elf Cotner. A CUTE YANKEE. Th• Knickerbocker -for July, con tains the following new 'version of an old story. It is well worked up, how aver • From somewhere in the far north, •where morals and piety are said most to abound, to this land of the "orange and myrtle" came, some years since, a Mr.-Thompson. Ile was a fine spec'. men of the Yankee—indwatrious, curi• -OLDS, wiry, pious, and particularly prid• •ing himself on being sharp. In fact,so ••well he "laid his time," -in - •a few years be had well "feathered. - his - nest ;" and %wpm. at the time our tale commences, the Owner tiPland and slaves. A short time aince,oteptherNankee came to Thaw. son* neighbOrhood ; one Crawford, wbo cons fined the callingof clock ped• tiler 'with school keeping. These wor thios were soon toge th er; and no soon er together than true to their instincts, the, were driving a trade. Thompson contracted- to board Crawford (or one year, at the rate of ten dollars per '-month: TA's Crawford's -- caltink - would 'compel him --to be absent much of his -time, it was stipulated in the agreement that a credit of tweety-five cents should be allowed him for each 'meal taken c•ltorne during the year. At the end of the sear Thompson rendered his account to Crawford thus:— Mr. Crawford to Thompson, Dr. fro 1 year's board, $ l2O 00 Requesting an early settlement. Crawford received the bill, "tank the 'matter underadvisement," as our Judge, old Ki Rogers, slways -says, when he has determiliedlo give 'judgment con- Vary - to'the law and evidence; and :he next.day handed Thompson the follow. int account Cu: rent : Mr. Thompson to Crawford. Dr. To 000 meals from home, 25 ctp., $125 00 By board, 1 yr. 120 tat To balance due, $5 00 Prompt ti . tryinent of the above small balance is-respectfully solicited. After some delay, -.settlement was made to the everlasting disgust of Thompson who made up his wind to leave at once for Yankee land, in order to recuperate ilia failing intellectual powers. .A PL E ASANT ITEM FOR LOVERS OF CHAMPAGNE. An American travelei ill the streets of Raris, seeing , the -voids, "Wine baths given here," exclaimed : "Well! these French are a luxurious people."' Then, with true Yankee cu riosity, and the feuling that he could of 'ford whatercr-any one else did, walked in, and demanded a "wine. bath." Feeling. wonderfully refreshed after •it, and having to pay but five francs, he •asked,intioine astonishment, how a wine `bath,nould -he afforded so cheaply. His sable attendant, who had been a slave in :Virginia, and enjoyed a siy bit -of hu mor, replied: "Oh mesas, we jest pass it Along into anudder room, were we gib baths at .four francs." - "Then -you throw it away,l suppose." "No, mass; den we send it lower -down, and charge three francs u bath. Dar's plenty of people who aint so ve• ry particular, who will bathe in it after this, at two frances a head. - Den tnassa, we let de common people have it al a franc a piece." "Then, of course, you throw it away," exclaimed the traveler, who thought this -was going even beyond Yankee profit. ".No, indeedonassa, was the indig nant loply, accompanied by a profound bow : "nu, indeed, maaia,we are noteo 'stravagant as 'det come to.; we truffles ivup, den, and send it to 'Merica for Champagne." Oz "What are you digging there fOr 3". 4 'l arn "digging for money ! ' The news flew—the idlers collected. We are told you are digging for money 1" “WaII, I ain't diggin' for anything aloe.” "Have you had any luck 7" "First rate luck! pays Well; you had better take hold." All &Zed their coats, and laid hold 'meek vigorously for awhile. After throwing out some eartloade, the goes. Clot) arose : "When did you get any money last?" "Saturday night.". "Why, how mtiCh . did you get 1" "'Four dollars and a half." "Why that's rather small!" "It's pretty well ; 'Edit shillings n day Is the regular price for digging cellars, ■ll over the town." The spades dropped and the loafers vanished.. fizarrr Powatt. r -Spurgeen has well said that man's force in the world, .nth. .er things being equal, is just in the ra. tio of the force and strength of his heart. A.fuil hearted man is always a powerful man; if he be erroneous, then he:is,powerful for error; if the thing is in'hil heart, he is sure to make it not°. sinus, even though it may be a down. right falsehood. Let a man b'e ever so - ignorant, stilt if his heart be full of love to a cause, he .becomes a powerful man for that object, because he has heart power, heart' force. A man may be de. icient in many of the advantages of ed. uSatiou, is many of those niceties which are so much looked upon in society; but once give him a - strong heart, that beSts• bald; and 'there is no mistake - 'abbot-hie-Power: Let him have a heart that right: full up to the brim- for an oblee!„and . tbittnap will do the thi ng , die gloriously defeated, ' glory i n ir his defeat, /h art is words,".said aman to a fellow who ,was blustering away i n a toweringwiapion, at another, "They -- won't weigh much if he does,""said the antagonist, cooly. " frI.A clergyman iii Erie county, Pa., recently married a you4'Orn - Whe.was underage, of which feet she T immer was jriorarit. Afterwrirdwae fag her of the . young: glen cerpet;d9A3Vitever- OMB - to pai $B6 Of prosecu• - lEEE GR./EFF'S Boot ir Shoe Store licirnos'ed• New Spring and Summer Stock! !PM Cindereigned would respectfully inform the public . 1 that he has REMOVED hie BOOT and SEIOE STORE to the room" latelroccupled by John &Gera Cvnfection, ery store, where lee liss'opened a beautiful stock of Spring - attir - Slimmer.Boots and Shoes, for Ladlee, GentleineniuldOleildren, nij..llls assortment is Tory complete, and embraced nll the latest stylus, which he can sell out at low prices. The public will please call and examine. DANIEL GRIER?. -N. B.—TRAVELERS, now Is your time It you wish to see a large assortment of Trunks, Valise+, and different kinds of Bags. Come one, come all! Lebanon. April Look to Tow isitcrests. Come one .1 Come all ! see and judge for yourselv es. TOWN O.ASSEit respectfully invites the citizens of Ls Lebanon county to cull at big new BOOT, SHOE end HAT :gore. in Walnut street, bctwceu Carnisny's and Bomberger's Hotels, where bit has opened a splen did new Spring and Summer stock of floats and Shoos for Gentlemen; also Hats & Caps for .lea and Boys. He takes orders forltootraud Shoo, auil makes them at short notice out of the best material, and will war rant thorn to give perfect satisfaction. lie is determined to sell Tory low for Cull or four months' credit; LieLmuon, April 20, lUD. F. FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE IVIARED. d - AN Cumberland Street. one door Beet of. Wale Black Home lintel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me the short time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit continuance of the patronage Of the public. He hes at all times, an meortment of ttOOTS and SHOD of his own manufacture on Mud, mind) Will be dii•posod of on reneonablo terms. FINE 800T5,.: LADIES' GAITEBS, 6co. . 'Those deeiritist a neat, well made article, are invited to - girione Childress' Shoes of every variety and Celor on hand. Illeavy work made to order. All v7ofk , searriinted. Repairing neatly done and Margo made moderate:. Lebanon, Sept. 15, Isso. NEW ,STOpICVF,,FALL WINTER ts 800, Shooi, HitAtt, - Calis;'&.e. undenligned liag returned from the Best, and has opened at his More, on Walnut stroot, a niunSfi eon:tato& of ..... . . i a 1 BOOTS,4I , OIL.TA E iG 4A,7, ec TßuNics; 1 1 embradog,the moot complete aseertment ever : - offered to the cabs:nein - Public, for I adies, Gen tiernon and Children. Ilia assortment for the !' adietFin. I - eludes the lateet styles of Shoes, and a. new Vitae of i'Oum Boots, elegantly adapted to the coming season.- 1 For the Gentlemen he has the latest style Hats, of all 1 -qualities, and at low prices , and Boots, ec.. of the lab ; est fashions. For Boys and Men ha has a great assort ment of Caps. of the latest styles. A great assortment of Gum Boots and Shone of all kinds. Be sure to call and examine this stuck before purchasing elsewhere. 4ap- Mr. Bowman has removed his Boot and Shea Store to the corner of the alley, oppesite tho Jail, a fen. doors south of his late location, in theCourierbuilding. SOS. BOWMAN. IFAL. Measures taken and work made to order. = _ October 12,1859. ; 1 . Boot and Show Store. JACOB EGIDEL respectfully in forms the public that he still eontin , ues his extensive establishment in alb 001111 his new building. in Cumberland ft., where he hopes .to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom. lle invites Alerehants and dealers in BOOTS and SHOES, and every one Min wishes to purchase fashionable and durable articles in his line. to call and extunine for themselves. his large and varied stock. Ho is determined - to "surpass all competition in the manufacture of ovary article in his business, suitable for any blarket'in the Union. A.dne care is taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none but the best quell -Ey al LEATHER and other materials are tied, and none tint:the best workmen are et*loyed: . . returns his i•ince - re thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage 'heretofore bestowed on him. lie hopes by strict, attentionlo busi nen evil endeavoring to please his customers, to Merit a share of public pat ronage. [Lebanon. beb.l7, '5B. CEO. L. JNO. T. AMES -116. & Urn. • ' HAVING united in the BOOT and SHOE hest:fess, and from their determination to " be punctual. acid make , disti " none but the best of lihkoa. work, they feellike see Halting a large of pub lic patronage. They will alwasi be .otind at their OLD STAND, 'Naw BuiLOrNo,) in Market Street. /warty opposite Raton , Riser 'Md. where they will bo ready to serve and please their enatomers. They have now an band a largo assortment of BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS. CARPET BAGS, &e.. which Clay . offer at reduced pricoa, fa- Persons Minting at this SHOE STOItE, can be suited with REA DY-11A.DE WORK. or-have-it made to order. ,Satitfaction is always tuarratittel. ?articular attention given to the lIBPAIBING Boots and Shoes. [Lebanon, April 2U, 1.859. WY' Fa shionabici Tailoring; MTICHAEL HOFFMAN would respectfully inform the Citizens of 'Lebanon, that ho has RI:MOVED his TAILORING Rutiness Ito CuMberiabil Street, taro doors East of Pfleger's Store. and opposite theVlulhing ton House, where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and best manlier, are in vited to call. He has lately received the New York, Phil adelphia, Perla and London reports of Spring and Summer Fashions, and as he has none but the best workmen employed, he guarantees that all work entrusted to him will be done in a satisfactory manner. imWith his thanks to his old customers for their pat rona-a heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor. • TO TAILORS TAILORS I—Just received and for sale the N. York and Philadelphia Report' of Springs Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the 'Fashions should let'the subscriber know of the fact; so that he can make his arrangements accordingly: 311.C1LeEL HOFFMAN Lebanon, .101117,1859. EM E=MI T 311C31C. 40110111EIL 03 , Would:inform the citizen; of Lebanon and its vicinity. that he has opened a new Tamoluxn ES " tablisbment a few deers north of B. TIME,, and opposite the Lebanon Bank, where ho is prepared by his experience to make up all gar ments entrusted to him in ,a neat and fashionable Man ner. He hopes by ohm attention oe busineta, and a do. sire to please tconterit a share of public patrona4a Lebanon . Oct.'l2, 1859. mercha 'fai loriug. . : IMMOVAL. Q S. RAMSEY has removed to the first door south S . from Ileurid; Stinn's Stote,.and opposite the En gleflotel, where he will keep an assortment of Melts, Cassameres, nod Vesting& Also ready made clothing mid furnishing goads such as Shirts. floes.. Gloves. llandker. chiefs, Erakties, km, of whivli will be sold as cheap as at any other establishment in Lebanou. CUSTOMER WOIZIi attended to promptly. end good fits guaranteed. S. S. RAMSA Lebanon, April l t. 1859. Fautionable Tai l'rrftts. PILE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and 1 the public in general, that he has commenced the TAILORINCI'BUSINESE in all its branches, at his resi dence, in East Lebanon, (Cumberland Street,) 2 squares east from Major Mayer's lintel. (south side.) By atten tion to business. promptness in his engagements, good fits, and moderate charges, he hopes to receive a slaws of the public patronage, lie was a long time in,the em ploy of Michml Wagner, ilec'd., and feels 'confident at giving general satisfaction. Being a new 'beginner lie solicits the patronage of the Public. Lebanon...my 1 . 2,1858. GEOItOE McCAMLLY. 'teach , Made Clothing : A Splendid assortment of Summer Clothing. Coats /1 Tests, Pants. and every thing elite for a pleasant SUMMEItSUIT, just opened and now the exhibitioh and sale, at the large Clothing Emporium. Centre Buildings. J. M. P, ABER of the firms Of Reber & Bro's has just returned front the city with a large and well selected as sortment of CLOTHING. They are sold at reduced prices to suit the th es. Also a variety of Home Made Clothing. Somethingfor every body. Cell at - • RAEER & BRO'S, Sd Story. •Lebtumn,.Jurlis 11339. - ! • • , olitouries-Merelintif TailorE ing EstrablUshment, • (LATE OF IA NOASTERJ lAzrr door to HENRY e STINE'S: STS , Cuittbor land street, Lebanon. Pa. / would respectfully announce to the citizens or Leh linen, and surrounding .vicinity, that -I have eeeived and opened, a NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF FRENCH CLOTHS, BEACK.DOE sgINS, _Fumy Cassi mares. Silk and Marseiles Vesting's, goods for Fashiona ble business Coats, sc., se- of the latest importations, all of which will be minis toorder at the shortest notice, and prices to suit the times.. _From the void which has been here. of a thorough practical tailor, I f4el satisfied through my long;experience irthusiness, Artistic skill, and well knoWn reputation as a Scientific Cutter. that I ran compete with the first Merchitnt Tailoring estab lishments in the cities of New York and Philadelphia. Trusting to the intelligence of a discerning public, and a Strict attention to business; F. hope to meet with success. OTOURX. March .nt Tailor. Don't forgot the Place next to Henry a Stine's S ore, Cumberland street. Lebanon: April 0,1859. 1-549 Ni W STYL ES.IBS9 A D. 431 RISE, in Cumberland Street; between Harter, and the Court Douse, north side. has A now on band a splendid assortment of the Now Style of HATS A-ND CAPS, for men and boys, for 1558, to which the attention of the public is respectfully Wel led. Hate of all prices, from the cheapest to thesmost cosily. always on hand. tweets° justapenal a (mien did assortment-of SILMALED EATS:. embra cin g ' and ' as STRAW, 'PANAMA, 'PEDAL, PRAM, 11011N“,EG genzi, SINATE, CUDIAN_ and all others. VED.-Ide will also Wholesale all kinds of Ifate, Caps, Ac., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon. April 21, 1858. • GREAT BARGAINS -- AT NO 4, EAGLE BUILDINGS. taps, Ate., 911 RE undersigned, having purchased the entire i a Steck of MATS. CAPS, A., • • • of Jean; G. MILER, at Sheriff's Sale will now dispose of the twine at Great Bargains, in order to chili° out the concern, JA.DOB a. MILLER, former Owner, having been ap pointed the Agent of the Undersigned. wilt attend to builima for thew. - ANDREW GAIUUiTT, 514,1144' 11144 THE LEBAAON ADVERTISER.---A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. FOUNDRIES, MACHINE SHOPS,&c. WEIMER aIf•ICIII.VE WORKS, Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. R. Depot, Leb anon, Lebanon county, Pe. WM. dt P. L. W EIMER, Propri etors. manufachire Steam Engines from +9lTiffil 1 to 300 horse power, of the latest styles "- and patter*: With alt the modern im prov omen is. Also, Ripener Portable En gines (with Link-Motion ValveGuar) mounted on whorls, for Saw Mills, Wood sawing and Heisting purposes. Par ticular attention is called to our small Upright Engines for Printers, Druggists and persons wanting a small amount of Power. They take ups very small spats), and can be put upitia room .as a household fixture. ALSO. Blowing Engines and Machinery for Anthracite ttuad-other-Blast-Furnacas—of impreved construction Forge Ifit turners, of P. L: Weiner'st Patents; Rolling Mill, Sawing. Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining Pumps. Relating Machinery for Mines and Stone QUM'. ries, Itailroad 'Cars. Iron Bridges, Shafting. flangers, ifulleys,Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing Machines, Brass Stop Cocks. Valves andtrass Fixtures. G lithe Steam Valves anti sizes, and Machinery and Castings of every description. ALSO, Boilers at tiny size, form and weight. made of the best material by well known and experienced work men ; Smoke Stacks. Water Tanks, Gas Flues. heaters, and Sheet Iruti Work of every description.. [Our Boiler sheets are all tested by dividing them into squares of 2 inches and hammering each Square; any imperfection is thus detected, and the faulty sheet rejected; Weis prac tised in very few shops in this country.] ALSO, a stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, gas and water. with all the necessary fixtures, constantly on hand, and put up at the shortest notice and on most rea sonable terms. Iron, Brass. and Qom position. metal Cast -iugs.made.to order,at.tho shortest notice__ _ REPAIRING ,attended to with promptness and de, spatch. A gang of Boiler Makers' always ready for BM ler repairs; BLACKSMITH WORiZ ramie to od or. ,eit-Orders respectfully solicited. All continunictitions by mail or otkercitte,. attended to 'With despatclt,'and work delivered to railroad, or canal, free Of, charge. WIT. tvglitgn. . P. L. WZIMItit. ,Lebanon, Feb'y 4, 1.668,. ELL; Ji.g . 14) . 11.6A.CG E.... 1 0 11 N a. GAH E.: L.....TAC,0i1,e,t BBL Door and Sash Ma nitifa (Awry. z;)catea aah - chand Street, East Lebanon. 111 E undersigned respectfully in- Io th tilin le. I general, that they have r added largely to their former estab ribrrw* lishment. and also have all kinits of the latest and bestimprosed MACIIINURY in the State in full , operation, such as - - WOOD-WORTH'S FLOORING, for conducting the general business for Planing, Scrolls, Btiiking„ and the experience acquired by E. LONOICRE and J. G. GAM. during their connection with the Door, Sash and Lumber Trade, for a number of years past, affords full as surance of their ability, in connection ,with J. OAD:EL, to select stock suitable to the wants of the Door and Sash business in this State. 'they noir offer to Mechanics and Farmers generally, open favorable terms, a judiciously assorted stock of MORS. SASH, &c., from the best Lumber manufactories In the State, feeling confident that their assortment Is not to be excelled by any other establishment in the State in regard to exactness in size, quality or !Misb r and is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all those who may favor ths undersigned with their custom. The following fiat comprises the leading articles of stock on laud Doors, of all Si4e9; Swill ' of all sizes; Door Frames, Jar brick and Architrayos; • from,. houses ; . . Casings, from 3to 6 in.; Window Frames, for brick Surbase; and frame houses; Shutters, of all sizes; All kinds of Mouldings; Blinds. of all sizes; 0.11. Spring, Moulding', (gall sizes; Wash-boards. CABEL P. S—Planinp, Sawing, dc., primiritly donn for those furnishing the Lumber. • [Lehtmon, July 15.'57. LEBANON COUNTY STEAM FLAMING MILL. 17m5 ,... BOAS, GASSER Ft'GETTLE t ' l r o is n h C tr o p u i t n l t il, 7, l a il a t t i lli k i:r u O s n t ni e nTC ? o f uti b eZ that they are still in ftill . bperation, and prmuired to do all hinds of CARPtNnh ATORKBYMACITINERY They have all the LATEST. IMPROVED .31 ACM, NEFtY. and feel confident that they eon rompeto with any other in the State, as regards 0000 WORK. They em ploy none. but th beet.worirmen, and work none but the best and well seasoned Lumber. Their stock of work lo always open for ixtitnination by Carpenters and Builders, as consists of Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window Doors - Frames, Casin r, . Wash Boards, Mouldings, Flooring Boards, Weather Boards, Sidings, 4:e. c. Also, SAWING AND SLITTING done lo order. 'also, Hand Rai ,for continued Stairs, fur making which they have a man constantly employed: 'll4 - r They have also erected a TURNING LATHE, in addition to their other business, and have employed Mr. Dickinson, of the City of Philadelphia, to do their Turning. itlr • Dickinson is one ot the best Turners in the State, ilia. Cabinet Makers will do well to call anti examine their stock before purchasing elkwhere; as they always keep on hand, Bedstead Pasta., Table Legs, Stair Baattister, -.Velvet Pasts, anti everythingdise belonging to the Turnutg Business, which they will sell at Philadelphia prises. ea. TUBS II% WORK done to order, as well as always on hand. a. Their Shop trill be found on PINEGROVZ ROAD, between Cumberland Street and Major's Foundry. Lebanon, M arch .16, 1859. asiller, I,Hk - to VO'uf Interest, A. Major & Mr* . WOUblicall theattlention dr the Fann pp' era of this - and adjoining: Cookies and their friends in general, to the thet. that they have opened their AGMCULT- U - 1 1 ,4,' RAL STORE, on Pinegrove street, near their Foul dry -e Machine shops-in the borough of Leh -anon,..Pm, *here we ran truly. tay ' that we have the Largest and Bea; Assortment of FARMING IMPLE MENTS weer offered to the fainters of thee community. As we have had along experience in the Manufacturing of Machinery. we have Made it our object to select the best atal most durable Machines, and all that we oiler for sale we can say that there is `nu other in use that can surpass theta. We hair the 1011tAving Machines that we can recommend to our farmers, viz:— thntbinal Reaper and Mower, With WOOD'S ImproVentents; Dorsey-'s Combined Rak er, Reaper & sower. Railway - Morse Powersand Thresh me. four horse lever Powers & Threshers, 'Morgans Pat ent Independent Steel Wire Tooth Horse RAKE, Mum ma's Patent Fodder, Straw and limy. ()Matt, Cast Iron Sell Rollers, Grain Fans and Drills. Hay Elevators. Clo ver-hullers. Cornshellers, by hand or Fuser, Corn Plough and .Planters, Cultivators, &c., with a variety of the beet PLOUGHS in. use. All kinds of Forks. Rakes, Shovels. Spades, Hoes, grass and grabs Scythes, grain Craitels Bushel end Peek Measures, &c., &e., &c. Farm ere will bear in mind that they will find it to their. ad vantage to buy their Machines at-home, as all arc liable to brake or got tout of order, .and if they have been bought from a traveling agent they Will have trouble to get them mended. flow are they to hefted or the brok en pieces replaceil. and particularly -a Reaper which, by breaking in the midst of your llarVest may deprive you of -the. use of it ror seven days, _whilst had it been. bought at home it would have been ready for me again in a few hours, as we have the patterns for all the Ma chines that AM 01, and keep a good stock of ex! ras on band, so that you cannot come amiss. We would invite our friends and all others to give us a call before Pur chasing elsewhere, as ;our aim is to Aimee and he pleas ed. Atso CASTINGS of all kinds mato to order and at abort notice. ENGINES, Mill Gearing, Shafting, we :Manufacture and repair _Steam Engiftes, Shaftiugs, 'Circular Saws, Lathes fur wood turners, 6:c. Itkll'AlltlNG all kind.; of Machinery attended to with 'dispatch. A dilrea;. A. MAJOR .k 1111.0. Lebanon. May 25. 1859: ,LEMBERGER'S CIO filetOrYs 1 IRANE:FM. for past favors, the undersigned respect. fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry on his Alanutiv-tory in East Hanover township, Lebanon cokusty, on as extensive a stale, as ever. It is unnecessa ry for him to say more, than that the *Ott will be done in the same EXCELLENT _STYLE, which has made his work and name so well known in the surrounding coon. try.. lid Iktonagas too the work in the shortest possi hle Lime.zallili manufactory 411 eamplefe:drder.,aild be flatters himself to be able to render the samesatisfaction as heretofore. lit manufactures ifiroon*erno Cloths, Ctissinette Iltaltkets, White and other Flannels, in the be!st manner. also cards Wool and makes BMW.. For the cense ntence of Ids Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at the following places-At the stores of George & Seellenberger, Loeser Brothers, George Beinceld, nail et the new Drug Store of Guilford dz Lemberger, near the Market House, in the borough of Lebanon; at the store of Shirk & Miller, in North Lebanon; at S. Gosh ert's. Bethel township; at the public hOllBO of William Barna- Fredericksburg; at the store of S. E. Bickel, In Jonestown; at the store of George Weldnum, Bellevue; at the store of ;Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of Gabriel Wolfersberger, New Market Forge; at the Store of Mlchiel Shirk, East Hanover, Dauphin county ; at the stores of George Miler and David M. Itank,.klast Hatio ver Lebanon county. All materials will be taken away regularly, front the above places, finished without, delay, and returned again. These of his customers_ who wish Stocking Wool card ed dyed and mixed, can leave the same, white, at the above ntentioned places, with directions how they wish it - prepsred. Or" his customers can order the Stocking Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the undersigned, which will be,tioue and left at the desired places. N. a. It is desired that those having Wool carded, will pay the Cash therefor, at the above named playa. _ _ LYON LEMBEIIGER East Hanover, Lebanon county, May 12,155 R. New Coach-making Establishment. The undersigned' respectfully ;.; informs the public that be hne - again sonimenceitthe COACII MAR, INS B_USLI.I.EIig, in_ the Boroughof beta - mon, on the Pluegroyn Mid, near Major's Agricultural Wareroorn. Ile will keep on hand. or make to order, Carriages, and all kinds' f runfing vehicles. attended to promptly. Alia old friends and the publicbre-nespest fully invited to givk him it call. RiBTENDAT, Agent. Lebanon, April 6,1868.-6 m. BACK TO TUB OLD PLACBI IG•IGER. LINGER. lIMENRY HARTAN, the well-known Brewer, has removed his LAGER ]SEER SALOON to the large and bandsome three story house of Mr. Arnold, in Com• berland street, west of the Plank Road. where he will be pleased' to see hitt old Mends and the putille4tesiemily. Limberger and Syeitzer Cheese, Hol lava Keying &c. wholesale Hia BEEN is ciyra,wo ner4 Brawary. - -- Ltbasba.,7aa: 1;16W-tir. - - - LEBANO.N HEM .111FHICA L . -- Trusses: Braces: Supporters. C. H. IinDLES, S. IT. Corner Twelfth and Race Streets, 1 , 11 ILA IMIN PRACTTCAL Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and me. chanical Remedies. llas constantly on hand a large Stock of genuine Fro, ch trusses. also a complete assort ment of the best Arnerintin,lucluding the celebrated White Patent Lever Truss; believed by the best aflame ties to be superior to any . yet invented. English and Ameriean Supporters and Belts. Shoulder Braces, Sus pensory Bandages, Self Injecting Syringes, adapted to both sexes., in matt portablecases French POSsaries, Uri nal Bags, &u, Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt at tention. [Aug 31.1559.—1 y. HOWARD A WtiOCIATION PIIILADELPII lA. A Benero/AC 7fistitittion established hy special Endow :Stott fOr 'the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Eirment Mid 'Epidemic Diseases. prim. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful victims of seek diseases a d n e d stA i r e tir c : i f ,t l i l D u n n s tma life, effused by Sexual diseas as, rected their Consulting- Surgeon, as a CHARITAELE ACT worthy of their name. to open a Dispensary fsr the F i r Q t a i l o ) u . zf i e: e tr o a d t i e . treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who ap ply by letter. with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, de..) anti in eases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINE S FE E el OF CHAEGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the ago, and will fin /fish the most approved modern treatment. • The Directors of the Atisociation, in their Annual Re port `upon the treatment of Sexual Disease. for the year ending January let, 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has ~ttended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrham. Sem- Med Weal/pees, Impotence. Gonorrhoea, Cleat, Syphilis, the vice'nf 011&13i 8 / 1 1 or Stifitbuse, &c., and order a con tinuance of the same plan:TM the ensuing . year. The Directors; on a review of the past,- feel assured that their labo:s in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of greathenat to the afflicted, 'especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very imporieut and gulch despised . . cause. .• An admirable Repoit 'oil 'Spermatorrhcei or , Sentinel Weakness._ the vice of °madam; Mastutbatio'n, tiegalf abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon. will be sent by mail (in a sealed en velopp,)'l' 'EE OF CI URGE, on 'receipt of T WO ST.A.M L'S for postage. Other Retorts and 'Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet, Etc., are constant ly being published for-gratuitous distribution, alid wilt be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remediefliind methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address, for Report or treatment Dr. GEOROE It. CAL HOUN, consulting Surgeon, Howard Association : No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ily order of the Directors. EZRA D iIEARTWELL, President. CEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretory Nov.lo, '5911y. 1111WIEN LAITBACiI I ANUFACTURER and DEALER' re. 'Abe very best M matte FURNITURE at his Cabinet Ware Moms, in Market Street, three doors north of the' Lebanon Valley Relit - Cad, on the west side. Ito has a' large 'assort inept of NEW STYLE SOFAS, JENNY 'LIND and other BEDSTEADS. EXTRINSION TAIILES. Cana-sea te d and Conunon CHAIRS. SETTEES, SEiF:DOCKING CRADLES, AC., Sc. Ile also offers for sale at very low prices an ext naive assortment of Lomax° Gt./tens and ticture Frames of Gilt, Mahogany and Rosewood. - As he manufactures the me-t of pia furni ture 'hi assif. he can sell much cheaper than Girlie who buy the ilemly;made. AU orders punctually attended to, and articles safely packed to any part of thecomitry. Ho also DRS on, hand all kinds of FANCY WOOD and Gilt MOULDING which he offers for sale. Remember I.AP RAMS NEW,IVIARE ROOMS, Market street, Leitanon. P. S.—Coffnis'Mkde anti funerals attended at the shortest notice. ; *tL.. Mr. = anbneh desires parties wife - purpose going to Philadelphia tnpurchase their Furniture, to call at Waretoones, and exastiao his stock, as he is confidant .thenis wake id better and will be sold cheaper than any that can be bought in the ciliea. lie has prepared himself to mnitufactUreqargely, and hopes to receive a home patronage.. : ' tebanoe October IZ=lll3=l== IT ARRISON IL. pfINWRE would respectfully. In. form the public Mkt he has removed his stand to Rauch's New Building, opposite Bowman's Hotel, Cum berland Street, where he will keep the largest. finest, and Cheapest. assortineatof FURNITURE ever offered in Lebanon, His'atiVk Onsists of all kinds d.f . Parlor and Common Furniture, which he will sell 'lower than the like can be bought, at any other place in Lebanon. ; He has on hand a larte assortment of Sofas. 4 Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Curd and other Ta bles, What Nets, Hat Racks, ac. Also a large and cheap stock of stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads and a lot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking nitt. Rosewood And Mahogany—very cheap. Venetian Blinds; Carriages; Gigs and Hobby Horses. for children. Ilt*.Particular attention paid to' UNDER TAKING. lie has provided himself with the FINEST ILEAItSII IN LEBANoN. and will make Coffins and attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reason able terms. Lebanon,, Mach 30, 1809. SAVIPIO - f"-U.N-D. CHARTERED BY THEBTATE OF PE:siNSYLYANIA itutEs. 1. Mdacy i received every day, and in any amount, large or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid fur money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always 'Paid back inGOLD, Whenever it is called for, and without nAtice. 4. Money is received from Ei'Ciatters. Quart/taw and others who desire to fn a place of perfect Peery, and at here interest ca Le OLDMI43Ihr it 5. The money received from depositors 18 invested in REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS. and such .011er...first class securities as. the Charter directs. 6. (Mae Ilonra--.Evory day from 9 till 6 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till S o'clock inthe evening,. Thus old and well established SAVING FUND has re ceived more than TEN MILLIONS of dollars from near ly thirty thousand depositors. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wiatast J. Run, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benue, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter,_Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridge, -Francis Lee, Sarni. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Mums, Henry Diffenderrfer. - OFFICE: Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third. Street. April 20, 1859. PHILADELPHIA. N °A.M. Lebanon rioneg TIRENOIrrir LEBANON MILL bas been remodeled' and is now"completed and in operation and prepar ed to furnish customers regularly with a very superior Article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be . obtained froth shy otir.r source.. They 3 450 keep ,consta`ritlY on-baud. •Ind for vale 'c nap SHORTS,.te• :;•odae.7llEn , They are also prepared to do all kinds of Cum/welts was; and respectfully invite all the former customers of the Mill, as well as new ones, to glee them ceciL They will pay the highest CASE market prices for all kinds of Grain, such as WHEAT, RYE:, CORN, OATS, &c., and afford all facilities and accommodations to those who will sell. N. Lebanon 80., Nov. 3,1858 FOR SALE . FLOUR, CORN. ",i BUR OATS. MIDDLINGS, SALT BY THB BAG at thOGeneFoo ikliß MYER a of BRAN, S & 91101 TR, Fab. 9, MM. • Lebanon, Pa WANTED. AT the Germane Mille, WHEAT,'. CORN, RYE, OATS, in the beftugh or Lebanon, In any quantity, for which the highest . Market prices will be paid in Cash, by' MYERS & MOM Feb. 3, NM . .. • WOod a-. WOOde - * 4., :...'• 17 . 1 . fr. undersigned are prepared to furnish Mos, illitOr OAK WOOD, to order. at any Piece in Leh. an'on. or North Lebanon Boroughs. Orders left at ~.. • their Mill will, be•promptly attends a.. - Lebanon, April 21,145. . IsiYERS.k . -SIMOR• WOOD and COAIL. - YA no. T TILE undersigned, having bought Hr. I Henry Spoon's Wood and Coal Yard, a short distance north-eruit 6131c:we. Foster - Akin:3l7 3lutch's Foundry, in the borough of North Lebanon; and also bought from 200 to 300 CORDS OP WOOD and from_ 600 'to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all kinds and grades, which L will sell *Atha yard or deliver at as small profits as will suit the times. I therefore in vite all these that are in *ant of any of those articles to call and see the amine; ascertain prices, and Judge for themselves. -DANIEL LigHT,imerchant.) North Lebanon,-Aprilll3BsB.-tt TUST RECEIVED a eilimriorPOßT WINE, vatir . . del 111110 Samoa Am LONDON FORTY:Ib . , allAWßit SIVIIDT; Old 011CDTWATCOltaPANIN •• ' isaIIPIAMEWIpIe asit Lk** Siam. (.1:14 t , age, .1-4.. a • DR. ILUNTEIN'S 1111 E Aidl. lil A N 111 A IL Being an origlithl 'and popular Treatise on MAN AND WOMAN: friffElß Physiology, Fithctibniand Sexual DlCOrders of • j_ very kind. with never failing :Itemidies for the speedy cure of diseasCs of aPrivate tu3ddelleate charac ter, iiieblent to the violation of tad Lairs of Nature and of Nature's God. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. N f The author of the above volume is - graduate, and • " . haring ilevoted,a quarter of vk' xr,; a century to the stndy and . .rime e- • treatment of Spyhilis and 4 42 ,, a ,„ kindred disorders as a spec -, "44W' tg),_bas become pos e - . 'peit - i'ed of most invaluable information in regard ta the • same. andis able to compress into vade mecum compase the very quintessence of med ical science on this important subject; as the result of the experience of the Mel, eminent physicians in Eu rope and America is thoronghly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of so cret diseases in - many thousands of cases in the city of Philadelphia alone. Testimony . of the Prof. of Obstretrics in Penn. College, Philadelphia. "Pa. Hutertit's Mmacm. fittxura." 'Tlfanther of this work, unlike the majority of those who advertise to cure the diseases of which it treats, ib a graduate of one of the best Colleges in the United States. It affords ma pleasure to recommend him to the ienfortiencite, or to the victim of inal-pritetice, as a sficedrful, and experienc ed practitieher ; in whose honor and integrity they may place the greatest confidence. JOSH Pit -LONCS1101113; M. D. From A. Woodward, M. ,D., of Penn. University, It - givee me pleasure - to add my, testimony to the pro fessional ability Of the Author of the "Medical Menu at." Numerous eases of Diliesies of the-Genital Organs, some of them of long stapdhig, bare come under my no tice. inwhich his skill has been.manifeSt in testorin-.. to perfect health, in some instances where the pationthas been considered beyond medical 'aid. In the treatment of Seminal weakness, or diiarriingetnent of the functions produced by &if:abaft, or Excess of venery, I do not know his superior: in his profession. I. have . been ac quainted with the Author some thirty years, deem lenb 'More. thatijustica . to bins as well. as a kindness' to 'the unfortunate Victim of early indiscretb.n, to recom mend him as ofie,qh whose professional skillandintegri ty they may safely confide theMselVas. JUMBO - WOODWARD, 3.1. D. Ono copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part United States - for 25 cents, err 3 copies for $l, Address, , Post paid, COSDEN gig;, CU., Publishers, box UK, Philadelphia. Ildoksollers, , eilemascrs and llook'Agenta:suppli. ed on the most liberal terns. October 20th, 1853.-ly. SCROFULA, OR MO'S EV To a constitutional disease, a corruption of ;the' blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, ,weak, and poor. Being- in the circulation, it pervades the ,whole body, and may burst out in disease en any part of it. No or gan is free from its attacks, nor is thero"one which it niay not-destroys The scrofulous talk is variously Caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or Unhealthy food, impure air. filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and above ail. by the .venereal infer, Lien. Whatever be its origin, -.it is hereditary in the constitution, decendiug "from 'parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Mtn who says, 4 1 will Visit the' iniquities 'of the fathers upon their , Its effects commence by disposition from tIM blood of 'commit or Moored& matter, which, in tue lunge, liver, and internal orgtne is termed tubercles ; in the glands swellings, and•on the -.Airfoil% eiliptiolis or sores.— This. foul corruption, Vrlitolt - gentffra 'in 'the • blood, de presses the energies of life, so that scibrdlidus constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints. but they have far lesi newel to withstand, the attacks ,of other diseases; consequentlY , vest * rtsimbers 'perish by disorders wffieli hitheugh not scrofulous in their na ture. are still rendered fatal'lly'this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decithates the human - family has its origin directly in this scrofnions contam ination; and many destructive diseases of the. liver; kidni4s, bruin, and; indeed, of all the organs; arbia frormor are aggravated by the same cause. • • • due qbarter of all our people are scrofulous 1 their persons are invaded lifthie bitting infection, and their health is undermined by 'it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the 'by an alterative medicine, and invigorate' it, by . healthy fond and exer cise. Such a medleimi.we supply in ••'• • AYER S • ,compound Extrae,t Of Sarsapa rilla. the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times ran devise fur this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combinedfrom the most active. re medials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder front the blood. nn3 the rescue of the system front its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure or not eely but also those other affections which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE and SKIN DisEASES, ST. ANTITONY's F:RE, ROSE. Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES. BLOTCHES, Maras and BOILS, TemORS, Tema and SALT Mann, SCALD READ, RINGWORM, ElisumATISM, STE/I/IMO and MERCGRIAL DISEASES. DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DcDILITT, and indeed. ALL CompLAINTs AIMING PROM VITIATED OR IM PURE Moon. The popular belief in "Impurity of the Blood" is founded in truth. for scrofula is a degunera don of the blood. The particular purpose And .virtue of thi; Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenerate this 'vi tal fluid, without which sound health is Itepossible in contaminated constitutions, Aycios Ca Pills, For all the Purposes of a Family • Physic, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can minty withstand or ovado them. Their pen etrating properties search cud cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organism, correcting its diseased action, end restoring its healthy As n consequenos of these properties. the invalid who is bowel dowu with pain or Isysi . ual debility is as tont:died to Bad his health or energy'rest.ired by a rein. ody at once so simple and inviting. Nut only do they cure the every day complaints of every-Inx1). but also many formidat,le and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish mntis my American Alumnae, containing certiflaitee of their cures and directions thr their use in the following complaints : ()aliveness, Heartburn- Headacke arising front disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in soul Morbid Inaction of the Bowels Platalency, Loss of Appetite, Juundic4, and other kindred suppliants aria- Jug from a low state of thu bady or obstructiou of its functions. National. FITS MST Company. Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, 'Bronchitis, Inctpent Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in ad danced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its asefultess and eo numerOuv are the cases of its cures, that sheen every section of the c nutty abounds in pursues publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate disikesoli of the lungs by its use. When ouee tried its superidfity aver every other medicine of its kiud Is too apparent to escupe ebATtation, and where its virtues are known, the.public ttd lofigulethesitate what antidote kp employ fur the distressing and oangerons affections of the Piihnouary, organs that aro Incident tit Mir 'cli mate. While many Inferior remedies throat upefi the community have failed did' been diseardtki, this has Mined friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they oats never forget, and produced mires too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PRBPABED BY SOLD rts J. L. Lomberger and D. B. Reber. Lebanon ; J. A. Harper, B. lianover; "turning, Ono; 11. D. Waver & Bro. Anuvlllo ; Ikon:flan & Son, Cambolis - town; 31. U. Bro., Myers town ; and by all druggiat Also moll by Dr. Loa. April 27, 1850.-ly IDIIILADELPIIIA MEDICAL lIODSE.-LEstabllelted r twenty two years ego by Dr. KIN KELM, corner or Third and Union streets, Philadrlphla, Pa. Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful plattitioner in the cure Chili diseases of a private naturesi manhood's debility. as an' icapedliicnt tn marriage; ncr vous and sexual infirmitlets. iJiseases of , t is akin, and those ariFin g from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. - - . There 18 an evil habit sometimes Indulged in by boys, In solitude, often growing up .with them to manhood; and which, If not reformed in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted; Insidious, and devastating of P. Few of those wbo give way to this pernicious emetics are aware of the consequences, until they Sod the ner vous system shattered. fort strange and unallonntable sensations, and vague fears In the mind. [Seepages, 27, "a, /0, of Dr. K.'f , boolion "Self-Protervation.l The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is una ble to labor with .aceustomoti- vigor. or to apply his mind to study ; his step Is tardy and weak ;.lie is dull,. irresolute. and engages oven in bia sports with less ceter a than usual. WALTER & BARTO If be emancipate kimself ixcfore the practice has done its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit ful, and his sense tells. bite that this is caused by his early, !onion. These are ronsiderations which should awakeit the attention' of all who sire similarly situated. , . REMEMBER, . . . üb,ho places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat ment, may raligiouslyconfide in his honor as a gentle man. and rely,upon the assurance,that..the' Secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false mcdtmity'doter you from malt ing your case known, to one, who, from ,education and respectability, can certainlY befriend"yon. • 43P- Dr. KINKELIWS residence bee helm for the last Twetsre YLLES lAt. the N. %V. Corder or trump. AND UNION streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can beim (by stating their case explicitly, together with all their symptome,.per letter, encloeing a remit- tance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and 'pack• ed secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Bien or Ex prose. READ I YOUTH AND MANHOODI I A VIOOLOUO LIFE OR a PREMATCOXY, DEATH, KINKEL/2C ON SZLY - PRZSZItyATION—OXIS 25 CENT/B. Letters containing that value In stamp; will anSuro eopy, per return