The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 25, 1859, Image 4

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    I!8 gaiter,
Geneva, the lovely village on Seneca
:Lake, furnishes the following specimen
•OfParliamentaiy ruling:
"In the fairest village of Western Now
'York the "culled pussens," in emula•
'..tron of their white h ethren, formed a
iiiebating society for the purpose of im-
Iproving their minds by the .discussion
•of instructive and entertaining topics.
' , The 'deliberations of the society were.
'presided over by a venerable darkey,
Who performed his duties. with the ut•
'most dignity peculiar to hiscolor. The
•subject for the discussion on the occa
lion of which we write was
"What am de muddar ob dechickens
---de hen wot lay de eggs, orde hen wot
'hatches de chick 7"
"The question 'was warmly debated,
and many reasons pro arid con were urg
ed and combatted by the excited dispu
*tants. Those in favor cifthe !atter prop
osition were evidently in the majority,
ianirthe president inade•no attempt to
•tondeal that his sympathies were with
'the dominant party; At length an in
'telligent darkey ruse from the minority
ts;deand begged leave to state—a prop
. ,
.osition to this effect.:
"' Spoie," said he, "dal yoti set •one
dozen duck eggs under a hen, and de'y
hatch, which am de mudder--de duck
.or de hen?"
"This was a poser, was well pot, and
nonplused the other side, even stagger
ing the president, who plaittly saw the
force of the argument, at had commit
ted himself too far to yield without a
struggle ; so, after engitating and scratch
ing his wool a few moments, a bright
idea struck 'him. Rising from hischair
in all the pride of conscioussuperiority,
be announced.
"'bucks am not before de house;
chickens am de question; derfore I rule
-de ducks Gate and do it he did, to the
•complete overthrow of his opponents."
'During a session' of the legislature of
'North Carolina, the dominant party bud
determined to pass some resolutionsof a
,party character_ on a certain day. The
'minority were equally determined that
it should not be done. A noisy night
session was the consequence. All sorts
'of-parliamentary tactics were employed
'hy.the Minority to stave offthe question. vies-.shout 'midnight when Green
Alitaheli r a -member of thelower House,
•an eminent lawyer, a pure gentleman and
ittrgo-hearted philanthropist, obtained
'the floor. He' lifted up his 'voice to a
thigli'liey; and said, pausing after every
'word : "Mr. Speaker—the—point—of
Precedents. I—tim—not--certain--
4.6rst- 7 ;--volume-:—and--read-on—until
lie . then ordered one
.of `the' bring. him.s "
.itches of
, • • . _ • . I.
.dies. He should probably want them
all before he was done,Though he should
use only one at a time," &c. The con
sequences was that the majority consent
ed to adjourn, and the resolutions were
passed on a subsequent day. •
' The Piqua Register has the following
recent issue, which we suppose to be
perfectly reliable: • -
Quite a reviialliisiew in progress at
the African Chiirch'in this city. • We
were present a few evenings since, and
. witnessed, with much gratificatipn, their
iearnest ddv%otion in the good 'cause.—
!All - seemed to feel the need -of a more
'thorough reformation. Of the incidents
iiconsequent, we cannot fail to note one.
brdther was supplicating the throne
•of grace eloquently, when another broth.
l ist called, in a stentorian voice:
"Who dat praying ober dar?"
• The - resionsc was—
"Dat's brudder Mos - a."
"Hold on dar, brudder Mose !" was
the dictum'of the former, "you let broth
,er Ryan pray; he's better 'quainted wid
de Lord dan you am I"
Brudder Mose dried up, and brudder
Ryan prayed. dt would he well for per
sons "better acquainted with the Lord"
to lead in prayer at some otherrevival
meeti nga.,
*piggish chip; whose wixen
wife, WiliOning lbit her precious life,
calledLritat his .neighbors, all around, and
told ' em, that' his.epouse was 'drowned ;
and in spite of search, could 'lt be
found; He knew, he said;the very nook
where she had tumbled in the brook,
aid that .:he, dragged along the shore,
above the place a mile or more. "Above
the placer'. the pelvis cried, "Why
4110...1r1ep:n 17. The. map roplied.: .
,"9,f.eouree you don't suppose I'd go and
waste• The time to look below I•l've
known the woman quite a spell, and
larnt her fashions tol'ble well; alive or
dead, she'd go, I swow, against the cur
rent anyhow •-. •
Otr The plagues of Cuba are musqui:
toes, ante and cockroaches: The latter
eat your clothes, boots, buttons, aniktoe•
nails; ants your previsions, and one spe •
cies, your vegetation, while the inusqui•
toes, more modest,eat nothing I'u't your
self, especially if you are a new-comer.
(0-• Two men in Cincinnati have
made a match to eat mush and milk for
7610 th e championship." The one
Who bursts first, loses.
Instead of - buying a sword for
Victor Emanuel, the enthusiastic Ital
ians of - New York propose to keep the
money "for the aid of orphan's in the
coming war:"
Qt 7 A preacher out %Vest, while en
deavoring to impress the Gospel-upon
hie hearers, pointed to .a corner , in which
eri',4diter was quietly taking a nap, and
reni4rked "There is one in the corner
who sheds the Gospel just,oa a . go*
sheds rain.!"
ie itiid',6?,:ki r langototta . to 'be
working viitti It.aewmitntictii na. flair' a
window when thunder storm.
It is alioaary4tiogeiona f to aitnetitiotetti
sewing Wiattiirtatt when them , eito ; lhtinr
defitakei .
Logic to
.rour Interests.
Comeone ! Conic all ! ! see and judge
for yourselves.
TURN (1 ABSEIL respectfully inritea the citizens of
It/ Lebanon county to call at his now BOOT, suor.
and HAT Store, in 'Walnut street, between Carmany's
and Bomberger's Bolds, where ha hat opened a splen
did new Spring and Summer /Am* of Boots and Shoes
far flentlemen ; also Huts & Clips for Mon and Boys.
Ile takes orders for Bootatfull Sheer, and makes them
et short nailed out of the best materlti, and will war
rant them to glro'perfeet satisetetlen.
Ile is determined to sell airy leltr for Cash or four
mouths' credit.
Lebanon,: April
rch a lit 'Fa glaring.
S. RAMSEY hue rumored to the first door south
t.7 . lfrom floury & Stine's Store, and opposite the En
giellotel. where he will ireep an nasortment of Cloths,
thuamcrcs, and Val(ngs. .'Also ready made clothing and
furnishing goods snob as Shirts. nose, (blares. Ilendkoe.
chiefs, Neokties, &c.. of which will he sold ne
cheap as at any othot eetablishment in Lebanon.
CUSTOMER WORE attotidexl to promptly, and good
fits guaranteod. • .• S.:. ItAIISAY.
Lebanon, April 18,4859.
New Coach Mziking 'Establish-
men t.
, -
The'unclersig,nod respectfully
; 4 4 Anfortnalho publio that ho hale
again con] raenccd the COACII MAK
, INO BUSINESS, In the Darting]) of Lebanon, uo the
Pinegrovo Road, ndur 3lalor's Agricultural Wareroom.
Ito kill koep on hand, or make to order, Carriages; and
all kinds of running Tohieles. lisrmarsa also attended
to promptly. Rio old frkttnie l and the publicnre respeet
• fully incited to giroblm a all.
• • BISTENII*,•Ageht.
Lebanon, April 6;1 . 859.-13k.
.• MA.NDF -
No. 110 (oltf , No. 51%) NORTH Eig . writ Rr.,. (A bove
Arch, Wmt • ' •••
-. Cf"o i. -' pIfIISAIiSLPI3IA.
AN turtortfnent.oftPtlClN - AND itANOY BLINDS al
ways undiantl, Mc lowest prices. Old illiuds to.
pain ten antl triinmc,l algal to new, auil JOIJINI.I prompt
ly, attended to.. • .
A handsome ansortntent of WINDOIV .11A.DES ' of Lb°
luteat and ninst•Vasltionable Patterns, and Ezin fluNns
constantly on Land. to which we respectfully cull the at,
lention of the public. Aldo. STORE SIIAJNiS, MADE
April 13,155.9.-3 m. • .
GEORGE W. DAti', littußEMOYED'ltie Barber~hitp,
tn . Vunck's New Dnildlytg,'llvit floor,' seenini dont
from Doe alloy, where be still coo tin nal his first clasp
Shabing 4. Hair iiressine Saloon.,
. - . - .
And io prepored to do businoso in thn neattgd and beet
style, and would Aoltctt all to give tlnto. trial.
Lebanon, Apriln,.lBs9. , ,
0 1 Rottrles Merchant Tailor
inEst tblishmesitt,
; NETT door to HENRI'a STING'S STORE, Cumber
ll( land street, Tobanon, Pa. •• .• '
) I would respectfully announce to.tlie eitizens of Ulf
; noon, and aurrounding ricinity,• that I have :welted
mores, Silk and Marseiles Vesting". goods for Fashions
hie business Conte ; ac., ao, of the latest' importations,
all of which will be made toorder at the shortest notice,
and prices to suit the times. Front the cold which has
been here, of a thorough pructiml tailor; I feel satisfied
through my Mug okperience in Mildness, Artistic skill.
and well known reputation its a Scientific Cutter, that
I ran compote with the first Merchant Tailoring estab
lishments in the of New York and Philadelphia.
Trusting to the intelligence ofea discerning public, and
a Strict attention to business, I hope to meet with
success.O'HOOßK Merchant Tailor.
. .
. _
Don't forget the Place nestle Ileury k SOW'S store,
Cumberland xtroot. •
F. B.—Seyeral firat-rate bends wanted, to Whom steady
employmeLt will be given. None others need apply.
Immon, April Al, 1850.
. .
G. L. ATKINS & Bro.
n., : • •,,. ' HATING united in
'the BOOT nod SHOE
.. . BbstNrie, and from • •
their determination to
.. •-. '. 1 -
• : ' 'he punctual.and make
i2illia! 1. ;44 11
:.-- • none hut the beat of
' ---;_- 4.
work, they feellike so
liciting a large of lin
lie patronage. They
will always be found
• ' . ' '''' 4,-, ' 'la their Olin STAND,
t.Ntur Bettnixo,) in Illizrkd Strett,nearly Opposite Widow
Rises Hotel, where will be ready to .verre and
. -
please their custoroers.
They hare nowon hand a large ai.,ortmetit of
CARPET BAGS,' &e., which they offer at rednced prices.
..trr• Persons dealing at this SEIOE STORE, am be
suited With RRADY;MADR WORK. or bare it made to
order. Satirfackon is always warratiifti.
Particulni attention given to the itltl'AiltlNG of
Boots and Shoes. ' .[lchnnon, April 20. Ism).
21UNSAITt0. 1 .4:New Boot and-Shoo Btdre iwfitted
ordor•furconifortand conceniefitc, both
Tor koi los Ind Oentldnion.
DI D you so!, ATILI . IVS 4 Rao
. Nen- Boot and Sbuo
.060. II077.11A:V. 11. 7. 110/7 7 .11AN
11Ofthiaiii • & :art)! her's
• -
ONE of the firm will pay particular attention to
.003ds shipped by tho.'Lebtinon Talley Railroad.—
Gdoda will be sent daily to and from Philatilphla to
Lebanon, Myerstown and Annvilto, Stations, and all
other points in the county. •
FREIGHTS contracted for at the lowest 'tensible rates
•ddditvcred with dispatch. -
The Proprietors will pay particular' attention to, and
"attend personally, to the 'receiving and ticliverY of all
Freights. • ,
For Information, apply at their Office,•at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot, in Eebanon.
ELWARD ItTerrx, their Agent in Philadelphia, will al
ways be 100114 at W. Jr.. Ity-alie .31erelieents' Ifelefi . .nrorth
Third Street I'hiladriphra .
Lebanon, March 30, issp.: gorrAux' k 111110. _
& Reading Rati'road:
Lebanon Vallley Resnick:*
Two - Ditity, Trains to Read
' ing, and Harrisburg,
7'3A9.3 Lllll ANON, going East to Reading, ut 9.NA. M.,
Rod 3.51. P. 'M.
•PosP Lebanon, going `Wrist to liorriebnrg, nt 7.21 P.
M.And 11.39 A. 111...,
At Heading, both trains make close connexions for
Pottdrille,lle, Wltheme
Miming train only Connects at Reading for 'Wakes
barre, rittaton and Scranton.
At Ifarrinburit, trains connect with "Pelwylraviln."
"Norther Control," and "Curnherlontl Valley" Itailroutls
for Pittsburg, Lancnater,Boltiolore, Sunbury, Charutiers
bn . -
T .rotigh Tickets to Lau - caster, in No. 1 Cirs, $l. 00, to
$3 30. ..;;
80 lbs. baggage niloWeci to each pu.senger.
The• Second Masi Curs run with nil the above •traius
.. .
Through First Chase Ticketaat reduced rate lo Nint.w.rn.
Falls, Dutralo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal
points in the West, North West, and Cruaulas; and Emi
grant Tickets, at lower Tare% ttr all above places. can be
had on applicatidri" to the Station Agent. at Leh:ulna. '
Jar Passengers arc requested to purchase tickets be
fore the Trains start. nigher Far.s charged, if paid in
the cars. •• - • •G. A. M1C01.141,
April 200859. ' ' " Engineer a n d Superintin dent.
_ ....____ .
•. BRENNIEIt'S • '
•• •
Q 11.1 KY I.IIT GAL LE RY over D. S. Saber's Drug, Store,
on Cnnaliorlntnljgkist4,,,LciltuttA„l.'a.. Augnorfpna,
Blecei.xoTyrzs, PLlty±ll.Bo,_ I , 4.rrnotr . ers and ritoro-
GRAPHS. taken daily, (Snitlayeicepted.) . PACW rciisona
ble and In accordance with the size, style and quality of
the eases . . Room opened from 8 A. M., to i o'clock.
Lebanon, June 2,18rd8.,
Coach-Making Establiam en
Yr] IT: undersigned-would respectfully inform the public
j_ that they hare iII:MOWED their CoactinAXEsc. EST.I Ft
lasinti..vr to High sf.,itetween uitd Chesinnt IA squares
north of 0.31. lauber's Ftorc, iu the Ilerough of Leba
non, where they intend carrying on 'the . tinsiness in all its
branches, as berets:Tore. Each
of us having served regular ap-: 0 .1. 7 „ok
prenticesbipa to the business, 7--"„
and having had much experience
therein, we feel confident of our - -
ability to give satisfaction. Every article manuthetured
at our establishment will I* under our persona/supervis
ion. We shall keep on hand, BEADY-MADE;
which will be warranted of the most superior quality.—
Wo have now a line stock on hand. to which the Attention
of those wanting anything in out line it; invited. Wo
will also attend to REPAIRING, n t short notice.
Air None but the best workmen wHI be .employed in
any branch of the business. We cordintly invite the pub
lic to give us a call, and we will guarantee nntiviiMtkut.
Thankful tbr the past liberal patronage of a E'aie
rous public, wo solicit a continuance of the same.
Lebanon, December 22, 1858.-03 m. •
Tke Notice.
.1 LETIANON,Itom.Opeppi . a largo-and commodious
ItRADDIC Room:wild' LIBRARY, nt tho TEMPER
ANCE HALL; opposite-the The principal
Newapapera ond Magazines of .the country will always
be. found on file. The valuable colloction of books for
:merly constituting the "WISTAR LIBRARY," am
also on our shelvesand additional bobics . are now being
italtooted to maim the Library of the... Association ono of
tlto . most valuable in the State.. Contributions of suita
ble books are solicited from nll who desire to see the
young mob of-our town annulled with a' healthy moral
midrellgions literithre. We Jutend that the Library
shairbe comprehensive and select: 'SIMON J. STINIL
Wm. 0.. WARDand rTIIEOPORM °VIM; the. Commit
tee appointed, to receive such. contlibu
tiontiof books or AL stating where: they hay ho
callecribc: pa open-every Tnestlaya.,Thurs
day,'Priday And kra evenings, frcim 01610 o'clock.
l'orsons desirinicAo,betbute members, elieuld do co im
mediately: .• . By Order- of the Board.
.Lebanon, 0tt0b,r,6,1868.
ihrJACOB RO:Dltf, respectfully in
forms the public that he still auntie-
UCS his 02i tell'Ail , ` establishment in
Iliir triliall his new building. in Comberland M.,
where Ito hopes to rvint , 'r lho sumo
eatlifitclion as heretofore Its all who
may favor him with their custom. If. invites 31,relionta
and dealers in BOOTS and SIIOES, and every ono who
wishes to purchase, fashionablo and durable articles In
his line. to call and examine for thritwolres, his Large
and varied stack.
Ito is determined to surpass till competition In the
manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for
any Market in the Colon. A tine earn Is taken in regard
to materiels and work tunnel, ; hut, ties best quali
ty of LEATH tllt mid other materials AEC used, end none
but the best workmen are employed.
P. returns his sincere thanks to his friend, for
the very liberal patrounize heretofore heetoweel ou him.
Ile hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring
to please his eUetoniers, to merit netters of public pat
ronage. I Lebarm. F0b.17,
J. W. AC K S ,
From $1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hour
Oct. 22..'.56.
F,ancy. Articles and Perfumery,
n E nuvcs :PURE Nixpitnou i
tO.bc-Gmxf;iuust be - Pure 1.. !
Bova want Pi'e.spil itellahle Medicine?
• . • Call at LEMBERGICR'S,
Are you In want of pure Spices? - THe yktt:tiln
boluul, . Ac LEMBER4EIVS.
4. If Yoi „
niro In,Waitt of good NVushing.Scipp, pure
White or Red Castile Saw, ConittrySoipitEriudre
Soap to removegrease spots ' super,,Slitia?tig soap;
Soap for tlie.telith';,,till..tlintoiWregtiaattritof ihit is
that you'buy the nettle At LRSIBBRCIRWIS.
Do yon want - a good iiltiT -Tonic? SolOothillg
to make the Hair the head, and
to preveut.falling out of the huir ; if you do.
Tf you want a good Itair Brush, Flesh Brush,
Clothes Brush, Nail Brush, or Tooth Brush.
Why do you Walk socrook-ixtekedi Yuji should
wear one of the Shoulder Timers offered for sale
• Pr.:serve your. Shoe Leather. Y.oti allll do so'
effectuillly•by using Richard's New OompOnnd
(Blacking.) Wholesale und 'total!,
_ . .
Ito you really want a brilliant, rode and chcaii light.
**Omni tho Lunar Oil in the Lunar All Lamp. For
Ic only at lA:3llllc.RoElet.;.
Don't uuffor with Frosted Limbs, Chilblain, .11e., for
there's a cure at . LE.MBERGIIit'S.
Anything you want that is kept in a ioell conducted
First-Class Pray More, can bc furnished You by •
Le:31BINIGE11, Chemist and Apothecary.
Aar. Special attention given- to Pliveiersx's.PasscatP
no:vs and F..OIILY RECEIPTS, nod all medicine dispensed
etwrranleil pure, always as good as obtained any
where;and sold to suit the times; by
JOS:L. LErit Ram, .
• • Danceisr, CIIEIdIST A\-n. APOTITECART,
February 2:,ISM).] Market Street, Lebanon.
hr _Mind's Nov Building, .742wriron. . .
1 - INTAllTL Y , '. ., " t ' s ' it i i i nn fi at t l e e d it u y i let i g r It a - 13 v7. t j ol S n
form the citizens of Lebanon that they are prepared. at
all Inoue_ to furnish them 'with.FRIET/OYSTBItB.yRT
ED FlBlf, lejtlßD TRIL'E. or anything in their. line of
,procured the services of a celebrated
Cook of Pliihulelphin. Also a large assortment of
The best OW:7EIM, Vickled.TßlL'E,
PiekIerCATFISH, Pigs Feot,.
And various other Refresburants. They hare always
the host. malt lin uors, finch as LActues ALE, Biows Stour,
Narita, It. LIARTNANIS 1,10k.11 BEER,. and LIGHT'S BEER,
all of which are Said, ion cool vault., and always fresh
j Its.„ trnarautee:to gfrCentisfaction to all who will
:war. us with n call.
, A. N. TrAtRY. ,
Lebansm. April 13. 1859
/t Ut,ES. -
I, 1. 1. money I received every day, and in any amount,
large or small. . ..
2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid fer money front
thoday it is put in. • . - • •• , '. •
• :. 3. The money Se always 'slid bark InOOLD, whenever
it is called for, and without notice. : •• • ...
4, Money is rereived ftom Eceentors, Administrators,
1 atardians and others Who desire to have it in apiece of
i perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained Ihr it
) • 5. The money received from depositors is invested in
I such other first elan securities its the Charter d)torits. .
0. Office lloors--Every,day from 9 till'A o'clock, and
on Mondays and Thursdays till S o'clock iuthieitTeriing.
This . oliland,wol,l .estatillahed SATING PIPTD, has' re
,ivii,ed 'note than T..pN.81114 . 49ms of dollars fromnaar
••• .
' ly thirty thousand depositors. .
. JION.,ILENRY L. BE NNER, Proshicia.
IViwitu.;7".: REED, Secretary.. .
Eon. Ilenry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Cncter, - Joseph U:
Barry, '
. :):41.ert Selfridge, Francis Lel, ' -
:Sam!. K.ASitton, ' Joseph Yerkea, ,
:C. /Andre th Mauna,. Fleury 3:Wendel:Bei.
._. '. •
' /Fulani Street, S. W. Corner.of Tiiini.Striset.
• . 'April 20,1850, • . :... : . . 1 , 14 LADE Ll' ITI A.
etC • CORN.
• .
• 131tA1:. .
at tile Genesco 31i11s of yEY:s & SlIOUR;
Fob. 3, 1533. "-. Libannu, Pa.
• WAllit ED
A Genet; ape Mills; la the bathogis4rO jeliion,
„I - 1 - • WILEAT, ••. • • • •
.4 4
• II Y.14“.I.,••••. • _ '
• In Any quantiti, fOr.sibialf the bighaSt._:illii et.. prices
ha paid in Casb, !yr •- • • • MV/IRS*,l((tUlt.
A • PlllrFnix*.to ItTAI3LE preparation, containing. the
2,ledlebk,bniAl:AvOut.Atk queliticrof the rootsfrein
whjrb ratf4e;.potxruciog.a healthy and pleasant bev
erage. It safe as n fairitter, prodtichi,g a gentle stimula
tion 'throughout the 'body; withent the deleterious effects
of it momentary. excitement. It is peculiarly efficacious
in diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and is
highly recommended for the use of fernlike, especially
where good water cannot be easily pi ocurad: Prepared by
I'OTTEIt & CIL All PLI Practical. Chem
• Westerly. R. I.
• AClF:Nratt. CI. licirsnu, Lancaster; . T. W. Drorr &
Sos. Philadelphia. March 30,1859-4 m.
For sale by Dr: George Rom, athis Drug and Cherni-
C/Ii Store. Cumberland Street, oppositelkeCourt'llonse,
Lebanon, Dunnsylvalite. .
TII F : undo signed would reepeetfully Inform the public
that be has now a larger and more extensive assortment
of MARBLE, at his New gstablislitneat in Marketstreet,
than luau ever heretonme been offered to the public in
Lebanon, the stock cunsei•lting of PrAu.tx MAnnts, Rev.
all of whichare done up in the most scientific style,
in such variety of designs as to suit tllO tastes of an.
The public are invited to call at his •
one square north of Union that, Lebanon, Pa., where he
will attend persomilly to all wbo•will favor him with
lfe would also return his sincere thanks for the liberal
patronage afforded him since opening In .bukiness. and
feeling the mois encouraged by tho interest manifested
in his behalf liy the public, ho entorsi.npou a new season
with renewed energy,' despitchliag7 'Aintree With a
prouiptnesshocoming ttn
Terina Reaanable. 6ad Urid•Elinniae.
Lebanon, Aug. 18,'58. J. E. DAVIDERTY.
P. ST;...ttlso, n nom lici•nt Mkt Liusestufte Pior
for. th 6 'accommodation of building men.44.aktruttors,
who would 4,0 well to call and ox.n.iniqe.:, .1. E. D.
ENSAI3R9. promlao to byEzonotaal, - and
t3earoil6OsiLso alt who may all oa4haolf . or Boirt
ancl:Gboaa. ,
Boot and Shoe Store.
COMPOUND • . • •
Opposite the Lebanon Valley IL It. Depot, • .Leb
a non, Lebanon county, I'a.
WM. .1; I'. b. WEIMER, Propri
dol innininicture Steam Engines from
SOU imt power. u.l l o t f
modernthe l a stylus ita.
, - . . prOVCUIPIIO. A len, superior Portable En
eines (with Link Motion Valve <tot s) mounted on wheels,
fin. Saw ]dills. wool istwitigand Hoisting purposes. Par
ticular tar-Mien is rolled to our small Upright Engines
for Printers, Druggists bud persons %ranting a small
amount of Power. They lake lip it very small space, and
can ha Put MI In R ,sne n household fixture.
ALSO. 'Blowing Engines and 31achinery for Antlinicite
and oiler Man Furnama, of improved construction.—
Force Hammers, of P. L. \ Veinier's Patents; Itolltng Mill,
Planing and Flouring Mill Fixtures; :Mining
Pumps, Hoisting - Machinery for Minna and Steno Quar
ries, Railroad Cars. Iron Bridges, Shafting. Hangers,
1 toys:Turning Lathes, Drill PresseN Planing 3LICIIIIIRS,
BMA StopCswks, Valves and Dress Fixtures-010km Steam
Valves oral] sizes, and Machinery and Castings of every
ALSO, Rollers of any Mae, form and weight, made of
the best material by well known and experienced work
men; Smoke Stacks. Wnter Tanks, Can .011011. Heaters,
and Sheet Iron Work of every description. [Our Boiler
s t b hu ce s tE de a t::4 ll ::::7l th l e 'y fa d t i : l"7.
inches and hammering each square; any imperlhction 1s
them into squares of 2
Used in very few shops in this hi co cet r i uttlee this is prae
ALSO, ti stock of Wniti,glit Iron Pipe, for steam, gas
and water, with all the necessary fixtures, constantly on
hand, and put lip at the shortest notice and on most rea
sonable' torms. Iron,lollls,an.lComposition Metal Cast
ings made to order, at the shortest notice.
• - REPAIRING attended to with - promptness and de
sliatch. A gang of Boiler Makers always ready for Moi
ler repairs. BLACKSMITH WORK made to order.
Asir Orders respectfully solicited. All communications
by mail or otherwise; attended to with despatch, and
work de.jicered to railroad Or canal, free of charge: . .
Lebanon, Feb'y 4, 1858. .
- .
Lf.3 A,.N 0 N
Doo d.a ,h lel a a i ‘itlietoi•y. -
•.Loceific6dr.he - h-777,uvRoad, war efutnbfirklizit
• - '
0.1 TILE undersigned rei•pUetfully
forrii the public In general, that they
71,w.lttlft added largely to their fortnerestab
,,eli,...,,llehtnent. awl also have all Mum of tho
-; "'Tr, "1 1 = latest and, bespinproved BIACILIN2RY
in the State . in fujr:operation. as.
fur conducting the general business fur
.Sdeolls, Sawing, 4c., 4c.,
and the experience' acquired by bONOACRE and J. 0.
Gsnm. daring their:connection with the Door, Sash mid
Lumber Trade, for berOf years past, affords full no;
stir:num of their ability, in connection talth .1. GABEL, to
select stock suitable to the wants of the Door and Sash
busioess hi..this State.
. _
They now offer to 'Mechanics and Farmers generally,
upon favorable terms, a Judiciously assorted stock of
DOORS, S.kSII, kc., front the best Lumber manufactories
in the State, feeling confident that their assortment is
not to ho excelled Up pny other establishment in the
Slate in exactness ill size, quality or Bidet, and
is calculated to aftbr,ll thorough satisfaction teal! those
who may favor the undersigned with their costom.
The following list edwirrisea the leading articles of
stock on hand:—
Doors; oral] pizeit; •Sa.ll,of all sizes; • -
Door Frames, for :Architrave ;
froma • Casings, front 3 to 0
WintioNr FrauteS, forbritic • SurbaPei •
and 'frame houses; ,•IShutters, of all sizes;
All kinds or monidi*;.. • 4ilinds. of all sizes;
0. p. Spring Mouldlog, oritiVoites; Ifaslelxstrils.
LONGACDE, GAltl.ll. d:
P. .F.—Planing, Satuir,g,• crc.;promptly dune for these
fernighing the Lumber. .. [l.eluknou, July 15,'57:.
timg .1 9 ,atbC9,.,AteSirEc
• 14 33{ . !! non Onifuty, nod Furrounding Counties:
a th m a i t. )r t!r i z i : i •e to stg o l I
kinds of lon, nod
Thef -hare nll the :LATEST IMPROVED MACLII
NERY, ftwl Teel confident that Choy can compote with any
othe: ln.the.Stattylislegirda 000 D IVOlth. They em
ploy none but .th r host, workm rnand work none but tho
heel and todl sedponed Lumber:
Their stock of work k always 'open for examination
hS Corpenten and link{dere, na uoniista.,,f
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window and
Doors, Frames,
.Casing, Wash
Boards, Mouldings, Flooring
Boards,_.Weat'her Boards,
Also, SIM.INOAND - SLITTING liollo to ordar.
Also, /lima itutiflor . con/blood Stairs, for making
wltichlboy have a man constantly employed. IJ They
liattialslyerectc4 a,_,_
• I`U.ILN..ING , LATHE,- •
in addition to their.othet Unline's, and have employed
)lr. Dickinson, of the' City of Philadelphia, to-do their
Turning . . Mr-Dickinson is ono of the beet Turners in
thaState,. , -bideitailakers wind.) well to mil and
examine their stock befureptirehasing elsewhere, nslhey
always keep on hand. • . -
Red:lead Dugs., 219tlee'Leyx, .Ttair Bannister, Newel Posts,
and everything else belonging to the Turning Business,
which they will sell at. Philadelphia SYb TURN
ING WORK done to order, us well as always on hand.
.041. Their Shop will lie found on I'INPXIROVB ROAD,
between Cumborland Street end 31:,•jor's Foundry.
Lehnnon,4lnreh 10, 160. . '
pact favors, the unEdrsigned resriect.
1 folly Worms the Public.. that ho continues to carry
on his Manuractory in Last llanoier township... Lebanon
county; on its extensive a scale as ever. It is unneeessa
ry for him to say more. than that the work will be doue
in, the. same. EXCELLENT STYLE, which , hat made Ilia
work and name so well known in the surrounding coun
try. Ile promises to do the work . in the shortest petal
ble time. His ninnufitetOry Is In complete order, and he
flatters himself to be able to render the same satisfaction
as heretofore. lie ia3nufacturee
Broad and ArarrYnnCloili, While
Ile also cartiS Wool and makes Rolla. - For theconve
nieneo of his Customers, Vi and Cloth will bo taken
in at the following pluces:—At the stores of Qoorge &
•Soollenber,,,,r, f;onse.r &. Brdthers,f3oorgis Iteintehl, and
at the new - .Drim Store of Guilford & Lemborger, near
the Market House. in the borough of Lebanon; at the
store of Shirk & Miller. In North. Lehittoe; et S. Gash:
ort's, Bethel tewnelotp - : at the. public house of William
Pretlorichsbur,4;.itt the 'dote of S. E. Bickel, : ln
Jeuestown ; at the store of 4.lcorgc Weidtnau Bellevue;
at the stortrof Martin Early, Palmyra: at the store .of
Gabriel Wolfersberger,- New Market _+orgc;'at tho store
of Micltml Shirk;.Btud Hanover, Dauphin minty; at the
stows of George and Barld.M. Rank, Bard Muth.
;, , er.telmnoti county. All materials will he taken away
regularly, from the above pilings, finished without delay,
and returned again.
w ie h a w vo wi' tl i t i e S irni k e i , n .m g •h lr ite m , l a c ga .
eti l d h y me ed aotfedi.ilenatilixieedto,inwee:
above mentioned pines, with directiens how they wish
it prepared.. Or his customers can.ordor the Stocking
Wool to be prepared from the Wool of the' undersigned,
which will be clone and left at the desired places.
. Ic. B. It is desired that thole having Wool carded, will •
pay the Cash therefor, at the above moot places.
Feet Ilenoyer,,:Leitinittereouttty, May 1,2,180tt, •
Neli Furniture Store:,
• •
. •
04,, S'=-
ter --„,41 - ,
~1 form thu public that he tuts removed fle ; Into
linticles New Building, opposite Bowman's Hotel, Com
berland Street, where ho will keep.. the- largest, finest,
and cheapest astortMeni, of FEHMITUR It ever offered in
Lehanone - lit!iattft - altylttelif All atilt, bf Parlor. and
Common Furniture, *Nub he,will sell lower
then the like ran be .hOught at any 'other
.plaie in Lebanon.
1 .?
110188 on hand a large assortment of Sofas, —,.
Tete.a-tetes ' Lounge.. Centre, Pier, Card and other Ta
bleS, What Note, Hat Racks, sc. Alpo a large and cheap
stock of stuffed, Cl', and common Chairs, Settee.,
Bediteads, mul a lot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking
Ola.sses,—Guilt, Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap.
Venetian Blindc Carriages, Gigs and Hobby horses , for
children. Mtl.ParticulM .attention paid to UNDER
TAKING. He has provided himself with the.PIN EST
HEARSE IN LEBANON, and will make Coffins and
attend Funarula, at the shortest notice and most reason
able terms. — - Lebanon, March ;10, -1659.
raghionable)160 and Shoe Maker
Clembertand street, out door East of Block Horse Hoia.
itTHE Subscriber desires to inform the public
that he IRIS oPoued WI above. where he is prepar
ed to execute of BOOTS and SIIOES, of the
finest finish aniketyle, if not superior, to any 'tee°.
tofort , offered to the public..
New Spring and Summer Stock!
Ile has mat returnc/I'froti the city with an unrivaled
assortment of the, latest, ffA.l.l. and 'WINTER STYLES of
Boots, Shoos, Stippers,t. for Ledics, Gentlemen and
. . 1 &c.,
Children. .
41ir BoitY body 4 isfOited. to call and examine. flii4
labanon, June 30, 7it3B:
Fashionable. Tailorisva
tb •
r 111. E subsciThar respectfully infhrtns his friends and
I_ the public In'ainteril, that he has commenced the
.TAILOBIMI lIIISROSS in all its branches, at his resi
dence, in East Lebanon, (Cumberland Street,) 2 squares
emit from Major aloyer,'s flotel, (south side.) By atom'
tam to businese, promptness in his engagements, good
Ste, sod moderate charges, he hopes-to receive a share
of the public patronage.. Ile was a long time In the em
ploy of Michsel Wagner, dec'd., and feels confident of
glrbg.general satiefaotion.' liming a new beginner he
solicits the patronage of the public.
Lebanon...lay 12., UAL.: GEORGE
mill , : nndersigneAtespeotftilly informs the public that
.1 he has opened a lc - NW LI VNitY STAJILE, at Mrs.
e $
, n .
is. , sno,.Market street. Lab - w....
• - alien; where,ho'will keep for the .._ k
• Public acaimmpdation a good itoek
of HOBSEtr:An. VEHICLES: - lie
will ketip.pontlatiud•gpot driving Mapes, And handiforpe
and safe I thiclee. Also .00rergil Drivers furnished arben
desired. Also 011:10.81T3 for Parties, /a.
Lebanon, April 21,1858. . JAME'S MAROIi.
JOll,lO. GAIII:L.:..JACtnt nAnst.
• ' 11.1:1 BR'S
Cloth- ainfaetoj• .
and othcaPlannelft; all ia.the 144 manner.
commou.kNO WHINE;
Opposite the Court House, Lebannu,'Po.
R. BOSS reApertfully announces that he has for
sale a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines, Dyestuffs, perfumery. Trusses. Patent Medicinwi,
and Fancy Goods, which ore offered nt the lowest prices.
An experience in the Ding liminess of over 20 yeare, and
o:Wet attention to the wants of the public, enable him
the first style of the Faience.
Ate the most certain cure for Worms
use. They aro sweet. and no child
II refuse to take them. Pomona
mid risk Tor "Dr. Ross' Worm liizen
and refuse all others. Many per
os, not barb's: this l.bzenge, will try
get you fo take some otherkind; do
it Jut there deceive you—you tan al-
Lys get them at Dr. 'Ross' Drug store,
and you can bare them scut
you, free of expense by mail, If you
:lose the price in a letter. If her_,
~an a dollars worth is wanted, endue's
post-office stiimps, and you will receive them by retorts
of mail, ;mid Puid. Dr. Ross will send them to any part
of the United States, on receipt of the money. Send on
then, and get tliFfn. Price 25 cents.
These Pills operate Without giving the least pain or un
*redness, and ran be talten'with positive advantage in
tall eases in which a puravdire would be needed ; as the
commencement of Fevers, Ceetiveuess, Liver Complaint,
some forms of Dyspepsia, llendachc, Impure Blood, and
all dißesses arising from impurity of blood. They will
be found superior to any other pill in use. Price 2
Ms. per box. Will . be sent by mall on receipt Of the mo
ney. Sold only by-Dr. Boss, Lebanon.'
A superior medicine
. for the cure of Sick Headache,
Ne/VONS sdeche, I)yspepsis, Isms of Appetite, Ner
vous Wookneea, and all other diseases requring a Louie.
1)r. Ross keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment
of Trusses, of all sizes, and various in price, which will
he sold very low. An expeiienco of more than 20 years,
give the afflicted advantages not to be hail at, every Drug
store. A personal attention to the fitting given. If you
need a truss call at Dr. Ito've' Drng Store, Lebanon. •
For Colic, Sp ems, Itostlosonoso, &c...ofloGon la. It
colmo. nervous irritutlon,.sootbm lotto., and induces to
sloop, wltbout loaning the . doll, drowsy smote ttikt•ft.4-
10vs tlor ilk of *other intuit drops. Special. otteution
;faked to this tetnntlatilo action. AO: for Dr. Ross' f rt-
tgr. ROSS' HAIR Mit
. _
• Is Your hair falling oft? aro you troublial with dand
ruff, or itching of tho head? Dr. Rosa Bair Tonic will
cure these troubleg. Price 25 cts,
firer and Ague cureil in 24 hours. Individuale who
have suffered for weeks and months, hare loon iu a sin
gle-day relluved, as if by magic, from • the e.xcruciating
chili and binning fever. Sold only at Dr Rom' Store.
, •or tiai cure of Sore; Weak, or-Inflamed
Ve...s. Price 25 eta.
positive cure for Wonna.
lie beet Liniment in use for Rlienina
ism, Sprains, SwellingN, Bruises. Tooth,
ache, Sore Throat, and all painful and
icuralgic affections of the body, is Dr.
lo,s' . l,lohnent. , •
'or the. cure of spongy and bleeding
gums; Scurvy, for clean:4llg. and preserv
ing the tecth'and gums, 'and imparting a delightful fra
grance to the breath,. use Dr. Ross"rooth.tiash.
. •
For the-cure of Rheumatism, Tetter, Scrofula, Pains
In the Bones, Old Sorm, Pimples on the feee, Eruptions
of,ull kinds, and nil diseases arising from Blood,
Or the imprudent use of Hlorcury•. SOW only,at Dr.
Ross' Drug store.
De. PIiVfIICK'S COllOll STrlrg; prepared and sold only
by Dr. floss, opposite the Court House, Isis certain cure
for coughs/Cold, Whooping Cough, cte... Look well- to
the marks of-the genuine- See that Dr., Moss' name is
on the bottle.' .
livideneo.strOuger thou certifleatAm LAKE'S VEGETA
LLE COMPOUND Is performing more wonderful mires than
any other :Medicine known I It is perfectly wife to take.
'Pry it. If you are not satisfied after using one Bottle,
the money will he refunded; if not . able to pay, *no
Bottle will he given gratis to try it. Price Five Dollars Bottle, or three Bottles for tali dollars.. Sold only at
Dr. Boss' Druz Store. Lebanon, Juno 16, 185 S.
Sold at Dr. Boss' Drug Store, oppwito the Court louse,'
Lebanon; Pa.
A Benerotent Institaition ettabli.yhett ty speciar.Endota
nen: for the - Relief (tf the Sid; and Di.otressol r
afflicted with .lindent and .Epidemic
MAE ITOWARD ASSOCIATION. in view of the awful
deStruction of human life, caused by SC7CUAI digeaS
'es, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate
victims of such clisensos by Qiineks, sutennl ycarp.agodi
reeled their .Consolting Surgeon, as a CIiAItITAIILE
ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the
treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms,.
ti to give MEDICAL A DVICE.G.I2ATIS to all who ap
ply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age,
occupation, habits of life, and in eases of rh:treme•
It is needless to add, that the Association contiminds the
highest Medical skill of the age,. and 'will futitish the
most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of: the Association, in their,Antinal Re
port upon the treatment of Sexual Ditar.too,fiir'the year
ending .Taniutry lst, 185?.exprei , S the IdgiteStatuisfaction
with the success which halt attended the labors of the
Consulting Surgeon in the cure of * gpertnatorrlieett. Scan
Anal'Weakness, finixaence,.Gonorrlirea, Meet. Syphillis,
the vice of Ounnista or Self-abuse, ice., and order a tam
of the ...ate plan for the ensuing year.
• . the Diree:tors, on a review of this pail, feel assured
thnt their Intim, a in this sphere of benevolent effort have
been of great benefit to the afflicted. especially to the
young, and they have resolved to devote theite4elves, with
renewed zeal, to this very ituportent and much despised
An admirable Report on Speimatonhm, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onaniam, Masturbation, or Self
lamse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the
Ceneultin,g &wpm' will be sent by mail (( inn sealed on
velope,) RE dIIAROE, on receipt ofTWO STAMPS
for postage. Other Reports and Tracts, on the nature
and treatment of sexual disearns, diet, &c. - , ars constant
ly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will
be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and
methods of treatment discovered during the last year,
are of great value.
Address, for Report or treatment Dr. GEORGE R. OAT;
110 UN, Consulting Surgeon; Howard Association, No.'2
South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Ph..
ltro`rder of the Direr:Ws.
• }:ZRA D. IIEARTIVF.LE,, President.
020. FAIRCHILD, Secretary Nor. 10. '55113
11111LADELPUIA. llOUSE.—Established
JE twenty two yenta ago by Dr. EINEELIN, corner
of Third and Union ',treaty Philadelphia, Pa.
Experience has rendered Pr. K. a moat successful
practitioner in the cure of all diseases of It private nature,
manhood's debility. as an impediment to marriage; ner-
TOIIS and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin, and
those arising from abuse of mercury. . • .
There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by bays,
la solitude, often growing up with them to nunhood;
and Which, if not reformed in due time; not only.benats
serious obstneles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating
New of those who give way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the consequences, until they find the nor- -
vous system shattered. foal strange and unaewsuntable
sensations, and vague fears in the mind.-. [Seepages, 27,
28, 29. of Dr. It 's hook on "Self-Preservation.").
.The, unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is Una
ble to labor with accustomed vigor, .or to !TOY.. his
mind to study; his stop Is tardy and weak ; ho is dull,
irresolute, and engages oven in his sports with less ener
gy than usual.
If he emancipate himself before the practice has don*
Its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit
ful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his
early follies. These are considerations which should
awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated.
p Ls) I:SIDER,
ITe who places himself under Dr. KINEEMN'S treat..
ment, may religiously tontide in his honor as a gentle
men. and rely upon the astiVian'ek, that the secrets of
Dr. K.'s patients will never be disclosed.
Young roan—let no false modesty deter you from mak
ing your mule known to one. who. from education and
respectability, cnn certainly befriend you. -
. Dr..lllNKELlN'S'residence has been for the last
EWERS! YEARS nt the N. W. Corner of. TIUItD AND
UNION stroets, Philadelphia ' Pa. • . •
Can have (by stating their case explicitly, 'together
with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit
tanee)Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly.
Forwarded to any part of the United Statea,.and pack
ed sea* trout DAMAGE or CUMOSITY, by Nall or Ex
prem. • •
Szit-PREmatv.triox—Omx 25 Cirrts. -
LetteriContaininglliet value in stumps, will ensure
copy; per ret.urriofmai!...__
A Free GIFT To AU.
"Nature's Guide," a jtcw and .popular Work, full of
valuable advice and impressive, warning, alike calculat
ed to preecht•years of misery, and - wave 11110USANDS of
lives, Is distributed without charge, and forwarded by
mail, prepaid to any Post Office in Uta.llnited States, on
receiving an Order enclosing two postage stamps.
July 15, 1857.-Iy.
north lAelbanon IF7otieg lllilt
LEBANON MILL has been reniodeleli•
and is now completed and In operation and proper
ed to furniih customers reghlarly with a very superior
1.6• article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be
' • obtained from any otlimr source. They
.1;11;1 also keep constantly on band and for
kinds of.OUSTOZ WTbOeRX ,a ‘l e
It a i l re s pect f ully to do all
invite all
the former customers of the Mill, as well ones, to
give them a call.
' They will pny the highest Cori market prices for all
kinds of Grain, such as WHEAT,. UTE, COitaN, OATS,
&e., and afford all facilities and aeoortimodations to
those who will soli.
N. Lebanon Be.-, Nov:3,
- n - EICRY 8 1 / 1 43 would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Lobanott bounty, that he is prepared
do all kinds of SLATE ROOFING, 'at the ahorteet
lootiotrind on the most :amenable terms. Also, FRENCH
AND Butiuin BANCIT V.ORX. Slating •Churelr Steeples,
&o. For further itilbrmatien, please apply to. Mr. J. A.
Bomberger, WalattOrtreet, opposite the jail, or at any
of the .„ = /*ULM, ' March 2, 12f)9.-2m.
The Surest and' most Excellent Remedy!
'PHIS TEA cures CoStivelesso and produces a heulth-
A is
d Appetite. relieves tadientsofsetere Colds, libe
milt ism, and perinea the Blood. Fur Dropsy and '''F's2l
Consumption it is likewise the very hest Rent&
dy; and for Finiales before and after Coufine
mett ft will pitive'a 'never-Pullin;; Purlfleittive,
being at the same Utile ab'additional hettolit to trend fant. la severe l'ain in the iitomach it will er
must valuable services. cleansing and warming the
Stomach, etc., etc., add counteracting . all maples/trustsrnsatious,
sensationa, which frequently originate from flatulency - ,
etc. Take one Tablespoonful of the above Tee. to one
(piart of water, let it boil fur at nun quarter of an
hour, corer it well eo as to prevont the aroma front es
caping, and drink it cold or warns, with or without su
gar, one quart every dfly SCCordin cents,tS
One fourth of a pound casts 25 You may also
cat the Tea in hintatural state Twevieui full with
mutineer, repeatig this every 2 hours should thediscase
be barer°. Children are to take this medicine in propor
tion to their age. SEBASTIAN ZEITLER,
In Chestnut street, first House West. of the Methodist
Episcopal Cemetery. [Lebanon, Deg. 15, 'SK.-Con.
. .. . _
• Dlt. If 13 :Cilia%
Defog an. original and popular Treatise, On • '
Tilltlß physiology,Functiinui slid sexual DidOrtierdof
Tory kind. witli never.failing Remidies fur the
speedy cure of diseases of a private and delicate charac
incident to the violation of the Laws of Nature'and
of Natures God.
• PRICE TWE?.rrY-FirE c.ENTs.
„A .% I; .. , ii_., Tito authorof the • :Above
_........, 6. mg, 1,0 ; volume i$ a graduate, and
..- ••,,ifteitin 'l7 { 4 - ; . 0 , , having devoted a quarter of
,I:t••, .' :q - ' a century to the study and
:::•...,' ~ ,1-' . . treatment of Spyhilis and
A r.
i ff,
-....-.- ' x' ‘ : kindred•disonlors at a spec
.- ('' '' .: witty, he has become pos
.- • s.: ceased of 'most invaluable
"..-",/,' '7', " r " - ' ,•„'•- information in regard to the
"Vol, !, !I il . . s's e' . sani e, and isable to compress
into Tilde meentn compete the very quintel , sence of med
ical science on this important .subject : as the result of
the experience of the most eminent phystobuis in Na
mpa and America Is. thoroughly demonstrated in his
own highly successful- practice- ill . the : treatment of se-.
cwt diseami in rnacy:stitids p 1 cops in . _the city of
l!oetluiony of the Proof Obstrotrip in Penn. Wieget
9;tR. HUNTER'S MEDICAL kIANUELI" • TIM author of this
work, unlike the majority. of those who advertise to
cure the diseases of whicb it tiontsi is ,a graduate of one
of the best Colleges in the Thilted•Stides, It affords me
pleasure to recommend to . the tinfortetnate, or to
the victim of null-practice, as sena:aqui and experienc
e 4 practitioner, iu whey() lietieeend-Intetrity they may
place the greatest confidence: • . •
JOSEPH 8. toxesrront, M. D.
Ftolll A. Woodward, M. D., of Penn. University,
It gives me pleasure to add . my teetlmehy. to the fum
cessions! ability of the Anther of'thc .Ift:dim? Man,
at." Numerous eitsi. of Diseases of •the Oenitil Organs,
some of them of long stainlirr, have come wider my 'no
tice, in which his skill line tocAl manifest in restorim , ' to
perfectlicalth ? in some instances where : the Patient has
been congdered beyond medica l aid. In the trea tment
of Seminal weakness. or disairangementof the (unit ions
produced by S'cif-chew, or .Ercess of venery, I do not
know Ids superior iii his protioti. 1 have bona c.
quainter] with the Author some thirty years ' and deem
it no more than justice to 'him as well as a kindlieas to
the unfortunate victim of early hadi:scretioo, to recom
mend him as one. in whole:Prefeasionallikill audintegri
ty they Duty safely confide themeelvos.
Onecopy. securely enrilopedovill be forwarded freeof
poetago to any part United States for 25 cents, or scopies
for $l. Addrtus, post stId.,,COBDEN. & CO, Publishers,
box 197. Philadelphia.. . • ;_ llOl,. Booksellers. Carsi,:sers and Book Agents suppli
ed on the most fibers, terms.
October 20th, 1858.--1. y., . ' •
The. Liver-..hivigorafor:
riOLL'OUEDED entirely. from Grows, is one of the hest
purgative and liver medicines now before the public,
that acts es a Cbthartic, easier,Milder,Undrnoreetteetast
than any other medicine knoWn. It is not only a Oa
thertie but a Liver remedy,' twang first on the Liver to
eject its morbid matter,.then On the bowels and stomach
to carry off that matter.; thus accomplishing two purpo
ses'erfectually, without any of the painful feeling expe
rienced in the Opera t ions.of most Cathartics. It strength
enis the syetent at the same time that It purges it; awl
when taken daily in moderato , dose will strengthen and
build It up with unusual raidditi.
The LIVER is mica th principal regtditors of the
human botly;.and when i performs it o functions
well, - tho powers of the 0 syetem are fully develop
. ed.- The stomach is alms ob; entirely dependent on the
healthy action of the Lire isr fin. the proper perform
•ance. of its -functions when the stomach is et
limit, the bowels are at fffault , wad the whole sys
tem sinforiii Emmen neuce 'll of 'one prganthe Liver
litiving . .`cetiedil to 'do its duty. For the diseases
Of.-that. one of the 1 / 4 0 proprietors has mule it
Lie sithlY, in it:practice 0.7.1 re than twenty years,
it find scene rentedy wherol;- ts."" with to mem ternct the
many derangements Q which it le liable.
To preys flint this rem- ..M, city is at last fonnil, any
persons troubled with i" er onuplaint, In sty of its
forme d tae but to try a "'• bottle, and conviction Is
These (M ins remove all
front the syeteirt„supply7
ihylible of bile turigorak
food to.digeerkellern'lf
and health to the :who le
cease of the diseitiM and
:Hifi.* attacks are cured
- rolled, by the occasional
Ono dose after eatingh
stomach and prevent the
Only one dose taken he-i
Only , one dose taken at;
gently, and cures thstiee:
One dose taken., after .
One does' of-two tea
lieve Sick ./readiethe.-
One bottle talteMfor for > male obstruction removes
the cause "of •the disease, awl makes a perfect cure.
Only one deseinifiredi ately relieves eholic,while
onedose often repeated " sure care for cholera
Dior:ale, - end a Preventiv •s , of cholera. •
- Only one bottle is n to throw out of the sys
tem the - effects of - inedi ine after a tong sicknees.
One bottle takili . for Jaundice remoras all
.sallowness or - unnatural color from the skin.
• One dose teken a abort that before eating:o'a . ..vigor -
to the appettte,4end' makes food digest welt.
One dose - ofteitlepeated cores Chronic Ilietrrhav in Its
Summer or Dowel Complaints yield
almost to the first dose.
Ono or two doges cures attacks caused by TP.,rms in
children theesi is rio tearer, safer, or speedier remedy in
the weirld r es'it never fails.
A few bottldsCuiv.Dowisy, by exciting the absorbents.
We take pleasurk lu recommending this medicine as a
preventive for'i..t•rei: and ...Igoe, Chill Fever, and all Fe
vere ofa Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and
thousands are-Willing. to testify to its wonderful virtues.
All who nee it are giving their unanimott :testimony
In its favom,
SliL Mix Water In the mouth with the I uvigort for and
swallow both :together.
The Liver infigerator is a Scientific Medical Discovery
and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe.
It mute as If by magic, even' the first flo*giring benefit,
and-seldom more titan one bottle is required to cure any
kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dye
pepsin to a common..lieadache, all of which are the re
sults of a Diseased
DR. SANY.o . l.loibpprleter, 345 Dradivity..N . eir. York.
JOSEPR It: Leinier.nett, and Dn. lin6s, Agents for Leba
non; and Demists. Untie
Dry . 79 . 04.i.. - Grocery & Crockery,
• •
lEONAItD ZIMMEIMAN informs his friends'and th
pane thatlielius 'just received n now stock of
Goods foie. the Winter Trade, , -
which will be found es cheap as any stock of the kind lu
tlds tnwn ' consisting otall StWil GOODS as are . mussily
kept in a first-class stern.
Particular n flention ts•givon 10 Staple Goods for the
country trade, not iftlecting the fancy articles for LA
DLES' WEAR—such- as Laces, Lawns, Edgings, Under.
sleevels..llrindkerchicet ; ke.
GENTLP.MEN . are invited to examine bis CLOTIIS,
Quisireoree, Casinetsj Tweeds, Fancy and other 'coatings,
Velvets, Cords. Ac.
In the GROCERY department may be-found a
splendid ansortrnent of every need in the Family:
Coffee. Sugar, Spiees Teas, Mackerel, &p.
CROCKERY the steel: it well selected.
&Jr' The highest market. price willbe forCOUN
TRY pnonuc [Lebision, Sept. '42, 15513.
Books! Rooks! •
„.., 7. Al 3 k' BlEDEE'would respectfully
A - Ajp7-, inform the Public, that they constantly
• receive, from the Eastern eitimi, copies of
! all the most important and attractive
,Ncw hooks, RS soon as published, which :they offer for
sale,.cheaper than they can bitipurcliased ebiewhere.—
Among those lately received are= •
Parton's Aaron Burr,
Litington's Travois and itesearcbes in South Africa.
Spark's Life of Franklin,
Abbott's Napoleon, • •
City of the Great King, •
Bayard Tityler's Northern Travels, •
Debit and Credit,
The Reason Why.
They have always on hand n large assottnientof School
Books, Blank Books and
.Stationery, Sunday School
Books. and a large assortment of Flute, Piaula,
Violin and Guitar Meek^. • Piano Forte, Me
lodlan and Violin.Theitructor. .
- - - • •
. :of Foreign awl Domestic ManufactUte,
Window Shades,.
The Mont hi" Magazines)
and all the
NEWSPAPER S r daily 4. Weekly,
Can be hall by calling at theature, on Ciimberland greet,
in the borough of Lebanon, at the sign of the" Big Book."
I:lll..Orders left with them for any kind Of goods in their
line, will be promptly attended toi • .
Lebanon, Fob. 4, ISSS. • • •
• A MerieSICINV.
JUST received a lot of Wikiguonw itittiot s _
at the Nosh, Jewelry.Stortfnt;
Lebanon, Nor. 3, 1338. • .
Selling oltaito'fit,:..
TOMS FARRELL is selling bitilargo *tack of Amori-
Italian MARBLE at COST and six matkihg
credit, preparatory to disoontinuing the businese in this
place. The public is invited tot:Ain:nine his stook.
Lebanon, Feb. 1859.-ve•
s • . ,
Atl i rlAtt e : ringloalei in 11 4,0 13 1 h— inldHaepn . an. at short
.• • •
Wholesale and Retail Drug Store;
Has lteceßenwwed to his New Building. ott emelt.;
land :treet, , ,pp ,, fte the 1.: a 4410
lo•lintinit. Ps.
anbscriber rePpectfully announces to i l l, sequa i u
Once, and the public In general, that he has con
9 tautly on hand a large stock of
Buildng Fluid;Stirgicel Instruments, Toilet Soaps, St.
gars. Tobacco, de. Also a variety of Fancy Articles to.,
uninerciitslo mention, which he offers at low rates, uud
warrants the obalitha of the articles as ropretented.—
Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the
qualities and prices of hula goods before purelmsiFig else.
where. fq t y•- Physicians' prescriptions and family re e l.
pea earefully nompounded, at all Juana of the day ci
night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the liagh:.
On Sundays the Store Will be opened for the emu
.pounding of prescriptions between. the hours of 7 am!
10 o'clock, A. 51.. 12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P. M.
Lebanon, Dec. 0, 1357. DAVID S. TUBER.
. . _
• Fifty Dollar 4 Forfeit.
DHUNTER. will Forfeit $5O if failing to curs any
of ,secret disease that may come n Ildor hi, c are,
no Martin' 'how long stuuding or nfflictimr. Either sex
are invitedto Isis Private Rooms. 44. North seventh St.
Philad'a. Without tsar. of interruption from other pa
tients. Strninnirs aorethers who have beets unfortu
nate in the selection of a Physchua are invited to call
IMPOTENCY—TrongIi ulinietnitioed indulgence of
the passions, by excess or self abuse, thc_prils are num
erous. Premature impotency, involuntary .minas die
charges, wasting of the organ.,, loss of mercory..4.
baste for female society. general debility, or constitution
al derangement, are sure to follow if neeiusary,
the Doctor with confldcnce; he offers a perfect cure.
It MAD AND REFLECT.—The afflicted would do well
to reflect before trusting their health and happiness, and
in many Cane. their lives, hi the bands of physicians Igno
rant of this class of maladies. Tt is certainly impassible
for one nian.fpunderistand all thellis the human family
are subject to. Every rompectablephysician has his rw*-
culiar branch, in whirl, he -Is more successful than his
brother profersora, and to that he devotes most of his
time and Study.
YEAIIS QE PRACTICP., tegelesirely devoted to the
study and treatment of dieense-.s. of the sexual org:we, to
gether with OWN own the body, thrmit, nose, or log 4,
panel in the head. or hones. mercurial rheumatism, etrir
tor, gravel , irregularities . , .liseases mimin g f r o m y ou th.
fill - excesses, or impurities of blood, whereby tho consti
tution has become enfeebled, enahles the Doctor to offer
speedy relief to ail who may piece themselres under hie
le— Medicine forwarded to any part of United Statue:,
—Price Ten Dollars per Package.
NI:TO-ELECTRIC .MACIIINE. No acid or other Ingre
dicta required ; its power being obtained from a perma
nent magnet.. No family aliuuld be without uua. Price
only $lO.
October Altb,
Tills amt. pOgllglilt, Con beforey the public but a
few years, has already WOO a name and reputation
unevimplecl in the history of any mediene ever inven
ted. The ingredients composing it are simple, yet in
combination all powerful to driving disease from tha
IllillltUt System. it cure.? . . .
Scrofula, I Cancerous formations,
Cutaneous Dba.asee, Erysipelas, Bolls,
Plunges on the face, Sere Eyes,
(lid .t stubborn Ulcers, Scald Head,
Tetter affections, . •Jilieumatic Died - fart,
Dyspepsia, - •Coetiveness,
Jaundice, Salt Rheum, . •
mercurial Diwnene, - (Scarred BehilitY,
Liver Complaint' . Lose of Afmetite,
Low Spirits, • Foil Stomach, .
Vemitle Ocinilllaifits, and all Diseases havihg Vail
origin in an impure stide of 'the Blood.
. .
' .I.fvery Agent 'rho hats tliis medicine 'fur sale, has eir
.celani OU land con taluing`Certificatea item persons who
Lave been cored by its - use.. Many of them are despe . r7
ate comes, Kin/ whiteout! themselves to the attelltiint of
those afflicted with any of the above disciati.s. The fol
lowing certificate alone is selected, as Carrying with it
the must indUbitable evidenretif the'rfrthea of this wee
derful motheirie. '
sworn etattimetit of Ditvid M'Creary, of Napier Town
ship. Bedlbrd conney
In April, 1851 J, ae near as I ern remember, a small
plinpLe wade its appearance on my lip, Which soon Ira
'Cattle enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel, and
wash of blde ritrol, - without effect. Finding the sore
extending, I .culled on:Dy. Ely, of SchelLsburgorho pro
lammed it Cascsa. and prescribed a wash of sugar of
lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no
I called Immo I/r. Shaffer; of Davidville. Somerset
wittily, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and
gave me internal and external remidleis—tho latter con
sisting principally caustici: but all•to no purpose, as
the dhtease continued spreading toward the nose- I next
need a preparatiorr,of aYsintie,in thelinitt of salve: This
for a NUM checked the disease, but the inflammation 8000
IIICIIMA61.1:, I neat called upon Dr. Studer, of St. Clairs
vine, lledfdrd county, who also pronouticed the disease
Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a never failing
remedy, but it bade° effect Whatever In checking the
of the sore. Its December, of the same year, the
disease had oaten away it grwtter part of my upper lip,
and had attacked the nose, "when I went to Cincinnati.
where I. consulted Prof. It. S. Newton. of the Electie
Medical College. fie pronounced the disease “aentane
ous Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate use of mei:.
.cury.' lie applied mild sine ointment, amlgare me In
ternal remedies. Sly thee healed - op, but the ILLRDMMVIS
tion Was not thoroughly removed. In Yelenmry, DIST;
he pronounced me cinvd, and I left for h In Apra
the diabase again returned. and so violent was the pain
that I could not re it night! Late in May I return ec iti,
Cincinnati, and again placed myself under thd charge of
Dr.. Newton, with whom I remained until Septemberdn
ring which time Int . used.erery known remedy,' and part
ly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I return
ed home there were still three discharging ulcers upon
my Bice. I Continued tising'Newton!a preparations, and
also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely, bdt the . Cancer
ontimied 'growing until it had set og the-left tide of my
nose, the greater porte - on' of sty 140 cheek, mut had ,at
tacked my Idfl ewe. I bad given UP all bop% of ever &-
Mg, cared,.since Dr. Zap said he could give relief,bu t
that a'aure was inipossible. In Mardi, 1858, I bought*
bottle -of "Blood-Searcher," but Is must confess that I
had no.htlth in it. I was very weak when I comsnenced
taking it; but I found that - I gained 'strength' day hy
day, and also that the nicer-cotantenoed, dejing. "up. I
continued, and.when the thlrd.bottle.Wel taken my face
was healed as if by a mirecle.• 'I used. a foitith bottle.
and I have been healthier since than thave been forthe
last seven years. Althouglignv face is Prtdly disfigured:
I am atilLgrateful tea benign Providence whehasspar,
ed my life, and which has been done through theinstru•
mentality of LEthast's 131 PROVED BLOOD Sttaacnsis-
Sworn and 'subscribed, this 31st day of August, A. D.
1555, before me, one of thejustless of the peaee, in and
for the Borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa.
• Witneiti--13..1: Jous• Gomez, J. P.
Or sale by M. 11. Gettle, Myerstown ; Marti. Early,
Paltityra;, John Capp & Son, Jonestown ;. John Seliner,
Mount Nebo: John-Carper, Bnclumanville ; John Dein
:oter, Campbelstown; Killinger & Kinsporta,Annvillac
John C. Cobaugh, Bridgeport ; ell of Lebanon County.
• 1101Bil;yebttrg..panua.
Also Sold at Dr. Cleo: Rose Drug Store, opposite the
Court Rouge,' hebanon,ldiL ; • : Ran. 2 6,1859.-6 m.
morbid or bad matter
lug In their Mace a heal-
Mg the stoinach, ininting
lug the bleed, 'giving biro
machinery, rentoelug the
effecting a radical cure.
and, what is better. pre
use of the Lirer
sufficient to relieve the
(hod front raising and
fo.r e retiring, privents
niht. 100fttla the bowels
meal, will cure Ilys.
spomifuls will alwiys ns
BRCIETIAR, this Celebrated MEDD' DOC
' •
TOR, offers • his 'valuable services to the public at
DOCTOR lIECLITLE is opposed to Calomel of
any mineral poisons; and will not give them at
DOCTOR BECIITLE having studied medicines ten years;
and a number of years or extensive practice and experV
ence, secures to bun the Confidence of the pnbiic. DOG
TOR BECLITIJS bars only lost nine patients in the last
MVO -scan, out of the vast numbers who have made ap
plictiOne to hied for aid, from borne anti abroad. Some
come biandreds of miles to comfit with regard to diseases
of long standing, Mid have been cured, in the last two
years., nocroit Emcwrix has cured 50 oases of Cancef;
30 of Rheumatism, 29 of Dropsy, 23 of consumptkoni 19
31' Diseases of thollllwider and Ifidnevs,l7 of Sore Eyes;
150 of females laboring under the Toning of - the'Wombi
3lonthly Irregularities, rinuraihns, Sc. , Ae:' Alt the
above diseases have been pronounced incurable by Ode ,
trill Outieks: have do inn& to give thii ;obeyer ocrtitr.
cites, but whoever doubt. can bars the macs at any'_
time by calliur, on DOCTOR. BECIITLE. As respects.
Diseases of Women, old or young, DOCTOR DECATLE .
has never lost one woolen. in confinement of all the vast
. numbers he bus attended. in this hn is particularly sue-,
cessful. Diseases of longstanding of all kinds, cured in
the shortest possible time, and on the inlet reasonable
terms. No charve for consultation. Night practice at
tended tout all hoar.
DOCTOR BECHTLE will always be found in hie Office
in North Lebanon, a few doers North of the United Drethl
ren Church, except when out on business.
North Lebo non Borough, December 22, 1851L—lj, • '
• •
Wood, WOod.-. .-•
• 1
TILE: tinderrigned aro prepared, to Dirrdah ORY or O.IK WOOD, to order, at any place in Leb
-111)411 or North Lebanon Borougha.• . Orders left at
their Mil( will Lc promptly attendee tn.
Lobanon, April 21,1858. 711Y.ERS.k Mani:
ITILE undersigned, hn4ibg bought Mr.
, Henry . Spoons Wdoo eh& Coal Yard, a
short distance north,e, at or Meterk Foster A '"7;i r
Motch's Foundry,' in dte - bol'Oligh. of North
Lebemtn ,
and arse from .•200 to 300 CORDS OF,
WOOD and front 800. to :1000: ,TONS OF COAL, of ett
kites and grades,selich.l.will sell atthc cant or deliver .
at as small profits as Vail mat the times. I therefore in
vite till those that are in wrist of any of those art .s
tcte to r-
cull tor
and seethe same,. ascertain prices. and .i
themselves DANIEL I,IOIIT, (mcrebant.) .
North Lebanon, Apri114,1358.-tf.
UAT ift E „it r.I .Nr •
:Vas Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber:
T" gaging in the Lam.-
undersigned have lately formed a partner.:
.abip for the purpose of on
t• BusinesS, on a uew plan. would respectfully inform'
public at large, that their place of bosineas
11nwsti3e's . Old Lumber Yard, in East Lehembh, fronting
Otestnut ,quare from the `Evangelloal 2
dumb. • Ther have en larged the Yard and 1111eilit with'
a new and rarellent assOrtnient of all kinds of Lumber;-
such as BOARDS., PLANK:, JOISTS, •
of all.lengths and thicknesses, scabit, thby leeop con-,
stand,' on hand, a full and well dicas• ona assortment of
all kinds of BUILDING 3IATERIAIA: Persormiu want
of anything in their lino are invited foCalt;eitunine their
stock, and learn their prices. . -
Thankful for past favors, they bop that by- attended
to business and moderate prices, to row*. conortutua-ii
of public patronage.
libiiitila a CIPP:
Lebanon; April B,Igar WMICNi ' • •
- - -
. For Impurity of the Blood,