The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 23, 1859, Image 3

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    Cijf ItVvrtisvt:
WEI,DX - 4abAY,,MARCII 23, 1854)
CardS, Circulars, Handbills, Pos
ters, de., printed at the ..ifivertiecr office, at low
rates and short notieu—and to the most elegant
Just Printed at the Advertiser
Mee, Notices to Quit, 'Venda° Notes and Sum-
Also a fine lot of double and single Acknowl
edgement Deeds; Rxdoutor, 'Administrator and
Trustee Deeds; Mortgages, &c. =
Also, Common and Judgment Bonds, and all
kinds of Justice's and Constable's Blanks.
The election in this borough on
Friday last, was a decided failure on the part of
the Democrats. As there is no necesnty for their
sacrifice of our good men upon the political al
tar, we should either now and for all determine
to elect tberuwben nominated hereafter, or make
no nominations. We know very wall that very
few Democrats are willing to take upon their own
shoulders any of tho responsibilities of our de.
feat on last Friday, while all are very decided
that everybody else but themselves are more or
less to blame; still'wi3".,Venture the assertion that
there are not six deaktitia in this borough who
could pass n jury of,;kte party friends, (if they
consoionces,) of havingdone their whole duty to
their party and its candidates. But regrets ono
unavailing. Although badly beat, like Webster,
"we still live." Lot us put on our political ar
mor, the same we bad on in years gone by; lot
bygones be by-gones; reorganize; fiyht the en
emy and if we rre beat, at least have the conso
lation of having fought a noble fight. If we
sontinue much longer as we have for several
years past, we shall oven cease to bo "noble
game, ,,
For thortiugh attainment of this object; and as
our State Candidates have already been nomina
ted, let us at once go to irork and organize for
the fall election. The result will be, that if we
do not defeat thO opposition in this county, we
shall anyhow make them "shako in their boots."
New spring Goods which will be
sow exclusively for Cash. One of the firm of
Swexta di Bro. is now in the city iurehasing
Spring Goods, which will be opened in a few
days. Great inducements will be given by their
cash system.
pir Mr. 'Jacob .Rcedel, of this
Borough, is prepared -to furnish 'Uppers" for
Men's Geller's, to sh , onnikers, at very reasonable
prices. As Mr, Rcodel carries on the business ve
ry extensively he can sell ns cheap as any of the
city establishments.
NARraiv ESCAPE.--Jiihil Adam
Albert, of Bust'llanover, made a very narrow es
cape from drowning in the Swatara, on Saturday
last. He attempted to cross the river, which is
very stiolleu, Immediately above Laudormilch's
bridge, about ono and a half miles front Palmyra,
with a horse and sulky, and iu doing so was car
ried away by 'the water. Ile caught himself at
the litab'of an overhanging tree, where" he hung
for a considerable time to his neck in the water,
and until resound by ►ir. Alfreil Willman, of
Palmyra Landing, who went to his assistance in
flat beat. Mr. Albert was linable to speak or
Walk WhotibrOugbt oak the horse was drowned
.and the sulky bruited to pieces. It Was a valua
ble horse, for which Mr. A. had- paid $l5O but
two weeks. ago.
The Commissioners appointed
by the oniirt: z ti:enquire into the expediency of
dividing Co . rniiall township into two election
districts; have reported that the division should
be made. .
As the publication of the pro
ceedings of the Town Council, are very closirabli‘,
it is hoped by the.pu,blie that the new Council
will take some steps"towards that object.
We are glad to learn that the
injuries sustained by Mr. Snyder, noticed in onr
last paper, are not as serious as stated. One of
his legs . wai bruised, which is all the injury he
sustained. expects to be about again in a few
_ Those of our subscribers who
changetheir pines of residence on the Ist of
April, will please give us notice thereof so that
oan haVe their papers properly delivered.
LEG BROKE,—Mr. Amos Win
tore, of this borough, had his leg broke, on Mon
day, while assisting in the raising of a barn for
Mr. Jacob Swartz. Some of the timbers gave
way, causing this accident. Seieral oibei
sons were slightly injured.
The Cornwall Teachers' Associ
ation met at School House No. 7, on Saturday
last. A number of teachers and others friends of
education were present, and the .higheSt feeling
te eleiate 'the profession prevailed. The tisurd
exercises in English Grammar, Arithmetic,
were gone through with spirit. Considerable
time was also spent in speaking upon questions
relative to the welfare of the common schools.—
The following preamble and resolution were unan
imously adopted
We recognize the newspaper as one
of the most efficient means of spreading abroad
general intelligence, and of advancing the cause
of, education ; therefore
Resolved, That the thanks of this Association
atfidue and'are hereby tendered to the editors of
thi Ailvertiser and Courier for the - services they
-lhalke'rendered us.ln publishing our proceedings.
Thus ended the last of a series of meetings of
''the Oornwall 'Teachers' Association. The meet
ings during the padt winter have been well at
tended, by teachers, directors and parents, and
the interest did not subside from first to last.—
' Teachers have greatly improved themselves for
their calling, and all parted looking with bright
hopes to the future meetings of the Association.
For the . Lebanon Advertiser
The result of the election in this borough has
'been disastrous to the DemOcracy. The onuses
.whieh lead to this defeat are not incxpliaablo.
. The Democrats nominated unexceptionable candi
dates, and as such they deserved the undivided
'Support of the party. The Candidate for Chief
Barghts,,Ademltica, against whom the contest was
"g44j 19 ifo well known that it is unnecessary to
discant upon his merits. It may suffice, how
-6,iooii'OaY,that he is beyond doubt a most iincx
°optional° man, possessing strict integrity, ex
cellent juidgment, and whose moral character is
beyond Teproacb. With such a candidate the
Democracy entered the canvass buoyant with ex
pectation, that every true Democrat and respec
table citizen would rally to his support. The
eandidate of the oppesitien-David M. Kemeny,
possessing no especial'merit and being a most bit
ter partisan ; his political prejudices against any
thing savoring of Democracy, have ever been big
oted and narrow minded, and we believe wo don't
transcend the bounds of truth by saying that be
hates a Democrat as bitterly es be does his Satan
ic Majesty, bad no claims upon Demooratio vot
ers, 'lt is marvellous that this man with such
qualifications and antecedents, shouldbe cordial
ly supported by any meniher of the ,Demaeratio
party against which lie has not been sparing of
vituperation, and exercised in every instance his
influence to defeat. It is needless for us to °nu-,
merato all the promises that were made to induce
Democrats to vote for him. It was pledged that
improvements upon a grand scale would be made
if be were elected, that he would inaugurate a
now Era in the history of Lebanon, and with
such clap trap Democrats were h onboozled to
vote for this hater of Democracy. We hope thtit
this may be the last time that they may be deceiv
ed as egregiously as they have been in this in
The opposition in Lebanon County rule with
it despotic band; wherever they have the men
deney they maintain it with the moat unscrupu
lous disregard of Democrats.
In every township where they have a jori
ty they do net even allow an Inspetor af Elec
tion, to the Bemoora ; t,S. if viewers of a road are
to be appointed Repulificans arc invari .11y S'elllc
ted. With these !hots and Many more which ive
might mention, it is astonishing that Demo
crats should forfeit his self-respect ie cast a vote
in favor of any opposition candidate suffering as
be does from the most abitrary proscription. We
believe that the Democrats of the Borough of
Lebanon will regret the votes they gave for the
opposition Candidates on last Friday, and if this
prediction' should be verified we trust that a-les
son may be taught which will not be forgetten..--:
We shall closely watch the proceedings of the
present town Council, and we arc confident that
with the f,tcts already known to us, we shall by
the spring's Election be able to solve a mystery
connected with this year's election which willas
tound the the tax-payers of the borough of
anon. X.
For the Lsbcoson Advertise)
Qualifications of
Int. 141. Ennsua, Esq.—Grant me, occasion
ally, a space in the ildcertiBer, and I shall ad
dress parents, p/otaly on the importance of pat
ronizing qualified teachers. Should anything er
roneous be said, the remedy is very obvious :
Expose, and refute what is not true. None need
dread, that the cause of truth will suffer from dis
cussion. Parents should know itie their preroga
tive, their duty, to ask, among other questions:
Can the teacher articulate distinctly; does he
pronounce according to the sanctioned standard
of English orthoepy ? Can he speak' .the Eng
lish language with propriety ; does he select his
words by the /tiles of Itheturie, and form "them
into senteneo by the laws of Grammar?
Every teacher should, in his daily conversation,
speak the English language with gratiimatical
Precision and rhetorical purity. ; . To do this, die"-
tinct articulation is paramount to all other titial,
Mentions. Because, teachers thenaselves hick
this qualification, the number of scholars is small
that articulate distinctly and PiOridunec coirect
ly. Many teachers seem quite innocent Of sa de
mixable an acquirement. Sonie, who are noted
lispers, because of their "innocency;" is amus
ing to see that they offer peculiar advantages in
their schools, "to such as wish to qualify them
selves; to keep school!"
It is universally conceded, that -a man of a
good education, is readily distinguished from one
of a moan education, by his articulation and pro
nuncitithin. The teacher, WhOse giiticalation is
indistinct, cannot, with his- host efforts, teach
children to read and speak correctly. The lisp
ing teacher's indistinct utterance, his vulgar and
dialectic pronunciation "will out." Children
taught by him, will lisp and pronounce ingraoe
fully, The lisper and his pupils pronounce the
aspirated th for a; as, yoth for yes; uth for us ;
thole for sale; thend for send—and, sous fur
south ; nors fur north ; bird for birth. They seem
not to knoir, they do not appreciate, that dis
tinctness of articulation, is necessary to be heard
and understood. The lisper ounirot convoy the
meaning of words clearly, forcibly and agreea
A word to some one t'Thotigh a whetstone it-
Self is ineaptibla of buttiiii, is Set fistful in sharp
ening. steel."—Ho race. P.
11. K. Daridere has removed his
Furniture Store to Raueb's New Building, oppo
site Bowman's Tavern.
The Entertainment by Dr. Val
entine, advertised to take place to-morrow, has
been postponed for the present.
Lase.—lt is stated that of the large
stock purchased by Mr, Barret, of Henderson,
Ey., in England, at a cost of more than $20,000,
only one cow was alive on the arrival of the ship
at New York. One after another of th e valutilale
animals sickened and died; among them was a
bull which cost about $5,000, and a cow for which
$2,500 was paid.
Of the Election held in the different Districts
of Lebanon County, on Friday,
March 18; 1859.
Chief Burgess. E. IV. W. W. Total.
D. M. Karmany 22:3 124 347
Adam Rise 129 162 291 56
Assistant Burgess.
D E Mil er 210 14) 359
Geo. Krause 135 131 226 83
COIL liCil
Oonrad,NlarlF 224 155 379
J. A. Walter 315 2.18 553
J. K. I;ovrry. 140 144 284
Philip T o mb 3 3
_High ConSiable
J.ohn Stout 202 120 322
George Walter 149 163 312 10
Wood, Cohler. , .
Wilt. El y • 203 142 345 •
Daniel:R"itrer;l39 Igs 274 71
Borough Constable.
Joseph Shantz 266 189 455
George U. Weir 83 87 170 285
School Directors.
Adam Grittinger 209 144 353
Jos. Bowman 107 139 336
D, S. Hammond 155 152 307
Jacob Roche 142 135 277
East Ward West Ward
E. Gebhard 109 R. Bruce 134
Brotherline 126 Wm Smith 126
73 8
C. Carmony 204 Wm. Miller 140
lietry Derr 124 John Yon '122
Henry Shirk 164 T. T. Atkins ng
Jos. McAfee 146 S. dial boson 150
Chief Burgess, Adolphus Reincehl 129,
Franklin Walter 75 ; Assistant Burgess,
Jacob K. Funck 117, Daniel Frantz 88 ;
Council, John Barlott .97, John H. Moore
135 Adam Hain 109, George Gordy 68;
High- Constable,John Walborn 54,Manassa
Brown 32, John Relay 107 ;.Wood Corder,
John Brown 88; Auditor, Levi. School 119,
John Billman 88 ; Asseesor, Joseph F.
Light 104, Henry Spohn 104; Justice, Sol.
omon Smith 136 ; Judge,Daniel Light,(m.)
121, John Arnold 88 ; Inspebtor, Charles
Goodman 118, Felix Light 02; Supervisors,
Samuel Fisher, sr., 94, Henry Karmany
117, George Amity, 105, Christian Bricker
74 ; Selnul Directors, Gotlieb Light 104,J.
11. Miller 146, Aaron Box 83, Gideon
Light 76; Constable, Andrew Fasnaoht
141, John Grate 64.
Assessor, Jacob Light 63, Philip Sbo3ffer
116 ; Justice, John Heilman, (EL S.') 76,
Win gicoton,. 102 Supervisors Tao*
Sherk 91, Jonas Eby 47, Jacob Heekerdon
117, John Brandt, (11. S ) 84 ;
Judge, Ja
cob Umberger 71, Martin Kochenberger
107 ; Inspectors, Wni. hvertmid 73, John
Benson 106 ; School Directors, Wm. Al,
wein 68, Solomon Gingrich 70, John Bout'
herger 106, John Bechthold 105 ; Auditor,
David Miller, (D. S.) 72, J. D Adam Gar.
man 104.; Clerk, Adam Labor 73, Joseph
Benson 105 ; Constable, David Price 98,
Isaac Light 3, Lewis Yeungst 3.
Assessor, Charles Arndt 258 ; Supervi
sors Henry K. Alleman 117, Abraham
Shirk 139, John Boyer 112 Elias Schneider
133 ; Judge, Daniel Fegan 273 ; Inerec'
tors, Jacob K. Mark 74, Joseph L. Shenk
60, Albert [Lin 90 ; School Directors, Si
mon .Boltz 270, Peter Forney 134, Wm.
Fisher 133 ; Auditor John Fauber 265 ;
Clerk, George Bair 268 ; Constable, John
Budenttorn 111, Henry B. Buhr 145.
Assessor, Mickel K. Burkholder 152 ;
Judge, Samuel Imboden 152; 1 A pectors,
John Imboden 139, John Shutt 18 ; Con•
stable, John Arndt 150.; Supervisors,AtAn
Burkholder 78, Jacob Witrooyer 68, John
Buyer 48, Puter Black - 50, Philip Nowlen
38, Joseph Shenk 2; School Directors, Da
vid Black 137, Reuben 148; Auditor,
Jacob Haldeman 148 ; Clerk, David Blmk,
Constabl, John Beck 155, Benjamin Lo ,
s , F:r 148 ; Assessor, Wrn. Wceltly 140, U.
E:lis 18 ; Supervisors, Jona. Schwartz
175, Frederick Xreiier 185, John thither.
ger 50; School Direetors,Jacob cooper 154,
Satn4el Groh 156, David Boltz 138 ; Audi
tor, Wm. Loser 55,,Samtiel Faber 125 ;
Judge, Henry Miller 155, .John Truiel 130;
Inspector, Juhn Ward 153, Henry L Krei•
der 90; Clerk, Simon Heilman 78.
Justice, Joseph S. Louser 149, Jeremiah
Achey 130; Constable Jacob E. Miller 90,
Emanuel Dissinger 111, George Butcher
107; Assessor, Henry Philip) , 301; Judge,
Reuben Bibb 205; inspecturs,Samuel Noll
112, Emanuel Stober 108, Franklin Kenner
112, Isaac Iba 80; Supervisors,Jacob Witli
ter 119, Emanuel Weik 70, Juhn Strohin
98, Michml Dissinger 114, Samuel Miller
88, John L user 30 ; Auditor, Win. Luti
216 ;
Clerk, J. M. ITeilrich 210, Frederick
Huffntan 37 ; School Directors, George
Yengst 146, Henry Ktlrk 133, Wro. Zerbe
37, M. Ream 43. —,
justice, John' I. Miller 64, JaCub B
Meily 56, Andrei' McGill 95 ; Constable,
Patrick Brown 136, Georae Seider 79 ;
School Direetors, Undid Hein 49, David
Bartlemay 126, Jacob Baum 131, David
M. Rink 73, Martin Meily .59, Michnd
Hartman 21 ; Assessor,Daniei Zimmerman
1.66, Garrett Seaman .54 ; Inspector, Peter
Walter 102, David Buck 28 ; Judge, John
Backeustose 67 ; Clerk, Jacob W. Adam
13, Thomas A. Harper 3 ; Auditor,Sarnuel
Uhland 5 ; Supervisors, David A. Mark
172, Jaccili Beck 70. Henry Sehook 88, Jo:
s!ph Walmcr 37, William Eisenhaur 36:
Assessor, Cyrus Ramsey 115, Lantz Hitz
109 ; Judge, Jaeoh Light, (L. M.,) 116,
Joseph Killian 108 ; Inspector, Jonn L.
Shetter 115, Andrew Zimmerman •106 ;
Supervisors, George B. Hauck 07, Thomas
Biller 1-14,Craorge Fees 104,Jeremiab Hoke
67 ; Auditor, Jacob Yorty 119, Mieball
Witmer 96 ;
School Directors,James Hum
mel 123, Tohias Simver 118, Joseph Smith,
(11. S. ) 106, Jacob Stoever 99 ;
Wm. Kennedy 105, Henry Witmer, (J. S )
11 ', Simon S. Snavely 105 ; Constable,
Elijah Ling 117, Conrad Miller 107; Clerk,
Cyrus Bowman 120, Michml E. Iloke 104
Judge, John Koons 18, Henry R. Sniiih 4 ;
Justice, Uriah R. Tracy 2t; itsEbssor, henry
W. Tracy 22; Clerk, Henry; R. Smith 21 ; Super
visors, Henry Shellenberger 20, David Rowe 20;
School Directors, Henry W. Tracy 22, John
Koons 22, Uriah. R. Tracy 22, Henry Fry 16, Da
vid Rowe 5 ; Constable, John Proud 21, Wm.
Swoyer 1. Inspectors, Thomas Evans 10, Henry
Fry 6, David Rowe 3;
Justice, John Witmer 124, Thomas Rramer
109, Luther Eisler 12 ; Assessor, George M. Stoke
113, David Etter .8 ; Constable, Henry Border 96,
henry Boniberwer 2S; Supervisors '
John Good
man 59, Darielleilman li6, Jacob Moyer '123;
Shoo' David Wilhohn(3 years,) 124,
Bernhard Forresg3 years) 124, Isaac Hostetter
(1 year,) 124; Clerk, John Wolfersherger 124;
Auditor, Christian Risser I23,liaae Mumma 123 ;
Treasurer, John Dein inger 124; Judge, Sohn
Stauffer 124; Inspector, William Rise 76, Will
iam' Hermon '49.,
Almost:l'r, John Pilferer 103, Andrew :Fox 53 ;
Judge, Samuel Donneberger 100, Isaac Roffman
61; SuperViSois; David Pees 113, David Stager
114, John hash 43, John Lehman 47; Insimctor,
henry. Shank 100, Ilenry Groh 6I ; ,Tuetice,.Sain'l
Gelb 00 ; Auditor, John Snyder 101, Isaac Smith
60; Constable; George Lineaweaver 84, Will. P.
Beckley 76 -; Clerk, Christian BUcher 141, Sa:n'l
Royer 61 ; School Directors, Danl. K. Spayd 160,
John S. Bomberger 'lB7,
Asssess.or, Micheal Kohr 161, David Zeller 131;
Constable,'Samuel Byle 121, John Klingler, 6,
John Barto 50; judge, Jacob M. Lentz.l76 ; in
speetOrs, John D. Wagner 144, Joseph B. Moyer
58 ; School Directors, Henry Wolf 190, Jacob
Suotterly 68, E. B. Me Caulloy '11; Auditor,
John Paine 156, Woo. Kliek '
:Clerk, Jacob Mil
ter 179; Supervisors, Mgrtin Moyer 176, Peter
}flick 93, Martin Daub 63.
Judge, Jacob C. Peek 121, Josiah Hartman 115;
Inspectors, Harrison Shautn 92, Isreal Aebenbach
144; Assessor, Isreal Garret 116, Jonathan Strick
ler 117 ; Justice, D. W. Leeds 125 ; Supervisors,
Absalom Smith 85, Andrew Strickler 36, Peter
L'rossman $2, Henry Jones 114, Jonathan Holtz
man S 5; Constable, Daniel Strickler 163.; .Audi
tor, Joseph Matthews 107, Henry Beid ler 107;
School Directors, James Wallace 222, Jacob Zug
220; Clerk, Wm. H. Bbaelt 114.
solferiisers, Den', Shuey 109, George Dieben
I.* Christian hfidicii 3, Isaac lireiscr 4; Aisep
stir, Henry Haldenlan 109, David Elliott 45;
Judge, - Henry G. Miller 10.3; School Directors,
Jacob nunsicker 33, Wm. Coppetilia4or 105, Sol
omon Bohr 78; Constable, David D- Ford 102,
Abraham Wenger 29; Inspector, Jonathan Wen
ger 53, John Daub 70; Additor, Micheal Ging
rich 2S; Clerk, David W. Meave 94, Jacob Dun
sicker 10.
Assessor, John A. Woomer 181, William Law
320 ; Judge, George Lein 264, John P. Kreitzer
140 ; Tweeters, Andrew J. Tice 100, Samuel
Shell 80, Isaac Walborn 170 ; Constable, Jerome
Hunk 82, Antis Huber 205, Thotnas Aithey 107 ;
Auditor, Willima Tice 188; John A. Dengue 248;.
Clerk, George M. Fisher 195, John Ingham 210 ;
School Directors, Henry Loos 194, Samuel Houck
237, Samuel Krause 272, John Lehman 232 ; In
spectors, Henry' B. Deckley'l47, JacobWasel 93,
Henry Swartz 205, Joseph Phillips 234, George
Geiso 41, Peter firmest' 77.
—Sear Taganrog, on the Sea of Azoir,
a catastrophe occurred, shout the begin
ning of February last, Which involved
a loss of life unparalleled except by
mesa table earth quakes or volcanic
eruptions. ft appears that some three
thousand inhabitants of Taganrog, re.
lying upon the promise of fair weather
made by the genial atmosphere and the
cloudless sky, proceeded to Aeoll'Sea to
i n d u lge ,lxc the. sport of . :fishing. beneath
the ice—a favorite pastime o f t h at re .
gion. The atmosphere continuing se•
rene, the party were, lulled into a feel
ing of security, and
than usual upon the ice, in the hope of
obtaining a good hint. Suddenly a
breeze sprung up freiri the east; which,
growing boisterritis by degrees, whirled
the loose snow and 'fine particles of ice
in all directions, and before long suc
ceeded in detaching 0?e ice from the
shore. The large icefield then broke
into numerous pieces; which with their
terrified and helpless human freight,
drifted towards the 'Oen sea. No as
sistance could be rendered the unhappy
beings by their fratilic relatives and
friends on shore, and Within two honrs
not a sign of life Wail : visible on the
surface of the sea. On the following
day a cake of ice drifted in shore upon
which were five of the unfortunates—
three of them dead, and the other two
numb and insensible. The two latter
—a girl and an old man—were restor
ed by means of the usual appliances;
the girl, however, survived 'but a few
hours; the man recovered, but lost the
use of his tongue—a consequence, prob
ably,, of the fright caused. by the scene
he had passed through. - lie prepared a
written narrative of the Occurrences of
that fearful night. ou,the Azuff.
By this catastrophe at least three
thousand persons fbtinil a watery grave.
CHEAP "Bnadurst " .—Rev. Ide
Showed sonic. "eight dollar brandy" at a
temperance meeting in Springfield,
Mass., on Wednesday evening ; which
was manufactured at a cost of only 10
cents per gallon.
HARRISBURG',. Mareh 19.—A violent
storm prevailed here last night, and this
morning the Susquehanna River is very
high. Five spans of Clark's terry
Bridge were blown away, and floated
passed here this morning. The bridge
is now the property of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company:
What the Press Say.
"Co sTA It'S7 Exterminators are invaluable reme
dies fur, clearing houses of all sorts of vermin.—
With all confidence we recommend them.—N. Y.
Daily State Register. •
"Cosrtas" remedies fo'r all doinestio pests,
such as Rats, Roaches, .I.led-nugs Ants; 'tens,
&:c. are invaluable ; we can speakl from. Actual
knowledge of their merits„ DRUGGIST and Dt4L-
Ens should send their orders early, if they would
secure a trade-in ihran.—New York Journal:
"1 shall write sconetbing about your Extermi
nators, as I can dd so with
. probriety. They , are
selling rapidly here and destroying all Yertatii.--
Ed. "Banner, Fayette, Mo.
"Death to all Vermin."
AS SPRING approaches;
AXTs and Itthaextss,
Prom their holes come out;
And Mien and Rays,
In spite of Cats,
Gaily skip about.
BED.Bnas bite
You, in the night,
As on the bed you slumbai,
Issr.ers crawl
Tiro' chamber and hall,
In squads without number.
certainty, Rats, Roaches, Alice,' Moles, around
Mice, Red-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas,
Insects, on Animals, in short every species of
Vermin, are utterly destroyed and exterminated
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator,
"Costar's" Bed-bug. Exterminator,
"Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects. ,
Supplied direct, by mail, to any address the
, United States, as follows:
ieceitit, of $l,OO, a box of the Ra.r,,
&C. EXT.;
On receipt, of $2,00, a box each of the
ROACH, tt - E. EXT.; a 7 1 ,1 litalc.rruc
(sent postage paid,) sufficient to destroy the
vermin on any premises. •
Sold by DaunolST and OsAtants every where.-
N. Y.
P. S.—Circulars' terms, &c., sent by mail on ap
Northeast corner Pifth and Arett.Streets,
And Wholesale Dealers generally.
gpr ciat 41 tit Es.
• See ativertiaement of Dr. SanfOrA's Liver
Invigorator in another column.
111 m. A. Batchelor Hair Dye!
Original and Beat in the Mehl!
Ali others are mere imitations, and should be avoided
if y.. 11 wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, BED, OR Rum ILVIR Dyed instantly. to a
beautiful and Natural Browner Black without the least
injury to Bair or Skin.
awarded to Wee. A, Batchelor alike ISA and over. 80,-
090 applications have been made to the Flair of his pa
trons of his fainous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR'S lIAIRDYB produces a color
not to be distingui,bed front nature, and is want:A.3Mb
not to injure in the least, however long it, may be coritin
tmd, and the effects of Bad D.Ves -remedied ; the Bair
invigorated for Lilo by this Splendid
Made, cold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway, NewsYdrk.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ,•
ire' The Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engravinw on lbw sides of each Dos, of
if g 3 Broadway, New York.
Gold at Dr. Ros§' Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa.
Dec. 1, 1.855,-jy.
They are eleztuti light. easy and durable.
Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrink
ing oil the head; indeed this is the only Establishment
where these things are properly understood and rondo.
Dee. 1, 233 Broadway, New York.
In all diseases i tithumitatien more or less predomluates
— allay hilltuontatlez'atrikee at the root or dismse
—hence an immediate 011111.
umd nothing else, Will Allay inftammidion at once, and
will care tho following luaong a great catalogue of di
ittrxioNS, invElsl24, STRAINS, ItITFS , . POISON,
To some it may appear incredulous that so many dis
eases should be reached by one article; suetienidea will
vanish when reflection points to the ihet, that the salve
is a combirktion of ingredients, eaelt ami every one ap
plying a perfect antidote to its app4site disorder.
in RS effects 14 magical. because the time is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; stud it is an ektract
or mi it Ivirs all dirietliK, Wit Of the affectedpart, leaving
nature as perfect as .beihro the injury. It is scarcely
MCA:O:7 , II to say that no. house. work-shop, or tututufac
tory should lie one liniment without it.
Ni, Pain Extractor Is genuine unless the box bag upon
it a steel plate engraving, with the name of 'Leary
hey, id an u facto rer
For slat, by all Druggists and patent medicine dealers
throughout the United States met Cumulus.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambe. St., N. York.
• C. R.. CHACE.
'Sold et Ag. Boss' Drug store, Lebanon, Pa.
Dec. 1, 18138.-I.y.
PILLS—The combinetiona 01 ingredients. In these.
Piths, is the result of a long and extensive ptactico; they
are mild in their operation, mut certain - of restoring na-
tore to its proper channel: In every instance have the
Pills proved sueremsful. They are certain to open those ,
obstructions to whiff lt females are liable, and bring na
titre into its proper channel, whereby health is restored,'
and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a
h ea lth y o ne, No female ran enjoy good health unless
she is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes place,
whether from exposure, cold, or any other muse, the I
general health immediately begins to decline, anti the
want of such a remedy has been the cause of so many
consumptions among young females. Headache, pain in
the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing of food, and
disturbed sleep, do most alWaye arise from the Interrup
tion of nature; and whenaver that is the case, the Pills I
wilt invariably remedy all these evils. , In an cases of
nervolis mid spinal affections In the back and limbs, low
note of spirits, hysterles, &c. Nor are they less entered- I
one in the ,cure of Leuconhres, commonly: called the
"Whites." These - Pills should never be taken during
pregrutey, as. they would'he Sure` tb cantle
Warranted putely Vegetable, and free frOm anything nt, ,
. .
jurious to life or health. Full and explicit directions
which should he rend, accompany each wx.
These Pills are put up in square flat boxes. Persona
residing Alton there are no agency established, diy en
closing Que.D,ollar in a letter, prepaid, to any authorised
agent can haXe them sent to their respective addresses by
return of until,
It—It..III.7OI.IINGS, General Agent for the U. Slates,
1t Chambers st... New York. .To whom all Wholesale
Orders skunk] be Addresxed.
Sold at Dr. Rosa' Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa
Dec. 1, 1553.-Iy.
Pligitats *WO.
Preaching in th.e Methodist Episcopal Church
next Sunday,. morning and evening.
Episcopal services next Sunday afternoon, at 3
o'clock, in the Town Hall, Market street.
English preaching next Sabbath morning and
evening in. Zion's Lutheran Church.
Preaching, neit.,Sabbath morning in the German,
and in the evening in the the English language,
in the Reformed Church.
English preaching in the Moravian Church, next
Sunday morning, German in the evening.
BiatrisV. .
On the 17th inst., by the Rev..J.Y, Ashton Mr.
John B. Rohrer to Miss Rate Care, both of
• „.
On tho 9th inst., in Fredericksburg, of Consump
tion, Mary Susan, only daughter of the late
John Christ, aged 2 years, 3 months and 27
In North Lebanoo Borough, on the 17 th inst.,
Mary Delia, child of Ilenry l and Polly Boltz,
aged 4 years, 4 mouth§ 'end 22 days.
On the 17th inst., in this Boro,u'o, Jong C., n.
fiintaon of Henry S. and Kate IlarheSoh, aged
5 months end 10 days.
. , ,
lle.lir 7 d as Pearifiri as,4 dove;
Ile died as hlossoms die;
And now his spirit floats above
A seraph in the sky.
"Weep not for him who dieth—
For he sleep , and is at rest;
And the couch whereon he lieth
Is the green earth's, quiet breast.
The Lebai
Carefully Corrected We
Lab. Mills Ex. Pam $8 00
Smith " Extra 7 50
Lab. Val. Super. Fine 7 10
Prims White Wheat, 160
Prime Red Wheat, 150
Prime Rye, 85
Ggrn, So
Oats 52
Cloverseed, 5 00
Timothy-seed, 2 50
Flax seed, 1 50
Dried Apples, bu., 100
Dried Apples, pealed, 1 50
Peach i.Soits," 250
Peach ”flutzels," 125 .
Cherries, 1 50
Onions, 50
on. Market.
eldy ky Myers (E. Shour.
NESDkI, MARCIE 23,1859.
Potatoes,.. ha 87
Eggs, rf doz., 14
Butter, 'fl lb., 18
Lard, 10
Tallow, 9
gam, 12
Shoulders, . 10
Sides, „ 3.0
Soap, 8
Bees-wax, 25
White Bags,, 5
Mixed Raga, , 2
Flax. 'f lb ~. 1234
Bristles, ItL, 40
Feathers, IFS lb.. 0 - 44
Wool, .. 40
Soup Beans, 11 fit 4 , 0
Vinegar, gal., 1 2 3/2:
Apple u tter, crdek, 45
The Philadelphia Market
2 - i, ISM
FLOTTR.-- The Flour bi4rket eontitiiies dull,
and extras, of which the Milk of the stock eon sis ts,
are offered at rather low figures. Bales include
500 bbls Western of that deseriptivi at'a price
kept private, and 600 bbls atki - titetoii at s7®
725 bbl, as to brand and ryun~it standard
superfine is'comparatively scarce, and ' held at $0
50 0 bbl without sales to any ex'tent: The retail
ers and bakers are buying slowly, withik the above
range of prices, and fancy lots at h ighqt,, figures.
Rye Flour is unsaleable anti about 160 bbls have
been sold at $4 25 ®4 50 0 bbl, the latter .fqr
good brands. Corn Meal is, wanted at $3 75, bet
Pennsylvania is scarce nod generally held high
er. sale of 600 bbls Brandywine was made at
$4 10 0 bbl. „
.GRA IN.=-The demand for Wheat is moderate;
but the offerings nro light and holders firm, with
sales of about 4009 bushels at $1 6001 62 for
good and prime red, mostly at the former rate, and
1700180 c for white. R,Ye is scarce, and selliug
in a small way at 950)100e. Corn is in demand
with but little offering to-day, and about 4000
bushels, mostly prime, brought 86 ®B7e for State,
and 800 bushels White at 83/c. Oats are dull at
55c for Delaware, and 55®56e for Peatea j 1500
bushels, Barley omit sold at Mc, in store.
CATTLE MAREET.—The offerings of Beef
Cattle at the different yards show a falling off
this week, as compared with last, and prices rul
ed about the same, but the market, although
without any quotable change, was dull, and
about 1200 head were dispbsed of ot from $B/ to
sloi, as in quality, mostly at, $9 ®lO the 100 lbs.
About 260-Cows and Calves were disposed of at
Martin's.Yard, - et front $35 to $45 for fresh cows,
$2O to $3O for springers, adl-$l5 to $2O for dry
cows. The market dull, Of Hogs, the, arrivals
at Phillips' Yard were 2072 during,,the past
week, and prima were rather better, sales rang
at. from 3/ to 91 the 100 The nett. Of Sheep only
about 2000' were at market, selling at frOm 01 to
7,1 e. nett, or equal to 14e, 0 lb , gross.
4t.b.1 pturtiotteut.
Lebanon 'Valley Institute ,
Tmars Institution is now completed and in active °per
ation; neither labor nor expense has been spared in
theurrangement of the building, to makeit a desirable
hoine for Teacher, and Students from a distance, who
wish to prePoretkomselves for the profession of Teach
ing-, or for any clam in College. Students of bath Sex
es, in Separate departments, will be admitted at anytime.
The location is one of the most healthful in the state.—
It is also easy of access, being IA mile from the Lebanon
Valley R. Road.
Tattaxs.—For the Common Pnglishibrarieltes, per term,
of a. months, including tuition, board, washing and room
furnished, VS 00
Latin, Greek, German and the higher -
Mathematics, each. 0 00
Day scholars .per,terin, 10 1;0
Fdi further particulars apply to the Principal.
D. IiALSBAUGIT, Principal and Proprietor.
C. BrOGliik, Assistant.
Annvillo, /larch ,1.859.-ot.
,Publie Sale.
WILL:be topid.ut Public Sala; at the Public House of
Tonics Brooks, in Amarillo. Lebanon county, Pa., on
Wednesdizy, March BM, 1859.
At 10 o'clock, A. following- personal property
viz: BEDS and BEDSTEADS,.TaIiIes, Chairs, BAR FIX
TURES, Bureaus, Cupboards, Saddles and Bridles, Hal
ters, Forks and Rakes. WheeLlatrrow,. Shovels, Feed.
Chest, Barrels, Tubs, Kiteben brewer, Kay by Abe Ton.
Wash. Stands, Pitchers and Basins, Looking
Wing, and a variety of other articles too numerous to
Conditions of sale will be made known by
Annville, illarch 23,1829. JAMES BROOKS
SeU at Private Sale..
A BOUT 50 feet Clapboard FENCE, a lot of POSTS.
an old ROOF. a:WATER BOX, a Carpenter's ,Worli
Bench, a Ground Wheelbarrow, Biek4, Shovels, &a. by
Lebanon, March 23, MO. J. C. BBISNEB.
Public Sale.
INTENDING to devoie oil.ilieir attention to the i*oral
Turning Business, the undersigned will expose to
Public sale on Tuesday, the 21,1 th z 1,•
in the borough of Lebanon, on Cum
berland street, 3 doors west of the
Court House, their entire stack of, ~
Consisting of Common and Ball Beek, lan 411500,
Also large and small Rocking' Chairi„, Bar-room add
Mee Goyim, sErrims, a large lot of STOOLS for Cel
lars and Stores, Ohio - BUREAUS, Tables,' Stands, Chest,
Sink, Bedstmds, lfatrack, &e. Also several dozen
Screws, Clamps. Ovruslielier, good as new. Salo to
commence at 12 o'clock, when conditions of sale will be
made known by BROW= & SON.
Great Stock of Spring Goods
T WOULD take occasion to infelsd my friends and ana
-1 towers that I am now, for the Second time in the East,
which will be opened by the elose of Lib; week or begin..
ing of tlext It will be as fine a Stock of Foreign and
American Dry Cools, as tam possibly be selected by any
Merchant from this Cotinty. ,
I would cordially invite all cash buyers, or what is
equivalent, approved Four Month% Ruyan, or buyer iu
Excli auge for produce,. to call and examine my stock. I
assure you It will weft repay the trouble.
Thanking yon for past favors, I am yours truly,
liblfan'off, Mach 23,'59. GEO. PELEGIER.
fine and fresh lot of sour and s4teet. Jtist
received and for sale, cheap, by T. o's
A fine lot, just received by T. OVES
A rum lot of Prunes, ourrants and Raisins,
cheap by T. OYES.
A fine lot of Beetle, eheaper than ever, by
Consisting or Pears,Strawberries, Pine Ap
ples and Tomatoes, ceap by T. OVES.
"° •. OYSTERS.- •
I Eamiitcb
and others suppllicl with
Toyst ersCrVE by
' ' ° ' ' • 6.
p C9 0) ii.:4g ~......„ .....„, ,
re , z c e
. . , f4 f., ,iig V y 5
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m --,- wr4.- 1 r - g-.‘ , ?, t -, e, .
re, -='—
_ ji g i .1. ;. uilrl ..7 7 6 .0 14 5 E;
'dg - 1 :4^""m - z- 1 75. ....'.
L 'gto 1.. '49 ...q
OA , 4 ek - g'd r.4.2°,. - et ::-%.
zutz ....,„ ; •. i.4 c..) -4 a .i-e - , -
0 Al ft ° 7 1 - 5, 8 2 ir!, —..,? 0 .2 "' '''
.9, VT, ", sa%l----gg .
cg 034;4: 4 ) 'og.'Vl'f;
.-q.9,. 8
01l A a.g,;l-2 t=1,1455..., §‘,, z
_.. —.,,,.. ....V. 4 3tr5J.,::4-z.'l.
Aill 4 ce E'+ s e , " 4 4 13 -,.."""'-= e 5.3
Wmil X :„8 , -,, ti - • tftli..m El•t•-•?,= , :c,
fh-.1 11 "eZ 424jils-4-4 , ,iti.
..-,5.1 (D S°- QAi r grle=r7 ' 'ZgV.
...1V2.415b.r ..71,A.S=0A-4.1C',3 ''' I 1 ,-
el _1162
WOO 444
W. G. WARD ,
(Successor to J. SL. Qood,)
Bookseller and Stationer,
. „
111ABIET SQUARE, 1..1.3AN0N.
TAT A ItD has always =Amid thelatest publications . .
YT. lliaturics, DiograPhics. Sketched or Travels, the
Poets of Europe and this country, Classic Literature of
the German, English, ftetich, Latin, Greek and Ilehrow,
an4l light reading znatter,,san be obtained at his store;
ulso, Biblical histories of Various authors,- on Chnrch
and other subjects. Tbe. Preacher, Teacher, Doctor,
LawYer, Mechanic, ever holy. run be accounnuclated at
School P,oohs, Blank Books and Stationery of ovary
description on lama, and sold at the lowest possible
Also. Piano, Flute, "Violin; and Guitar Music, and In.
structure. The great feature of
WARMS ~Boogs:roltE •
Is that you can get allithe Monthly Magazines of BO&
ton, New Wirk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and an the
Of every city and town ofimportance in the United
or every variety of patterns and.prices; Aso
Window Shacks,— .
a new article, and sold at a little advance on cost price.
the place, in short, to go to for all you want in his line.
7/e does not think it too much trouble to trait on his
customers:, he is obliging, and what is better than all,
liis customers will get what they want, and at prices
that will suit tbera..
Country Storekeepers and Retailers can be supplied at
save 25 per CO3l t. by purchasing from
him, in
stead or At PlilladelPido , or elsewhere. •
0105:11.9 for books, periodicals, &c., will receive
prompt . attention.,,
lelt--IFard'g ltookstore is the place. Any
body eau direct you there on inquiry.
Lebanon,. 'March 23, 1659.
Farmers, Look to Tour Interest
A. Major SE, Bro
W OULD call the attention
y y of the Fanners of this ar.d ad-
3oinin4. Counties. to the fact that they 4,4 1 :1..
have opruetftheir
• •7111110144]
NRW tiftreUl 4 l . l7ll,4 STORE -
on Piitegram Street, between the Titrnpth,, mot their
Plwatary and Aldelda3 Shops, the Ikrough of
Lebanon, here they have the largest and best assorted
stock of. FIRMING IMPLEMENTS ever offered to this
ceuittnutity. such as
Railway j• Lever Horse Powers 4. Threshers,
Danny's Combined Reaper and Mower )
and Dorsey's Patent Self Raker.'
would call the attention of the Fannin to these
n Machines, as we believe them to be the best in use,
Ales, Mers an's Patent Sleet Wire Independent Tooth
Coarse Rake ' which is a complete Bake; Mamma's
Combined Fodder, Straw and May Cutter. which we
Invite every Farmer to call and see, as they will find it
to their interest to have anti of these Machines. They
have also s general aesortment or PLOUGHS, among
which lathe Iron Pittsburg, & with a number of
others, embracing subsoils-of different kinds; Gast Iron
Field Pullers, Clover.aullers. Grain Drills and Fans,
power tied band Gorn•Shellers,Corn Plough:. and Plan
ters. Forks Bakes, Shovels, Spades, tm.
The greater part of the above . Machines are of
pu own make, and are all warranted to .be as they are
revonimended. We invite Farmers and all othera to call
and eseniiiie fur tbemselves, as we always take pleasure
in showing our Machines.
All orders, by - moil or otherwise, will be
promptly attended to.
A. IVIA.T• tit
'Lebanon. March 23.1850.
felting oirat Cost .
I.OIIN PARRELL is selling his large stock of Ameri
of camand Italian MARBLE, at COST and six months'
erefllt, preparatory to discontinuing the business in this
,The public is invited to Malta= his stock.
Lebanon, Feb. 23, 1359.
46P•teltering done, in English and German. at' sliort
The iiew Business Systeni!
rnadditzon to the LARGE
and WELL selected aSsoi - t:
9115stkof al/ finds of
Fancy and s_tapie Dry Goods,
STYLE?, of every variety and kind, to suit all, as
well as
Groceriesaikil Queensurare,
lately purchased at scfeh nriceN as will enable the ash.
scribers ' at the .CENTBE BUILDING," to bold out
greet iniluesments to ALL who wish in hu3 CHEAP.
They will sell at n. very small per ventage, carrying
out that good old motto—
" Quick Said and Small Profits"
favorably with any - Olothing Store outside of Philadel
phia, and tido prices made to SVIT the purphssers.
vb. FARMERS Are respectfully invited to bring their
PROUUCE, fur which the highest market prices will
11l ways .be given.
Don't forget therplace, RA.BER...k BitOS.
Lehanon, Munk 10, iBlO.
it ( E . Lebanon, March 10, 1859: 1
NOTICE is hereby given ; that the
Commiesioners of .Lebauou County wig hear Ap.
peals by all persons rated for State and County Tax for
the year 1859, for the several townships and. Boroughs,
in said County. at the followl• g places, on - the following
days, between tho bouts of
_lO. &clock, A. M., and 3
o'clock, P. M. All persona interested, are hereby no
tified to appear at the time and place specified : •
Mabel township, at Wm. Earnst's, on Tuesday, April 5.
Swatara twp at Thos. Leshet's, on Wednesday, April C.
noion.twp. at Dan,'L Hord sees, on Thursday, April 7.
East Hanover and
CohlSering, • , Adams,
at 1 IS on Friday, April 8.
Londonderry tp,at J Woiferabergerent Saturday,April 9:
N & 8 Annville, at S3l Craft's. on Monday. April 11.
Jackson twp,at Alexander 11-lin't, on Tuesday,April 12.
hi Mere* tern, at Jos klattitew's,on Wednesday,Aprill3.
Ileidleberg tp, at L 8 ObarT3's. on Thursday. April 14.
NI. Borough and at the Conunissioners' Office, on
NI. tap.. Friday, April 18.
East Ward and at the Commissioners' Wee, on
South Lebanon Tuesday. April 19.
West Ward anti at the Commissioners' Offiee, on
Corn wall Wednesday, A urn 20.
The appal on Militia Fj lteP AM noird to on 6mo:days,
for each townsbipot the Sumo Dram and place above
ntentioned. AU persons enrolled,not subject to fine can
attend, if tl ey de, -m pamper.
JACOB BA Ci TMAN, Commissioner
ANGER, Lebanon Co.
Attest—Cruna SUMS, Clerk.
• Lebanon, March 18,1859.
nmaztm mamma slaw
_Ls wibb to inform their custoruers...a
and the eitizenttof Lebanon Coo n ty.and
surrounding Cann tiee,that they are still
is fall operation. and ire pre - pared. to do all hint% of
They bete pdt the I ATM:FM IMPROym MACH!.
1 , 7 EitY, and feel confident that tt.ey stn compete with
any pther in the State, as regards (30 0 ,(I WORK. They
employ Mine but the best workmen, tmd work non but
the be..ti and welt spawned Lumber )
Their stock of work is always open for examination
by klarpenters end Builders, 114 ClYllBi , te
DOOMSit2ltterS. W flaky, and Door
Frames easing. Trashoarris, .Arovid-
ings, Flooring )3oaid . '1
Boards Sidiogs. , (CT.
sAwrNi) ANG SLITTING done to order
A Mo. trami Ralik Jro corstin,ued Oairs, for makiag.
which they haveoi man CO Illy employed They
have also crecan a
In arblitioyt to their other bnoiness;athl Int - ye employed
M e . Di c k:mewl, or the City of Philadelphia to do their
Tureinj; hlr. Dickinson is one of the boot ' Tonere in
the State, AOR" Cabinet Makers will do well t call and
examine their stock before: purehaeini, loondturtyns they
alWayo het p on hand.
Bedstead. Pmts., Ta4l4 LAgs,Stuir IlawnistersaVelvel Posts,
an d e e ry thing elm , holonginc to £llO Turning Rmineom,
which they will sell at Philadelphia prices. . 1109,TURN.
(1 WORK done to order, am well as ILIWAyS on band.
10)—Their Shop will be fon tul ou PIK P.SROVE ROAD,
between Cumberland Stn et and Ainjur'i , Foundry.
Lebanon, March 10,1859.
WOOD'S BMA Rewronavive.—This is said to be
. .
a most excellent preparation, the result of exten
siVe scieutilic research, and is used with great
success. However venerable a bald head may ap.
pear, it is seldom considered its either - comforts
ble or elegant, and those thus afflicted should try
Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and be enabled to
rejoice once more in the plentaude of nature's
great ornament.
Carruns.—Beware of worthless imitations as
several ere already in the market, called :by dif
ferent names. Use none unless theaxirds , (Pro
fessor Wood's Hair Restorative,
Illo.i.and New York ' ) are blown itc.4 ;:ttle**--
Sold by all Druggists and Patent o deal
ers, also by all Fancy. and."lsollet. Goo r:dealers
in the United States and Canida. Seo adv.
• „
ELIJAH LuNtlACltg....ioliN
Door and Sa sik Itlaistufagtorrt
Located on the 4;Yr:um-Howe fload,,,,nearpumberr74‘
Street; Lep44. 1„.
-• THE undersignegiroapielftillytur
I - fern, the public' in genera}, that' they
:, '• have added largely to their formerestetti
, y.orris;•q m= lisho.:nt, and also have all kirk* of 00
latest and, best improved. MACHIN/MY
in the State in full oPenttion, such as ,
fur conducting, the generat.businees fot •p, .
Planing, Scrolls, Sawing, 4 , c4,
told the experience acquired by L. Lona,tens and 3.11 , -
Usual, during their connection with the Door, suli and
Lumber Trade, for a number of years pest, affordefull
surance of their ability, in connectipulvith,l,. Haas}, to
select stock suitable to the wants of the DOM- Mid Sash
business in this State.
They now offer to Mechanics and Farmers4norally,
arm favorable terms, a judiciously emorted, stock of
DOORS. SA.Sti, dm., from the best Lumber Oanufactories
in the State, feeling, confident that their assortment le
not to be excelled by any other establishment in the
State iii regard to exactness in size, quality or fintab, and
is calculated Lo afford thorough satisfaction to all those
who may favor the undersigned with their . custom.
The following list comprises the letidlitg articles of
stock on hand:---
Doors, of all sizes; • Sash, of all sizes;
Door Frames, for brick and dtrUkitrares;
fronts houses; Casings, from 3 to 6 in:;
Window Primes, far brick Surbase;
Safi frame houses; Shutters, of all sizes;
All kin& of :Mouldings; Blinds, of all sizes ;
0. 0, Spring Moulding, oral!' sizes; Walx-boards.
.LONtLiCilli, GABEL: &;.B,ROTILER,4,.
• P. S—Planlito, Sawing, dk. , promptly done. for those,.
fornishipg the Lumber. [Lebanon, Jut" 16,'57:
The Cash S*steii in Leiliiina
Whereas. we. the business men,and hepe i
cially the Merchants of the Boroughs of
Lebanon and North Lannon, !having
for a long time felt the want. of some regu-,
lar system, and the manner in whiciz
business was done heretofore being prejudi
cial to our own i terests.inasmuch as there
was no limit to the Credit System. goods
being sold without reference to,specifie
and could often not.ll,e collected untiLtlap
interest had almost, if nut 'altogether, e'en
sinned the profit.; , .
We therefore deem it highly impt,rtar4
that irnineuiate tfForts be made to remedy
this difficulty by adopting a regular system
—by .which a Cash system may n be estati
liehed, as nearly as possible—and to enter
into such an arrangement that will birul„
the merchants to each oth'er mutually to .
carry nut this System. We nave, there:
for e , adopted the following resolution :
Resolved. That. we, Merchants of Lebanon and N
Lebanon Boroughs,And vleinity,hereby agree and pledge
ourselves to Fell for Cash, Cluntry Produce, or each
other trade iu may be deemed the same. as
cash.and iu no can eiiL.we giyep longer, grecljt thart,fnur
months, when the account must be Fettled, fAexch case,
and paid. Lawful nterest will be added or anp ae.cons*
remaining Impair] after the four months have expired.
cleorge Ar. Pyle *Swartz k Bro
Henry d. Stioa • J B Routh
George Muer L Zimmermaa , "
Raber & Bro 4.
It Bruce h: Co
J C !Wisner
Charles Shriver
J Lonser & Brom
P Krause& Co
11 J TS Smith
Geo M.Faul)er
Fii lack
skirk & 1111 ler
George lloittnia
cnaiJety fur cash from de',
*Sinrtz & Bro. will sell
first of Aprll next.
Scientific While Washc i ;
!'IIIRISTIAN FfigFFROCK, Chestnut street, near the
IL/ Evangelical Church, offers hia services to the public
of - Lebanon, as a White Washer. His charges are 25c.,
3714,, and 50 cents per moth, Recording to its size. Out
door White 'Washing also done. He solicits the patron
age of the public. March 16, 1659.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thiit Leiters or Ad:
minietration on the estate of MATTLI.E.Ny, 2TM ~
ART, late or the Borough of Lebanon, Lebanon' cuunly,
Pa., dee'd., have boon granted to Rm.= Bltlfet:j of the
same place. All persons therefore indebted to said Estate.
are requested to make payment, and those havingebduis
to present them . RICHARD kiItUCE,
Lebanon, Bob. 9th 1859 Adriiiniatrator.
rriiErundersi g ued having pat.-uft rvri-fto piche tQ
I run by steam, in their establialttheut, are Prepared
to turn out all kinds of
at abort notice. They will keep on hand BEDSTIIdEi
AL POSTS, Ac., which they will sell a@ f"h3ladelpbiu
, I.IOAS, ra S 1 R s otrax.
Lebandn, March 9, 18.5.91
Lebanon, Aug. 13, 1854-610
WE are happy to inform our readers that Mr: J,
R. WRIGHT, of York county, has a large NIIIt 7
SERY, of very choice FRUITS of all kinds, vie.:—Apple,
Plum, Cherries, Apricot, Peaches, Pear, and Necta
rine. The trees axe all grafted, and may be relied
upon as such, and are sold and delivered on mod
erate terms. In order thatthe people of Lebanon coun
ty =reapply themselyes:ivith a varioty,oflbe.diokest
and most reliable FRUIT TREES, Mr. Wright'Aill bffe;
them an opportunity of doing so, as he has appointad
Mr. JACOB WITMER, Jr., of Cornwall township, as his
Agent, to whom applications eon be made for such fruit
trees as may be desired, and thershall ha readily and
promptly furnished. Reference ' Dr. J. W. G.nninger,
Lebanon. January 12, 1859.-.7t,*
,• A X .T B
A imoSNING A. S. ELY'S Office, Walnut at ree,t, tehkz
non, Va. A large and beautiful asiortment of F 1 X
TU RES from the well-known establistimeid of Command
t 13Akra, always on hand at Philadelphia priced,
All work warranted to give satisfaction. Ifir. Alf
orders will be faithfully exceuteden the most reasonable
terms. The lest of nferefree given. [Sep.lo,
storing hair perfectly and permanently ? has never
yethad a rival, Volume after volume might be given
from all parts of the world and from the,most intent,
gent to prove that if is a perfect Re4oratirc . ; but read
circular and you cannot doubt; read also the follow
Tyr lisut.—People bare for centuries - been afflicted
with bald heads and the only remedy, heretofore known,
has - been those abominable wigs. By a recentdikovery
of Professor Wood these articles are being fiat dispens
ed with but &greet many persons stillyntriniite them,
because they have been so often imposed upon. by.dfair
Tonics of different kinds. .To all such persons we earns
catty make the request, that they will try once again,
fur in Wood's Hesitantly° there is no such thing as fail.,
We know of a lady who was bald. who used tlreartiele
a short tints. and her head is now covered completely
with the tiniest and most beautiful curls imaginable;
We know of ,nitmeroxis cases where hair wan rapidly
falling out, Which gm:tared in greeter perfetimx than
it ever had Weil before.
It is alSo without doubt one of the best arheles fat
keeping the hair in good condition, making it soft and
glossy, removing dandruff and has proved itself the
greatest enemy to all the His that the hair is heir to ,
It is the duty of every One to improve their personal
appearance though some may Oilier in regard to the
ways of doing it; but every one will admit that abeatr.
Wel head of hair, either in man or woman, is on object"
much to be desired, and there are no means 011 it should
be left untried to obtain 'such a consideration-.
--ETibilian'S Advocate, thliadelphia
Coellocton . Ohio, Nov. 17, 1856.
O. J. WOOD & Co.—Gents: As I have been engaged
in sailing. your Hair Itestoretivo the last season for one
of your local la•ents (IL M. Hackinson,) and have ex
perienced the beneficial effect: of it myself, I would
like to obtain an agency for the Stale of Ohio or some
SWe in the West., should you wish to make such fin
arrangement. es t ,en convinced i!ore is stothitw eqintr.
to it in Mc United ~Vote . for reAr via(' the hair. I have
been engaged in the Drug business for several yearsi
and have - rota. "carious preparations for the hair, but
have finked -nothing that rt.SEOreR the secietifa organ*,
sirinvigorates the scalp as Well us yours, being fully
convinced that your restorative is what you-represent,
it to be. I would like to engage in the' sale of it, fot
1 mu sstistits/ it must, bell. Yours truly.
Wayland, Maas, Feb. 5, 1557.
PROP. 0. J. WOOD S Co—yenta: realized,
the good effects of your Heir Pester/dive, I wish to
state, that finding my hair growing thin. as as
gray, wacinduced from what I read and heard, to
try the artirie prepared by you,, to promote its growth
nud change its color us it was in youth, both of which
it has etreided completely, In the operation I have
used nearly three bottles.
l'uurs &e., JAMES FRANCIS.
0 . J. WOOD & CO Proprietors, 412 Broadway, Di, y„ -
(ht the great N. Y. \Vire EstablWithent )
114 Market utreet, , SL, LouLt Mu. Ate- Sold iu Lebanon
by 306 L EVII L. I.Milltiattitat. tliati by Dr. Rose, and by all
goal 'Druggists everywhere. ; • Feb. U. '69—ant
I UST RIX HIV RD it auperiev .I'Dit2 WIN f ,•very del
irate; altar Soften La, Lo souN Pots at.,, DAWRIA'
Itgaxity, cud CITACINNATI.
it lilt; A nr,ti Wino mild Ijir
PHILIP F. McCAULES: ,''- tt ,
Fashionable Boot and Shoeil,aket
=Cumberland sired, ane door _East of Black Hortt lidel..
. 'XIER SO:writ - an- dolma to inform the public
that lie has opened as above, - where be is preptk
ed to execute orders or 111)QTS and 31108, of t4e
linorit, finish and style, ff noisdpetior,toitaybere,
tofaro offorod to the public;
~. - ' - ,
New 47'4 and Sununei" Stock!
lle has jut 4 tclurned from, the city with an unrivaled
assortment of the lateet NALL and WINTER HTY , LFIS of
Boots, Sho4, SlippeFe, for Ladies, Gentlemen and
AR,— Beery body is 'inrited to call and ainneine:l
Lebanon; Juno 30; 1858.
Z 11172!