D nt tam NATURAL. CIFRIOSITIES OF CAL IFORNI A. Geysers in Plumas county. Am - tramp to the Plumes_ (California) Argun, there is a cluster of boiling springs, situated in the northeast por tion of its county, which covers an area of ten notes, It says: This area is almost Hat, and surround ed on its edge by large boulders, which seem to be fragments of lava, It would be safe to say that on this little spot of ground, one thousand boiling steaming springs exist, and so loud is the sound produced by the escape of the steam, that it is impossible to•distinguish the voice of a man ten feet from you, In some of 'these springs there is a kind of sediment, shout the consistency of common mush, which simmers and gut.- Iles, and, at times, entirely closes the - aperture; which is invariably succeed ed by a deafening explosion in the escape of the confined steam. Every thing smells strongly of sulpher, which my be gathered, in some instances, in large pieces, but is mostly found adhe. ring to the rocks in the shape of a palpable powder—the effect of crystali zation. There is - Ascr another mineral, pro. dueled 'in the same manner, 'resembling quinine 'in its color and formation, but to the taste like alum, and there is no doubt that it is alumine. On one side of said 'flat there is a kind of chalk, white as snow-, and 'resembling pil a ster of Paris, after having been prepirred for casting. There is a little plain of this, about twenty yards long, and half that -in width, as level as a floor. But what is the nu'st remarkable feature, is a stream of cold, pure water running thrJugh the centre of the flat. You can a ',fele move among the ii springa, by stibroitorre freor t .ntly to an envelope of sulphurous vapor. About one mile from this flat; at an elevation of three hundred feet above it, there is a round lake, in diameter shoot fifty yards, which is in a continua: stir of agitation, resembling the boiling of a cauldron; the'earih around it is almost a blood red. The springs are s i tua t e d on the head waters of the North Fork of fester River, near Lassen's Peak. and not ter tram Vitriosed) burn. ing mnutitains. A Lt . : NATIO ON THE BENCII—The following incident in Court, at Hamil ton, C, W., is mentioned by the Specta ton—Yewterday morning, while Mr. Freeman was addressing the jury, in one of the most eloquent port ions of his speech, to his horror he saw a bond grin on the faces of the jury, then they seamed involuntarily to burst out into aloud laugh. The learned. counsel teemed for the moment nonplussed, not being aware of the cause of this. unseemly proceeding. On turning to the Bench, however, the reason was eolf-cvident. The Chief Justice had retired to his room for a moment and there in the judicial chair, in all his majesty, sat !Xi less a personage than Mr. Robert Invert, an insane man, well known here. Bob, as he is (milted) , called, looked smilingly on the kilned counsel, and said, "Go on, it is all right; see justice done," amidst rears of laughter. At this moment his lordship returned, but the would-be Judge did not feel inclined to vacate his prominent pesition, and it required three constables to remove him. It was some minutes before the Court set tled down to its customary solemnity, and the learned gentleman was able to continue his speech. TimmAs CItoMWELL, the Lord Pro tmloint great•grandeort, wan n grocer on &lowish!, and hie ono' Oliver, the hset male heir of the family, an attorney IA London. Several of Ilse Protector's granddaughters' children sank to the lowest class of society. One, after see. ing her husband die in the workhouse of a little Suffolk town died herself pauper, leaving two . daughters, the elder the wife of a shoemaker, and the younger of a butcher's . son, who had been her fellow servant. Another of the Great Oliver's great granddaughters had two children, who earned their scanty bread by the humblest industry, the son as a small jeweler, and the daughter as the mistress of a little school st Manchester. A MOTlttlell INFLUENCE.—IIow touching that tribute of the non. T. H. Benton to hie mother's influence: "My mother asked me never to use tobacco. I have never touched it from that to the present day; she asked me Aot to game, and I have never gambled, and I cannot tell who is winning and who is losing in games that I see play ed. She admonished me, too, against hard drinking; and whatever capacity for endurence I have at present, and whatever usefutriese I may imam in lire, 1 have attributed to having complied with her pious and corrcet wiohea, When I was seven years of age she asked me not to drink, and then Imade a resoltition of total abstinence, at a time when I was sole constituent, mem ber of my own body, and that I have ad hereij to it through all tittle, I owe it to my motrier." ONO DEXMIRST SITORT.—Ii is said that John T. Brown, Democrat, elected to th e Mose of Repri sratioircs hoin the Fail, CongrepAional district of Keti• lucky, will tint . take his peat ai the opening of Coogrepe, he being solder the anna lii ii iional nye, The second sech inn of ortiele lon of the Consiketien de- Glares 6 .N0 [ware shall he a Repro. sentative who 0411 nut have attained tiltt age of twenly•five years." Mr. Brown lacks a few months of the re. qoired age. To t)onmiuneptives. THE sdrortlser boring been restored to health in a J. few weeks, by a 'My pimple remedy, after having enSpred scrawl years with a severe Lung effalion, and that dread inseam% Onnsiimptinn,-41 ansione to make ;mown to hia fellowcntiferere tho means of onre. To all who desire It he will send a copy of the presorifillow ag ed (tree f Chirp .,) with dfriainnot for preparing and Ing. atm the . - which they will and a Fore Mire for at, 444 m, Bromaittos, db. The only ob. Jytetpf • allogrdser ID lending the prescription is to bloat Minted, and ho home every ruirorer will ns wy.hhoranedy.selt will oars them nothing. and may protects/Podgy. ; Partial Weida' th, , prescription will please snow 11.11T,AprAND A, WILSON, WWlNgitikayik Kluge clo, Y. Srait UNA, ' • ' • "w If „ , BOWMAN, HAUER .t, CAPP'S r. U E R 1.11 R D This Way. if you Want Cheap Lumber rrlIE undersigned have lately formed a partner / ship for the purpose of engaging in the Lam her Busluena on a new plan. would respectfully inform the public at larec. that their place of business is DAVID 110WMAYPF Old Lumber Yard. In East Lebanon. fronting on Chestnut street, one square from the Evarnerlical church. They have enlarged the Yard and filled it with a new and east:Rent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as BOARTIS, PLANES, JOISTS, LATIN, SDINIMES. AND SCANTLreG, Of all lengths and thicknesses, In short, they keep con stantly on band, a full and well-seasoned assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. Persons In want of anything in their line are invited to call, examine-their stock, and learn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to business and moderate prices, -to merit a coutivance of public patronage. BODVAN, VAULT, k CAPP. Lebanon. April 8. 1858. Wood, Wood. itTHE anderidgned aro prepared to furnish Men o rr or Omt WOOD, to order. at any place in Leb. mom or North Lebanon Lorca:tem Orders left at their Mill will be promptly attendee r... non, April 21,1858. MY NRS 3: STOTITR. WOOD and . COAL YARD. r THE undersigned, aving bought Mr. I, 'Henry Spoon's Wood and Conl Yard,a short distance north-east of Messrs: Foster a lll l lle, Hutch's Foundry, in the borough of North Lobanon;and also bought from 200 to 300 COEDS OF WOOD and from 800 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds and grades, which I will sell at the yard or deliver at as small profits as will suit the times. I therefore in vite all those that are in want of any of those articles to call and see the same, ascertain priers, null judge for themselves. DANIEL LIGHT, (merchant.) North Lebanon, Aprlll4,lBsB:tf. Aorth Lebanon Elomog Mill qua: NORTH LEBANON MILL has been remodeled' j_ and is now completed and in operation and prepar ed to furnish customers regularly with a very superior - , article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be w.tdobtained from any odor source. They, - 11 044 1 also keep constantly on hand and for 59. sale ,114ktoomi • 3 . They aro also prepared to do add kinds of Coaromens" Woos', and respectfully invite all the former customers of the MB, as well as new ones, to give . . They will pay the higheSt CASE market prises for all kinds of Brain, such as WHEAT, EYE. CORN, OATS, &e., and afford all facilities and accommodations to those who will soil. N. Lebanon 80., Nov. 3,1338 FOR SALE. FLOUR, 'e I CORN. OATS. 11DBLINGS, .-41:11ji4Lialt SALT BY TELE RAG, BRAI'. at thelieneaca Stills of MYERS k Feb. 3, 1858, Lebanon, Ps. WANTED. T the Getwer AT M k, hi the borough of !Amnon, 1 VII EA T. COR Z., RYE. OATS. In any quantity, for which the bight:4f Market pito, will be pniti in Clldll, by MYERS .k. SIIOUR. Fell. 3. 1353. illtNmudev`liti-TituAlitralt')lll;kie,Thi,ent I . Pr:r;eri%ch,ll7,,t in Mne liet Street, three (lours north of the Lehonon Vollov Railroad, on the west fide. Ile ita . s a large SlSSOrtMetit of NEW STYLE SOFAS, JENNY' LIND and other BEDSTEADS. EXTENSTON TA IILES. Cane.seat. , demi Common 011 A IRS. SETTEES, SELF ROCHTNO CRADLES, &C., &C. 110 else offers for Fain at very ,low prices an eat nsive assortment of Lobanio GLASSES and Picture Frames of Gilt, Mahogany and Rosewood. As ho manufactures the most of his furni ture himself, he can sell much cheaper thin those who buy the Ready-made. All orders punctually atten.ltl to, and articles safely packed to any part of the country . He also bat, on bond all kinds of FANCY WOOD and Wit MOULDING which Its offers for sale. Remember LAU. BACH'S NEW WARE ROOMS, Market street, Lebanon. S.—Coffms made and funerals attended at the shortest notice. Mr. I aubech desires parties who purpose going to Philadelphia to purchase thotr Furniture, to call at his Wareroome and examine his stock, ns he is confident that his were is better and will be sold cheaper than any that can be bought In the cities. Ile has prepared himself to manufacture largely, and hopes to receive a home patronage. Lebanon.Oetober 5.1859. liew Furniture store, HARRISON K. DUNDOWE would respectfully. ln form the public that he bee removed his stand to Ranch's New Building, opposite Bowman'e Motel, Cum berland Street, where he will keep the largest, finest, and cheapest assortment of FURNITURE ever offered in Lebanon. Ills stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and Common Furniture, which ho will sell lower than the like can be bought at any other place in Lebanon. lie has on hand a large assortment of Sofia. — Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Ta bles. What Note, Hat Racks, &c. Also a large and cheap stock of stuffed, Cane-neat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedeteado and a lot of cheap Mattreeses. Also, Looking Ulasses,--buitt. Rosewood end -Mahogany—very cheep. Venetian Mindy; Certified, Gigs and Hobby Horses, for children. tla..Particular attention paid to UNDER TAKING. lie has provided himself with the PIN IIST HEARSE IN LEBANON. and will make. Coffins end attend Funerals. at the shortest notice cud most reason able terms. Lebanon. March 30.18.59. SAVING FUND. Natioilal CHARTERED BY TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA RULES. 1. Money i received every day, and in any amount, largo or small. 2. FIVE PER rENT Interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid had; in GOLD, whenever It is Called for, and without notice, 4. Money is receive(' from Erecators, Administrators. Guardians and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can he obtained for it 5. The money received from depositors is invested in hEAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES, Li ROUNI) RENTS. and such other first class noenritien as the Charter directs. O. Office Hours--Every day from II till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock lathe evening. This old and well established SAVING FUND has re ceived more than TEN MILLIONS of dollars front near ly thirty thousand depositors. LION. lIENHY L. RENNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WILLIAM J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward 1,. Carter, Joseph D. Barry, Robert Selfridge, Franc's Lee, Sarni. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munne, Henry Dillencleffer. OFFICE: Tralont Street, S. R'. Corner of Third Street. April 20,1859. PHILADELPHIA. Special •lanouncement FICUM TUE Quaker City Pub!iabing House I ',ow Cataloalses r, • NEW, ENLAINIED AND lIEVISED-NOW HEADY FUR DI &Milan lit N- A:up:rim. holueentcnts is the Public I A new and sore plan for obtaining GOLD end SILVI.It IYATCI BiA und other va !liable Prizes. Full particulars given in (Mainline, which will he sent free to all upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from tte Ms. to $llO, G [TAMAN- Ttli..D to rarh purchaser. Stflu,ltun in tiDte have been distributed to my patrons within the past six months— sl6o.tant to be distributed during the next six months. The Inducements offered Agents ere more liberal than thew of any other house in the Mud ne,a. Keying been in the Publishing and liolkselling husi neea for the last eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Vitt Eateredze with the greatest esti& feetion to all. r AGENTS WANTED in every Town and County For fall particulars address DUANE RE Li SON, Quaker City PuldiAing Howe, la South Third htrcet. Philadelphia, Fa. k. 21 , 18594 m. SWARTZ & BRO, MEM DEALERS IN ronzrox AND DOMSSTIO DRY GOODS, QUERNSWARE, GROCERIES, ka. HALL BUILDING, MARKET STREET. 9pol_4aiii for 01l lab of %marl Produce THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.--A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Boot & Shoe . Store unmoved. New Spring and Somme stock! rplIE Undersigned would respectfully inform the public _L, that he has REMOVED his ROL/Tend SILOS STORE to the room lately occupied by John Gracrs Confection ery store, where he has opened a beautiful stock of Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes, for Ladies, Gantlewn arulChildren, assortment is very complete, and embraces all the latest etVica, which he can 1901 out at low prices. The public will please call and examine. DANIEL OILEFF. N. 11.—'1'nissms, now is your time if you wish to see alarge assortment of ,Trunks, Valises, load different kinds Of Dogs. Conte one, come alit Lebanon. April 7. 1858. Look to Four Interests. 'Come one ! Come all I ! see and judge for yourselrors. TO/IN GASSER respectfully invites the citizens of J Lebanon county to call at his now HOOT, SHOE.: and HAT Store. in Walnut street, between Carmany's and Holutferger's Hotels, where he haa opened a splen did-new Sptitig.and Summer *took of hoots and Shoos for Gentlemen; also Hats & Cape for Men and Rose. He Mires orders for Hoots and Ethoo: , •, and nutices them at shkirtnetico out of. the best Material, and will War rant them to give perfect satisfaction. tin 1.4 determined to sell very 'low for Cash or four mouths' credit. Lebanon. April 20, 1534. Philip PASITIONARLR TOOT AND SIIOE MAKER f VT Cumberland 4treer. one door East of 'Utile !Sleek florae lintel. Thankful thrthe rery liberal patronage extended to etc c.r the short time I hare been in latsinewl would respectfully sulicit continuance of the patronage of the public. Raquel at all times au assortment of !SOOTS end SR.OES of-his own manufacture on hand, which will be (Reposed of on reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, &e. Those desiring a neat, well made article. two invited to give mo a trial. Children' Elmes of every variety end color on hand. 11,avy wort made to order. 4123` All work warranted. RApatriny neatly done and charges made moderate. I,c,banon, :lot. 13, 1.339 -- NEW STOCK OF FALL J 6 WINTER, Boots, Shoes, na CAVII, underai7ned has returned from the East. and 1 has opened at Lis stare, on Walnut street, a munifi cent stock of FLI Boors, SITDES, HATS, CAPS, TA' UX KS, 1 embracing the I:ne l sr ema il-d ol e :l ' g (C a. t .;:lortnient eve'r offered to the Lebanon. public, for radics. Gen tlemen and Children. Ills assortment for the .101 es in cludes the latest styles of Shoes, and a new article of Gum Boots, elegantly adapted to the coming season.— For the Gentlemen ho has the latest' style /late, of all qualities, and at low prices , and Boots, &c., of the 'lat est hi:dal:MM. For hop! and Men he has a great assort ment of Clips, of the latest sty lee. A great assortment of Gem Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Re mire to call 1111.1 WC:1111We this stock before purchasing elsewhere. WALTER S. nART° 47,7 Mr. Bowman has removed 1.0. q Boot and Sheo Store to the corner or the Kiley, opposite the jail, a few oors south of his late location, in the Courier building. JOB. BOWMAN. ra. Measures taken and work 11114a0 to order. October IS, MO. JACOB iItBDEL respectfully in forms the public that he still contin uos his extensive establishment in SAN.i ridge- his. new building-In Cumberland et,, Il hr - whore he hopes, to render the same setts-Action as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. lie invites Merchants and dealera in BOOTS and SHOES, and every one who wishes to purchase fit,hionablo anti duroblo articles lit hie line. to coil -and examine for themselvehis large and varied stoke. . . lle is determined to surpass all tampetitian In the nmenaincture of every article In his business, anitAVie for Ithv Market in the Thdeb. A due earn Isfahan in regard 'to materials ant workmandhipt none but the best quali ty of IJIATAR and other materials arcuised, and none but the bast workmen aro employed. P. returns his sincere thanks to friends for the very liberel patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Ile lieres by dtrict attention to business and endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share of public pat- renege. [Lebanon, Feb. l l7, '5B. =I V. la. ATKINS 41 - , !Bro. HAVING united in the BOOT and Snot IiSSINESS, and from their determinetion to be pullet nal.and make gin ATO none but the best of - EWAN, wore f Itch ugly t la y rgeeellike of mat lie patronage. They =✓rt will abenya be flaunt at their OM) STais;ll, ':Caw Ttruntan,) in Market Street. natrig opposite Widow Rise's Hotel, where they will be ready to serve and plcaaa their cut , tomerg. They have 71547 on bend a large assortment of HOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. GARRET RAGS. &e., which they offer et reduced 'wires, .41W- Persons dealing %I. this SIIOL , STORK, can ho suited with BEADY-MADE WORK. or have it made to order. Satisfaction is always warranted. Particular atkintion given to the REPAIRING Boots and 'hoes. [Lebanon, :tpril 20, NW. Q . S. RAMSEY' removed to the first door south 1.3 From Henry & Stimis F.ztore, and opposite the Ea triellotel. whero he will keep on assortment of Cloths, Cassameres, and lrestings. Also ready made clothing and fecrniering grads such es Shirts. Hose, Gine& J{audker. chiefs. Neckties, &e.,-1111 of which w I be sold as cheap as at any other establishment in Lebanon. CUSTOMER WORK attended to promptly, and good fits guaranteed. S. S. tiA3ISAY. Lellnuou, April la, 1559. Fashionable 'Fail lring. riMIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches at his reel. deuce, in East Lebanon, (Cumberland Street,) 2 sqUares east from Major Moyer's Hotel, (south side.) By atten tion to business. promptness in his engagements, good fits, and moderate charges, ho hopes to it•eceive a share of the public patronage. Sle was a long time in the em ploy of Mieluel Wagner, deed.. and feels confident of giving general satisfitction. Being a new beginner he solicits the patronage of the public: Lebanon, _nay 12, 1:108. GEORGE McCAULLY. Ready Made Clothing: A Splendid assortment of Bummer Clothing. Coats ZS, Vests, rants. and every thing else for a pleasant SUMMER SUIT, just opened and now for exhibition and sale, at the large Clothing Emporium. Centro Buildings. .I.llf.ltAllldt of the firm of Heber & Brea it2lalust returned from the city with a large and ivelt Meetedas sortment of CLOTHING. They are eeat reduced prices to suit the time,. Also a variety of home Made Clothing. Something for every hotly. Call at RARER A - ]lllO'd, 2d Story. Lebanon. June 1, 1859. ----- Mk' Fa Ai ion:able Tailoring! MICHAEL. HOFFMAN would re Fretfully Wert» !Tithe Citizens of Lebanon. that he has RS:7SIOTM/ his TAILORING Rosiness to Cumberland Street, two doors Rost of Pfleger's Store. and opposite the Washing ton noose, where all persons who wish garments made tip in the most iltshionable style and hest manner, are itt- Vittli to roll, Ile has lately received the New York, Phil adelphie. Paris and London reports of spring. and Summer FaskioliB, SUETY HET Company. and ns he has none but the hest workmen ettipinvetl, he guarantees dint all work entritstud to hitt). 'WM Ile done in a satisfactory manner. J. With his thanks to his ohl customers for their put. ronage heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor. Ttl TAILORS I—J ust received and for sale the N. York and Phllndclphia Report of Spring n Summer Fachimic. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fart, eo that lie can make his arrangements accordingly. MICH./EL Ittorte.NlAN. LidomoorApril 7, 111511. Z. D. Geesa mass, r - iir" Pik MEW-4 9112110.101 t. 0, 1 Would inform the citizens or Lebanon awl its -vicinity. that ho has oponed a new T.llLoatxo Es tablishment a few doors north of bias. Mse's Ilotst, and opposite the Lebanon Dank, where he is prepared by. his experience to make up all gar merits entrusted to hint in a nrnt and Fashionable Man ner. Ile hopes by close attention to business. and a de sire to please to merit a almre of public patronage . Lebanon.. Oct. 12, 1859. O'ltouring Merchant Tailor•- iu lEstablishment, (LATE OF LANCASTiiii.) xr EXT door to lIENIIY a STIR\E'S SToluE, Comber•. land scrert, Lebanon. Pa. I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Leb anon, and surrounding vicinity, that I have . ceeived and opened a NEW AND IirbbINDID STOCK OF FRENCH CLOTHS. ItGACK DOE SKINS, Fancy C4OlOl - Silk and arßeiles Vesting& goods for Fashiona ble business Coats, Ito., ac.. of the latest importations, all of which will be made toorderat theshertest notice, and prices to suit the times. From the void which has been here. of a thorough practi=d tailor, t feel satisfied through my long experience in business, Artistic skill, and wall known reputation as a Scientific Cutter, that I can compete with the first Merchant Tailoring estab lishments in the cities of New York and Philadelphia. Trusting to the intelligence of a discerning public, and a Strict attention to businass, I hope to meet with success. o'lloElfiK, Merchant Don't forget the Place next to Henry & Stine's Store, Cumberland street Lebanon. April 20,1859. Stis9 cdia. NEW STYLES. 1 559 A D. 431 n 1 s Cumberland Street, between Ia . .:11arket and the Court litatse,narth side. hue now on hand a splendid assortment of the New Style of II ATS AND CAL'S, for men and boys, fur 1858, to which the attention of the public is respectfully invi tad. Hata of all prices, from the cheapest to the most costly, always on hand.. Ile hoe also j ast opened a spien did assortment of SLIMMER HATS. embracing such as STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEAR I, HORN, LEO HORN, SENATE, CIIIIIAN, and ell others. .02L.He will also Wholesale all Itinds of flats, Caps, &c.. to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, April 21, 1868. W.B,:tho undersigned, would respeetfully inform the citizens of Lebanon county, that we are now pre. pared e supply the community with COAL, Mille Wholesale or Retail, es we will keep all kinds of COAr on hand. such se „ ... .. . . . _ . Pea, Chestnut, 2Vitt, Rose, Egg and Broken COAL, white, red and gray , I which we are tonstantly receiving ash, from some of the best Collieries in the Coal regions, and would' hers say that we wilt sell our Coat as low as they can be sold by any Person in the county, which we will sell at our Mill, or any part of the two boroughs. I MYERS .h. bligpv4. i GPINAIe Milli Likbanol4 Fa. a, lOU. . , GRAFF'S Boot and Shoe Store. Ilereba n I 'a a ()a mg. REMOVAL. COal, Coal, Coal, FOUNDRIES, ITA:ORINE SilOPS,&e. EINER WORKS, Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leh. anon, Lebanon booty. Pa• _ WM. &L.WEIMER,Pro ri -1-1 P. P 1 etors, manufacture Steam Enginesfrom-.4 6 1 1Y99..-. 1 Ito SOO horse power, of the latest styles rvilnettik and patterns, with sit the modern mm. provements. Ahio,liuperlor Portable En gines (with . Link Motion Valve Gear) mounted on wheels, for Saw Mills ' wood sawingand Hoisting purposes. Par ticulnr attention is called to our small Upright Engines for Printer,' , Druggists and persona wanting a small amount of Power. They take up a very small space, and can be put up in a room as a household- fixture. ALSO. Blowing Engines and Machinery for Anthracite and other Blast Furnaces, of improved construction Forge Hemmers, of P. L. Weimer's Patents; Rolling Mill, Sawing. Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining Pumps. foisting Machinery for Mines and :Stone Quar ries. ICaiiroad Cars. Iron Bridges, Shafting. Ilangers, Putleys,Tnrning Lathes, Drill l'reason, Planing Machines, Brass Stopcocks. Valves and Brass Fixtnres.Glolso Steam Valves of all sizes, and Machinery and Castings •f every deveription. ALSO, Boilers of any size, form and weight, made of the best material by well known and experienced work men: Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks, Gas Flues, Heaters, and Sheet Iran Work of every description. [Onr Boiler sheets are all tested by dividing there into squares of 2 inches and hammering each square; any imperils:Con is thus detected, and the fealty sheet rejected; this is prac tised in very few shimiOn this country.] ALSO, a stock of Wrought Iran Pipe, for steam, gas and water. with all the necessary fixtures, constantly on Land, and put up at the shortest notice and on most rea sonable terms. Iron,Bra,s.tual Composition Metal Cast ings Mt!h to order, at the shortest notice RI:PAIR/NG attended to with promptness and de spatch. A gang of Boiler Makers always ready for Boi ler repairs. BLACKSMITH WORK made to order. .6iff — Orders respectfully solicited. All communications by mail or otherwise, attended to with despatch, and work delivered to railroad or canal, free of charge. WM. WEIMER. L. WEIIGHt. , J4thauun, Fub'y 4, 1358 ELTJAII LONGACRII...JOIIN G. G AtIet.•••JACOLI GABEL LEBANON Door and Sash 111 1111 fa clorp. Located on the &cant-House Road, ttaxeCtembeig&fia Street, East Lebanon. THE um - lei - signed respectfully in form the pnbM in general, that they tILRIRIZ have added largely to their former estate. lialitnent, and Mao have all kinna of the latest and best improved MACHINERY -in the Sint+ , in full operation, such co _ _ WOOLWORTH'S FLOORING, 4-c., for conducting the general business for Planing, Scrolls, Sawing, cc., 4`c., and the experience acquired by E. Lexattear. and J. ft. GABEL during their connection with the Door. Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years past . , affords full as surance of their ability, in connection with J. GABEL, to select stock suitable to the wants of the Door and Saab business in this State. They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, twit favorable terms, a judiciously assorted stock of MOBS. SA§II, lc., from the taut Lumber manufactories in the Mtn. feeling confident that their assortment is not to be incited by any other establishment in the State in regard to exactness in else, quality or finish, and calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to ail those who may favor the undersigned with their custom. The following list comprises the leading articles of stock on band:— Doors, of all skes; Sash, of all alzaa; DOor rilunes, for brick and Architraves; frame housed; CaPings, &oft:3 to 0 I'm; Window Frames, for brick Surbase; and frame houses; Shutters, of ;ill sizes; Ail kinds of Mouldings; Blinds. of ell sizes; 0. C. Spriug Moulding, Wash-boards. LONGACJIL, GABEL, it P. S—Planing. Zuming, geo,lntifettly done for these furnishing. the Lumber. fLehanot, July 15,'117. - - LEBANON COUNTY writ:Ain PLANING MILL. , , - BOAS, GASSER Jr. GETTLE wish to inform their ett4toniera, of L e . . 11011 County, arid surrounding Coun eaf 41Arry'' that they are still in full operation, and - =.are prepared to do all kinds of (jAttPkINTEh. WORKBYMACHINERY I= They bare di the LATtin IMPROVED MACHI NERY, and feel conibleut that they can manioc with any utile., in the State, a regustes oOtt'D WORK. They ow ploy none but th t boot workmen, and work noun but .11So Lest and well stusnned Lumber. - Their stork of Work is always open far examination Carperdors and Buildem xs consist 4 of Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window and Doors Frames, Casing, Wash Boards, Mouldings, Flooring Boards, Weather Boards, Sidings, tiv. . _ Also. BAITING AND AITTiNG r1;;no to order. Also. Hand Rai Jar mantel, Stairs, for inakiug which they 11111 - 0 a mart coustantly employed. 4sr They have also erected a 'TURNING LATHE, in addifien to their other business, and have employed NTit. 61ehlasou, of the City of Philadelphia, to do their Turang. Mr • Dickinson is one of the best Turners in the Slate. Cabinet Makers wilt do well to call and examine their stoek before purehaSing elsewhere, as they always keep on Juan!, Bedstead Pasts., Table Leos, Stair fiaftister, Niattel Pasts, and everything else belonging to the Turativ. Business, which they will sell at Philadelphia Flees. i r e- TURN ING WORIt done to order, as well as always on hand. ttn Their *hop will be Mural nn PINEGROVE ROAD, between Cumberland Street and Major's laundry. Lebanon, March 16, ISSO, Farmers Look to Volt!. loterest. A. ?Major & Bro.„ - e l rs Cl ol this 6Dca n% t d h e aVorni t n i : N G"o f tt l n h t c ie r . narnntd c,.. their • • Mends in general, to the fact. that r 0 they have opened their AGRICULTU • _ tea UAL STORE, on Pluegrove street, near their Pow dry ' clfachine shops, in the Uoreligh of Leb anon, Pa., wh e re we ran truly say, that We have the Largest and lieS Assortment of FAltisMa Din& ever offered to the thrillers of this community. As We have had a Mug experh-nce in the Manufacturing of Machinery, we have Made it our object to select the best and most durilde Mar*ines, and all that we offer for sale we can say that there is no other in use that an surpass them. We have the following Machines that we can recommend to our thrown, _ jiratm o, Combined Reaper owl Mower, With WOOD'S Improvements. Dorsef s Combined rad, or, Roarer & Mower. Railway liersa Powersawl Thresh el a, Amr horse lever Powers & Threehers. Morgans Pat: eat Independent Steel Wire Tooth Horse It KR, Slum am's Patent Fodder, Straw and clay CUTTNR, Cast Iron field Rollers, Grain Fans and. Drills.'lley Elevators. OW ver-hellers, Cornshellers, -by baud or rum, 'Corn Plough awl Planters. Cultivators. &a, with a variety of the best PLOMiIIS in use, All kinds 4 . Perks. Rakes, Shovels. Spades, Hoes, grass and grain Scythes, grain Cradels, Bushel and Perk Measures. &c., &e., &c. Pareri era will bear in mind that they will find it to their ad vantage to buy their Machines at hocuo. as all are Subtt to brake or get out of order; sod if they have beet(' bought front a traveling agent they will lot.:e trouble to get them mewled. How are they to be or the bruit en planes replacol, and particularly a Reaper which. by breaking in the athlete( your liiiefrest may deprive you of the use of it tor seven days, whilst had it" been bought at home it would have been ready for w.e again , in a few hours: as we have the patterns for all the Ma chines that we sell. and keep a good stock of extras on hand, so that you cannot come amiss. We Wtliild invite our friends - nod all others to glee us a call heroic Pur chasing elsewhere, as our aim is to please and be pleas- I ed. Also CASTINGS of all kinds made to order and nt abort notice. .ENGUcLS, Mill Clearing, Shafting, wo Manufacture and rlmir Steam Engines, Shafting.% Circular Saws, Lunn% for wood turners, &c. It EPAIMSEI all hinds of Machinery attended to with dispatch. Address. A. MAJUIt t 1.1110. Lebanon. May 2k 1,251. LEHBIHIG ER'S Manufactory. T IMANKFEL for poet favors, the undersigned resittke 1 fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry I on his Manufnetury in East Hanover township, Lebanon county, on as extensive a Scale as ever. It is unnecessa ry for him to say more, then that the work will lie done in the same EXCELLENT STYLE:, which has made his I work mid name so well known in the surrounding cowl- I try. lie promises to do the work it. the if Itortegt possi ble time. ills manufactory is in complete order, and he natters himself to be able to render the aline satisfaction as heretofore. Ile manufactures . . Brood and Narrow Cloths, amines, Blankets, White and other Flannels. alt in The best manner. Ile also cards Wool and makes Roue. For the conve nience of his Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at the following places:—At the stores of George & Seellenberger, Loeser & Brothers, George Reineehl, mad at the new Drug Store of Guilford & Lemberger, near the Market Muse, in the borough of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk & Miller, in North Lebanon; at S. Gosh en's. Bethel township; at the public house of William Barest. Fredericksburg; at the store of S. IL Bickel, hi Jonestown; at the stem of George Weidman Bellevue; at the store of Martin Early, Palmyra: at the store of Gabriel Wolferaberger, New Market Forge; at the store of Miehad Shirk. East IhMover, Dauphincoutity; at the stores of George Miler and David M. Bank, East Rano. vet- Lebanon county. All materials will be taken away re g ularl y , f r om the above places, finished without delay, and returned again. Those of his customers who wish Stocking Wool card ed dyed and mixed, CAR leave the same, white, at the above mentioned places, with directions hoW they wish it prepared. Or his customers can order the Stocking Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned, MINI will be done and left at the desired places. rl. It is desired that those having Wool carded, will pay the Cash therefor, at the above named plates. LYON Lk:MBE/WEB. East Ifennw , r. Lebanon county, May 12.1555. Reig:trt s t, Wine aOM Liquor Store, CORNER of Market and Witter ifretta, Leba-14; non. Pa., in the room formerly ocenpied h L. Jacob Weidle, Esq., where he still continues to . keep an neeortnient of the very best Maude of W I NE$ and LIQUORS that can be got. To those who are ac quainted with his LIQUORS, it is not necessary fur him to Speak, aa the Liquors will speak for themselves. To Motel Keepers, aud all others. h‘.: wotid state that it is Merely tiectasney for' them to rnli Add examine hie stork to satisfy themselves, as he warrants to reader full satisfaction. NefaNUEL REIGART. N. B.—Remember at Weldlo's Corner. Lebanon, May 6, 1858. 1%,.1 °TICE is hereby glee,„ to all peraone Indebted on VI the bookp of John R. Rauch, Merchant In Lebanon, to make settlement between this date, and the lat of January, 1800, ea the books will be pieced in the hands of a Justine of the Peace after that day for collection. Lebanon, Noy. 9 1859 JOHN B. RAUCH. Notice• MEDICAL L DSEI"S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, TIM ONLY ACKNOWLEDGED BEnEDIAL.AGENT Prr Impurity of Sh. MAT DOES ITS WORK THOROUGHLY, EFFECTUALLY. AND WITHOUT FAIL! ! ! T ins great PURIFIER, . Wfdre the public but a few years,, has alrevuly won a name and reputation unexampled in the history of any medicne ever inven ted. The ingredients composing it are simple. yet ih combination an powerful in driving disease from the human system. it cures Scrofula, 1 Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Diseases, 1 Erysipelas, Pimples on the face, Sore HYVs, Old & stubborn Ulcers, SCAM Head, Totter affAttions„. Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, .Tirandice, Salt Rheum, "Alercurial Diseases, General Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Dtenutrh. Female Complaints, and all Diseases having their origin its an impure state of the Blood. .Every Agent who has this medicine for sale. bite clr cnlers on hand rani:l.Mb% certificates from persons who Lave been cured by its use. Many of them are desper ate cases, and themselves to the attention of those afflicted with any of the above dismtses. The fol lowing certificate alone is selected. as carrying with it the most indubitable evidence of the virtues of this won. Mogul medicine. Sworn statement of Dash M'Creary, of Napier Town. ship. Bedford county: In April, 11,56, 116 near as I can remember. a mall pimple made its appearance on my lip, which soon be came enlarged and sore. I 11 , 444 poultices of sorrel. and wash of blue vitrol. without effect. Finding the sore extending. I called on Dr. lily, of Schellsburg, who pro nomusei it CANcEn. and prescribed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidville, Somerset county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer. and gave um internal and external remedies—the latter C(Ht. siding principally of caustics; install to no purpose, the disease continued spreading toward the.nose. I next used a preparation of arsenic, in tlm fortittif naive. This for a time cheated the disease, bnt'elieliinaminalion soon increased. I next called upon Dr. Steller. of dt. Clain sills, Bedford county, who also prop unmal the disease Cancer,inul applied a sales said to be a never failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever in. 'dtecking the spread of the Bare. In December, of the'Shaue year, the disease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and had attacked the nose. when 1 went to Cincinnati. where 1 consulted Prof. It. S. Newton, of the Electie Medical College. Ile pronounced the disease "aeutaum ous Cancer. superinduced by an inordinate sae - of /nor cu ry..' lie applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me in ternal remedies. My face healed up, but the mflionma tiara was not thoroughly removed. In February, ISM', be pronounced mu cured, and I left for It me. In April the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain that I could not rest at night I Late in May I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until September:lu ring which time he used every known remedy, and part ly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I return ed home there were still three discharging ulcers upon my Stec I continued using Newton's preparations, and also medicine:Lb:Ml got front Dr. Illy, but the Cancer continued groitind until it had eat off the left side of my nose, the greater portion of ulty eft cheek, and had at. tacked my left eye. I had given up all hope of aver be lug cured, since Dr. Illy said be could drerolietbut that a cure was impossible. In March, ISM I bought a bottle of '-.Blood Searcher," but I must confess thatl had no faith in it. I was very weak When I commenced taking it; but I found that I gained strength day by day, and also that the ulcer commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was. taken my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle, and I have been healthier since than I bare been for the last seven years. Although my thee is sadly disfigured. I am still grateful toe, benign Providence who has spar ed ray life, and which has been done through the lustre mentality of .61.7VDSVez , IMPROVED Moo» SEARCHER. . DAVID 3PCREARY. Swerntnd subscribed, this 31st day of August, A. 1811, before Inc, one of the justiees of the ponce, in am for the Borough of Hollidaysburg, Blitirtounty, Pa. Wituoss-1.7. J. Jones. &nits thytninr, J. P. It. ZI. LEMON, proprietor. Itollidaysburg, Penns. For sale by 3t. H. Dottie, Illyerstown ; Mania Early , palinynt; John Capp A' Son, Jonestown; John Selma', Mount Nebo; John °taller, Buchan:nisiHo; Joint Dein inger, Campbollstown ;Mager Kinports, A.nnville ; John C. °plough, Bridgeport; all of Lebanon county. Also sold at Dr. Geo. Dose Drug Store, opposite tl a Court house, Lobannu. [Aug. 17..1659,-Iy. Dr. R SSi D S 0.111. CUMBERLAND STREET, Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, P. . 1 R. ROSS respectfully announces that he has f r j_f sale a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Me; eines. Dyestuffs. Perfumery, Trusses, Patent Medicine and Fancy )hoods, which arc offered at the lowest prices. An experience to the Drug Business of over 20 years, at strict attention to the wants of the public, enable hi to do things in the first style of the science. DR. ROSS' WORM t 4 )z.ENGE4, Are the most certain cure for Worn a in use. They are sweet, and no chi) I will rehire to mks them. Verso) s -- should ask for "Dr. Ross' Worm Lozo 0 gee," and refuse all others. Many pe, e.; . /:a sons not having this Lozenge , will tt v to get you to take some ether kind; d ..1 1 not let them deceive you—you can a;- ways get them at Dr. Ross' Drug striae Lebanow,edul you can have them sett to you,rree of expense by mail, if yo t enclose the price in a letter. If let s - than a dollars worth is wanted, uncles s post-office etlfflips, and you will receive them by retur of mail, peat Pled. Dr. Ross will send them to any pst of the United States, on. receipt Of the money. Send re then, end get item. Piece 25 cents. DR. ROSS' BLOOD PILLS. These Pills operete without giving. the least pain or nr, easiness, and can be taken with positive .ady t eut ne i i all cases in which a purgative would be needed; as the commencement of Fevers, Costiveness, Liver Complaint. some limns of Dyspepsia, Headache, Impure Blood. and oil diseases arising froln impurity of Hood. They will be found superior to any Other pill in use. Price 25 eta. per box. be sent by snail on receipt of the mo ney. Sold WY by Dr. Ross, Lebanon. DR. ROSS' TONIC MIXTURE. A. superior melicino for the cure of Sick Ifeadache Nervous It attache, Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite, Nor sous Meekness, and all other diseases - mewing a tonic TRUSSES AND SVPPORTERS. Dr. Rose keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment of Trusses, of all sizes, and various in price, which Will be sold very low. Au experience of more than 20 years give the afflicted advantages not to he had et every Drug store. A personal attention to )befitting given. Ifyou need a truss call at Dr. Ross' Drug Store, Lebanon. DR. ROSS' INFANT DROPS. For Colic, Spasms, Restlessness. dc.. of Infants. It catmint nervous 'irritation, soothes pain, and induces to Sleep. without leaving the dull, drowsy state that fel lows the sea of other infant drops. Special attention is asked ter this remarkable action_ Ask for Dr. Ross' lii rent Drops. DR. 1108 s, HAIR TONIC. is your heir falling off? are you tie:laded with dand ruff, or Belling of Cite head? Dr. Rom' heir Tonic will cure these troubles. Priee 25 eta. DR. ROSS' CURE FOR FEVER lc MICE. Ever oral Apes cured in 24 hours. Individuals who have s-lfereil for weeks anti mouths, have been in e sin gle' day relieved, as if by magic, front the excrueiatine chill and burning fever. Sold only at Dr. Russ' Store. DR. ROSS' EYE WATER, For the cure of Sore. Weak, Orinliained Eyes: Price 25 eta, DR. ROSS' WORM OIL. A positive cure for Worms, Dn. w /SS' JAN IM ENT. The best Liniment in use for Itheuma them. Simians. S wettings. Bruises. Tooth ache, Sore Throat. and all painful and Neuralgic affections of the body, is Dr. Ross' Liniment. DR. ROlie TOOTH WASTE, yet' the cure of spongy and bleeding gums, Scurvy, for cleansing anti preserv ing the teeth and gums, and imparting a delightful fin. prance to the breath, use Dr. hose' Tooth Wash. DR. nitn AL% EXT. SARSAPARILLA. For the cure of Rheumatism. 'fetter, Scrofula, Paine In the Bolles, Old Sores, Pimples on the face, Eruptions -of all kinds, and all diseases arising from impure Blood, or the imprudent use of Mercury, Sold only at Di, Does' Drug store. COUGH CURED FOR 25 CENTS. Prtvereiee Concur Serum, prepared and sold only by Dr. Ross, opposite the Court House, Is a certain cure for coughs. Cold, Whooping Cough, Ac. Look well to the marks of the genuine. See that Dr. Ross' name is on the bottle. EPILEPSY OR FITS CAN Bit CURED! Evidence Stranger than certificates! LAKE'S KeffETA nix COMPOUND is performing more wonderful mires than any other Mediciue known! It is perfectly safe to take. Try it. if you are not eatisfied after using one HOMO, the money will be refunded; if not able to pay, on e Bottle will be given gratis to try it. erica five Dollars per Bottle, or throe Bottles for tett dollars. Sold offlya t Dr. Ross' Drug Stare. Lebanon, June Id, ISSS. Sold at Dr. Roes' Drug Store, opposite the Court linuee Lebanon, Ps,. - TO E A FFLIC ED. DR. J. W. BECIITLR, the Celebrated 11111tH DOC TOR, (Mere his valuable services to the public at large. DOCTOR 1 3ECIITLE in opposed to Calomel or any mineral poisons,. and will not give them at ail.— DUCTuIt RECIIThE having studied medicines ten yealut and a number of years of extensive practice and experi ence, secures to hint the confidence of tho public. DOC TOR RECHTLE has only lost nine patients in the last tw o years, out of the mat numbers who have made op pliattion to him for aid, from home and abroad. Some come hundreds of miles to consult with regard to diseases of long standing, and have been cured, in the last two years. DOCTOR IIkOIITLE has cured 50 cages of Cancer, 30 of Rheumatism, 29 of Dropsy, 23 of 'consumption, 19 of Diseases of the Bladder and Ridneys.l7 of hors Byes, 150 of females laboring under the Falling. of the Womb, Monthly Irregularities, Flouralbus, &c., &c. All the above diseases have been pronounced incurable by Ode mci quacks. We have no space to give the above cartill eates. but whoever doubts can have the names at any time by calling on DOCTOR. BECIITLE, As respects Diseases of Women, old or young, DOCTOR BECATLE has never lost one woman in confinement of all the vast numbers he hat attended. In this he is particularly suc cessful. Diseases of long standing of all kinds, cured in the shortest possible time, and on the m rot reasonable terms. No charges fur consultation.. Night practice at- tended to at all hours. DOCTOR RECIITLS will always be found in his Office In North Lebanon. a tow doers North of the United Breth- ' rem Church, except when out 01/ business. N rth Lebanon For , mei, Deemulwar V, 1858.-Iy. 1859•—DRY .t 1 Fad I Stock or SILK GOODS, Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS, Full Stock of FANCY GOODS, .per. CLOTHE, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, illankets, Quilts, Table Linens, de.. de. •' RYRE & LANDELL, Fourth it Arch Streets, lastmenetruu. N. D.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at /ow rates. AS flirmrina Deily from Net! Forlt . 4!ltaMlia Sept.' 7, /8759.—ara. MEDICAL LIVER INVIGORATOk IT IS compoiinded eqtfrely from. 6 itins, and use he iconic an established facto Stanthird ►ledicide, known and approved by all that have used it, and is now resort ed to with confidence in all the diseases for which it Is. recounneflited- -! within It liaffOred thciiasando !within tlfe last two years who hadgfven up all hope of relief. *the numerous unsolicited„certiticateeln < !fay posseAton shoW:." The dose:U . ll[ot be adapted ' ,lto the tenip - erament of tho individual tilltintltO us U" ed in such quantities as to act gently on the bowels. no Let the dictates of your - ljudgement guide you in ItiNiof the buy= It AT 0 B. and it will cure LIVER QOM- Pt AINTS B 1 MAIMS AT. TACKS, Dystr,PsiA. dc:ci I ROW DIA RR 1101tA S 1.1 AI 31 11 C 0 ill. PLAINTS DYSENTE RY. DROPSY, SOL' It - so SToAIACII, HABITUAL COSTIVENESS. C 1101. —' ; IC, CHOLERA, CHOLE RA. AIORBUS CHOLERA. C) IN FANTUAL FLAT U LF:NOE. .1 All NDICE FEMALE WEAK.NESS- Rol. and may be used env 0 reosfully no an ORDINA RY F AA! I Ll' II ED I (NNE. it will cure SICK 11 EA DACH E. fns. . thousands can testify,) in - TWENTY MINUTES, I I [TWO OR Thu - OE TEA- SnONFULS ARE TAIi~D', ii of commencement of attack. GIYI NO their testiniony I ARE ALL WHO US hi its fiev,.r. Mix water in themouth swallow both tcgether. Q Whit the invigorator and LLATI PER BOTTLE. -A SAN FORD'S FAMILY PRICE ONE DO CAP kRTIIIP LL COI4OUNDED FROM - Purely Tegutable Exit:tete and put up in GLASS CA SES air tigirt and will keep in any climate The F A NI It L. Y CA tic 13,,t active Cathartic used in his practice more The constantly inereash. have long used the P 11.1. g all express in regard to plaee thein Arlthin the iho Professlonwell know act on different portions The FAMILY CA has 'with clue rofet*ice to . - been coartpotiltdeul from a table Exttitas. which act alinletfutifry eaual,anq are, wheie a CATUARTIO In RANGEMENTS of flue NESS. PAINS IN THE. COSTIVENESS, PAIN THE WHOLE BODY, frequently, if neglected, ver, LOSS O 1 A PPE SATION OF COLD OVER NESS, TIEADACIIE, or all INFLAMMATORY CHILDREN or ADULTS, P U It 111 Plt of the BLOOD flesh is heir, too mum:rout. thunueut. Doae, Ito PRICE T The Liver Invigorator a retailed by Drug,guet gene the Trade in all the large I TREE DIMES Cattnrtio Pipa aro rally, and sold wholesalo by towns. B. T. NT-SANFORD, AI. D. , lanufacturer and Proprietor, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Juno 23, U:4)-1 y D. S. RAS - ERIS Wholesale and Retail Drug Stare, Has boon Removed to his New Building. on Cumber laud Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. rrnal subscriber respectfully anuottate Co hisacqunin k tances and the public in general, t at be has con stantly on hand a large stock of DRUGS, P REUMERY MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS. • * J r VARNISUEZ, r. • TURPENTINE, GLASS-WARE, ERUSIIES, HAIR-OILS, EXTRAttS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instrnments, Toilet Sen.'s, Se gars, Tobacco, &c. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which be (Area*, at low rates. and warrants the qualities of the articles as represented.— Purellasers will phase remember this, and examine the qualities and pikes of his goods before purchasing else where. .afsr. Plipicians' prescriptions and thmity reei pesearefully mnersinteled, at nil hours of the day or nield, by calling at the Mug Store, opposite the Eagle IN tidings. On tinndnye the Store will, be (Tenni for'the cam pounding or prescriptions between the bourn of 7 and IU O'clock, A. ii., 12 and 1, and. 4 4111(15 P. M. Lebanon, Dec. 3, 1857. DAVID S. RADER. DRUGGIST, ..APOTHECARY AND DEALER IN Fancy Articles and Perfumer run E DaS ! ! PURR MTDIC . ME!!! A/Misfiles to be Cowl, moat he Pure: Do you want l'nre and Reliable 3Tedkine? Call at LEMBERGER , S. Are Yoh n 'Want of pure apire o The.best rtu bo had At LEMDDItfIEIPS. If son are in want of good Washing Soap. pure White or Red Castile Soap, Country Soap, Erosive Soap to remove, grease spots, super Sliaring,soap; Soap for the teeth; all that is requested of you is that you boy the same At LEM BERuER'S. Do you want a good flair Tunic? Something to make the Hair grow, to tie:lase the head, and to prevent falling out of the hair; if you do. Call at. LEMISEUGHIPS. you want a good Hair Brush, Flesh Brush, Clothes Brush, Brush, or Tooth Brush, Call at I,E3IDEIKIDIPs. 'Why do yOu walk so trooklmeked? You should , wear one of the Shoulder Drawl offered for sale • At LE IllEltabh S. Preserve gat' :She hilsither. it oil can do se offequalt'S , 'by using Richard's New Compound (hlifaking.) Wholesale andffetai At LENIDEP,GEIPS. N LUNAR. OILI LUNAR OIL! LAMAR OIL! ! Do you really want a brilliant, safe amiebean light.— If su, burn the Lunar Oil in the Lunar Oil Lamp. For sale only at LEMBEROER'S. Pure 01110 CATAWBA. BRANDY, a geottine article, For Sale at LBAIBERECiPS. Anything you want that is kept in a welt COndifdal First•Cluss Drug Store, ran be furnished you by LE)11113110ER, Chemist and Apothecary , AKZ - - Special attention giren to ?IYs:clAa ' e PireaacinP Tina's and Dania ItEcEIPTS, and all medicine di penned warranted pare, always as good as con be abtnhatd any where, and sold to suit the times, by JOS. L. LEMBERG= Dr,eoWisi', CHEMIST AHD APOTHECARY', rebrUnrE f 4, Md.) _Market Street, Lebanon. . i t TT — Otbbß. HEAT — WS DOOK VIAV -1.; 4 • iv „4, / ' • els and greal discoveries of the ,kapan era and East bull a Illodicines, with full trireetions for the certain cure of Consumption. itr-fiehitis. Coughs, Colds. (latent. Asthma. Eever4. Heart Disease, &fait. la. Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, ftrlt4l and Uri. nary Deposits, Female Complaints, te. Illustrated with IntildredS or elfitillestes of cures and engravings. For the purpose, of resetting as many Puttering fellow beings as pOssible from prenucttre death, it will bo sent to tuts part of the continent, by sending d 5 cents to DR. IIEATIT, Droadwi New Yok City. Said by Dr. George noes, Lebanon ty ; , Dr. S. Sr Stevene, Reading; Christian Miller, Millersburg; C. K. Keller, Harrisburg ;'John &Heitman, Hamburg, J. G. Brown, Pottsville. Oct. a, 12359.-1 V. Truss! Braces! Supporters! 10:11. NEEDLES, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Baca Streets, PIIILADELPITIA. P RACTICAL Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and chanical Remedies. Has constantly on band* large Stock of Genuine Fre,cb Crusses, also a. complete assort - meet of the best American, including the celebrated White Patent Lever Truss,, believed by the best authori ties to be superior to any yet. invented. English and American Supporters and Belts , Shoulder Braces, Sus pensory Bandages, Self .Tuicetitv , ' Syringes, adapted to Lath sexes, in neat portable eases, Froush Pessaries, Uri nal Bags, &e. Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt at. tention. f Ana 31.1859.-11 y. CEN&Meitr o , si t a tt° ,-Aft ff t • DETERSIVE SOAP PHtLADELPIUp' This Celebrated Washing Soap, is now in market for snore than a year, and that it has giron universal satisfaction Is evident from the fact, the the nanufac• turers of it, iu order to simply the demand have been obliged to increase their capae. ity to make equal to Oneifundred Tholl4f. and Pounds per Week. It Is decidedly the best and cheapest Soap ever made in this Country ; One Pound of It wilt go as far, for any use, as Three of the - Common Soap In general use. It Is made upon a new principle, of the best materials,and known only to VAN IiAAORN & C. KRONE. It does away entirely with the wand-boar-!--NareB the noceerity of boll. big the clothes, it duos not shrink Plan. nobs, REMOVES CREASE, INK OR PAIT SPOTS perfectly, and from the most delicate fabric, 'Jayne fully one-half the time and labor usually spent to do the washing. lt is warranted freetront SAL SODA, or other injuriena alkalis, and guaranteed not to rot or injure the clothes, For Sale by all respectable Cirocere end Wholesale by TAAIN & ItieIENONE, No. 22 and 24 South Wharves Ihuutaa,rura CAUTION. There being several Imitation brands of Detersive Soap in market. the public are notifitlithat none Is genuine except VAN EIAAOHN & McKEONE is Stamped upon each Dar of the Soap; as well as the Boxes, 'Nov. 2 ,15b9.-3m.' . ' iIYSICIAM. VI-81114V; Lists; for Isl3o, PJ tre WALTZ ICEDELS. , • y r - s Sarsa a i, ortztf par- A duce remedy, in a we have r ed duce the meet, effectual alterative that can bo It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater altera tive power7aa to airo . 4 an effective antidote for the die eases Seivaparilla fdpitted to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanteceity those whopsufftwfrore StrumouscompluittWgiud that one which will accede. plish their dine must prove of immense service to this large class of our -Afflicted fellow-citizens. How com pletely this compound will do-ithas; been proven by ex periment on many ofithe wortt,ceris toilt ',found of the following ComplaintS SCROFULA _van - Sciterecons CCUPLAINTV, ETTITIIO.III Kamerzys. Insgssts, UtOr.ad, I73UPLFS, 111,0tcuEs, SALT RIDATM, SCAT.DJIYAD, STPffILLI AND SITITILITIG AFFECTIONS, MalecDßlAt his_c*Sc, PROPS; NEElt , tiAls Or- Ttc DOULOWIFAIX, DITBILITT,,DYSPEPSIA AND INDITTESTIIT:4, DITEIPELAS, ItOSIT ODA?: Ateritottra - FMB, and , indetsl the whole class of complaints arising from INPITRITT or THE lILOOD. This compound will he Toitndgreatpromoter of health, when taken in the cutt i ng, r 'tncxpelghe foul tau nters whleli fester in dm at that ,sili t stin,Of the year. By the timely expulsion of them - many rankling 'dfsorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes TTeli, by the aid of this re3nedy. spare theansolies;ertin 'the on durance or foul eruptions and ukerons sotits,.:thihugh wltieb the system will strive to rid itself of oarroPtiens, if not assisted to do this through the natural Channels q: the bLdy Ivan alterative unalicine. Cleans .otit the vitiated blood whenever you Sind its impurities, burst ing through the Skin in pimples, emotions, or 'sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is find. and your feel, Inge will tell you when: Ev'en where no partlebler dis orer is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer for cleaning the Mood. Keep the blood healthy. cud all IS well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no histing health. Sooner or biter something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is dis ordered or overthrown. • Es.netparilia has: and deserV:ls much, the reputation' of accomplishing these' ends.. But the world' has • been egregiously deceived ay preparations of it, partly be cause the drug alone has not all the virtue that is, claim ed for it, but snore because Many preparations, pretend ing to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little virtue of Sarsaparilla, or anything else. ' Bering late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to 'give a quart of extract of Sarsaparilla for one df these have been frauds upon the sick, for 'they not thry Coilmin little, if any, Sarsaparilla, MitOtten no curative properties what ever. "knee, 'bider and painful disappointment has followed'the liiBC or the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become syboaymous with impositiun and cheat, ? Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend. to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from' e load of obliquy, wlaieb rests upon it, we'tlilule we have ground for believing it has vir tues ?which are irresistible by the ordinary run of ?the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradiction from the system. theremedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bot tle; THAUTIC PILL le a gen ' which the proprietor has than twenty years. • flematel from those who eedt...o 'Attar:v.oon which their, 11FC, induced me tO reach of all. that different cathartics of the bowels, TIiART-IC PILL this well established fact. variety of the purest lege idilee' on every part of the 000 D, and safe instil (mini needed, such as DE STO3IACII, S'L E E I? I BA= :AND LOINS, AND SORENESS OVER from sudden cold, which end in a I ng course of Fe- TITE, n CREEPING SEN TILE BODY, RESTLESS WEIO lIT IN TILE 'LEAD DISEASE; WORMS in RHEUMATISM, a grant and mauy.disease to which to mention in thin Over- r s Cherry- Pecto4 eifyie NAL, has iron fel itself such arenown forthe cure of 11Y; cry variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is en tirely unnecessary for us to recount ilia evidence of its Azimut, wherever it has boon employed. As it line long been hi constant use throughout this section, wo need not do more than assure the people it: quality is kept up to the best it ever bus been, and that It may be retiedou to do for their rell^f all it Las ever been foUnd to do_ dyer's Cathartic Pills von var. ecnr. eV CoSticeness, vratendice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Ibut ,Tosutch, Erysipelas, Headache, .Pdes, Rheumatism, Eruptions anti Shan Diseases, Lever. Complaint,.,Dropv. Atter, -Tumors and Salt Rheum, ifbrmit, Gout. ..Noma/gm, OS a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Mood. They are sn*r-coated, so that the Most sensitive can take them pTealtratly, and they are the best aperient in the world airlift the purposes of a family physic, Price 25 cibide per Box; rive boxes for `sl.oo. Great iteniber. of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, Imre lent their names to certi fy the unparalleled usefulness of these rentedies, butour space hero will not permit the insertion of them, The AgMite berme 'named furnish gratis Our .ionneteJor - Arms.- :JAC in which they are given .1 with also full 'description t of the chore comphants, and the tree tment that slaktid. be .f dlowed for their cure. Do not be pot of brunprincipled denim with other preparations they make more profi en. Demand kratt's, enti take uo others. Tho sick want the bent aid there is for them, and they should have it. AU our Remedies are for sole by J. L. lomberger and b. S. Bober. Lebanon ; .T. A. Tim - par, B. flaunver: E. K. Ifornifig, Ono; If. %D. Delver .t liro., Annrille; Bowman & Son, Oluipbelktown; M. It. nettle, Itiyoretown; and by alt druggiet April STOMACH BITTERS. • The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with 'perfect confidence to physicians and eitiZt nt. generally, of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak 'more powerfully than volutes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last-year amounted, tooter a half million bottles, and from -its manifest steady increase in times past, it- is.etident that during the coming year the cmnsompiimi`will reach near one million hot Iles. This immenseammint couhl never have been sold but for the•rare medicinal properties contained in the:prepara tion, and the sanction• of the most,,promittent physicians in 'those sections of- the country where the article is best known, who - not only recommend the:Bitters to their patients, but arc ready at all times to give -testimonials to ice ellieney in all 'case's of stone:chic derfingentents and the disentieztrosulting therefrom. • This is riot a temporary popularity, obtained by 'extraordinary efforts in the way of =tram- Feting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation or an immluable metlieine;whiCh ie destined to , be as enduring as time itself. llosititter's Stomach bitters have proved Qtalltend to regions - where fever and ague and 'carious other bilious complaintS have counted their victims by hundreds. To be ewe to estate continently that, the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like fliseases, is to the proprietors n source of un tilloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter front the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that lone 'anti energy indisPensalle for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, tuiltlty but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it. is plea.stutt to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of theusauds of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit. of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs .and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when Cares are so harassing that many of the* sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially it' she be young, is - tipt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety far her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer amok' tile wear of body and mind is generally aggravatetl.-u ere , then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the systetn, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhaueling trials and responsibilities. Nursing 'mothers` gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other: invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom We have particu larly referred above; to wit ettliiiers 'front fever and ape, caused by malaria, diarrlicea, dysentery, indigestion ' , loss of appetite,. and all 'diseases or deiangements of the stomach, superannuated invalide,-pereons of sedentary occupation, and' nuriing mothere, will consult their own physical.welfare by giving toaitte tatter's Celebrated Stomach. Bitters tt trial.: CAUTION.--We caution the public /mai l * using any of the many imitations or-counter, felts,' but ask for Horrerrea's Ceitenatirxen STOMACH BITTERS; and see that eselibtoftle has the words "Dr. J. Hostet ter's. Stotitech-Bitieits" blown on the side of the bottle, ancretamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, - end , observe that our autograph signature' • la ontthe label. • ay. Prepared and Bold by:ILOSTETTNE, & Pitteburgh.• Pa., and - mild hp nil druggists. grocers. and dealers generally ries', throughout the Unitett &oho% South Am , - MY! uy Dr. Geo. Ran t il $ Rab gr, Leattilarger, Lats. Aetaille ; Va son; C."-Selleser;Frederielcsimrg ;It r-de Early, Paberre D. Dideet4Dro; PREPARED RIC DR. J. C. AYER &lc CO. LOWEL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles for $5 HOSTETTER'S