ri ttaitrot artalEtti,str. DfiiOmtatSlO PRVICIPLIS rc ti£ TO MEAD, W 2 OUSE To FOLLOW." int. IL =OLIN, Editor and Proprietor. LEIiANO.K. 13A. wilDttgaDAY, APiILL 4, 1860. a • PRESIDENT IN'lB6O .1 i C. BRECKINRIDGE, 'Or ILENTuggio. ' talibSsitS Wake teettrion of th Charlaston Democratlo • &atonal Convention.) FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY D. FOSTER, OF IA ESTAIORELAND PRESIDENTIAL ELEOTORS. ZkotorS at barge. Qzo. u. Km. /Neon: • to, 3.. ReArlow -16. George D. Jackson 16. AM. 17. J. B. Danner: ' 18. J. R. Crawford. • lik H. N. Lee. 20. J. B. Howell. 21. N. P. Fetterman. 22.:6amuel ttla.qsdll. 23. William _P.M B. D. ladintro. 25. 1390 0 $ Ohar.±. District -1. Ired•rick Sarver. I T 2, Win. C. Patterson. 3,-Jos. Ctrookott. , 6. J Q. Brenner. _ 5. J.W. Jacoby. 6. Charles Kelly. t. a P. Atslat ZL Darl6,l3eholL 94 J. i.-ttglthaer. 10. 9. 13. Barber. 11 T. 11. , ` siker: It O. S. Winchester. 13. Joseph Lanbaoh. . "Is gaelaricbgly fact that a respectable loan, *ow-o•days, hesttites loos before he w 'Weeniest to go to either branoh of • the legieletaiie fr aliesisk gee. st -Yes, but why Is it, that the charac ter of "the 'Legislature is such only *hen t4o Courier's political friencle are in the ascendencyl The people, . , . of all pnr!, were so thegustecl*ith the oppositien—Lagislature of 1855, that they . ..rose in their might and hhrled :power,, *twee of theiF brought about by . 'corrupt influences. We need only rfer to . the Jag - Law, ' the increment . enlary of l,ke . mknnbore; and the*, indiscriminate.: granting. of .iftink -and Ineuraane t ,Vhartere, by which latter both •the :Banking .and oinearancv Waimea:were no much Jared that naither'trierity ‘ oftecoil froin.tbei ‘arecio. Now thly ,4rfo . agitiii.hi.powfor with out a .chixtkz ,Aktik _bills are passed, 114ttaecl:by. , the Governor,"and re-phtle 14d:by. $ tivcrltliirdi•vdte. 4 . - Otherrbills • 41.4 forced 4'1.0014 - and according to . the br,oo asseytion of 44 Courier, by oftlnoney,..and so openly :ilibat ai~ospeetable man hesitates long before he 4 aapepts a seat in either bianoh7 •AbErOppositiori have said some hard things of the Democrats, but nothing can be said with a show of or'ri donee that, - 001‘111 - .' whitti they are obliged y) admit and'eondecan in their olvn friends. kt does not happen, havaier, that ' ; the opposition. have just been unfor- innate in the .selection of Unit- men for the present letislature. The' evil is ',constitutional with,..them. They :hav,a no principles to eolltend for, and, consequently, like children, they must, be at something, eo they take to "spoils." Their whole history proves this. 'Whenever in power they dis grabed and betrayed their constan t , ants. Look at their National Legis lation. under: the administration of President Tyler, when they enacted Bitykrupt;Nat!onal Bank and. High : . 2ariff Uwe, an this oemnexion we . - rivill-Qbaerva t ia.e-parenthesis that. the tetiff. then enacted came very nifar hispoeeriehing the country, and ``'that thu:Thoh times were not until: af tXe .paiiage of the Democratic larit of 1.84,6. Mr. Kil linger in: his recent 81)0994 ingongross, errpneous g,ayeAfielforag the benefit : of the latteflsy one that reads can re m ember the disgracefulacts—Gulph i n and otherytae—thAtranspired under the oppopitAgnidministration of Pres ident:TaYlor: 11;"the'34th Congress we'flnd &sin again' in power in the lower branch,. and quarreling, two months over the spoils before they or ganize; and in the kith Congress, (the present,) the elute scenes precise ly were enacted.; To know the his tory of theokairlilOn — party in power is to abhor, it, and hence we are q- ‘not surpsised to find its own organs,...for the sake Of a show of consistency, condenin, not only the sale of the ;Public Works swindle, but their acts iof legislation in general. • , , THE` PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE, The partizan majority in the law& trouse .ef ongress, received a "dig. under the fifth rib," last week, which knooked.the breath out of them fur .the time being. Such men as Co wode, of. Pennsylvania, made a step 40)0e:their natural level whirt-they , yap° .sleeted to Congress; • and "spanking," as the one administered . by the.President,.is just aiiiciffesear . Y ,lo .themsislt.: is to ohiidren. instead ta,ittenitoting to. drag tkte db*n to theiro*n degredation they Abould Pcfirer 'strive. to raise them selves. %The President's reply to their.uneonetitiironal . , ed proceeding, it is hoped,rth bring •*".tbein.tci2their senses, so . ..that they siill , :norihrooeed with theliablic bu einese—in other words' rnitteirtheir 9 . 4lll:l ' ilikiiMs nth leave•thesent 'attend . .tt his. If the Presidint doee , -iiit:iiii4n t ttherils." . . 7 sypo, intact Out' 1y iCs7ditiosisSitatkur.,4",,puniill via : filicaliVa - ohlYficftlia'd" not by al. imparts Star Chamber procedure, It ~ ed by the ilouse.ol Representatives?" Mr. John . Covotie, a mpresen tat's:if - from PennsYlvah int la the accuser of the President, Instead of follow ing the wise precedents of former times, and es pecielly that -lri_the ease of' Judge Peek, and re luring the eccuiatioh to the 'Mating:Ma's:ln the Judiciary, the House ha l . =deftly aocuser .pee of my judges. To make the accuser the judge is a violition of the principles of universal justice and is eon dimned by thrfirenticarer altaivilizednatilifil: Every freeman must revolt at such a spectacle..-- 1 I am to appear before Mr. Covodet either person ally:et' b,y a Anbstitute,,tplero t as-eaamine the..wit s , 1 ceases which' he may p roduce; before, himself, ffi sustairi his'own aoeueations againet me, and per haps even this poor bolsn maylbe denied to'the President. ...:; :.. And'erhat is ,the nature, of the, i nv e s ti gat io negn , which "his resolution proposes th:inetituter - lila 1 as vagee'and general its the Reel& language-af- fords words in which to make it. ; ThofOommittee is to inquire, net_. into any specic charge or charges, butwhether this President has, by "mo,n. 'ay, patronage or other-improper- ineanii, sought to influence",-not the motion, of.anlAndividurd member, or members of Congress, but "the action (of the entire body) of Congress"itself,' or" any Committee thereof."'• The President Mighv have bad pouregiimmering of the nature of -the offence to be investigated - had his .accuser pointed to the act or acts'oeooegreas which he sought to pass or defeat by the employment of - "mousy, patron age or-other improper ,ineans.' - Bat thq.accit so grin is bound by no such limits. It extonda to the whole - Circle of legislation ; to the interfer ence "for or against -the -pasiage of May law' ap pertaining to the:rights.;_of any. State' . or Terri tory." . Afirtirhat iavedoei not apPerte,n to the rights of some State or Territory? • And, *bat- lan or laws 'Rai the ' Presideriofailed-to. execute ? These might easily have been, pointed . oat had any such existed; " Had Mr. Lawless "asked an inquiry to . , , he made'by the House whether Judge Peck, in general terms, had not violatedzhis judicial du ties without the speoification of any particular act, l l do net 'believe there Wo uld-havehheen abie gle vote in that body in favor of the ingnifY.— Since the time of the Star Chamber and of-Gen eral Warrante, there ,has bean no such , proceeding inEngland. The llouie - of Re presentatives, the high impeaChing'nower. of the colintry. Without consenting to hear a Word of explanation,' have endorsed this accusation against. the -Presitient, and made it their own het. They even refused to permit a'atembei'icilnilirire of the President's ac: euser what where the specific charges against him. MESSAGE or Tito romoz-irj !. ,' . .^Tk23 in this .poltliminaty accusation ef.„"high • To , the .11:ouse.of .liepreeentati,ve 7::--A:ffer a'. d e., crimes end mislempanclePtigar et a ti e t em .ordate branch of the tievernment,nn er t e dupeach -, , lay which-hap afforded me ample time;for reties- leg poiver, the-ffouserefUsed to hear a'shildestag tion, and after meet:Land careful.'4lll34sration, I ,getation even in regard. to the correct mode of pro , find myself constrained by, an imperious sensed' ceeding; but, without a moment's delay, passed' duly as a co-ordinate branch of the Federal; Gov- the accusatory resolutions under the preissure of eminent, to; protest against thefitistitwo clauses :the pi-Ohms - question. , .. :-..: . • .. : of the first reseiation,--adepted hytho House-of In the institution of-a prosecution for.any of. Representatives on.the Oth inat„andpublished in fence against the, most:; humble pitizen—and I the eengkeelionai 'Globe 'en the iimplibilitig day, elnim'for myself no giveiter righ . 4 than he enjoys These clauses are in-the folloWitie wefits: , •,' —the ContititutionoVtlitrtinited -Rtittee,:and "of Resolved,- That a committeeof-live nnembtrrs the several States, reeetrethat he. yhould be., in be tit pointed by the Speaker, for the pusppee: foymed, in,the very beginning, of 'the nature and ersty of itilreistigating whether the Presidentef cause of the Itemisation against hith, in order to Mr I United States; or any other of the -prepare for his defence. There are other princi. Government, !mai-by moneyt.patretrage, or. other liles Which ;,I might-enumerate, .not less sacred, imProper, means, sought to influence the action preeenting an impenetrable shield to. protect eve- Of.:Cengress;.er . any Conimittee thereof, for or ry eitizerrialsely`atirged with a erithinaltiffenee. against thennissage of any low-appertaining to These hero been violated in the prosecution -in the•rights of State orTerritory ;iand,•second, stituted by the llonsetof Representatives against • also to investigate whether,any officer orhalfteere the Executive bfaneh'of the government. ,Shall of-Us : Wedein ment - - have, by - 'initebinatien. or the President alone he,,deprived of:tfie pretectiOn otherwise, prevented on defeated, oeditempteci to Of-thole greatprtheiPles Which Prerail- in livery prevent or, defeat, the -eneeetionmf - any taw -or fand;wheren ray of:liberty penetrates the gloom lime now open the statue book, and,whether the of despotism? ,Shall the Executive alert-beide :President has failellor refused 'to :eiimpeltbe priVed of rights which all his 'renew. 'citizens en. exeention of any law thereof. ' '-`; - - ' ' _"' jity ? ' The wholifP tfi rotheeng against iiittiluitifies ' I confine Myself _exclusively to ' these two =the fears of tl,:tosevrlse. and great, men who, bee branches of the resolution, because the portions fore the, Censtitution , was adopted by the States, of it which follow relate to alleged abases in the apprehended that tbe,, tendency of _the .Gnvern. post offices, navy yards, public buildings; and merit was to thenggrentlizement of the Legiele other- public works of the United &Ibid.'. In tive at the expense of the. Executive anthindleial such cases inquiries are highlypropenite them- • departments. • , -, , .--• sailies, and • belong, `equally , to the • Senate and ,I again decl4re, emphatically, that Intake this 'Sense, as incident to theirlegislati4dutiee, protest for do feritsen personal to-myself, and Ido and. being necessary to enable theui to - discover i it with perfeettrespeei or thejloliseor - Repreiett• and pro-'vide-appropriate legislative Mate dial Rif tiltll , lBo l il`WiliCh. Ihad - the honor of serving as a any abuse& ith fah may he-aseertained. Although member fur five sucoessivB tenths , I have tired the terms of the latter pertikof the:risolation long in this goodly land, and have enjoyed' all are =extremely vague and genera l (, yet -to sole the driees and' honora which . my oeciiitty &mid' PurPries , in advertingte their at the presonthao bestow. --vAinitinli:the -political storms thieugh mark the broad lino of distinction .betweauthe which Phavepaseed, the present is the first at. liceiniaterand Ahe remedial charges of this - Ms- tempt which has.over been made to my knowl, oluVon. The House of limpresentatiree Iciness edge, to 4.4 sail my personal er ;Mein! - integrity, no power under the Constitution over the first' or . and-thie thrthe tithe- is appteechirig'When I-shall lemma:eq. pottioo, of, the resolution, Oxeepras voluntarily retire:from til e service :ef My: cubit- , an' iraticaiiiiing body; ' whilst dver the Vast, :in try. I feelproudlicenso ins that there isno pub common "with thei%Senater.fheir. authority as a lie act of my' Life et inh " ill - nof bearthe'strielest legislative body is fully and- cheerfully admitted. sertitihy. 'I defy all investigation Nothing but .It is solely in rAerenest_tcy:tbe 4rst.ar.liusplaph- the basests.perjury cart. ehlly My • good. battle. . I lug pitmen theSPl:Propestithike a naltier observe- do not Tear even this, because I cherish an hum - , , ... tions. - . • hie con fi dence that the gracions Being who has - ExcepViri this single. calm 'the Constilutionitas .hitherto*defended' end' proteetdd me' against the invested the House of ; Representatives with no' shafts of:falsehood eed malice, wilinot desert me poier, no`jeriadihtion, - no : enpromacy whatever ; now, when I haie beeeme old and grey-headed. 1 over the President: In all ether respeoti'lie is l'l can declare before God and my; eciiiiti,y,,,that quite 118 independent of them as they ate of him; no human being,' with an 'exception ie4reedy . As a on-ordinate branch °nate Government he isl worthy of notice , had et any period:oftnytlite dhr their equal. Indeed, he Id the' only direct repro- .ed to approach me with a corrupt or dishonorable. Witte oh 'earth' of the psiotili•of all and each of proposition, and,, until the recent 'ilivelopmen'ts, the sovereign States. - ' TO: them, and thein4lone, i it badlneveifentei'ed into:' my ihfigithitio d that, is he, reeponsible, whilst,aeting within thespherel- ney persen,oVers4n the sterimof -:eiadgeintedato., of his "constitutional 'duty', and not in any man. litteal excitement, weel&eitarge me. - 7 in teeniest' nor fa the Reuse ofltenrieeiltativeS. ` The pee= remote degreet,iiith tiOing mailes'itelf 4.plAilisij pie lutiestisqught prointrtto-invett hinfTwitirthe - tleitto4nPlettlitanibeing,', 'lltittjoimbiyheiveiser, most honorable,. responsible, and digeifiesd,,oftee exclaim in the language of complaint,..emplOyed in the world; and the iedividual, however un- by,my first ; - -endhgreatest..prodeoeaser; that "II worthyi ;noir t heldiiiithis exalted position, will have been:abused? in ,such eidigertited and in take earmso`fir as in hint lies, that their rights 'decent terms as meld scarcely be appliedlo'h-Ne and prerogatives shall never be violated.= in his ro—to a notertoustdefaulter, or even to a cemmon 'person, but shall pose to his satuiessore,uninspair- pickpocket., `. . .. " ed by -the adoption - of. dangerousisreeedent. Ida,. therefare t Ter the reasen.s'-steled, and in Ile will defepd'ithem 4 there are 11 Dpmoota:tfiiAhnatori3,. who if they vote, lcavg . :the ORppsi ;e , 4 ioi ' t"of : dihe requisite tl# o 4birust 7 ;:74.• f ' • .a -few, yeas ag y o: lAkcoillosiqori!c;f4N3.lsTecy eniquity in regiad to the pollee of lattilata.l7.v.4. • 'New York city, in which case howev er they legislated the 'Democrats out of office, while here they legislate to keep their ovrrvilien in. Why resort ,to such • acts,- d: not leave the mat ter to Vie pedple T The.Governor-basArgtoed three coal copipany, bills and two bank hills, all of whiali balrsrlobeii repassed by the crfet;* . bia veto. Which is the,:infnXippOiy; and .special.privilege partrt - • • Off Friday th,e •Satiplity ad4' Erie Railroad bill il'aii..deketit4a-in the Souse by .a vote of Y 48, f 45;.. nays, 48. Mr. Eckman voted. nay. This killathe.bill; but it iinnderstood that 'the vote will be . reconsidirred. Ire db tiKbelieve that therel is' a man aiming the nays with sufficient hardi hood, to make such. a mo,tion.„ • elle Legislature. Was th , have'ad" journed Yeaterday,•.the 3d of, April, but as the'butiinesa it' in 'a very 'Un finished condition a ~ prolongation of.the seasio4 will protitkbly be effe9- tell for a few days: Ibis•hard , to tell which vdtild be the :grasps!. adjo - uraine . 4 yesterdai exten sion of session. • • In„t4e , .Appr9priation big : under consideration in th - e Sen ate /as& week; the Salary of 'itie .Deprity Secretary Of State `ivas redai.e4cfrbin- $1;800:(to $1;500sami the salarilif - thd,.Anditii.m General 0. .inereasiti,tiohrg,79l! 1.0 ..sg,. A 0; ; r .r.hefo i rmer ofileialsis . .u. VeMo erit'aerd the latter as Republican I time '• ' - :"Tkifoirbwing , bdmeig Proild ing l'Ortlio'PrOper lquatiation. of the 801Vie8 ; .0 . Pounty. superintendents ,of :PommonßehOolawas also adopted. TO allow the!Superintenden t. the sum •0f:45-for eadli.iechool - -not ~ e xdeeding one hundre in.hi l iii et distiie; the` - sum , of.sB._fier'ea • ,aChOOl. s yet en e num ber of etihools ill over • one hundred; ' the; sum iof 112 , for eiteh -soh 001. , *h en the finnibor, of aelltklit:4B toe* .two htindind, aid not e i iMehdini' Are hundred';, iliiiiiif.44l:.4 . o: for each _school *lel the nuMbelM9f 0490184 i over three. hundred:, ,; • , .. • • Mir Johrf Covecle4isi finrgiastirer of AgiltbkioFin Eliecl4itrC Coin thittee,.anai*va- riro'eri ;go' witirsind °ire 414:6, 41.; Cyer 'the il*igiiiftly begging money.fOr. Republican . oleo •tiOnoevinr.purposott,. while • ac: the name time:hirtietOct the aecutier•akid Judge Preoidont ;or al(gid ,eielilar acts. We Witi*l. eats of these adiggiUs," tp bOwttt*.of placing their ecultribctioni-Into such bands. We Ottgc . et:-Icilisidei them Mr. Ryan, who' wadi) s 4 'many boasis • fall tbai h'o •••isrertfid oast Mr. Florence oat of hip slat ;Con gress,. w o adpounts qf fratids,alip., ille— gal voVes,inow that:the 'tune haa;oome to.inaki;gootl his •boastis; hut basked " CAW* .It 4 ''couiest, that ate can RtPdace. qos,po44 l 7litttl.- 004 A SIVI A 0 0.4 t,OIaII9kI4.PPL F*Otelir was T.1102p3 -00'4git l *sq., - . for .Gur-, rfer , &..Co„ of New Yokiri:foill.s2,46o. The -*leis! -f cost . the es ta blish 5'i410 2 9'4 0 : 00 . The . ' goo4 . :Pe? ; ple : of.:ll,9,alhx . g, were - surpri,Sed that '..theic,Afiliditiwuld fetch such • a prie4/ anti— Are- now- hickipg . up a tibou - the matter. ' , Xis alleg. pd that , the gf r oßcy wars depreciated ; by thC 0414+-,Wnd big ' shdie-holciers fbr thvurpoitp, Atit . .:the smaller stuire:holders,ut. a.sacrirme. They. itact aTagitiva,kilgve case last week in Philadelphia. - . A young negro,lahied Mimes liorner,•was ar rested:in Dauphin' clonn ty, aria return ..eei to t his irOber, in .7i r jrgiciaY, The darki QS-and abnlitioniiite - ttieflAo get ap a row, which resulted in tliaarrest of iboht , a dozen" of thotiCzfuld their commitment to;priso n, whge . goidave, wen t on . his "Way. to:his hoinii. • ABE FRS BARKING LAW, Tha folloyfripiata 810 . 11 i -of : '• ' .• A eer,tifteatestati4ll par len ars sal°, the !itOklr to be :established must be 4tawn up,.#pproved by the Attor ney .Genkriii,:publishefl ,recorded; the Auditoi General's cede. • 'T i tle:Auditor Oeneol hits'the notes engraved. and' printed:: Avery note glut he sighed by r hini or ,his clerk, Javinbered *and' . ."regietered, and ;have stainped on it iiseefited by the deposit Of:p.algie etock4''' A,• • 6WeJellApPoftittea,)xtvet la eith er of this ' _btfalo;,*•hf s :thii, 4 :lnited Atates,and the ansoAptio'f notes id to the banic'hylbflidiOiGenet4 at to be ilsopil.y.i.thfr?, tnilice)Yalue of the.stockdess fure,"per'eplit o provided that fieter to exceed ninety five' eSr ; oent ::; of the .stoOk• Tiveliti per dept ~ specie, bust hepakin hefiiethe bank can begin busiss ) , al ways keep 1n its vaiults, in spadio,lni?nty, poi cent. of the i‘inonit of no tes `' issned, 'as a aecarity adOttonitl to'. the 'stock, in ;the hands of A `td'. General. The .capital stock" cannot', 'be less than fifty, thousand norstiore,than one. milliOn of do)larii: 'NO note less than 'fife doltarkto . 4o issue d.., • • '. banit stop v tllis 'Ray mem t of splicie t appoints three citjsens thv Unit' 'suspended, he is to appoint' re':' ceiver, who is to tarn all the assets into money and.... pay,,- first the note holders; 'sekilind, feirepositOrik; third,' the other debts; and fourth, to dis tribute the remainder among the - - The condition, of each bank must bettublfiblitiMootrthly in the newspa pere,an#,?n each aseini-annnal divi dend daY Terri) 10iiildii on oath of,thegrstident aadCashier, which la to: WS; .Bent; to ,t,fici ',Auditor (Veneridi et ta g forth ininiitelylirtr bittrtirn- - pi the bank. under this DefalciithWrto loC,I).10,10:01 by imprisonment , m-the pentienffiary for from one Vo - thfi - A tat is paixbian..,dividende :to the State of frohi - `elk' bit 'to , thirt per cent. GuowTtr•Or s:•arzw , ,lentu i pt:--The Lodi Ilikew,(Po:.)., Ora tchniati *.ispords a verye:.remarkshle• .phenomSnon.— Some monthi ago Mr. Xolin Johnson, of that plade; had the Middle finger of hiei to' the lowsr joint - joining - OA band. The wound soon healed over, and almost immediately "It hitWfinger'egninioneed growing April the, stump:, of the old one, and Six months , from 'tice . time the finger was amputated-Mr. John son had.aild* . and'fixil4grown finger in its place, , with , ths exception.of the nail, which i • ls.juit.,ooautkiening to shoot out. • THE gEdari: OE ' Riker:AHD* , GREAT HESS.---Itriii: a noble. and 'beautiful answer of opQueen,. says the Brit ish Worion4,lll4lhe. gayelo, tin Af rican pripeo r who sent an embaesage, with costly &etiolate, asked her zeturn , lto4elthim4lloecret pf,Eng land's greatness ao 4 d . E9giami's glory; and our 6el s oitid„'Queelt,s§ol, - )iim, not the number of, her fleet,. .00rthe, i num-. ber of her armiesynot thetaeec)Orit of her boundless details, of, herliiimliapetkie wealth.— She did not;:like Efezekiati —t- on an evil hour, show the aThassador. heir _dia.- Azionds, and ri6Vornaments; but handing him a beautiftkily bomid'Xii bil,vt!he-saiot,,„!l4lll the Prince tlifit tigt ihii4leektt , ii.fNglafitili great- Ettt Cloth gloostufactory:. vlilfQL t lbr postiliaiit, ilia-undersigned reispect fullylpforme,the Pubic, that he continuos to carry an his :%Innufactihydn Lebanon Count:nun as isitensive asinlcoas isninnecessa.. ry for lien to*sayrnore, than that the work will be.done iu the wane EXCELLENT STYLE, which line made`his work and name Eo Thsll known in the durrodnding coun try. Ile proattscitO do the work in the sbortest peissi 'ble time: Aliilninnutictony litin - cornidete -* order. trodaie ,tlatters biniself to,pe able to.render the ettmesatisintion as lieretokwo. 'He Inknalketurelr• ' Broad and.ArarrotoOkdl!s, f4,!grin:ett : t, .2/Ut.aoks, . . and otker Flannels alt in the best 7/1427 . 0 Me also &irde' Wool end, makes BAWL For the'eoeve eleuce.of lila DckistonieyslWool And cloth will be tAkiin In at the folloWing Maces:-At the stores' of, & Seelleuberger, Lower & Brothers, George Relneehli and it the MO Drug, 'Store of Joseph L.. Leutbe.rge.r, near the Market Mm' u, & ilk lia• ' ottgh Leratuott; at the. atere of Shirk delliller, North Lebanon; 'at S. 00011-. ere% Bethel teemehipi. et the public house of WiAieu • Serest. Fredericksburg; at the store of S. E. Bloke!, In Jonestown; et.the store "cf George Weblmeu; ilellerdet at, the store of Alartin Early, Palmyra: At the store, of Osibriel Wolfersherger, -New-Market Forgo; at tiro store .of Shirk. East Hanover; Gauphili county ; at the stores of George Miler mid Deihl 31. Ralik, Emit Slalice.: .ver letbanon'oounty.' All mateaMtls will be taken ,iumy • regularly, from the shove places, fluiehed withtut,dplay, and returned again. Those of his customers mho wish Stocking Wool curds ed dyed and mixed, tart leave the same, white, at the above mentioned plaeeeovith .directions how they eieli it prepared. Or his (automats can order the Stocking Wool is be preparial.from the Wool of the nedathl*ued, whjah'uill tie ' &meant' tiff et the desired Places. _ N. 11. It is desired, tat Weise !laving Wool eartlei, will: pity the Cash therefor,•et the elioicetuthast • • .': • • , viroN,LEBLUXRGER. Lebamin courity,llay .81.53. • ~ firusseS:l3l,ace.4l.Oupporter ..j s: • C. R. NEEDLES, .5. W.Oorner Twelfth nod Race Stielet%,' • • - r 4 PIIII:.NDELPIIIA: • TllslLACTlCAt:Adjuster of .Ituptnro .Tinsses and Me r R irm dons toltly lanie 'Btoeleot Odhtitlie Fre,:ch tense/m:410 acomnlotoT.entt -• Anent,of the' ba.st• Atner . icsp„ including the'eelebreted White Patent I:4')verTrnee; bestbiultiorl ties to be superior to any yet iorentdd. Isu lle . •AulerirsetSupp9rLers and Belts, Bfintddei 'Brews •us pensory Bandages; SelflttWettog. qyringes, edit/G.4i to both sex.es, in neat portable tasee,.Brensti Pessitries, prt . nal Bags, Sze. . •• • Orders and letters of engt4j, wild meet pronipt at tention.. f. ['Aug .31y1869.-Iy. -Wit° Das . iiot New • _. . . . • Mgit Put upr , S I RELLWAORN BRO., at their ' ' • Wae,ou aria liweLar Esrsausuirstii,o32 Ir t •••garr Market Street, role door bele* 7th Rhil adelphia. But the sign, is nothing to ''What is exhibitedi •Ainerwan - • Watches. in Pohl and Silver ()taws, Rail ' , • roadViniekeepers of 'English and SWI3II lakes ;.Faibionable Jewelry and Silver °ware, : end also flne. Table Cutlery,.ap4-the best thing of all Li that for prrced Of . ali.the attractions is within .tha: tango of - t be smallest pockets. ST imLltaanie4 „UM) ; . 032 Market street, philatl'a. .1 4r .**V7 ---- .SCi.Y - 17Pp c.Ail t reL E uF-NOTthin , • - i No. Patio, tarleassa, Whit% Ctheelfasi, Extra Yel low, Pale cad Brown amp, :Stook" =4 ',Tallow Cad. 14 ' :0 13 v ea11'4 72, ' =The ft : ,: . l - 3 ,111;1:4 ,.: 4 4: dices ."11.124: , fitionSerfaittfylrectippeck . kr; emit - of Itoisulard'i Hotel. ATILL' naide follplying RATES Of INTER.MT on , •11 ',DEP , . . . . Fon .1.-year, andlonger,.s /Ler cent ‘ perannum; Tor 6 mbiltli,lnid'longer, 5 per c hit: per iiiinnm I ' For 3 months, and longer, 4 per cent, per annum; requiring a abort notice of withdrawal.. Interest pald.ln full for the Dept:she' from - the date; of deposit to the date of withdrawal. We will • also , afford.'a liberal line of aii conunodatie no to those who. May - Mier' us - with Depoidts,. payable on'ilainand. Will pay a premiumri sPAN.T.sit and MEXICAN ,DOLLARS. and.also.on Zst taitlind Half Dollars. WlWniake colicotiOnsoit and re mit, to all parts of the 'United States, the Gagadas mid Europe; negotiate Loans, and - do dit EX CHANGE and BA'NKING elim• - ' . • IkiDANACT;,OOI4PfAITh-Presldont. Gxo. Guam, (114Wer. • •- • 4 • The undersigned, ATANIGERS, tub individuallY liable OA extent of their Estilee, for - all .Deposits and other bligations"feria' btoriamposix.Bants..", • LMON CAMERON, G. DAWSON COLE3IAN, 11BORGE 'SMOLDER, • LEVI Ellh'E, • - JAMES YOUNG; t 7. AUGUSTUS 1)n - to, Lebanon, May 12,1858. GEORGE CHARM hook, to m j"bur. 7 1FAIS - re'sti. — Come one 1, Pome, afir .! . see- a Judge • yrosplvei. T ORN dAlimgiresprietfelly Invites 'the aiilzena of •Letnidob;connty',to call ,at • his new. BOOT, SHOE and Li AT Store. in NTabout ttient, betweenCarmody's and Bomb*giles , lattellsintlibrti /Ms opened - :did new Spring anikStimmer t stqck of .Boote and Shoes for Gentlemen ; [deo Nass tc - Cape for Mon add - 11,0 , 5. Are takwe'ortilors tor . s pots : 14.0h,prt notice out of the hest material, !ina it war:. rant them to' give perfect.eatiellialbls. • 'l' ' ••He is determined*, top, xer,y , A'gti genii ..or. four moritlit'reilit..* • • Lebansni c Apell 26, 18491 rf'.; ; ' , feelown ..i.enatioiflias "480;009 of T, the Heat 31151OR814;, Betel ibetjer,ean be :o tained in this nolghbArhded,lid he will self - tlfem In tante quantities at 114 , 60' (cash). per.tboueendi , vl, . Mao, inch ,titl4 inolk,o,f the . beet I Poplar Mends &WI Phinkii-ibraile. • • • DAID'BOYBIL • .No 4 1401184 n, 40ki ibiPPl2 C•" , •, • NEW ALIKER:I6, •.• , flak indernigned Would inform the et'. 11: zenn of.Lebaireil, that ha hew epromenoettlie BAKE .IIbIO BU B DIESB, all: Ma viriedels,. Ibis 'eland,. on, ,Cumberlandetreet, Lqbatton, rawly opposite the .Buck hotel; ava 'will aupplrdartomers with the'best: BREAD, CAKES,. & to c: M e,•&e. I n reCeived from customers had. returned m bread at short notice. CONFECTIONARIES, of all 'kin's* !Yeah- and 'Of the beet *octal% imiatentlY' haini, and 'furnished at the Inivmd..p,riotat l ; • The vatic in Invited to give me' a toe. .• - • 'Ubangi, Novr.9, 1'889:•;•' ' • Ht.lllllll- 7•••• •Feerd-6-'loeed • " 1 3-t i t smtigi : Futilleffiesitti4(kwi oryPige, can ob. ,teln it daily:at thei,tat i e; Boor. BBRWERT Of tho ease. HAW, 'ln biuion tewnehlif. Price; 18 cents a bushel HENRY HARTMAN. Lebanon, Peb. 2,1869. • • -- - lIIWARD ~. 5• • '' :0 .' • • .11L44111F.AbriniNIL A : NOMNALER IN STRAW COODS, sTentli BITARS.O. _ . N05...1.p,19V,and.107. &Wu &coup &aux, TTILVADEL I PIIIA. IV E are now, receiving our SPRING STOCK. which Y f will eom4irise a lifiryfitilleairable assottiribrit'of all kinds or ,i' _,_..' ' IL; ..• L . _ 4 • STRAW AND LACE GOODS. • Our .8 took ot,PLOWERBtwiII-tbe unusually-large this • Season, and we would - invite your special • attention to that department. Please call and examine them before making jpirdiaki: 1 . • W tfully , • , -, ars, Reepec 11. -WARD, . • • •N05.,103,406 *407 North Socond St. FM): 29,1860.71 in. ' ' • 1860. -; • 1860. _sorink - - mie.at Itiow Open. •FulESioceiiii SAL IM Fitll Stock of SHAWLS. Full Stock of DRESS GOODS, Full Stockaof .LINEN GOODS; - Pu, • oeeiel 4 ON GOODS, Sleeker BtAOK GOODS, Pull Stook.a..W.HITE GOODS, ,Foll.Btoisk . nit 1403 GOODS: , Now Materials for 'DUSTERS, * -NirvaticafinAPßE7OH GOODS, &c., &c. & LANDELL, ' Fourth & Arab Ste., PIiThADELPIIIA. N. li.—SFOREICIDEPERS; may at all times find Good !Imre, Dailly'froatifewirork and Philadelphia AUG- P. S.-13LAGIL gEfiliS, at NetPriota, decidedly Cheap. 0 2 Roivirlii.4iAL4,akantTailor . . _ • • . .. • . • • •. lug lEdisiblOshmtiat, • (terikilf , ,LAgq44llol,) NEXT door to lIEFIRTie ;•ID"AirSTORE, Cumber land.l.l street, Lebanon, . • • I would respectfully atinotthed tn'tlils'eltliens of Lob 'anon, and surrounding vicinity; thar - T have .•ecelved and opened a NEW AND. SRLENDID STOCK OF FRENCII ItLACeDDE SKINS, 'Varney Cate'. meres. Silk and Marseiles Vestingd,-.goods for Fashiona ble business Coats, ac., as., of the latest Importations, alai which will be made to order at thekhortmit -notate, and prices to suit the timed. From the void which - has been heie. of a. thorough practical.Ydlor,' I feel satisfied through my long experience in bariass, Artistic skill. and well known reputation as a . -Sseentifie Cutter, that I ran compete with the first Merebldit . Tailoring eetnb liehments in the cities of New York and- Phibuielpliia. Trusting-to the intelligence of a dieSerniug 'public, and a Strict attention to business, I hope .10 Meat with success. °TOURS., t Tailor. Don't forget the Plane next to Maaira Arthe's Store, Cumberland street. • • v... J. J. 13141.114"Jr*.-•"". /GENT rod, SINGER'S SEWING'MaiIINES ! All kinds of Sewing 5111(911mA mtinicliortirbd by I. SI. Singer, at . prim niuging from $55-& - $100:•• • MAAhluo Oil, Ifoodlos &c. kept conAotntly,onlislid ! ' Lebanon Oct. 12th 1859. I'7 ' • • • - Swatara Collegiate • ..ronesknon, Lebanon 113 'Edifice being finished. the Suinaiii• - ni% COM mtncir on' Monday. 4th of Alir"lT . -Vales and Po males of the age of eight years and upwarae; will be in. Structed by a competent board I. f teacbecs: Pupils how abroad will 'board with the Principal. , For.'circulars Aiontstain - isir particular., address any cue f the.aulnatilb. 'erb. JOAN BRUNNER, Esq., Preer of the Beard. ITENHY J. :REMY, Secretary. I. D. RUPP, Principal. • ; Jonestown, Feb. IG. • Lebanon ' , Fe innate Se gatin a ry. r•Eunrtu SESSION of the ' , Lebanon .Female Seminary" Seminary" commenced on the Ist iffi:t of February, 1860, Olfder them supervision of AIODfIBI'O,ODECABIPS. who Imo associated with him es Araiitatiti Mies•TANl6 11001thl, a Cirhduato of the New Hanißtpn &hoot, N. H. who is not only well ryttslified, - but . hasAls6lieli consid erable experience ftB a Teacher. •• .(fir. Mrs. Drcomps will attarid . to the 9eNing De partment... For further . particulars irtquire.for Circular. IltbaltbstilUb..ll, 1860. ' - pUsINEss CARDS ''-'OEOIIIGE iiirANF4. • • • A. ITORSZY AT LAW.—Oillie akL tuii aiirsitEsq., ,L - 1 . -Lebanon, Po.. [ 1 .044010d4 4,18¢9. ..JOBl4 II 10 - 11:711171 . „ stti ,:TORNEY • A T's't AW, msizamiivitn bi. orno) to' Mr. ROltifi . nPli 6Oofifild lug, ( ( econct stor y, at the alloy,) tyro:doors east of bis preient location. Zirch 2, 1859.-1 g. . •• Win. I. DER A...TTORNICY. AT LAW, Chloe Sfolturt street, opposite LI. the Court lioueo lately cs.eueied by Amos .493 1 2 11 tcr, F 4.1. labanon,. Alay 11',1858, .:111.'110 1 1V *AA, W: .has 'AtE} . IOVED,,Ns .04lee Funck'A New Builaidg,froltond etors;) Oath berlessi street, Lebaarnr 'Pe. Lebsusonl 4 4pril 6,1859. • - J am ei & Weigley.:. , ;cOmm rss tow- lIBROHA ITS • 23i • LitiondVanliNavoirleoihode•do • .PLO.. ilt. • "' • ' • Sept. 21, 1859511 r...(:, E l nS, &o. _ . .EAGLE,-11F&E. lERANOPii'PA_ eithiscilibfr toforla"hin 'oar „ triends and the public gtifitlrally,.•tlutt". helms again taken the above. welliNte 'Vit.:ilea:- He will be. much pleaeed to aeconinitinate all dbo Mail's:veer hint witteivealt. .Loonileft. -- Coriiktumlierland and Market 'Arent& „111/9-.omntline ii es In eennexion with the Rail :Heed Trains. • • ' II: SIM:MIST. : *4 l.ebauon, If Of.'10;18158;• • . • • • ct;i nerp..far: l4o, 44senevtaiitiiucitreeis;*iikehric.rz i ,.• ORNWRITAAQQQQ WROT2OI 7 I9ItioN . . 'Um Cenietnass; Yerandjis:ltikonies, 'Public /alta r Tate Grounds. Which he offers In vent V* Hely ordePlgas a; lower prices than the samaras) be ob. mined elsewhere. OnAIN FENCES of every . de serlption constantly liejittoniband. August 2A.'1.868:;t:r.• . . . riiPA* ETIOITIRME .- IT : . . l , . , G4B":IFITTER,- • TTALNUT STREET, no,,F.t door to A. S. It urs omeo, Ty LEBA,NcI,N, P . A. . - Pan. 4, 1800. • Stott d,' (Lati r r i prnt of4hompriOn & Stond,) • fiSPiCTPIi,.LY co rnereet i. condo nes.d-4310N PA N'TI business and PAPPR 14ANAIN..HOUSEG,runl b y st* attention to business bop - as - to reeetvd b llbernl idifibior.pitronage. VSI7 Orders from. tripm.F ad oonutty promptly atAantL ed to. •••.. • • [Lebanon. Oct. 6, 1859. • , : ..,E h • • Thlenapsoli, g4e of the tiro:cot .Thimpson Stolid Market I . : lie.*ei;nire mirth of Wster, - Lebanera. inESPECTPULLY intorno the-public - thathe contin• 11, lies lIGUSE ane - BION 'PAINTING and PAPER. /I &N0,1N9, and by strict attention to business hopes to recelve a liberal shire of patronage. IW. Orders fasn'tltell'ilid county promptly attended ,to • Labiutdn N9v:9,1859%.:4 ' ; ututin:hurss - . Coil' Tiippi- Works: • nr o 7,9P l :lettifieVi Pe: 'Orden; fir TtIVIOI6 lined ieYt Braigl."Nell' end I'444fle.dB:6Pal. al l . Pa 4 B B IM the n Peti. 1850_ eban°l ' , • 11,11.1 th errliterat oval. rri und'etiiiitted . respeCflilli• Irifoettniltis friends and eustomeri and .the tiublic in Oneral. that he b& removed, his Retildence aiYl Dutcbery to the resldenco Widow.Shantz, in CheiAnikstreet.*Letiagrin. where: be is eeebteh to awry 611. hits BIITCTIERING . BIISI- IiBSS'on ail-Increased settle, and bopes'his frlegds win Call etbia u w . 1)1w:A of hada* , where he Widralways keep for teal° goal Beer. -The nocoitragement — of the .1111611 e is Solicited. CYRUS' K. EikliVELYLebau ii , .• Ptilititrdry 8,113d30:—, !••• • 7 •• • • East Le basa4)n rpirE under s sigued h ritrictidriOaithi gtnre tau d rif Mr- C,eorge Giseir,ln„East Telipr hits jareOispeil an en tire 'NEW :AND dtiMPLETh 'and STOCK 'OF. Fro RA, q .l , (taxbiiioin g .Diiiie Goods of the verryliksite;eolik'rer La- Clqths,,Oassia ores and VeetlnigOor Geritlikiiiit, and Cirociries. Provisions, ie., torhonitakelliaii: all or which will be tiold, 4 "pVices to suit thelimes. The stock being entirely new, rand hiriing'boieil iteliteted% with Oat care, )S r ) mateeierits toßitrelititiers thatare rarely equaled. "iEribSiff”. t s .''i •• • ,-- Call and ontqine befokb,nriargisibetiskrthitt• stock be examlnisradie! am! r. • • Lebanon, Noveniberl6,3BB9;:fiwtrs • AT N04,:.-...Eol;iiiiititatt46B. •*. .... T 4 Ve /il a 101 CilliittiOltke4, ..t Hs . . andereigned, havßnjpurshased-the rentire4 Stock of , - • 1 , ..' ~... ki a:. t .t:t _ _•• • XATS,- OA.PIa,-.30 4 _ 'obataMOG. Mataa, at .Bheriffa Sale, ,Ititl'pew „dispose of the seine at Gieat Bargaittivfla P1 1 ,191' nrehmai ant the 'concern,, . ,„ . . JACOB G. MILLER, fonieer owner;jait. , fint .been ap pointed the Agent of the •tinctereigneil."4lll nttand go busineeefor.theni.. ANMEW GARRET% . . J' •• • M l RIF hi3l2>sBA. * liiatign, kit; 0 5 1859 • • , • • 5 :7- 1 1 P --- aveju celve -a 4e lot of Malik Otivtai:p4 frlicrits*,;hl4ll!'liitabitli ,belphureed:loiltorkeßP AKAG:pgblio._ ..;We have severitunasual, butverreleiefriade 6izaLand goat ties. The proprienititAmillnyte,caettirers of 11 1 S TETTEIt'S CEI,EIfIetTED;,',TRALICIIIIIIT TEES can appisl.4fith.'nerfectieimidence to physiciankiinli‘ eltieins generally of tie 11/nited States, biteaulso thearticle has.attaiuid a repu tation hereteferiPunlinown. A. few facts upon Gilt" point.*Gl :,speak more powerfully Glatt volumes of.bare assertion or Mt:zoning puffery. The constimptiori of Ilestetter's Stomach Bit ters f a i the last, yeat'artioithted to over a half million bottles; and,froint r itestnanifest-atutcly increase ii, tittle:l Tast, it is•evident:that timing the coming year tin) conlnaintilltra will reach near eve , suilliou bottles, - This immense amount could never have been s old - but ' for• - the rare medicinal pftiperties contained in the prepare tion,•and the etrnetion of the most prominent physicians is those sections of the, country where the article is heat known, who et only recommend the Bitters , to their ,paticiats, but are ready at all times to give testi:l:obis:ls teats efficacy in. alleases of stomachic dirangenviiita and the diseases resulting therefrom. - - _ This is not ajefejiersiry popuhtrity;.Oblairted by extraordivarY t7Orts in the wet of train . - -Potilli the' .. gitalities of. the Bitters, bat asaolid estimation et'iarii.iirilttitble medicine , - which is destin ed. to, be •aslimf-erin - g al, if= e itself. _ Rostetter's Stomach -Bitters lilti'e roved, '• a Godsend tb regioneiyhere . . fever :. aria ague and - various ether Atiliceis , eon:ld:tint a have 'counted their victims, by Itulidrodtli,.-._To be able' lo state confidently that the “Bittera" are a certain. cure for the Dyspepsitilid . lip: diseases; is to the : proprietors a aource"of *un alloyed pleasure. , It removes all Morbidmatter• from the stomach, - purifies the blood; * Aid imparts vitality to the nervous syatem, giving it that tone and energy I:AT:anew:able' 'for the reatoratiomof :health_ It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other tligestive organs,. mildly -but poivirittllY, and soon' reeforeS-lbein to a eondition essential to.the boalthydiecharge of the functions of nature. . . • 4 Elderly persons may Usti iliiißitters•ditily aa Ter directions on the bottle;:anil - theywill-tincr -in it a stimulant ritithiliarly, 'adapted to'comfort: -declining years, as it ii;pleaant to !Se:T*l;e; Invigorating to the bowels, eicellent'asat thit . cl,l -and rejuvenating generally: ' " :WeritleVetiKev 7i dance of thousands of ~atetitrteri. arid . X a who have experiended the benefit of smu g- t h is ' ;preparation while Suffering frometre:o _,• de rangements and general debility; actirletilitTer the advice of physicians, they have alis t n*itied all 'deleterious drugs and fairly testek the merits of this article. A, .few wordb:fAc the -gentler,ees. There _are ce - ititin`i. t etiode when. theii,estres are so hariesing that man sink the trial. The relation-ef niethee Wl' eldlif IS so absorblnglyiesidel‘ thiki.,tli b . mothareeopeciaidly if she be her apt i g forget her own health in extreme:snail:lt for her infant: - Should the period of maternity . arrivekfluring Ate wanner seasoli, the - wearpf body and mind is generally aggravate:o2744W then, is a necessity for'a stimulant to•reenpez; rate the energies of the•system,-and'enablette. mother to bear up ander her exhaustinoriiiis and'responsibilities.: Nursing' mothers i gegte-_ rally prefer the Bitters_ to all -,ptlier•invigora tors that .receiva-,Wf . endoriereent : - rit psi:-: cians, because it is:-'agreeable 14'..; tlie:(*.tatili . well certain to giviralerznanen't increase of hodily strength, ',- -;' ' : ' - ' ' -.,..• .: • - All those persons,:to whinn,.koliiiitiMeti- - larly referred above to. wit: .aufeier sitfroni fever and ague, caused bytthitit . ttiagdiftrylioesi. dysentery, indigetition, lotis Of- -. ... and all diseases - or derangenientsiit: ties atom:telt; sunerannuated invalids, - . persons:Asedentary • occupation, and nursing znothepii, Will'artniult their own physical welfare 14 -giving tb Ties tetter's Celebrated Stoma& Bitters a trial:- ClLF,TTOV.:. ! 4.W . e'catttiint -the publici against using.riny:tlif.:the fella,' but , ask for BOBTarrkei..lllokikrucA2 Aro BrrtaiiKarid.: sae that eachbottle hie riestetter'a StenincliOliters" blown on the side , of the bottle, incitaiiii.a on the metallic cap covering the cork, arid observe that our autograph signature is,dritha label. Prepared and sold by 31013TIMV1118:& WILITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., era mad: .komvell druggists, grocers, and dealers. ..generally .throughout the United Statkiii.halkei Alk••• -ries, and Germsuay. . . A:1 By Dr. Geo , itogs, h. 6. Ember, J. GO . MOVIW ;". nun: J. o,,Seltu r. Proderielial/Wg M.D . ...M0W kited., Annville ;; Martin Early, Palmyra.. , S. 4ksvklikft"lt Tn., ( - gem/E. 'rind rehr_ . „ 3 . e, Has icon. Removed. to Ida :New* Brdblinritisti!. Odotter.• • land Street, opposit e the Bailo.Bailditligkr .. . - ; Iran subscriber riapeotfullyanidatai A. lances and thepi4blin in general , ( at.Ee flag 'eon stauttrouchmsfOlarge.'etocit.of• • • . • ` Puirtr/laiß — { - , i l ••111:11D1b.C1XE,13,.. "P.MINTO; EM TO At, S - . v.4kNr.smis AtlltPrarggfE, 014.88,31rA,11:0;:1. • HAIR-OILS, " .- 11ZETICAPTS, Burning •Finkl, Surgical . a variety of o lttatrzimantki . Tisiket Smt Be' • gars; Tobacco,' &c. Also dcy •pticlits too numerous to mention, whick off* lor 'reitut6uld warrants the clualitica of the articles as represented.— Purchasers will please - remember, this, and erituditeibe qualities and prices'of bin gooda before purcludimeelass. where. •AklrrnySiclati ~priscriptions and 'dimity ieci pclfearefally coMpounded, rat all hours of the. day or night, by ceiling at the Ihmg Store, opiMaite the Eagle BUlElinga. ' ' On Sundays be °panel. tar th.to.oom lasundistent mkneritsdkita tbSt'keeti the hotin of 7 and 10 o'clock, 12 and I,lstid 4 and 5Ps • -' Lblianoo3toc. 9, 1807. - DAVID S. SAGER.• .... • • . . • BOARD BOARDING S IC CU ..-:; O .: UL . ruL' i NT lll A; ,° r7 4 V;7 4 " 6 :Bleta -ii,t..SOill,l2'l!tl'2wcn nence on'the-Fiicor- MONinrns!.ll2,andla. tinuo twelveweekV. •• ` ''' • - — This IrigthutiOnisiow in a fitinrieldne:eaantiOn,and offers ileairohle, advantages to students _who whin:to ac quire a thorough Engllsh • ednestildn, uc 01. Prepare-thorn selves for admission in 'any chiea in College. A sepa rate Nopma-Department te•oonnected-Wlth. the School, offering opportunities to Teachers.who deaire to acquire a , thorough knowledge of• the Cote Ton' Solteal branches and the Art of Teaching.. Special - attention *lll be riven to this department. Model schools ill be taught the Students under the supervision Of olio or more o . the Teacher& Its situation itidolightfut and healthy being within onistoirrth ••'ef a mile of the Lebanon l'aliey Reilrdad, out ..e . Turnpike lending from Lebanon .to Marrisbfirg, 10 nilW.s from tho'foriner• end . 'ls miles from the letter pßie.e.l *; . • ":- 1 . Ternamiierquarter, 0.2 weeke,)fOr thookinnnibriumh ga.ineluding BoardAig,..Xialtion, Fuel andbili3SS 00. Lane, Gress , Gornum and nigher Matbelnif, , $2 00 . each, extra.. ;ffog,...fartber . in ftirilation•Spßii . to the Principal and Propriepti t•lf: grAplalff. • • .- ROAM!, 4. INSTRIRMOTT: PETERR 11. WITMEE,..A,, r MH...; •:.. , • %NOM AS B. / 11 .WLY;:111V. .. - ' • 1) A V:I - D: SIIOPS. .: ..--,-.. _lf' : , ' 0 -'4EcK.Toneher' oratarnmehial Music. • Mir thateoothnie will Pp - even on the:Piano, Diet9de • nd on a Vieß i n: • .. • ' • -•-• 4 1 0131 11 b.loall1inatt County, Feb'y RS, pliio---tf 4,. . . . . '. iiiit •. • • TO. 001,133bit . OAS AND. .TAX - P A Ts: . . -. losice. 4 A -----' •: - . _. .. riIRE 61)ootors of the diffident tovrnehjpe . pkr i pra n i. 1 who have not am yet tnad m e i. e ,, e i tmelit":.,arelerehy 1 . 1 3 r gs 1 17, 1 27 a o r .f n lp ti re w l C :el t . and, iIIZ I L . t : .lig;rpli 'oitteß for the year 1859. an.we n ave detthiniued ' the last - year:taxes meet be .itid, tiftvingLaottle henvT pay tinenta to Theet on alibi day. 'and tlia,tiores *nay pe paid. ' MiuttiEL DEININGER, . '''Ctiddinitsionevs DAVID IfOLLINOBB., s•q* ••• . of - 'SIMON BOLTZ, Lebanon..cozenty. Attost—Can Sums, Wrii.7 :',. ". •,, - .. - Versonalhaving. viz inssettedlatidlaeces which are no`t paid, are reapectfullyirequosteli Ich - realattbe Corn iriWdodera' Orlicewti r d'fi 1 / 2 ttle the 'aaiiiel'aiwtediately, theyor th 6 gal° wil I e advertise L d and sold: ea of shim tieing:the yr for Lebanon Febri Ulige6o:lllnita 89243N.F.Ar Treawer" , wy3B 1: • • BACK TO Tin PLAIIE • • X44-etig":l7-7,vIGER. RWRY . - /11111. T 31A the well-known' Innwer, has Temove4 . hii . f,AGER WWI: SALOON to tbibirge and ha ndsome, three tCt..ttottee of Mr. Arnold, in Cum. berland street, west of the Pluok Bond, where he will be Pleased to . ben labinid frien4s and the publid gqnertnY• *3lol.llnberger nOsi, Bw4itutx,cpeese, Holland. larriug BEIM is of his own wel Brew y,, *• lilionon..lan. 1.3659.-tr. • Carii 4 6lll • and 00 CI M& T INVITa Elio itterition.of ilousekeepers and 'Mer -1 'clatatil to my Lew Spring Styles of CARPICHNO , tramat celebrated manufacturers; for dirrability Of co t re 'arid design', cannot - be surpaesed: beautiful English Brussels Carpets at TS, $1 IA sll2',x, three Ply Ingrain Carpets. anitable•for chambers, sitting rooms, and parlor% 24, ST%all wool, 50, ti2X, 7.5 large mock of OIL CLOTII, from% to B'ylrda =v/Ma; WINDOW • SNADES•to groat variety, -,pa and white Canton .Misttinge, Coco. Mattiage, •Rtige;Jdatti,. Rag Carpet, &o. • • • • PRIMUS imucirr: Jr, -SOON. 2d street„! doOraabove Noble, Weeta . ais„ B ra nch Store, Soetb•cgat• COrnew of , Spring Garden avast, Phila. • -Sellineoir Gym eatire Stook at a groat eacrifice, previ ew to removing to the S. B. corner of Bth and Spring Garden its. March 7,1860.-Sot.