, , Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints, Colds, Female Complaints, Lowness of Spirits, Chest Diseases, Headache's, , Costiveness, Indigestion, 'Stone and Gravel, Dyspepsia, -Influensa. • Secondary Symp- Diarrhcea, InSaniktion„ • tomb; _ Dropsy, . GREAT Fie .EALFOCEDICINE-1 - - Females who 'value health, 'Mould 'never be without these Pills. They purify the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotidle es, and bring the rich color of health. to the pale cheek. The Phmts and Iferbe of which these Pills are made, were' discovered in a verY - Surprising way among the Tesoreria, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with deligtit, the very interesting remount it contains-of the "fizatr MlDlente of the Aztecs. • OBSERVE.—The Mountain_Herb Pills are put up in a Beautiful Wrapper.. Bach bpi nautilus ' 40 pill', and Batatitat 25 cents per boa- . genuine, hare the eig , nattireorD. L. JUDSON & 00., on sack Lox. . ,B. L. TUDSON, & :CO., . -- SOLE ,P KO PRIET CYR. S, . . ,No. 50 Lemrialed Strcet ) NEW FORK Agenti wanted always—Address as abonew Jur , Sobil.p . Lebenee by Dr.f.hx . ). Ross, .0 . 4; 4914 , 141 w . • .SALNFORO I S . LIVER INVIGORATOR - NEVER DEBILIATES." : , ••• TIS compounded entirely from Gums, and has "b e- Lome an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known and approved by all that have tomtit, and la now resort ed ta with' confidence in all the dit "meats for which it is recommended. ! I —. It bar+ cured thousande whohadgiven np all hopel unsolicited certificates in; The dose must be adapted' individual taking it; & us act gently on the .biiwels.l < m xf Let the dictate.Vof your use of the LIVER IN win cure LIVER COM TACKS, DYSPEPSIA. SUMMER .0 It& BY, DROPSY, SPUR COSTIVENESS, 0 HO L. RA SIOEBUS CHOLERA LENCE,T /YU ND lON ES, and ntarhe need sue RY FAMILY 'MIt D. I BEADACIIE,V TWENTY MINUTES, SPOONFULS ARE TAXI attack. ALL WHO USE IT ABB in ite favor. Mix water la them . oath swallow both together. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR PEPL,BMV . SANFORD'S. • „FAMILY • CATHARTIC Plak ra COMPOUbirDED FR - crit Purely Vegetable Extctsrand put up in GLASS CA SES sir tight and.WDL:keep I'n thy •elittisto The FASI I L Y CB' 'MARTTO - NELL him gen tle but active Cathirtiiii 0 whiehthe proprietor has used in his practiee more than 'twenty years. The constantly increasing demand from those who have long used the PILLS _a dndS..eaat isf which • all express in regard to — ll their nee; induoixt me to place. them within the mr reach of , The Profession well know ••••• that different cathartics net DP different portions D of the bowels; The FAMILY CA THARTIO• PILL has with due reference to allj this well established fact, been compounded from. a -- 1 variety of the pureertvegn table Extracts, which act ',I alike on every part f the al i moiatsery canal. and are GOOD and safe in all o cases where a CATHARTIC is 4,t needed, such' as DE RANGEMENTS of ' the' STOMACH, 8L R E-P NESS.. PAINS IN TUEBACK- AND. LorNa, COSTIVENESS, PAIN 11:1 AND SORENESS OVER - THE WHOLE 'MOM;`:. -from sndckin cold, which frequently, if neglected; end instil .ng course of Fe ver. LOS '0 P ,APE IL r TITS, a CREEPING SEN SATION' OP COLD V THE DY, RESTLESS. NESS, HEADACHEO,•• ER iae• r••• VITSO A BO T IN HE HEAD all INFLAMMATORY 811, DISEASE, WORMS in CII PRES or ADULTS, • • RHEUMATISM, 'i.ixest PURIFIER ofthe BLOOD • and many disease to which Lash le heir, too numerous to mention In this adver tisement. Dose, Ito 3. : PRICE THREE DIMES. - The Liver. Invigorator Rini Family Cathartic' Pills are retailed by Druggist generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D. 31aiinfacturer and Proprietor, Juno 23,1869-1 y. 835 BBOADWAy; NEW...YORK. CAMPBELL'S n span Sider,. T HIS remedy heviagrecently Men haired uced ;nub anon County, is prepared front extraete of Roots, lierbe,-Barks and Balsams, which grow upon. America's own. prolific soil, Gan be applied externally and Internal=' ly with perfect safety for the following complaints of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia' Sprains, Bruises, Colic euiden Cold, Tooth Aiebe, Painin the Stomach, Back, Joints, and Limbs, Spi nal Complain; contracted Joints, Sore Throat, Chilbaine, kc. out of many cttres effected by this medicines the fol lowing may be mentioned : Cornwall, Lebanon County. January 1 .$ Mr. John Campbell—Dear Sir here2,withlBs9. certify. that I have used your Indian Pain Killer in my (entity lies been affected with e bes . tmedieinel ever f .oßheumatismra L used; o m a g timey wife which disabled her to work; through the rum of three bottles of your medicine she was perfectly.cured and is entirely relieved from pain. I will not be without this medicine in my family as bug as it can be :Obtained. J ACOR'III/ROIS. BIORE TESTIMONY. We refer to the testimony of the following persons from whom who doubt the merits of the medicine, may learn what it can perform. John Wolf, of Cornwall, Lebaunia comity, was cure d severe Rheumatism and Dyspepsia by the use of two bottles. Wet. Shiner, of Cornwellriebaben county, was alio- , ted with severe Rheumatism *4 many years havingfre (ineptly been confined to bed. Two botthis cured him. completely, and enabled to work at mining, The same article also mixed hbrdangEter etymon feet. Wm. DoneteUtf, of Cornwall 'was cured of Rheumatism of fifteen years' stenduk t James ToY, Ceiiiwtal, at the advanced age of 85 years, having suffered Rheumatism for many years, was cared of the complaint by wing the medicine for two eigued'reeklioll to The medicine islic=l and sold only by the under. )'lark's Hotel . Ile ut Street. Lebanon, near JOIIN CAMPBELL. anypart of the oonntrj /, .d eer pike v m , send the up,r m nott edioi i n to Bottle. Lebanon, jen. 12, 1880.-17. e Cfas\ OLD DR. RBA TIPS BOOR OF TRAINtik NV els and great discoveries of :he Japan-NW ese and Bast India Medicines, with full directions for the certain mire of Consumptkm Bronchitis, Onu g h s , Colds; Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Di 061186, &Thy * , la, Cancer, - Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Gravel and 'Uri nary Deposita, Female Complaints, am, Illustrated with hundreds of certilloates of cures and ertgrasinge . For the purpose of rescuing ea many suffering fe ll ow beings as possible from premature death, it will b e sent 'to any part of the ecmittent, by Beading 26 cents to Ult. HEATH, 947 Broadway e New York Qty. • Sold by Dr. George Roes, Lebanon ; Dr. 8. B. &evens, Reading; Christian Miller, Millersburg ; C. K. tun er , Harrisburg ; John lteltenman, llanibterg, y, G , B row! , Pottsville. • Oct. 5,1950.-Iy. witlin the lest two years of relief, se the numeron■ my poisession show_ tothe temperament otlhe ed in.such 4nantltiesaw to judgement gnida you in VIGOR AT 0 R. and it PLAINTSBILLTOUS AT CHRONIC DIARRHOEA PLAINTS, DYSENTE. STOMACH, HABITUAL IC, , CHOLERA, MOLE INFANTITH,D L A T U iIdEMALB WEAKNESS caufully as aft ORD/NA OINK It will cam BICH lbotinnida can teatify,) in TWO OR THREE TEA EN at oomxnanoemont of OTVING - 1.114i , loithikon7 l'ilak . 'oratnr 'and