ghtaitint gititattiotr. IMIiOCRATI4:IPRII4etitiF6ABB TO LEO, WE CUM TO FOLLOW." M. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor LEBANON, PA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1859 ;itt gOMATICNONirNATff)II'S FOR AUDITOR GENERAL : , tßichardson L. Wright , OP PHILADELPHIA FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL John Rowe , OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. GOOD SALARY.—The Town Council of Chambersburg Pa., have increased rthe salary of High Constable to $2OO, • and allow fifty cents for every arrest rmade. They are determined to have 'the duties of the office, in accordance 'with the borough laws, faithfully ex .-ecu.ted. ma.. The Republicans talk 4.hald 'ing their next Btate Convention - in a Slave state, and Wheeling, Va., has been named,' a place,sufficiently near . to. Ohio to afford the requisite sym pathy to the movement. They might as well hold it in Pennsylyania, or in Bosting, as pradtically it will be just ' sectional. "SPLIT.—In MOntgpmery county the ,!Opposition have , ?eleeted two sets of 'Delegates to ' , their 'Suns State Con vention—the one American'the other -Republican. The former we believe are the regular delegates, but . the lat ter will ow3t them. We are surpris -ed that the Americans who are only entitled to vote for the Opposition, -should have the assurance to thus ~push themselves forward. Can't the Republicans do the managing and fill 'We Offices?. - Why should-the Ameri cans S uint that way? The Republican papers are coming idown upon the Daily News and the Americams.6lPcnnsylvania, in strong llaiignage for their presumption in in- Iterfering with political management. The Pittsburg Gazette calls the Amer ican organization "indefinite and 'meaningless in its name, and so limit ed in its range as to be ridiculous."— The Lancaster Examiner calls them mongrels and the, proposal for a Na stioni/ireoples' Convention a suididil Project and "gide, door" arrangement. Tlo"Americans" must rest on their MIS latir=4ReißtW.WlßF4lj:CM , Vote the Republican ticket. If they .do more than that they willbnepank ed by their Republican masters. MORE MEDDLING.---An American State Convention meets AtEarrisburg to-day. It will, no doubt, be pretty 'imillzatended, as wehave noticed the :awiintment of delegates by a great , many, counties. Our neighbor of the 'Courier forgets, to chronicle the move !merits of the American wing of :the ' party, and hence Lebanon - will hardly be represented. The celebrated traveler and•sa ,, cant; Baron .A.L.ExANnEa vox Hum- Si o 1,3 r, died at Berlin on 'the 6th inst. Itak. Mexico is Topsy-Turvy, and the indications are that it will remain So for some time to come.. It has no .government and it has twenty ; and pence, order -and thappiriess cannot -come out of the evil until 'kis annex ed to the United States. Str- A 'powerful' English writer :says,-in :the course of an editorial—qt would be more.strange than, improb able if St. Helena received another "Napoleon, the pest of Europe to its • rocky bosom, before the world is much older. STH JONATHAN SLICK.—The Queen of Brigla,nd has been graciously pleas ,ed to advance to.the dignity of knight hobd- Jonathan Slick, the celebrated elockmaker ofOniontown, also known as the Hon. Brenton Ralibuirton,Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. In Muscatine there is a man so hp ly that his wife has to board in tha nert,street ta keep from fainting away every time she looks at him. A MAN writing from Pike's Peak says :=I am going to leave these dig , gmgs for a better one. It is too much trouble to tug and pry up the great big chunks of gold that weigh half ton or so, and are so thick you can not, get them out without danger of breaking your legs, and I am going up, to a ravine, where all I have to do is .to; go to the top of ahigh mountain andd roll it down mto the river. The country here is fine, but the winds are awful.. Alyboysgotsolight with eating roots that I can only keeP them by me; or together, by piling lumps of gold about as big as nfinllets, on their shirt tails, as the little innocents sit down on the grass Everything is grown here. r roan raise, ninety bushel of wheat to ''die'aeret. Oranges, lemons and all such colored fruits, grow' wild here, ! *bile — melons, pears, apples peaches "fipple-dtimplins, - are so plenty "7*dt:they find no market. 'SOH off what stuff you have, and eame.out here.. Yon can get rich in and'go., back in such a, style. that will astoniili - the. nathrips. Keep yoFtemper in disputea:‘ The cool net. fvhions the red hot iron into Any shape, needed. "The Ameridan Trail Society which met in New York la week-ciefused to express =itself against the slave trade. This Society is controll• ed by the commercial interests of New York, and the South; and is a beautiful specimen of a mis sionary religious institution 1 It can pfhnt tracts innumerable against chewing tobacco, taking a walk in the country:on S'utiday, and other pecca dilloes; but when it isasked to bear its testimo ny against piracy, murder and debauchery of the deepest-kind, it isirnly a dumb dog; "We-woti der that the men who hare control of it, do not dissolve it, ancl'hldeit from sight, for very - shame. If there is any MBAS of hypocrites and cowards, which is utterly contemptible, it is that class that professes tolight sin, yet cows and shrinks 'when asked to - face it. Yet it is just such material that contrail the American Tract Society." The above , unbottling of wrath is from the Lebanon Courier Of laSt 'week. We give it a place in our col umns to show what folly raen can be . gnilty. of, . Because the American Tract Society does not see proper to forget the principles of its 'organiza tion and the groundwork of its use fulness and success it, is elassed'*iiith the hypocrites arid , cowards. Because it does not 1'011;w : in the,' footsteps of the Xellogs 1 the Chapins;. and the • GreeleyS, (the &Falterer, the 'fanatic and the infidel,) and tern ,its.pulpits and publications into , engines Tor the promtdgation Alx> is a "dumb liog." tionium Christianity, and since - . when IS the Ti-eastity - Of the Society siiStain t ed akm eby the money of the abolition ! ists? The ISrealites of old went astray and worshipped the golden-calf; now a-days there are plenty Of people in Christian land who are going astray by worshipping the calf of abolition : ism. We are glad the Tract:Soeiety had sufficient material of 'true. tianity in its government to refuse substituting for the :Bible the political text book of a fraction of fanatics, and hope, that if any change is made in the .31issionary:enterprises of the Society . it will be for the conversion of the abolitionists. Let them.face that danger. In this connexion we .would alsb advance the opinion,-viz :-Thatthere is more true Christianity, and-that the proportion of "saveitis,greater among :the slaVes of the south r ,than there is among the abolitionists, of the north; and that if the latter do not lay aside their hypocrisy and 'become truly Christianized there will be very kW of them to enter the ustraight . gate." The American Tract SOciety is chris tianizing the negro, and if- any cen sure attaches to it, it is for neglecting the heathen at its .own doors. Louie -Murat, a lineal decendant of Toactim Murat, in of Naples under :the - reign ofNapoleon !Bonaparte, who qtrrivediri]-this• country in 1849 i hay - - !ing. considerable raeans..and• letters of credit, was found drank in the streets vf , etrri — Frarceisp - 9;laid-qalre to the station •hoase low tweeka since. REMAItW3LE AccIDENT , .---Mrs. Jones, *ifs of our -townsman, Mr. William Yonesirecently met with a most sin gular accident, the particulars of which are these :---She passed into her smoke house for the purpose of ob taining a;ham, but the meat being hung upon iron hooks at a considera ble distance beyond her reach, she stepped upon - the-box or chair in or der to Secure it, and'while in this im sitiOnt - 014 - box tilted °veil And threw . her ha,ekw Ards against one of these. hooks. The hook penetrated the, scalp, and conipletelx detached a Piece of it half as large as a man's hand, leaving the skull entirely bare, and presenting a frightful spectacle ofmn tilation, ,The serviices of Dr. Charles - E. S., McKee ;mare ob4ined, and al thOugh the piece was OA' for half an hour and patient advanced in life, it was skillfully replaced, and is; now.. nicely re-uniting with the surrounding scalp, a circumstance, itlis said, which seldom occurs in cases ,of, this kind, and which is;, therefore,. somewhat re markable in the history of surgery. Hagerstown Herald. FIVE DOLLARS FOR A HISS !---The Pottstown Ledger gives us the partic ulars oft novel and rather ninny suit that name off last Friday before. a Justice of the Peace in Amity town ship, Berks county. .rt appears that a young man, a resident of Money, Lycoming county, who was on a bus iness visit to this county, the Railroad station at Birdsboro' on Fri day morning last, and while waiting for the cars, entered into conversation with a young lady, the daughteeof a resident of the neightisiloook, , After talking with her for`some minntes, he suddenly caught hold of the fair dam sel, and before she could offer any re sistance, kissed her. Highly indig nant at Such familiarity . from a per fect stranger, she straightway pro ceeded home, and informed her father of it; who posted off to a Justice of the Peace, obtained a warrant against the bold and amorous youngster, for an assault with intent to take other liberities, &e. ' went to Douglassville, * whither he had gone, had him arrest ed and taken before the Justice, who after a full hearing of the case, order ed him to pay a Hilo of $5, and the costs. This was a pretty loeavy pen alty for stealing a kiss, but the young offender paid over the money, glad to escape from any more_ serious con sequences of his indiscretion. WHAT A LADY OUGHT TO DO WHEN HER DRESS TAKES Fins.—The light floating dress take fire; what ought the lady do? Obviously, sbe ought, without the delay of a mamma,. to -lie down— prostrate herself, instantly. This is the only chance. A. hearth rug, or,door, mat, or table cov er, or coat, or cloak, or,cushion, may be pulled or thrown over the &mess or if the lady will cn ly roll on the floovivirkiiideier, eall'and i seream for anY"orus who may,,Waliand to use fire shov el, rnusioifook, WatiVw)fatever else maybe with in reach, to put imi, , the fire—crusb, smother, tramp, squeeze—any Wky 'to extinguish the de yourineelement. Any such Method's are sure to sueceed; and'the lady, ikbiirxtt , at all; Will be so about the limbs ()ply, thai slightly, while the vital the chest and head, will alniost to a certainty eget& altogether. THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.---A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. FROM EUROPE. The intelligence received, is not of decisive consequence. On the 3d inst., the. Emperor of the French addressed to the Carps Legistatif a statement of the result of the negotiation's, and an nouncement that the Austrian invasion of Sardinia could only be regarded as a declaration of war, and as such the French Government' regarded it. 'The Emperor was' to leave 'for Sardinia 'on the 6th. The Austrian army in the meantime had advanced tOtheSesicand had occupied Vercelli, a city •orSardin ia, about thirty miles from The 'Tioino arid half 'way on the highroad bet Ween 141ilan'and l Turin. From the positions of the - opposing armies, it was, thought a collision could. hardly be postponed beyond lhe't th"of May. The, 'effect of the war upon the stock narkeT he'd al• ready reacted. -From ladiewdehave im portant news. • The rebels had been de feated badly by a ,combined movement of the English trocips,',soo of them hay. ing been killed in one fight,-including several officers. The Main 1) . 94 of the - rebels'were still at liepaul en s Elie Bth cf * April. Rajah Maunsighsufferidered his force on Tantialopee was captured on ,the Sth. F . LA' ERO4TIE SEAT OF'W.AR. ..The' l Attitrians were iteddii?advanc itig towardthe 'French and Satdinian lines, with the wirparettvcrurpose 'of at taCking Alessandria, the head , qoarters tithe allies. -The prevalence of Spring freshets in the.Po, interfered with their transit over that stream ; and active ho,s, tilities, it was suppbsed, would have to 'await the abatement of the flood. A dispatch from-Paris of the 6th says: “The lifonitezir this morning contains the-following: ALESSA.N . DRIA ) May 4—Evening. The Austrians, who crossed the Po in small numbers at Caniphia and Po, and pushed their vanguard as far as Salta, have crossed the river. The Aus trian divisions, reported on the right bank, are still threatening the passage of the Po at Trassinatto, but the river being much swelled ty'rein, offers an other obstacle to their crossing. The -rain. continues, arid the low ground is covered with water.' . The London Times, of the 6th, speak ing of the Austrian military operations, says, they have come to',no 'other result than that, after having been . seven daps on the Sardinian`soil, the invaders have not advanced more than thirty-five miles from the frontier river. It seems as though"Austiia had staked heavily for an 'opportunity; has 'won if and , now thrown it way. They, have gained noth ing 14y their choice of the movements lied sudden initiative, except, the . power of ; making forced - contributions on the enemy's country; while all the positions Sardinia 'lipids are . dbnnee'red bylines of 'rails'Witlyeabh Other, and with Alpine 'passes' into 'Prance. LATER BY THECANADA. dates 7th inst., are received by the Canada. The; Austri -111113 were-repulsed while attempting to cross the'river Po, but no serious colli sion' ,had occurred. All the Austriau 'merchant. ships lying to the hitibrit of Genoa had been seized by the , Slirdinian Government. ' lt was-expelled ihat Na poleon would leave Paris on the 12th, to take command of tre-Trench army-in person. The Emperor of Austria was also about to take 'Cornman - d of his;army. Several important changes had taken place in the French Cabinet. Cotton had declined. Breadstuffs ditto. Pro visions hid advanced. Additional advices 'extend our 'infor mation of.the movement of events_' in It aly: The•Ausirian trriny bad Paged the _Po at one or two points . , and at • Fiessin. etto - had 'had'a smart action with'the Al lies; resulting disastrously for the inrad. qrs.. 'The line of the Railroad from Protmana to the "Ticino was in their handi ; had been occupied and fortified.; they had advanced to the banks of the Scriyia, some fifteen mile's from 'Alexandria; - and were exhibiting eliery ,indication of desiring a combat; A dispatch, however, at the latest mo ment gises'a ritmor that the Whole body Were apparently ~on the verge of retreat. From France we have intelligence that the troperorleit Paria on the 10th, not, however., before he.had issued . a Gener a-I Manifesto' to the ttiropean people, 'setting forth, his Views of indepsendnnt _, nationalities. Great preparations were making, it was reported, for the defence of the Rhenish frontier against the pus. sibility of a - German invasion; a tneas• ure which the Anstrians had - initiated by throwing a large'bodY of troops up on the frontier of Gallicia, as a•-precau tion against the Russians. The gener al news is of secondary importance.— death of another scientific notabili. ty is announced in the person of Dr. DIONYSITIS LARDNER., THE PIKE'S PEAK EMIGRANTS.—Ad vicei from ihe Pike's Peak gold region say that Several deaths froth starvation have occutred therein consequence of the scattity of provisions. ,Abundanee of supplies were,. howeier L on the way. A hundred returned 'gold seekers from Pike's Peak, h.ave arrived at.St.Joseph, M 0.., 'arid bring most deplorable accounts of the condition 'of affairs at, the gold mines and on the route. About twenty thousand men are on their a way back, destitute of mmtey.and'provisions s and perfectly reckless . anddtsperate. Some of them threaten in burn Omaha, Leav enworth, St. Joseph .and others, in re venge for the deception which induced the emigration. Two thousand of them are nearanaha. . MARRIAGE EXTRAORDINARY. -A bri dal party were - assembled at the Roman Catholic Chapel in Limerick, ready to take one another "for lietter or for worse," but the gay LOthario could not screw up his_ courage to the sticking point and when asked if hdwas willing to take tbe lady, di his wedded wife, he became absolutely tongue-tied, Mean while tie lady, who before blushed with modesty, now crimsoned with indigna Lion ; but the would-be:Beneilick put in. to her hand a - R.,20 note ss reparation" to her woudded feelings, sensibly enough she took, lite money, and thinking it a pity that she should be disappointed, add VnoWing that no title 'was to be lost, as it`as the last day of -Shrovetide, she turned off from the Sallie swain, and asked a young man who came to wit ness the ceremony, and with whom she had been previously acquainted, if he would have her. He jumped at the pro posal, and the . necessary forms having been gone' through, the marriage' rites were completed. On the conclusion of the ceremony, the newly•made bride took from her pocket £2OO, and handed it and the £2O to her new lord and ma:3. ter, to the amazement and chagrin of her former - suiter, who, it would appear, "foended his proposal" on a report that the lady had mo'nev, and hacked nut of it at the lastmomont, not seeing itlerth comitig before the - rnatiage. 'Do increase his trouble, the now tap'py'fair"one ex clOmed, "Ai), you lost a hargain.". :NEW COUNTERFErr BANK NOTES.- We advise our readers to refuse any note of the denomination of five dollars, hay ing for .a .vignette a man feeding hogs ; it portrait of Ilenry 'Clay on the upper left, and a•V in medallion work on low er corner ; a man carrying a basket of corn on the lowerright, and d:fi'gure 5 in the upper corner.; a dog Iy'ng down between the signatures, and ptrporting to 'be- engraved by Wellstood [lay & Whiting, New 'York., I'hisilate was engraved-for a bogus-Indiana 'bank, and is being altered to variousAtirdks. A MA'N DYING TWICE--The'Cincn irati l- kierirer tells" of - e Men 'tvlro"dier. a few days ago, who rrsight be said to' have died once before,and' oeen - recalled to life by,a - singelar cireumitafice. He had suffered fora - lonvirne froth consutnp- Lion, and grown weaker and weaker, and . Mere - and more attenuated, until he could not stand or speak . . He felt that the had but a few days to ; /live, and made every preparatitihforapproachingdias'olutiott. 'Wife=witchedbeside him, and, one morning, he beckpned to her to_putlier head to his lips, when he whispered, "I " ath 'going Jane," and lOU her hand.. A - slight spasmpasedlthrough his frame; a deadly - pallor. ofterepread. his face ; 'his eyes rolled upward;- and the rattle of death was heard in his throat. At that moment his wife screamed, and he start= ed up with new vigor, and asked faintly ; "why did you do that 'I" ,From that mo ment he began to recover and grow stronger, and in a . month was enabled to leave his bed and work at his trade.-- He -lived for nearly two years after that straege event, hut finally was attacked with -a return of his old complaint, and died after an illness of three months. Ottt The peculiar red appearance of .the sun as . -it , sets in the \evening, and subsequently of the - moon;:attracts much attentien,,particularly . for those who are on the watch, for signs obw.a-days.— What peculiar convulssoni of nature it portends, we are unable tosay, hut with in the limits of natural phenomena, it is -suppesed to indicate a drought. The -Philadelphia ; Bulletin says,: We - have heard it asserted—but upon- what -au thority we krioet-bet--=.4hat no ',rain has fallen during the month of May, Jrcneitli ,er of thes9's.for -five centuries. 'That, is to say'that there was eperfeeily dry time in May.-1:.359; May 1459,, ay 15- May.;1,55,9; Atay•l7o9,;;;ii - the pre sumptien is that there will he at) equal. lytrainless spell in May 185 g- We have examined McAllister's register. but it doeS not even extend so far back as 17- 59, and -we know not 'ivii:#e" re to look for a meteorogical -record of -the Middle Ages so as to test 'the at ct4acy of the assertion which is goleg- thel rounds. N . . 8.(— , -The prophecy is of correct, it tamed •last week,.like'fe Rise IN THE. PRICE CO LEATHER.— . ' There has been an imusnat i c risp in the price of leather of la te,-owin 7 g to the fact :that -Austria had been buyidg up almost the entire stock in London Raw Pow hides are now shipped for Eurcipl, as sport as they arrive in New , York,- , from. South American ports,And` even - : .in por . own , 'county, we learn that a gentleman in one of the upper townships of .14rks.:county, made 64,000 on the - Sale ef itock.= is a very_nice'Operatibil for these .1 times, lied - will 'be 'very , apt to make dealers leather hold op tel theirstock 'for better prices. The advance per. lb. is as high as 10 and 12,cents. A WELL INJUILEE.-A negro woman fell, head forimost, into awell 130 feet deep , a few days since at. Montgomery, Alabama. Pt the descent her-head struck the stene wall', knocking a quan tity of the' masodrY dUt of 'place, lier head how ever, ;Was but slightly 'bruised. Ate was quite cheerful when drawn out. The may' datnacze done ' was to the atone CURE FOR VIE BARXOLIE.:—The melt effectual remedy yet discovered, has boon aStnall olove of garlic, steeped for h few minutes in warm salad oil, and put into awes; rolled up ln inualin or thin linen.' In time the garlic is ,`reduced to a pulp; and, haying accomplished itsobject, should be replaced with cettho, CO prevent: the patient 'taking cold. - • A\ T tTE LFC&NT Taat'ELLEtt:-LA Ocrlnan writer, who . Its published on: =Count . or wen and things in the United States, says that " the condition of the nagnies in New- York was at one time very had, but owing to sinife raniinti in troduced by General Jackson, it is now consider ably alleviated.", Tits ,Loven's P . uszta:.—To learn to read, the following, so as to make good sense, is the inys . * l l , . Woe read seelhat.ine. • Love is doivn.wi'll I'll have But that and you havo One and up add ycin -if New York, PridaY, May 20. The trade in :Breadstuff's; yesterday, was very light. Flour declined 10e. tgl- 2,5 e. 0 Wok; Wheat about - sn.;Clorn,fie., , , Rye anti Outs, ie. 0 bushel. Provisions - were alsO less ac tive. Rog products generally were 'cheaper.— Beef was firm. Cuba Sugars, Porto Rico Mo lasses,. and Java Coffee were in good request.— Rice was moderately dealt in. Spirits Turpen tine was in fair demand. The movements in oth er branches of trade were limited. SHOCIONGF SCENE AT A EXECUriox.—The Chi cago Times, in giving an account of the execu tion there, on Friday, of Micheal NioNatnee, for the murder of his wife, describes the following painful scene at the gallows t , The sheriff, by a Oleic and sudden motion. pulled the cad, the bolts cane out,,and•trap fell instantly. The wretched mart fell, but horrible -to relate, the jerk o was so severe that the leather Collar broke, and the poor man fell . flat down on floor of stone' of the prison below. The fall could not have been less than ten feet. Of course the prisOner was very much bruised and stunned. No sooner, however, had he toughed the floor, than he was raised therefrom by the vigilant of kers in attendance : , and this time carried up the stairs. lt was some minutes before the rope could be again prepared, and during this interval, his sufferings must have been very great. At length, however, a running' noose was made' in the rope and placed around his neck. Again was the wretched man placed in the proper position on the drop; again was the cap placed over his oyes, and again was the bolt withdrawn, and the mur derer launched lin to : the space beldw. This time the work.was better done. The poor ;uutu `strug. glee violently, and swung to and fro for some minutes; but his struggles grew fainter and faint er and after ten or twevle txtinntes, ceased alto gelher. IS LAGER BEER DITO:CICATIRG ?—A jury in Ge neva, New York, have due hied in the affirmative The Excise Commissioner sued A, IV. Brewer fur selling lager beer without license. lie admit ted the fact, hut alleged the non-intoxicating qualities of beer. In support of this witnesses swore to drinking one hundred glasses a day without becoming drunk. • Others testified differ ently. Mr. Brewer to test the matter, purchased a quantity of beer and had it analyzed. The re sult of that chemical process. showed that two quarts of that lager priidusecl about one-half pint of genuine wihskey. Those witnesses who drank one hundred glasses in a day, would take .down about six quarts of whiskey with it; enough we should think, to make a human being exhilirated. 'Brthver took fright and ran away. The jury brought in a verdict of ono hundred dollars a gainst him. "Burleigh" - the New York correspondent of the Boston Joernal, asserts that the woman who was named in connection with Mr. Sickles, as at Barnulu's Hotel with him, was "of much Stat,ding"--Lwhatever that may ia e—"that her hus band was in Court—that if the 'matter had been made public lietv.Mld have shot Sickles on the box - where he stood on trial. So, to savo double bloodshed and murder, the . inattet was hushed up." PO4illively the 1 st . Notice. 9 1 11F/slibil - 4 Ibers are anxious to close there Books cts near as possible, by payments or by Notes, before tiler put them in lbe hands of Anthony& Ely, Esq., by the rst.of ..ruhenoxt. Attention will save coats. JOHN GEORGE, JOHN SIIELLENBERGER. Lebanon, Yfey'lBs9 . . Assignee 7 Notice. . MITE undersigned having been, by .voluntary , deed of ',II. '4.ssignMent, appointed Assig.nee'of John Pees and wife, of Corn wall 'township, Lebanon county, in trust for the benefit of creditors. all persons indebted to the said assignor. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against him will make them "knewn without delay. - PETER' ZIMMERMAN, May 18, 1859. - - Assignee. ORPUNNS' COURT SALE, . - of Joseph Gintnierstua, *we'd, , THEundersigned will, in pursunnces order of ihe Orphans' Court of . 141 'county, expoi , e . to pale, by public-yendue_bi•oiltery on SATURAA E the 2d day of .157,:r; 109, the 'following described Real Es• tn.te, lite 'the : estate of Joseph 21 itnuerman, (Wed., . tolig a tract of first. Tate LIMESTONE LAND situ ate in the township of Cdrownll, about one mile from the borough of Lebaoon, and adjoins Rind of Moses Kreider', Jonathan Barth and others. and is situate be tween the old Lancaster mattered the Plank Read. The 'whole tract containing TILIRTY-THREE ACRES and EIDIPPY PERCHES, Wort eleven Of which .. ocvered with excellent TIMBER, and the bal lance is cleared and in a high state of cultivation. .... Consists of a tract of.MODNTAIN LAND situate in the township of South Atintille, and adjoins lands. of Peter Zimmernian, heirs of Peter Bachman, dec'd., and William Coleman, and contains SIX ACUES neat measure, and is covered with exeelleuA Chestnut Sprouts, some of which are now St to cut. The Tract orLand designated as No. I, will be sold in parts or together. as may best suit purchasers. Sale to be - held at the public house of Leo.. Zimmer man, in the Borough of Lebanon and will commence at 1 o'clock, on said day, when terms will be made known' by, HEN 11Y- S. ZIMMERMAN, Administrator of Joseph Zimmerman, deed" (By Order of the Court.- 7 1, B..litorer, Clerk.] May 18, 1858.-ta. New InvOlLiolt. Wood BUrltal Line..- BY late improvements in the artof LwEllinorna the stihsCriber Is now enabled to produce the best Woon., RIJRNED Laic-that was ever made in this section of coun try, and in quantities without limit,. at short notice.— His improVernents are such that he 15 enabled to sell his Lime at. 144 cents per bushels wholesale, instead of 25 cents, which has bchn the prices heretofore. LIMN," burned with COAL.:ciin also be obtained at low rates by the boat:load, min lose quantities, as tally be desired. WOOD taken in exchange for Lime. flaying gone to a great expense in the- perfection nf his Improvements for lime burning on a large scale, at low Micas, the subscriber hopes to receive a share of the public patron.. age. m location is at the old and well known .plaostin the Union Canal, in North Lebanon, N. I,abanon, 31ay 18, 1859 SWARTZ - & BRO. CASU , D.OSLE RS IN .. - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARK, GROCERIES, &c. HALL BUILDING, MARKET STREET. Cash paid for ail kinds of Country Produce.. , ...NORTH LNRANON Bonouott • . • DIVIDED!. ' GREAT EXCITEIVINET; Grand Ruth , the Peeples Heud Quarters! Ts} ACTION (1F 'the Legislature of the dommonwealo rt Penn-,• ll Sylvania, in reference to the Borough of :CORP I LEBANON, has caused an unusual degree of excite! meet ationg its, quiet inhabitants, but not near at much as the Fresh Arrival of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, st the MANSION fIOVSE.STOItE OP • IlesseN. .Futic.k . & Brother. :car The Proprietors feel confident that they aro still able to Emptily an their customers, end the "rot of mankind,” who ifiii-rirvor them with a cell, with any QHOIQEaT 400,1: _ The new eystatit..enahles them to seiret [really - re-. dueed prices, whiph they hope will be a great Induce mcnt for all desirous of buying cheap; to give them n: Cell. Oen and see for yourselves. .4kie• Ladies and Gentlemen are most cordially invited to give them a cell. end examine fel' themselves. North Lebanon Borough, April 20, 1850. • SPRING HENRY & STIINt Have just received a splendid assortment of FANCY 4 . ltY GOODS, GROCERIES 'AND QUEENS :ARE, Comprising Dress Fabrieks in all varieties. Black and Si!icy Silks dt every description, Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery, .31itts, Cravats, Llclkfs.. white Goodin, Linen Goods, Embroidorki, Lutes, Shawls and Mantil las. Also, a full and Complete aasoitinent of CLOTHS, CASSfIIERES, and VESTINGS, • to which we invite the attention of Cash ■nd prompt Tour mouths buyers. There's no use donlbtlng, Our DRY GOODS ARE BOUGUT RIG lIT, When we offer Prints at W e cants per yard, Lawns M 6% cents per 'yard, lino Brown Sheeting 6% and Bleach ed luslin ny,, cent, Chalkey, Delano. fancy. at 12% cts: per yard, Itirli Black Silk at 75 and 67 cents rer yard, Nice Plaid Silk nt 02% cents per yard. and en endless variety of tralencia nod Byndere, Striped Dress Goode,_ for ladies. Call end Exinulbe, at • HENRY a STILE'S. FRESII • GROCERIES. • F OR Cheap N. 0. Sugar, Call at - FOR Cheap Nolustes, Cull at HENRY b skilms RENRY a STILE'S. FOR Good Canvassed Rains, Call at ILENEY a STINE'S. FOR Good Rit., Old Congress'and Java Coffee, Call ar, -4 ... lISNRY k STILE'S. 1 1 7111011 Lots at Privat e pIIESS'BUILDING LOTS are plangently situated in a thriving part of the Borough of Labium°. and will offer an excellent opportunity to persons desirous of in vesting profitably in real estate.. Prices tonging from $75 to $lOO. For further particulars apply to Lebanon, April 20,1559 SAMUEL LIA.RBESQ.V. P 110 TOG Ha..o, Betsy, wherearo you going that you are . dressed up so? Ans.—l sun going to J. 11. }Malin Adam.Rise'sßnlld-' fug to have my Lik vases taken. . Ques.—Why do yoh go to Kelm and net to one of LID other rooms to have it taken?` Arts=-Because Pictures are sharper, clearer and morn truthful than others and nearly everybody goes to him. Queh—Can you hell me why ltia pletarce aie - euperior to others? Ans.:—Yel I he bad 9 years practice, and has superior Camerae, and all his other txturer are of the most im proved kind. .Ques.—What Mud of Pictures does he take? Bizet. 47141. and au -116 tAm brotypes, and Molainotypes, of all Photograhs from the smallest up topakeres Lifh Size, Plain nd add Colore p d in , - Oil. De takes all sizes . Photographs from Daguerreotypes of de the ceas ed persons and his them colored life like, by ono of beet. Artists. Ilia charges are reasonable anti his rooms are open every day (except sunday)frOin 8 o'clock, A. M. to 0, P. M, Don't forget, KEIBI'.9 ROOMS is the place you can get the Dest.Pictures. A tten I • - filliE MEMBERS of the tio Lebanon n 'County ~ , I. Association for the detection of Dore° • ' ii Thieves, and the recovery. of Stißen Horses,` ' ~ NE ' as well as all those wishing tojoln the Com- 1 -. ---- patty, are requested to.oasemble at the, public house at L.Zimmerman, on SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1859. at 1 o'.- cock, P. X A punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will he transacted.. FREDERICK SPRECRED., President. HENRY 8: ZIESSIERMAN, Treasurer. _ PETER Zi manitilAN;Socratary. Labia's; May ii, 1869. - I , I TILL be sold by public vendue or out cry, on SA T 'lay of June, A. 11. IdM), at the Public House of Henry Siegrist, in the Borough of Leb anon, Lebanon county. the following Real Estate. to wit: No. 1. A certain IMessnage, Plantation or tract of land, situate the greater part in C9r7lWall township, and the residue in South A nnville tewnship,.Leba,non coun ty, adjoining lands of .laeob Krieder. John Bean, Adam Long. Abraham Long, Micheal Kreider and others, con taining One Hundred acres, more or less, With The ap purtenances. The buildings thereon erected being two STONE HOUSES" i" v,-- --7 O 4 and Stone Spring-house, Large Stone • e g Barn, Log Stable and other building,: o 41:, with an excellent ORCHARD, of choice Puirt-trees; and two good Springs, with running water near the buildino, (the Quittapabilla Creek running through the farm ;) a part of Said land be ing good timherland, and the cleared land being in a high state of cultivation, and divided into convenient fields, and all in good fences. It being one of the best and mese desirable farms in Lebanon County; being two miles from Annville, and three irons Lebanon, and with in .a gnarter of a mile of a go , -(1 Mill, and on the Berks Dauphinturripike, and within half a mile of the Leb anon Valley Railroad. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of sale, wilLpleaso to call on Simon Snavely living on the premises, orOn the undersigned liVing at Lebanon. No. 2. A certain' tract or parcel of land situate in North.Lebanen township said county, adjoining lands of Joseph Snavely- John Light (5:9;) Henry Bertha, Joseph G. Heilman and others, containing Eighfleres, more or lesS, through which the Railroad . passes, and the public road leading from Lebanon to Ifellyiew, with the appurtenances; subject to the right dip said Railroad company. The said port No. 2, will be sold, in the-whole or in parts, to 'suit 'purchakefi; and would form desirable places for Coal bindings and other leak- Dees on said Railroad. Sale will commence at One eel:3'a In the afternoon when conditions of - Sale will be 'made known by • ADAM GRITTINGER, Aosignee of &moil SarevErx & - Wirs Lebanon, Ma' 4,185,9. . . How to save .1111ortey. niE polici of Saving.Moneyis important pm , 1 Sons, and in Cankfftrationof GM!, the undersigned, have placed themselves - in tCprittititkii 4 bilitidehthiy are enabled to f.s.vor the . citizens of Lebanon and vicinity more than ever with money making - bargains. - They have just rAttireed from. the dry. for the saran TIME this Spring, and-are owning this week, one of the largest, Choicest. and cheapest selectioneof Spring. and. Summer Goods, ever qiiered to the public. The Bee !live is new abundantly Shicked and honevt:a• rgains at, the disposal' of every person who ":"' . .ihes to avail themselves 'et the same, ljadere, Striped,' Plaid. and Plain do- do. , do. do, Patna tines, do. do, do. do. Tissues, do. do.'do. : P.erages, do. 'do." . - do: 'do. Lawns, do, do. ' do. Prints, do. %ter' do. do. do. A heavy Stock of all kinds of White Goods, Jaconetts, Meshes; SWIES do. Blonds, do. Book do. Nainsook, do. An. FOR MEN AND BOYS,' We are fully prepared. Just:Come fprward and make' your wants known, and we tan supply them with Cloths, Marseilles Ciosimeres; • Linens, Tsseeds, Germanicks, Cott nades. Velvets, GROCERY DEPARTMENT: is. rataiiipaszetik,SßßEars for 7; 8,9, and best white at 10 , cis., per pound: "lifolas ses,Yellow Syrup for 1 . 2% eta; per 4unet------ Raisins from c% 1234 pm, per St.,Prunes, Pmehes, &e., , all very reasotiibie, - in short our late purchases are len per cent., lower.thanpreviims, as the city !her chant have altered the prices, the •benefit of, which pan be had by all who buy at the BEE GIVE STORE, of Lebanon, :elay 4, 1559. - GEORGE & PYLE A. R. BO UGUTER A TTORNEY AT LAW.. Office removed to }Due for- LJ merly occupied ,y MieheniVigner, Cumberland Street, nearly opposite. the Court House. * Lebanon, May 11,1859.-6 m: • . . Win I? DE RR - • A TTORNEY Al' LAW, Office Walautitreet, oppokite the Court House, lately occupied by, Amos It. Boughter, Esq. • • Debanom May 11 1859 GEORGE AV. KLINK .1 TIORNEY AT•LAW.-oflicewich Lt - km.% _Esq., - Lett:m . 6h, ra. fLobaboct DSay ' 4 3658. JOSIA FUNt:-K ATTORNEY -AT.. LAW tiff AS REMOVED bis office to Ilfr.Robianits new iniilil ing, (second story, nt theblley . ,) twe'irbors east of his present location. [Lebanon, Mai& DAViD BOER - a. N. BOWMAN' TTORN EV-A T-I,ANV, has REMOVED his oiriee to Funck's Now BuiFding, (secotidatory,) Cumberland street, Lcbuyion. Pa. '''ltebtuutn, April 9.1859. • Pettetorill.4*-Co s s A - D YERTISTNEI AGENCY, 119 NASSAU ST, NEW . YORK...t lu STAIE ST.. BOSTON. S.' Pettengill & Co., ere the Agents for the Lebanon, Adverh.ser, andlhe meat influe»tial and largest circulating Newbpapers in the United States and the Comities. ' They are authori zed to contract for us at oar lowest rates. - - EAGLE HOTEL, LEBANON. PA . . !FRE snbrerlber:wislies to inform his oldlrlendi and J_ the public generally, that lie has again taken the above well-known - Rouse. tin will be much pleased to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Locsriox..7-Corner Cumberland and Market 6Ln:if.* IlifiLtimnibassis running in connexion with 'the Rail Road Trains. 11. SI EGRIRT. Lebanon; N r oi.l.o Its. • . LAJF l AN - ErTTE BR . OZWI . 'cgs : GAS PI T' T. . A :40.1NLNO A. S. ELY'S Office, Waluut stivet, Lebo .l"l"bbii.,"Pa'. A large and beautiful assortment of FIX •TU frote the welt-known establish Meat of CeitxatiuS BAlpi, always On hand at Philadelphia prices, , All rark wan:anted to tire satisfaction. AlliP; All ordgrorill be faithfully executed un the most reasonable bizeof re /excuse siren. [5ep.16,117. • achtel Lauser, • moor - if arumerr. v and Chestnut streets, Zebanan, Pa., &&NOFAOTOAER OF ORNAMENTAL CAST AND WROUGHT IRON . IF.• .. RAILINGS OliTenwteries,'VeranddA. Balconies, Public and Pri ?ilk Grounds; de., du, which he offers in great va riety of designs at lower prices than thesanae'van be ob tained elsewhere. • Also, CHAIN 14INCES of 'every de acriptlon conikintly kept on band. Augoit 25.,1858.-tf. . TRE LATEST NEWS. Highly Iniporlant .. • Axon. REIZENSTEIN & BROTHER, bay° 'Just reaqiceil new and h01.., - e'stock of 1850 SPRING and SIMMER CLOTHING. Itseerux,. as if anew age, a netv life was.opearng upon pet agimbtinfeierk heart to 'nobler fleeds hhd - higher aim ' I Art, Literati - Ira and Science. will glow snow and peek to derelope sublimer, beauties and grander eoneep• . The.basinstie world ton. must feel the new influence, antlevery part be quickened and strengthened, by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the'cottemitmation of 'greater thiiigiiever dream ed of in 'the Philosophy of tim pest. Animated byrthe enttrusin,m which Pervidel all clas ses and desirous. Or doing their share towards "thegioat eveeta of the age" :the anliscirlters would respeetfrilly. inform the good•penple of Lebanon County and the pub lic generally, that they have just received a large and ehoiceetnerof . BEADY MADE SPRING and SUIiSfEE'CLOTITIN'G, selected with melt afire and taste from the hest'ittanu. lecturing estahii , hinents. awl arc offered to the public at the vdry leivest priers. which will those not posted in the reedy pay business. • The . puldis generally in want of any article in the lino of Clothingand Futni,hluo Goods,BoysCJOtiting,Truttke • yalee t e, Cary ,se.,.tc., in iketwvarytibing which can be fbithd in a Clothing Store,'are rospeetnillyinvit ed'to calrand examine the goods and', the prices. Our rubtto,is "LIVE AND LET LIVE." No charge for show. inegoads;—every article war Muted ;18 represented . '...11e will sell eheap, if not cheaper than the chyeapest, a fact purchasers will he convinced of when au We thank our friends and customers for their thr liberal ,potronttra in times past and hope by strict attention to , nierfra continuance of the Came,- - IttiZENS 2Elbi Cumberland Street,Opptedte the Court name. Lebanon, Alas 18,1868...... • "..' ,Lebanon Valley-Batik: ilzaZron, frillsl Board of Directors of the Lebanon Valley Bank . ..IL have this day declared a Divmmre Form PEn. CENT on the Capital Stock of said Bank‘payble to the Stockholders on demand at anytime after the expira "tion of fen days. In accordance with a resolution paae`rlby tbe stock. holders, the directors have; also orderetlan initalment of ,five dollars per share, to be paid on' or before the the Shares of stock distribu. fi lvd ret i da nd y doif,Jidu a mongg the present stOekholdere, of Which order all persons interested will please tako no h e i JOWL( is.mtorr,panon; Slay 11, 1859. .. Cattier. •. . . • • ". - • ••• Great Stock orSipriugGoiods 1.. WOULD take occasion to inform my frredide and bus tomers that lam noyr, for the,Stionuti time in the Bast, for SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which will bo opened bY•the close of weak or begin_g of next. It will ba'as fine a Stock of Foreign •and American Dry, as can possibly be selected by any Merchant from title County. I would cordially invite all Cask bu.yers, •or. what is equivalent, approved_Fon; Meath's Buyers, or. buyer to klimhangq..for produce,. td.` baiLaa examine . I I assure you it will well repay .the trouble; Thank tug you for past istpis., rain 4ou truly, ra Leb‘nua, March 24 ' 19 ' G.BO: truly. `Who Has not Seen the New Sign Put tupP • . . ... By STELLWAGEN & BRO., at* their 4,4(r, 'lt. Waits andJ awns/ Baxistaadirsztv,l332 . stm.But,toatheedzgeflowoo7tthhth7itic; ,- what is exhibited insde. American -. ... , - A-41- ,Watchea, In Gold and Silver Owed, Rail . •• _ - road Gold of' English and Swigs makes; PAM:linable Jewelry ana'Silver ware, and also fine Table Cutlery, and tho best thing cif all is that the prices of all the attmctionsis within thd range, of the smalleet pockets. • • BTELLWAGBA ' • April 21, 3559. 632 Market ar & BRO. ea, rhllad'a. Piablie Sale. .131JSINESS CARDS The World's Great Exhibi tion Prize Medal, Awarded to C. MEYER. for ht 3 Two in ANC's, Cret.fAr ISSI. CMEYER respectfully informs his friends 7 -" Al th . public genemlly. that he has constantly an Pianos equal to those for which he received the ' , viz,. Medal, in London, 1151. All orders promptly attend , :d to and great care taken in the selection and packing th 88.11/e. THE VOICE OF THE WORLD. Royal Jury on Musical Instruments. Sir IL Bishop, No 13 Cambridge street, Hyde Perk Professor of Music at Oxford, Sigisrannd Tbalberg, Austria; Professor of Music. W. Sterndate Bennett, 15 Russell Place, Fitzroy :Span, Professor at the Loyal Academy of Music. fleeter Berlioz, France. J. Robert Black,'Enited.tates. Chevalier Neukomm, iollverein. Cipriani Potter, 9 Baker Street...Portman Square; Ni l , cipal of Royal Adademrof trusre., Br. Sebalhauti, Zolivereiu ; Profess& lif - Gedety, atin • ing and Metallurgy. Sir George Smart, St. Armee Chertse ; Organig and Composer of the Chapel Royal. Henry Wylde, 65 Westbourne Terrace; Doctor of Mush ; and Professot at the Royal Academy of Music. Rev. T. Cazalet, Tenterden street, llanOer Square; Se_ perintendent of the Royal Academy of Music. James Stewart, 22 Breakneck Crescent, Camden Town ; Piano Forte Manufacturer. The following MEDALS have been awarded to Conrad = 1843. First - Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin Institute, Philadephia. 184.6.. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin Institute Philtulelphia. .1847. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Meehanie Insiitute, Boston. ISO. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin Institute. Philadelphia. - FillilLOviiinra and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin Institute, recoinmendation of a Gold Medal. 1851`.'„ Diploma. and MEDAL, Mechanics' Institute, Bog ' {oh. 1851. PRIZE MEDAL, Great Worlds Exhibition, Lon ' .ion, since which time, (1851,) C. Mernalinatiot ex hibited his Pianos at any Exhibition. WALTZ S IBEDEL, Agents. Lebanon, Ps. ' EM 15313 ji4v.17,1858 11ie*ws for Every Body. THE GRAND RSA •• . Of the NOW ;3°136, just opened ai. iuo Centre Build - !ligl 6f Bober & Bros., few doors shove Market Strest, Lebanon. Come—See the New Goods at the New Prima. IF YOU WANT • - To San Money, buy your Dry Goods at Reber a Bros. IF YOU WANT To gal' cheap, yet handsome Silk Dress, Reber & Mrei.ils.the place to Buy them; they have Fancy and. BMW Silk from 55 mita, a yard, and upwards„. IF YOU - WANT -A handsome SHAWL', cheap, OM at Reber a B , os. IF YOU WANT Collars, Sleeves, or other ,Bmbroidery, you save tue, ey by buying of Reber a Bros. • IF YOIT WANT A good pair of Rid Gloves, or Mitts, Bober a Bros. have them and will sell cheap.- IF YOU WANT - - Calico, Prints, You can bay them. at Thiber a Bros., from . 4 cents a yard: to 16 cents, and British and French, from 12 to 25 cents per yard. IF YOU WART' Gingham:to, Bober a Bros. have them Lam 6;t4, cents a IF YOU WANT Muslin%, buy them at Haber's,: Eros., from 3 Contia yard to 20 0r.25 cents, any quality you wish. ANYTHING_ELSB THAT You need for Dress or Faculty use, you will find cheap, at Esher & Eros. c —. • IF YOU WANT A Coat, a pair of-Pants, or Tase - "for yourself. Rater a Bros. haare the best assortment of Goods for the sea son, and the prices to suit you FOR YOUR BOYS' Clothing, select your goods at 'tabor & Bros. and sate zuonoy`by buying cheap. THE LARGEST AND Cheapest assortment of CARPETS you will find at Reber & Bros. Call and examine for yourself. IF YOU WANT Agood PICTURE for a Medallion or Pin, 'ail at RAI LIPS Gallery, nest door to the Lebanon Deposit _ i~n~l MORE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES SOLD IN TILE NEW ENGLAND STATES ONE YIEAIt. primR!STORATIVE OF PROF: O. J. WOOD for re : , storing . hair perfectly and permanently,-bas never yet. had a rival,Tolume after volume might be given froth all parts of the world and from the most- intelli gent to prove that it is aperfect Restorative ; but read circular and you cannot doubt; read also the ing Tar Ham.--People have for centuries been afflicted with bald heads and the only remedy- heretofore known, hlie'hein'those abchninabie wigs. By a recent discovery of Professor Wood the karticles are being fast. dispens ed with but a great Many , Perakns still Pearmiisathent, becsuse they have been' so often Imposed upon by Hair Tonics.of different kinds. Tcritll anch'persons we =m ealy make the request, that ibey iu try once again, for in Wood's Restorative there is ritisuch thing as fail. We know of a lady who was bald, who used the article a short time. and her bead is now covered - completely with the tiniest and most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly falling out, which it restored in greater perfetion than Stever had been before. ' It is' lso without doubt one of the best articles for keeping the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy, removing dandruff and has proved itself the greatest enemy to all the ills that the hair is heir to It is the duty of. every one to Improve their personal appearance though soma may differ in regard to the ways of doing it; but every one will admit that a beau tiful heed of hair, either in man or woman, is an object much to be desired, and there are no means that should be left untried to obtain sock a consideration-. --I Woman's Advocate, Philadelphia J. c Coe . hoctim;Ohio, - •Nov: 1856. 0. WOOD & Co.—Oents: ds / have been engaged itraelling your flair Restorative the last season [er one of your local agents (R. M. liackintion,) and have es... perfectas:ll - the:beneficial 'effect: of it- myself, I would like to Obtain as agency for the State of Ohio or some State in the West., should you wish to make such an arrangcment„ - as I am convinced there to nothing equal to it in the United States, for restoring the hair. I bare been engaged in the Drug business for several years, and have sold-various preparations for the, but have found nothing that restores the seeketive organs or invigoratealbe scalp as well as_ yours, being -folly convinced that your restorative is what you represent it to be . I would like - to engage in the sale of it, for I am satisfied it must sell. Yours truly. •. STOCKMAN. . , . . Waylan Feb.*, 957. " PROF. O. WOOD k Co—Cents: Having realized the good effects of your Hair. Restorative, I wish to state, that finding my, hair growing thin. as well as gray, I Wfts induced from what 1 road and heard, to try the - article prepared by you, to promote. its gwth and change its color as it was in youth ., both Of which it has affected completely. In the operation I. have used nearly.tbree bottles. Yours kc., JAMRSFAOIS. 0. J. WOOD & CO Proprietors:Bl2 Broadw R ay, N N, (in the great .N. Y. Wire Railing Establislunent ) and 114 Market street , St, Lords Mo. Sold in Lebanon by JOSEPH L. LE/MERGER, alsizby-Dm Roes, and by all good Druggifts everywhere. ..Feb. 9. '5O-3m - - .•:- - UalrIGER*Luau:ER. NEARLY 2,000,000 FEET ! Wer th lrenod t‘ trae cheap publi t t :o rt w n gr ° s t tle L at thegEneewv . ad extensive LUMBER and COAL YARD'of - BRECHBI:6,E - .4-- HORS 7', n the Borough of Noah WolesnMA on the bank of the UntOn Canal, at the head of. Walnut street, a. * few luaree North of tbeHenessee :Steam Mills, and one flare cast of BorAnerls Hotel. Their assortment consists of the best well-seesoned White, Yellow, Norway,. Pine and Hemlock Beardg— Cherry, Poplar and pine Board.% 111; and 2.inch Pannel and Common Plank; 'White Pine and Hemlock Scantlingand Joists; White Oak Boards, Plank and Scantling; and )4 inch Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. SFII NGLES I -SHINGLES!! The best Pine and Hemlock Shingles; Alec, .Roofing and. Plastering Laths; Chestnut Rolle and Posts, and railings for feneetr and fencing Boards; FLOORING BOARDS 'of all sizes and descriptions. COAL.! COAL ! ! COAL!!! • The largest stock of Broken, Stove, limeburnenli itsHollidaysburg Smith Coal, at lowest prices . Oa-Confident that they have the largest Rio best as:: aortment of Luwnaa of all descriptions =daises, se well as the largest stock of the different $M1413 of - Coax., ever offered to the citizensof Lebanon on.nnty, they verHOre . to say that they can accommodate allintarchaaere satin-. factorily, and would therefore iaritrialisirhts. want any.: thing in their line, to examine allot stock before per. chasing elsewhere. ligraNo344, & - HORST, N. Lebanot4 Feb. 24, ISfid.. -• IF YO 1 WALIVE,_:, A pfel'frßE of your decaaeedlrlead. .etilaripeil as colored fn oil, call at DAILY'S ciatini ev A to the Lebanon Deposit Bank: i; door • • . . Notice -to Ta..rmerty. • T"nndemigned have bought - the Patent Right LEBANON COUNTY, of • CALYIN DELANO'S Independent /brie Tooth Rakve which, with ABRANIDEIIU FF'S•IMPROVE.NENT, they male and sell on rearainahk terms. For durability and performanodltis tm • litutpaased mire United g r ip ,— The best recommendationa from persons that ae had theut in .I,lBe for several years, can be given. A Patent was graited Miffs, DELANO,In 1849, for haagink ttici Teeth ll.od Or Pivot so that they can mount toter a large as Well'as wmalrobjecta and tuted, Azy Rom e Rake that is made; cold or bought with thteeth hanging in the aforesaid man ner, by others,. without our consent, is an infringement upon raid Patent; and any peroon buying ; making and such Rakes,will bo dealt with eooording to law. _. e • WILLIAM SPAFIN, lilnunin, May 4, .'69- 1 ,3m. HENRY ARNOLD. IF YOU WANT • PHOTOGRAPH Of yourself qr.frieud, the beet a" to be had at DAILY'S next door to the bantam Deposit Batik: - • - Si tirtONt NOtiCI6. . rptlll undersigned *hies, by.-inluntary deed of _ll. Assignment, appo n ' Aieameo of Simon Snavely and wifa, o f C ci rnwari - toWnehip, Lebanon county, in trust for the benefit Of Or editors. All persons indebted to the said as eignor,..afa,reglieeted to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against him will make them known without deliy. ADAM GRITTLNGS.R. Askuce• Lebanon,l*42A%B, El IDEEZI