The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 22, 1859, Image 4

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    611 c Cana,
A P.A.azkonArn FOR BOYS.----It is one
'of the besetting sins of young men in
this extravagant age to endeavor to
get rid of work by seeking for easy
and lazy employment; and the - con
sequence is, that - many of them turn
out worthless vagabonds. Boys avoid
this whirlpool as you would a plague
spot, banish from. you the dangerous
-desire to live without work. Labor
is the honorable, dignified; it is the pa
rent of health, wealth and happiness;
look upon it as an invaluable blessing,
and never as a burdeni or curse.—
Shun idleness and sloth; persue some
--honest calling, and be not ashamed to
- he useful.
A new wonder has been discovered
in New York, in the person of a man
awned Karl Saul, who it is asserted,
has four eyes! He has one pair in the
_usual place, and another in the back
of his head. A correspondent of the
Evening b Post, who enjoys the acquain
tance of the individual says that
"both sets of eyes are isterfect i aud be
sees backwards and forwards - at the
same time; with equal case, compre
hending at. a glance every - iing with
in the range of his vision either way.
The, objects which he simultaneously
• beholds, he will describe with wonder
ful accuracy. Indeed, he, is remark
bale for his descriptive powers. Mr.
Saul is a • Man. of extreme diffidenCe,
and the peculiarity of his visual con
struction has heretofore been known
only to some of his most intimate
friends. The back of the head is
quite flat; but he has long hair, which
effectually conceals the large eyes,
Which are generally protected by a
bandage." As if the above is not
wonderful enough, the correspondent
of the Post makes the following state
ment : "He is highly intelligent., -and
social in his habits, and owns ;conSid
,etable property, whicli , he has accu
mulated by honest industry."
11@x,„ The phenomena of frogs ap
pearing just after a shower is thus ex
plained in Buckland's Curiosities of
Natural History : The animals had
been hatched, and ,quitted their •tad
,,pole state and the pond at •the same
`tithe, days before they ben:laic visible
to or rather observed by mortal eyes.
Finding it unpleasant in the hot parch
ed fields, and also running a great
• chance of being then and there dried
. up by the heat of the sun, they .wise
qy retreated to the coolest and damp
cst places they could
. find, namely,
under clods and stones, where on ac
count of their dusky color, they es-
caped notice.
,Down .comes the rain,
out come the frogs welliileased with
the change. Forthwith appears an.
article in a country paper; the good
folks flock to see the phenomenon.—
There are frogs hopping about; the
visitors remember the shower, and a
(Simple countryman" - .swetors [he - saw
'them fall. Frogs, visitors, country
men, editors, all are pleased, nor are
they willing to be undeceived.
vs,. In a certain hotel in -a village
in Alabama, there is employed -a , bar
tender who is in the habit - of taking
his "tod" pretty freely, but always
makes it a point never to drink in the
presence of his employer: A few clays
acro w=hile he was in the act of draw
ing his "tod" prepairtory to taking a
drid, his employer came into the bar
=room rather .unexpectedly.` Vinding
himself might in the act, as lie set
the tumbler and its contents on the
counter, he cast his eyes around with
a look of surprise and exclaimed—
" Where in thunder did that man'
that ordered that drink go to ?"
FORETUOITGIIT.—There never was a
:Wiser makim than that of j.ilranklin :
"Nothing is cheap that yon !iio 'not
want ; yet how perfectly insane many
persons are on the subject'of
things cheap. "Do tell me why you
have bought that cast-off door plate?"
asked a husband of one of these noble
bargainers. Dear me," replied the
wife, "you know it is always my plan
to lay up things against time of need.
Who knows but you may die ) •and I
may marry a man with the same
name as that on the doorplate."
• A IDGIT ESTIMATE.—What does tho
reader think of the "scandalous"
editor who could give this answer to
a correspondent! "JENNIE— , -Ministers
are not more addicted to dissipation
than the men of other professions.—
A few of the Kalloch type take gin
toddies and libertiei with females, but
the great majority of them are as
good as lawyers and doctors. If you
want a true Christian marry- an editor."
te- A Yankee laid a wager with a
Dutchman that he could swallow him.
Bidding him to . stretch upon the ta
ble, he fastened with his teeth upon
the big toe, and gave him a hard -nip.
"Auf you ish biting me !" roared the
Dutchinan. Why, you fool, do you
think I am going to SNMITOW you
whole ?"
How Sum FELT.—Miss Dubeit says
the first time a coat sleeve_ encircled
her waist, she felt as if she *as in a
preViliori. of rainbows the windows
sillB 'of which were composed Of reo
lion harps. That young woman should
have her feet soaked.
AO, 3 OIIN. JOYCE, a tailor in New
York, stabbed Mrs. Freeman because
she would not consent to his mar
riage with her daughter, and wh en
the you_ne , lady interfered,lie stabbed
her fatally with a pair of shears. •
11 - kbr often see just what their own
fanciej3 picture: A German W - Hter
Ses;in the blessed stars "coffin nails
liCthe black cloth of night," while
another morosely calls them the shin
ing leprosy of heaven."
Ole TEE WEAK and ignorant are
apt to mistake their superstitious
Mara - .fer moral impressions. And
sonxe 4 people---:said Rev. Sidney. Smith
apt , „to think themselves pious
when.they are only bilious.
iteir Indellibte.marking pencils are
r recent invention for;marking clothes
i adellibly without rick of blotting.
New Coach Making Establish-
~i7+;;4, The ndorsigned respectfully
informs The public that ho has
again commenced the COACH MAK
ING BUSINESS, in the Ilorough Of Lebanon, on the
Pinegrove Road, near Major's Agricultural Wareroom.
Ito will keep on hand, or make to order, Carriages, and
all kinds of running vehicles. Rmanuso also attended
to promptly. His old friends and the publican, respect
fully invited to give him a call.
_ • If. RISTENDAT, Agent.
Lebanon, April 0,18 . 59..-GM-.
WILLIAII - 11011.1 111 .5,
No. 110 (old No. 521/ 2 ) NORTH IBICJITII ST., (Ah‘cre
Arch, West side,)
Aassortment of PLAIN AND FANCY BLINDS al
~Nways en hand, at the lowest prices. Old 131inds re
pointed and trimmed equal to new,•and JOBBING prompt
ly attended to.
A handsome assortment of WI NDOW Sil ADES. of Ole
latest and most Faslitonablo Patterns, and Brim BLINDS
constantlyon hand, to which we rmpectfully call the at ,
tention of the public. Al,o, STORE STIAD ES MA DE
'April 11, 15511.-13 m.
New lig:triter. Shop.
Emon W. DALY, has REMOVED his Barber Shop,
to Funck's New. Building, first floor, second door
from Doe alloy, where he Mill continues his tired clasr
Shaving c 5. Hair Dressing Saloon,
and is prepared to do business in the neatest andrhost
style, and {Milk/ solicit all to girl him a trial.
Lebanon, April 6, 18591
0 1 RourWs Merchant Ta
in; g Establishment,
NENT door to HENRY a STINES swim, Cumber
land street, Lebanon, Pa.
I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Leb
anon, and surrounding vicinity, that I have Anteired
meres, Silk and Marseiles Vesting& goods for Fashiona
ble business Coats, se., an., of the latest importations,
all of which will be made toorder at the shortest notice,
and priceS to snit:the times. From the Told which has
been Ite of a thoreugh citicitsitirtiiiilki, I feel satisfied
through my long experience in hastiness, Artistic skill.
and well known reputation as it Scientific Cutter, that
- I can compete with the fist Merchant Tailoring estab
lishments in the cities of New Fork and Philadelphia.
Trusting to the intelligence of &discerning public, and
a Strict attention to business, I hope to meet with
success- O'ROURK, Merch..nt
Don't forget the Phten next to Henry s Stines Store,
Comberland .street.
P.'S.—Seeeral lirAt-rate lianas wanted, to whom staad3 -
emplayme,t will be given. None others need apply.
Lebanon, April 20,1859.
A 3111.0.13 -Neu• Boot and Shoe Sturo - fitted
up in good order for comfort and conrenionce, both
for ladies and (knifemen,
liollinail & Rio her's
of the. firm -will pay particular attention to
1,3 Goads shipped by the Lebanon Walley Railroad.—
Goods will be tient daily in and From Philadelphia to
Lebanon, Myerstown and Annville litatlons, and all
other points in the county.
Fitt:IGLUS contracted for at the lowest mat& rates
and delivered with dispatch.
'lila Proprietors trill pay particular atteni Meta, and
attend personally, to the receiving and delitarry of all
For information apply at their Office, at the Lebanon
Talley Railroad Depot, in Lebanon.
EDIVAND Maas, their Agent in Philadelphia. will al
ways be found at IY. H. Bush's 21.1erchants' Hold ,
Third :street Philadelphia.
Lebanon-, March 30. 1659. HOFFMAN A PRO.
Phila. & Reading .Railroad.
Lebanon Valiley Branch.
!PA! 77.
.fie ,
" Two Daily Passenger. Trains to Read
ing, and Harrisburg.
i'IiASS 'LEBANON, going .1::;tst to Reading, at 9.06 A. M.,
I and 3.51 P. M.
Pass Lebanon, going 'West to Harrisburg, at 7.21 P.
M. and 11.39 A. M.
- At heading, boils trains make close connexions for
Philadelphia, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Danville, Williams
port, &c.
Morning train only connects at Heading for Wilkes
harm, Pittston and Scranton.
At Harrisburg. trains connect with "Pennsylvania."
"Norther Central," and "Cumberland Walley" Bali raids
for Pittsburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Sunbury, Chambers
burg, &e..
Through Tickets to Lancaster, in No.l Cars, $1 50, to
Baltimore. 30.
SO lbs. baggage allowea to each passenger.
The Second Class Oars run with all the above trains.
Through First Class Ticketsat reduced rate to Niagara
Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal
points in the West, North West, and 011111(111S ; and End
,trant,Ticlicts, at lower Fares, to all above places, can be
had ou application to the Station Agent. at Lebanon.
Passengers are requested to purchase tickets be
fore the Trains start. Higher Far..s charred, if paid in
the ears. G. A. Nicous,,
April 20, 1859. Engineer end Superintendent.
QKY LIMIT GALLERY, over G. S. ltaber's Drug Store,
k.D on Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. A3nntoTim,
GRAPHS, taken daily, (Sundayexeepted.) Prices reasona
ble and in neeordance with the size, style and qualify of
the eases. •
Rooms otiened from 8 A. M., to .1 O'clock,
Lebanon, June 2,1828. •
ripTLE undersigned would respectfully inform the publie
that they hare REMOVED their CoAen3tAtizs6 lisrAn-
LISIIMENT tO High SL, between MR and (ThestnutlA
north or (I.M. Fauber's Store, in the 11 , .rnugh of Leba
non, where they intend carrying on the Lushiesa in Mt its
branches, as heretutbre. Each
of us having served regular ap
prenticeships to the business,
.nintlefiing had much oxnerience -- - 7
41inreitt,'we feektontident of our •
ability to give satisfaction, Every articlo nutruditetured
at our esblishmomt will lug -under our personal supervis
ion. titiealiall keep on hand, READY-MADE,
which will be warrouted of the most superior quality.—
We have now a fine stock on hand. to which the attention
or those wanting ,mythloz, iu our line 13 invited. We
will also attend:kJ:EPA IRINC:, at short notice.
. 1 :1 None hut the best wintmei, will he employed in
any Martell of the business. We cordially in vite the pub
lic to give us a call, and we will guarantee satisfaction.
443 - Thankful fin• the past liberal patronage of a gene
rous public ; we solicit a continuance of the same.
Lebanon, December 22, ISSS.--etn.
Lock Making and at cpairi g
?THE subscriber roved - oily informs the public that
be Has commenced the above busluosg in Market.
Street. Labanom a few floors PGuth of Stiticlees
where he will keep for eale Locks of every ki n d. from
the most intricate Thief Proof Lock to the commonest
He also nninuiketures all kinds of 2.llfie and Coiling
batruntents,llia will be sold at niode=ite prices.
lie also makes to Order add If/pairs all work in his
line of business. The patronage of the pthlie is solici
ted. CHARLES D 10;01, D.
Lebanon, April 13, 1559.-2ni*.
Reddy Made Clothinn.
ASplendid assortment of Slimmer Clothing, Coat.,
Vests Pants, and every thing else for a pleaSaut
SUMMEItz,BIT,juq opened and now for eillibition and
sale, at the large Clothing Elmserineu. Centre Buildings.
J. M. RACER of. the firm of Bober x Brn's has just
returned from the city with a large and well seleetedau
sortment of CLOTIIING. They are sold at reduced
peiees to suit the times. .Also a variety of Home Made
Somethingfor every hotly. elln uG
1z.m.:1;814 Imo's, 2d Stut•y
Lebanon, June 1, 1859.
_ •
Look to Four Interests.
Come one / Come ult ! sec and judge
for yourselves.
JOAN GASSER. respectfully invites the eltizens of
Lebanon county to call at hiuj new BOOT. SI WE
and RAT Store, in Walnut street, between CarMany's
and 'Bomberger's folds, where he has opeumi n splen.
did new Spring and Summer stack of Boots and Shoes
for Gentlemen ; also Hats k Caps for Alen and Buys.
Ile takes orders for Boots and Shoos, and makes them
at short notice out of the best material, and will war
rant them to give perfect satisfaction.
lle is. determined to sell very low for Cash or four
months' credit.
Lebanon, April 20,1859.
Booksr — boolii!
WALTZ & 11001.11 would respettfully
ag , / inform the Public. that they constantly
1- receive, from the Eastern Cities, conies of
P g " all the most important and attractive
New Books, as soon as published, which they
oiler for
sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere.—
Among those lately received are—
Parton's Aaron Burr, •
Lirtngton's•Travolsand Researches in South Africa.
Spark's Lite 'df Franklin;
Abbott's Napoleon,
• City of the Great King,
Bayard Taylor's Northern Travels,
Debit and Credit,
The Reason Why.
They have always on hand a large assortmentof School
Books, Blank Books and Stationery, Sunday School
Books, and a large assortment of Flute, Piano,
Violin and Guitar Music. Piano Forte, Me
lodian and Violin Instructor.
of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture,
Window Shades.
Tie ill olltli I y MagazilieS )
, *daily 4. Weekly,
Can be had by calling at the store, on Cumberland street,
in the borough of Lebanon, at the signor the "Big Book."
nge,Orders left with them for any kind ofgoods in their
line, will be promptly attended to,
Lebanon, Feb. 4, 1858.
DID you see ATKINS & BRO.'S New Boot end ,Shoe
JACOB Par..DEL respectfully in
forms the public that he Still contin
ues his extensive establiShmat in
lc milillit building
.in his new buildhin Cumberiand'it.,
l isr
where he hopes to render- the same
. satisfaction as heretofore to all who
may favor him with their custom. Ile invites Merchants
and dealers in BOOTS end SHOES, and every one who
wishes to purchase faSbionahla end durable articles in
his lino. to call and examine for themselves, his large
and varied stock.
Ile is determined to surpass competition- iu the
manufacture of every articlo in his business, suitable for
any Market in the Union. A due care is taken in regard
tomaterials end workmanship; none hut the best quali
ty of LEATHER and other materials are used, and none
but the hest workmen are employed.
P. S.--Lfe returns his sincere thanks to Isis friends for
the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed , on him.
Ite hopes by strict attention -to business and endeavoring
to please his customers, to` merit a share of public-pat
ronage. (Lebanon. Feb.l7, 'IS.
AV. jl Clig U. S
Front $1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hour.
Oct. 22. '5(.
. D11:1I,ER
alley Art icles .Verfumcry,
114/roinds to be Goocroairvt be Pore! I
1)o you want.l'ure remi4elitible Medicine?
Are you in want of puro;Spiees4 7lbe best eau
be bad At I,blitlEoliTt'S.
Jr yon are in want of good Washing Soap, - pnre
White or lied Castile Soap, Country Soap, ErasiVe'
Soup to remove grease spots, super Shaving eon;
Soap for the teeth ; all that is requestedof pin is
thitt you buy are same At 1,10.0,11ERC 7 1 , 11r.5.
Ito you want.a good hair Tonic? Something
it* make the Hair grow, to cleanse the head, and
to prevent falling out of the hair: if you do:
Call at JAZEU.gItGIat'S.
If you want: good Hair Brash, Flesh Dinah,
Clothes Brush, or Tooth Brugh,
Why do you walk socrook-baeked You should
wear one of the Shoulder Braces offered for sale
At 1,1:31111M0 BR'S.
Preserro•*.yi*i Stine Leather. You can do so
Orel:WVy by using Iliebard`s New Cainpound'
Mocking) Wholeis& and Meta&
Ai 1.11)111E11.131,,Te
NA /1 011,1 LUNAR OIL! I • T., LIN AR OIL
Do you really Want a brilliant, safe and cheap light.
If so, burn the Lunar Oil in the Lunar Oil Lamp.. For
sale only at _ • LEMBERGEWS.
. .
. _
Pure 01110 CATAWBA BBANDY, a genuine article,
For Sale at . I,EIIBBREBR'S.
Anything you want that is' kept lea :well conducted
11rd-Clasx Drug More, (qui be ftrinished you by .
LEMBEIWER, (Themist and,ApotAccdry.
Special attendee; given to PUYSICIAN7n PaxSetnt ,
TIONS and FAMILY RECEWTS, and alt medicine dispensed
*urrunted pure, alWays ac good as can he obtained any
where, and sold to suit the times, by
DRIAndaT, Caucus AND Ata)THECanr, -
PolarTury 2, 1.81)03 Market Street, Lebanon.
3 '''',Vll4C.--HFUIND.
a k •
I 421
SAFETi TEST 4 4 ." ;;:l
~,,J04,:,!,,,t4uv.,..i _.::,..f. •,:.. _.:
T ...
. .
-„,..,. 1 .„_:. # 1. ~,i i t.„,31,1.4,.
" r -- 7- .0 , ,P ri 14- , 0
~.., „2I,SE N; ompany.
' I, - •
.Honey - i received every day, and in any' amount,
large Or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for tummy from
the day it is put in.
3. The money is always paid back inGOLD : whenever
it is called for, and without notice.
4. Money is received from Ea-m(l , am, Administratorg.
t/uardions and others who desire to hale it in a place or
I Perffiet safety, and Mbere interest can be obtained for it
5. The money received from depositors is invested in
such oilier first class securities as the Charter directs. .
C. Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and'
on Mondays and Thursdays till 9 o'clock intim evening.
This old and well established. SAVING FUND has re
voiced more than TEN MILLIONS of dollars from near
ly thirty. thousand depositors.
HON..itENRY L. BENNER, President..
ROBERT 'SELFRIDGE, Vice President.
VilLmtm J. Been, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L. Benner, I F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, I Joseph It.. Barry,
Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee, -
! Sand. K..Ashmin, Joseph Yerkes,
C. Landreth Munns, . Henry Diffenderlfer.
Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third Street.
April 20, 1559. PHI LAD ELPIII A .
• )11' 1 1:;•:*; OATS.
1 4' t
nt the 11 enesee Milhof 3117•'11S k SIIOUR,
Feb. 3, LESS, Lebanon, l'a
1 AT the Cenessee 31ills,to the bOrough of Lebanon,
. RYE, OATS, -
1 To att- - qunittity, for which the highest Marhet prices
will he paid ih Ottsh, by MYERS & SITOUR.
Feb. 3, 1338, ,
4 PURELY 'VEGETABLE preparation. containing the
A Medicinal and Aromatic qualities of the route from
which it is inade;producing a healthy anti plea.antsbev
i. erage . It acts as a purifier, producing a gentle stitnula
i tMn throughout the body, without thedeleterions effects
of a momentary. excitement. It is peculiarly efficacious
in diseases arising from impurities of the tdoed, and is
highly recommended for the Ilse . of families'. especially
whore good water cannot be easily pt ocured. Prepared by
{ purnm & CHAMPLIN, Practical Chemists,
Westerly. It. L
AGF.NTS—D. ii. Harm:, Lancaster; 'l'. W. Burr A:
Sox, Ph ibulelph ia. March :AL 1859.-41 n.
For sale by Dr. George Ross, at his Drug and Mini
; cal Store, Cumberland Street, opposite the Court House,
Lebanon. Pennsylvania.
TIT P. undersigned wolrld respectfully inform the public,
that he has now a larger and nines extensive assortment
of MARBLE, at his New Establishment in 7Al:whet street,
than has ever heretofore been offered to the public in
Lebanon, the stock consisting of ITALIAN 31.fiumz, nor-
all of whiehare done up in the most scientific style, and
in such a variety of desigus as to suit the tastes of all.
The public are invited to call at his
one square north of Union Hall, Lebanon. Pa., where he
will attend personally to all who will favor hint with
their patronage.
lie would also return his sincere thanks fey the liberal
patronage atlbrded hint since opening lit business, and
feeling the snore encouraged by the interest manifested
in his behalf by the public, he enters npon a new season
with renewed energy, despatching business with a
promptness becoming an honest
Terms Reasonable. Ga<tt nod Examine.
Lebanon, Aug. 18, '5B. J. E. DAUG MUM.
P. S—Also, a number of select Limestone Door Hills,
for the ttecommodation of balling men and contractors,
‘cto would do Well to call and examine.
TKOS & BRO. pro mice to be punctual, and wilt en
leaver to please nil whom) , call on them for Boota
and Shoes.
ge - Fashionable Tailorin•r ,
HOPP.BAN Would respectfully inform
i)lthe Citizens of Lebanon, that be has REMOVED
his TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, tiro
doors East of Pfleger's Store, and opposite the "Washing.
ton House, where all persons who wish garments made
up in the most fashionable styleand best manner, arc in
vited to call. lie has lately receivedthe New York ; Phil
adelphia;Paris and London reports of
Spring and Summer Faikions,
and as he has none but the best workmen employed; he
guarantees that all work entrusted to him will be done
in a satisfactory manner.
VES...With his thanks to his oidthstomers for their pat
ronage heretofore, he respectfully solicits public favor.
TO TAILORSI- - ‘4ust received and for sale the N.York
and Philadelphia - Report of Spring & Summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber
know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements
accordingly - . MIOIIJEL ROFFMAN.
Lebanon, April 7,1859:
Boot and Shoe Store.
Call at LE3II3EIKIEft'S
Extract of Roots.
Opposite the Lebanon Valley R. IL ; Depot, Leb
anon, Lebanon county, Pa.
niaa, Mom. manufacture Steam Engines. from
2'pOeUtt horse,
rlse,power, of
s l ilo t'' d s e t r s n ly i l m es -
Also, superior Portable En
glues (with Link Motion 'Valve Gear) mot - sated on wheels,.
far Saw Mills wood sawing and Hoisting purposes. Par
ticular attt talon is called to our small Upright Engines
for Printers, Druggists and persons wanting a small
amount of Power. They take up a very small space, and
can be put up in a room as a household fixture.
ALSO, Blowing Engines and Machinery for Anthracite
and other Blast Furnaces, of improved construction—
Forge If assumes, of P. L. Weimer's Patents; Stalling Mill,
Sawing, Planing , and Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining ,
Pumps, Hoisting Machinery for Mines and Stone Quar
ries, Beamed • One, Iron Bridges, Shafting. Hangers,
Pulleys,Tiiining Lathes. Drill Presses, Planing Machines,
Brass Stop Cocks, Calves andßrass lei:dm - el. fllebe Steam
Valves of all sizes, awl Machinery and Castings of triery
ALSO, Boilers sf any size, form and weight, made of i
the best material by well known and experienced work.
men; Smoke Stacks. Water Tanks, Gas Flues, IleaterN
anti Sheet Iron Work of every description. [Our Boiler
sheets are ell tested by dividing them Into squares of 2
inches and hammering each square; any imperfection is
thus detected, and-the faulty sheet rejected; this is prac
tised in very few shops in this country.]
ALSO, a stock of Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, gas
anti water, withmll - the necessary fixtures, constantly on
hand. and put up at the shortest notice and on most rea
sonable terms. Iron.Brass.andeomposition Metal Cast
ings made to order, at the shortest notice. •
, BEPAIBENO attended to with promptness and de
. snatch. A gang of Boiler Makers always easily for Boi
ler BLACKSMITH WORK made to order.
400-Orders respectfully solicited. All conniniulcatiotis
by snail or otherwise, attended to with despatch, and
work dolivered to railroad or canal, free of charge. • „
`o43l3tElt, P, L.WEY:k n
Lehanon,•Feb'y 4, 1 kiti
ELIJAH LONOACRE...JOI? N rt. a mint.!:',l.i:6oll GABEL
1) (WV a utt Sa sit Ma at tt fa do ry.
Located on the Sionoblionse Bowline:a rpumbirtand
-Street, j•,asl Le.banote
• - • z . THE utiderei,tinetlrezpectfully.itt
, .; forin the puldie 111 general, that they
7 ,
have added largely to their former estab
sranaga lishment, and alao have all Scions of the
-,latestand best improved 3.TACIIINERY
in the State in foil operation. such as
for conducting the general business for
Planing, Scrolls, Salting,
and tffe experience acquired by R. LONGSCRE and J. G.
GABEL during their connection with the Door, Sash and
Lumber Trade, for a number of years past, affords fulLas-,
suranee of their ability, in connection with J. Ginn, to
select stock suitabld to the wants of the Door and Sash
business in this State.
They now offer to Mechanics and nutters generally,
favorable tams, a judiciously assorted - stock of
DOORS, SASIL &c., from the best Lumber manufactories
in the State, feeling confident that their assortment is
not .to be excell4 by any other establishment in the
State in regard to exactness in size, quality or finisb,and
Lsealeulated to afford thorough SatisfaCtion to all those
who may favor the undersigned with their custom.
The following list comprises the leading articles of
stock on hand
Doors. of ail si.ies; Sall', of all sizes;
Door 'Frames; for brick and Architraves;
frorno houses ; . Casings, from '3 to 6 in.;
Whitlow Frames, for brick Sorb:toe;
and frame 'rouses; Shutters, of all sizes;
All kinds of )fouldinp;s: "Wiles. of all sixes;
U. U. Spring Moulding;orall stars; 11 - ash-boards.
P. S.—Planing, Sawing, dic.,iolooptly done for these
furnishing the 1. - weber.' [Lebenen,..Tely 15,
- . whthinflarm their customers. of Leba
"l non County, and surrounding:Counties.
17,''':;;;;; that they are still in full operation, and
- — l „„are proixtred to do alt kinds of
They ha-re all the VATEST IMPROVED MACHI
NERY, enil fel confident that they ens compete with any
othe: in the State, us regards 0001) WORK. Thy em
ploy sonslntl th titelt 4 wprktnen, and work none but the
bitst and secesoa d Laimb6 - .
Their steek of work is always open for examination
by Carpenters and Builders, as consists of
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window and
Doors . FraniCS, Casing, Wash
Boards, Mouldings, Flooring
Boards, Weather Boards,
Alan, SAWINTOND done, to order.
AlsO, Mimi Rafts for conliarall Stairs., for matittg
which they have a matt constantly employed. JAW" They
have also erecteda
in addition to their other linsine.s, and have employed
3h - ..Dickiiistin, of the City of Philadelphirs, to do their
Turning. Mr • Dickinson is one of the best Terners iu
the State. IM.:Cabinet Makers will do well to call and
examine their sta.4: befivepurthaeing elsewhere, as they
always keep on bomb
Bedstead Posts., .ThOie Legs, Star Bannister, 11 - ettel Posts,
and everything else belonging to the Turning Business,
which they will sell at Philadelphia prices. In_ TURN
ING WORE: done to order. as well as always on hand:
ve.,. Their Shop will be Mention PINEOIIOV Itt).l.D,
bOtiVeell. Cumixwland Street and Major's Foundry.
Lebanon, March 16, nal.
Cloth fillanteractory.
ripiTANKEUL for past thvors, the undersigned respect
fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry
on his Manufactory in East Hanover township, Lebanon
county, on as extensive a, Mlle as ever. It is unnecessa
ry for him to say more, than that the work will be done
in the same EXCELLENT STYLE. which has made his
work and name so well known in the surrounding coon
try. Ike promises to do the work in the shortest paysi
ble time. Itis'manufactury-Islu complete order, and he
Hatters himself to be able to render the same Satisthetion
as heretofore. Ile manufactures
Broad and XarrolvCloths,i ranindtr, Blankrtr, 11:7ale
auel &bier Flannels, afl Gi the best bill3lller
He also cards Wool and makes Rolls. For the enure
lalnlee of his Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken
in at the following places.:—At the stores of George k.
Seel.len'oerger, Lower k Brothers, George
the Market louse, in the borough of Lebanon; at the
store of Mirk k Miller, in North Lebanon; at S. Gosh
errs, Bethel township; at the pnhlic souse of William
Earust, Fredericksburg; at the store of S. E. Bickel, in
Jonestown; at the stem of George Weidman, Bellevue;
at the store of Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of
Gabriel Wolfersberger, New Market Forge; at the atom
of Michtel Shirts, East Hanover, Dauphin county; at the
stones of George Miler and Darld 11.. Wank, East Hano
ver Lebanon county. All materials will be taken away
regularly, from the above places, finished without delay,
aad returned again.
Those of his customer,' who WWI &MCllig Wool card
ed dyed and - mixed, ran leave the WllllO, white, at the
above mentioned places. with directions how they wish
it prepared. Or his etistomers can order the stocking
Wool to he prepared from the Wool of the undersigned,
which.will be clone and left at the desired places.
IX. B. It is desired that those haring Wool carded, will
pay the Cask therefor, at the above named places.
East ITanovcr, Lemon county, May 12,1555.
• aetvstiratitrire Store.
't..,. ;„,- . ‘r -e. , 4rii, 4- 6 -4 ~.,,o - ---
,43,,,,1;54., ~: " 7 ''''
N ~,, ,5.k , . c - 2 4 * '
1, • ‘, 1 4 -''• -,-. .:. ~..f., ,,,,,
- -walP • ...-- 7 •1... .• _• - 1.-- 4 . - -tr' , ".: .
- • ZI..;,,••••-'. a- •• . ' ••. .... • , '...,....7 ,•,,,..
1 tt.-3:4 - •4!...• • '4.,.._ .
~ - 4 .11 1 T- - . 4
, ti..l, • , 1,. 7
'' =-- -
DUNDORE would_ respectfully. In-
IFl A f i oTtr t l i ) i - e N p h ublic that he has removed his stand to
Banch's New Building, opposite Bowman's Hotel, Cam
holland Street, where he will keep the largest. finest,
and cheapest assortment of FuliNrrultE ever offered in
Lebanon. his stock consists of all kinds of Parlor and
Common Furniture, 'Which ho will sell lower ,
than the like can bh hought at any other
place in Lebanon.
fie has on hand a ldtge assortment 4Solits7
Tete-a-tetes, Lounges, Centre, Pier, Card and other Ta
bles, What Note, flat Racks, ad. Also a large and cheap
stock of stuffed, Cane-seat, and common Chairs, Settees,
Bedsteads, and a kit of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking
Glasses,—Guilt. Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap.
Venetian Blinds; Carriages, Gigs and Hobby Horses for
children. ImPartieular attention paid to UNDER
TAKING. lie haa provided himself with the FINEST
HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will snake Coffins and.
attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reason
able terms. Lebanon, March 30, isoo,
Fashionable Evot and Shoe Maker
Cumberland street, onedoor Eiwqf Black ,Trurse Hotel.
Tim Subscriber desires to inform the public
? 1 teltro het
e i g t ° e " O C r l d 'e e d lfo f ' ) 10 K a ` 1"1 and 'or Vi%lll, prepar
ed to
fluish and style,il not superior:toauyhere
tofore offered to the public.
New Spring and Summer Stork!
Ile bas just returned from the city with an unrivaled
assortment of the latest FALL and WINTER STYLES of
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &e. '&:c for Ladies, Gentlemen and
Eve,ry Write t's invited to call and examine, - "In
Lubanon, June 30, 1858.
Fast tionable - Taal), M.,.
%WE subscriber respectfully informs his friendelind
'the public in general, fihtt lie 'bus commenced the
TAILORING BUSINESS M all Rs bratithes ' at his resi
dence, iu East Lebanon. (Cumberland Street,) 2 squares
east from Major MoYer's Hotel, (south side.) By atten.
Lion to business, promptness In his engagements, good
fits. and moderate charges, he hopes to keceiro a share
of the public patronage. TlVirtis a long time in the em
ploy of Michael Wagner, dee'd., and feels confident of
giving general satisfaction. Being a noir beginner be
solicits the patronage of the public.
Lebanon, Nay 12, 1888. GEORGE McCAULLY.
riIIHE undersigned respectfully informs the public that
he has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, at Mrs.
RISE'S Hotel, Market street, Leb- g.,...,,
• anon, where ho will keep for the ...3
public accommodation a good stock ' ---z...
will keep gentle and good driving Horses, and handsome
and safe Vehicles: Also, careful Drivers furnished when
deillred. Also OMNIBUS for Parties, &c..
Lebanon, April 21,1855. JAMES MARCH,
tplegal..A.33 MEET, -
Opposite the "Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
TAR. ROSS respectfully announces that he has for
jJ sale a large. and varied assortment of Drop, Medi
cines, Dyestuffs, Perfumery, Trusses, Patent Medicines,
and Fancy Goods ' which are offered the lowest prices.
Au experience in the Drug Business of over 20 years; and I
d rie o u
ttbt i t i, h
cntio , n
t to e th fi e rst wantsst3ie of
of the t c n i t e h n li c c e ,..cushle
Are UM most certain cure for Worms
use. They are sweet, and no child
11 refuse to take them. Persons
mid ask for "Dr. Ross' Worm Lozen
-4" and refuse all others. Many per I
is, not having this Lozenge, will try
get you to take seine other kind; do
d let them deceive yOll---VOU can al-
sr; get them at Dr. Ross' Drug store,
:htinotiond you can have them sent
you, free of expense by mail, if you
'dose the price in a letter. It less
in a dollars worth is wanted, enclose
, and you will receive them by return
. Dr. Ross will send them to any part
of the United States, on receipt of the money. Send an
then, and get :hem. Price 25 cents.
' These Fills inmate Withonfti ring the least ; pain or un
, easiness, and can be taken with: positive advantage in
all cases in which a purgative would be needed; as the
erimmencement of Fovers,.costiveness„Liver Complaint,
I some forms of Dyspepsia, Inadache, Impure Blood, and
I all diseases arising from impurity of blood. They will
be found superior to any other pill in use. Price 25
cts. per box. Will be sent by mail on receipt of the ow
-1 uey. Sold only by Dr. Roes, Lebanon.. _
r A Superior Medicine for (lid cure of Siek Iftialsche,
cnons If adeehe, Dyspepsia, Loss'of Anpetite, Ner.
TOWS Weekness, and all oaten 'diseases requring a tonic.
Dr: Roes keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment
of,Trueses of *sizes, and rations in price, which will
beaold Verliow. fen experience:of more than 20 years
giro the Meted aifeentages not to he had at erel-ertni
store. A personal attention to thefitting given. Ifyou'
need a truss viand Dr. Ross' Drug Store, Lebanon.
; For Seaga's, Restlessness, 4:c.. of Intuit.?.
calms nervous irritation, soothes pain, and indncei to
sleep: without leiWing.the dull, drowsy state, that fol
lows-the.use of other infant drops. Special attention is
asked to this remarkable .action. Ask for Dr. Ross' In
! faut, Drove,
• Is your hair falling oft? are you troubled with cland.
I ruff, or itching of the head? Dr. Roes' flair Tonic will
cure these troubles. Pi-ice 25 cts.
_near and Ague. cared in 24 hours. Individuals who
have suffered for weeks and months, have been in a sin
gle day relieved, as if by magic, from the excruciating
chill and burning, fever. Sold only at Dr. 'toss' Store.
Far the cure of Sore, Wcaft, or InZained
Eyes. Price 26 - cts.
A positive cure for Worms.
The best Liniment in use for Rheuma
tism, Sprains. Swellings, Bruises. Tooth
ache, Sore Throat, and painful and
Neuralgic affections of the body, is Dr.
flees' Lumnent.
For the Sure of
s pongy and bleeding
gums, ScurvY, for cleansing, and preserv
ing the teeth a nd gums, and imparting a delightful fra
grance to the breath. use Dr. Ross' Tooth Wash.
For the cure of Rheumatisui, 'Fetter, Scrofula, Paths
hi the Bones, Old Sores, Pimples on the face, Eruptions
of all kinds, and all diseaseS acising from impure Blood,
or the imprudtatt uteijof Mercury. Sold only at Di
Ross' Drug store. '
Dn. PLIWICK'S C 014.11 SYRUP, prep:llo(l4nd sold only
p l, cis l i l te b - oo th i c ,i C ti c l i; r e t o , l l 4, ltr a. ,2s a L c o c ok rtat i cure
f b o y r coughs. i)r 58
otltil the
omai l 7 o :is tPtl o Le f .Ev
the genuine. See that' Dr. Roes' name is
Evidence sthonger thou certificates! LAKE'S FE.GETA
BLE COMNUND is performing mare wonderful cures than
any other Medicine knon l It is perfectly safe to take.
Try it. 7f you are hot satisfied after using one Bottle.
the money will be refunded; if not able to pay, one
Bottle will be given gratis to try it. Price Five Dollare, Dottie, or three Bottles for ten dollars. Sold out, at
Dr. Ross' D rug Store: Lebanon, :nine 16,1855.
rind at Dr. Ross Drug Store, opposite, the Court House,
Lebanon, Pa. •
Benevolent Institution esloblislied special Endow
meet for Ike Relief of (1))/1 DiAire. , LA
(CJ licted with l'indent and Epidemic
riAE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful
destruction of human life, canoed by
Sexual discos.
es, and - the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate
victims of Such diseases by tmaelts, several years tem di
rected their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE
tor worthy of their name. to opon a Dispensary for the
treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms.
and to give MEDICA,I ADVICE GRATIS to all who ap
ply by letter : with a description of their condition, (age :
occupation, habits of life. Ree..) and in cases of extreme
It fs needless tumid that the Associative commands the
highest Medical skill of the age, and will fm niAt the
most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Ito•
port upon the treatment of Sexual Disease. S,r the year
eliding January lst, • lB.a.expre.4s the higlielt saiisfaction
with the success which has iAteialeil the Inborn of the
Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrhrea. Sem
inal Weakness, Impotence. Oonorrintn. Gleet,
the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, .tc., and order a con
tinuance of the stuns plan for the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of the past. feel esi.nred
that their lobo .s in this sphere of benevolent effort have
been of great benefit to the :daft:tea, especially to the
young. and they have resolved to devote t heinsei res. with
renewed zeal, to this very hnixirtent and much de4pised
An admirable Report on Sperntamrrlice, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturlxition, or Self
abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the
Consulting Surgeon. will be sent by mail (inn sealed en
velope,) F i Ek oF CH A R E, on receipt, of TWO STA MPS
r 'Dos t a g e. Other Reports aid Trrmts on tho nature
and treatment of. sexual' diseases, diet, Ac., are constant
ly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will
be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and
methods of treatment discovered during the last. year,
are of great value.
Address, fur Report or treatment Dr. GEORGE it. CAL
HOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association ; No. 2
South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
}ZIIA D. HEARTW ELI, President
CEO. niI:CLIMB, Secretary Nor. 10, '63EI y
twenty two years ago by Dr. KINKELIN, corner
of Third and Union stsputo, Philadelphia, Pa.
Esnerience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful
practitioner in the cure of all disensesof a private nature,
manhood's debility. as an impediment to marriage; nor
roue and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin, and
those arising from abuse of mercury.
' There is nn evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys,
In solitude, often growing up with them to manhood;
and elriclr, if not reformed in due time, not only begets
serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise ton series of protracted, insidious, and devastating
" Few of those who give way to this pernicious prActico
are aware of the conikkluences, until they find the nor-
TOUR system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable
sensations, and rague fours in the mind. (Seepages, 27,
2 , 4 of Dr. E. 211 book on "Self-Preservation.") .
The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is una
ble to labor with accustomed vigor. or to apply his
.m i n d to study; his step is tardy and weak ; be is dull,
irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less ener
gy than usual.
If he emancipate himself before the practice has done
its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit-
ful. and his sense tellk . him that Millis caused by lila
early follies. These are 'etuilderatiolia which should
awaken the attention . of all who are similarly situated.
lle who places himself under Dr. K tit lilt LIN'S treat.
ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle
man. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of
Dr. K.'s patients will never be disclosed.
Young man—let no false modesty deter you from mak.
lug your case known to one. who, from education and
respectability, can certainly befriend you. ..
Air. Dr. KINKELIN'S residence has been for the last
TWENTY YEARS at the N. NY. Corner of THIRD AND
UNION streets, 'Philadelphia, Pa.
Can have (by stating their case explicitly, together
with' all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit,.
ta nee) Dr. N:a medicine, appropriated accordingly.
Forwarded to any part of the United States, and pack
ed secure from DAIIAGE or CURIOSITY, by Atoll orJx•
Letters containing that. value in stamps, will ensure a
copy, per return of mall.
A Free Gin To All.
"Nature's Guide," a now and popular Work, full of
valuable advice and impressive Warning, alike calculate
ed to prevent years of mitty, and Faye Taenalsna of
lives, is distributed without elharke, and forwarded by
mail, prepaid to any Past Office in the Gaffed States, oa
receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps.
July la, 1857.-Iy.
North 114brainon Flotieg Mill
rpttE NORTH IP. k O 31.1 LL has been remodeled,
and Is now completed and in operation and prepar
ed to furnish customers regtilarly with a Tory superior
article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can ho
obtained from tiny other source. They
also keep constantly on •liand and for
. - 71ar:,,, -, 4 sale, CHOP, BRA'g, SHORTS, Sec.
kinds of Cowrommts , \
•lle.l.:They are also prepared to do all
Vona atd res p invite a
the former customers of the ,
Mill, as well ectfull as ne y w
ones, t ll o
give them a call.
They will pay.the highest Caen market prices for all
kinds of grain, such as WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS,
&c., and afford all facilities and accommodations to
thosewho will sell. •
N. Lobsnon 80., :cos. a, 1853 WALTER S: BART°.
H EMIT' BUBB would respectfully announce to the
citizens bf Lebanon county that he is prepared
to do all kinds of SLATE ROOilltG, at the shortest
notic and on the most reasonable terms. Also, Fannon
noneELISH Faller %Mt. Slating Church Steeples,
kc. For further information, please apply to Ur. J• A.
.Bomberger, Walnut-street, opposite the jail, or at any
of the
Lebanon, March 2,1859.— TM:
Being an original and popular Treatise on
TIIETIt Physiology, Function,: and Sexual Disorders of
very kind, , s•tth never fulling itcmidlos for the
speedy cure of diseases of. a private and delicate charac
ter, incident to the violatior. of the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's nod.
~.,,, , I ; , . 'flue author of the shore
... ~ s‘ % 1: t,I , / /Ili Volume is a graduate., and
5. "4,, , ;v„ :p i Ft 9. 4 • A ,...,, , • : having devoted a quarter of
~,Iss f t. • . ' • , ..! ' 7 * a century to the study and
.....•••,• / .-",stafrire . .... treatment of Spyhilis and
.... A - iticance . ,:•, kindred disorder"' es IL Spec
-1,46141.14, 4/ ;•••:: blitY• he has heectoe.Pos
- '-j......,
,--_-,...; I 5.z... sussed of most invaluable
~..'", •• • ....- lnformatiou In regard to the
• 4 1/1,2 12 k ti .. \ . :, and Wahl° to compress
Into 'fade receute compass the very quintesseece of med
ical science on this Important subject; as the result of
the experience of the emit eminent physielans In "Eu
rope and 4mericti is thoroughly demonstrated in his
own highly successful practice in the treatment of se
crot diseases in many thousands of cases in the city of
Philadelphia alone.
Testimony of the Prof. of Qbstretric3tn Penn. College, •
"Dn. ItvrraitS 31EDICAL 3taxeci.." The author of this I;
work, unlike the majority of these who adyertise too
cure the diseases of which it treats, is a graeluak of
of the best Colleges In the United States. It affords me
pleasure to mcominend him to the' unfortunate, or to
the victim of InaPpractico, as asuects.ifal and experieno-
Jiractitioner, In whose honor and integrity they may
place the greatest confidence.
From A. Wood Ward, AI. D., of Penn. Univer si ty,
It gives meldeastire to add my testimony ..go the pro-
feasional ability or the Author of the "lifsdient Manu
al." Numerous cases of Diseases of the Genital Organs,
sonic of them of long standing, hare come under my no
lice. in which his altlll has been manifest in restoring to
perfect health, in some inataumairwhere the patient has
Lees considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment
of Seminal weakness, or disarrangement of the functions ,
produced by Sejf abuse, or Excess of venery, I do not
1:116% ; htt.tuparil_ kvrC !nts a."
,'"ifitaltated filth tb.cAotlio-Vsolhe titfriieffrig, nhd decpi
it 110 more thati Insilco to his kni welt as a Minh:lMS to
the uufortunatu victim of early Intlishretinn,,to recoils
mend him so one, in whose professkaml skill end Intrgri
il they May safely eadda.themSelves.
One copy, recurrly enveloped, will be forward
fl cs
postage to any part United States for 25 cents. or 8 copies
for $l. Address, past paid, COBDEN. k CO, :Publishers,
box lift, Philadelphia.
`ln.. Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents suppli-.
ed on the most Mattel terms:
October 24th, 1558.-ly. . • •
rofula,, or King's Evil
is. a constitutional diseasei a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid' becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in thc.:titculation, it
ervadcis 'the whole body, and may burst out
, diSease on any part of it. No organ is free
'from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
test destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial . d . ki.ose, law living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending „ from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed,.
it seems to be the rod of Aim who says, "I
Will visit the iniquities of the fathers. upon
'their children." .- .
Its effects deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, livEr, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sorer. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
•the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous coin= '
plaints, but they have far law power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, ,vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although ntit scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
'are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla;
the moat effectual remedy which the Medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal Malady, Xt iscom
bined from the most active remedials "hive
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
qs tem from its destructive consequences.
'Hence it should be employed for the cure of
not only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as EntiiiiVE
BLOTCHES, BLAnvs and Bolts, TU3IOItS, Tarr=
.The popular belief
in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ_
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy 'restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
'dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and directions
for their use in the following complaints: Costive
ness, Heartburn, Headache arising front disordered
Stomach, A r ausea, Indigestion, Pant in and ilforbid
Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Lou of Appe
tite,. Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, • Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, BrOnehitis, Incipient Consump.
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous are the cases of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who have been restoredfrom alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust 'upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro
duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
DR. J. C. &
SOLI , ur J. L. lemberger and D. S. Haber, Letxmou
J. A. harper, Hanover; IL S. Horning, 0110; 11. D
Never C Bro., AllllllllO Bowman A: Son, Combat's:
town: M. Ir. Gettle. Myerstown ;• and by all dragglet.
Also sold by Dr. Row. ' April 27, 1839.-Iy.
GM. L. ArK/21 8.
G. L. ATKiiNS & 8r0....
HAVING united in
••-• I the BOOT and Saoz
li , srsess, and from .
their determination to.
be pu net ual, and make
- 1 none but the beat of
,;.„., - work, they feellike o
? lidding a large of pub
_--- • lie patronage. They
7•77 ,--- -
:' :";',..• will always be found
•„ • at their OLD STAND,
(Nr.ror Doitutkc,) its Market . ".Streel, nearly opposite Widow
Rise's Rota, where they will be ready to serve and
please their customers.
They hare now on hand a large assortment of
CARPET BAGS, lc., which they offer at reduced prices,
ilkiii" Persona dealing at. this SHOE STORE, can be
suited with HEADY-MADE WORK, or have it made to
order. RaSisfewtion is always warranted.
Pallicalar attention given to the REPAIRING of
Beata and Stioer.. [Lebanon, April 20, 1859.
Wholesale and Retail Drug store,
li es b e en Removed to his New Building. on Comfier
land Street, opposite the Eagle Buildings,
. Lebanon, Pa.
lU subscriber respectfully announces: to his acne:da
tastes and the public in general, that ha has con
stanUy on hand a large stock of
CHEMICALS, --- "r". - . DYE-STUFFS..
Dinning kink!, SungiSSl Instrenienti, Toilet Soaps, N..
gars, Tobacco, Ste. Alao.a variety of Papey•Artien, t 4,.,
numerous to mention, which lie oilers at low rates. aud
warrants the qualities of the articles as mpresto dot
Purchasers will pleas* remeer this—and examine Th s
atialities and prices of his ..,•,3 before porch:win rise.
where... Pkrkians . PmOrift i°4 4o" frigf 0...1-
pea carefully compounded. at a l hours of t e :lay e t
night, tiy calling' t the Dttig 'St o ic, opposite th e 1.:,, ;;/ ,
Buildings... .
On Sundays the Store will be opened for the t o e ,_
pounding of proscriptions between the flours of 7 an 1
10 o'clock, A. U., 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P. 31.
Lebanon, Dec. 9,1557. DAVID S. RARER.
Fill; 'Dollars Forfeit.
TI E. 71DNTER will Forfeit $5O if 6.iling to cure ~,,...
_Li ease of secret disease that may come under his r.:r;.
no matter how long standing or afflicting. 'Either Mx
are invited to his Private Rooms, 44 Notth. Seventh at.
Philad'a. without fear of interruption from other ps
tient... Strangers and others. who hafts • been timf.:rta
nate in the selection of a Physettm - are invited total! •
• 1 3120TENCY—Trough vrespniped huh/licence of
the passions, bly excess or :tern:him. the evils are nun.
crous. Pr o matortampotgucy, involuntary semrual dis.
charges. wasting of the oreaus. loss of meonety,- s d..,
taste for female society, genrr.d debit ity, erconstitutiets.
al derangement, are sure to follow if nect*sary,.censult
1.1111 - X o 4tor with' confidence; be Bfforsa Prfeet cure. :
READ AND REFLECIT.—The afflicted would do w e t
to recce-before trusting their health and happiness, 5 ,,,,
/ in many eases their lipzs,Jtt titeliands of physiciansigno
:rant of this class of maltdrer leis certainly innakedtdo
(.for one man to utlerstand altthe Ills Mel:moan famits
41.t 7 ,1gfitcci to, -sr i Zi . l'l'frYttable physician lms Ns p. :
culla ratich.7; Iti Which 1w Is 'more snersfat t h a , ~,.
broth& peofetaties, and to th..t. !:': t.".1-,,i, mo-t of his
Itime and study. .
YEARS 0F... PRACTICII. exclusively 1 • 4
study sad lrearaMat of diimume of tit '' 't
e ' l
l '' 6.4
. . le sessia,otp, n a t. -
Set.d With Illeeri upon the body, throat, mew. or ' '
)pains - in the head,or boobs, tuereurial rhos:main-M . l e 'r le '.
tures, gravel, irregularities,
'i o i' s7 s hlf:th ic e in lioc r tor P.:1 n. : 1. - I I
furg rem yowl:-
excesses, or impurities or•idorai, 0,,,„ 1 „ . ,. 0 .,.., ..
•• tution has become euthenist!,
speedy relief to all alio mayrlacw thene4o ns " 7 . •
airier in.
our -
tiE9.. Medicine forwarded to any p ar t o f lai t .. a st
—Price Tvu Dollars per Package. Star.,.
ICETO-ELECrIII.O 31/ICIIINE. I.Vo acid or other .l .; 4
‘ n ti e e :t t in re a ci gn u st. iiW; N i ci ts Et lw nt s i v l e ;s i lto 'el u ng ld 6 lie l'ln w l i n t ed hou rn t 'i o n n m . ri'-a l rn r - i. k i :
only $144,* . .
October 20th, 1853.-ly.
. 1
• RiE 16 DI AL. AGENT .
Fur Imperil" of the Blood,
rviiisitre a t puiranztL bet we the public but u
fa . few years, has already won a name anti ventilating'
.anexampled In the history of nay minnow ever inyrn
teiL Thu inivedieuts composing' it are simple. yet in
itotuldnation all powerful in iiritinz (twill ti,
Litman syi.teni. It cures
' Scrofula,l Canocrous l'rmati , nto,
• Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas,
r.Dinaplet on the Mee., sore. Eyes,
. Old k stubborn Ulcers, Scald Ilead,
Totter affections, . ltbormatic
Dyspcpsitt, Costiveness,
Jaundice ' Salt ltheent,
Mercurial Diseases, Gcticr.d Debility,
• Lifer Complaint, • Loes of Appetite.
Low Spirits, Foul Stomach,
.Feimde Conanlaints,,and nil.ilseases havity;
Origin in an impere.state of the ltiod.
livery Agent who has this medicine for ml.'. has tin.
CUIIIN on band containing artifiettos from pees e, why
Lave been cured by its time. Many of them are tlesp..t•
ate cases, and commend themselves to the attention of
those afflicted with any of the above disco.. The fo:.
lowing certificate :dime is selected. as carrying salt it
thoinnst indubitable evidence of this virtu': of this wen
derttil medicine.
Sworn statement of ITarld M - Creary, of Napi-r 7 'vu
ship. Bedford county :
In Atha, ISfid, as near as I non remeinb.r, a :midi
pimple made its appearance on my lip, which coot 1.-
cane enlarged and sore I used poultices of rorn.l.anl
wash of blue vitro', without effect. Finding the
extending. I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellebun,:.
nurtured it Ctixcen, and prtaer.tieti a wash of sug"...r •
lead and bread p tultices. Finding them rentedie. of lie
avail, I called untie Dr. Shaffer, of Darhiville.
county, who also pronounced the disease Cawer, so'
gave Inc internal and external retnidimi---the latter
rioting principally caustici: but all to no purpo,..,
the disease continued spreading toward the it-1,0.. Itwat
used a preparation, of arsenic, in the form of salve. nit
for a time cheekeithe disease, but the inflammation 04,11
increased. I next nailed upon Dr. Statler, of St. Clair
villa Dedforil county, who also pro,, 'tweed the .Ihasee
Calmer, and amnia( a nitro said to be it never faille.:
remedy,: but it hadno effect whatever in checking it,
spreul of the sore. In December, of the same vmtr,
disetise had anten away a greater tart of my upper lir.
and bad attacked the nose, when 1 went to Chicinn.M.
where I consulted Prof. It. S. Newton, of the Merl!,
Medical College: lie pronounced the disease —acutan—
our Cancer, superinducal by an inordinate use of mei.•
cury . Ile applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me in.
ternalflllibetlim. My thee belled up, but the intlanini,
Don was not thoroughly removed. In February, IS:.:
lie pronounced me cured, and I left for It me. In .%I'i
the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain
that I could not rest at night! Late in May I returned 0..
Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the charg,..;
Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until Septemberla
ring which time he used every known remedy, and pue
ly succeeded lo checking the dimute, but when I return
ed home there were still three discharging ulcers upor
toy Rice. I continued using Newton's preparations tto,
also medicine that I got front Dr. Ely, but the Can-.'r
outinucd growing until it had eat off tbe left mite f t ! mg
MOM, thegrouter portion Rimy (eft cheek, mot Itovl ut
laded my Itft eye. I had given up all hope of ever
lag cured, Flues Dr. Illy said he could rive relief. tats
that a cure was impossible. In March, 1845, I bought a
bottle of "Dlood Searcher," but I must confess that I
had no faith in it. I was very weak when I c3mmene-d
taking it; but 1 found that I gained strength day 47
day, and also that the nicer commenced drying up. .1
continued, and When the third bottle was taken:l'y thee
was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle,
and 'I I are been healthier sing! than I harebeen for the
last seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured.
I am still grateful to a benign l'rovidenco who hasspar
el my life, and which - has been' one through theinstru
mentality of Lninsrea Ixtraoven Binen SeAneion.
Sworn and subscribed, this 31st day of Augus l:V.t, A. 1).
1S:58, before inc, one of the justices of the pear.', iu n'ni
for the Borough of Ito UhLiyebnrg, Blair touoty, Pa..
Witne.ra—U. J. Jones. Join finials, J. P.
For sale by M. 11. Bettie, Myerstown ; 3lartin Early,
Palmyra.; John Capp & Son, Jonestown: John Seltzer.
Mount Nebo; John Qtrper, Buchan:ow9:lo ; John Ddn"
Inger, Ctunpbeistown ; i>illinger& Kinsports, nntille;
John C. Cobaugh, Bridgeport; all of Lebanon County.
LLNUSET & LestoN, Proprietors.
Hollidaysburg, Penna. .
AISO Sold at Dr: Geo. Roes' Drug Store, oPinmite
ConrtUouse, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 26, Itc.ra-bin.
R. J. W. BECIITLE, the Celebrated HERB DOC.
II TOR., offers his valuable services to the public. at
Jorge. DOCTOIt BECUTLB is opposed to Calomel c-r
any mineral poisons, and will not give them at all.—
DOCTOR. BECLITLE baying studied medicines ten years,
and a number of years of extensive practice and experi
ence, secures to him the confidence of the public. Doc.
TOIL BECLITLI: has only lost nine patients in the
two years, out of the vast numbers who have made tip -
placation to him for aid, front home and abroad. Sou ,
come hundreds of miles to consult with regard to diseave
of long standlng,and hare'been cured, in the last two
years. DOCTOR BBC EIT LE has cufed 50 atom! of Cancer.
30 of Rheumatism, 20 of Dropsy, 23 of Consumptiou, In
of Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Ii of Sore Eye.
150 of females laboring under the Falling of the Womb,
Monthly Irregularities, Flouralbus, the
above diseases have been pronounced incurable by ado-
Ma quacks. We have no 116100 to give the above certifi
cates, but whoevcidoubts can have the names at any
I s l/;.T e Tt et.3 ll
I nA all the vast
ilan"'„lsfill",:t particularly one
time by calling on DOCTOR . Bb g .:(11 D /T ix : ...r F t . ,0,
Diseases of 'Women, er 3 0 . ,1 •
h u ts m n i,e ent r, •r i l it ns h t . on n e tt t e r n o d n , u , i i n
i n g l4s t t practice at
eessful. Diseases a ?nog taantliug of all kinds, cured in
sod on the
DOCTOR BECIITLE will always be found in his Office
in North le•banon, a few doors North of the United Breth
ren Church. except when out on Isusiness.
North Lebanon Borough, D./camber 18 58.-11 1. .
W _____- ..„_.
Wood, Wood.
~ ....„
TILE xtuders - igned are prepared' to furnish Ilo:t
oar or OAE WOOD, to order, 1,01
at any place in
fUlhal Or North Lebanon Ilortiughe. Orders loft at
their 3lill will be promptly attendee ro.
4e non, April 21,isss: ---: mykats & strouß.
TILE uudersiped, litteing 'bought Mr.
1, Henry Spoon a.WoOd. and .Coal Yard, a -short distance north-east of Messrs. Foster e
Match's Foundry, in the borough of North
Lebanon; and also bought from 20t.,t0 300 CORDS OF
WOOD and, s .fronk 600 to 1000 TONS OF COAL, of all
3; iiids and grades, which I will sell at the yard or d.diver
at ai small profits as will suit the times. 1 therefofT. I" -
lite all those that are in want of any of these ankle's"
mill and see the same, ascertain mees. and judge for
themsa rM. • DAN rm. I. LlO I IT,. (merchant.)
North,Lehanon, Apri114,1663.-tr.
JII - 11 1 D R- ra RD!
This Way , if you Want Cheap Lumber.
TUE undersigned have lately formed a partner
ship for the purpose of engaging in the Lum
ber Business, on a new pinta, would respectfully info'' ,
the public at large, that their place of business is Dtrin
UnDisx's Old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, frontici.
on Chestnut street, one square from the Evangelical
Church. They bare enlarged the Yawl and Alled it with
a new end exetllent assortment of all kinds of Lumber,
such asitos.ans, PLANKS, JOISTS,
Of all lengths and thicknesses. In abort, they keep con
stantly- on hand, a full and well-seasoned tu.sortmeut of
all kinds of BOILDING MATERIALS. Persona in want
of anything In their line are invital to call, examine thor
stock, and learn their prices.
Thankful for mitt favors, thqy hope, that by attentier
to business and moderate prices, to merit a eontiaaaera
of public patronage.
Lebanon, April 8,1858."