The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, May 18, 1859, Image 3

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    int PVEttisrit:
TERMS, ta 50 A YEAR.
The Paint no , of the Cour: House
was awarded to John M. Mark, the lowest bidder,
for $l6O.
The Spring Fever is now dread
fully prevalent in this neighborhood. This dis
order is occasioned by the sudden appearance of
most beautiful weather.
G. R. Sperau, tenant on the Sta
tion Farm of Daniel 'Ulrich, near Ano`•ille,
Gently bulk a Lime Stack 107 feet long, 10 wide
and 12.8 high, and produced from it 10200 bush
els of Lime. If any body can bent that we
should like to hear from them, and so would Mr.
rary says insects never touch elder bushes. The
leaves of the elder, scattered over cabbage, cu
cumbers, squashes, and other plants subject to the
ravages of insects, °actually shields them. The
plum and other fruit's subject to the ravages of in
sects, may be saved by placing on the branches
and through the tree bunobes of elder leaves.
tw- The East Pennsylvania
Railroad was opened for regular passenger travel
on Wednesday last. The fare from Reading to
New York is 13,3 D. The connexion between the
Lebanon V. lley Branch and East Pennsylvania
was also made last week, so that passengers can
be conveyed through to New York without change
of care.
neighbors of Reading are to haven grand tune of
it on Friday, upon the oceasion of the opening
celebration of the East perindylvanis,raiikron d.—
The New York Light •duards; one of the best
Military companies of that city, numbering up
wards of 100 rank and file. accompanied by Duds
worth's celelfrated • band, will visit Reading on
that day; as also oompxnkes from Easton, Allen
town, and other plains along the line. M m.
tary of Reading Will also turn out in their strength
to participate in the festival, so that it is e' pact.
ed the military display will surpass anything of
the kind that ever took place in the state outside
of Philadelphia. By an advertisement in anoth -
er column it will be seen that eiciirshiii tickets
will be Issued by the 11, R. Company, good for
three days at a reduction of nearly one-half on
the regular fares.
of scamps are now traveling through this coun
ty swindling people in the following manner.—
They have n bogus gold watch, they represent as
worth $l5O to $2OO, but baring become reduced
in money matters, and wishing to bring on a
wife and children in New York, or some other
place, will pledge the watch for $25 or $3O, and
redeem it in a short time after they receive the
fortune they are expecting from abroad. Of
course, the tvatoh pledged not being worth over
:$5 the operation is a pretty nice one on the part
of the scamps. On Saturday last the game was
played to the tune of $25 on a wall farm
er several miles from town, and several weeks
ago, another farmer in the county, to the amount
of $3O. We have been requested not to mentio , ie
names, hat at*the same time we must remark that
we recognize in both parties swindled thet,
of individuals "who have ncrtime to read the pa
pers." They bare no time, because, the cost of
a paper, $1,60, appears to large to invest , a year
in such , an enterprise. The result of their say
legs (16 to 18 years subscriptiond is noted above.
It is a false economy, and like a sieve won't hold
water. We venture the assertion that no man
. who regularly reads the Advertiser can be taken
in by any of the dodges practised by the
leg scamps, who infest city , or country. There
is more safety to life and security to property
now -a.days in a newspaper, than would be with
a policeman at every street corner and country
cross road. But the man who don't read the pa
pers ht•entirely unprotected.
There are few p' aces' in the inte
rior of Pennsylvania, that present advantages
equal to ,Lebanon as a Summer Resort. We have
every convenience for pleasure and comfort that
the most fastidious could desire. Our Hotels
cannot be beat for good' eating and drinking,
kind attendance, tipd cleanliness in every depart
ment. The Iffr of our town is pure anrr healthy,
and the scenery surrounding us, both of nature
and of art, unbeatable the world over, and so va
ried that within the bounds of the county, and
by , a few hours' ride, the devoted may And any
and all the attractions of the most noted water
ing, picturesque, or medloinal places in the
world. It' parties seeking pleasure or health
would pay us a visit during the summer, they
would not be disappointed.
Mr. David Boyer, of North Leh
anon is an active and enterprising business man,
He has redently, at a groat expense, invented a
new plan for the burning of Lime with wood.—
Els new invention was tried, for the first time,
!set week, and answers for the purposes intended
most admirably. On Fri lay, when the first trial
was made,• he burned 300 bushels of lime from
6 o'clock In the morning, to 4 in the afternoon.—
Of course the yield will be increased as his ma.
°binary is perfected. His advertisement appears
In another column. His place Is worthy a visit
'from the curious in 'seek "matters.
The R. R. Company are bn'ild.
log six new passengei ears for the L. V. Branch
one of whieh has *early been placed upon the
road: They are eighteen inehes.wider than the
old oars, and models of 'beauty and at -MO h
The Reading Company have a fostering core for
our road whieh desertres the highest coMmenda
tion. No expense for the safety and comfort of
the traveling public is too great fur thetn. It is
now, in all particulars the No 1 road in the coon
The Messrs. Reitzenetem have
just received another magnificent stock of Spring
`and Summer Clothing, to which they invite the
attention or the public by adrertisonsen i t in anoth
yr column. They are enterprisitg and energetic
isnainesa men and deserve the liberal ene.m!irage
meat they receive.
The Sparkling Soda: Water
Notiriesits of Mr. Lomberger is again in opera
deo atiis Drag Store.
The ~ Street Commissioner, Mr.
Henry Sbe,tt, bps, repaired Market Street, north
of the railidtd in a satisfactory manner. The
repairs were web. needed.
The Perseverance Fire Comp any
celebrated, theiriltit Anniversary, on Thursday
ter ening, by a parade.
Leg Broke..—On Saturday last,
ta horse attaohed to a carriage, driven by a sm.-
'-vent of My. Eby's, at the Horee Shoe Pike, bo
came vicious near the Toll , Gate on the Plank
.road.. rho man, who was sitting, In the vehicle ,
vas ltioked on the leg below the knee, causing a
, cortijiblutd fracture of both bolos. •
Buckingham's Gi and Mammoth
Panorama of India apd, the rebellion, has been
on exhibition in the TOVVII Hall fur a few days
past. The Pietures aro larger than any Pano
rama we ever saw, and the figures thereon are
nearly all life size. The Work of the Painter ie
in the best style of the art. The scones are from
original sketches taken on the spot ; in every par
ticular the Panorama is ono calculated to please
the eye, and instruct the mind. The Lecture.of
Mr. Buckingham is also highly interesting and
instructive. On this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 5
o'clock, there will be an exhi , Jition for schools,
to which the price of adm Mance for children will
be only 6 cents. This (Tuesday) eve tile.; will be
another grand exhibition. Those who have not
seen the War in India on canvass should go to
W. G. Ward has just returned
from the city arid opened a choice selection and
large assortment of Wall Paper, Window .Blinds,
Blank Books ‘ko., German Reformed, Lutheran,
and Methodist Hymn Books of different bindings,
Mahogany Oil Cloth for Tables &c.,—to which we
invite the attention of the public,
One of the firm of Oyes dc Mil
ler, is now in the city laying in another stock of
Groceries, Fruit, &to. They do business on a cash
system and sell goods at remarkably low prices.
This is just the place to buy at, to save money.
The vacancy occasioned in the
School board of North Lebanon borough, by the
division of the borough, bas been filled by the
appointment of Mr. Thomas Foster in"place, of
Mr. G. Light ; and in the CounellMessra.,Lavi
School and Franklin Walter pave b . len,appointed
in place of Jos. Euston and Adam Hean.
Proceedings of the T ow :i t CoAn..
eil.--Counoil met May 10, 1809. All the Mem
bers present. The Committee on taxation band
ed in two
,reports. The majority report signed by
C. Mark and D. E. Miller, is as follows:
The majority of the committee appointed* on
taxes, &0., beg leave to report, that they have as
,certained the valuation of the Real and Personal
property taxable in the borough, for borough pur
poses, and find it to be about $OOO,OOO, an d are
of the opinion that a tax levied it .the rate of 7
mills on the dollar would be sufficient to meet the
necessary expenses for the present year.
All of which is respectfully submitted
D. MiLvart.
The minority report, signed by, D. X. 13:ar
many, Chief Burgess, is as follows:
The ruiner* of
,tim,Committee. appointed at
last meeting of Council to t.tepurt
.upon, the rate
of Taxation for the present year, would respect
fully offer the following.
They find that the indebtedness of the bor
ough, independent of the funded; is as follows:
Unpaid orders issued by former Council, $1272.48
Orders issued for debts contracted in 1858, 151.73
Debts still outstanding estimated, 200.00
6 mouths interest on $30,000, IL R. debt. 900.00
Being equal to 4-10 per cent, on the present
valuation of $600,000, Estimated expenses in
dependent of Roads, Bridges and Grading, are as
follows :—Gas, 250. Police, 360, Surveyor's sala
ry, 100, .Printing, 75, Interest, 25, Appeals, 10,
Salary Council, &e,, 175, Miscellaneous, 100;
together 1095.00 ; Total. $3619.21. The Com
mittee, therefore, recommend that the Council in
crease the rate of taxation to $1 on the $100,00;
taking the valuation at $600,000 would give us
$6OOO, and propose to deduct 10
,per cent. for
prompt payments, $600; exonerations and col
lections, 400. Total 1000. Ballance of tax lev
ied $5OOO ; from which deduct the unavoidable
payments to he made, $3619, would leave a bal
ance of $l3Bl, for grad .pdiyerts, Bridges,
Pikeings end ,st,reet . eroseingOi The Committee
recommended the high rate per cent, to avoid the
necessity. of the Council to• again issue orders
when no
,tneans are in the Treasury with which
to meet them. All of which ia' respectfully sub
mitted. • D. M. KAEMANY.
Mr. John M. Mark moved that thamajority re :
port be adoßted, which was opt, agreed to. Ay.
Hoffman moved that the minority report be adop
ted. The yeas and nays' were called with the fol
lowing result: Yeas, Arentz, Hoffman, Walter, 3;
Nuys, J. M. Mark, C. Murk, Fauber, 3.--
There being a tie, tke Chief Burgess decided in
the affirmative. On motion 2 orders were drawn
for Gas—one of $27, the other for S22AO. The
application of Pinegrove street was postponed.—
Mr. J. M. Mark moved that the application of
East street he indefinitely postponed. Agreed to.
Mr. Walter moved that Chestnut street be piked
from Walnut street, west to the old borough line.
Agreed to. Mr. J. I. Mark moved that the prop
erty holders in Chestnut street, from Walnut to
the old Borough line be notified to make their
pavements, curbing and guttering according to
the regular grade laid down. Agreed to. Ad
Council met on Monday evening, May 10. On
motion orders were drawn in favor of the Police
($l6 each) for services during the past month.—:
On main an order was drawn in favor of D. M.
Karniany, for. oil, tte., $4.96. The Street Com
missioner repotted that the expeniM of Making
Market street, north of the railroad; aMounted to
$123.50. On motion an order was draWit, in his
favor for the amount Also for tilling nit Walnut
street near the railroad,. $24. On motion it ;as
ordered that the Appeal day for Borough Tax bo
Saturday, June 4. On motion the Street Cominis
sioner was instructed to reduce, under the diree,
tion of the Street Regulator, Plank road street,
near Water, to the regular grade. On motion the
residents en plank road , street, from Water street
tO the Reformed Church, ho notified to, make
their,, pavements, &c. On motion the property
holders along Pinegrovo street, were ordered to
have 1.0 dtiys' notice, to meet the contiell dh June
1, a,t 4 o'qlock, p. M., relative to the straighten
ing of sate street: motion it was ordered
that proposals be invited for the building of
bridges over thet uittapabtha, on the oast tide . tif
Wilnut street and the East side of Market street:
On motion is was clamed that an abatement of
iii per cent be made on Borough TeX if . Paid on
or before the 7th, Sth'and 9th of July, to the Col
lector in the Council Room. t'ontinations for
Collector were then made as follows 3. 91.Msirk .
nominated, D. E. Miller; P. Arents, nominateii
Cienrge Walter. The Council then .proceeded to
an clectio`n With the following , result:
For Miller, J. M. Mark, lothattn, Fauber, 3.
For Walter, Aren'ti; Warier; 2.
D. E. Miller having receive a majority of
votes was declared elected Collector: On
motion the per cord - age . foi We Collector was fix
ed at the rate of 3 per cerit,
• . Fire .
Ma. DRESLIN.—A McMber of the, Afutual r
Insurance company of Sinking Springs in,your
lastnnmher, very properly animadverted upon the
unrighteous and dishonorable course, pursued in
regard to the exclusion of the people of Lebanon
and Lehigh Comities by Legislative enactment to
have insurances in the future in said corn pony.—
Bow, let us reason together, and see bow the
matter.really stands. For many years it wan the
pre ice of the Company to seek insurance out of
Betko county, and through the indefatigable ex
ertions of their agent, Mr. John Ball, (and amore
competent and efficient man could scarcely be
found,) many ip Lebanon county had been induc
ed to have their proper4y insured in the company,
and many there were who withdrew horn Lancas
ter and other insurance Companies, and connec
ted themselves with that of the Sinking Springs
ana the amount insured in this County alone, we
venture to say, exceeded three million 9f dollars.
And can it be dented ilia 'Lebanon Cminty did
not at all time promptly pay its assessment for
losses sustained by fire? No ono we feel certain
eon controvert this. Yet, forsooth, its citizens
through the representation of aie agents of the
company who had their propetty insured in said
company and others who had not, must now be
prohibited from insuring hereafter. We ask is
this honest—is it just? So palpable is, the wrong
no wonder that the indignation r and, condemna
tion is expressed in stronglanguage' . the, pub
lio demand and expect an explanation on the
pert of the Board of Managers Why, and in' whet
manner the prohibition was either clearable of
how it was truly effeotecl.
The Managers who applied for the supplemen
tal act certainly must know what alteration in
the charter Was desirable, and is it reasonable to
suppose that arty ono would assume or arrogate
to himself any responsibility, of which they were
not cognisant; or'which would not meet with
their approval? Wo exonerate Messrs hug and
Melly •frain any blame, for they certainly could
not have been apprized of the design of these
who succeeded-secretly in Tireventing hereafter
the people of Lebanon and Lehigh counties from
insuring their property .in the Mutual Fire Insur
ance Company of Sinking Springs. Their duty
is plain now under the circumstances, and
forthwith to resigtt as Managers of the Compa
ny. A. Z.
11 Real Estate operations are carried on in
Philadelphia to an enormous extent. So much
property has not changed bands in the same time
for many years past.
formerly of Harrrisburg indicted at Holidaysburg
far keeping a gambling house, was found guilty
and sentenced to pay efine of two hundred dol
lars and costs.
THE WHEAT CROP IN 01110.-1110 prospects
of the wheat crop throughout Central and Eas
tern Ohio, were never, it is said, more promising
then they arc at thie time. The Wheeling Intel
iigeitrer has been informed by Mr. Garret, Presi
dent of the Baltimore and Ohio road, that the
people everywhere are jubilant withthe expecta
tion of an abundant harvest.
TILE PEACH Cuor.—According to the Dela
ware Gazette, the peach crop in tbe lower section
of that'State is almost entirely destroyed. From
Western Virginia the accounts are more favora
ble. The Wheeling Gazette says the prospect is
good fur a very fine yield.
Altviat 4titirso
tit-. See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's Liver
Invigorator in another-column.
• •
A. Batchelor's Hair Dye!
The Origfnal and Beet in the World!
All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided
if you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black without the least
injury to flair or Skin.
awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,-
000 applications have been made to the hair of his pa
trons of his famous Dye.
WM. A. BATCIIELOIt'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is WiRRINTI3)
not to injure in theleast, however long it may liecontin
tied, and the illeffeCts of• Bad Dyes remedied I the flair
invigorated for. Life by this Splendid Dye. • '
.Made, sold or applied iine9'private rooms) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway. New-Yorke. •
Sold in all cities and towns df the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
Blip' The Genuine has the name and address upon. a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of
233 Broadway,-New York.
Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa.
Dec. I, 1858,-Iy.
They are elegant, light. easy and thimble: •
Fitting to a charm—no turning up beh d—Lue shrink
ing off the head ; Indeed this is the only Establishment
where these things are properly understood And made.
Dec. 1,1353.—1 y. 233 Broadway, New York.
In all diseases inflammation more or less predominates
—not to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease
—hence an Immediate cure. •
and nothing else, Will allay imilanttnatioli nl mum, and
will cure the following among. a great catalogs e of di
• To some it may appear incredulous that so many dis.
eases should be reached by one article; such an idea will
vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve
is a combination of ingredients, each and every one ap
plying a perfect antidote to its appasite disorder,
In its effects 'magical. bemuse the time is so short be.
tweet' disease and a permanent cure; and it is an extract
orsa it draws all disease out of theaffected part, leaving
nature as perfect as before the injury. ft is scarcely
necessary to say that no house, work-shop; or manufac
tory should be ono moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon
it it f , teek plate engraving, with the Mune of Henry
3,lanufheturer. - • •
F(11" vale by all Druggists and patent medicine dealers
throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambers St, York.
Sold at Dr. Reiss' Drug Aare, Lebanon, Pa.
Dec. 1, 1858.-Iy.
IMPORTANT TO PPMALES-- , -Nr. 'Chet)Semants
PILLS —The combinations of ingredients in these
Pills, is the result of a long and extensive piectice; they
are mild in their operation, and certain of restoring na
ture to he proper channel. in every instance have the
Pills proved successful. They are certain to open those
obstructions to which females are liable, and bring na
ture into its proper channel, whereby health is Teetered,
and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a
healthy one. No female can enjoy goad health unless
she is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes phice,
whether from exposure, cold, or any other cause, the
general health immediately begins to decline, and the
want of such a'remedy has been the cause of so many
consumptions among young females. Headache, pain in
the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing of flied, and
disturbed sleep, de most always arise from the interrup
tion of nature; and whenever that is theme, the Pills
will invariably remedy all.these evils. In all Cases of
nervous and spinal affections in the bat* and limbs, low
ness of spirits, hysterics, &e. Nor are they less ellioaci
one in the cure of Letieerrhtes, commonly °ailed the
"Whites." These Pills should never be taken during
pregnacy, aslimywould be Mire to cause a miscarriage.
Warranted purely Vegetable, and free from anything in
jutioue to-life or health. Full and expliqit directions
which shonld be read. accompany 66:1912"*M,
nose:Pills are put up in square lint boles. Persona
kohl*, where there arc no agencrestablished, by en.
closing One Dollar in a letter, prepaid, to any authorised
agent can have them sent to their respective addresses by
return of malt. -
R. B. HUTCHINGS, (lawns"! Agent for the U. States,
104 Chan - Ikon st., New York. To whore all Wboiegale
orders should be .Addressed.,
Sold at Dr. Ross' Drug Store, Ls/ration, Pa.
Dec. 1, ISOS.--ly,
Preaching in the Methodist 'Episcopal Church
next Sunday morning and. evening,.
Episcopal Servioes, (An Sunday; May 22d, at 3
P. M. and 71 P. M..
English preaching nest Sabbath morning, and
evening, in Zion's Lutherun r ghurch.
English Service next Sabbath oveVing in the Mo-
ravian Church. . .„.
German Service in the afternoon, at the Horse
,Shoe Pike.
Preaching next Sabbath merniiti, in the German,
end in the evening, trik.tho English Language,
in the Reformed Church.
On the Bth Ins t., by, the Itay..R. Yeakel, Mr. John
Berkeizer, to Miss Mary Dillman, both of Corn
,. wall. '
On the same day, hy,.the! Rev. Jos. Gross, John
Faber, to Miss Marylioutz, both of Fredericks
burg, Lebanon county.
In this Borough, on•tbe 13th inst.,Mary Ann, old
e=t daughter of George, and Anna Smith, aged
IS years, 7 months,, and 18 days.
In North Lebanon Borough. , on the 13th inst.
Charles Hiram, child of James, and Martha
~ Brooks, aged 2 years, 2 mortths„„and 4 days.
Car4fully Orretl.ed lret
Leh...Mills Ex. k's.m.slo 00
Smith " Extra. ~8 00.
Leh. Yel. Super. Fine S Q 0
Primo White Wheat, 1 90
Prime Red Wheat, 185
Prhi,e Rye, 100
Coro, 90
Oats, 55
Clover-seed,- 5 00
Timothy-seed, 2 50
Flax-seed, 1 90
Dried Apples, km., 100
Dried Apples, pealed, 1. 50
Peach "Suits, ' 2 50 ,
Peach "Ilutzels," 125
Cherries, 1 50
Onions, SO
The Philadelphia Market.
I.IIILADELPLLIA, May 16, 1859.
FLOUR.--There is a lull in the market for
Breadstuffs, and both buyers and sellers are hold
ing off for later advices from abruad, now hourly
expected, and the sales of Flour are limited to
some 40012)500 bble superfine, pa rt.for shipment,
at $7 50 for standard, and $7 621©7.75 for bet
ter brands. Extras are selling in a small way
to the trade at sB@B 25, and army lots at $8 50 -
4014 bbl, as in quality. The receipts of all
make a certain cure
011 Illsiirket.
kl!j i,y Sltoter.
Vsimioar: IsIA.Y 18,1859.
Potatoes,l6 bu , 65
Eggs. doz., 12
Butter, 98 lb., 18
Lard; , 16
Tallow, 9
Elam, . 12
Shoulders; 1 , 0
Sides, 10
Soap, . 6 •
. 25 ,
White nage, 5
Mixed Bags, 2
Flax, a 7 lb., • 1234
Bristles, lb., 40
Feathers, ifs Z., 02K,
Wool, ta . 40
!Soup Beans, 'f qt., 6
Vinegar,, gal., , 12
Apple Butter, rit crock, 45
kinds are light, and holders generally firm in
their views. Rye Flour is,firmer. with sales of
2006300 bids to note at $4 7565 11 bhi, the
latter for better brands. Corn Meal is searee,
and Pennsylvania is very firm at $4 121 bbl.
catA TN.--There is not so much demand fur
Wheat, but priees are unchanged. and 200063000
bashels have been disTolsod of in small lots at
$1 30a?)1 85 for Pennsylvania and Western reds,
and $1 9061 95 for white of fair and go o d qual
ity. Rye is in gosU demand, and about 3000
bushels, mostly all Pennsylvania, sold at Ste©
$l. Corn is doll.. And only some 300064000
bushels yellow stild at 90695 e. for inferior and
97e for prime Dalcivare. afloat which is a deeline.
Oats are. held at M1.600e, the latter for heavy
Pennsylvania, without much doing in the way of
market for Beef Cattle was dull this week, and
prices show a. slight falling off from the quota
tions of lust week and the week before. The of
ferings at, the different yards consist of about
1200 head, most. of which were disposed of nt
prices ranging from $0 to $l3, chiefly at $I0i.(0
slli, including a few extra quality at $l2/ @sl3
the 100 lbs. nett. Cows and Calves are arriving
mm o freely ; the receipts wf-re 250 at Martin's ;
the demand was fair, and all offered sold at $3O
to $4O fur good to prime, and $2O to $3O for sec
ond quality. Some 2100 logs arrived at Im
hoff's, and sold it from $7 , 1 to $.91 the nett 100
lbs. Only about 2600 Sheep were at market this
week, and sold at ii@Se• wool on, and 69 1
4tb.y platimuutz.
Positively the last Notice.
rliflE subscribers are anxious to close there Books as
1. near as possible, by payments or by Notes, bethre
they put them in the hands of AuthonySeßlr. , B.sq., by
the Ist.of June next. Attention wilrtiwo costs.
JOHN OP:OM& •'!•; •
Lebanon, MaylBs9. ' • .
Assignee , ,s Notice.
ruin undersigned having been, by voluntary' deed of
Assignment. appointed Assignee of John Fees and
wife, of Cornwall township, Lebanon county, in trust
for the benefit of creditors. all persons indebted to the
said assignor, aro requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against him will make them
known without delay.
May 18, 1859. Assignee.
Estate of Joseph Zimmerman, deed.
rfULE undersigned will, in pursuances of an order of
,L the Orphans' Court of 'Lebanon county, expose to
sale, by public fendtimbr. Outcry on SATURDAY: the'of JULY, 1859; the following described Real Es- .
tate, tato the estate of ;Joseph Zitninerrnan, deed.,
; • NO.I.
Being a tract of tirat rate LIMESTONE LAND situ
ate in the township of Cornwall, about one mile from
the borough of Lebanon, and adjoins laud of Moses;
Kreider, Jonathan 13arto sled ethers, and is situate be
tween the old Lancaster road andthe Plank Road. The
whole tract containingTIIIIITY.TIIREE ACRES .
and EIGiPPY PERCJIES; about eleven of which
is covered with exceIIeaCTEMBER, and the bat
lance is cleared and in a high stateof cultivation.
910.2. " ' "
Consists of a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND' situate in
the township of South annyillti, andadjoinislands
of Peter Zimmerman, heirs ofolioter- 13achnian,
deed., and William Coleman, and; contains -SIX
ACRES .neat measure, and is coveredowith excellent.
Chestnut Sprouta,sonte of which are nde lit to cut.
The Tract of Land designated as No. Tt will be sold in
parts or together as May best suit purehmiers.
Sale to be held at the' public house of Lee . Zimmer
man, in the Borough of !Lebanon and will commence at
1 o'clock, on said day, when terms will be made known
Administrator of JoSeph Zimmerman, deed.,
[By Order of the Court.--4. 13. Itartr,Clerk.]
May 18, 1899.—U.
Grand Military Dpla* ,
A T READING, On Friday, May 2430,1859. Visit of
CELEBRATED BAND, on the opening of the East Penna.
111, Rd. from Reading to Allentown.
On whiCh occasion the Reading Battalion and other
Volunteer Companies will Parade to receive them, and
will join in a Grand Review.
To afferci the citizens of the neighboring counties an
opportunity of witnessing this interesting speetaele, Ex
cursion Tickets good on the No. 1 Care of any train far
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. May 19th, 20th and 21
st, 1819, will be issued at the fallowing rates to Reading
lied return;
From Sinking Spring io.3slProm Lebanon $l.lO
. Wernersville 0.4 A Annvillo 1.25
Robesunia 0.50 " Palmyra 1.40
lirorneisdort o.tir " Derry 1.50
" Misseniers 0.70 " Hummuistown 1.70
" Richland 0.75 " Harrisburg 2.00
" kiyerstown 0.8: -
C. A. NIL:OLLS, Glen'l Supt.
:.ebauou Valley Branch Rail Read.
Ma's 18, 181!
ut/MRS Will be a meeting of the members sof the
Scott Infantry; on WEDNESDAY EVENIVG, MAY 18, at
go'cleck,attheir armory. •..t full attendance is desired, as
business of great importance trill 'be transacted.
Lebanon ; May, 18, 1859. '
Tlll3 LATEST Nt WS, • ,
Hnghly Important Infornia
RE..IZENSITIN R 13ROTHER, hare just, reeds - ad a
new and large stock or
It seems us if a new age a new life was opening upon
us, animating every bent to nobler deeds and higlam•
elms t 'net, Literature and Scienoc, still glow snow and
seek to develope sublimer, beauties and grander concep
The business world ton, must feel tbo new influence,
and every part he quickened and strengthened, by an
increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric
speed to the consummation of greater things overdrawn
ed of in the Philosophy of the past.
Animated by the enthusiasm which pervades all glas
ses and desirous of doing their share towards ‘‘the great
events of the age" the aubseirhers would respectfully
inform the, good people of Lebanon County and the pub
lic generally, that they have just received a largo and
choice stock of
selected With much care and taste front the best menu•
featuring establishments, and arc offered to the public
at the very lowest prices, which will astonish those not
posted in the ready-pay business.
The public generally in want of any article itt the line
of Clothing and Furnish Goods,lloysClothing,Trunks
Valises, Carpet-hags, ,fic„ &e., ire fact eyerything: which
can be found in a Clothing Store, are respectfully invit
ed,to cell and exandue the goods and tholtrices. Our
motto is "LINE AND LET LIVE!' No charge for show
ing goods;-.every article warranted as represented
We ND sell cheap, if not cheaper than tire cheapest,
a fact Purchasers will be convinced of when they call.
Wo.thank.our friendaand customers for their .literal
patronage in times past and hope by stria attention to
merit a continuance of thchaine,
Cumberland Street, opposite the Court House.
Lebauen, May 18, 1959,
Corner-atone Laying.
anon, will lie laid on Saturday, the 21st day of Nay,
1869, Pt 1 o'ctoelt.P M., with appropriate services. The
public Are.respect tills invited to attend. Several min
isters from nbr , ad,„are expected to ha present and as.
silt in tire cer , olorties,.; •
Th. alonry or the different religious "deruvri factions of
this borough ;Ind vicimity are lierelv specially incited
to attpuil Nod participate is the exercises.
. By order of 1141 AS ItA BEM,
J 1 ,1„).. W. KII,LINGET.
3;CO. W. DISH,
I S V A 3t.
413 8 1f i L l
Nay 18, 'B9
New Invention:
, Wood Burntd .U7llB.
BY late improvements' in the art of Lorellemtuso the
subscriber is now enabled to produce the best Woon
aunnn List* that was over made in this section of coun
try, and in quantities without limit, at short natlec.—
His Improvements are such that he is enabled to sell his
Lime at 12 1 / cents per bushels wholesale, instead of 25
cents, which, has been the prices heretofore. LIMN,
burned With‘DOAL, can also be obtained at low rates by
the boat-loadoar in less neantities, as may be desired.
WOOD taltOn in exchange for Lime. flaring gone to
a great expanse in the perfection of his improvements
for lime hilt:Meg on a large scale, at low prices, the
subscriber hopes to receive ashare of the public patron
Eris location Is et the old and well known place on the
Union Cautd, in North Lebanon.
N. Lebanon, May 18,1852.
Nuriery of Fruit trees, for
rptile subscriber offers hie entire stock of FRUIT and
OItNA3IENTAL TRESS for solo, with tbo privilege
of the ground whereon the trees now are, until the
the,trees, ,arthain the usual selliug vine. The Stock
consists of Aliple, Pear, Pimoh, Cherry, Plum ' Apricot,
Nectarine insd Mulberry trees; Gooseberry, Currant,
Bitspherry,lllftekberry, and Strawberry plants. 04171111-
mentlil-Evergreuris, ench as Norway Firs, Balm of Gil•
ead,.WhiteSpruoq American and Siberian Arbbi VI
teas; No. •
The whole stock consisting of 00100 tiffy or sixty
thousand trees and plants.
El health to the only inducement the proprietor has
for relieving himself of it, ne the biISiCICAS is in this
place quite good. Although N. Yorkers are here all the
time begging cuatomord, 1 h ave no overstock of any
ono kind of trees. For further information apply to
the subscriber, at his residence, 33.4 miles IV. E. of Leb
anon. s/rif UlEt' DULLER.
May 11, 1569„-St. - - ,
Bond's Boston El-Akers, a superior article; by
:FEW REOEIVED a;superior PORT WINE, very
BRANDT, and CINOTNNAT 0 1 341BretONT, at , „=. • „,
ItEIGART'S Wine and LiqUoi Store.
. asp vs reliable man in every county, to
travel and take orders by santple for
AND TOBACCO. Will pava salary of $OOO to SW/ per
year, payable monthly, finr.stimple and falparticulars
address lEILUCEat PRE,S'fON,
29 William et., 'New York.
May Is, 1859
FF lAN wuuld respectfully inform.
Mt l l 9 al l. lt l L L' on l s M of L 'l ebanoti, that la, has REMOVED
his TAILORING Busitteas to Citruberland Street, two
doors East of Pflegor's Store. and opposite the Washing
ton Ilouce, where all persona who.wish garments snide
up in the meet fashionable style cud beet manner. are In
vited to call. Ile has lately received the New York, Phil
adelphia, Parii.and Loudon. reports of
- "
Spring and Summer Fashions,
and as be hes none but the beet workmen employed, he
mtarantees that all work entrusted to him will be done
in a satisfactory nen nribr.
With 14 thanks to his old customers for their pat
ronage heretofore, ho respactfully solicits public favor.
TO TAILORS!—Just received and for sale the N. York
and Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer Fashions.
Tailors wishing the Fashions should lel the subscriber
know of the fact, so that he can make, his arrangements
accordingly. MICELEL FIOFF3IAN.
Lebanon, April 7,1859.
9,500 SOLD IN /855,
15;000 Sold in the Last 4 years I
NO slugle establishment in the world can truthful
`ll ly claim to have manufactured and sold anything
like so large a number of Reaping and Mowing Ma.
chines during the same time, while my experience
dates back to the origin of my Machine. in 1834—hay.
ing been actually and exclusively engaged in their
manufacture for the last fifteen years. lam now more
largely engaged hi the manufacture of these Machines
than ever belore. and with my improvements for 1859,
do not hesitate to warrant my Machine as a-fteaPer,
Mower, and Reaper and Metre. snider to any other
for simplicity, durability, rind. perfect', working; end
further to say,.that letione:e„Who nmy'desire it, are at
liberty_ to wort: uiy - Machine through the' harvest With
any other, and keep and pity for the oue preferred. The
posiiitiniol the Raker in my Iguihinb patentcd)upon
the =sin- frame , vili<re there Is great• strength; and
Wherelbtivieigtit adds , tri' the Power of the Machine, is
the only right one: , Otbermalters"have to haul their
Raker on the Platform, 'where he must submit to'hdv
ing,tl.e dust thrown in bib eyes by the operation of the
reel, and being Jolted over the Clods by the little platform
wheel over which be rides—neceseerily, racking their
machine to pieces: This .aeceunta Ors 'Mitt:lC..l' great
durability of my illeellinbz...tuaconipared with ethers.l.
GREAT. COUNCIL MEDAL awarded my Machine at Lon
don; in 1851.
HIGHEST PRIZE at the French Universal Ribibition,
in 1856,
HIGHEST PRIZE of Royal Agricultural Society of
Englund. in 1857,
HIGHEST PRIZE of the Gutted States Agricul t oral So.
ciety in 1857,
Publications made by the manufacturers of the*Man
ny Machine, claiming the highest honors. etc., at tIM
French 'Universal Exposition. in 3855, ARE, EXOIVN
Tent TO BE FALSE.- The success of my Machine. as iii
dicated by the figures above. is its highest praise, while
the awards of premiums, ossenaux, are worthy of no
confidence, although Reaper :makers Make a business
of laboring and scheming to secure the little annual
one-borse premiums of the country. Although it may
not he generally understood, it is nevertheless true,
that these Machines have always been sold at compare
Lively low prices, and but for the boldness with
which I introduced and sold theM by thousands.
for ten years oast, other smaller ntanufactiirers
would doubtless have put the price numb. higher.
I could furnish thousands of testimonials-from Ferm
ate, and others, of the truthfulness of every statement
I have made, and much more. I may further remark
that all• of the Reaping Machines of any prominence in
the country are mere ottekfications of my Machine, all
other manufacturers having necessarily limited experi
ence in comparison with my own.
A single year's SE'VERE SERVICE will satisfy the
Farmer, that in point of DURABILITY, soy'Machine is
very far superior to all others, besides several most im
portant advantages, referred to in my regular Annual
Circular in pamphlet forni , Which will be furnished those
who desire further information, by addressing MO, or
DT Wm. S. AlcCoasnes.
P. S.---/To correct a misappreherision from recent News
paper reporte, I may say, that, while the Commissioner
refused to extend PATENT of 1845, that of October, 18-
47 will net &vire for several years to come, and. that this
has been my.tnost important Pittent; and:Luther that
Reaper Manufacturers court& copy more nearly my Ma.
(tine than they have doneleretefore. They most still
carry their Raker on the back of the platform, andeub•
mit to other consequent imperfections. •
C. P. Stinemetz, Agent for Lobanou county. Pokt Of.
nee Address, Aunrille Post Office, Lebanon county, Pa.
May 11, 1359.-St.
Phe old stone worm iS come to ltje twain: •
-TORN , PIITER MOYER would respectfully inform the
itt cpublic that he continues the business of LIMESTONE
SAWING AND DRESSING-by horse power, in Chestnut
Street,East Lebanon. :Ile finishes the following articles
out of the best and torandests iliniestOne that can be pro
cured in this neighborhood; vim—Doon Snits and PLATT
CHEERS, CURRTSTONES, SipiCA Scraper blocks, as well as
toy other article that cad be manufactured of limestone:
Ills Curb-stenes are from tonato fire inches thick; and
hie 'prices in accordance with the quality.
Hewes the first person that introduced the lithe-stone
into this place, and is now prepared to finish off Jimte
atone so as to give it an appdaranhe very littleinferlar to
that of the handsomest Marble, in proof of which asser
tion; he directs the public to the finished work stills es
tahlishment. He respectfully , invites all those who in
tead. erectinglte* io canal his establishthent
and convince thebiseircar,of thd bxcellunt, finish of his
work as also of the cheapness of his prices.
Lebanon, Aprli 25,1559.-1 y:
Lobanon County Agri' cultnral and Horticul
tural Society.
A MEETING of the Executive Committee and Mem•
bers of the above Society, will be bald/n the Court
Ilonee, Lebanon, on Saturday, Dray 21,1859, at 1 &dads,
P. M., when and where all interested axe 'requested to
attend. The members of Ex. Committee aro particular
ly desiredito be in attendance.
WM. RANS, President,
Wilma( Unice, Rec. See'y, [Lebanon, may 11, 1859.
Dissolutcsoit of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby giver, thnt the partnersblp here
torero existing between Henry Bubb & John P.
Umberger, dealers in Stoves, &e., was dissolved by mu
tuni consent on the 4th inst. The books remain et the
old stand in the hands of 11. Bubb, to whom all Chime in
debted are requested to make payment, anti those hay
ing claims will present their bills.
HENRY 140118,
Lebanon, May 6,1660. JOHN P. UMBERGER.
New Leather Store.
In Stine's Kew .12niidings, Cumberland Street,. One door
Bast of the Lebanon /*partite Bank.
HAS opened a Leather Store,i fbi the sale ofall kinds
of. Leather, Shoemaker's findings, and everything
necessary , to the shoemaking business:. Ile is also jou
gaged'in the TANNING 11USINFISS in its various
branches, at,thaoid Greenawalt annyard: The current
prise paid ter hides in cash or exchange.
Lebanon, May 11, 1569.-tf.
Notice to Merchants.
NOTICE is hereby given that all Merchants aro re
quired to takeout their LICENSES before the 25th
day of June, 1111 after that date they' will be placed In the
bands of a Justice of the Peace.
bitty 11,1859.-3 t
And Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad.
ON and aftiv Mkt 10. 1859,
aahlt , 4E: , the following Tolle will be
4 haripxl per ton of 2,000 Itos
iii,Prirnto Carn:
For 5 nuileß, 21 cents. For 30 miles, 72 contr.
10 "9 " AS 4 SO
15 " 48 " 40 8 5 "
20 " 68 ". 43 a 95
25 a 07 30 " 1.00 "
May 11, 1559. .
Milt URI FireimuraneeCom
pony of Annvi
rrins COMPANY obtained fie °barter at the but sea-
Mon of i.he Legislature of Pennsylvania. and is noic
prepared to rooeire applications, and Emilie Insuranro,•
on Buildings, Furniture, Starks of Goods awl Morahan.
Mee. Also on Barns and contents, Farm I niplemckts.
k.c. All persona wishing to Insure on a Mutual Princi
ple will apply. AOHN ALLWEIN, Pritiont.
JOSEPH R. MATZ, Bccrelirx.
SAMUEL BEI VER. Ann rine, Miy 11,185L-3t
At te !
MEIIBERS of the' Lebanon Comity
' Association for the detection of 'torso
Thieves, and the recovery. of Stolen liloreen,
mg well as all those wishing to join the Com
pany, arc requested Wessel:able nt tho public boom
Zimniorman, on SATURDAY,,,IIINE 4, 1859, all 1 o'-
clock, P. M. A •punctual, attendance, is .requested, as
business of importance will be transacted.
vitEDEracx.stutEcnxit, President.
ItENRY 8. ZIMMERMAN, Treasurer.
Lebanon, Stay 11,1859.
Lebanon Valley Bank.
LEas..xox, May ild, 184 P.
MITE Board of Direetora of the Lebanon Valley Bank
have this day declared a Divinsxn or Foca rsa.
CENT on the Capital Stock of said punk payable to the
Stockholders on demand at anytime alter the expire
ton of ten days.
In aceordancu with a resolution passed by the Stock
holders, the directors hare also ordered an instahnent
of dye dollars per share, to be paid on. or before the
first dity of June next, on the shares of stock distribu •
tad. and divided among the present etookboldere, of
Which order ill persona interested will please take no.
ties. • . • : JOSEPH HARM,
.. •
Lebanon, Mai 11, 1869
4,000 SOLD TN ISr,7,
4,50 f SOLD TN 1858.
mitus 11. wpoitaucK
IT. D. BI Krim,
Ilferentit lie A ppnLimer
Public Sul c.
. . ..
' VT ILL be sold by public vendue or outcry, on SAT.
I v Maur, the 15th day of Atrte„A:ll).,lBsii, nt,'the
Public House of Henry Siegristi in DM Borough ofLeb
anon, Lebanon county, the following Pond'Estate, to -wi*
No. I. A certain Illesimage, Plantation or tract of
I laud, situate the greater fart in Cornviall tUwuship, and
I the rovidue in South Annville township, l telianon calm
! ty, adjoining lands of Jacob Krieder, John Bean, Adam
i Long, Abraham Lang, Micheal Kreider and ethers, con
, coining One hundred acres, more or less, Stith the op
t purienances. The buildings thereon ~. • •
erected being two STONE HOUSES r .i.q; 1 : 31- 2--
1 end Stone Spring-house, Large Stone , 4 , ; ii E'2 ',
j Barn, Log Stable and other buildings 4t 7 4- .r. f l ...
I with an excellent ORCHARD , . of choice -' , oiir ,l"„;, ''',.,,,-;
Puirt•trees; and two good Springs, with -- -:- .-- 5 - " , - 2,,-- -
I running water near the buildings, (the QttlitS.paMllti
i Creek running through the farm;) a port of said land be•
ing good timberland, and the cleared land trettiglii a high
state of cultivation, and divided Into emit imient fields.
And all in good fences. It being one or the best and
I most desirable farina in Lebanon County; Wing , ' two
I, mime from rimnrille, and throe from Leliantin,andtsrith
in :i. quarter of a mile of a goad Mill, and on the, Har.lts
.it Dauphin turnpike, and within bait a nilleof the Leh
ianon Valley Railroad.: .
Persona wishing to view the premises before the day
of ale, will please to call on Simon Snavely living on
the premises, or on the undersigned living at Lebanon.
1 No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land situate i u
North Lebanon township said county, adjoining lands of
Joseph Snavely. John Light (s.s.) Henry Portna, Joseph
O. Heilman and others, containing Eight Avres,rnore or
less, through which the Lob. Vol. Railroad passes. and
I the public road leading from Lebanon to Eleilview, with
the appurtenances; subject to the right of the said
I Railroad company. The said part No. 2. wilt be sold in
1 the whole or in parts, to suit purchasers; and would
form desirable places for Coal landinge and other busi
ness on said Railroad,
Sale will continence a Ono o'clock in the afternoon
when corditions of Stile will be ovule known by
ASSigneo of Simon SNAVELY a. WIFE.
Lebanon, May 4,1/359,
1114)w 4o save Money..,
rjital policy of Saying Money is important to all per
sons, and in ,Covaidetation df effiswthe endersigned
have placed themselves in a position by, yhiclitheyare
enabled to favor thd citizens of tehiinter and vicinity
more than ever with nrerary - piakiing - hargains.
cristurinatlivinahe city, for .the THIRD
TIME tHkeSHTint add tiiie'ePening this week. one of the
largest. Choicest;api plibmiest seleotiensof Spring and
Slimmer floods, v.e'ttollered,to the piddle. The Bee Rive
is now abundantly StOoked and boribiletrgains itt the'
disposal of every person who wishes to avail themselves
of the same. • -•••
Silks, 13 yailere, Striped, Plaid and Plain
Challirit. ilk.. do. dn. do.
TilllaFttiugs, do. do. do. do.
Tissue?, . do. do. do. . do.
Berages, ,do. do. - do. do.
Lawns, do. do. do. do.
Prints; do.- do. do. do
, A , heary stook.otall kinds of White Goods
/deonetto, i4ihyliu, Dull Miraliim
SWII4I 'do. Blonds,. do:
lkok do. • •". liainsook. do. &o.
Wenre fulik prepared. gust Como forward and Wake
your wutts known; and we can supply them with'
Cashmeres, Linens,
TWeeds. Germanleks,
Cott - nudes; ' 'Velvets.
GROCERY DEPARTMENT is unstirpassed. Sugars
for 7: 808, and best white at 10 eta. per pound- -Molas
ses, Yellow. Syrup for 1234.14 and 10 ets., per quart.--
Raisins OvirtiOX to 1234 10.1.; per lb.. Prunes, Poaches,
ic..•&c . ;all very reasonable, in short our late pnrchases
aro ten. per cent. lower than Previous, as the city" wet ,
eltantdtevealteituPthe prichs, the benefit of which eau
be had by all whti - buynt• the
" ‘ 1 's BRE RIVE STORE of •
Lebanon, May 4,1350. GEORGE & PYLE.
fOitNHY 011iee'Aenloved to House for
Merlyy ocelpied by .Mlehenlliragner, Cumberland
pireet,meerljf opposite the Court House.
Lebanon, May 11,1859.-6 m.
Win. M. DERR
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moe Walnut street, opposite
the Court Rouse, lately occupied by Amos R.
Boughter, Esq. . Lebanon, May 11,.1859,
ATTORNEYAT LAW".l:ifliee with ra m Kaid, Esq.,
Lebanon, pa. rLobdtion, May 4,1558.
JOSIAH runitli -
I4IS REMOVED his oMce Mr.ltohlanii'snewbailii
i ing; (neon(' story, at the alley,) two donre east of
his present location. [Lebanon, March 2 1859 —ly
Tron.NEY-AT-LAIY, has 11:11M0 VIM his °Mee to
Funck's New. Building, (second story) Cumberland
street, Lebanon. Pa.
Lannon, April 6, 1.659.
aiTtir. Pettengill Cols
kao STATX ST., BOSTON. S. M. Pettengill e
C0., - anuihe:Agenta for she Zebanon Advertiser, and the
.mest influential circulating 'Newspapers hi
the United States' and the' , Canadris.- They are authori
zed to contract for ns at Our lowest rates.,
itifE subscriber wishes to inform 111
,his ;Ul4ielidis and
the public generally, that .he 'bee :•again taken the
above well-known Rome. Ile will be 'Much pleased to
accommodate all who may.tlivorlita with a call.
Loosmom—Corner Cumberland and Market streets.
fg-GAnnibusses rumsltig In connexion with the Rail
Road Traine. U. SIEURIST.
-- Lebanon, Noy. 10,1858.
tATitirgle BROW.ER,
.t..• :1!': GAS FITTER.
A DJOINING*A. SrEL,VS' Office, lralnnt street, Lebo
,2%. non, Pa. AWO end beautiful assortment °I-FIX
TURES from the woll-known ilstablNlii*fatoltoarvarsue
& BAKER. always on band at Philadelphia peas.
Ali work warranted to give extisfaetiOn. • 47-All
orders will be faithfully executed on the most:reasonable
terms. The bast of roference girer. [51ip.16,°57,
Private Sflie.
TILE Subscriber offeni at private rale all that certain
farm or tract of land, situate partly In Pinugrove
township; Schuylkill county, and partly in Bethel town
ship, Lebanon county, bounded by laudsof Eck
ert and Ouiltord, bettjamiln. Aycrigg. Daniel
Douland ri ad others, containing one hundred and
forty-eight acres and a quarter, with the appur- SP
tenances, consisting of a two story log dwelling. ouse.
(weather hoarded) al% story log dwelling house, a new
bank barn, other outhuildings. and a now water power
saw will. For terms, dc., which will be espy, Apply to
0. W. MATEIRIN, Agent.
Pinegroro, 401 20, 1859.-tf.
ANo.I AMDROTYPE, very cheap, go to DAILY'S
Gallery, next door to the !Magian Dopoile Bunk.
CONPECTIONARY.-4)ims a 3LUor havaaJuat made
ed a large invoice of Oranges, Lemons. Figs Dates, ac.,
Pickled Cucumber, cheap, by (YVES & MTILER.
FRESH CHF:ESE, a flu ankle, ebesp, by Oves a Hil
-For Relit.
miLe 4ItANIE HOUSE belonging to SoLotion
JI. ?dorm on Warket St., Lubatton;* altrod
fer kent. Y. WHICH.
April 21, Ibso, {ll
Assignees' Notice. •
Nvir.EREAB, the undereignettleare bean, by a volun
tary deed of assignment, appointed, Aesigncoe of
Elias Erieder, and wife, of South Mlmateri.township,
Let.anon county, In trust fur the benefit ad creditors., all
persona hlobt.4 to sell Assignor, are requtattadtomake
payment, and those haring claims or demands will prea.
sent them, to Ezra Bucher. of S. Lebanon tcht daily, on
or latfore thu let day of July next.
Cher d (ince
(.. • . wart.
C,1170:1.11.1brZ, 8. 8. 10. &a. conta; Cab*. Tett,Obncalftte
IllnlasFes fr•ni 10 cents, upwants. to . varinty , of
°twines, t ovorythina olse you want, sou can buy
dheup at ItAPER R BROB * •
01110 TOG RAPE'S. •
- L ynam, itetay, whore are you going that yon are
dre s 4
iva going to J. H. KEDI in Adam Itiee's
ingto.havn my hik..nese taken.
Qua.—Why do you go to Kohn and not to ono of the
other room,' to Imre It taken t•
.Mn.—ltecaose tielm's Pictures aro sharper, cleaner
and more truthful than others and nearly everybody
gOes to him.
Ques.—Can you tell me why his pictures aro superior
to others?
Azts.—Yes I he bed 9 years priwtlee, end bac eitperinr
Cunierdn, ni.d all his other listuros ars of the most Mi•
proved kind.
ic hitt kind of Pictures does ho take?
-Mts.—lie takes Ambrotypos, end Melainotypes, of all
shies and superior IlniAh and Photographs. from the
smallest up to Lite Size, Plain and Colored in Oil, Ito
takes all sizes Photographs Iron Daguerreotypes of de•
„ ma w wpm* and het thenkoathredttlit-Liks, by one of
the bind Artials... gig charge/ faro reusonaida and his
rooms are open arergasty(eamtimotoday) from 8 0',100k,.
A.M. to! 0 P.:4, Don't forget, IikAWS IlOt)31$ is tho
plate yen eon get the Bost Pictured.:
`Who Has not Seeirthe New
sign Pout sip"'
ay STELLWAGEN & 8110., M tboir
' l . WATCH and Jaws:wry EsranusintKNT,G32
yrdi rie'rtn;°g.dg g rnbellsonwol t h in ' : i tt
•...,. .._ what ~lt t exbibited inside. American
-,:!' \<, 4 4'. Wateliels ? in Obld and Silver Oases Rail
. load Timekeepers of ihaglish and Swiss
makes; Fashionable Jewelry and Silver,noxe, and also
flue Table CutlarY i and the host thing of all Is that the
prime of all the attraclknis IS within the range of the
smallest pockets. . STIILLWAPEN 1 11110.
April 27,1859. ' 832 Market titreet. Ptdbul'a.
DRIED FDI/1 1 /.:—Area &littler bare just received a
ftno lot of.dpplearihreet:and droir Pecobea.
COCOANWPS—A:friaIs lot, just received by Oven it
2,1111er. ' ,•.".•,:!• • •• •• 4 •
Prunea and Dating naiSiliti, &P . M lot and very (beep,
by ' • ' • •• IY/IS dt`MLLER.
TEAS.—Beet Elaeleamit best Omen Toes. Also Stab%
eel! Cbcieolate tioo Cocoa, for sole, "very eboap;by Ovee
The World's Great
lion Prize Medal.
Awarded to C. *EYE& for biH TWO PIANO 4, Daudet'
CktoEtF 101, 185 t , ,
C,MEYER reirpactfulry ftlebda'arid
. public generally, that ho bte on . bprid
Pianos equal to those for which he - receive:Ulla! PIUS'
Medal, iu Lundon,lBsl. All erdern-brodiiitlYtttirodast
to and great care taken in the selection and panting- the'
Royal Jury on Musical Instruimenti. •
Sir if. R. Bkhop, No 13 Cambridge street, Hyde Park;
Professor of MIMIC at Oxford,
Sigismund Tha[berg, Austria; Professor. of Music: •
W. Sterna&le Bennett,
,15 Russell Place, Fitzroy Square;
Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.
.TioCtor Berlioz, France.
J. Robert !Beek, United Stales.
Che Caller Nonlionins,lLbliverein.
Cipriuhi Potter, 9 Baker street. Portman Square; Prin
cipal of Boyar:AC.B4.l6aq of Musk.
Dr. Schafbauti, Zullyerein ; Professor of Geology, 7111 -
ing and Motulltirgy.
Sir Ocorge. Smart. St. Anne's Chertee ; Organist and
Composer of the Chapel Royal.
itch*' Wyllie 6.5 Wostbourne Terrace; Doctor of Mush;
rithl 'Prookeeor et the Royal AcadeMy of Musk.'
Rev. W. Carolet,,Tenterden street, lianovor Square; Sa
perintendott 'Of 'fliettoyttl Academy of Music:"`-
James Stewart, 52 Bruckneelc Ctescent, Camden Town;
Piano Forte Manufacturer,
The following 312.19A1S have, liaoo., awart/s4 to Coprad
1843. First Premium and SILVER 31E1Mth Frap,k4in
Institute, Philadelphia.
First Premium - and SILVER MEDAL Franklin
Institute, Philadephia.
First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Fianalfix
Institute Philadelphia.
First Premium and 'SILVER MEDAL, Meehanie
Institute, Roston.
1849. First Premium and SILVER MEDAL, Franklin
Institute, Philadelphia.
First Premium and SILVER MEDAL. Franklin
Institute, recommendation of a Gold Medal.
1851. Diploma and MEDAL, Mechanics' Institute, Bat
tbm.. ~ • , t'"`
1851. PRIZEI?IFEDAIs, Crud
don, shthe tvllBeh timo, (1851.) C. Marimbas nut ex
hibited Lis Plithaal'htwm.Y Exhibition.;
WALTZ & ittEDEL, 41gen14.- - _
rhebsucen. Pa..
Nov. 17, 185 S
News ibr Every Body.
'Of the New 'Goods, Just opened at the Centro Build
ings of Daher a Bros. ' few doors above Market Street,
Lebanon. Come—See the New Goods at the NeW Prices.
To Save money, buy yonr Dry Goads at Rabera Bros:
To get a cheap, yet handsome Silk Brea, Taber
Bros, is the place to Buy, them; they have Fancy and
Black Silk from 00 rents, a yard, and upwards_
slr c 5: IF YOU WANT
A handsome SHAWL, cheap. eau st Itzber
Collars, Sleeves. or•other Embroidery, you save tutm
eY by buying of Bober a Bros.
• -.A good pair of Kid Gloves. or 'Mitts, tabor tellica.
hare them and wilt seri cheap.
Galls% Prints, You can buy, them 'at Raker , a Blitagi
from 4 cents a yard, to 10 rents, and mum' and Preach;
from 12 to 25 cents per yard:: •
, Ginghtints, Darters Broa. hoom - thom from tlp cents a
yard to 23 cents i r
YO:U WANT' - • •
Mullins, you cair hay them ItttileiW"BrdS4` from 8
cents a yard to 20 or 20 cats any go/Wend/1 OA: •
You need for Masi or Faintly use, you cheap,
at Reber a Bros: .
• • i• IF YOU WANT
Cost,t pair of Pants, or Vest for - yours'elf,qtaber
& Bros. liate•tho pest asoortment of Girds for the 11680.
son, and the prises to suit you
, TOI.I ,I 'YOUB . . 130 . y8'.
Clotting; select yoartoods Balk &:Bicis7; and save
money by buying cheap.
Cheapest assortment of CARPETS you wilt find at
Behar & Bros. Call and examine for,youpself.
t next door to the Lebanon Deliosit -
'1 'abirlitg hair perfectly' and perinanently, hie never
yet ha s& rivai,lfelume after 'volatile might be given
from ell parts of the.worldlind from the most Intelli
gent to prove that it is a pelted Restorative; Unt rend
circular and you cannot doutit; read . also thttfollow
Trim Theta:--people hare for centuries beete - afßfeted
with bald heads and the only remedy, heretofore known,
has beau those abominable wigs. By a recent disfideery
of Professor Wood these articles areheing fast dispens
ed. with but a great many persons still patronize,them.
because they. hare been so often imposed upon by;Hair
Tonics of different, kinds. To all such persons:if/Ceara
cstly make the request, that they will-try once again,
for in Wood's itestorative - tbere is no such thin 4 eadidt:
We know of a lady lybo was baby. a the article
a short time, and her headViihie covered completely
with the tiniest and iticistlielintifu/ carts imaginable.
We know ot numerous cases where hair was rapidly
falling tstid, Whicitierbstored in greater partition . than
it ever had Leen before.
It is also.witbout doubt one of the beat
.artieles for
keepingdbe hair in good condition, makingit soft and
glossy, removing dandruff and has proved Itself the
greatest enemy to all the Ills that the hair Is heir to
It is the duty of everyone to improve;theiirp erson .r
appearance though some .may differ In
,regurd to the
• ways of doing it; but every one will admitthit a beau
tiful head of hair, either In man or woman, la en object.
much to be desired, and there are no means that should
he left untried to obtain such a oonaLleratiote.
-(Woman's Advocate, Philadelphia
Coelsocton , Ohio, Nov. IT, ISMS.
O. T. WOOD & Co.—Gents: As I have been' engaged
in selling - your Hair Restorative t he last season for one
of your Tocal agents (11:1I. Rackinson,) and have ex
perieneed the beneficial. affects myself, I would
Lilo to obtain an agency foilhe State of Ohio or' some
State in the West, should yon wish to make such an
arrangonient. as I ant , convinced there is nothing equal
to it in'the'ffniterl'Staies,fivr . Veitoring the hair. I have
been engaged in the Drug business for • several years,'
and have sold various prepuiations for the hair, but
have found nothing that restores the sec.ctive organs
or invigorates the scalp as well as yours, being fully
convinced that your restorative is what you represent
It to be . 1 would like to engage In the sale of•it, for
I am satisfied it must sell. Yours truly%
Wayland, Mass. Feb. '5, 1557.
PROF. 0..1. WOOD k Co—Goias : having realised
the good effects of your Hair Reston:tire, 1 wish to
state, that finding my hair growing thin. as well as
gray. I was induced from what I read and heard, to
try the article prepared by you, to promote its growth
and change its color no it was in youth, both of which
it has effected completely. La the operation I have
used nearly three bottles.
Yours Ac., ' 3ASIES.FRANCIS.
0. J. Wow) & tX)Proprietors.3l:l Broadway. N. Y.
(in the great N. Y. Wire Railing gstablishment ) and
114 Market street , Bt, Louis Mo. 4:11 , - Sold in Lebanon
by .Inaxvit L. LEMERROLS, also by Dr. ROSS, andby all
good Druggists everywhere. Feb. 9. 's9m •••
NEARLY 2,000,000 FEET !
tbo best and cheapest armament of itTMIIER PV
:;) er offered to the publle, is now for sale at the new
nd eatimiive LlllllllEN . and COAL •I AfiD of
:15 the Borough of North'tebettinfimn the bank of the
Union CRAM!. at thei hoad Of Walnut st,stfet, a few
genres North of the OrnesMe Steam :Rill's, and one
Hoare east of Bergner's /loteh
mgheir assortment consiata ,of the .I?eal,well-soroned
White, Yellow, Norway, Pine add Ileraleek floarde;—
Cherry, Poplar and Pine Boards; •••••
13 and 2 inch runnel and Common FlarilC; •
White Pine and Ilemlock Scantling and Joists;
White Oak BoarAs, Plunk and Scantling;
and !,/.; inch Poplar litairds. Plank and Pcentling.
• 8111 NGLES ! SHINGLES ! 1
The beet Pine and thanlack Shingles;
Alsu. Rooting and Clustering Lathe;
. Chestnut Rails and Poets , end Tailings for fatless
•and fencing Boards;
FLOOJUNQ VOA IiDS of all aires end deserlations.
'Mee largest stuck of Brokeit,Titore, Litaeburners and
Hollidaysburg Suilth Coal. tittle lowest prices.
•itaXonlident that they , have tiro largo.; and beat as
eortment or LumnEn oral] de..vtrlptthr7F andsbea, as wall
RP the largest atoek of the different kinds of COAL. ever
Offered to the citizens of Lebanon county, they venture
to say that they &in invotrittiodnte all purchasers sett".
fcctorily, and would therefore turtle all who want any.
thing iu their line, to CRAW/110 their sloe* before pur
chasing elsewhere. bltEClifal.A. 1 HORST.
N. Lebanon. Mt 91. 11858.
APICTURII of year dernamed friend. enlarged and
colored In oil. call at DAILY'S Gallery, next door
to the Lebanon Depcalt Bonk.
Notice to 'Farmers.
trite undersigned have bought the Taunt itizht
.. independent Horse Tooth Rake,
which AdlltA3i 1)H H IMP'S IMPROVEMENT. they
mak'e antrawlrmi reasonabk teem!. 'Tor durdhlttty and
performance itch-amattarponad Itetbe trotted .St tee.—
The beat recompiepdatioas rrora persous that hare had ,
them fa use foil:several years, am begiven. A Patent wee
granted to Mr, Dmouco. in 1E49, for hanging the Tooth
on it Rod or Pleat so that they Call mount over a large
ae well as email ot4ette.
Auy Horse Rake that is mad% sold or bought
and used, with the teeth hanging in the aforesaid man
ner, by others, without our oontont, is an infringement ;
upon avid Patent; and any Immix buying, making and
selling such Rakes, will be dealt with according to law.
Lebanon, May 4, '59-3m. HENRY ARNOLD.
rr YOU wANT-7--
APIIOTOGRAPII of eanraelf or Mond, Gut heat are
to be had at DAILN'S Gallery, next door to the
Lebanon Deposit Donk.'
Assignee 3 ot 'otice.
pliF) undersigned bating been, by voluntary clod of
1 Andoaptat. appointed Amlgoe* of Sicooo Suavely
and wife. of Cornwell tcToehtp, Lebanon bounty. to
trust thr the henetlt 91f Oreditare.. Allpareotatiadebted
to the said assignor, am requeidad to make Immediate
payment, and those haring violate against him wilt
moke,them ktioWit without (Kay, • - -
Lebanon;-.11ay4,1&.58.' • Assigner.