The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 18, 1859, Image 4

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    ;j &um,
A IlicirscENT,
In the, Canadian House of Assembly,
last week, they had quite a spirited tle•
'bate on the bill to prohibit the use of
the hoops and crinoline introduced by
Aiken. We publish a few of the most
'brilliant passages.
Drcuiniond was an ardent admir
,er of hoops from childhood. He .was
born with a love of hoops. 'When he
- was-w child of tender growth, he used
to trundle 'his hoop, all unconscious
of the fate that was in store for him.—
Later in life he had swallowed a ring,
which resulted in a hoopin-cough; and
even now the sight of an empty hogs
head brought tears into his eyes.
• Mr. Brown complained that it wasitn
possible now to choose a wife,since her
defects were so hid by hoops, and en
veloped in crinoline, that the naked—
Mr. Brown—Ms. Speaker.
Speaker—The honorable gentleman
is out of order.
Mr. Brown—Bet Mr. Speaker, the
naked -
Spoaker--HOId yuiß'tongue, sir.
Mr. Brown—The naked—
Speaker—Upon my 'soul, Mr. I . rown,
cork up, or I'll have you arrested.
Mr. Brown—Permit me to explain,
Mr. Speaker. When I said naked—
,Speaker—(yelling)--Clear the galle
ries of ladies, Mr.:Sergeant.
Mr. Brown-An the name of the sev
enteen grates and the fifteen : rouses,
Mr.. Speaker—dearly beloved Smith—
let me apologize, then. I only meant
to say that hoops and crinoline had
reached to such-a , cotundency, that it
was impossib!e to arrive at the naked—
Speaker—(frantically)—Death anti
`ffue•devils! Stop or I'll brain you with
the mace. Consider the impropriety
Mr. Brown—(wildly)—Truth! truth!
truth 1-naked truth, was what I wasgo
ng -to say.
Mr. Dunbar Rosa understood hiShon
orablefricnd to say that pedple cannot
pass along the streets without being as
saulted by highmaymen. -Now, surely
the bonorable member from Iltke,Onta
-rie-could not but beaware that thechar.
acter of every member in the , House was
affected,by such a dam—
Mr.:Jra Ibo t . °Wee teri to such un ia
, 41r. tßoss protested against -interrup
ife was going to say, - by such a
Mr. 3. CameronHThe' Onora ,mem
her shOUld not swear in that dreadful
Mr. R oss--Wasn't doing abything of
the kind; but would be tempted to do
so, if not allowed. to finish his sentence
•--but such a dam—(order, order) a dam
—(confusion) he would repeat it--by
. a dam--4(tremendous uproar,)
Mr. Wright stood up and moved,
amidst the wildest confuSian, that Mr.
- Ross•be expelled from the House for
suelfawful lang uage.
Mr. Ross (black irpthe face.) exclaim
ed that damaging statements was all he
meant . to say when he was interrupted
by the fool—
Mr. Tat bot---Wiici's a fedi—
Mr. Ross—Foolish ass—
Mi. Cameron—Who's an ass?
31 r.Rose—(vildly)--foOlish assertion
'of :profanity.
raculous cleaving' of the Red Sea, its
.walla of water on either halide( the dry
•passage-like ramparts ; and their ruinous
junction after the people ofOod
had passed through, afford a-picture of
sublimity unequalled on the canvas that
. - , heaVes with the grandest scenesofiime.
The:site of.this event has been-pointed
, otft from the
.day of its occurrence to
the'present; and in Napoleon's expedi
lion to the Nile, it was -netrr t eing the
scene of another catastrophe that might
have - had an important influence on the
'destinies of the world. Towards eve
-fling; Napoleon and his suite rode into
the shallow waters of Red Sea at the
reputed spot as Pheraoh's Overthrow, de
sirous - of ascertaining to what extent
'they were fordable - to their horses.--
Darkness was gathering, when suddenly
the tides, Oleic , extremely -rapid, were
'upon them, and thehorses . fpund them
selyes beyond their dePtif. The point
of compass was lost,..the shore was not
visible, and a council - of war -was In
scantly called to deeideen measures for
escape. Napoleort,bY one of those de
cisions of mind so frequently useful to
him -in the future emergencies of his
eventful life, ordered a eirele to be form
ed, and each horseman to. ride from it,
as a rad: us from 'a centre, stopping when
the depth of Water - prevented . further
progress.. The next move then was for •
aft to fellow the horeman that rode on
the farthest, showingthe longest path of
shoal water. And this was Napoleon
'finnaparte's path from the-grave of one
of . The :Pharaohs.
`lt ie-a striking fact—the dying never.
weep. The circle ; of sobbing, agonized
'hearts around, produces not one tear.—
Js that be is insensible and stilt already
in the chill of dissolution? That can
not be fur he asks for his father's hand,
as if4o.gain strength•irt the mortal strug
gle, and , leans on the breast of mother,
brother or sister, with still conscious af
fection and just before expiring at eve,
titter a' long day's conversemith the An
giefof Summons, he says to his oldest
brother—the last audible good night of
earthy "Kiss me, kiss me !" It must be
because 4 the dying have reached k point
'ttiAeep for our earthly crying and weep.
jog. They are face to face with higher
ind-holier 'beings, with the Father in
fleaien,.and his angel throng, led on by.
itshe' Son himself, and what are griefs of:
-ara-rnorning, tears of fit dying farewell—
.be,it that they are shed by the dearest
on earth—in that vision bright of immor
tal life and everlasting re-union.
Sorai - one blamed Dr. - Marsh for
changing his mind. "Well," said he,
'}that• is the difference between a man
amt.a.jeckase; the jackass can't change
Ws mind and the man can—nits a hu
man privilege."
Zook to roper littertsts.
Conte one Come an I ! see and judcre
for ;aonvseln,! - s.
,TOTIN yeapoinkily invik,t the eitivAnn: of
0 Lebanon county to e. it at Id,: new HOOT. SI I- 0 / 1
and HAT Store, in Walnut street, between Carmany':t
and Beenberger's tfetele, wbeve be ban opened a Hpleu•
did new Spring and Summer stock of Mote and Shona
for Gentlemenalso Hats ,t Cana far .lieu and Buys.
li' takes °tiga for Book and Shoo', and maim,: them
at short notice outmf Sys be,t material, and will war
rant them tp give perfect Bat I,fdetion.
He to determined to sell very low fur Cash or flew
Mentlee credit.
Lebanon. April 20.'1850.
0 S. RAMSEY has replayed to the first door south
},7). from Henry & Stine's Store, and opposite the Ea
gle fetal, where he will keep au e„,taortment of Cloths.
Otgeameres, and Tratings. Also ready made clothing and
f arniskiny goods such as Shirts. those. Gloves. lfandker
chiefs, Neckties, &c., of which will be sold as
cheap as at any other establiAnnent in Lebanon.
CUSTOMER WORK attended to promptly, and good
tits guaranteed. S. S. RAMSAY.
Lebanon, April 13, 1853.
New Coach Making Establish-
The undersigned respectfully
informs the public that ho has
again Commenced the COACH - MAK
ING BUSINESS, in the Borough of Lebanon, on the
Phiegrove Road, near Major's Agricultural Wareroom.
Ile will keep on Laud, or make to order, Carriages, and
all kinds of running vehicles. BFPAIRING also attended
to proMptly. ills old friends and the public are
fully invited to give hint a call,
Lebanon, April G-,1859:-Urn. . •
Corn Planters l and Corn Ploughs.
. & A, WOLF herealh inform the Farmers in ,gen
, era!- that they .hare'again a number of their
PATENT CORN PLANTERS for Sale, which are guar
anteed to plant more regular than any other planter
now in 118 - •
• • • •
They also have a inrunber of their Patent, CORN PLOWS
on hood for sale.'--
They also oiler for sale a new hallway Horse Power
and Thresher, I•hieh is warranted to be as pod, or bet
ter, than nay other of thelind.
They also offer for sale a Lever Horse Power and
Thresher. The Thresher is as good as new, and can he
bought without the pmv6r s if desired.
April:W.lB'4AL D. Fr 11. INTOT,P,
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker
Candteriand street, one door East of Black Horse hotel.
no.TILE Subscriber desires to inform the public
that he Itas opened as above, where he is prepar
i ed to execute orders of BOOTS mid SIIOES,VI the
finest finish and style, if not superior, nanny here
tofore offered to the public.
New Spring and Summer Stock!
He has just returned from the city with an nurirttled
assortment of the lateet FALL atal - WINTBIt STYLES cif
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &c., Lc., for Ladies, Gentlemen .and
4 , Xi- Every prxly is invited to call and examine.
Leb:mon, June 30,1558. .
Fashionable Tailakin 1 9 de
VIE subscriber respectfully infOrMS his friends and
1 the public in general, that he has commenced the
TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches, at his resi
dence, in. East Lebanon, (Cumberland Street,) 2 squares
east front Major lloyer's Ilotal, (stalth'side.) BY atten
tion to business, promptness in his engagements, good
fits, and moderate charges. he hopes to receive a share
of the ,public patronage. lie was a long time in the ent
ploy of'Afiehrel Wagner, deeld., and'. feels confident of
giving general satisfaction. Being a new beginner he
solicits the patronage of the public.
Lebanon, .clay 12, 1858. GEORGE. McCAULLY.
rlll,lll undersigned respectfully-Informs the public that
I. he IM3 openklm N.F..;iV - .LIVERY STABLE, ILt Mrs.
e RISE'S Rotel, alai in Street, Lob
anon, where he will keep for the p m° . (.7
' aceommotintion n6roml stock
will keep grenile'abd good th'iihigiforses,:and handsome
and safe Yehielee. Also. careful Drivers furnished when
desired. Also pm sinus for Parties, &c.
Lebanon, April 21, MS. .T AMES 3SIARCH.
.No.llo (oil No. 5234) NORTII EIGHTH ST., (Above
Arch, West. side,.)
itN assmtmetrt of PLAIN AND FANCY BLINDS al
ways on Land; at the lowest priees: Old Blinds re
painted and trimmed equal to new, and 3013111N0 prompt
ly attended to.
A handsome assortment of WINDOW SHADY:S, of the
latest nod most Fashionable Patterns; and Hen Brayns
constantly on hand, to which ire respectfully call the at
tention or. the•public. Alen, ;TORE SHADES ,HADE
April 13, 1859.-3 m.
New 'Barber Shop.
EalleGE W. DALY, has REMOVED his Barber Shop,
Ur to Funek's New Buildhrg, first floor, second door
from Doe alloy, where be still continuos his first clasp
Shaving Hair Dressing Saloon,
and is prepared to do business in the neatest and Les;
style, and would solicit all to give him a trial.
Lebanon, April G,1850.
ing Egtablisineut,
111 land street, Lebanon, Pa.
..I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Leh
anon, and surrounding vicinity, that I have .veeired
meres, Mr and lilarselles Vestings ' goods tor Fashiona
ble business Coats, ac., ac,, of the latest -importations,
all of; which will be made toerder titthe shortest notice,
and prices to suit the tittles. From the reid which has
been here, of a thorough practical tailor, I feel satisfied
throne - Vim, long osperience in business, Artistic shill.
and welLknownweputation as a Scientific Cutter, that
I ran compctetwith the-first Merchant Tailoring estab
lishments in the cities of New York. and Philadelphia.
TruSting to the intelligence of a discerning public, and
a Strict attention to buWness I hope to meet with
success. - O'llOtifiK, March:int Tailor.
• Don't forget - thO !Mace next to 'Henry & Stine's Rom,
Cumbefland street -
P_ S.—Several drabralalands wanted, to whom acad.)*
employme will be given. None others need apply.
Lebanon. April 2n, 1 no,
110. T. ATKINS.
G.L. ATKILIS & B ro .
WAVING united in
the BOOT and Snot:
DosmssS, qtad from
their determination to
be p notnal and mike
none but . the best of
. work they feellihe
Boiling a largo of nob.
lic Patronage. They
will always be found
- at their OLD STAND,
'New Burr.tuxo) in' Market Rreet. lowly Opporne
liteet,whe-ze they will be rotas to serve and
please their customers.
They have nowim hand a large assortment of
_ . .
0-4.ItPEVBAGF., d:c., which they offer at reduced priers,
Persons dealing at this `f(J,'•: STORE, can be
suited with IthiA DY-MA DE WORK, or-have it made to
order.. Sati.kfaction is aftnaYe 'Warranted:
Particular attenidon given to the REPAIRING of
Boots and .Shoe S- [Lebanon., April 20,180.
TVTD you see ATKINB & BRO.'S -...S‘WiITJOCaTor
THINS .4: 'BRO.'S New Boot and Shoe Store is fitted
_tx up in good order for comfort and conyenienee, both
for ladies and Gentlemen.
. .
Hoffisaan Br° her S
..BY LE 11 AXON Trilb L R If 044 h.
r i xii s A the lirra particular attention to
tehihion lr'alley Railroad
Goods will be sent and from Philadelphia to
Lebanon, Myerstown and Annvillo Stations, nod all
other points in tla-county.
FitEIGIITS contracted for at the lowest poilsible rates
and delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietors will pity particular attention tn, and
attend personally, to Alta readying and delivery of till
}or information. apply at their Office, at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot, in Lebanon.
EDWARD MARK, their Agent in Philadelphia, will al
traya be found at Ir. Bush's Merchants' Hotel, North
rhfrd Sfrect
Lebanon, March 30,1851 HOFFMAN
Phila. & Reading Railroad.
Lebanon Vatlicy Branch.
!!ffiggWTl WM:4IMM - 1
M.'e - 117 ":11,10
,Passenuer Trains to Read
.Ang,,,and . garrisburg.
ir,„)A.S3 LEBANON going EasetUlteatiin'g, at 9.06 A. 31.,
J_ anil3.olX. 3l.:'_
rasa Lebanon, going TV'est to Harrisburg, at 7.2 k B.
31. and , 11.39 A. 31.
At redulint, both trains. make deco connexions for
Philitleipltia, Pottsville, Tainaqua,Dancille,
POrt, Sze.
Morning train only connects atßeading 'for
barre, Vitteton and Scranton.
At Itarr6burg, traini connect with "Pennsylvaulei."
"Norther Central," and oggruberland Valley" Railroads
for Bitteburg, Laticaster, Baltimore, Sunbury, Chambers=
burg, &c.
Through Tickets to Lancaster, in No. 1 Cars, $1 50, to
Baltimore; $3 30..
80 lbs. baggage allowed to each paasenger.
The. Second Class Cars run with all the above - trains:
Through First Class Tickets at reduced rate to Niagara
Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal
points in the West, North West, and Canadas; end Emi
grant Tickets, at lower Fares, to all above Places, can he
had on applhattiowt a.the Station Agent, at Lebanon,
• 44.- Passengers are requested:to purchaselickets be
fore the Trains start. higher Fares charged, if paid in,
the cars. G. A. NTCOLU,
April 30,1853. Engineer and Superintendent.
Boot :a 111 Pihne Ni wee.
JACOB respect folly in
forms the puhlie that he still [...Min.
nes his eXlansive establishment
Wails 111 K %taw in Cumberiaysl
where hre hopes to naater the same
srdndlndinn li,'i t,loro It all who
nifty' favor him with their eastern. Ile is:vitas:lien-bards
and de.lersin "limns to ,l sifot - ..i. wi every "tie who
wishes to purchase frndlinnaldo. and durable aides in
MS lint , . to call ;Ind for themealves. Ids largo
and varied stoak.•
Ifo is determined to surpaifs all competition in the
mainitfieture of every article 10 his ;Alitable for
any :llarket to the Union. A due earns ie tai.Zell in regard
to materials:and workmanship; none but the beet quali
ty of LEATHER and other material', are noifil, and none
bnt the land workmen are employed.
P. S.—lle returns hif4 siuron, thanks to his friends for
the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him.
hopes by etriet attention to bueine:.:sand endeavoring
to please, his customers, to merit it shave of public pat
ronage. iLohanon,Feb,l7,,Siti.
From $1,23 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hour.
0,4. 2.2. '56.
Fancy ArilCies and Perfurne4,
31 - PaleilMo to be 'GOO. lanai Ike Pore!
Do your want.PUre and Reliefde Medicine?
Are you - hi Want of pure Splees? The beat can
be had At LEMBERG' ER'S.
if von are in want of good Washin g Soap, pure:
Whitiil or Red CaStile Soap, Comitry Soep, Evasive'
; Soap to remove grease spots, super Shaving soap;
(Soap for the teeth ; all that is requested of you is
that you buy the same At LEMBERGER'S.
Do you want 'a good Hair Tonic? Somethim ,l
to make the flair grow, to cleanse the' head, and
to prevent felling out of the hair you do.
If you Want a good Hair Bivah, Flesh Brush,l
Clothes Brush, Nail Brush. or Tooth Brush.
- Call at LEM BERGER'S. I
.Why do you walk so crook-backed ? You - shahi .
wear one of the Sboalder Braces offered for sale
At LtamEßGEws.
.I'r , serve your Shoe . Leather.'" You can do so
effectually by using Richard's New Compound
(Blacking.) . Wholesale and Retail. • •
o yon really Want a brilliant, safe, and r,hcap
NO, burn tho Lunar Oil in tin: Lunar Oil Lamp. For
le only at LEIVISERGEWS...
Don't suffer with Frosted LipiLis, Chilblains, Sic., for
there - is a cure at LIMBER GER'S.
Anything yon want that is kept in a well &nickeled
First-Case Dreg Store, can be furnished you by
LEMBERUES, Chemist and .elpathecarg„
Special attention given to PfITsICIA,N7S RTIESCRIP
TIONS and FATULY RECEIPTS, and all medicine dispensed
warrantettpure;ehrays as good as can be obtained any
where, tenel. Fuld to suit the times, by - •
, Thweterst, Cut:MST All APOTUECATIV,
Felotufry 2,,15503 blarket Street, Lebanon
kretick7.B-New Lettonpn.
11411 E D A TERRY, lowing fitted up theirNEW RUES ,
. TADRANT in a fashionable style, beg leave to in-
term the ellizens of Lebanon that they are prepared. at
airliners to furnish them with FETEDOYSTERS,FRI.
PRIED TRIPE. or anything their line of
business ' Much* procured the services of ft celebrated
Cook. of Philadelphia. • Alro larke*ortment of
' The,best TRIM
FigS 'Feet,
Anti rations other Refresb'munts. They have always
'the best malt liquors,such as LAC'EreS ALE ; BROWN STOUT,
P4111:1431, li. 11.tram - AN's
,LAGEP, Dam, and Ltonfs Ram,
all Of which are kept in a cool vault, and always fresh
:M. We guarantee to give satisfaction to all who.uill
aver Us with a call.
A. N. TERRY, • C. W. REED.
l.ehitnimi. April l;,180
J. Money i received every day, and in any amount,
large or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for money from .
the day is put in.
3. The, money is oillvnyß paid back in GOLD,wbenever
it is called for, and without Indies.
4. Money is received from Executors, Administrators,
Guardians and others who desire to halo it in a place of
perfect safety, and nirere interest van be obtained for it
5. The mime? receited from depositors is - invested in'
such other 'first class securities RS the Charter directs.
6. Office Flours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and
on MondayS and Thursdays till S o7clock intim eveninz.'
This old and well established SAVING FUND has re
ceived more Until TEN MIDLIONS'Of dollars fromnear
ly thirty thousand'depOsitori.
-HON. HENRY L. BENNER, , President.
WILLIA3I Z. 4E.13), Secretary, •
Hon. lieury L. Benner,. F. Carroll Brewster,
_Edward Ottrter, I Jo3eph B. 'Barry,
Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee,
Sahli. K. Ashton, I Joßent' Yates,
C. Landreth 51unne, - Henry DifTenderffer.
AValii at Street, S. W. Cdruer of Thin) Street.
April 20, 1b59..' LABELPIIIA
it the Gene Fee 311116 of 3IYERS k.BLIOUR,
Feb. 3,IMS. I.ebneoll,
AT the Ce4esece Mills, iii the borough of T.ebanert,
W E. 4 T. CORN.
ittE: OATS,
In any, gonntity, fdi• which. fie I s tigthest 3rarket prices
will be paid, in Cash : by MYERS, & MOOR.
Feb. 3,1855.
APURELY VEGETAILiLE preparation, containing the
Medicinal and Aromatic qualities of the roots from
which 3t is made, producing a healthy and pleasant bev
erage. It ncts as a.purffier, producing a gentle stimula
tion throughout the body, without the deleterious effects
of a momentary excitement. it is peculiarly efficacious
in diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and is
highly recommended for the uso.„of fl'uniliee, especially
where goojiwafer cannot be easily Piocured. Prepared by
POTTHIt CIIAMPUN, Practical Chemists,
Westerly. R. L
ilrTront, Lancaster; T. W. DV= &
SON, Philadelphia. ' March 30,1559.-4 m.
For sale by Dr. George , Itosd, at his Drug and Chemi
'cal Store, Cumberland Street, oppOsite the Court House,
Lebanon, Pennsylvania, .
TIER undersigned would respectfully inform the public
that he has now a larger and more extensive assortment
of MARBLE, at his New Establishment in Market street,
than has ever heretofore been offered to the public in
Lebanon, the stock consisting of ITALIAN MARBLE, Rm.
all of whiehare done up in the most scientific style, and
in such a variety of designs .as to snit:the tastes of all.
The public are invited to call at his
one, aquare north of Union Hall, Lebanon. Pa, where lte
will attend personally to all who will aver him with
their patronage.
Ile would also return hiSsincere thanks for the liberal
patronage afforded him since opening in business, and
feeling the more encouraged by tho interest manifested
in his behalf by the public', he enter's' upon a new season
with renewed energy, despatching business with a
promptness bctoming an honest mechanic.
Ternis Beasonabk: , 6ff'amit Examine.
Lebanon, Aug. 19,,558.. J. E. DAV a ILE ItTY.
P. a - number of select Zimesfane Door Sills,
for the accommodation .of building 14m and contractors,
who would do well to call and exandno", J. E. D.
TKINS & BRO. promise to b punctual, and will en-
A L dearer to Please all who may tall on them for Boots
and Shoes.
C LOC K s, K S,
Extract of Roots.
Fa r eri Aok I o Your Interest,
A.Major &
th„ attention of the Forntr,•4 of tho
I aAjoiniog eottotioi. ter tho fact that they ra , o
Opened their
64 .c . ..nriirare SI reel. hrl ?peen rarnyike and their Frin
'irY 0,4 ;VP-him. Shegn. iu the I noet)h r!/ - L,Lonon_
wri , re they loi co the p:1 , 1 1, " , t• 1.4 " 11 '
A 7AI NU 1 M 1 . 1.1.31 V.NTS n.ver elfered to t eon/111111.
nily. such um
Rflaway 4 Le VC r Horse Power and
Threshers, Manny's Combined Reap
er and Mower, and Dqrsey's
Patent Suif Raker.
We would call lit' attention of the F:lrninrs to these
two Iliaollitteg. , to we believe them to be the hest in use.
Also, Mut;fine:: Patent Steel Wire ludepenanut Moth
CelarSe , IFoOr, which is a complete Rake; Mutonues Com
bined Fodder, :straw and They Cutter, which we invite
every Farmer to and see, as they will find it to their
interest to have one of these Machines. They have also
a general assortment of PLOUGHS, !Mang which is the
brow Pittsburg & Eagle, with It number of others. cm
irarine subsoils of different kinds; Cast Iron Field Rol
lers, Clover-Hullers. Grain Grills and Patio, power and
hand Corn-Shellers;Corn Ploughs, and Mutters, Forks
Rakes. Shovels, Spades, &c.
The greater part of theta:ova Maellittes :woof our
own make, and are all warranted to he us they are rec
ommended. We invite Farmers and all others to c
and examine for themselves. to we always take pleasure
in showing our Machines.
47- All orders, by mail or otherwise, Will lie prompt
ly attended to.
Lebaaen, Moriii 23,3559.
4711•111.1VE WORKS . ,
Opposite the Lebanon Valley Ddpot; liar-
anon, Lebanon county, Pa.,
=etors, manufactnte Steam Engines front
t to 31:10 horse power, of the latest styles
and pktterns, with all the modern .
" .provements. /Ilse, superior Portable En
gines'(Vith Link Motion Valve tlear)moonted on wheels,
for Saw :gills, wood sawing and lfoisthigpurposes. Par
ticularattuition is called to our small - Upright Engines
for Printers. Druggists and persons wanting a small
amount of '6m - cr. They take up a very small space, and
can be put up in a rifoin'as uhousehold fixture.
ALSO, Blowing Engines and Machinery for Anthracite
'and other Blast Furnaces, of improved constrnbtion.—
Forge Hammers, of P. L. Weimer's Patents; Rolling Mill.
Sawing. Planing anti Flouring Mill Fixtures; Mining'
Pumps, hoisting Machinery for Mines and Steno Quar
ries, Railroad Oars, Iron Bridges, Shafting, Hangers,
Pulleys,Turning Lathes, Drill Presses, Planing Machines,
Brass Stop Cocks, yalves and Brass Fixtures. Globe' Steam
Valves of all SizeS, and Machinery and Castings of every
VeScript ion.
ALSO, Boilers 'of any size, farm and weight, Made of
the best material by well known and experienced work
men; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks, Gus Vines, Heaters,
and Sheet Iron Work of every description. [Our Boiler
sheets are all tested by dividing them into squares of 2
inches and hammering each square; any imperfection is
thus detected, and the fanny sheet rejected; this is prao.
Used in very few shops in this country.)
ALSO, a stock of, Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, gas
and water, with all the necessary fixtures, constantly on
hand, and put
up at the shortest notice and on most rea
sonable terms. Iron, Braqs, and Composition Metal Cast
iegs nutde to order, anhe shortest notice..
REPAIRING attended to with promptness and de
spatch. A gang of Boiler Makers always ready for Boi
ler repairs. BLACKSMITH WORK made to order.
44-Orders reSpectfully solicited. All communications
by mail or otherwise, attended to with despatch, and
work delivered to railroad or canal, free of charge.
WU% WEllrEll.
Lebanon, Feb'y 4,ISaS
Door and Sash Manufactory.
Lt catat on the Steam-LlOure Rood, near Cumberland
Street, East Lebanon.
Trr e. er - T E undersigucd respectfully roin
form tha public , in general, that the
hde' added largely - to their former estali
-474.7 lishment, and also hare all Milos of the
and best improved MACHIN:MY
iu the State in full operation. such no
for =landing the general businesA for
Planing, Scroll'a,'S'awing, 4.c„ 4-e.,
and the experience acquired by E. LOSOACIZE and T. G.
GABEL during their connection with the Door, Sash and
Lumber Trade, for a numbe;r of years past, affords full as
surance of their ability, in connection with J: GABEL, to
select stock suitable to the wantsof the Door and Sash
business in this State. .
They now offer to Ifeehithics and Farmers generally,
upon favorable terms, a judiciously itssoand stock of
DOORS, SAS If, &e., from the best Lumber manufactories
in the state, feeling confident that their assortment is
not to be excelled by any oilier establishment in the
State in regard to exactness in size, qualityor tiuisb,and
is calculated to afford thorough satisfaction to all those
who may favor the undersigned With their custom.
The following list comprises the leading articles of
Stock on hand:—
Doors, of all si Sash, of all sizes;
Door Frames, for brick and Architraves;
frown houses ; Casings, from 3 to G
Window Frames, for brick snrbase;
and frame houses;
AU hinds Of Mouldings;
0. 0. Spring Moillding, or all sire 71; Wash•boards.
• P. S.—Planing, Sawing, de., promptly done for ththie
furnishing the Lumber. [Lebanon, July 15,'57.
i mo mp t wish toinform their customers. of Lela
: non Cou‘nty ; .und garret:oiling Courdiee,
that they are kill in full operation, and
are prepared to do all kinds of
NERY, and feel confident that they can eutiepete with any
°ther in the State, as regardititioll WORK. They em
ploy Oboe but th best workmen, and 'work none but the
hest and well seasoned 'Lnniber.
Their stock of work is always open for examination
by Carpenters and Builders, :Is consists of
Dobrs, Shutters, Blinds, Window rind
Doors Frames, •Casin,9,., Wash
Boards, illovid-ine,s, Flooring
Boards, Weather Boards,
Sidings, 4.c. 4.c.
SAWN!; Ax.p Tin Cone to order.
Also, Hand Rails for continued Stain, for malting
which they have a man cenetautly employed. Art; They
in addition to their other business, and hare employed
Mr. Dickinson, of "the City of Philadelphia,. to-do their
Turning. - Dickinson is one of• the best Turners in
the Stine. Cabinet Makers will do well to call and
examine their stock betbrepurchasing elsewhere, as they
always keep on band.
Bedstead Posts., Table Legs, Stair Bannister, Newt posts,
and everything else belonging to the Turning Business,
which they will sell at Philadelphirtpriees: tM.. TURN
ING WORE done to order, as well as always on hand.
vts.Their Shop will be &lution PINEGROVII ROAD,
between Cumberland Street and Major's Foundry. -
Lebanon, March 16, 1816.
LEmßEnn mos
CIOI la RI a into cl.oa•v.
rimrAxKFUL for past firers, the undersigned respect
fully informs the Public, that he continues to carry
on his Nanufactory in East Hanover township, Lebanon
county, on as extensive a scale as ever. it is mMeeeSsa
ry for him to say more, than that the work will he done
in the same EXCELLENT STYLE, which-has made his
work and name so well known in the surrounding coun
try. He promises to do the work in the shortest possi
ble time. His monufactory is in complete order, and be
Hatters himself to be able to render the saniesatigactien
as heretofore. lie ninnufiletures
Broad and farrow Cloths, Cassinette, Blankels , White
and other Flannels, all in the hest MitMler.
lie also curds Wool and makes Rolls. For the conve
nience of his Customers, Wool and Cloth will be taken
in at the following places:—At the Mores of George Fe
Seellonberger t Lonser '& Brethersi - George Behnelth :tad
at the new Drug Store of tthilford & Lemberger, near
the Market House, in the borough of Lebanon; at the
store of Shirk & Miller, in North hebatioa ; ut S. Gosh
ert's, Bethel township; at the public house of William
Earust, Fredericksburg; at the store of S. E. Bickel, in
Jonestown; at the store of George Weidman, Bellevue;
at the Store of Martin Early, Palmyra; at the store of
Gabriel Wolfersherger, dew Market Forge; at the store
of :Withal Shit*, East. liatto , mr, Dauphin county; at the
stores of George Miler and David M. nanic,,ntst Hano
ver Lebanon county: All materials will be taken away
regularly, from the above places, finished without delay,
and returned again.
Those of his customers who wish Stocking Wool card
ed dyed and mixed, can lenvo the Bar; Wlifte, at the
above mentioned placed ; With directions. heir they wish
it prepared. Or his customers can order the Stocking
Wool to he prepared front the Wool of the undersigned,
which will he done and left at the desired places.
N. 11, It is desired that those having Wool carded, will
pay the Cash therefor, at the above named places.
New Furniture Store:
*'' .l 1 .4; , ::: ~'. . 5 . , - ; 11. "''
z i l lii= .l , 4‘ , 4- ;1,4 ,), ..„..
I t (g,--, T-I:iect": 4 .' f" . :-,,.
4- - '', .. ...,: , i,i. y - 1
.....4 -.:, - V .., ~E...
~i : -.--...
' . - . . • ."" ' -
TTARRISON K. BUNI9RIE %could rNpeetfulfy.
la form the public that be has removed hie stand to
Rauch's New Buildiug, opposite /RACLIN , ' a Hotel, Cum*
berlaud Street, where he will keep the largest, finest,
and cheapest assortment of FCR;s; rr HRH ever offered in
Lebanon. His stock' coniits of all kinds of Parlor and
Common Furniture, which be will sell lower
than the like can be bought at say other
place in Lebanon.
Age has on hand a large assertmeut of Sofas,
Tete-a-tetes Lounges, Centre, Card and other Tas
bliss, What Note, Hat Racks. sc. Also a. large and cheap
atock_of stuffed, Ciuie-seat, and common' Chairs, Settees,
Bixisteads, and a lot of cheap Mattresses. Also, Looking
elasses,----Guilt, Rosewood and Mahogany—very cheap.
Venetian Blinds; Carriages; Gigs and Hobby horses, for
children:" llieLPartittilar 4ttantion lurid to UNDER
TAR.ING. Ile has prorlded himself with the FINEST.
ILRA.RSE IN IXBANO.It, and will make Coffins and
attend Funerals, at the shortest notice and most reason.
able terms. Lebanon, March' 30, 1353.
Opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Pa.
pu. 1t1)5 re atiThlllC , ,, tint he ;:ati for
sale 0 hug hurgr arid varied a,,sortn,,,nt of Drugs,
Dy est MP, Perfunier2, , , Trusses, Patent Medicines,
and Fancy Goods, which are otThred at the lowest prices.
Au experience in the De,t,g; Business of over 20 years, and
strict attention to the wants of the public, enable him
to le :" the first style of the -deuce.
Are the most certain Cure Mr Worms
use. They arc sweet, elltrre child
ill refuse to take them. Persons
!mild ask for "Dr. Ross' Wenn Lozen
s," and refuse all others. Many per
us, not having this Lozenge. will try
get yOLI to take sonic other kind; do
it let them deceive you—sun can
tys get them at Dr. Ross' Drug store,
ddinott, and you can have them sent
you, free of expense by moil, if you
icloso the price in a letter: If less
flan a dollars worth is wanted, enclose
post-office stamps, and yen will receive them by return
of mail. postpaid. Dr. Ross will send them to any part
of the United States, on receipt of the money. Send on
then, aril gel Atom. Price 20 cents.
These Plus operate without giving the least path or un
easiness, and can be taken with posaivo advantage in
all cases in which a purgative would be needed; as the
commencement of Fevers, Costiveness, Liver Complaint,
some forms of Dyspepsia, Headache, Impure Blood, and
all diseases arising from impurity of blood. They will
be found superior to any other pill in use. Price 25
cts. per box. Will be sent by mail On receipt of the mo
ney. Sold only by Dr. Ross, Lebanon.
A superior medicine for the cure of Slat - Headache,
Nervous II adache, Dyspepsia. LOSS of Appetite, Ner
vous Weekness, and all other diseases requring a tonic.
Dr. Russ keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment
of Trusses, of all sizes, and various ill price, which will
be soul very low. Amexperience of more than 20 years,
give the afflicted advantages not to be Waist every Drug
store. A personal attention to thelittinggiven.
If you
need a truss call at Dr. Ross' Drug Store . Lebanon.
For Colic, Spasms, Restlessness, Az., of Infants. It
calms nervous irritation, soothes pain, and induces to
sleep, without leaving the dull, drowsy state that fol
lows the use of other infamt drop's. Special attention is
asked to this remarkable exam Ask fur Dr. Ross' In
fant Drops.
Dtt. Pa - IWOen Conti STRuP , prepared and sold only
try Dr. ]toss; opposite the Court lionse, is a certain core
,feeeenghe, Col.l, Whooping Coukli„ - Look well to
the marks of the genuine. See that Dr. Rose' name is
on the bottle.
Evidencestronger than certifiattest LAfieS YECIETA.
ma Common) is performing more wonderful cures than
any other Medicine known l It is perfectly safe to take.
Try it. If you are not satisfied after :using one Bottle,
tine money will be refunded; if not able to 'pay, one
Dottie will be given gratis to fdyit. Price Five Dollars
;or Bottle. or three Bottles for tett dollars. Sold only at
Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Lebanon, June 16, 1858.
Sold at Dr.lioss' Drug Store, oppositothe Court Donne,
Lebanon, Pa.
li Benevolent institntion established. by :Twin' Endow
?Rent for the Relief if the Sick and Dith•essed,
afflicted with - Firutent and .12:pidenriC
_ _
_ .
rpAE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful
_L destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseas
es, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate
victims of such Quacks, several years ago di
rented their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE
ACT:worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the
treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms,
and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who ap
ply kyjetter, with a description of their condition,
occupatconOmbits Life..,tc..) and in cases of extreme
It is needless to add that the Association commands the
highest Medidal skill of the age, and will furnish the
most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of the Association. in their Annnal Re
port upon the treatment of Strinal Disease, for the year
ending lauunrylit. 18.58,eipress ihehighost sadsfeet ion
with the MICCOR9 which has attended the 'labors of the
Consulting Surgeon in the curs of Spennatofiliost. Sent
inel Weakness, Impotence. Gonorrhea*, Wert, SyPhillls,
the vice of OfittlliSlll or Self-abuse, and order a con
tinuance of the seine plan fur the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of the past, fedi its'snred
that their lobos this; sphere of boncroirlitiflbrt have
been of great benefit to the 12 Meted, especially to the
young, and they have resolved todevote themselves, with
renewed zeal, to this very imPorteut and much despised
Shttters ' of sizes;
of '4Ol size,;
.4n admimble Report on Spermatorrhre, or Seminal
Weakness, the rice of (Maoism, Masturbation, or Self
abuse. and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the
Consulting Surgeon. will be sent by mail (in a Sealed en
velope,) FINCE 01 , ODA RGE. on receipt of TWO STA M PS
for postage. Other Reports and Tracts .on the nature
and treatment of sexual diseases, diet, Au., are CMS taut
ly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will
be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and
methods of treatment discovered during the last year,
swot great value.
Address, for Report or treatment Dr. OEOItO E R. CAL.
110 UN. Consulting Surgeon, froward Association, No. 2
South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
EZItA D. REAItTIKELL, l'resident.
GEO. YIKIRCIII.I.II, Secretory Nos. 10, 'sS.fay
twenty two years ago by Dr. K NK ELAN', corner
otTbird and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful
practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private nature,
manhood's debility. as an impediment to mnrriage; ner
voll44 and sexual infirmities, diseases of this akin, and
Upise arising from abuse of mercury.
There Is an 611 habit solnetlines indulged in by boys,
is solitude, often growing up with them to manhood:
and which, if not refirithed in due thee, not only begets
serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise toe series of protracted, inactions, and devabtating
Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the consequences, until they find the ner
vous system shattered, feel strange and unammuntable
sensations. and Vague fears iqlthe mind. [Seepages, 27,
128. 29, of Dr. K. 's book on "Self-liteserviition.l
; ..T
The unjotun ti
_ate thus affected becomes feeble, la un
-1 WO tolabor with accustomed vigor. or to apply his
mind to study; his step fa tardy and weak ; he is dull,
irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less atter
! gy than usual.
'The emancipate himself before the practice has done
its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruit,
gni, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his
early follies. These are considerations which should
awaken the attention of all who are .timilarly situated.
Hu who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat
ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle
man. Etid rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of
Dr. K.'s Pitlente will never he disclosed.
Young man—lot no false trthdesty deEll'ljou from mak
ing your case known to one. who, from education and
respectability, can certainly befriend you.
r Dr. IiINEELIN'S residence has been for the last
TWENTY 'YEARS at the N. W. Corner of TIIIRD AND
UNIOI streets, Pluladelphia, Pa. •
Can have (by stating their case explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit.
tance) Dr. E.'s medicine, appropriated amordingly.
Forwarded to any part - of the United States, and pack
ed secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Mail or Ex-
Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure a
copy, per return or mail.
A Free GIVT To AU.
"Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, full of
valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculat
ed to proverit years of niiscry, and save rneusalvos of
li►da, is distributed without charge, and forwarded .by
mail, peel:old to any Pat Office in the United States, o❑
receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps.
July 111, 1857.-Iy.
I.chation Flo'leg 11111
rilnE NOitTlf LEBANON MILL has been remodeled,
JL, and is now completed and In operation and prepar
ed to furnish custdmers regularly with a very superior
article of FLOUR, as cheap as it can be
iAK'obtained from any ether source. They
WWI also keep constantly on hand and for
rale, CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, ,lEc.
ta. They are also prepared to do all
londs of Cameral's' WORK, reapectfully invite all
the former customers of the dill , as well as new ones, to
give them a cell.
They will pay the highetd CAM market prices for all
kinds of Grain, such as WI:FEAT, RYE, CORN. OATS,
Lc., and afford all fecilitiee and accommodations to
those who will sell.
N. Lebanon Do., Noy. 8,1858. WALTER & BAttTO
H ENRY BUBB Would respectftilly_iwinoMice to the
citizens of Lebandn bounty, that be is - preicired
to do all kinds of SLATE ROOFING, at the shortest
notice and-on the moot reasonable terms. Also, Faaami
AND ENOLISO Faact Woltz.. Slating Church' Steeyßee,
&c. For further information, please apply to-Mr. J. A.
Bomberger, Walnut-/reek opposite the. jail, or at coy
of the
Lebanon, /March 2;1869.-2m.
;,Is your hair falling ofl? are you troubled with dand
ruff, or itching of the head? Dr. loss' Hair Tonic will
cure theSe troubles. Price 25 ets—
Fever and ..lane cured in 24 hours. Individuals who
have suffered for Weeks and mouths; have been in a sin
gle day relieved, as if by Magic, from the excruciating
chill and burning fever. Sold only at Dr Bess'. Stole.
For the cure of Sore, Weak, or Inflamed
EyOs. Price 25 cts.
A positive cure for Worms.
The best Liniment in use for Rheuma
tism, Sprains, - Swellings, Bruises. Tooth
ache, Sote Throat, - and all painful and
Neuralgic affections of the body, is Dr.
Rose Liniment.
For the cure' of spongy and bleeding
gums, Scurry,for cleansing and preserv
ing the teeth and gums, and imparting, a delightful fra
grance to the breath, use Dr. Ross' Tooth WaSh.
For the cure of Rheumatism, Totter, ScrOfula, Pains
in ibo 'Danes, Old Sores, Pimples on the face, Eruptions
of all kinds, and all diseases arising from impure Blood,
or the imprudent use of Mercnry. Sold only at D'.
Ross' Drug store.
, • INDIAN 91`li A .
'The Surest and most Excellent Remedy!
'finis TEA cures Costiveness and produces a health
ful Appetite. relieves patient% of severe Colds. Ellen
matism, itntlpnrifies the Mood, F o r D ro psy ;mil..-.:6_.,
1 1 ConduniptiOn it In likewl , c the verve beat Remo-
dy; end fur Females before and atter Confine.
mon it will pruvc a never.titiling Puriflattive, t“tikfal
being M. the sonic time an mbiitimial benefit to the In
thul. In severe l'ain 'ln Om :Stomach it will render
must valuable servt
ces. cleansing and warming the
fibminch, etc., etc.. and counteracting all implement
sensationS,.whlch frequently originate from flatuleney,
etc. Take one 'Tablespoonful of the above Tea to one
quart of water, let it bail fur nhnut one quarter of an
hour, cover it well so 101 to prevent the iironsa from es.
cap* : and drink it cold or warm, with or without su
gar. of quart every day according to circumstances.
One fourth of a pound costs 23 cents. Yon may also
eat the Tervin its natural state :-1 Teaspoon run with
molasses, repeating this every 2 hours B honjd rhedhum,
he severe. Children are to take tads medicine in propur
tion to their age., SEBASTIAN Z EIT I.E it,
In Chestnut stroet,tit House Nest of the Methodist
E Lieu , I Cinneterl • El.ebanott,, '38.-in.
'Being an original and popular Treatise do
rilflElß Physiology, Functions and Sexual Disorders of
I_ very kind. with nevertailing Renthlies for the
speedy cure of diseases or a private and delicate charac
ter. incident to the violation of the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's God.
The author of the above
," volume is a graduate and
.` and
ig&„„''..• having devoted a quar t er of
,Z,Fc`s 7 ! !./ , 4 ; a century to the study and
ix.vrefe treatment of Spyhilis and
•••:..1011,.• •;cf , „ - E/44L „ .. .7 kindred disordere as a epee
iality, he has become pos.
••. seared of most invaluable
1s • • information in regard to the
//i l!iti same, and is able to com press
into souk mecum compass the very quintessence of med
ical Science on this important subject; as the result of
the experience of the most eminent physicians in Eu
rope and America is thoroughly demonstrated in his
own highly successful practice in the treatment of es
cmt diseases in many thousands of cases in the:city of
Philadelphia alone.
Testimony of the Obstretries in Penn. College,
"DR. If us - rert's Ideni&t.:treamet." The author of this
work, unlike the majority of those who. advertise to
here the'diseases of which it treats, is a graduate of one
of the Ixeyt Colleges In"the Untied States. It affords ins
pleasure to recommend gin to . . the unfortunate, or to
the victim of mal.pructice, os aligeressful and experienc
ed praetitioner, in whose hohor and integrity they may
place the greatest Confidence.
From A. Woodward, M. D- of -Penn. University,
Philadelphia. - •
gives me pleasnre to add my testimony to the pro
f'essional ability of the Author of the "Medical Manu
al." Numerous eases of Diseases of the Genital Organs,
some Of them of long standing, have come under my no
tice. in which his skill has been niatifest in restoring to
perfect health, in sonic install - cis Where the patient has
bees considered bayond medical 'aid. In the treatment
of Seminal weakness, or disarrangement of the functions
productd by .Sdfabuse, or Excess of 'tenery, I do not
know his imperior in his profession. - I have been ac
quainted whir the Author some thirty years, and deem
it no more thanjastiee to.him as well as a kindness to
the unfortunate victim of early indiscreti-n, to recom
mend him as one, In whose professional skill arid integri
ty they may mfely confide themselves.
One copy, securely enveloped will be forwarded free a
postage to any part United States for 25 cents, or 6 copies
for 51. Address, post paid, COSDEN & CO., Publishers,
box 197, Philadelphia.
Dooksellers, Ceuramers and nook Agents suppli
ed on the most lihrral terms.
October 20tli, 1858.—1 y
The Liver favigotialOr:
Got,pouNnED entirely from Gums, is one of tho best
purgative and liver medicines now before the public.
that acts as a (Whartic. easier, milder, and more effeetaal
than ant ether medicine knotvn. /t is not only a Ca
thartic tint a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to
eject its morbid matter, then on tire bowels and stomach
to carry oil that matter; tints accomplishing two purpo
ses effeettially. without any of the painful feeling cape.
ricitcad its rite operations of most Cathartics. It strength
ens the F•ystem at the tame tithe that it pnrges it; and
w hen taken daily iii mixlerate , dose will strengthen and
build if.up with unusual rapidity.
The LIV Ell is oneof the principal rrdialatorsof the
human body: and when it performs it B functions
well, the powers of the (/7 systeni are fully develop.
al. The dfoonteh is almost...„„„: entirety dependent on the
healthy action of the Liver 0 , for the :proper perform
mire of its hmetionit when the stomach Is at
fault. the bowels are at fault, and the whole sys
tem suffer in consequence T 7 of one organ—the Liver
having ceased to do Its duty. For t ho diseases
of that organ. one of the %J proprietors has made it
I.ld study, in a practice of"I more than twenty years,
it find setneremety where- 9" . With to counteract tie
many deningements to ad which it is liable.
n prove that this rem oily is at lied found, arty
persons troubleil with Ur- ene r complaint, in any of Its
forted, Las but to try a bottle, and conviction is
These Gems remove all r
from the system, supply
thy flow of bile invigorat.
food to digest well, purify.,
and health to the whole
carve of the disease cud
.I.l4fous ofticks are cured
rental, by the occasional
One dose after eating it
stomach and prevent
Oilly one dose takou be-
Only one dose taken at G
gently, and cures Llostir.c
One dtrse takdit after C..
One dose thf Iwo tea-I
lieve Sick Headache.
Ono bottle taken for fel>
the rinse of the dismiss-
Only one dose immedi
one dose often 'repeated is ri
Atorbus, and a preventiv ' 4l
Only one bottle is need-1,0
tem the effects of medi-
One bottle taken fel
sallownese or unmatural 5
One dose taken a short limo
to the appetite,- mil makes foot
One dose often repeated curet
worst forms, while Summer or
almost to the first dose.
One or two dodos cures attte
children; there is no surer, sr
the wmid,' - ati it never fails.
A few bottles cure Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recommending this nzetlicine ms
preventive fur Freer and Agile, Chill Fever, and all Fe
vers of n Billons Type. It operates with certainty- and
thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimou :testimony
in its favor.
ta„. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator and
swallow both together.
The Liverlnvigorator is a Scientific Medical Discovery
and is daily working; cures. almost too great to believe.
It cures as if by magic, even the first dodetriving benefit,
and seldom more titan one bottle is required to cure any
kind of Liver Complaint. from the worst Jaundice or Dys
pepsia to u common lfeadttate, all of which are the Pa
salts of a Diseased Liver.
Dlt. SANFORD, Proprietor, 34 Broadway. New York.
JOSErn L. LeNIIB7.OER, and DR. ROSS, Agents for Leba
non; and retailed by Dritgists. Dune 2,'58-Iy.
- -
Dry-Goods, Grocery & Crockery,
—Al' THE—
R . 47/1E RS 9 STORE.
LEONARD ZIMMERMAN informal& frlends . and th
public that ho has just received a new stock of
Goods for the Winter Trade,
which will be feund as cheap as any stock orate kind In
this town, consisting of all such GOODS as arc usually
kept in a first-class stole.
Particular attention is given to Staple Goods for the
country trade, not neglecting the fancy articles for LA
DIES' WEAR—euch us LncCr, Lima , ' Edging", Under
sleeves, Ilandke•ichiefl,
GENTLEMEN are invited to examine Wcs MOM,
Cassimeres, Casinete, TWeVI4, Fancy and other Veastings,
Velvets, Cords. da
In the GROCERY department may be found
splendid ussertmentof every need in the Family:
Coffee. Segnr, Spices Tins, Mackerel, dm In
CROCKER Y the stuck is well selected.
"RP The lii;lost market price will be paid for COUN
TRY PRODEGE. [Lebanon, Sept. 22;.]855.
Books! Rooks!
WALTZ & RCEDLE Would respectfully
iffly . inform the Public, that they constantly
••• /
.7 - receive from the Eastern Cities, copies of
•I • all the most important and attractive
New Books, as soon as published, which they offer for
sale cheaper than they can be purchased elsnirhere.;.-
Among those lately received are—
Parton's Aaron Burr,
'Arington's Travels and Researches in South Africa.
Spark's Life of Franklin,
Abbott's Napoleon, •
City of the Great King,
Bayard Taylcr's Northern Travels,
Debit and Credit,
The Reason Why.
They have always on haild a large assorttuentof School
Books, Blank Books and Stationery, Sunday School
Books, and a s lerge assortment of Flute, Piano,
Violin and Gaßar Music. . Piano Forte, 31e
lodine and Violin.7ustrnctor.
of Foreign mad Domestic hianufacture, )
Window Shades.
The-M onthl
eMagazines )
and ath
NEWSPAPERS, daily 4. Weekly,
Can be had by calling at thesture, on Cm:OW.4'B.o street,
in the borough of Lebanon, at thesign of the ' l Bl,g Book."
IMOrders left with ibbm foi; City kihtl ofgoode in their
line, will be promptly attended to.
Lebanon, yelp. 1, 1858.
A m herican VI e
JUST received a lot of line AMERICAN IVAIVIIES,
at the Eagle Jetrelrj Store of JAMES IL:x=lr.
Lebanon, Not. 3,1588:
Selling OW at Go - iat.
Toib! PAj I LL iweellinektia large stork c.f Lined
') can, anti Italiaki 5:1.411w. LE at COST.
' b mix mnte'
credit, piepaintotx hiaiecontin the 'buSiness in this
place. The public IS invited hi examine his' stock.
Lebanon, Feb. 23, 1859 j -
not Lettering done; inlngligh and 'Germany at abort
• •
Burning Fluid, Surgical Tustrumenta. 'Toilet
gars, Tobacco, he. Also a variety of Fancy Artie'', b o
numerous, to mention, which be offers at luw ratet
warrants the.gitaiitles of tho articles as rrpre•pt.h.4._
Purchasers will please remember this, and eating'', tie
finalities and prices of his gouda before punt:wing eL ,.,
where. tor Physicians* presenptions and &lay
peneurefully norup;muded, at ali hours of the ds•
nisht by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the
On Sundays the Store will be opened fur the
pounding of preacriptions between the hears of 7 aul
10 o'clock. 12And 1, and 4 and 5 P. M.
Lebanon, Dec. P,1857. DAVIT) S. RACER.
platfrlEß will 'Forfeit PO if falling to cur e :thy
rase of secret cl isms° the t rn ay canoe under hi.. ,0,n 4
DO matter how long standing or afflicting, Either der
arc invited to his Private Rooms. 44 North Seventh
Moira. without fear of interruption fmta 00..1 14
tistits. Strangers and others who have been unforto
mite in the selection of a Physilan arc invited ro call
ISIPOTENCY—Trough unrestrained indulgence et.
the passions, by excess or self abuse. the evils are nom.
emus. Premature impotency, involuntary seminal
charges, wasting of the organs, lass of memory. a
taste for female society, generaLdebility, or constitution.
al derangement, are sure to follow if necessary, consul;
the Doctor with confidence; he offers a perfmt cure.
REID AND RhTLECT.—The afflicted w,,r44 do K•it
to reflect before trusting their health and happiness. all , t
in many cases their lives, in thehands of physicians igni ,
rant of this class of maladies. It is eartainly impossitits
for one man to understand all the the human fiunilv
are subject to. Every respectable physician has his pc
coliar branch, in which he is more success:Ml than hit
brother.profceeors, and to that he devotes roost of his
time anti study.
YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the
study and treatment of diseases of the sexual otinit,.. to
gether with ulcers upon the body, throat, owe. or leg.,
pains in the head, or bones, mercurial rbetunanstu, strie
tures, gravel, irregularities, diseases arising from youth
ful excesses, or impurities of blood, whereby the comti
tntion has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to otter
speedy relief to all 'who may place themselves under hr
, ogy. 'Medicine forwarded to any part of United States,
—Price Ten 'Dollars per Package.
NETO•ELECTRIC MACHINE. No acid or other ingre
dient required; its power being obtained from a perma
nent magnet. No faintly should be Without one. Price
only :a › .lu.
October, 20th, ' •
rrItIS great PURIFIER, now before the public but a
few years, has already won a name and reputation
unexampled in the history of any mediene ever inven
ted. The ingredients composing it hre simple, yet in
combination' all powertul in driving dismau from the
human system. It curet
Scrofula, I Cat swan formations,
Cutaneous Diseases, I Erysipelas, , lkAls,
. Pimples on the Ace, Sore Ees.
Old .t stubborn Ulcers, Scald head,
Tetter affections, Rheumatic Disorders,
Dy,,p,pant, Costiveness,
Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
31ercurial Discuses, General Debility,
Liver Complaint, Loes of Appetite,
Low Spirits, I Foul Stomactl,
Female Complainfil!.and all Discuses haling thel
origin in an impure state of the Blood.
Every Agent wltelas this medicine far sale, hag cir
culars on hand containing certificates from persons who
lure been cured by its nac. Many of them are desper
ate vases, and commend themselves to the attention of
those afflicted with any of the above diseases. The fol
lowing certificate alone is selected, as carrying with it
the 'must indubitable evidence of * the virtues of this won
derful medicine.
Sworn statement of David M'Crcary, of Napier Town
ship, Bedford county :
In April, 1856, as near as I can remember, a small
pimple made its appearance on ray lip, which soon be
came enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel. and
wash of blue clued, without effect. - Finding the sore
extending, I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsbmg, who pro
nounced it CANCI2I., and prescribed a wash of sugar of
lead and bread poultices. Pirating these remedies of no
avail, I Called 1110110 Dr. Shaffer, of barklville, Somerset
county, who also pronounced tho disease Cancer, and
gave Inn internal and external renthlies--the latter con
sisting principally caustici: het to no purposey as
the disease continued spreading toward the nose. I next
used a preparation, of arsenic, in the form of salve. This
for a time checked the disease, hut the lidiammation soon
Increased. I next cult.l upon Or. Stutler, of St Claire
villa, Bedford county, who also pronounced the disease
Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a never failing
remedy, but it been° etbset whatever in ebocking the
spread of the sere. In December. of the same year, ilko
disease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip,
and had attacked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati.
where I consulted Prot. li. S. :Newton, 01 the Eleetic
Medical College. lie pronounced the disease ,acutaue
one Cancer, superinduced by no inordinate use of mer
cury." Ile applied mild zinc ointment, and mote ma in
ternal remedies. My Eice healed up. but the inflament,
tiuu was nut thoroughly removed- In FehruarY, 165 rt
he prouounctal me cured, and I lett for haste . In April
the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain
that I could not rest at night! Late In May I returned to
Cincinnati, and again placed myself under .tho charge of
Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until Septetnberdu
ring which time he used every known retnedY,und part
ly succeeded i n checking the disease, but. when I return
ed home there were still three discharging ulcers upon
my face. I continued using 'Newton's preparations, and
also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely bc it - the Cancer
outiuued growing until It had eat o f ;ht lejt side of my
nose, thegreater portion of my kit cheek, earl had at
tacked my left eye. I had given up alt hope of ever hi-
hagcured, since Dr. Ely said ho could give relief, hut
that &cure was impossible. - In March, 18a8; I bought a
bottle of 'Vaud Searcher," but 1 must confess that I
had no faith in it. I was very weak whin I epmmencod
taking it: hitt I found that I gained 'strength day by
day, and also that the ulcer commenced drying up. - I
continued, and when the' hird bottle was taken my facc
was healed as if by a. miracle. I used a fourth bottle,
and I have been healthier since than I havebeen for the
last seven years. Although my face is sadlytliefignrel.
I am still grateful to a benign Crovidence-whohasapar
ed my life, and which has been dole through theinstru
Sworn and subteribetL this 81St day of August, A. D.
1656. before me, one of thejustioes of the peace, in and
for the Borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, l'a.
Wituess--17. .1. Jones. John Gostrr; .1. P.
Fur sale by 31. 11. Cattle, Myerstown ; Martin' Early,
Palmyra; John Capp k Sun, Jonestown; John Seltzer,
Mount Nebo; John Carper, Ituchattanville ; John Dein.
lager, Ctunpbelstown ; .k Kintrports, Anevillm
John C. Cobaugh, Bridgeport; all of. Lebanon County-
LINDSEY a LEMON, Proprietors.
Hollidaysburg, Penns. .
Also Sold at Dr. Geo. Base Drug Store, opposite the
Court House, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 26, 1859.-6 m.
- TO r
morbid or bad matter
ing In their place a heal
ing the stomach, causing
log the blood, giving tone
mochltiery, rentoeiug the
erecting a radical core.
and, whet is better. pie
two of the Lira- Inrigo
'sufficient to relieve tbe
rood front raising and
fere retiring, prevents
night, loosens the towels
;mull meal, will cure Do-
dpoonfals will al tease re-
Imola obstruction removes
!rind outkes perfect cure.
nitieves Chntic, while
a sure 'cirri, for cholera
of chi:Went.
I fro throe- aya
eine after 'a long aiekness.
aundice `rentnviA all
icolor from the skin.
tiefore es.fing giveS rigor
id digest well. .
!E; Chronic Diarrhied to Its
Bowel Complaints yield
ks caused by Irurnis in
for, or speedier remedy ill
V 111.4. W. BECIBBLB, the Celebrated HERB DOC
TOR,_LP offers his valuable services to the public at
large. DOCTOR BECHTLE is opposed to Calomel or
any mineral 'poisons, and will not give them et art.—
DOCTOR BECHTLB haring- studied medicines ten years,
Slid a unmber of years of extensive practice and experi
ence, secures to him the confidence of the public. DOC
TOR BECLITLE has only lost nine patients in the last
two years, out of the vast numbers who have Made ap :
plication to hija for aid, freanitoine and abroathr Some
come hundreds of miles to consult with regard to diseasea
of long standing ' and have been cured, in the last two
years. .DOCTOItBECIITLE has cured 50 caseatif . Cancer.
30 of Rheumatism, 29 of Dropsy, 23 of conscuription, 10
of Diseases of the Bladder and Eldneys,l7 of Sore Eyes,
150 of females laboring under the Falling of _the Womb,
Blonthly Irregulatitses, Flenralbus, &c., Sm. All the
above diseases have been pronounced inenritble by CUP
nut quacks. We have no agnee to give the above remit
bates, but whoever doubts =la have. the names at any
time by calling on DOCTOR BEMITGE. its respects
Diseases St Women, old or young, DOCTOR lIECATLE
hasnever lord one woma.n in confinement of all the vast
numbers he has attended. ''- , Sn this be is Part icularly toe
awful. Diseasea of long standing of all lanai; cured in
the shortest possible time, and on the mlst reasonable,
terms. No charges for consultation. Night: practice at
tended to at all-home.
DOCTOR. BECHTLEI will always be found in his Office.
in North Lebanon, a few doers North of the - UM/id Bret it
ren Church. except when oat on - buitinmik. .
North behanon Borough, DeeeMber T4.18511-ly •
Wood, wood.
ItTHE undersigned are nraPared to' furnish lima._
• 0111" or OAx WOOD, to order, at any place in Leb
anon or North Lebanon Boroughs. ,Prders left at
their Mill Will be p m nrytWattencroc- I to.
Lebanon, April 2 _1,1659, • . .MYERS & SUOUR.
TITS undersigned, lavtog bought Mr.
I, lien ry.Epoon's Wood and - .Ctial • ard,
short distance north-east
.1 a
Match's Foundry, in thebornlig of North
Lebanon; and also bought from 1:) - 0 - to 300 CORDS OE
WOOD and from 600 to 1000 .TONS COAI,, of all
kinds and grades, which I will sell at the yard or &lira'
at as small profits as willlndt the times. I therefore 10
vita all those that are in want of any of those articles to
call and see the Sama, , aseertalii prices. and judge for
themselves. DANIEL LIGJIT, (merchant.)
North Lebanon 2 Aprili4,lBs&-tf:-
Egly,ArAN, , ILA UER., & CAPP'S
ZUjaBER. yaRD,
This Way; if YoU Wcint Cheap Lumber.
TAP undersigned have lately formed a partner
ship for the - purpose of engaging in the Lum
ber Business, en a new plan, would respectfully inform
gthe•publie at large, that their place oF business Is limo
onw.tx's Old Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, frourin;
On Chestnut. Street, Min equaie from the Evangelical
church. They have enlarged the Yard and filled it with
a new and excellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber,
of all lengths and tbioknesem In short, they keep con
stantly on band, a ftill and wolf seasoned assortment of
all kinds of ltbnorico 11 ,&TERIAIS. kersorm in want
of anything-in their I Elle areiniited to call; exam ine their
stock, and learn their prices.
Thankful for past-favors, they hope, that by attention
to business afid.modoiate prices, tii,merit a oontinsanre
of public patronage.
Wholesale and Retail Drug ,itort
Ifos heort It.nitovetl to Ith• New r ut , ' n
• lend Street, ..ppo-ite the Engle
< •
Lebanon. re.
TzER sulseriber sunnuneee tnlth•
tmwe ,, and the puhlir in general, that le, ha<
neatly on hand a large stock of
Filly Dollars Foifcjt
For hnpurity of the ]hood,
Bowsuy, nuttrEr L - CATI ( .
Lebanon, April 8, 1858.