=! Ij~ciz 7r (53triittti0tr. 4z, ''l l ,•vf • . OSS[OCItatIC'TAINtIPLE 3 CFAS): TO LeaD:Vin crASE. TO' poi:Cow." - - - WS. L BRESLIN, EditcinmiS Proprietor 'LEBANON, PA 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 185 L , DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS FOR AUDITOR GENERAL : Richardson L. Wright, OF PIIILADELPIII6 FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL John Rowe, OF FRANKLIN COUNTY THE OPPOSITION IN THE SLAVEROLDINCr STATES. BefornflicArSt of November, says the Washington Staters, if we , tire not mistaken in the indications which present themselvesto us from week to week, the Opposition will be fur nished with convicting proof that it cannot carry a solitary slaveholding State in the Presidential election of next year. If this shall be the case, the notion of .an organization in those =States against the Democracywill, as a matter of course,•be abandoned. In the campaign of 1856' the Know- Nothings acted a ridiculous part in runninet . a ticket, when they imagin ed themselves vastly stronger than they know themselves to be With all the influence that they cotild coMmand,bOth North and South, they 'barely succeeded in carrying one small State, and in doing that, tarnished so' injuriously the name of her great commercial emporium, that it will he long before its former beauty can be re-established. In Texas and Louisiana, the Oppo •eitien is gradually identifying 'itself with the Democracy. In the former State, Gen. Samuel Houston, in a re cent letter, states that KnoW-Noth ingism. expired there in 1854, while Mr. E4stis says that there is nothing left of it as a party in the latter. The citizen Must be blind to reason who can fancy that there is tobe any contest in 1800 than the direct one 'between straight-out SeWardiam and patriotic Democracy. It is beyond the power of the most aStute politi .cal contrivers to change the nature of nig contest. OUR STATE TICKET Richardson L. Wright, our candi